HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12409 P 919 . I '. 1001- ;?-- J~3/1 12'~dl" . Barllaln and Sale Coed with Covenents llQainol Gnnlofl AolI. IndlvidUII 01 Corpcntlon (Silgle ShoeIj q \ q CON8~L T ~UR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING '!HIS INSTRUIIENT - '!HIIINlITRUMENT lIHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERII ONLY ntlS INDENTURE. made the /2. day of Aw 3--' . Two Thoullllld and FIve BelMan THOMAS SPURGE raaldlng at 83 New 1110 Road. Smllhtown. NY 11787, and ANDREW WITUN. residing at 10 Holdar Place, 20, FOrMt HUll, NY 113711, party of the first part, and NY 11738, EAST END LAND BARONS LLC, IMIdlng etJ1\1lCVllllllprrA\IIIII)l8. ~. 3" SNIJIMf>.Auec "II N~e-rScf JJo{ 1'7'" 7 party of the second part. Wiln_eth, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten DoUars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or &UC08&sors and assigns of the party 01 the second part forever. SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED BEING AND INTENDED TO be a portion 01 the same pnlITIIsa conveyed to the party of the IIrst part hen by deed dated 121912002 and recorded on 12/2712002 In Uber 12227,c:p. 230. Together with aU righ~ !iUe and intare~ il any. of the party of the first part in and to any sbeels and roads abutting the above described premises to the center Unes thereof; Together with the appurtenances and aD the alate and rights of the party of the fust part in and to said premises; To Have and to Hold the premlse8 herein granted unto the party oflhe second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. And the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever. except a afOIesaId. And the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, covenants that the party of the first part W11 receive the consideration lor this conveyance and will hold the rtghlto receive such consideration as a lrust fund to be applied first lor the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same finllto the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the lDlIII of the same lor any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense 01 thi& indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has dUly executed this deed the day and year finll above wrilIlln. IN PRESENCE OF: THOMAS SPURGE Stewart T!tle.lnsurance Compan)' Title No: 15-8-0999 . .. . , Schedule A Description (AMENDED 01/1111005) (AS TO WT 003.001) . . .' \ \ ALL thai certain plol, piece or parcel of land lying and being.at Greenporl, Town of Southold, County orsuffolk and Stale of New York, known as and by Lot I as shown on a certain map entitled, "Subdivision Map of Property at Bridge Street" filed 07/1412005 as File #1 )285. Ablllracl No. 15519A. and being boun~ and described as follows: '.. . . BEGINNING at the comer fonned by the iDtmection of the southerly side of Bridge Street and the westerly side of Sterling Place distant 145.86 feet westerly to the true point of beginning: RUNNING THENCE South 16 degrees 52 minutes 20 SCl:Onds East. 103.99 feel; THENCE North 73 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East, 12.14 feet; , TUENCE South 17 degrees II minutes 44 seconds East, 32.35 feet; . . TIIENCE South 72 degrees 16 minutes 34 seconds WesI, 67.83 feet; THENCE North 17 degrees 13 minutes 30 SCl:Onds West, 138.00 feet to the southerly side of Bridge Street; THENCE along the southerly side of Bridge Streel, North 73 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds East, 56.36 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. . (. :rOGETHER with all righr. title and inlercS! of the party of the first part, in and to the land lying in the street in front of and adjoining said ~remises. . ~ , . ,.. ., ~ " " USE ACKNOIIIIIISJGIAENT FORM BELOW WITHIN NEW YORK STATE USE ACKNOWIS1GMENT FORM BELOW 1M1H/N NEW YORK STaTE OM. y: OM. y: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNlY OF SUFFOLK )II.: STATE OF NEW YORK, COlJN1Y OF SUFFOLK )II.: On the I..... Illy 01 ,,"gUll. 2005, On Il1o /...... cloy 01 ,,"gUll. 2005, I -- ...IIIeIllllloqfgned. poraonaIyoppeared -. ...Il1o u~.~~ . THOMAS SPURGE ANDREW WI1l.JN ~J' /111_,. DIJ(J 10 u, AI Itl'f'f poIIOII8IIy_lDmeor~lD..onlllebolisofNlillodoryev_ ~ _ID.. or PRNod 10.. on Ihe boola 0I1lIliIfIcIoIy ',.., to bo UIe hividuoI(l) whole noma(l) II (_) __ ID Iha _ _ID bo Il1o indIviduaI(l) whole """)11 (n) __ ID Il1o InIIIunwi IIld ~ ID .. I/IaI heIIheIIhoy .....lad the .... In _ InolrumonIIIld --'ID melllat heIIheIIIIoy _ the h__ ~), IIld lhal by __ 1ignature(1) on Il1o _In --~Iu).1Ild Ihal by --lillnalln(l) on inatrumonI, Il1o lndMdual(ll. 01' the _ upon bohalf of _ Ihe Il1o inIlIumon~ Il1o 1ndIvIcMo~11. 01' Il1o _ upon bohaIf of _ Ihe indMILooIa(l) -. _l1li i1IInlmonL marr.j t t,)y.p.... -'-") -, .........1IIe InIInInonl. flQrl( ZI.G,'rt.II.... .--7.-~ ..........,"'..(. .---:7--"___~~-~ ',,.m';::!li\14 ~~~ U....,..~.;.JI.'" - ~ .~. ~'!:!:"'/r...'bUr. ~''::'''uir'-''''-'' . '''''\,')'!'\~IC:. '3-,;,:.IcI!naw\''X:t ...... ,....0; ",.. ....." No. (,1170:.-' 'n",.,. 1..",.I,)I.!E~.,.~,,; r::..:"'..Yi:Cou.1l ...._~..... ... ........,~:CcI.':'I~ r.... Ex;llre:: 0<1,.'; .i~ rl... E...,<o Oclob>rZl, ~ Z-(, 11...(,. IlCKNOWlEDGIIENT FORM FOR USE WITHIN NEW YORK STATE ACKNOWI.EDGMENT FORM FOR USE 0lJTSIDE NEW YORK STAn: OM.Y: OM.Y:(OuIofSlall"'flnGn___I...a~) )11.: STATE OF NEW YORK. COUHTY OF SUFFOU< On the lily of 2005, _..... the undelllgnod, peIIClf1Illy Ippeared .he ..-os -. 10 Il1o foresOllll .._nt. WIllI whom I om pononlllly __, who being by me duly IWClIrI, did.-- Induy IIlat heIIheIthey rwsIde(l) In }II.. (~- with SfsI8. Coun/Jy. flDwinoe.,.~:On the cloy of 2005, boIonI...1IIo unde~. peIIOIIIIIy oppeMId paI1Ol1IIIy -. ID me or ~ ID me on the basis of NliIfIcloIy _10 bo the IndIvidUl/(l) _lII/IlI(l)" In)_1D the - -- .... "'*'-IIdged ID me Ihal heIIhoIlhoy......... the -1n--~~....l/IaIby--~I)on Il1o Inatrumort.IIIo ~Il, 01' Il1o _ upon _ of_1IIo __iIll) _. ......... Il1o -. .... I/IaI _ individual -___the IIIIdIrIIgnad Inllle (If the p/at:a at _ is in . city, _ /hi sIToIIl end _ """""'" , 1/1)', /IIIIlIoI}; theI he/ahaI!hIY "'-II) .... to bo Ihe __ _ In IIld who executed UIe fongoing inIInonenl; theI said IlIbIcIibIIv -. woo plUInt .nd.... Slid _ t/I8 lime; ond IhaI IIIid _I II Iha same lina "_ h_helrlllll11l(l).._......Io. (_t/I8c1/y.,._~_end/lla_.,.CXlIMIIIy..._ place lhfI_l~ t1lJ""'" ....1aIcan}. Bargain and Sale Deed Wllh Covenant Agalnat Grantor's Acts TItIa No. ,,')S'-s- ~11 DISTRICT SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNlY OR TOWN 1001 002.00 02.00 003.001 OF SOUTH OLD THOMAS SPURGE and ANDREW WlTUN TO EAST END LAND BARONS UC IE...... E.~'O L.I\"'''' ~,.., I....C ~c.. S"'...-b"''''c,I '-If "'~.t:..NI'r N'{ /I? ,? RF:T'URN BY MAli. TO ~TT~~l\E' ESe, P. 50 33\ P nie, Y 958 (631) 765-3535 .. -. ~ Number of pages TOKKHNS I Serial # CenificalC # Prior Clf. # Deed . Mongage Instnllnelll Deed' Moftt!age Tax Stamp 3 FEES Page' Filing Fee Handlillg ~. .lliL TP-5114 Notl1ion EA-52J7 (Cc,untyl Sub Towl EA-~217 (Stalel R.I~T.S.A. .-- - ~ Comm. uf Ed. :;. .!!!L Afl1davit Ccnilied Copy Reg. Copy Sub Total Olher Grund TOlal 4 Dislrk,IOOl Section 002.00 Uluck 02.00 Lot Real Propeny Ta., Service Agency Verificaliun ,- __ - . _" _.n _ .__ ~~ 1001 ~~ 00200 0200 003001 6 Satisflll'ti<lIIlDischargcslReleasc Ust Propcny Owners Mailing Add~ss RECORD & R.:n;RlIi TO: SCOTI DE SIMONF.. [SQ. P. O. Box 233 Prronic, NY 11958 RECORDED 2005 5ep 19 11l47:~ AM E~rd P.Rooaine ClERK OF SUFFOU: COUNl'r' L 000012409 P 919 DTI 05-07206 Recording' Filing Stamps Mongage AmI. \. 8usic Tax 2. Addhiooal Tax Sub Tutal SJlIlC. , Ass;.. or Spec.' Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Tuwn _ Dual ("..ounty _ Held for Appointment_ TrdnsferTax ~ao Man.~ion Tax The pn.pen co\'ered by this mOlgag( or will he mprl1ved by a une or I family dwe ing unly. YES or NO If NO. see a opriule tax c1au!le on page # of Ihis instrumelll. 5 Consideratiun Amoum CPF Tax Due Improved Vacant Land .../ TO 10 TD TO 7 Title Company Information Co. Name Stewart Tide Insunnce Co. TItle # 25-8-0999 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms pan or the unached Bar28in and Sale Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made b} THOMAS SPURGE and ANDR[W D!:(TLlN The premisis herein is shunted in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO EAST END LAND BARONS 1.I.C .. In the Township of Southold In Ihe VILLAGE or HAMLET uf Greenoort Rnl(\>!l' THROllr.lI II Mll.o;T RI' TYPlOn nlll'RINTI'n 1'-1' 1-11 ArK INK ONI Y PRlnR 1Yl RPrnllnlNfl OR J:;IIINr. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICB RECORDING PAGE Type of Xnstrument. DBEDS/ODD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0097742 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-07206 Recorded: At. 09/19/2005 11:47:43 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012409 919 District: 1001 Section: Block: 002.00 02.00 'lZYlUaNBD AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS $205,000.00 Lot: 003.001 Deed AmoUDt: Received the Po11owing Pees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Hancl1ing $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $165.00 NO TP- 584 . $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CCIIIIIII.Pres $2,600.00 NO Pees Paid $2,842.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER. 05-07206 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine COUDty Clerk, Suffolk COUDty . - ,,- --,,-------- PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.Orps.stat8.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 FOR. COuNlY use ONLY C1. 8WIS Code C3. _k PROPeRTY INFORMATION 11.? -? i f1,~ 0/ I I tZl' <! I ti'JI v.. ~ '-- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C2. 11m Dood R-.d STATE Of NEW YClRK STATE SOARD Of IlEAL PROPERTY __ RP . 5217 .~I'''' JIn ,. PnIporIy I '--- 311 Bridge Street Ii:...'..... ",...,,..,........ Town o~ Southold CIl"fOl'TOMI Greenport VllNJl' 111944 Dr COOl 2-_ - EAST END T.AND RARONS T.T.C l.AITtWC'~ NIT HAW I.MI.....'~ .....- 3. T.. IndicaI8wt.r.futw.T.. Bill IN ID boecnl 1 _III lfadwrlMn~"''''''baaomofform). ........ LAS' "tMlL/l.QIII'AIl,'r ~"I 'lM1r. ..I.-tho num......_ RoY........._.. tho_ I. cnv OR-cw. I . of Percol. OR D Pan: of . Parcel tr~Tt zrCOl.f. S.fIlt'NUUKn"''Cl~M'C 5. Ilood LBI!2 Property ,.llOtol"'" - Ixl "'1""1 lOR I . . n . ':I . -- IDoIyWPM...__..__ oIA. Plomre bod wl1h _....... _ bloIo 0 ... Su_ Ai>PnMI- Roquired... T_ 0 4C. PI... AppnMd for So...... .1eIon with MIp ProvktId 0 WITLIN .A1T~/tnIII'NI'r TltR~S ANDREW -,... I. ..... - SPURGE LAS' IUW IClJll/MW A~ Ono FomiIy_1 R 2 Dr 3 f.mlly "-IdMlllI C _U.I VotOII\!.oncl I) Non Rald.rm.1 V-=-rt L8nd I SALE INFORMATION I "._-- Il~ Agrlcuttu... ~ Curnmon:lol G _ " ErwUirvn"'_ I ~ Cammunily _ J _..I K P"bic_ L FeIR.l _tho_____ .. Ownerlhip Type II Condominium .. _ ConIlruction on V.....!.oncl ,M. "'-'" l-.d wl1hln on A;rIcullurol Dill... ,..~_.__i_ Iha1Iho_IIlnonAe__ o o o o 7. CbMIIl: thI ba below wNIIh ..- ..'IIu....... ~ the ... of.. ......., .-: III....... at -- 12. Date of ....I T......III' A - I 1:1 "" I no; v_ 11. Qeck OM or ..... Gf __ _........_ _....... t:D....r.r: /\ s... BItweMl ~ or Fomwr RUtivts n 511111 Batwoen RalafiDd Compunlw ar ~ In 8ueInaI C OlIo 01'" IIuyoro II .... . SoIIor D Buvor or Sollor. Govor........ Agon<y or Londlng _ution E Coed Type II1II Warrln!y or Bargain -.d ilia ISpadfy 8atcJw) I' Solo 01 F_lorr.-1han Foo _ __I (; Slur.".... Chango In "-" _ T_ SUtuo .nd Solo Ooloo H s... of Bulineu II IncludMt In s... Priat I 0Ih0r Un....... F_.. AIIKMg Solo PrIco ISpocIfy SoIawt J - 4 - I 25 I 05 Dr&)' TN' 11. FUI .... Price a.. {j)B.n .0 ,n, 0, U I , , . (full Sill PriclII the tnIII-.nounI PIlei for the propcrI.. tnduding personal property. Th. paymenI may be in the form of cuh. alhlr propIl'Iy or goods. or die -.umpllCJft ur martg8gUI or othor obIiption.., ",... ffNItd to ".,,..,. """* dol,., MJOUnL '.._.........01_ I ,0 , 0 . 0 I ___In...._ . ASSeSSMeNT INFORMATION. Data should roflocllllo I..... Flnol _mont Roll.'" Tox Bill _V_oI' -.~--IO.4 117 T__V_IaI..........._1 whim InIonnItIDn .... . :~ I ""; G t ,I.",-a- ~./.U ,.........__ I reenpor ; , ? ~ n nl , 2ll. T..Mopw..-.IIl/RoI_I....._.... ____ _.11 1001-002.00-00.02-003.001 .A6O'1" ~.J)&e'Oa...e2..e&3AOr I I ceRTIFICATION I I conIfy ........ "'...."'- "'...... .,- ........ on ......... Oft............-. .ta.... bell '" 01)' ................. beUcI) ... I ......... ..... ... -.. "'''''1 wtIftd 11M _ "'.........,... __ ....1lII>Jo<l....... __ rlb....J..., _................. ~ rI_""'-'- Il!XE!l BUYER'S ATTORNEY --;) . ~ /H_~-V-" ~.- I 81i'1105 ~""':ruN. PrAlL 3' JAl4tJIW.,,"", L.J.,. STNIT~II .'....''-''ftW'UlMLQ DeSimone ...T_ Scott ,...- ",.Ar.aat 765-3535 ...- ...... 631 MJ"GhIJ/1r AJ.'f. CII~ (HI IUWto ITATI ~~ ............- f II7~" ""COl'l' NEW YORK STATE COPY 8/19-/05 DA" ,.