HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12420 P 29 '. lJ~-_ !'~l CO/tI8UL T YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING 11t1S INSTRUMENT.11tI8 INSTRUMENT SHOULD SE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY / /t(P-/2-,S) f" \ . :a, ... \ L/"Q2o Ar, . f 2Q'" . $ THIS INDENTURE, made the t?/I dey of October, 2005 BEtWEEN GEORGE K. HAMMOND, as surviving joint tenant of Albert H. Hammond, deceased, residing I 430 Promenade Way, Marina del Rey, CA 90292 party of the fIrSt part, and ES RESID'fJIAl LLC, a New York Limited Uability Company, with offices at 37 North Broadway, Jericho, NY 11783 .. party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of TEN and noll00ths ($10.00) dollars paid b the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs 0 successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and Improvements thereon erected, situate lying and being In the SEE SCHEDULE "A" ANNEXED HERETO AND MAD/!; A PART HEREOF BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premlsas conveyed to the party of the first part by deed made b) AlBERT H. HAMMOND dated 11124161 and recorded in the Suffolk CounlyClerk's Office on 1129/61 in Libel 5088 CP 331. TOGETHER with all right, tiUe and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estste and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or Successors end essl9ns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the fIrSt part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideraUon for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied ftrst for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the totel of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as If It reed "parties" whenever the sensa of this Indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above writtan, '. . IN PRESENCE OF: ~ -~ ~.... _u_ L GEO K. HAMMOND . .", CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY .' . TlIIe No.:' 3805-00839 LEGAL DESCRIPTION AMBHDKD 10/20/05 ALL THAT CBRTAIN PLOT, PIBCB, OR PARCEL OF LAND, SITUATE. LYING. A!ilD &BING AT MATTI'roO:. '1'OlIIJ OF SOU'l'HOLD, cotDI'1'r OF SUFFOLK AIilD I!'1'ATE OF NBW YORK. KNOWN AS PJpl'S IIUMIIBRS 10, 11, 17 AIilD 18 PART OF 9, 12. 16 A!ilD 19 I1IlCWSIVB OF TBB LAND 0IIIlBD BY CLARA B. MILLER AJID SURVBYBD BY F.A. HANICIII1S. C.B. AJID PLO'l'TBD BY CBAS. SAGAR AIilD KNOWN AS BAY VIBlI PARK. AS TBB SAMB APPEARS BY 'l'IIB PLOT OR MAP mRBOF ON FILE IN 'l'IIB OFFICB OF TBB COUN'I'Y CLBIUt OF. SAID COll!l'l'Y AIilD STATE, MORB . PARTlctiLl\RLy IlClllNDBD AJID DBSCRIBBD AS FOLLOWS, BEGDDlING AT A POINT ON '1'IIB NOR'l'BlIBS'l'BRLY SIDE OF BBLL PATH DIS'l'AII'l'. 181.18 FEET SOl1'1'HWBST OF '1'IIB CORNBR l'ORMBD BY. 'l'IIB INTERSECTION OF TBB NOR'l'HlIBSTBRLY SIDB OF BELL PATH WITH '1'IIB SOlI'11IlIBS'1'Y smB OF CANOB PATH; RUJDfINO 'l'HBNCB SOUTH SO DBGRBBS 55 MINtI'I.'BS 50 SBCO!IDS WEST ALONG TBB IIOR'l'BlIBS'l'BRLY smB OF BBLL PATH. 133.82 FBB'l'; TBBNCB NORTH 39 DBGRBBS 04 MINU'l'IlS 10 SBCOJIDS WEST, 157.59 FEET; TBBNCB NORm 86 DBGRBBS 02' MINIlTBS 10 SECONDS WEST. 34.20 FBB'l'; TBBNCB NORTH 39 DEGREES 04 MINll'rBS 10 SBCOJIDS WEST, 19.07 FEET TO TBB SOU'l'HBAS'l'BRLY 5mB OF ~S AVENllB; 'l'IIBNCB NORTH 50 DBGRIlBS 55 MINtI'I.'BS 50 SECONDS BAST. ALONG '1'IIB SOtl'1'HBAllTBRLY SIDB OF YOUNGS AVENllB, 158.82 PBBT,' TBBNCB SOUTH 39 DBGRBBS 04 MINIlTBS 10 SECONDS BAST. 200.00 PBBT TO 'l'IIB NOR'l'BlIBS'l'BRLY SIDB OF BBLL PA'1'II, TBB POINT OR PLACB OF BEGINNING. St1BJECT TO AN BASBMBN'l' FOR THE BBNBFIT OF TBB PREMISBS DESIGNATED AS DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 106 Bl.OcK 12 LOT 3. 1 ON '1'IIB SUFFOLK COll!l'l'Y TAX MAP POR IlmRBSS AJID BGRESS OVBR AN EXISTING DRIVEWAY AS SHOWN ON A SURVEY MADB BY BAD1BS LAND SURVEYORs DATED 10/5/05. . . (A COPY OF WHICH IS ATTACHED WIlRBTO AS EXHIBIT B.I TOGETIin WITH A RIGHT OF WAY AS RECITED III LIBEl. 865 CP 460. FOR INPORMATION ONLY: DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 106.00 BLOCK 12.00 LOT 003.002 UIIo\L -LEGAL DRRr.RTPTTnW_ 11111111111111111 111111111111111 11111 111111111111111111 111111111111 1111111111111 StJI'l'OLK COUN'l'Y CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDDlG PAGE Type of Instrument I DEEDS/DDD HUmber of Pagesl 5 Receipt NUmber I 05-0119402 TRANSFER TAX NUMBERa 05-15135 District I 1000 Section I Blockl 106.00 12.00 B7_'Ull.uu.m ARD CIIARGBD AS POLLOWS $500,000.00 Deed AIao1mt I Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above Instrument B:xempt NO NO HO NO NO HO Page/Piling COE !:A-cn 'l'P-584 RPT Transfer tax $15.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $2,000.00 Handling RYS SRCHG !:A-STATB Cert.Copies SC'l'K CcaIIII.Pres Pees Paie! TRANSFER TAX tmIIBBR: 05-15135 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THB IHSTRUIIIDI'l' THIS IS HOT A BILL Recordec! I Atl 11/1612005 08136125 AI! LIBERa PAGEl D00012420 029 Loti 003.002 $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,500.00 $10,745.00 Exe HO NO HO NO HO HO Bc!warc! P. Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County C!::2 1 -r RECORDEO ....:--- 2005 Hov 16 08136125 AM Edward P.Romaine CLERf( OF SUFFOLK COUNT\' L 000012420 P029 DTI 05-15135 , Num~ of~es 5' TORRENS Serial 1/ CertifiQ!e 1/ Prior Cf. 1/ ., Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FF.F.8 Recording / Filing Stamps 4 Page / Filing Fee Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax Handling TP-S84 2. Additional Tax Notation Sub Tolal EA-sn7 (County) . EA-S217 (State) _ Sub Tolal S~ S~JAssil. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Apportionment Transfer Tax (J..c:::t:i:> - R.P.T.S.A. ~ Conun. of Ed. ~~a) Affidavit GRANO TOTAL a45. Mansion Tax _ lbe property covered by Ihis morlgagr is 01 will be improved by a one or two fam il dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriale IL~ c1ausr on page of this instrumenl. Certified Copy Reg. Copy SubTotal Other cf l Real Property Tax Service Agency VerifiQtiOl\ Dist. Seclion D lock Lot. ,n. - . ~ __. _. . _. __ - - - 10600 1200 003002 6 Communil Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ 500.000.n Stamp ., ; CPF Tax Due S 8,500.0' Date Improvc.J Vacanl Land X Initials 7 SatisfactionslDischargesIReleases List Property Owners Mailing Add RECORD &: RETURN TO: RUSKIN~ MOSCOU, EVANS, & FALTISCHEK, P.C. Attn. Benjamin Weinstock, Esq. East Tower, 15th Floor 1425 EA8 Plaza Uniondale, NY 11556-1425 TO TO ~ TO 9 8 Title Company Informatiun Co. Name I Title II Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement tV 'Ibis page foom part Drib: a1Iached DEED (SPEaFY TYPE OF INSlRlJMENT ) made b) GEORGE K. HAMMOND TO ES RESIDENTIAL LLC The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK OOUNfY. NEW YORK SOUTHOLD In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMU~r of MATTI TUCK BOXES S TIIRU 9 MUST BE lYPfD OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY 1)R10R 10 RECORDING OR FlUNG. PLEASE TYPE OR PRt55 ~JHMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.St8le.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 3 ytJ,r-- S:JY' FOR COUNTY USE ONLY ~T 1..4, 7. "" tf. ~, fl it REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER RE T STATE OF NEW VCIIlIC 'cz: D_ _ R_lled I.:!..! I ~.V ttJ.~ . ' "~: STATE BOARD OF REAL .-..,,,- CUook I /,4', 'Y. e:P. CJIC4.P.g. C t:? .. -. RP....717~~17 . CT. SWIS CGcIo PROPERlY INFORMATION ,. "'-I 1790 Lacldon IIM.I~ Miller Road """T_ 2. Suyw Nome Southo 1 d crrY"_ ES Residentiill UC IAI'NAllt/~.urr Mattltuck ....... 111952 "CODl! ....,~ L.QT.......'CCIIM'....,. '1fIIT~ I. T.. __MuroT..B1.......ba_ 18IJ/f!~1 ,4s.scc.;~.f "'Iag ~ _..... buyo< __ eoc_ of iannI. !:: ~ Ad.... LAlTNA ICCINI'ANY I ~,!~~_IJ,.o..dIAJO.7 ",~r:.:.~ll t. Indlate 1M number of A........_ D Roll........ In""""" on .he deed 1 I . of ParwlI OR Part of . 'Iree' s. =..., I SIz. lOR I o .6 .2 I -. Ixl. MON.Nlil ...Ill I. 1.1" - Harnrond LMINM1I&/tJ:JIII1N<< I ....,- 111~-=- W.YI~I .'..n~ (OaIy . -... - - -1IIay apply: aA.PIannIng__s.__ExiIla 0 48.Su___-~....""- 0 4C.P_~""__wilhMap_ 0 George K. ,..... ..... LAIIIIlMa/~ ,....TNMIf 7. a.a ..... bDII billow which .,.., IlCal'l'm.I, ...... 1M ... "'tt. property .-: 1M 11m. 01 MIa: ^ ~ One Family FWidMIlial B Z or 3 Fllml, Raidential C _lal V..... Land I) _1dGnI1aI V..... Land I SALE INFORMATION I ". _ Contnat_ 1;~Agrk:ullUral I' Comman:lol G Apanmen. II EnllI'lIUlmInI / MMaemanl . ~ Communl.._ J Indullrlol K Public Service L r aria 12. Dde of .... I Tr...... L!.., I ~ I w.. to I Iff '1 CfJ IIIcln:I\ y ....... 500 000 . . , II , II I , , . lFuI_PrIco law..." __ paid rOl11la _Including _Ipropeny. T" ~ INY be In lhI form of cash. achw praplllty or goodI. or lhe ......ptJOn of ma_orCllher obI~1 __,.",.___........ ,..-.....-......- I ,0, II 1 ___In"'_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Delli should ..fleel.... 1.,.., Flnol Auusmont Roll Ind T.. Bill 'I.FuI_...... ,I.V_". ,----.0 , 4 1 tl.T...._V_I........-In_1 _~......~u...._ ChacIl... ..... __ _1IIay apply: I. awn.lI1lp T_ Ie CGnclomlllium .. New Construction on VlCllnI und lOA. Prapony L_ wilhln .. Agricu....oI Q;ou;ct ,1I......_._nodc:alndlclllng lhDl dll properly it in an AgrtcullUnll DiIlriCI o o o o ,5. a.I& ON or....... "-_ -.. ... rll'" ...1..1- to tr..r.: A n c D (; F o II I J SaIo__",F__ Silo BatwGln RIIuct COmpMIaI or Partners in BuIIneM One of "'" ...... Ie _ . Sailor Buyer or Seller II Ccr.......... Agency nr lAncIng Inltltudon Dood T_ ... w....nIy or lIorualn and Sale ISpadly BaIowI SlI. of Frecdonll or !.eM thin F.. IrUt_ C$pKify BeIowI Blgnltlconl ~ In "'- -. T_ _... and Sal. Deu Sol. 01_ Ie Incl_ In _ PTfca 0IIMw U"'",,!I F...... AlIoc:tIng _ "';co tspacIIy _ None ; 1 3 0 0 I , '...........,.CIuI 13.1. 11-LJ '1.___ I Mattltuc:k-cutchogue ; 20. T..__/W_artalll......I.........____..ldonlllarlall 100l-1a;.~ I I CERTIFICATION I J mtIl1- oU ".... ...... ,,_ _ ... lido _ ... Ira..... __ lID tbe best '" BY Illao....... IIIlI 1doI)'" I ......... .. thol .... ....... "011)' ..... r. _ .. _1Kt _ ..1lIIIUo<t ...10.... ......won.".... _ .............10 Ihe........ -1IIna" roM -... E'S. R.es,o L-'-L BUVER'8ATTOIlIIlEY ( weinstock .-- -3 iff' I >;. ~, ~.A- )"' II."........ a.1Ilt1' IMIIl W'mI SALII fi~ I~ 1 IIJt:~ B!:Yi!! (516) ~ P)/-.- ... :na ....c:?_ I ::/Il lor Benjanln .... - 663-6555 ......... ....- ..... NEW YORK STATE COpy