HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12415 P 389 ., L 12 lit5. f :;sq rfiE illS S fofpOO ~ o~.oo l- O~( .1'00 o /000 1C~7- S? -5 ( F.vS- '11'1"-S "'arm ~o:,,: (JIIMJI- tlilrpin lInd S.Ie- Deed. witb (.'nvc:n.1I1l1o :&JIio1t Grln"I,". ACI' - Ind....idu.ld or Cnl'p'lralilln. (Sin.lc llhc:er, CONIUlT'IQIR UlWYER BEFORE BIGNING nas INBTRUIIENT -THIS I_IIENT SHOUUl BE IIIED BY LAWYERS ONLY. TillS IXD";NTURE, mllde"'" 14TH day of SEPTEMBER . TWO THOUSAND and FIVE BETWE";N Bill K. KARTSONIS and ATHANASIA KARTSONIS, his wife.1'llSId1ng at 31-16 30th avenua, asttlrIa. ny 11102 . pony .f the nm pan. and KONSTANTINOS J. ANTONOPOULOS and MELINA ANTONOPOULOS. his wlfe, residing at 36-08 Ditmars Boulevard. AslDrta. NY 11105 ..#'. , "":'1 il1":Y", .... .~.1 I" , part)' ur1be SI.'CODd part. c':-:;S .'. '. . .. . . "" . . .... ,_ I .......:1l,c10'" WITNESSETH. .hot ,ho pari)' ofth.U... port. in considoratinn or..... doIlara and o1her ..Iuab... ......W.:f1Ilion ""id by.... pany or the s<cond pan. doeo hord1y ....llInd rolCll5<' on'o the pany or.... 5fflIlllI pan.'1Io lIoi.. 11I'''''''''''''' lIIICIassiJ1ll or.... party or the IeCOIId part fonwcr. ALL 1100, ccnain plOL picco... ""...1 orland. with tho huiWinlll'..d inlpro'.....n.. ,b..'mm ...._. .i'...... lying and bol~;".w al Mattituck, In the T-. of SouthaId, County of SuIIoIk &nd State of New York. kn-. and d81ignated 81 end by the 101 number 30, on 8 certain map entIUed, "Map of SUnl8l Knells, Seclion 7', and lIIed In the 0lIice of 1he Clerk of the County aI SuIfoIk, on Apr119lh, 1870. u map number 5448. more p&I1Icularty bounded and dllllCribed 81 ~: BEGINNING 818 point on the n""""'-.rty IIklB of Daisy RolId dlatant 285.81 _!rom lhB _lIOUlh8utBrIy end of an an:; a1. alMl hlM1g .18d1ua of 28.82 _ .nd .1ang1h of 40.24 faal connectlnglhB IllIItheul8r1y sIda of SunaBl Drive will the norlII\\'nle1ty IIkIe aI Daisy RolId; RUNNING THENCE north 18 dag-iO m"-'l8I 40 HCOI1da _ 180 IiIet THENCE north 711lagraM 39 m1nutae 20 8IlCllI'IlIIIU8l 105.271i1et THENCE IOUlh 18 dag_ 20 minutes 40 8IlCllI'IlIIIuBl 180 _10 the ~ IIde of Daisy RolId; THENCE along Ihe _~ IIda aI DaIsy Road IOUlh 71 dag_ 39 mlnul8l 20 8IlCllI'IlIII_ 105.27 feel 10 lhB point or place 01 BEGINNING. BEING INTENDED TO CONVEY lhBlIIIIl18 preml8ae conveyed to tha grantcrB h....n by daed dated December 7. 1972 .nd IlIConled Decamber 12, 1972 In Liller 7302 page 504. GRANTORS hareln being tha..... peroon8 81918_10 deed d8l8d dated December 7. 1972 and IlIConled Dec8111ber 12. 197210 Liller 7302 page 504. ' SAID PREMISES BEING lln-. 81 and by Iha 8lr8alllddnlsll580 Daisy Road. Maltituck. NY 11952 OIsIrIcllooo, SecIIon 108.00. Block 08.00. L.Ill 031.000 TOGIITIIER wilh III rilJhl, li~e.... in'...... irany. or ,be party or,be fill' purl. in and.. any ......... and ........boiling.be """'... de5l:ribed promi... '" the ....., lines Ihmor: TOGETHER with the IIpp\II1AmIIIIO and all the .......... riaJu. or,be pony or the n... part in and.. said """"iSCS: TO HAVE AND TO HOI.D the pmndoo hmin If1IlIICd unlO.... pony or the ol<CUnd pan..he heill or 5lKCl......... and ....tIII5 or ,he party uflho: se<Ond pan rom.... AND.he party orlho: nlll pan c:ovonan...hallho: party or1ho fil'5l pon has nol done or 5lIffi:...lanylhins wheRby lhc said pmn;... hcn'C' been cnc:urnhc:1ed in any way whaltYft'. C"~I IS .roresaid. A~'D Lhc part)' of the fim ran. in compliance wilh Scainn 13 oftbc Lien Law. co\"cnQIIl5 rhallk pany firs! pan will I'O..-ciwc tbe CORJidnation Cor this convC)'DIICC' and will hold lhe righllo ra.'c'h"C such '-"OIUideralim as. 3 UUSl tbnd 10 be apf'llied filSl forlh.: JKIIP05C or"").;IlII........ or ,110 imprtlV<ll1Olllllnd willlpply ,he """" nrst.. thepaymenl..r.... 005' of the imprt'\.....m her... "'"Ill' IIn)' ""n or ,he IOllII or.1Io """" ror any o1her JIWIIOlIC. The word "*'patly- ,hall be con!llnKd u it Ii n:ad ""partie!l" whcnr:vcr lhc sense of lhi.'\ mdcnwre !IO MlWn:s. W 'OF.lho: party .r.... 11M pon has duly uccu1cd Ibis .........."'" day and )""r wri.... BILL K. KARTSONIS _J)/~ ~= ~, ATHANASIA KARTSONIS " ~ '., . AckllOlllledglmentteken In _ York Slate Stale of New York. County of QUEENS On the 14TH day of SEPTEM~ In the year 2005. belore me. th. undel8ignecl. permnally .ppeared BILL K. KARTSONIS and ATHANASIA KARTSONIS personaUy known to me or proved to m. on the balls of sa_crory evldance to be the lndIvlduel(s) whose nemels) Is lare) subscribed 10 the within instrument end acknowledged to me that heJsheJthay executed th. sam. In hls/h.rnhelr cltylies), and lhet by his/herM.ir slgneture(s) on III. men~ the IndMdue~sl or iii. person upon beh8If of which lvIdua~s) acted. executed III. Instrument. KELLY MIHAU09 Notary Public. Slale 01 New Yolk No. 0110114903489 Qualified in Queens County Com/lIIIIiOn Expires November 23..2OOlI Acknowledgement by SUbscrtblng Wftn... !eken In New York 118. State of New York. County of On the day of , in the ysar the undersigned. personeDy appeared , before me. IiIe subscribing witness to the foregoing Instrument, wIl/I whom I am psrsonaUy scquelnted. who being by me duly sworn. did depose and Sly, thai heIsIleIthey reslde(s) in 11181 h8/sIIeIthey know(s) 10 be the IndMduel described In end who _led the foregoing instrument; that said subscribing witness _ presanl end IIW said executa the S8III8: end that said witness at 111. lime Um. subscribed hillherllhei, name(s) es a witn... lI1ereto. Tille No.: FAJS:Lf"1L['1-S Bill K. KARTSONIS 8Ild ATHANASIA KARTSONIS TO KONSTANTINOS J. ANTONOPOULOS end MEUNAANTONOPOULOS DlsIributed by Chicago nde Insurance Company I, AcknowIedgement!eken In New York Stele , sa: 118ta of New York. Counly 01 " , as: On the day of , in the year the undenligned, psrsonaJly appeared , before me. personaUy known to me or proved to me on the balls of IIUSl8dory evidence to be the incfrvidual(s) whose namels) is lere) subscribed to the within Instrument and ecknowIedged 10 me Ihet heJsheJlhey .xecuted the seme in hislllernheir capacltylies), end thet by hls/he,lthelr slgneture{a) On the Insbument, the IncfMdue~s) or the parson upon behalf 01 which tha indlvldualls) acted. .xecuted the InslIumenl. Acknowl.clgement teken outside _ York SI8le . IS: 'State 01 , County 01, "(0' Insert DlatriCl of Columbia, Territory, PoIseoslon or Foreign Country) so: On the day of , In the yes, the und~ned. pereonaliy appsared , before me. .., personally known 10 me or ptIlVlId to me on tha basis of sallsl8ctory evidance to be the Indlvtduells) whose neme{s) Is (ere) subscribed 10 IiIe within instrument and ac:koowiedged to me Ill. heJsheJlhey executed the same In hislherllhslr capscily(Ies), . end that by hlslhlt/lheir slgnature{s) on the Instrument, the indivldual(s) or the pereon upon behalf 01 which the Indlviduells) aclad, execuled the lnstrumen~ and thet such indlvlduel mede such eppearence belorethe undersigned In Ihe '. (add the cfty or polltIcaJ subdivision and the aete or country or' other ptace Ihe acknowledgement WlS taken). DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 101.00 BLOCK 08.00 LOT 031.000 COUNTY OR TOWN QUEENS RETURN BY MAIL 10: CHRISTOPHER KULAKiS, ESQ. 21.74 STEINWAY STREET ASTORIA, NY 11105 ZIp No. ! I II! l!s ~ ~ I I I . ! '" 1]2 I "'101"'_ '. umber Dr pales' TORRENS RECORDEJ) 2005 Oct "19 12126157 PIt Edl.aard P. R~ire ClERK (J' SUFFOLK COOHTY L 000)12415 P 389 DII 05-11545 , Serial" l."ilicalc" l'riurClr./I Deed' MotIpp InSIJUment Deed , Mora...o Tox StDlnp !j.l'l , FBES Recording' Filing Slln'llS 4' MortllDilo AIllI. POIlC' Filing Feo Handling TI'-584 I, n..ic Ta. 5 2. A....ilioJlal Ta. Notltiun Sub T olal Certilied Copy Iloll. Copy ORAND TOTAL , -/ as' jt.Jq- Spec/ADil. 0, Spec: 'Add. TOT. MTO. TAX DUll Town_DUal CLlunly_ 1101.. rur Appurti..III,eLlI -.:_ Tl1Insrcr1'ox ,~~ Mansion Ta. - 1l.e property co.ue<! by Ihis IllUrlPIlO is or will be improve" by a OLlO or Iwu rlDlily dwcllin& only. YES orNO_ .I, '- If NO, see Ippropriale II. ell"se un pHgo II I/o _oflhisinslrument. (;H4-05"', 6 Communily Preservulio fund Conslderalion Amounl S EA-52 17 (County) liA-S217 (SIIlIO) IU'.T.S.A. COllllll. or Ed, , QQ..- ^Ili....il OIl1cr /6 Sub'rolll _ N.._.. _ . LoI StemI' be) CPF Tax Due s I Improved Doto Vacant La,," Inil"'s 7 SalisreclionsIDischergeslRoleases UiI Property ,-!W1""B .........D ' .dd , RECORD II RETURN TOI ' c",...~t.t).t. k"" 1I:.'k'I'~ I E S ~ 21" '7'( :s ic.r'r\IN"f Strc c T J.\:~ for ,'Cl,' NY' I/{O.s In . TO TO TO ~ Suffolk Count 'Recordiri 'nus page ronns pori onlle ull8Ched t) e e d (SPooFY TYI'E O~ lNS1ltUMENI') 8 ..... . ," Dlnd. by: ..' ,/ r I I . 'I 8." 1<'. . Kc:.I'~""",1 iIh M-~I:.t\ ....,'.. K'...~ko,,; ,':J TO 'Jbe'prenuscs herein is silualed in SUFFOLK OOUNTV. NEW YORK. hI II1e ToWNhip or S.,..., ~J. ~^...t..V\f.,'"..~ ~. A",totl..~!a,'{ In lliVllLAOE "'C.,,'^.. ^,^'~t\,Dr';"'''.T' orHAMl.ETof : UOXI3S S 'Il-IRU 9 MUST-BE TYPED OR:PlUNrED IN'BLACK INK ONLY l'lUOR. TO REc.:OIIDING OR FIUNO. . . .. . IOV,?RI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICE RBCORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0109781 . TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 05-11545 Recorded: At: 10/19/2005 12:26:57 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D0001241'5 389 District: J,~.OO Section: Block: 106.00 08.00 12YIUlIHBIl AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS $495,500.00 Lot: 031.000 Deed Amo\J.Dt: Rec'eived the Pol lowing Fees Por Above Instrument z,r'""lpt Ex'""lpt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,982.00 NO CQIIIIII.Pres $6,910.00 NO Fee. Paid $9,041.00 TRANSPER TAX HUMBER. 05-11545 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRtJMBHT THIS IS HOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County " Ill. SWIS CacIo REAL PROPERTV TRANSFER REPORT I~~, ?'.J?J?,9'1 * 1:2.___ '1 ~ I/t I&'~-I " 1:3. - 1 ,/.~. 9" /, ~ '_1 ?, f?','11 - PROPERTY INFORMATION IITATE OF NEW VORl. STAlli IIOARD Of REAl. .--.nl'__ RP . 5217 1lP-A17 .. JIf7 "=1 580 tmlIIT ....... DAISY ROAD .......- SOUTHOLD cnv ClIlI TCMN MATTITUCK -- 11952 ..- z. _ 1 ANTONOPOULOS _ LAST NAMlI ClJWAtIt KOIlSTANTINOS J. lIMY NMII IANTONOPOULOS LAIT___/~ I. Ta: IndicaI whirl futur8 Tu BU... to be ... 1 IlIIIng W____lll_al_. -- MELINA ......NAiII LAIr NAMlICOIiIIWft' NIlR'NoIIII! .T"IT~AND.T...rNAMI ClfTDIlTIMN . I'''TI. ,. CODI I. =..v 1 - 105.27 ....T Pin IXI 190 ""'" IDRI . . N:lU . 6 f. I IOnIy.Portal.__......,"""'" OA.PIomIng _..." ___~ 0 "'''l",",IoIoo.Ap..-J_RolpIhdlor_ 0 C._~Ior"u_"",,,,,_ 0 .._...._al_ RaII....-_OlI...._ . 1 I hI Porcoll DR D Po...fo Po...1 1.- -.. KARTSONIS LM1' ~ IaMWft' BILL K. ...-r..... KARTSONlS lM'''''~''ft' ATHANASIA -- 07 I 29 MllrlIl DIy 105 v.. -....--......,"""'" I. o..-MIp Typo 10 COIldom_ ~ Commllnfty SIMco I. _ CoNInIcIIon on_I LInd J Ind_1 IlIA. "'- _ _... Afplauhulll DiIIricI PublIc_1co I..~_._II_~ L Fo_ _lho_IlIo.......-_ 1.. ~.........",_ ........................-..: Solo _ __..Former_ Solo _ _ Com,onIoo.. _In BuoI... Onoofthl~Io_._ 8uyIt or SeDer II eo...."".1l ~ or landing InIIitution llood Typo ... Worronly..1IorgoIn .nd _1SpocIfy _ Solo of F_ .. ~ IIlon Foo _1SpocIfy_ Slg_ Cho,..oln "'-'" _ T_ _ ond Solo Doloo _oIl1uo1....Io_In_PIIco Olhor lift...... F_ AIfocdng Solo PIIco lSpocify_ - o o o o 7. Chedl: 1M box .-ow which moll.........' ..... 1M .. or IU preperty ...... time III ..... A~ OM FomIly_1 B 2or3Fom1Iy_ C _ V..... Lond o Nan-Relldtndll VIOl" LInd I SALE INFORMATION I 11. _ _ IIob E~~r., F Cornmerc"l a _, H ErdInainmeM I Am...""nI ,2. Da.. of .. , 1r"'" 09 I - 16 I O~ ... v_ .,0.0,0.01 , , . !Full Solo PrIco 10 thI_ 'mounllllld lor'" proporly Indudillll poIIOtIIII _. Thil PIYfI1I1K Ny bIIln the fann of CIIh. othIr proDIfIY Of goodI. or the IllUmptlol'l of _or_oIlIlgolI~ __lOrho____ '.._...._01....- I , O. 0 , 0 I --......- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 0." ohould _ the 111III ,,".1_1 Roll ."d Tox Bill 13. FuU__ ,1. v..... .v--ant RaIl fI"MI In, A I 17. Total.... vu. (of III""" In .......11 .. . 1..=:"'7;., ,0 IJlli 11.___' 12. jnd:l~(d. , 7.5.0 01 , 211. ,...__1110I-1011....--.-----1 DIST: 1000 sect: 106.00 1 I CERTIFICATION I ......,._ d "'Ibe_"'_ _aa ...._..._.... _CIoIbe -"'IIQ' -......... _............ . -........... "'J: '* - "'_............ wDI ooIIJe<l... 10 tho -- "'.... -- _10 Iho -........ "'-- IllBII BUYER'S ATTORNEY '(J >9111~ 199/14/05 ::-~)NOS J. AllTOPIBPOULOS BLOCK: 08.00 lot: 031.000 KDLAItIS -- 1 CHRISTOPHER -- 38-08 1 DITMARS BOULEVARD II..-rNUMlllli .,.-rNMIIWTMUIiJ 718 -- 726-5400 ...........- ASTORIA cnv DO'- NY 11105 ...- r ""'\ IIAlI BY&!! ~ ---- ~ 09/14/05 .....-..... BILL K. KARTSONIS .." NEW YORK STATE COPY