HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12434 P 343 LI 24-34- f3Lf3 ' ~ 111-4-/(;; ~1lIlldonl N.\'.ILl".U. fmn Ilorpi. & s.Je1ll:cd. wirl1 M.............. __. THIS INDENTURE. made this....t3_ day of~~9t QO~ BETWEEN: JOHN R. BORZILLERI. residing at 105 East Strt:et, Bingham, MaS!lachusetts, Party of the first pan. and JOHN R, BORZILLERI and SARAH BOYCE BORZILLERI, Trustees of the Borzilleri Investment Tl1Ist. dated December 6,2004. and residing at 105 East Stn:et, Hingham, Massachusetts. O;).i) 43- 10& / Party of the second part, WITNESSETH. that the party of the first part, in consideration oflcs.~ than $] 00.00 and other valuable eon.~ideration paid by the party ufthe second part. does hereby grant, and release unto the party of the second pan, their heirs, or successors and ussigns of the part of the Q.'COnd part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements then:on erected. situate, lying and bcin!:! in the Town of South old. County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, knllwn and designated at Lot 349 on a certain map entitled, ~Map of Section D. Nassau Point Club Prop, Ine.- and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 5nn.6 as Map No. 806, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northeasterly side of Haywaters Road at the division line between Lots 349 and 350 on the abovc-mentionL-d map; lllENCE North 50 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds East. 297.97 ti:et to a monument: THENCE South 53 degrees 29 minutes 00 seconds East and passing through a monument, 71.00 fee to the division line het\\'CCn Lots 348 and 349; THENCE South 44 delll\.'CS 20 minu\cs 40 seconds West 332.50 feet to the nonhellS\erly side of Haywaters Road; BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by dL'Cd dated April 10, 1998 and recorded in the Officc of the Clerk of Suffolk County in Liber 11887, ep. 979. TOGETHER with all right. title and interest, ifany. (If the pany of the first part in and to any strects and roods abuning Ihe aoove desc:ribed IRmiSllS to the centcr lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and III said premiSllS: TO HA VI:: AND TO BOLD the premises herein granted unto the pany of the second part, their heirs or successors and assigns ortbe party of the second part forever. AND the party of the lirst pan covenants that the party of the first pan has not done or suffered anylhing whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid, AND the pany oftbe first part, in cllmpliance with Section 13 (If the Lien La...., covenants that the pany of the first pan will receive the consideration f(lr this conveyance and will hold the right 10 receivc such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement before using any pan of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word ~party" shall be con!ilrued as if it reads "partics" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pany of the first pari has duly executed this deed the "y '::' "u"~ .bow....... ~ IN ..liE "RESENCE OF, CJ1 (L J n R. Borzil . ' '. . COMMONWI::ALTH OF MASSAcllusr;rrs NORFOLK: S.~^- .:,)QOS On the ,::5 day ofT~~~.f"!t... bclorc me. the undcrsigned, a Notary Public in and lor said State, personally ap~areJbohn R. BOf".lilleri, personally known to me or proved 10 me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individualls) whose name(s) is{arc) subscribed to the wi'thin instrument and acknowledged to me that hdshclthey exccuted the same in hislher/their capacity(ies), and lhat by hislher/their SignuIUrc(S) on the instrument. the individUalls), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted. executed the instrulT!enl. c~ b .~- \ ~k.~~~~ (~ l])~"~ P.I~ "tr:~: ?Ie//O RECORDING INFORMATION Return my mail to: Section: 111.00 LIlI: 4.00 BI.OCK: 16.00 COUNTY OR TOWN: Suffolk I)avid Ullman, Esq. 600 Old COURtl')' Rd.. Suite 314 Garden City, NV 11530 --_... - -- . --- . - --- -" Number of pages TORRENS . . RECORDED i 2006 Feb 03 01:48:21 PI! Serial # CLERK IF SlFFOLK COUHTV l 000012434 P 343 DTI 05-26220 Certificale # Prior Of. # Deed I Mongage In._lrumc:nl , - 3 ~/Mo~e~4S~mp ffir:S Rccordin~ I Filing Slamps Nulation "r - EA-52 J7 (County) 7( _ EA-5217(State) -----1-l-,.---:- R.P.T.S.A. _. U- Comm. of Cd. 5. J!!L Sub Total Mongage Amt. I. Bosic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub Total SpecJAs._it. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TA.X Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointme~ TransfcrTax ~ _ Mansiun Tax _ The propeny cuven:<! by this mongage is or will be improved by a one or rwo family dwelling only. YES I _orNO If NO. llCC appropriate tax clause un page # of this itlslrumen!. " 0, ,--1>,,) 5 Comm'llDity Pre8ervatioD d Page I Filing Fee Handling ==100 TP-584 Cenificd Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15. 00 Sub Total Affidavil Grand Total ..' 4 Ois!. Section Block Lot Real Propeny (- - -- . - .-' - Tax Service Agency Verification 11100 0400 016000 CPF Tax Du lmprovcd__ -.' . - -- Vacant l.and 6 SatisractionslDischargeslRelease.- Usl Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: TO J)lIvid llllmlln, ES.I. 600 Old Country Road, Suite 3\4 Gllrd~n Cit)', NY 1\5-'0-20\0 TO TO 7 Information Co. Name Title # 8 Suffolk Count' Recordin & Endorsement Pa e Thi5 JXllle forms pan uf the atlaChed /JPVM . (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: . ~""("L.IL.l.tF1I.. . , "Ole premises herein iN situated in SUFH)L.K COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In the Tuwnship of . ::ralhl A. 4rA-Z'LI.Dt..I _ ~ArtA-ItI::.-... _ In th.: VIL.L.AGE ...1R;!y ff ~oA ""Uu.:"'," .w 71ul~ or HAML.ET of (' ''-Ie I1hJ ~ utE . BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR flUNG, . (o,'er) i) .s (J ~ 11*11....0 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SOll'POLK COUNTY CLBRIC RBCORDS OPP:ICB RBCORD:ING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBBDS/UOD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Humber : 06-0012213 ~RANSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-26220 Recorded: At: 02/03/2006 01:48:21 PM L:IBBR: PAGB: D00012434 343 District: 1000 Section: Block: 111.00 04.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGBD AS. POLl.OWS $0.00 Lot: 016.000 Deed Amount: Received the l'ollowing I'ees I'or Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/I'iling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO I'ees Paid $149.00 TRANSI'ER TAX HCKBER: 05-26220 THIS PMB IS A PUT 01' THE INSTRtJMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILl. ... 1Y:,7,. ?$', fr,rl cz. Date D.... R-.Iod I ~ I q.} I ~ .J, r. 'J.J PROPERTY INFORMAT~NJ,- 1.PropotlyLJr-O~ I HY-U.J "-rt..~ Loa.tIon 11m1' ~ ~ I ~l.rt{\~"!kLP CITY OR U -------= 6R.12"'~,-':l1li 1#/t/IdO~Oorr 'mu~'C: tAl tM..: I ...... C1. 8W1S CaR C3.Boak C4.p....1 REAL PROPERTY llIANSFER REPORT STAn OF I\EW YOIIK STAn IIOAAD OF lEAL PIlOl'ERTY IEIMCElI RP - 5217 RP-Ill7 ..... lI"I ~ncl ....... 2. Buy.. No.. I LMr NMIl, CUIINNV ...... ~ 3.T.. IndlcDlo.",,",I1&ueT..lIlIontobe_ I B?r~'{{...stCt' I _ng If ._than buyer IdchM (M tIOaOm of bm) . !::::.! . .-...- LMT NAAIII 0I/1IIIIAANt . I """e..ac~Cl8f-' ~'I f{.:...i'fJ'~ II 'of P....I. OR D PIn of . P..... I /193'7 . QJDI JU6L.,.-- .--rMroME 4l .4-ecr I IAn. .. ...... the ......... of a".WT..,.,.. R..___......._ L=:...., I 1Iz. ",~ I I~W Ixl IORI 'ac.i IlIONT",T 01..... ........ No... ~~~l IOnIylPotl""__u",",1lIIlIY: ....PlannIng_w1Ih__I.EJciIls 0 4IL SubdMoianAflproval_1Ioco*od flIrT_ 0 4C. Po.... Aporovad rar_ _ MopPr_ 0 A... LMf NMU./COMPNII'f .....- 7. ChIlck th. boa: MIow whIah moeI .cauf...., d........ tII. .. of.... property .. It. time of ..Ir. A~F.mlly_ E~ AQrlcuillu", I ~ Communlty_ R 2 or 3 FomIy _I F Com_I J IndlIllriaI C __ V_ntLlnd 0 Apo"","", K Publlc_ D Nan .wdl"ltilll V..m lJn:t U Entenllnment I AmuNrn..u L Fame I SALE INFORMATION I ". ... C..,.. o.te -"---",",1lIIlIY: .. ew-.hip Typo iI-"'Iln .. fMw Co.... .....-"1 on VlIQrd l8nd o o o o 1GA. "'-" ~ whhIn on AQrIa*unII_" ........-.---ng _.... _" In an AQricuIlu,II_ J.. I j3 ... J ...fi - 'Ii. a.dr. _ . ...... of .... ~"IL. _ .. - L. tDlnnIIIr: A ___or__ 8 ___~IoI.._InBull... C "'1IIe1luyon1s_ . SOller D BlIYII' or Soller II _ Agoncy or LoncIng I_ E Dood,.". _ w...... or IIorgIIn ond Solo -.. IIoIowl I' _ of F_ or Lou....n FIII_ ,SpecIfy lleIowI _'" _ G Slgnlllconl Change In "'- _ T_ _ ond SIlo Dol . . ~ .0,0 I II SaIoal_IIlnoh_.._Prlat , , . lFuII SIll P.... II 1ho......1 amounl paid lor .... JIIOIIII1Y I_ng par..... _. I Olhir UnuIuoI F..... AIIooIing SIll Prlat -.. _ _ poymonl mow be .. "'"form al...... _...- or goodo, or IIIe ....mplion 01 J _ _or_.~ -_......-"":::...-- ~ VZl ~cAJ~r ,..-........."'- 1 - '''' 0 0 1 - p__lnh_ . , .,....., . ~. "1"i.:r-c...."JIII" ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. D.... ohould _lINt 1"101 Flnol Aoooament Roll .nd TI. Bill 12. Do.. "'_, T.._ {J'~ I oS;- ..... D&y v.... 'II.FuII__ ,&. V.. of A._ illMl RaI from ." H I 17 Tac.I a...d V'" ..... ...... In .....,., I __IIon_ ~. ; .~.~2'/1 ,. , ~ II, "-'"' CIao r~J.DI-1fu ...___1 {' ......--:...-. -"'. . . -. , --., .. -.-.. ....- 20. T..MopId_I_ -.ow .......__._____1 ~c../c. D" ~ L...o'I:T f " " .... '?/ S2l. IIMIT_ IIIlII'T __ WlIIIIAlII ~66z I~ 1 61..Y-' qiyf;: -,~;:joY NEW YORK STATE COPY '"