HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12397 P 459 ~. .-rl. " "".'..\ ',.,. . I "~otJ \?Ja-' . ll;j)q1 r 4')( . _....__~w~~:.?:-.~_Id_..C__I~!JYa=rJ IUb5~ ~ NY2lJ05 , . CONSULTYOUR LAWYER BEfORE SIGHING THIIINSTAUIIENT- THBIIIS1AUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDENTURE. made the 13th , in the year 2005 day or June BE1'WF.t:N Timothy E. Keyer residing at 1645 Ruth Road, Kattituck, New York 11952 pany or the firsl pan. and John D. Wagner and Karen Wagne~eaiding at 19 Rooaevelt Street, Garden New York, 11530 4' ~Uti~ 4-0 e~ O~ . City, pany or the second pan, WITNESSETH. lhulthe party or \he filSl ran, in consideration or .er dolllllS paid by \he pany or the llCCOIId pan. does hereby granl and release uDlO \he pany or \he lIIlCOnd pan. the heirs or su.:cessors and lISsigns or the pany or the """""" pan ron:ver, ALL Ihlll eellllin plOl, piece or pan:el or IllIUI, with the huildings and improvemenlS lhereon cl1lClCd, silu8lC, lying and being .... at Kattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York being more perticularly bounded and described aa follows I "See Schedule A attached hereto and made a part heredf" BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated 05/06/97 and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 05/13/97 in Libet of Deeds 11830 at page 245. TOGETHER with all righl,lilleand inlCl'eS\, ifany, orthe pany Ilr the fil5l pan in and lOany S11'CC\5 unci roudsahulling lhe aOO\'C. dcsc:ribcd premior.;lo the eenter lines thereor; TOGETHER with the appuncnllllCCS and all Ihe ..we and righls of the panyor lhe filSl pan in and 10 SIIid promi...: TOIIAVF.ANDTO HOLD lhepremiscs herein granlCd URlOlhe panyorthesecood pan. the heirs or S\lCCCSSOrs and assigns of lhe pany of the second pan fon:vcr. AND the party or Ihe firsl pan CO'eIWlL~ dull the pany or the fil'Sl pan has IKlI done or sulTered anything whereby the SIlid premises have beeR ClICumbcred in any way whatever, exC:Cpla.. aforesaid. AND Ihe pany of the li"'l pan. in cl1JI1pliancc with Seclion 13 of the LieR Law. covelWlL. lhlU the pany or lhe firsl pan will l\:c.i\'C the considerlUion for Ihis cooveya...:" and will hold the righllO receive such consideralion... a 1ru.~1 fond 10 be applied firsl for lhe purpose: or paying the C05I of the improvemenl and will apply lhe SIlIIIC lirsllo the paymeRI of the caol of the impruvcmcnl bcrorc u..ing any pan of the 100al of the same rorany OIherpurposc. The word "pliny" shall bccon.1rUed as iri! read "panics" wbcncw:r the ~nse of this indenlure so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the pany of the firsl pan has duly excculCd this deed the day and year firsl aoo... wrilten. IN PRE-liENeE OF: C(;/M.'I'L, € t~..... Timothy E. 'Meyer STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Onthe 13thdayof June intheyear 2005. boforo me. dle onclenij:nod. prrsonaIly opp:aml Timothy E. Meyer . p<nonlIlly koown In me or ........ 10 me no tlx: b1W5 of ..w.rll<lor)l evidence to bo the indi,idoal(5) whose name(.) i5 (=) ..b&cribcd tlltho widtin inslntlllOllllllld ack_l. odged 10 me dtDl hehohcIIhcy cxmJled the some in hillbcrflheir apucily(icsl. and thot by hi"""'lIheir Oi&"OIl"e(o) on the i1llllnlmen~ the illllividoaJ(5). or dte po",," 011 behallor which the individ II ed. t"lCC'uted the . L Notary F. NalarY NlUa; 01""" yatlt Mo._ .,--- ~ In lIuIIaIk CaunIY ClInIllIIIIOn ..........."*10._ STATE OF . COUNTY OF On .he day of in the yeur bolon: me. the ondenign<d. . Noll/)' Publi.: in .... f... soid SI4le. penonnally _ami .Iho suM."'Iibing witness to the furegoinS insuum&:1ll" wilh wtM.w I am pmmally DL'qoainted. who. mnll by me d.ly OWOrD. did depooe and soy thallx:l.hrIdtey =ide(o' in (if !he pbz of...ub<c;, i..ck~ _!he _lIIIlI.... -mff ..,.Ihemi!; that hehhcllhcy k"""'1s) 10 be the individual dcKribed in .nd who clCCUlCd ,he ''''''ll''i", in!CLrumcnl; ..... 53id r.uhllCribing WilM5S WaJ pA.'WIIt lUll.! saw !&Did execute the-1AI11C; and lhut said wilnrH 21 the wune time suhscribed hiJClh~ir DlIIX(l'1 3J . Witncili Ihcletl.' ladd!he lull...;.. illhr _1ooIJmen, i1laken_ NY_I WId that ..id s.h>cribi"ll witness I1IlIdr ...... oppeora..... borore the u~ipcd in the (illM!ft Ihe cil)' or C'ther pclililcllsubdi\oWm und !he SW:c ('II' '-WDIIy 01 0Iher pIKC' &he- proof WI' taU."II). murgain nnb !tall' mttb wml COVI,'''ANT AGADlS1' GRANTOR'S ACTS Tm.E No, Timothy E. Meyer TO John D. Wagner and Karen Wagner I1iItrlboI<<dby ~~~y JOOEASr42DdST.,IOIbPLOOR-HF.WYORLNY 10017 121,lJm-a050 Pu~I2JtlJ-lln '"f"" . . . . . ." ",)..,. STATE OF On the day of in dte y.... bcfon: me, tho .ndenill""'L personally appeaml .. ,. '. . pmonoJly k....n 10 me or proved 10 me on .Ix: bosi. 01 ..u.I.......-y evidence 10 be the individOlI(.) whose namc(" i. (are) ..blcribed 10 .be ..idtin illSlnlment IIIId ..knowl- odp 10 me dtOllx:l&bciUley ......Led dte ...... in hislhetflheir C4JlII'ilylics~ and tJw by hio/hcrllheir .i&notw<!.) no dte inSltllmenl. dte individuol(s). or dte po/1Olll 011 hebalf 01 which lhe illlli.iduaJ(5'...'lCd,......1ed the insln1menl IIlIdIbr lalloooini illhr ocu-1cdpaI 15l111oa _ ,,"'Y SlIlcI and .h111 &aid ..blo<ribinl wit.... made ....b """"'"OC'O bol"'" the undmipned in the _..ClQ.._poIiia1_......SUIt... _.......p..Ilr-......_~ STATE OF On the day of boron: me ,,"l'IOIIIlIly e.me . COUNTY OF indle year ,n me known. who. bei", by me d.ly ....om. did depose and ..y IhIII be ....idos II thai he is the ", the e."ponIIion dcocribcd in and whicb ....,.Ied lhe ''''''lIm", i..uomem: thar. he kl10Wll the...1 ul ..id eorp.vatiM: """ lhe ...1 affixed lD &aid ilJllrUmenl i. .....h <orporIIle _I: that i. .... '" oIIixed by DRIer 01 dte bnonI 01 direclDnl 01 llid cnrpor.tIion, and \ba. he siped b name dten:", by IWe order. SECTIll." 106.00 BlOCK 07.00 LOr 010.00 m"~"l'YUIl1OWS Southold STRIlEI'ADDIl.:ss 1645 Ruth Road Mattituck, NY 11952 Rcct>rded II ReqO<Sl of S'ffiWART TITLE" RETURN BY MAli. TO: Deborah Doty, Esq. P.O. BOlt 1181 Cutchogue. !rev York 11935 , . . '. Tltl. ND' RH05303:Z99 SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPnON ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattltuck, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 197, Block 16, on a certain map entitled, "Map of Captain Kid Estates', and filed In the Otnce of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 19, 1949 as Map No. 1672; said lot beln9 bounded and descr1bed as follows: . BEGINNING at a monument on the southerly side of Ruth Road distant easter1y 170.71 (eet from the extreme northeaster1y end of the curve which connects the easterly side of Sunny Lane and the souther1y side of Ruth Road; RUNNING nlENCE North 77 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East along the southerly sldll of Ruth Road, 80.00 feet to a monument; THENCE South 12 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds East, 126.22 feet to a monument; THENCE South 82 de9rees 40 minutes 50 seconds West, 80.34 feet to a monument; THENCE North 12 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds West, 118.87 feet to the monument on the souther1y side of Ruth Road at the point of place of BEGINNING. r-", , I '). . ~, . \. I , j' '\, " 1 I I ;1: " " , , \ \ , ! I ( Certlncate 0/ T1tie . . G 2 l REClJlDED 2005 Jul 13 01:32135 PIl Edward P.~ine CLERJ( OF SUFFOlK COUNTY L 000012397 P459 on 04-48826 '. Number uf ""ges TORR.:NS ~ Serial N Certificate N l'rior au Deed 1 Mortgage InSllUmerll Deed I MorIpge Tax Stamp FEES R<cordillgl Filing Slam"" 4 l'alle/l'ilillgF"" Ilandling TI'-584 ~b Mllrtgage And. I. D:lsic Tax 2. Addilionll Tlx NOlalion Sub Totll Con"L of Ed. 5~ SpeclAssil. Or Spec./MJ. 1lA-52 I?lCounly) EA-S2I 7(State) _ Sub Totll R.I'. T.SA ~-=- Mausion' ax 11.e p rty rovercd by Ibis mortl!'lgc is ,'r will e improved by lone or two family dw ing only. YES orNO_ If O. see appropri..e I chluse on page N uf 1I1is illslnolllc . _I ., ...q(' ArrKlavit Certilied Cop)' Reg. Cupy Sub TUIII GltANIl TOTAl. 11}'~ C/O OIber s Reall'rutlCl1y TlLdil.TVke Agen,.')' VL..ificllli... Dist. Section D Ioc:k IAII -- --..-- -~- - --.. ~ 1000 10600 0700 010000 1. CPF Tax Due ShlJnp We Impruv<d Inilials 7 Salisfoclions/[)''''''III'8O:S/I\e,eISCS a::'sn'roperty UwnerS"MailingAddre RECORD" RETURN TO: VICIIIII.und K TO TO TO Deborah Doty, Esq. P.O. Box 1181 Cutehogue. New York 11935 9 Cu. Naill. Tille II Suffolk COWlt Recordin 'Ibis J1lIge (OnllS port orlhe IIlll1l:hc:d Bargain and Sale Deed (SPEOFY 'm'J:: Of INSIRUMENT ) ;lIad. b)" TO In tbe Township of Southold I Timothy E. Meyer The pn:miscs herein is situalcll in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. John D. Wagner and Karen WaRner In tlK: VILLAGE or HAMLET of Mattituek 7 UOXES 5 '!lUW 9 MUST BE Wl'ED OR I'lUmED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING , lOVE. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUJ'J'OLK COmrl'Y CLERK RECORDS OI'J'ICB RECORDDfG PAGE Type of IDst:nD*lt. J)DDS/J)J)J) RUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt Bamber . 05-0072623 'l'RUTS1'BR 'l'AX RtJMBERs 04-48826 Recorded. At. 07/13/2005 01.32.35 PM LIBI!:RI PAGlh D00012397 459 District. 1000 Section. Bloalu 106.00 07.00 .......MTIIIBD A1lID CIIAllGBD AS MLLOWS $330.000.00 Loti 010.000 Deed AmDImt I Received t:luI I'ollowlng I'_s I'or Above IDIIt~t ~r~1: Bx I&t page/riling $12.00 110 IlaD4ling $5.00 110 COil $5.00 110 BYS SKCBGl $15.00 110 IlA-CTY $5.00 IlIO IlA-STA'l'Il $75.00 110 TP-584 $5.00 IlIO Cart.Copies $0.00 110 RPT $30.00 IlIO SC'I'M $0.00 110 'l'rllDBfer tax $0.00 IlIO Caaa.Pres $3.600.00 110 rees Paid $3.752.00 TRARSn:R TAX 1Il'OIIBD. 04-48826 THIS PAGIl IS A PUT or '1'BB IJfS~ THIS IS IlIO'l' A BILL Bdward 11. a..... f ft. CoImty Clerk. SUffolk COUDty PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN wRITfNG tilil FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:tl www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWI& Code IY,7.3,9.~,~ * L{J.tJl .'- ~ I <?;,>T . ". l:4....s.1 ,<<5".11 cz. DId. Dud _decl C3._ PROPERTY INFORMATION "=1 1645 111M' ..-. I Ruth Road ....., - z. Buy.. Nome Southold c:nY DR TOwN Wagner I.AIT __/Cf1IIHMr I MSlf"........II,..1r VILlAGE I John D. ...r NM& Wagner LAlI NMIIi, CQW'Nft' I Karen ....- 3. T.. IndiaIIIIwhnIuanT..BillnlObI_ I _ W__~_III_"'_ -- REAL PROPERlY TRANSFER REPORT BrATE ,. NEW YORIC BrATE IIOAIIIl Of REAL I'IIIIPERTY 8ERVICES RP - 5217 U'4211'" J/ft 111952 .CXXlI: IAI' Mli&ICOWAItt rN'_ slJlil,r...... AM)"""__ QIl'CIIIIQWIII ...- &. ........1IIe numblr of ......-.nt 101""- ._..............._ 11 . af PII,cels OR 0 Pari of . hIceI &'=-1 - IORI 'IQQ' .~..QJ. Ixl ""'"' _ou, ..- - I Meyer LA5T NAIl! , CCJIINN'f' Timothv E. _.iiiii" I1'A:n: 1OnIr. PorT '" I _ _ __...... ",-_,..____E-. D 4lI.s.bd_AjlprooIol__...,lorT_ D C.__for__Mop_ D LAIT NAIll! Ico.MY .......... 7. Chedl: the box ..... whidII moll: KCIn1eIv ....a.. the .. of the......-rtY lit 1M dm. of ale: A~ 0.. F..... _~I 14 2 or 3 F.mlly RHIdent1a1 C _ntlTl v.... LlInd D Non RnIdtn1ia1 VKllnl UncI I SALE INFORMATION I ". .... ContaaI hta E ~ Agricuhrol " CommordoI G __ H Entllllinmenl' Amuument I ~ CommunllY_ J Ind_"1 " PullIIc_'" L _ -... ----...... LOwnonhIp~Io~m .. New ConIInIcdon on V<<Mt lMtd ,M. "'-'" I.ocotod IMIhn In AlI..........1 _ '..__.d___"lI dIIIlhI propIIIy illn III AgrIculturll DiIUIa: o o D D I 05 Y... ,.. CIIIIIIIl:.... or..... of..... II i"1icM............. to......r.: .1 03 - I 29 "'" A II C l) " F G H I J ,2. OeIIIaI_/T__ 06 - I 13 Dot I OS YOM 330 000 " .. .0.0 I , , . (Full Sell Price is.... toW amount peld for Chi Pf'OIJIJ1Y including PMOMI property. This plymtn' InIY blln lhI form of cuh" other property or IlDOd1. Of IMlllUmplion 01 _or_obIip11ano.l __lOrho___......... ,~ _ ..........- __In"'_ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. '1. FUll_Price 11. Y... 01 ... --- '*., Hal wNcIIlnIo......... ... ., . _ th.IalHl Flnl' -\A._ 11011100 Tn Bill 17, T...._V.....lalo11_In_J I 'L_GIou 12.1 0 I-U ...___1 Mettituck SaIl BGtwoen RcIaiveI 01 FotmIt RNtiveI SIlo _ _~luor _In s...... llno ..1ho IIuyoro 10 _ . Soller &uyr.r or SoIIor" Govern,,*" Agency or Lending IMrilutIon Qeecl1VI>I'" __ or IIorgoIn Ind .... (SpocI1y _ SIlo aI F_ or""'_ FIe _ISpoclty SoIowI SIgn_ C1IIngo In PT-"/ _ T..- _.nd __ _"-"'''_In__ 0IIlar UnuIUIII _ A_"lI SIlo PTIcoISpoclIy Solowl , , :?7~ :0 , I I CERTIFICATION I I ......" _ oil "'.... ..... of IDfilmuollun .'1....... '"' Ildo .... on """ _ __ (10 .... _ of my ......... .... _ ... I ........... _ ... ....... oflOlJ..IIIIW......_.._ r.......... wII........ _101111 __ofllle...... ............ ......-...-IIIIna"'...........- t~W~. BUYER'SATTORNEY ~~'h~ I 6-13-05 ". " .. \~Tlioo.se!~&- W~!r.r .." J "la.~ I had. Ra_J "~18tJ c). ......_rf'J...., " \ S'3 0 ~ "\Y I Ill'( Ma...........n"'k 20. T_...............1oII RoII_llmaro__.._____' 1000 07.00 106.00 010.00 Doty ....- 631 -..... cnvGfll'l'ONN ITAII ...- SELLER ~.=..~ ,. ~n Timothy E. Meyer 6-13-05 .... Deborah ....- 734-6648 "'-- NEW YORK STATE COPY