HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12211 P 634 - ......1iLy~IIPA:I~t4 .....M:liJiiW' ....._..............&~........~.~__.__.,.. .... -........~ ~T \'Ql.':Il ....."""YER IUON: _~ ...... ts:S;l1lUlm\'f.ma wm:llMDTIlIJO(.Il.IJ. USUIIW "'\n'EIlIi . Lt )} II P~3Lf- 11tIS ~, .lIWklhl:,iJl) eIly of Aup$(. two tfljqu!d ad CWfI BETWUH OERALD JOHN JANIS, . ."y' re.sidklg at 1530 Jackson's Landi., ~ New York 11952 .; I .;. pm)' of die Ant pm. w STBPHEN 1: 8UCZAK and SUSAN LYNN BU~K, h~ wife / ~.t v. '" ~ It$idmg at 4'70, Willis Cteek Drift, Maniluclc. New York, I '95~. ~ "" ,.". '. 1<~ " ...~ . . ~ ;0; '''" party oldie SCICclOd pet. "'.lNIII8..lI, lbIt lbopu'fJ oflbo -fill', ..~offClldl:llWs_ ClIlhcr ~I' j .. ,""l\JIIid iii)' lbopilR')' 01* ~ pm." 'IlcrebJ put ucl.a-lIilIIIlJ _ pllUfot_ __ fIII'," Will or __ ucl .....of_~uf___put~. . AU. dlIltl:lllflill_ ~ or pIl'l:d of IaD4. wi&b .. hiI"'" UIlI ~ .lllm: III ~ ...... I~ UIlI "'bllboTownofSoudldd. at~, Cowu:yofSuffolk andStafeofNew Yctk., being 1.01 'I) as $hI:lwQ DlllUbdivi$;ion Map of -Jacbon',l.andq- flted in die 0ffIc:c: of die Octt of dle County of ~k an 3/28/69 &$ MIp .Number S280. being. more paniculatly boudded and describedu rdlowl: BEGINNING at 8. point em Ihc Easterly sldc af .~'s Landil'll where same is I~~by the ltivisloa tlac ba:ween Lol:S 12 and 13 on said mlp: 11fENCE Nonh 01 de:pces 2S mimllD 20 seconds West aIon& the Ca$lCriy side Qf JadcIon's l.anditlI 1'70 feet 10 land now or formerly of Smvens: THENCE Somh 83 ~ 2;6 tJlinUID 00 seconds East aIon& last ~ lmi (6).51 fecllO I.tnd IIIQW orfonncrl.y of Wick: 11fENCS Somh OJ desr= 2S tnimllD 20 seconds East alon, Lvt rnemionecr land 141.S5 feet 10 me divisionllac between U. 12 and J 3 em said map: THENCS South 88 degrees 34 minutes 40 secomIs West alotlIaid division IIac 160 rea 10 the Easterly side of Jac:bon's und.illJ"af the point Of pblcc of BEOlNN1NG. SUBJECT TO~. and ~ in Libel' 6.S32 or Dee<l:s, Pap 19. BBlNG AND INTENDED TO DS the $atM. premises as c:onveyed 10 Ebc )limy of Ebc first PiIlt by deed dared 3122184 and n:cotded lOl3OJ84in Liber 9668 paae 411. T'OClEnIEllW1THalhiatll. ddc:1.IIll....if 10)'. or_ pm)! of *fim pan Ia IlIChulI)' lhIlIlIIIdl'\llllb allaailll_ aI:ItJw ~ ~ ILl d1c ~ 'llilo:$dIcfcof. ~ _ _ """"'''' ... 1. UIlIIIl _ CIlItII1 I.IIll riIIita of the:. put)' of _ finl pattin all! ILl Did ~- to HA VB AND TO HOU> dlej>.. i ~ Jloprill ,lUlled lIilIIIlJ _ JIIl't~ ,If the: lI'lCCl:1Ild pan. 1M kin Of ..~ ud UiIiip of _ pIFIY of _1III:UIId put liamer.. AND -.,my of * fi.. patI~ dwllw lIIIR1 of * fi.. lIIIR11lu lIllC doDe Of ~__ ......~ llw' -~ b.avc: b&lLs -1"llicled ihlllY....., .........a". ~. ~ . AHD * pIItJ of * filii! pat!". io l:'l"'ipIi-- WldI Seaioo I) of lbo U:a lAw. ~ dlu llw pIFIY of die 1M patt will ~ d1ca~limIlv dab~UId 1IiIIhoIcl die. 10 RaiW' 1IiIdI..,,-'" ,....11rIISl (11IIIII ILl trc Wicd filii! lv - fIl!I'PlliI1C of fII1iaIlbo roll oft lbo ~.UIlI will_ _.. he IIO"~ of * 01IiI, of d1c .~._bil_ iIIi:ag IIl1 pin of me IIlIIIl of !be IiIlIIIIIlv 10)' ,...,... n. wont 'JlIl1)' lhatl bit ~. itkR1lll '~'wiJc:t!;V(:t_~ofdlil i~l(l~ IN W'J"l'N!8S WBEIl~.d1c pury of llw finl JIIl't bu dulJ a-llIiI ~ _ day _ ,at' fbaltllm:l wri_ 1~~01I'; CrJP-/--Y (lIlW.D J MHtS. ' I (ni.1 'U" i · ,1,1 . ~1'la t - I I!!. fI' il.lH! · ;fI-l . 1'1 s ..:IIU IJIJ rs rs ~ 1 I .18 .11 ; I Jlthi.l i ,I11n (11111 If;I.. .j'j t J. Jtl'i. i . II, I. fll 1.1' 1, il I ' .. ... I. I I I {I:JII. l!! t ! ... .. .~ IIH --- :Ul!di. il!!} t J i uj J I IlIum, · · ~, i III , III J II! 'b J 1; J II J IJ jj tsl i 1~ ,:ill: o .;i.~ ~ n I ". .- -! . ~ ~~j ld i~~ Nmmbtta(~ TORRENS ScrW/I Cmil!lcw . I'riof Q[ , I. I ] I \ ~(0iI:0 2002 SIp 26 os. or: 15 Pl'l EMrd P.~lne CI.SlIC (If sum:u; COOlm l 0000l22U , 634 OTt O'.Hl87J' . Deed'~.~ ~/F'6tc SIImpS , ileal i'n:lp:ny 1a ~ ~ VtrifllCltlon 0lIL smfOfl U Iod: toI ~ 02034867 1000 lQ.oo OPOO OUOOO ::.. ~ 1 Salls&cl~IIa1ptfRaleuq Un ~l1y Owmn Mlllht, ^ RECORD" liI<<Tt!aNTO: i.uJa.r KQlA.IEY:, ESQ, PO.8D~ 0303 &nNNUIF, IVV 119.!JS" .~ I Flfln& f. I"'ln& "I'.51ot NGwiOll E;A.S2 17 tOllmiYl !Yl.nl'1 ($lIlI!) u:t.u CMIIII. 0(&1 Airldlm Cmlflcd Copy lka. Copy Qbu , Deed I ~ lax StImp FEES <1-_ S WcttppA_ LBuit:Tllll - ~ 2.1\dditkml Tax Sub foul 5 _ S<Ib T\Ml t1<i ~-- Sp;cJAslil l)r Spft./AlIcl TOT. Mill TAX IMl T_ 0.1~)' lIeW far AppIlltIiorInlcl!l Tl'IlUferT. JJ.a.O.- ~ioo Till _ 1'hi; JIRIPCf'fY ~Cj~ by lhis ~ Is or will k im,ro~ by III 0Ill! 1M IWII rllmlly IIwc4liq OIIly. Yf'.! <<NO If NO, * Wop.lMt Ulll; clllllle all pap II orlhls~ , CK!- SubTCQi --15: _ GRAND TOTAL s. .(;~4 IitlJll..#Id ~ 'Commun P:n:~km Fund CQIt . tiQfl Amount S CI'P TalC Dull' J .clIIlll..lld TO .JO TD TO I Tide ColDpaR)' Iafonn.flolJ Co. Name: Tld., It N Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e ') hfuI PIg!: fQfll'l$ pIlIt ofllw IlIIlIl::hcd AALtiAlilANil J\.M.t.!' A.nQt {SPfEOfYTYPEOf INSTRlJMEN1') GaAL4 :r~ ;JANiS" ]lle..f.km~ herein b sll1lal4'd in SUI-FOLK COUN'lY. NEW YClItK. TO In die TOwnshipof' .<&JlJnIf1li1 Sfl;I"l/nJ .37 8UCUlK 4,q). tnthl: V1UA(jr:; s,SAU L VNN B(fc ZAK or llAMUtr of /1J4rnTrlCl'( BOXES S ".IRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PJUN1ED IN WACK INK OM.Y PRIOR 10 JU:CClIIDINO OR flUNG. lUdc by; 11111111111111111 IIIBIIIIII 801'J'0LIt comn::1 alPIC UCOlmB OPPICH UCOR.tlDrG PAGB '1'ype o! 1u~t, :ODDB/tmC "'-r ofPlligee, :5 TRARSnR '1'AZ BDJIiBBR.: 02-08719 :01.ulell, 1000 bcordell. Ala LIBU: PAGB: 0'/26/2002 05.0'" 1.5 PIC D00012211 634 l:IH4 IiIlIr:.nmt I Section. Block. 106.00 OJ.OO _lnil.".", AIm CHAR<JJm AS I!'OLLON8 $UO~OOO.oo Lo1a 016.000 .age/PJ..liq COB D-C'lT 'l'P-584 Rft hu.fu tax "e1"18d tlw. J'oU~ Pe.. por ~ Xu~t. Blr.......t NO u.....;S1.iq NO ftS ~ NO D-STATB NO COrt .Copl.. NO SC'l'X NO CQIlaa.h.. "e.. 'eld f9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $1.120.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.0.0 $0.00 U.IOO.OO $7.UJ.oO h_ NO NO NO NO NO NO TRUBi'D TAX JrUXBD I 02-08'11.!1 mI, PAQB IS A PDT OJ' TBB z:R~ Idward P..~.SD. COWley Cluk. SUffolk COWley .... PLEASE TYPE OR PRESSRRML Y WHEN WRITING ON FORM ---~---- INSTRLJ?iJONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ,tf/,3D~,~ . 2(P 0 D,y s1 I C4. Pagel ~. , REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. SWIS Code C2. Oete Deed Recorded STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES C3. Book L-/ ,~,~ I RP - 5217 RP-5217 Rev31'J7 PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. Property [ Location 1';30 STREET NUMBER JackGon's Landing STREET NAME Mattituck CITY OR TOWN 11952 VilLAGE ZIP CODE 2. Buyer Name Buczak stephen J. FIRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY Buczak ; LAST NAME I COMPANY Susan Lynn FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of forml Address LAST NAME f COMPANY FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN ST~TE ZIP CODE 5. Deed Property Size I X I lOR I 'ACRES' . 5, 8 I (Only if Part of a Parcell Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map,Provided D D D 4. Indicate the. number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel FRONT FEET OEPTH 6. Seller Name Janis Gerald .JOrl,.J LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME A~' One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant Land D . Non-Residential Vacant Land I SALE INFORMATION I 11. Sale Contract Date E ~ Agd,"ltu,"1 I ~ F Commercial J G Apartment: K H Entertainment I Amusement L Community Service Industrial Public Service Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant land D D D D 7. Check the box below which mostacurately describes the use of. the 'Property at the time of sale: 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 10B. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: Month 07 / 18 / Day 02 I Year A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 08 / 30 / Month Day 02 I Year 13. Full Sale P,;ce ,4 3, 0, 0, 0 0, 0 , 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate the value of personal I 0 0 -I 0 I 0 I property included in the sale; ; . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ~ Data ShDUld reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax BiIIl 16. Year of Assessment Roll from I 0 1 which information taken 17. Total Assessed Value (of all parcels in transfer) I ; ; 720 0 ; 18. Property Class 2,1,01-U 19. School D;st,;ctNome I Hattituck School District 1000-106.00-09.00-016.000 lek- q-I&, 20. Tax Map Identifier(s)I Rollldentifierlsl {If more than four, attach sheet with additional identifierlsll' I , CEFmflCA TIDN -I I certify that all of the items of information entered on this form are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any willful false statement of matqial fact herein will subject me to the orovisions of the oenal law relative to the making and filing of false instnnnents. , ;~ BUYER'S ATTORNEY Jtp.{ <:r ~E""GNATUR~25-<--L ",...;.i.t-:.X)...-, ) i 5 2), ~~.. t' ',.<>:;r.1 / ~ .--:' !~, f 'iIYJ1(;~ DATE ' Kenney Robert LAST NAME FIRST NAME S--,."' 631 852-1661 STREET NUMBER STREET NAME IAFTER SALE) AREA CODE TREPHONE NUMBER ~ ,,( /';' /I" -:'_.- 'f / I / <<'~;? . CITY OR TOWN STATE ZIP CODE f-;'/A " , SELLER SIGNATURE SELLER CITYfTOWN ASSESSOR / .';'., ;.A<" ~ COpy ~ , ,/1",1..;; -,/' .....2... ."i '/'.-:fl,',~ ~A~:':" ~ t