HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12440 P 24 Stand.rd N.Y.B.T.U. Fcwm 8OD2 P Bargain and Sallt Deed, wilh Cowen8nt.-\nIt Gr.dDr'a ActI- Uniform AckllowlBdgment Fonn 3280 CO_ULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIIINITRUIIENT-1IIIINITRUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 5-+1 day of Aprl' , , 2005 BElWEEN PANAYlOTA PAPPAS, residing at 585 Daisy Road, Mattiluck, NY 11952; party of the first part, and CHARLES PHIUPPOU. reBiding at 2124 Hoyt Avenue, Aatotia, NY 11102, party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part. in con_ration 01 Ten and 00I100-(SI0.00)-<lol1ars. end oII1er good Ind valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part. does hereby 9ram and rei.... umo the party 01 the 88COnd part. the hlirs or SUCCl!ll8Cll'8 and 188igno of the party of the oacond part forever, her undivided one-quar1ar lnl8rast in All that ClIl18in plot, piece or pan:eI of land, situate, lying and being at MatII1uck, In the Town of SOulhold, County of SuIIoIk and Stale of New York, d88ign_ as Lot No. 32 on I map antitIed "Map of Sunset Knolls, SecIIon Two, Mattltuck. Town of Sou1hoId, SuIIoIk Coumy, New York" filed in the omce of the C1erk of tha County of Suffolk on the rI' dsy of Aprll1970 a. FIB No. 5448. - --. The life tenanl KalarIna P. HlreIombou. died a I88ldent of Sutrolk Coumy on November 17, 2004. SAID PREMISES being known .. 370 Daisy Road, _ck, New York '1952 BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the sama "",mileS conveyed 10 the party of the first part by deed dsted July 14,1990 Ind racordad In the offiCB of the Cllrk of the County of SuIIoIk on AugU8110, 1990 In Uber 11118 _ 328 end ConecIion Deed dated February 23, 1998 and recorded in tha offiCB of the Cllrk of the Coumy ofSullolk on February 23, 1998 in Uber 11879 pega594. TOGETHER with III right, titI8 end intel88l Wany, of the party of the first part in Ind 10 any _ Ind roads Ibutling the abova d88Cribed pram_1o the center Iln.. thereof; TOGETHER with the appurlllnanceo and III the ..tete and rights of the party of the find part In and to said premi188; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the praml... herein grantad unID thl party of the 88COnd part. the hal1'8 or II""'"""'" and 888Ign. of tha party of the_d part_. AND tha party of the find part covenants th8t the party of the find part hB8 not done or suffered Inylhing whereby the said praml... have been encumbered in any _ wh_, except IS _Id. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenlnts that the party of the first part will receiva the cons_on for this conveyance and will hold the right 10 racaive such conlkllration II a trust fund 10 be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvemlm Ind will apply the same first 10 the payment of the coot of the impnlVllmem befono using any part of thelDlal of the same for Iny 011181 purpose. The word "party" shIll be conolruad I. W It read "parIJ..' when sver the II8I18l! of this indenture 80 r&qU1188. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the find part hB8 duly executed this dead the day and yesr first abova _no IN PRESENCE OF: jJ..'ftItI/If'~ 166~ 6~2-o; L P I;). '-{lfO OJ-l.f TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMI!NT IS IlIAD! IN NEW YORK STATE Stato of Now VOlt, COUnty of SuIIollc, P: Ontho ~.p-dJorof ~I inthoyoor .;-",,,( , - boIoro me,tho Und~nod, poIOCllJOIly %rod ponanolly known 1D~1r'~ ID ~~ __ of sallsfaclllly _nee ID be tho individuol(.) _ nomo(.) II (ore) _10 tho wilhIn inolrumonlond -...lodged ID me thot hoIshoIIhor 0ll0CUl0d tho oomo In h101hODlhoir capodty(iool, ond Ihot br h_1Iho1r oItJ1OIuro(.) on tho In.trumont, tho ~ ponan '-' behoWofwhlch thoindividuBl(sl ~ (oignoturo end _ of to ng ..cIcr-.cIgmonl) Notory Public CIIoryl SImOnI IIoIIIYPubIic,S1I1IOtNIWY1ldl No. 31-4970341 Oull1f1od In SutloIk Coun1J'4 2n","'? ~ExpIm Fobl1lllY , ....,. Stoto of Now Vor1<. County of Suffolk p: On tho doy of . in tho roor . before me. the undenligned, perwonaly Ippeared personally known to me Of proved ID me on the bail of ooti.faclllly _10 be tho l_uol(l) _ nlmo(l) I. (arB) subeaibed to the wtlhln Instrument and ilCknowledged 10 me Itlot hoIshoMloy exoc:uIOd tho ..... In h_ Cllpadty(ieI). and that by hiWherllheir 1ignebn(1) on the inltrument, .... Indlvld..), Of the petlOn upon behel of which tho In_uol(.)_, _tho inotNmon!. (.19..... end 0_ of individuol toking -...lodgment) NOlory Public TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEI'V9oIIENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Stoto (or 0i1l1icl of COlumbia. TontlDry, or Foreign CountJy) of County of p: On tho dJorof . In the year 2006. before me, the undenigned, peqonaIly appeared personally kl'\O'M'l to me or proved to me on the b8IiI of uhfedory evidence to be the individ....I(.) whou name(8) i. (are) sub_ to tho within IMIrumonland _edged to me Ihol hoIshaIIhoy 0ll0CUl0d tho oamo In hloll1orJlholr copocilyflOS), and thot br hiolharllhoir oignotura(.) on tho inobement, tho Indivldua~'l, or tho ponan upon behoW of which tho IndMduol(l) -. execuIed the lnltrument. and that luch indMdU81 made lUd1appearBnce before the undersignecl in the In__ Joroor . Cand inIIrtthe State cwCounby or oIMrplllC8 the 1ICk~,IltoAWlllllken) (I"'" tho CItr or other po-. oubdMoklnl lolan..... end _ of ondMdual toking _,...............41 -ry~ BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TJu. No. SECTION "- BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS TO Recorded at Roquos1 of COIolMONWEAL TH LAND mLE INSURANCE COMPANY L TO' STANDARD FORM OF.-wYORK IICMRDClftnUl.hlawmlt-fl DiIIrIIuIIodbr o COmmOn~!~~t~......" l.'I\I\IIIS\U.\L1H 1....~I..l)lIl-l~l)IlA.'CrCu\tP"'y ~ l!s I R !il l!s !l ~ ~ ::l .. " i FOR COUNTY USE ONLV PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FlRML V WHE-N WRmNG ON FORM - -- - - - INSTRUCllONS: hllp11 www.orps.Bl8Ia.ny.uB or PHONE 15181 473-7222 1t/.1,3,8 ,~91 <:2......__ 3 10 db a._ I /,:),/190 1..._ STATE OF NEW YOM STAlE IQMD OF IIPL PIIQIlIInY IEIMCU PROPERTY INFORMATION "~1370 --- mIIIJii'_ * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1. _CoR RP - 5217 IUlGn .. WI Da~~ad ........ - I "1lII&I\Il;!I I 8!l1r1.tiv. &h1."prnn I v"iL1lu;:k IllIai I r"'lila IHT~'~," ~NMl[ I. T_ 1ndlDm.........T..._lD..... I .... " aItW IhIn buyw Idd... Cat boftDm 01 "'"'" -- LAlf_'~ -,--. ....,----- CllTa-._ IfAIt ..... PIIDJfII'III' Ixl ...... 1DnIr."'~.~CIlIIIk.1Mr...,fr. a......ngbrdwilh............AiIlI'lMyE.. 0 ..........._-_..- 0 C. PInlII Appr.-d rar SubdMllon with MIp ProvidId 0 4.............., 01.. _" RoI ,............. 011 1M dMd /J 'otP.all OR D Plnaf.Parcel I.~I ... -, 1001 .1.). hi I. = l.P.uPJlI/~ IPA~:'::-A I.AI'I_'~ _1- - I ... I - CI-* 1M............, IIIlPIr. .. awn..hlp T". 11 CGndamiftIurn ~ CammuniIY s.... .. Haw CanItruaIan on v..,. Lind J.......... 1llA.,""",,~wid*I_AgrIl:ulInIDiItric:I . PlalleServlllt _a."..........dIIcIIllIInlllltlcllnlbdng L FofwI ... "'1IfGI*IY _In .. AgrituIDnI o.IaI "a..dI.___~..........................r.: A III" BMwMn....... or f'ornwr ~ B .. ~ RNIMI ~ Of P1JrlnIlfS In B"*- e Onoaf......,.,..~.s.I.. () ..,., or s.a.r.. OI:wwmnonl ~ or L..tdng IrWIiMian n o.d ~... w.n.rcy Of a.rpIn end w.lSpIdIy BNwJ ... ....oI~CII'~1IwI"-......1SpllcIfy1lllaw1 G SlgnlOaInl. QIIngI in PrGI*1Y a.twMn T.... s..au. MCII Sill 0.- Il Sllaaf IuM.-IIIncfu1Md in SlIe Pra 10m.""'"*'-' FKlDfI, AIfKdng ... PrIaIISpedfy IIIiIawt I .... o o o o 7. a-t; 1M... MIaw wtdch,..........._ dIKriIMIlM UN 01 tM..,...., .. thI d.... III .u.: A~ OM hlml" "nlnmll B Z or 3 ,....., ......... C RllidlNill Valnt I.Md D ....-. ...v.....L.-I I SALE ""ORMAnO. I '1.....Cantnlet... E~_'''~I F CommIm.1 (j APIIrtmlnt. H EnwIIInmont 1 Anuemenf ,1. .,... at .., TrMIIw If I - 5 I D5" I eo. _ 11. ........... I . g:o . o. 0.0 , D , 0 I , . IFul SUI PIa iI_1OII1 ~,... far IM,....ny Inclucllnv pltIIOIIIIl prupIrty. Thll ~ mar. in the farm alcnh. CIlhIr JIRIPIIlYorgaodl. all" _mplianof I'l'ICll'IPIIft ar'" abIiglliaM.l "... round 11:1'" __..........amaunt '4..........U......aI...... I . O. 0 .01 ......-.......... _1M" . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dill Ihould reflect th.1mIst Finlll A.-m.nt flail 100 Tax Bill ,1. :"af ~.= I'nIm a:IJlij n. T.... "-d VlMIaI" ~......... I I'].., I .0 I-U .~......_.... ~J{'1: <f. 7 0:"0, , ,...........a.. .. T..MlpIlllntiftlrlll/Rol ~1I..........faur...........wIIh...........~) ,10000-/OIAlJD- rfj.OD- rm.()1JD I I CfRT1'lCAnQN I I nodi'" .....flIdw......"'............. r*nd_ "farm8ft' ..............I..tbt .....,IIIf~........ ...1............_-*II1II et..,. "......~ fI~,...... "tIIliUbj1d" lalbr DnlddaMfIl..... ..1"IIICift 11th......... .....oIt'11R........... !!Y!I!I BUVER"S ATTORNEY ~~~o~~ d./a..J.. 11l':',,1.. k"IlL swn........ ~__I ...,.... Wickham *- -,.... Abigail 298-8353 -- ~I~' ~- IN~ ~. III D2- .- r BiLLER ( t~lr.~, NEW YORK STATE COPY ~umbecof_ U TORRENS Pless. 6tJ filMs" tills dtlCllllltJ1lt will 6tJ public rtJCtIrd. RtJmoVtJ Social SIJCIIrlty NIUtlbtJr(s) prio, to TtJcordblg. I 2 Serial II Celli_II Prior ClI. II Deed / Monaaae Ins1nuDeDl Deed / Monaaae Tax Stamp FEllS 3 Paso / FiIiDs Fee HIndIing TP-S84 NOl8tioo EA-S2 17 (County) EA-S217 (Stale) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. nfEd. Atlidavil ~ed~Y NYS Sutdwge Other S. J1lL SubThlal 30 6) s. J1lL IS. 00 Sub ThIaI 1M - Gnod ThIaI 08.00 4 ReI! Properly Tax~ A,oocy VerificaliOll Block -- io'BOO 0800 029000 ~ SllisflClionslDiachaqerlReJeuc:s UsI Propeny aw..n Maiiiog Address Ii RECORD" IlE'I'VJIN TO, 1l1CIIHAII. BRmISI, IlOIIJlOI lllWA, P.C. 131115 IIAII/ IlllAD, P.O. 8lI14Z4 IIAIlIlUCIl. Lt IIIU 7 CO.N..... l1d.1I 8 Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa This pap fonns pan ofdlo llW:hed RfCORDE!l 2ocv., "or 10 03,30,55 PIt ClERX OF SlFFOlK COUNT'/ l 000012440 P 024 DTI 05-J06048 RoconIiog / Filing StampS Monaa&e Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub ToW SpocJAssiL or Spoc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX _ Duti Town - Duti CO;7- Hold Cor Appointment TransferTax , Mid. _ Monsio.o Tax The propolly covered by litis mortgage is or will be improved by . one or lWO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. _ opproprille tax claoso 00 page'_ofthisin . ..... 5 CommUDity Preumotion F\uul i<(J,A,Jl ' Consideration Amount $ " _ C'"'F"Q CPF Tax Due $ Improved Vacant Lond _ TO /U--d TO TO Title Com Information BarRein & Sale D..d (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMl!NT) nuuIc by: PARAYIOiA PAPPAS The premisc:I hcnin is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO 'In rho Township of Southold CHARLES PRILIPPOU In tho VILLAOB or HAMLET of Ha'tt1'tuck BOXES li1llRU g MUST DB TYPIlD OR PRIN'I1ID IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR PILINO. (over) . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of :Instrument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 06-0024818 T~SFER TAX NUMBER: 05-30648 Recorded. Atl 03/10/2006 03130.55 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012440 024 District. 1000 Section. 106.00 UAM:INBD AND $80.000.00 Block. 08.00 CHARGBD AS Lot. 029.000 i'OLL01fS Deed Amount. Received the Pol lowing Fees Por Ahove :Instrument J:xempt Exempt Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $320.00 NO CODIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Pee. Paid $474.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 05-30648 TE:IS PAGB :IS A PART OF THB :INSTRUJIEN'l' TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL