HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12440 P 26 IO~- J--J-/ l \"l.'-j'-j() P oJ-/o Standard N.Y.B.Y.U. Form 1002. Bllpln ,nd Sale Deed. wIItl eow.nanI:IgIinIIGranIor'sAc:ll-UnIfonnAcll.--,...nt Form 3210 CONSULT YOUR LAWVER BEFORE I1GIIHG na IHITRUMENT-11Il1INITRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the5r\ day of......-4p.-.' # ,2005 BETWEEN HARRY HARALAMBOU, "",iding at 1415 Indian Neck lane, Peconlc. NY 11958; party of the first part, and CHARLES PHILlPPOU, ""'iding at 2124 Hoyt Avenue, Astoria. NY 11102. party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the flrst part, In consideration of Ten and DO/1DO-($10.00)-dollars, end other good 8I1d valuable cons_on paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grent and release unto the party 01 the second part. the heira or .'....."'.. and assigns of the party of the second part larever. his undivided one-<luarter Interest in All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, silual8, lying and bang at Matli\uc;k. in the Town of Southold, County of Suflolk and State of New York, de&ig_ as Lot No. 32 on a map anlitled "Map of Sunset Knolls, Section Two. MaItituck, Town of Southold, Suflolk County, New York" flied in the _ of the Clam of the County of SufIolk on the 9"' day of April 1970 as Ala No. 5448. Thali18 lanant, Kalarina P. HB/8lambou. died a _ent of SUIlolk County on November 17. 2004. SAID PREMISES baing known a. 370 Dally Road, Mattituck. New York 11952 BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the sama prem_ conveyed to the party of the llrat part by daed _ July . 14, 1990 and recordad in tha offtce of tha CIar1l of the County of SufIoIk on August 10, 1990 in Libar 11119 page 321 and ConecIion llaed dated February 23. 1998 and recorded In the ofIice of the Clam of the County ofSufIoIk on February 23. 10118 in Uber 11879 pega 594. TOGETHER wtth all right. IitIe and InteresL W any. of the party of the firat part in and to any s_ and I1l8ds abutling the a_ _bad prem_ to the conlar IineB thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all tha _ and righlB of the party of the firat part in and to said prem_; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the praml... herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successora end assigns of the party of the second part Io......r. AND the party of the firat part covenants that the partY of the first part has not done or suflere<! anything whereby the said prami... have been encumbered In any way whetaver. except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, In cornplance wllI1 Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenents thet the party of tha first'part will receive the consideration lor this """""Yance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to ba applied IIrat lor the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and wUlapply the sarna firatto the payment of the cost of the imp""","",", balora using eny part of the total of tha sarna lor any other purpose: Tho word 'party" shall be collllrued as W l raad "partlas" when aver lI1e sense of this indenlura so requi.res. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the firat part has duly execulad this deed the day and year flratabove wrilIen. IN PRESENCE OF: H~I~ r__' TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWI...EDOIIENT IS ..anE IN NEW YORK STATE sa. 01 Now Yort<, County 01 SulIoIk, a: Onthe&"" doyola..:~, inthoyearza:>5 , _me,tho U~:POI"""Iy~ HA~IN /-fIWlUIMecu personally' known 10 me or proved to me on the ball of lOlilloclory ..- to bo tho Indlvlduol(o) whoa nomo(l) 10 (BI'8) aublcribed to the wtthin inlib'Ument and acknowtBdged 10 me o.t heIIheIlhlY encuted the ..me in hillt8tthelr coped\y(IOI), ond IhoI by hillhor_' Iignatu"(I) on tho InolrUmenl, tho 1_(1), 0' tho porion upon _ 01 which the Ind . .cIed eaecuted instrument _oINowYort<,Coun\yol~ a: On 1118 dBY' of , In the... . _ me. the undonIgnod,l>'lf'ClIllIIIY oppoolOd poroonoIly known to me or pnMld to me on tho bolll 01 IlIliIloclory __ to bo tho Indlviduo~l) whoa nome(l) II (o..) _ to tho _In -'monl ... oc:knowIodgod to me IhoI -.eIIhoy _ tho 1lIII1O In _11101' c:opodly(IOI), and IhoI by hillho_' oIgnoluro(l) on tho -.mont,tho Indlviduol(I), or tho pollOn upon _ oIwhlch tho Indlviduo~l) _. oxll<lllll<t tho inIIrumont. nd_ ill I_liking oCIciiOwlOdgmonl) N Ic Ilh/(jo; A ...." c/d}(;/Y) (oIgno\uI8 and o1li.. oIlnc1v1duoll8lcing....-odgmenl) Nol8ry Public At~lG.':.iL "\. '1'I!~:~,:,r.' NOiar., :'llbitC. :"'llaie 01 :":"'v '(glir, . Nit, 52.~~2&71 QUl'l"it'C! ir. SUm)l!: County ........"tf\ CDmmi~.n=Y6~~'f;~:C ~ 9. 3O-Of' . TO BE USED ~L Y WHEN THE ACKNOWl:.EOOIIENT 18 1I....rv: OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE _ (or DiItrld 01 COlumblo, Tontto<y, or FOI8lgn Counlry) 01 County 01 00: On tho doyol . In tho year 2005. _ me, tho undorolgnod, porIOI1lIly oppoorod pollOllOlly known to me 0' pnMld to me on tho _ 0I1l1li1loclory ..- to bo tho Indlviduol(l) whoM nomo(l) ill (n) lUb8crtbed to the within il'lllrUment and IlduKMledged to me thIIt -.eIIhoy 8XIICUIed the ..,,1 In hlllherllhelr capedty(ies). end IhoI by 1'iIIhorIIho~ Iignalllro(l) on Iho inllrUmont, tho IndIvidUO~I), or tho poIIOII upon bohoW 01 whlch tho lndivklloJ(l) lIdod, uecuted the in.trument. n thIt IUch individual made IIUCh Ippea1Ince before the l..Wlderwigned in the In__ Jo_ (Bnd In8ert the Stni or Counby or other pIBoB the 1Idu~1""" 'MIllikan) (inIert. the City' or ather poIltk:Bl subdtvlum) (1lgnollnond olIico 01_..1 liking _~..o..l) _ryPubllc BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVEIIANT AllAINST GRANTDR'S ACTS TIIIllNo. SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS TO Recorded 81 Requost of COMMONWEALTH lAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Cr1\lWl"\o\l.I'AUlIl.A....nTm.E f:GIilAt>("Y.C"O\t..."""y STAll3ARDFORM OF Nl!WftRC BCWtD Cl'ln\,!: UNDERWRITDI --Il\' o Common~~~!~~'"M''' I I I l!i ~ ~ fj c II " i . . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUcnONS: hllp~1 www.orpulate.ny.us or PHONE (618) 473-7222 FOft COUNTY USE ONlY 4n 90 D9 C1, 8WI8 Code I. II !d.a ~ I I ~...._- I~,/OOQ./~I ~_I/.Q.'-I.i/. cu:O;;<~ ...-.., * REAL PROPERTY T1lANSFER REPORT ITAlEOfNEWYDIIIl ITATE ICMNI OF lEAl PIU'EIITl' IiJMCU RP - 5217 ap.m,....1m PROPERTY INFORMATION 1,=1 'nn ....,,- n'HiM...Jro. IiA M.W A I tfa~uek I Charles -- 'Lila, z._ - ~UUIlll ......,_, 1/\ ~- 1T.. 1rdcIII.......T......lObI... _,. If adw..... buyw.......1II boaom d bTnl I -- LAlIT_'~ '..1_ "lIM'.........lITIIIlr_ CI\l'altl_ 1 1 .ttTl. ,.CIx. i. =..., I .... HIClJlIr_r 1.1 _0 1001 - .if "I IOnIr .......,.... a.t:...., IIIIIIItr. .... f'IIIri'lCI BoInl willi WIchiIIan AuIhDrily E... 0 .... SutIdMIIon ApprcMI_.... for T...... 0 4C. hlaIAppnMd rar~.... M.p PloWIId 0 4.......1he --.....-....-. .... pi..... ---.... -........ . J l'ofPlrceIs OR D hnDfI Parat ...... - I Haralam'bou 1""'_/caM'iIIM' lu..').iJ_ l.AIIl_'~ _IIMII - 1 ... 1 - Chd_..........._1ppty: .. 0wMdI'Ilp TYPIII Condomi.....,. I ~ Communi.., Servicl I. New CoflllruClion on v....lMd J IndYIIriII 1M. "-" ~.......,........ DiIlric:I K Nllic Sorta _..,.,........... nadce Wadng L FcnII UIII...praplRyllmln...,....rtID11uict 11. CIIecl_.....................................-..: A s...~~ClI'Farmer......... H s-. -....en........ eom..- or"""'" In ...... C OIwofthe."...i.IIIo.SllI.... D ....ar5el.....GcMtnIrnonI~or.......1nIdIuIIon E DMd Tp_ w.nner or -.... ..s... (SpecIfy IkIIDIrI F SIiII ~FrKtlonal cwLellthlnfwlnllr..-CSpldfyBalawl o SlgniI'c;MC CMnIII ... PIoperty........ T..... ~.. !WIt Dnn H s. of Bull... IIlnduded In llle PrIDe I Dttwrlkl.....FGCII:nAftKtlnvSlilllPriceCSpacllyBelowl I _ KJ ,;'I,-t-. o o o o 7. QIecl1be.. 1MIow..... ntOII .......,. ~ _ _.... prapMy .IM tf_..__ ~ ::-:n.::=.. C RIIidIraiIIVIItIIlILand o N........... VICIflI18nd I SALE 1NfORMA11ON I 11." eontr_... .~- F """""""' G _ II 1............/....... 11.........',........ 01/-1 a;- ~ - ... - 'I. Full.... ,.. . .~.f)IO,D.b .0.01 , 0 If\III SeIII PrtcIiI rhttaallmOUlICpM lorn. pmparty Including......... property. 1IIiI~ INfbl1n INform oIcnh.__ ".nyCll"~ Dl'lhD_.....n 01 JI'IOftCIIOII Of DlMrIlllligMiDN.J ,.... rowwI fD"" --'...........-.c. ,.. ....... u. ...... .. ........1 I 1If'II*'Ir............u.... ASSESSMENT II\FORMATJON . DIIIa ahould rafIIct thl "tell Fin.1 Aueumonl Roll Ind Till BIll , O~ 0.0 , '..:....~a:fIwn~ n.T.....A-.dV....IaI........In......,I , .4-."1 0.0 , ,..Propertra.. l'h I .OI_U .........__ LMalt1fucl' 10. T................'....~"".....daIn...............wIIh........................1 dnoo-IOI4.DO -02.00 -~. 000 I I CERnFICATION I I ftI'III1......IIIIhe........~IIIIimlI_ddlfDna _InItMllClll'TtltIIa ..........., 1uMrWIt- belli) ...1____II1II....... 1II..,-.........1IIIIftIIa cllIIIIfttaI.... bmla dllUbjed fat 10" _...... lilliii'..... ... rftIdqo 10 _ .-Idal and'" 01,. ~ 1m!! BUYE"" ATTORNEY ~~~~L/J.,/as- d/d<ll #ort, Aw..~ ....,....,.. naJ_1'lI'It'l1Am -- -- Wickha.. 63L -.... Abigail 298-8353 nwooo_. Ast-;;A A~Y non /11dZ. ..... -~- HI.I.E!! ~~(yv I tj-ls:JnS NEW YORK STATE COPY Pledse be IId11ised lIris doclllMlIt will be public mxJrd. Remove Socilll Sec",1ty Nlllllber(s}prior to m:ordillg. 1 2 Numberofpoaes U roRRENS Serial /I Certir.....1I Prior Of. II Deed I Monpae Ins1nunent Deed I Monpac Tax Stump FEES 3 Page I Fili"ll Fee Handling TP-S84 S.~ NOlalion EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (S..te) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Sub 1btaI :3c) cO S. 00 Affidavit ~ ~liedCopA :;; ;)UIt'llaIJe IS. 00 Sub Total Olher Gnnd Total 9 029.000 Real Ploporty Tax Service AgeIM:y Verification Sectionl06.00 Block 08.00 Lot ~ _ W~ ....- ,;..~ . 6 SatisfaclionslDiscbatgealReleases Lisl Propeny Owm:n Mailing Address RECORD A RETURN TO: W1CIIIWI. BRESSIIR, llOIIIIOIll eEASA, P.C. UOl511A11111lA11, eo. l1li:1424 IlA11IlUC1l, I.t lIISZ 7 Co. Name Title II Ra"'OROeD 2006 IIor 10 03.30.:lS PI1 CLEIlK OF SUFFOlK ClIUHTY L ??oo12440 P 026 on 05-30650 Recordi"lll Piling Stamps Mortgage AmL I. Basic Tax 2. AddiliMal Tax Sub Total SpecJAssil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Transfer Tax . ?1b M_ion Tax The property covcrecl by Ibis mcrtgqe is or will be improved by a ODe or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. .... appropriate !IX clause on pagell_oflhi' _ 5 Comm1lDity Pluervatloa PaJad Conaideration Amount $ 8~ CPI' Tax Due $ Improved )( v/ Vacant Land '-- m / I-tf--J TI> ' TO Title Com Information 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the altached Bargain & Sale Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMEN1) mode by: HARIlY HAllALAllBOU The premises herein iA situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Tbwnship of In Ihe VIlLAGE or HAMLET of Mattituck BOXES 61l1RU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR ro RECORDING OR FILING. ro C1IA1ILES PHILlPPOU Soutbold (nv..,.' . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFPOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/ODD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 06-0024818 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-30650 Recorded: At: 03/10/2006 03:30:55 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012440 026 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 106.00 08.00 029.000 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $85,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Bxempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCKG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $340.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $494.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 05-30650 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL