HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12430 P 242 WCB.2 Reo. SI99 ~r.vo':lll'~k ) , L! ;;4:[;' F 2!f2 ::\"'\ ". ~~ ~~~I ~\! R-&llco"S- Dist. 1000 Sec. 106.00 Blk.. OB.OO Lot 013.000 . SIl."'~.Y.B.T.U.FDlIDIOO2. Jt)(P ~. <6 -}3 ~BII'lin and S,,, Dud. .,jlh to.te.nl ".Inll GllDlor'. Am....lndiv~".1 en Cor,owioD (Iin'" Wilt . -IS INS'IUMINT IHOlIUI. UlID IY LAWYIIII ClNLY. _la, YOUR LAWYU .-0. II..... 1IIII1NS'1UMINT-,n nus IJ'O)EN'I\IRE, made the ~a. day 01 December ,in the year HTWEEN Thomas Hedgecock and Judith.Hedg~coek. 20 Maldon Street Malverne, NY 11565 2005 party 01 the fi!'lt part, UIII Spiro Gatanas and Kelly Catanas 11-22 143rd Place Wh1testone, NY 11357 pany 01 the lIeaIIIll put, . . wrrNISSEI1I, that the rty of the fint part, in CllIIIidel'&lioll of Ten Dollars and other valuable COllS1c1en.ti!m paid by the put}> of the .:.00 part, does hereby graDt and release unID the party 01 the ...,.,nd part, the heirs or aucceuorl aad assi.... 01 the pany of the ...,.,00 part forever, . ALL that certain p1ol, piece or parcel ollaad, with the buiJd;ngs and improvemeDta tbercou erected, a.tuate, lying UIII being ;" tile SEE SCHEDULE A ATTACHED HERETO AND KADE A PART HEREOF. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the grantors by Deed dated 01/22/2000 and recorded 03/03/2000 in L1ber 12025 page 129 in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. TOGETII ER with ell rieht, title and intereat, il any. of the party of the first part in and to any atretlll and roads abutting the above described premises to lhe conler linea thereof; TOGETHER with Ihe appurtenances nnd all the eatale and riehts of the parly of the first pan in and to aid premisea; TO HAVE AND TO IIOU) .he premises herein granled unlo lhe party of the second pari, the bein or aua:easota and aaaicna 01 lhe parly of the second pan lorever. AND lhe party 01 the ellst part covenanta that lhe parlY 01 the fi!'lt part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said ,remi..s have been encumbered in any way whate>-er, except as aloresaid. AND lhe pa~ly 0 the first part, in compliance with,Section 13 oI..the,~ien 4w;c:ovenants thai the party of Ihe finil part will receive the consideration lor thia conveyanee'and will ho.ld'.lhe right to receive auch consid- erati~ as a lrust lund to be applied fint for the purpnse 01 paying !he cosl,ql ,the imrrovernent and ",ill apply Ihe gme.firsl to the pa)"lIIOnt 01 lhe cost 01 the improveme~t belore '!ling any;pi.rt 0 the total 01 the aame lor any other llUrpnse. The word "pan)'" shall be construed as if it read "panie." whenever Ihe sen.. 01 thill indenture SO requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parly 01 the first part it ly executed thla deed the day at>d y...r firat above .mllen, IN 'UIIENCE 01": Thomas Hedgec c ....};.';)...II~~ 1th Hedgecock Schedule A Description , . ... 'ride Number R-4100.S-2005 Page 1 . .' ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of.Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No, 11 on "Map of Sunset Knolls, Mattituck, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York:' filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on January 5, 1968 as Map No. 5023, which said lot is more particularly bounded and described as follows: ..' BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Stanley Road distant 650 feet westerly from the extrerile' Westerly end of the arc of a curve connecting the southerly side of Stanley Road with the northwesterly side of Luthers Road; RUNNING THENCE south 2 degrees 49 minutes west, 195.09 feet; THENCE north 88 degrees 4~ minutes west, 1Q5.04 !eet; . THENCE north 2 degrees 49 minutes east, 198.02 feet to the southerly side of Stanley Road; THENCE south 87 degrees 11 minutes east along the southerly side of Stanley Road, 105 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. . 'STATE OF NEW YORK) COUr.'TYOFSI4f"t"D~ a., On 111"'" clayor Dec. m lb. yeor2005 befon:mc, the, " W1dersiped. penonoIly appeared Thomas Hedaecock personally known 10',!," or proved 10 me IlIIIbo bais orsalisfilc&ary . evidence: tQ be the indiyidual(l) whole nome(s) is (are) subscribed III Ih. wilbin InslIIIJnOnl ind aclcnowlqed III me lbal helsbollhey .xeculed lhe lImO in hillherllheir capocity(ies), and thll by hislherllheir signl\U~i) 011111. instrumenl, dI. individual(s), or Ibo ,..,..""....~....~.. lnsU'Ument. M11lICIA C. MOORI ., NaIIIy PublIcI. 8lalII1I fCIw Sulflilt Caunty. NO. 4lI8t8l!lS _, .~I&Dature lad omce of Cammlulan __ Ju.. 'e.3I!IP",~~~t;f "~"I1~"""1 . STATE or NEW YORK) ) .., COUNTY OF ) On 111." day of Dec. intheyear2005 borORme,the ,1indersiped, penonally appeared Judith HedRecock penonallylcnown tQ me or proved 10 me Olllh. bais or SII'srsclOry evideDc:c tQ bC Ibo mdividual(s) whose name(s) is (Ire) subscribed '0 111. wilbin illllnDllelll and ICkDowledged tQ me thai helshol1hey aecwd lhe same in hi~.ir c:aplCily(ies). and WI by hillherllh.ir signann.{s) on lh. illllnllllell~ Ihe individUII(s). or lb. person upon behalf of which III. individual(s) ICI uted lhe instrument. PATRICIA C. MOORI Notary Pu__1I &utrDIIl CaunIr-ND. ~atlre IDd omce of 1- ldulowIedc-l a....I.llllan I!lIpIrwJune 1 tary '\lublic . For IckDowleda_ts tlk.. ID New Yorl< SIIIe. .. SIIIe. DIstrkt ofeolambla, TerrttlllY. rn-toa, or FoRlp Coaatry ) a., On the :...- day of in th. yesr _ befllR me. the 1IIIdmi&ned. pcrtllIIIllly appeared personallylcnown tQ me or """,cd tQ me on lhc blsis of lIIisl'actory evidence tQ be Ihe individual(s) who.. name(s) is IIII'C) subscribed 10 Ihc wllhin instrumenllllld aclcnowledaed 10 me IhaI he/she/Ihey executed lhc II'" in hirlhcrl1helr capacily(ies), .hl! by hislherllheir slgnllUre(s) on lhe in5ll'Umenl, rhe individuaks). orlhe penon upon behllf or which the individualls) Ic:tcd. executed lhc instrument. and lb.1 such individusl made such 8PJlOIIMce before !he undeni&ncd in !he . (Inscn Ihe cily or olher pohucII subdivision sad !he lllal. or Cl/Unlry or olher place III. scknowledgmrnl was taken). Slpltare lad om.. of Indlvldall,lIklna ackao............t .. For IcknowledlJllOnts tlk.. outside of New Yorl< Stlte. Jlarpfn anll ..., .rlb WIIH COVENANT ACAINST GIANTOlt'S Acrs TI1'Ul No. SICTlON 106 . 00 ILOCIt 08 . 00 LOT 013.000 COUNTY~. Suffolk Thomss Hedgecock and Judith Hedgecock TO Spiro Gatanas and Kelly Gatanas RfCDrdod AI Roque.. or Flat A.......n 1111e I.....".. 0mI_ of N... York lnuaN aY lIIAlL TO, .'AHMID IOMt. Of NIW '101I ICMID DI nftl ......._....... , m,"-.1 i' '. 'Fir'il American TilI6'/flBUran~ Company of N6I/J York ~ Leonidas Fampritsis, Esq. 30-~7 Steinway Street, Suite 303 Astoria, NY 11103 ZIp"'" I I, a I ~ - ~ ! J 'I \ .;' ,.' . ~ .- Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Clf. # Deed . Mortgage Inslnlment Deed I Morlgage TD.x Slllmp FEES 3 P:tge I Filing Fee H:tlldlinS 5 Jl!L ~- TP-584 NOlation 5- ,tJ EA-5217 (CounlY) Sub TOllll ;>...7 EA-5217 (Sl:lle) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5. .00.... Affid3Vil Certified Copy Reg. Copy Sub Tol:1l /~ Grand TOI:tl Other 1000 4 Districl Real Property Tux Service Agency . . Verification .. Block 08.00 101100 0800 Se<;tion ~~6. 00 1000 Lot 013.000 013000 ~OS:~1~67 RcwH A !lhIAN 6 SalisfllClionlDischargc!VRcle3Se LiSI Property Owners M:tiling Address RECORD & RETURN TO: Leonidas Fampritsis, Esq. 30-97 Steiuwsy Street, Suite 303 Astoria, NY 11103 7 RECORDED 2006 Jan 12 10: 31,: 35 RI'I CLERK OF . SIJFFOl..t:: COUNTY L ??oo12430 P 242 DTi 05-22956 Recording I Filing SllImps Mortgage AmI. I. B:lSicT:tx 2. Additional TllX Sub TOlal Spec. I Assi.. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Du:tl County _ Held for AppoinlpSl1t_ Tl1IlIsferTux / V~ " - _ M:tnsion Tax The property eovered by lhis molgage is or will be improved by a one or tWI) f:tlnily dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see approprillte lllX clause on page # OfthuY~~/5 5 Communit . Preservation F:und Consideration Amounl $ 415,000.00 S 5.300.00 Improved " v CPF Thx Due Vacant Land _ TO ~o , TO TO Title Company Information Co.Nmne Register Abstract Company, Inc. Title # R-4100-S-2005 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms pan of [he 31tuched Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) mude by: Thomas Hedgecock and Judith Hedgecock The prcmisis herein is Situaled in TO SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. Southold Spiro Gatanas and Kelly Gatanas In lhe Township of In lhe VILLAGE or HAMLET of Hattituck BOXES 61l1ROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTRD IN RI.Ar.K INK ONT.v PRIOR TO RFl'ORnJNr. r.lR FII .lNr. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 06-0003566 TRANSFER TAX NOMBER: 05-22956 Recorded. At. 01/12/2006 10.34.35 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012430 242 District. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 106.00 08.00 013.000 BDIIIJOW AND CBARGBD AS POLLOWS Deed Amount. $415,000.00 Received the Pollowing Fees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO RYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,660.00 NO Camm.Pres $5,300.00 NO Fees Paid $7,112.00 TRANSPBR TAX NCKBBR. 05-22956 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE INSTRtlMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL CI. SWIS CoM . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESSFIRML Y WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hltp:/I www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSfER REPORT STATE Of _ YORK STATE SOARD Of REAL PROPERTY SERVICES FOR COUNTY USE ONLY RP - 5217 ....1Q1l1In W1 PROPERTY INFORMATION 1......-1 745 a..c.tIan Ifllll.r....... Southold Stanley Road .~- em' OR IOWN ..- 111952 MCCIIIi Kattituck z.luyor Name Catanas USI NMU.'COIIl'J1lNY Spiro .....,~ Gatanas LAIT NAIR I c:GIIIMIrfY Kelly MOT"'" 3. T.1I InEIcD Vllhcre future Tu BlU, ....10 be ... I s.... K..hso lhsn _ _IsO baIIom 01 torml . Add_ LAIT NoUU.,COMNNY ......... STIlI., .........~1Il1llUT NA.: C1IVOIITGWN . ITAT[ IPlXlIII 4._......_l1li_ RoII..._tr.-......._ 1 I, .f P....1s OR D Port.f. Po...1 RllUNIPUI Ixl ....... IORI 'Mai .4. 7 I 1OnIy.,.,"'._--.""'......,. 4A. P1lInnIng _ wIIIlSulldMoi... Aooharlly ExIIII 0 4B. WxIwI_ AppnwII_llIquirlcl fat T.... 0 4C.___far__MopP_ 0 5.=- I SIze eo _ . .NllIIIII Hedgecock LAlrNA-./~ Thoma a 'IIIT_ Hedgecock LASlNAIII/ctlllNM't Judith FlAIr NMII A ~ 0.. F....Uy Resldendol H 2 or 3 Famllv Raidenl1ll l. Aesldlnlial Vacant lINI I) No__ VlClm Lsnd 'SALE INFORMATION I n..... ConIncI o.te I! ~ ",.....1....1 I ~ Cammunllv &oMco t=' Cornmerc:1I1 J Indullrlll () Aponmam K Public_. il Entartalnmont I AmUlln'lGl'lt L FortII --... --."'" oppIy: 8 OwnIrohlp TYIIlIIs Candaml....m .. Now ConstnJCdon 011 v.c.nt Land 1111. ......rty LacIIId _n on AgrIcuIlli.oIlli11ric1 ,., Buvw IWCIIMd . diIdoIure nata indicIIIl1f tlW: the propIIf'tf it In 11'1 Agriculwml DIIIriI:r: o o o o 7. __....... _ which mOlt _...." _....... l1li........-...... _.......: 1&. a.Ir _ or.... of... _....._ _ rr-' L' 10 cnr.r.r. 9 - , 2,2005, u.y YW A R C o fi F (j " I J SIlo _ RoI_.. Farmar__ __ _Camponioo,,_"IlusI_ 0n0...",,~....1sa._ 8uyw or s.u.r Is Co.1mmGI4 Agancy or LendIng IRIIitudon DIId Typo not __ ...lIIugoIn .nd Solo ISpacIIy _ SIlo l1li _.. .... _ "'" _CSpaclly BoIawl Signlficl...~ in "'- _ T_ __.nd SaIo Do SoIa"_ Is __In SolI Prico DlhIr UOUIIIII-' -.. 5011 Prk:o ISpodIy Solow) - 'I. Dolo.. SaIl' TrI_ 12 ...... , ,;;1, 2005 I DIy v.., 13.fuU__ 4 1 5 000 . . 0 .0' , ~ . . (full &010 Prlco 1'........1 _.. psId far .... praporty I_ng...--'Y. Thia P1ymonl m8Y be In die form of cuh. .. P'OPIfIY or ~ or the -..mpt!on of martglgDl Dr OIher abligMionaJ ,.,.,. round to ".. ,.."., .... dDIW ""'DUll!. ,.....................-- I , . II , III __In........ ,.. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Doll should reftlCllhe 1._ Final_l RolI.nd TIl< Bill "oY~,,!_RoIIlramIO 0 51 '7.T...._V_...OU-"In_, whidl..Jdl.... "'ltn ...... . . ; ; 5 2 0 01 ; 18""- ao. 12, I. Oi-LJ I"_D1_rw:.., Mattituck-Cutchogue 2lI. T......._'___II.....__........____s1) 1000-106.00-08.00-013.000 , l CERTIFICATION I I ftItU; ... . or IIIr ItenIll c" tnrar-........ ..... _ .... rc.. an lr1IIl111d fOI'nd Cia lilt ... 01 my knowh_ and beIIIIJ ... r -.4. -.-I.... 1M nmkinII 01011)"........ __ oI.........lIwt....... ..W':"";" d Iolho ..............1.............. _ ..Iho--,_",IIII__ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY Fampritsia .......... Leonidas .....- 718 777-7010 ............ I'I1I!IT __ W'llftUUI NUoCOllt lIU__ . ITAU: ..com NEW YORK STATE COpy ;;f-f!lS" .J . '1M1t