HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12226 P 981 '. L /222-0 P q8/ / U0 -8- -;)-7 o !ialISa.-d N.Y.B,T.ll, Ftlllll.lIIXt!-....pi:!. ..Uiidr c.s. wi&bl"wC:lIIupI... G....... ^"'- rn.=n-idull.rC....IIUlC........, . " CONSlTl.T YOUR LAWYKR BEmR.: SJGlIiING TlUS INS11lli.\II!l\oT - nus 1~~TRUMJ::l\oT SIIOULD BE USED BY LA\\11:RS OI\iL\'. "2 ,,) THIS INln:N1tJR.:. made Ibis ~ -day of ~mber. two Ibousand and two BE1'WEE...... I.UCAS J. POHANIS & HELEI" POIIA/'iIS. hrinll marril:d to each other. n.-siding atS Couontail Road. Melville, NY 11747. and DR. MICHAEL GEORGIS & ANNA GWRGIS, beinll marrkd to l'llm otm..., residing at 40 Wenwood Drive. Brookville. NY IIS4S pany of Ibe firsl pan. and pany of lhe second parI. WITN.:SSETH. lhat!he pany of the lirsl pan, in consideration of u:n dollars and OIher valuable L'Oosideralion paid by 1he pany of !he second pan, doc.-s hen:by grant and n:k:ase UlllU lhe party of the: SL'COnd pan. Ibe !u.irs or suecessors and assigns of Ihe party of tbe second part forever. c.. 0'1"0.1 ""r,'o.J 7.oUi\lAS CONTRACTING, IM:., a domestic: corporation, doing business at P.O. Box 361. Wading River. NY 11792 '2. c.., ~o""t 2S' ALL lhat Certain plot. piece or parcel of land, wilb 1he buildings and improvemenlS Wrenn erected. Siluate. lying and being at SEE SCHEDULE" A" ANNEXED HERETO. BEING A/'iD IIIiTENDED TO BE Ibe same premises desl'ribed in 1he detd of !he parties of 1be fllSt part herein by deed dalL'd 3/18/86. recOrdL'lI in Ibe Suft"olk COURty Clerk's Office on 4/7/S6. in libcr 10011. Page 287. TOGETm:R wilb all righl. titlc and inten.'St, if any. of !he pany oflbe first pan in and to any meets and roads abulling 1he above dl'Sl:ribcd prL'RIisL'S to lhe CL'ntcr lines Ibcn:of; TOGF.THf:R wilb Ibc appUntlllUlCe5, and also all the eSlau: and righlS of Ihc party of the first part in and to said prcmisL'S; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pn.'IRisL'S hl:n:in granted unto Ibe pany of the second part, the heirs or SUCCC!lsors and a\signs of Ibc puny of Ihc sccund pan forevcr. ANI) Ihc pany of Ibe firsl pan eovenanlS lhallbc party of Ibe first pan has nol done or suffcn.'d anylbing wlu:n.'by !he said premises have been encumbered in any way whall:wr, ex,cpl as alorL'Sllid. A/'iD 1he party of 1he first pan. in compliance wilh SL'Ction 13 of the Lien Law, eOvenBnlS Ihat Ibe pany of the firit part will receive !he consideration for Ibis conveyance and will hold 1he right 10 receive such considrration as a trust fuod 10 be applied first for lhc purpose of paying the cost of 1he improl'l:mem and will apply lbe Sante fll'stto the payment of the COSI of improwmem before using any pan of !he total of the slme for any other purpllSC. The word "party' shall be consuued as if II read 'partics' whenever Ihc SL'II5e of Ibis indenture so rL'lIuin:s. IN WITNESS WIIERf:OF, thl: party of Ihc first pan has duly execuled Lhis d.'I.'d lhe day and year first abo\'C writu:n, IN PRESENCE OF: d/l-vt ... _ J rr'fP~.r. POIIANIS ~4 /!L6-..' <II HELEN POHANIS ,fl, ~~ ~jlt. tAU DR. MtCHAEL GEORGIS ~~ , ANNA GEORGlS I ...........-. _~__ 'W. ""-.~ _-'I." .-. -:0', ....... . . . ......... 'I. ~ . . SUNRISB ABSTRAcT LLC. DBSCRIP'l'IOIf ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, known and designated as Lot No. 34 as shown on a certain map entitled, "Map of Sunset Knolls, Section Two" and filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on April 9, 1970 as Map No. 5448, being more particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a concrete monument on the northerly line of Daisy Road, distant 85 feet westerly from the extreme westerly end of an arc of a curve connecting the westerly side of Dogwood Lane with the northerly side of Daisy Road; RUNNING THBNCB South 71 degrees 39' 20" West, along the northerly line of Daisy Road, 105.27 feet; THENCE North 18 degrees 20' 40" West, 190.00 feet; THENCE North 71 degrees 39' 20. East, 105.27 feet; THENCE South 18 degrees 20 I '40" East, 190.00 feet to the northerly side of Daisy Road at the point or place of BEGINNING. , !tTATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF SUn-OUl: ss: On lh~"'3 "1> day of December in lhc year 2002. before mo:. I~ W1dersigned, a Notary Public in and lor said Slate. pt.'rsonaUy appcan:d LUCAS J. POHAlIilS and HELEN POHANIS personally known to me or proVt'd to mr on !he basis of satisfactory evidence 10 be lhe individual(s) whose nallle(s) is (are) subscribed 10 lhe wilhin instrument and acknowlo:dgo:d 10 me lhat he/she/lhey execuled same in hislher/llteir capacily(ies), and thai by hislher/their signalure(s) on the instrument, !he individual(s), or lhe person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted. eXL'l.'UIL'd the inslrument. V~. :rlon taking acknowkdgment) MARY KOLAKOWSKI NoIIUY Publlc, State 01 NY STATE OF ]l,T.W YORK. COUNTY OF SUn"OI.K No. 01 K0487IlO6 SuIfolk C1y. ss: Comm. Expires Sept. 2, 2006 On the "3 "-day of Dccembc.'r in !he year 2002. before me, !he undcrsigllL'd. a Notary Publil: in and for said Slalt'. personally appeared DR. MICHAEL GEORGIS and AN~A GEORGIS personally known to me or proved to me on I~ basis of salisfaclOry evidence to be lbe indivi<!ual(sl whose name(s) is (are) subscribed to !he wilhin illSlTUment and ac:knowlNged 10 me lhal helshe/lhey execuled same in his/her/llteir capacilyCicsl, and thai by hislhcr/their signature(s) un !he inslTUffiCnt, lhe individual(s), or lhc: PL'rsDn upon behalf of which the individual(s) acll:d, executed lhe ioslnlllJl:nl. "-.)\~ '---- . (signalUre and onlee of lhe: pcrsonlaking acknowledgment) "- ( ...... ~--:-.: - ...-.... . -."...-......-:.....~ . a................ MARY KOlAKOWSKI Notary Public, Stale 0/ NY No. 01 K0487006 SuIfolk CIy Comm. Expires SePI. 2, 2006 ~~..~-:;........;.s...... ~~"""""'"'~~' _ ~ ~. ~., .. ....~.'""I:"'....:;-~-...... .. ...... .\,.,;..?::...,.~.. '- ,..-- ="'1'____ --. ~ . -- . ~ -~ --,- ~ . Number of page. TORRENS RECORDED 2002 Dee 26 12,44:13 PM ~rd p.Romaine CLERK OF 5IJFFOLK Cll1JlTY L 000012226 P 981 on 02-20552 Serial II Certifieale II Prior Of. II 0..-",1 I Mongag~ Instrument Deed I Mongage Tax Stamp FEES R~<'ording I Filing Stamp" 3 R.P.T.S.A. -::Sir- Ii Monguse Amt. I. 8~L~ic Tax S. 00 2. Additional Tax Sub TOlal SpccJAlOSit. or Spec./Adel. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for ApJXlintm~nl Transfer Tax 67 t, -=-- Manl'iion Tax Sob Tc,tal Page I Filing Fcc Handling TP-584 Notation EA-S2 17 (County I EA-S217 (State) Comm. of Ed. s. 00 Tbe propcny covered hy thi. mongagc i. or will be impro\'~ hy a one or two mily dwelling only. ES or NO If N . see appropriate taX clau~ un page # of this inslrumenl. Affidavit Cenifi~d Copy Reg. Copy Other Sub Totu' Grand Total---1~ / lOUD 4 District Real Propeny Tax Service Agency Vcrificati,..n /tJ(p. <'If) S~ction Block oli. ()t) Lot Od"7. ODO 5 Comanllli ount $ 169,000 1000 10600 0800 027000 Consideration CPF Tax Due $ 1,880 Impn)\'~ Vacant Land x 6 SatisfactionsIDischargcslR~Jca!\C5 List Propeny Ownt!rs !\1ailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO, TO 10 Stephen J. Remuzzi. Jr., Esq. PO Box 465 Rocky Poiot, NY 11778 TD TO 7 Title Com an Infonnation Co. Name Sunrise Abstract Tille II 622-S-1BOO 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e Thi~ p:J!!C fomlS pun (If the 31uu..-hed Bargain and Sale Deed iSPECII'Y TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: Lucas J. Pohania and Helen Pohania Dr. Michael Georgia and Anna Georgia The premises herein is situutoo in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO Zoumaa Contracting, Inc. In the Township uf In tbe VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. Southold Mattituck (o\'cr) 111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 StJll'POLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages I 4 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 02-20552 Recorded: At: LIBBR: PAGE: 12/26/2002 12144:13 PM D00012226 981 District: 1000 Section: Block: 106.00 08.00 I2Y~NBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $169,000.00 Lot: 027.000 Deed Amcunt: Page/Filing COB BA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax Received the Following Fees Por Above Instrument Exempt NO Handling NO RYS StlRCHG NO BA-STATB NO Cert.Copies NO SC'l'M NO Comm.Pres Fees Paid $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $676.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,880.00 $2,658.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 02-20552 THIS PAGB IS A PART or THE INSTRUMENT Bdward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. SWIS Code PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 41 3.~ 8'.11 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ., , . 1 ~. n." ~ STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL. PROPERTY SERVICES C2. Date Deed Recorded I /c2.. / .:(;l0 I tJ J. I Month 03. Book 1/ .11\. 6{.6'\.01 C4 RP - 5217 IH'-52171(~vJ./'I7 PROPERTY INFORMATION r~~~~j:~ I 160 Daisy Road STRE:HNUMBER STREET NAME Southo1d CITY OR TOWN Mattituck 119521 ZiPCOlJto VIl-lAOf 2. Buyer Name Zoumas Contracting, Inc. LAS! \'AME i COMPANY FlflSTNAMt lAST \AME i COMPANY flRSTNI\ME 3. Tax Il1dicate wnere future Tax Bills are to besenl Billing if other than buyer address (at bonom 01 fo"m) Address lAST NAME... COMPANY FIRSTNAM" STRonNUMBE~ANDSTREETNAME CITVDR TI)WN STATE l'PC:oPE 4 Indicate the number of Assessment Roll p"r~els transferred on the deed IOnly if Part of a Parcell Check as they apply: ;/ofParcels OR D Pa"tofaParcel 1 D D D 4A. Planning Board wlm Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for S\.bdivision with Map Provided Deed Property Size I X I . 4 6 I lOR FROf.JTfEET DEPTH ACR~S 6 Seller Namll Pohanis Lucas J. and Helen lAST NAME I COMPANY FI~$T .,AM[ Georgis Dr. Michael and Anna LASTNAMFir.OMPANV ~I'\ST NAME 7. Che(:k the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: Check the boxes below as they apply 8. Ownership Type is Condorrinium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property located within an Agriwltural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District D D D D A~ One Family Residential B 2or3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant Land o Non-Residential Vacant land E~A9<cu,tural F Commercial (l Apartmer,t H Enterta;nment! AmlJsement I ~ communily.serViCe 1 Industrial K Public Service L Forest SALE INFORMATION 15. Check one or more of these conditions CiS applicable to transfer. 09 11 02 Month '" Vear ,2- I. l:lf" ..3 / 02 Month '"' Year 1 6 9 0 0 0 0 01 11. S<lleCQntractDClte A B C D E F G H J J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Oiled Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sate of Fractional Or Less~han Fee InteresllSpeci'y Below) S;gnificant Change in Property Setween Taxable Status and Sale Oates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (SpClC;fy Below) None 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 13. Full Sale Price , , IFul1 Sale Price iSlhetolal aOlOUlI1 paid for the properly IncluJ ;ngpersonalproperty. This payment may be in the form of cash. other properl',' or goods, ort he assumption of mortgages or otherocligations,] Plllaseroundto rhene<lreS!l\'holedollaramoum 14. Indicate thevalull ofpersona\ property included in the sale NONE . o . 0 I , , . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill 16. Year of Assessment Roll from LQ..L , I. Total Assessed Value (of all partels in trClnsfer) I whic;h information taken ; 8 0 01 18. Property Class I 3 1 Mattituck ll-U 19. School District Name L____ 20. Tax MClp ldentifier(s) I Rotlldentitierlsl (If more than four, attach sheet with additional identifierls)) 1000-106.00-08.00-027.000 I I CERTIFICATION T cCdify that all of the items of infonnation entered on this fonll lire true and correct (to the ht>.~t of my kllowlffige and helief) and J understand that the makillJi: of all}' willful t"abc statcmCllt of matcriallacl herein will subje('t ml' to the pro\-isions of the Pl'nal law relative 10 the making Dnd filing of fal~ instrument... BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~~''1~ V!' /"/o~/iJV DATE ' ~ Remuzzi, Jr., Esq. Stephen J. lASTNAr,'[ Fl"srNAME PO Box 3~1 $TflEETNU\\aER 631 744-3636 STRHT NAME IAfTERSAl"1 ARfACODE TELEPHONE NUMeE~ Wading River 11 792 NY CITY OR TOWN I I, ~ f!:"d >""'''' 't,{., ~.LC.:~ jJlf) /6i-.p---', ~ ~ 1 'fz..!,/ ""L S~LlCIlSIGNATU~E -~ DATE NEW YORK STATE COpy