HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12398 P 329 'i " I L1~7;,~f f ')2--1 I ! I:.. f 'J , . " --" fOb- 10-; SY OIH ~ QUllclaim IlL"'" -- InclivirJuoal.. CuqUIIUIII (Sillfir' Slu.1,INYBTU IJUCM. Cfl~LT YOUR IoAWl"E1l REI'OIIUlG"l,"'C 'I1IIll1_MF-"T. THJI; L....."I1lU:w,:,.TSHOULo DE UIED BY LAWYEIlS ONI,Y THIS INDENTURE, modo lht ~ " ~... day of June BETWEEN , in &he year 200s ANDREW SRULHA, alsurvlvlng Trultee of tbe Andrew Sbulba Trust, residing at 1200 West Mill Road, Mattltuck, NY 1I!1S2 pony uf the firs! part. and ANDREW SIIULlIA resldlnl!: at 1200 West MII!"Road, Mattltuck, NY 11952 ' parly urlh. ...""m! port, WITNESSRTH.thai Ihc pony uf &he fil>l port. in .'MlIiderollion ofT.n Doll... and .1Ihe, valuohlo """ideNli..n puid hy the pony uf the """""'"' part. doe. hcroby romi... ........ and qull.llIim unullhe party of lhe I4:COIld pan. lhe heitll or I........... unci ...ilJlls of &he pony llf the llO<llIId part f.....'..'. AU. I"," ."nain plOl. ~ or........1 of land. wilh rhe buil,ungo and impnw""""'L'!hereon om:tcd, r.ilu....lying and beilll in,M IIattituck, 'l0Vll of Soutbold, CouIIty of Suffolk, State of ..... 'lark, Beginning at a paint on the ealterly Ilde of MID Road at the lOuthwClt comer of tbe premilel herein described acljolnlngland of Jacklon's Landing, Inc. an the IOOtb mnnlng tbencc along the easterly line of Mill Road Nortb 19 degrees 20 mlnut.. 20 secondl East 155. 72 f~t to the land ofl'beodore Stevenl; Running Thence along said land South 84 degreel 08 minutes 50 seconds Ealt 556.90 feet to land of Reilly: Running l'hence alonl!: said land South 19 degrees:ZO ICCOnds20 mID utes West 151.43 ferr to land of Jackson'l Landing, Inc.: Runniag Thence along said land Nortb 84 degrees 34 minutes 30 secondl West 557.92 feet to the paint or place of BEGINNING. Premlselare tbe same u described In deed recorded In L1ber 11981 Palle 602. T()(;ETIIKR with ull righL uti. and lnu....... if any, uf Ibc pany of the lin. parlllf. in WId \U WlY otm:l> and nxods abuui"1' tho ab<lV\.'-<leocribo:d promi..,." Ih. ""n....Ii... lheroof; l'OOF.'l1lER with !he aPJlUlU'lUlllOC' and .lIlhe......, and lith.. of the pony ofthe Ii.., pan in and UI hllid promi...: TO HA VIl AND TO 1I01J) the pR:mi..... borein......1Cd U....lhe pony of the .....and pwt. the hei.. or......,asors and ..sip of rhe puny llf lhe .....,OmJ part forovcr. AND lhe pony ofthe lint port. in compli.... with !l....u.." 13 of the Lien Law. '''VOIlWllOthllltho pany "f the lint pan will ....."i"" !he............ia. fo, dtiJI.....vey..... WId will h..1d Lbc right.., n:cch.. ..,.h ''UR.ideNllnn.. .IrWII fund III be: applied Ii... for lhe purpose uf payiDglhe ..... of the impn......lOnI and will upply lhe .wnc lirsllo the payment af the ..... of the improvem.'O. befoR: using ..y pan of the Ill\nI oflhe..me fur IIIIY ntl.... purpcw. Tbc wOld ''polIy" shull be .....lIIrUed.. if il ....... .....ifs.. whenc\'Cr ~ senile ,,," lhhc indenlUnt Ik) requlJ'ft. IN WITNF.8S WHEREOf. Ihe pony of the lirs! purl hoo duly ....uled Ihis deed the duy and ~"'IU' Ii... ....... writt.n, IN PRIlSF_'1C'11 01'0 ~~~kltuJ. ' ANDREW SHULHA SlllleofNewV......Cauntyof SulTolk ,..: SIIIkalNewVllI'II.C_yol' On rht1 day Dr June in 1ho)'Clll" :ZOOS lief"", me. Iho W1dcr!oipd. pcn;IlIIlIIly uppc:an:d Andrew SlIulll. . pcnooaIly Icaown co me or pawed III me on Iho Imi. of OIIIioflll:lDr)' pcnmaIly Icaown ro me or pn..w h. me on lho bwd. of 1UIiJf~ .videa..... h. be Ihc individual(l'........ namo:(o) II Ion:) lIIIhoaihod III Ihc ........., h.he Ihc lndividual(l)........ _0) 10 IlIICloullrcribod 10 lho within inslnlmcm ond Jcd&cd 10 me IhoIlldshdlbey ex""U1cd wilbill iIIslnImcnllad oc:kIIowlcdJalco me IhaI hoIsboIIhcr ....,U1cd Iho ...... in . ctp:Icily(ic:5). lad lhaI by lIisIII&:ItIhoir Iho...... in hisIhcdIhcir CIII"ll'ilylios). and lhaI by hilllhodlbrir .ignallll<C.. on Ihc . ~ Ihc individuol(l~ or'tho petIDIl upon llignIlun:(5) on Ihc iDSlI1llllClll. Ihc individulllll). 'O' tbc ...non upon behalr or wh.:h I ndi ""':Ied. ....."UIcd Iho in!llnlmClll. behalf of wh.:h iii: individullJls) ...'1&ld. cxcanod II., inotrumctIL GARY FLANNE OLSEN NcIIarr Public or NaIf 'tIIIIc No. 020 QuIlI1led In CDmm/IIlOlI EIphI . .' U!IB.tCllNOlI'Ui/JGMI/NrFIJIIMBEUJWlImnNNlMffJllJiSTATllOIVLY: ,. . Rota ACI1Nf1WIJ1I1GVHNr FOIIM I'OR USI< WmllN NEW )"0lrJ: STATliO.W.Y: IN... YlHts.hll'fi/lhw ---w.c-Cmf(/ftIN1 S.....alNewVarI<.Coua\JoI' ,.., On Ihr day of in Iho YC-'" horc"" me. Iho undmiplcd. "',,"lIo.lly "1'1""""'1 Iho liUblaibi"ll witness "' Iho r"",goi"ll illllrUl110nL wilh whom I ...; pcnooaIly ocqlllimcd. whn. hoina by me duly o..'DCIl. did depooc lad lIO)' lhal ho:IshoItboy ...uJLo(s) in (ifdw p/du,{....Id...... is in u "'''', indude IhI! ........, lmJ $In... "",.r. if 1lII)'. IhlrMjI: lhaI hoIshoIIhcy k""W\11 ~t. III III! Iho individual .....rihcd in ond wh" exo:cul&!d Ihr r'''''Il''i''ll insuunJmI; dulllIIIid subiaibing willlOOl; WIllI 1""""'11 and 01110 WIid .......... Iho 5IlIIIC; and dulllIllid wi..... 1II lIu: ..... ~"" .......'libod hi!l1herllheir namclo) II 0 wit.... lhon:to. QUJT<.1.ADI DFJlO Trru:NO. GGi..'lG.t'() '7~7 SIIULHA AS SURVIVING TRUSTEE TO SHULIIA . !~. FIDKLITV NATIONAl. TIT"': INSURANCE . COMPANY OF NEW YORK ,.,........",fIZ' boW-"'" FUlelily.lf:)f"-'- .....""'..-.'...1>>.4--- USBAUA'tJWIElX"oII6NI'mJ/MIII'JDW MmUNNIlWYtNIA" STA1J!QNI.~ ,.... On Iho day Dr i. the )'C"r hern", me.1hc unclcr.iiplc:d. """"",ally ....,arcd ACIil\'OWI.I-:tX"oIIEJoT FMII fTIII USKOrmtllJllN/iW I'QIlA'STAJliaw.y: /lI",(._...f_linr""~ Cnv/I<-J "....... ......... ......,....... ......... ......... 'a., f{'.~ \........ willi SIIN. ';"'1)'. Prr,.;,.-r 'IT M.un,wJu,' On lhr doy Dr in lhr )'Car be"'" nK!.1ho .........Igned. pmiUIlIlJly ~ pmonoIly knuwn III nK! or pu""d h' "" 1111 lhr basi. Ill" NIIild'......"y evidcnccro be tho individuoJlsl......... nomc(s) illlllC)sWscnlx:d IOIIIe within inIIrumcnI and ..knowlcdpllO ..... IhlII beJsheAboy ......... lhr ....... In hisllll:tflhcir cop.,:ily!;" ~ IlwI by hiaIho.'I1 .....ir IlignolurC(s, "".ho in>lRmlttlL Ihc indi.idual(.~ '..Ihc......1II upon I.:holr of which Ihc Indivic!u:dI'11ICIAOl, ....IIII:d..... iRSlRll1lCIIl. and IhlII.""h individual mode ...h ....,......... hothro..... undcr>iSncd in tho (11IIm IN oily ....l.IIMr poIiliwllllbdM.sitJn unJ IN .sItllr....ruunny (II" odI"pIuc..IN~1 M"fL''''''~ DISTRICT I cvt; SIit.'lON . c::o:;"..1l0 B1A"lCIC to.e(l 1m ,,,c...,....(} Cotao"1YOR TOWN 1If:t:(JJ/lJf:UATIlIi(lII/!SI'Of' FldeWy NaIIonId nde............... ~ oI'Ncw Vorl< 1U:"fU1IN BY MAIL 10 OLSEN & OLSEN LLP P. O. BOX 706 CUTCHOGUE, NY 11935 r I I!i ., ~ ~ ~ . I i . I G::2 3 TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Jul 19 09: 02: 00 RM EdlJard P.Romaine CI.EIlK (f" SUFFClK COlIrm' L D00012338 P 329 on 04-49552 Number of pages Serial N Cenificate # Prior Clf. N Deed I MonWe InslNmenl Deed I Mortpae Tax SllIIIp FEES Recording I Filing Slamps 4 Pagel Filing Fee .'J Mongage AmI. Handling TP.S84 I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax NOlalion Sub Total EA-S2 J 7 (Counly) EA-S217 (Stale) R.P.T.S.A. _ Sub TaIBI. Sub Total Spec./Assit. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionment .- Transfer-.Tax '"( ]"I Mansion Tax The property COyered by this mona..e is or will be iinproyed by a one or two family dwellina only. YES orNO_ If NO. see appropriate tax clause on paae # _ oflhis inslrumenl. Com... of Ed. s C2O.- 30 .:=.. Affidayit Ccr:tified Copy Reg. Copy Other GRAND TOTAL l Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Disl. . Section B locIc Lot 10600 1000 004000 6 Communi Consideration Amount $ -" Stamp Dale . CPF Tax Due S linproyed Initials 7 SatisfactionslOischargeslRelease.s List Property Owners Mailing Add.. RECORD & RETURN TO: Vacant Land /0 OLSIllI . 0LSJlII IJ.P P. O. l\Ql[ 106 ClIYClIllGUE. II!' 11935 TO TO TO 9 Suffolk Coun 8 Title Company Information Co. Name aIlIIOIlIIE&LTR TiUe# (~) Recordin & Eildorsement Pa e This page fenTIS part of the attached DEllD made by: (SPEaFY TYPE OF INSTIUJMENr) AIlDUlI SII\/LIlA AS SDRVIVDIG 'lIllJSTllB TO AIlDlIIlV SHlILIIA The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNIY. NEW YORK. SOU'l'IIlLD In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 5 TIlRU 9 MUS[ BE TYPED OR PRINIED IN BLACX IJI.'I( ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG. (OVERI 1IIImllllllllllllm 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIml II1I11111111 111110 11111111111111111 SUFFOLK COONTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of ID.t:rum&Dt: DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt NUmber : 05-0074457 TRANSFER TAX HUMBER: 04-49552 Recorded: At: 07/19/2005 09:02:00 AX LIBER: PAGE: D00012398 329 District: 1000 Section: Block: 106.00 10.00 1Z'lI'1l.JII1lBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 004.000 Deed AmouDt. Received the P0110wing Pees Por Above Instrument JbP-wt HO HO NO HO HO HO Page/Piling COB BA-C'l'Y TP-584 RPT TrB.D.sfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 KaDd1iDg NYS SRCJlQ BA-STATB Cert.Copies SCTII C_.Pres Pee. Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $149.00 b"""lpt HO HO NO NO NO HO '1'RAHSPBR TAX NtIIIBSR: 04-49552 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' TBB IHSTRtlJIBNT THIS IS HOT A BILL Sciw_rei P. RamatDe County Clerk, Suffolk County . . - i>LEASETYPE OR PRES~ FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;J/www.orputato.ny.uIor PHONE (5181473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY C1. S_ eM. .. REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I 'J"7'3.',f??,' c2. Dale - _nIod I eJ'1 <! IO.r1 I VII' C3._1 /..2~,9.srluP_1 ,?...1."1 PROPERTY INFORMATION STATE OP NEW YOM: ITATE -..0 OF REAL...........,. SERVICES RP - 5217 -..a!I'.""", I. "'-'" , 1200 LoM1Ian 11"""'- I. West Hill Road ....- Southold cny ell 'I1MlI Hattituclt I 11952 ...COOI: ..... z..... No_ Shulha LAlT ..... , COMIWIY ADdrev RflaT...... IAlTNMI(/CQIoII'IIIJIIY r"'T NAIK J. Tax 1ndiI:a.... fuan Tift Bill .. 10 bit an I _ n__buve"_lII_oI'orml. -- 10M. __,aIM'AN't -- 81J11111T..... MO aTIlEtT NAIlII! UrYOIITGliItI. ltATP ...... "_"'_01- I RoI..... L_~_..d en 1M... I.:::.., I - la::r--Ix I I nb..-c IORI _rm ~ .~a:l..J , ..... lOoly.'" 01. _ _ ........1OllIF M. PIInnIng Bcwc:J with eo......., lib. AuIharIIy E.a 0 4I.__AjlprowoI_RoqulrOlllorT_ 0 C._~Ior'l"W'.Ioi..._IIIp_ 0 '1,01,._ 011 D Pon 01. Pon:ol ..- - !i:hlllh.. LAlI......'COIIIIIl'MW' Jrdr... .. AUrvivfl11 TruJlt... ,- lMtNot.:lc;.:QllIl'lIlIf ...,..... ,. ChooIr.... boo""'" _ __............_.... _ 01... _ ...... lime 01 ..... ^~ 000 Fomiy_ 8 2 or 3 Flmlly ReIidIntilll C Resklendll V..m lMd D Non!'1 .~ .liIIV..,.Land I SALE INFORMATION I 11,.... ___ E~ ...-" ~ Communl\y_ F Cammon:lol .J Indu_ Cl _ Publlcloovrco H E_"Am_nt I. _ _tho --........1OllIF I. ~ Typo 10 COIldoml....m "__..._Lond ,M. "- ~ _............._ '''IIuior'-,___. ""'1ho_1o....~_ o o o o ...... I .,., I y- 1I.CIIIcII_........__ -. _.........tIDlI'IIIIIw: 101._ RoI_Of """'*_ Solo _ _ Com...,. or _In 1IuIl.,.. 'Ono 01 tho ......10 0110._ ..,.. or Saller II eo4lrrw._. ~ or LIndIng InIdIutIon Dood Type",~ orllorgoln ond _ ~_ _ 01_ or Lo.Iho. Foo _1SpoaIIv-. __Cho....I. Plapony -. T_ Slllusond &010 00I0o Sill of lUlineu illndudId In .. Price OIhar U....... _II A_ng Solo M:o lSpaclfy 80_ ..... ,.. _ 01 _, Tronolar 06/JJ'105 ... ifI v... -0- o 0 .. .0.0 I , , . IFull s.Je PriCu Ia tho tamI ~unl pilei lor thu ptVpGI"IY Including perIOnIf property. This PIYfNR1 tnI1 be in lht form of CIIb. oU., properlY or goocIa. or the auumpllon 01 _Of_~I__"""____ '.._...._01_ I .0.01 IIf'IIIIMr IncIud.r In the .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. IloIo .hould ,o_tho '_1 Flnal_n. Roll ond To. Bill 11. Full .. PrIDe II. Y- 01 . _4 -..... . ^ I.l. 11. T.... _ V....laf ...,.,..In.._ , which il.l_....6.n..... ~ , , (~; ,. . () , (II 'I. "- a.. ~-LJ ...___~...< 20. Tox ....._1 RoI_................____kIo.,_1oI1 1000-106-10-4 I I CERnFICAnON I 1 COY1IIY ..... II.' IIle _ ol 1IIIllrmolloa..- OIl ... rom.... ........ ....- 110Il1o ball ol IDf r.-w".... beIIoIl.... J .....n.... ,.... IIw ......... ollllll' .......1lIN_ol_ &IeI_ wlIlIIlbjoct ow.. u............ nllIw..... ...._.10Il1o 1IIIIkIlIIl-....."'........._ SUYER BUYER'S A1TOIlM!Y ~~ewJ~ ~~ IAM'IICINA~ DAtt OLSEII . OLSU' LLP ....,- -- 1200 Vest Hill IIasd 631 734-7666 .'..1_' IITN'fT.......,."lUlIIALW ....COOI: ""-- C1TV0II""'" I1ATI 11952 ..COOl: /' Hanituclt IIY K!.Il!I ;k~~~y,.';'5 ~ IPUM__~ 1>>11. NEW YORK STATE COPY "