HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12388 P 630 .. LI133'~ f Cc 30 DislriCl: ]000 Section: 107.00 Block: 02.00 Lot: 008.000 )(r7 ~ '2-.g ~ff ar;{)07~ foml NY 005--Bar8ain and Sale Deed, with Covenant against Grdntor's AelS Individual or Corporation. (single sheet) (NYBTU 8002) CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING TillS INSTRUMENT-THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD 'BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. 'l . . THIS INDENTURE, made as of the 5th day of May. in the year 2005 BETWEEN Jacqueline Wenberg, as Administratrix for tbe Estate of Linville G. Farrow, residi)l~al PO Box 3562, Waves, NC. 27982. pany of the first pan, and ~ 5tI5lP (lalJc. I~ Wayne Sailor, residing at 425 Pal:ifie Street. Mattituck, NY 11952. party of the second part. WITNESSETH, Ihal the pany of the first part. in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the pany of the second pan, does hereby grant and rele-oISC unto the party of the second part, the, heirs or SUctCSsors and assigns or the party of the second pan rorever, ~.... .; ,. ...., "," . ..~ ALL that eenain plot, piece or pareel of land, with th~:,:~uildings 'and imp';vemenlS thereon erected, Slluate, lying and being at Mallituck,uT:own.of..Southold,.County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a poin"'Ql.!...the easterly line of Grand Avenue. 322.27 reet southerly along said easterly IineVlbe southeasterly line or said Grand Avenue, and from said point of beginning: RUNNING THENCE along other land of Hugh H. Benjamin and Venie B. Benjamin. Nonh 78 degrees 07 minutes 20 seconds. East, 224.5 I reetto a monument and land or Michalecko: .' THENCE along said land of Miehalecko, South 12 degrees 40 minules 30 seconds F.ast, 174.59 feet to a monument and olher land of said Miehalccko; THENCE along said other land of Miehalccko. South 57 degrees 56 minutes 40 seconds Wesl, 246.28 feet to a monument on said easterly line of Grand Avenue: THENCE along said easterly line, North 10 degrees 56 minules 40 seconds West. 259.54 reel to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises as that conveyed to Unville Farrow and Thelma Furrow, his wife by deed daled August 4. 1983 and recorded August 31, 1983 in Uber 9416 at pa8e 191. SAID PREMISES BEING COMMONLY KNOWN AS 2730 Grand Avenue. Malliluek, NY. TOGETln:R with all right. title and interest, if any. of the party of the first part of, in and 10 any streets and roads abulling the above-described premises to the center lines lhereof; TOGETHER with the appunenances and all the CSIllle' and rights of the parly of the first part in and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granled unto the pany of the ~econd pan, the heirs or successors at1d assigns of the pany of the second pan forever. AND the parly of the first part covenanlS lhat the party of the first part has not done or suffered anylhing whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any \\'ay whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the pany or the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that Ihe pany of lhe first pan will receive lbe consideration for this conveyance and will hold the ri8ht to receive such consideration as a trust fund 10 be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same fintto lhe payment of lhe casl of the improvement before using any pan of the t01U1 of the same for any other purpose. The word "party. shall be conslrued a.~ if it read "parties" whenever lhe sense of this indenlUre so requires. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pany of the first part ha.~ duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. . IN I'Rf:.SENCE OF ----~--~~-- ------ e1ine Wenberg. IIli A nistratrix e Estate or Linville G. arrow, STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 55: ST ATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK 55: On Ilk: Slh day of May. in lhe year 2OlI.~ beron: me. lhe ."!'!k-'tliiIUlOO, llL"""""U)'."PI)CWI.'<l Jlk:<Iyeline.Wenbel1l. personally known III me or ptOl..'d to me on lhe bIlsis of salisfactory evidc:ncc to he \he inclh'idlllll whose name is suhsc:ribod to lbe wilhin instrumenllllld ""knowledged to me lhal belshelthq. es.'Culed \he same in his/herllheir CllpIIl:ilyO.'S lhal by hislherllheir signalUre(s) on lhe ioslNmenl, lhe indi.'idual(s). or lhe pc:lSOn upon behalf CIf whieh lhe individual(s) Dl.ud. es.",ulc:d lhe inslNmenL D.F1NNEGAH ~~~_'Itlrtc OuoIi6od tn SuIIoI ~ ~ExpIr._lI8. '101,;;"' BARGAIN and SALE DEED Wn'H COVF~ANTS AGAINlIT GRAI'ITQR'S AcrS Jacqueline Wenberg, as Adminislnllrix for the Estate of Unville G. Farrow TO Wayne Sailor On the day of . in the year 200: before me, the undersigned. personally appeared personally known to.me or proved 10 me on the II< salisfactol)' evidence 10 be the individual whose m subscribed 10 Ihe within instrument and acknowle. me that helshellhey executed the SlIme in hislhcrllh capaeitr(ics). and lhal by hislhcrJlheir signalurc(s) on the IDstrumcnl. the individuaJ(s). or the person upon behalf of which the individualCs) acted. executed the inslrument. DISTRICf: 1000 SECfION: 107.000 BLOCK: 02.00 LOT: 008.000 COUNTY OR TOWN: Suffolk Counly Town of Soulhold Kt:1 URN BY MAIL TO: oCnnis O'Doherty. Jr" Esq 25 Candee A venue Sayville. NY 11782 RESERVE THIS S"ACE "~UK USE UF KK(;UKIJING OtJfICK , .' N'ullber or pages TORRENS' . RECORDED 2005 IIay 23 04: 19: 30 'PM . Edward P. Rom.1ine ClERK OF 5UFFtUC COOtlTY L 1>00012388 P 630. DTlI 04-41875 Selial" Ceumenle R PriorClr. N ___ Deed I Mongll8e Jnslnunent J 'Oeed I Morlgag~ Tax Stlmp FEllS . Recording 11~ling Slamps' Page I Aliug Fee "'lJIdling 1'1'.584 ____~~ 00 . Mortglge Amt, I. n...ie Tux ____ __ 2. Ac4Iiliollul 'fax ___ _ Sub 'fulal Spec} AssiL --- .....-- NUI.lion " EA-52 17 (Counly) EA-5217 (Slale) Sub 'lbiBI or . ((.P.T.S.A. .-2u1- M . SPcc:./Add. TOT. MTG.1"AX ,---,,;," Dual Town _ Dual. COllnty __. Held for Appoialmeul___ Tl'llnsfer Tall. . :::::...9..0..0 -=- . Mlnsion . Cnmlll. of Ed. _'_. 5. ...!!!L . "md",'it ---- - --- --- -----;---.l1 _00 Sub Total Orand TOIHI.--1jg~ ~ 1.01 00 ~. c:rJO .~~rAIA:tgISC:~"lrrC~y:r ~pM!~s08' 1000 10700 0200 008000-' . l I 'CPF Tax Due Veririraliol1 ~~-4A J Ii Snli~faelionslOiscbarges/Release8 Lisl Properly Owners Muilillg i\l!il.re"ss ImCORD & RU'rURN '1'0: Cerlified Copy NYS Surcharge Olber . y covered by this D10rlgage is improved by lone ur .Iwo cllillg only. or NO ___ approp! iale IlIA clause un of this inslrumenl. Improved ~__ Vacant Land TO I,..... ~-- beh\'\\<:> D\ tx)he~'1 CZ-'St"tr. ~5 Ctuld-ee .fNe.n~ &"'lOi\\.e, ~.'l III~)... 'CD TO 7. Title Com on lururmntion Co. Nome TIUe# II . . Suffoll{ Count Recordin .k4 -.__.___lIInUehy: (SI'Et:n'y TYPE or INSTRUMllN'I'). & Endorsenlellt This page fonns IlIIrl of lhe allachr.d _ __.:::h~~~ Tbe premises herein iJ silualed in SUf'[1QI.K COUNTY, NnW YORK. In.tbe Towllship uf ~O \d . . Jlllhe VILI.~O[l ill _ ./ I --l- n --'--. orHAMUiTlIf 1."Ut.:t+1 ~---,_._ ___ BOXES (, THRlI 8 MUST Ill! TYPED OR PIUNmn IN IlLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1'0 ImCORDING OR FILlNO. TO ._-._Jb'X,..~____._ ,......\ . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 S'lJ1I'POLlt COUN'l'Y CLERIC RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Xnstrument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0055530 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 04-41875 Recorded. At. OS/23/2005 04.19.30 PM LIBBR: PAGE: D00012388 630 District. 1000 Section. Block. 107.00 02.00 '"YI\IaIllBD AND CHARGED AS I'OLLOWS $225,000.00 Lot. 008.000 Deed AIDowI.t. Received the 1'011owing I'ee. 1'01' Above Xn.trument B7""'Pt Exempt Page/I'iling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRaG $15.00 NO D- C'l'Y $5.00 NO BA-STATZ $75.00 NO Tp- 584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO Rl'T $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $900.00 NO CODIII.Pre. $1,500.00 NO I'ees Paid $2,549.00 TRANSFER TAX NOMBBR. 04-41875 THXS PAGB XS A PART 01' TUB XNSTRtJIIBNT THXS XS HOT A BXLL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County , . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.st8te.ny.usor PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNlY use ONLY CI.Book PROPERlY INFORMATION 1'~,7, 3, fl, f!.1'1 ,2,57 ~ 'OJ"! Y... ,~ ,J..?I STATE OF NEW YORIC STATE BOARD OF REAL PIIOI'ERTY SERVas C4. rojel .. ',' . ~ . - REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Ct. SWIS Ca;do C2._ _ _dad RP - 5217 .p.ol' ..... JNI 1'_1 ~ 2730 Grand Avenue "...,..,.. 11Jlta~.. Mattituck mVI1II11JWN w,_ hlQo;7 ,..""'" Z. Buyer No_ Sailor LAlor NAl&I ClCll'l'Atl.y .J.~e ""'..... &AST NME/CiCWf"ANt' a. T.. tndIcIII where fUture TIX BilI1 III 10 be lent _I W _....n buyor _111_ 01 forml I -- LMT"IoWt/(~ raaTlM-=. ,......_AMJ,1JIIf1'NoWII! .. ........ th8 ....... fII A_ IMIl Rot...... ._......... .. IN_ I I . of Po,cohl ....co_ OR D Plrtof.P.rceI 'T.\n:: ZIPC'ODr &'=:"'I .... I"RQfIIrFtU Ixl UD'IH IORI 1 1 7 'Ao..1I' . . lOnIr'''' 01. _ _....,...... 4A. I'Ionnlng Soard odh _ AuIhoriIy ExiIU 0 .. ~1Ir""AIIon Apprao.W WIt ~1WI for r....... 0 C........_farS&al_wilhMop_ 0 ..- .... ~R JAQ'lyaliRR. as ~\iaiBiBl~a'e~IE8r ~~.r- -8tat~ ,...._,~._^ - 6f hl_.!114 8. FaL~U_ LAIT NAIR ICOIIIrA'fY ....T .... 7. ChMIII: _ baa MIow...... .... .......,....... 'IIa8 .... 0I1bI prapwIy 81...11..... 01... 0-* IN _........,...... .. Owno_ T_ II eo-'lnlum o o o o '\~ One FomiIy _nt.., R 2 or 3 Family RnldntllIl l' _oIVoc:ont Lind D No..-II Voc:ont Lind I SALE INFORMATION I ". .... CantmI;t D.III "~Aoricullur" F Cammen:J.1 G """_ II Entertllnrntnt I MUll""" ... Oolo 01_' "..... ,2;. I Ot, oCj 05,_ . - no, , ~~ I ~ Community' 8eNice .. N.w ConIIruction an V..-at UncI J Induml.1 1M. Pt'apeIfV t.oc.t.d within .. AgrIcuftuI'lll DiItrIcI K Pubic""" 1...... _. _ro _....aoing I. _ ......._Ioill.n_'--.c 11.a.ck_......cI"-_.. .............tD~ A 5* BMwMn ...... or Farn. RIUtIv~ B &lie Between AeIat8d CornPlniel or ParIMr. in lulinell (' llno of tho IIuyon 10 .Ioa . Bolla, D ...,., II So.... 10 _Asoncvcw .-Ing_ f. Dood Type not W.lT8nty or e.rg.in ,nd &lie (Specify Be&ow) I' Solo of _ II '- ""'n Foe 1_ Ulpaclfy IIoIowI (l BIg_ Chango In "'-'" _n T_ S10luI end Solo Doroo H S..ofBu....il.lnc:tudMllns.. Pric8 I 0Ih0r UnIllUOl Focran _ng Solo Price CSpocify _ J NoM '~ 11. ....._ PrIco ,2,2,5.0,0,0.0.01 , , . .Full Sale Price is the tOlll emounI Plid for the property Including ptI'SOIIIIl properly. This prfrMIIt may ba in tho form or CIIh. am. propDl1y or goadI. or the lllUrr'\pbon of ~ or other obIlgldlona.l ~ round to 1M.....,...... doll<< GmGUftL '.._dlo_oI_ I ~ 0 0 I __In"_ . ID ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Datll ohould ""'... tho loleol Fln.l_ment Roll and To. Bin '..::.,01..:.......;;:",.::....., 04/051 11.T...._V_CoI............_1 , , 5. 8.0 0 , 1&.","-CIMO I 2,1,0 I-U ...___1 Mattituck 20. T...,._/Rot_lolar....__._............__1 1000-107-2-8 I I CERTIFICATION I I ftftI)' _ "'... ~ or bob -0". _ ..1bIoo .... _ ........ __ 'Iv........ '" "'l' k....... oad _... 1 .......... 11101............. "'~ "'_ ""'.... ............. Iv... """..... "',... _ .... .......... 1M................ "'fIR _-..... !Yl1!! BUYER'S AnoRNEV /' ''''''' 6S" o'l D( O'Doherty Dennis .... lAOT .... -,- ;11=\0 ..-r ..... G.--J. k ....... NAIl: W1tII MI.Q 631 563-0555 -- l't&UloOfCNlou.R ft,.~ arvOfllIGWN ~J.lq,,~ 51 coot. DY.i!! NEW YORK STATE COPY ~<~.~-~ __ --aa ~IV'lIl'1l il( 15'"/.~ / t:?-5 ....