HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12207 P 903 , Cl:lHi!il.G.T'VOUR L..lI.WI'DlIiliJFORi:_ DIlli ~-1la _lII!OIIJI.1)BE 1JIII5Dlfl' ~OIlI.Y TtIIS INDI5lfTljRE, """,(iQ r.t1<l ;; ]1 :!J-tJ4~ d. ^"""", 2002 U M.01 fqQ3> BET'WEEH PATRICK '3RANT oJ1<l DEN~SE TREFON, ""'WI'.... '~m:;e..OOlOOlh S~.SlI)_ _'1'00. 113M P<!ffl ct ltl.. ~hil P'JII. >lOO JMC EUTERPRISES, 1.1.C,..""otr""".1 )0 BreakwlIter Road, J1..ttitud;. Ne.. York 11952 (Ofp -7- Jl.{J Il3I'\y olh _0 pM, WITNESSETH, hI 11M> party 01 1M I1rnl poM. '" IXI~ 0' Two Hundred Ind Forl~ Two ~ ($242.ooo>>Gj cIOtillnI p.aiid I:>y 1t>e ~I'\y oJ h ~ pafl, ~ hlIr10by IImnl 8M '''~ <mltl !he party of 1M ~ IIlU1. 1hI hwll1l l>I "'000..'50"" IJ!'\d ...... 011110 ".rty 01 !he $lJlCQ/'l(j pllrt ~r. ALL ,,,..I ""Ilal", plol pt<IICQ <>t PiI_1 01 khd. IOilh Il'lG b<lfld;l>Q'> ../'lC lm~_ ~ JO~. SlIWllfr. fyjrlg ."" twl<<ng In the m MallltlOlOk.. T.,.." OI~. c-lol'y '" SUlIIlIIt ",., StIll. Of N.,. YO<le -.. ..!'\dlll' I..Ol No If..lII>clwn M!' """,*, Map _1iIld, """'p 01 ~ Knoll.' _ flkld '" ,'''' 0IIli::0 01 lit. OlO<ll at m.,. County 01 SuIfalkOM ~ C; '9Qlu hi"" No. 5023, ....:1 io4 being oound<ld ..nd 4MUlbood 11$ I~: BEGINNING .Il " pc.."l1 00 i1le I'<lf'IMtIy sioool Slankr~ ROIld ~ IlQl:nl Q/ ~~ to !ho ~limI 1>1I""""118 I _'on_lI~M.tp, !limNING T:.-!ENC:: NQrth 87 ~_ " ~a W..f olOnllIt... ''OI'Ihor1y .ide ofllllliWy Rollld, '1 l(l lXl !olIII' fO II painl~ fHENc.E ...,.,.. 02 00>1:I"""" ~9 ..."'woM, EaI, 1!I2.oo '''''10'' polnl "liENCE $ouI.~ 81 o.,g_ " minula Eut, , 1\',00 '..,1 10 OlX'd, TIiENC" SouIt> Q1 o.,g"""" 49 _en W"'L ~a2. 00 rhll<> t"'" _,.,. o:ilj" QI StMlcr ~. II'Ilt paint '" l'IK* oi IliEGI~N!HG n""lhe pr'IllT>......boin; _l"<l_'h" ....,"'.... IN ",_,_ ~_ In /hjj dee<llO.he ~tllo. ~e<I.... U_trnel 11000 p....... 4JS t TOGETHER wr'J! ;J!j "llh~. UI!<lllM l1'Iro~ ~ M~. 11! /hjj pi!lrty olIn.., ftm part it111t1d liO ll~ ~ IIII!:I ~ R~ It,,, Abel..... d~ ll'llmlol". 10 lhe <<ot'~... tnM~; TOGE'TJ.t:E,R w\'ttl1hl1OllIlUi......~ _ lIlI ~. Ul:ltil& and nghla t;i' !he pal'\y of !he (lQl part It, Bnd Ill> $aid ~, TO reAVE ANO TO HOW h 1".."'.... he"'''' I1mnl"'" ..nil> ~ pal'ly <>/ Ill" IOCOrl<l part. It'lc hoinl cr $lT~rs IItId llI&5igNl at h pIIUty oJ ~ ;.eron<l part !ore...". ANO '1l1c p;arty t}l 1M firnl parI C<'M>nllllb lJ'll lhl! patty of h 1'ln1 part "'.. not ckInlI Dr lIUIl'Glvd lI/1'f1hng ""","""by till! uild preml$M hlIVIl: t>orlr1l.1:'!Culnbor<<l '" lln~ wily wi'WllnVllo', ClXOllll4 lIS ~ AND h party Qr 1~ ~f$! part, ill OOOlpllW1C& ...w. SedIon 13 01 1t>e l.!lIo Law,. CICWll_II IIWII h \l'IlII'\y ol1t>e 1It'$\ pllI1 WlllrlK~ lhe ~llItb'l lor lhVl CUlvoy_ aI'ICI ...... ~0Id the rtgM 10 ~ IiIid'l ~aIIO<\ B:li . tnJIl,t l"t>Ij 10 ba. liPf>l'ed ft"" tor ~ pu~ ol pqymg IhI> l;Qfil ollila ~1ID'l1ll1d wIlIlIPPlY h _ fIrSt ID ltlo P"1""OO1 01 ~ l;Qfilcl 1M improwm''''l l>etore U8lng Im~ pari <;II fhll tQtIIJ l)llho _ b I/IIlY Ol:hor "",rJ;>O<$'! The W<>l'll 'p""y' "~,,. 1>. conslJ1J!!<l iI. ,1'1 fI.1IIl -t>BI't>IlO." """_ e..., !I'm _ olIN. ~ 110 tOqI;J1in::$ IN WIT NES,S WlEREOl" m.. pQ fly oc Il1c At1I.l Pl'rt 11;0$ duly ....'e""ld INI d<i<i..:l Ii!'ln OIly ..n<l lID'" IInd ~ _It$" Z: , 5Q(J1U!;u ,.&tJ ~'~-~-'- PA fMIC!( GRANT . ~';R 1~ ,~,--~ IN PRI1SEJ"CE m' DENISE T'RE~O:N ~...YaIU """"llOO2 ~Ol'l<l'$olio~,-'~__(lr_'.ka_~_'l' 1 ~_. Form ;\DO .- 10 Mj........QNLV...."INE..~.,..-~ -vr. .....:.. r-"'...W'IiIIIt...... ....dNIIWYoI1I;.~CII ~'1Il ....CIINIIWycrk.~1ll OIIIM.n~ofAuQud lII_ytIiIIf20Q2 Crl.. (J;;Jy1ll "'''ytIiIIf .,.._._~ 119..IQ..".,.... lMIfcn_._ "'lIIOIlI4.~ '. f U .lll PATRICK GRANT Md DDIlSE TREFON ~ lIr!ooIrm II .... at pifIqId 10 E ... QI ~~belMlndMduli . -6).. ~r~~ 11IO IM~ u: ~ __ 10 _ or pifIqId lD 11IO lift 1M .... III 11111 [~f~lObe"~')""-OOlll ~) IiIIlllIcIlblld 10 _\lIIIINIl.~.... lKl_..d 1 ~ 10 .... lI\M ~ ~ 1M _ .., lliI/M!i01. ':II' .t1~(IMt. .. 1hIt. lIr 1llIiIhIII.... ~ lift 1M irImIInIMt,... ~t). or_Jj/Il'lICIll"" .....01'..... -lrd:Jd..)ec;:I!Icl, lllil1 rtf!'_~ CIlIIoIJCII _liIlv.~i;~ _.n.Jl:.slfiOf-~ ~=.:::'- (1igI'ilIIl.n.... GlIb CIIL41.1 d_lIildne nk! a i 1 n dllrTMll'lQ m_..~'QNlY\11loBl~.~~r-----."~lV~"'~"'A_' .....(or~CJlCol~f~.or~~QI OII_.:IIly. lII_ytIiIIf H: lMIfcn-._~,._... "', !I ~""c:.,(It<llillltl'~"'"lf" -"4 1J9_.......nt,u -___ _ . .. t:.."Ill ~AND SALE DUD _CC~"III"'lfflllMlNllT~AC'FS 0ll:mtiCr SECTION BI.OCI< LOT 1000 106.00 07.00 026.000 COUNTY ~ TOWN - SOUTHQU) S1l&T A.OOflE$S 150 Stanley Rd. ~ THe lIJ01CW.~~":~UC Rm'I.IRN IJY WM. TC) ntII No.. PATRIQ( GRANT ANt) DENISE Tm;FOl\I TO Jt.fC EN'I"ERPmSES. u.c --..fIIiIMI..__.......OO'mui. ..._._ _II~~'::'~~I~W: _tlMU'lJIOI :1("""" Ml.._ I17M.MY1_ .....-t7IIll" -.,.TI1Ui tGAIL A. WICKHAM. ESQ. KHAM. WICKHAM & BRESSLER,P.C. 10315 Mafn Road. P.O. Bole 1424 MaItfWck. NV 11952 I I l I I I J i " . . ~ or.... TORRENS Sill." CntlfttR .. l'riIlIr tV. /I IJ. 2 J 3 ~ 2002 SIp 10 ott 2$; 43 API EMtd ".taRi.. ~Ilf' Sl.mJIJl; tWtTV L DOOOW07 p 9IJ3 Dll~ ":~ " . DmttMl>4-",I~ Dmt,~ ra s...., ms R I ~ 9'" fiIllII!iIlImpt 5I*"P 0203394t 1000 10061)0 0100 026000 :. ; @:) , SIt~~ List PrOpclll'lyOwftmMallm, , RECO:Im II Rl'fUIlH 1'01 · Abigail A. wtckham Esq. . 10315 Main Road. P.O. Box 1424 · Mattituck. NY 11952 '''-' film, Fcc ~ fl'\.S14 HmlIllII r:A-~17(~ I'kS211 (Swel JlU.&A. c-. oflll AIl'lcImI CMitoed 'Copy ... 'Copy -- Olkr -..- J . . ., q >" 5_ Monpp ^- I,BNkTQ 1. Mdll.... r... SIlbf* SpcicJAHil Or Spec:. JM4 TOT.MTQ, TAX DIal T_ - 5"' _ ~ fOUl ~S:_ b- '- :J'f- on fa .. _ .". "......It)' CO\Imd b, IliIlIlllll'tllliP is<< ..lllbe:. _.-,.. by. oQ Of two r,..II, dwi:UIiI& 0IIIly. m wHO I rHO. -1III....-...dIue... pICt' of... III... - 111. 0' '\ '(J 0-_"'" .. I Commwril: '~'CIRrwtlon Fund COMi4cl,..ion Amount S CPF't.;xo_ s~ V s~ ~ CouM)' ....~. qt.K:::: ~ ~"... SubTGIIl ORAND TOTAL 75"'. - lj' 9-- d. Jtal I".,. ~I.lII y Tla. SnvIce ~~l...n ""'" lAnd m 'IU m If) Suffolk Coun 11lB ~ fQlmS psIt ar1l:c .l~ i:tEEO (SPECIFYTYPEOf~) The Jil'......... n=n is .~...., in st.lFfa.K COUNTY. NeW' \'ORIi. mdleTO\WlShlpo( . SoutbaJd In die VIJ..lAO.E or HAMLET or . MIUituck UUXG'S s nIRU 9 MlJSfBE TYPmOR PJUN1'EO IN BlACK INK eN.. Y l'RfOR lOrta::oRDU<<JOR flUNG. madt b)-; I "P8IJ1tk Grant and II 'De1.1Teron TO . . 11II1111_~11111111111 1_1111100_1 &1J.ttOL'I COuJii'fx- ~.I!D~ UCORDS oIPncs RBCORDDI'G PACD 'l'Qe of lIatr-wnt. I DBBDliJ!DDD "'-r of 11___1 3 'l'RA1IrBftR TAX Il'DImD: 02-D5805 RacoEd414, &ta LXBD: PACD: 09/10/2002 0!h25s43 AliI :000012207 903 Dllftd,CI1: I 1000 Sectio:u Blocks 106.00 01.00 -")(1".11 &HI) t"'R"RGD AS JIOLLOIftl un.ooo.oo Lot. 026.QOO De_ ldIowlt t PlIgIIl/lI'itlaG COI; B-C'n ft-5.. aft '1'r-..fu tax Received the. Pol1~ ne. Por JI.bon IDatrwllleDt -........'1: rI) -..,6U.ng BO 1ft. SWCIIG rI) BI\-S'l'M'B BOCU1: .COp1.. HO St"l'Jll BO C<mIa.I'.1:'.. Pen Pai4 $9.00 f5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 un.oo $5.00 '15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1."0.00 $2.90"1.00 Ix .1 rI) HO HO BO rI) BO ~ '1'U .W.-ta, 02-0580$ THIS PAGBI8 & PAR'f OP 'rHBDSfttlllBJll'l' Bdwu4 P. "'~'llrh:t. CoW:t.ty d..rk. Sufolk eomty .. ." PLEASE TYPE,QR PR~SS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM " . , INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stale.ny..us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR~lilUNTY USE ONLY :.I "Cl. SWIS Code , 1(, I I' " , C2. Date Deed Recorded Ie f I Year , I ( Month Day ~ C4. Page I ,/ " I /" / / C3. Book I x 1'- I( I\....j PROPERN INFORMATION 1. Prop-:rty I Location SlJEq NUMBER ~'t:mlP..:Z Road STREETN ME Mattituck / Southold CITY OR TOWN VilLAGE 2. Buyer Name JMC ENTERPRISES, LLC LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) Address REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-5217 Rev 3197 11952 ZIP CODE LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN D Part of a< Parcel 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed # of Parcels OR 5. Deed Property Size I X I lOR I 'ACRES' . DEPTH FRONT FEET 6. Seller Name TREFON LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME GRA."IT DENISE PATRICK ST~TE ZIP CODE (Only if Part of a Parcell Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided D D D LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residential Vacant Land E~ Agricultural F Commercial G Apartment H Entertainment I Amusement I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land D D D D 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District 11. Sale Contract Date 5 13 Month Day 102 Year 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: SALE INFORMATION 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 8 127 D,y 02 A 8 C D E F G H I J X I Month Year nFuIlSaleP,;ce ,2 ,4 f. ,0 ,0 ,0 ,0 , 0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 14. Indicate the value of personal I I -0- I 0 l 0 I property included in the sale, , . l ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill I Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 16. Ye~r o~ Assess~ent Roll from 10 ,2 I 17. Total Assessed Value lof all parcels in transferll which Information taken 18. Property Class I 2 ,1 ,0 I-U 19. School District Name I SOVI ", [ i} 20. Tax Map Identifier(s) I Rollldentifierls) (If more than four. attach sheet with additional identifier(s)) ; ; 't,7. 0 U , , 160 - 7- LC, I Dist.: 1000; Sect.: 106.00; Blk: 0700 I Lot: 026.00 I CERTIFICATION I I certify that all of the items of information entered on this form are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and beliet) and I understand that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein will subject me to the provisions of the oenal law relative to the making and ftling of false instruments. BUYER JMC ENTERPRISES, LLC BY: I I"~ ,/,") ."> i " /, _~ ~ATE I LAST NAME MALLILO .. ; BUYER$lGNATUliE JACQUELINE CONNOLLY I Stanley Road STREET NAME lAFTER SALE) 71R AREA CODE 1 ?T9EET NUMBER Mattituck NY 11952 CITY OR TOWN STATE ZIP CODE "~""J~C _<..L/K_.Jc- .i' / ,,-( "D "mRS","ATU", en1.Se TrerOn "" SELLER IC0/~U____ T~l & PifE-rick Grant ;'1' C " , I ! 1(\ I J DATE BUYER'S A TIORNEY GROSSMAN 'I ESQS. FIRST NAME 4fil-fi611 TELEPHONE NUMBER /' CITyrrOWN ASSESSOR COPY -~" "