HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12425 P 156 '. .', L12LI25 PIS (P' DiB. 1000 Sec. 106.0 B1k. 10.00 Lot: 024.0 '" .. Jb~--I()~ll, A CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING 1IlISINSTRUIIENT-1IlISINlTRJM& SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the ~~ay of November, 2005 BETWEEN PAMELA S. CAFFREY, residing at 700 Cedar Drive, Mallituck, New York 11952.{)920, GREGORY STEADMAN, residing at 9520 Sound Avenue, MaIlituck. New York 11952, and ROBIN LEE MENZER, residing at 191 Pasadena Road, PO Box 168, Whiting, New Jersey 08759, As Co-Admlnlatnltolll c.i.a. of the Estate of BERYL E. CAFFREY, lIkIe BERYL CAFFREY, Dsc...ad, Oecadent having died a Resident of Suffolk County on February 4, 2005, Surrogate" File No. 1I53.p-2005 u Co-Adminislrators c.la. of the last will and testament of BERYL E. CAFFREY alllIa BERYL CAFFREY, Dee...ad, late of 520 Cedar Drive, Mattiluck, Town of Southoid, Suffolk County, New York 11952, Party of the first part, and DANIELLE GRZEGORCZVK, residing at 630 Cedar Drive, PO Box 1171, Mallituck, New York 11952, Party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will and testament, and in consideration of CarryIng out provlslona of Lot Will and T..tament, paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, Parcell: ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mallituck, Town of Southoid, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as the Southeasterly 39 x 150 feet regular of Lot 12: Lot 13; and the Northwasterly 33 x 150 feat regular of Lot 14 as shown on a Map entitled, .Map of Proparty of Mallituck Development Co., Inc., MaIlituck, Long Island. made by Daniel R. Young, Surveyor, Rlverhead, New York Dated December, 11122 and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on May 1, 1923 as File No. n6. TOGETHER WITH Parcel II: Beginning at a concrete monument sat 150 feet South 52 degreea 07' 00" West of the Southerly side of Cedar Drive, said point of beginning being also the Southwesterly comer of the premises described herein as Parcell, and which saki polnt of beginning is also 30 feet Northwesterly of the Southwesterly comer of Lot 13 as shown on the Map of Property of MaIlituck Development Co., Inc., hereinbefore referred to; THENCE RUNNING South 46 degrees 33' 00" Wast, a distance of 309.32 feat to a monument and the land now or formerly of Young; THENCE South 84 degrees 34 minutes 30 seconds East along the Northerly skle of said land now or formerly of Young, 121.02 feat to a point; RUNNING THENCE North 52 degrees 01' 00. East, 219.80 feet to a point being the Southeastarly comer of the premises described above as Parcell; RUNNING THENCE North 37 degrees 53' 00. West along the Southwasterty line of premises described es Parcell about 110.00 filet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises dascribed in Deed to the Grantor herein dated 8101/1990 recorded 912611990 at L1ber 11142 cp 381. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part. in and to any sbeels and roads abUttinllthe above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the first part has or has power to conveyor dispose of, whether Individually, or by virtue of saki will or otherwise: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumberad in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~?~ S_ord N. Y.a.T.U. Fonn 8005 - EaeculIll'll Deecl- UnIIDnn "'*'-Iedgmenl :.. - ..:~ TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE State !" FloridlI, COUnty of Marion .: On the day of November In the year 2001 before me, the undlnignad, peqonaUy lIJlIl8anKI PAMELA S. CAFFREY personaUy known to me or pnlWd to me on the basis of lalisfactOty evidence to be the Individual whose name Is sub8ctibed to the within Instrument and IICIcnowIedged to me thet she executed the same In her ClIp8City, and lh8t by her signature on the llIIlIUnanl, the Indivicluai, or the person upon behalf of which the Individual ecled, 8lllIculed the Instrument., and Individual made IlICh appelllllnC8 before the unde " the" la, in the SlalB of Florida. Slate of New YOIt, County of Suffolk .: On the~~ of November In the year 2005 beIonI me,the undenIgned, pel'8O/llllly appeaIlld GREGORY STEADMAN personaly known to me or proved to me on the bells of sallafactory evidence to be the individual whole name is subscribed to the within inatrumant and ac:knowI8dg8d to me thai he llX8CIIled the same In his c:apecily, and lhel by his signature on the Instrument, the individual, or the person upon beha of which the incivldual , llX8CIIled the instrumenl NOI8ry Public (Stamp or Seal) . My Commission ExpIres IndlvidUel taking 8CknowIedgmant) nature and office IndivlduallBldllllllCknowledgmenl) CYNIHIA GANIIlIII 1lOI'ARV' PUlILIC. S1"AlE OF"" . NO. DlGM&llll72l ' NOI8ryPublic ~~:="~oo1 1'0 BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS 114DE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Stale of N_ Jeruy: County of Ocnn BB: i.:uc-w.- On the:3 day of Ha.BIII_KIn the year 200& before me, the undersignad, pel'lllNllly lIJlIl8ared ROBIN LEE MENZER parsonaly known to me or proved to me on the basis of 88llB1aclory evidence to be the individual whoae name Is sub8Cllbed to the within Instrument and ecknowtedged to me Ihat ahe llX8CIIled the same in her capecIly, end thet by her Bignelunt on the instrument, the Individual, or the person upon behalf of which the Individual acted, lIX8CUled the Insln.ment. and thet such Individual made such appearance before the undersigned In the Town of Whiling, In the SIale of New Jersey. ~~~~~meN; Notary Public (Slam My CommIBBion . ". DIIW"'UCO NoIlIy NlIc __ of Nw....., My Col........ ~ Nov 16. 2OD9 , , EXECUTOR'S DEED SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN SuffoIkISouthold STREET ADDRESS TIUe No. ElItlIte of BERYL E. CAFFREY, Deceased TO DANIELLE GRZF.GORCZYK RETURN BY MAIL TO: ST_FORIIOPNMYOIlK IOAROOFTITLI!!__ Dis1ribuled by (l\ ~J.l!~'R~~~~!,,!!tle WILLIAM F. BATES, ESQ. 120 Court Street Rlvemead NY 11901-3003 rI ~ I IE B .. IE .. o ~ IE Ii! .. ~ ! ~ ; ~2 1 ,.r NU';'be:Of ~ges3 TORRENS Prior Of. N RECOROED 2OO:l Dee 13 12:28:56 P" Edo.lard P. Romai.... a.ERK OF Slf"FOlJ( IXUITV L 000012425 P 156 DT' 05-19042 Serial N Certilieate N Deed , Mortgage Instrumenl [)red , Mort&8&e Tax Stamp FEES Rrcording , Filing Slamps 4 Page' Filing Fee lIandling TP-584 NOlalion !;A-52 17lCounty) EA-52 17 (S'"le) RP.T.S.A. 30 Comm. of Ed. Arrulavi V Reg. Copy Other Mortgage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tolal _ Sub ToIal Sub TOIaI 16t1:._ 0 () SpeciAssit. Or Sprc.lAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX DUll Town Dual Counly_ Held for Apportionmen\ Tnnsfer Tax ~ Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or Iwo fam ily dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate lax claus< un page N _oflhis instrument. - 5~ GRAND TOTAL s Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Disl. Section B lock Lot 6 Communit Preservation fund Consideration ^mounl S Stamp 10600 1000 024001 . , CPF Tax Due s Dale Improved Initials 21 SalisfaclionSlDischargeslKeleases Llsn'mpcny uwnerli MalllllS Addr RECORD" RETURN TO: Va.anll.and k;e.\te c;,r"~e..50(""C2.. y K ~ 'bOl<. \l 1 \ MP%l -\-u.cJt.. ~ y 1Il:\S' ~ TO TO \D TO 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Title # 9 Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This JllIgc fonns part. of the atlllChed ~ ~'-v ~~..... (SPECIFY TYPE OF INS'IRUMENr) C! A-r;cr~YI &e.Jt3 J :3~~.1t7J Thc premises herein is siluated in Rc6..:v ~ r'-' SUFFOLKCOlJNTY.NEWYORK. TO In Ibe To\\onship of Sau-f.p,o leL l)r::"f\lelle a RZ.e~or('2yk. In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of made by: 1JOXf.S S 'IHRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRlNfW IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OYER) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFJ:CB RBCORDJ:NG PAGE Type of Xnstrument: DEBDS/DDD Humber of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0129198 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-19042 Recorded: At: 12/13/2005 12:28:56 PM LJ:BBR: PAGB: D00012425 156 District: 1000 Section: 106.00 BXAHXNED AND $0.00 Block: 10.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 024.001 FOLLOWS Deed JlmDI.ID t : Received the FOllowing Fees For Above Xnstrument Exempt .....'""Ipt Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP- 584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $154.00 TRANSPER TAX NUMBER: 05-19042 TKXS PAGE XS A PART OP THE INSTRmmNT TUU IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.RamainB COl.IDty Clerk, Suffolk Col.IDty . 1 if, 7...3, g, g, 91 , cz. 0.. _ RocanIod I I -? I. / -.31 ~ MonIII Way V", cu..... I I. c? l.(, .:? ~I C4. Pog. I /,.s; ". C1. SWIS Cod. . ~1 , ~ '-t$./~": '" ..-:- ,.-~ '"- "- ,~" REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ITA1E OF NEW YORK 8TA1E IIOARD OF _ PROftRTY SEJMc:ES RP - 5217 ..1:17... .VW1 PROPERTYINFORAlAnON ',Pr_1 520 Loa"'" II..., _II Southo1d an OK r.,. Cedar Drive 5TM'ET NAMf Mattituck 111952 "'COOI! - 2. Buyo. l1li.. GRZEGORCZYK LAST IMMf I c:aMMNY Danie11e ............. LASTUVI:/WMMNf ~I~ 3. Tu Indk:arI where ruau,. T.. Bill Ire UJ be IWd. IlIIlng W_,__IlI_fol_offormJ I Adm- LMI NAlD/CO/IMWI'I Fal~ IT"'" MUMlER AND IIIIEEl NAIll!: CI1VOfITOWII ....,,, UQUr. ,. Indicat. .... naamt.I' of A-----..m RoB....... tranir....d on 1M.... 1 I . 0' P...... OR 0 Pen 01 . P....I """".... Ixl '...... IOnIy . _ of. _1_ _llloy oppIy: 4A. Plonlllng _ willi Subd_ Authority ~ ... __ ~ _ Roqo~1Id fotT_ I , oc. __... WId_willi ___ o o o "~_I Ii.. DU'IM IORI . 1.- No... CAFFREY, LMlfWl/lll/cm.lPU,y Beryl E., Estate of aKa ........... JaUrKJID LMr NMII/COMMNV 3...taxs~,x.asaxaxxcaxaxa..X*K~~..' ....1 NAIll! 7. Ch" .... box WDw which moM -lINtel, dncribellhe .. of the praperIy It III_ tInw of.. A~ 0111 Fom;1y Ru_ B 2 or 3 Family Rllidlntill C RoIidonlilll_lMd o Non-RDlklDmill Vlaln! unci I SAlE INFORAIAnON I n, Solo ConInoIlIoto n / a E ~ Allricullurol I' Common:IoI (; - H e..............'_....... ~ Communlly So_ l IIIdUltrIoI Public_ I. _ -...._--llloy~ .. 0WnII0hip T_ II ~II.. .. New' ConIIrucIion on V~t Land '... Pr_ L.-.d _In.n All_II oq"", ,..........-.--indIcolInu ..... 0I01l'_1o In.. Agrio:ul1unlll);mla o o o o I MonIh DIf' I y.., tLCMck__mcn"__car"'r.a--. rr"' ......., .1raIIIIIr. Sale BoIwaen ..I.... or Former RNIives Silo Batwaon RmIItad eom.-ni.. or P.rtners WI &u.lMU en. 0I1ho iIuyoIs it olio. Sol'" Buy., or _, 10 Gavommonl "-"v or Londlng ___ Oood Typo _ Won'onIy or Ilorgoln on! Solo ISpoeify _ Solo 01 FoocIianoI .. .... ..... Foe Ir...... ISpoeify IIoIow) S1g_nt Chongo In Pr_ _n T_ SIolus ond Sol. Do. Solo u11luoi...1o IncI.- In Sol. Prico 0_ u......r F...... A11lCling Solo Prico ISoocIIy _ Nonu 12. Dete of Bal. I Yr...... III - III$; 05 Day Yo. ,3. FuU .... Prfco , . ~,0,0,01 , -f-" . (Full s.rc PricI 111M lOIII1 amounl peId for lhe prapcuty Including PlI'IClNI PRJI*tY. Thll paymanI may bI in 1M form or elM. Olher property or goadI. or IhI """"P1ion of rnartgageI or odIar DbIigDdontJ ",.,. round 10 rIIIJ Nlrut II60Jt doIW MIOUIIL '......_Iho........_1 1 0 0 0 I __Inlho_ . . ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMAmN . Oola IIlouId _ 'h. lltaIl FlnoIAaoIImont Roll .nd TOll Bill 'F.'XP~ll't.nrIJl nlD~d ,.. =:.::::::,,:: from I 05, I 17. T_ _ V..... 10101 ................., I '''~CIoM ItA ,Ol-U "._D_"_ I S6'~ J ; j ; 20. TOll Mop Il1o__1 RoIlIIontlliorlollll mo...hon _........ __ _ _..loll 1000-106.00-10.00-024.001 I , CERTIRCATION I ~ _ .u ............. ullalGtmalloll """".n _ _ ......... ... _ lto...... 01 my .......... IIIIlI _.... I ............ .... ...._". 0I111Q' willful ........ ...,...... 01_..... r.... henla wlllOllUm _ to ... ........... or... ..... .... ..boll.. .. ... ........ .... ...... or...... _ ~ BUYEJrS AnoRNEV ~/LJ ~L~~~ GRZEGORCZYK p" 6r 117/ lA30 638 Cedar Drive 11IUT NUMIkR II1II:0... WTEltlALfl I 11/04/05 .... BATES William F. ............ -,- 631 ....cooo 727-0050 -....---- Mattituck cnvoo _ NY ....n 11952 "lXlIlf Pamela S CO-J\dm. CO-Adm. eta y , as