HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12417 P 615 .~"'Lt2'~q JO~-(-13 t~l)" ft:t>l5 EXECUTOR'SDEED(INDMDUALORCORPORATION) STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8010 ,. c..lmOIi: TIllS AGREE.\IE.'T 5110111.0 BE I'IU:r..KI:O BV ..Ii ..1TURNEV AND REVIEWED B'" ....TOIl....E'.S FOil SELI.EIl......D rlllK.'I"'~F.1l BEFOIlF. SIGNING. THIS INDENTURE, made Ihe '1 of /:)".1:,~ ,2005 between VERONICA CIDONE u Executris under tile Last WlIlllnd Testament or Celia M. MoW. (deceued), Lettera Testamentary il8uecl May 16, 1005, Snffolk Couaty Surroptea Court File No. !l64P1OOS. resldlag at lS4S Ratb Road. Mattitue", NY 11951 party of the first part. and . L. MICHAEL IORDANOU and THEANA IORDANOU. u to a ~ Interest. residing at 104 BayvieW' Rd., Manbaaet. NY 11030. and ~OR<?~ LAZARIDES, u to a ~ Interest. residinllllt 72- WaJ,::r' w~ Q.. l.Jh ~1I". ^1 1(71.((,.. . party of the ~ond part. h' WITNESSETH. thai the party of the first part. to whom letters testamentary were issued to VERONICA CIDONE by Ihe SUrrogale's Court, Suffolk County, New York on 5/26/05 and by virtue of the power and aUlhority given in and by said la~1: will and testament, and/or by Article II of the Estates, Powcrs lII1d Trusts Law, and in consideration ofS400,OOO.OO dollars, lawful money of the United States, paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grantlll1d release u!lto the party of the second part, the distributees or successors and assigns of tile party of the second part fon:ver, ALL Ihat certain plot, piece or parcel of land. with Ihe buildings and improvements thereon erecled, situate, lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE 'A' A"I1'ACHED HERETO TOGETHER with aft right, title and inlerest, irany. of the party of the firsl part in and 10 any slreets and roads abutting the above described premises to the eenter lines Ihereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances. lII1d also all the estate which the said d~edenl had at Ihe time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party oflhe firsl part has or has power to convey or dispose of, whether individually. or by virtue of said will or otherwise. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe premises herein granted unlO the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party ofthe second part forever. AND lhe party of the first part eovenanlSthat the party of the first part has not done or.suffcred anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, excepl as aforesaid. AND the party oflhe firsl part. in complian~e wilh Section 13 of the Lien Law. eovenlll1ts that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the eoslS oflhe improvement and will apply the same tirst to the payment of the cost oflhe improvemenl before using any part oflhe lotal of the same for any osher purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense oflhis indenture so. requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party oftbe first part has duly executed Ihis deed the day and year first above wrinen. NVSD..IlcJi.....,lulL~.(9IOO1 ('.."... c""",a' lleYd.lpmnd .1. .. . ADVANTAGE TIThE AGENCY, INC. Title No. 05-.4.5-34275 (611520433) SCHEDULE A '. Ameoded September 23, 2005 < . - ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land. situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of . Slluthold. CountY of Suffolk and Stale of New York, known and designated as and by the Lot Number 200. in Block 16, on a certain map entitled, "Map of Captain Kidd l!stales, situalo:d at Mattituck Inlet. Town of South old. Suffolk CounlY, N.Y.. and filed in the Officc ofthe Clerk oflhe c9untyofSulTolk on January f9tll, 1949. lIS Map Nwnbcr 1672, bounded and described as follows: . \ . BEGJNNING at a point on tbe Southerly side of Ruth Road, said point being the line of division between Lots 200 and 201 as shown on the aforesaid filed map; RUNNING THBNCE South 12 dewees 34 minutes 00 seconds East1S3. 76 feet; .. nlB~CE South 82 degrees 40 minutes 50 seconds WesllOO.42 fecI; THBNCE North 12 degrees 34 minu\CS 00 seconds Wesl 144.58 feet to the Southerly side or Ruth Road; THENCE North 77 degrees 26 minutes 00 seconds East along the Southerly side of Ruth Road 100.00 feet to the point Dr place of BEGINNING. .' .:', . , ". /~- . STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) ) 55.: l On the 1 day of ro~ , 2005. before me. the undenigncd. personally appeaml VERONICA CIDONE. personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of salisfaetory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(s) i~ ) subseribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her ca It' s), and that by her signaturels) on the instrument. the individuallsl, or the person upon behalf of t' diV~ed the in5trument. NOTARY PUBL ? _e.!!" FLANNER OUlEN -. PIlbIIc lIIlIIa or N_ YoIIr No. O2OL215118OO Qualllled In 8uIfoIk County Commllalon ElIpIra M8rtlh ao. 20<1/ .' f t.J1L::#- 05'.A::;.- ~2 75 - ...-..- ~tm of GJid. f\(. Ho,'s- +0 tj',n(~ocJ Q::, ~ V~ 'fnl~1- (JU.cJ. ~' /,.t:n (,.ks as I-.. l. '/,, fQ. r~1- ~rJ ./ ~V-~: Va lJl'~ V. ~VQ.Iu-l1" 44~ fyoac/hGJIC"/b.) f(,.). ~-e 1/213 (Y)t.ll.rt ( u' 0 1I,t.f/ NVSJIARaidonlillRalL~,_"O/JIJOI COWl'" (__n' 0ewI_ 02- [!... 2 l Serial ~ RECORDED 2005 Ol;~ 31 02108:43 PIt Edward P,RoIIIine ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUIlTV L 000012417 P 615 DiI 05-13244 NUlnber of pages TORRENS Cenilicate. Prior C1r. I Deed / MOIIPF (nSlrumenl Deed / MortPl" Tax Swnp FEES Recording / Filing Slalnps 4 Pose / Filing Fec ~ MOIIpge AmI. Handling TP-S84 \. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Nol.lion Sub Tolal 3 EA-S2 17 (Counly) (;A.5217 (Slate) .. _ Sub Tolal Certified Copy Reg. Copy Sub TOIaI ----y- GRAND TOTAL SpecJAssil. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_Dual Cnnnly_ Held for Apportimmenl Transfer Tax 1(P~-. Mansion Tax _ The property covered by lhis mOllpge is or will be improved by a one Dr two ramil)' dwellina only. YES orNO_ If NO, see appropriBle lax clause on age ~( _Oflhisinstrumenl. \) tfj 0- Communi Preservotiou Fund Consl 5~ R.I'.T.S.A. Conun. of Ed. !Jr-_ Affidavil Other l Real Property Tax Service Agency Verificslion DIst. Seclion B lack Lot ~J!) ..,. ..... .,,. ..,... Vacanl Land Slamp Dale Inilials 9 TO TO TD e 1ms page fonns ~ of the alIachaI 'llIode hy: \ I . d (SPOOFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENf) -'{ (.( () n LA 0,,- (1. ~. o..,d ~ premises htmn is situa1ed in ~;..f.rf it SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW VORK. ~ TO - An- In the Township of ~wtl.~ (ria Q/M IntheVlllAGEI11n d k~:/~~/cJ~tAS-- BOXES 5 11IRU9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRI LACKINKCN:Vl>RidR TO RECORDING OR FILING. . (OVER) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Inst~nt. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-011431& TRANSFBR TXX NUMBBR: 05-a3244 Recorded: At: 10/31/2005 02:08.43 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012417 615 District. Section: Block: Lot: 1000 10&.00 07.00 013.000 BXAMINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $400,000.00 Received the vo11owing Pees Por Above Instrument B:ll:8IIl.Pt Bx8lll.Pt page/Piling $12.00 NO KlIDdling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 .' $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,&00.00 NO Comm.Pres $5,000.00 NO Pees Paid $&,752.00 TRANSPER TAX NUMBB~. 05-13244 THIS PAGE IS A PART OP THE INSTROMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County /-- FOR COUNlY USE ONLY PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRft/lL Y WI:lEN WRITING ON FORM - INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1. SWIS CacIIl ~~, 3. ~ JJ:}, rl cz.__R" - UI .J./1 ~: C3._ I ./.J.. ~ /.711:4...... PROPERTY INFORMAnON * IJTAlE OF NEW YORK IIrAlI. .oARD Of REAL I'IIOPEA.'I' IBMCES RP - 5217 .PoQIT", Nn '.~I 1345 ----- SJMI!T IftIIIIBlI Rutb Road -- ~~\li;ld Mattituck ...... I 11952 ....... ..- No_ T nr,lllnnll I.MI' __,CIOMMN'i HJr.1I!i1 Llordanou Mman- I. Tu .................,.. ... ... III be... -. w__........_Iol_.._1 -- I Ibeana ClllfP IAl1......'alfIIIHIf" HHI r NMII .,.1r~.Nm._.l'lIMMI .C'I'lI'OIlIIM11 S'AU. ""..... ... ....... 1M ........ of A__ .-..1 .... ....... .......... .. the .... J I .gfhrc... OR D"rtDf.PIr1:oI ~- ~ ,,_ I Ixl - - .... 10111 .~. . 1OnIy.-...--......,....... 4A. PIInrq BoenI.-tI Co L ~ ~, AuIhMy ExiIIII 0 48."_~__b_ 0 4C.,... AppigvKIb e.....~1Iion wiCh MIp PIavIdId 0 ..- - Cidone LASI....'COIIIfNflt Veronica as Executrix of tbe Estate of -- Celia H. Hoisa LAlli __,c;QWOANY . lIlT..... 'J. CbecII 1M bo. below wNcllllIIOIt NQ .aer,......... __ of.... PftII*IY .IM '11III8 of.... '\~ 0n0__101 B 2 or J Flmlly "-kIInII" C _, V....lMd D Non ~lidlnlill V-.. lIInd I SALE INFORMAnON I .11.__- E ~ Alrlcu.u..' F Camrnln:1I1 (J ___ H Elftrfalnrnenl/~ I ~ <:ommunlty_ J _lIriol K _SoIYico I. ""'""' -...--......,- ..~T...Io~1um .. Haw eon.tructIon on v.... Land -.........l-.cI_..AI_,_ '''...,..-.---. IhoI dIo _" In............_ o o o o I 7 - 1 8 .... 1 yO; ../ 1 db I y,", 'LChecIlDftl......._....~. _............to......-.r: '..D....._/T_ I~ 1 11 - Do, A R c: I) Ii I' (J II I J ---..-- _ -. _ ec.np.,1oo.. "-..In_ Ono 01 dIo ......... ,,_ . SoIIor Buyw Dr Sea. II Go........... Agency or Lending InIttIutIon Deed Type lilt Wlrr.my or 8Irglln II'ld SaIIlSpecify BeIow1 ... of FnIcIiDNII Dr ~ thin F. I"..,.. (Specify BIlow) SOInillconl Chongo In "'- _ T_ .......1Id ...._ $e. of ...... II IncIudad In SIlo Price OIho,U_f-..AII_____ - 11."'__ .4.0,0.0,0.0,0.01 , , . IFul1 s.a. IlrlclIlIhe l01II_mould PIllet for the prgpM1y Including 1*10I"I1 property. ThIt PIYftWU: II\Iy bI .. ... form of CUh, DlMr property or goodI. or lho ~Ion of mDf1IIIIIoradw allr_ . -J "--'rounfltorlle.............MIOUftf. ,..-...-..- I . 0 , 0 I --.....- . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION" Dolll .hauld ,ofIlC1lho I..... Fin.l_m... Rall.Ad T.x Bill '8. v_or A_ ....ntRalIram O.r-n.T....Au-.dv-..Iaf.._lntrl.......11 whlchl..lMIIon.... ~ ,..,,-_ ~/.Oi'-LJ ,,,___,~"o-e.d , , 4. (..00 , ... TuMoll__,___......._'""'.____...........WI 1000-106.00-07.00-013.000 I I CERTIFICATION I I ~ thoI oD ",.ho ....... '" Inr.......... .-... ,. 11II5 ran. ........ ODd __ Ilnlbe..... "10)" ................. htIIoI) 0Ild I _ _ Ibe __ or ""1..... - _ or - .... ....... w\I MIIVo<t ... .. "'" ............. "'" _low _... I""..... xnd IIInlI Ii.............. /J!m!! BUYER'S ATTOIlI\IEY ~fL..JMJ iillhP Icltq/o >Un I.(J '- ~ d. , IU\'IIIIICIN'"'' - Dl.n. LAI1 ...... ,.., Nu. ~S'3 a.~'1\JIe."" 'R-aAo ....,. ......,...... IN'IIII Mal f.o3 _. c:ma ILLLI"ttONi..... Oll~ MANltAoSS61 I ~ ......-.... N."., 1'&1t uo~o ...- lO/ullor MTf' ( NEW YORK STATE COpy \ '- i