HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12540 P 29 1111111 1111 Illfl VIII I1111 VIII VIII VIII Illli I1111111 111111 VIII Ill[I IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERIC RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Recorded: 02/07/2008 i Number of Pages: 4 At: 02:45:23 PM Receipt Number 08-0012133 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-18374 LISER: D00012540 PAGE: 029 District: Section: Sloek: Lot: 1000 033.00 03.00 019.003 i EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Folloo?ing Fees Far Abave Instrument ' Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO ' EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO j Fees Paid $252.00 i TRANSFER TAX NUi~ER: 07-18374 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County • . r ~ ' tz~atwrr~l 1 Z 3 REGOEtG~ED NumberieEpage.200B FEb O? 02:45:23 ,I1ediLf't I~. ~$SCB~~ IvLE OF '1'OR121•:i~S SUFFOLK COUNT4' L ~000l2540 >eriai K f~ 029 Cereifca:e n 0'7# U?-183?4 ' I'riur (;tl: ~ !)ecd 1 ~fin•16age Instrument t)cet11 illortt;a};c'fax Stamp Reeurtling! Filing Stamps .1 FEES 1 1'agc /Filing Fcc .Mortgage Amt. l I:utciling Basic Tax Tl'-584 ~ 2. Additional Tax natation Sub Total ' EA-52 17 {County} ~ Sub Total Spcc./Assit. 0r EA-5217 {Stab) ~ Spe:cJAdd. R.I'.T.S.A. ~ ` _ ~ys 'l'OT. M'rG. 'rAx ~ S4 ~ Duat Te1wn Dust County Cotnm. of Fd. ~ 00 - ~ Field fnrAppartionme:nt • ti ~ Transfer Tax I~klil~'It ~i!N yon n ~ 'Y~'~ci• Mansion Tax _ Ccrtitird Copy ~ar~~" The propertp cor~cred by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family Reg. Copy ~ Sub Total dwelling only. " . YES or Kt3 (?thcr til{AI~'U 1'C)'1~1L . f N0, see appropriate tax clause un page i of this instrument. 5 ~ Real 1'rtt ert?•'t:tx Ser~•ire A~enc<<'t:rification 6 Community Preservrtion 'uud 08oo3os8 1000 03300 0300 019003 Considcrntion Amount s Starr P T J CPF Tax Due S Date ~MMA A lmprovexl 11y'/ Initials ~Eg Vacates Land T Satisfact 'rD TD FRANKLIN A. CAMA, P.C. TD 4250 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY SUITE 420E HOLBROOK, NY 11741 S Title Cetm any tnforrn:ttiou Co. itian~c inlracoastal Abstract Title s! IC-08-9793S 9 Sur•I~t'>'I.k Ct)U1'1'Y RI•:cn>;Dl~c Sic l~:tiDnK~r;1l><:n~' Y,tri; This page terms part of the attache) DEED mode hy: (Sl'ECIFYTYPE OF iNSTRUMENTy RUSSO The prrmiscs herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NCW Y()RK. To RUSSO In the Township of SOUTNOLD !n the: VILLAGE or HAMLET of liU\F.S 5 TIIItU 9 A![iST 8F T1'PFD UR PR[\'TFI) IiV BLACK I\K ONLY PRIUR'1'O R~:CURDi1iC UR FtLItiG. Ik (UV[R) ~~•D8" t79~S ~ , r ' ~ First American Title Insurance Company of New York 1 BARGAIN and SALE DEED, with CAVENANT ~ateinst Grantor's !lets - lndi1idual ar Cor oration ('O~~ULT POUR I.AIti'YF.R BEFURF ti1t:NItiC THIS ItiS'1'R1~~71:ti'l'=1'Ht5 lA,+;'rRIr~1EtiT ti11t1ULD NF. IiSF.n BY LA14'YF.ItS t711.Y. THIS INDENTURE, made the 3'/•~day of December, in the year 3007 BETWEEN Vame: Peter S. Russo Address: 1400 Sound Drive. Grc+enpoint. ~cw Ynrk 11944 Dist . tiame: Dorothy R. Russo Address: 1400 Sound Ilrive, Greenpuint, \ew Ynrk 119x4 1000 party of the first Bart, and ~ Section ititame: Dorothy R. Russa Address: 1400 Sound llrive, Greenpoint, \ew Yark 11944 033.00 Block party of the second part, 03.00 Lot WITNESSETH, that the: party of the first part, in consideration of Ten 1)allars and other valuable 019.003 cansidrratian paid by the party of the second part, dacs hereby grant and rrle:ase unta the party of the secand part, the heirs or successors and assigns of lhr party of the second party fareYCr, SEE SCHEDULE A F4R PttUPERTY UESCRIPTIUN Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the partyi+of the First part b deed Dated AuSust 2?, 2003 and recorded inLiber DOOOI229$ page 240 Suffolk TOGL~HER Kith all right. tttle and interest, if any, of the party of the first pan in and to any streets anti roads abutting the shave described premises to the center lines thereof; 'fUGI:'CHF.It with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises; TO IIAVI; A1tiD TU HULD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs ar sttccessars and assigns of the party of the second part forever. Premises more cotmnonly nown as 1400 Sound Drive, Greenpofnt, New York 11944 Ae\''u the party of the first gal t t:uve:ttants tlt:tt Iltr p:ttti of the first p:tr}' has not :lone ar sufl'.red .:n}•thi. :vhereby the said premises have been encumbered in any w•ay whatct•cr, t:scept as aforesaid. A~'D the party of the first part, in compliance with 5ectian 13 of the Lirn Law, cotenants that the parry of the first . part twill receive the consideration for this carte}ante and will hold the right tty recrtve such consideration as a trust fund to he applied first far the purpose of paying the cost of the improt•ement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the intprotement before using any part of the tots! of the same far any other purpose. The word "party" shall be canstt'ucd as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture sa requires. 1N WITNESS WHEREQF, the party of the first part has duly executed this decd the day and year first abate written. IN rttrsrrtcr; or: ' Peter S. Russo 2nd I)orothv K. sso . 1 - BsrXais amt Sile Iked, with Corenrtnt atWilsst Gr~nwr's Act-Gdieldwl or Colparation tsinptt: sheeU SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plat, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Greenport, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of Ncw York, known and designated as Lot 3 on "Map of Rockcove Estates", Cled in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk an June 11, 2001 as Map No. l OG37 being mare particularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Northwesterly side of Sound Drive where same is intersected by the Easterly line of Lot 3 on the above described map. RUNNING THENCE South 19 degrees 54 minutes 57 seconds Wcst along the Northwesterly side of Sound Drive, 60.83 feet; THENCE Southwesterly along a cun~e bearing to the right having a radius of 1GS.35 feet a distance of 13$ feet to the division line between Lats 2 and 3 on the abovcdescribed map; 'THENCE North 15 degrees 14 minutes 40 seconds West along said division line 315.01 feet to a Homeowners Association Beach area; ~ THENCE North 49 degrees 33 minutes 53 seconds East along same, 1 G5.7G feet to the Easterly lint of Lot 3 on said map THENCE South 15 degrees l4 minutes 40 seconds East along said division line 2G6.95 feet to the Northwesterly side of Sound Drive at the point or place of BEGINNING. i ?Y~~,r lG'r"rst Americatr Title Insurance +~'ompan,~ of New Y©rk ' BARGAIN and SALE DEED, with C~VENANZ' I' ~ Against t:.rantor's Arts -Individual or Corporation I, * STATE OF NEW YORK ss.: COUNTY OF Sutfotk On the ~l day of December in the year 2007 before mc, the undcrsibncd, pt:rsnnally appeared Prter S. Russn, IMrothy R. Russo, personalty known to me ur proved to mr on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals} whose names} is {are} subscribed to thr within inswment and acknowtcdgrd to mr that he/she/they executed the same in histher/thrir capacity{ies), and that by his/herlttteir signature(s) on the instrument, titr individual(s), or thr person upon behalf al' which the individual{s) acted, executed th instrument. I r--- • ' ~ FRANKt.IN A. LAMA ~ ~ Notary Fubtic State of New Yorib i * For acknowledgments taken in yew York State. ~ ` t1 ~ ~'4 460.3570 nuali it:d in Suffolk County • Commission Expires AuO. $11:~D'l0 Bargain andSale ~?eed PREMISES wtrrt covr:~n~T.~cathsr DJa~ rolt•s Acrs TrrI,F No. Peter S. Russo & Dorothy R. Russo Sheet Section 033.0 TO Black 03.00 loot Ot9.003 Dorothy R. Russo Plate ~ Volume Page District 1000 tiratAnuricuaTirlrlnsuruncrCompany Tax 4fap Des. 1000-033A0-03.00-019.003 ujNrw Yorf County or Tawn Suffolk ltudson ~'slleg Regieo Street Number 1400 Sound Drire, Greenpoiei, Kew fork 1 l9~•1 188 liasr Past Rnrrd Recorded At Request of Khitr Ptuins, .4.~w fork, lGkJdl First American Title Insurance ('ompany of tlew Yurk Pkonr (91.t) ~:8-3i3.1 RETIJR` B1' itA11. TU: Fsr (91~j ~:8-/1159 Franklin A. Cama, P. C. d2i0 Veterans tiicmorial highway I 5uitc .t20F. t ~ Ilolhrook, tiew York 1171 r` i ~ o ~ 9 ~ „4 r51 %I I i ~ i ~ , I I ~ tlaraain and Sale need, hirh Co+teaat against Gratrtor's Act-tndit+idual ar C~ratiae {single sheet) PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:!/ www.arps.state.ny,us or PHONE S578y 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY p~ C1. SwIS•Code ~ L~~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ~ STATE OF NEIM YORK C2. Dete Desd Recorded 1 " STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERV1t~S Mon h DaY ear , h ~ ~ - ~w C3. Book C4. Page ~ ~ b _ , _ .d lis•[f L ,e}l~iib~. RA-1.17 ttev.W't PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. I 1400 I Sound Drive LOCaeIOD aTRF.T HUMBER STREET NAME I Greenport I 1 11944 ~ GIY OR IOW YILLAGh zr COME z• Bt,y~ I Russo I Dorothy R. I Name LAST NAME /COMPANY e1RST NAME I I I t AR NAME t COMPANY FIRST lIAYtE • s. Tsx Indicate where future Tax BiEls are to 6e sent Russo Dorothy R. Biging if othM than buyer eddreas tai bottom of forml I I I Address IJ1ST NAME t COMPANY FIItSI NAIAF I P. 0. Bax 2048 I Greenport INY 111944-061 SIX!lt NUMBlR AYU StREE7 NAME CrtY OR TOY4N STATE APCOt1F 4. indicate the number of Assassmetrt t ? (Only N Pare o1 s Parcel! Chae1L as they apply: Rog parceb traroferred on the dead I I # of Parcels OR Part of a Parcel ~ Planning Beard with Subdivision Authority EYlste ? 5. Deed 4B. Suhd'wision Approval was Required for Trnttsfer ? I I Ixl itxel 1. 07 I ~ FROYT rEET OEPFN ACRES Parcel Approved for Subdivision wish Map Provided ? s. eerier I Russo I Peter S. 1 Name LAST NAME /COMPANY FIRST NAME Russo Dorothy R. twsr YAMl rCOMPANY FIRS( NANF 7. Cheek the box 6alew which most alxwratsly dsscribee fhs tree of the property et the lima of sale: Chock (fie boxes below as they apply: IL thvnership Type is Candtxninium ? A x One Family Residential E Agricultural } Community Senico 9. New Cflnatruction on Vacant Land ? R 2 or 3 Family Residential F Commercial ! Industrial itl/l Property Located within an Agricultural District ? C ResiLkntial Vacant Land ~ Apartment K Public Service 1118. Buyer rogli+nxf a disclosure not+as indicating ? D Non•Residential Vacant Land H Entertainment 1 Amusement Forest that the proporiy is in an Agricultural District SALE INFORMATION 15. Check one ar mon of these eorx6tbns as applicable to iansfer: t 11. SsIrt1Corttrsct Daes I / / I r1 Sala Between Relatives or Formor Relatives • Month y near g Sate Between Related Companies or Partnora in Business } C Ona of the BLryers is also a Seller 1Z. Date of Ssle ! Treroler I / ~ / 3 ~ / ~ I D Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending tnstituliun MwYh Day Yrwr Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Bclowl 1' Sale of FractiunBl or Lass than Fee Interost (Specify Bl:luwl 18. Full Sale Price I. _ , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Significant Change in Property Betvuean Taxahle Status and Sale Date ' ' e SRIe of Business is Included in Sala Price {Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the pmperty including personal property. I C+ther Unusual Factors AffeL~ing Sate Price LSpeeify Bclowl This payment may 6e in the form of cash, other property or goods, ar ihB assur.+ption of j Mone mortgages or other obligat+ons.t PMasc round to the nearest INllolr dollar amount 14. Indicate the value of penonel L_- i ~ , ~ r 0 , O ~ is ~ ~ I property indudsd in the sate ~ ~ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax Bill ~ f~ 16. Year of Assessment Roll ham I U . ! 117. Total Asressed Value (a/ all pertrels in transfer} I ~_,_I_._v I which Infortrtation taken ~ 5~ 18. PropaRy pass L2~J-U 18. School District Name I Greenport School District _ 1 20. Tax Map Idarttifiartsi / Rdl IdtirttNiarisl tN more than four, attach sheet with additional identdier{sit 1000 033.00 I ! l I I 03.00 I 1 019.003 1 CERTIFICATION 1 crttirg chat sdi rsf the itenn rIf inr+n~rtwtiLm ~•nten~Ll otr this fiKm sire true atld coret~ct ttn the trmf of rtty knoaledpx oral Ix~lieft and i andertaBrN! tlwt thr rwlLitgt ur stray willful faltic xtsttrtttrttt of matLYi:tt rslR herrin will sttfiject me to the nrmitilrns ur tlx~ oLmul law re~Itrtirti In the tnstkttgt and filing of fltl.Ye itntruTneettR. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~ Coma I Franklin A. L RWER SIGYATU L1A1L r~ ~ LASE YAME FIRST AAMF I 1400 SoundlDrive 63i 1 439-4590 STREET t.JMBER STREET NAME IA!'TER SALES ARlA COs! TELEPt+DNE NUMBER i I Greenport I IJY 111944 ~ ti'Y Oti TtlWY STATE ZIP CODE 1 SELLER NFW YORK STA'f1L C'UPY ~ jam' ~ SELeFR. x; TURF tbLTE ,