HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12440 P 773 16~- 10-11 Warranty Deed CONSULT YOUR LAWVER BEFORE SIG"ING THIS L"iSTRUMDl,. - TillS INSTRUMDo,. SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONI.V LJd.-'-f4o (>7l'!> TillS INDENTURE, made Sepl1:mber 3D, 2005 BETWEEN VALERIE FREV," S........ TruI'", ....... Ibo VALERIE FREY REVOCABLE L1VL"G TRUST, 18 BeatricoAvenuc, S)'OPCt, NY 11791, datfdJUIM']4. 1OOO..1Id ..Y ameadmeDII Cllereto, party of the rUJI: part, aDd . , v ALEIl1E FREY,...idiaa at 18 Beatric:c A....... Syouel, NY 11791, pany ollbo.....nd pari, WITNESSETH, Ihat Ibo party ollbo fits! pari, wilh DO coasidenolion by.... pany olrlle _ part, docIlIcn:by I'"'' ond 1'<""" umo tbo party of tho ........ pan, tbo bein or Ill"'''''''''' II1d ..i... of tho pony ofllu: - pan m.... SEE SCHEDULE -A. ANNEXED IIERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF BEING oho..... pr<miaea ~ lO rIle....1or be..ilI by deed dated July IJ. 2000. nx:ordcd Seplc:lllbc:r 25. 2000, ill tbc: Oll'lCe oflhc Clerk of1hl: COIlIIly ofSuIIOlk, ill Liber 12073 _ 391. SAID PREMISES.hoo.........145 Ra_a Road, M._... NY 119S3 on<! u District 1000; ScetiDa 106.00, DIad< 10.00, Lot 011.000 SUBJECT lO OW< oflil<:lI""""" """")' WOlIId.- ................ eucmcolI.... vari...... of record. TOGETIIER wilh.1I riBht, ritle ond i_ ihny. oftbo party of.... f.... pan ill II1d lO IIIl' lIums.... roods .buUiaa Ihc _ _ pn:miJc:IlO tbo...................r. TOGImIEll wid> tbc: __ and.1I the <l1IIle and righls of the pony of the finI pan ill.... lO IIlIid pmnioa; TO "AVE AND TO 1I0LO rile pmnixlI bc:n:ilI ........ lIDlO tho party of tho .....nd port. tho hein or ""","""n aad -... of 11Io party of 11Io ICCODd pan m.... AND Ihc pony oftbc: fin. pan. in complioDc:e wilh Section 13 of Lieu Law. <O>OIIIDIS Ihat 11Io pony ofllle filii pan will n:ccive the eomddcnlioa for driI COCIYC)'UICC aDd will hold lhe ri&ht to receive such considenIioD U. trull fund lO be applial fits! for IIIe purpoIC ofpoyiDl tho coot oloho impro......,.... wiD .pply 11Io...., IintlO tbc: payment of the COllI olthe ilnprovcaxa. bef"'lIIiD& any pan oflhc.oIlI1 of Ihc ..... for any o<bc:r_. AND Ihc party of 11Io filii pan co........ .. follows: 1hI.1IlIid party oflhe fits! pan is _ of tho lIid.......... ill JOe simple. aad hu good ripn lO convey Ihe _lhat.... party of du: _ pan abaII quietly ..,joy the IIlIid pIOIIIiacoI; 1hII.lIu: aid pr<miaea II< m:e tiom _rlllCCll........ ulfon:llllid: Ihat tbo pany of 11Io Om pan will cxlCWle or procure _y fw1hn' necessary assurance of the lide 10 laid premises; and .... Jlid pelt)' of the finI pet will forever WIIRIll the tide 10 _ pRmiscI. '1'" _ "pony"....1I be c:onsuued .. ili. ...d "ponies" whcne....1h< II<lIIO olthis incIentun: so reqllires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Ihc party of 11Io 1m pan .... duly tll<CII,aIlbil deed .... day and yesr fin!.bove wriuen. IN PRESENCE OF: l!t~ ~ti..~ VALERIE FREY, EE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE or NEW YORK, COUNlY OF NASSAU On Scpt<mber 30. ZOOS beRm:.... .... .......igned, pcnoDIII1)I appeaml VALERIE FREV, pcnoDIIUy knuwa 10... or ptlMtllO... 00 tho buia ofutiafioclOl'y evidcal:o 10 be.... indivicbll_..... ia I1Ibocribed 10 !be wUhin _...... and acknowledQod 10 ... that aho .....oed !be ..... m hor copoc:;ty .... that by her "IDI- !be i............ !be . or.... penon upon behalf ofwIW:b !be indiYidua1acled, ~ !be i.._. NoI8ry Public DAVID INGIIOlDSTAD NoIIoy Public, _ 01 N.Y. No. 1I2IN4748870 ~~=~ ."." . .. WARRANlY DUD With FuD CawIwIh Title No. VALERIE FREY REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST TO VALERIE FREY DiaIrid ScoIion Block 1.0. County I Town \000 \06.00 10.00 011.000 SuJfolk I Sou1bold ." Return Recorded Deed By Mail To: David R. 1n,..,1daIad ~ AttPmeyalLaw 640 fullon S...... Sui.. S Farmi...", NY 117S3 (SI6) 694-1242 IIaorw the (01 for use ofRccordinlll OJfJce SCHEDULE "An District 1000; SeetloD 106.00, Block 10.00, Lot 011.000 AL.L that ccrtair) pk>1. piece or palC(il orland. w:ith the buildinp and improVt:IIU:015 thereon~. lituatc. lying and being;111 Mauituck., Town IJfSouthold, Suffolk County. New York dcscribtd as follows: BEGINNiNG ar, a concrete mooumc:nt SC1 on the easterly llne ofa ccnaiD 24 foot right-of-way known as Raccoon.Road, 'Which said poinI oCbcgi.nni.ng is located the followiDa coun;cs and di.alanccs from the point of in1ersectioo oftbc easterly line of Cox Neck Road (a public highway) and the lOUlherly line DCa, private road known 85 Miller's Right-of-Way, (I) South 85 dc:~ 30 minutCli Eah"t, a dilJtancc:.of J,147.61 feet, more or ICE. to a concrete monwncnt set at the soulhea5lcrly comer of the intcncclion of Raccoon Road Bnd Miller's Right.of-Way; (2) South L8 degrees 07 minutes 30 seco0d8 EMt 185.33 fcctto acoocretc monument from said point of begUmmg; RUNNING THENCE Nonh 71 dc~:rccs 52 minuICs 30 seconds EaR 134.25 feet to a concccle monument and land now or formerly of Tal bat; RUN"NlNC TUENCE South II degrees 30 minutcl.East 125.36 fed through a concrete molUU'l1Clll: to a point; RUNNING THENCE South 71 dc,grecs 52 minutes 30 SC'COnds Wc&t 143.81 fffi: to a concrete monumrnl and the eut.crly line of said 24 foot rigbtOor-way koown 8.11 Raccoon Road; RUNNING THIENCE along the easterly line orsaid 24 fooNiahl-of-way knowu as Raccoon Road Nonh J8 degrees 07 minules 30 seconds We1,112',OO feet 10 a concrete monumcnlset al the point 01' place of BEGINNING. ALSO all that other piece or pan::el of land lying immediately 10 the wail oftbc parcel above lkscribed and comprisinH 8 purtion of lhe land lyiJClg in Ibc bed of said 24 tOot right-of-way known as Raccoon Road, bounded and de5Cribcd as follows: IlEGlNSII\G lit Ihc:: same ll1Onwm:nt marking ~ pow ofbcginniDg of the parcel above describrd and; RUNSL"'iG THENCE South 18 degrees 07 minutet30 SOCOQ Ealrtalong the easterly line of aid 24 fOOl right-of-way k:J1,own as Raccoon Road. distance of 125.0 feet to a coacreto monument; RUNNING TllENCE South 71 dt:greca 52 minuk:l30 liCCOcds West a dis1Anccofl2 foct to the center line of said 24 footrighl: of way known as Raccoon Road; RUNNING TIlENCE North 18 <kgn:es 07 minulcll30 seconds West aIoog the cenler line of said 24 foot rigbt- of.way known all Raccoon Road a distance of] 25 fed, OIDre or leu; RUNNING TIIENCE North 71 dc:grees 52 minutes 30 seconds East a diSlaDCC of 12 feet 10 the lDODumeol set at the point or Jllace of BEGINNING. SUBJECI'. HOWEVER., to the reservatioD b)' William H. Wenenberg. his bcLrs. administrators, executOOi. b"\JCCC$8Of'S,. assii&n6 and grantec8 ofriglU of way for ingrcss and egn:a over sucb portions of said 24 foot right.. of-way known as Raccoon Road above descn'bcd and conveyed aDd. ALSO SUB.1ECT to all exi.sLing rights of way heretofore racrved or cODVC)'ed over saKi portions of said 24 foot rigbJ.-of-way known as Raccoon Road. TOCt..TH.ER with a rigbl-of-way for ingress and egress in 1;ommon with aU olbers now having or hereafter acquiring; similar rights of way over the following: (J) A certain private road known~. Miller's Right of Way being 24 feet in width running in a general C8Sterly direction from the easterly side of Cox Neck Road (a public higbwlIY) to a point 1,466.0.5 feet, more or less, from said C8Sterly side ofCax Neck: Road. (2) A certBm 24 foot rigbl-of-way lmown u RBccooo Road, running from II point on the soulhcrly side of said Miller's Right--of- Way South 18 dl:~grecs 07 minulcl 30 &CCODds East. WslanCC of .570,33 feel. P) Another 24 foot righl-of-way known llS Deer Path Road, running from a point on the southerly line ufsaid Miller's Right..of-Way South 22 degrees 30 minulCS But a dislaDce of 449.SO feet. (4) Another 24 foot right-of-way kcown IUIi Fox Hollow Road., running South 71 degrees S2 minuteS 30 seconds Wesl a di&t.ance of720.37 feet in a general East-West dircctioo completely across the property now or fonnerly of William H. Wertenberg. (:5) A certain parcel oClaod lying between the westerly end oflhc: last &bow mentioned 24 foot rigbt-of-way koown as Fox Hollow Road and th~ shores of Mauituck: Creek bounded aod described as follows: Bt:GINNING at a point on the soliltberly liDc iJf8llid 24 fOOl right of way known ItS fox Hollow Road., which point is located North 71 dcgrccs 52 minutes 30 sccond& Eaat, a distance of 10.06 feet from the concrete monument set on the: end of said Fox Holluw Road al the soutbwcstcrly corner Ihe:reof; RUNNING THENCE South 12 degrees; 07 minutc's East, a diatance of244.52 ft-et to a point; RUNNING THENCE North 71 d1egrees'2 u:dnutc:s 30 5CCQnds East. disllU1Cc of60.87 fcrl to a concrete monwnem; RUNNING THENCE South 18 degrees 07 minutes 30 seconds East a dimance ofM feet, mere or less, [0 the' sbon::s oCMaUituck: Creek; RVNNING TIlENCE in a gCDeml westerly d~tion alona: the shores ofMauituck Crock., a dislanU of15 feel.., more or less, to a poinl and lands formc:rlyofYoung; RUNNING "[HENCE North 12 degrees 07minutcs West along, said IBJKb: formerly ,,[Young, a distance: of ~.05 feet. morc~ or 1C55, to . conctelte monument set on the southerly line of said 24 foot right-of-way known a5 Fox Hollow Road; RUNNING THENCE North 71 des;rees.52 minulCS 30 seconds East along the sou1:bcrly 1inc:ofsaid Fox Bollow Road. a distance of 10.06 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. 111.7...3. ~,~,<:fl "'-....___ 1 ~/~ ~~ I co..... ,l.t1.'f.'f 01"'._1/,7,\.3, PROPERTY INFORMATION r7) _ _ 1._' 'Ju.~ I ~C.OO/'\ 1.aMdaIl~ I~_ I o u..t VolQ ~~nMR z. = I IMI ':!:,':/..... J8: ~~ I ~ .I:h.:h.....c."- I V~~r; e- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1. SWIS Code aTAtE OF NEW YONC ITAlE BOARD OF REAL IIRCRRTl' IEIMCEII RP - 5217 ....UI1_."'" I~ """'....,CCMiII"U'I'" -.- .. T.. IncIc:awhlNfuhnTIltBll...ID..... I ..... iflltl-.-"'nbl"..-lIlIdNIIlItboltomcffolml. - ...,.",.wF/C'OIII'NoY -,- ~..-JI~ITIltET_ C1IYOllI~ ~.~ ~- L~I - FNl"fl'''''' Ixl ~~ 1001 ~ 1OnIy.....aI. ....a..-.ttlIyepplv: tA. Pllmklg lad wIltl WIdMIIan Aa&hoIIly ExtID 0 ... SubclvWon ~I_ Alquhd IorT...... 0 C. hl1llll AppnIwd kIr SUbdtnlon wIIh"'" PnwIdId 0 ...1adIumtt..........III. ._1 Roll ~........ 011 tM ... I , of PM:eII OR 0 Part of. "-reol u_ ..... ~~~ (:rej ...,._,toW'IUP' ....- ..... ... I .. 0.-'" __........,.1IJlftr; & awn-tllp Type II CClndomnh.... I ~ CamnluNry s.rva .. Nuw CanItruc:tIon on V..flIlJInd J ......,ill ,M. PnlpIrIy ~ wllhln.. AgrbltInI DiIIriat K Public SIMoI 1-. .... raMved . dIDlIIn nutII:Ir IndIcIlIng L Fa,. ..,.tha~"ln..AgrIcuIlwlIDl&ils' .. CI-* _ IllI' _ III ~......... _......... tD 1nnIfIr: ,\ ... Betw.on AIIIeltvoI Of forrntoI" ......... H ~ &.Meen ReIaa.d CompInieI or PIrtnorS In ~ C OneoltlwBuyerail...S.1er D Burar or SaIlIr ill Govanwnenl: Agmcy or Lend"mg I~ E DIaITypongtW.~or~.ndSlllafSpadfyBolawl f s... 01 frKtl'anll or a... than fM InfMIIIlSpedly BeIowt C. Signlranr. Chango In P'ropoItV IIoIwoon T..... s...lInd Silo 0.. H SalaofBulil'lltllltlndudlcllnScllePrlc:o I CIlhor UIIUIUII F8ClorI Afixtlng StlIo Prier ISpodfy IklkMI J. None o o o o 7. ChId!...... ........... .... -..t8Iy...... tIw.- vf........-rtY M: the *- of.. A ~ ON flmlly RIIIdllltlll B 2or3Fllllilylto.ldanlilll C Rlliddill' VlClnt Lind D Non......dontlll VICIII'4. wit I SAlE INFORMATION I ".....eontr.ctDdt E~_".. F Camrnan::1I1 G ..._ JI EfIhlrUdl'll'lWl'll/AmIoU/'l'lllftl u. ~..... I TnnIfw d'l I ~O I oS I ManIII _ VItAl 11............ . . .0.0 I , , . IFul1 s... PrlcI . tht UlUII.mount paid for.. property Including pIfIONIl JlfOPM't. Thl. pIyrMnI '"IV brI in tho 10l'1li of C8Ih. othor propIIIy or goodL or thl .....mpIion of morqpg. or orMr abIlg11iDIILI ~ IDUItd w IIrIt 1IIJItIlIIC..... dI*r~. M.~tM""""""" I 0 0 I IH'OI*tI h:Iuded....... ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dahl .hauld reflect the "tell Final AIIIument Roll and Tall. Bill ,I. =:..=-.: tram lil..6J n. Y............ VIM I" ......-In........ I lL_..... !cil1,OI-U1L1......__~kj ; . '-; 0.0 Or a. T_ MIp IdendRIrW IIIDIIdInti&IrtsI ...... dWIlour........... wtlIl ......... IlIInIIIII$IJ lDi:'~ 1000 I Se.d 10(.,.00 I~L~ I Lo'T 10.00 0\ \. DOt) I CERTlACATION I I rntIf)'.-. ."'...lIIt.IorlnnwmlillDnfllWml..... rw. ...tnw...t'Wftfttlo......rllII)' ......... ........................ 11M IIII!...... ~..,................. .,......r.. ~.....1IIIIJId ....... ........_rlthe ......... reIIIttft.tbe......... ......"',........-.. I!!!m BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~~~ \~ 1-_'-- ~"r;u. 111IttT1IIIIIltAr.RtMl" IQ~ M' AVff\ve.- I UtllVt~ ....- -- ~ o~~et = - r 1 ReI_All NEW YORK STATF. COpy t/~~ ~ Number or_. TORRENS Deed J Mo!tp&e InSlrumenl Deed f Mortgage Tax Stamp FEliS RECtflDED 2006 Mar 16 12,06: 21 "" JudHh A. P..calo Cl.fIll( IF SlJFFOlK COUNT\' L D00012'1'1O P 77'J Drt 05-31237 R<cording f Filing Stamps Serial' Crnificate # l'riorClr.' 3 Page f Filing Fee Handling TP-584 la- Notalion f_ 15 &)(12 SubTotal mO' Mongugc AmI. I. Buic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Thtal SpecJAs.il. or Spec. JAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Thwo _ Dual County _ Held rur Appoinunenl Transrer Tax a r - Mansion Tax 5. 00 -- t;- EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (SIOIO) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. or Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Sun:hl1ge Other 5. 00 IS. 00 Sub Total I.!J.~ . /:59, - J;- The propeny covered by this mortgage or will be improved by a one or t, ramily dwelling only. YES or NO Ir NO. see appropriate tax cia... 00 paae'_ofthi. mcnr.._ Grand TOIBI 5 CommUDity .....rvatloll ..... Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification ~06:0T8:;J~75 1000 nSMI A ~C).MAR ---- 10600 1000 011000 Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ Improved , Vacant Land _ TO TO IIJ TD Suffolk Count 7 '?~~ ~QI!!(I8~DrO stioD Co. Name ~fl4;t . Of litle' . OV & ndorsement Pa e This pag. ronns part of the anscbcd ~. ~. ~rSPECIFYTYPEOFJNSTRUMIJNT) J::uJl . 11 The promises hereiD is alUaled in r AIM . 1H SUfFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. -..[ 1\ n . ) J .TO In.beTownshipor kALtl\.~.UJ ----11A..l1b 11 _~ Ilt' In the VILLAGE ./ or HAMLET of BOXES' l1IRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. made b: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111I1111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of InBt~t. DBEDS/DDD Number of PageB' 4 Re~eipt NUmber . 06-0026491 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 05-31237 Recorded: At. 03/16/2006 12.06.21 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012440 773 DiBtrict: Section: Block. Lot. 1000 106.00 10.00 011.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS Deed Amount. $0.00 Received the Pollowing PeeB Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCRG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.CopieB $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CClIIIIIl.PreB $0.00 NO PeeB Paid $152.00 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBER: 05-31237 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County