HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12446 P 869 " I , Warranty Deed CONSULT YOURIl.AWYER BEFORE SIGNING TillS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY \ .~T i-:< c~ \ TillS INDENTURI!~ made October 31, 2005 BETWEEN VAJ...ER.lE FREY. residiogBll8 Beatrice Avcmae, Syossn. NY 11791, partyofthC' first part THOMAS FRATELL,o. ESQ.. TrUltte or his IUCCftIOn ill trun" under Ihc V ALER.I.K FREY QUALIFIED PERSONALRESIDEN'CE TRUST, 18 Beab:iceAvrnue, Syosset. NY 11791, dallrd October 21, 100~. party orlbe JCCOnd part, WITN ESSETH. lhat the party of the fiBt part. with no coDSidention by the party of tbc 5CC0Dd pan, does hereby grant &lid release W1b~ Ihe party ofthc: $Cl:ond part, the: heirs or succcsson and assigns oCtile partyofllhe second part forev.. SEE SCHEDULE "A- ANNEXED IIERETO AND l\lADE A PART HERI.OF BEING the same premises coovcyed La tile arantor herein by deed dated September 30, 2005, being recorded i:n the offICe orebe Clerk of the County ofSuffcllk. SAID PREMISES.Iso known.. 245 Ilacroon Road, Mottltuck, NY 11953 ond as Di,trict 1000; Section 106.00, Bluek 10.00, Lot 011.000 SUBJECT to stal.e of facts an 8.CCW1l1e survey woukl show and agrecrnen1l, casemnllJ and varilU.iODS DC record. TOGETHER with all right. tille and interest, ifany, of1bc: partyofthc finnpan in and to aD.y S1ttCISaod roads abuniog the above de5cnDed premises 10 the center linclii thareof; TOGE1lIER wil.h the appw'tCDlDCC'J and .UIbc: estate and rights of !.be: party of lhc: firac pArt in and to said premiIca; TO HAVE AND TO llQlJ) the premises brTeiJl granted W1tO the parT~ of the- second part, rile heirs or b1JCCCSIiOn and assigns ortbe party ofthc: llt'Cond pari forever. AND the: party oftbct first pan, in compliance with Section 13 orLiea Law, covenantslhat rbe petty of die first part will rc:cc:ive the: consideration for this con~e: 8Dd wiD bold the ript to receive such consideration II a trust Cunei to be applied flISl fOI" Ihc: pwpose ofpayiD8lhc cost (lethe improvemeot: aod will apply Ihc: same: first ro the payment of the cost of the improvement before uslng any pan oftbc: total oftbc: same: for aD)' 0Ibc::r pwpose. Ai"'D the party oftht:, fust pan covenants 81 follows: Ibal: said party of the mt part is seized ofthc: said premises iD fc:c: simple, Illld bas good right to convey the same; llw lhc: party oftbc second part shall quietly enjoy tlu: said premises; that the: Ii8id premises are free from encumbrances, except as aforelllid; that the party of the fim: part will e-xecule or procure fUlY fwthe:rllCCCS5lJ}' aasunmcc of the title to said premises; and that said party oflhe first pan wiD forever warrant lhe title 10 said premises. The word ..party'. $hnll ~ construed as if it read "panies" whenever the StDSC aflhis indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHI:REOF. the panyofthe tin;t pIlIt has duly ell:eeuted this deed thc:day Ilddyc:ar 6rstabovc \Witten. L~ PRro..SENCE Olf' IJ~ ~~__ V AL.ERIE FREY SCHEDULE "An District 1000; SoclloD 106.00, Block 10.00, LoI011.000 AU.. thai certain plot. piece or pan:c:1 of land, with the buildinp UJd improvemeots thereon e:rcctcd.liituatc:, lyina aod beiDa III Mallituck, Town ofSouthold. Suffolk CoUDly, New York described as follows: BEGINNING.t a coocrete monumeulllC1. on the easterly lice ofa ccrtaio. 24 foot riaht-of-way kDown as Raccooo Road, which said point of beginning illocated the foUowing c:Ourscs and distances from the point of intcrscction of the easterly line of Cox Neck Road (8 public hipway) and the southerly line ofa private road known as Miller'. Right-of-Way; (I) South 85 dcgreaa 30 minulcl East. a di.staDcc', of 1,147.61 feet. mon: or IcaIi. to. co.ocretC monument set at the: IOUthelStCtly COrDCI" ofthc intersection ofRacwon Road and Miller'. Right-of-Way; (2) South 18 degrees 07 minu1c$ 30 seconds East J 85.33 f=t to . 00DCfCtC monument from said paiD( of beginning; RUNNING TIlENCE North 71 d.cs:n:cs 52 oUnl.L1CS 30 scc:ond& East 134.25 fect to a cDDCIete IDOOUlllCQt and land now or fonnerly ofTalbat; RUNNING THENCE South 22 dcifCCS 30 minulCS East 125.36 feet throuah a com:retc molllJlD.Cl1t to . poilU; RUNNINGTH..ENCE. South 71 degrees 52 minu.Ic5 30soc:ondl West 143.81 fect toacODC~te fDOIlIUXl.eDtand lbc easterly line of Aid 24 foot rigbiOof-way known as Raccoon Road; RUNNING mENCE along the easterly 1iDc oruid 24 foot-righ1-oC-way Iawwn 81 Raccoon Road North J8 degrees 07 minutcli 30 secoPds West 125.00 feet to . concrete monument set at the point OT pllllCC of BEGINNING. ~ all that olbcr p~ or perce! ofllll1d lying tmm-'i.t~ly to tbc west oCthc pan:d above dcscnbcd and comprising. portion ofthc land lyina in the bed of said 24 Coot ri&hl-of-way known as R.accooo Road, bounded and described as follows: BEGlNNINC nt the II4JDC monwneot marlrina the point ofbcg.inning of the para:1 above: described and; RUNNING 'J"HE.NCE Sou.Lh 18 deJlUl 07 miuutca 30 &cCOOCb East along the cutcrly line of Mid 24 foot righI:~f-way known as Raccoon Road a dimmcc of 125.0 feet to a coucmo DlOnumcl11; RUNNINC THENCE 800Lh 71 degrees 52 minuteS 30 seconds Wcstadis&am:cofl2 feci to tbc center line of said 24 fOOl right of way kDown as Racc;;ooo Road; RUNNINC THENCE North 18 dcpccs 07 miout.CII 30 sc:conda West a10na tbc ccnlct liDc of said 24 foot rigbt- of~way Iuwwu as Raccooo Road. w.a.nce of 125 feet. more or Icas; RUNNING THENCE Nonh 71 degn:es 52 _ 30 secoads East. dislaaceQf 12 feellOtbo IIIDIl1UDeDlse' at the point or place ofBEGlNNJNG. SUBJECf, HOWEVER, to the I'C6CrvatloD by WiUiam H. Wcrte2Jbera. bia: hcinl, admini&tmcn, executors, IlUccessors, assigns and ~ of rigbt of way for iPgrealI and egress over sucb portions of said 24 foot rigbt- Of~WBY known lY Raccoon Road above described and conveyed and. ALSO SUBJECT 10 aU existing rights of way bcm.ofOn: rcscrvcd or conveyed over said portions of said 24 foot right~f4way koowu as Raccoon Roed. TOGETHER with 8 righ1~C-W8Y for iagreas and egress in CODlIDOD with all othcn now baYing Dr bcrcaft:er acquiring similar rights of way ova: Ihc followina: (I) A certain prime road known all Millcr's Right of Way being 24 feel in width 1'UIUlUt& In . gcncraI casterfy direction from the castc:rly side ofeox Nock Road (a public highway) to a poiDt 1,466.0.5 feet, more or Icss, from said easterly side of Cox Neck Road. (2) A certain 24 foot right-of-way known as Raa:oon Road, JUDDiD& from. poiot on the soulbcrl.y side ohaw Miller's Rigbt-Qf-Way South 18 degrees 07 minulc:l30 seconds East. distance of570.33 feet. (3) Anotbor 24 foot riabt-of-way blOwn as DecrPatb Road. n.mnina. from 8 point on the southerly line of said Miller's Rigbl,-<l)f-Way South 22 degrees 30 minutes Eul . distance of 449.50 feel (4) Another 24 [oot right-of-way known.. Fox Hollow Road. rwmiDg South 71 dClJI'CCS 52 minutes 30 seconds West a diatancc~ of720.37 feet in a general East-Well direction completely across the property now or fonnerty of William H. W-.,.. (5) A t:ertai.o pan;:ol ofland lyinl bctwr:c:u the westerly eod ofthc last abow mcotioned 24 foot rigb1~C-way known u Fox lHoUow Road and the Shorclli of Matti tuck CI=k. bouodcd and described u folioWI-: BEGINNING ot a point 00 the southerly 1ioc of said 24 foot right of way 1mov.'IJ as Fox HoUow Road, which point is locatedl North 71 dcgna 52 minulc:l30 SCCODds East.. disIance of 10.06 feet from the concrete monwncot let 00 tbc end of said Fox Hollow Road at the southwesterly corner thereof; RUNNING THENCE South 12 degrees 07 minutes Eat, a dWtance of244.52 feet 10. point; RUNNING THENCE North 71 d"grc:a 52 minutes 30 seconds East a dis&ance of 60.87 feet to a concrete monwncnt; RUNNING TIlENCE South 18 dl::grces 07 mJlnutcs 39 tceands East a distaDcc of 84 feet, more or Icss, to the shores of Matti tuck Creek; R.UNNING TIft:NCE in. general westerly din:ctioo along the shon:8 ofMattituckCRek. II distaDcc: of75 roet. more: ortc:5S, to a pouu and lands formcrlyofYoung; RUNNING THENCE North 12 dqn:ea 07 nrinutea Wcst alOll& said lauds fonnerlyofYoung,. distance of 305 feet. more or leas, to a concrete monument lld on the southerly line of said 24 fool rigbl.-of-way known as Fox HoUow Road; RUNNING TllENCE North 11 dcgrccs.52 mioutca 30 sewDds EastaJoogthc soulhcl-Iy line ofsaid Fox Hollow Road, I} distance of 10.06 teer to the point or place of BEGINNING. ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF NASSAU On fJctobn j 1, 200S before me.w W1dersigned. pcmm8lly appearal V ALERlE FREY, persoDllly known to me- or proved 10 me' on lhe basis of satisfactNy evidence 1'0 be the individual whose name is sublcribed 10 the wilhiD instrument and acknowledged "' 1m that she executed the SIlllC in her capacily and thlt by her signsbm: on \\ the instrwnC11t. the individual, or the pttIOD upon behalf ofwbicb the individual acted. C'Xrcutt'd the imtJumtnL ~ ~' ~ ~~IC ~ \ \~ llAVIOiNGVlJUlSTADy /. NcWy - ~ ~:~~roN. . ( QuIlIIfiOdln_eaunly eonmll8ion ExpUM July 31, 2O.Q~L WARRANTY DEEU WIth Full Co'\-roant11 Titlr-Nc VALERIE FREY TO v ALERtE FREY QUALIFIED PERSONAL RESIDENCE TRUST District S<ction Block. Lot County I T OWTI tOOO 106.00 lO.OO 011.000 Suffolk I Soulhokf Return Recordtd De<<~ By Mail To David R. Ingvoldstad Attorney_t Law 640 Fulton StrtCt. Suite S farmingdale, NY 11753 (516) 694-1242 r the "'110M"" ..,ace fo, use ofRoconliog Office , , i I I l_________ , Numborof_ TORRENS SedalII REcalDED 2006 Apr 24 02.41:36 PM Judi \h A. Pascali!' CLERK OF SUFFOLX CUUNW L 00001244b P 8b~ DTI 05-3596' Cc!dl"1COIe /I ,Prioa- ClU , : rieod / Monpp Imlnuaeat 3 Deed / Monpp Tu SIaIIIp FBBS Ra:cmIiDg / I'"lIilll SlImps , Pop / J'i1iDa Fee HondIina TP:S84 NOlalioa' , 1iA'52 17 (County) BA:5217 (Stale) R.P.T.s.A. Comm. of Ed. AlJIdavlt CeniJie:i Copy NYS Svn:harge' Olhor /B-_ 5. 00 .5~ Modaoio AmL I. BuicTu 2. AddiliOllll Tu Sub Total SpccJAuiL , ., Sub Total 15 :b; ::J'J - or Grand Total .... /~') /6a qt. Spcc./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual 'lbwn _ Dual CounIy _ Held for Appuinlme.cl < Tnaofor Tu p>J _ MmllOIl Tu TIle property covered by Ibis IIIllllpge or will be improved by . 0.. or to family dwelliag ooIy. YBS or NO If NO, ... apptapliale IIll clmue on JlII&1lI/_ of this IlIIlnI!!)OJIt: ,.... 'O"3N)5 5...!!!!.... , 15....!!!!.... Sub'lblal . , ~ PIIIpony Tu Scnico ' :.'::V:C~. 5 Comm1llllty I'n_tlon J'tua Conalderation Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ Improved Vacant Land _ TO /0 , '.,6,: ,~"""LiIIPropenYOwaenMailingAddias . , '. .. ' ' RECORD" IlIt'11IIlN TO, . d': . . . ()_~ n rD A{} . q,.: ~T\ L~1! .J5 I 'Y\u.. lInG' } Q 7 TO TO . :::}'~.; ~~i'S1ittolk COiln lio .. .' . . :. '.::'.;..~t:;.....>:>; "" ~ ~ -;. :::<;:,1";",-:,.::' ~.: . ,... " '; ': ..~.. ;:.:.... .... . .-. '. . r . ; ;.:;,: ,'P!ia,JlII&1l fOllDl part uf!be IIIIChed nwfe b: '.~;.~r-,,:o ~.': ~' . - (S~TYPBOFINSTRUMI!NT) . '~..lrJ___ TIIepmllilesbainlllilUlledin ':-:" SUWOLIta)~~::1~g, '~I)d..."; ~ film', U, :~~/ . ,"1 : , ?':. :BOxI!ii 6.niRu 8 MUST BJl ~ OR PRINTIlD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RBCI)RDINO OR FlLINO. 2> ndorsement Pa e ...... :..:.:;,!',: ". . '....4. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 4 Receipt NUmber . 06-0040965 TRANSFER TAX NOMBER: 05-35969 Recorded. At. 04/24/2006 02.41:36 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012446 869 District. 1000 Section. Block: 106.00 10.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 011.000 Deed Amount. Page/Filing COB EA- C'1'Y TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG EA-STATB Cert.Copies SCTM CODDIl.Pres Fees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $152.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Received the Following Fees For TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 05-35969 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hllp~1 www.orput818.ny.u8 or PHONE (518) 473.7222 -~~-~ ~ ::;7" ~:;r~, ,* PROPERTY INFORMATION REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT .-rATE mo NEW YCIfIK STATE IQMD OF REAL PROPIRTY IUMCU RP - 5217 D-m7'" JM "=1 ~ 1~~%2"" mY~IA-~D\d z.=: '~\e;:Lfre~ i1'~~.31 ....I-/~'" ....rlMM' J. T.. kIdicIII....fuluroT.8i.._Iot.__ I ...... .ott..thIn~8ddnlulllballclPlolromv. -- U\Sl_/&I_ -- ........-.-.-- fl'l0ll1V\lllN ..... ~toIll .. =... I ... 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R 5I1e BIIwIen AoIIlod Cclmp.-l" or PlrtI'ler* In II'*'- C Onaof....Bupn.....SeI..- II IIuyar or SIll.... II GcwerI'lnlOlll AgDrq or l.Mdng Il'lIdblllCltt l; DaMI Ton- .... Wlrratlly' or &.pin.nd s.Ie l8pecify !Wow) F ~ of FrKtilXllll ar .... than Fee ..alSpadfv a.ruwI Ci SignfanI 0.,. In P'roparty ...... ,...... Staus and Sa.. 0.. II SaIlJ,.,..........lncludDdln~PriDI I au... UnIllU" F-=,ors AfIIIl:tJng s.Ia PrIcIIBpecIfv BIIowI J .... ~ -n. Q.R..P.1" 12. o.t. flI", Tr...... 110 - I ~l ,O'S ... 11. hIII....PrIce . . ,0.0 I , , . IFull SllIa PrioIIa the IODI MIOUnt _lor the propmy indullng PMOMI PfOlNiny. This~" m..,. in Ihillorm al c:Mh. adIWPlUPlrt'( argoadl. or the ...mpliDII gf mlll1Ml" or other abIipdons.) Au. rourtd II) Ihrr IININC .... doIIM MrKHHIt. 14....................... I .0.0 I praperty.................. ;. ASSESSMENT IM=ORMAlION . Om lhOuld reflect thllatesl Final Auulm.nt Roll and r.x Bill 11. :....~=.... &.5J 17. TOIIII--... v-................ .........1 1d.I.OI_u tL___ . r... 0 0 0 , 11.~a.. 20. T.....~/NDII~II_.tMnfDur..n.hlflMr:wtIII............~ IUi~~ \000 1Ol..00 CbU'o ID.DD Lo'f 01\.000 I ~"r~ I CERTIFICATION I . cn1II') ... d ul'tht...",~ enIInd an IIIh bin ....... ad CGI'nd eM." rlllI1 ~ ....1IeW')... ........ thIIllM ~ ....., wIIIW..... DImInII ~......w 1Kt..... .. ~ _ .. tbr ~",........ kw rrIDIh.. Ie... ............ rI... ~ ~~;;: '~l!1L ~D\dS:~a."'~ 5~ I ~ - 1"2.'12.. MI4 ....H'IlClN!...... I~ ........- I 'OPa.-tri r,._ a._r.,...""IlWII A"er.ve..-- . II~ ~_u \,~,\\)6 NEW YORK STATE COPY ~