HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12375 P 736 . Ib61-1-5'~I( - : .;~ , 1d-.:)7) {')(,;, BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORMSrnn CAImON: TIllS AGREtMINr SllOIJlJl lIIi PRP.PARP.D BY AI< ^'I"I'ORNEY AND REVIEWED RY A1TORIIEYS fOR SElllR "''liD PUii:1IASER HEI'ORE SIGNING, THIS INDENTURE. mad~ the 'J,.-$ day oC' February, 2005 between ERIC RUSSELL and SUSAN RUSSELL, busband and wife, residing all43 Fourth St., Glftnport. NY 11944 party oC the first part, and RICHARD ALBERT JOHNSON IInd LAURA SANTISI.JOHNSON I i!t $. hCJs,t and a//4 t.U ,.{i:z. residing al 440 Wesl 4411I St.. New York, NY 10036 . party ofthe second part. WITNESSETH. that the pany of the first part. in consideration of Ten Dollars and other lawful cORsid~raIion, lawful money oflhe United StaleS, paid by the party of the seeond part. does hereby IlflIIIt and release unlO the party of the second part, the heirs or suecessors aod assigns of the party oflhe secORd pan forever. ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildinp and improvements theroon erected, situate, lying and ~ing at Greenporl, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York. SEE SCHEDULF. 'A ' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF ~ grantor herein is the sam~ person as th~ gntRt~ in Deed dated 12f.!6I00and l'Cl:orded 1125/0rin Liber 12098 page 920. TOGETHER with 1111 right. title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises lO the ecnter lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appunelUlnces and all the estate aRd rights ofthe party of the first pan in and lO said premises, TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unlO the panyofthe second part, the heirs or successors and assigns ofthe party of the second part forever. AND the pany ofthe first pan. covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered an)1hing whereby the said premises have been eneumbered in any way whateVer, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. in compliance with Section 13 ofthc Lien Law. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the considel'lltion for this cORveyancc and will hold the right to receive such consid~rntion as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of pa)ing the cost ofthe improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost ofthc improvement before using any pan of the total oflhe same for any other purpose. Thc word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so ~quin:s. IN WITNESS WIIEREOF. the pany ofthc first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrillen. ~f-- EIQ SSELL ~~~ S SAN RUSSELL .-'" .J KYSIIA Raidenliol RnI_I'onns...lluIDocs' (91001 Cllp)'ripI C.,...tI' DomIopm<ftI -1- ..... __.f",. STATEOF NEW YORK ) ) 55.: COUNTY OF' SUFFOLK ) On the ZS.~ay of Fcbruary. :!OOS, before me, the undersigned, personally appeared ERIC RUSSELL aDd SUSAN RUSSELL, personally known to me or proved 10 mc on the basis of salisfac:tory cvidenc:e to be the individuals whose names llR subsc:ribcd to the within instrumentl1lld IIl:knowledged to me that they executtd the same in their capacity, and that by their signatures on the insb1Iment. the individuals. or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted. executed the insb1lment. Nt:::iZ~ KAREN J. HAGEN NOTARY PUBUC. State 01 New "'rk No. 02HA4927029 , ,I Cullllfied In Sullotk Co2Ut~ .t'O Commll8klD ExpIt8& March . - DEED RUSSELL Seetlon 007.00 Bloek 05.00 Lot 015.000 County or Town SUFFOLK Title No. To JOHNSON Return By Mail To: ABIGAIL WICKHAM, ESQ. P. O. BOX 1424 MATTITUCK,NY 11952 Reserve This Soaco For Ule or Reeordinl! Office :-IYSDA Rnidcnl1olll<ol Eswe ~........llodlo<l' (WlJlI1 Cnpyri.... ('0p50ft" D<\"dopmcnl -z. - - - . .- SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION AMENDED 02/22/05 ALL that certain plot, piece Dr parcel Dr land, situate, lying and being In the Village Dr Greenport, County or Suffolk and state or New York, being a part or Lot Number Forty Eight (48) conveyed by Nathaniel Corwin, Sidney L. Grlffin and J. Wickham Case, Commissioners In Partition to Jonas Smith and shown on a certain map of the Wiggins Estate, dated May 19, 1853 and ftled in the OffIce or the Clerk of the said County of SUffolk; said part or said lot being more particularly bounded and descrlbed as follows: BEGINNING at the comer formed by the Intersection of the southerly side of Clark Street and the westerly side or Fourth Street; RUNNING THENCE South 07 degrees 17 minutes ~O second West along the westerly side or Fourth Street, 50.00 reet to a monument and land now or formerly of Stephen L. Clarke; i THENCE North 82 degrees 41 minutes 10 seconds West along said land now or formerly or Stephen L Clarke, 166.12 reet to a monument and land now or formerly or Brenda L. Miller; THENCE north 07 degrees 17 minutes 45 seconds East along said land now or formerly of Brenda L Miller, SO.OO reet to the southerly side of Clark Street; THENCE South 82 degrees 41 minutes 10 seconds East along the southerly Side of Oark Street, 166.12 feet to the comer at.the point or place or BEGINNING. . . ALTA owner's Policy (10-17-92) :e ~2 J Number of pages TORRENS Serial # RECORDED 2005 I'Iar D9 01:54156 PI'! Edward P.Ralair>> CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUIffi' L 000012375 P 7J6 DT' 04-31971 Certificate N Prior Clf. N Deed I Mortpge Insuument Deed I MortPie Tax Slimp FEES Recording I Filing Stamps 4 Pagel Filing Fee MortPlo Amt. Handling TP-S84 I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax NOlation Sub Total EA-.'i2 17 (County) EA.S217 (Slllle) R.P. T.S.A. Reg. Co,Py . Other Sub Tolal SpecJAssit. Or Spec./Alld. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Hold for Apportionment _ t Transfer TBit ,J ? M .PJL Mansion Tax _ Tho property covered by this mortPie is or will be Unprovod by a one or two family dwelling only. YES orNO_ If NO. leo appropriate tax cia eon _oflhis instrument. _ Sub Total Comm. of Ed. .'i~ ..~ Affidavit Certified Copy \ GRAND TOTAL I Real Property Tax Service ApIcy Verification Dist. . Section. B lock _ _. . _.Lot ...--- - . .-. _..- --. - -- , I 1001 00700 0500 015000 Slamp Improved i Oate Inilials 7 SatisfactionstDiscliirgoslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Addros RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacanl Land ABIGAIL WICKHAM. ESQ. P. o. BOX 1424 HATTITUCK. NY 11952 TO --'0 TO TO 8 Title Company Information Co. Name COMMONWEALTH Title # RJI 9 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page fonns part of the attached DEED mad. by: (SPEaFY TYPE OF INSlRUMENT) ERIC RUSSELL AND SUSAN RUSSELL The premises hClein is situated in SUFFOLK OOUNlY. NEW YORK. SOUTHOLD TO RICHARD ALBERT JOHNSON AND .a..AUN\ !A14IISI-J611l~3eH In the TOVWlShip of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES S1HRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PR/NI'ED IN BLACK INK ON!.. Y PRlOR TO REOORDJNG OR FILING. IOVERI 111111111111 Hili 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 1m 1111 111111111111111111111 ~II SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK BCORDS OFFICE BCORDING PAGE Type of Instrument I DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Page.: 4 Receipt NUmber : 05-0025015 TRANS PER TAX NOHBERI 04-31971 Recorded: Atl 03/09/2005 01154156 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012375 736 Deed AmouDtl Section I Blockl 007.00 05.00 BXAMINBD AND CHnGBD AS FOLLOWS $675,000.00 . . . " LotI 015.000 , Di.trict 1'-' , 1001 page/Filing COB BA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax l'o11owiug Fee. For Above Iustrument .,..~t NO NO NO NO NO NO $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $2,700.00 Hand.1ing NYS SRCHG BA-STATB Cert.Copi.. SCTM COIIIIll.Pre. Fee. Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10,500.00 $13,352.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO 'Received the TRANSFER TAX NDMBBRI 04-31971 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P. RoIIIaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRML.Y WHEN \/\/llmr;ji:i-oN FoifM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.S181e.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS ~ I ~ ~,.1 ,It ,~,/ I . W ~.I REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C2.___ I e,?',?! ,Orl Y..r C3. _k I ,/..;1., ? ''?' STC4. ,,-I , '7.3 ,6 I PROPERTY INFORMATION STAn lII' NEW YOIIl STAtE IOAIID CII' REAL PROPERTY IIRVICES RP - 5217 ..-..a17 .. JW1 "~1143 ~ 11.",...... Fourth St. II"'~ ~iile!d Greenport ....... 11944 4I:P~ ....v- - Johnson LAlT..-'r;cJM/NM't Richard Albert .-.T ... Johnson LM1' MIII/COWMw I. TM 1ndic:IM.,.. futUN T... 8111 .. to be ~t 8111/ng ,,__......_IIt_oI...m,1 -.... Laurs Ssntis1- ...,..... IAIT NoWI!! I CO'IMVP' ~....r ....... ...,....n Ixl UU'III 10111 '.cnu . I '1'1 ITA" ~~ IOnIy 8 ... .. 0...... Chock. Ihoy oppIy: U. RIMIng Boord wfth Go L.-'\IiIiQn Authorly ExiIla 0 41. ,. b If .iIIon AppravaI.. RlqulfId for TIInIfcr D Co _......... "" WMr_ - Mop - 0 IUliil _"III ANDIIlltU tMIK 4.. IndIcat. tM ......... of ..------.It Roll..... b_..&....4 .n ..... .... cmORTOffN II , of p,wcets OR 0 PI'" of . P.rcel 5'=:- I SIzo 1.- - Russell LMr....../~ Eric -- LAIT NAW rCOlill'AN" SU8Bn ....rlWll: Ru88ell 7. CheI* .... box MIow whIcb moM -.wv cIHcrItn the ... 01 the property .. .he tImII 01 uIe: 12. Dolo.. _, rr._ '2- ,z.s ,OS ...... ... v_ -...- - .Ihoyopplr- & Owrw.hlp Type I, Ccandomnium ~ Communltr' Service .. New CanItrucIIon on V.:.nt UncI J l_rIol _ _Lacolod_onAg_1liIlrlcl . Publ.._ 118.__0__-" I. F.... ........_il..onAg/ll:uloual_ 11. Cheak _.. ~....... ...... . ....... II trMIIIr.: " SIll. BICMtn ReI... or Former,.....,. 8 s.lu BaIweon RallIed CamPi'" or PItInerIln Butinns C One or the Buvars ....., . SlI_ D &uy.r or .... iI <i:U1 .mmlllt AprIcy Of Londing Inltlwdon Ii 0I0d Typo not Worron\'f or IIoI;oIn ond Solo 1Spoc:iIy_1 F &1010 01_ or Lou lhon Foe __ CSpodIy _ G Sog_ CNngo In _ _ T_ SCotuo ond SOilllalos II SaIu of .......... illncoIudId In Sill fIliel I 01.... Unuouof f_ AIfocdng Salo "'k:o 1Spoc:iIy_1 J Nono o o o o ^~ Ono Fomily "._'oJ B 2or3FomIly_' C _V_lMId D _....'V_LAond 'SALE INFORMAnON I "._~...- E~Ag""''''' F -.." G ......... H Entlrtlinmtnt I AnwMment 1 - , 5 ... , 05 Vow 13. Ful .... PrIce 6 7 5 000 , ,.,. O....JIJ , , 0 (Full Sail Price Illho EOIIIII'IIOUnI peid for the prGPI'1Y including plf'1DIIII1 proparty. Thil PIYrnenI rnIy bo In tho form of CIIh, other proptl'ly Of OOOCIL or 1M 8IIIIrnpllon 01 IT1OftUIOU or oNt obf'_Ions.J ",." IOUIId "' Ilia IIGIII'IIIt ... ddJIr MIOIIIIt ,..-...........- I , 0 , 0 I _-.....- 0 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 0111 Ihould _ ....11_ FinolAuoament Rollond Tox Bill ,.. :"01 ~.: from I tJ. 'II 17. ToW ......... V...Cof. ,....In""'" I , ; .~ .1.~ ,(') I , 1&_c-. ,"Z.., 1.0 I-LJ 1&___ ,6rl!./Vlj)(;Iy"j" I 20. Tu MIll IdMtIIertIJ I ReI......... .. man....... four, .... ..... willi ........ .......1aI1 1001-007.00-05.00-015.000 I ---l I CERTIFICATION I I rrnII'y dad . 11I'''' iIImI or IafannatIon "1tItd nn I.... '11III un lrut aad carrtd Uo the IJI!lIf. or.., blMlIdRIr .... beIItfl GDd 11ak~ ... tbat the IIIIIkina ." ~ _II,........ ~.. --.u lid..... .....bjrd _ ID'" DnnWanl ~ 1M .... ... ftfadIq to dltlllllWnK'" ...",,............ ~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY c4--~ - III.....T\lIl;I ry~ I ~ fo-rlf , 'l.lt~/(JJ" Dl.1I I Sr ~.r9eo... ~31 293- 9'353 , 1"a./ll? r . -,- .r"ar""~ ,TIle"...... WI" w., -- 1PI11"'oOM'~ C. A. ~t"".I.M Ny flftJ r cm..~ 1'_" ",aa .BI.WI NEW YORK STATE COPY ~ "'/~cI,r .." \.