HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12428 P 289 , " ... U 11Y-2~ o .2 <1?q DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 107.00 BLOCK 01.00 LOT 012.000 - )07-1-.1:2 , . T 88 ,-.........N.y 1'I'.u....-.z:............ ._..............__.....r..,.:....1IIa:I, 114 -~.,.. ~ :_.Inc,. NYC 10011 CONSULT YOUI LAW.YllIIJOII SIGNING THIS IIISTlIIMBIT - TltIS IIISTIUMIIIT SJlOULD . URI) IT LAWYUS 011.' THIS INDENTURE, made on BEI'WEEN December 20, 2005 LEIGHTON H. WIGLEY and MONIKA WIGLEY 3329 Grand Avenue Mattituck, New York 11952 /kSTo ?o '$l, :r";,Far~, party of 1M tint pari, IIId SCOTT F. KRUt and SHAWN P. KRUK - Il~ 7D 3D 70 .::z:;.J~"""1f4n'- 34990 Route 48 Peconic, New York 11958 IJ~ ""]'6,J....s ~..s a"'.....'II party of .... -.I parI, wrTNESlIETH, ....1 lIIe party of the fine put. in paid by !he party of Iho _d part, doa Iineb or a.-ra and lIIipa of.lbe fll'rty or .... .:. AU. thai _in plot, piece or pareel or Ian - lyinjl and _It in lhe ' '_dion of Ten Dou... ud otIw.alaab1e COIIIidenlioa nd reIo:_ unlo the party of .... .-.d fll'n, !he heira !to,.....". ~ buildinll" and improwemeDII thereon enc:led, oilude. e A annexed hereto .. ) BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the= am~ remises as conveyed to the Party of the First'Part by dee dated January 23, 1981, and recorded on June 9, 1981 in Liber 9014 page 303, made by Miriam R. Hitchcock. TOGETHER willl all ril!hl, lille and inle...... if u'Y. "I the party of lhe lirll pari in and 10 an)' Itreell and ."aels abulling Ihe above deacribed premi... 10 the center lilies thereol: TOGETHER willi the .ppUrteRa...... and an the eIlale Ind righll of the fll'rty of Ihe lira! fll'rt in and 10 ..id premi...; TO HAVE AND TO HOLU Ih. premiseo herein llrlnted unl.. d.. plrt~ "llhe _d part. Ihe hei.. ..r .u"'....... Ind ....l.In. of the party of the _ond pari Inrover. ' AND the party of Ihe firs! part covenlnt. lhalthe party ,,111I. firal pari h.. nol done or .uSered anylhin;; whereb~ lhe ..id premileo have been encumbered in an)" WIY whalever. eltcepI a. alor_id. AND Ihe party ollhe fi..1 Fori, in oompliance wilh Seelion 13 "llhe LiOll La.... oovenanla !hal the parly of Ih. firs! part will receive !he oon..deralion lor lIli. eon_eyan... and will hold Ihe righll" rcrt9ve .uch conaideralion .. a "lIIllund 10 be applied fi... for lhe pu.poae ofr:,ying1.he eoll IIf lhe improvemenl and will .pp1y the ....... fi... to the paymenl 011.... cod of Ihe i.nprovemenl be ore lIIilll! any pari of lhe lolal of Ill. ....... for any o!her parpooe. The word "party" ,h.1I be con......... a. if il read "parties" whenever !he oenoe ollhi. indenture 10 retIu..... IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I.... party of Ihe fin, part ha. duly ~nou'ed Ihill deed Ih. day and year Ii... .bove wrillen. ,/.7 Y' ;& J/.?f;/ VlJ' '/.. LElcY~ON 'H. WI y, IN PRESEJlIC:E or: ~U' ~ MONIKA WIGLEY~ cr SCHEDULE t\ AI.I.. that certain (llot, piece or parcelllf land, silu:1le. lying and bdng at M,lIIiluck. Tllwn ofSmllhllld, Counly ofSutYolk and State ofN\.'w Yurk, hounded and described as tollows: BEGINNING 31 a point \,n Ihe north\.'rly side llfGrand A\'\.'nu\.' Ih\.' Inlluwing (2) cours\.'s . and distances: I ) North 06 degl"C\.'s 52 minutes :W s\.'con\ls West. 2M.71 IL"Ct: 2) Nurth II degr\.'es 06 minules 00 s\.'cl,nds West. 205.13 ICCI, whidl said (2) cours\.'s rnn ailing lhe \.'astt:rly side ora 30' wide Righi of Way; THENCE along th\.' sl,uth\.'rly side ura 25' Righi or Way Ih\.' follllwing (:!) euurses and dislane\.'s: I) Smuh 61 degrees 23 minules 30 sc\.'onds West. 572.116 reet: 2) Soulh 72 degrees 21 minutes 511 seconds W\.'st. 360.14 leet toth\.' \.'asterly side Ilf premises aboUllb be described and thc.lru\.' pllinl (II' place Ill' beginning: TIIENCE suutherly along the w\.'stcrly side of land now ur Iimnerly or Fmnklin I..amoilk Dank, Tnlsll."Cs lor Martin W. Kruse. SllUlh 02 degrees 53 minut\.'s 00 seconds East. 91.33 IC\.'I, mol'\.' or l\.'ss, tOlhc southerly side of subj\.'ct premises: . TII ENCE Soulh 75 degrees 05 minutes 20 secllnds Wesl. 260.13 ft:ello Ihe apparent high wmer mark of Mallituck Cret:k: THENCE alung th\.' high water nlilrk OrMalliluck Cre\.'k tht: 1i)lIuwin/,! (5) cuurs\.'s and disl,lI1ces: I) North 14 degrees Oil minutes 42 se\.'onds West. Il3.1I5 Icel; :!) Nurth 00 degrees 17 minut\.'s 53 sl."Conds East. 40.211Icel: 3) Nllrth 37 degrees 04 minutes 03 Sl."Cunds EllSt. 311.42 fe\.'t; 4) North 12 degrees 17 minut\.'s 37 Sl."Cllnds East. 117.77 Ic\.'!: 5) North 61 degn:cs 38 minules 44 seconds East, 24.38 leet to land nllw \11' formerly llf Julie I)et!}', Tmst~: THENCE alung said lund. Soulh 87 d\.'grees 17 minules 00 seconds Easl. 193.96 Ic\.'ttu the westerly side of a 20' wide Right or Way; THENCE South U2 degrees 53 minulcs Oil secomls Ens!. 121.39 reettn Ih\.' true point nr . , pi lice lIf BEGINNING. TOGETI.IER WITlI a 20' wid~ RighI ofWuy.u25' RighI III' Way :lIId u Jill wide RighI of Way in COmnl1l1l wilh olhers Inun Ihe ahovc deserihcd prcmis\.'s In Grand Avelllle. FOR INFORMATION ONI.Y: DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 107.00 BLOCK (l1.(l() LOTOI:!.lI(J(l / ~j 11' /' { I i /;. } ./' ___..__ITAlIlRPL..... State af New Yark, Call nt, af Suffolk U.: On ~.u.<. .:lD. ,x,.. r before me. dJe andmiped. ' a.en!I!lallY~ SCiMlT. ana 3lm..UN ~. _~ .t.E16d~ ~-y ...u "'''N",illJ~~~ . pmanauy t:l IlI"pnMd 10 me an dJe ... ~ 11II*- IaIy evidelw:e 10 be dJe individuaI(l) ..... Mme(1) II (me) u-ibed 10 dJe widIin ...._.....t IIId Il:ImlJwIedFIIO me dial hdlbe'dJey aec:uted lhe __ ill blllbelf1heir CIpICiIy(Ia). IIId thIt by hiWhcdlIIeir ~I) lIlIdIe ~ die indi- vidllal(s). Ill" Ibe pl!IIlIIl upon 1IIIlIIf ~ whil:h die indiYIduaI(l) i.:ted,euaned . '-- (.",.".,.- __ If , Stale ef -.- 01 ...: On penonaIly ........-.:d bef_ me. lbe undeniped. perianllIly m.a 10 me Ill" pnMd ID me em Ibe bail of IIIdiI- fKlIlry CYidenI:e 10 be Ibe indivDlal(l) ..... asme(1) is (_) IlUblaibed 10 lbe wilhlD iDaament IIId -*-1edIed 10 me dial brillleldley elr&ClJ1lld die __ in bisIbedtheir ClplCity(ieI). IIId 11IIII by bisIIIedlbeir IiJPlllllle(I) on die ~ die indi- vicml(l). or lbe peIDl upon behalf of wbic:b IIIe individull(l) cted, eucn:d lbe imbumenI, 11III dial IIICh IndivIdul1I1l1de 1lIdI....-__ before die UIIlIenIped In (_dlrtlr,.-.-...__.._tlr-'fII1-_ ..--, ,.ripann..".."'iIItIIvWaaI....-_L -~r y- ., .... .. au iIaIl Willi Ccm:II.... .,... Cu........ _ I'nu: No. LEIGHTON H. WIGLEY and MONIKA WIGLEY TO SCOTT F. KRUK and SHAWN P. KRUK A-.owf ~ IIY ___.._WID " State of Cellaly of IU': On . penon8Ily appe..m bel'oft: me. the undeniJUed. dI~ lubscribinl wilneSl(es) 10 die foR..in. inIIIumenl. wilh whom 1 am penoIIIIlly 8ClIIIlIinlCd, who. beill8 by me duly lworn. did depose IIId SII)' lhll belsbel1hey n:side(s) in IIf rIw ,.. of- ilia. riI]r. Uod.. rIw _.."."..,_ 1/_ '''-'tIt. STEPHEN P SPAN BURGH Notary PubGc - SIa1e Of New Vork No.01 SP4908ll&4 auilJifIed In Sunolk COunty My Commission Expires 0cI. 5. 2009 Ihat belshel1hey 1mow(1) 10 be die individual(l) described in and who execuCl:d lbe f__ JOin& InsllWllellt; dill IlIid lIIbscribina ",ilneSS(es) wu (were) presemllld ..... said nec:ute Ihe 1lIIIIe; IIId lllal said willleSl(es) II Ihe IIIIIe lime subscribed billlbeli1heir name(1) II a wilneSl(es) Ihemo. ' , DIf___N_ _.'hI....mri'7..,..",...'___ "_"_,,,,,_1'" 104 J_ And IIl1lUaidlubaibin& wilnesl(es) IIlIde IlIi:lI ~.'" befcn lhe undersianed in I '''-_'''''''__-'' _......1 107.00 01.00 012.000 SEC'l10J1l BLOat IDI' alUIITY OR TOWN Southold IIft1mR BY IIAIL TO: Patricia Moore, Esq. 51020 Main Road Southold, New York 7Jp No. 11971 i f .. II '; I e"." .! I i i ", .. " . , - .-". ?:I- .. Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mortgage Instl1lment RECORDED 2005 Dee :lO 12: 12: 30 PM Edward P. ROIIalrle a..ERK tf" SUFFOLI( COUHlV L ??oo12428 P 289 OT. 05-210131 Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Cenific8le # 3 Deed / Mortgage 1lIx Stump FEES Reconling / Filing Stamps Page / Filing Fee Handling I~ - Real PropcrtS Tax Service " Agency Verification O~5~~;1~~8 1000 ResE A ~EC.o 10700 0100 012000 '00 Mongage Ami. 1. Basic Tax "2. AdditioDllI Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX , Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment TI'IIIL.ferThx 3110 D " I - Man..ion Tax The pro~'11y covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriall: tax clause on .page # of is ~ment'l o 5 Commllllity PreHl9IltiDD FuDd Consideration Amount $ 'S~,ooa CPF Tax Due $ / /)0 a .- Improved Y Vacant Laud TO 10 TD TP.584 5._00 ~- Notation EA.52 17 (County) c;: EA.S217 (Slate)" ~-== R.P.T.S.A. ~ Sub Total Comm. of Ed. S. 00 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15. J!!L Sub Tolal Grand Tolal /55 - 9P 4 Disl. Section Block Lot 6 SatisfaClionsIDisehargeslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD ... RETURN TO: '\(;T~/CI'" C!.. r?()O,e~, F~). ~ /Od/O /??A,f\l P:>. ~VI#(I<-'~ JUY //&]'1/ TD 8 Suffolk Count ,', ,. I l'", { . "' 7 This page forms part of the auached tJ'lSJ-J: .../ ..Jp. b'? ~ & Endorsement Pa "e , '.E~ j> (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMEN11 made by: The pn:miscs herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township ~--:T"'Dc.. ;) In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) ~V~TO 11111111111111111 11111 111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 5 Receipt Number : 05-0134586 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-21431 Recorded: At: 12/30/2005 12:12:30 PM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012428 289 District. 1000 Section. 107.00 IZYI>JUNBD AND $850.000.00 Block. 01.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 012.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/Filing $15.00 NO Hand.ling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- C'l'Y $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $3.400.00 NO COIIIIII.Pre. $14.000.00 NO Fees Paid $17,555.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-21431 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRIDIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County C1. SWlS eodo --- ------ -----------.. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:/' www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE 01' I\EW YOlIIC STAlE BOARD 01' REAL PROParIV SEIMCES . . FOR COUNlY USE ONLY I L/, 7,..3, ( .? 91 ....- C2. Date Deed _dod I / ,.1, -3 f9, (/'0 I MonI+ o.v y.... ca. Book I I. e(, If. ..?, ~ C4. pog. I';:', f. </, PROPER1YINFOR~nON 3329 RP - 5217 RN:n 11ft JWI 1."'-1 L.aclllan srIlDT NJf.IIIR I Southold CrTYDRIUIlVN ,Grand Avenue ~1i:I ,... I Kruk LUTN",mwMY ...- Scott r:" rill' ..... Shawn r. HIlI. IUUl& 111 952 Zll"C'OOE .. Buyer Kruk Nlme LAST 1M.' toMWN 3. T,. InciiGIII wherI rUMII TD Bib.. to be...t 1110.. if llIh.. INn b_ 111_ lot -. 0I1orml I _.. LAIT......,COIIIPAN't '.TNUA RNf:r ""'''M:lIIMlErNMIE. CITV"'","" II ,.r Pi..... OR 0 PlrI 011 PI.OII IIAI. ....... B.De'" "'- llze flONrrEIT Ixl ...... IORI 'M.r.i 175 . . 1OII1y._al._CIl....lIlh1v_ a Pllnning ao.d wtrh Subdivision AuIhortty EJCisII 0 .. SubdN_ ApprovoJ _lIIquirld lor T_ 0 C. PI.... App_ for SubdMsian - Mop - 0 4. lncIiC8111 the number of AR1'nT"ert Roll........................ _ 1.- NIl... I Wiqley LAIT NMU I COIIPNIV I L~on I Monika fIMTNAMt I Wigley LMT NAMI, GQMPNfY A~ On. F.mlly Residlmill n 2 or 3 F8ml1v Raldontl,1 C RIIidenIiII V,CIni lMId D Non-Raldentl.1 VM:aI'It liInd I SAlE INFORMATION I 11. .... _ Dote R ~ AaricullU.1l I ~ COmmuni" SIN"" F Commard.1 J Indulb'lal G APlrt"""! K Public s..w:. H Enterllinment I Amusement L Fora. c_....__.1Il8I'_ I. Owno....lp Typo Is Condornlnlurn I. New ConItruaion on VICIni Land lOA. "'-... LooalDd wilhln In Aa- ~ 1G8.1_-I-_1ndicIlIne dW' u. prapmy II In an AgrIcuIlurDl DiIIlId o o o o 7. _.1'" boo bIIow _h IIIM1 _.......Y __ tIl. _ 01.... --'" II......... allIlI: 11 ,28 , 05 ..... ""' YHr 12 20 05 I / ..... ..., Voor 1.. ChIck _ .. men Gf ..... cancIIIoM.. ....a-&.I. to ........r.: A Sale BMween R8IMiwI or Former RetIdveI B SIlo ....... R_l:ofropnlol or""""" In IIuIIn_ C One oIlhe I...... iI_ I SIller I) Buyer or SeI.... is Gov.rvnenl Aoencr or I..endIng "-*'tion R DellI Typo ... W....nlY or ......... ond SIlo (Spo<ify _ " SII. aI FrIdionIl or L.- lhan Faa 1..._ ISpocIfy IIIlowI G Sign_ CIlongo In "'-r1Y _ T_ Slltue ond SIll. Do H s.r. of Bualnea " Inctuded In SeI. Price I Olhor Un.1U1l F...... AtforoinU SI.. !'rico tspoc;Iy _ J No.. 12. 0.'" of SaIl I Tn....... IUIlI&oIoP_ I e, 5,0 ,0 Q o. ~ 0,0 r (FuU SIIe Priol illhe IOlIllmourd pIid far tho property IncludklO perlOnaI. properly. Thlt plymont may be In lha farm of c:uh, othar pl'OpDlty 01' ~ ar tho lS&Umplion of IDOI1gIgeI or orhIr obIiptiona.) PliMN fOUIId to In. "..,. whoIfI daIW Imaunt 1.._....-............. I 0 II D I p__lIItIl._ . ' ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. D.ll .hook! _ Ih. 101111 Fln.1 AuoumIlfl1 RolI.nd TI. Bill ,.. ~..~.:' =.am 10 Ii. n Ii 17. T... ___ v..... Caf II ,.,.. . traMfwJ I ; , 6 0 0 0 , II. "'- a.. 12.6 ,0 I-U It. Sahool__ I Mattituck 20. TIX MlpId_1 RoI_11I 1If......._.._____1 1000-107.00-01.00-012.000 I I CERTIFICATION I I omlI)' _ oil or... Itnos or 111_ ........ DO ... ....... .. n. _ <DIn<I11o Ihr _ .. my _.. IlIId _ _ I ............ ..... 1M ....... "'"~ 7':e;~ 1Ilol_ wID IOIbJ<d me 10Il1o .....- oft............ _10 ~ -............ "'_IoIl_ ~;'-z/' /~!!!!ER BUYER'S ATTORNEY :-,;/r~?~1 '';/';:''/0' I\MIlIIGNATU. ~TI f , Moore Patricia ,.... ..... ...., NAW. 31.\'\"\0 8TWeT NU..1IIl I ~"'i'8 IJfIIII ..,.., Wo'''" MIM 631 765-4330 .... coor TtUl'ltONE....... PeL".... ; ~ CITV....-.. NV STAll II!1';8 .COIXI 4.l~- NEW YORK STATE COPY IZ'Z#'df ..n: