HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12409 P 920 -, IOO} -)~ :)-3,;< L/}Lf6q IlIrg.oln IIId sa,lI Doed wiIh Covenanls 8llainot Gllnllll'l AclI, IndIvIduII 01 Colpcntian (SIngIo Shoot) f q 2. \) ~LTYOURI.AWYER BEFORE SIGNING lHlS INITRUIIENT-1IlI81N8TRU1lENT1HOULD BEUlEDBYI.AWYERS ONLY . THIS INDENTURE, made the 11. day of ~t. , Two Thousand and Five Between THOMAS SPURGE _Idlng at a NtIw Mill Road, Smlthtown, NY 11787, and ANDREW WlTUN, _Idlng at 10 Holdlr Pilei, 2G, Follllll HIlla, NY 11375, party of the first part, and NY 11738. EAST END LAND BARONS UC, _Idlng at~ 4wnIl8rfIlPlling)lille, .3(.. :s.v ,,,....1:)....,., c.l L. A Nnt!..IJSC1T IJ'"( In,? party of the second part, Wltnaaeth, that the party of the first part, in c:onsideralIon of Ten 00IIan 8I1d other valuable consideralion paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and IllIease unto the party of the second part, ilia heirs or Sl 'CCellSOlll and asslgns of the party of the second part forever, SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED BEING AND INTENDED TO be a portion of the same premisa8 conwyed to the party of the first part herein by deed elated 121912002 and recorded on 1212712002 In Uber 12227,cp. 230. Together with all right title and interest, if any, of tha party of the first part In and to any sInlels and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof; Together with the appunenanc:es and all the estate 8I1d rights of the party of the first part in and to said premisa; To Have and to Hold the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and asslgns of the party of the sacond part forever. And the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part hall not done or suflenld anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whlllllver, except as al'orMaid. And the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and wig hold the right to racelve such COI18id8l8lion 85 a trust fund to be applied IirsI for the purpose of paying the cost of the impllMll1lellt and wll apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvament befOle using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as If it raad "parties" wh_r the sensa of this Indenture so raquiras, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the firsl part has duly executed Ihls deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: -f2 ';-.. ," Stewart Title 'InsurancQ C~mpany' _. . ". lll1tNa: 25:S-0999B " , . .. Schedule A Description . .' (AMENDED 011/11/1005) (AS TO LOT 003.001) \ . ALL 1hat catain plol, piece orpan:cl ofland lying and being at Grecnport, Town ofSoulhold, CountY of Suffolk and Stale of New York, known as and by lot 2 as shown 00 a certain map entitled, "Subdivision Map of Property aI Bridge Stra:I" filed'07/1412005 as File.1t 11285, Abstract No.. 155 19A, and being bounded and described as follows: ' BEGINNING' aIlhe comer fonned by the intersection of the southerly side of Bridge Street and the westerly side of Sterling Place distant 89.50 feet westerly to the lnIe point ofbeginning; RUNNING !HENCE South 1'1 degrees 24 minutes 20 seconds East, 103.35 feet; , THENCE South 73 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds West, 57.32 feet; THENCE North 16 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds West, 103.99 feet to the southerly side of Bridge Street; THENCE along the southerly side of Bridge Street, North 73 degrees 47 minutes 00 seconds East 56.36 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. " I TOGElliER with all right,'title and interest or the party of the fITS! part, in and to the land lying in the street in front of and adjoining said "",in.iRS. 'I " , USE ACKNOMEDGAENT FORM BELOW WITHIN NEW YORK STATE' USEACKNOMEDGMENTFORMSELOWWITHINNEWYORKSTeTE' OM. V: OM. V: , STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUffOLK )sa.: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOIJ( )u.: On'" IL dayof AuaUll. 2005, on... ,I.- "'<1 AugUll. 2005, __ me, ... underIIgned. pMandy IIIpl111ll!Cl __.... ... undotIIgnod. _..-y ~ THOMAS SPURGE ANDREW WITlIN ........, _ID.... or..-ID me an Ihe ~... <I oaIisfIICl1Xy __ perICNiIy _ ID .... or ..- III .... on ... _ of _Iodxlry III t. .... nllvId." _ .....'10 (118) .."',,_ ID ... _ -"'ID t.... -....) -...(1) 10 ("I_Ill the inIInnIonI MIl KIuIGIOIIdgod ID me \hlIllIeIIheIlhoy e_ ... ...... In _ ............ .nd ........l.dgld ID ....1IIot heIIh8/IIley_tho -- c:opoc:Iyf..), II1d 11111 by _1Ihoir Iignliul1l(.) on... _In -..- C8p8CIIy(iIII, end t/III by h__ligl1lllln(l) on inolrumInl. the nllvIdue~.), or the peIIOII upon _ <I ""'Ich'" the InIlIument. the ~~ or ... _ upon _ of _ ... indMdullo(.) _. ..........the InIln1ment. ~ _. ..........tho InItn.rnenI. ~h_~~"",.~..~~\:-:ZIlol..t~ ~ft v-':---~- -- Lt.r.m'7r",ZiM_ c.....,..) ..~,,--~<!.> fJJwYol/k "A"lY~~ CJc::::::::~;,:yr\"';r,~":,,.rl'~""k 1m ~1zr.!:.14qr'l7 Clll1"~ Co""I. ;10'"" ...t,:.:,." 5'~1.:l oIlIow ~0:Ic ~', ,'" .:' c....." ,,"';'- 1\" Tlrm EJp:a CJac;C3I' 2:1. _ ~'c. .''IIAM!I54i" Q,eJlk CGdnIj' 1, . .!~. .1::. .J. a,...., Ttf,of>pnoCclol>orl!3. _.I....~ ACICNOWLEDGAIENT FORM FOR USE WITHIN NEW YORK STATE ACKNOWU!DGMENT FORM FOR USE OUTSIDE NeW YORK STATE OM.V: OM.V:(QI"'SlIIeor",""""s.-erAda...II,-~ )sa.: STATE OF NEW VORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK on.... ..,of 2005. before me. the underIigned. ~ appellOd the IIUIlIcrIlIng _ III ... faregoIng InstrumenL wIIh whom I om poqonoIIy _"'"""-1, ""'" being by me duly owarn, diI.-- MIl IIY lheI I1eIIIhoIlhey ruide(.) In )U.: lComp1l11 _ with SlIIe, QuIOy. PlIMIIce or~) On the .., 01 2005. -..... the undeIIlanod. ..........,_rId _1Iy - III me or ..- to .... on tho _ <I ......"'ooy -- ID t. ... ~I) _ name(11 II (Ire) ~...._ ID the - inIlnInonI Ind ....1CllIlIocIged ID me t/III ~ eo.cuIIlcIlhe _In hiIIIlIrIIheIr~),lI1dtl1ll by -oIgl1lllln(l) on the InIlIument. the 1ncIvIduII(o), or Ihe _ upon _ <1_ the ~) -, .....-I the inIInIrrlod. IIIlIlhoIouch _ _ouch __thoundMlgnedlnlhe (i/1Ire p/IDe at_ is In e c/Iy, incIutIo ItIo "",.rlnd _ numIlIr. , 1IJ'f. IheI8dj; lheI hoIoheIthoy know(ll to be the __ _ In II1d who e.....lId tho farego01u InstruInonI: t/llluid~_WII_ntlndl8Wllld ...... Ihe lime: end l1li1 IIId ........ II l1li same line _ _.....(lI)..._IIIIroID. <_lIIe alyor_po/ifiDI/ ,,-.- and lire _ or DDUtII1y or_ p/IDe lIIe .........wr.-.... fIIcMJ, Bargain and Sale Deed Willi Covenant Against Grantor'& Acts Title No. .2 S. '5~ oq "1''10 THOMAS SPURGE and ANDREW WITlIN DISTRICT SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN 1001 002.00 02.00 003.002 OF SOUTHOLD TO f;_r ~.... L""..... 6A-~o""',. (,4<: 3~ SN......~,.,c.1 t,.,,..,, "'~~"NS..r "''I 1I?t.? RF.1VRN 81' AWL TO S :E;ONE. i60. P. .Bo ~ n 11 631 765-3 35 EAST END LAND BARONS LLC Number of pages TORREN RECORDED 2005 Sep 19 11:47:43 All Eduard P .llOIlaine ClERK CF SUFFOlK COUHTY L 000012409 P 920 1>11 05-07207 Serial # Cenifica~ # Prior Of. # Deed . Mortgage Instrument nc..'tI f M.lI1gage Tn.\ Slamp I'EES Rcconling f Filing Slamp!' 3 Page f Filing Fee Comm. of Ed. S. ..!KL Mortgage AmI. J. Basic Tax 2. Additiunal Tax Sub TOlal Spec. I Assil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appoinl nl ._ Tr.1Dsfer Tux ....: '18'0..--:-- _ Mansion Tux Handling ~ .JJlL TP-584 Notation EA-SlI7lCounty) Sub Tutal EA-5ll7 (State) R.p:r.S.A. ~ 4 DislricllOO1 Section Real Propeny Tax Service Agency Verificalion 002.00 Bluck 02.00 Lot The propen c(l\'ercd by Ibis mOlgagl or will be Improved by a olle or I family dwe ing unly. YES or NO If NO. see a prialC lax clause on page # of Ibis ins\nlmelll. allon Fund Affida vii Cenilied Copy Rcg.Copy Sub Total GrollldTOInl_d~~ ' Other 00200 0200 003002 Considerdlion Amounl CPFTnx Duc $_OlwCO---=: Impnl\'ed , Vacanl Land 6 SatisfaclionfDischargcslRelease List Pnlpeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RI:."URN TO: SCOTT DE SIMONE, ESQ. P. O. Box 233 Peconlc, NY 11958 TO TD TO 7 Title Company Information Co. Name Stewart Tille Insurance Co. lllle # 25-8-0999 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms pan "f .he :llIuchcd Rnrnaln and Sale Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMF.NT) made b> THOMAS SPURGE and ANDREW WITLlN The premisis berein is situuted in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ". TO EAST EN!) LAND BARONS I.LC In Ibe Township of Southold In Ibe VILLAGE or HAMLET (If Greenoort Rn1{I'C: Ii THRnt Ir.H II MIIST RI'. TYPFn OR PRINTI'n IN RI.ArK INK ONI Y PRIOR m RI'rnRnlNr. nR "" .INr. 11111111 1111 11m 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGE Type of Instz:ument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber : 05-0097742 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER: 05-07207 Recorded. At. 09/19/2005 11.47.43 AK LIBER: PAGE: D00012409 920 Deed Amount: Section: Block: 002.00 02.00 BXAMINBII AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $205,000.00 Lot. 003.002 District: 1001 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Bxempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Camm..Pres $2,600.00 NO Fees Paid $2.842.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-07207 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk., Suffolk County PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRtJCTlONS: http:// www.orps.slate.nv.us Dr PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COU!I1Y USE ONLY . CT. SWIS CcN!e REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT 1S','7J,!?,O'/1 11 r~ C2.o.mllMd~ I B!i to! /~~-, ... C3._ 1/,.1. ~~7"IC4.'-1 . r,.2,,t:)1 '". . -", PROPERTYINFOR~TION STAn Of _ YDfU( ITAn ICARD Of IlEAL PRDPE~111ERYICES RP - 5217 1lf-IJ17lktJln ,. "-I I 'Bit... (4)"~ LocatIon IIIM'...-.. I1'IlUT tMMI! ....~~ ~"T"I<J D ~b 2.= ~U ~ Lj/f'J.)7> ~I I II "f1t( I ...- L lAIT NAMl/COW'ANY 1 T.. 1nIfIcI&t....'UlurtTexBm..tobeunl I III"'. K __ buve. _I_ _ of fonnl . - I ~ U-E Nib,Lr ...... B~,vsl . L'-e. , 'MTIUlNI: I ""'" .... &Al1__'~ rlll.NoWl .. IndicIII the......... 01 A__ -.nI _ ""-__001 on...._ CfTVOlITOMI , I I of PlFC811 OR 0 Pan: all Parcel ITAR ~COUI. tI'TIlIEET .....IIIAIiGImIEIT NoUIt 5.Dood I '1"~xi' :::-'" PIlQN'I Pill S.pu.e~~ IAIT ~ 1CCMWft' DEPTH IORI """. .. IOnIy . ....,.. . '- - . ..... opply: 4A. ~ BoIrd W\It1 " brMlian Authortry EaiIII 0 &Su_ AppnwaI_IIoqul....1oI T_ 0 Co hnaI ApprwId far c.,......JIWan with Map Provided 0 ..- Homo fl.IDIH II-S -.- '~.J'T'-'~ LQThAW/COMlIAt.... A,...'t>&o~c.v .....- 7. CbIck th. box .... whkh mut __..... dncrtb.. the .... of the prOI*IJ _1M 1m. at ..... '1Fu11_...... , Q.. O,S: {!)O. 0,0.0 I , , . (Full SaIl Prk:a lithe ~ Ift'lOUI\1 paid for 1M property Including pnonlJ property. Thll paylYllftt "'IV bIIln lhe Iorm of CIIh. 0Iher praperly 01 gooda. Of IhI ......,nPlion of mortglgll or other obUpllona.' f'fINIA round to me,."." __ dG/J. MIGUItt. -... -_...... oppIy: .. 0wn0rs/lIp Typo 10 CondornlnIwn E~ "';cul"'" I ~ Communllv SIMco .. - ~ on V.....1.ond I' CammordoI J........ioI 'IA._LacoIIod_..~oI_ (; _ K Publlc_ ,...__.___ H E.._nl/Amu-.. I. _ ........_ioio..AgriculIuroI_'" 11. CMaII. au Dr ..... cI_ ~ ..... ......... ID-""": A ____or__ II Solo _ _Iod ~Ioo or Ponnono In B......... e Dno ol 1110 IIuyoIo 10 _ 0 Sollor D Buyer or Sollor 10 Gon....,~..Aoon<Y or Londlnglnotitution E Dood Typo nol W"ranIy or IIorgoin ond 5aJo ISpoolly BoIowl F s.teolFr_lort.o.""'nFoo-...lSl>ocIfy_, o S1g_' Chango In "-"" _ T........ SIMu. ond 5010 _ II 5aJo ol _...10 Incl.-In" Price I Olhor Un_ F_ -.. 5aJo Price lSl>ocIfy BoIow1 J o o o '0 A~ Dn..F....lly__ B 2or3F__ C _VOCIIl\Lond o Non p--1.l_..... VIcInt lMd 'SALE INFORMATION I n. __ Dolo .it I~ 1 IJ~ y YN' '2._"_/T_ 51'1 1'- / Uf""1 ....... 0., v... '..._1110.................1 1 . II ,01 ............. In ... .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Doll should reflOCllhtlllHl Finli_umonl Roll Ind Tox Bill ,.. :: .:...,..;;. Roll..... It>, 4, n. T_ _ V_Iol oU ......In _ I : '......._CIMO 'l:.J.J-u ,..__.......1 altEEIJPDI&:r 20. T......._/RoII_Pl.....__.._____.1I ; ; 2 (. D .~ I , I 'ool~ Oo'1..C:U:>>-O'2..oo - oo3.oo~1 I I CERTIFICATION I I cor1Iry thoI 011 '" 1Iw...... '" _,a ......... ...1hIo...... _ lna!_ ........ lla I""..... .. my _....... uad _ .... 1.-...... .lull'" moIdllJl al'1II)' wIIIIId ..... _ "'.............. ....... wi! aubjrd mo ..1lIe .....w.m. '" ,... nmullow ........ 10 tIIo 0DaIIIntl 0IId IIIIqr or..... ............. BUYER SUYER"S ATTOllNEV ?~Lfj-- I !I~r ::lL 1 .r~6f"'~ ~'NUNKn a"".INAlCW1tllIALlI as,_",C- I.Ml ~wr s ...".,.. -.- 1.a31 _coot 74("- 313,{" 1I11PMON1 NUIIIHl . 1 Mt('. StAn: I(~) ""COOl! ,. "1,,,/.1' .... NEW YORK STATE COPY ~ \.