HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-55.-2-5.2 W!RD ASSOCIATES, 'C, February 23, 2001 Craig Turner, Planner Town of Southold Planning Board Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 r~~\?~~I'"J\'-.!!,;", 1(~J!:,'~~'1IH~~ l~tj~ FEB 27 2001 Re: Proposed Lot-Line Change ;3outhold Town Planning Board Dear Mr. Turner: Enclosed is a print of the proposed lot-line change that illustrates some of the issues and reasons for the proposaL 1. The existing lot with road frontage and residence facing Old North Road is owned by Susan C. Ward. The existing rear lawn area and landscaping presently is developed for this backyard to the existing tree line and encroaches into the next lot owned by Richard G . Ward. 2. The most southerly lot is presently under construction with a new house by daughter Kira (Ward) Verity. 3. Proposed Lot 2 is owned by Richard G. Ward and although there is no present plan to construct a house, all family members, Richard, Susan, and Kira wish to reconfigure the two lots and provide a building envelope for the proposed Lot 2 that would least impact their residences as well as the two existing residences to the west. 4. Reconfigured Lot 2 will maintain the present open view scape of the existing house and barn from Old North Road. The proposed building envelope will guarantee no building encroachment into this present open space. Unless the planning Board would consider the varying lot sizes as a cluster, we realize the Zoning Board would need to be partitioned. Thank you for your guidance. ery truly yours, Q~ Richard G. Ward RGW:kv lIlA Landscape Architects, Architects, Engineers 1500 Lakeland Avenue, Bohemia, N,Y, 11716 . 631-563-4800 . FAX 631-563-4807 e-mail: wardpc@earthlink,net . website: www.wardpc.com . . February 22,2001 Richard G. Ward Ward Associates 1500 Lakeland Avenue Bohemia, NY 11716 RE: Proposed Lot-Line Change SCTM# 1000-55-2-(5.1-5.3) Dear Mr. Ward, The Planning Board has reviewed your request for a lot-line change on your property. They would like to know why this is being proposed, since it does create a few problems and there is no apparent need for it. The proposal as shown would require two variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals. One would be because the existing house would be close to the new side yard (15' shown, 20' required). The other is that the lot gaining road frontage, Lot #2, is too narrow. If you have any questions, please give me a call. We are now experiencing problems with our phones in Town Hall, so I may not been able to return your phone call. I am sorry for the inconvenience. Sincerely, &iJ~v Craig Turner Planner ---,- - . . WARD ASSOCIATES, P,C, February 1,2001 Craig Turner, Planner Planning Board Town of South old Town Hall, Main Road Southold, New York 11971 I~ Re: Property of Richard and Susan Ward Old North Road, 1000-55-02-5.2 & 5.3 Southokt Town Planning Board Dear Mr. Turner: Enclosed is a copy of the map for a proposed lot line change between Richard (Lot 5.2) and Susan (Lot 5.3) Ward and the reduction of an existing 50' ROW to 20', since it will only be serving two lots 5.1 and 5.2. Your office previously requested we explore the use of the adjacent Lillis ROWand even after offering to upgrade the ROWand pay for its use, we were denied. Therefore, the enclosed map is presented for consideration. If the Board will consider the map as submitted, we will submit the application and fee for the lot line change. If there are any questions or concerns I am available for a pre-submission conference. Thank you for your attention. Richard G. Ward President/CEO RGW:ek Ene. UtA Landscape Architects, Architects, Engineers 1500 Lakeland Avenue. Bohemia, N,Y, 11716 . 631-563-4800 . FAX 631-563-4807 e-mail: wardpc@earthlink,net . website: www.wardpc.com WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD CAGGIANO . Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-3136 Telephone (631) 765-1938 PLANNING BOARD MEMBE. BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 1,2000 Richard G. Ward 1500 Lakeland Avenue Bohemia, NY 11716 RE: R-O-W Use, Kira Ward-Verity Dear Mr. Ward, The Planning Board has reviewed your request to provide access to your daughter's lot from the neighboring right-of-way on Gary Lillis' property. The Board requests that the road be improved before access is given to new lots. A site visit showed the existing road in poor condition, and it is currently serving more than the four lots allowed by Town Highway Code. In addition to the four lots on which the road is located, access is also provided to the two lots owned by the Grigonis family to the west of the road and south of your daughter's property. The road would have to be improved to a 24-foot wide asphalt road up to and including your daughter's parcel. If this is done, the Board would recommend that the other vacant parcel of your subdivision also be given access to the road, instead of creating a flag lot with a lot-line change. This would produce the best lot layout. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, ~~ Craig Turner Planner '. , . . ~ Richard G, Ward 1500 Lakeland Avenue Bohemia, New York 11716 TEL: 631-563-4800 FAX: 631-563-4807 ~~",,,,,t;;:t:~~'"""--~ 1,1~,.;t '."~t~1:\,:~~~cr}iJ.'I;l"-' ,:'t1. " " "~. ,j~ ;" !: >' OCT 18 2000 ,~ October 17, 2000 SQuthoJd Town F':anning Board Ben Orlowski, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall, Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: ROW Use Kira (Ward) Verity Dear Ben: Attached please find the tax map of the surrounding area of the lot in current ownership by my daughter Kira, The lot is presently served by an undeveloped 50 foot ROW through two lots of the minor subdivision owned by Susan and Richard Ward (the front two lots on Old North Road), The three (3) lots comprise a minor subdivision. Kira wishes to use the Gary Lillis developed ROW (shown in red). Gary has indicated he would consider this option if the Town does not mandate upgrading the current improvements to a full Town road specification. Since Kira's lot is outside the Gary Lillis ROWand minor subdivision, it would seem that the Town would not require additional improvements. Also note t.hat Susan and I have plans to file a lot line change for the front two lots providing frontage for both lots on Old North Road further eliminating the need for the 50 foot ROW of the existing 3 lot. minor subdivision. Ift.he Board and Jamie Richter agree, I would appreciate a brief written response to eliminat.e t.he Gary Lillis concern. Thank you for your consideration. t;:r Richard G. Ward RGW:kv cc: Jamie Richter, RA, Town Engineer . 1.'l1l7/2~~~ ~7: 35 7273611 LIHRL PAGE ~2 -- _.... It.la'....~ 1t.lll -... _ 12.1 AId -,.... ---~ --K"- _"''''~'l''' --0-- _nl ~.u ... '" _.,""~ (i) __0_- .-, ,tf_ .~ rlll.l,lIO_ 0'1'~'1' -~ --' -. ..._..,.~.,... - , ... - ....111......'... --,-- .....-..-.,... -"1'-- ,~ n .-. _.,,- --- _.1_. -.......,"--..-. ,p, " "'(I ~"""'I'" .- n .... ,_,1'00 ---- .....-...... __0--...- _........1.. -,,-- --. 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'J!~'~',~I!"lj~ \~.i. !:.,',.9":il' , .~, ~,~. .::1'<,;, ~'" ~: ,~l ' :1, FEB 27 21101""::);)J GRlON18 PIP, 02.,'1 120" >outhold Town ')1.. ....,.- 8' d I ,.'t1! t. ,'~,' ~g Gar; ZONING DISTRICT - AC ANy AL TERA nON OR ADDITION TO IHIS SURVEY IS A VIOLA T/ON OF SECTION 1209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE [DUCA nON LAW DCEPT AS PER SECT/ON 1209- SUBDIVISION 2 ALL CERT/FlCA T/ONS HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES IHEREOF ONL' IF ..--^/n l~...n no rnnlrc DC-liD Tur fUDDrc.-corn c.-r/ll nr rur CllDIJrVnO AREA - 130. 682 S.F. · LASER FICHE FORM · SUBDIVISIONS Proiect Tyoe: Lot Line Changes Status: IncOmolete SCTM # : 1000 - 55.-2-5.2 Proiect Name: Ward. Richard & Susan Location: Old North Road. Southold Hamlet: Southold Aoolicant Name: Richard & Susan Ward Owner Name: Richard Ward Zone 1: Aooroyal Date: No-tl1frroJed PLAT Sianed Date: Not t::fdOVSEd OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates thai we have received the related infonnation Zone 2: Zone 3: C and R's : Homeowners Association: Rand M Aareement: Address: County Filina Date: SCAN Date: -, SC~E-& ,- 4~ IMIIR 2 R'netotds,Mun~gement i -, ,-- --,.1