HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12221 P 673 " Lf2Zl/ P 01;;, ,. 4 ~~/ DIlI'l'IIIcr 1000 Slla'IOll 106.00 BLOCIl. 09.00 tor Oll6,002 ,. If 'j . " (Db - c; - J', L fb\~ F_ IlOIl2 (9J99). ilOM lIIupi. ... hit Do<4. wilh c.,,,..... ..,iM' Oraolor'. "'... Iodiridoal Of ,,_,...(_. -I CON"" T YOUR LAWYER BeFORE IIONIHO: nus 1N8TflUMENT .. THIS WSTRUMENT ltu'Vn fI De .hI.. RY l atlNlrlat'W!l y .4I'\VANCE ABSTRACT CORP I THIS lNDENTURE, made the I ,~v of' ~ 2002 BETWEEN WILLIAM H. 'l'URNER, JR. and QtQ M. 'l'URNER, res.iding at 1435 west Mill Road, M4ttituclt, New York 11952 piny of dlc til$llllll1. Ind , '^ "'- MICHAEL PSYLtDS and .DIlME'1'ROtlIA psYLtDS,jI\restnng at 1 Pine Drive North, Roslyn, New York 11576 llll11y of lIIe second part, WlTN'ESSB'l'H. tbal tllc party of the filii pIU1. in COllSidelBllon of ICIl dollan and OIber ,'lIIlIablc consideraIlon paid by tbe plrty of lbe second pili. doca bm:~ gWlI and Ililease IIlIlO the pan!' of the ICcond pari, the heirs or SllCCmotI Ind .Higns or dlc pIIIy of the lCCond plrt forever. ALL that certain plot, piece, or parcel of land, witb tbe l:luildi.nge and ~nta thereon situate, lying, and being at M4ttituck, Town of Soutbold, County of SUffolk and State of New York being more particularly bo1mdedand cleacribed as follows: Bl!:GINNING at 1I point on the westerly side of Mill Road where the same is intersected by the northerly boundary line of land now or formerly of William A. Villano and Eileen Villano (George W. IUine and Alice D. Kline) said point being also distant 1350.46 feet northerly frCIII the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Luthers Road with the westerly slde of Mill Road; RI:IilKING THl!:NCI!: frCIII said point or place of beqinning along said land North 72 degrees 24 minutes 00 seconds west 650.66 feet; 'lUNCB North 18 degrees 18 minutes 20 seconds Bast 114.93 feet to the southerly line of land now or formerly of Harold J. Clark, Donna Clark (Gaorge W. Kline and Alice D. Kline); 'lUNCB along said land South 72 degrees 24 minutes 00 Seconds Bast"6J3.~) feet to the westerly side of Mill Road; '\_ :..,.....-' 'I1\ElilCZ along the westerly side of Mill Road South 19 degrees ~ minutes 20 seconds west 175.00 feet to the point or place of Bl!:GIHNING.v' BEDIG AHDlliI'1'lDlDBD to be the _ premises conveyed to parties of the first part by deed dated August 12, 1997 and recorded on August 21, 1997 in L1ber 11847, page 786 at the Suffolk County Clerk's office. ~- J~ ~~ ~... -=-- ~ ~ \.fir U~ k':'{l ~ I g . M~~~ f ~ TOOETHER wllb aU ripI.. ritle lIlId imelllS!. if DlI)'. of rhe part)' of the fillll pan. in and 10 8lI)' S11'CClS and lll8da abUlli1l8111e ~d premises to the celller lines then:of; 100BTHER with lhe lIpPUrtenllnccs and aU IIIe - and rigbIs of Ihe pany of 1m 01'51 pwI in and 10 said pmmiscs; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD 1m ~ lIelllin &nMed IIDll) Ihc pII\y or Ihe second plitt, Ibe bellS or ..lCt:<"SOIS and assl,,,,, of the pany of the second pili f_. AND IlIe pII\y or Ibe filI1 pan CIOWIlIUlIS lbat Ihe pwI)' or Ihe rll'51 pan has 1101 done or sufJ'ellld all)'1hing wlIc1dIy tlle said premises bavc been cncumbcll:tl ilIlIIl)' wI)' whltc\'cr, CXl:CpllI5 aforesaid. AND IIIe pan)' ofllle firs! pan, in compli.1lCC "'ilb Section 13 of the Lien !..Iw, CO\'CIIllOlIlhlllhe Plrty of dlC first PIrt will rec::eiwthe _sidenuion for thi$ conveyaw:c and "ill hold dlC right 10 n:cclve Iuch consider. atioo 8Ii a tn.m fimd to be applied first for the PUI'pOIC Ofpllying tile CIO$t of tile impt\Welllelll and will apply lhe same lilllt to IlIe paymen! orlhe COIl oftlle ;mpro\'t:mcnl before USillllllDY pIIn oflhe tOlal of the same for lIn)' OImr purpose. The word "party" shall be COJISlIUCd lIS If il read ''panies" whcmn-er tm SCllSC of Illls indenture so requires, IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the pII\y of tbe fil$t part bas dol}' =Illcd tm deed fhe day lIIld year rmt above wrillCll. III Pll&8i~Ci OF: ~ C\: X~ ~,' ~,"'__, ~, WILLI1\M H. 'lURNER, JR. J~~? I ~~ .. ".k"....I........... lak... III ... Yorllllala . . - . ,- Slllte 01 New Yolk, Counly of Suffolk , "' . On the I t+' dIly of October . mille yoo' 2002 bolore Ue, \lie undel1llllned. poraonelly appeered oua M. 'l'ORNER pe~nelly known to me or proved 10 me on ltIe belllaof aellataclory eYldence to be ltIe IIIdlYlduel whose name .. subsc:ribed ID lIIe wIIIlln lnaIrumenl and IcknOWledgecllo me Ihet She executed the ..me In her ClIP801!v and Ihet b~ he, .ign...... on tIla tnlllNmenl. \IIelndMduet or \lie ptll'llOn upon behalf of which !he IndlvldualllCled, executed \lie In.!rumenl, -~..~~ Notary c Bl!llHADElTI! IIAOWN. NOT,IJIY PUIUC. 8hft of _ \'DrIl No. O1l1lW1$40l17 Qualllleclln 8ultaIIc ~ Commllslon EIPIrw Ju-~ 3l' ~o "!:. "oknow.....m.... IIf SulllWllllillWllMl1 IlIkln III II. York Itm Slate of New Ylll'I<. Colmly or On the day of . In the yoo, the underaigned. portOnriy eppeorecl tile IUIl6clllllns lJIritneH to the Ioregol"lll_rnem. wilh Whom I 1m poraon..y .oqu.lnted. who lIeillg by me duly sworn. did depose .nd SIIY. Ih8I he#llhel'llHly resldlllslln . b-'or. m*, IlIsl he/lhellhey k_(5) 10 be the Indivldlllll detcIlbecIln llId Wllo executed lilt foF8llOlntIlnslrumenl; lllIl SIIicllUlblcriblnll wilness WIS presenl end 51W said execul8l1le IIlme; end ltIetMld witness elllle ..me lime sUbs(;rlbtld I1lsJlIer/thelr 1l8mO(11- e wlIneu lhllt8lO, ADVANCE ABSTRACT CORP. 560 NORTHERN BlVD. GREAT HECK. NY 11021 &rj\flS;~5& ~ TlI1eNo._ (l) ~ ~ - 'roRNBR TO PSYLtDS Distributed by Chicago Title Insurance Company fU; "oknOWIell..-nt llIken In low Yorllllala . Slllte of New Yolk, CoUnly of , will: On the dIly of .in the P"' lI1e ul'lllerslgnlHl. polSone.y app..rlHI p_aUy known to me or proyed to me on ilia llasl. of letil;factory evidence 10 be tile imIMdual(s) -1llIfII8(1) II (ere) subscribed ID tile within insInImm and eoIuMlo<ll4edged to me thet heJlhellhey execut.d the Hme In hle/h.rllhel, cepecily(lel). .nd thet by hil;lherllhelt .ign......(8) on tIla lnllnlmllnl, the imIMduel(l) or lh. porIOn upon behalf of Which the lndividual(s) acted, executed \he inslrument. . afore me. ...b_I........llak.. oulllld. law Yort a_ .Slllteof Maryland CoY!'lYol ~ I... 'lot Inselt Ihtrtcl of CokImbiI; Teirtta~. or . Foreign Coun!rt) On tho...ll2- "of October . in Ihe 181' 2002 betore me the und....ign.d. pet&onelly appeared WfLLlAM H. TURNER. JR, personally known to me or proved to me on lbe basis of satiSfactory evidence to be Ihe Indlvidu.1 whose name IS subscribed to the within mlrument and aW-ledged to me that he executed lbe ..me in hili C8pt1clty. ltIal by his srgnalllre on lbe Instrument. the IndlYldual or Itle person upon behalf of whlch lbe IndiYIdualacted:, execu1ed Ihe Instrument. and thai such InellY/dual made IIUCIl appearance before the undersigned In lite / 0\ · ~x: I V"'r\() , !J!Id.Ih!!-~ot pollliclll su Ion end the II8Ie or ClllIIllry Of other pIeClt the acknOWledgement _18k8n~ )<..\r\.O.~nQ~ ~ :-cZ:'~::1on &pilei: --:L, d.~ Ci -/ SECTION Me/ta.. A. BelT)' ., ~ BLOCK 51' .JtlOfARV PUBLIC ! .: ! " CMrt County, Maryland ." ., LOT My Commission ExpIres 4124106, " COUNTY OR TOWN ' .~ '. ~ ."\.'."- ~ RETURN BY IIML TO: 0:., :' ,.:' .' " " '.,.~ .- " ,II,.' .,. ", Hichael Psyllos, Esq. 1 Pine Drive North Roslyn, NY 11576 I !:1 , ~ , l;l I 15 W ~ i I!! ." ~ . Il.Ultl4lV'''' -~ . . .' NlldJlcr of pqu , TORRENS ScriIltl _ __ _ _._;-- C<rti_tI ___.._._ !'riot CIf." ... DoH IlIIorIpp I........... .. Pqc I FiliPa Fcc u...d I M...... '..... So..., .'EES Hadl"" TP-S84 NolItion F.A-S2 I7(COImIyl F.A.S217 ISla",} Sub 'fotal R.P.T.S.A. '>.0 O~ Comm. of Ed. 5 !!!!- Afrlllll1li\ Ccrtlfiod Copy Reg. Copy OIlIer SubTotal ORAND TOTAL 5 RnlP 1"11 Servin VerUlcatloD ...., ~.. ., w, I ..... Slim I, Da", Initials 7 SaMcr O~513 1000 10600 0900 008002 t~ RECORD a RETURN TO: . .,.. MICHAEL P. PSYLLOS, ESQ. 1 Pine Drive North Roslyn, MY 11576 8 3 J RE~" LOO2 Hay 25 09:30:30 llIl E~3rd f.Roealne Cl.fRI;; IF. . , SlSFOlK COOIIT'r' ,J.:..'::': L (100)1<'221 p 673 OTl 02-165S0 _......,.,.. Sh.po Mot1II&e ^""" I. Basic: Ta 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpccJAuil. Or SpccJAdd. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town Dual COUIIly _ Held for Apportionment TnmsfetTIIX -.I2r. 6_ MIIIISlCID Ta The pIOpetly covcml by lbls ~ it or will be lmprovccl by . one or lWO f_ily dwelling Dilly. Yr,S _or _NO If NO. ..,., .pproprial.c WI c1_ on ...., /I _ oflbit iASlNmcllL 41 Communi I'ftservltlu had Considcralion Amolllll S 4S CPI' Tax Due S Improved X v.c.nt Umcl_ TO TO TO i) Co. Name TWd 501788F ....'01.1( CouNTV Rt:CORDINC; & ENUONSl!:MIl:Nl' PACK 9 erwr1tera for Thia !>'Ill" fon"" pan of IIIu lI1l8do:d need (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENTl made by: ,,~., , The pt'llPliscs bcn:in is.ilUllcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NF.W YORK. TURNER ; To I" the Towft$hip of Southold PSYLLOS In IIIC V1LI.AGE or HAMLET of Mattituck. BOXU 5 THAll' MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BUc..'k INK ONI.V PlUOR TO RECORDING OR PILING. COVl!lt) ( 1111111 1m IrrI 1111 11111 11111 1I111111YI I II lillI/101m 1111 SUFFOLK comr.ry CLERK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGE Type of :rll..t~t. :tImmS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 TRANSFBR TAX RUMBER: 02.16550 District: 1000 Section: Block: 106.00 09.00 BXAHr.N1m AIm CHA:RGElJ AS FOLLoWS $445,000.00 Rec:orded: At. LISKR: PAGB: 11/25/2002 0!h30:30 AM D00012221 673 Lot: 008.002 Deed Amount: Rec:eived the ll'ollowing Pee. For Above IlI.Btrument ......."Pt NO HlUldUug NO NYS smtC'HG NO B.A- S'l'A'l'B NO Cert.Copies NO SC'l"H NO Coma.Pres Pees Paid $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1,780.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $5,900.00 $7,779.00 Elr-,.t NO NO NO NO NO NO Page/Piling COli B.A-CTY 'rP-584 lJt:PT TrlUl8fer to TRANSFn TAX IftlIIBBfh 02-16550 THIS PMB IS A PART 01" THB INSTRlJK'BN'l' IlIdward P.Romaill.B County Clerk, Suffolk County M___.._.. __. . fOR COUNTY USE ONLY , C1.. SWlS Code . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hit,,:!! www.orps.stntelnY,lJs O( PHONE 1518) 473,7222 c:l.Book II. I ~/7.3 go LV i .2)' '\,}J1.jY' ',,',iy ;l,::;, ;2, I: C4 Pog" L h,ZlJ r;,: '1: . REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT *" \ . . "" ,. . , ~'''~ ~ ~",HPltH.1i"', STATE OF NEW VCR" SiATE WARt) Of REAl PROPERTV SERVICES Cl, Date Deed Re<:orchJd .C?J 1 r-lirJic RP - 5217 PROPERTY INFORMATION Pr1)fX'rty lO(:atio-n 1435 We s t ~1111 RQ ad , ~ ;) Bave.- Name -:f. Ta,; IbUitl\J -- "j;j,c:,lt" W"""" YA. ffTl:~ flm if] ;;._ iF..;'t ::dJrf lY;l)h :"!'ltfl *i&M\~ i,m hi'~n~n d !lNl<i -13i~r;::-i;;::;;;\{i',;:i;0:m;,,;:;;::;;:;;. . 111dk;ate Um number o! A:I5I1tHm&nt Roll partels tunsfttrred on th. dlIed qf F:Vcei~ OR 0 PElf (J iI. Paff;!'l! ,(hi/v if P.lort 0' 1t P"rcdl Ctllw:k M t!~y "4lPf\, -lA. PkI<1H"'1q BYlnl -,'At", s.d~j-V;%fW k)mj{ty E":l!;):< 0 48.. S,ut0 '_',~ii)" .;,riJi'1..W4: Wil'; :P<'J';;iWi'tj fV 'u<<-~dv 0 <<:. F'J'Y", A;;;;pitl\'D(; in. Sdxt,',!l.f.r ',,'(n VJlpr:!cvoded 0 tt. 01l&d PtIQJWn.,. Sizo xi lOll! 2 . 6 2 ;""",,s >F'" 6, Sfilcf N..,... TUlumR liilliam H. Jr. r, Ch:8ilk the bo;.r bflow whfeh most lltflJr4U>ly oll:sctlbK> the ulIoe a-t the pwp.eny!!lXf;l~,!!m'!tl)!u!4!e Chl1<:k the hOll'e& b4tow n tl1-v .ppfy ij, ONNJr..r.,p l)W~'l' (:q'l{1Q"l"'llulll o o o o A~ O~ Filrli\lv i:!:.u;:uMtI:A H lU3i,l"'1>;Il\'1!iiw:w;i" C foleSI\hJ!l!ial\'6CltflllJlmJ IJ Nr:mRcaid;-1I1La; VilOi'll ..J.d"; I~A?i'WI(Vr.tlj r C()f1"nttfoll li Jlfliil1W!l111 II LN",rlilmnklll ' IVmlli~:t":>;Y'1 '.~' . C.'.""""''''.'''''''' Jrc;~..:~1< " , K "\,[l,," S<!r'.c,\." [ "0'1."5: !). ''If:\'< (f:'I~.;~.!IU"n ~>;, V:-";:Hrcl l:F'W 1Q,A. "'OX},;>,!tl bk1':i"J wi;t'!,;. 11'1 AU(<:d!;.tJ;' (JiJlI"it' 108 6"1'1:' '0nri~,'d iJ di:tdv";;"l (XlH;~ 'j,i;J(ltW'il nld! In) Ir'::cller:y If> ,., III' ;"ff,W~!.:\' !)ot'Tci l SAtE li\r-:ORMATlON t 11, $<tie CurrnMt o..w 8 / 22 02 (.YpM ;),.j,'i 'f-t-iiO , a .l.S 0;;1. ~>:N'''' I),,', Y"!I' If 4 1,. Check OM or mew. elf theM ~ditMms it" Ilpp\tceble to tromfN A a: Sii,e Bcrwef;f1 ,~frlm,,~j"l m "";Y'N11' R(1[Mivtn t~ , 5,}lq R;j~W'1""i fr..IJ\ti',{ C(w'tm'Ii?~ 01 t'j,r:h,t:r'$ /1' ,'k8"'>'I"-t (. ~ ;)1", i,flL" Hu)'m'!i "'" ,,;;;"j Snl!vr P ! fi ',w \ J "]Ii ilr ; (;:',,'\:i ."...., , Af-l""f:r"' .}; ,1'''4 ,r'~lltHI!I" 1 R iJf".j '1P(trQtV(Ylrllt''1lr!:!;j''Jj~'iflrJS)h(~jSP.lif.,vfil;,IJW J I Ss!u ,I Fflll'.' 't',<< v U>il~ 'r..u II"" 1"';"""''1' ,1,,,!~ tv Lle..-:.....il f" $ !if' I ;.;tr~ {' 14''';/'' * Pr;otr0'JV e.>t.\=11 Ia>;j,bl. $t1',I$ IF'.! $,4'" :):1:\';( "gH S;.Jt' .11 B 18 ,;f>~t <1; Illo jj,tu./lr :&fflll! P'l;" " Qthl" ,.If Jl',,,ll ;:&'~()N AHri "'19 Soil '" F'111 to :Spn I"" a"liy..,; '.~)fi'" 1Z, Date of Sale I Trllnaf'o&r 1:1 f'vU Sam PiiCt! n" !f,dl S;)if: PUl'e '$ t11~J ,otai Th"'filifVmsIllmil"hflif'l nwrllllloes d :.:rhlb obiigililtltH j 14, Itldke,. tIW val.uo {), ptmro.n~ Pl'Op'e(tvinduoedin. tn.. sat. ASSC$SMlONl 'NmRMAl:ON o - (I, I! '-'~, , . Qat;l $ho:,id rBf,'ecf th~ hl:est F;!ti'lI,<'l,wf~~mfl'1t fh~i: il'lid!(lX Bit: 16, VNr of ASiftfm9f'lt ~J from wflk:1\ ,ni~lrrrl-dtirm lJilium 11 Totilli As."k'I's,sotd Va~~ (of .wI p;I,<>>I, ill t.ans'.rl L 7 7 ll._.D.J ''''''r , lij Prrml(tf\y CiaMl 19, S<""J,j{ O~ttjct l\kutlilOl so 10 liilrt M~p ithlmltie,r.., I ftt:J;ll kU!nurfflrlt:! ftf toiOhl thAn foUr, .nll"h. ilIhoI''' with ;id~ti01l1lo1 identlUlifl!\Jl 1000-106,00-09.00-008.002 I r\.-d fln Jhi~ l(ol'n ..n.- fM.lt' Md ('(jrTlf(t ~jn Ih.. ll\~ or rH.~ kfm...kllgvand ltclil'n and t (llum'!.bmrf thnt the milkiu!1 111 ",Ill -<;ubjn1 fill' I)) lhto jlrQ\~imu;. 0;1' Ihe lWInd lu~ f1:btivt' t(j Ihe HtllkirJ;g imd iUl-"4: of thL-q< Itto;lrume>>fjl, BUVER'S ATTORNEV /10 25 02 Date 10/25/02 lli':T l'SYLlOS Michael P. 1"'~"I'ilM:' ~ili:';f 10.0\",7 ~~"Sf(1 r;, l.!Mr Pin~ Drive North 212 723-6789 "WI> ",n""',,,, i'hfA,;- -'H'i,i'.U',V( 11"HU-;V\;-(^hJMBffl Roslyn NY 11576 ~\ I '';I .:'~ ""k,t\: '~An ;"~'Lo-:)!f :-iEW YORK STATE COpy OLCX"