HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12429 P 336 ~2 = ~ f II l !i:~ I .. J J'; '" E~IIII' 1 I ~~~ ~j N ClSSIiI ! ~ (t! 1- : cf ~ i II i !: ~ i Ii ii ~ ; J ! ~ ill ~f' II }11 ir~ 2 ~n i f ( II qli .fl-S i~ I I I t zJ! Billll = ; g II 11 IJ i IU1~1 Q ~ . '.. C! c:'\--..) \.-=? ~ ::::r-'" ('f) .~~~~ t ~ ,j til' I U .I i ! t II. 11'1 J · .. 1 11 li'll ; i I}l ~ Ii llntl .. 'ie t il ~J"~ J la~llf 111St ~tJIII t ~""l 1i'l UtIJl} J lila. II IIIsl i i!ll{lI J IJ f. aUl .I Iii. t1j J JI'I~ e !~ltll tilt 1~I!tlli t ..1 III S II I ~1:l1 s'l(t ('iI,1 ..: ~I~" I I' 11 li~ 2 ~ '.11{2111 I.' 11 I. iEt t Ql'1 'Ill I~ ~1 ill ~ I .1.. ,.. I. 1 .. Title No: RH05304259 SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPnON ALL that certain plat, plece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being In near Peconlc, Town of Southold, County of Sufl'olk, State of New York, known and designated as and by part of Lot 124 on thl! "Map of Nassau Farms, near Peconlc", filed March 28, 1935 as Map No. 1179, In the Suffolk County Oerk's Office, being more partfcularly bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point marked by a monument on the southerly side of Pine Tree Road, said point being 364.34 feet East of the easterly side line of Bay Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along said southerly boundary of Pine Tree Road, North 63 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds East, 150 feet to a point; THENCE through the lands now or formerly of Henry C. and Mary F. Scherz South 23 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East, 222.72 feet to the lands now or formerly of Ralph W. Sterling; THENCE along said land South 63 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds West, 84.43 feet to a point marked by a pipe; THENCE along the lands now or formerly of Schondolmeler South 86 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds West, 70.05 feet to a point marked by a monument; THENCE along the lands now or formerly of L. S. Bougu.lgnon .and W. A. &: B. Bougulgnon North 23 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds West, 194.47 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. Certlncate of Title .' I - STATEOl'NBWYORK : :II. COUNTY 01' SUfl'OUC. : 0ll1be2lld.,ofNt...........2IOS lIeIlln me, lIII ~. NaIIIIy PuIIIic~ !'or laid s-. ...-1., _.cI MIcIIMI........ ...-u, IaIlIwn ID DIe Dr ,..w._... ...G11I11D...of'_Io~&.~ID""lbelndlwiduDl'"'-_..BL = WID IIIe wIdliD............. DIIII..:McIwII" "ID........ CMCUlId!he _In hII copIIOiIJ. DllllIIIII." hill....... CIIlIbe inolra-.Iho ind"M6mII" CIl' ilia ........ upan bchDItof . nich dlIt individual DCIlld, CMCUlId Ihc iDIlru-. M. C "'-II:; -- """-. ,.. .,il: IrAlEaFlIBIWIllI - \." .IlIRIUCGGllIdY 'JIll 7 "....IIIPlIlIIIlWIQII..~ 7 , \ ., ~.-.. . ',..... ~O' '. I. . COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK 55.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, JUDITH A. PASCAJ..E. ACling Clcrlc of the County of Suffolk aiKI the Court of Record thereof, do hcrclJy eertify that I have compared the . annexed wilh the original ..0&0.Q4..~~I.~f!~':.n{a..RECORDED in my office .....p.':':il.:J..,...o,r.:.......... and. that the same isa true . copy thereof, and of the whole of sueh original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court th~ .Jq..iUI",..y..6:..~~.....: ~t2,I2-flll'UCTINGCLBRK 1 .' r I .a.. '. 'r , " r .' . .' " Number of pages TORRENS RECORDED 2006 Jan 06 02;32;52 PI! S~rial/l CLERK OF SUFFOU< COUNTY L 000012429 P 336 DTlI 05-22268 Certifieule /I Prillr C1f. /I Deai / Mortl!ug~ In!ltl'Umenl Deed / M<>rtguge Tux Swmp I'I:CS fYeR~-Io ~ tW~i..l'h.D1\. f~G Recording / Filing Slumps 3 Puge / Filing Fcc Handling TP-S84 S. Oil MonllUgc AmI. J. BWlic Tux 2. Additional To Suh TlIwl Spec J A~~il. IIr NOl:llion EA-52 17 (Counly) EA-5217 (SlIlIe) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Sub TOIIII S. 00 Spec./Adll. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly Held fur Appuinl~nl Transfer Tux Mansion To Tho: pm~rty l'll\'ercd by this mortgage is IIr will be improved by a one or IWO family dwelling only. YES Ill' NO If NO. see appropriate lax clause IIn page /I of Ihi~ in~lrumcnl. Affidavil C~rtifio:d Cupy NYS Surehurgc Other IS. (10 Suh TOIIII Gr.md Tuwl 5 CollllllUllity Preservation lI'uDd Real Property Tax Service Agency Verificlllilln Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due S Improved Vucant Lund 6 Suti~fuclionslDi!lChlll1!~slReI9..;es Li~1 Property Owners Mailing Addrc~s RECORD" RETURN TO; ""' . C. .,J)a..V\. -X~:J~ . Z,~8' <(o,&y.. 1c.41.; '\a. -I:l=i..h.u.k I ,tt ~ II q 6 ~ TD TD TD 7 Title Com n Infonnation Co. Name TIlle # 8 Suffolk Count Recordin ~~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMllNTI & Endorsement Pa e This page fol'lllll pun of the allached made by: s ~ The premises herein is silullled in SUI'I'OLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ...1..A TO In the Town~hip of ~ '\ [ "1"/1. In the VII.1.AGF. /\ \.~. (Il' HAMLET ur Llt.'tc..vL:t!(4:Y. , BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO ~RJ)ING OR FILING. (uver) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFl!'I:CB RBCORDING PAGE Type of ID8trumeat: DEBDS/DDD Number of Pages: '1 & Receipt Number : 06-0001697 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-22268 Recorded: At: 01/06/2006 02:32:52 PM LIBSR: PAGB: D00012429 336 District: Section: Block. Lot: 1000 104.00 01.00 009.002 IZYI\MINBD AND CHARGBD AS I'OLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Fees For JIhove Instrument 12v-.pt ~-.pt Page/Filing $0.00 DS v."d.ling $0.00 DS COE $0.00 DS RYS SRCEG $0.00 DS BA-CTY $0.00 DS BA-STAT!: $0.00 DS TP-584 $0.00 DS Cert.Copies $0.00 DS RPT $0.00 DS SC'l"M $0.00 DS Transfer tax $0.00 DS CODa. Pres $0.00 DS Fees Paid $0.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-22268 '1'BJ:S PAGB IS A PART OF 'l"IIB INS'l"RUIIBH'l' 'l"BIS IS NOT A BILL