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l NOTES: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WATER 5UPPLYIS)AND/OR SEWAGE DISPOSAL TEST HOLE No. 1 TEST HOLE No. 2 UNDER MV apSPCW 06 SYSTEM(:) FOR THIS PROJECT WERE DE51 + DATED 3-3OW DnTeAND - DIRECTION. BASED UPON A CAREFUL Y OF THE SOIL, eV SUFFOLK couxry e1- SUFFOLK couxrx SITE AND GROUNDWATER CONDITIO 161 D,CONFORM TO N. SOIJ 8-""r, HEALTNANDTOV/xoF HEALTHANDINSwNpP 500X0 SOUTHOLn INSPERORS SpVIHpID INSrECfURS THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT F SER O TRUCUON (NOR O V NR+RYJNO EL.3+A EL.ns LQ STANDARDS IN EFFECT AS OF THIS ¢ �p4►� S Q24" Tjy 14?bf�wf� AVENUE 9 60 F Ta(PT) TO IL -D.s VJ BE o. 4 = Nr N8;°3,3•,00 LLOAM - ; tr6 �a19 ONE M°N/GI°NO E (OL)OL) (OL) _2 -x AT 293,00, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP W EYE �+ . 3Jf COMPLETED MARCH 7, 2006 AND T T Q UM TS SHOWN ,• z 3 FINE sgrvD NE SANG THUS ■ ACTUALLY EXIST. (SP) -195 ISP) EM35 � IN -16.0 GROUND WATER Gkz h C ��J < ° �� W .u.R ELEv lz.p -n.R ELeJ a.s o N s LL . Nu L� 0 fi4 8La° E< i 3 n ❑ d y I ww G w TABLE OF M � � a (ILf{ - RD LOT WIDTH ° ° 3C v a< >> LOT LOT FRONT YARD SIDE i�i ? w rc Q< NO. AREA SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK AT SETBACK + o o a TEST HOLE NO. 3 TEST HOLE 6 4 (10,000 S.F.) (35' MIN.) (15' MIN) (35' MIN.) (80' MIN.) IT�I < °z 3 3 oN - a �2 0 DATED 3-30-06 DATED 3-3o-os F ('25"TOTAL) ��I ? 3 �''•2 i< y HE SUFFOLK COUNTY BY 1 20' / N 3= Oti HEALTH AND TOWN OF TOWN OF SOUTHOLD O } a SUFFOLK COUNTY DRAINAGE INSPECTORS 204 60.00 - Q ITS.8TE.2s S ..,�A/ EL.28 5 EL,1IA 3 8;335 6O.0D' _ N63852',?6'E El IL TOP(PT)IL TOP SOIL MKV BO°° r KEY MAP fi0.00' SCALE: 1"=600' 4 8,407 ' -Bs LpAM -0.S 5 9,117 61.75' 3 I a^, 3 LOAM (OL) 6 B,DDI 72'2x' O ON FOxno MON6FEANCI D E 235.62' '" cn t -x.0 CURVE TABLE my pN a 233.01' T.H. "x NRVE LENGTH RADIUS DELTA 8 9,805 Om _ 2 ,73 FINE SANG -fi.5 GROUND WATER ] o m - N1 'n IB 39'4 E ELEV 5.3 Cl 136.12 150.00 51.59'41' 73.-17' a 1751-- - - - -%r -?15• 1,5' o zz 9 8,037 60.60' i I - 1431��Q�N" ao ( ) C3 53.17 100.00 51°08-03" L 't?N ir'e s8- C3 53.11 150.00 30.10'/0' 85.9$' ii ' WEWPRIV FINE SAND 10 2 ,NiiwMus -J O ATE SANITARY CS 14.61 00 50.00 85-29-21- .36" 62.08' c°' 4 /AND NO ISP) C6 223.09 50.00 255'36'03' r 11 Q w SBS-52'20•W: 214.38' C3 ' COUNTY FORMERLY pp 12 69.73' Id _ $r TLOT 21 -7 F O NIY OFSUFFOU( p 117.20 100 00 56]•08-56' 13 8,441 XPROVED BY 64.12' W ti' IRI 11,1355 .R. G H ', -x2.0 ELEV 6.5 -12.5E C9 33.10 100.00 1.423'33^ 0.26 ec ry Clo 35.45 100.00 20°levo^ 66.59' ` -----J PLANNING BOARD 14 8,001 > ,° / cu 133.B7 150.00 51°00.03^ 3 569.53'20"W 65.50' ° ID n2 97.35 10°.00 51-59-41- C13 1°59vr 1$ 8,000 0 160.63' O E136761.33 10000 3Y•3{'A2" 64.50' 16 B,Doo ' 0 ler LOT 20 r / 13,1ei a.rt. " N ` TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 2rs1 100.77 II•33'21' 17 8,181 62.GIV a w oal 9911 q.rt. / Q'Y oao eRes ~/ ° 39.59 ISIAW 15.07126' d.20 acres L ---J �J�'-I 13.59 ss0.00 5-11-14• 18 8,395 60.00' rc z L-- - - -J 59.55127^w Lwn I DATE //1, 7 +9.Bz 50.70 ss-1o•Ds' 19 8,444 60,00' p 569.52'20"W LAND NOW URRMERLY pF IL�_J C3 133.36' Att11LIN 20 8,817 61.65' a p r 141.37= G r LOT 2 l PUBLIC WATEILIPRIVATE SANITARY/NO WELLS 25.59 50.00 29.19'Ifi 72.18' 0 LOT 19 34.01 50.00 38.59'33• C20 48.95 50.011 56-05-39- 21 s R. w,"I. I 81204 155 I - / 234..11 50.00 25-19-59- 111410 Z2 6832' ; - L . 9 a[rcs J e L- --J • 34.36 50.00 3942'x0' 5]0.55'20^W p/ THIS 75 TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED BY ° ° s69•s2z0^w rwvosE 13536' 31.16 sO.Do 3svz•ze^ = 3 W u7.49' _ In°vsIna1- MOx FOunD `sp szefi s0.0a 60w7'Ds' THE PLANNING BOARD OF 50UTHOLD. D 5 r op°E REMij nab zs.o0 x6°71-33^ y -1 LOT3' 13.63 25.00 31.!WCM" LOT 16 'U o3 O 18331 SIM.I I �ItF9-1 s' �(ND NOW OR FORMERLYO 5315 100.00 30.4]49"DATE OF APPROVALCHAIRMAN -ars -J= dl y`N°i IBX - R 50°5 ' 0^W ^/ H WELL/PRDI�TE SANRARY 59.16 ]GOAD 33'5345'(TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD) ss9•srxo^w {.9 107.00 5.2616Z 139A0 3fi.9+ 300.00 15°26'16" 139.35' CARTHE APPROVAL OF THIS MAP DOES NOT CONSUME THE ACCEPTANCE OF _ T 5.16 107.70 rfi7'n^ LOT D 8,401 sq.R. 5 .Oi I AA9 350.00 5.35'35HIGHWAYS SHOWN THEREON AS PUBLIC ROADS. e,1e1 wrt. •2''°' ' 0.19 acrcc I-'�-�I 55.02 150.07 2{•22'40^ . / ' R k � 'p 14ND NOWOR FORMERLY OFhJ VAVI°WTHE CLEARING OF VEGETATION WITHIN THE NON-DISTURBANCE VEGETATED L--- J MtEII.T. 1 SS.n 150.00 31.0545^ 2 3 510.55'20"W PUBLIC WgTEIUpmyATE SAN[TnRY/NO WELLS C35 16{p 100.00 Is°01'31" BUFFERS ON THIS MAP IS PROHIBITED. THESE AREAS SHALL REMAIN IN - s69°52'20°W ,�. ,va 144-17' 110 cis fiaas 177.70 3fi°52'17• THEIR NATURAL STATE AND FREE OF STRUCTURES. 128.80' c3 C C33 10x.+1 ss0.00 39.10'03• 904 r nor s - °A.SPE' B " THIS SUBDIVISION]S SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE VI, T^ , r LOT is , °°, u 9,10 sq.R. r @ - 0 000 sq.R, pp Y / B 2l a[rts 013 D OW O0.Fp0.MEgL _ AFFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT,OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN CODE. p dae Ants k.x. . L- -0- --J ' xANESkr WELVI 8 1-3 QN x, n0•ssrzo"w ory wun wEL 12472 NN MIXT LN° Ce E 4rRNATE SANCrpRY NO BUILDING PERMITS MAY BE ISSUED BY THE BUILDING DEPARTMENT FOR 5]0.25'04"W m p 3o n N SUFF.•1s.ar ,s, SU67ECT TO COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS: LIBER ANY OF THE LOTS ON THE APPROVED MAP UNTIL PROOF OF PERPETUAL 3 r33.xx' -72°O5 oiA PAGE 76 3 �LOT6� �4`�' IIIUI AFFORDABILITY, PURSUANT TO ARTICLE VI,AFORDABLE HOUSING DISTRICT, d, _ 15 is OF THE TOWN CODE, HAS BEEN SUBMITTED TO THE PLANNING BOARD. r LOT . � J .off M a 18 a. 90 W M m /LI s,7oa sq.rt.lEl Z j L -J O L-J 01 'Nc I PROPOSED 10 SANITARY FLOW CREDITS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERED TO THIS SITE FROM 577.20.04"W ;, 1-v= I FAMILY SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. S7j15'M.. _- ti- LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF BRADLEY 1S 1X 3 ~LS is CNwi m,u PUBLIC WATEN/PRIVATE U"ARY/NO WELLS IUx RESIDENCE HAUPPAU , N.Y. COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD! �I r .x41 $ OQ �. -� 1 ~.nl ❑ DATE nL� LOT 14 lu W 5 UP DEC 0 1� 2006 AFFORDABLE HOUSING: e,77sw.rt I N LOT7 X72°34'02"E m swoc"Iun�� THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT TO COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS DATED 11-17-0fi AND FILED Dae 0. IN.S S' 255.45' nox FDuxO !1J °G L- _J I pSfi a[resl 67l•3QP50'W 63.92' 39.52' 'U, 153.{5' x p e m L P IN THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON 11-26-06 AS LIBER 12480 PAGE 627 °'s w A s]0•za'04"W C2 I p0•E RUFFER�3o Rp 0 W Z " N FNP L! SUBDIVISION: 12-08-06 AND FILED 119'33 / m p, This is to certify that the proposed Subdivision or Develop- SUBDIVISION: THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT TO COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS DATED ,� N 1fi9A6/1pS�I i' w MR PROF.CII/✓• COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK IN THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON 12-14-06 AS LIBER 12483 PAGE 291 1 D. 1-6 ✓ 14 o Q Q STREET - PROP.WA9R FINN ment n the LonO r TOWN OF SOUTHOLD with a total Of 22 lots 619159 k. 1 a C <\9��3/4Tpp70^E \ 1p.36asrres ,y P 6.19 etre: J 5f ti __�W 33-11- d 33afr/ °i' was approved on the above date. Water Supply and Sewage °y °' O� p COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS FOR THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES: 3°Os'36 c+v 19 R. N TYPICAL PLOT PLAN in effect at the time must conform oconstructionaaresub Standards 3 1� X61°11'37"E OPOSE W G m effect at the time of construction and are subject to F?L]6LIC' WPTEFi_EXZENSIoN-__-_---.----- r3a5s y,5a �W q CJ separate permits;be valid to he raft standards. Thvelop- THIS PLAT IS SUBJECT TO COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS DATED 08-14-06 AND FILED c T H1 ea1��3tl ��,3> LL N.T.S. SO-OS-O6 AS LIBER 12472 PAGE 768 �m r 0003�{t ` s A z ° ''NR3' 1� °N 104-11 shall be valid only if the realty subdivision/develpp- IN THE COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE ON // 2A.yB ment map is duly Flied with the County Clerk within one year p w' I q 'y5*0Q5 Q 33.32' 2 MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK CAPACITIES LEACHING POOL of this date. Consent I5 hereby given for the FlIin9 of this n 0' E MINIMUM TANK EFFECTIVE DEPTH map on Which this endorsement appears In the Office of the X71°09'30"E 177.27 z i g•50'�' 1 ^w NUMBER OF CAPAcmES County Clerk In accordance with provisions Of the Public ponNP7ux° MD Dux V n v�}0 i 00"� BEDROOMS J . aFM°;�, C s9sz TaO� (GAuoBs) Health Law and the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. - �3 ` 'ry 1,2,3 OR4 1,000 12' ' i 264 56.435 OI /C337"°'Us / C33 I6 ° B 1'E Sp 5 OR 6 1 500 16' VITO MMI.P.E• ses•s7'os'w W 3fi.30' ��'. �/ 0^AN ey9°T> (/ ..•(f�/L�t o m ip eq' vaR 33° 3 gA8°A�0 Director,Division of Environmental Quality �� n I6 F OTA t73' � °° 3 REC as RGE SINPEDESTRIAN AND 3 sq.R N�.59p5'" 552°37'10 W ��Op,O EMERG NCYY ACCESS GRAPHIC SCALE c I�D 1.13 acres ls'S TO BE DEDICATED TO THE E ED H,B 97 0 4. e0 iso TO BE DEDICATED TO THE 50 NQ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD a ori "g TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 5 2A 5�° 5,988 S.F. sq.ft. 1 o z' i79 a NGl INOWd� 0.14 acres z< IWi 0� �O PtESPO1tP� (IN FEET) FINAL SUBDIVISION PLAN FOR THE lY Sp3a16`5 vol" OWNER: OWNER: 10 p910 4 5q6° 0 FCDCLI HOUSING UND CORPORATIONELOPMENT COTTAGES AT SITE DATA MATTITUC yC'`F°'110.501- ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE Sq8°>A9 2100 MIDDLE COUNTRY ROAD AREA OF MAP: 7.40 ACRES SUITE 300 AREA IN LOTS:4.87 ACRES SCTM DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 122 BLOCK 2 LAT 23.1 CENTEREACH, NY, 11720-3576 AREA IN STREETS: 1.26 ACRES NELSON (S. POPE AREA IN RECHARGE BASIN: 1.13 ACRES AREA IN EMERGENCY ACCESS: 0.14 ACRES APPLICANT: ENGINEERS DESIGNERS SURVEYORS WATER DISTRICT: SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY 572 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747-2188 SITUATED AT FIRE DISTRICT: MATTITUCK ' POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK LIHOUSI DEVELOPMENT (631)427-5665 FA%(631)673-4163 3 12-19-06 ADD COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS EG FUNICDD CORPORAATION MATTITUCK SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE NUMBER OF LOTS: 22 2 11-10-06 ADD ADJACENT BUILDINGS EG 2100 MIDDLE COUNTRY ROAD JOB NO. 02007 FILE NO. 1000-112-1 S.C.T.M.: DISTRICT 1000 TOWN O NTY, NEW LD SECTION 122- BLOCK 02- LOT 23.1 1 0DATE6 REVISE COMMENTS EG SUITE 300 SCALE: 1"= 60' DATE: JULY 2006 SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK ■ DENOTES E%ISTING MONUMENT NO. GATE DESCRIPTION By CENTEREACH, NY, 11720-3576 O DENOTES PROPOSED MONUMENT - •, 1 NMILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��v so�� Y.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE ��� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS N Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON �Q� icor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. 'rOWNSEND �e'AWN Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 12, 2006 Gail Wickham, Esq. Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & Geasa, P.0 PO Box 1421 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Standard Subdivision of the Cottages at Mattituck Located on the s/s/o Sound Avenue and the w/s/o Factory Avenue in Mattituck SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 Zoning District: Affordable Housing District (AHD) Dear Ms Wickham: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, December 11, 2006, adopted the following resolutions: The public hearing was closed. WHEREAS, this proposal is to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 22 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 8,000 square feet to 15,817 square feet, in the Affordable Housing District; and WHEREAS, the applicant is the Community Development Corporation of Long Island, a not for profit organization seeking to develop the subject property for affordable housing pursuant to Article VI, Affordable Housing District, of the Town Code, and in accordance with the Town's goal of addressing the housing needs of its local residents; and WHEREAS, an application for sketch approval was submitted to the Southold Town Planning Board on January 12, 2006 and the fee in the amount of $1,000 on January 31, 2006; and WHEREAS, on March 13, 2006 the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Approval upon the map prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated October 31, 2005; and WHEREAS, by Resolution #2006-338, the Southold Town Board designated itself as Lead Agency and issued a Negative Declaration for the Type I Action, pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law; and The Cottages at Mattituck Page Two December 12, 2006 WHEREAS, on June 6, 2006, the applicant submitted an application and fee for preliminary plat approval; and WHEREAS, a preliminary public hearing was held for this project on July 24, 2006 and closed on August 14, 2006; and WHEREAS, on August 11, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board received the notice of bond estimate in the amount of $284,165 and the proposed administrative fee in the amount of $17,049.90 as calculated by the Town Engineer; and WHEREAS, on August 14, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Preliminary Plat Approval upon the map prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated May 31, 2006 and last revised on June 1, 2006; and WHEREAS, on August 30,2006, the applicant submitted the final subdivision map prepared by Paul Racz, L.S. of Nelson and Pope dated July of 2006 and last revised on August 25, 2006, containing all of the map revisions required by the Planning Board as a condition of preliminary plat approval; and WHEREAS, on August 30, 2006, the applicant submitted the final road and drainage plans prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope dated August 16, 2006; and WHEREAS, on November 6, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board received a letter from the Office of the Town Engineer indicating that the road and drainage plans have been satisfactorily revised and that the project will meet the minimum requirements for road and drainage improvements, as proposed; and WHEREAS, on December 8, 2006, the applicant submitted the application and fee for final plat approval, one (1) copy of the filed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions pertaining to the perpetual affordability of the homes, one (1) copy of the final draft Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions pertaining to the subdivision requirements and the letter of water availability from the Suffolk County Water Authority; and WHEREAS, on December 11, 2006, the applicant submitted eight (8) paper prints and five (5) mylars of the final map prepared by Paul Racz, L.S. of Nelson and Pope dated July of 2006 and last revised on November 10, 2006, each containing the Health Department stamp of approval; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has agreed to review the proposed additional site improvements offered by the applicant to protect the adjacent property owner, identified by SCTM#1000-122-2-12 , from the potential traffic impacts, subject to review by the Town Engineer prior to the December 19th Town Board Meeting; and be it further The Cottages at Mattituck Page Three December 12, 2006 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby accepts the bond estimate in the amount of $284,165 pursuant to Section 240-32(B) of the Town Code and shall forward the Performance Bond to the Town Attorney and Town Board for approval; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grant Conditional Final Plat Approval upon the map prepared by Paul Racz, L.S. of Nelson and Pope dated July of 2006 and last revised on November 10, 2006 and authorize the Chairperson to endorse the maps upon fulfillment of the following conditions: 1. Submission of the Performance Bond in the amount of $284,165 and the Administrative Fee in the amount of$17,049.90. The Performance Bond will be forwarded to the Town Attorney and the Town Board for approval. 2. Submission of one (1) copy of the recorded Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions pertaining to the subdivision requirements. The final maps shall be endorsed by the Chairperson after the conditions of approval have been satisfied, including approval of the Performance Bond by the Town Attorney and Town Board. Upon endorsement by the Chairperson, the mylars and paper prints must be picked up at this office and filed in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk. Any plat not so filed or recorded within sixty-two (62) days of the date of map signing shall become null and void. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, erilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson cc: Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney Philip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator Building Department (with map) Tax Assessors (with map) I IIIIIII IIII VIII(IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII(IIII IIII IIII I IIIIII VIII VIII IIII IIII SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DECLARATION/DOP Recorded: 12/14/2006 Number of Pages: 7 At: 04: 05 :34 PM Receipt Number : 06-0120157 LIBER: D00012483 PAGE: 291 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 122 .00 02 . 00 023 .001 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $21.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5. 00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO TP-584 $0. 00 NO Notation $0 .00 NO Cert.Copies $10. 00 NO RPT $30 .00 NO SCTM $0 . 00 NO Fees Paid $86. 00 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County 1172 Nmnbcr cif pu��i`s 1'0RRENS -, C.crlili�alC dt "- Prior Ctf, k Decd . !vtortca„ c lusutnnent Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording / Idling Stamps 3 FEES P.tee / I'ilin; Fee _ Mortgage Amt 1. Basic "fax Handlimr 5. 00 - 2. Additional fax 1-h >3T Sub Total _ Spec. /Assi t. Nolitlion or FA-52 17 (C'(ijully) _ Sit[) Total Spec. /Add, _- TOT.. MTG. 1AX 11\-SZ17 i.tiiaiel __- Drill 'ro%tin Dual County r� v�jHeld for Appointment .A R S . �� �� �°�� v � Transfer Tax 5 00 lnnm of Ed a s C _ The no�crty co�ucd 1 \iltd� it I L �� this tnotgace k _ - — — 0`0 or «ill he impiovcd I)s it one or Mo �Ciiuticc) Cohy _ Fumlxdwellin only. SFS _ ur NO Ri e. Copy _ Suh Total _..— /� It NO see apps opriate lax clause ou ...� Other — ----- Grund local _ page # _ of this klr t'umn et 4 District 1000 Section 122.02 Block 02.001 Lot 023.001 5 Communitv Preservation Fund Real 1000 12200 0200 023001 Consideration Amount S Pt operty 1ati Service. P CPP Tax Due NA ,encu R Im roved Vcril i<:utirin (i4-LDD Var:au. Land fi Sati<fadiun/Disch tr2es/Release List Pmpetty Owners Mailing Address TD RECORD & RETfRN TO: Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & Geasa, P.C. T D P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, New York 11952 1 D 7 Title Company Information Co. Name 'A ; tip / TCS, "Title # (p S —7 "j fI Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page I'his lige forms part of the tuached DECLARATION OF COVENANTS &-_RESTRICTIONS made h}': (SPECIFY” "FYPF,OF INSTRUMENTi CDCLI_HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND_ The picrusk herein is situated in CORPORATION SI I'POI.K COUNTY. NI[\1' YORK. fO Iu thc 'Fownsl'tip of SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE of HAMLFi"f of MATTITUCK IWXFS 6'f HROUGIF R MUST' BI: "1YPED OR PRIN"I'FD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR 1'0 RECORDING OR FILING. (over) Dear Taxpayer, Your satisfaction of mortgage has been filed in my office and I am enclosing the original copy for your records. If a portion of your monthly mortgage payment included your property taxes, you will now need to contact your local Town Tax Receiver so thatoy u may be billed directly for all future property tax bills. Local property taxes are payable twice a year: on or before January 10th and on or before May 31st. Failure to make payments in a timely fashion could result in a penalty. Please contact your local Town Tax Receiver with any questions regarding property tax payment. Babylon Town Receiver of Taxes Riverhead Town Receiver of Taxes 200 East Sunrise Highway 200 Howell Avenue North Lindenhurst, NY 11757 Riverhead, NY 11901 (631) 957-3004 (631) 727-3200 Brookhaven Town Receiver of Taxes Shelter Island Town Receiver of Taxes 250 East Main Street Shelter Island Town Hall Port Jefferson, NY 11777 Shelter Island, NY 11964 (631) 473-0236 (631) 749-3338 East Hampton Town Receiver of Taxes Smithtown Town Receiver of Taxes 300 Pantigo Place 99 West Main Street East Hampton, NY 11937 Smithtown, NY 11787 (631) 324-2770 (631)360-7610 Huntington Town Receiver of Taxes Southampton Town Receiver of Taxes 100 Main Street 116 Hampton Road Huntington, NY 11743 Southampton, NY 11968 (631) 351-3217 (631) 283-6514 Islip Town Receiver of Taxes Southold Town Receiver of Taxes 40 Nassau Avenue 53095 Main Road Islip, NY 11751 Southold, NY 11971 (631) 224-5580 (631) 765-1803 Sincerely, -' Edward P. Ramaine Suffolk County Clerk DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS DECLARATION, made the 2?tk day of December, 2006, by CDCLI Housing Development Fund Corporation, having an office at 2100 Middle Country Road, Centereach,New York 11720, hereinafter referred to as the Declarant. WHEREAS,the Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate at 895 Factory Avenue, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York,more fully described in Schedule A annexed hereto, and WHEREAS,the Declarant has made application to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for approval of a 22 lot Standard Subdivision in the Affordable Housing District known as"Cottages at Mattituck", and WHEREAS, in consideration of the granting of subdivision approval,the Planning Board of the Town of Southold has required certain covenants as a condition of said approval and that this Declaration be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office, and WHEREAS, the Declarant has considered the foregoing and determined that the same will be for the best interest of the Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcels. NOW,THEREFORE, THIS DECLARATION WITNESSETH: That the Declarant, for the purposes of carrying out the intentions above expressed, does hereby covenant and agree that the said premises described in Schedule "A"annexed hereto shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said premises,their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors and assigns, to wit: 1. No Further Subdivision. There shall be no further subdivision of any lot in perpetuity. 2. No Lot Line Change. There shall be no modification of any lot line without the approval of the Planning Board. 3. Non-Disturbance Buffer. The lots shall contain a non-disturbance vegetation t buffer at the rear of each lot as shown on the filed map and as set forth below(the Buffer Area): Lot 1: 25 feet, and in addition, the northerly area of Lot 1 as shown on the filed map. Lots 2 through 5 inclusive: 25 feet. Lot 6: 15 feet Lot 7: 15 feet in the area shown on the filed map. Lot 10: 20 feet Lot 12: 25 feet in the area shown on the filed map. Lots 13 through 22, inclusive: 25 feet. No trees or natural vegetative cover may be removed within the Buffer Area; except for the removal of noxious, dead and decayed vegetation; provided that the area in which maintenance activity is conducted will be re-vegetated in accordance with a plan approved by the Planning Board with species native to Long Island and the State of New York. Such clearing and replanting shall be subject to prior review by the Town Planning Board to insure the proper maintenance and preservation of the natural buffer. Noxious vegetation shall mean poison ivy or other poisonous plant material, bamboo, or vines or other invasive species which threaten the health of trees or other natural undergrowth within the buffer. No structures may be erected within the Buffer Area, except 1) a fence around the outer perimeter, and 2) an unlit sign within the Buffer Area of Lot 1 setting forth the name of the subdivision, all of which shall be in compliance with Town Code. No dumping of debris or other action inconsistent with the non-disturbance purpose of the Buffer Area is permitted in the Buffer Area. 4. Perpetual Affordability. The subdivision is subject to a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions dated November 17, 2006, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 12480 cp 627, covenanting, inter alia,that all the lots in z such subdivision are subject to the provisions of the Affordable Housing District as set forth in the Southold Town Code, 5. All structures with impervious areas shall control and retain surface runoff through the use of gutters, leaders and subsurface drywells. 6. Driveway Access. There shall be no driveway or other vehicular access from Lot 9 to Factory Avenue. Vehicular access to all lots shall be from Sound Avenue only, except for emergency access over the access designated on the filed map. 7. These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owner of the lot with the approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold after a public hearing. Property owners of other lots in the subdivision which adjoin or are across the street from the lot subject to the modification request shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing but their consent to such modification shall not be required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Declarant above named has executed the foregoing Declaration the day and year first above written. CDCLI Housing Development Fund Corporation COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE STATE OF NEW YORK SS.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I, JUDITH A. PASCALE, Clerk of the County of Suffolk and the Court of Record thereof, do-.1tereby certify that I have compared the annexed with the original u�i GZYL .. .....RECORDED in the office on under LIBER .�. y. 3 . .PAGE .q V.....and, that the same is a true copy thereof, and of the whole of such original. In Testimony Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County and Court on this . r ......dayof:;Pr�.......,....... 2049. b CLERK. (...,,lar.�+�.. .p!�adALt� SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY DECLARANT: CDCLI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND CORPORATION, fee owners by virtue of deed recorded in Liber 12450 page 9211; SCTM41000-122-2-23.1 H.D.REF.NO.: S 10-05-0021 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Sound Avenue (North Road) distant 293.00 feet westerly as measured along the southerly side of Sound Avenue from its intersection with the westerly side of Factory Avenue (Railroad Avenue); RUNNING THENCE along land now or formerly of J & N Moloney, South 20 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 256.03 feet; THENCE North 69 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds East 38.00 feet; THENCE South 18 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds East 28.73 feet still along'land now or formerly of J & N Moloney; THENCE South 21 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds East 221.91 feet along land now or formerly of J. E. Berdinka and land now or formerly of Mautarelli; THENCE South 19 degrees 16 minutes 10 seconds East 166.65 feet along lands now or formerly of.D. Pinkall, E. McGetrick and F. Zaneski; THENCE South 72 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West 43.69 feet along the northerly line of land now or formerly of M.T. Bradley; THENCE South 17 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds East 113.22 feet along the westerly side of land now or formerly of M.T. Bradley; THENCE along the southerly line of land now or formerly of M.T. Bradley, North 72 degrees 34 minutes 02 seconds East 255.99 feet to the westerly side of Factory Avenue; THENCE along the westerly side of Factory Avenue, South 17 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds East 91.80 (91.27 deed) feet to the northerly line of land now or formerly of Long Island Railroad; Page 1 of 3 SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SCHEDULE A Continued THENCE along the land now or formerly of Long Island Railroad the following 8 courses and distances: 1. South 47 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 224.15 (224.32 deed) feet; 2. North 19 degrees 16minutes 10 seconds.West 7.10 feet; 3. South 48 degrees 42minutes 00 seconds West 134.96 feet; 4. South 52 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds West 91.94 feet; 5. South 45 degrees 24minutes 50 seconds West 108.55 feet; 6. South 43 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds West 100.21 feet; 7. South 46 degrees 08 minutes 20 seconds West 100.01 feet; 8.. South 48 degrees 49 minutes 50 seconds West 10.89 feet to land now or formerly of Charlotte Dickerson; THENCE along land now or formerly of Charlotte Dickerson, North 20 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds West 231.30 feet to the southerly line of land now or formerly of C. Sullivan; THENCE along last mentioned land, North 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East 177.27 feet.to the easterly side of land now.or formerly of C. Sullivan; THENCE along last mentioned land the following 5 courses and distances: 1. North 20 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds West 126.65 feet; 2. North 19 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds West 251.55 feet; 3. North 20 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds West 91.02 feet; 4. North 19 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds West 195.00 feet; 5. North 20 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds West 30.81 feet still along land now or formerly of C. Sullivan; THENCE along lands now or formerly of C. Sullivan, L. Yocovelli, T. and S. Best and K. Fuentes, North 69 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds East 235.62 feet to the easterly line of land now or formerly of K. Fuentes; Page 2 of 3 SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SCHEDULE A Continued THENCE along last mentioned land, North 20 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds West 274.20 feet to the southerly side of Sound Avenue (North Road); THENCE along the southerly side of Sound Avenue (North Road) the following 2 courses and distances: 1. South 87 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds East 42.60 feet; 2. North 85 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East 7.37 feet to land now or formerly of I & N. Moloney and point or place of BEGINNING. Page 3 of 3 SO UND rNOR AVE RO Say ADS NU 42.60 49'00.,4 4 axe N8S•3S'pp..f 7,37, P35.1 P 34.0 T4.64 N P 35.1 P 34.1 nE' 293,Oq•pER DEED P 35.3 P 35.4 W E � W N > w n P 36.0 P 35.0 jV) O 3 d N `0 S � w � a n0 76 4 d0' O ... NTC P 34. 3 P 34.3 r0 Z O U N N r W P 33.8 mm P 33.7 mN M> Ml2 �y N69.52'20"E M„ a6 38.00' mY N69.52'20"E 235.62' 3 14 °" / Sl 8'39'40"E n -- < : ^m+ 28.73' 00 LOT 22 i w /0 N P 321 �/A t;FF W P 32.1 Z A TG P 31.4 LOT 21 / �T 4 P 31.4 O 9 17 P 30.7 / gA� LOT 1 0' �' N 3 P 30.7 N N O d> / W j o LOT 20 • M= / N O ,2i P 30.1 0 P 30.0 Z I I I N N LOT 2 LOT 19 P 29.3 S I I P 29.3 W o F I; O1 ANN O I I P 2B.B LOT 3 r�i M P 28.8 cLOT 18 U O z w3 z,n LO N Z N (Q 'N d 8 >� LOT 4 a w LOT 17 8 z bbl g a - � d 'OI P 27.2 I / OT P 27.7 � LOT 5 LOT 16 I I I P 25.8 P 25.8 N Neo1' ��I FS72*05'50"W 3 LOT 6o LOT 15 B N P 24.4 P 24.4 LLI z Id _ N _ N Z I N 3B N P 23.0 I I P 23.0 ymnh LOT 14I a N72.34'02"E 255.99' W g� I LOT 7 7 �y2:w3 I "ttO I SOIrH, 'nm 000 W �n m6� L0� $ 10 rn A > w LO I o P g �4 Q 10 LOT 13 Z 20.4 \ N � H O \ \ P19.9 9 ^ T \ \ P 19.2 �.�� to O 3 P 20.4 [� O \ 00 ` C-, P 19.8 \ L/r 1 F, 04 z �O� 12 P P9 19.8 \� \ tD 0a°M�oFP�JN� 1 'q P 10.7 15• N71.09'30"E 177.27' =� \ P19.2 4dl. Z.3; �SG�RC� p 0,p0 pERv 11 2 zw \ •H N'` fGM��G�•N Sb�•0 l2�'p3� O iB.1 B' GHAIN INK FENCE 10.9 tea LO P 10.7 x p0�� 3 MpPf12\4 2 ^j®/ ,,1 1.5k. 0 . 8.2 BOTTOM OF SLOPE 0p T\Y\N B 1BO/ ^'o ��VY O em / Y 0 O and RECHARGE BASIN / G � FIELD SURVEY DATE: JANUARY 18, 2008 z i.8 7.B \�0YS� 9 9 b "W MBE x 8.2 TO TOWNDOFISOUTHO D CATED To THE ez p�µ/Y + 552 3l'10 VIP A' 04 3 108. g FEB 22 2008 to 218 O x Z ��199 100 YO UN 16yd'� , Sa'j No. DATE REVISION BY: 258 x CURB AND DRAINAGE AS - CONSTRUCTED DWN. BY: GD x .•yo"� MAP OF COTTAGES AT MATT(fUCK DATE: JAN 2008 3t.B Sab Q O O,�+ •+ �yaltf999) (FILED: JANUARY 30, 2007: FILE No 11491) CHWD BY: SOF N6 SITUATED AT ,yOp VY •j��pQy4P 9gs MATTITUCK DATE: JAN 2008 SI48�o.g9' * TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK JOB No.: 02007 ? o� FILE No.: 1000-122 �91q 5020 �E;d NELSON & POPE CADD: 02007S_CDAB COPYRIGHT O NELSON h POPE, ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. (�Np$V4.4p ENGINEERS • MEBIGNERO • 9URVr= SCALE: 1"=40 NO PART OF THIS DRAWING MAY BE REPRODUCED BY PHOTOCOPYING, RECORDING OR �. I gepp4 672 WALT WMRMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747-2188 BY ANY OTHER MEANS, OR STORED. PROCESSED OR TRANSMITTED IN OR BY ANY COMPUTER OR OTHER SYSTEM WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE (4. 1) 427-5665' FAX (EBA 427-6820 SHEET: 1 OF 1 SURVEYOR. WESRflLT LINE OP TAM LOi 141 PEP =� �IMENIA711 PIPE.0C4LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF ECM, LLCIN20.O6'00"W 231.30' Is VLY uIIE�TAM LO 241 I 0 ue 110: PAc9 s3 x WC f1E\ MO'UW(�rA(IGN� I\ wl zW cLJI I z 'mai "`Z�� 0 $� `y }ECHARGE�BASIN T T $ / e ,fy ��TH #411 II 1 LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF SU L L I VAN 1 N2oro7'40"W N19'04'40"W 251.55' L02` IN79�'08'00"Wu 95.00' x 30.81' N20'19'00"W 12y6� 21 " --- v .. NON�DIS'PUR - 511 �,11 f 15 25' BE VEGETATED BUFFERL12 �'�- I-�-� 14 rl 11 - F -1 � : r , 16 -.r 19 �Z _% , 2122� W� fial 'n't2e.9 I PR 29.3 Ii6t '� 20IBit 1 3 B(1.185 I II ait 20.0 II m 30.7 17I I IN 1I I I Y /I BfL 21.46 323 II I" II oI I 230 1 TFL ]n.0 ILAND' OW OR FORMERLY OF FALBO CPL1 N / % M BR ]e 1 . RL 34.7d +l /1 / I / BR 26.4.� / \ fi ' /I \ 1 ��sTA J / L u --J / G-SisD / STAe+So M Y7•xIIMEW NV 1J.62 / TH #3 J J \ I11 INV 1J.92 / IS A +00�� 0 /TT G .M Y STA6+00\ INV 24.0 I C INV 23.70 � . y / 9J0`V 9�.\ I ST f0N NV 2387V 250ACT 2o.8a 1 % INv 2s.97 EL$NO NOW OR FORMERLY OF BEST 60' VC .6 R V, i\ �p!-', �' /�\ � I �p o� �ifA%P / -.-------�.- - 1.nn I e+oo "N ♦ / \ •N /o^ &' 1 " c. I STA Y+00 I I x ( p' 1 `r0` ` \ j WIV 1357 1/m / \ IAppPox MAtEL Ana�arl mna \ �, qo 9TA 4150 �Jitd' / onE�NA. S LEGEND i ins SCALA Fn nE91A PHOTO u '� / N 'A FEN N " " STA 09-50 TOG' STA 2+50 PVI 38'17 �5ev x e 5 SLATi 50- '(2.- INV 26.95 1 LANG NOW OR FORMERLY OF FUENTEB ACT 358QE,; ' \ / -I-A / \ 90' vc .E V 0 x-x EXISTING FENCE I STA 6+00 �� INV 29.00 Ir - �/ ACT 2J.61 ® pp - "v \ Ty u N20-07040"W Y74.20' C o eB C TH #2 I I ; \ 50' VC TC'ETS" 1 I s< a �� E N� E91nc Az TAl Iy" \ / \ I I NV 23.8 r `J4 - K H . • EXISTING CATCH BASIN 10+e0.$s I 7I I e r / I n .r s.AM W¢ __ -_ - m "� „ y a 10.9fi I \O/ I60' VO I 1 \ " WV EXISTING WATER VALVE 1I ` - L fR 323 '.T / e z3z ea as.0 z i I I " -'v..... ® ® EXISTING DRAIN INLET LEST HOIE Nu 1 1FST HIXE Ne. 2 DATED 3-40-06 DATED 3-30-06 Cl �� Q. '' ,�G.� ' '£9a I I 6 y 3 fTL]4.] to rvr �� BR 25.4 p/ 2.. rz+00 RG BY TH AND OWNTY BY HEALTH TOCOUWN / > I I / _ - x SWIHO AND TOWN OF SOUTHO AND TWCT aF \ "". - - - O - s-. r = su-o+e,.ue_ EXISTING DRAINAGE MANHOLE souman wsPema+s sauTxOLn INSPECTORS • \ \- i I /\ � � "4 N', � I -K.I I I I I I I + I �- 1 F,� _ w r �� --�--� PN-��a cE s w V m.Y a 35G. Ii,ry "I? ! E_ MO EL ZL5 ,1+vn 1 m siT21'1 " c 1 / I \ ___ __ _� _ L-- r _ / I - __ _ _ _ '" \ srA z+50 f p+ Cy" t L EXISTING UTILITY POLE C � P , F ' \ 2 I " ` ps 0.4 IPY LM 4 VPPE fFNCE \ 4 3 L - -1 L_ - T-' W SOL °'S WAl1 L ! p K 113.22' rn NON �__�/ F g "c S20'0T40"E 256.03' r. --, a - -- - - - (P) 64 \ I ` \ ` D"E V 1. x - - - --- -L-, - -- - -- - - v I"'£ £ LANCr NOW OR FORMERLY„OF MOLONEY . VI J OAM -\/� _ _ H � Fwv zvs / O EXISTING OVERHEAD WIRES -0.5 ! \w m 1 Fit 27.2 p O . F F £A?f,V0325 9 = " \ BFl.n9 (w - I 25)' -DISTURBED VEGET TEU BUFFER r, (` (a) v `\ 95' NON-DISTURBED O1 U1 slm e o �� L "-s- m m TC12.8 EXISTING TOP OF CURB ELEVATION _25 _25 t 'VEGETATED BUFFER to(A e - 10 STA for7e _ \ / ` p •4• a opo a aux uxx cE N P---� 70 _F } "�§ 5 (pg cow P12.8 EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVATION A. \ - FFL 24,> O ` F " fRAn :P"v S21- '20"E 227:91' o mp m pl.i FINE sex0 tki V 1490 m tli n EXISTING GRATE ELEVATION FlNE SANG \ 'o BR 15.4 \ N O'O GRI (sP) -t25 \ a S19,16.10'E 66.65' v m -18.0�ss A� \\ �'" ) \ S 5 NA \ " `zN o J o �o /' _ 1X8 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION \ v 5 0 o c z PT 7` m -220 BIEV tz0 -0.0¢Ev 115 4'\ zo • T.H. 0 o 0 0 7F /V- TEST HOLE m0 =A �a op FACTORY AVENUE � (RAILROAD AVENUE) -�20�- EXISTING CONTOURS TEST HOLE Nu 3 TEST H01E N. 4 \\ � O DAME W-0E DAM 3-30-M BY SUFEax COUNTY TOMT1 OF SW1Hoe ✓/ W --�26 -' PROPOSED CONTOURS HEALTH Axe TOWN OF - _ 1m +or So11HOL0 INSPECTORS DRAINAGE INWECTORS tm o . PROPOSED CATCH BASIN f1. 285 EL. 11.8 TOP SAIL TOPSOIL O N I neN PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPE (PT) (PT) / -0.5 -0.5 0 . 7/ LOAM (a ) -20 : \ oM 27.7 /' e • PROPOSED MANHOLE 2s _E,5�aS3 WATER G \ I (TC12.8) PROPOSED TOP OF CURB ELEVATION FINE 9ANC 4 J 1D (P12.8) PROPOSED PAVEMENT ELEVATION (SP) M FlNE SAND 20'-NON DISTURBED (SP) ay 'VEGEIA;ED BUFFER'. (GR12.83) PROPOSED GRATE ELEVATION -220 ELEV e.5 -tzs asv. 17 Jicn ns o= y (12.8) PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION EDGE Of PAVEuwr 2 ' S17'21'10'E 91.80' vuuA9� PROPOSED CURB trr� (91.22rAVENUE'r PER O®) R 1NON-DISTURBED VEGETATED BUFFER FAV 1 O EOUIREO: (RAnNonD AVENUE) R m TABLE OF MODIFICATIONS AVEMENT: 45.000 x 8/12 % 1.0 = 30,000 m �I LOT LOT FRONTYARD SIDEYARD REARYARD LOT WIDTH 'P - ''r-+A,*'IJm+. anal"n•11s�f�"a1,FAjiq"'p'ryj") (J•.'• NO: 92,344 x 8 12 % 0.2 = 38,979 25 N0. AREA SETBACK SMACK)K SETBACK AT SETBACK or (10,000 S.F.) (35'MIN.) (25 TOTAL) (35' MIN.) (SO' MIN.) ry � �p TOTAL = 68,979 u. vs _ (� w IN. 1 20' I 2 8,204 60.00' PROXIMATELY 69,500 C.F. IN RECHARGE BASIN PROPOSED 3 8,335 60.00' 1 FAMILY AUG 0 ?�O� HIGH WATER = 11.5 n s RESIDENCE q 8,407 60.00' + -- semcrenM J 5 9,117 61.75' L BOTTOM = 7.5 ------ (-I S 10'�MIN. MINAMGE 6 OTE: ALL ROOF RUN-OFF SHALL BE PIPED TO INDIVIDUAL LOT LEACHING POOLS. yW'✓�I _m r ry smGMn�� 8,001 72.2x' "'n"�^ 7 �'�:+ nynnarn ,, i No. GATE REVISION 'I BY: IN \ 8 9,805 73.40' " DRAINAGE P 6 u' :.� ,. SITE DATA. s s•Nlx. IExPU P. vem ns g 8,037 60.60' - - -_ _._,.. .� ., . ,I OWN. BY: pke AREA: 7.4 ACRES SCTM:DISTRICT 1000 - SECTION 122 - BLOCK 02 - LOT 23.1 vBOP.WATE0.Nary PROP.aIm 10 85.95' STREET li 62.D8' COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DATE: 8-i6-O6 F-•'0 NUMBER OF LOTS: 22 12 69.73' y�C'`O SITUATED AT CHK'D BY: GEO N ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE TYPICAL PLOT PLAN 13 8.441 64.12' (j AREA IN LOTS: 4.87 Acres N.T.S. 14 8,001 66.59' ` tz�r Z * MATTITUCK DATE: B-17-06 15 8,000 5ss0' 3 S.C.T.M. DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 112A BLOCK 021 LOT 23.1 S AREA IN ROADS: 1.26 Acres g AREA IN RECHARGE BASIN: 1.13 Acres 16 8,000 64.50' / TOWN OF SOUTHOLO • SllFFO LK COUNTY• NEW YORMC �" MINIMUM SEPTIC TANK CAPACITIES LEACHING POOL 17 8,181 62.04' 02007 AREA IN EMERGENCY ACCESS: 0.14 Acres MINIMUM TANK EFFECTIVE DEPTII 4'r4 NUMBER OF 60.ao' �0.4900/G FILE No.: 1000-112-1 FIELD TOPOGRAPHY DATE: MAY 9, 2006 BEDROOMS CAPACITIES le 8,395 NELSON S. POPE w (GALLONS) 19 8,449 50.00' NRpSSION)V' POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK 1,2.3 OR 4 1 000 17 20 8,917 61.65' ENGINEERS • OESIONER3 • SURVEYORS CARD: 02007FDR WATER DISTRICT:SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY 5 OR 6 1500 16' 21 72.18' 572 WALT WHffb1AN ROAD, MELVILl.E, N.Y. 11747-2188 SCALE: 1"=50' FIRE DISTRICT: MATTITUCK 22 68.32' SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE UFSD C630 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4763 SHEET: 1 of 7 e 9 e WESTERLY ONE OF TAX LOT 241 PER DEED LIBER 12210; PAGE 93 HOLDING FIELD MONUMENTATION LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF ECM. LLC N20-06'00"W 231 .30' tpvT N - u EASTER ONE TA 2}J.'�NE�R q��90 LIB 12210; PAG WHO INC FIEIIO M9N A m / I/l \ 1\ µ I >P / 11 I 1 m .Q , l I � l I { •n 1 14 � z W Ri \ P'" i l l Ix 1 f ECHARGE,BPSIN T ' I I I j l V N V AN ymi / I I I Z� 14 I ,�OTTOMI I I LAND NOW OR FORMERLY 0 F SU LLI VAN J ex L 7.5 i �H I I x" N20'07'40"W t00 i i i Ii I N20'19'00"W 126.65' N19'04'40"W 251 .55' N20'21 '00"W-91.D2' N19'08'00"WP 195.00' 30.81' m ' � / /'/ / - I III If ., " ', -v ,1 , / / / ux ` uxu \\'G- , 117. ryJry i �u )' 12' P • +x I / / - 0 - - - - - - Dl2JU PUFFER m /� ' - m \ . ZT^ _ - \\ - I- zas yTE A - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ ` _ _tv _r _�_ _ _ _ • _ _ - __ _ _ _ 25' NON DISTURBED VEGET/p F \ \ \ L> 1 (� 134Z+O ( i) +( ) (Tfl3) + - D0 - -- / O 1 \ p I 9 01 I _ 12 I I-- 15 m r �.a r-- 16 F -- - Z_ , r---� z1 ; -� zz \\ \\ \\ '1P ,/ 4 i• � �-- 1 A, ` z39) 13 1 ze.f� 14 (zsa)rn Szs (Sae) m z9.o (SAS) l3H.0 f I ,T n I I 16 N FFL 2 .6 I FPL 28.8 I FFL 29.3 I I 30.61 17 I I T•'1 11 \\ I 1 I 1 BFL 1 .3 I BFL 19.5 I/ BFL 20.0 I "'11 BFL 2�.4 I (31.H 1 T\ I aiH ` IN"��. I( I z F L 32.3 1\ FFL 34.0 I I I I 10 t T x BFL z3.0 FFL 33.2 I LANDI,NOW OR FORMERLY OF FALBO y +\. \ T1 BFL 24.7 ! FFL 34.7 II I N BFL 23.9 (1 I (335) �7'p7� \ OY \ x _ 25.4 i �� I 1 mix 8+50 / STA 8+50 ' / - --J / _ _J / o u_\ I I N u .N , \ \ \� 1 � ✓�1 CB °' ' TH / � YE � \ FFL 35.2 I 5 ,� -� -J I SST�A�Ifi4+00 1 _ BFL 25.9 - i I N �O \, • \ J$\ Z\ \ / \ / / 1 0 / 1 T G ro • q 30 T, SHA•C+00 ` 3P ' / "y � -. STA 4+50 / 23A6 / SA86) / a TOP 8.40 I (N (26.H) 1 I I I(3 (11 sT}. 00 , 1 1 I w \ I II so I w oRl NI N\ \\ Pp FFL 23.2\\ ACT 20,84 N TOP 30.50 \ I Is 29x]]24' x ry 2 fiR LXND NOW OR FORMERLY OF BEST 60 VC , 1 -=+DD / /+OD 1 .{� (34J --`� J /) FFL 36.7 `E 'µ J1 1., V / / /N -- --- v BFL 27.4 9 _ l', x \ 0 / --/-- ---- \ _ ` x lry 1 J 1 / / o I xN �. f-n��' -----I-----149 I q t ) ~M • I x 19.s \ v DRIVEWnV m v aaf) \ x0 STA 4+50 STA 0+50 36z1x 36.2A 1 `- ry o I .I,M / / 2H N m I u r`. \ a MH "A' STA 2+50 N PVI 36.17 O 2e / STA 6X50 `"- v \\ v N / yp TC 3.35 LAND NOW OR FORMERL WOF FUENTES ACT 35.84 TH X�1/1 I m m� 9o' vc ACT 27.61 STA 6t00M \ " P , „ , r #2 ; I / I ! I 50' Vc ce 3 \\ !� a 69 N20'07 40 W 74.20 LAM::rDRv STA 10+80.89 ' 1 1 f 30 ]0 I r\ /a2e I � BLDG � of FFL 28.7 L_J _ 1/' ACT 19. BFL 19.4 I (}'L 30.7 I / r J x 4' STOCKADE FENCE ' °' 4' SM N o� \, Q III, ! y „ha 60' VC I \ 1 BFL 21.4 I 4 *� / / ��� \��` \\ / -o AA�J� k � � } m . , I FFL 32.5 " V. . 1-(0' I 'T- B 23.2 FFL 32.3 FFL 33'0 FFl 34.0 32 \3zly` I i° 1.958 �, c O C...,�((( 7 f) \ 'rr I (D.D) 1 0 28.H o BFL 23.0 BFL/23.7 OFL 24.7 ^" PK O u \ °l 1 ^� !u s) i .e`v.. 6 0 `v ^ / „ \ / I y u -..•.. N Nm O+DD .m`r.. I BFL 25.4 (`�/h(%\�\ , • 2+OD t+DD STA -0+3406 �EL 3s Dt• LEGEND 10• 11+OD I x % I\ I INregcuuR a vnNE FT:NCE P ' lz8.a) I ' .Iti_, elt OI �_ \0 32 ruo) N m 0 � \ FFL 27.2 ` +J7' L_ -- fi -- �" xw `� Sia 2+50 , " , x-x EXISTING FENCE \ 113.22 . - D / CB , $20.07 40 E 256.03 �O+ ' !19.65)1 \ - - - - - ' _ •, N\ N a . \ (15NON-DISTURBED AN • - - - - - - -- -mS 1 7'21 1 O 'E V -- - �- - - - - - LAND;,NOW OR FORMERLY OF MOLONEY N® EXISTING CATCH BASIN a . ` ` BFL 17.9 W 25�NON DISTURBE VEGET TED BUFFER x - Il ZitWV EXISTING WATER VALVE \ 5.5O] N m _ mETATED BUFFER (+' I� ` L' 1O \ \ O • 4' W1 FENCE c 3' CHAIN LINK NCE I I u u rbc !/) D9 L" N HIM ® EXISTING DRAIN INLET STA 10+78 _ \ / `� C/''`'D \ '' , -'n N h FFL za.7 521'50'20"E 221 :91 ro o;� 0IN $ Q EXISTING DRAINAGE MANHOLE \ •O BFL 15.4 \ _ , go w A i a \ I A Sl 9'16'd VIE 66.65 .I Oil o EXISTING UTILITY POLE \, N \, G Z y n z L4 Q o xN \ f \ Z D 00 m - - --- - EXISTING OVERHEAD WIRES •g�\ �,2 I�77�a /21 a N z z z zo m N • ,, TC12.8 EXISTING TOP OF CURB ELEVATION .N `\ 7 'V \- / N n A z hT f �o � o zm mA oa r �T FACTORY AVENUE P12.8 EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVATION , / N o Inr mT NT �r ca \ O / RI z �A oo a zo �� (RAILROAD AVENUE) GR12.83 EXISTING GRAZE ELEVATION `� �1.1� //// N a X. m n 12.8 8 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION N p \2 - __ ___ "/ to < o o o co 0 T.H. TEST HOLE 9 1 T x'(20)-- EXISTING CONTOURS x / < �-(26)-- PROPOSED CONTOURS FFL 2770 \ BFL 18.4 / . ti PROPOSED CATCH BASIN N \ I ' '- 0 PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPE - --J / 10 �D) (TSH) i No DATE REVISION BY: / • PROPOSED MANHOLE -_ __ ' L _ _ (TC12.8) PROPOSED TOP OF CURB ELEVATION 20 NONA)ISTURBED m e GRADING PLAN DWN. BY: pke f✓A4+: ' DATE: 8-16-06 vECErfeq BUFFeR( COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK (P12.8) PROPOSED PAVEMENT ELEVATION z .7 • ' z6e zzs SITUATED AT CHK'D BY: GEO ' EDGE OF PA0FM4ENT (GR12.83) PROPOSED GRATE ELEVATION $17.21.10"E 91.80' • 'EI MATTITUCK DATE: 8-17-06 1. (8127 PER o®) S.C.T.M. DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 112, BLOCK 02, LOT 23.1 (12.8) PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION .m ';�' NEW YORK ¢ PROPOSED CURB 1u " 'i TOWN OF SOUTHO LU . SUFFOLK COUNTY. JOB No.: 02007 FACTORY AVENUE FILE No.: 1000-112-1 NON-DISTURBED VEGETATED BUFFER (RAILROAD AVENUE) NELSON EI. POPE ENGINEERS • C>ESIQNERS • SURVEYORS CADD: 02007FDR z 572 WALT WHffMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 7047-2188 SCALE: 1"=40 (631) 427-5665 FAX (6WD 673-4163 SHEET: 2 of 7 9 I: O 0 WESTERLY UNE OF TAX LOT 24.1 PER DEED LIBER 12210; PACE 93 HOLDING FIELD MONUMENIARON PIPE FOUND 3 r� o � 1 2 o Q °c o ry 0 1 LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF ECM, LLC Z b � i N20'06'00"W 231 .30' P N �'• 5 u EASTER UNE TA U.%,KR D D LIB 122Y 0; PAG 93 HO MG FlE110 Mfd! A m 1 y � G yr 00 V L ' i w I ►x n ECHXRGE i Bf SIN i f l mm m I l I ► I I I I I I ml m V / /I ► / I I I I I VU F, x m o ry i / / ► ' ' ' n ' I \ / ' OTTOMI I I N ►/ L 75 1 �� LAND NOW O R F O R M E R L Y O F S U L L I V A N / I 1 a i N20'07'40"W p m O7 I `=I N20'19'00"W 126.65' N19'04'40"W 251 .55' N20'21 '00"W_ �1 02 N19'08'00"WN 195.00' 30.81 ' m � \n \ -\ /J I 'f � I I Cis / �_ � ♦ ,!i -" IxN - I ° xv 1 I m \ mx I f'I 1 - -- 1 VEGETATED BUFFER _ 4 - -- -- -- // I - - m ,NON-[DISTURBED VEGE o vv I if i I 1 `v 25'.. 1TA � e � A ` ----, -i- _ F-- B4 , Ij' -, r - -ixo F -1 18 r__ - - ,- O- --- - - -12 � I 13 14 _ /r - - - 21 I- 122+ I } x16 I I 20FR 2q.6 IFflI. 28.8 INII FFL 30.7O17Z BFL 181.3 \BFL 21.4 F iBFL 23.0 FFL 332 1 FFL 34.0 I I 1 LAND%NOW OR FORMERLY OF FALBO I \ UPI, 23.91BFL 24.7E3 _ u\ I I N {, FFL 23.9 I 1 ; zb 2scj� o o __ N BFL 14.6 1 /- T , TH #3 O \ FFL 35.2 /' N O \\\\\ \\\ � y2\ i \ \ � / / / / 0 / I I �j / q �-�� � � P oE3�10 E� I x BFL 2s.9 i i II N \ o� \ \ / az / A '° I 3z N I i In 1n '\ /. , \ / DRIVEWAY / �'\ ' :'X P�t� \ v n= 51.29'.7 24' ' 23.2 \ LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF BEST m a \ 1 1 OP \ BR 13.9 / • v, FFL 38.p 'o OA E 4 DRIVEWAY m ti \ Q \ I 1 ry ' IFE m N co a N 28 IO 36.21 38.2G �° LA 1 �- m LAND NOW OR FORMERL,OF FUENTES O TH #1 21 ,I / z r � 3D I ��A 6< P N20'07'40"W 74.20 N 1sTogr x CI \ [, # , \ I O 0o I� I f P i FRAME BLDG F m ^'� x y \� INx 4' STOCKADE FENCEg; uv _ \P 'I v1 o I FFL ze.7 ,b o o j f/' 11A . FFL 32.5 FFL as!0 FFL 34.0 ' m Bp/23.2 FFL 52.3 / O / r BFL 23.0 BSL 23J gFt 24J I / h1 Nx 1µY4% O + .,+N 7 I `' N m f '''. G� . f I I I BF zs.4 O \, I �/ ! InNA / Viol - - m _ - ;z I/ I I / i I I l qaF sw . �- - 8 -x-, E R - xcE RW .: Al m'I I I OI I 32 a zU " i x m()�$7RUON ENTRANCE LEGEND / \ m m I I L--- __ m - x , 75 .y m .h u \ o FEN INR�GULAR 4 WIgE FENCE m ° m 5 20'07'40"E 256 03' X-X EXISTING FENCE ! \ \ \� o r rr __ - -_ - _ o o s z s f : m/ O x � O 6• \ 5172110 E -- ----- - -- - - - - - - - ---- - y Lv ® EXISTING CATCH BASIN �O\' aD \\ FFL 272 113.22' ? p SHE , - �$ cnzEeo zo' s Z m LAN[ ,NOW OR FORMERLY OF MOLONEY �/ N • + w g. 1 BFL 17s w 25% NON DISTURBED, VEGET TED BUFFER 'O SFFP`3.3 S S. WV m 15' NON-DISTURBED m N ,., s I P ,' - u'�, - mP _ *" 01 EXISTING WATER VALVE ` V VEGETATED BUFFER UI '�F4 n W ® m4' Wl FE CEm i 3' CHAIN UNKF CE mz Az '_x u - �° N� Fl OD �' ® EXISTING DRAIN INLET \ / ` moo `2 '"az \ _ N'°- --, A. uz� FFL 24.7 521'50'20"E 221 :91' o I °:� m ON O EXISTING DRAINAGE MANHOLE A BFL 15.4 00 EA A \ ( A 519'16,10"E 66.65 A w m o -! EXISTING UTILITY POLE \\ t`\N ` Z A o \ \ z z z 5 na --- - -- EXISTING OVERHEAD WIRES Np\ " �' ) - / '" N 5 0 0 c0 z m �' / a z z z o TC12.8 EXISTING TOP OF CURB ELEVATION N \\, Y7 N j ,// N m A z I�� --* F ~O + 2 O _� �� a �A FACTORY AVENUE P12.8 EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVATION `\ G N o w" A H y o \ (^� O , A sA OA A ip T� (RAILROAD AVENUE) GR12.83 EXISTING GRATE ELEVATION / m < 12.8 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION o ( O o X .* 1O < „ o „ -ry T.H. U" m o TEST HOLE 90 _ �I -^ i I �-(20)- EXISTING CONTOURS p ANN `��� / FEN fN '/ n x I m -(26)- PROPOSED CONTOURS FFL 277 m �/ Y \ BFL 18.4 + - PROPOSED CATCH BASIN '- \.A.N.J�A' PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPE L-- --J / 10 ND DATE REVISION BY: PROPOSED MANHOLE 20' NON1DISTURBED ,� e;4;� y EROSION CONTROL PLAN OWN. BY: pke (TC12.8) PROPOSED TOP OF CURB ELEVATION VEGET�Y,-fED' BUFFER' FEry 11 N /h {.31`x_,/ "^�� P (P12.8) PROPOSED PAVEMENT ELEVATION x T 'a �✓ � - COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DATE: a-i6-O6 1' R6.4 7.8 'v,Sv C "e SITUATED AT CHK'D BY: GEO C1 / EDGE OF PAVEMENT P1 ,1 fi'a� ,:_!,l IYF (GR12.83) PROPOSED GRATE ELEVATION S17'2,1'10"E 91 .80' MATTITUCK DATE: 8-,7-06 $ .$9©q6 4 S.C.T.M. DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 112, BLOCK 02, LOT 23.1 (97.27' PER DEED) Xo�r,_ �. JOB No.: 02007 (12.g) PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION .m ��Q}"C.�S1p'v1p TOWN OF SOUTHOLO � SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK PROPOSED CURB FACTORY AVENUEFILE No.: 1000-112-1 NON-DISTURBED VEGETATED BUFFER (RAILROAD AVENUE) NELSON POPE SI ENOINEER3 • OESIONERS • 8URVEYORS CADD: 02007FDR 37 572 WALT WHrrMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. W47-2188 SCALE: 1 '=40' (631) 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163 SHEET: 3 of 7 e ° PIPE FOUND s r� = 1 a p oco LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF ECM, LLC a �� b HYDROSEED "A" @ 4 LBS/ACRE (NORTHERN WIDFLOWER MIX) N2Q'Qg'QQ"W 231 .30' BACHELOR BUTTON, LANCE-LEAVED o � COREOPAIS, BABY'S BREATH, BABY i SNAPDRAGON, SCARLET FLAX, LEWIS FLAX, `gs ' 10 FI� I �1G BT i % -, 10 FIs ' o; EVENING PRIMROSE, CORN POPPY, �• >_ Z CATCHFLY, BLACK EYED SUSAN, PURPLE s m Eu CONEFLOWER; AND OWEYE DAISY IF ILA i I O I °°I i/i/ i 10i EU Y \ ol0 EU 61\ Q DO I i/ 1/ I I/ I N� ! V I ©I 1 / �/ I I / N� 1 QS SVI CTz / 1 / I I I 1 I I AZ W 4 WCO Z 20 LR 1 I I m p f ECHARGE,BRSIN ' I100,RR I J I T j 1 I I I m l I ' I 201 LT I a I V .t 3 PA I 1 z I ��• I / / 1 I I II I N gym" • !F+9' / / I I n I J I r6OTTOMi • H #� I i HYDROSEED TYPEA LAND N OW OR FORMERLY OP SU L L I VAN 40\r 1 Q/ /CL 2.51 1 ,I II ABOVE HIGH WATER MARK N20'07'40"W i i i I ; til N20'19'00"W 126.65' N19'0440 W 251 .55' N20'21'00"W_91.02' N19'08'00"W 195.00' 30.81 ' 1 p =o S TON '', / /� ; �, \ -- - - - -- r' 19 FIS, I I4 BT 4 BT I I 25' NON DISTURBED VEGET4TED BUFFER / I _-_ 12 13 I--`-- -I rr--- 15 tL- - - , r - - 1 F- 121- - O --- 1 22 rl 0 I I74 UTj V I I I B -_ _I 19 - -�-' 20 r --- pT J16I® I FFL 2 .6 FRL 20.8 17I I FFL z 7 PABFL 1 .3 I BFL 19.5 1II BFLFFL 32.3/ BFL23.0 1 FFL 34.0 I ' LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF FALBO I \ IJ -J / // - 11 FEN y\ / u \ BFL 25 97 4 TON\ \ \ � i5\ 11 \ BFL 14s . / TH m3 �- J -U \ - J N ^ ILI M, � \�_ ,, ��\ 4� �P� \ STA 00 AR / Ps I \\ ' OI DR1NEwAY iq,. �\,,.-: .\ \ �� 77 AR AR - \ 1 ' N LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF BEST mze'nza' .v FFL 23.2 \ ACT 20.84 / BEL 13.9 60' VC --- r \ \ H ---------f I m NS , "' / I AR W NS PS I --__------� � N/ 1 AR I NS 1 u6 LEGEND a%\ IQ Ps 1 / I FE I % Ps \ Ns \ J i,.3' oRIVEWAY "m ':ESO 1 \ % / I / \ IFEN STA. 0+50 W.21- 3".20 1aA m n PVI 36.17 STA 6 50 I \ v LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF FUENTES ACT 35.84m O / I PVI 27. 1 \ TH to im 6 90' VC xx EXISTING FENCE \ �m `>\ / ' •NS I �I--t-- //I- r'� / ACT 27.61 I \\ # I,�` my m o N20'07'4Q"W 274.20' !� z v \ // TH #'2 � 1 \ ! / I 1 50 VC I \ qR km A 6 K � 'E1 P'A' 1AME BLDG"I = � � � � ® EXISTING CATCH BASIN \,ry\, ;.Q;''\ \ / 1 OI / E' \ ' l=J�= N= s x° » _ � rg \V \ � "(1`,'.-\ /;. I \ l / I rIF F- I 1 \ '9Q \ \ F 4' STOCKADE FENCE AY O STA 10+80.89 7 I - I F m ' S1K FEN E ❑ WV EXISTING WATER VALVE 'C� \\ 60' VC 1 / \ I FFL 28.7 / I BFL 21.4 // �' 25 W;o. _ ___ _ / - _ .o ^V A �\ 1A° AC 19.23 I \ 1 BFL 79.4 I FFL 30.7 / \ 'A"`4" y7 V ® ® EXISTING DRAIN INLET u� - I I / 1 FFL 325 ,(J 1 / LI'-- L 32.3FFL 34.0yBF�23.2 23.0 I \ \ 1.958 y O• V m A �G \ 1°41 / I / B2 .7 BFL 24.7 wM O EXISTING DRAINAGE MANHOLE Ol/ I I l B I I , y� I FFL aa.7 \\ 'I 0 1 Lox wG ,mss Z ^ •n I BFL 25.4 \ /�1 J L O I n 3tlN1 .f d-x-Y_x__x-x 5-%' -1-- GE 6.jlR, �• `/'�,/j _ EXISTING UTILITY POLE .�f { / \ / ; m4 ! •= I , I 1 , n RRFf.I qR c (xjRNifF FFu '•'•�E �'• 4 V' I / I I o1 FEN IIR G`LAR 4 m= O I I _#' _ mo= --' -- - EXISTING OVERHEAD WIRES I 1 / \ I I I - �+ n mn �� N • " WIRE FENCE L--- -- '�pi = D.4 _� L __. 4 3 ___� L __ _- i S200740 E 256.03' EXISTING TOP OF CURB ELEVATION ! `\ \ \\ 2 ' V) 1 > I! / _ rc12.e S17'21 10 E } �, \ AR 11 ` BR 17.9 \ WO _ _ _ __ _ - , LSi NON DISTURB' - `; N s E N - - _ LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF MOLONEY P12.8 EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVATION gyp„ I FFL zz2 113.22' 'P N - - - - --DISTURBED. TED BUFFER - `F KFEPCIAB3.3ZS sHED Z GR12.83 EXISTING GRATE ELEVATION C ` ` v 15' NON-DISTURBED 01VEGETATED BUFFER so O 1.r G ' i- / 'R 12.8 E%1511NG SPOT ELEVATION - _ \ / O mosI' m FENce woz s CHAIN uNK rc`cE � l-�---, _ z ,'0 � (n ti x - \ m L1 un o= m N w To \ - FFL 24.7 e N '"AFNauE am '^A OD S21'50'20"E 221.91' `c N 41� O O a r T.H. TEST HOLE \\ BFL 15.4 �\\ _ 519'16''10"E 166.65' 14 1O ri a -(20)- EXISTING CONTOURS \ ` Z a `- \ \ z z z D 00 u O 0 o c z P7 m e -- \ 72 \ / /, . zo zo z zz z z F (26)- PROPOSED CONTOURS i a A z E o NE f >0 FACTORY AVENUE PROPOSED CATCH BASIN \\\ yo / /' g N F m z m A >A c z d o \ (n / / A x 0 o "I p z o �� (RAILROAD AVENUE) -(D)- PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPE \\ 1i� O ,/ to o m zi m roA .Tml .T PROPOSED MANHOLE < < o GI A (TC12.8) PROPOSED TOP OF CURB ELEVATION - U) 0 om mo om m y ED o (P12.8) PROPOSED PAVEMENT ELEVATION Pn I m STREET TREE PLANTING SCHEDULE O ANN / \ OE9'JN E, o QTY SYM BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING (GR12.83) PROPOSED GRATE ELEVATION \ / / " - 8 AR ACER RUBRUM REO MAPLE 2 1 2 3" CAL 40' OC (12.8) PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION \ FEE EE 278.4 // 7 Ns NYSSA SYLVATICA BLACK GUM 2 1/2" - 3" CAL 40' OC PROPOSED CURB \ . / In 7 PS PRUNUS SARGENTI SARGE14T CHERRY 2 1/2" - 3" CAL 30' OC NON-DISTURBED VEGETATED BUFFER _j / 10 PLANTING SCHEDULE / � No. GATE REVISION BY: / OTY SYM BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING /- - ---_ m OWN. BY: pke PROPOSED STREET TREE 20] NONIDISTURBEp zoo RR ROSA RUGOSA RUGOSA ROSE z cAL 1/sv STREET TREE AND PLANTING PLAN © Ap 'VEGETAfED 'B,UFFERFEN PROPOSED CURB o 1.1'N 7 SV SYRINGA VULGARIS COMMON LILAC 3'-4' FIT 5' OC w 7' OC c'.,s (Ih"' �'� ' COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DATE: B-1G-o6 Er / 0 14 BT BERBERIS THUNBERGi RMED JAPANESE BARBERRY 3'-4' HT SITUATED AT CHK'0 BY: CEO EDGE OF PAVEMENT 43 FIS SPECTABILIS RMEDIA WOW BORDER FORSYTHIA 3'-4' HT 5' OC G,el y!"' ),4 517.21'10"E 91.80' 28 PST PINUS STROBES EASTERN NHITEPINE 6'-8' 8 & B 10' OC { (� , MATTITUCK DATE: 8-17-06 (91.27' PER DEED) 10 PA INUS ALBICAULIS WHITE BARK PINE 6'-8' B & B 10' OC a I", I )I' ) S.C.T.M. DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 112, BLOCK 02, LOT 23.1 Y V E� ) �%I �'{ JOB No.: 02007 `'Swr� 4 TOWN OF SOUTH OLD � SUFFOLK COU NTY� NEW YORK a FACTORY AVENUE a AGO RIES CONGO MIM E FlR 6'-8' D & B 10' OC \� /fp ' 30 EU LEAGNUS UMBELLATA AUNMN OLIVE 3'-4' HT tc � ' FILE No.: 1000-112-' (RAILROAD AVENUE) q0 LT ONICERA TATARICA TATARIAN HONEYSUCKLE 2'-3' 11T 5' OC ��FfSSjO'l�'A. NELSON S. POPE CADD: 02007FDFi Oyu EN<MINEERS • OESI�NERS • SURVEYORS 3 9 TON UJA OCCIDENTALIS NIGRA DAAK AMERICAN AROGTNTAE s'-6' B .. D 7' OC SCALE: 1"=40' _ 572 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y.11747-2188 (631) 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163 SHEET: 4 of 7 s 0 WESTERLY LINE OF TAX LOT 241 PER DEED UBER 12210; PAGE 93 HOLDING FIELD MONUMENTATON a COOPER P.S umTNG 150 W H.P.s COACH !LANTERN(BLACK) OR APPROVED EQUAL 5'x 6' x 1'GM.V. LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF ECM. LLC SBOD"'R� AS MANUFACTURED RED m Mm uGHNPEO BY 910O1N FlNISH SURFACE f1)PER BOLTS ANUF WOPER HONDNG �LSS PER MANUFACTURER N20'06'00"W 231.30' 69 OR APPROVED EWAL �(P, ALL AROUND ��. \ t CXAIIFFAm CORNEAS EAPOPE To BE C4TI RSM161154A MID BE STER LINE OF/TAX LOT 241 PER DEHD LIB 122h 0; PPG 93 NO ING FlEIIO M(NIUBE�AI ON m / . u / , 1 I I 1 ml To BE GTO BE TIERSBAUUTo H GlLUMINU FlNIEH 4 , / 1 A // / 1 I I µl ITO BE E To BE TTEA 1O BE ALUMINN ACCORDANCE WITH AJ.TQ UM d. .. ead a a 3/4'dA.x iB'LdIC HIM As DETAILED. d r /I l /r 1 I I I - CWCREIE FWNDAnW ASW PSI•2D DAYS 00. I /ZD_ lI + GRADE .1� aaa STEEL CdI WAw]ED •D AIT % �5.1 I 11 / ; 1 / I / o� / f� 2- DIA CONCRETE I A 11 I i l 1/ i I I I I I I m z O ~ (SEE DETAIL) 2'DIAMETER J - - \\ ANy'F i ;l ; l ;� ; i I 'ice 'ER f ECHARGE I Bf'SIN I I I;z mm LIGHTING DETAIL LIGHTING N T S NDA'RON • 7?I / I I T I I I 1w B,l V N T S V NOTE: ALL UGHONG SHALL BE P09nWm W 9 OUDED W AS TO ILLLNINAIE ONLY ME SUBJECT PABW. V I "' II 1 I LAND N 0 W 0 R F O R M E R L Y O F S U L L I V A N / OTTOMI , L 7.s 1 ;M #41 sl I; ; N20"07'40"W N20'19'00"W 126.65' N19.04'40"W 251 .55' N20'21 _0"W-91.02' N19'08'00"W 195.00' 30.81' N - --y - - - ER °'�-- - -- - --- - - -- i- 25 ON DISTURBED VEGET�TTED BUFF- - - - - _ _ - - - - � - --, - - - - _ � _ / I - •� � _ a_ _ _ _ _ -, 12 T' 15 r-___, r--� F 18 r- - 19 - � _ ,�_ --, 21 �I 122 t3 r 1 14 r I D�28 I - I .'r20 �16 17 ,s, \ I / i 1 ( FFL 2 .6 I I FFL 29.3RFL 20.0 1 BF1. 21.41 111 1 1 1II OF L 32.3 CA 1 FFL 34.0 I LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF FALBO 1BFL 23.0 I m II 1 I ) / \ On, 2 I I I 1 BR 23.9 1 BFL 25.4 N FFL 35.2 I _ N Ir ct 11 / \ \ 8FL 14.6 / ,/ / / TH #3 J -J ` - J BR 25.9 I I i I El TSO 2\ \ \ 0 /fi T G q Yr'- V .h.��.'1e OF All, I `\ �Qy DRI E AY / ` Y ` 4Dco" v I ry I \\ 1 ' G LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF BEST m2e`a>'24" 'v \ FFL 3�p g 'q m RFL 27.4' 1 APPROXIMATE L LATIDN OFj 1RAlL5 / 1 DRIVEWAY �. y AS SCALED FR AENAVPHOTO - _- _-_ I m- ]6.21 ]836 my LANG NOW OR FORMERLY OF FUENTES m O l 1 TH #1 TH #z \ ;I - - I \ r I P N20'07'40"W 274.20' FRAME BLDG 6 a I STORY (� I u ,� -.� OI / I \ F- ' 1 I- - I \\ \ \ LJ 4' STOCKADE FENCE 1 - _ __ ____ SM FENQE/ m ; V 1 FFL 28.7 / p A \ 9 . n I 1 A I / RFL 21.4 I FFL 32.5 / v hIO• g a Tel i\ I 4-- l L _/ \EFF1,, O - B 23.2 BL 23] BFL 24Jn�,yr� I / 1 \ FFL 34.7 V + .Y .w`' 25.4 2 11 I I \ O -. ,feN-=-+�R�D. CE vyA LEGEND I 0I __ _ V W • 1 `\ / \\♦ \I IftR€WLAR4 WIRE FENCE 4 3 ---J L. -- / \ X X cn EXISTING FENCE - - - - - -- - - -- S20'0T40"E 256 03' i yyy �S. \\ `\ S 1 7'21 '1 0"E -4 - _ _ _ _ _ -- . r - - - - - - - - - / LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF MOLONEY m O ® EXISTING CATCH BASIN .O+`., `} I \ FFL 27'2 ( 1 13.22' W N 25) NON DISTURBED.,VEGET TED BUFFER I �` /y Z \ BFL 17.9 ♦ O I I v cp) n >$' WV EXISTING WATER VALVE _ ` 15' NON-DISTURBED 0 I + _ ❑ T VEGETATED BUFFER N mm w ti C 3' C41AIN LINK FLNCE (/1 p go Ln m BHI ® EXISTING DRAIN INLET - _ \ O ` 1 I J o _ 8 ( N FFL 24.7 S21'50'20"E 221 .91 ' C, G: a_N 0 EXISTING DRAINAGE MANHOLE \ -O BFL 15.4 `\ _ W C 519'16'10"E 66.65' r A m L EXISTING UTILITY POLE `\ F� \ ` r V o \ �\ Z a \ V r o z z 00 o m m -- -- -- EXISTING OVERHEAD WIRES I ) / . N a o 0 zo cz 1.1 .9 T` u zo oz z oz z z g EXISTING TOP OF CURB ELEVATION `\ y �- / m A z N F y f o 0 TC72.8 \ yo FACTORY AVENUE /� O zA mA gA P12,8 EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVATION ` 1`? m W m o Wm �-� No 'T cA (RAILROAD AVENUE) A xA n0 A ZA GR72.83 EXISTING GRATE ELEVATION m x� M om � ' o m W 1)c A p A A x 12.8 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION y. (Y� - _ _ _- < om o o X zo T.H. TEST HOLE 1 10 O m ��F � n �-(ZO)- EXISTING CONTOURS � (26)�- PROPOSED CONTOURS o I K \ m FFL 27.7 . PROPOSED CATCH BASIN A \ 08FL 18.4 Mr \ 1 a p PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPE J / 10 )- --- i No. DATE REVISION a PROPOSED MANHOLE _ _ __ (TC72.8) PROPOSED TOP OF CURB ELEVATION .20' NON1DISTURBEID STREET LIGHTING PLAN OWN. BY: pke VEGET�\'' DI';BU FFER' D„� DATE: 8-16-06 (P1z.e) PROPOSED PAVEMENT ELEVATION COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK y F EDCE of PAVEM1ENi SITUATED AT CHK'D BY: GEO (GR12.83) PROPOSED GRATE ELEVATION $17'21 '10"E 91.80' Q+� 'll �a MATTITUCK Cly DATE: B-17-O6 S.C.T.M. DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 112, BLOCK 02, LOT 23.1 a (12,8) PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION (91.27' PER DEED) 30B No.: 02007 FACTORY AVENUE TOWN OF SOUTHOLO . SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK PROPOSED CURB ��,����))� Avg P �.e�w-48116 ti" FILE No.: 1000-112-1 8 NON-DISTURBED VEGETATED BUFFER ` 4tiFE5S10T�' NELSON POPE (RAILROAD AVENUE) ENCRINEERS • CIESIONERS • SURVEYORS CADD: 02007FDR SCALE: V=40' 7 572 WALT WHITMAN FtOAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747-2186 (631) 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163 SHEET: 5 of 7 S e x e 3 HIGH POINT ELEV = 35.80 HIGH POINT STA = 0+57.34 PN STA = 0+50 PVI ELEV = 36.17 ACT = 35.79 K = 26.90 90' VC m Y m m O N O M O m M 40 40W PVI STA = 6+50 O MM PN ELEV = 27.77 m N t>r Z ACT = 27.68 M O + W K = 35.71 o a + N'kae 50' VC v, a o ¢ I`t Q .ina m r ___ ______ - Q 0 Z q N N O} ~ _ _ - O m m O SY: O O N + o ¢ J N cmi EXISTING RADEPROFILE ALON CURB-AROUND CU �DF-SAQ _ __ _ - - --' (n n m w _ ___ __ _ _1.�• N N J _ _ CY W r PA STA = 9+00 N w - -- 30 m LOW POINT ELEV = 19.1 d'" PVI El = 20.77 ,Y^ _ _ _ - - - - rmt LOW INT STA = 10+80. 8 n II ACT 20.90 30 ¢ VI ELEV = 18.96 om 1O 60' VC m m m --' - t03 ib" CP m ACT = 19.23 ai + xx __ CB f2 n ¢ PROPOSE GRADE K - 30.00 O o r mm CB #1 INV 29.13 •1' < 60 VC + o N Y + n 0200 CB #3 INV 24.0 98. 18" C P ® 1.07 INV 29.5 w O O m ry CB #4 INV 24.0 N N m m r x of � w 50 t8" CPP ® 1'4 INV 25.97 INV 26.95 N W I mmci m M W Fa m m 2 BO%- In F w m _ - ' � ktlic N INV 23.8 - INV ® 235% MHC L MH C I GPP S INV 23.5 -E INV 23.7 - -_ _, - W INV 23.7 20 20 CB K6 E IMHD V 14.2780 1CPP ® 2'0% NVS 17.62MH D N I V 14.02 MH E W INV 13.50 DAMM�,p 10.00 DATUM EL6V 10.00 MO b� NN Oil I�� Om ryij N` N0 Mm 4M Yj yO•. �()^ NY' YI Unj• i[l� V] m m• pj O Om p. Nm MO N M M M 10 M M M Y m o• N LV MI a{y �M7 a Mn M M M MM MM MM M M M M M NO NO NW Nm Nm rym NN N NN NN NN NN NN N N N N M N N 7+00 6+00 5+00 4+00 3+00 2+00 1+00 0+00 12+00 11+00 10+00 9+00 B+OD COTTAGE WAC No. DATE REVISION BY: PROFILE - COTTAGE WAY DWN. BY: pke COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DATE: 8-16-06 SITUATED AT cHKro BY: cea MATTITUCK DATE: 8-17-06 �° "11(��.I�, Id`� �nt':�°I� me TOWN OF SOUTHOLO SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK e�d'��i-• �� �;� ,fir/�'t fit' S.C.Y.M. DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 112, BLOCK 02, LOT 23.1 JOB No.: 02007 .jrie;;d� - 1� tnFILE No.: 1000-112-1 NELSON & POPE f•;. CARD: 02007FDR ENGINEERS • C>EBIQNERS • SURVEYORS 1•• VERT = 4• ✓ ""''• - 572 WALT WHfTMAN ROAD, MELNM LE, N.Y. n747-2188 SCALE: 1" HOR = 40 G (631) 427-5665 FAX (6M) 673-4163 SHEET: 6 of 7 s 9 TOE OF SLOPE 9,-Dn 16'-0"MIN LIFTING RINGS (4 REQUIIRED) A6 BARS AT 6" O.C. FOR 48" TO 84 LD. ^3 (2) 3/4" DIA. RODS a" Iz' 1r-e"MIN 112' 8' AT 41/2" O.C. 4-8. --- ^'� TOPsaI1 AND 6 � ry GUTTER LINE_\ R=1. FOR 90' I.D. 3'-10" �,y < 2 - 6" BARS FOR 5" e" 2-6" B. 5" -_ -- I 90 I.D. ONLY _ A 4" DIA. HOLES \ ��� 1 A REFFft TO TYPICAL ROAD RECTION FOR PAVEMENT AD n 18" C.C. T ¢ o 1 I I EXPANSION JOINT L No. 5 BAR 18" LONG _ I EXPANSION JOINT 1 1 2 C m (® 18" O.C. BARS TO I PROJECT 6" IF CURB 8" I • a A r A WITH SLABIS NOT MONOLITHIC it I ELEVATION ` • .1 DRAINAGE PIPE z� + a `w �+ 8" _ - - J DIMENSIONS A - - - - q a I I EXPANSION JOINT <- � - ��-•= , TYPE. SIZE & PITCHI EXPANSION JOINT AS PER PLAN // v ��" 24" 9._0.. MANHOLE OFFSET MEASURED - SL - - AT CENTERPOINT (C.P.) n /i 30" 10'-6" s" 1 A. - - iA 6" x 12" #3 GAUGE 36" 12'-0" I PE PLAN m FABRIC REINF. MESH EXPA OE OF SLOPE BITUMINOUS SEALER NSION JOINT - PLAN SLOPE TO CURB STARTS 4000 PSI CWC. O zB DAYS W/1/2- AND SHALL BE AIR ENTRAINED GEAR RUN OF BANK GRAVEL HEAVY DUN MANHOLE FRAME Try (2) - 3/4" ULA. RODS EXPANSION ANTS SHALL BE 1/2' RIGID BITUMINOUS MATERIAL AND & COVER - STRAIGHT TYPE AND AT A11 POs AND PTS FRAME - ROUND FLANGE PLAN WHEN (A) PIPE SIZES 36" AND SHALL BE PLACED AT INTERVALS NO GREATER THAN t2-o O.C. CAMPBELL FOUNDRY CO. HEAVY DUTY CURB TYPE FRAME PIPE SIZE, PITCH, TYPE & OVAL HOLE GRATE, LARGER ARE USED - INSTALL m AS PER PLAN. PATTERN # 1009 OR EQUAL CAMPBELL FOUNDRY CO. (2) 3/4" DIA. RODS ADJECENT MOUNTABLE CURB I TO INSIDE FACE 5 OPE ON 1 III--- 8' FOR 48" & 60" I.D. BRICK LEVELING COURSE PATTERN $2511 OR EQUAL 9" FOR 72" TO 90" I.D. ALLOW D MIN. FOR e' 1 NOT TO SCALE ( FINAL ADJUSTMENT 6" z 12" )/3 GAUGE � CUR e'-o'MIry 1 1.07 MIN WIRE FABRIC Q �, A Ta 1 ON 3 MAX o ; t -(T PAVEMENT BOTTOM OF O 67_ 5D' R. o. W. z RECHARGE BASIN PIAN WIRE FABRIC CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT • 12" UNDER WALL ft'-o' 29'-D'I WTTAtE WAY n 2'-0" L Fr I 0-12 INCHES PER LINEAR FOOT - 48" I.D. - 8" I 2'-6" e" 6" x 6" a zD'-D• z4'-D•I ENmMDE 0400 To 2+So s•-o• 0.17 INCHES PER LINEAR FOOT - 6G" I.D. N 4/4 INU iv I 2" x 4" KEY cn zz 4,-0" OR LARGER CONTINUOUS 4'-D" 5' CROWN Zt_% ISI THROUGH WALLS ,_e" L '� I--1'-e MIN. zix F DRAINAGE PIPE CONSTRUCIITION JOINT ¢ MIN. TYPE, SIZE & PITCH 4•-p" w .* OPTIONAL WITH J AS PER PLAN 2" ABOVE CURB w GALVANIZED MANHOLE STEPS z SECTION A-A FIELD SUPERINTENDENT r INVERT AS 1" ABOVE CURB M�' 1 1/2' ASPHALT WARRING COURSE PER PLAN �. tA4 MC iaBIE MOUNTM E I RECHARGE BASIN HEADWALL DETAIL EDGING TOOL _ VSTABI Ex5 COMDBINDER CURB Of - T_ _s _- 1a;MAX e' STABIUZEO CWPACIID SUBBASE i 4" MIN. _ _ _ - a 6" REINFORCED NOT TO SCALE PAVEMENT 6' RESIDENTIAL ' - CONCRETE SLAB a COMMERCIAL 1 TYPICAL ROAD SECTION w +[ OPTIONAL CONSTRUCTION JOINT y-T 1'-6" V-7" 24" MIN. NOTE: NOT TO SCALE x 1 1/2" COVER ��� 4' GRANULAR RLL AS PER o ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE 4000 PSI AT 28 DAYS 6"x 6"X 6" WIRE MESH NYSDOT ITEM 203.07 n < (TYPICAL) GROUND WATER AT MIDPOINT Dt T( -3' REFER TO CURB DETAIL (TY,P) SECTION 'A-AF CLEAR RUN OF BANK GRAVEL 00 CATCH BASIN DETAILSECTION A-A CONCRETE 3" WALL OPENING FOR PIPE. AS PER NYSDOT ITEM 608.0101 Old SLOPE 1 ON 12 TYPE 1 (T-1) DUST CONTROL NOTES CLASS A INVERT CONCRETE SHALL NOT To SCALE DRIVEWAY APRON DETAIL NOT TO SCALE BE CAST IN PLACE IN THE FIELD. NTS DIA. A 4'-0" SUMP SHALL BE PROVIDED NOTES: OfFItlL1108 WHERE CALLED FOR IN THE TABLE �- OF DRAINAGE STRUCTURES OR WHERE 1. ALL CONCRETE TO BE 4,000 P.S.I. 0 28 DAYS. The wntrd of tlmt resulting from lana-datuAtng ecttvlllm. A O ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER. 2. PROVIDE PIPE OPENINGS AS REQUIRED. EUREM - 8 BARS 3. ADDITIONAL INLETS TO BE SPACED 5" APART. _ OMIT AT MANHOLES V-0" OR LESS IN - 20 EROSION CONTROL NOTES To present eadaae and air mowmmt of duet from tllrtW Man surfaces b acee at may coos. off-J #6 BARS AT 12' O.C. BOTH WAYS tlamage, hmlN thousands, and traffic safety praDlama 9' WALL HEIGHT. C DM Me- ta. EXISTING WGEFATON `iG REMAIN SOALL BE PROFECIE➢ MO REMAIN UNDIRWRBM WHERE PRACTICE APPLIES 1B` b. CLEARING MO IMAGING 91ALL BE SCHEOULED 60 AS TO MINIMIZE TIE SZE CF 9" PRECAST BOTTOM SLAB EXPOSED MEAS AND ME LENGTH OF TIME THAT AREAS ARE WOSEM On canahuction rade. .cess. pointe. mtl other disturbed ... subject to surface duet mowmmt 12' SQUARE OPENING L Tmu¢aux as vtv SPN¶ESS OF CI RED sOPES SHAM BE WNIMHEO TO and dust blowing where off-cite damage may occur if dust M not controlled. GRAVEL FILLED'A FF LL O d RUN OSHABE DIVERTED AWAY FROM CLEARED POPES ME9�.(� . SECTION A- e. SEDIMENT SHALL BE MAPPED ON SM LOT 1D L.I.R.R. SPEORC METHODS AND L5 EM D MATERAPLOYED IN THE INSGW AND MNNTENAKK Construction opaatl... should be scheduled to minimize the a...t of area tlimminal at one thane. OFEROSION CONTROL MEASURES LLCONFORM, m HE NEW YORK WIDE NEa Buffswaae of im Mould be letwhom proecTemporary empo or permanent stabilization FOR MOSOON AND SEDIMIOIT CONTROL wroc be I.sNo specific critarki le [.; was epecisetlew e DRAINAGE MANHOLE SOD ASPHALT WALK below for carman methods of dust control. 2 SEDIMENT BARRIERS(SLT FENCE, HAY BAMS W APPROVED EQUAL)SHALL BE NOT TO SCALE Ione wORK.ED No SEGMENT FROEQUIRED M UNITS OF DISWROANCE FOR WE DURAHOM TIE SIM SHALL BE PERMITTED N WASH ON 6 C^AMrnxMDIW '°EtlFlCATWS TO ADJACENT PROPERt1ES, WETANDS O ROADS. Veadmtiw Cover - Fa disturbed awe not subject to traffic; wgatetion proWdoe N. meet practical 3. WANED AND STRIPPED MEAS AND STOCKPILES SHALL BE KEPT STABILIZED THROUGH method of duet control. Temporary se.ding shall be as follows: " ME UK DIF TEMPORARY REEDING AS REWIRED. SEED MIXTURE SHML BE IN ACCORDANCE 6" COMPACTED RECYCLED CONCRETE 6RECYCLED CONCRETE Wm SGL CWSERVATW SERMCE RECOMMENDATIONS a) Or Grow. (Annus or Perennial) et 30 Ibe. per ase (0.7 lbs/1000 SF) 1 1/2- ASPHALT TYPE 6F 4' DRMHACEr eVI1.0 INSTTIAiRO�i1Ii THE US OF OF E PRD MOMENT AD. SEDIMENT MAPS. ETC.. b) Certified 'Ar o..t..W' Winter Rye (Casal Rye) of 100 Ibe par am (2.5 Ib./SF) SEDIMEEMERGENCY ACCESS DETAIL AS REQUIRED. Use Winter Rye if seeding M OclaDer/Nowmber. 5. INSPECRW AND MAINTENANCE OF MO90N CONTROL MEASURES IS TO BE PERFORMED Mulch (including growl mulch) - Mulch offae a fact affwgw mews of contralling dust ONLY BY L,, MCTD,PRIM TO TIE START OF CONSmUCTION FOR 1HE DAY AND AFTER HEAVY OR PROLONGED STORMS. MAINTENANCE MEASURES INCLUDE BUT NOT Spray Adhedws - Examples of spray atlbesives for use on mineral sage are shown In the following LIMITED TO, CLEANING OF SEDIMENT BASINS M TRAP;. CLEARING OR REPAIR OF table' SEDIMENT BARRIERS CIEANINC AND REPAIR BERMS AND OIVFASONS, AND CLEANING AND REPAIR MIXT PROTELTON. Apply 6. APPROPRIAM MEMLL TR S SHABE USED TO CONGL DUST DURING water m bm.7 CONSTRUCTION. SEE DUST CONTROL NOTES. WE SHEET. MOFm 1)011606 Haft 7. A STABIU2ED CONSTRUCTION MMANCE SHALL BE MAINTANED M AcMlc Polymer 9:1 Came spray 500 BUVFN WM FENCE(YIN. 141/2 PREVENT SGL AND LOOSE DEBRIS FROM SONG TUCKED WTO IDCAL Let.. Emulsion 126:1 Fine Spray 235 WAKE,MAIL Y HIM SPACNG) ROADS ME CONSTRUCTION ENTRMCE STAPH BE MMNTMNED UNTIL UNTIL THE STE IS PERMANOMMY STADIUM. Renin In Water 4:1 Flow Spray 300 10'MAK, C A C REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL RJPLMD DISTUROED AREAS ARE P6RMANIMMY quality should d SEDIMENT a IMERS AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL MEASURES K'MIN. rEDrE POS' OPoVIIT Water vollt M1 1tl be considered wM1m materials are selecletl for duel contra. MIM IN.INTOE OUNDPOSH STMOUZE'D. AFTER PMWMMT STABNZATW. PAVED AREAS SHALL BE CLEARED AND DRAINAGE SYSTEM CLEANED AND FIDSHED AS NECESSARY. SRCIDItlIna - The site may be aproyed until Ne surface is wet This is especially effecOve al haul 75' MIN. EXISYC TYPICM �W BALE made and accate routes. GRrax ExoGW AND SEDIMENT . :. :. '✓:.:.r:cv:. .._ S I PAVEMENT ': 4 GUT THE GENERAL CONDITIONS _ o fifteen limn the 3• _ Stone used far construction made G also affectlw fa dud cmtrd. 9. DURING ME COURSE OF . .. "" IN MOM l THROUGH 8 SILL BE OBSERVED barrier height. P I d bander vegetation va much practical. d,MM MEASURES MAY BECOME NECrSSARY 10 PREVENT mE TRANSPORT OF SEDIMENT 10 OFF STE MEAS, PONDS WATER COURSES. DRAINAGE INLETS ..... .. .... .... 6' MIN. '• . . , , a ar 9 Preserve existing n .- BY RED CONOITWS AS CmAI EAOSION CW1RG.MEAWRFS WLL BE DICTATED RECHARGE BASINS ETC :. CONSmUCTON PROWEffi BDGke A tenor or slmgor hastier can control air currents at Intervale equal t . '. a M1L aU ori eta as Tac \ \ MOUNTABLE BERM 2 IL, NIWIFNINGE IN, LTER CLOTH ryCw a e slabgizetl. a Nal tll.turbetl a e rE%ISYG u h seedier .rind un Iaintaln dust control measure. Nro45' MIN. lM 9 rUy PGROUND .. .. ' WDEN 2' K 2 W0 UT SLOPE R CSTAKE OR R®M KMENT N 041� OBMM22 BOUND HAY BALE )PLAN VIEW ;� �` � EXISUHG / PERSPECTIVE NEW T'-6'i (IYP.) SEGMENT ' nnw GROUNG o CONTAINMENT YW FENCE pS8 AREA 2' X 2' STATUES, DRAINAGE INLET 2-PER BALE ,AAM WILE FENCE(N 1/2 GA MIN., MAX I. DRIVE STAKES f1OSH e'MESH SPACING)Wm RLM Gam OvOR STONE SIZE - USE Y STONE, OR RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EOUIVAIFNT. SEDIMENT BARRIER DETAIL 15" MIN. OR 2. LENGTH - NOT LESS THAN 75 FEET ENDTOO LM-FIDDTIED PPFFATRICAIED SILT FENCE BOUND HAY BALES fEpFAB, Q1NRGfl10E GM 2ff YIN. WOODEN SFAHE (ttP.)-\ ' O�EDIIAL IRWND CAL SIMW SALE PLAN PLACED ON CONTOURSBEDDING DETAIL Flow 3. THICKNESS - NOT LESS THAN SIX (6) INCHES.4. MOTH - TWENTY FOUR (24) FOOT MINIMUM. BUT NOT LESS THAN THE FULL 'WIDTH ATGRADE 4' EMBEDMEM' ANGEE FlRBT STARE TOWARD POINTS WHERE INGRESS OR EGRESS OCCURS.USED MIM DOOM BOUND HAY LAID BALEMIN. Y INTO GROUND 4Z��NMMNM ' ` BOUND HAY BALE - 5. FILLER CLOTH - ANLL BE PLACED OVER THE ENTRE AREA PRIOR TO PLACING STANIRMN SmBI1L OF STONE z' x 2' WDODEN STARE W A5 DEBAR --� � 6. SURFACE WATER - ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING OR DIVERTED TOWARD( CON- EMBEDMENT DETAIL STRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED ACROSS THE ENTRANCE. IF PIPING IS No. DATE REVISION BY: CONSTRUCTION NOTES FOR FABRICATED SILT FENCE IMPRACTICAL, A MOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 SLOPES ANLL BE PERMITTED. ARLES PLACED WOODEN STAKES 1 1/2'-2' IMO GROUND DETAILS DWN. BY: pke 7. MAINTENANCE - TIE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED INA CONDITION WHICH ALONG COMOU 1. WOVEN WIRE FENCE TO BE FASTENED SECURELY POSTS: STEEL EITHER T OR U WILL PREVENT TRACKING OR FLOWING H SEDIMENT ONTO PUBIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY. IYPICu STRAW BM.E U TO FENCE POSTS WITH WIRE TIES OR STAPLES. TYPE OR 2" HARDWOOD ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED OR 1RACTED ONTO PUBIC RIGHTS- + _ COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DATE: 8-ifi-O6 OF-WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. SITUATED AT CHWD BY: CEO 2. FILTER CLOTH TO BE FASTENED SECURELY TO FENCE WOVEN WIRE, 14 i/2 GA. ANCHORING DETAIL m WOVEN WIRE FENCE WITH TES SPACED 6" MAX. MESH OPENING 8. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED. IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABIDZED WITH MATTITUCK EVERY 24' AT TOP AND MID SECTION. STONE AND WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE. .� •, v 'ANGLE FIRST STAKE TOWARDS DATE: 8-17-06 9• PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER ANCHORING DETAIL PREVIOUSLY WD RALE S.C.Y.M. DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 112, BLOCK 02, LOT 2-vi 3. WHEN TWO SECTIONS OF FILTER CLOTH FILTER CLOTH: FILTER X. EACH RAIN. JOB No.: 02007 ADJOIN EACH OTHER TIiLY SHALL BE OVER- FILE 100X, STAB]- STAKED HAYBALE DETAIL TOWN OF SO UTHOLO w SUFFOLK COUNTY" NEW YORK LAPPED BY SIX INCHES AND FOLDED. UNKA T14ON OR APPROVED EQUAL STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE STRAW BALE SEDIMENT BARRIER DETAILS "'a I IVEL_so1V S. POPE FILE No.: 1000-112-" Is 4. MAINTAINANCE SHALL BE PERFORMED AS PREFABRICATED UNIT: GEOFAB, _ .._ O NEEDED AND MATERIAL REMOVED WHEN ENVIROFENCE, OR APPROVED NM �\ I, CADD: 02007FDR r�^ 'BULGES' DEVELOP IN THE SILT FENCE. EQUAL x T s ENQINEERS • OESIONERS • SURVEYORS 572 WALT WHFTMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747-2186 SCALE: NONE SILT FENCE DETAIL S (631) 427-5665 FAX (1331) 673-4763 s SHEET: 7 OF 7 a NTS e 0 AGREEiMENF FUR ROAD MAINTENANCE. COTTAGES AT MATTITI ICK This Agreement is made and dated .lanuary 17, 2007, by CDCLI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND CORPORATION (CDCLI). 2100 Middle Country Road. Suite 300. Centereach. NY 11720-3576 WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board has issued conditional final approval for a 22 lot standard subdivision known as "Cottages at Mattituck" pursuant to the Affordable Housing District Code of the Town of Southold as shown on subdivision map prepared by Nelson & Pope. last dated November 6, 2006 and to be tiled in the Suffolk County C'lerk's Office ("the Map"): and WHEREAS, the Map contains a road, recharge basin. and other subdivision improvements required by the Planning Board ("the Improvements") which CDCLI intends to construct and dedicate to the Town of Southold: and WHEREAS. the Town has accepted a performance bond from the developer as required by the Planning Board to insure completion of the Improvements: and WHEREAS, the Planning Board has required that the developer provide a maintenance agreement for the Improvements until same have been dedicated to the Town of Southold and accepted into the Town Highway system. THEREFORE, in consideration of the approval of the subdivision and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, CDCLI agrees as follows: 1. Maintenance of Road Improvements. CDCLI agrees to maintain the Improvements until such time as the Town accepts the Improvements for dedication. CDCLI reserves the right to charge the homeowners in the subdivision for an allocable portion of the cost of maintenance of the Improvements ("the Maintenance Costs'). or to transfer ownership of the Improvements and responsibility for the Maintenance Costs to a Homeowners Association or other responsible entity. 2. Recording. In the event the fown does not accept dedication of the roads, then within ten (10) days of written demand by the Town. CDCLI will record a Road Maintenance Agreement in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office requiring that the lot owners or a homeowner's association be responsible for the Maintenance Costs of the Improvements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. CDCLI has executed this Agreement as of the date first above written. CDCLI Housing Development Fund CoiporatJon ZXBy: p ? I r Qi M rianne Garvin, President STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the/1 day of January, 2007, before me, personally appeared Marianne Garvin, personally known to me or proven to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. 4Naryubc Re/cdc/roadmaintagmt AMAILA,WICIWAM Notary Public,State of New halt No.82-4842871 -Suffolk County Cw**"lon&Plr @ Sept.80,200° 2 '® RESOLUTION 2008-736 ADOPTED DOC ID: 4119 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-736 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 29,2008: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby releases the following Performance Bond for "The Cottages at Mattituck" a/k/a Affordable Housing Proiect No 1926N issued by the Service Insurance Company, Inc in the amount of$284,165.00, as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board and the Town Engineer, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman SECONDER:Vincent Orlando, Councilman AYES: Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell ABSENT: William Ruland k 1� Southold Town Board - Letter Board Meeting of July 29, 2008 1 g ® RESOLUTION 2008-736 Item # ADOPTED DOC ID: 4119 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-736 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 29, 2008: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby releases the followinIz Bond Estimate for the standard subdivision of Cottages at Mattituck No 1926N by the Service Insurance Comnany, Inc in the amount of$284,165.00, as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board and the Town Engineer, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman SECONDER: Vincent Orlando, Councilman AYES: Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell �_.� .•. ABSENT: William Ruland -�- rte.` t Generated July 30, 2008 Page 36 V30 ELIZABETH A. NEVILLE ��� Ol0 Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER G Q Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER �liyCOU 'M'N southoldtown.northfork.net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Dated: August 8, 2008 Received original copy of Performance Bond No. 1926N issued by the Service Insurance Company, Inc. in the amount of$284,165.00 for"The Cottage At Mattituck" a/k/a Affordable Housing Project", SCTM# 1000-122-2-23.1, which was released by the Southold Town Board on July 29, 2008. Received By, &-y., Signature Printed Name n Representing c)X RESOLUTION 2008-736 ADOPTED DOC ID: 4119 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-736 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 29, 2008: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby releases the followine Performance Bond for "The Cottages at Mattituck" a/k/a Affordable Housing Proiect No 1926N issued by the Service Insurance Company, Inc in the amount of$284,165.00, as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board and the Town Engineer, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman SECONDER:Vincent Orlando, Councilman AYES: Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell ABSENT: William Ruland r4f S 0 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Southold, New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER 2r- Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER :% Telephone (631) 765-1800 47 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER 1/1- southoldtown.northfork.net 11110U OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 7, 2008 Gail Wickham, Esq. Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & Geasa, P.C. PO Box 1421 Mattituck, NY 11952 P,E: The Cottages at Mattituck Performance Bond Dear Ms. Wickham: The Southold Town Board at its meeting held Tuesday, July 29, 2008, adopted a resolution releasing the Performance Bond # 1926N for the standard subdivision known as "The Cottages at Mattituck" in the amount of$284,165,00. A certified copy of this resolution and the original bond are enclosed. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Enc. Imb *pivs RESOLUTION 2008-736 ADOPTED DOC ID: 4119 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2008-736 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JULY 29, 2008: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby releases the followin¢ Performance Bond for "The Cottaees at Mattituck" a/k/a Affordable Housine Project No 1926N issued by the Service Insurance Company, Inc in the amount of$284,165.00, as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board and the Town Engineer, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney. �Q Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman SECONDER:Vincent Orlando, Councilman AYES: Orlando, Krupski Jr., Wickham, Evans, Russell ABSENT: William Ruland MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS O� O f S0 O P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE a y Southold, NY 11971 Chair lQ OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON '�O �� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND COUNN,� Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 29, 2008 Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Re: Standard Subdivision of The Cottages at Mattituck SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 Zoning District: AHD Dear Ms. Neville: The following resolution was adopted by the Southold Town Planning Board at a meeting held on July 28, 2008: WHEREAS, this Standard Subdivision of a 7.4-acre parcel into 22 lots is for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 8,000 square feet to 15,817 square feet, in the Affordable Housing District; and WHEREAS, the dedication of roads has been completed and the Dedication and Release was recorded with the Suffolk County Clerk on May 28, 2008 in Liber D00012552, Page 481, and the Bargain and Sale Deed was recorded with the Suffolk County Clerk on May 28, 2008, in Liber D00012552, Page 480; therefore be it RESOLVED, to release the Bond Estimate (1926N) in the amount of$284,165.00 issued by The Service Insurance Company, Inc. as recommended by the Town Engineer in a letter, dated June 18, 2008, and recommend the same to the Town Board. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, / Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson Aft. 0 e� �g1iFFOt,��,, SCOTT A. RUSSELL o JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERVISOR ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD to TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Fax. (631)-765-9015 Tel.(631)-765- 1560 JAMIE.RICHTERQTOWN.SOUTHOLD.NY.US OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse June 18, 2008 Chairperson - Planning Boardw Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Cottages at Mattituck Final Inspection Report SCTM #: 1000 - 122 - 02 - 23.1 2 5 Dear Mrs. Woodhouse: have completed a Final Inspection of the above referenced Subdivision. All of the requiD�.,-,- construction items have been completed in a satisfactory manner. The street lighting has also been installed suitably. However, it has been determined that the total numberof streetlights provided were in excess of the Town requirements. Therefore, and at this time, the Town Public Works Department will be removing the excess fixtures and storing them for future maintenance or replacement parts. I have coordinated this inspection report with Peter Harris at the Highway Department. He has agreed with this assessment. Please feel free to contact Mr. Harris directly for his endorsement to release the Performance Bond. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact my office. inc rely, aures A. Richter, R.A. CC: Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways SCOTT A. RUSSELL o� a JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERVISOR t ENGINEER k TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD Pq TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Far. (631)-765-9015 . '� '�.`, Tel.(631)-765-1560 JAMIE.RICHTER@TOWN.SOUTHOLD.NY.US tom. OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse June 18, 2008 Chairperson - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Cottages at Mattituck Final Inspection Report 2 20�g SCTM #: 1000 - 122 -02 -23.1 JUN Dear Mrs. Woodhouse: I have completed a Final Inspection of the above referenced Subdivision. All of the required,.- construction items have been completed in a satisfactory manner. The street lighting has also been installed suitably. However, it has been determined that the total number of streetlights provided were in excess of the Town requirements. Therefore, and at this time, the Town Public Works Department will be removing the excess fixtures and storing them for future maintenance or replacement parts. I have coordinated this inspection report with Peter Harris at the Highway Department. He has agreed with this assessment. Please feel free to contact Mr. Harris directly for his endorsement to release the Performance Bond. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact my office. inc rely, aures A. Richter, R.A. CC: Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE so Southold, NY 11971 Chair V� OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G C 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND ?eeou M'N Southold, NY X11, Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD May 12, 2008 Ms. Dina Rose 745 Cottage Way Mattituck,New York 11952 Dear Ms. Rose, The Planning Board is in receipt of your request to plant six evergreen trees within the 25' non-disturbance buffer on Lot 6 for the purpose on screening your property from the property to the rear. The Planning Board approves the request provided that: 1. The planted tree species are native to New York State. Please contact this office with any further questions. Sincerely, z =oodhouse Jerilyn Cc: file �r PHILLIP BELTZ o� OGy� Special Projects Coordinator H = Town of Southold O P.O.Box 85 Mattituck,NY 11952 Tel.(631)298-4460 Fax(631)298-4462 April 16, 2008 To: Mark Terry Fr: Phillip Beltz Re: Request from Dina Rose, Resident of the Cottages at Mattituck Ms. Rose did not attend the Post-Closing information meeting and is requesting to plant trees (evergreens) within the buffer. See attached drawing. Please advise (in writing) if this is permissible according to Planning Board covenants and restrictions. Thank you. 60 T �pr Pll�Jac.� . i 1� ADA rC L� �� �P P IS SCOTT A. RUSSELL �� °�y� JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERVISOR : ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD • TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Fax. (631)-765-1366 'fgjr01 �' Tel.(631)-765-1560 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Apel T6,2008 Peter Harris „`--- - - Superintendent of Highways Peconic Lane Peconic, New York 11958 i Re: Cottage Way Road Dedication Dear Mr. Harris: A Final Inspection for the above referenced subdivision has tie encompleted. I have also reviewed the"As-Built' Road & Drainage Plans for the project. All of the required construction has been completed in a satisfactory manner and this Road System is considered ready for dedication. In addition to the above, I have also reviewed three property descriptions. One description is for "Cottage Way" which is the road. The second is for the Drainage Area and the third description is for the Pedestrian / Emergency Assess along the South Easterly portion of the site. These descriptions appear to be accurate and should be incorporated into the dedication process. If you have any questions concerning this Final Inspection, please feel free to contact my office. inc rely, 6 ames A. Richter, R.A. cc: Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney Planning Board �°�g11Ff0(�co � Zc G PHII.LIP BELTZca y< Special Projects Coordinator w Town of Southold O `F OcBNY81 Mattituk1952 Tel.(631)298-4460 Fax(631)298-4462 March 26, 2008 -i To: Pete Harris, Superintendent of Hi ys-- Fr: Phillip Beltz i Re: Request from Residents of the Cotta es at Mattituck-� --_. At a "post-closing information" meeting last night with homeowners of the Cottages at Mattituck, the residents requested that the Highway Department please include their street in the upcoming highway department Spring clean up for removal of brush. Papers for dedicating the road, Cottage Way, are currently at the Town Attorney's office for execution. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for your consideration. Cc: Scott A. Russell, Supervisor Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney Mi Ti£ SCOTT A. RUSSELL ' .. JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERVISOR " TOWN of sENG D NEwRYoax 11971 TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD Fax. (631)-765-9015 ' e Tel.(63 t)-765-1560 JAMIE.RICHTER@TOWN.SOUTHOLD.NY.US OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse February 22, 2008 Chairperson - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Cottages at Mattituck As-Built Curb & Drainage Plans SCTM#: 1000 - 122 -02 - 23.1 Dear Mrs. Woodhouse: Enclosed please find two copies of the As-Built Plans for the Curb and Drainage Systems for the above referenced project. These plans were sent tome by the office of Nelson&Pope. I have sent one copy to the Highway Department and I have kept one set for my records. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact my office. S' ely, ames A. Richter, R.A. Enc. (2) cc: Peter Harris, (W!(1) Enc.) Superintendent of Highways NELSON &. POPE ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS VICTOR BERT,P.E.• JOSEPH R.EPIFANIA,BE • ROBERT G.NELSON JR.,P.E. PAUL M.RACZ,PLS.•THOMAS F LEMBO,PE.•GARY S.BECKER,PE. GREGORY 0.PETERMAN,PLS.•ERIC J.McFERRAN,PE.•THOMAS C.DIXON,P.E. February 19,2008 Mr. Jaime Richter -- Town Hall Annex Building 54375 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold NY, 11971 Re: Cottages at Mattituck Nelson&Pope Job#02007 Dear Mr. Richter: Enclosed are four (4) copies of the Curb and Drainage As-Built for the above referenced project. Very truly yours, NELSON & POPE ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS O�LJames C. Milliken MIS F 1 Imam 572 WALT VJH N ROAD, VELVILLE, NY 11747-266 [63114275665•FAX[5311427-5620•wwvr.ntlsonpq�e.can r i M� WC 'f•L- G I0ASound Avenue athtuck,NY 11952 /ham}}!�✓c�l y� 631-298-7188 December 24,2007 Planning Board Town of Southold " Town Hall Annex Building P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Dear Board Members, My name is Tom Best.I hope that with the new board members,I can at least get a response to my letter.In the past,this was not the case.I am writing to you regarding the Cottages at Mattituck.I understand that the Town has retained the property rights to this sub division.If that is the case,I would like to request that screenings be put up in between my property and this new sub division.For years,I had lived here with nothing but woods behind me.I enjoyed the peace and privacy very much.Now I have a view of Levittown II or basically track housing.I am not happy.You have pretty much changed my quality of life,as well as my neighbors.I can't help but wonder if this project was good for the Town.I look at those railroad tracks facing these new homes and pray that some young child does not find their way to them when a train is coming.While I recognize a need for affordable housing,I believe it needs to be better planned.I dare say that you would find this type of project up in Nassau Point or Paradise Point.I certainly feel that Mattituck in the past has been picked on.Just look at the mix of retail stores entering into the town and you will know what I mean.This would never have been allowed anywhere east of the two steeples,we all know this.As I understand it,there are now plans for a new bank and office building in Mattituck,why not Southold?I don't even want to get into how all the covenants were completely disregarded and sewage rights transferred? I have worked hard for everything I own and never had anything handed to me in my life.I have lived here all of my life,put my time in with scouts and coaching for my children and give to the community. I always try to do the right thing with people and in life as well,now I am asking you to do the right thing. Do you have any idea what this sub division did to the value of my house? I have a house fifteen feet off of my back property line,after that it only gets worse.Gone are the deer,the woodchucks and the rest of the wildlife that was once there. When I first got married,we lived in the basement of my in-laws saving money for a down payment on a house for two years.We didn't make a lot,I just starting out after finishing college,but we scrimped and saved to be able to come up for our down payment on our first house. We lived in that first tiny house doing things like putting a new roof on and insulating it. It wasn't much but it was ours and something we worked hard at improving.It.We made some improvements and were able to buy the one I presently live in.We liked the location when we ought the house,but that has changed now hasn't it?I dare say that none of you would be happy about this situation,so I am asking that you do the right thing and put in these screening's or plantings.I thank you for your time,and I wait for your response. Sincerely, 11 Tom Best LAW OFFICES WICKHAM,BRESSLER,GORDON &GEASA, P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD, P.O.BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MATTITUCK,LONG ISLAND ERIC J. BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM SUITE I I I LYNNE M.GORDON MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 ---- TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 631-249-9480 wwblaw@aol.com TELEFAX NO. 631-249-9484 December 4, 2007 Mr. Peter Harris Superintendent of Highways 275 Peconic Lane P.O. Box 178 Peconic,N. Y. 11958 Re: Proposed Road off Old Sound Avenue Cottages at Mattituck- SCTM # 1000-122-2-23.1 Dear Mr. Harris: We have obtained a Certificate of Necessity from the Department of Transportation, copy enclosed for your file, in connection with the proposed dedication of the above road to the Town of Southold. We will submit the original letter when the road dedication papers are submitted to the Town, following completion of the road to all applicable Town specifications. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. A ms,Wickham Cc: Patricia Finnegan, Esq., Town Attorney James Ritcher, Town Engineer Jeri Woodhouse, Chairwoman,Planning Board Marianne Garvin, CDCLI Len Axin, Island Estates 30/AAWac harrisp �� 5� June 9,2007 Tom Best 10220 Sound Avenue Mattituck,NY 11952 (631)298-7188 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Gentlemen: It has now been over two weeks since I since I sent to you my first letter regarding the Cottages at Mattimck affordable housing project,as of today,I still have not received any response from anyone from the Town of Southold.I have been informed that if I write to you,you must respond,I am waiting for your response. I still have the same questions,and I would Lice to know how the Town plans to rectify the problem.I am trying to be nice here,and give you every opportunity to answer my questions.I will repeat myself.At the preliminary meetings that were held with the town Supervisor Scott Russell,we were all informed that there would be"25-30 foot natural buffer left between the existing houses,and the new subdivision",there is not! My question to you is were we lied to,and deceived,or did someone screw up on the site plan review?I would like to know which,and who is responsible.In any event,it is not right.The bulldozers started at 6:30 some mornings and the carpenters,start at 6:30 in the morning.I wish you would also get up to speed in terms of noise ordnances,this is just not right. No one would be happy to have the mess and eyesore I and my neighbors now have behind our houses.I would like to know when and how soon the Town plans on rectifying this problem?I would like to also bring to your attention to another of my concerns.I have worked in the public works end of construction for over 20 years.I am well informed with the laws regarding public money and construction.If any tax payers money is being used to fiord this project,the Town is in clear violation of those laws.If there is public money involved,these projects must go out to ti tem public bid,the laws are clear.It would be the same as building a school or firehouse.I await Should you have any questions,please call , Sincerely, Tom Best x sr, :,,,,.>; cc: Southold Town Supervisor;Southold Town Board;Southold Town Attorney !�1 May,28,2007 Tom Best 10220 Sound Avenue Mattituck,NY 11952 (631)298-7188 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Hall P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971-0959 Gentlemen: On May 11,2007,I took a day off from work to visit the Building Department,and to look at the site plan that involves the Cottages at Mattituck affordable housing development.I had become concerned because during all the preliminary meetings that I and my neighbors attended that were headed up by Town Supervisor Scott Russell,we were assured that there would be a"25-30 foot natural buffer"left between the existing properties and the new sub division.My concern deepened when to my dismay,I watched the bulldozers,clear every single tree away behind my property,and watched as the bulldozers pushed the debris right up to and in some places right through my back fence.I was somewhat confused when I reviewed the site plan,because I noticed that there was a natural buffer left on three of the sides of the new development,but not on the fourth side which is adjacent to my property(11.1 on your tax map)as well as my immediate neighbors.On May 12,2007,I mailed pictures as well as a certified letter to Anthony Truzza,as I was told that he was responsible for the final review of the site plan.That was over two weeks ago,which I believe should have been ample time to respond to my letter,I still have not received a reply from Mr.Truzza regarding this matter.I had my doubts as to whether or not I would actually get a response from Mr.Truzza however,I like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt.That is the reason,I am now writing to you.What I would like to know,is were we lied to and deceived,when we were told that there would be a:"2530 foot natural buffer",left in place,or did someone screw up on the site plan review.It has to be one or the other,I would like for you to tell me which one it is,and who is responsible. I would like at a minimum,for those trees to be put back to their natural state.If that can not be done,then I would like the Planning Board to come up with some other viable solution,because this is just not right,:I would also like this done immediately.I await you response. Should you have any questions,please call Sincerely, ; L Tom Best ..i zI, cc: Southold Town Supervisor;Southold Town Board;Southold Town Attorney SF � TOM Best ` 1022QSwmd Avenue ._._•-.,�ftjtucic,NY 11952 May 10,2007 " ( r Anthony Trezza Senior Planner t Town Of Southold P.O.Box 1179 111 QY. ' Southold,NY 11951-0959 i» Dear Mr.Trezza Enclosed please find several pictures of my back yard a'fea facing the aaffa�lable housuig project between Sound Avenue and Factory Avenue in Mattituck. I understandyriu were the planner responsible for the review of the site drawings,and I was told that you are the person I need to contact. When this project was first proposed,I as well as my neighbors attended the meetings,as we were all concerned about how this project might impact our home values as well as our way of life.I don't think there was really ever any question as to whether or not it was going to go through,as it was pretty much just force fed down our throats.As Scott Russell said"the area was targeted because of the socio-economic characteristics of the area".I dare say that you would never find this type of project being put in up in Nassau Point,or Paradise Point. Having lived on this road for 15 years,I would like to offer you some advise,as they say hind sight is 20- 20.This area is already under a tremendous amount of stress.The stress is caused by the ever increasing traffic in the area.In part this is caused by the traffic light that was put up at the end of Factory Avenue,and the Main Road.When I questioned Pat Acampora,as to why it was put up there instead of in front of the Mattituck Shopping Center where it should have gone,she had no answer.Her response was"I don't know I just knew we needed a traffic light".This road called Sound Avenue Extension,has a speed limit posted at 35 miles per hour,which is a joke.It needs to be reduced to 25 miles per hour and enforced.I can't tell you how many times I have called the police department to please have something done about the speed of traffic on this road,but it falls on deaf ears.This road,should also not be designated as a truck route.It is to narrow,and eventually with the added cars from the new affordable housing project,you are going to wind up with many accidents here,who ever did the traffic study here,mislead you.Often in the summer time the traffic is already horrendous. I would like to bring you back to the enclosed pictures.Those are of my back yard fence,which by the way was pushed in by the bulldozers with the debris left from clearing the property,I think the Town should be responsible for replacing this,this is just not right.Every meeting I attended,I was assured by Scott Russell that there would be a 25 foot"natural buffer left between the existing houses and the new sub-division.". Please look at the pictures,I am enclosing and tell me where this"25 foot natural buffer"is.I became concerned when the area was decimated,and not a tree standing between my backyard,(my lot number is 11.1 on your real estate map) and the new sub-division.I took a day off to review die.1 plan at the Building Department.To my dismay,I discovered that there was a"25 foot natural buffer'on the other three side of the new sub-division,but not behind my property,or my neighbors Which naturally brought me to the conclusion that either myself and my neighbors were deceived and lied to by the Town Supervisor,or some one screwed up on the site plan review,my question to you is which one is it,and who's responsible?Do you have any idea what the Town has done to the property value of my house as well as my neighbors?At the very least,I would like all of those trees put back,and the natural 25 foot buffer restored,as we were promised,this is just not right I await your response. Sincerely, p, - Copies.1 Copies.1 • Copies:1 Copies 1 Copies 1 Copies 1 so Copies'.1 Oros'537 Date.05,08107 Name.tom bast . Bag No 816815 Phone 631 298 7188 Page 1 of 1 «* ¥ . . .y� . �� c . . . • � � \ / ^ YYS I st `. ,y �\'v... } • f � � �/fxa.3r T�" 'T ��i }e 0.I,.,S�y�7 'i-� °.. � 6,9+,'_�b..._t R ��t "+.�. . �^" '.^.� Vii'" ^'�'.. '�`i� • ``. yl�,: .►�. _ a � r 4 y3� t`• .. ,WLf r ` /� ��y _ / �� �� r � i � � � �� � '1 '" ., � �_ "',`;t, � - �':� I� , �J� ���{' � '�� R+�� .� ,x',11`, ,. � far - � �� `' tr.'�!'' _j ti,, ,ria,;; �.. ` . '* =� i / � �,, :. '� $ �,�'��+ . ►� �`�► 1 r 1 , J is 4. '.'� �' dl/T 1.�;"i�� !: � e'en`^'- \/ ```'.'�� ♦ �. w ybp Har 30 07 07: 10a Edi Franceschini (212) 229-2374 p. 1 J TIS Z Z rtlX C31 -7CT - 3 ;3C LUC % 21Z `/ Mar 30 07 07: 10a Edi Franceschini (212) 229-2374 p. 2 Sobj' off' r---------- _ _-� C ti' s Date: 3!29/2007 To: Anthony Trezza Subject: Runoff from Mattituck development into our grope)ty Following a rainfall of approximately 7 inches on about September 15, 2006, our pond turned brown from runoff of sediment traced backlup a hillsi le to the Mattituck Development in question. In addition, a broad swa*-of btow*rcotdd be-observed oit- our lawn and through a stand of bamboo and onward throug i our small woods. (Our neighbor's property was also flooded as well as the large mar+h between our property and Cox Neck Rd, which also turned brown and remained that way for months.) On a visit soon after the initial flooding, Bob Terry (the devel-)pment contractor) and Chris Dwyer (Contractors engineering consultant) asserted tl at they accepted responsibility for the damage and would fully restore our pn perty to its original condition. Bob Terry estimated that the pond consisted of 4,000 gals (approx.) of water and that he believed that a submersible pump combined with filtration would clean the pond. I explained that by my calculation the pond actually contained between 25,000 and 40,000 gals. and that the method he proposed would likely n rt work. However, we agreed for them to try it, since no harm would be done by &-- delay and we did not want them to need to do more than necessary to achieve the goal. Bob then became quite ill in the fall and for a time our contact was completely through Chris Dwver. After a time it was clear to all that the fittratio n method was not working. Meanwhile, we were living with a mud brown pon i, with hay bales the contractors had placed by it to prevent more mud from going into it and with black plastic draped here and there for the same purpose. Chris suggested draining the pond, cleaning it out and then n,filling it Meanwhile, I (Ed) developed a medical condition which led us to move int) the city for a while. Chris called us after the pond had been mostly drained, but r.of completely. He seemed discouraged, saying that there was considerable leaf debris at the bottom and that they would do what they could to clean it up. Soon thereafter, ou. neighbor told us that the pond had been refilled but looked no better than it had befor.. Sometime during the late fall or winter there was another flo Ading incident where again brown water and sediment came down the hillside fror r the direction of the development. It again overflowed the franks of our pond, flc 3ding our lawn for an extensive area and again flooding our neighbor's property an 9 the marsh with muddy water. We again informed Chris Dwyer of what had happen;d. After some discussions of what could be done, Chris Dwyer, who had be en very responsive and fully supportive, suddenly did not respond to our telephone c alis. All subsequent communications with the developers have be ,n with Bob Terry who had returned to work (Aso, from the initial event in Septer(ber and throughout the Mar 30 07 07: 10a Edi Franceachini (212) 229-2374 p. 3 r � many months that followed, we have been in touch with officals from the town to let them know what was happening and that the situation had n(t been resolved.) Bob next proposed applying a flocculent which would cause he suspended soil to drop to the bottorn. Having spoken to specialists in pond ecology i,,e expressed concern about the suspended matter being left in the pond, but again, we agreed to let him try the process. The flocculent was not successful. Now we began discussion of a more serious procedure: to dr,do the pond completely, dig up the introduced mud and then refill the pond. To do thi; thoroughly would require removing the leaf debris at the bottom. This became :. source of disagreement. We understood from pond experts that the mud should be re noved and that to insure its removal the leaves at the bottom needed to be removed. Essentially, Bob did not feel that it was his responsibility to rt move the leaves and suggested that a repeat of the flocculent treatment would cle, r the pond and satisfy the requirements of his responsibility. I pointed out that the orightal agreement was to restore the pond to its original condition and that that could (my be done by digging into the bottom of the pond to remove the introduced matter Further, the mud was covering all the rocks surrounding the pond and this would aso have to be cleaned prior to dredging the pond. We were at an impasse. Realistically, we saw that we had no recourse other than tega suit and wanted to avoid that. (I, Ed, am 77 years old... I do not need this!) We agree( to pay $6600 to have the job done properly. Bob said he would call us with the dat. on which he would do the work. A couple of days later, we got a call from our neig ibor saying that there had been another rainstorm and the pond had greatly overflc wed once again and new sediment had been deposited. That was several weeks ago and brings us up to date. At thi: point we have been deprived of our pond for seven months, and there have been two recurrences of the problem. We are apprehensive about fixing the problem lest it occur again, particularly since the way things have been left this is going t) cost us a substantial amount of money. We are hopeful the town will be able to f x the structural causes at thdevelopment site which ha a led to this repeated flooding problem. Ed and Lucinda Franceschim 3539 Cox Neck Road, Mattituck (631) 298-4081 0 LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON & GEASA, P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MATTITUCK,LONG ISLAND ERIC J. BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM SUITE 111 LYNNE M.GORDON MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 ---- TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 631-249-9480 wwblaw@aol.com TELEFAX NO.631-249-9484 January 19, 2007 Attn: Anthony Trezza Southold Town Planning Board Post Office Box 1179; 53095 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Re: Cottages at Mattituck Premises: Sound Avenue (and Factory Avenue), Mattituck, NY SCTM# 1000��'—Lr— `2'Z— 2 —Z3. Dear Anthony: Enclosed are five mylar and five (5) paper copies of the Health Department approved subdivision map for the above matter. Also enclosed is an original road maintenance agreement. Please advise if anything further is required, and if not, please advise when the signed maps may be picked up. Very truly yours, / AG? ckhambiOWC�2tt-` . CC: Marianne Garvin(with original Road Maintenance Agreement) .4AW/Im Encl. 30/shdpb2 -" r it v; • i P� LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON& GEASA, P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD, P.O.BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MATTITUCK,LONG ISLAND ERIC J.BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM SUITE I l I LYNNE M.GORDON MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 ---- TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 631-249-9480 wwblaw@aol.com TELEFAX NO.631-249-4484 December 19, 2006 — Town of Southold Planning Board a Post Office Box 1179n� ° 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 1 Re: CDC of LI—Application for Final Plat of Standard ubaiywon Premises: Sound Avenue Mattituck, NY SCTM# 100 Dear Boardmembers: Confirming our discussion at last night's work session, my client is agreeable to the following to screen and shield the Fuentes house: 1. Regular curbing along both sides of the entrance to the subdivision for the length of the Fuentes property, in lieu of mountable curbs. The curbs would be tapered down to join with the mountable curbing for the remainder of the subdivision. 2. 53 foot guide rail set off at least one foot from the property line at either end. The rail would start 20 feet in front of the house and will be steel w-shaped with steel post supports. 3 Line of 4 foot arborvitae planted 4.5 feet on center just in front of the guide rail, end to end. 4. The installation will occur in coordination with the subdivision improvements and seasonal conditions. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly yours, Abigail A. Wickham Cc: Rob Pike AAW/jm Re/cdc/pbscreening LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON & GEASA, P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MA FFITUCK, LONG ISLAND ERIC J. BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM SUITE I I1 LYNNE M.GORDON MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 ---- TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 631-249-9480 wwblaw(i aol.com TELEFAX NO.631-249-9484 December 18, 2006 Art: Anthony Trezza Town of Southold Planning Board Post Office Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Re: CDC of LI—Affordable Housing Premises: Sound Avenue (and Factory Avenue), Mattituck,NY SCTM# 1000-122-2-23.1 Dear Anthony: Enclosed please find a certified copy of the Covenants and Restrictions recorded on December 14, 2006 in the Suffolk County Clerk's office in Liber 12483 at Page 291. Very truly yours, Abigail A. Wickham AAWIcs Enc! Re/cdc/pbc&rs • • MAILING ADDRESS: C� PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �QF sorry P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE �0� O�� Southold, NY 11971 Chair y T lr OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS rn Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR • 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON l (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND Co Nr Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Scott Russell, Supervisor Members of the Town Board From: Anthony Trezza, Senior Planner Date: December 15, 2006 Re: The Cottages at Mattituck Performance Bond 1000-122-2-23.1 Attached please find the Performance Bond in the amount of$284,165 in connection with the above-referenced subdivision application. The Planning Board has approved the Bond and recommends same to the Town Board. A copy of the Planning Board's resolution dated December 12, 2006 is enclosed for review. Please place this on the Town Board's agenda for December 19, 2006. Please advise if you have any question or need additional information. S:\Planning\2006\memos\town board I2.15.06.doc THE SERVICE INSURANCE COMPANY, INC. 80 MAIN STREET,Slur FLOOR WEST ORANGE,NJ 07062 Telephone(973)731-7660 SITE IMPROVEMENT PERFORMANCE BOND Term: 12/8/2006-12/8/2007 and shall be renewed annually until released by Obligee KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: BOND NO. 1926N That We CDCLI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND CORPORATION AND LENNARD AXINN , as Principal(s) and Co-Principal(s), and THE SERVICE INSURANCE COMPANY,INC.,80 MAIN ST.,WEST ORANGE,NJ 07062, a New Jersey corporation authorized to do business in the State of New York, as surety, are held and firmly bound unto TOWN OF SOUTHOLD as Obligee, in the sum of TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY FOUR THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE DOLLARS AND 00/100 CENTS ($284,166.00),lawful money of the United States of America, for which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs,executors, administrators, successors, and assigns,jointly and severally firmly by these presents. SIGNED,SEALED AND DATED THIS 8'm Day of DECEMBER,2006. Whereas, the Principal has entered into an agreement with TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, as Obligee, guaranteeing that the Principal will complete site improvements for certain site plan KNOWN AS COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK A/K/A "AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECT", CURRENTLY KNOWN AS SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP LOT NUMBER 1000-122.00-02.00-023.001, LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK PURSUANTTO THE ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE DATED AUGUST 11, 2006 WHICH IS HERETO ATTTACHED AND MADE A PART OF THIS BOND all of which improvements shall be completed on or before the date set forth in the agreement. Now, therefore, the condition of this obligation is such, that if the Principal shall carry out all the terms of said agreement relating to the site improvements only and perform all the work as set forth therein all within the time set forth in said agreement, then this obligation shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. This bond is not transferable or assignable. It is a further condition that upon completion and acceptance of the project by the county,and as a condition precedent to releasing its claim against the performance bond, the principal and surety will deliver to the county a maintenance bond in the minimum amount of 10"/0 of the performance bond amount. We bind ourselves, our heirs, administrators, executors, successors, and assigns,jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. This maintenance bond shall remain in full force and effect for one (1)year from the date the aforementioned project is fully completed and accepted by the county to remedy faulty, inadequate, deteriorating, or defective workmanship or materials used in the project referenced above. It is understood and agreed by the principle and surety that this maintenance bond shall be used to remedy the aforementioned conditions as determined in the sold judgment of the Orange County Commissioner of Public Works. No party other than the Obligee shall have any rights hereunder as against the Surety. The aggregate liability of the Surety of the Bond Obligation set forth herein shall not exceed the penal sum hereof for any cause or reason whatsoever,inclusive of attorney's fees or other costs. Exclusion: This bond and any related bonds do not cover site improvements that have been performed by principal prior to the issue date of this bond. Exclusions include contaminated soil as well. CDCLI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND CORPORATION Attest: 131 41" (i MARIANNE GAR N,IFRES. Attest: By U Ll� LE ARD NN SERVICE I URAN 'E C011 / Attest: 1 B DAV9Y, ATTOR - -FACT DOC-08-2006 12:48pm Fro01-ISLAND ESTATES +6314205077 T-696 F.002/002 51-460 FFi01� SOUTSa-D TOWN R-ANNINO I&D FAX NO,v 631 766 31,3tS Rug. y14`280f; 90:26AM F1 SCOTT A, RUSSELL JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. T.9ALL.540 MAIN Roes ENGINEER ?'OWN HA1..L-. . 2'C1wN{iF NO1J274=-NMW VCNx 11471 1wR. {6J7)-7d3-f!l>ls 'Ab1 ffi91y-76S-1560 OFFICZ OF T= ENGV,,'EEX TOWN OF 130UTHOLcl BOND ESTIMATE COTTAGES AT MATTITUCA Aka-"Affb dablei Mousing PI c3Jeae' SCM n 1000.11X0.23.4 DAM August 11,2oes 1T S A DESCRIPTION UNIT,PRIDEpAM t 1�ITj A, "t W CLE4.RIN4 k GRtMSV:G $ 2,50000 IO,OOD 00 2• !2,000 CV, s=rH caAuCvo/ UNCLA 3. 2.200 LF. > �RTa CONCRET 12,CURBING Z,O2.00, 2 ,D0080.00 00 4, &,000 S,Y. FTGRAMNO IO'� 0. ". 1.50 12,tl00.00 DRAINAOF 3. 7 PACK CATCT4T3aSTN8 2.500.00 17,500-!)0 G. 6 BAG�T CONC.RT�TS MANUMES 2.000,00 12 000.00 i, 1 $ACEI CONM2'l2?3UDWALL 1,SOO.OD I,300.00 a. 4 TONS slue st%ne RTP Ra23.00 loam 10 733 L 9• 943 L.F. 10"DIA .MTXMATNAM FIFLt MOD 2,,'+,579,00 F. 24"D A.AWER DFAWA(Z RIPS 30.00 11,990.00 11. 500 C.Y. /s"SrOM)9 Mat,WA BUR 40.00 13, $40 TONS ASPHALT 7311110Th;COME-(2 44"Thlck) 80.00 42,200.00 13. 320 'T"8 ,A8POA,t-rWEARWOCMRSB-(IWThi0k) 80.00 23,600.00 14. b40 LF. QKAI14 Ln 4KFBN'CWG wl GAT$ IS. 1 PAM pA'T3@FAabWAve,- G3NCYACCA48 2.000,00 16,000.00 16. 4 A+A.CH STIl8Ta7'ISQmS 11„000.00 17. 30 E&CH CDN'CnTESURVEY hfQmNom 2,000.00 8,000.00 IS 21900 S.Y_ Tppacm&a3rz 100.00 3,000.00 I9. 4 RAM 8T1iTi$T SNS 5.00 14,500.00 20. 128 EACt3 S(MMW4 . 200,00 8b0.D0 21, 60 EACH 9'l'R1,RT T FSG 50100 6,400.04 221 7013 MA119'TPNAI+IG1i & 254.00 15,000�QO F1tOT.6CTtgN QRTRAFI7C - 2,000,00 F11•ySM TOTA4 , 9 244,2W.00 +6/FATIMjNL7 PATI6NFB1i 5 17,W1990 State of /1[ClV/ CORPORATE/LLC ACKNOWLEDGMENT (/O4k County of Sr/ FFn//G 1 , On this [_day of �eCen7 / 20 0 (o ,personally came before me, /X .aAne' r+0 o of CbG/..t f/a/si4 ✓C� roen� � 'to' a me knowvsn to be the persons who executed the foregoing and acknowledged that they had the auth ' y to exec to e e as the act ofsa' tLo oration or limited liability company. LAURA M. PACCIONE Notary Public,State of New York (seal) No. 4987116 0t ublic Qualified in Suffolk County 1) My Commission Expires: Commission Expires October 7,20—V CORPORATE/LLC ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of County of On this day of 20 , personally came before me, of to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing and acknowledged that they had the authority t—execute the same as the act of said corporation or limited liability company. (seal) Notary Public My Commission Expires: PARTNERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of County of On this day of 20 ,personally came before me, of to me known to be the persons who executed the foregoing and acknowledged that they are the partners in the firm of and acknowledged that they executed the foregoing instrument as the act of the said firm. (seal) Notary Public My Commission Expires: PROPRIETORSHIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of County of On this day of 20 , personally came before me, proprietor of to me known to be the person who executed the oregoing instrument and acknowledged that he signed the same as his voluntary act and deed. (seal) Notary Public My Commission Expires COUNTY OP---__`�,-!U /� On this 200& >Cl /QiJ �?.-... - ...._...__ _d . ayof....... .e�e/y/�ier ........ .._... --------------------_-+9- - before me personally appeared the within named_._.....enngt d ------------------------ ------------------------------------- to me known, and known to me to be.. ............._-------------------- ------- ------- -----------------------------------the individual---- described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and-------.... .......... ...acknowledged to me that----he__-_. executed the same. ------------/..... .. - " Notary Public 72282(NY)-SM,9-80 211547 County Fo,, ,1,XY228Zb LAURA M. PACCIONE Notary Public,State of New York No.4987118 Qualified In Suffolk County Commission Expires October 7,20_ THORVICE INSURANCE COMPANY • (Statutory Basis) STATEMENT OF ADMITTED ASSETS, LIABILITIES SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY AS OF DECEMBER 31,2006 ADMITTED ASSETS Cash&Cash Equivalents 2,087,999 Common Stocks 126,010 Bonds 897,657 Interest Income Receivable 73,919 Premiums&Agents Balances 165,238 Amounts Receivable from Relnsureres 211,740 Federal Tax Recoverable - Aggregate Write-Ins for other than Invested Assets(Funds held as collateral) 3,551,464 TOTAL ADMITTED ASSETS 7,114,027 LIABILITIES&SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY LIABILITIES Losses&Loss Adjustment Expenses 188,672 Other Expenses 81,695 Taxes,licenses&fees 89,072 Federal Income Tax 32,510 Unearned Premiums 521,742 Amounts Withheld or Retained by Company for Accounts of Others 3,551,464 Total Liabilities 4,465,166 SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY Common stock,par value$20 per share 50,000 shares, authorized,issued&outstanding 1,000,000 Gross Paid-In&Contributed Surplus 839,198 Unassigned funds(surplus) 809,674 Total Shareholder's Equity 2,848,872 TOTAL LIABILITIES&SHAREHOLDER'S EQUITY 7,114,027 STATE OF NEW JERSEY ) I SS COUNTY SSEX 11 J S. urger, President of Service Insurance Company, Inc., do hereby certify that the above is a true statement e- s s,liabilities of said Corporation as of December 31, 2005. James S.Burger, President STATE OF NEW JERSEY ) SS COUNTY OF ESSEX ) Subscribed and sworn before me,'a Notary Public, State of New Jersey, in the County of Essex, this 5th day of June, 2006. MA1ffCQYk&TORE Notary b is Nto Public` r Stater �a .oty Coh1A�1lriJoa E:pinXJMllteb A 2010 Rand No. kl The Se"c YnsuraltWtympany,Inc.'& Endurance Re as Vta share Reinsurer Power of Attorney In llrl i� �I 4I k5EA 5EN1'Sr Th�the SMICEFNSURAN�CE OOMBANY, a toilpea?adoti(4 the State of New jersey,by William R tki getr t! fil •uta HII'� 'Iks S.suiger;SectgGuy in pursuance of authority Y,ni;antcd by Aitikd¢VI6.lr S"ecuoil 7 e,f die,RY4,aws of said l;omp,mp, which is�tllbl l,,l IIu 't'C1N`I'lf.9C is. 7710BcwI/O/Ovcdotavnli audxuile anyo/lic el of of/tcers,;yycu(or ny<vtts, ti iutovrgv<-onuattnt ere<uir and dc/iver any i"AII eat in 1/10 lame of`tmd ou Itehrdl'o/'djc cotpoiation wtel.such autho ily mi be geuaal or ronlined to sficci/ie insMn,,w.' 13oe?rjter )tYt7o� e<aiistitute andappainf William R. Burger,,latnes:.S l3wger, Dula V. Sarryher, its tare and lawful agents andAtlon y a sti=l act,'t{z mer execute, seal and deliver for,and on its Behalf as surety, and as its aet will deed: any and all bonds and undertakings;no tine boiul toexceed an aggregate penal sufn liability of$1,000,000.00(One Million Dollars). � I I�'sucE�tntids ar�detriki�is purst�nc0 nl Ures4" r' e i shall by as lana ° u epi 9s4ifl Com �� qiilii ,1111 Y- T limen Y exeeuted ane? Acknowledgeil }fq the111 :1 ularl,Y c)at'tt;+,1 krl�tiodil 01f the Camppar�ly at usy o(I, iF< WES'1 ''� f cisuX l4" ,ken osvicp]'e fxt3ons. _ - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said President mid Secretary have hereunW subscribed Uieii names and affixed the Corporate Seal of the said Service l9"Oil, nsuraruc CotnfilIIntfthi 3F dayof MAY AD„' 01f - II II11 IfI iil1 lli I �llllli lin Bill {g ill l�I ill II II ll i ', i �ff ME 1 L�IALCrJ�1^!�'iC 1111” 111'I' III II y + . f i s I'Ill 111 VIII u ,�1II 1111111/1 Intl III II iv ,, „ � y. y,-<we,�n�v f1 1 �'�rJ'�� n I�—� I I II I ,i....... ......• .... ..... ...... D k' ...R..... ........ r ............... JAMES S.BIJ SECRETARYWILIdAM R.BURGER,PR ENT n i1111111/ u AM M j, llo111I a llr!liilliull'� w 1 � lill11i11111111110,l4fglo�llllli' _ - �It 110 I c3lt/i�l 1� � , Off this 31"DAY of MAY of A.D., 2001,bell die subsciibcd,a Novy Public of the State of New,leisey,duffi-orlSspned.aud quahhal, 1 r,+m0 the afxiv4tt �'�syde��i�3e,ra�arY ok..tlic�rvir�Ii}.€uratice Ctusipany,Ittt w u> the IxrsLuad krtawti.-., bss rrk7ikul y k; 1i0 - a s�i .<1IIa+-`ars F '11ed z4 tt_yt in �srsu len rtd they ach,t€kno a4di &xcuutionui tFn_:same auri3ic 'lair =#ful - _- y, s .. Ik+K �-- rssrary7,ceve-rally ati elr€ ten` i4 7q.I a! m "t �i thesttid otCrt,€as of-Uie C;omryany�tbresaid-arnt datihc seafalla d iti thr eGcdi r�-mss uruaihs,is ke t oij o air$usGol s p l,C tytlpabr Intl oat the Cnefxarata Seal and dipir s gratin esas suet 0 lees Were duly,. It ed and sub cit d-In tit€ pis ttiT silt by Lite dVdiOrlty and{hiet,natl Of t1ulsled t.0i'poraVOn, .. '11'11 'i111j1 Iiillr 1,1j1 lipllil lu id 1p lir}Dill 11111'1 Ili 1ii11p 111I1�1II'i�It - J I I, - - r I I Il I I II p A 1, II, II�I'l�' Ir '�lli�ll'Ii1iIII�1111V11 ulllllllll'P��tir0M If if I IIId�4) r1> ht . "!1 Illlill,lll ulll!1 lllllllllll` GTI 11 u I;;,fhe 5tkt p r ed taYY of the Service Insurance'Company,Inc.,do hetet cern that the o al P wer of Attorney which the f4t a � on eY f3' Y t the dots T a m a I d+ fu ra fhalf the Fr t 4 an 11., I t� ", IV, alp, Ir II 1 Bo -: 1 , u , 1 11 1 i1,,, a 1. � '���yy���r` .H1 ar 'o N tl fttW �ilul,l 1 Jill, Mo Imm, �� 34 ak S ' # 1 III, 1 IIS it i t y 'rMM ' J'ln€ i II itl ji i�L II IIS, III it 1 Il n II i 41111 hill.' by fa€sdmile{Intoe} arid by audii of die lollcn�iaig resolution of die Board of Directors Of the Service insurance Comps#iy{IYu;' f �1i}lg a#e l J!' 'f the l4'clay of Dere 1999 III IUIJilifill l��illlll4...IIt11111IIiI�i�hIS�1 111'�I l�I'III I� ! ,'.1,�1��h' Illi 111111 I'll IIyIS .�f'I�I .IIS falu}vil N1Bl' 1hy:N'fsllt rl% FOL filg%pOy'of#hc. Com1�nY cu���ktria7c 1' llililM1N'��,II 1,111 u11g1� tyi y"dk' il �tttenl:�>. 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II II Ir III 111111 III ileo l — 11 IIII Il IIII IIIII1111111P�1 V = l u k�mm � .t I feaveTtersurifzr subs€nl y name siiLl 'xJ=+1 C C<>r�sbiate Scat bf die sant t;ompany r}us__ __day of ��t11h Iil.vlllilf 1111h'1 IIIVjypII,,=I vlu ll sill llly ll ! I 'I1�p0`r Il riji IliI10111F I1ut 11j'1111 IIII^1�IhYp IOf ,-0f1r I. VIII. c Ilhl � C�,tI III IrIpii.Il ulilil llllll 1114,� _ CI III � Ill Vll ., �I t.,� ,F1i 111 yv 11 1,'1I1�tm�11 I�illll IIIIIII,,, IIIIIIIIIh 1111n 'iiw�lil Ilryo 111 it 11 II I�IIk3�1 MII � �" I 1 1111 Il VIII I,i1.. ll r�Il{ 4n��ij ,I,11111�I1,111i,I11 rII I I' Y ;E; � ,I" II g111�1•JIVl�l�v 11I111pLorrll�Il ,IpllillirnoL, 11 Illid ' 1} IIIu1hi11 11' u'w +8 I L I I 11 I I 1111 ^il' IIn11uWVA Ih1Rtl ): ull�ol hl li1hl 91 Ik l ~ 'III u�u°, J1I1�;1 I'lnfiIll{io^I fiff,Iull1111 f1liillfifl 1111 1 r o. 'I � +b4• _ llpl�y 1 II �� 1I 110 otter >ri es Buryyet WrWam purger Itsy.d In 1,m1 �IlIl1I „�IrI�I 11 k ',In of I�p�tIV 1 II111 iurgll'1 111u1i1�tlp�1 11 II�p111 �i , It e >� _ °r' 111 11 n I11o11 111 1 Ill I�I INI riPp i1 VIIl' � I�II 1 '���I �I,M ahlli� , i � � _ IIIi1 Ii III I ^ I iIl 11 11111111 — -_� I1V II II��IIII�IIIII� 1111I'III��l1i11111 �illllHih4 �11'Ill,la,¢I�1��, MMM j11111 — I >,e • ROBERT D. PIKE Counselor At Law Cowennaft to the Law ojRed Property.Em mwnandProte M4 the Inkrnet and MaUen ojPubfk Concern 138 Ostrander Ave. Riverhead,New York 11901 (631) 727 7204 rpike@pikus.com December 18, 2006 To; Jeri Woodhouse, Chairperson of the Southold Town Planning Board and Members of the Planning Board From Rob Pike,counsel to Kim Fuentes. Good Afternoon, Pursuant to your advice, I'm emailing and faxing our proposal. It is in response to Gail Wickham's last communication on Friday Eve. I submitted the idea to her around 9 pm this morning. I haven't heard from her yet, and time is running out on today's deadline. This letter, the Schematic, and the specs below, as explained by my email to her, create a win/win solution. The only major issue is the length of the guard rail, she was at 401, mine works out to about 60', and the timing of the installation of the Guide Rail and Planting system. If she still has any concerns about the superiority of arborvitae, nigra type, I think a bit of research will assuage them. I submit this to the Planning Board, as a simple, better alternative, and ask that it be incorporated in the Planning Board's recommendations and approval resolutions. S 87'36'00• g 3W n� 343.6A A borvitae - Nigra hp Raised Curb Guard Rail One Foot off Prop. Line n v 1 \ P , Specifications 1. Plantings of arborvitae, nigra type, the right choice for sound and light screening. Install 6'tall plants 4.5' on center,or if T-8',they 5' on center. The important principle here is that the plants should be touching,or within one or two inches of each other,on the day of installation, so that a protective barrier for sound and light will be largely there at installation,and will improve over time. These plants would run the entire length of the guide rail, between the guide rail and the access road to the Cottages. The arbor vitae would be planted around the ends of the guide rail so that the rail would not be seen by drivers or pedestrians on the access road. 2. Construct a guide rail beginning 20 feet in front of the Fuentes Home, starting one foot from the property line, and carry all the way back to the end of the concrete patio on the back of Kim's house, 1' off and parallel to the property line. The 20' extension is to protect the front of the house from all three impacts; light sound and vehicular from traffic turning off of Old Sound Ave, on to the access road. The guide rail would be built to code,and should be made of the W metal material that slowly oxidizes to a thin layer of rust, giving it an earthen tone, rather than the galvanized look. The principle here remains that a vehicle skidding out of control, or underestimating the sharpness of the turn onto the access road (which is more acute than 90 degrees,) should be slowed and then stopped by the curb, and then the arbor vitae, and if not,the rail. 3. We believe it would be appropriate to put these protections in at an early stage of the development, as the road will need to be cleared and improved early in the development's critical path,and the construction and worker's vehicles will probably be the noisiest, brightest,and most massive. Thank you for your consideration,and assistance. Sincere y obe i e Gail, Well, I now understand that the aesthetics of the entryway seems to be as important to your clients as protection from light, sound and out of control vehicles is to mine. So, it's Monday morning, and I have had time to consult with Kim Fuentes. I'm confident that you will find that the planting of the nigra type of arborvitae to the specs we provided will fill the bill here; they do not grow as tall as either emerald green or green giant types and they make good organic sound and light barriers, and form integrated hedges naturally. We agree that a guide rail will reduce whatever risk is presented by the entrance to Kim's house. If the arborvitae planting and guide rail system is extended out from the house to a point where a car headed west, and turning left(south) off of Old Sound Ave. cannot see the Fuentes house (which is fairly plain) we will have begun to solve all three problems. . I, from the survey, estimated 20 feet in front of the house. If you run that rail/planting system from there down to the end of her patio,we will concede that the location of the trees on the entrance side of the guide rail would work for both our purposes. One,the planting/guide rail system will substantial reduce all three factors of sound, light and errant vehicles. This would help with Kim's enjoyment of her home. Two, your client's residents will not see either the guide rail or Kim's house when entering from the Village side. . I would suggest that the plan include arborvitae that cover the guard rails on both ends to further improve the aesthetics, as the rail would be entirely hidden by the Arborvitae. And, the entrance to your clients project would be rather elegant. The planting spec, and design principles, would remain the same. I'm working on a schematic, and will send that off to you soon,but I wanted to get the new compromise idea off to you as soon as I could. If this is agreeable, I think we have a win/win plan and settlement. Rob Town of Southold - Lett* Boardtting of December 19, 2006 rj 4X RESOLUTION 2006-984 Item# 33 rt�i ADOPTED DOC ID: 2407 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2006-984 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 19,2006: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby accepts the Site Improvement Performance Bond No. 1926N issued by the The Service Insurance Company Inc in the amount of$284,165.00 for The Cottages at Mattituck, SCTM #1000- 122-2-23.1, located on the s/s/o Sound Avenue and the w/s/o Factory Avenue in Mattituck, as recommended by the Southold Town Planning Board, all in accordance with the approval of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman SECONDER: Albert Krupski Jr., Councilman AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell, Krupski Jr. i � s Generated December 20, 2006 Page 45 LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON & GEASA, P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD. P.O. BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MA FTITUCK. LONG ISLAND ERIC J. BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM SUITE I I I LYNNE M.GORDON MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 ---- "rFLEFAX NO.631-298-8565 631-249-9480 wwblaw a aol.com TELEFAX NO.631-.249=94S4 . December 19, 2006 f _ Town of Southold Planning Board rp�� ) Post Office Box 1179 - ! , 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 L-2- Re: CDC of LI —Application for Final Plat of Standar "* ion Premises: Sound Avenue Mattituck NY SCTM91000- 1_ Dear Boardmembers: Confirming our discussion at last night's work session, my client is agreeable to the following to screen and shield the Fuentes house: 1. Regular curbing along both sides of the entrance to the subdivision for the length of the Fuentes property, in lieu of mountable curbs. The curbs would be tapered down to join with the mountable curbing for the remainder of the subdivision. 2. 53 foot guide rail set off at least one foot from the property line at either end. The rail would start 20 feet in front of the house and will be steel w-shaped with steel post supports. 3 Line of 4 foot arborvitae planted 4.5 feet on center just in front of the guide rail, end to end. 4. The installation will occur in coordination with the subdivision improvements and seasonal conditions. Thank you for your consideration. Very tr ly yours, � AAb ail A. Wickham Cc: Rob Pike AA IV/im Re/cdc/pbscreening • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �pF SOUry P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �O� OldSouthold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS H O� Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMNJOSEPH L.TOWNSEOND � OOUNTV,N � (cor. Ma uYoungs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 12, 2006 Gail Wickham, Esq. Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & Geasa, P.0 PO Box 1421 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Standard Subdivision of the Cottages at Mattituck Located on the s/s/o Sound Avenue and the w/s/o Factory Avenue in Mattituck SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 Zoning District: Affordable Housing District (AHD) Dear Ms Wickham: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, December 11, 2006, adopted the following resolutions: The public hearing was closed. WHEREAS, this proposal is to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 22 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 8,000 square feet to 15,817 square feet, in the Affordable Housing District; and WHEREAS, the applicant is the Community Development Corporation of Long Island, a not for profit organization seeking to develop the subject property for affordable housing pursuant to Article VI, Affordable Housing District, of the Town Code, and in accordance with the Town's goal of addressing the housing needs of its local residents; and WHEREAS, an application for sketch approval was submitted to the Southold Town Planning Board on January 12, 2006 and the fee in the amount of$1,000 on January 31, 2006; and WHEREAS, on March 13, 2006 the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Approval upon the map prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated October 31, 2005; and WHEREAS, by Resolution #2006-338, the Southold Town Board designated itself as Lead Agency and issued a Negative Declaration for the Type I Action, pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law; and The Cottages at Mattituck Page Two December 12, 2006 WHEREAS, on June 6, 2006, the applicant submitted an application and fee for preliminary plat approval; and WHEREAS, a preliminary public hearing was held for this project on July 24, 2006 and closed on August 14, 2006; and WHEREAS, on August 11, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board received the notice of bond estimate in the amount of$284,165 and the proposed administrative fee in the amount of$17,049.90 as calculated by the Town Engineer; and WHEREAS, on August 14, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board granted Preliminary Plat Approval upon the map prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated May 31, 2006 and last revised on June 1, 2006; and WHEREAS, on August 30,2006, the applicant submitted the final subdivision map prepared by Paul Racz, L.S. of Nelson and Pope dated July of 2006 and last revised on August 25, 2006, containing all of the map revisions required by the Planning Board as a condition of preliminary plat approval; and WHEREAS, on August 30, 2006, the applicant submitted the final road and drainage plans prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope dated August 16, 2006; and WHEREAS, on November 6, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board received a letter from the Office of the Town Engineer indicating that the road and drainage plans have been satisfactorily revised and that the project will meet the minimum requirements for road and drainage improvements, as proposed; and WHEREAS, on December 8, 2006, the applicant submitted the application and fee for final plat approval, one (1) copy of the filed Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions pertaining to the perpetual affordability of the homes, one (1) copy of the final draft Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions pertaining to the subdivision requirements and the letter of water availability from the Suffolk County Water Authority; and WHEREAS, on December 11, 2006, the applicant submitted eight (8) paper prints and five (5) mylars of the final map prepared by Paul Racz, L.S. of Nelson and Pope dated July of 2006 and last revised on November 10, 2006, each containing the Health Department stamp of approval; be it therefore RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board has agreed to review the proposed additional site improvements offered by the applicant to protect the adjacent property owner, identified by SCTM#1000-122-2-12 , from the potential traffic impacts, subject to review by the Town Engineer prior to the December 19th Town Board Meeting; and be it further The Cottages at Mattituck Page Three December 12, 2006 RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby accepts the bond estimate in the amount of $284,165 pursuant to Section 240-32(B) of the Town Code and shall forward the Performance Bond to the Town Attorney and Town Board for approval; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grant Conditional Final Plat Approval upon the map prepared by Paul Racz, L.S. of Nelson and Pope dated July of 2006 and last revised on November 10, 2006 and authorize the Chairperson to endorse the maps upon fulfillment of the following conditions: 1. Submission of the Performance Bond in the amount of $284,165 and the Administrative Fee in the amount of $17,049.90. The Performance Bond will be forwarded to the Town Attorney and the Town Board for approval. 2. Submission of one (1) copy of the recorded Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions pertaining to the subdivision requirements. The final maps shall be endorsed by the Chairperson after the conditions of approval have been satisfied, including approval of the Performance Bond by the Town Attorney and Town Board. Upon endorsement by the Chairperson, the mylars and paper prints must be picked up at this office and filed in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk. Any plat not so filed or recorded within sixty-two (62) days of the date of map signing shall become null and void. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, erilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson cc: Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney Philip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator Building Department (with map) Tax Assessors (with map) I.AAA 011 K I's WICKHAM. BRESSLER. GORDON & GEASA. P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD. P.O. BOX 1424 \VILLIAM WICKIIAM(06-02) %IA I I I I I K. LONG I1,11 A\1) ERIC J.BRESSI.t:R NI:W YORK 11052 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A. WICKIIAM SUI 111 III LYNNE M.GORDON %1LIMI.I.E. NEW YORK 11747 JAN BTGEASA 631-298-83?3 -`- ---- I I.I.I.I AX No.631-298-856 "� 631-249-9480 \mIlkm aaolxomrFILH %X NO. 631-249-9484 December 8. 2006 Att: Anthony Trezza Town of Southold planning Board Post Office Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold. New York 11971 Re: CDC of LI — Application for Final Plat of Standard Subdivision Premises: Sound Avenue (and Factory Avenue), Mattituck, NY SCTM# 1000-83- 2-17.1 Dear Anthony: Enclosed are the following items in connection with Final Plat approval: 1.) Final plat Application form: 2.) Proposed Covenants and Restrictions for subdivision. The originals will be executed tomorrow and a duplicate original delivered to your offices on Monday. The orjginal will be dispatched for recording at the Std-folk County Clerk's Office. �.) A duplicate original ofthe Affordable Housing District Covenants and Restrictions dated November 17. 2006 together with recording information. This constitutes proof. as required be Your Preliminary Approval dated August 1.4. 2006. that the lots on the map are perpetually affordable. These covenants were recorded in the Suffolk County C'lerk's Office on November 28. 2006 in Liber 12480 cp 627. and a certified copy was delivered to tile 'Town Clerk together with a check for 5125.000 payable to the Town of Southold for Ill Sanitary Flow Credits. 4.) A copy of the Sanitary Flovv Certificate. the original of which has been delivered to the Suffolk County Department of Health Sery 5) �. ivwtcv a �,P� 6�l t� /e77ca The following Items ar \c delivered under' separate cover: �,rna 1) DO Application fee for Final Plat. CA/La.." AdministratiYe lee of$17.049.90 w As per our prior discussion Several weeks ago. the applicant is unable to comply with Condition 3(m), which requires that the Subdivision map will be null and void if the applicant does not comply with the AlTrrdable Housing District provisions of the Southold Town Code. This is because once the map is filed, no titles could be insured, and no properties sold or mortgaged if the map could become void. this would preclude the project entirely. However, the Planning Board may look to other protections to insure that its concern of perpetual affordability is addressed. First, the AHD C&R's, set forth in this letter, contain multiple protections if the property is not developed or used as affordable housing in accordance with the Town Code. The Town has a right to enforce the covenants. including recovery of its attorneys fees. The Town has a right to declare the landowner in default and exercise it's option to purchase the property. The Town also has a right to require a reversion of title in the event of such a default. 'These drastic protections were worked out in detail with the County of Suffolk, the Town Attorneys office, the Town Board and prospective lender's counsel over weeks of discussion and redrafting. We believe they more than adequately address the concern of the Planning Board in this regard. Secondly, the County ofSuffolk. in conjunction with review and approval by the Town Attorney. has required that the applicant execute a Development Agreement requiring the development of the property for affordable housing, and further that the applicant post a bond, in the form of an $895,000 escrow, to insure completion of the project in accordance with such requirements. That Development Agreement has been executed by the CDC and delivered to the County, and the escrow agreement will follow at closing of title with the Town and the County. Therefore. we respectfully request that this condition be eliminated. Likewise, we believe that Condition 3(n);no building permits until proof of perpetual affordability to Planning Board;has been complied with. as per the enclosed AHD Covenants and Restrictions. and this condition need not be reflected in the covenants and restrictions. Once again. many thanks for all your work on this matter. Very truly \0111-S. .ac, ,(/ V Abigail A. Wickham AAW/ji Encl. Re/cdc'phprelun DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS DECLARATION, made the `a* day of December, 2006,by CDCLI Housing Development Fund Corporation,having an office at 2100 Middle Country Road, Centereach,New York 11720, hereinafter referred to as the Declarant. WHEREAS,the Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate at 895 Factory Avenue, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more fully described in Schedule A annexed hereto, and WHEREAS, the Declarant has made application to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for approval of a 22 lot Standard Subdivision in the Affordable Housing District known as "Cottages at Mattituck", and WHEREAS, in consideration of the granting of subdivision approval,the Planning Board of the Town of Southold has required certain covenants as a condition of said approval and that this Declaration be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office, and WHEREAS, the Declarant has considered the foregoing and determined that the same will be for the best interest of the Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARATION WITNESSETH: That the Declarant, for the purposes of carrying out the intentions above expressed,does hereby covenant and agree that the said premises described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors and assigns, to wit: 1. No Further Subdivision. There shall be no further subdivision of any lot in perpetuity. 2. No Lot Line Change. There shall be no modification of any lot line without the approval of the Planning Board. 3. Non-Disturbance Buffer. The lots shall contain a non-disturbance vegetation 1 buffer at the rear of each lot as shown on the filed map and as set forth below(the Buffer Area): Lot 1: 25 feet, and in addition, the northerly area of Lot 1 as shown on the filed map. Lots 2 through 5 inclusive: 25 feet. Lot 6: 15 feet Lot 7: 15 feet in the area shown on the filed map. Lot 10: 20 feet Lot 12: 25 feet in the area shown on the filed map. Lots 13 through 22, inclusive: 25 feet. No trees or natural vegetative cover may be removed within the Buffer Area; except for the removal of noxious, dead and decayed vegetation; provided that the area in which maintenance activity is conducted will be re-vegetated in accordance with a plan approved by the Planning Board with species native to Long Island and the State of New York. Such clearing and replanting shall be subject to prior review by the Town Planning Board to insure the proper maintenance and preservation of the natural buffer. Noxious vegetation shall mean poison ivy or other poisonous plant material, bamboo, or vines or other invasive species which threaten the health of trees or other natural undergrowth within the buffer. No structures may be erected within the Buffer Area, except 1) a fence around the outer perimeter, and 2) an unlit sign within the Buffer Area of Lot 1 setting forth the name of the subdivision, all of which shall be in compliance with Town Code. No dumping of debris or other action inconsistent with the non-disturbance purpose of the Buffer Area is permitted in the Buffer Area. 4. Perpetual Affordability. The subdivision is subject to a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions dated November 17, 2006, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 12480 cp 627, covenanting, inter alia, that all the lots in 2 such subdivision are subject to the provisions of the Affordable Housing District as set forth in the Southold Town Code, 5. All structures with impervious areas shall control and retain surface runoff through the use of gutters, leaders and subsurface drywells. 6. Driveway Access. There shall be no driveway or other vehicular access from Lot 9 to Factory Avenue. Vehicular access to all lots shall be from Sound Avenue only, except for emergency access over the access designated on the filed map. 7. These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owner of the lot with the approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold after a public hearing. Property owners of other lots in the subdivision which adjoin or are across the street from the lot subject to the modification request shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing but their consent to such modification shall not be required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant above named has executed the foregoing Declaration the day and year first above written. CDCLI Housing Development Fund Corporation By: ananne Garvin, President STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS.: On December f W�, 2006,before me,the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State,personally appeared Mt�i2i.,"g personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument,the individual, or the person or ty upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Pu ac re%&rpbsub JOAN M.CONVERT Mu"Pub110,St8ft a1 N*W** N0.01004767000 3 au~in&db*Cowry My Oawn ww Epku MW 31.9010 SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY DECLARANT: CDCLI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND CORPORATION, fee owners by virtue of deed recorded in Liber 12450 page 9211; SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 H.D.REF. NO.: 510-05-0021 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Sound Avenue (North Road) distant 293.00 feet westerly as measured along the southerly side of Sound Avenue from its intersection with the westerly side of Factory Avenue (Railroad Avenue); RUNNING THENCE along land now or formerly of J & N Moloney, South 20 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 256.03 feet; THENCE North 69 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds East 38.00 feet; THENCE South 18 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds East 28.73 feet still along land now or formerly of J & N Moloney; THENCE South 21 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds East 221.91 feet along land now or formerly of J. E. Berdinka and land now or formerly of Mautarelli; THENCE South 19 degrees 16 minutes 10 seconds East 166.65 feet along lands now or formerly of D. Pinkall, E. McGetrick and F. Zaneski; THENCE South 72 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West 43.69 feet along the northerly line of land now or formerly of M.T. Bradley; THENCE South 17 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds East 113.22 feet along the westerly side of land now or formerly of M.T. Bradley; THENCE along the southerly line of land now or formerly of M.T. Bradley, North 72 degrees 34 minutes 02 seconds East 255.99 feet to the westerly side of Factory Avenue; THENCE along the westerly side of Factory Avenue, South 17 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds East 91.80 (91.27 deed) feet to the northerly line of land now or formerly of Long Island Railroad; Page 1 of 3 SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SCHEDULE A Continued THENCE along the land now or formerly of Long Island Railroad the following 8 courses and distances: 1. South 47 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 224.15 (224.32 deed) feet; 2. North 19 degrees 16minutes 10 seconds West 7.10 feet; 3. South 48 degrees 42minutes 00 seconds West 134.96 feet; 4. South 52 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds West 91.94 feet; 5. South 45 degrees 24minutes 50 seconds West 108.55 feet; 6. South 43 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds West 100.21 feet; 7. South 46 degrees 08 minutes 20 seconds West 100.01 feet; B. South 48 degrees 49 minutes 50 seconds West 10.89 feet to land now or formerly of Charlotte Dickerson; THENCE along land now or formerly of Charlotte Dickerson, North 20 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds West 231.30 feet to the southerly line of land now or formerly of C. Sullivan; THENCE along last mentioned land, North 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East 177.27 feet to the easterly side of land now or formerly of C. Sullivan; THENCE along last mentioned land the following 5 courses and distances: 1. North 20 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds West 126.65 feet; 2. North 19 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds West 251.55 feet; 3. North 20 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds West 91.02 feet; 4. North 19 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds West 195.00 feet; 5. North 20 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds West 30.81 feet still along land now or formerly of C. Sullivan; THENCE along lands now or formerly of C. Sullivan, L. Yocovelli, T. and S. Best and K. Fuentes, North 69 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds East 235.62 feet to the easterly line of land now or formerly of K. Fuentes; Page 2 df 3 ti • i SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SCHEDULE A Continued THENCE along last mentioned land, North 20 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds West 274.20 feet to the southerly side of Sound Avenue (North Road); THENCE along the southerly side of Sound Avenue (North Road) the following 2 courses and distances: 1. South 87 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds East 42.60 feet; 2. North 85 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East 7.37 feet to land now or formerly of J. & N. Moloney and point or place of BEGINNING. Page 3 of 3 1111111 IIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII VIII 1111 IIII 11111111111111111 IN I 1 I l l l SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DECLARATION/DOP Recorded: 11/28/2006 Number of Pages : 12 At: 03 : 15 :37 PM Receipt Number : 06-0114509 LIBER: D00012480 PAGE: 627 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 122 .00 02 . 00 023 . 001 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $36 .00 NO Handling $5 . 00 NO COE $5 .00 NO NYS SRCHG $15 . 00 NO TP-584 $0 . 00 NO Notation $0 . 00 NO Cert.Copies $15 . 60 NO RPT $30 . 00 NO SCTM $0 . 00 NO Fees Paid $106 . 60 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County 2OPCIRDED • Number of pages tlo:. p_: I`:_- P1 TORRENS judith A. r3_C81e _1"e6'Y OF Serial # SUFFOLK COUNT," iNTY L C:f_O012 W, Certificate# F' 627 Prior Ctf. # Deed . Mortgage Instrument Deed/ Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording / Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page/Filing Fee Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic. Tar Handling 5 .00 2. Additional Fax TP-584 Sub Total __----- _--_-- -- -— Spec. /Assn. Notation --_ or (County) ,(� Spec. /Add. EA-5217 -----------....-.........._ _...—.. Sub Total — TOT. MTG. TAX EA-5217 (State) Dual Town - Dual County Held for Appointment____ R.P.T.S.A, 1A Transfer Tax ---------- -- Comm. of Ed. 9. 0L Mansion Tax r° W l The property covered by this motgage is or will he improved by a one or two (:egt: Cc pv� �� family dwelling only. YES or NO py Sub Total If NO. see appropriate tax clause on /` Other � _ Grand Total Page # of this instrument. !� /Od0 .40 (J d 00 JdO k, 17 / 4 Uistrrct Section ,� Block Lot 5 Community Preservation Fund Real 1000 12200 0200 023001 Consideration Amount $ Property Tax ServiceRP T S CPP Tax Due $...-.-..-.-..._--.......----.....- LPA A Agency 8-NOV Improved Verification Vacant Land 6 Satisfaction/Discharges/Release List Property Owners Mailing Address TD RECORD & RETURN TO: TD CvIL�C,�,gm ��fJJ[ e/( 6o/Gdo s -.5t, RC . TD /y19 ��c 7 Title Company Information Co. Name Fidelity National Title Insurance Co. Title# 06-7404-65791.SS-SUFF 81 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached DECLARATION OF COVENANTS & RESTRICTIONS made hy: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) CDCLI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT F iND The premisis herein is situated in CORPORATION SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE or HAM1,H]'of MATTITUCK BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MIDST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) DECLARATION OF COVENANTS & RESTRICTIONS AFFORDABLE HOUSING THE COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK This DECLARATION OF COVENANTS & RESTRICTIONS (the "Declaration") is made this170day of November, 2006, by CDCLI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND CORPORATION, a not-for-profit corporation with offices at 2100 Middle Country Road, Centereach, New York 11720 ("CDCLP'); and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. a municipal corporation with offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971 ( the "Town') WITNESSETH Whereas, CDCLI is the owner of the real property know as the Cottages at Mattituck and more particularly described on Schedule A annexed hereto and made a part hereof(the "Property") which includes 22 parcels to be improved with single family residences(each a"Unit"); and Whereas, the Town has approved the development of the Property as affordable housing to be developed and used in accordance with the Town Code and specifically in accordance with Chapters 34, 117, and 280 thereof, and Whereas, CDCLI and the Town desire to provide for the preservation of the Property for the purpose of affordable housing and, to this end, desire to subject the Property to the covenants and restrictions hereinafter set forth, each and all of which is and are for the benefit of the Property and the Town; and Whereas, the Town will acquire the property from the County of Suffolk (the "County") as part of the grant process, and will reconvey the property to CDCLI for the development thereof. Now Therefore, the Town, for itself, its successors and assigns, declares that the Property is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants and restrictions hereafter set forth. 1. Ownership. The owner of fee simple title (the "Owner") of a Unit shall be limited to: (A)As to Units 2,3,4,5,6,7,13,14,15,16 and 17, families/individuals whose household income does not exceed eighty (80%) percent of the HUD median income for the County of Suffolk; and 1 (B) As to Units 1,8,9,10,11,12,18,19,20,21 and 22, families/individuals whose household income does not exceed one hundred (100%) percent of the HUD median income for the County of Suffolk; and (C) In either case, the Owner shall be registered with the Town Housing Registry and shall hold a Certificate of Eligibility issued by the Special Projects Coordinator ("SPC") of the Town in accordance with the Town Code. "Owner" as used herein shall not include CDCLI on the initial sale of the Units, except as to the price restrictions set forth herein, nor any Lender who acquired ownership of a Unit pursuant to foreclosure sale in accordance with Article 8 herein. Household income shall be determined at the time of determination of eligibility. 2. Occupancy, Sale or Rental of Unit: (A) Occupancy of Unit. (1) Owner shall, at all times, occupy the Unit as his or her principal residence unless specifically permitted by the Town to rent or sell the unit as set forth in paragraph B or C of this section. (2) Pursuant to §280-31 of the Town Code, Owner shall submit an annual report to the Special Projects Coordinator ("SPC") no later than May 315 of each calendar year certifying Owner's continued residency in the Unit during the prior year. (B) Sale of Unit: (1) Owner shall comply with the procedures for resale and the resale price restrictions set forth in the Town Code §280-30 through §280-31 and any applicable Town Board Resolution ("Resolution") governing the Unit. The Town has established criteria in accordance with the Town Code governing the Unit regarding the eligibility of households entitled to purchase the Unit under this Declaration, which may be amended by the Town from time to time. (2) Owner shall sell or transfer the Unit only to persons listed on the Town Housing Registry in possession of a Certificate of Eligibility issued by the SPC, in accordance with income restrictions set forth in Article 1 (A) & (B), and who, to the best of Owner's knowledge, intend to reside therein("Qualified Buyer"). (3) Owner may not sell the Unit for more than the price established by Town in accordance with §280-30 of the Town Code and the Resolution. ("Town Sale Price"). (4) In the event Owner wishes to sell the Unit, he shall notify the Town Clerk of his intention to sell and deliver a copy of a proposed contract of sale together with a written notice of his intent to sell at least 30 days prior to entering into such contract in accordance with §280-30 of the Town Code. Owner shall not enter into any contract 2 without obtaining the prior written consent of the SPC. Any contract entered into without the approval of the SPC shall be void. (5) Any deed of Conveyance of a Unit to another shall refer to this Declaration and shall also contain such language as the Town and County may require in order to continue the right of reverter for the benefit of the Town as described in Article 7 herein. (6) In the event of the death of an owner, the Unit may be transferred to the surviving spouse or children who are Qualified Buyers, or who, upon application, qualify as Qualified Buyers, subject to all mortgages and liens. (C) Rental of Unit: (1) Rental of Units is restricted by the terms of the subsidies and grants awarded in the development of this Property. Upon the termination or expiration of such restrictions, Units may be rented only in accordance with the terms herein. (2) In the event Owner intends to rent the Unit to another person, he shall submit a copy of the proposed lease to the Town Clerk together with a written notice of his intent to enter into the lease at least 14 days prior to the effective date of said lease in accordance with §280-30 of the Town Code. The lease must be in writing. Owner shall not enter into any lease without obtaining the prior written consent of the SPC. Owner will not rent the Unit without a written lease. Any lease entered into without the approval of the SPC shall be void. (3) In no event will the Town approve a lease unless the tenants are families/individuals listed on the Town Housing Registry in possession of a Certificate of Eligibility issued by the SPC. (4) The maximum rental amount and maximum incomes of tenants shall be as determined by the Town as set forth in §280-30 and §280-31 of the Town Code. (5) No lease shall be for a period of more than two (2)years. (6) Pursuant to §280-31 of the Town Code, Owner shall submit an annual report to the SPC no later than May 31" of each calendar year in writing certifying the amount of rent received by Owner for the prior year and that the lease complies with the provisions of the Town Code. Owner shall include in any lease the requirement that Tenant submit an annual report to the SPC certifying the tenant's household income for the prior year no later than May 31" of each year. 3. Mortgages and Encumbrances. (A) Owner may mortgage a Unit to a bona-fide institutional lender provided the aggregate principal amount of all mortgages and liens (excluding subsidy liens and 3 SONYMA Closing Cost Assistance Loans) shall not exceed the Town Sale Price of the Unit. (B) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Owner may not encumber the Unit with a Prohibited Mortgage. A Prohibited Mortgage shall mean a "reverse mortgage", a "negative amortization"mortgage, a "no income verification" mortgage, a"stated income mortgage", or a mortgage which provides for payments of interest only other than a home equity line of credit which allows payment of interest only for no more than five years of the term of the mortgage; (C)_ A mortgagee shall give Notice to the Town, in accordance with Article 11 herein, of its status as a mortgagee and of any assignment thereof. Owner specifically authorizes a mortgagee or any lien holder to send a copy of any notice of default, notice of acceleration, or notice of intent to foreclosure, if any, to the Town of Southold. 4. Event of Default: The occurrence of any of the following shall constitute an Event of Default: (A) Owner ceases to occupy the Unit as his principal residence without obtaining the Town's written approval to sell or lease the Unit; (B) Owner sells or transfers the Unit without obtaining the Town's prior written approval; (C) Owner leases or rents the Unit to a tenant prior to obtaining the Town's approval thereto, or allows another person to reside in the Unit; or Owner leases the Unit at a monthly rental rate in excess of the affordable monthly rental rate determined by the Town; (D) Owner fails to submit an annual compliance report, or if leased, the tenant fails to submit an annual compliance report as required under §280-31 in a timely manner; (E) Owner voluntarily or involuntarily encumbers the Unit in an aggregate amount greater than the amount allowed by Article 3A above or allows a Prohibited Mortgage to encumber the Unit. (F) Owner is declared in default under the terms of any mortgage or other lien affecting the Unit; (G) Owner fails to perform or keep or abide by any term, covenant or condition contained in this Declaration, or fails to comply with any other provision of Chapters 34, 117, or §280-24 through §280-33 of the Town Code; (H) If any written representation or statement made to the Town by the Owner with respect to qualification or certification for eligibility as a Qualified Buyer, including the annual compliance report, is untrue in any material regard; 4 (1) If Owner seeks relief, or a petition by creditors is filed, under any State or Federal Law affording relief to debtors including but not limited to Title 1I of the United States Code or the New York Debtor and Creditor Law. 5. Remedies Available to the Town. (A) If an Event of Default occurs, Town may issue a Notice of Default requiring Owner to cure the default. (B) In the event Owner fails to cure the default within a thirty day period after receipt of Notice of Default, the Town may, in its sole discretion, extend the period to cure such default if Owner is diligently proceeding to cure such default, or the Town may pursue any judicial or administrative remedy available at law or equity (including administrative and judicial remedies prescribed in the Town Code). (C) The Town may commence a civil action to enjoin any violation or to compel specific performance of this Declaration and to recover damages therefore. Monetary penalties are imposed by the Code, and such penalties are not the exclusive remedy available to the Town. (D) In addition to the rights otherwise set forth herein, violations of this Declaration by any person, corporation, or other entity, whether a principal, agent, employee or otherwise, including Owner, shall be punishable in accordance with the provisions of the §280-33 and/or§ 117-10 of the Town Code. (E) In the event that legal action is commenced by either Owner or Town to enforce any of the terms of this Declaration or the Town Code, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs arising from said action. (F) The Town shall promptly give written notice to the Lender of any Notice of Default or of any action to enforce this Declaration, including without limitation the remedies in this Article 5 and the Town's right of purchase or reverter in Articles 6 and 7, respectively. 6. Right of Town to Purchase: (A) In addition to, the remedies otherwise available to the Town hereunder, the Owner hereby grants to Town the option to purchase the Unit in the event of an uncured Event of Default. The consideration for the option to purchase is the economic benefits received by Owner resulting from his purchase of the Unit. The Town shall have thirty (30) days after the Default cure period has lapsed to notify Owner and all lien holders, if any, in writing, of its decision to exercise the option to purchase; however, Town shall exercise its option to purchase only after it has received consent in writing from the County. Said written consent from the County shall only be required if the Town elects to exercise its option to purchase within a period of ten (10) years after the date the Unit is first purchased by an Owner from CDCLI. 5 (B) If Town exercises its option to purchase the Unit, it shall use its best efforts to close title within ninety (90) days following delivery of the Notice of Default to the Owner. The Town may assign the option to purchase to a Qualified Buyer in accordance with the income restrictions of Article 1 (A) & (B). All closing costs shall be paid according to customary practice in Suffolk County. (C) The purchase price shall be the price paid by the Owner for the Unit adjusted for increases in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI") and permanent fixed improvements approved by the Town at the value determined by the SPC, less: (i) any mortgages, liens, including taxes, or any other encumbrances affecting the Unit; and (ii) subject to any grants or other benefits awarded the Owner at the time of purchase of the Unit, which shall be assumed by the next Owner of the Unit, who shall be a Qualified Buyer. Any purchaser of the Unit, including the Town or its assignee, shall be required to satisfy any bona-fide mortgage indebtedness thereon in full, or on the written consent of the mortgagee, assume the mortgage obligations of the Owner 7. Right of Reverter. (A) In addition to the remedies otherwise available to the Town hereunder, the Town shall have the right of reverter in the event an Owner fails to comply with any provision of§280-24 through §280-33 of the Town Code and does not cure such Event of Default within thirty (30) days of the delivery of a Notice of Default to the Owner. (B) The Town may exercise the right of reverter at any time following thirty (30) days after delivery of a Notice of Default to the Owner which Owner has failed to cure. (C) In the event the Town exercises the right of reverter, the Town shall be required to satisfy any bona-tide mortgage indebtedness thereon in full, or on the written consent of the mortgagee, a new owner may assume the obligations thereunder. (D) The aforesaid right of reverter shall be in common with the County for a period of ten (10)years after the date the Unit is first purchased by an Owner from CDCLI, and in the event of the exercise of such right of reverter during that period,title shall revert to the Town and the County as tenants in common. 8. Mortgage Foreclosure. (A) In the event of a default on any mortgage or lien affecting the Unit, and the commencement of a foreclosure proceeding by the mortgage holder, the Town, or its assignee shall have the right to cure such default and/or redeem the Unit prior to the 6 foreclosure sale. In such event, Owner agrees the Town shall succeed to all Owner's right, title and interest in and to the Unit. Such cure or redemption shall be subject to the same fees, charge and penalties which would otherwise be assessed against the Owner. Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring the Town to cure such default. The Lender shall give written notice of its declaration of a default or acceleration under its note and mortgage, and shall name the Town as a party defendant in any foreclosure action. Except as otherwise set forth herein, nothing herein shall in any way diminish the rights of a bona fide institutional lender, which secures a debt by a mortgage on the Unit, to exercise whatever remedies the lender has at law or in equity to foreclose the mortgage (B)In the event the Town does not elect to cure such default or redeem the Unit prior to the foreclosure sale. then the mortgage holder, if a bona fide financial banking institution licensed by the State of New York, including the State of New York Mortgage Agency ("SONYMA"), may sell the Unit to a non-qualified purchaser and such Unit will no longer be subject to this Declaration. The Town shall provide a release of this Declaration upon written request of the mortgage holder with respect to the Unit foreclosed. Any surplus funds exceeding the amounts due lien holders including principal balances due, all court approved accrued interest, penalties, late payment fees, reasonable attorneys' fees and all court costs and disbursements, shall be paid to the Town. 9. Successors and Assigns. The provisions of this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions shall run with the land and bind the Property for the benefit of the Town in perpetuity. 10. Amendments. This Declaration may not be changed or terminated, nor any of its provisions waived, except by written instrument signed by the Town, or if such amendment would be at variance with any provision of the Town Code, in accordance with Town procedure for Code amendments. 11. Notices: Any and all notices, elections, approvals, consents, demands, requests, responses and other communications permitted or required hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been properly given and shall be effective upon receipt or refusal thereof if delivered personally, or by recognized overnight courier, or three (3) days after deposit thereof in the United States mail, postage prepaid to the address of such party provided to the tax assessor. Notice to the Town shall be to the Supervisor, Town of Southold, at its then official address, with a copy to the Town Attorney and the Special Projects Coordinator at their then official addresses. 12. Miscellaneous. (A) No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Town is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy or remedies and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity. Delay or failure of the Town to exercise any of its rights under this Declaration or the Town Code shall not be deemed a waiver thereof. 7 (B) If any portion or portions of this Declaration shall be held invalid or inoperative, then all of the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect, and, so far as is reasonable and possible. effect shall be given to the intent manifested by the portion or portions held to be invalid or inoperative. (C) This Declaration shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York without regard to its principles of conflict of laws. (D) Any reference herein to sections of the Town Code shall include any and all applicable amendments and successor Local Laws thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Declaration has been executed on the day and year set forth above. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CDCLI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND CORPORATION by: by• Name: Sco A. Russell Name: meGarvin Title: Supervisor Title: President STATE OF NEW YORK; COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: On thday of November. 2006, before me, personally appeared MARIANNE GARVIN, personally known to me or proven to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the per on c d, executed th instrument. LAURA M.PACCtONE L �• �(�.. NotaryPublic,State of New Yoia No.4987118 No Public Qualffled in Suffolk county Oommission Expires October 7, 20— STATE , 20_STATE OF NEW YORK; COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ss: On the 11 day of November. 2006, before me, personally appeared SCOTT A. RUSSELL, personally known to me or proven to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Notary Pulwc Re/Cdc/C&RAND DONNIEJ.DOROSKI Notary Public,State of New York No.01006095328,Suffolk County Term Expires July 7,20—91— 8 SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY DECLARANT: CDCLI HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND CORPORATION, fee owners by virtue of deed recorded in Liber 12450 page 9211; SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 H.D.REF.NO.: S 10-05-0021 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Sound Avenue (North Road) distant 293.00 feet westerly as measured along the southerly side of Sound Avenue from its intersection with the westerly side of Factory Avenue (Railroad Avenue); RUNNING THENCE along land now or formerly of J & N Moloney, South 20 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 256.03 feet; THENCE North 69 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds East 38.00 feet; THENCE South 18 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds East 28.73 feet still along1and now or formerly of J & N Moloney; THENCE South 21 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds East 221.91 feet along land now or formerly of J. E. Berdinka and land now or formerly of Mautarelli; THENCE South 19 degrees 16 minutes 10 seconds East 166.65 feet along lands now or formerly of D. Pinkall, E. McGetrick and F. Zaneski; THENCE South 72 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West 43.69 feet along the northerly line of land now or formerly of M.T. Bradley; THENCE South 17 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds East 113.22 feet along the westerly side of land now or formerly of M.T. Bradley; THENCE along the southerly line of land now or formerly of M.T. Bradley, North 72 degrees 34 minutes 02 seconds East 255.99 feet to the westerly side of Factory Avenue; THENCE along the westerly side of Factory Avenue, South 17 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds East 91.80 (91.27 deed) feet to the northerly line of land now or formerly of Long Island Railroad; Page 1 of 3 r SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SCHEDULE A Continued THENCE along the land now or formerly of Long Island Railroad the following 8 courses and distances: 1. South 47 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 224.15 (224.32 deed) feet; 2. North 19 degrees 16minutes 10 seconds.West 7.10 feet; 3. South 48 degrees 42minutes 00 seconds West 134.96 feet; 4. South 52 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds West 91.94 feet; 5. South 45 degrees 24minutes 50 seconds West 108.55 feet; 6. South 43 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds West 100.21 feet; 7. South 46 degrees 08 minutes 20 seconds West 100.01 feet; 8. South 48 degrees 49 minutes 50 seconds West 10.89 feet to land now or formerly of Charlotte Dickerson; THENCE along land now or formerly of Charlotte Dickerson, North 20 degrees 06 minutes 00 seconds West 231.30 feet to the southerly line of land now or formerly of C. Sullivan; THENCE along last mentioned land, North 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East 177.27 feet.to the easterly side of land now.or formerly of C. Sullivan; THENCE along last mentioned land the following 5 courses and distances: 1. North 20 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds West 126.65 feet; 2. North 19 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds West 251.55 feet; 3. North 20 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds West 91.02 feet; 4. North 19 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds West 195.00 feet; 5. North 20 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds West 30.81 feet still along land now or formerly of C. Sullivan; THENCE along lands now or formerly of C. Sullivan, L. Yocovelli, T. and S. Best and K. Fuentes, North 69 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds East 235.62 feet to the easterly line of land now or formerly of K. Fuentes; Page 2 8f 3 SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SCHEDULE A Continued THENCE along last mentioned land, North 20 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds West 274.20 feet to the southerly side of Sound Avenue (North Road); THENCE along the southerly side of Sound Avenue (North Road) the following 2 courses and distances: 1. South 87 degrees 49 minutes 00 seconds East 42.60 feet; 2. North 85 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East 7.37 feet to land now or formerly of J. & N. Moloney and point or place of BEGINNING. Page 3 of 3 m rN-��r 1 '� •,, '�,. 1 �1+ �;.J"r^�I"`-"�i �Y fii��-an--a 1A +.*, ^-a �l}- ,,��-rte` 31��^s 2�u lat .»h .�! d` 2...,>. +a . . {K'dn� pa t lr.s,t i ir. .Y� rl•+..F.T,.;y�� � .,i .: , w �k.-- -+7` n+ ii#r ;4,>. ,1i .'., ,h y+� ,q t �r � 1 _ '{� .. a/ ��, „ '13i as� „���)� �� ���•, , .�19j l,� q .,r, t\n nen• :. 1 :. ' �n � 3 ` '�� .v a. ������. 1� � �•2'uA:, it�' �a ��a� N :),u.la pi. �• ;�i:J, �_ �1 �� �. �^_ r K(KCe « ,'( '!�K� ' fc� �lL�ct���'((((KK(KKKIK((KKKK(KK((KK(KK(KKl( 4 0� r�p.{�� F_,,, 1 ; . � 1A;ti��`�La 1a U1�!2��L'l�llllll)lllllllil)]ll)llllllllllID)1U]Ull]2]1)lllll� ��� � ..,��ate. ��,•� ( u���e.� �1I'I_�l � �� �; �- Sal � 1,nT " 1 Y 112 1 TlY 1`1 L 1 y� ��� .. a >: �1 d tae �n° Y b , a. � • a f ► 'JN1) � 2 1 1 P Rig 191 . ! dg�,F�eZ�.�������d�°v.'vA'2�Ukm`'j�s��'va✓°R'J�yWs�99�i�N 1�IJTII> ay�'GraUie i���Tl�� y�n ✓ey��.�n��--d��m.F.�,ffi` duT�l���' . �y�¢s�+triJlyt1��oA'�✓�t't£'I?aFY4tser5d.arM�5fi4T.��r,�'1t a�J"d�LY4_ .. IN MINI fft, M SUFFOLK OOYRVTY WATER AUTHORITY Steven T.Bums,PE, 400 Sunrise Highway.Oakdale,W 11769 Oire.broMsftldNon '63115680205 April I L 2006 Fax(Gall 5a3527a Mr.Walter Hilbert,PE. Suffolk County Department of Health 360 Yaphank Ave., Suite 2C Yaphank,N.Y.11990 Dear Mr.Filbert: The proposed installation of an eight(g)inch main on Street"A", located in the Town of Southold, as shown on Sketch Plan A Cottages at Mattihrck.as prepared by Nelson&Pope,dated October 31, 2005,i6 adequate to supply water for domestic and fire protection purposes. The Authonty will undertake the installation of this water main under the terms of its standard Construction Contract,but such agreement bas not yet been executed by the Authority and the developer. The time required for the completion of the proposed work is necessarily determined by the Authoriq�s ability to obtain delivery of the required materials,easements formaintainingthe mains in the streets that we private,weather conditions,and the edisten a of adequate supply works at the time the work is done. This letter of availability is not to be considered an Action by the Suffolk County Water Authority as defined by SEQRA regulations, and this response does not commit Suffolk County Water Authority to commence,engage or otherwise participate or approve an action where SEQRA is applicable until all aspects of the SEQRA process me complete and the Lead Agency has made a final determination and finding as related to the project. Vary truly yours. • StevanStevan TS�,P.E. Director of Distribution cc S.Pokorny 5.Romana P.aosmr^_ 'uth:Sl-4,'J;-r OEC-11-2006 09:46 FROM; E3'., 298 8565 Tn:631 765 313E P.001/007 11/06 10:26 FAX 651 471 1210 CDC aP L.I, X1001 151- CO's{q Aeaelo*1 Corporation ofLongidefid R I- 2100"dd1e Cc=trF Road.Sr"te 306 ^' 637.471.1x15•w>wc&h aq , NY 11720 n�,reRn e,� FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE __ tamht®L11,�2�QJf—� #OF PAGIS INCLUDING COVER; � NAME:_�roi�VyIVy ck�h � COMPANY:=Ylllc nam, ti, „� n a G�esn FAX gyp: 31- _ PHONE tf, FROM: SUBJECT: COMMENTS: Attached, please find bond No. 1926N, for the Cottages at Mattituck } } I � 17de mesrage G for the mewed pgr® uee aN,r.1t m1Y mmt+ c=Udmd Adrie a la waived or tort by ray ertnr IA. L PmPr+at+++'Y,or'lesally Pt'r1►pe�.d intyrmatlon.Pio eonBdeaYaliry 441 17�ommiasloe.It,vu mcNve tlda mesa�p,In error nLaae deatroY tha ia1E��• of reolrime io this m«rare or milli g ao at G6. 471.121E Gee emnaiee t1MnxJ G6c Ceuotnt+on aed mmtnet dere tpader ' Deeel at Catpmelgeo of LcmFJeleod. 4 DEC-11-2006 09:=6 FP.CP,: 631 296 3565 TO:631 765 3136 P.002!007 1.2/11/06 10:26 PAI 681 171 1210 CDC of L.J. 002 THE SERVTfk INSURANCE COMPANY, •, AO MAw*TMs-C.sWFIJJOE MM ORANGE,NJ 07662 Tekphme PM 731-70) SITE IMPROVEMENT PERFORMANCE $OND TR1719: 1?lAt4iYALlpg�(p?sad ah treneewrd ,.�nnetyv,t��*�a60���- SNOWALL MEN By Tam PBESEM,& BOND NO.IM That We WCU ROUWG DXV$.O =4T FUND CORPORATION AND LBNNARD AMN.ms J>rindpa* ad �C pgxna�nl(s),emd Tim B11SVI;CE L49UNAN&Co�l'II my,IN0.M IIBA X ST, OBANGI NJ 0706{a MW Y ooepor MM mthadnrd to de bu mess in the&ate d Nsw Perk,am mm q,An held end&I*bound vato TOWN OP A0DT�LD a Obh",iD the mem of TWO 8ONDMm Unn FOIIR TEOU"AND ONS EnnMaS.D W=FIVE Dol"'"AND 0*100 CZNW 0;581,1W'M len U==MY of the ITicW BEfGm of dun' ror whiah truly to be made,we hind ousaelrmA,our hada,mmaornues,whub wDr,",enaWeswe,and P'T7.rtemL.r�ll and by thesepteeanta GWVW > . ®d b SIGNIU ,MAUD AND AkTED TJ3a3 sztMy eI DBCSSBM 2000. GO Wbeftle,the mal ham entered inmo as agreamat with TOWN OF E307.MLD,se Obhee,gnnrmueebw Chet PnmdgAl will camplAW Babe iurpavreaan0a fan aesi6th dte phm MWWNA8 0=AGW AT WATTTCVUK ARBA °AFNONDAW.Z aOIIMNO PROJECT^,ClRSSNTLYENOWN Ag 27J2FOL C07 M=MAP LOT NUM6&8 1000-asA0p.02,00.0=Afi1, LOCATED DV TM TM OF 9OOTIF=, EiOrVMX COUNTY,OUN , M W YORK PDRAIIANTO THE ENC4Il=R%E9PJMATR DATRD AUQUW 11,2000 WSJCK JS BERETOATT==AND PA MADS A RT OF TADS BOND e0 of wbrl mWeemnants dura be m ar be&M bbe date eat #0h a tha *Fwm ant Now, themefoee, rh* *MAt'ao of thin ohligntion ig aveh,that if the F*SdpAi ASA mn7 mat on the terme of add milteemant ralatlDs to the pib�imprmawnte ady and Pad=as rhe work sa ask ha&thmoiu as wtunties time est @eth in eAid sareemem' thea *ia obb#c imn shall be Dull Dad WA atherwisa to runsi a in fill fan rad alfaet. Ibis bond is oat %%tehral&ar asdgmhle. R is m 6Mt 1w erD ftM thea ypem aumplatkm and&wvta me dtha M*A by the aounl,l',and es a omodMix paemdmat eebi 16101 vs int daim against the performame bond,the principal and smuty win dalJeer to thr ooaWy a.ma%taaenoa band in the mimlma emaADt of 1016 d tie performmm bmd lam=. We bwd ovesahss, Dam beim, advdv-" r; soma dam w"Mom 'and eadpu,Jointly and W%ralb, firmly by three Muffiltm This melntenonoe band shall remain in&a&awe sad eAaet fhe nae(1)leer flim the data aha adteemeartime&JV*rA iv(Ar eaapkied and aaaapted by the ewunty m fewby, ioealmquw, dststiow wdvg, or da9,clism aeedttrw,ahip or=trim need in the pr*d refernnomd Ab". It is underamod and, Weed by the Pdnetple and eureq that rids maiutmwtm bad 26,11 be need to remeft the whm meDtimed uondlttons se datommiued in thcoakJaditment ofthe Ganga Ca"cemD beaoner of]?uhU.Werke. -ND Pn17 other fut the 0b4ft owl'Lowe any"able bft v &r as agsiasm 6&maty. T�w gate lfabfty of tha flowery of tie%nd ObbOatsoe tot fveth hemeie shag not eNned the penial mom beeuof for n y cava x reser whsmtesaar,imlu tm d attwoeya foes or atbe r poan, fi,mkin on-Am lona any/WV relamed b mde do Dat ooner ape laapeownw fe thaE hmae been Pa*rmurd by FrmdFai P'fpr so the lamas dais of U* from," Zwkmiwu wwk.* aat7 os mrK CDOLI HOUMNO DEVE AMMNT FIEND COJtPOBATION MASLS1iiCH1 kiAS9* >3y Attest: aL ,n mvN DA �~ �1 J� ArM ACP '-SEC-i'1-2�FJyF�16µ�,e'?:-��,yFPDM; 631 298 8565 TCi'63_ 765 3136 P.003,007 H ya...i MX "VAI.I�drS+nV'f YY.. .... "a 7 ea 1195 353ki Rup. 1� q7p;aeare P1 f.4�/ SCOW +(yVSnjCjAL any MI AW U I�WNa5a6h. ,pp����� OOTrAMATVATrfMU iii (Cl).7!!_la7p � �7i�Y10ti617971 1hi(tu7yd65.1561} ftmrm®Pi 0043" Aupm%aft ME MAU= A6920MM iPf9R7�i11L 8. 4A UM Ct l mxm a Q=."*."* 2. AVW ay. ZOUMCAADUG,vNQ4uwmDmx AA. *,Me 7�r. VA�w 4r,,00 fly. yoaova wwlkodFM arkAbm staoaao c.so taAnn�o B EAM [t� amour 47.loon6 7. 7 2dlDOAA a. WAM 4 ! ��ASA? Vwxwmm jpZT P�9Orb u"d9lIAO tam to ar?s SW $taraau t, 50o ttsr. p s, 94o xM sll�lleV.T Mqp�y 4004 a20~i Ss. M 7pQ@A ALplI+ILspgt,NOIIdSi �J y 14 5" W. CRAM JLvKl t9'Cw'd CAXC is. WE A M'x7 7Aft•Dd8R.tA1 KCYAO �Ao9,an AA 2,900 &T. '1{ &O � U" A Ola 14 x � SAW a � � oam ' l J4 ' NAI 9SO o0 >b GOaPa o�tsnrrSc x '� jj'' m tar s =VUA4 +e�ansa,noeslv,��atvt�a a SrA� UEC-11-2006 09:-^o FP,OPI: 631 298 3565 -10:63i 765 3136 P.004,007 12/1.1/Od 10:27 PAX 631 471 1210• CDC of L.I. • ^�jOPd `� CNr ORpORATVLLCACKNOWL£DGMF Stage of UU.y®r(?� —' County of - — ^i ""-n This day Of j 20 0 fr ,Persona,ly came before me, !_1-aria_GLovr *Od �Q'Plei, oPl,Z" p/Sfq �r JTO° be the pentons i blIftyexecuted the f0ragotnS and atmowlbdsed that fty'yhiad the w w ex o o u the tot of s oration nr limited iabllly centMY. IAUpA M.PA¢Clt)NL NO&WPuN o,$499711 taw f New 9yrk QWtlMlod In Su folk County MeLo �O� txirnmNebn SaAirse t7caotaor r,EC y Commlaslon Explrox: Z CORPORAT&/LLCACKNOWLEDGMZxT TRIP of :cunty of n chis day of 20_ ,pasaanally Game before me, ,ioof to me knows to be the persons emeuxd the foregoing and acknowledged Utet ab:Ij!y company. they L e authcnty to execute the Ramo as the act Orsa d corporation or Iimitcd (seal) Notary Pabllc My commfRaloo lixpirem: PARTNERSHTP ACKNOWLBDGMENT r,e of aunty of '---�—�`--- rT is day of _ ,20� ,personally carne before me, of to me kaowr w be the parsons °exacuted rho foregoing and ackncwkdged that tluy oro the parsers In OR flim of d acknowledged dw they executed the fbrgving instrum,ant as the act of the said firm. Notary Public (seal) My Cammiaslon Spires: PROMSTOUNIP ACKNOWLEDGMENT `e of unryof --"'�-- cy dey of 2G^. ,perscrotly came before me, nricior or ' going imrrurnentaad acknowladaed that he signed the same as hip volunMry as nd deed awn tO be the person who executed the Notary public (RSell My CbM W ISslon Expires OEC-11-2006 05:46 FROM: 631 298 8565 T0:E71 765 3136 P.005/007 10.27 F.A.1 631 4711 1210 CDC of STATS OF_Av_�44.........—.1.0 I�58. On thi......e-Aefay.46............................day of..._..._/..r ---------- before me penunally appeared the within nerved.._, to me known, and viorin to me to Le._.............. .....................................—_..the IndividuaL.- 6a4cribed, in and, who execut.-d the foregoing instrument, and__ ....... t* me executed the tanic. LAURA M.PACICIONE Ww"Public,Sixte of New Yb* ND.4887114 .49 0WOOLm E01res CWtober?,20� E,EC-_1-2006 09:4'D f-FUh?: 63`: 298 8565 T0:63! 765 3136 P.006'007 12i11r00 10:27 p, 651 471 Tr+1c 21,C 65 ��CP L. • ftdlDo6 xr Twp vmrr4nY . . �(Smtrreory 8,e�1R1 STATEMEIIT OF AC mTm Amm, LIABILMEE 9P mwaLCEw a 6Qurry All OF DISCOMR 31,RD06 AAM EM[—)& P= . ossh a Cash Equlveknls 7A07 ggo C10""Stab' 120.010 Bonfb ss7.aa7 InlarexM Instate tteaeM1'a41M 7>.it0 ?rmmume a A"Wittiest 100,238 Amwma Rewivabletow Ralnsunmm 271,74D Federalra:cReoonemlwe - ADUMVI S Wft4m fel ether War.Im~,A: (Funds held ss wllMml) 3,651.404 TOTAL A0wrme Asaua f,t'N,Oi7 WASUM a srlAREHMpees MM I-DUN&Lose Aqustmem 159sneae 19!.872. otherEvene" 51.095 TOGO,I a IMes OO,Dn FulerMi lone Ike 32 atD UvismedPemolu m 62772 Micah s YYIhW or Refalned by Comparq fay Aaounu or pmlM %55114E4 Tod LGItlitlea 4'rta6 GHMEMOLpP,Rra EQUITY Cmamon OCKK porvokm$20 par sham 50,000shWW A&A*W,Issued a ouatard% 1,000,000 Gross ftWn&Cantrlsuad Surplus p3gt0a Unaoal0rwd funds(turplua) Total sleYe M Mars EnwM 2~72 . TOTAL LIANMJ E5 a SHARV OLDS"EOUITY r STATEOFMONJERSEY I } SS QOUtrrf 9899 } f, s alga?,=011 ga6rdanl Mr s"Aw ffix"nae ComaenY,M doAaraD7 NW&Met Me ahemp Ae ar hes e}atamear AMef,=CaecveordMnaeofDrrosrrwrai, , i dames a,surW.Pmefderd GTATEOFNIiN,rJ MEY } } as COUPITY OF loss" } BuoWMlled sad arum debts M0,M!Votary Pathe,sten of MM Jersey,rn rhe noddy of reew,,wit sM der orAM 2003 hk— �Z ICS I�p1��, 21x]010 I G 4 54 9. I ly All � r m I iYx ♦fe `YI !I A I• �' l YM CWF� -•`fly un 'r fya"" J41 '��NN I 4 �� l✓iM 414!'7 ,.�N 5�1. "'R`Su !xf"NI7lN� :} f I }r t 1, �4 II pp� t {'4 a � �. v fNl rl '4 ❑ p� u � rl ��Tr�`' ,lk IsY�,rNlyi�11'Yfr 19 IV e ,,yy^jj.',. x,7,1{°j ,* 1 na li r"�y1i`M.. 1 � I a '2F la 4J 1 A o f ,ulrr' ' fIt1 A' kJl.l7 ��v" � aA, C ✓k R�f�11 F'I �. u�rNJW jr�M j I i S>?" N, N. II' 1 lid rrq M�! r f leis I1'4r e 1�f 111Ir d�II IM P"n7 I 4y e ,v r 1`IYi�' rl M �t�" M1lrq N Yly #y i% 1 L � F � 1 1 � �9 , 'IF R I � P•I �tl N s! rtl 9 I e l m I x �• �� I I t , M p 4m}�q��ilu rl 1111 M 'u' >xfll 'ymd x j V` Nn°•}rl au �`�yar� x ��lf�: ,I � Iv�rl � I �II 4� di I l% r n �M4 �� , � * 'e Imr Y90ry ta�`I''0. � •a L `M} 'pu'! f 1 ' 11 I d 4 * !eJl I fi1r I`f F �Yj '%� �, VS uG p U I r J 7 I I x A At ry •.'Nh$r ho r w{%tr y`p +, I % 1 .: +7M�'rI �a"Cur v yPlk I �4r:Y J1r` kl�°:fiy y'iL J� l^ �" I'a % +'l I d ���,� .�r � �1 �e� ,I�`y �h r�,j��,y � ��t�IT} ��a 1 Ir4M4}�I ,y� ? i �R�rffln yfll��r1�➢ IT M R°^w^ ` Tv ,ls�x ? r, m+"l%I 7i�F1 by r I14M 4�l w rca; IN 1: Ir .r a r n s N e qq �9� "6F"I d �9gV,,y�ya f I 1 �tl'n r r f v w(�, L`�LL '1' '' 1 !" !!.' � rpuy'l�• L� ,r�Xr i, �+ 'r'I�IY,{I � F� '1.. !• I�I �•-,' i ri,^•.'rta h'iY,tls�ll.�"� r4M1 �ji,1�111 . }1� Ilam, YS,NaF ) ,o !r!h r uflW � 1 m r� :� III �1+N 1110 °Jv ✓'Ge l� '11 ! i 1"�.rt 1 hWV '°{V! '�f Y 1 I , � � IIN'rl1 �YeN' .'•� }f ra �i s y 2lir,}� I t! �k n dp Frl "1^� ti Mal +.r —'mu h�L"5"i1'L'Irb�N'ILA � I �'9a :✓. A x7 ^blv r ryyl� lyn— ',' r TI { A' �r 4,p7i I PI I r114 r 'I"J'�r�' ✓ s 1 .yY ' y 1f�,,�..y� > � r»� YY G 4• ne A' Ima A 4 41! I Q u a 1 1 r 11 Jry1 n dru I ilml�'yy I FNM xr lm ����'hifll�,�ll ln"'N b !� I + k V lfi'• f 4'6 f � %Ya ! it r a 1R r 5 r ?k�alk mkY.l�1 I11d • • so AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as The south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue, Mattituck by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on December 11, 2006 Abigail A. Wickham Your Name (print) i ture 13015 MAin Road, P.O. Box 1424, Mattituck, New York 11952 Address Date _. ..; &W,xJ1 Ngftafry Public AMY M.SUNNING NOTARY PUBLIC.State of NOW Yak 1 No.01BE6039767 , n Oualifieo in Suffolk County2nl ,Ems` ' U C Commission Expire February 27, —` � 1 PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 12/8/06 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision The Cottages at Mattituck SCTM#s: 1000-122-2-23.1 Date of Hearing: Monday, December 11, 2006, 6:05 p.m. PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK -------------------- In the Matter of the Application of Standard Subdivision The Cottages at Mattituck AFFIDAVIT OF Located on the south side of Sound Ave. & the SERVICE BY MAIL West side of Factory Ave. in Mattituck Parcel ID #1000-122-2-23.1 --------------------- STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Julie Mazzaferro, being duly sworn, deposes and says: On the ls` day of December, 2006, 1 personally mailed at the United States Post Office in Mattituck,New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Notice to Adjacent Property Owners in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the Southold Town Assessors Office, for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property, as follows: SEE ATTACHED LIST G YCII J lie MazzWerrd Sworn to before me this `7 T"d f December, 2006 1,4f Notary ub 'c -- KERRI A.MCCARTHY NOTARY P OIC-STATE OF NEW YORK r QUALIFIED IN SUFFULK COUNTY MV CO�AMISSION EXPIRES 07-31-20-.W ,B 1000-122-2-24.1 1000-122-2-18 EMC, LLC Pedro Diaz 10020 Sound Avenue 1235 Factory Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Mattituck,NY 11952 1000-122-2-8.1 1000-122-2-19 Carol Sullivan Eileen McGetrick 10020 Sound Avenue 1165 Factory Avenue Mattituck,NY 11952 Mattituck,NY 11952 1000-122-2-9 1000-122-2-20 James Falbo Frank J. & Mary Zaneski, Jr. 10120 Old Sound Avenue P.O. Box 448 Mattituck, NY 11952 Mattituck, NY 11952 (1125 Factory Avenue) 1000-122-2-11.1 Thomas J. & Susan F. Best 1000-122-2-21 10220 Sound Avenue Doreen Seyfried Mattituck, NY 11952 1015 Factory Avenue Mattituck,NY 11952 1000-122-2-12 (PO Box 243) Kim Fuentes 10270 Old Sound Avenue 1000-122-6-21.2 Mattituck, NY 11952 Long Island Railroad (MTA) Law Department 1000-122-2-14 93-02 Sutphin Blvd. Nancy Moloney Jamaica, New York 11435 10450 Sound Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 1000-122-1-5.4 Daniel R. & Margaret Lynaugh 1000-122-2-16 97 Sherman Street Suffolk County Brooklyn, NY 11218 330 Center Drive (10825 Sound Avenue) Riverhead, New York 11901 (1455 Factory Avenue) 1000-142-1-10.2 Freddie 0. & Mamie A. Lawson 1000-122-2-17 1070 Factory Avenue Rasim & Judy Aytulin P.O. Box 1102 1325 Factory Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Mattituck, NY 11952 (11365 Sound Avenue) re/cdc/ownerspbmai ling SENDER: . ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A tCip. Postal Item 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired, m ■ Print your name and address 0n the reverse X ❑ ant -aCERTIFIED ' • ' SO that we can return the card to you. 'a (Domestic Mail Only,No insurance Coverage Provided) ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B- Recei ed ress� CO or on the front H space ( nred -yZe�r�lNery m permits. • ,I D I. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery adtlress different from kern 77 ❑ —0Yes MIK �1 If YES, very address below: IGKO '� enter deliPostage a $0.39 0952 Ln C3 Certified Fee $2.40 tomb o11 st(A QV' . E3 ` O Rearm Receq Fee alck ,11� l (Pe�reementRequlred) $1.85 Here Reatrlcre0 DeOvery Fee M 3 Service Type m (EMoreemem Requl ed) $0.00 'Cemfietl Mall ❑Express Mail rq ' n ❑Registered ❑Return Receipt for Merchandise Total Postage a Fees $ $4.G4 6 "1 ❑Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. C3 o 4. Restricted DdNary)(Extra Fes) E3 2. Article Number ❑Yes M1 .. ...A`.......... ......_ .._._....._... 86ee(ibt' ., (Aanalerhon,sarvlcel 7004 135❑ 0005 1623 8168 orPOBpjry°' --�..Q a`7D..Q4u4�.••�V`� .... . I PS Forn 3811,February 2004 Crri:smre,ziw4 A " q K Domeeec Return Receipt .._._.' .I id25sSo2-M-15ao :,r Postal ,• j SENDER: comPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY M1 MAILT,, RECEIPT m (Domestic • ■ Complete items 1,2,an Also complete X Slanature • •-•e Pro if Restricted Delivery i desired. , •. Rem 4 estnct Dery s esl p �., - ■ Print your name and address on the reverse "" "" r x � so that we can return the card to you. a Nh407E Cr Rj 5"?' r` Y B. Received by(Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery I'Li >t rim U l * �';=¢ ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, '2 M or on the front ifs ace permits. --- Postage $ $0.S9 0952 P D. lad atl dfierent 4um Item 17 ❑Yes 0 Carried Fee , ,a. 1. Article Addressed to: m YES,eM tl addreEa*ow: ❑No $2.40 0 Relum Rea, Fee •l asanerk (ErMorsemem Required) $1.85 'Here O Reattlded DelNery Fee C3 (Entlorsement Require d) $0.00 - r� „y�,A\— bi'v Total Postage a Fees $ $4.64 / ' 3 D lVU�,1T'L- I I V 3. Service Type�- C�113 2006 1` �Y, e 11� Certifkd Mail 13 Express;Mall zc f�`nUn^"nl C3 ant To `1 (r 11 Reglstered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise 0 V` > Nn ❑ Insured Mall ❑C.O.D. 1 or POBox No. _- --T__.._ ..__... ciry,Sreiir;ZiP:6--"'---D-.'^'�- r-- ril V-12, 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes 2. Article Number PS Form 3800, rr 2002 Y D sfer 11,01711 Service law 7006 0100 0004 3294 3427 Ps Forth 3811,February 2004 Domestic Reeun Receipt 102595o2-W1840 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION 0�7PI f TE FHI� SECTION ON DELIVERY ■ complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A Signature _ Item 4 R Restricted Delivery Is desired. 13 Agent • . ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X ❑Addressee 'so that we can return the card to you. CD - ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallpiece, B. Received by(Pd Name) C. Dat of Ilv�ry .� ,, • ,• , or on the front R space permits. P 7 R K . Z ; L � rq 1. Article Addressed to: ivery address deferent from item 1? ❑ w �, t ' .ill D. Is del If YES,enter delivery address below: ❑No ._. 39 -,� Tkl J, Y Ma,v 1 1 U.`) �, N Poe e9a $ '$0.40 � m A s cemnea res $2.40 03 _ FoHere ,�•O� Q)DX `I ti p r. Here rn L� �r 14. ySe-rvWeType O (Endorsement Required) $1• Pk(:�e0 Mail ❑Express Mail 0 (ER OW xmemem IRequred)ivery Foa $x.00 ❑Registered ❑Return Receipt fdr Merchandise $ $4.64 12/4112006 ❑Insured Mall ❑c.O.D. O Twal Pocteesa Pees � . Restricted Deliverl?(Extra Fee) ❑Yes �I -0 ('1A (�V(."CS \ ��--t_._._. - 2. Article Number t ° !} C3 h� Ill 7006 0100 0004 3294 1768 ----------- (Thinsferhan servke IebelJ N street Avt.No.; ..... ..... . PS Forth 3811,February 2004 Dorrrestlo Rehr„Receipt ( -M-tsao. ca1%smre,vwa I SENDER: COMPLETE COMPLE FE THISSECTIVIV ON DELIVERY • • ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A Sign e mCERTIFIED MAIL, RECEIPTRem 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. X Agent -r (Domestic - Only; ■ Print your name and address on the reverse SAddresses M � so that we can return the card to you. • 11111Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. R ved by( N ) C. Date of Delivery 1• p �� or on the front R space permits. rl R� 1. ArtiGe Addressed to: D. Is delivery adygys diff"from item 1? ❑Yes M Postage s $0.39 I n,, H YES, below: ❑No C3 tensed rree $2.40 �j Ls 1I O Realm Reoapt F•9 Postmark ��'J�,p /� q „'� 0 (Endmsemem Requhed) $1.15 1w, Postmark Hem I'15 fo t r V1M^� O Reetrbmd DelWeIE- red) Fee { Lp ,1 C3 (Endoisemem Required) $0.00 3. k�Type y�G( O Total Postage a Pees $ $4.64 f'tlHFFZ00C, �01 ,y) I Q CertltledMd4-_@'Express MffiI . 11 1 S d ❑Registered ❑Return Receipt for Merchandise -Nnt o .��ec� C. ❑Insured Mail ❑C.O.D. � ..._ _. _ Q �)�'� 4. ResMcted Delivery?(Extra Fee) ❑y� M1 3`beet,ilpClYo::................._.. ....-__..-..-..__.._----._..__------__--_._..____. cdy�smrez a c+o*� --IUQ(1�1R---.-..._.- 2' �NBf� 7006 0100 0004 3294 3458 �R ---- 'r -1 t Leben C lQ PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt :,, forInstructions 1o2saso2-h�tsao „ i COMPLETE THIS SECTION , SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION 11 U.S. Postal Servim,, ■ Complete kerns 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. `� r Agent Ln CERTIFIED MAIL... . Item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. X Addressee 171 ■ Print your name and address on the reverse M1 - • InsuranceProvided) so that we can return the card to you. . Received by(Printed Name A C Date l]el gry. ,a ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiace, y-• V G ,g, �e p ee y or on the front k space pt9rtnks. - D. Is delivery address d from imrn 1? ❑Yes D' U 1450 I L U ru 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: N° Irl Postage s $0,35 04`? S e�n� ,/1 , a � C3 pYe 2 v� �' o 1 D ) C•" xi 1 $2.40 U 3 ("^ p 3Retum Receipt Fee 'P 'here (Endorsement Required) $1.85 �f! I O •L' 1 ,1 O Reavoted Delivery Fee �. 3. Service7TYPe O (Ergorserrent Repuired) F0.�0 C�CegExpresReturn Mail d Reg Return Receipt for Merchandise � total Pottage a Fees $ $4.64 12/01,/200Ci0 insur o4. ResMcExna Fee) ❑Yes O QY~�.n 1 2. Article Number orPoBmr No. 7006 0100 0004 3294 1775 ----------- -cys•�ia."zis;:a-- I�-- �-- - - --- -------�11�1k- (transferfrom servkelebe0 - L 1 ------------- Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02.1,1-1540 Ck a1 j PS Form 3811,February 2004 �r - •� ' •stal Service,,, COMPLETE THIS SECTIONON sSENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION SCERTIFIED MAIL,� (Domesticr ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A. Sig Ursm item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ❑Agent M - p ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X Addressee ru ® s j 1 ! L so that we can return the card to U. g,�1 Ived b'(Prlrf(@d ) C. Date of Delivery -D ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, , Postage F0.3. 045 q ? or on the front k space permits. r t D. Is deliveryaddress 0 Ln Yes C3 cem5ea Fee $2.40 03 1. Article Addressed to: k YES,enter delivi 0 No 0 Reoun Reclepl Fee \Q'(1�?S0..Qbo '90'�Z- O (Endoraemem Rsqulred) $1.85 Here v V Ln (ErM�o=D,48R=Fed) $o.00 �' IO�aO Odd Sourd Ott • M rbtal Postage s Fees $ $4.64 12/01/2006 3. Service Type 14;�Certlged Mall ❑Express Mail 0 sent \` E3 Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise !� ..-... m--S .. -..._..-_.. .....-..-.-._. 0 Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. orPDBoxAb. t Ot� U 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes ba ._SQ - .._ ....- ... �. " C (� 2. Article Number 7004 1350 0005 1623 8144 r r (Bans/ar from service febe0 I' PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-1-1540 I SECTIONSENDER: COMPLETE THIS SEC TION (I�Wi t-TE THIS VE Postal ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3.AW complete A. Signature t` CERTIFIED MAIL,. RECEIPTItem 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. 0 Agent only;r-1 (Domestic Mail _ ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X 0 Addressee m so that we can return the card to you. 8. ReceN try( Mrm•)-- -. C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, 6 nj h�"�" f 1r • S or on the front R space permits. C`i C� Of'Nr d. S . `�" 9 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address dtlfenmt trom Item Yes � Posts9e $ $0.39 0952, 1,1r B YES,enter delivery addeee below: :No 0 oensbdFee $2.40 03ti�a tmerk 0 I RedW Fee $1.85 jare 1ot�a� S�ut\CQ �� V it 1 m (En d TGM $0.00t n �� a. Service type � Mall � $4.64 12!01/2006 ``r, \ Oegiistmfied Mall O ReturnBpreaReceipt S 1Mel Poste•8 Fees $ Registered O.Retain Receipt for Merchandise 0 Insured Mail 13 C.O.D. C3 4. Restricted Delivery?Oft Fee) O Yes C3 o 0.'4.._.. U tV o ......__._. r ?P{LNaACC _... MPO ' � -R�-e.._._- z. Article Number 7004 1350 0005 1623 8137 •- •..._..... Mansfer nom service iabe✓) cn; i--• 1 PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt t02sesoz-et-1540 i l jjIS IFCTION ON DELIVERY . • _ Postal A Signature ❑Agent I iCERTIFIED MAILT i RECEIPT ■ Complete frame 1.2,and 3.AlsoPe p Addressee I a (Domestic Item 4 if Restricted Delivery X O. ■ print your name and address on the reverse ). Sd of Delivery so that we can retain the card to You. e. ( A m - l f h 1, •, 'Attach this card to the back of the mailplece, vv v -.- or on the front if space Permits' trom Item 1? ❑`Yes ..D D. a delivery address Nc I '� $ $0.39 �,ea"�Men���elo� 0�Y t. Article Addressed If YES,enter '\ "_ J3Q 1 t Ln /G� o cetlleaFee $2.40 Poamem ��1 ,!� (} \*n ,,>L� t reament Rayulred $1.85 -i Here d Ol� JbAYA k"� • o f� �O I/o a. Service TYPO m (Endo exam Hequlre j $0.00 C '� 4kCemtllee Man ❑Etwreee Men ra TOW Posmge a Fees $ $4.64 12/01/2006 1 ❑Regbtered [3 Return Receipt for Mardrandbe ��q5a M ❑Ironed Mall ❑C.O.D. o G L 4. Restricted Deliver)?(Extra Fee) YB8 t` $beef Api16"di'"'••!•�•"f J�..................1._1./..y..(....._(_.1_.`.,../..___--_______.. a PoBoxNa•- 't,1a/.___O._ �1^t.Ji•!>,.--...�!�.:!7.�.______ v ----- z. Article Number 7004 1350 0005 1623 8120 iY4s"s-tare:zr6+4'• q � ` Y (lmnster from service taw 1p2,5gg.d2-R4ts4o' , \ PS Folin 3811,February 2004 Domestic Re0""Receipt Z,tNL)tM: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON ■ complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A Signature Item 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. AX 0 Agent U.S. Postal Service,,, ■ Print your name and address on the reverse 0 Addressee ru ' 5o that we Can return the Card to you. B. Rete (PrJnted ) I C. Date of Deliveryco (Domestic ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. ' D. Is ddivery address different frori Item 71 ❑Yes 7(Er�,dffw�Requlrad) 1 A.3 L $ 1 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address low: 0 No �Y' "F.F A U LOY1 �Sla^� \'w111 ru m Posta ge $ 52 coddled C3Poehrudr �� ^1 C3Hare '19 C3C �1 �. 3. Service Type C3 (Restricted Delivery J r Certitietl Mall 0 Fxpress Mail Endoreemairt Requir"\ Registered 0 Return Recelpt for Merchandise � f1200bLQW0 Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. 0 Tote)Postage 8 F 1�OJOk C^1 J 4. Restdcted Delivery?Prtrs Fee) 0 Yes E;PON k�c (� 1 1/t 2. Mole Number o( � � 7006 0100 0004 3294 1782 ti --PS Forth 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102ssso2-N-1540 . ' PS Foun :,i June 2002 N Postal (DomesticTIFIED MAIL,,, RECEIPT CO M II L N 1 a Postage $ $0.39 OV,9 in M CertilledPat $2.40 C3 (Endorrsement Ha Wread) $1.85 ' Here 1 m (gree`lati ntenntt ae�quiremd) $0.00 TbtalPostage aFees $ $4.64 12/02f2006 C3 171 nt p Ah 6 ----------------- APT. 3°aBBt ; Y �PoN� Q -5D �Du! .. !mu .. �l... •/ J� :rr r r Ln r USE p � ya+yg . . u- 14A ru m a r Postage a $0.39 .0054. O Ceftw Fee .. o $2.40 03 (EnEpaemeM R&PI Fee , P Md) $i.95 oebne" CR Delivery Fee - Here O (Enooraegal Regalre,g $0•fi0 C3 Total Po � stege s Fees $ $4.64 i Z/04/200i, Ali C3 Sent TO M1 �QAw r) - d S •• • M rruru kI MII ilito AL M r Postage a $0.39 0952 COMoeo Fee 0 R=-.mn elpt Fee $2.40 03 dam (EnOorsemeM Requlrep) $1.95 Here O Re9blotae Delivery Fes O (EMorsement Requlre0) $0.00 r-9 ., C:3 htel Postage&Fees $ $4.64 W01/2006 C3 t e � C3 M1 Or PO Apt)4n::. .... .. .----------------------------- Or ........ e.Po are :) � i�..p6 �n sore,iP a Ln CERTIFIED MAIL,,, RECEIPT -0 (00mestic Mail Only, No insurance COveraae Provided) ru " TI IAL USE M Postage $ $0.39 0952 o CeniSed Fee $2.40 ,03 E3Realm Receipt Fee Posonark ., (EndorsemeMRequlred) $1.8`,, Here 0 (E snoweemant Req ked) $0.00 l ., 1-3 M Total Postage a Feee ,$ $4.64 12/61YZ006 C3ro C3 {?C C ) U.S. postal Service... Er CERTIFIED MAIL,,, RECEIPT Er Man only;No insurance coverage.Provided) SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ---- ------------------ ----- -- ------ r lq�a- :,, rr r � ■.Complete Items 1,2,and 3.Also complete a sign ®® Q® item 4 If Restricted$,,. tJnamn Delivery Is desired. X � ❑ ant �. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse Addressee tT1 Posta e s $0.39 0952so that we can return■ Attach this card to the the back of the mailplece,to you. B. Received by( N pe7p e y � Fee $2.40 „',43 _. or on the front if space permits. C3 "i Poflmerk D. Is delivery address dHrerant from Rom 11 ❑Yee C3 R $1.85 Mum Receipt Fee ( Here 1. ArtIcie Addressed to: ^., M YES,anter delivery address below: ❑No 0 (Endorsement Required) '�.. C3 ReaslMed D-R qu Fe $O.f)Q \ ' 1 1 1�� \ - i ' " - O (ErMoreemeM Required) Y•./ V $4.64 12/ 6 J pGKCY,y\ C3 Total Postage 8 Fees gl�ern C3 E1n, d " - �` R C3 �II ❑Express Mall C`' b4reei,ilW.Aa;._ 1f1-.- ..__.- G•/�� �yy�(� --"- In '1 �/ ❑Return Receipt for Merchandise or PO Bax Na. 1�,-_J j 4S1:==-..-.... ' Il �j , � aII ❑c.o.D. r '" Delivery!(Extra Feel ❑Yes Article Number Mansfar from smice&W7006 0100 0004 3e'94 1799 PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-0241-1540 Postal CERTIFIED MAIL,,, RECEIPT M s (Domestic Mail Only;No insurance Coverage Provided) m p Cr MAO* F11 Postage $ $0.39 0952 C3 certified Fee $:.'.40 03 O Return Receipt Fee gala \ (Endorsement Required) $1, Here M (Ends Restricted Fes $0.00 S,i,.♦\. '..,t1 O Total Postage a Fees $ $4.64 12/01/2906 _0 0 ent To Soeei,Aor:TTo.. 1 .. ----` .. ........... ........ ....... or PO Box i c ry s ere.ZP44 1---- S PS Form :rr June 2002 i postal CERTIFIED MAIL,,, RECEIPT rq Fily;No insurance Coverage Provided) m (Domestic mail 0 N JF+C 1 r-q Postage $ $0.39 0952 un 0 oemeedFee $2.40 03 oL O Here C3 Return(Endor meMRlq ) $1.85 C37- th (gyoewtedreementiReqyuV 0 $0.00 'I m Tow Posis9e a Fees $ 64 ... Y 'I r gfPO A6i _..h ^ G AWL a aPoewrl�b......1M-�'O'�.-.f.�4W...�.-_Q,A?5+7,\a!1�?4:.......... :r r SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER A-UTIRORYTY Stevan T.91NY„PE. QW SuMse Highwe%Oakdale,NY 1Van DimeterelDbb0atlon - - - ,.. .. .. _ .. . (931)sssmcs April 11,2006 F.(M)smsan • Mr.WelterE tyDepart Suffolk County Department of Health 360 Yephenk Ava, Suite 2C Yaphank,N.Y.11980 Dear Mr.Hilbert. Thepmposed+natollntimofinei&("ohmainon StreetW, locatedm9la Towaof Southold, as showaon SketchPlanA Cottages atMattituck,as prepared by Nelson&Pope,dated October 31, 2005,is adequate to supply water for domestic and fire protection porposcs. The Authority will undertake the installation of this water main under the terms of its standard Construction CowmM but such agreement has not yet been executed by the Authority and the developer. The time required for the completion of the proposed work is necessarily determined by the Authority's abilityto obtain delivery of the mquuedmetarials,easements formainlai.dnathemaias in the streets that am private,weather conditions,and the eldstence of adequate supply works at the time the work is done. This letter of availability is not to be rnnsidarad an Action by the Suffolk Comedy Water Authority as defined by SEQRA regulations, and this response does not commit S>tflblk County Water Authority to commence,eopge or otbaonso participate or approve as action where SRQRA is applicable until all aa;iwts of the S13QRA process are complete and the Lead Agency has made a final determination and fmdiag as related to the project . Very truly yours. Steven T.Brans,P.E. Director of Distribution. cc: J.Pokorny S.Ranging P.Pontiac Auth:11-06-5549-C 0 0 Incorporate 1& 2 recommendations of LWRP—need language See revisions to Paragraphs 3 (last sentence),4,5 and question in#7. DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS DECLARATION, made the day of December, 2006, by CDCLI Housing Development Fund Corporation, having an office at 2100 Middle Country Road, Centereach,New York 11720, hereinafter referred to as the Declarant. WHEREAS, the Declarant is the owner of certain real property situate at 895 Factory Avenue, Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, more fully described in Schedule A annexed hereto, and WHEREAS, the Declarant has made application to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for approval of a 22 lot Standard Subdivision in the Affordable Housing District known as "Cottages at Mattituck", and WHEREAS, in consideration of the granting of subdivision approval, the Planning Board of the Town of Southold has required certain covenants as a condition of said approval and that this Declaration be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office, and WHEREAS, the Declarant has considered the foregoing and determined that the same will be for the best interest of the Declarant and subsequent owners of said parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, THIS DECLARATION WITNESSETH: That the Declarant, for the purposes of carrying out the intentions above expressed, does hereby covenant and agree that the said premises described in Schedule "A" annexed hereto shall hereafter be subject to the following covenants which shall run 0 0 with the land and shall be binding upon all purchasers and holders of said premises, their heirs, executors, legal representatives, distributees, successors and assigns, to wit: 1. No Further Subdivision. There shall be no further subdivision of any lot in perpetuity. 2. No Lot Line Change. There shall be no modification of any lot line without the approval of the Planning Board. 3. Non-Disturbance Buffer. The lots shall contain a non-disturbance vegetation buffer at the rear of each lot as shown on the filed map and as set forth below(the Buffer Area): Lot 1: 25 feet, and in addition, the northerly area of Lot 1 as shown on the filed map. Lots 2 through 5 inclusive: 25 feet. Lot 6: 15 feet Lot 7: 15 feet in the area shown on the filed map. Lot 10: 20 feet Lot 12: 25 feet in the area shown on the filed map. Lots 13 through 22, inclusive: 25 feet. No trees or natural vegetative cover may be removed within the Buffer Area; except for the removal of noxious, dead and decayed vegetation; provided that the area in which maintenance activity is conducted will be re-vegetated in accordance with a plan approved by the Planning Board with species native to Long Island and the State of New York. Such clearing and replanting shall be subject to prior review by the Town Planning Board to insure the proper maintenance and preservation of the natural buffer. Noxious vegetation shall mean poison ivy or other poisonous plant material, bamboo, or vines or other invasive species which threaten the health of trees or other natural undergrowth within the buffer. No structures may be erected within the Buffer Area, except 1) a fence around the outer perimeter, and 2) an unlit sign within the Buffer Area of Lot 1 setting forth the name of the subdivision, all of which shall be in compliance with Town Code. No dumping of debris or other action inconsistent with the non-disturbance purpose of the Buffer Area is permitted in the Buffer Area. 4. Perpetual Affordability. The subdivision is subject to a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions dated November 17, 2006, and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office in Liber 12480 cp 627, covenanting, inter alis, that all the lots in such subdivision are subject to the provisions of the Affordable Housing District as set forth in the Southold Town Code, 5. All structures with impervious areas shall control and retain surface runoff through the use of gutters, leaders and subsurface drywells. 6. Driveway Access. There shall be no driveway or other vehicular access from Lot 9 to Factory Avenue. Vehicular access to all lots shall be from Sound Avenue only, except for emergency access over the access designated on the filed map. 7. These covenants and restrictions can be modified only at the request of the then owner of the lot with the approval of a majority plus one of the Planning Board of the Town of Southold after a public hearing. Property owners of other lots in the subdivision WHICH ADJOIN OR ARE ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE LOT SUBJECT TO THE MODIFICATION ???? shall be entitled to notice of such public hearing but their consent to such modification shall not be required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Declarant above named has executed the foregoing Declaration the day and year first above written. CDCLI Housing Development Fund Corporation By: Marianne Garvin, President STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK, SS.: On December , 2006, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence that he executed the same in his capacity and that by his signature on the instrument, the individual, or the person or entity upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. Notary Public re%&rpbsub DRAFT LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON & GEASA, P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD, P.O.BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MATTITUCK,LONG ISLAND ERIC J.BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM SUITE l l l LYNNE M.GOP-DON MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 ---- TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 631-249-9480 wwblaw@aol.com TELEFAX NO.631-249-9484 December 8, 2006 Att: Anthony Trezza Town of Southold Planning Board Post Office Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: CDC of LI—Application for Final Plat of Standard Subdivision Premises: Sound Avenue (and Factory Avenue), Mattituck, NY SCTM# 1000-83- 2-17.1 Dear Anthony: Enclosed are the following items in connection with Final Plat approval: 1.) Final Plat Application form; 2.) Proposed Covenants and Restrictions for subdivision. The originals will be executed tomorrow and a duplicate original delivered to your offices on Monday. The original will be dispatched for recording at the Suffolk County Clerk's Office. 3.) A duplicate original of the Affordable Housing District Covenants and Restrictions dated November 17, 2006 together with recording information. This constitutes proof, as required by your Preliminary Approval dated August 14, 2006, that the lots on the map are perpetually affordable. These covenants were recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on November 28, 2006 in Liber 12480 cp 627, and a certified copy was delivered to the Town Clerk together with a check for $125,000 payable to the Town of Southold for 10 Sanitary Flow Credits. 4.) A copy of the Sanitary Flow Certificate, the original of which has been delivered to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. The following items are being delivered under separate cover: 1) $1,000.00 Application Fee for Final Plat. 2) The Final Plat. (if needed) As per our prior discussion several weeks ago, the applicant is unable to comply with Condition 3(m), which requires that the subdivision map will be null and void if the applicant does not comply with the Affordable Housing District provisions of the Southold Town Code. This is because once the map is filed, no titles could be insured, and no properties sold or mortgaged if the map could become void. This would preclude the project entirely. However, the Planning Board may look to other protections to insure that its concern of perpetual affordability is addressed. First, the AHD C&R's, set forth in this letter, contain multiple protections if the property is not developed or used as affordable housing in accordance with the Town Code. The Town has a right to enforce the covenants, including recovery of its attorneys fees. The Town has a right to declare the landowner in default and exercise it's option to purchase the property. The Town also has a right to require a reversion of title in the event of such a default. These drastic protections were worked out in detail with the County of Suffolk, the Town Attorneys office, the Town Board and prospective lender's counsel over weeks of discussion and redrafting. We believe they more than adequately address the concern of the Planning Board in this regard. Secondly, the County of Suffolk, in conjunction with review and approval by the Town Attorney, has required that the applicant execute a Development Agreement requiring the development of the property for affordable housing, and further that the applicant post a bond, in the form of an $895,000 escrow, to insure completion of the project in accordance with such requirements. That Development Agreement has been executed by the CDC and delivered to the County, and the escrow agreement will follow at closing of title with the Town and the County. Therefore, we respectfully request that this condition be eliminated. Likewise, we believe that Condition 3(n) has been complied with, as per the enclosed AHD Covenants and Restrictions, and this condition need not be reflected in the covenants and restrictions. Once again, many thanks for all your work on this matter. Very truly yours, Abigail A. Wickham AAW/jt Encl. Re%dc/pbprelim PLANNING BOARD MEMBER MAILING ADDRESS: �QF S�(�ly P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE 0� �� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS y Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G @ 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND lyCOU,M Southold, NY n I 1 Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 28, 2006 Abigail Wickham, Esq. P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Standard Subdivision of the Cottages at Mattituck SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 Dear Ms. Wickham: The final public hearing regarding the maps for the above-referenced lot line modification has been scheduled for Monday, December 11, 2006, at 6:05 p.m. Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 58, "Notice of Public Hearing," in regard to the Town's notification procedure. The notification form is enclosed for your use. The sign and the post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office, Southold Town Hall. Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Posting along with the certified mailing receipts AND the signed green return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday, December 8 2006 The sign and the post need to be returned to the Planning Board Office after the public hearing. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Sincerely, Anthony P. Trezza Senior Planner Encs. S:\P1anning\2006\Letters\Set Hearing\wttages at mattituck.doc 1 Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a standard subdivision; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the AHD Zone (Affordable Housing District); 4. That the application is for a Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 22 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 8,000 square feet to 15,817 square feet. The property is located on the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue in Mattituck; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (2nd Fl., North Fork Bank) Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938; 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday. December 11, 2006 at 6:05 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times, published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: Community Development Corp. of LI/ Cottages at Mattituck Date: 3/14/06 WHITE OAK BUILDERS , INC . THE COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK STANDARD SUBDIVISION (Community Development Corp. of L.I.) 1000 = 122 =2 -23 . 1 Proposal to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 22 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 8,000 square feet to 15,817 square feet. 6 : 05 P . M . MONDAY, DECEMBER 11 , 2006 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices, by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 12/8/06 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision The Cottages at Mattituck SCTM#s: 1000-122-2-23.1 Date of Hearing: Monday, December 11, 2006. 6:05 p.m. • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �F so�Ty P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �0� Old Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G IS 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON � (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSENDycoum Southold, NY 11 Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 11th day of December, 2006 on the question of the following: 6:00 p.m. Proposed subdivision for Sterling Harbor, Inc., located the n/s/o Main Bayview Road, 300.21' e/o Midland Parkway in Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-88-2-15 6:05 p.m. Proposed subdivision for The Cottages at Mattituck, located on the s/s/o Sound Avenue and the w/s/o Factory Avenue in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000- 122-2-23.1 Dated: 11/28/06 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY, November 30, 2006 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TO THIS OFFICE. THANK YOU. COPY SENT TO: The Suffolk Times . • Page 1 of 1 Randolph, Linda From: JOAN ANN Uaweber@timesreview.com] Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 4:32 PM To: Randolph, Linda Subject: Re: Legal ad for 11/30 edition Hi Linda Will do! Joan Ann -----Original Message---- From: Randolph Linda To: JOAN ANN Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 2:43 PM Subject: Legal ad for 11/30 edition Hi Joan Ann, Please public the attached notice of the 12/11 Planning Board Public Hearings, and confirm receipt. We have noted the new deadlines. Thank you. Linda 11/28/2006 STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) LINDA RANDOLPH, Secretary to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that on the 28th day of November, 2006, she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold New York. 12/11/06 Regular Meeting: 6:00 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed subdivision for Sterling Harbor, Inc. — SCTM # 1000-88-2-15 6:05 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed subdivision for The Cottages at Mattituck — SCTM# 1000- 122-2-23.1 Linda Nndolph Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board Sworn to before me this -day of�0~4t, ' , 2006. Nota P is MELANIE DOROSKI NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No.01D04634870 Qualified in Suffolk County Commission Expires September 30, o 10 • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �QF so�ly P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE � OHO Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS H Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G Q 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L. GEORGE L. SOLOMON '� �� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) TOWNSEND �yCOUNT'1 Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 11th day of December, 2006 on the question of the following: 6:00 p.m. Proposed subdivision for Sterling Harbor, Inc., located the n/s/o Main Bayview Road, 300.21' e/o Midland Parkway in Southold, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-88-2-15 6:05 p.m. Proposed subdivision for The Cottages at Mattituck, located on the s/s/o Sound Avenue and the w/s/o Factory Avenue in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000- 122-2-23.1 Dated: 11/28/06 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson S� SCOTT A. RUSSELL '° FFOI/co JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERVISOR w ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD y. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Oy` Fax. (631)-765-9015 Tel.(631)-765-1560 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November& Jerilyn B. Woodhouse ,,,, Chairperson - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 - D � , I I Re: Cottages at Mattituck- Subdivision Sound & Factory Avenue, Mattituck — - SCTM#: 1000 - 122 -02 - 23.1 Dear Mrs. Woodhouse: _ ' 4' As per a request from your office, I have reviewed the revised site plans (sheets 1 through 7)for the above referenced project. These Site Plan drawings have been prepared by the office of Nelson & Pope and have been dated 08/16/06. These revised plans have adequately addressed all of the issues noted in my last report. The landscaping has been addressed in a manner that will provide for one street tree for each proposed lot. This item should be reviewed and approved by the Planning Board. With the exception of the items listed above, these site plan drawings meet the minimum requirements of Town Code. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. S' c ely, 61 aures A. Richt r, R.A. CC: Peter Harris (Superintendent of Highways) t.0 F/ e Town of Southold - Lettere Boardti�t4ber 5, 2006 506F RESOLUTION 2006-716 Item # 10 ADOPTED DOC ID: 2126 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2006-716 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 5, 2006: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby approves the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Affordable Housing at The Cottages at Mattituck, in accordance with Article VI of Chapter 280 of the Town Code of the Town of Southold,to provide for the perpetual affordability of the units created by that project, in substantially the form of the August 28, 2006 draft version of such Covenants and Restrictions, subject to the approval and modification of the Town Attorney. Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Daniel C. Ross, Councilman SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell, Krupski Jr. 71 aL i L� Pli___.� Southold Town anni Board Generated September 6, 2006 Page 15 Town of Southold -Letter Board Meeting of September 5, 2006F5 /1 1 I! m RESOLUTION 2006-730 Item #24 ADOPTED DOC ID: 2141 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2006-730 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON SEPTEMBER 5,2006: WHEREAS,the Town Board of the Town of Southold has reviewed a request by CDCLI Housing Fund Development Corporation to provide for a road within its subdivision known as the Cottages at Mattituck, SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1, which will contain a section having a maximum road width of 46.5 feet; and WHEREAS,the subdivision is within the AHD Zoning District of the Town and the owner has represented to the Town that it will construct a 22 unit housing development meeting the criteria of the AHD zone and other Town requirements; and WHEREAS, the owner has advised the Town that in order for the affordable housing development to be manageable for the residents of the development, it intends to complete the road and subdivision improvements to Town specifications and offer same to the Town for dedication; and WHEREAS, Section 171 of the NYS Highway Law requires a Certificate of Necessity from the NYS Department of Transportation prior to the Town's acceptance of dedication of such a roadway inasmuch as it is less than three rods in width; and WHEREAS, the Southold Town Highway Superintendent has certified that the road, upon construction in accordance with Town specifications and other requirements of the Planniniz.. Board and Town of Southold, will be maintainable within theidifflihi NEM right of way and thati is necessary that the roadway be less than three rods in width. Generated September 6, 2006 Paije Town of Southold - LetteP Board Pileeting of September 5, 2006 NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold endorses the Highway Superintendent's acceptance of the reduced road width as shown on the preliminary map approved by the Planning Board and endorsed by the Chairman, and requests the NYS Department of Transportation to issue a Certificate of Necessity under Highway Law 171 permitting the reduced road width; and it is further RESOLVED that this resolution shall not release the owner from any other conditions of the Town, the Planning Board or the Highway Superintendent in connection with the offering and acceptance of the road for dedication to the Town highway system. Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [S TO 1] MOVER: William P. Edwards, Councilman SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman AYES: Evans, Wickham, Ross, Edwards, Russell NAYS:Albert Krupski Jr. Generated September 6, 2006 Page 32 NELSON&POPE \ l ENGINEERSAND SURVEYORS (631)427-5665 572 Walt Whitman Road FAX(631)427-5620 Melville,NY 11747 TO: Anthony Trezza Date: August 29,2006 Town of Southold Planning Department Re: Cottages at Mattituck 54375 NYS Rte 25 N&P Job# 02007 Southhold,NY 11971 Your Ref: We are sending you XX Pick Up r Via FEDEX ' 1' For YourReview&Comment ' ^," " Submission to Town - 1 s• Quantity Drawing Title Sheet No. .—.,..--Rev.No.•. 6 Drainage Planl'of"�"4 6 Grading Plan 2 of 7 6 Erosion Control Plan 3 of 7 6 Street Tree and Planting Plan 4 of 7 6 Street Lighting Plan 5 of 7 6 Profile-Cottage Way 6 of 7 6 Details 7 of 7 6 Final Subdivision Plan 1 of 1 1 Remarks: Very truly yours, CC: Bill Klatsky 1 set of same Len Axinn I set of same NELSON&POPE Gall Wickham I Set of same By: James C.Milliken T 8.29 tremaxts E7F` Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: Subject: SCTM#: 1000 - /,?Z_ Date: Zeo L Comments:: a Occupancy of Unit: Occupancy required—principal residence Annual report to Special Projects Coordinator(SPC) , Sale of Unit: Sale only to Qualified Buyer Price limited by Town 30 days notice to Town of contract terms If Owner dies,Unit may go to spouse or children who are Qualified Buyers Rental: (only permitted after subsidies expire) Proposed lease must be submitted to SPC 14 days prior to lease start Tenants must be qualified(on Registry) Annual report to SPC by owner and by tenant Prohibited Mortgages: Reverse mortgages,negative amortization mortgages,no income verification mortgages, stated income mortgages,or interest only mortgages(except std.Home equities) Defaults: Non-occupancy of unit w/o approval to sell or lease Leasing without approval or for improper amount Failure to submit annual compliance report Prohibited Mortgage obtained Default in mortgage and commencement of foreclosure Failure to comply with AHD Code or C&R's Material misrepresentation to Town Bankruptcy filing If a homeowner defaults under C&R's or Code: Notice of default,30 day right to cure • The Town may enforce penalties described in the Code Section 100-59($1,000 to$10,000 and/or revocation of existing certificate of occupancy) • The Town may enforcespecific performance to the covenants and restrictions or seek injunction. • Town has option to purchase the prope from the homeowner(and assign to Qualified Buyer) • The Town may exercise the Right of reverter(forfeiture of title). Mortgage lien to be paid in event of purchase or reverter. Prevailing party entitled to attorneys fees If a homeowner defaults in payment of a mortgage on his home: (or any other terms of the mortgage) • Prior to commencement of foreclosure action by the lender, o The Lender must notify the Town o the Town may choose to cure the default and thereby will acquire the right,title and interest of the homeowner in the home. o Town may assign this right to a qualified purchaser who may either seek to assume the existing mortgage or obtain a new loan. • Afterjudgment of foreclosure and prior to the foreclosure sale,Town may redeem the homeowner's interest and thereby acquire the right,title and interest of the homeowner in the home. o Town may assign this right to a qualified purchaser. • If the Town does not elect to cure the default or exercise the right to redeem the property,an institutional lender may sell the property to a non-eligible purchaser at a price adequate to make the lender whole. NOTE: reverter clause to be amended to coordinate with County of Suffolk reverter clause. Re/cdc/outline DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION 8/28/2006 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS & RESTRICTIONS AFFORDABLE HOUSING THE COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK This DECLARATION OF COVENANTS & RESTRICTIONS (the "Declaration") is made this day of 2006, by CDCLI HOUSING FUND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a not-for-profit corporation with offices at 2100 Middle Country Road, Centereach, New York 11720 ("CDCLI"); and TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, a municipal corporation with offices at 53095 Main Road, Southold,New York 11971 (the "Town") WITNESSETH Whereas, CDCLI is the owner of the real property know as the Cottages at Mattituck and more particularly described on Schedule A annexed hereto and made a part hereof(the "Property") which includes 22 parcels to be improved with single family residences (each a"Unit"); and Whereas, the Town has approved the development of the Property as affordable housing to be developed and used in accordance with the Town Code and specifically in accordance with Chapters 87, 98 and 100 thereof; and Whereas, CDCLI and the Town desire to provide for the preservation of the Property for the purpose of affordable housing and, to this end, desire to subject the Property to the covenants and restrictions hereinafter set forth, each and all of which is and are for the benefit of the Property and the Town; and Whereas, the Town will acquire the property as part of the grant process with the County of Suffolk, and will reconvey the property to CDCLI for the development thereof. Now Therefore, the Town, for itself, its successors and assigns, declares that the Property is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants and restrictions hereafter set forth. 1. Ownership. The owner of fee simple title (the "Owner") of a Unit shall be a limited to: Page 1, August 16, 2006 Draft (A) As to Units 2,3,4,5,6,7,13,14,15,16 and 17, families/individuals whose household income does not exceed eighty (80%) percent of the HUD median income for the County of Suffolk; and (B) As to Units 1,8,9,10,11,12,18,19,20,21 and 22, families/individuals whose household income does not exceed one hundred (100%) percent of the HUD median income for the County of Suffolk; and (C) In either case, the Owner shall be registered with the Town Housing Registry and shall hold a Certificate of Eligibility issued by the Special Projects Coordinator ("SPC") of the Town in accordance with the Town Code. "Owner" as used herein shall not include CDCLI on the initial sale of the Units, except as to the price restrictions set forth herein. (D) The restrictions of sub-sections A & B shall not apply after the expiration of any applicable subsidy or grant restrictions on the development. 2. Occupancy of Unit: (A) Occupancy of Unit. (1) Owner shall, at all times, occupy the Unit as his or her principal residence unless specifically permitted by the Town to rent or sell the unit as set forth in paragraph B or C of this section. (2) Pursuant to §100-57 of the Town Code, Owner shall submit an annual report to the Special Projects Coordinator ("SPC") no later than May 31't of each calendar year certifying Owner's continued residency in the Unit during the prior year. (B) Sale of Unit: (1) Owner shall comply with the procedures for resale and the resale price restrictions set forth in the Town Code §100-56 through §100-57 and any applicable Town Board Resolution ("Resolution") governing the Unit. The Town has established criteria in accordance with the Town Code governing the Unit regarding the eligibility of households entitled to purchase the Unit under this Declaration, which may be amended by the Town from time to time. (2) Owner shall sell or transfer the Unit only to persons listed on the Town Housing Registry in possession of a Certificate of Eligibility issued by the SPC, in accordance with income restrictions set forth in Article 1 (A) & (B), and who, to the best of Owner's knowledge, intend to reside therein("Qualified Buyer"). (3) Owner may not sell the Unit for more than the price established by Town in accordance with §100-56 of the Town Code and the Resolution.(Town Sale Price). Page 2, August 16, 2006 Draft 0 (4) In the event Owner wishes to sell the Unit, he shall notify the Town Clerk of his intention to sell and deliver a copy of a proposed contract of sale together with a written notice of his intent to sell at least 30 days prior entering into such contract in accordance with §100-56 of the Town Code. Owner shall not enter into any contract without obtaining the prior written consent of the SPC. Any contract entered into without the approval of the SPC shall be void. (5) Any deed of Conveyance of a Unit to another shall refer to this Declaration and shall also contain such language as the Town may require in order to continue the right of reverter for the benefit of the Town as described in Article 7 herein. (6) In the event of the death of an owner, the Unit may be transferred to the surviving spouse or children who are Qualified Buyers, or who, upon application, qualify as Qualified Buyers, subject to all mortgages and liens. (C) Rental of Unit: (1) Rental of Units is restricted by the terms of the subsidies and grants awarded in the development of this Property. Upon the termination or expiration of such restrictions, Units may be rented only in accordance with the terms herein. (2) In the event Owner intends to rent the Unit to another person, he shall submit a copy of the proposed lease to the Town Clerk together with a written notice of his intent to enter into the lease at least 14 days prior to the effective date of said lease in accordance with §100-56 of the Town Code. The lease must be in writing. Owner shall not enter into any lease without obtaining the prior written consent of the SPC. Owner will not rent the Unit without a written lease. Any lease entered into without the approval of the SPC shall be void. (3) In no event will the Town approve a lease unless the tenants are families/individuals listed on the Town Housing Registry in possession of a Certificate of Eligibility issued by the SPC. (4) The maximum rental amount and maximum incomes of tenants shall be as determined by the Town as set forth in §100-56 and §100-57 of the Town Code. (5)No lease shall be for a period of more than two (2) years. (6) Pursuant to §100-57 of the Town Code, Owner shall submit an annual report to the SPC no later than May 31" of each calendar year in writing certifying the amount of rent received by Owner for the prior year and that the lease complies with the provisions of the Town Code. Owner shall include in any lease the requirement that Tenant submit an annual report to the SPC certifying the tenant's household income for the prior year no later than May 31" of each year. Page 3, August 16, 2006 Draft 3. Mortgages and Encumbrances. (A) Owner may mortgage a Unit to a bona-fide institutional lender provided the aggregate principal amount of all mortgages and liensshall not exceed the Town Sale Price of the Unit. (B) Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Owner may not encumber the Unit with a Prohibited Mortgage. A Prohibited Mortgage shall mean a "reverse mortgage", a "negative amortization"mortgage, a"no income verification"mortgage, a"stated income mortgage", or a mortgage which provides for payments of interest only other than a home equity line of credit which allows payment of interest only for no more than five years of the term of the mortgage; 4. Event of Default: The occurrence of any of the following shall constitute an Event of Default: (A) Owner ceases to occupy the Unit as his principal residence without obtaining the Town's written approval to sell or lease the Unit; (B)Owner leases or rents the Unit to a tenant prior to obtaining the Town's approval thereto, or allows another person to reside in the Unit; (C)Owner leases the Unit at a monthly rental rate in excess of the affordable monthly rental rate determined by the Town; (D)Owner fails to submit an annual compliance report, or if leased, the tenant fails to submit an annual compliance report as required under §100-57 in a timely manner; (E)Owner voluntarily or involuntarily encumbers the Unit in an aggregate amount greater than its value or allows a Prohibited Mortgage to encumber the Unit. (F) Owner is declared in default under the terms of any mortgage or other lien affecting the Unit; (G)Owner fails to perform or keep or abide by any term, covenant or condition contained in this Declaration, or fails to comply with any other provision of Chapters 87, 98 or §100-50 through §100-59 of the Town Code; (H)If any written representation or statement made to the Town by the Owner with respect to qualification or certification for eligibility as a Qualified Buyer, including the annual compliance report, is untrue in any material regard; (I) If Owner seeks relief, or a petition by creditors is filed, under any State or Federal Law affording relief to debtors including but not limited to Title II of the United States Code or the New York Debtor and Creditor Law. Page 4, August 16, 2006 Draft 5. Remedies Available to the Town. (A) If an Event of Default occurs, Town may issue a Notice of Default requiring Owner to cure the default. (B) In the event Owner fails to cure the default within a thirty day period after receipt of Notice of Default, Town may, in its sole discretion, extend the period to cure such default if Owner is diligently proceeding to cure such default, or Town may pursue any judicial or administrative remedy available at law or equity(including administrative and judicial remedies prescribed in the Town Code). (C) Owner expressly acknowledges that Town is authorized to commence a civil action to enjoin any violation or to compel specific performance of this Declaration and to recover damages therefore. Monetary penalties are imposed by the Code, and such penalties are not the only remedies available to the Town. (D) In addition to the rights otherwise set forth herein, violations of this Declaration by any person, corporation, or other entity, whether a principal, agent, employee or otherwise, including Owner, shall be punishable in accordance with the provisions of the §100-59 and/or§ 87-10 of the Town Code. (E) In the event that legal action is commenced by either Owner or Town to enforce any of the terms of this Declaration or the Town Code the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees and costs arising from said action. 6. Right of Town to Purchase: (A) hi addition to, the remedies otherwise available to the Town hereunder, the Owner hereby grants to Town the option to purchase the Unit in the event of an uncured Event of Default. The consideration for the option to purchase is the economic benefits received by Owner resulting from his purchase of the Unit. The Town shall have thirty (30) days after the Default cure period has lapsed to notify Owner and all lien holders, if any, in writing, of its decision to exercise the option to purchase. (B) If Town exercises its option to purchase the Unit, it shall use its best efforts to close title within ninety(90) days following delivery of the Notice of Default to the Owner. The Town may assign the option to purchase to a Qualified Buyer in accordance with the income restrictions of Article 1 (A) & (B). All closing costs shall be paid according to customary practice in Suffolk County. (C) The purchase price shall be the price paid by the Owner for the Unit adjusted for increases in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI") and permanent fixed improvements approved by the Town at the value determined by the SPC, less: (i) any Page 5, August 16, 2006 Draft mortgages, liens, including taxes, or any other encumbrances affecting the Unit; and (ii) subject to any grants or other benefits awarded the Owner at the time of purchase of the Unit, which shall be assumed by the next Owner of the Unit, who shall be a Qualified Buyer. (D) Any purchaser of the Unit, including the Town or its assignee, shall be required to satisfy any bona-fide mortgage indebtedness thereon in full, or on the written consent of the mortgagee, assume the mortgage obligations of the Owner. 7. Right of Reverter. (TO BE AMENDED TO COORDINATE WITH COUNTY OF SUFFOLK REVERTER) (A) In addition to the remedies otherwise available to the Town hereunder, the Town shall have the right of reverter in the event an Owner fails to comply with any provision of§100-50 through §100-59 of the Town Code and does not cure such Event of Default within thirty(30) days of the delivery of a Notice of Default to the Owner. (B) The Town may exercise the right of reverter at any time following thirty (30) days after delivery of a Notice of Default to the Owner which Owner has failed to cure. (C) In the event the Town exercises the right of reverter, the Town shall be required to satisfy any bona-fide mortgage indebtedness thereon in full, or on the written consent of the mortgagee, a new owner may assume the obligations thereunder. 8. Mortgage Foreclosure. (A) In the event of a default on any mortgage or lien affecting the Unit, and the commencement of a foreclosure proceeding by the mortgage holder, the Town, or its assignee shall have the right to cure such default and/or redeem the Unit prior to the foreclosure sale. In such event, Owner agrees the Town shall succeed to all Owner's right, title and interest in and to the Unit. Such cure or redemption shall be subject to the same fees, charge and penalties which would otherwise be assessed against the Owner. Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring the Town to cure such default. Prior to initiating a foreclosure action, a lender shall give thirty days written notice of its intent to foreclose to the Town. (B) Except as otherwise set forth herein, nothing herein shall in any way diminish the rights of a bona fide lender, which secures a debt by a mortgage on the Unit, to exercise whatever remedies the lender has at law or in equity to foreclose the mortgage (C) In the event the Town does not elect to cure such default or redeem the Unit prior to the lender's acceptance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure or a foreclosure sale, then the mortgage holder, if a bona fide financial banking institution licensed by the State Page 6, August 16, 2006 Draft of New York, may sell the Unit to a non-qualified purchaser and such Unit will no longer be subject to this Declaration. Any surplus funds exceeding the amounts due lien holders including principal balances due, all court approved accrued interest, penalties, late payment fees, reasonable attorneys' fees and all court costs and disbursements, shall be paid to the Town. 9. Successors and Assigns. The provisions of this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions shall run with the land and bind the Property for the benefit of the Town in perpetuity. 10. Amendments. This Declaration may not be changed or terminated, nor any of its provisions waived, except by written instrument signed by the Town, or if such amendment would be at variance with any provision of the Town Code, in accordance with Town procedure for Code amendments. 11. Notices: Any and all notices, elections, approvals, consents, demands, requests, responses and other communications permitted or required hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed to have been properly given and shall be effective upon receipt or refusal thereof if delivered personally, or by recognized overnight courier, or three (3) days after deposit thereof in the United States mail, postage prepaid to the address of such party provided to the tax assessor 12. Miscellaneous. (A) No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Town is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy or remedies and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity. Delay or failure of the Town to exercise any of its rights under this Declaration or the Town Code shall not be deemed a waiver thereof. (B) If any portion or portions of this Declaration shall be held invalid or inoperative, then all of the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect, and, so far as is reasonable and possible, effect shall be given to the intent manifested by the portion or portions held to be invalid or inoperative. (C) This Declaration shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York without regard to its principles of conflict of laws. (D) Any reference herein to sections of the Town Code shall include any and all applicable amendments and successor Local Laws thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Declaration has been executed o the day and year set forth above. CDCLI HOUSING FUND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Page 7, August 16, 2006 Draft by: Name Title: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD by: Name Title: STATE OF NEW YORK) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the _ day of , 2006, before me, personally appeared personally known to me or proven to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in his/her capacity, and that by his/her signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. Cdc/c&rcl823(1) Page 8, August 16, 2006 Draft PLANNING BOARD MEMBEi • MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �OF S01J/). o Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR N 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON Q JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND ' �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) 3 "OUNT Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD August 15, 2006 Gail Wickham, Esq. Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & Geasa, P.0 PO Box 1421 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Standard Subdivision of the Cottages at Mattituck The property is located on the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 Zoning Districts: Affordable Housing District (AHD) Dear Ms Wickham: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, August 14, 2006, adopted the following resolution: The public hearing was closed. WHEREAS this proposal is for a Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 22 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 8,000 square feet to 15,817 square feet, in the Affordable Housing District; and WHEREAS the applicant is the Community Development Corporation of Long Island, a not for profit organization seeking to develop the subject property for affordable housing pursuant to Article VI, Affordable Housing District, of the Town Code, and in accordance with the Town's goal of addressing the housing needs of its local residents; and WHEREAS by Resolution No. 2005-762 (December 6, 2005), the Town Board agreed to consider a change of zone on its own motion and authorized the Supervisor to retain the services of Cleary Consulting to perform a SEQRA review for the proposed project; and WHEREAS on December 27, 2005 the applicant submitted a Yield Map, prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated October 24, 2005; a Health Department Yield Map, prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated November 16, 2005; and a Sketch Plan, prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated October 31, 2005; and Cottages at Mattituck Page Two August 15, 2006 WHEREAS by Resolution No. 2006-140 (January 17, 2006), the Town Board designated its intention to serve as Lead Agency for the SEQRA Coordinated Review of this Action, and directed the Lead Agency Notification to be circulated, along with the Environmental Assessment Form, to all involved agencies; and WHEREAS by Resolution No. 2006-142 (January 17, 2006), the Town Board authorized the Planning Board to begin the sketch application process for this project upon submission of the sketch application and reduced fee in the amount of$1,000; and WHEREAS an application for sketch approval was submitted to the Southold Town Planning Board on January 12, 2006 and the fee in the amount of$1,000 on January 31, 2006; and WHEREAS the Town Board held a public hearing for the change of zone application on January 31, 2006; and WHEREAS it was determined that this project will require the transfer of Sanitary Flow Credits pursuant to Chapter 117 of the Southold Town Code; and WHEREAS an Application for the Transfer of Sanitary Flow Credits was submitted to the Town Clerk's Office on March 3, 2006; and WHEREAS on March 13, 2006 the Southold Town Planning Board granted Conditional Sketch Approval upon the map prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated October 31, 2005; and WHEREAS pursuant to Section 280-28(B) of the Southold Town Code, the applicant petitioned the Planning Board to reduce the lot dimension requirements for several lots on the Yield Map prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated October 24, 2005, in order to obtain a yield of 24 lots; and WHEREAS on March 24, 2006, the applicant submitted a second Yield Plan, prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated October 24, 2005 and last revised on March 22, 2006, that depicts a total of 22 lots, all of which conform to all of the bulk schedule requirements pursuant to Section 280-28(A), Bulk, area and parking regulations, of the Southold Town Code; and WHEREAS on March 27, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board held a public hearing for the relief requested by the applicant on the Yield Map to create 24 lots by varying the lot width and lot depth requirements; and WHEREAS in consideration of the density concerns raised by the Town and because the applicant demonstrated that the parcel has an as-of-right yield of 22 lots, all of which conform to the bulk schedule requirements pursuant to Section 280-28(A) of the Town Code, the petition to vary the lot width and depth requirements on the 24-lot Yield Plan was withdrawn by the applicant and the public hearing rendered null and void; and Cottages at Mattituck Page Three August 15, 2006 WHEREAS by Resolution #2006-238, the Southold Town Board designated itself as Lead Agency and issued a Negative Declaration for the Type I Action, pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law; and WHEREAS by Resolution #2006-339, the Southold Town Board approved the change of zone from R-80 to Affordable Housing District; and WHEREAS by Resolution #2006-340, the Southold Town Board approved the transfer of ten (10) sanitary flow credits from the Town TDR Bank to the Community Development Corporation of Long Island for its proposed development of 22 single- family homes; and WHEREAS on June 6, 2006, the applicant submitted an Application for Preliminary Plat Approval along with the fee in the amount of$1000; and WHEREAS on June 12, 2006, the applicant submitted a revised preliminary subdivision map prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated May 31, 2006 and last revised on June 1, 2006; and WHEREAS the Southold Town Planning Board has been petitioned to reduce and/or amend yard setback requirements, lot dimensions requirements and highway specifications on the preliminary map prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated May 31, 2006 and last revised on June 1, 2006 pursuant to Section 280-28(B) of the Southold Town Code, as follows: a. Lot 1: reduce the front year setback from 35' to 20' b. Lots 2,3 & 4: reduce the lot width from 80' to 60' c. Lot 5: reduce the lot width from 80' to 61.75' d. Lot 6: reduce the lot width from 80' to 72.24' e. Lot 8: reduce the lot width from 80' to 73.40' f. Lot 9: reduce the lot width from 80' to 60.60' g. Lot 11: reduce the lot width from 80' to 62.08' h. Lot 12: reduce the lot width from 80' to 69.73' i. Lot 13: reduce the lot width from 80' to 64.12' j. Lot 14: reduce the lot width from 80' to 66.59' k. Lot 15: reduce the lot width from 80' to 65.50' I. Lot 16: reduce the lot width from 80' to 64.50' m. Lot 17: reduce the lot width from 80' to 62.04' n. Lots 18 & 19: reduce the lot width from 80' to 60' o. Lot 20: reduce the lot width from 80' to 61.65' p. Lot 21: reduce the lot width from 80' to 72.18' q. Lot 21: reduce the lot width from 80' to 68.32'; and WHEREAS on June 29, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board received a letter dated June 28, 2006 from the Mattituck fire District containing the following comments/recommendations: Cottages at Mattituck Page Four August 15, 2006 1. That the right-of-way shown at the southern end of the development between the end of the proposed road and Factory Avenue, labeled "pedestrian and emergency access" be maintained year long with the ability to sustain the entrance and egress of emergency vehicles should an emergency develop that would prevent access from Sound Avenue. 2. If Suffolk County does not install a water main, the Mattituck Fire District should have the opportunity to re-review this subdivision with recommendations for fire wells. 3. The Mattituck Fire District be contacted prior to Suffolk County Water Authority main installation to have the ability to locate fire hydrants within the development, due to the closeness of the structures; and WHEREAS on July 14, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board received a second letter from the Mattituck Fire District recommending that two (2) new hydrants be located on the proposed road, with the first located approximately 550' from the intersection of Sound Avenue and the second located at the end of the road close to the "emergency access; and WHEREAS on July 18, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board received a report from the Office of the Town Engineer containing the following comments and/or recommendations: 1. Drainage calculations have been provided and they are satisfactory. 2. Section 161-34 indicates that a maximum distance flow in roadway gutters for subdivision pavements before a catch basin is required shall not exceed 350 feet. Therefore, two additional catch basins will be required at station 8+50 to meet this requirement. 3. Test hole #4 is located in the recharge basin and indicates groundwater at elevation 9.8'. The bottom elevation of the recharge basin is proposed at elevation 6'. Is the information in the test hole accurate? If it is, the basin will need to be redesigned. The bottom elevation of the basin should be a minimum of 2' above the water table during the spring wet season. 4. A detailed plan of the headwall section and/or rip-rap spillway should be indicated on the plan. 5. A note indicates that the recharge basin will have a 6' high chain link fence with barbed wire. The barbed wire should be eliminated from the proposed fencing. 6. Screen plating has not been indicated or provided around the perimeter of the recharge basin and street trees have not been shown. Is the Planning Board going to waive this requirement? 7. The proposed easterly offset of the pavement at the entrance to the subdivision is excessive. Mr. Harris would like to center a 28' road section on the 270+/- stretch of road and reduce the width to the approved 24' section by holding the easterly edge of pavement fixed. This would leave the easterly shoulder approximately ten (10') feet wide ad the westerly shoulder would be approximately fourteen (14) feet wide. This item should be amended. Cottages at Mattituck Page Five August 15, 2006 8. As per the Highway Superintendent and due to the narrow widths between property lines, the typical road section should indicate the mountable curb section. This item should be amended. 9. Section 245-45.B.5(c) read: All residential cul-de-sacs shall have a turnaround at the end of the street which shall have a right-of-way radius of 50 feet. The curb at the turn shall have a minimum radius of 44 feet. This item should be amended. 10.The proposed front yard for lot#1 is indicated in the table as 20'. The proposed rear yard for lot#1 is indicated in the table as 35'. The building envelop drawn on the plan shows a 45' rear yard. If this envelop, as drawn, is large enough for the building footprint, I would recommend sliding the footprint back ten feet to provide a 30' front yard rather than the 20' as proposed. 11.The 20' non-disturbance, vegetated buffer adjacent to Factory Avenue extends in front of the proposed pedestrian and emergency access. This buffer should stop before this access way begins. 12.The cross section or proposed construction of the emergency access should be noted or indicated on the plan. In addition, will the Planning Board require a gated entrance to this emergency access way? Lot #10 should be prohibited from direct access to factory Avenue at all times. 13.Street lighting should be provided to meet the minimum requirements of the Code. See Section 161-46; and WHEREAS on July 31, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board received comments from the Suffolk County Planning Commission indicating that the subdivision application "is considered to be a matter for local determination"; and WHEREAS on July 31, 2006, the Southold Town Planning Board received the LWRP Coastal Consistency Review and discussed same at their work session on July 31, 2006; be it therefore RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board accepts the Fire District's comments and shall require that the pedestrian and emergency access be maintained year long with the ability to sustain the entrance and egress of emergency vehicles and that two (2) new hydrants be located on the proposed road, with the first located approximately 550' from the intersection of Sound Avenue and the second located at the end of the road close to the "emergency access; and be it further RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby accepts the Engineer's report and shall require the subdivision map to be amended accordingly, with the exception of item #10, which will not be required by the Planning Board; and be it further RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board finds that the proposed project is consistent with the Town's Local Waterfront Revitalization Program and agrees with recommendations 1 and 2 from the report and shall require that they are incorporated into the covenants and restrictions; and be it further 0 Cottages at Mattituck Page Six August 15, 2006 RESOLVED that in consideration of the proposed buffer areas and the small size of the lots, the clearing restrictions pursuant to Section 240-49(C) of the Town Code are hereby waived, except that clearing within the buffer areas is prohibited; and be it further RESOLVED that the Planning Board hereby clusters the lots on the subdivision map pursuant to Section 240-42(D) of the Town Code; and be it further RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants the requested relief on the map prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated May 31, 2006 and last revised on June 1, 2006, pursuant to Section 280-28(B) of the Southold Town Code, based on the following: 1. The relief, as granted, will not create an undesirable change in the character of the neighborhood or be detrimental to nearby properties. There are a number of existing narrow lots along Sound Avenue and Factory Avenue. This development is a first step in addressing the affordable housing needs of the Town and will provide a public benefit to the both the surrounding neighborhood and the Town as a whole 2. The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some other method, other than the variance sought. In order to maximize the buffer areas to adjacent properties while providing adequate room for the construction of the homes, the reduction of the dimensional requirements is necessary. 3. The variances sought are not substantial. Based on all of the lot width dimensions shown on the map, the average lot width for this subdivision is 77', where 80' is the minimum required. 4. The variances will not have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district. The environmental review for this project was based on a total of 22 lots. The reduction in the dimensional requirements will not result in an increase in density and therefore is not expected to change the environmental impacts. In addition, the lot configuration mitigates the potential visual impacts of the development to adjacent property owners. 5. The difficulty was not self-created. The design of this site has been an on-going effort between the Town of Southold and the Community Development Corporation of Long Island. In working with the applicant, the Planning Board felt it was necessary to provide as much protection to the adjacent property owners by way of vegetated buffers. In doing so, the design of the site requires the reduction of lot width for a number of lots and a reduction in the front yard setback for lot 1; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grants Preliminary Plat Approval, upon the map prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated May 31, 2006 and last revised on June 1, 2006, subject to the following conditions: Cottages at Mattituck Page Seven August 15, 2006 1) Submission of the application and fee for Final Plat Approval. 2) Submission of the final subdivision map, with the following revisions: a) The title of the map shall read "Final Subdivision Plan for the Cottages at Mattituck." b) Indicate which areas are proposed to be dedicated to the Town of Southold. c) Add a note to the map which states that "the clearing of any vegetation within the non-disturbance vegetated buffers on this map is prohibited"and that "these areas shall remain in their natural state and free of structures." d) Add a note to the map which states that "this subdivision is subject to the provisions of Article Vl, Affordable Housing District, of the Southold Town Code." e) Add a note to the map which states that in the event the applicant does not comply with all of the provisions pursuant to Article VI, Affordable Housing District, of the Southold Town Code, the subdivision map shall be rendered null and void. fl Add a note to the map which states that no building permits may be issued by the Building Department for any of the lots on the approved map until proof of perpetual affordability, pursuant to Article Vl, Affordable Housing District, of the Town Code, has been submitted to the Planning Board. g) Indicate the source of the sanitary flow credits as well as the number of credits transferred to the site. h) Show all of the changes required by the Office of the Town Engineer and the Planning Board. The final map is subject to final approval by the Town Engineer and Planning Board. i) Show the location of the two (2) fire hydrants as recommended by the Mattituck Fire District and required by the Planning Board. j) Remove the buffer area from the pedestrian and emergency access. k) If the lot configuration, sizes and/or dimensions are changed as a result of these map revisions, the table of modifications must be amended accordingly. 3) Submission of draft Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, containing the following clauses: a) There shall be no further subdivision of any of the lots on the approved map, in perpetuity. b) No lot line changes may be modified without approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. c) Prior to any construction activity, the project will require a General Permit for the storm water runoff from construction activity (GP-02-01) administered by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation under Phase II State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. d) All storm water runoff resulting from the development of any of the lots on the subdivision map shall be retained on site and shall be the responsibility of each property owner. e) Access to Lot 10 from Factory Avenue is prohibited. f) Lot 10 is subject to a 20'-wide non-disturbance vegetated buffer as shown on the approved map, which shall remain in its natural state and free of all structures. Cottages at Mattituck Page Eight August 15, 2006 g) Lots 6 and 7 are subject to a 15'-wide non-disturbance vegetated buffer as shown on the approve map, which shall remain in its natural state and free of all structures. h) Lots 2 thru 5 and 12 thru 22 are subject to a 25'-wide non-disturbance vegetated buffer as shown on the approved map, which shall remain in its natural state and free of all structures. I) Lot 1 is subject to a non-disturbance vegetated buffer of variable width, as shown on the approved map, that shall remain in its natural state and free of structures. j) Each lot shown on the approved map is subject to the provisions pursuant to Article VI, Affordable Housing District, of the Southold Town Code. k) All structures with impervious areas shall control and retain surface runoff through the use of gutters, leaders and subsurface drywells. 1) No action, including dumping of debris or clearing of vegetation, is permitted within the non-disturbance buffers as shown on the approved map. m) In the event the applicant does not comply with the provisions pursuant to Article VI, Affordable Housing District, of the Southold Town Code, the subdivision map shall be rendered null and void. n) No building permits may be issued by the Building Department for any of the lots on the approved map until proof of perpetual affordability, pursuant to Article VI, Affordable Housing District, of the Town Code, has been submitted to the Planning Board. 4) Review and approval of the bond estimate and Administrative Fee as proposed by the Town Engineer. 5) Submission of a letter of water availability from the Suffolk County Water Authority. 6) Submission of a copy of the recorded covenants and restrictions pursuant to Section 280-30 of the Town Code, showing that the lots will remain affordable in perpetuity pursuant to Article VI, Affordable Housing District, of the Southold Town Code. 7) All buffer areas shown on the final map shall be staked by a Licensed Surveyor or Engineer prior to the issuance of any building permits for any of the lots. This approval is valid for six (6) months from the date of resolution unless an extension of time is requested by the applicant and approved by the Planning Board. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board office. Very truly yours e ilyn B. Woodhouse C airperson cc: Kieran Corcoran, Assistant Town Attorney Philip Beltz, Special Projects Coordinator Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk 1WUa-14-2006 ;5.30 FROM: 631 298 8565 TO:6-71 765 3136 P.001'002 • Law Offices islL I WICKHAM, BRESSLER,GORDON 6t:GEASA,P.C. {� � 13015 Main Road, P.O.Box 1424 Mattituck,New York 1,1952 631-298-8353 Telefax no. 631.-298-8565 Thi='tan^mission wntslns infurutn[Ior conPdenr.iml and/or legnlly prlvlleged, It Is Irrended for uW only by fhe person to wham it is&rc.od. If you have receival 0,Is te!ecopy in artor,please notify us by Wash one immallately so that we can rrtange for the rel'urn ol'fx doamtnts to us at no cost to you. ifyou do not rcceirc ell of the pngcs indicated ^� plcasc call n swim possible at the n,.imbcr�nbove. To: -1'laFax 4, Front _ , ' 1CR _ Date: RC;__ � 4E A 'thinCi✓ ( I (3t Comments: q�f UC}(���• `''�� This is page one of a D • RUG-14-2006 15:30 FROG! 631 298 8565 TO`631 765 3136 P.002„002 • • sU 1jF LAW OFPICES WICKHAM,BRESSLER,GORDON&GEASA,P.C. 13C 15 MAIN ROAD, P.O. SON 1424 WILLIAM WICK14ANI(06-02) MAT ,'TUCK LONG ISLAND ERIC 1, LARESSLER NEW YORK 11912 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A.WICK)!AM SUITE 111 LYNNE AA,CORDON MELv1111;. NEW YORK 11747 JANET OEASA 611.29W313 ---- Tr,LrPAX NO.631-Z9&9561 631.249-9480 wwblawQ@9Al.cofn T✓LEPAXNO,63i-249-9494 August 14, 2006 Memo to Planning Board Re: CDCLI Preliminary Hearing I would like to comment on the accident reports submitted by Mr. Slead.man relating to Factory Avenue,as follows: No basis Tor comparison: -No accident reports or statistics are submitted as to any other intersecticins, nol to compare ixese reports to accidents at other locations tt n -Factory Avenue/Sound Avenue intersection: 9 accidents report submitted from.January, 2001 to present(5-1/2 years) 3 were due to sliding on ice/snow P.I 2 were not at the in,temection(ussd as reference point only) J Most wera"tender benders” — 4 accii (or 7 including ice-reiated) ut over 5 years should not ad ersely impact traffic Stu. -Factory Avenue/Main Road intersection: 40 accidents submitted from 1anu:ry 2001 to present 7 were not a1:the intersection(used as reference point only) 3 were inside the Mattituck Plaza parking lot 1 involved a pedestrian who was "heavily intoxicated" 15 were rear-cnd collisions at the traffic light: most ofthese occurred shortly aAer the traffic light was insWted 7 were at.the Factory Avenue and Mattituck Plaza intersection. This is known problem, but 7 in 5-1/2 years is nol,a significant impact, and while the issue sbould be addressed, it should not limit the ability of other property owners in the area to develop tier property. 1 was mid-way up Factory Avenue where a car bit a parked car because he was looking at the oncoming car—no accounting for stupidity b remaining accident repons for 6e intersection itself over almost 6 years This does not reflect a significant intellection problem when the number end type of accidents over this period is considered The accident report,;for periods prior to December 31, 2000 were not reviewed as too remote in time. -Trak Improvements: Since the dale of the accident report, the entire intersection at Factory Avenue and Main Road has been upgraded,turn simial.s and lane markings improved, and?,ust this Summer a right hand turn lane on Factory Avenue installed to alleviate traffic at fiat intersection and improve safety. NSPNELSON & POPE 572 WALT WHITMAN ROAD,MELVILLE,NY 11747 ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS TEL(631)427-5665 FAX(631)427.5620 MEMORANDUM TO: Mark Terry DATE: August 14, 2006 Town of Southold N&P PROP.NO. 02007 FROM: Kerri M. Collins, P.E. CC: Len Axinn Pat Cleary SUBJECT: Cottages at Mattituck Trip Generation Calculation Nelson &Pope calculated the estimated trip generation expected by the proposed residential development known as the Cottages at Mattituck based on statistics provided by a reference published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), Trip Generation, 7" Edition. This nationally recognized reference is used by transportation engineers to estimate traffic generated by a variety of land uses based on relevant independent variables. The statistics provided consist of a weighted average rate and/or a regression equation. The equation may be linear or logarithmic. The data provided by ITE is based upon counts conducted at similar sites throughout the country. The procedure provided by ITE calls for reviewing the data sample size and range,the standard deviation, and the measure of correlation or the RZ factor to determine if the equation or the rate should be used when calculating trip generation. The Land Use Code 210-Single-Family Detached Housing was used for the portion of the site comprised of 22 cottages. The procedure recommends using the average rate for the AM peak hour and the regression equation for the PM peak hour which results in 17 trips during the AM and 29 trips during the PM. The analysis that was provided in the Technical Memorandum dated 3/21/06 calculated trip generation for 24 single-family homes (29 trips in the AM; 31 trips in the PM). Also, the higher result for the AM, using the equation instead of the rate, was used in the analysis for a more conservative result. The trips attributed to the 12 apartments were calculated using the Land Use Code 220-Apartment. The regression equation was appropriately used for the AM and PM peak hours resulting in a total of I1 trips and 25 trips, respectively. A caution is offered by ITE when the size of your independent variable, in this case, the number of units, is very low compared with the data samples, then the equation could produce illogical results and the weighted average is preferred. Had we used the weighted average,our results would have shown trip totals of 7 and 8 for the apartments. We elected to use the higher values in our analysis to provide a conservative result. Conclusion The trip generation estimate provided for the proposed site was intentionally conservative or overestimated the traffic by using the equations rather than the rates when the rates would have been acceptable per ITE methodology. Also, it should be recognized that ITE does not provide a category and statistics based on smaller"cottage" style homes. The rates used were based on standard sized homes. It can be assumed that the traffic generated by the proposed 2-bedroom cottages would be lower than a development of standard single-family homes. In any event, the result of our conservative analysis, demonstrated that the traffic generated by the project would not create any significant adverse impacts to the adjacent roadway. -2- t Cottages at Mattituck Nelson Pope Job #02007 Lot# Lot Width Lot Size 1 203 13,167 2 60 8,204 3 60 8,335 4 70 8,407 5 62 9,117 6 73 8,001 7 121 11,323 8 93 9,805 9 49 8,037 10 130 * 15,817 11 63 12,337 12 68 11,079 13 59 8,441 14 62 8,001 15 66 8,000 16 66 8,000 17 61 8,181 18 60 8,395 19 60 8,444 20 64 8,917 21 81 11,135 22 64 13,657 Total 1,695 214,800 Average lot width 1,695/22=77 ft. Average lot size 214,800/22=9,762 SF *Note: Flag lot used lot width parallel to court at actual lot, not at access width at court. 1:t2002t0200n200suotWidths-8.1 I.As �gUFFO(,�c SCOTT A. RUSSELL �° °�ry� JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. SUPERVISOR ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD 22 TMy OWN OF OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Fax. (631)-765-9015 �� � Tel.(631)-765-1560 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BOND ESTIMATE COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK Aka -"Affordable Housing Project' SCTM#1000.112-02-23.1 DATE: August 11,2006 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1. 4.0 ACRE CLEARING&GRUBBING $ 2,500.00 $ 10,000.00 2. 12,000 C.Y. ROUGH GRADING/ UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION 2.00 24,000.00 3. 2,200 L.F. MOUNTABLE CONCRETE CURBING 10.00 22,000.00 4. 8,000 S.Y. FINE GRADING 1.50 12,000.00 DRAINAGE 5. 7 EACH CATCH BASINS 2,500.00 17,500.00 6. 6 EACH CONCRETE MANHOLES 2,000.00 12,000.00 7. 1 EACH CONCRETE HEADWALL 1,500.00 1,500.00 8. 4 TONS Blue Stone RIP RAP 25.00 100.00 9. 903 L.F. 18"DIAMETER DRAINAGE PIPE 25.00 22,575.00 10. 233 L.F. 24"DIAMETER DRAINAGE PIPE 30.00 6,990.00 SURFACING 11. 500 C.Y. 3/4" STONE BLEND or RCA BASE 40.00 20,000.00 12. 540 TONS ASPHALT BINDER COURSE-(2 %z"Thick) 80.00 42,200.00 13. 320 TONS ASPHALT WEARING COURSE-(I %2"Thick) 80.00 25,600.00 14. 640 L.F. CHAIN LINK FENCING w/GATE 25.00 16,000.00 15. 1 EACH GATE @ Factory Ave.-EMERGENCY ACCESS 2,000.00 2,000.00 16. 4 EACH STREET LIGHTS 2,000.00 8,000.00 17. 30 EACH CONCRETE SURVEY MONUMENTS 100.00 3,000.00 18 2,900 S.Y. TOPSOIL&SEED 5.00 14,500.00 19. 4 EACH STREET SIGNS 200.00 800.00 20. 128 EACH SCREEN PLANTING 50.00 6,400.00 21. 60 EACH STREET TREES 250.00 15,000.00 22. JOB MAINTENANCE & PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC - 2,000.00 BOND TOTAL $ 284,165.00 +6%ADMINISTRATION FEE $ 17,049.90 MAILING ADDRESS: /// PLANNING BOARD MEMBER • P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE -`\�OF SO(/Tyo Southold, NY 11971 Chair ��" l0 OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR N ae 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMONC JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND '0 (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) lyC,OUNTV Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD To: Town of Southold Planning Board From: Mark Terry, Senior Environmental Planner LWRP Coordinator Datez' June 31, 2006 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision of Cottages of Mattituck SCTM# 122.-2-23.1 Zoning District: AHD The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 95,Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program(LWRP)Policy Standards. This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 22 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 8,000 square feet to 15,817 square feet, in the Affordable Housing District. The property is entirely located within a Town of Southold Special Groundwater Protection Area. Subdivision lots will be served by public water. Wastewater and septic disposal will be achieved via subsurface septic systems. To further the intent of Policy 5 and 5.1 "Prohibit direct or indirect discharges that would cause or contribute to contravention of water quality standards". Require the following clauses in the Covenant and Restrictions: 1. All structures with impervious areas shall control and retain surface runoff through the use of gutters, leaders and subsurface drywells. 2. No action, including, dumping of debris or clearing of vegetation, is permitted within the non-disturbance buffers depicted on the preliminary plat dated June 1, 2006. 3. Pursuant to Suffolk County Water Authority policy, all new structure shall require the installation of low flow faucets and toilets. 4. Driveways serving Lots 1 through 22 shall be constructed of a pervious material. In addition, to further the intent of Policy 8.3 "Protect the environment from degradation due to toxic pollutants and substances hazardous to the environment and public health" specifically Sub-policies "D and E" outlined below; I recommend that the following clauses also be added to the Covenant and Restrictions. D. Protect public health, public and private property, and fish and wildlife from inappropriate use of pesticides. 1. Limit use of pesticides to effectively target actual pest populations as indicated through integrated pest management methods. 0 0 E. Take appropriate action to correct all unregulated releases ofsubstances hazardous to the environment. 2. The application and use of synthetic pesticides and fertilizers capable of entering the potable water supply are prohibited. 3. The application of fertilizers and/or pesticides within 100 feet of surface waters is prohibited. Cc: File Anthony Trezza, Senior Planner OCOUNTY OF SUFFOLK 4k r3 T STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING THOMAS ISLES,AICP DIRECTOR OF PLANNING July 24, 2006 Ms. Jerilyn Woodhouse,Chair Town of Southold Planning Bd. 53095 Main Rd.-P.O.Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Plat Name: Cottages at Mattituck J U L 3 1 2006 Tax Map No.: 1000-122-2-23.1 { SCPD File No.: S-SD-06-C !t Southold Town Planni Board Dear Ms. Woodhouse: Pursuant to the requirements of Section A14-24, Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the above captioned proposed final plat that has been referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination. A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Comments: • The source of the additional development credits should be clearly identified on the map and their use should conform to Suffolk County Department of Health Services standards. • Due to the location of the proposed subdivision in relation to the railroad crossing at Factory Avenue, some future residents may be subject to train whistle noise, and established sound mitigating construction materials and techniques should be utilized to reduce interior noise levels. Landscaped berms along the boundaries adjacent to the railroad right-of-way could also help mitigate noise intrusion and should be considered. • Adequate sight distance should be provided and maintained along the point of access on Sound Avenue. Thomas Isles,AICP Director of Planning S/sTheodore R. Klein Senior Planner TRK:CC G.ZCHORNYISUBDMLD2005UAN�SMOS.M.JAN LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H.LEE DENNISON BLDG.-4TH FLOOR . P.O.BOX 6100 (631(853-5190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 TELECOPIER(631)853-4044 07/27/2006 11:39 631-853-4044 5 C PLANING DEPT PACE 02 SF • - CO JNTY OF SUFFOLK d AT STEVE LEVY SL FFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING THOMAS ISLES,AICP DIRECTOR OF PLANNIN _ July 24, 2006 ; Ms. Jerilyn Woodhouse,Chair Town of Southold Planning Bd. 53095 Main Rd.-P.O. Box 1179 1 Southold,NY !1971 o�be L 1 , Plat Name: Cottages at MatGtucTi Tax Map No.: 1000-122-2-23.1 �f.,1k It S,;PDFiIcNo.: S-SD-06.01ni Dear Ms.Woodhouse: dfA+Y:JA::tA'w�W�1RE6wi rlLA n. Pursuant to the requirements of Section A14-24,Article XIV of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the above captioned ,proposed f nal plat that has been referred to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter or local determination. A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or dis approval. Commems: • The source of the additional development credits should be clearly identified on the map and their use should conform to Suffolk Cour ty Department of Health Services standards. • Due to the location of Erie propos:d subdivision in relation to the railroad crossing at Factory Avenue, some future residents may be subject to train whistle noise, and established sound mitigating construction materials and techn quos should be utilized to reduce interior noise levels. Landscaped berms along the boundaries ad,acent to the railroad right-of-way could also help mitigate noise intrusion and should be consideted. • Adequate sight distance should be provided and,maintained along the point of access on Sound Avenue, Thomas Isles,AICP Director of Planning S/s'Cheodere R.Y ein Senior Planner TRK:CC. 3:CCTCFUYIiypeMLD2ooE�AM6Mo5.01.1F1 LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS N,LEE DENNISON BLDG,•4TH FLOOR . P.0.BOX 6100 (631)553.5m 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE,NY 11799-0099 TELECOPIER (6311 a534044 07h1712006 11:39 in-31--853---.844 5 C PLANING DEPT" PAS 01 Suffolk Count J Department of planning Tho,eras A. Isles, Director P.O. Box j"00 H"PI'auga NOW York 11788 (6314534190) F9x:(831,893.4044) FAIL TRANSMISSION COVER SMMT To. From; Date. 7 pG f YOU SHOULD RECEIVE 4-PAGE(S),INCLUDING TNIS COVER SHEET IF YOUDO NOT RECEiVEAi:L TH,EPAGES.PLEASE CALI.(631)853419& Message; MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE so Southold, NY 11971 Chair tel` OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR GQ 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON .� �p (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND lyCOUIY 1 Southold, NY IY 11 Telephone: 631 765-1838 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 25, 2006 Gail Wickham, Esq. Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & Geasa, P.0 PO Box 1421 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Standard Subdivision of the Cottages at Mattituck The property is located on the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 Zoning Districts: Affordable Housing District (AHD) Dear Ms Wickham: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, July 24, 2006, adopted the following resolution: BE IT RESOLVED that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby holds open the public hearing for the Standard Subdivision of the Cottages at Mattituck. The next regularly scheduled Planning Board Meeting will be held on August 14, 2006 at 6:00 p.m. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Very truly yours, Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson T PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK ------------ ------- In the Matter of the Application of Standard Subdivision The Cottages at Mattituck AFFIDAVIT OF Located on the south side of Sound Ave. & the SERVICE BY MAIL West side of Factory Ave. in Mattituck Parcel ID #1000-122-2-23.1 -------------------- STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Julie Turner, being duly sworn, deposes and says: On the 14`" day of July, 2006, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in Mattituck, New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Notice to Adjacent Property Owners in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the Southold Town Assessors Office, for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property, as follows: SEE ATTACHED LIST 'Rge Turner Sworn to before me this a I-dayof July, 200' ary PubliAMY M UNNING NOTARY PUB CBSUN Of NOW York No.01BEr,038767 Commission E inF t,County n� Comsion xPir.Ft, u ,Y7 zu { 1000-122-2-24.1 10001122-2-18 EMC, LLC Pedro Diaz 10020 Sound Avenue 224 Riverside Drive Mattituck, NY 11952 Riverhead, NY 11901 (1235 Factory Avenue) 1000-122-2-8.1 Carol Sullivan 1000-122-2-19 10020 Sound Avenue Eileen McGetrick Mattituck,NY 11952 1165 Factory Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 1000-122-2-9 James Falbo 1000-122-2-20 10120 Old Sound Avenue Frank J. & Mary Zaneski, Jr. Mattituck, NY 11952 P.O. Box 448 Mattituck, NY 11952 1000-122-2-11.1 (1125 Factory Avenue) Thomas J. & Susan F. Best 10220 Sound Avenue 1000-122-2-21 Mattituck, NY 11952 Margaret Bradley 1015 Factory Avenue 1000-122-2-12 Mattituck, NY 11952 Kim Fuentes 10270 Old Sound Avenue 1000-122-6-21.2 Mattituck, NY 11952 Long Island Railroad (MTA) Law Department 1000-122-2-14 93-02 Sutphin Blvd. Nancy Moloney Jamaica, New York 11435 10450 Sound Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 1000-122-1-5.4 Daniel R. & Margaret Lynaugh 1000-122-2-16 97 Sherman Street Suffolk County Brooklyn,NY 11218 330 Center Drive (10825 Sound Avenue) Riverhead, New York 11901 (1455 Factory Avenue) 1000-142-1-10.2 Freddie O. & Mamie A. Lawson 1000-122-2-17 1070 Factory Avenue Rasim & Judy Aytulin P.O. Box 1102 1325 Factory Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Mattituck,NY 11952 (11365 Sound Avenue) AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as job b- A3. 1 by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing onyN���fa ooh �i5ns �,s(�� �u(t� /4,ZOO( . I ertified mail — return rec return recei f whI e , to the owners of record of every erty which abuts and every property w Ic N, W^)(-LNyV, Your Name ( ' t) Signa re Q. � c. x V , Ma I Ck i N L1 I1�15� Address -?L Date Notary P lic AMY M.BUNNINS NOTARY PUSUC,State 01 Now York No.OIBES039787 Ouelftd M Sulblk County ,„ ewntlaafon Expiry r brum ar.=U -2 PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon. Fri., 7/21/06 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision: White Oak Builders/The Cottages at Mattituck SCTM#: 1000-122-2-23.1 Date of Hearing: Monday, July 24, 2006. 6:00 p.m. 7004 1350 0005 1623 7987 SENDER: HIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY GO � ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A S re l U '-" Item 4 If Restricted Delivery Is desi0 Agent red, •' - � a 8 ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. 11 Addressee = 9 • . ■ Attacha. R b N this Card to the Y( ame C. I , w e flack of the mailpiece, 1 Date of Delivery � fy or on the front if space permits. G 9 i✓ •-- 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address d' S from nem 77 ' iYes If YES,enter tleliver�ratlQfess below; Len? Tslarr� 94,> (o�'((v n�) s� 3. Service Type S!. �r-- •-� z. —i Certified Mail 0 Express Mail J" 0, 1 � \ I U S Registered 0 Retum Receipt for Merchandise G �£ 3E -• �n v"` I 0 Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. �iTT r^rj I 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Fee) M o 4 ❑Yes / 2. Article Number (iiansfsrhom servke?ebap 7004 1350 0005 1623 7987 PS Forth 3811,February 204 Domestic Return Receipt c 1x2595.02-r.7-1540 N 2 ° d° 7004 1350 0005 1623 7864 r of w rn V 0) •8 T SENDER: - COMPLETEECTION COMPLE TE TH SECTIONON DELIVERY � o S ■ COmplste items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A Signatu ' tyypZ • ag a Hem 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired, Agent > - , gx ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X •..1,_. qq w jcn so that we can return the card to you.■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B. R b2/Pryn NamejC. Date Del or on the front ifs ce '!^Y'// . �'e`Yfy ,,,pa permits.icle Adtlressed to: D. Is delivery address different from nem 17If YES,enter delivery addres below: KS No 10 b a--0 ��Q Gr-A Jl` 'V' ��� o n 3. Se:1ceped Mall 0Express Mail =: 1 ored ❑Return Receipt for Merchandise , 1❑IMail0 C.O.D.4. ResDelivery?(Extra Fee) 0 Yes o f 2. Article Number (monster rrom servke lobe? 7004 1350 0005 1623 7864 PS Forth 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595024t,1540 M � ' mor. .o CERTIFIED MAII-ied' o �n FIED MAIL,,, RECEIPT .n a- No Insurance r- (Domestic Mail Only, ., E M rt M1 .. Only;g ruM Tf h9 1 L ru I Yq 0.39 UNIT ID: 0952 Ln Fossae $ / In Postage 8 0.39 UNIT ID: 0952 C3 Cemged Fee 0 Return Recce Fee 2.40 Po�nark ` O Certified Fee 2.40 e7 � 1.85 Here edW Fee 1.&i �re� O (EnoorsenleM Required) /� (emnRm rea�em RegWrea) (Pres W=IWegruFea Clerk: VgQCO o Ln (Endoreea. Regmred) dr ,n Restricted oemelyFee Cleric: VOKZCO rq TOW Postage a Fees 4.64 07/14/06 a (Endoreement Required) :r s Total Postage a Fees $ 4.64 07/14/06 O Ta a M �r -� to 0 0 - �C .............. ... -... 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Signature Agent Rem 4 Rted Delivery Is desired. 0 0 Addressee ■ Print yoand address on the reverse X so that return the card to you.. B. Received by(Primed Name) C. Date of Delivery ■ Attach tto the back of the mailpiece, or on thif space Permits• D. Is delivery address different from item 11 ❑Yes 1. Article Adto: R YES.enter delivery address below: 17 2a� TUNe� ����� l�7� - 3. TYPe n V� cwnged Man O Express Ment_.uVt�� j I 0 Registered O Rewm Receipt for Merchandise ` l� D E3 Insured Mall O C.O.D. 1 4. Restricted DeIWeNI(Extra Fee) ❑Ves 2. Article Number 7004 1350 0005 1623 7932 (frarsfer Oom swvke label) PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt tozsasm+o-tsao r m Ir M1 ru ru-11 RA",9ldQdAL USE 'IFos ge $ 0.39 UNIT ID: 0952 •ri C3 CeMeaFee 2.40 C3 Fosunenk O Reonre1.85 Mere (Entlwsement ent Required) C3 tveeuu DeheryFee Clerk: VOI(ZCO fn (F1Masemern Required) a Total Posh 8 Fees $ 4.64 07/14/06 O M1 t To cv in1 �MNat_._.._..•---`-g . _ - - . o PO6oxNo. --- a` ._R' Pv s)CSP_ .:.............. iW'sieie;zlr�:E 11 p -- i�-VY�PF\ h � ' d a. 7004 1350 0005 1623 7871 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY Qs n BI ° ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A signet u _ x am 3 m ,W!4� — Rem 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. 0 bent X , a ■ Print your name and address on the reverse / wG�l/Y� 0 Adder so that we can return the card to you. ..-� $�' ��' Fn a ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, B' % (� ted Name) C. a of Delivery f�a c or on the front R space permits, cl- �- d D 7004 1350 0005 1623 7871 IL D. Is delivery address different from item 1? Yes5.1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No y1 ; G'iCD 3. SeMmType FEnj �certlned C3Mail 0Epress Mail❑Registered Return Receipt fa MMerchandiseise0 Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. ;5�4. Restricted Delivery?(Exna Feel 0 Yeso ti2. Article Number (nanaler rwn Samoa kw PS Forth 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595.02-WIS40 co 0 CD o m � a m a 7004 1350 0005 1623 7918 SENDER: COMPLETE ON lob ' ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A Si natureei ° z I 11 Rem 4 R Restricted Delivery is desired. ❑Agent - tlt 3_ as • , ■ Print your name and address on the reverse X "•x-�- . a$ I Sd that We can return the card to you. B. Received by(PrfMed Name) C. Date of Delivery a � �'•-' ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, i or on the front if space permits. D. Is dell 1. Article Addressed to: very address d' 1? Yes t fA « If YES,enter del' r�dA 0 No oe 330 c�r�v pYL 3. Service Type PS 1 Certified Mall ail Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise �l Il f 0 Insured Mall 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery?(Extra Feel 0 yes 2. Article Number rn (,ansfe,fmrrrlaW 7004 1350 0005 1623 7918 PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-02-M-1540 SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A Signature Kam 4 if Restdcted Delivery is desired. X O Agent M1 • ' 4 ice- ■ Print your name and address on the reverse . Addresses u1 CERTIFIED so that we can return the card to you.. g, Received by(Pdn Name) a of Delivery res (Domestic ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpieoe, M1 or on the front if space permits. ' D. delivery add ddle6e t from Item 19 ❑Yes n1 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: 13 No -0;C,U, E �1 •� "— raa 0.39 UNIT ID: 0952 Posmge od Fee 2.40 v C3 Postmark 01 fn C�uY h oam Fee l.as Nare 3 sarvloa rybe- n oY Clerk: VOKZCO e press Mal! mmewyl�r,� 0 Registered O Return Receipt for Merchandise 9 rR 4,64 07/14/06 I",7s� ❑Insured Mall f7 C.O.D. Y a Fees $ Mme `Gi 4. Restricted Delivery?(Fxha Fee) 0 Yes 9 ;C30 Mc LLC. Article Number 0 _ ._p____.________________ ..._...___._..7004 1350 0005 1623 8007 c?7oF-"'(rmns/er rrom service laben ss No. I O a- SOU>1 _ a� :................... � _..----- PS Form 3811,February 2004 Domestic Ret rn Receipt 102595-02-W15ao `' A ��� L '�•1S am - Cis > � ` aa)Z O. o bto mQ mm > � a) 00 . muim-LY 'a n Z 2 C ,.-. Q O r -O m 7 J 3 ro (0 N N O SENDER: COMPLETE THIS ■ Complete Items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A Signetm oRECEIPT ' Item 4 if Restricted Delivery Is desired. X Agent 23 (Domestic • _ ..rint your name and address on the reverse 0 Addressee tri to 0 so that we can return the card to you. g, R ( Med Name) C. Date f ery c ■ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, t �t delivery IqC 11Y® �[. or on the front If spars permits. ' Q 'rp res s D. Is delivery address dMereM from 17 ❑Yes a) Postage $ 0.39 UNIT ID: 0452 1. Article Addressed to: If YES,enter delivery address below: 0 No S c ui ) Q0 00 oedisea Fee 2.40 PastmeM s 1LLG cin - o (Endorsement Required) 1.85 Rare t M L SbU "„Q ' .o 0 t M ndorearn rnRenFe) Clerk: VQKZCO "� � 1 rn (Endorsement Required) 14''t��,�t 3. Swvke Type ro 0 ' res 4.64 07/14/06 i mo 11�1 \v\\�' Y)l 11q 0 co Total Postage a Fees $ ) �I•• �) 11 ) CwUfled Mag O Express Mail o a- C 13 Registered O Return Receipt for Merchandise 00 O nt To 0 insured Mail 13 C.O.D. y r M1 ' m - reed ac[ - - ..:_E_.. - L...... ....__.-.._... h 1 4. Restricted Delivery?(ExVe Fee) ❑Yes CL w i arPO Box No. V 1 D (' vl DD• +'• '�C� 2. 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[�Yy,Sleie,ZIP+M1 �.Y( � C�. 85�1'�2n0b ;9:4'2 2123939bI5 PAGE 01 • P8 KC To: his, Jerilyn Woodhouse/Chairperson From: Dr. Elizabeth Primamore, 10450 Sound Avenue,Mattituck J July 24,2006 Re: CottagcsiMattituck Dear Ms. Woodhouse. I am requesting that you read this statement at the public hearing today at 6 p.m. since I cannot attend due to work obligations. I am writing to protest the building of"Cottages at Mattituck."In my view, this plan is ill-conceived for a number of reasons. The first one is overcrowding since the plot sizes are not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood. Secondly,there will be more pollution from cars,since most likely each family will have two cars.Delivery vehicles and trucks will also increase traffic flow as well as exhaust fumes for those of us living in neighboring homes. Then there is the issue of adequate sewer systems to serve these new homes. Our well water could be affected. Additionally,neighbors to the development will be forced to endure constant noise from the construction which will be on going for a considerable amount of time. This is grossly unfair to us. Why would the town choose to support overcrowding and destruction of the environment that will harm the well of this community? Affordable housing is not the issue.The issue remains an ill-thought out plan fraught with issues of density, quality of life, and environmental harm. Perhaps a plan with fewer houses on the same amount of land would be a solution. As it stands now,this plan benefits the developer rnorc than anyone else. I urge the council to please reconsider and not approve this plan as it currently stands. Thank-you. Sincerely, Dr. Elizabeth Primamorc Email-primamoreC3a aol.com 9 Y I 1 1 JUL-21-2006 15:25 FROM: 631 298 8565 TO:631 765 3136 P.001/004 Law Offices < < WIWAM, BRESSLER, GORDON& GE*,P.C. 13015 Maim.Road,P.O. Box 1424 Mattiluck,.New York 13.952 631-298.8353 Telefax no.631-2988565 This conficlential and/or legaliy priviiepd. It Is intandod for 990 only by tiro pcnon to whom it s dlrcctcd. If you have received this teiecopy in error,please notify us by telephone immediately so that we can arrange fm the rerum or the dwimenis to us atno cost to you. If you do not roceivc all of the pages indicated, plenso call as soon as possibic tithe number above. To:-L - ��� moi--Fax#: 11� 313 From:� � CrvVIAMn 'I i.' Date: � a ,l(7� Re: � Comments:itiz r��NlO(f�lnu� qhc� 05\-% � 1,11 r) A! ire th°luign W w This is page one of , JUL ' '"J6 P'isnrief 3oard __.....� JUL,-21-2x006 15:25 FROM: 631 296 3565 T0:631 765 3136 P.002/004 PLAN'NINCT 13OARD TOWN OF SOLtTHOLD' NEW YORK ---------------------- In the Matter of the Application of Standard Subdivision The Cottages at Mattituck AFFIDAVIT OF Located on the south side of Sound Ave. &the SERVICE.BY NhXJL West side of Factory Ave, in Mattituck Parcel ID #1000-122-2-23,1 SPATE OF NEW YORK} —-.-, ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Julie Turner,being duly sworn, deposes and says: On the 14"'day of July, 2006, I personally ,nailed at the United States Post OTice in Mattituck, New York, by CF.RTIFTFD lv1ATL,RIiTu'RN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Notice to Adjacent Property Owners in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment:roll verified from the official records on file with the Southold Town Assessors Office, for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property,as follows: SEE ATTACHED LIST 3wnrn to hefoze the this ,�)./VrdayofJuly, //200G ary Publi AMY M.mmm"d INiTARY vunuc,$tau of rhw VA No.01BER090tCr annfsd InsuffolkeoomY ,..*°• ,..r^ eotmmfubn EMPIM ftbruery at. JUL-21-2006 15:25 FROM: 531 298 $565 T0:631 ?65 3136 P.003/004 1000-122-2-24.1 100011.22-2-18 EMC, LLC Pedro Diaz 10020 Sound Avenue 224 Riverside Drive Mattituck,NY 11.952 Riverhead,NY 11901. (1235 Factory Avenue) 1000-1.22-2.8.1 Carol Sullivan 1000-122-2-19 10020 Sound Avenue Eileen McGetrick Mattituck,NY 1.1952 1165 Factory Avenue Mattituck,NY 11952 1000-122-2.9 James Falbo 1000-122-2-20 10120 Old Sound.Avenue Frank J. & Mary 7.aneski,Jr. Mattituck.NY 1.1952 P.O. Bax 448 Mattituck,NY 1.1952 1000-1.22-2-11.1 (1.1,25 Factory Avenue) Thomas J. &Susan F. Best 10220 Sound Avenue 1000.122-2-21 Ma:tituck,NY 11952 Margaret Bradley 1.01.5 Factory Avenue 1000-122-2-12 Matti tuck,NY 11.952 Kim Fuentes 10270 Old Sound Avenue 1.000-1,22-6-21.2 Mattituck, NY 11.952 Long Island Railroad (MTA) Law Department 1000-1.22-2-14 93-02 Sutphin.Blvd. Nancy Moloney .Iatnalca,New York 1.1435 10450 Sound Avenue Mattituck,NY 11952 1.000-122-1-5A Daniel R, & Margaret Lynaugh 1000.122-2-16 97 Sherman Street Sufrolk County Brooklyn,NY 330 Center Drive (10825 Sound Avenue) Riverhead.New York 11901 (1455 FactolyAvenue) 1000-142-1-10.2 Freddie O. &Mamie A,J zwson 1000-122-2-17 1070 Factory Avenue Rasim &Judy Aytulin P.O. Box 1102 1325 Factory Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Mattituck,NY 11952 (11365 Sound Averue) .UL-21-2006 15 26 FROfis 6.31 298 8565 TO:631 765 3136 P.004,004 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This Is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s)within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where It can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained In place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on Chu `I �JKD-- 5"5� ?a 44 3-v(c� 1��7AD(o i ertifiad mail- return r return recei of w o the owners of record of every which abuts and every property w b', G3'�I �• V�"1 C�ha�n Your Name { t) r � ^ SlgnattGe . ' Address �rK xwF�.,rwww»w�Yr.rM��,vR .�y 7 ') D ( Dae Notary Public AMY M.KIWq N4TMr IMrEU0.71n+o11Uw 7Y�t tl_ NM 019660"Mow"Olka OpN1Ma oFOWUNIorb Soathclu iown Cemmaaron r+Mwry fT 44 w�s.wpweaesesY+i•�'V Ww .n•i.-..w+a�wW� 'NIMq, y, PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 7121/06 *r*rrrrwrrwwrww***w**rw*r*reMeewwwfirwewrwWwHirki*i!A*rwrewlrrerwrtMY'frlRrkRfwMFprwlfiM/rMRt'Mw/MF**" Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision; white Oak Builders!The Cottages at Mattltuck SCTM#: 1000.122-243,1 Date of Hearing: Monday, July 24 20011 6:00 p.m. MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS • P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE h0��4f so�Tyolo Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR GEORGE D.SOLOMON 54375 State Route 26 G Q JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) Cow, Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FACSIMILE To: Jamie Richter, Town Engineer From: Anthony Trezza, Sr. Planner Date: July 20, 2006 Re: The Cottages at Mattituck (Factory Avenue) 1000-122-2-23.1 Thanks for the report. Attached, please find the following: 1. Two (2) letters from the Mattituck Fire District regarding their recommendations for fire protection. 2. A copy of the response from the applicant's Engineer. 3. An itemized list of the proposed improvements to the site. No dollar figures were provided. The revised plans will be forwarded to your office when they are completed and received by this office. If you have any questions or need additional information, please let me know. P� SATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICO PO BOX 666, PIKE STREET MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952-0666 Commissioners Norman A.Reilly,Jr.,Chairman Secretary,John C.Harrison James D.Roache,Vice Chairman Treasurer,Barbara A.Dickerson Martin L Griffin,Sr. Jerome Zuhoskl David F.Haas June 28, 2006 Mr.Anthony Trezza {} U 1! IS t Senior PlannerJ Southold Town Planning Board ��� P o Box 1179 JUN 2 9 2006 �. Southold, NY 11971-0959 RE:SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 5v11a �a Fla r„'iy_ Dear Mr.Mr.Trezza; At the Regular meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners,the Board reviewed the sub division for the Cottages at Mattituck (SCTM# 1000-122 2-23.1)at your request and makes the following recommendations: 1. That the right-of way shown at the southern end of the development between the end of the proposed.road and Factory Ave, labeled "pedestrian andemergency access” be maintained year long with the ability to sustain the entrance and egress of emergency vehicles should an emergency develop that would prevent access from Sound Ave. 2. That If Suffolk County Does NOT Install a water main that the Mattituck Fire District have the opportunity to re review this subdivision with recommendations for fire wells. 3. That the Mattituck Fire District be contacted prior to SCWA main installationto have the ability to locate fire hydrants within the development, due to the closeness of the structures. If you or the.Southold Town Planning Board have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Harrison Secretary/Fire District Manager cc: Board of Fire Commissioners Chief Suffolk County Water Authority Office (631) 298-8837 Facsimile (631) 298-8841 NATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICif 5LJW PO BOX 666, PIKE STREET MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952-0666 Commissioners7Sf f Norman A.Reilly,Jr.,Chairman - Secretary,John C.Harrison James D.Roache,Vice Chairman Treasurer,Barbara A Dickerson Martin L Griffin,Sr. Jerome Zuhoski David F.Haas June 14, 2006 151'!.n"$g4T'3� 9.:r.. rt.W3ARSq+RMIt� Suffolk County Water Authority Lisa Cetta, New Service Supervisor p p I 2045 Route 112 IV_I Suite 1 Coram, NY 117273085 l 1?I JUL 1 4 2006 1v Via:Facsimile&First Class Mail Hydrant Authorization 3.1-06.349 C Mattituck Cottages r Dear Ms. Cella, fi x r.„-. •; -..,•,�• -- , After a review of your Hydrant Authorization Request the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Mattituck Fire District request that due to the population density of the new sub-division that two(2) hydrants be located on the proposed road.One(1)approximately 650'from the intersection of Sound Ave and one(1)at the end of the road close to but not blocking the"Emergency Access” right of way from Factory Ave. next to lot 9 Ps:06r preliminary neap dated 06-01-06 from Nelson &Pope. Thank you for your notification and if you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, 10- . Harrison Secretary/Fire District Manager cc: Board of Fire Commissioners Chief Southold Town Planning Board Office(631) 298-8837 Facsimile (631) 298-8841 • Page 1 of 2 Trezza, Anthony From: wwblaw@aol.com Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 11:02 AM To: jmilliken@nelsonpope.com; Trezza, Anthony; len@islandestateshomes.com; wklatsky@cdcli.org; mgarvin@cdcli.org Subject: Re: Engineer's Report If this is okay with everyone I will forward it to Anthony at the Planning Board. Item 10 will be up to the Planning Board. Gail Wickham ----------------------- Confidentiality Notice This message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This communication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the named addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately either by phone or reply to this e-mail and delete all copies of this message. -----Original Message----- From:jmilliken@nelsonpope.com To: anthony.trezza@town.southold.ny.us; len@islandestateshomes.com; wklatsky@cdcli.org; mgarvin@cdcli.org; wwblaw@aol.com Sent: Wed, 19 Jul 2006 11:05 AM Subject: RE: Engineer's Report Anthony, I reviewed the report the following is my response to his report: 1) no response necessary 2) Two catch basins will be added to the final engineering plans at station 8+50 3) There was a typo in the test hole Ground water was encountered 6.5ft below the surface of elevation 11.8 or at elevation 5.3 therefore the recharge basin bottom will be raised to elevation 7.5 which is more than two feet above ground water and will have still have sufficient storage. 4)A detail for the headwall will be provide on the final engineering plans. 5) The fence detail will be revised on the final engineering plans to eliminate the barbed wire. 6) Screen plantings will be provided around the recharge basin and I provided for 1 street tree per lot it the quantity estimate I prepared. 7) The entrance road will be adjusted accordingly on the final engineering plans. 8) Mountable curb detail will be indicated on the final engineering plans. 9) The Cul-De-Sac will be revised for a 44ft curb radius on the final engineering plans. 10) Lot 1 as drawn allows for a 20ft rear yard between the house and the rear yard buffer. If the house was to be moved back than the buffer should be reduced to allow for a usable rear yard. plans. 11) The buffer will be removed from the Pedestrian and Emergency Access on the final engineering 12)A cross -section of the Pedestrian and Emergency Access will be provided on the final engineering plans and a note will be shown on the final map indicating "No access to Factory Ave" on lot#10 13) Street lighting will be provided in accordance with the town code on the final engineering plans. 7/20/2006 • • Page 2 of 2 14) An Erosion Control plan will be part of the final engineering plans and application will be made to DEC for storm-water Runoff construction activity. -----Original Message----- From: wwblaw@aol.com [mailto:wwblaw@aol.com] Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 3:17 PM To:jmilliken@nelsonpope.com; mgarvin@cdcli.org; wklatsky@cdcli.org; len@islandestateshomes.com Subject: Fwd: Engineer's Report Jim - This is the actual report, most of which we discussed. Gail ------------- --------------------------- Confidentiality Notice This message is intended exclusively for the individual or entity to which it is addressed. This communication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the named addressee, you are not authorized to read,print, retain, copy or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately either by phone or reply to this e-mail and delete all copies of this message. -----Original Message----- From: anthony.trezza@town.southold.ny.us To: wwblaw@aol.com Sent: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 12:37 PM Subject: Engineer's Report Here is the report as promised. Call if you have any questions. Check out AOL.com today. Breaking news, video search,pictures, email and IM. All on demand. Always Free. 7/20/2006 Nelson&Pope Engineers&Surveyors 678 Walt Whitman Road Melville, NY 11747 681.427.6666 IF.-691.427.5620 Bond Estimate Cottages at Mattituck Mattituck, Town of Southold SCTM#1000112-02.23.1 Date:July 14, 2006 ITEM QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 1.3 AC Clearing &Grading 2 4,060 CY Rough Grading/Unclassified Excavation Road 3 2,183 LF Concrete Curbing 4 2,650 SF Fine Grading DRAINAGE 5 7 EA Catch Basins 6 4 EA Manholes 7 1 EA Headwall 8 903 EA 18" Diameter Drainage Pipe 9 233 EA 24"Diameter Drainage Pipe RECHARGE BASIN 10 80,000 CY Excavation/Grading 11 790 LF Plantings 12 790 LF Fencing SURFACING 13 380 CY 3/4"Stone Blend or RCA Base 14 480 TON Asphalt Binder Course(2 1/2"Thick) 15 290 TON Asphalt Wearing Course(1 1/2"Thick) 16 2 EA Street Lights 17 22 EA Concrete Survey Monuments 18 2,650 SF Topsoil &Seed 19 1 EA Street Signs 20 22 EA Street Trees 21 300 LF 4'wide Pedestrian Walk 22 300 LF 16'wide Geopavers Emergency Access 23 1 EA Crash Gate +ATTITUCK FIRE DISTRIC# 5" PO BOX 666, PIKE STREET MATIITUCK, NEW YORK 11952-0666 Commissioners - Norman A Reilly,Jr.,Chairman Seaetary,John C.Harrison James D.Roache,Vice Chairman Treasurer,Barbara A.Dkkerson Martin L Gdit,Sr. Jerome Zuhosld David F.Haas June 14,2006 Suffolk County Water Authority s a« • " Lisa Cetta,New Service Supervisor D (� f2 M 2045 Route 112 `� _ Suite 1 Coram,NY 11727-3085 16 Via: Facsimile&First Class Mail Hydrant Authorization - 11-06349 C ! Mattituck Cottages — Dear Ms.Cetta, After a review of your Hydrant Authorization Request the Board of Fire Commissioners of the Mattituck Fire District request that due to the population densBy of the new sub-division that two(2) hydrants be located on the proposed road.Otte(1)approximately.650'from the intersection of Sound Ave and one(i)at the end of the road close to but not blockingthe"Emergency Access" right of way from Factory Ave.next to lot S as per preliminary map dated 06-01-06 from Nelson&Pope. Thank you for your notification and If you require any additional Information please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, o .Harrison Secretary/Fire District Manager cc: Board of Fire Commissioners Chief Southold Town Planning Board / Office (631) 298-8837 Facsimile (631) 298-8841 - • �r or SCOTT A. RUSSELL ��° ° JAMES A. RICHTER, R.Z SUPERVISOR ENGINEER TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD,NEW YORK 11971 Fax. (631)-765-9015 '1.1Jr�1 � a' Tel.(631)-765-1560 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse f 2 �j ly 17, 2006 Chairperson - Planning Board l5 — Town Hall, 53095 Main Road ? D Southold, New York 11971 JUL g 20u6 1. Re: Cottages at Mattituck-Subdivision a Sound & Factory Avenue, Mattituck so - SCTM #: 1000 - 122 - 02 - 23.1 Dear Mrs. Woodhouse: Aspera request from your office, I have reviewed the site plan for the above referenced project. This Site Plan has been prepared by the office of Nelson&Pope and has been dated 06/01/06. Please consider the following: 1) Drainage Calculations have been provided and are satisfactory. 2) Section 161-34 indicates a maximum distance of flow in roadway gutters for subdivision pavements before a catch basin is required shall not exceed 350 feet. Therefore, two additional Catch Basins will be required at station 8+50 to meet this requirement. 3) Test Hole#4 is located in the Recharge Basin and indicates Ground Water at elevation 9.8'. The Bottom elevation of the recharge basin is proposed at elevation 6'. Is the information in the Test Hole accurate? If it is,the Basin will need to be redesigned. The bottom elevation of the basin should be a minimum of 2' above the water table during the spring "wet"season. 4) A detail of the proposed Headwall Section and/or Rip-Rap spillway should be indicated on the Plan. 5) A note indicates that the Recharge Basin will have a 6' high Chain link Fence with Barbed Wire. The Barbed Wire should be eliminated from the proposed fencing. 6) Screen planting has not been indicated or provided around the perimeterof the recharge basin and Street Trees have not been shown. Is the Planning Board going to waive this requirement? 7) The proposed easterly offset of pavement at the entrance to the subdivision is excessive. Mr. Harris would like to center a 28' road section in this 270' +/-stretch of road and reduce the width to the approved 24'section by holding the easterly edge of pavement fixed. This would leave the easterly shoulder approximately ten(10')feet wide and the westerly shoulderwould be approximately fourteen (14')feet wide. This item should be amended. 8) As per the Highway Superintendent and due to the narrow widths between property lines,the Typical Road Section should indicate the Mountable Curb Section. This item should be amended. 9) Section 240-45.B.5(c)reads: All residential Cull-De-Sac's shall have a turnaround at the end of the street which shall have a right-of-way radius of 50 feet.The curb at the tum shall have a minimum radius of 44 feet. This item should be amended. Page 1 of 2 Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson - Planning Board July 17, 2006 Re: Cottages at Mattituck- Subdivision Sound & Factory Avenue, Mattituck SCTM #: 1000 - 122 -02 - 23.1 Page 2 of 2 Cont: 10) The proposed front yard for lot#1 is indicated in the table as 20'. The proposed rear yard for lot# 1 is indicated in the table as 35'. The building envelope drawn on the plan shows a 45' rear yard. If this envelope, as drawn, is large enough for the building footprint, I would recommend sliding the footprint back ten feet to provide a 30'front yard ratherthan the 20'as proposed. 11) The 20'Non-Disturbance,Vegetated Buffer adjacent to FactoryAvenue extends in front of the proposed Pedestrian and Emergency Access. This Buffer should stop before this access way begins. 12) The Cross Section or Proposed Construction of the Emergency Access should be noted or indicated on the plan. In addition, will the Planning Board require a gated entrance to this Emergency Access way? Lot# 10 should be prohibited from direct access to Factory Ave.at all times. 13) Street lighting should be provided to meet the minimum requirements of the Code. See Section 161-46. In addition to the items listed above, please note that the proposed disturbance resulting from construction activities and grading of this site will be greater than one(1)acre in area. [This would include the new pedestrian & emergency access, drainage areas, and the proposed building envelopes.] This project will require coverage from NYS Department of Environmental Protection (DEC) under the Phase II State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Program. The Developer must obtain coverage under the General Permitfor Storm-water Runoff from Construction Activity(GP-02-01)priorto the initiation of construction activities. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact my office. erely, aures A. Richter, R.A. cc: Peter Harris (Superintendent of Highways) MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBE9 P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �O-``af SUUTyolo Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR rn ac 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMONGc� �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSENDCOw Southold, NY I71, Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 13, 2006 Abigail Wickham, Esq. Wickham Bressler Gordon et al P.O. Box 1424 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Cottages at Mattituck Standard Subdivision SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 Dear Ms. Wickham: The final public hearing regarding the maps for the above-referenced subdivision has been scheduled for Monday, July 24, 2006, at 6:00 p.m. Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 58, Notice of Public Hearing, in regard to the Town's notification procedure. The notification form is enclosed for your use. The sign and the post will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office, Southold Town Hall. Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Posting along with the certified mailing receipts AND the signed green return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday, July 21, 2006. The sign and the post need to be returned to the Planning Board Office after the public hearing. If you have any questions regarding the above, please contact this office. Sincerely, Anthony P. Trezza Senior Planner Encs. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a standard subdivision; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the Residential Low Density District, R-80 Zone; 4. That the proposal is to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 22 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 8,000 square feet to 15,817 square feet, in the Affordable Housing District. The property is located on the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue in Mattituck; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (2"d FI., North Fork Bank) Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938; 6. That a public hearing will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, July 24th. 2006 at 6:00 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times, published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: Community Development Corp. of LI/The Cottages at Mattituck Date: 7/13/06 OUR --7 --- -- _ _ u _ - Revisions e w �htt SE E SEC. NO.111 r'^S u,,3E ol41 m ,EE MC.W.114 u- u. 9- 9 9 Y1lCN LPE x xet.ao 10-o9-V) 11-12-V1 25 41rCH LfE ~ § 6.1A 0) 259 01-21.0 2A _ TOWN OF SOUTX00,.0)9 2.01 5R 51 y LI 06 26-99 5.1 MAIM I _ S1A1 to 11.[R0 10-01 �9ICE 20 OL O ) " • �.l w 01-01 0!-01 " •rtAPl� P n L$ b' 1.2.� '^ R ru re. 2 n - 0>-15-01 06-22-01 3.] AVE °12 11 H �' Q o- ��I _d 2.111[1 00-01-01 sw ' X8.2 0 9 rs11.1 I6 ; O ' .� u w " n 05 21.0 s• t y cJ d' ^�' OLE.WLE 0522-0 SOIMb n '' , rse 11.6 n. 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SO.IA1d , ••�••w -------- L - �•�-❑.B11c1 �// f O @w OWN OF --_-- - _A E�'EEK C/ S�N40 931 ,♦ by • 2081 =mrATEP µ 9i ° ^ 1.23 INI. 9.4 FOR PCL.N]. �! 6.6 1c, 1.51 9.6 LOW SEE SEC.EA. 1 1.011d M1 V C 47.61 $'4pJ YY ,� M1.glKCT 1J 't 1� >yM1 p 8.1 rs'FS4 pO• 1.01 ♦' >y J 1 w �$;�♦ •'t4 gyp?1 OLO i d-'� m a yY d' .9$B e'`,' B " ' 0!a YO PCL sEE sEc.UO T o MATCH , LINE J u.rc ur1 w S HG W ^P SEE SEC.NO.126 PEGS w �NOi1N PPA W117 BE IOVERLAP T EXISTS ENT BLO06 BETWEEN TWEEBEEN PARCELS 35.1{35.8 qy r,v41W .401 .. W IWr --- ,,.x.I LOA -- P po m u --x-- .A„ ORION OT ROM, ALL P EAUE NOTICE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © E 11 °9Np SOUTHOLO SECTION NO E m.r..r�Ww su.Nx.4.amw A. f211 Ir.Wlrkrw --F-_ Ww.mm..LW --"-_ RE nrw+ T1.E '.CO... 1crs. c -�- �, - - NAL U MAINTENANCE,AF MY , Red Property Tax Service Agency Y ,,gy p "a1,r,W ----- �AW"tlm &U,.,1W _ W, tlWm,1W - ,r_ � � Hl 4 ,N OTHE R 122 E mx, IW -__ , ,__ vFEo�ixrcwxirwr�KPd+TNx F°iRONplEo M Ix, 11l w.. uew N...1m a . 1vx nn.A1 AW -- -- A.nr..mm l LAA-_ A w .,rm WARCpn1Y Canter Fiverpe°E,N Y 119111 ax p,PF IEFYSE :p ` SCALE N EEET: 1.1CH, �000 N I:NLLu.E .Asrtui[B mNpn Wnrtr6x PERM,SNN p r�E ` Ne A 06TROY ME PROPERTY MAP D gnaw 2J 4aa✓a 1211101 er 12.11 ra`mi'e mrlrr,W -P .•a:v W+rt,1W -„-- REAL FROPERTY rAx SEP.ICF ICFHCY. P 125 ,x WAY 12.1 11.1 nR'Ln rvm,LW Cp1YER5p1 OAiE sew le,tss Ns:,rm,vm. 1m.Y.. a.o.w Nre.ae 21 L 1 er II.0 w. D x3 t uc1 CVIS Ons 03-,501 i-09'03 N Xan SEE SEC.W.111 _ — LNE T O 9 MATCH Pv�• '� FOR PCL.N3. '� +4 39 SEE SEC.W. 6 141-0-046 R p1 Sr f O Sp� 1E1 qly $ P �, v ° ' Y s v e rin L P � 1 i p. ry ry tr HOZ 4Lc --��aaY ry� 0Etw4EPY e 9� , QO' d^4A4, a 9G 95 p•/titi `4 ry� / h a n6,6P / x 661 lOM Of SOUTHOLD SECTION NO COUNTY OF SUFFOLK © E 142 �E$5 WAS P. P„56 PPO 'F TI NoricE °° Red Property Tax Service Agency Y m INE Fouonac aslracn. Nmmrn.Lr. -Sa— X/p.m,ymn W ---N ARE 6�MN 'A,� YINLFNI.NCE,N1EPliglf SRfE OR i Le. w«Rr L.r --"-- uwm 6}m,11f OKTR°OTM OF ear FORTNM F l& ,. County tenter RIMVMaArN Y 1190] A az t ��W 1000 PROPERTY IAM L gyr.ry s m L.. , p'.mbr.W --. 1 - PPK ,.IEP WFMK[,WlY TAX MAP K PPG1&iE0 4 SCALE N ffFl: M _ �. ,.Pew«k.W P —J E 121) Z ,.a.mr 4n—_A—_ LPARS,ILNI �`W6AILP REAL P 4PRTEa AX%AVCC 1 F- d 1°� ua-.I... G Le1w er W ��AA- ryrM1 Ln LVn w«tl W -A 6S1 REAL PROPERTY TAX SEPVICF AUNCY. CCNVfRSMM.'OA1L „a _ 6 -ML 6m .wrrk.W— s.rm..w. Pr ._. o. erm or tzu -- AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices, by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 7/21/06 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision: White Oak Builders/The Cottages at Mattituck SCTM#: 1000-122-2-23.1 Date of Hearing: Monday, July 24, 2006. 6:00 p.m. WHITE OAK BUILDERS , INC . THE COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK STANDARD SUBDIVISION (Community Development Corp. of L.I.) 1000 = 122 =2 -23 . 1 Proposal to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 22 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 8,000 s.f. to 15,817 s.f. in the Affordable Housing District. MONDAY - JULY 249 2006 - 6 : 00 P . M . #7962 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Dina Mac Donald of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for 1 week(s), successively, commencing on the 13th day of July , 2006. f a � Principal Clerk Sworn to before me this day of 2006 1 LEGAL No'f[CIE ,NI Notice of Public GN cY GIVEN aring NOTICE IS HEREBY ENthat, .pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law and Article XXV of the Code of CNRf5TINA VOLINSKI the Town.of Southold, a public hear- ing will be held by the Southold Town NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF N°"' YCRK Planning Board,at the Town Hall,Main No. 07-VO610$ ; Road,Southold,New York on the 11th Qu011fled In 8uffr1 1,.urtly day of July,2006 on the question of the Con"Mi551on Exto"Ot K'Wrkiar t28, 2008 following: 6:00 p-ni:. Proposed standard sub- division for The Colta es at Mattituck located on the s/s os oun- venue and _ the w/s/o Factory Avenue in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York.Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-122-2-23.1 6;05 p.m: Proposed site plan for Dr. Scott Sheren Medical Budding located ont es so u olk. uu oad4S,ap- proximately 1,251' e/o Youngs Avenue in Southold. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-55-5-10. Dated:7/11/06 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Jerilyn B.Woodhouse Chairperson 7962-1T 7/13 --- Page 1 of 1 Randolph, Linda From: Randolph, Linda Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2006 9:18 AM To: Jean Burgon Oburgon@timesreview.com) Subject: Legal ad for 7113 edition Attachments: 072406.d oc Hi Jean, Please publish the attached legal notice of the July 24 Planning Board Public Hearing and send confirmation of receipt. Thank you, Linda Randolph 7/11/2006 • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE so Southold, NY 11971 Chair Q OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR cooc 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON a �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSENDCOU,M'�,.A Southold, NY I11, f� Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law and Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 24th day of July, 2006 on the question of the following: 6:00 p.m. Proposed standard subdivision for The Cottages at Mattituck located on the s/s/o Sound Avenue and the w/s/o Factory Avenue in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-122-2- 23.1 6:05 p.m. Proposed site plan for Dr. Scott Sheren Medical Building located on the s/s/o Suffolk County Road 48, approximately 1,251' e/o Youngs Avenue in Southold. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-55-5-10. Dated: 7/11/06 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY, JULY 13, 2006 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TO THIS OFFICE. THANK YOU. COPY SENT TO: The Suffolk Times STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) LINDA RANDOLPH, Secretary to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 11th day of July, 2006 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold New York 7/24/06 Special Meeting: 6:00 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Standard Subdivision for The Cottages at Mattituck - SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 6:05 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed site plan for Dr. Scott Sheren Medical Building — SCTM#1000-55-5-10 Linda Randolph Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board Sworn to before me this =day of JtUtI/ , 2006. Notaryc MELANIE DOROSIO NOTARY PUBLIC,State of NOW York No.01004634870 Qualified in Suffolk Coul 30b Commission Expires September � PLANNING BOARD MEMBEO MAILING ADDRESS: JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE QF soy P.O. Box 11791� Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS * Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR .0 Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND COuto Southold, NY I11' Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law and Article XXV of the Code of the Town of Southold, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York on the 24th day of July, 2006 on the question of the following: 6:00 p.m. Proposed standard subdivision for The Cottages at Mattituck located on the s/s/o Sound Avenue and the w/s/o Factory Avenue in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-122-2- 23.1 6:05 p.m. Proposed site plan for Dr. Scott Sheren Medical Building located on the s/s/o Suffolk County Road 48, approximately 1,251' e/o Youngs Avenue in Southold. 'Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-55-5-10. Dated: 7/11/06 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson P� NATTITUCK FIRE DISTRICP Sr �r PO BOX 666, PIKE STREET MATTITUCK, NEW YORK 11952-0666 Commissioners Norman A.Reilly,Jr.,Chairman Secretary,John C.Harrison James D.Roache,Vice Chairman Treasurer,Barbara A.Dickerson Martin L Griffin,Sr. Jerome Zuhoski David F.Haas June 28,2006 Mr.Anthony Trezza E C Senior Planner Southold Town Planning Board P O Box 1179 JUN 2 9 2006 - Southold, NY 11971-0959 RE:SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 Zia"' Dear Mr.Trezza; At the Regular meeting of the Board of Fire Commissioners,the Board reviewed the sub-division for the Cottages at Mattituck(SCTM# 1000.122-2-23.1)at your request and makes the following recommendations: 1. That the right-of way shown at the southern end of the development between the end of the proposed road and Factory Ave, labeled "pedestrian and emergency access" be maintained year long with the ability to sustain the entrance and egress of emergency vehicles should an emergency develop that would prevent access from Sound Ave. 2. That if Suffolk County Does NOT install a water main that the Mattituck Fire District have the opportunity to re-review this subdivisionwith recommendations for fire wells. 3. That the Mattituck Fire District be contacted prior to SCWA main installation to have the ability to locate fire hydrants within the development,due to the closeness of the structures. If you or the,Southold Town Planning Board have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter. Weare Harrison Secretary/Fire District Manager cc: Board of Fire Commissioners Chief Suffolk County Water Authority Office (631) 298-8837 Facsimile (631) 298-8841 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS • P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �p-``�fjF sooryolo Southold, NY 11971 Chair V� OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H. SIDOR G Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND , CowN�' Southold, NY IY 1, �` Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD FACSIMILE To: Abigail A. Wickham Esq. 631-298-8565 (fax) From: Anthony P.Trezza, Sr.Planner Date: June 28,2006 Re: Standard Subdivision for the Cottages at Mattituck 1000-122-2-23.1 As a follow up to the Planning Board work session on June 26,2006, the Board members agreed to hold a Special Meeting on July 24, 2006 at 6:00pm for a Preliminary Public Hearing for the above-referenced subdivision application. This hearing has been set assuming that the Planning Board receives the following additional information: 1. Comments from the Suffolk County Planning Commission. 2. Report from the Office of the Town Engineer. 3. Planning Board review of the draft Covenants and Restrictions in connection with the subdivision. 4. Draft bond estimate for the proposed improvements. If you have any questions or need additional information,please feel free to contact this office. • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSEoOF SOUryol Southold, NY 11971 Chair O OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSENDC000 Southold, NY 'Y I 1 Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 23, 2006 John C. Harrison Mattituck Fire District PO Box 666 Mattituck, NY 11952 Dear Mr. Harrison: Enclosed please find one (1) subdivision plan, dated June 1, 2006 for the Subdivision of the Cottages at Mattituck, located on the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue in Mattituck.. SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 O The enclosed site plan is being referred to you for fire access review and for your recommendations as to whether any fire- wells are needed. Please specify whether firewells are shallow or electric. The enclosed subdivision is being referred to you for your recommendation at to whether any firewells are needed. Please specify whether firewells are shallow or electric. This project is time sensitive so anything you can do to expedite your review will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your cooperation. a ;Rrezz;a � Anthony Senior Planner enc. Subf tan Cot-ES MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS • P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE ``��f SOU1)j/jq Southold, NY 11971 Chair V` OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND OIyCOO t� Southold, NY f� Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 23, 2006 Suffolk County Planning Commission 220 Rabro Drive P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Attention: Theodore R. Klein, Senior Planner Subdivision Review Division To Whom It May Concern: Pursuant to Section Al 4-24, Suffolk County Administrative Code, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby refers the following proposed subdivision to the Suffolk County Planning Commission: Map of: Standard Subdivision of the Cottages at Mattituck Hamlet/Locality: Mattituck S.C.D.P.W. Topo No.: See plat Zoning: Affordable Housing District (AHD) S.C. Tax Map No.: 1000-122-2-23.1 Standard Sub. XX Conservation Sub._ Commercial Site Plan Residential Site Plan Re-Subdivision (Lot Line Change) MATERIAL SUBMITTED: Preliminary Plat (3 copies)_(X) Road Profiles (1) Drainage Plans (1) Topographical Map (1) Site Plan (1) Grading Plan (1) Other materials (specify and give number of copies) 1. One copy of Application Packet as submitted by applicant. 2. Full Environmental Form Part 1 3. Environmental Assessment and Negative Declaration. 4. Traffic Analysis. 5. Town Board Resolution granting a negative declaration. %eo 6. Town Board resolution approving the change of zone from R-80 to ri Affordable Housing District. 7. Town Board Resolution approving the transfer of sanitary flow credits. Page 2 Southold Town Planning Board Referral Referral Criteria: The property is located on the north side of the Long Island Rail Road Tracks. SEQRA STATUS: 1. The project is an ( X ) Unlisted Action ( ) Type I Action ( ) Type II Action 2. A (X ) Negative Declaration ( ) Positive Declaration ( ) Determination of Non-significance has been adopted by the Planning Board. ( ) No SEQRA Determination has been made 3. E.I.S. statement enclosed. ( ) Yes ( X ) No 4. The proposed division has received approval from the Suffolk County Department of Health. ( )Yes ( X )No Comments: This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 22 lots for an affordable housing development,where the lots range in size from 8,000 square feet to 15,817 square feet, in the Affordable Housing District. This is an affordable housing development proposed by a not-for-profit organization under the Town's Affordable Housing District regulations. In an effort to help keep the costs down so that the housing units can be built within the price ranges established by the Town, anything you can do to expedite your review of this application is greatly appreciated. We request acknowledgement of receipt of this referral ( X ) Yes ( ) No Referral received 2006 by the Suffolk County Planning Commission and assigned File No. Sinc ely Antho P. Trezza Senior Planner ® Community Devewent Corporation of Long Island • /�, /\E 2100 Middle Country Road,Suite 300,Centereach,NY 11720 NelghborWorks" C XP R i E RED MEMBER ffr-T!rfflffr M1 . 631.471.1215•wwwxdcli.org AT m grr ax.2fiziFv€F .A:`'aax k�6G.YAtupFT.lkihm�,.. rx r. June 21, 2006 i JUN 2 3 2006 Mr. Anthony Trezza Senior Planner Planning Department Town of Southold P.O. Box 1179 . ";'"" ...,. ,. ., y .. . *.. Southold, NY 11971-0959 Dear Mr. Trezza: Please find enclosed, a reprint from Newsday's legal section, date June 16, 2006,regarding the County of Suffolk Office of Community Development's notice, Finding of No Significant Impact and Intent to Request Release of Funds, for their commitment of HOME funding to support the Cottages at Mattituck. Should you wish to comment on the County's action,please refer to the details noted in the legal notice. Thank you for your interest in this affordable housing development. /S31nceely, L. Von en,Ph.D., Senior Vice President . . • COUNTY OF SUFFOLK • STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE JOSEPH T.SANSEVERINO OFFICE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR June 16, 2006 Mr. L. Von Kuhen, PH.D. Senior V.P. CDC Long Island 2100 Middle Country Road Centereach, NY 11720 Re: Dissemination of Combined Notice Cottages @ Mattituck Dear Von: Attached please find a copy of the Combined Notice published in the June 16,2006 issue of NEWSDAY. As per Environmental Review Procedures(Part 58.43),a copy of this notice must be disseminated to individuals, groups, and agencies known to be interested in the project. Since your office is most likely to know who these interested groups might be, kindly have the notice copied and disseminated to the appropriate persons and send a listing of same to me for our records. If no objections are raised concerning this project,we anticipate release of funds on or about July 18, 2006. 1 will notify you in writing when this occurs. Should you have any questions concerning the above, do not hesitate to contact me at 853-5705. Sincer�y� Olga V. Turner C D Program Technician LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H.LEE DENNISON BLDG.Ili FLOOR ♦ P.O.BOX 6100 ♦ (631)M5705 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 TELECOPIER(631)853-5688 _ Road. Commack. Now Ioe,DOT Ewlwerc wu hw M• northeM V°M 1P25.Pmppae.For ahry jrntl to dleyaGs¢ttw plot and Avenue distant gOOFREPLACEMEHT -dnnd OWnIM ynoTll to bwluI pub PONINEm'IrOsoon. Impact IN feel^Mr aide snood PARKWAYSCHOOL g,UDpT M[ It24800 516.784•.1400 bMYib Legal ldOtieB 14624172 m.w.arrN taea JLwrlO llL IMBethWye Rd,NNMsuile AmMIRi ?�K 1M^peaaimweeil a Avenue. Perwe,depoonanlbhlispmaYba Ou1Nll OnIP'' AumtN. COMBINED NOTICE OF FlND- Incl on Menn ale of Jho human ulna In lwl^p seven m ameel end obtained at the 50E 246 A IN r INO OF NO SIGNIFlCAM IM- eraranmenluGople.�re avow- oareee.od diem... Dnice d Me Ar°MIeM.John A. S 16•B 1,D•6 9 3,2 PACT AND INTENT TO BE, bb la reW.w end wDNw dor 1. Suth T6 d,%_.56 into Gill. I. Indeed at 1213 ep Malin Strait.Pon Jtfemn,NY IH lerkM teles MlMpIa ANLw IM171 OUEBT RELEASE OF FUNDS I�r0�butws.flours at the D. ales 20'sxohei3c watt a tlls Meho between the hours dl Ipnb FanlasY Chola EadU A D N A P Jo^e16,2006 Room 5A 15,i^the Stela OAke 2. oilNOM 10 EeprWise to dnl.flutes BOO Va1m.aM 4:0o pmaayyde�lNd 631.568.5363 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK9v,-t Satua on rdays, ONDAY' EAS Relween UEEMNddi LILMISM OFFICEOFTHECOUNTY Buildn0 pr tlH flan aHVale'is- ,67 OF fast, of EXECUTIVE runs MM qp vy V c n� ,II plot COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT issues.N.Y.11]eB;FHWADM 3.NOM]5 depress 30 mimes ^ spot of 95016 rs 510'797.0.199 ALL BUS G N OP I IIn 1 P.O.WX 6100 am Adanknestratw•Lso O'Soon 30'eah mal east a dieta^u of Wired M me n f a Wsineu BuylSell All Con[eo5,Sports T 516'263'3259 HAUPPAUGE,NY 11720 Federal Bus'Nrg,Gintan Ave- t0.03'last, rest 40'into UI (a panne maIL N."IbuPfrom.win LN 1 AND Unduh/A[upessun Ll[M11M (531)6533706 w and North P ad Street.AI- 4.Swln 6 dap oast atits- Thb NoOw hall nlisry Ma dew. New YOM 12207. Me iereiaced ls5 MoveIwt. MThe ewpt c a ra- �. -- .bwaenad W.wpanM.ba Hur�nplan Pubfa Ubrary.338 1 0M aaah eaddddi.g ly �he maAull-,m auP1a[d:.1�'iln000mp 631.207.16M rNeted VVrocatlunl notinw- min treat 70 and i6�mHanes 250'neocnds asst a n6lser^aaa of isplbe LIEv64 U16WamN An,AND KIM tion It....t Community Nom library, 55 Be."fast. lumhry.d Ingad condo wY,wryhM VehdeM111 Parkway. as Hills, won South34-secan3sww t0a do- he T.ojlgb tlate Nl Eepos- � MOSWW SPA 97elm18'891'D656 5....d-NWlertd-In 4 On waE°ut u 9 2oN Me NY 11146' IN 6flall be IwMNed 1° the x+" `I'' 5ayna lWYEEI$INWer.All cc'S ' Ounty f SM Dwill submit a Map drawings and Other th rP Ey T NorM76depleadM minwas meet District NEW the thirty Howm end Urban Dumb of Rand Ute Stats endwMnen DanmOnts 20•sacorde ewladistanu.a SN�dEvs SMOveN Oq CORPORA- }Ig Brwdwn Rte UD SouIAt Forest Nills'Cos meet 11HUD fa Mr noiwu of rwpwMd w a Issue of the Door. 81.50 fest io the weeem adds ER 631'691'3338 OMENTAL BODY WORK HOME IN PART- Omedw wlln Federal,Stale and a60fle ODea^Avenue. TION WHO FAILS TO SUBMR }Grant OpmlrO Lid DplSKf ApQp yy pencra Y P BID SHALL FORFEIT THEIR Ys m- NemDs(eud TA iranYlin 54ILK11MU HEIRSHIP CrenslosCdeonze z This 11 n M WINuETm raeiew shot Impose at aMe °f DS°ul�Ocenan• Avenge ALAN DEPOSIT IN RS EN- ervsa em ve ale Cranston Chonesg Ad(TNI- the Dean in d Transports so Ah 16 degrees 40, minutes TIRETY. 51 6•5 8 2•3 7 5 7 Sp SH ribseWE1M tONIntr elan LIE IIS.XICYSVILLE ACUP LIC l9rwnsto Rlele. I11 luta,.L. 011980.1W[S�Ialtl. do, FROM Budtl5M tRooruted at 250 ,O•o leN to metpoinlwplau dIryry IL S164434M Estheli62REU31197 40944128, 42 U.S.C. 12]04 Vtamw Menrrbl H flw81, oI beginnk0. emouM flat ban than 548 a Me 16-859 11 D ELS, 1 rd Islkwwneswwneke a pwew uNwntaq WN HoNmat X06. ell ell Momab Bids sT t OJECT 1 Le42 .[Notice Notlee 14625431 in the ginnerform egad to Me ._--_ vpollt�lue[ne�T[tt lnd�aM BR� TTLE;CO AGES ANIMent�94erepw wAl w itedim.toot orth In the In Grand OWnlg ANpreswreLbep111M DKNWDeone7'42PH32b O IMTTITUCK Sa or tried BP AUwilan of Ne Bidders flus spe- i 6'41 •�S�•� j1. S41 PROJECT SCOPE:Building 22 nine ppporlunlNtoexpraw 'a "Room WELT LOCATION:Sourot hwans.`onderal ILnnne.9 tt sera 2001 New Maintenance aikalN dlretsd todre minMnum_ e H N 631-654.7098 ADOPT SOEDFaadl Dry ,Memlund mtlaa�"prpl�huh'eMner inparaoar EEW'Pe.Stale Pads Fiflor SonoMra wwhSehaa No..If Mbar M9 DaMIMRd.RomnknMrkwoYlm[a Ile MISO p e pink deN,Naswu Coonryry��New YDrl[ visions,net IgM in tot OeINc 718•Gw•iuw 1R E Malin St.Pates Ind•.D' I sitemy,wed Me goals and oPp by rewN.d.w the OIAw of Mons iD Bode-,GaneralCand- SeINL Nw d swh planning a.be. Oahka, tions and Spacial Supplemen- led ,we tedb tlse[an- Recreation int sOfli ,- =,ad See LILT[M13 8odYSv BKIA 516H99.1pB8D Feem, I of SuBolk hes ds bmeh.Wnryp ou Y will be Praservalbn.Long Intend Ra [1C rICC_ONN All pundQU Ut MM2 jlas'va o sl'pntiliwn sinnedTh m reurdetl�Penow rhuY filawhit' pylon et Ad^Anisirtbn HeeF Each Bottler MIA ulna be re- i) PLt11rsNJL peMegabybn SunolkkCo5m1Y. Tan'so the io.•roof EddLowiwe Val ley ifream#enIct RdA(Upt*1159 flon the humanenvironment.There- He emea a�°addition to Nwi York ung 2:00 P.M.on Incl no b carrying Worker S or. .n Envlmmnenit Impel ryc N plea Compenstem Inwrsu0 as rs 516-219.0 8 2 8 1 angles. ` SM-6;em under Ute National anal deem ole made al Ms July 11,Role when they will be few fi. Environmemel Pdky Pd a pWDe ubmi WMeh site- Veldh oplMmdowd n ran'ce Ired nYem°u^s hot witty than IIS XI[ASH11e AN Li<i MMU HERB(NEPA) w notsloRai a,ol'meiETS We ladetl and rewNed before Ptrn.nuBFE 2s, 2.Nwnd w 8flg that¢ order Me Go __�� VESTOCK f Be ssind (ERR)w2Thsles! !Judy i 02005-1 We RRd�ap n Baganp•w111oonsistotMr.e C°'MP " 516.293-1698 'Pet 5upplies as d3)MN,PN to b It N Peoamance Bande and Labor/ The Comm�nlryD Oa"oawon OtherespoM. IY an on m int Main Sl FwMingdet AN LkIDIBUSale F' TW eJteran Methods,Hi lh- alp^ mvion i^bryrete,ec best BP 2W6-2GC Claimed tMthe Genan'eral CordXiowarela ns �_I_� Lost yy 9 1fl CorWrualan; Centred BP 4WameMoieaahcaMNd. 516.4D9.6126 Groom ! ahM'meya�aexamelileFound tl oorcctootpp]I6E re mm�m�odaLMnmw'NEe rem- 20WUnd.1H eip MoeMnlul• Cm Toe.... tEashio d Etl leda hs .1 Meektleys 9:W P.M.M 5:00 P. W�Yl landon ouimn of w�bmf d Most flea pe Duran w h am MameNlya In bid,and to ant pant Ave,Warta=nALUD Li[�i11 Adopt AD01 €Na whlad posevee•b°MenH - kdwme scdaaleW ckRd.16 6!-1724 3` �'4 man Maw phone number r Uta It be b Bidders ell sheA,fuller make awards MA [ Any MUM= egency nf�j it Es� diaogundrgw{ih Mls tletarml o (6Do RN�menMa6w,s p. "SoaWny N,ft corm o:BM tot�cT iMeret d int Scrod M<ni.N Rd.MasMceWi.ANM16N tion,we Ing tis pommedm T 516.528-6666 �- Me protect(.)may suGNl et- twfa Me CNwQ ReleY$wVme. evank•or In the emouM d Dlhgell exewte a I uc°MNd Ian wmmenta Io the SuwB New Yor, Relay operator - to be PrepeNd pv Ms Attorney X00 la BP 20W-2H: ant la Ur School D'uUki. II own UItIe NNY Play, EML� Lk'ErJ Cowty Community Dwel°p Trawbbe WNbetwwnTDD6 ENSj„ fIXI BP 2008-2�Make Bo eNtEduwlianwrwuss. j•51�s1T7.3.71J )1A mens ae.ell comments ra- NooTDDusers f4 n OR w by JuN 2.20Dfi ell be For n-Slate Calle Ono d eek.ppreY/'N.10 the OIIka a NI EMs nwN of ale Ur Iku whsldnhed by the County of Nm-TDDUwrto TDDUwn Perks.Reueatloh and Hitvek Mabtl M idle Notion r Bodewe - $yMdkDdorloeanalzMosub 1400a21-t220 Precarvanon. �Yhnab�� �o Ny •M RWYiw1W AYVa AN 1156 • mkrb^ofarepwst far new TDDrNonTDDUs8n The work of an leve, 5 ma,web .rid kkdtlanlob b bdder.TM boder awume6�M d 1Mds. Comments anwM 13W'N2.1720 pwtMct a now toNpe bdOBy dad tits!in the mal am _ ' ',+ cpadN wed paodtMC Nplka _-_ at ��npape Sete PaM,Fer Ma naMln MlM1e meA DY em LIE IISXkksvllln AG.Us IMifUM. Mrw a-Hers to. Legal NOTIC01462080g !Beal q ooMIo�yeraes of he SCM1wI DIenied �'-�''E-/Y-y)q� ADOPT Irr a sidet MIMn�P1n, g York s. a uCwMyNew. Whether wed DY moil or by 1wE 1•Ls7sN1� 'at do WeYHY SMwt61M y a wcrys OFNNgg less mB.w d parapMl dues'ry,gw d Ma W a 1 1oNHUD MeI Kevan lawln Msw- AMENDED PUBUC NOTICE Tlr MwawW[bWaMlbere- MOtlar i psmu raoporwi6NY OF BSGIenCWe Aa Lk IMOI1 Ldors MNlefeafU#IiMI 'v) w�MppUyy w Suit IN CWMY Chief pv Me shied wwmbh a Perlo.newe w DePaY County ExecutNe mer WLLAGEOF PATCHOGVE Ball aMstabor and Mtedt Ia MvkOnbbitl d.=.d 516�79.281D �ryIWIn9..NeINmdD9.fN.> 1> ' 7 ands to accept me Predictive PLEASETAKEWMCEMM Roost in Me wee,.%ry fontst Areal lot else AD d Me.Fou Cannanan. the Bud d Thiess"d tot 0 elk bads MIND Sec. Eacn BottleraMAa to hall A ,ARB, $ bow k brotpn r erdoroe re. ou by -- a lealtknoH-iff,tionate Why letH- N 7 Is bars m relation us Ura boa of Ptdhopuehu make Aon 136 eotl 131dme 57Me Fc MVTa erDMwt«45)deys ai- Mllmon ANprvsswe D[M7R17 a m emirmm.mal reMew mPwa• tlteminatbneMMhanps ors w^w law.eacnwlopxd wmefmiMlbSldM •^ aglp S16.690.134T 119m1,tares le diY M1151{-1M'UM. a end mat Mrw recponswlllb. °a^hirrqq the proposetl amuiBF Uream°r.,ume date N. No Ankle 3S U#BrMdwaY SUItp EB s, i nM Chun leo lrMtaetdef N 111a oompinvin dote Iys Mb Now York SrtLabs Law• NI[NsMlle AtnWM re 1MM71 Frl.N.Mwomv lX.Urged.SlFMt-U61 •3 have been sagsAM.HUD'S aP Coun.Tnepremiwceneaedm prols°t� IM 6ialWe deComWrnoal- irxwrconnector nowed MW �•f�EL--•rye a IamNe, I of Mr wnlaatan w Me dtemmtlan and nndhpe approv.Iw School District even.MIM(W1- 51 1 JJ-161 Is. ere 1. If txlder Is, deported is the shnevad far NEPA ant related laws end.0 partllsle'A' The.wnMacts are wbppaes lis days alt lwuanu of he - AtNWMlere)Atupressun Lk M91H 9miN,aw^If IoU' M �� IM1onllaz ant .lbws 6s, A Rant sywp.is of eacfl•urM Ane Provlsbwayviklef5-Ad days116era11 my thirty 4- beat,bHIhN rd[ COUpIT�'OF SUFFOLK In use awmmaw^r.Wl : the Ex.dwRw tsar, Mwalme, Jaya rNd 516.746.0608 f Pr rem Nrds. 1.TMt Me awubna.d Me lw the among bidder may be hs Ina°ODmEtbyywvmN Go as miareat d Cird.Casa by smi- yueed b mLmn se East Em- ea WtlaOendeMrimeEmarespehue u�iF UA leMtMTDtr New Nyle PY MY/redlOMm,9MdMMM111 n HUD an vent domain b neusaary az =ant only P Bios ddarlury. The ANWn[tte�[IMISA a115hots,SMYeyneuttedilF117 w rare a nude:I a'ma Dan d lir acw.EMga w m. Budd a uMlm i.Ph.pram las flopmDmrkl s b.r.adked n W trues Me[SereM Strand Work- seven de d Doing rs W d kDr1 6 pphgp4-6662 6 6tllettr. 3. cd�dr a SDwdk wnnkatbh law How.Ag Prosed (w -hailing MladM.d M.ePwt"' rNnaNhawarrns. The Rare 5We. 1..6662 BH I,m' -setw d EY JIM!10.2006 a e PraNcl'1 as ems d Are An apo naw bot.end make used PaY-%k a ireualpr elvll be ,hep ANpresstelk MlHk-! RONERROK RFMENOIYUI.IYM1iL dol dfl a a dey,,leve Urs unto nab for three 131 yen ��- mipt a Me report Iwnkneva Oda'�,:^d N:rwd'wWH k In t:.'�"�MA»"�ka°°a.: wear I ha 516.711. rioter anlyXmwsreward 'he d GMeCanal ant UYt parbanotan a mine" and bohn Ur, comVVplellbnol wvM my siyrlbul ImY AM Slf• -llU 6 tlse rO fMws.WIN car tlr Noted Coded nal be oro' sanancwned be-enteN anmaaBV ORDEP OF: Fukon St.(INW)Faadn9dMe ENM1U A row '[ dw,flm was he euaded by paw¢.¢�u ryv Dwwpbtod wMfloa Me press. Rep- an-" BOARDOFEDUCATION IN,9mtkfp see - tlr Gnnvlrp mikow: (b)Mr ...Alt an of Mw Ise meant a find Aan o1 van. bu.X 516.8 0 5.3 8 0 6. I em was 5 CodnN d3ulidk how omMotle Clyde Gaon uw "tesp . az sulwnn- EA REE :i sbp afapedlo makaetlecbion 2.ThM IMre We nor SP =Rfla td Maple-en Rr ApMINISTRATIONBUILDING XIIIsih Ave Etl3/IIELkNIdY SMfl Ies Eair•fU3M , ! ar ndnpIV,ned b6 HU raF pr0aler bcatlan for Mm swua wrNrad a%berwaretl.' 71STHEpLAINROAD P ittms rMry,aO s ubtbw wFR Pao 5A;lc) sheasaz Grda Court Nu d' EAST MEADOW NEW YORK 51 twat er or sNtale 5141N-DU '{ tIft gram wwmw In ntpod or lha hewe Ur PrMrcupnemalw poMbn Of a 11553 oqrecctt W'O -° tl MAUREEN WARRINGTON IHI Newbie 9e Rd A ttML .sot W dy ppctandW whozedw24CFq 3.Thnithaecpolslnon all Mw wwPBw 5_ DISTRICTCLERK NOM BeIImo 1671 SI6i0f#SS.mNNntelU flute ss, A Pan 5B Etas approval 4 a IR u sommemal w ad w Mr en- m eMah. 516.8'!6.4158 pan a Made m HUD-.a(d) NNnm int. 9real w tlds,swee4 i e[t wt4�m xq Cwr.d isle full deteMlriM sw 'Womeh-owlyd w- to DMIMILSWMi1K aF. pruMrs�� F•dmiapenPDaynAd 11aneMMd a-walladsal arpMwa O% - - BNImo(NANEpLre m.'YLIt'EIR(1M3S 'hes MMmmM a whiner nn$dDnpf Vpubge H�'New 4 YB r vs, .MOf- (•) U•7� KitAd .abnMarce d.yal(Oww[Ibn Ihet BopoNdrunsetlMeesaY heal lorwa�� Yflown kMwn he- Womenowned em */1 D2•LL7I� AdoPAon CenM•MM Xemp#nBW1Tp6e. frog int slendpblM d emkan- ndozed lerom pjp BMhMM.SWN medal We*owl-,me !uses W the ewe9e Surd o- wash, •'•ell mustAeal mdsdoW 51F1FifTL Jenny 11 wk dull be pro"' ra9�� opwater York 11772S sent.Pakb be bound by Sood,ot Point AN bidders navy bn 318 N Me 516'222AWw FYM ROM UE tIS.MMWM ANIk IMB acwrdeue eft CFR PN 58 opus,New Yak 11712.tlam FxerMNe law aTkJr pmMd 911.3788339 [Na s r••%' PWS proDe4Ahea Upn PaIMw M. Set. VWpe der lot r.sduOoneMe 1 on 1 AMry��y All MMI s she snMlheadereeeW b HUD of wmpltnl and vblellpne a Lnl 1)CIJMI MUWntturef Tui e'w%• 'yMAOR .1 j sap HUD De Area Y Ny PLEASE TAKE FURTHER Urw ri Connenb. TM BM' NOTICE Mai wider Section two dlrp and canb.a Dacumenls ONanB .917.907.1501 631 -226-6633 prplhxa,Mek IWIp meswn#M i. 1021&, Pdsntbl olNacl°he Mndratl sew a UM Eminent may des examlud M me E% N s W should,d rd.otowelythethe agonflon Gives P-sada- .w.nrr. ^awing Department ad ode 1 on 1 Mupre wNA[AC WFAINMIX �__ dpNeuatemp, rhe g#s#s ra ends/:a'w�a�nl"w e - 5;O Zmvmt It tlmhenabatlw. Sl6 935 2256 Nk16YWe *631 •265.7WI* u w 9 paean puNka tlo {�yqg kmaN 71n.f71-T?75N Gdi1 Lee CA, to sett lutlbAnt'ihreW9r of lane amat Cnxkh"Groo be metle wt IIESeeANNk M 51.35 N nM ExsoulWa w se.muye tlermlpadan anal a>M onbe M Parka waw- 631.321.9888110 203035 dw:fMeMN'Pit yrul.s ,r $ E.l U m.euntr shot Mt ager B-P ion end Hbtorb Presw eAon. 1 •S,BBINWR UE.Swfls�Nwy,Llnde Mwt m.Ibw,hknM1.W1YA73 "' ExaDuA� Nsw Yorktl]N n•^s'w° �aevah end gg�y�1A��U3L,sad Me dhxkMlM .' Me W. be,nonsked Right tithe F PERfIiT DEPT..OPR6H. and Nu pMillN SIMM ACUPRESSURE' ora Dams!.Ish esus laws P.G. Bat 247. Bap len [�cT Awe 6 31 .3 9 9 4 810 y -- tot eraluars searw ludblel 117W.P SEPARATE CHECK 1UI11 ElLST ANGEL --- NAllal r[Nbn'nuLfsul•R6RN ij. Legel,Notiee 14576172 nvex•ams nontlemwfe d> IN THE AMouNr of 631.811.1900 6NUW DPE1BI16 itis rs ' : t rnrlmaUan end Brands b ore MADE OUT TO: I11 cit Ns UEf6,Shot_ ry,AM Li[tNBII. ort,lDbank•adoi U ?�L apDelbb dNrbn a WI STATESPOSTALSERV'FOh �PAT9NM 631.474.1BW 84 5 ^Y •M•e [ qs, NG p em.wan in M.Wada IwpwaaI�y 1001 ettMUd,ada-61e5B#E•1 1 �,c NO GFNC aarR'w^IMrre aamm/E.111. - G'eok, Dal � Lag lslaM An,DeN PL ANLit1dN 0 e r yAA.�: i AND NO RONMu-sourr Propsm to be wndemnad iib JoMNab. 7W^'ar•' fll#/•IRI p; TY OF DIM ENr'I.T AMEN. haled:_ .. Regkmaloinse. _ IMCG t gF I1WF lq ANU Ci11 4untlwima se. tyro .,-- NELSON&POPE RNGIMRSANDMPRPORS (631)e274= sreWekWnameeRoad FSI(691)4WMW advna.ar 117C T0: Anthony Trezza �— J 9, 2006 Town of Southold ++ PlanningDepartment D �.. �... Re: le� @ Mattituck 54375 NYS Rte 2514M r & ope Job#: 02007 Southhold,NY 11971 , 1 Fair W. We aro sending you UX -rate cover Herewith Pick Op ..�.�.._... x By Messenger MEY For Your x Review&Comment Approval x As requested For your use Ed Submission Submission to Town quantity Drawing Title I Sheet No. IRev.No. 5 Preliminary Map 1 of 1 Remarks: The enclosed are revised Preliminary Maps with building footprints. very trtlp yours, CC: Bill Klatsky I set of same Len Axinn I set of same NELSON&POPE Gail Wickham 1 set of same By: James C.Milliken 7_6.9_trema.XiS SF LAW OFPR'I:S WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON & GEASA, P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD. P.O. BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MATTITUCK,LONG ISLAND ERIC J. BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD I IOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM SUITE I II LYNNE M.GORDON MELVILLE. NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 ---- TELEFAX NO. 631-298-8565 631-249-9480 wwblawluaol.com CELE `A 4Q qN lW9-84 June 5, 2006 a Att: Anthony Trezza p Town of Southold Planning Board ��N - 6 2006 Post Office Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 $eu.;, ,d 'vo .. Ptannirv':3ovrd _ t Re: CDC of LI-Application for AHD Overlay Distr►c HD SubdivisionR�i Premises: Sound Avenue (and Factory Avenue), Nt#tituck7j4Y"5�1'I #1000-83- 2-17.1 Dear Anthony: Enclosed are the following items for Preliminary Plat Approval: 1.) Preliminary Plat Application form; 2.) $1,000.00 Application Fee will be delivered today; ;a 3.) Proposed Covenants and Restrictions for subdivision. (w,L6 P w acQ� 6/ The Preliminary Plat and Road/Drainage Plans were sent under separate cover from Nelson & Pope. We are awaiting the Performance Guarantee Estimate. The Town Attorney is working on the AHD covenants. Very truly yours, l Abigail A. Wickham AAWijr Encl. Re%dc pbprelim Sc1•1-05- 006 �J5- I<1Y9: 298 85ti5TO:o:31 .6v -3136 P.001/004 Law Offices WIC.KH.AM, BRESSLER,GORDON &GEASA,P.C. 13015 Main Road,P.O. Box 1424 Mattftck,New York 11952 531-293.8353 Telefax no, 631-298-8565 This lss:ogno,;ion cortalns'nformailon umGdentiul aadlor legally privileged. it is Intended"or use only by the person io whom+:is Directed, If you;rave rceoivod th+P telecopy in error,please notify us by telephone immediately so that we :z 1,arrange for the t'eturn of the documents to a at no cost to you. ]f you do not icccivc all of the pages indicated, plence calf as soon as possibie at the number above. Fax#: TJate, s bb Rc - coxsments: Tlxis is page one of j JON-05-2006 09:51 FRUH: 6311 298 8565 T0:631 765 3136 P.002,004 LAW OFFICF- WIC1CIIA\1.13RESSUR, GORDON& GEASA, P.C. 11015 MAIN ROAD. 11,0,ROX 1x24 WILLIAM U'[CKHAM(06-02) N4ATT1'T'UCK.LUNO ISLAND ERIC 1.BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A.W'ICKI-IAM SUITE 111 LYNNE M. GORDON MFINILLL, NEW YORK 11"47 J ANTI O EASA 631-298.8311 --.- 'TELEFAX NO.01-198-8565 631-249.9480 wwbinw(u:nnLcoir TELEFAX N0.631-249.94R4 June 5, 2006 All': Anthony Trema Town of Southold Planning Board Post Odea Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold. New York 1.1.971. Re: CDC of Li—Application for AHD Overlay Distrlct/AHD Subdivision Prcmincs: Sound Avenue (and Factory Avenue), Mnttituck,NX SCTM# 1000-V- 2-17.1 Dear.Anthony: Enclosed are the following items for Preliminary Plat Approval: l.) Preliminary Plat Application form.: 2.) 51,000.00 Application F'cc will be delivered today; 3-) Proposed Covenants and Restrictions for subdivision. (wed Cr,a.. ) The Preliminary Plat and Road!Drainage Plans were sent urder separate cover from Nelson& Pape. We are awaiting the Performance Guarantee .Estimate. The Town Attorney is working on the AHD wvenantN, Very truly'yoo/urs,A4 Jf�p 10t End. I(`J Re,cdc.ryhfarAlim �' ' D ' 1 . c ���5 JUN-05-2eOE 09:52 FRUI: 631 298 8565 TO:631 765 3136 P.003,1004 $yfFO�A MAILING ADDRF_4S: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS .�� P.O.Box 1179 JERILYN S.WOODROVSG O Southold, NY 11971 Chair T OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex WILLTAM J.OR.WEDS 54375 State Route 25 KENNETH L.EDWARDS 1 # (OM.Main Rd. &Younp Ave,) MARTL*T.H.S717OR Southold„NY GEORGE D. SOLOMON Telephone: 631 765.1986 )Pax:631765-3130 PI.ANNIPiG BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Application for Preliminary Plat Approval APPLICATION IS HERESY MADE to the Town of Soulhold Planting Board for PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. i. NatneofSubdivision Co'rrA4-55 A-r MA-r-rt7vcK 2. Suffolk County Tax Map /!2- 2—z3. 1 3. Hatnlct IX AIrrt-rL-4(C 4. StreetAddress/ 895 Fiae4-eru tW2 Project Location. 5. Zoning Dis:rict ARD 6, Date of Submission June Z. zoo(o 7. Sketch Plan Approval DW.c —L�ck 13, ZQ:)(o &. Acreage of Site _7. N a. 9, Parcel Yield 1202 )OM 0. Ntnnber of Lots Proposed o?A io-m a. Number of Affordable Lots Roquired: a 2- b. Number of Affordable Lots Proposed: ca O. c. Alternative Method/Payment Proposod to Satisfy Affordable Housing Requirement: &I/A 11. Acreage of Open Space V-6 J'JN-05-2006 09:52 FRCM: 63298 8565 T0:63: T65 3136 P.004/004 12. Percentage of Open Space f)/A 13. Range of Lot Sizes io00 st.F+. b �S�Sl� st 14. Average Lot Size q t 02104 S 15. Private or Public Streets R)&,c. 16. Length of Road(s) 1^,. Acreage ofRoad(s) 13. Does the Preliminary Plat differ from the 5kerch Plan preyusly ap-Tovc y the Planning.Board? L•xplain. �ursua+et io YlaNni r 1 i Lai ac -6 Tms;bim- e ' i z 3 rt%l rescfVo]ron• n r,dd'kio RLOnar 5 ce�r_�r� ' ay snfireadloed mored act Sourtid QV*nhnQL, 14. In addition to the application to the Town of Southold Planning Board,what other approvals are you seeking for this subdivision from state or other ageneieO Please list other applications which are currently pending involving tkis proiect. If, possible,please provide application reference numbers. SC�ollL 'D . S k0— IZ2 —Z—Z3. 1 20. Application completed by [] owner agent [ ] other Signature of Prepare r Gf/u t`fiwwr ¢ Date G 2Dob NELSON&POPE • 5� BNBQV MAMSOWORS 1 I&9q 4r/Se&5 fin Welt weauu Road FAr163114276= Ydvft Rr 1170 TO: Anthony Trezza Date: June 1, 2006 Town of Southold Planning Department it"Iar3d s tes Mattltuck 54375 NYS Rte 25 Nelson&Pope Job#: 02007 Southhold,NY 11971 Your Ret: We are sending you FX Under separate cover Herewith Pica Up X By Messenger F®RE Por Your X Review&Comment Approval X As requested For your use Did Submission Submission to Town Quantity Drawing Title Sheet No. Rev.No. 6 Preliminary Map 1 of 1 p , Remarks: 1 CC: Bill Klatsky 2 sets of same Len Axinn 1 set of same KHAN&POPE Gail Wickham I set of same By: James C.Milliken 7_6.1 treaa.xtS CDCLI Housing Aopment Fund Corporation /\B /\NE 2100 Middle Country Road,Suite 300,Centereach,NY 11720 Nelghboftrks, CHARTERED MEMBER 631.471.1215•wwwxddi.org 5L/%a Pr 12 May, 2006 Ms. Jerilyn Woodhouse Chairperson—Planning Board Town of Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road PO Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971 Re: Cottages at Mattituck Dear Ms. Woodhouse: For informational purposes, I wanted to let you know that CDC Housing Development Fund Corporation has closed title on the subject Cottages at Mattituck parcel in Mattituck on May 10, 2006. For the record, we are no longer the contract vendee, but the owners of the subject property. Thank you and the Planning Board for your continued help in the processing of this subdivision. Very truly yours, Wilbur Klatsky President WK:tmca cc: Town Attorney—Town of Southold ri L� D �t� p MAY 16 2006 D � S Southold Town Planni Board NELSON&POPE s BNOMRSAMSOVEYORs (931)417-505snWaft wmto.mRoad FAX(ml)4Z15= y Mebme,NY 11747 To: Anthony Trezza Date: May 4,2006 Town of Southold _h-- C04D-CS5 Planning Department Re: Island-Estates 6 Mattituck 54375 NYS Rte 25 Nelson&Pope Job#: 02007 Southhold,NY 11971 Your Her,. r� t ,I We aro�u �. X Linder separate cover Herewith Pick BP ', �It.!. ' ' X H9 Heeseager FEW 1 � t For Your 1��', X Review 4 Comment Approval X _ As requested ✓. For your use Bid Submission Submission to Town Quantity Drawing Title Sheet No. Bev.No. 6 Sketch Plan 1 of 1 Remarks: very truly yours, CC: Ms.Tumer,Suffolk County Community Development Agency NBISON&POPE By: James C.Milliken T 5.4 treaa.XLS NELSON & POPE PIT ENGINEERS 6 SURVEYORS VICTOR BERT PE.• ARTHUR J.KOERBER,0E.•JOSEPH R.EPIFANIA,PE. ROBERT G.NELSON JR.,P.E. •PAUL M.RI PLS.•THOMAS F LEMBO.RE. GARY S.BECKER,PE.•GREGORY 0.PETERMAN,PLS.•ERIC J.MCFERRAN.RE. �e- wrMlr+Y'�1M_�� i��' �• Apn 26, 20 06 � Anthony Trezza liipn Town of Southhold DE C V �- Planning Department _ _------ 54375 NYS Rte 25 Southhold, 2 7 2006 Southhold, NY 11971 1 VIA FEDEX Re: ThA CQeLtituolr - ®` Ne ;Pope Job# 02007 Dear Mr. Trezza: Enclosed are six (6) copies of the Sketch Plan which has been finalized to meet the Town sketch plan requirement. Please note that the pavement width between the two (2) existing houses that front on Sound Avenue has been reduced to twenty-four(24') feet in order to maximize the distance from the existing houses to the actual pavement. The remainder of the roadway within the subdivision is shown at the twenty-eight (28') feet width. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Very truly yours, NELSON &POPE, GIN S & SU YORS James C. Milliken MIS Enclosure cc: Bill Klatsky— 1 set of same Gail Wickam,Esq.— 1 set of same Len Axinn— 1 set of same ST2 WP T WI-IFNVWN ROAD, VELVILLE, NY'11747-2'1M 0317427SfiS•FA (6311427562p•www.nelsonpPPe.com ELIZABETH NEVILLE -- Tot3n Hall, 53095 Main Road 6s, TOWN CLERK suFrFot 1 3 ^6 PO Box 1179 �1 Southold,NY 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS a Fax (631) 765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER �aor Telephone: (631) 765 - 1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER -- sou4holdtown.northfork.net FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OF CER _ RESOLUTION#2006-340 Meeting: 04/11/06 07:30 PM Resolution ID: 1743 Department:Town Clerk Category: Sanitary Flow Credits THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2006-340 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON APRIL 11,2006: WHEREAS,the Town of Southold has established a Transfer of Development Rights Program whereby Sanitary Flow Credits can be transferred into a TDR Bank from open space lands purchased by the Town of Southold; and WHEREAS the TDR Bank currently has 21.4 credits on deposit from lands purchased by the Town of Southold that are located within the Mattituck-Cutchogue School District; and WHEREAS an application for transfer of Sanitary Flow Credits was filed by the Community Development Corporation of Long Island(CDCLI) on March 2, 2006 seeking transfer of 12 credits to the property known as SCTM# 1000-122-2-23.1 located on Sound Avenue and Factory Avenues in Mattituck, in the Mattituck-Cutchogue school district; and WHEREAS the applicant seeks to utilize the credits on land designated as Affordable Housing District(AHD) to create affordable homes that will remain affordable in peeTetuity, pursuant to Town Code Sections 100-50 et al, and C1;4pt6rR17,W WHEREAS thea applicant seeks to utilize the II ,��� pp r"eUrts on land within a designatedreceiving area; and it is herebyJul tLi b I WHEREAS the Town Board held a public h ng on the action on March 2 , 2006, at which time all persons were given the opportunity tole heard- and WHEREAS the applicant modified its application and now seeks the transfer of 10 credits, to create a development of 22 affordable homes on the aforementioned property; and WHEREAS the Town Board conducted a coordinated SEQRA review of the action, and issued a Negative Declaration on April 11, 2006; and it is hereby RESOLVED that the Town Board has evaluated the effects of the proposed transfer and finds that the district contains adequate resources, environmental quality and public facilities, including adequate transportation,water supply,waste disposal and fire protection, and further finds that that there will be no significant environmentally damaging consequences and that such development is compatible with the comprehensive planning efforts of the Town, and the Town Board incorporates the report of the Planning Board dated April 10, 2006 regarding the same; and it is further RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby transfers ten (10) sanitary flow credits from the Town TDR Bank and to the Community Development Corporation of Lone Island for its proposed development of 22 sinele family affordable homes for the "Cottages of Mattituck" development at SCTM# 1000-122-2-23.1; and it is further RESOLVED that upon issuance of the Sanitary Flow Credit Certificate, the Town Clerk shall enter this deduction of ten(10) sanitary flow credits from the Sanitary Flow Credit Log; and be it further RESOLVED that the applicant shall receive a Sanitary Flow Credit Certificate,which shall not be signed by the Supervisor and released by the Town Clerk to the applicant until the covenants and restrictions required by Town Code Section 87-9 have been filed and such filing has been approved by the Town Attorney; and be it further Page 2 RESOLVED that the Town Clerk shall forward this resolution to the Tax Assessors Office, the Land Preservation Department, the Special Projects Coordinator and the Planning Department for inclusion into the Town database and GIS system. e, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Page 3 s MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERP P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE so Southold, NY 11971 Chair V� OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR ua 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND ��yCOUNN, a Southold, NY 1, t` Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765.3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Scott Russell, Supervisor Members of the Town Board From: Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson Members of the Planning Board Date: April 10, 2006 Re: Application for the transfer of Sanitary Flow Credits The Cottages at Mattituck 1000-122-2-23.1 The Town Board has requested comments from the Planning Board regarding the above- referenced application for the Transfer of Sanitary Flow Credits, as required pursuant to Chapter 87 of the Southold Town Code. This proposal is for a Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 22 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 8,000 square feet to 13,724 square feet, in the Affordable Housing District. In addition to the change of zone application currently being considered by the Town Board, this project also requires the transfer of ten(10) sanitary flow credits, based on the proposed amended subdivision plan presented by the applicant on April 7, 2006. The Planning Board recommends approval of the application to transfer sanitary flow credits onto the subject property. The Planning Board's recommendation is based on the following: 1. The district contains adequate resources, environmental quality and public facilities, including adequate transportation, water supply, waste disposal and fire protection. While the transfer of sanitary flow credits to this site will increase the amount of sewage generated from the site, it will not increase the net volume into the aquifer, it will simply transfer the location of the same volume. Additionally, because the parcel is served by public water, individual wells will not be required. Accordingly, there will not be any "draw-down" impacts to the groundwater resources. In addition, the proposal has been amended to exclude all of the accessory apartments in addition to two (2) single-family residences as originally proposed. 2. As stated in the SEQRA report prepared by Cleary Consulting "Approval of the project's subsurface sanitary sewage system by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services will ensure compliance with Article 6 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code (SCSQ for best groundwater management practice. This together with connection to the public water system indicates that significant adverse impacts on ground water resources will not occur as a result of the project. " 3. The map and updated traffic study have been referred to the Mattituck Fire District and the Town Engineer for their review. Any concerns raised will be addressed in the design of the site, including the need for fire protection (hydrants). Currently, the proposal calls for a single access to the site from Sound Avenue with no through traffic or direct access onto Factory Avenue. To address concerns raised by the Town Board regarding the need for a Factory Avenue access, we asked the applicant to have the traffic study updated to include the feasibility of a secondary access along Factory Avenue. According to the traffic study prepared by Nelson and Pope, a direct Factory Avenue access is not recommended because of its close proximity to the LIRR tracks. In addition, the report Further states that "traffie anticipated to be generated by the proposed project during the peak hours is very low and the proposed access on Sound Avenue is projected to operate at LOS A. Therefore a second access for the proposed development is not required. We recommend that a Factory Avenue access be used for emergency purposes only. " 4. This prosect is not expected to have any significant environmentally damaging consequences as discussed in the SEORA report prepared by Cleary Consulting. In addition, the SEQRA report is based on a total of 36 units, including 24 single-family residences and 12 accessory apartments. The applicant has agreed to eliminate the accessory apartments and two (2) of the single-family dwellings,bringing the total number of units down to 22. This reduction in overall site density and build-out will further mitigate any potential impacts that the project may have. 5. The proposed increased development is compatible with the Town's comprehensive planning and will conform to all relevant federal, state and local laws. The Planning Board finds that the proposed development conforms to the Town's goal of addressing its affordable housing needs in accordance with the recommendations made in the Hamlet Study. Furthermore, the Mattituck Stakeholders specifically identified this property as a potential site for a high- • i density residential development for affordable housing. In addition, they indicated that densities up to 1 lot per 10,000 square feet are acceptable if concerns regarding sewage can be adequately addressed. The Planning Board finds that the transfer of sanitary flow credits onto this property addresses this concern. The ability to transfer sanitary flow credits for affordable housing is specifically permitted through the Town's Transfer of Development Rights legislation, pursuant to Chapter 87 of the Town Code. Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: C� � L�) Subject: SCTM#: 1000 - Date: y 17 ` ZCDO (o Comments: enc )®sQA is APR ' � 2006 IV/V4 U0 AW 14:JR rAA Dal tuo 0190 J ULMLU LUWIN l.LtAA _4++ gARIRB 10J UUL p. 2. � �N: S;ooP/rj 3-34 r4 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK (D STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVIOSS BRIAN L.HARPER,M.O.,M.P.H. COMMISSIONER March 27, 2005 Ms. Marian Zucker RECEIVED Director of Affordable Housing Suffolk County Department of Economic Development and Workforce Housing B 100 Veterans Memorial Highway 2nd Floor Hauppauge, NY 11788 Southold Town Clert Re: The Cottages (M Mattituck S10-05.0021 Dear Ms. Zucker I am responding to your request to verify the permitted housing yield for the above referenced site. As you are aware, the Town of Southold has developed an Affordable Housing Ordinance in conjunction with the Suffolk County Department of Health. A component of this ordinance allows for the doubling of the "as of right' density on a site if transfer of development rights are utilized. I have reviewed the proposed yield map for the Cottages at hiettituck and concur that a yield of 12 lots is permitted under the Suffolk County Sanitary Code, The department would have no objection to the density being doubled on this site to 24 lots provided that 12 sanitary credits are assigned to this project from the "Town Bank" and all other provisions of the sanitary code are met. I hope that this information is of use to you. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, `� ) A/— V Walter J. Hilbert, P.E. Chief Office of Wastewater Management �.MBION OF CNV RMItNT.ALOUAI!TY,OFFICE OF WASTEWATER MMAGENENT.]a9YA IIANKAVENVE.SWT6 JC A YA➢1IANKNY 11980. PHONE WI1 FW-5T0A Fs,ft{if)E5Yf79i - r SEQR 617.21 Appendix F State Environmental Quality Review NEGATIVE DECLARATION L (I M [1(� a Notice of Determination of Non-Significance CIPlroj�ejct Number Date March 2005 This notice is issued pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations pertaining to Article 8 (State Environmental Quality Review Act) of the Environmental Conservation Law. The Town of Southold Town Board as lead agency, has determined that the proposed action described below will not have a significant effect on the environmental and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement will not be prepared. Name of Action: Island Estates at Mattituck Subdivision, Zoning Map Change and Transfer of Sanitary Flow Credits SEAR Status: Type I Z Unlisted ❑ Conditioned Negative Declaration: Yes El No D lJll (r"tJ u Description of Action: The Action involves rezoning of a 7.4 acre site located west of Sound Avenue at the Factory Avenue intersection in the Hamlet of Mattituck (SCTM # 10000-122-1-23.1) from its current R-80 single family residential district designation to the AHD, affordable housing district and additionally involves the transfer of 12 sanitary flow credits to augment the site's existing 12 credits for a total of 24 sanitary flow credits to allow for the development of a new residential development consisting of 24 single family homes and 12 accessory apartments supporting workforce and senior housing. Location: (Include street address and the name of the municipality/county. A location map of appropriate scale is also recommended.) Town-wide, Town of Southold, Suffolk County qP 4P SEQR Negative Declaration Page 2 REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: (See 617.6(g) for requirements of this determination, see 617.6(h) for Conditioned Negative Declaration) See Attached If Conditioned Negative Declaration, provide on attachment the specific mitigation measures imposed. For Further Information: Contact Person: Elizabeth A. Neville, Town Clerk Address: Town Hall, 53095 Route 25, Southold, NY 11971 Telephone Number: 631-765-1800 For Type I Actions and Conditioned Negative Declarations, a Copy of this Notice Sent to: Commissioner, Dep't of Environmental Conservation, 50 Wolf Road, Albany, NY 12233-0001 NYSDEC Region 1, SUNY, Building 40, Stony Brook, NY 11790 Supervisor, Town of Southold, Town Hall 53095 Route 25, Southold, NY 11971 Applicant (if any) Other Involved Agencies (if any) REASONS SUPPORTING THIS DETERMINATION: O @ A F T The proposed action involves the rezoning of a 7.4 acre parcel of land located west of Sound Avenue at the Factory Avenue intersection in the Hamlet of Mattituck (SCTM # 10000-122-1-23.1) from its current R-80 single family residential district designation to the AHD, affordable housing district. The Action also involves the transfer of 12 sanitary flow credits to augment the site's existing 12 credits for a total of 24 sanitary flow credits to allow for the development of a new residential development consisting of 24 single family homes and 12 accessory apartments supporting workforce and senior housing. The development of workforce and senior housing within the Town's hamlets is a priority goal set forth in the Town comprehensive planning documents, including most recently the Town of Southold Hamlet Study, and the Town of Southold Comprehensive Implementation Strategy (CIS). The project site lies within the Mattituck Hamlet HALO zone, which was created to accommodate appropriately scaled residential development in areas adjacent to the Hamlet Centers, and prevent development in the Town's outlying agricultural and open space areas. Specific impacts relating to the rezoning of the site, transfer of sanitary flow credits and the subdivision of the site (the Action) are addressed below: 1. The Action will not result in a significant adverse change in existing air quality. Rezoning the site to AHD from R-80 along with the transfer of sanitary flow credits to the site will increase the overall development yield of the site from three dwelling units to 36 dwelling units. The primary source of long term air quality impacts is air pollution attributable to vehicle trips. It is anticipated that the project will generate approximately 56 vehicle trips during the peak hour. This level of traffic represents an increase in vehicle trips above the 9 trips that might be anticipated if the project were not undertaken and the site were developed under the existing R-80 zoning. It should be noted that the site is located adjacent to the Mattituck Hamlet Center, just off State Route 25 and adjacent to the Long Island Railroad. Heavy traffic volumes are characteristic of this area. As a result, the project will not result in a proportionally discernable increase in long term air quality impacts beyond existing background levels. The Action will result in a short term temporary change in existing air quality as a result of construction related activity; however this activity is not expected to result in a significant negative impact. These temporary impacts to air quality will be carefully monitored by the Building Department and will be mitigated through the implementation of an approved site development protocol and construction management plan that will be submitted with the Building Permit, as well as a continual reliance on construction Best Management Practices and equipment repair and maintenance. The construction management plan will emphasize minimizing fugitive dust. No significant adverse air quality impacts are anticipated as a result of the proposed Action. 2. No negative impacts to surface water features will result from the proposed Action. No surface water features are located on or in the immediate vicinity of the site. A Stormwater Management Plan will be a component of the final subdivision approval, which will assure that the post development runoff rate from the site will be equal or less than the pre-development rates for the 25-year storm event. Additionally, approval of the project shall be conditioned upon compliance with all applicable Phase II stormwater regulations, including the preparation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and the filing of a NYSDEC State Pollution Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Notice of Intent to construct resulting in a GP-02-01 General Permit. These measures will assure that the proposed action will not result in any significant adverse environmental impacts to surface water features. 3. The Action involves several elements that will increase the development yield of the site. The rezoning of the site combined with the transfer of sanitary flow credits will allow for the development of 24 single family homes and 12 accessory apartments. The sanitary sewage effluent generated by these dwellings will be treated by individual subsurface sanitary sewage systems. The transfer of sanitary flow credits to this site will increase the sewage effluent generated from the site, but will not increase the net effluent volumes from the area into the aquifer, it will merely transfer the location of the same volume. The site is served by public water facilities. Individual draw-down impacts on ground water resources will not occur as a result of this Action. Approval of the project's subsurface sanitary sewage system by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services will ensure compliance with Article 6 of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code (SCSC) for best groundwater management practice. This together with connection to the public water system indicates that significant adverse impacts on ground water resources will not occur as a result of the project. 4. Long-term noise impacts are not anticipated as a result of the proposed Action and the subsequent development of the site. Short term noise impacts associated with the development of the site are envisioned. Construction activities are anticipated to generate noise levels of in the vicinity 85dBA measured at 50' from the source. These short term noise impacts shall be mitigated by maintaining construction equipment in good working order and providing mufflers. In conformance with Town ordinances, construction activities shall be limited to the hours of 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday and 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM on Saturdays. Interior construction activities may take place at other hours, in accordance with Town regulations. As noted above, the site is located adjacent to the Mattituck Hamlet Center, just off State Route 25 and adjacent to the Long Island Railroad. The proposed development, when completed, will not produce noise in excess of the local ambient background noise levels. As a result, no permanent long term noise impacts are anticipated. 5. The project will not create any flooding impacts. The site is not located within a floodplain, as defined and identified by FEMA, and documented on the Town's floodplains maps. No significant adverse flooding impacts are anticipated as a result of the Action. 6. The proposed Action will result in more intensive development of the site that otherwise permitted under the existing R-80 zoning, and consequently greater disturbance of the site. The primary disturbance will be in grading the site to allow for the new buildings to be constructed. The existing topography of the site is relatively level, which will minimizing overall site disturbance by minimizing cut and fill, however some grading will be required. This activity has the potential to increase the potential for soil erosion and sedimentation specifically during the construction build-out period. These potentially adverse impacts will be mitigated through the installation of soil erosion and sedimentation control devices. These devices will be designed and installed in accordance with New York Guidelines for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control, Fourth Printing, dated April 1997. (This manual is currently being modified and is expected to be replaced by the New York Standards and Specifications for Urban Erosion and Sediment Control, which is currently in draft form, as well as all requirements and regulations of the Town. Additionally, the Planning Board's approval of the final subdivision plat will reflect an effort to minimize and mitigate specific site impacts. The soil erosion and sediment control plan will minimize the downstream erosion hazard by controlling runoff at its source, minimizing runoff from disturbed areas and de-concentrating stormwater runoff. In accordance with the requirements of the SPDES GP-02-01 General Permit, site assessment and inspections shall be provided for all construction activities associated with this action. This shall include an assessment of the site prior to the commencement of construction and a certification in an inspection report that the appropriate erosion and sedimentation control measures described in the SWPPP and the General Permit have been adequately installed or implemented to ensure overall preparedness of the site for the commencement of construction. Following the commencement of construction, site inspections shall be conducted by a qualified professional at least every seven (7) calendar days and within 24 hours of the end of the end of a storm event of 0.5 inches or greater. The site contractor shall be responsible for implementing measures and correcting deficiencies noted during site inspections. Implementing these measures will assure that no significant adverse impact on the site's topography and resulting site erosion will result from the proposed Action. 7. All solid waste generated by the project shall be collected on site, and shall be disposed of at the Town of Southold Landfill. Similarly, all recyclables shall be similarly disposed of. No adverse impacts associated with solid waste generation are anticipated. 8. The proposed action will not result in any significant negative impacts on freshwater or tidal wetland resources. No such resources are located on, or adjacent to the site. No direct impacts will occur. Indirect impacts to wetland resources located some distance from the site will be minimized through compliance with SCSC Article 6, the implementation of stormwater management facilities, and through the installation of erosion and sedimentation control facilities, as described above. 9. The proposed action will not result in the removal of any significant existing trees. The site supports typical mixed vegetation. Development of the site will result in the disturbance to approximately six areas of the site. Most of the existing vegetation located within this area of disturbance will be removed. Wherever possible, larger trees will be identified to be preserved as part of the subdivision approval process. No particularly significant trees have been identified on the site that warrant specific preservation attention. As a result, no significant adverse impact is anticipated on the sites existing vegetation. 10. There will be no impact on a significant habitat area as a result of this project. No threatened or endangered species of animals or the habitat of such species have been identified on the site according to the NYS Natural Heritage Inventory. 11. The proposed Action will eventually result in a higher vehicle trip generation than currently generated by the site, as well as that which would be otherwise permitted under the existing R-80 zoning district. If the site were fully developed under the existing zoning, three new single-family residences would be permitted, along with the potential for 3 accessory apartments. These dwellings would generate approximately 9 peak hour vehicle trips. By comparison, it is projected that the proposed Action would generate approximately 56 peak hour trips during the most heavily traffic peak hour (the weekday PM). During this peak hour, the site would generate 20 entering and 11 existing trips attributable to the single-family dwellings and 15 entering and 10 existing trips attributable to the apartment units. During this worst-case situation, the nearest intersections to the site will operate at good to very good levels-of-service. The Main Road at Factory Avenue intersection will operate al LOS B with the project, the Sound Avenue at Factory Avenue intersection will operate at LOS A (WB) and LOS B (NB). The site's intersection on Sound Avenue would operate at LOS A. Upon completion of the Action, the surrounding intersections will continue to operate at good to very good levels-of-service, with excess capacity. No negative traffic impacts are anticipated as a result of the proposed Action. 12. The proposed action does not create a material conflict with the community's current development plans or goals. The development of the site as set forth in the Action represents a project that utilizes several local programs to meet the applicant's objectives while simultaneously achieving the comprehensive vision of the community. The project is located within the Mattituck HALO zone, which was created during the Town's Hamlet Study as a vehicle to direct growth away from the outlying agricultural and open space areas and into the Town's hamlets. This growth management technique fosters development in areas where the infrastructure is available to support it in conformance with a well-defined vision for the community. Secondly, the transfer of sanitary flow credits to this site represents a tangible assurance that the level of development represented by the credits, will not take place in areas where development would be inappropriate (the agricultural and open space areas of the Town), thus furthering retention of rural character and situating appropriate development in the HALO zone. Finally, the project has been designed to meet the needs of the community's workforce and senior populations. Meeting the needs of these populations is a priority of the Town. It can therefore be concluded that the proposed Action is entirely consistent with the community's development plans and goals. No adverse impacts are anticipated. In addition, the proposed action is found to be compatible with adjacent uses in that residential use of similar character is situated in the vicinity of the site. In summary, the proposed action promotes comprehensive planning efforts, is appropriate in the context of the site and it's surroundings, and will result in a superior design which considers the site character itself in designing the subdivision of the site. 13. The proposed action will not impair the character or quality of important historical, archaeological, or architectural resources. The site is located within 1 mile of a known archaeological site, as indicated by the location of sites on the "Circles and Squares Map" (areas of multiple site sensitivity) and the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation. While the project site has not been identified as a site of significance, a Phase 1 survey, prepared in accordance with the requirements of OPRHP, shall be required, prior to any ground disturbance. 14. The proposed action will result in an increase in the quantity of energy currently used to support the new residences. While this represents an irreversible impact, the proportional increase in energy consumption will be relatively minor. Additionally, the new residences that would be constructed on the site would be required to comply with all current building and energy codes, assuring that the buildings will be comparatively energy efficient. It is therefore not anticipated that the project will overburden existing utility resources. 15. The proposed Action will alter the visual appearance of the site. Currently, the property is undeveloped. Upon completion of the project, the site will support new residences. These residences are designed and configured in a manner that is consistent with the character of the surrounding area. The building sizes will be proportionally characteristic with traditional residences in the area. Furthermore, the linear configuration of the subdivision layout that reaches back to the LIRR, further minimizes the visual impact of the project. It can be concluded that the proposed Action will provide for a development that is visually compatible with the Hamlet of Mattituck. No negative aesthetic impacts are anticipated. 16. The proposed project will not create a hazard to human health. 17. The action will not result in changes in two or more elements of the environment, which alone would not have a significant effect on the environment, but when considered together, would result in a substantial adverse impact on the environment. 18. The proposed action is not related to another action which would be funded or approved by an agency which, when considered cumulatively, would meet one or any of the aforementioned criteria. LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON & GEASA, P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD, P.O.BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MATTITUCK,LONG ISLAND ERIC J.BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM SUITE 111 LYNNE M.GORDON MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 ---- TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 631-249-9480 wwblaw@aol.com TELEFAX NOY._ eronw�^ March 24, 2006 Carol Sullivan 10020 Sound Avenue Mir G Mattituck,NY 11952 k Dear Ms. Sullivan: I would like to address the concerns on your letter of March 3, 2006. . 1. Road Access— a. Town roads are generally based on a maximum 50 foot width. b. The paved road width will be 24 feet to 28 feet, again per Town Code. This allows room for keeping the paved road away from Ms. Fuentes' dwelling as well as for landscape screening and fencing to protect her property. The fact remains, however,that it is her house that is only two feet from the obvious access strip to the property, and our client will do everything it can to mitigate her difficulty. c. We leave to the Planning Board a determination on access. The traffic study reviewed by the Town's consultant will contribute to this discussion. d. CDC has suggested to both the Town Board and the Planning Board that the Town apply for a Community Development Block Grant to pay for sidewalk construction along Factory Avenue. The Town indicated interest in doing so. 2. Lot Coverage, Size— a. The .25 acre figure was the average size, as well as the minimum size of the lots on the yield map. On the proposed subdivision map, only three lots are less than 7,000 square feet. b. The size of the units from the original schematic have been reduced to satisfy front and rear setbacks. All setbacks will be reviewed by the Planning Board. c. Site improvements,house design, setbacks and amenities render comparison to a trailer park inappropriate. The twelve accessory apartments have been eliminated. 3. Parking—Each lot will have a driveway to accommodate parking. Front yards will be lawn areas except for the driveway. 4. Emergency vehicles—Paved road width will comply with Town Code provisions which allow two-way emergency vehicular traffic. 5. Eligibility—This is governed by Town Code. 6. Aesthetic control—This is governed by Planning Board requirements and the applicant's contract with the architect. It is a financial necessity that the houses conform to a specified template. Improvements will be strictly restricted by Town Code and deed covenant. 7. Perpetuity and Resale—This is a point which deserves discussion with the Town, but is a vitally important aspect of perpetual affordability. 8. Capital Improvements—These are strictly regulated by Town Code, the intent being to limit the increase in value of the property beyond what is affordable. 9. Site details—Our client will address these items with the Planning Board at the appropriate time. Financially, our client cannot perform the end details until it has confirmation of the rezoning. Very ly yours, 1a Abigail A. Wickham 30/sullivanc nnM.G f .GGGO J G71'PI I H 1 NO.420 P.2 b e, t - hearAl CAROL SULLIVAN �QJr `. kte 10020 Sound Avenue VV Matrituck,NY 11952 (212)571-1234 Work (631)298-1213 Home (917)975-9935 Coll March 27, 2006 Mr. Scott Russell [ _ � �I RECEIVED Town Supervisor D Mr. Anthony Trezza MAR 2 7 2006 Senior Planner Town of Southoldt �, Yi.Southold Town Cleri PO Box 1179 P - Southold, NY 11971 ;. Re: Mattituck Affordable Housing ict SCTM 1000-122-2-23.1 Dear Mr. Russell and Trezza; My work schedule does not allow me to take two consecutive afternoons offto make a 4;00 pm Public Hearing. As I have mentioned in previous correspondence, my husband and I have over 1,100 feet of shared boundary to this lot. Our concerns with the subdivijibn are as follows: 1. Road Access —the current plan is for a cul de sac off of Sound Avenue, The traffic on both Sound and Factory Avenues is heavy and increases steadily each year, particularly in the summer season. a. The new road as designed in the preliminary site plan is only 50' wide including the non- paved portion. Given that the community is very vehicle oriented we do not feel that this is adequate for the proposed density of the development, b. The access at Sound Avenue does not allow for any buffer to the adjacent properties. A 50' wide road would touch the lot lines on the east and the west boundaries at this portion of the site. It will put in coming cars under 10'-0" from the westerly adjacent house. The quality of life for this homeowner and their tenant house would be adversely affected. It frightens me to think that this is considered `good planning and design'. c. Adding vehicular access at Factory Avenue would alleviate some of this increased volume on Sound Avenue and would also create a more direct route to the shopping area for pedestrian traffic. Yes, it would sacrifice one or two proposed homes, but since the developer isn't paying for the land, the taxpayers are, they should be more considerate to the community who funds them and has to live with the consequences. 2. Lot Coverage/Size — a. Based on the proposed site plan, the lots on the westerly side of the development are only 60 X 100 feet (lots 16 through 21). These lots are only .15 of an 'builders' acre (40,000 sf); not the ,25 acre lots discussed at the Town meeting. Basad on the current PHK.er.eMb 3:e9PM THI N0.420 P.3 P. Boltz March 3,2006 Page 2 of 2 design of the smaller units, these lots would not satisfy the minimum setbacks for front, side and rear yards. b. While we understand that the developer can `play' with the lot sizes there is a big difference between .15, .25 and as the DOH requires for sanitary flow; .5 of an acre. c. If the accessory apartments are being eliminated and all of the units will now have the same footprint, we would like to see a more equitable distribution of the lot sizes between the eastern and western lots. d. The density of the housing as proposes will feel more like the trailer parks found along Mill Road in Riverhead and less like the rendering or its predecessors such as Camp Mineola. 3. Emergency vehicles —Given the density of this housing, it will be paramount to the life safety of these residents that the narrow road width and density of the car parking will still enable emergency vehicle access to this site especially if the road is a out de sac. The proposed design has the houses very close together, There is no emergency access as designed other than Sound Ave. 4. Zoning for enlarging the houses — We would like to know what codes and regulation will govern these units from being over expanded. For instance, adding a second floor on these houses would have a very direct impact on the scale of the neighbor and the available light to the adjoining properties. Thank you for your time and further review of this design. Sincerely, Carol Sullivan Sent via FACSIMILE and EMAIL ONLY TOWN OF SOUTROLD llousme ADYISORYCONimissION Date: March 23,2006 i To: The Southold Town Board and Planning Board From: Town of Southold Housing Advisory Commission Re: CDC of Long Island Factory Avenue Proposal On Wednesday evening,March 15`h,Supervisor Scott Russell attended the regular meeting of the Housing Advisory Commission. At that meeting,the Supervisor explained the changes to the CDC's original proposal,as recently presented to the Town Board. These changes provide for a reduction in density to twenty-four, two bedroom single family detached homes and allow the CDC to offer twelve of these homes at $165,000 with the remaining twelve at$213,000. The first twelve homes will be offered to those qualified at 80%and below of the median household income,and the remaining homes to those at 100%or less. According to home sales data compiled by Suffolk Research Service,Inc,the median price of a home in Southold Town rose more than 129%between 2000 and 2005. This rise has far outstripped the rise in wages over the same period for local residents. Those who did not already own a home before this rise simply cannot afford to buy a home today. This project is a significant attempt to address this imbalance,provide ownership opportunities for those who live and work here,and create affordability in perpetuity. The Housing Advisory Commission supports the current 24-unit proposal at$165,000 and $213,000. The changes made to the development are good changes,and now we must move forward. To advance this important affordable housing initiative,the Housing Advisory Commission recommends that the Town Board grant the pending application for change of zone to Affordable Housing District as well as assign twelve(12)sanitary flow credits. Both of these measures are essential to make this proposed development a reality for those hard working members of our community who need affordable housing. The Housing Advisory Commission thanks Supervisor Russell and the Town Board for their keen interest and diligent efforts to create affordable ownership opportunities for the people of Southold Town. AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as Sound Avenue (and Factory Avenue), Mattituck, NY— 1000-122-2-23.1, by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on Monday, March 27, 2006. A6 16-41& A , G loo-I AM Your N (print Signatur P. a - � Ilgs a Address D Date otary Pd61ic MKERR A �err.ARTHY NOTARY"' ° NEW YORK SLK COUNTY MY COMMIS61Um IRES07.31-20, Al . KERRI A.MCCARTHY NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK NO.01-MCB045506 QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY MY C EXPIRES 07.31-20_Q/0 JVoTA 2Y �u�5" � Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision The Cottap_es at Mattituck SCTM#S: 1000-122-2-23.1 Date of Hearing: Monday, March 27, 2006, 4:00 p.m. PLANNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NEW YORK -------------------- In the Matter of the Application of Standard Subdivision The Cottages at Mattituck AFFIDAVIT OF Located on the south side of Sound Ave. &the SERVICE BY MAIL west side of Factory Ave. in Mattituck Parcel ID #1000-122-2-23.1 -------------------- STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) Julie Turner, being duly sworn, deposes and says: On the 17`h day of March, 2006, I personally mailed at the United States Post Office in Mattituck,New York, by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED, a true copy of the attached Notice to Adjacent Property Owners in prepaid envelopes addressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from the official records on file with the Southold Town Assessors Office, for every property which abuts and is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record, surrounding the applicant's property, as follows: SEE ATTACHED LIST e Turner Sworn to before me this m day of March, 2006 �L Notary,Kublic KERRI A.MCCARTHY p/.affmail NOTARY PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORK NO.01-MCGO45508 QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 07-31-20_I2Lv 1000-122-2-24.1 1000-122-2-18 EMC, LLC Pedro Diaz 10020 Sound Avenue 224 Riverside Drive Mattituck,NY 11952 Riverhead,NY 11901 (1235 Factory Avenue) 1000-122-2-8.1 Carol Sullivan 1000-122-2-19 10020 Sound Avenue Eileen McGetrick Mattituck,NY 11952 1165 Factory Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 1000-122-2-9 James Falbo 1000-122-2-20 10120 Old Sound Avenue Frank J. & Mary Zaneski, Jr. Mattituck,NY 11952 P.O. Box 448 Mattituck, NY 11952 1000-122-2-11.1 (1125 Factory Avenue) Thomas J. & Susan F. Best 10220 Sound Avenue 1000-122-2-21 Mattituck,NY 11952 Margaret Bradley 1015 Factory Avenue 1000-122-2-12 Mattituck, NY 11952 Kim Fuentes 10270 Old Sound Avenue 1000-122-6-21.2 Mattituck,NY 11952 Long Island Railroad (MTA) Law Department 1000-122-2-14 93-02 Sutphin Blvd. Nancy Moloney Jamaica, New York 11435 10450 Sound Avenue Mattituck,NY 11952 1000-122-1-5.4 Daniel R. & Margaret Lynaugh 1000-122-2-16 97 Sherman Street Suffolk County Brooklyn,NY 11218 330 Center Drive (10825 Sound Avenue) Riverhead, New York 11901 (1455 Factory Avenue) 1000-142-1-1.2 Freddie O. & Mamie A. Lawson 1000-122-2-17 1070 Factory Avenue Rasim &Judy Aytulin P.O. Box 1102 1325 Factory Avenue Mattituck, NY 11952 Mattituck,NY 11952 (11365 Sound Avenue) Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a standard subdivision; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the R-80 Zoning District & AHD (change of zone applicationep nding); 4. That the application is for a Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 24 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 6,019 square feet to 19,329 square feet. The property is located on the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue in Mattituck; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (2nd FI., North Fork Bank) Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938; 6. That a public hearing regarding the above-referenced standard subdivision to vary the lot and width dimensional requirements pursuant to Section 100- 54B of the Southold Town Law will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, March 27, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times, published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: Community Development Corp. of Long Island/The Cottages at Mattituck Date: 3/14/06 COMPLETE ■ Complete items 1,2,and 3.Also complete A Signatu Item 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. X ■ Print your name and address on the reverse ❑Addreeeee so that we can return the card to you. B. 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U.S. Postal Service,,, U.S. Postal ces., EIPT CE CERTIFIED MAIL.., RECRTIFIED AILRECEIPT Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.comu For delivery information visit our website at www.usps+com`. 1 • � 1 1. 1 1. nl r ! ' � 1 r I YI , r I• e Y i \ 1 I I r r fee Reverse for l nstructions PS Form.3800,June 2n02 See Reverse for Instructions PS Form 3800.June 2002 U.S. Postal Service,,., U.S. Postal Services,, CERTIFIED MAIL,,., RECEIPT CERTIFIED MAIL,. RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com,.; For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.cam.. 1 � r • Y � r ''•' (!�`: • Y See Rev arse for lnsht¢[inns PS Form 3800,June 2002 Sce Reverse for lns!nlcllons YS Form 3800,June 2002 U.S. Postal Service,., U.S. Postal Services., CERTIFIED MAIL.,., RECEIPT CERTIFIED MAIL. RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.com:,, For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.comv t r PS Form 3800,June 2002 y+U Sr a Reverse for InstructionsI \ See Revrr. PS Form 3800.June 2002 U.S. Postal Servicer,., U.S. Postal Service,. CERTIFIED MAIL,,, RECEIPT CERTIFIED MAIL,, RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.comi, r For delivery information visit our website at vruw.usps.com.; - ® 1 1 1. for lnstn¢Ilon. PS Form 3800,June 2002 Sce Rnverse for Insvuctiens PS Form 3800,June 2002 ec Reverse U.S. Postal Service,., U.S. Postal Service,, CERTIFIED MAIL , RECEIPT CERTIFIED MAIL,r, RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at www.usps.corn, For delivery information visit our website at wvrw.usps.com;• r \ PS Frani 30.00 JenF]00> ievci.r fnr Instructionser.Reverae for Inslmm�ons FS Form 3800, 2 June 200 U.S. Postal Service - CERTIFIED MAILT, RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only;No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery mformanon wsrt our website at www.usps coma r . t � ' June 2)02 , See Reverse for l nsuuctlnns PS Form 3800, MRR-27-2006 12:04 FROM: 631 298 8565 TO:631 765 31361 P.001/005 Law Offices WICKHA.M, BRESSLER,GORDON&GEASA,P.C. 13015 Main Road,P.O.Box 1424 Manituck,New York 11952 631-298-6353 Telefax no. 6n-298-8565 i This irar181nissm contains information contidomial and/or legally privileged. It is intended,fnt use only he person to vuhnm't la directed. If you have,cccivod this tolocopy In error,please notify us by tclephon0 ltnmadist so that we can rrrange'for the relvm of the documents to us at no cost to you. TfyoudonotracciwalloPhOPW iitidicated, please call as soon as possible at the nutn.berabow. / To:�)i ', –$ �G — Fax#, ��� 3 ' t7 Frim: Ow I C Yh Date: 1-7 Re: U G- Comments: Comments: ` ay, %sk 46,jNL I p ' II This is page one of 5' E MAO 2 7 2006 J Southold Town Planni Board MAR-27-2006 12:05 FROM: 631 298 8565 TO:63S ?65 3136 P.002,005 II I r1FPIDAVI1OE PO-5-TING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known. Sound Avenue (and Factory Avenue), Mattituck, NY- 1.000-122-2 23.1, by placing the "Gown's official poster notlee(s) within 10 feet of the Ont property . g (s)where it can be easily seen, and t I have ltne facia the street checked to be sure the poster has renzai.ned in place for seven days Idor to the date of the public hearing on.Monday, March 27, 2006. Your N (printf Signatur l?' G 0M R C h 1113 Address Date otary P l.lC KERR kAmAwHY �ARv .� NEW YORK LLd Uuw JLKCOUNTY My M 59IUNb07$17A� \1 I KIRRIA,MCCARTHY NOTARY PU9UC.STATE OF NEW YORK NO.W-me"ime ZX AV ENN SUFFOLK COUNTY MY COM FVM7807,31-20-� oTA 2Y tlM:M% WwqM'µ+Y N k MMN *B+kMk*.k*M'kNMYN# k�k�*MkNPt MSK MSM MM*MfIf QIWQMI WI ISM Ni*SNL�: Re: Prowsed standard ubdiy'4 on The ottasat Majuilliqk SCTM#S: 1000-122-2-23.1 Date of Heariniz: Monday, March 27, 200& 4:00 P.m. �tl II I1AR-2?-2006 i2:65 FF'OP1: 631 298 8565 T0:631 765 3136 P.003%005 T>I.rlNNING BOARD TOWN OF SOUTHOLD: NFW YORK ------------------- Jr,the Matter of the ApplicatioD of i Standard Subdivision The Cottages at Mattituck AFFIDAVIT OF Located on the south side of sound Ave. &the SERVICE BY IM west side of Factory Ave. in blattituck Parcel ID#1000.122-2-23.1 -------------- !� STATE OF IvTW YORK ) )ss.: COtNTY OF SUFFOLK) Julic Turner, being duly Sworn,deposes and says: On the 17"' day of March,2006, 1 personally mailed at the United States Post 01 rice in Martltuck,New York,by CERTIFIED MAIL, RETURN RECEIPT REQUEST b,a true copy of the attached Notice to Adjacent Property Owners in prepaid envelopes dressed to current owners shown on the current assessment roll verified from th.:offiei �ecords on file wjtb the Southold Towii Assessors Office. for every property which abiji land is across a public or private street, or vehicular right-of-way of record,surrounding Ithe applicant's property,as follows: SEE ATTACHED LIST � IIS I Sworn to before ane this a l,day of March, 2006 v�ibl� II KERRI A,MCCARTNY i;yp;kmt NOTARY PUBLIC•STATE OF NEW YORK N0.01-MOi046608 QUALIFIED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY MY COMMISSION EXPIRES 07-31.20-0yo I I � I ili;P.-27-2006 12:06 FROM: 631 298 8565 T0:631 765 3136 P.004,005 Southold Town Plannina Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: ;I 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Towr1 of Southold for a standard subdivision; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located a jAcent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1; ii 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located R-80 Zoning District & AHD (change of zone applicationep nding); 4. That the application is for a Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 7.4 I6re parcel into 24 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots ra Ih be in size from 6,019 square feet to 19,329 square feet. The property is locatedY 'Ion the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue int attituck; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your informal{{@dln during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (2"4 FV North Fork Bank) Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning 36ard Office at (631)765-1938; U 6. That a public hearing regarding the above-referenced standard subd vision to vary the lot and width dimensional requirements pursuant to S tion 100- 34B of the Southold Town Law will be held on the matter by the PI inning Board on Monday. March 27, 2006 at 4:00 p,m, in the Meeting Ha at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hea ``frIig will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the SII lk Times, published in the Town of Southold; that you or your represen6tive have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. ! Petltloner/Owner Name; Community Development Corp, of Long Islandlrh !Cottages at Mattituck Date 3/14/06 I � l ��I I f1RR:-27-2006 12:06 FRCC: 63: 298 8565 r0:631 765 3136 P.005'005 � • • Iii I 1000-122-2-24.1 1000-122-2-18 LMC, LLC Pedro Diaz 1.0020 Sound Avenue 224 Riverside Drive Mattituck,NY 11952 Riverhead,NY 11901 (1235 Factory Avenue) 1000-122-2.8.1 j Carol Sullivan 1000-122-2-19 10020 Sound Avenue Eileen McGetrick Mattituck,NY 11952 1.165 Factory Avenue Mattituck.NY 11.952 1000-122-2-9 James Faibo 1000-122-2-20 10120 Old Sound Avenue Frank.J. &Mary Zaneski,Jr. Mattituck,'N'Y 11952 P.O. Box 448 Mattituck,NY 11952 1000.122-2-11.1 (.1.125 Factory Avenue) Thomas,i, & Susan F. Best 10220 Sound.Avenue 1000.122-2-21 Mattituck,NY 1.1952 Margaret Bradley 1.015 Factory Avenue 1000-12.2-2-12 Mattituck, NY 11952 Kim Fuentes 10270 Old Sound.Avenue 1000- Mattituck. NY 11952 Long Island Railroad(MTA) Law.Departmem 1000-122-2-14 93-02 Sutphin Blvd. Nancy Moloney Jamaica.New York 1.1435 1.0450 Sound Avenue Mattituck,NY 1.1952 1000-122-1-5.4 Daniel R. &.Margaret Lynau. 000.122-2-1.6 97 Sherman Street Suffolk County Brooklyn,NY 11218 330 Center Drive (10825 Sound Avenue) Riverhead,New York 11901 (1455 Factory Avenue) 1.000-142-1-1.2 Freddie O. &Mamie A. Laws 1000-122-2-17 1070 Factory Avenue Rasim& Judy Aytubn P.O, .Box 1102 1325 Factory Avenue Mattituck,NY 11952 Mattituck,NY 1.1952 (1 :365 Sourd Avcnue) III , i #7787 STATE OF NEW YORK) ) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) Jean Burqon of Mattituck, in said county, being duly sworn, says that he/she is Principal clerk of THE SUFFOLK TIMES, a weekly newspaper, published at Mattituck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, and that the Notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been regularly published in said Newspaper once each week for _1_weeks, successively, commencing on the 16th day of March 2006 a ' SPP cipal Clerk Sworn to before me this l day of �-/Ia o�� 2006 LEGAL u. EB tce twx,.rr.rk iwy NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, VOLINSKI pursuant to Section 276 of the Twno i(,ARy PUBLIC-STATE OF NEW YORE. Law,a public bearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board,at No. 01-V06105050 the Town Hall,Main Road,Southold, blunlitled in Suffolk county New York in said Town on the 27th dry csion Expires Febtuory 28, 2008 of March,2886 on the question of the following: 4:00 p.m. Public Hearing regard- ing the proposed standard subdivision, The Cottages at Mattituck,to vary the lot and width dimensional require- ments pursuant to Section 100-54Bof the Southold Town Law.The property is located on the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue in Mattituck,Town of Southold, County of Suffolk,state of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000- 122-2-23.1 Dated:3/14/06 BY ORDER OF TTS SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD krdp R Woodhome 7787-1T 3/16 Chairperson MRR-24-2006 10 47 MORGAN STANLEY BR425 P.03 .Svc F P.O. Box 418 fit% Mattituck,New York 11952 March 24, 2006 G)1 Anthony Trezza,Senior Planner r/ D 0 Southold Town Planning Board D Main Road Southold, New York 11952 MAR 2 4 2006 Re: Affordable Housing SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE Factory Avenue,Mattituck TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Dear Mr. Trezza: I hope that when you meet on Monday, March 271h you and the rest of the Planning Board have really studied fully the impact of putting 24 residences on Factory Avenue. Did you thoroughly study the impact on all the necessary services— Water Sewage Highway Fire Police Traffic—did you have the study done during the day when Waldbaums is getting deliveries and numerous trucks are parked on Factory Ave., the school bus is passing, the Magic Fountain is open, the bank is open, was it done after CVS opened, when the movie is open, when Santa is coming to the shopping center, when pumpkin season is in full swing, during the summer traffic season, when the road has been plowed after a snow storm and is narrower than it already is? I do not think you did,because if you had you would never allow 24 residences there. Please rethink this project and vote against it and consider relocating it to a less congested area. Thank you. Cordially, r,� D E C'E U LS Roberta M. Kalous J Southold Town cc: Scott Russell, Town Supervisor Plannin Board r MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �OF Y so Southold,Southold, N 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON ,O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.)JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND ��ycouffmp Southold, NY fY "�•`- Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 14, 2006 Gail Wickham, Esq. Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & Geasa, P.0 PO Box 1421 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Standard Subdivision of the Cottages at Mattituck The property is located on the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 Zoning Districts: R-80 (existing); AHD (change of zone application pending) Dear Ms Wickham: The Southold Town Planning Board, at a meeting held on Monday, March 13, 2006, adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS this proposal is for a Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 24 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 6,001 square feet to 19,329 square feet, in the Affordable Housing District; and WHEREAS the applicant is the Community Development Corporation of Long Island, a not for profit organization seeking to develop the subject property for affordable housing pursuant to Article V, Affordable Housing District, of the Town Code, and in accordance with the Town's goal of addressing the housing needs of its local residents; and WHEREAS the Southold Town Planning Board held several work sessions with the applicant to discuss the merits of the project and the conceptual design elements that would be expected; and WHEREAS by resolution No. 2005-762 (December 6, 2005), the Town Board agreed to consider a change of zone on its own motion and authorized the Supervisor to retain the services of Cleary Consulting to perform a SEQRA review for the proposed project; and WHEREAS the Town Board held a public hearing for the change of zone application on January 31, 2006, which remains open at this time pending completion of the SEQRA review; and r The Cottages at Mattituck Page Two March 14, 2006 WHEREAS as required under Section 100-55(B) of the Town Code, the applications for a change of zone and subdivision are being reviewed concurrently as to enable the Town to utilize a single SEQRA process and conduct a coordinated review of the entire application; and WHEREAS by Resolution No. 2006-140 (January 17, 2006), the Town Board designated its intention to serve as Lead Agency for the SEQRA Coordinated Review of this Action, and directed the Lead Agency Notification to be circulated, along with the Environmental Assessment Form, to all involved agencies; and WHEREAS by Resolution No. 2006-142 (January 17, 2006), the Town Board authorized the Planning Board to begin the sketch application process for this project upon submission of the sketch application and reduced fee in the amount of $1,000; and WHEREAS an application for sketch approval was submitted on January 12, 2006 and the fee in the amount of$1,000 on January 31, 2006; and WHEREAS on December 27, 2005 the applicant submitted a Yield Map, prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated October 24, 2005; a Health Department Yield Map, prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated November 16, 2005; and a Sketch Plan, prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated October 31, 2005; and WHEREAS on March 13, 2006, the applicant submitted the Phase I Archaeological Investigation for the proposed project; and WHEREAS it has been determined this project will require the transfer of twelve (12) Sanitary Flow Credits pursuant to Chapter 87 of the Southold Town Code; and WHEREAS an Application for the Transfer of Sanitary Flow Credits was submitted to the Town Clerk's Office on March 3, 2006; and WHEREAS the Planning Board reviewed the Yield Map at their work session on January 23, 2006 and determined that Lot 3 has insufficient lot depth, Lots 5,12, 15 and 16 have insufficient lot width and Lots 3, 5, 12,15, 16 and 19 are flag lots; and WHEREAS pursuant to Section 100-54(B) of the Southold Town Code, the Planning Board has the authority to reduce or amend the yard setback requirements, lot dimension requirements and highway specifications; and WHEREAS by letter dated January 25, 2006, the applicant formally petitioned the Planning Board to grant the necessary relief pursuant to Section 100-54(B) of the Southold Town Code, as follows: i The Cottages at Mattituck Page Three March 14, 2006 1. Lot depth variance of 1.19 feet for Lot 3. 2. Lot width variance of 20 feet for Lot 5. 3. Lot width variance of 21 feet for Lot 12. 4. Lot width variance of 25 feet for Lot 25. 5. Lot width variance of 15 feet for Lot 16. 6. Use of flag lots for Lots 3, 5, 12, 15, 16 and 19; be it therefore RESOLVED, that pursuant to Section 267 of Town Law and Section 100-54(B) of the Southold Town Code, the Southold Town Planning Board hereby set the public hearing to vary the lot width and dimensional requirements for this project as set forth above, for Monday, March 27, 2006 at 4:OOpm; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby grant Conditional Sketch Approval upon the map prepared by Victor Bert, P.E. of Nelson and Pope, dated October 31 , 2005, subject to the following conditions: 1. Town Board approval of the change of zone from R-80 to AHD. 2. Planning Board approval of the requested variances, subject to a public hearing. 3. Submission of the following additional information for compliance with the Existing Resources and Site Analysis Plan pursuant to Section A106-11(A) of the Southold Town Code: a. (6b) Topography at a minimum of 5 foot contours. b. (6cii) Sole source aquifers and/or recharge areas. c. (6h) Soil series, types and phases. d. (6k) Locations and dimensions of all existing public and private streets, roads, buildings, utilities and other man-made improvements. 4. Town Board Approval of the Transfer of Sanitary Flow Credits needed for Health Department approval. 5. Completion of the SEQRA Environmental Review for the proposed project including the Traffic Study. 6. Submission of all materials required for subdivision approval, including Covenants and Restrictions and other legal documents, application materials and fees, revised subdivision map, road and drainage plan and any other information that may be required during the application review process. Specifics regarding map changes, content of the Covenants and Restrictions and other legal documents and other submission requirements needed for subdivision approval will be provided to the applicant by the Planning Board upon completion of the Environmental Review and referral of the plans to the other involved agencies. r The Cottages at Mattituck Page Four March 14, 2006 The applicant is advised that Covenants and Restrictions and/or design changes may be required depending on comments received from other regulatory agencies, including the Town LWRP Coordinator, the Town Engineer and the Suffolk County Planning Commission. Therefore, this approval and all its conditions are subject to change. This approval is valid for six (6) months from the date of resolution unless an extension of time is requested by the applicant and approved by the Planning Board. If you have any questions regarding the information contained in this resolution, please contact the Planning Board office. Very truly yours,' / Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson cc: Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney Members of the Town Board Trezza, Anthony From: Trezza,Anthony Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 12:01 PM To: 'kcollins@nelsonpope.com' Subject: Re:CDC- Factory Avenue As a follow up to our discussion this morning,we would like the traffic report to also examine whether or not access onto Factory Avenue is possible. It appears that access onto Factory Ave may be a problem given the site's close proximity to the rail road tracks. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact this office. Thanks. 1 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBER P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE so yo Southold, NY 11971 Chair hQ l0 OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR w ac 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON 'G�' �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND ��yCourm,��' Southold, NY I11 1 Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD March 14, 2006 Abigail Wickham,Esq. Wickham, Bressler, Gordon & Geasa, P.0 P.O. Box 1421 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Standard Subdivision The Cottages at Mattituck Located on the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue in Mattituck SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 Zoning Districts: R-80 (existing); AHD (change of zone application pending) Dear Ms Wickham: The public hearing regarding the above-referenced standard subdivision to vary the lot and width dimensional requirements pursuant to Section 100-54B of the Southold Town Law has been scheduled for Monday, March 27, 2006, at 4:00 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall. Please refer to the enclosed copy of Chapter 58, Notice of Public Hearing, in regard to the Town's notification procedure. The notification form is enclosed for your use. The signs and the posts will need to be picked up at the Planning Board Office, Southold Town Annex (2nd Floor, North Fork Bank). Please return the enclosed Affidavit of Posting along with the certified mailing receipts AND the signed green return receipt cards before 12:00 noon on Friday, March 24, 2006. The signs need to be returned to the Planning Board Office after the public hearing. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, Jerilyn B. oodhouse Chairperson Encl. Southold Town Planning Board Notice to Adjacent Property Owners You are hereby given notice: 1. That the undersigned has applied to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold for a standard subdivision; 2. That the property which is the subject of the application is located adjacent to your property and is described as follows: SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1; 3. That the property which is the subject of this application is located in the R-80 Zoning District & AHD (change of zone applicationep nding); 4. That the application is for a Standard Subdivision to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 24 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 6,019 square feet to 19,329 square feet. The property is located on the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue in Mattituck; 5. That the files pertaining to this application are open for your information during normal business days between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. (2nd FI., North Fork Bank) Or, if you have any questions, you can call the Planning Board Office at (631)765-1938; 6. That a public h aring regarding the above-referenced standard subdivision to vary the lot width dimensional requirements pursuant to Section 100- 54B of the S u hold Town Law will be held on the matter by the Planning Board on Monday, March 27, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. in the Meeting Hall at Southold Town Hall, Main Road, Southold; that a notice of such hearing will be published at least five days prior to the date of such hearing in the Suffolk Times, published in the Town of Southold; that you or your representative have the right to appear and be heard at such hearing. Petitioner/Owner Name: Community Development Corp. of Long Island/The Cottages at Mattituck Date: 3/14/06 0 0 AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING This is to serve notice that I personally posted the property known as by placing the Town's official poster notice(s) within 10 feet of the front property line facing the street(s) where it can be easily seen, and that I have checked to be sure the poster has remained in place for seven days prior to the date of the public hearing on I have sent notices, by certified mail — return receipt, the receipts and green return receipt cards of which are attached, to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across on Your Name (print) Signature Address Date Notary Public PLEASE RETURN THIS AFFIDAVIT, CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPTS & GREEN RETURN RECEIPT CARDS BY. 12:00 noon, Fri., 3/24/06 Re: Proposed Standard Subdivision The Cottages at Mattituck S CTM#s: 1000-122-2-23.1 Date of Hearing: Monday, March 27, 2006, 4:00 p.m. • §58-1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING §58-1 Chapter 58 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING §58-1. Providing notice of public hearings. [HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Southold 12-27-1995 as L.L. No. 25.1995. Amendments noted where applicable.] §58-1. Providing notice of public hearings. Whenever the Code calls for a public hearing, this section shall apply. Upon determining that an application is complete, the board or commission reviewing the same shall fix a time and place for a public hearing thereon.The board or commission reviewing an application shall provide for the giving of notice: A. By causing a notice giving the time, date, place and nature of the hearing to be published in the official new-paper within the period prescribed by law. B. By requiring the applicant to erect the sign provided by the town, which shall be prominently displayed on the premises facing each public or private street which the property involved in the application abuts, giving notice of the application, the nature of the approval sought thereby and the time and place of the public hearing thereon. The sign shall be set back not more than ten (10) feet from the property line. The sign shall be displayed for a period of not less than seven (7) days immediately preceding the date of the public hearing. The applicant or his/her agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision. C. By requiring the applicant to send notice to the owners of record of every property which abuts and every property which is across from any public or private street 5801 1-25-96 0 § 58-1 SOUTHOI�D CODE § 58-1 from the property included in the application. Such notice shall be made by certified mail, return receipt requested, posted at least seven (7)days prior to the date of the initial public hearing on the application and addressed to the owners at the addresses listed for them on the local assessment roll. The applicant or agent shall file an affidavit that s/he has complied with this provision. 5802 1-25-96 WHITE OAK BUILDERS , INC . THE COTTAGES AT MATTITU C K STANDARD aSUBDIVISION (Community Development Corp. of L.I.) 1000 = 122 =2 -23 . 1 Proposal to subdivide a 7.4-acre parcel into 24 lots for an affordable housing development, where the lots range in size from 6,001 square feet to 19,329 square feet. VIONDAY - MARCH 27 , 2006 - 4 : 00 P . M . Public Hearing regarding this subdivision to vary the lot and width dimensional requirements pursuant to Section 100-54B of the Southold Town Law. MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS • P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �Of SOUTy�Io Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS # Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR A Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND ��yN Southold, NY COMMf111 Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York in said Town on the 27th day of March, 2006 on the question of the following: 4:00 p.m. Public Hearing regarding the proposed standard subdivision, The Cottages at Mattituck, to vary the lot and width dimensional requirements pursuant to Section 100-54B of the Southold Town Law. The property is located on the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-122-2-23.1 Dated: 3/14/06 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson PLEASE PRINT ONCE ON THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 2006 AND FORWARD ONE (1) AFFIDAVIT TO THIS OFFICE. THANK YOU. COPY SENT TO: The Suffolk Times Kalln, Carol From: Jean Burgon Oburgon@timesreview.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:42 AM To: Kalin, Carol Subject: RE: Legal Ad for 3/16 edition Got it. Thanks. It will be in the 3/16 edition. Jean Burgon Display Coordinator -----Original Message----- From: Kalin, Carol [mailto:Carol.Kalin@town.southold.ny.us] Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 9:09 AM To: jburgon@timesreview.com Subject: Legal Ad for 3/16 edition Please send me a confirmation that you have received the attached legal ad for the 3/16 edition regarding The Cottages at Mattituck Public Hearing, 3/27/06, 4 :00 p.m. Thank you. <<cottages at mattituck.doc>> 1 • • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE ho��Of SOUjy�lo Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR w ae 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON oly��ONT �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Public Hearing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, pursuant to Section 276 of the Town Law, a public hearing will be held by the Southold Town Planning Board, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York in said Town on the 27th day of March, 2006 on the question of the following: 4:00 p.m. Public Hearing regarding the proposed standard subdivision, The Cottages at Mattituck, to vary the lot and width dimensional requirements pursuant to Section 100-54B of the Southold Town Law. The property is located on the south side of Sound Avenue and the west side of Factory Avenue in Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. Suffolk County Tax Map Number 1000-122-2-23.1 Dated: 3/14/06 BY ORDER OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD Jerilyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson STATE OF NEW YORK) SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) CAROL KALIN, Secretary to the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, New York being duly sworn, says that on the 14th day of March, 2006 she affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy, in a proper and substantial manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, to wit: Town Clerk's Bulletin Board, Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 3/27/06 Special Meeting: 4:00 p.m. Public Hearing for the proposed Standard Subdivision for The Cottages at Mattituck to vary the lot and width dimensional requirements pursuant to Section 100-54B of the Southold Town Law, SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 Carol Kalin Secretary, Southold Town Planning Board Sworn to before me this �r-1-day of MurCL 2006. Lu'tt- 1. Nota lic MELANIE DOROSKI NOTARY PUBLIC,State of New York No. OID04634870 Qualified in Suffolk County ln�h� Commission Expires September 30,10 H;4R-13-2006 13:35 FRU,i: 631 298 8565 TO:631 765 3136 P.002/004 it I ^ � LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON& GEASA,P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD, RO,3OX 1424 W) M WICKHAM(06.02) MATTITUCK.LANG ISLAND AnIGA1L ,. ERIC J. I NEW YORK 11952 275 14OLLOW ROAD AA,,WICKHAM LYNN3 M.GORDON F,,;NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEASA. 631.298-8353 TELEFAX N0,h34. 0 p -94110 & o .com pp N0.631.249.9484 Maj 10. �n 'i �f j . Art: Anthony Trczza Town O'SOuthold Planning Board �t,A� 2n06 Post Office Box 11.79 1 530951vIain Road 5°°thot6 town Southold,New York l 1.971 g6ala 1 p1a6�1 � lte: CDC of LI-Application for AHI by rlrlgy Ifi3 S,"d r ion Premises: Sound Avenue(and Factory Avsppua)t-iVl[attitack,NY SCT 1000-93- 2.17.1 Dear Anthony: Enclosed is a sketch showing the proposed Emergency Access and pedestrian Kwayto Factory Avenue, The following specifically addresses the Fable of Modifications on die proposed etch Plan, LOT WIDTH: The sketch plan is configured in a cluster concept with lot widths of - 60 feet rather than the required SO feet on 15 lots; 63 to 65 feet on three lots,and - 7l feet on one lot. These widths are mitigated by the small house size as well as the fact that on Led- width lots,aJl but the 71 foot wide lot meet side yard setbacks. The clustering wa4 accomplished in order to provide a recharge basin for drain jiustead of street drat nage rings which would be costly for the Town to maintain after road ded tion LOT AREA: I The lots sues range from 6,019 sq. ft. to 19,329 sq. ft, The average is 9,520 sq 1 REAR YARD SETBACK: Seven lots do not meet the 35 foot rear yard setback: two lots ate at 23 feet, two lots are at 25 foot, trod three lots are 41:30 feet. I I MGP-13-2006 13:12 FRO11: 631 298 8565 TJ:631 765 3136 P.001,004 I These rear yard reductions can be mitigated by screening„ i SIDE YARD SETBACK: The requirement is 1.0 food25 total, One sideyard must be.a.t least 15 feet, Two jots have a,6 foot setback on one side, but do meet Eie total 25 yard setba' equiremcnt. Lot 1's reduced sideyard on the South is mitigated by a largo setback on the Notthi d open space area beyond. Lot Ts reduced sidcyard is due to the comer lot requirernerI 4either of these lots border lots which have insufficient sideyard setbacks, so there will.not "tunnel" effect. All lots will have required 35 foot front yard setbacks. very , y yours, 3 Abigail A, Wickham w li AA W�jf RecJcj:h.akeoch .�� � IIS',I Il� I II � I !i 'r i i jig III, 43A9 S72+05 WW © LOT 8 J ~ 7.931 8QA an f o f 0.17 warm Q LOT 7 ofL 08 cares LOT e D . I18 arise N72'34'O2"9 235.99' LOT 8 ss' 1w es 0.23 acres - 4.23 l F ko a �`� `\ LOT 101 W ' e+�. ` \71355 8411 ro - \ �A31 aare4 N 11' 51 q.n. \� \'LOT 11 r� acres 17' t F!l 13 \ IL sitAL i \ m acres r2 a f A32 aara�s g1. ?IFR-13-2006 '13;38 FROM: 631 258 8565 ?0:631 T65 3136 P.001/004 • • Law offices II w CKHAM,BRESSLER,GORDON &GEASA,P.C. 13015 Main Road,P.O•Box 1424 Mattituck,New York 11952 631.298.8353 Telefax no. 631.298'8565 This nnnsmk9ion contains in'lbrmafinn enn5dentiol andlor tegnlly privileWd. St 4a intended for use onl the peteoa to whom it is tlitccled. if you hove rottived tris teie oy in error.plzase notity its by telephone immedi, , so tnaS we con errao@e for rhe rcl'um erthopleesc wl wb 9 soon as Pesslhte a�ho number above. vc n11 at chc indicated, IIS mon ILIA Fax�k: '1 bs -x1361 1 ro: I , From: Re: 1 Comrnenls: �� 'C&P—e IY t� jl i Thus ie Page one of it s+ �r 8 Corporate Center Drive • Suite 103 , 631.420.5070 Fax:631.420.5080 MelviUe,NewYork 11747 www.istandestateshomes.com - H O M E S - Via Airborne Express March 10, 2006 Mr. Anthony Trezza, Senior Planner Town of Southold Southold Town Hall Annex r 1 3 2006 54375 State Route 25 Southold, NY 11971 y , Dear Anthony: Enclosed please find three copies of the archaeological report which Community Development Corp. of Long Island ordered for the Factory Avenue property in Mattituck. Please distribute these as appropriate. Sincerely, L LA:aa Lennard Axinn Encl. Cc: Ms. Marianne Garvin AWARD WINNING BUILDER/DEVELOPERS SINCE 1962 T LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON & GEASA, P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD. P.O. BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MATTITUCK,LONG ISLAND ERIC J. BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM SUITE Ill LYNNE M.GORDON MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 ---- TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 631-249-9480 wwb1aw(dao1.com TELEFAX NO 31-249-9484 March 260 r Att: Anthony Trezza Town of Southold Planning Board 1 Post Office Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Re: CDC of LI—Application for AHD Ov,erl .II-R--et/AHD Subdivision Premises: Sound Avenue(and Factory Avenuo.MWWR&I S�TtY1#'1X10 2-17.1 Dear Anthony: Enclosed is revised Sketch Plan. Please note Table of Modifications, on which I will send you a detailed letter Monday. I also note that the emergency access and pedestrian walkway was not shown to Factory Avenue. I have penciled it in but will provide an amended map from Nelson& Pope. Please advise as to the time of the meeting on Monday, and whether you would like us to attend the work session prior to the meeting. CDC also has an appointment with the Town Board at its work session on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m. Y A. Wickham AAW/jt Relcddpbsketch Enc/. t COUNTY OF SUFFOLK • � �H ��3��0/e S� . � • ,rel STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES BRIAN L.HARPER,M.D.,M.P.H. COMMISSIONER March 1, 2006 RECHVcD MAR 13 2006 Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk -` Town Hall 53095 Main Road �n G�:R Clerk P.O. Box 1179 D U Southold,New York 11971 RE: CDCLI Housing Development Corp. MAR 1 4 2306 SCTM#: 1000-122-2-23.1 �` Southold goa d Dear Ms. Neville: Planni The Suffolk County Department of Health Serv4s�++1 artment") has received your letter concerning the above-referenced project. w rr _ Based on a review of the subject coordination, the Department offers the following comments. However, the Department wishes to reserve its right to provide more detailed information within the comment period(s) established for this action. These comments should not be construed as an implicit SCDHS approval or rejection of the project. All applications are reviewed thoroughly with respect to Suffolk County Sanitary Code concerns by appropriate departmental personnel when SCDHS applications are completed. 1. SANITARY CODE A. Article VI Application Status: Our agency has received an application for the above-referenced project (HD Ref# S10-05- 0021), as required by Article VI of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code. The proposed application is not being processed for approval as submitted because it does not conform to the standards/requirements of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code as indicated: • Parcels to be served by public water and individual sewerage systems must have minimum lot areas of 20,000 square feet or equivalent yield. A variance application must be submitted to the Board of Review. The application is incomplete pending the submission of the following additional technical information: • Test hole(s)witnessed by SCDHS DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY,OFFICE OF ECOLOGY 360 Yaphank Avenue,Suite 2B,Yaphank, NY 11980 (631)852-5750 Fax(631)852-5812 • Public water availability letter from the water district • Certificate of Authorization • Review Board Determination • Restrictive covenants The applicants must comply with the requirements of the Suffolk County Sanitary Code and relevant construction standards for water supply and sewage disposal. Design and flow specifications, subsurface soil conditions, and complete site plan details are essential to the review of this project. These considerations are reviewed completely at the time of SCDHS application. B. SCDHS Jurisdiction The SCDHS maintains jurisdiction over the final location of sewage disposal and water supply systems. The applicant, therefore, should not undertake the construction of either system without Health Department approval. The Department appreciates the opportunity to participate in the SEQRA review of this proposal. Additional information may be provided prior to the close of the established comment period. Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact the Office of Ecology at 852-5750. Sincerely, U- a&�N ' Philip de Blasi Environmental Analyst Office of Ecology PD/amf PC: Kimberly Shaw Walter Hilbert, P.E. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK lvi,1 �3•S, S AF STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING ii, THOMAS ISLES,AICP -" ;DIRECTOR OF PLANNING bru 1 Ms. Elizabeth Neville,Town Clerk RECEIVED D S Town of Southold t �Fp ^n� FEB 1 3 2W 53095 Main Road-P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 SoAold Town Cled Appli,can Town o Zoning Action: ent to Zoning Map; Change of Zone from r E� JI(Ii — R-80 to AHD(Community Development Corp. of Long Island/Cottages at Mattituck Preliminary Subdivision Map) SCTM No.: 1000-122-02-23.1 SCPC File No.: SD-05-12 Dear Ms. Neville: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the above referenced application,which has been submitted,to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination as there is no apparent significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Comments: • Please note that this "Local Determination" is for the Change of Zone aspect of the application. The subdivision component must be referred again to the Suffolk County Planning Commission upon review by the Town Planning Board pursuant to GML 239-n. • With respect to design elements of the preliminary plan,the yield on the map,as well as the minimum lot size,may not comply with Suffolk County Department of Health Services standards. Confirmation of the minimum lot size and the density proposed should be made with the S.C.D.H.S. prior to preliminary approval. Moreover, the maximum length of a cul-de-sac street within a high density subdivision should not exceed 800 feet. In addition, an alternate means of access must be provided for all subdivisions to insure access by emergency and service vehicles. Where a second street for an alternate means of access cannot be provided,a special right-of-way must be created for this purpose. While the chance of a sole means of access becoming blocked is remote, it is nevertheless possible, especially during hurricane season.A tap street to the west(for future connection should that property be subdivided)and/or emergency access to factory Avenue to the east should be considered. LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H.LEE DENNISON BLDG.-4TH FLOOR P.0.BOX 6100 (631)853-5190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 • TELECOPIER (631)853-4f' i -2- is • Several of the proposed subdivision lots abut the Long Island Railroad right-of-way. Consideration should be given to requiring the construction of a landscaped earth berm along the LIRR right-of-way. The landscaping should be done with indigenous plant materials to blend the earthwork into the landscape and to reduce maintenance. An earth berm will help to preserve and protect residential amenities by reducing sound levels of passing trains,preventing visual intrusion, and increase the safety of rear yards. • All residential structures that are erected within this subdivision should be constructed using materials and techniques that will reduce interior noise levels in accordance with the recommendations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development or other authority that has promulgated standards for reduction of interior noise levels. Very truly yours, Thomas Isles,A1CP Director of Planning Andrew P. Freleng,A Chief Planner APF:cc LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H.LEE DENNISON BLDG.-4TH FLOOR P.O.BOX 6100 . (631)853-5190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 TELECOPIER (631)853-4044 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK w �F STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING THOMAS ISLES,AICP DIRECTOR OF PLANNING February 7, 2006 RECEIVED Ms. Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk Town of Southold FEB 1 3 53095 Main Road-P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Southold Town Cled Applicant: Town of Southold Zoning Action:_ Amendment to Zoning Map; Change of Zone from R-80 to AHD (Community Development Corp. of Long Island/Cottages at Mattituck Preliminary Subdivision Map) SCTM No.: 1000-122-02-23.1 SCPC File No.: SD-05-12 Dear Ms. Neville: Pursuant to the requirements of Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the above referenced application,which has been submitted,to the Suffolk County Planning Commission is considered to be a matter for local determination as there is no apparent significant county-wide or inter-community impact(s). A decision of local determination should not be construed as either an approval or disapproval. Comments: • Please note that this"Local Determination" is for the Change of Zone aspect of the application. The subdivision component must be referred again to the Suffolk County Planning Commission upon review by the Town Planning Board pursuant to GML 239-n. • With respect to design elements of the preliminary plan,the yield on the map,as well as the minimum lot size,may not comply with Suffolk County Department of Health Services standards. Confirmation of the minimum lot size and the density proposed should be made with the S.C.D.H.S. prior to preliminary approval. Moreover, the maximum length of a cul-de-sac street within a high density subdivision should not exceed 800 feet. In addition, an alternate means of access must be provided for all subdivisions to insure access by emergency and service vehicles. Where a second street for an alternate means of access cannot be provided,a special right-of-way must be created for this purpose. While the chance of a sole means of access becoming blocked is remote,it is nevertheless possible, especially during hurricane season.A tap street to the west(for future connection should that property be subdivided)and/or emergency access to factory Avenue to the east should be considered. LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H.LEE DENNISON BLDG.-4TH FLOOR . P.O.BOX 6100 . (631)853-5190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 TELECOPIER (631)853-4044 _Z- • Several of the proposed subdivision lots abut the Long Island Railroad right-of-way. Consideration should be given to requiring the construction of a landscaped earth berm along the LIRR right-of-way. The landscaping should be done with indigenous plant materials to blend the earthwork into the landscape and to reduce maintenance. An earth berm will help to preserve and protect residential amenities by reducing sound levels of passing trains,preventing visual intrusion, and increase the safety of rear yards. • All residential structures that are erected within this subdivision should be constructed using materials and techniques that will reduce interior noise levels in accordance with the recommendations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development or other authority that has promulgated standards for reduction of interior noise levels. Very truly yours, Thomas Isles, AICP Director of Planning Andrew P. Freleng,A Chief Planner APF:cc LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H.LEE DENNISON BLDG.-4TH FLOOR . P.O.BOX 6100 . (631(853-5190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 TELECOPIER (631(853-4044 LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON & GEASA, P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD, P.O. BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MATTITUCK,LONG ISLAND ERIC J. BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM SUITE 1 I I LYNNE M.GORDON MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 ---- TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 631-249-9480 wwblaw@aol.com TELEFAX NO.631-249-9484 January 31, 2006 Att: Anthony Trezza Town of Southold Planning Board Post Office Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 Re: CDC of LI—Application for AHD Overlay District/AHD Subdivision Premises: Sound Avenue (and Factory Avenue), Mattituck, NY SCTM# 1000-83- 2-17.1 Dear Anthony: Enclosed is CDC check in the sum of$1,000 representing the site plan application fee. The Town Board has deferred payment of the remaining per lot fee pending further deliberation. 7Very tr yours,�� A igail A. Wickham AAW/jt Re%dc/pbsketch End ...._....�«nom.. -_.. y MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE so yolo Southold, NY 11971 Chair V� OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS * Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G C 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON �, p (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND �y"Outo, Southold, NY IY 1' Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 31, 2006 Mr. Andrew Freleng, AICP, Chief Planner Suffolk County Department of Planning P.O. Box 6100 Hauppauge, NY 11788-0099 Re: Resolution No. 762 " A Local Law to Amend the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold by Changing the Zoning Designation of SCTM#1000-122-2-23.1 from R-80 to AHD: (Community Development Corp. of Long Island) SCPC File No.: SD-05-12 Dear Mr. Freleng: Enclosed please find the following materials you requested in your letter of December 28, 2005, addressed to Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk (attached): • Application Forms • Plans • Copy of Mattituck Hamlet Study • Environmental Assessment • Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Consistency Form If I can be of further assistance, please contact my office. Very truly yours, Anthony Trezza Senior Planner AT:ck cc: Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk COUNTY OF SUFFOLK• RECEIVED AN 3 2006 Soulbood Ima Gerk STEVE LEVY SUFFOLK COUNTY EXECUTIVE ICP DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING THOMAS ISLES, DIRECTOR OF PLANNING December 28,2005 Ms.Elizabeth Neville,Town Clerk Town of Southold Planning Bd. 53095 Main Road-P.O. Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 Re: Resolution No. 762"A Local Law to Amend the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold by changing the Zoning Designation of SCTAI No. 1000-122- 02-23.1 from R-80 to AHD" (Community Development Corp. of Long Island) SCPC File No.: SD-05-12 Dear Ms.Neville: Please be advised that pursuant to Sections A 14-14 to 23 of the Suffolk County Administrative Code, the above captioned application will not be reviewed until the following information is submitted through the offices of the municipal referring agency. • "Full Statement of Facts"pursuant to New York State General Municipal Law 239 including completed local application forms (not referred). • Preliminary concept plan(not referred) • Copy of Mattituck Hamlet Study(not referred) • Copy of SEQR EAF and supporting documentation. Thank you. Very truly yours, Thomas Isles,AICP JAN Director of Planning C�GGSO� Andrew P. Freleng, CP Chief Planner APF:cc G:\CCHORNY\ZONING\ZONING\WORKING\INC\2005\Sd05-inc. LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS H.LEE DENNISON BLDG.-4TH FLOOR P.O.BOX 6100 (516)853-5190 100 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE,NY 11788-0099 TELECOPIER (516)853-4044 •PLANNING BOARD MEMBER MAILING ADDRESS:P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSEti���OF SO Southold,Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR 002 Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON T JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) I�OOUNTr Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1935 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Scott Russell, Town Supervisor Members of the Town Board From: Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairperson Date: January 30,2006 Re: Report for the Change of Zone Application for the Community Development Corporation of Long Island 1000-122-2-23.1 The Town Board is considering a change of zone of a vacant 7.4 acre parcel (SCTM# 1000-122-2-23.1) from R-80 to Affordable Housing District (AHD) to allow for the construction of 24 single-family residences. The parcel is located on the west side of Factory Avenue and the south side of Sound Avenue in Mattituck. The Planning Board has considered the information provided and based on the following analysis, the Planning Board fully supports the proposed change of zone from R-80 to the AHD zoning district. Town of Southold Hamlet Study (2005) The subject property is located within Mattituck's HALO Zone and therefore has been deemed a potentially appropriate site for an increase in density. The proposed change of zone from R-80 to Affordable Housing District (AHD) is required if the applicant is to achieve '/4-acre zoning. The Planning Board finds that the Town's proposal to change the zone is consistent with the following recommendations of the Town of Southold Hamlet Study (2005). • The provision for affordable workforce housing is a priority. • A site has been identified for affordable housing in the Mattituck HALO zone on Factory Avenue. t • A new HALO zone is recommended that permits a variety of dwelling types, including detached single-family homes, attached single-family homes, townhouse, garden apartments, multi-family dwellings and accessory apartments. • The quality and attractiveness of new dwellings is more important than density. Greater density is entirely acceptable with quality design construction. Surrounding Land Use The subject parcel is currently zoned R-80, which requires a minimum size of 80,000 square feet per lot. The proposal is to downzone the parcel from R-80 to AHD which requires a minimum size of 10,000 square feet or .22 acres per lot. The residentially zoned properties in the area range in sizes from (4530 sq. ft.) or .10 acres to over 9 acres. To the north/northeast the adjacent properties range from .33 acres to .79 acres with larger parcels occurring north of Sound Avenue. To the south/southwest the properties range from .27 acres to .79 acres in size. The property is bordered by a 4.77 acre parcel to the west. Consequently, the lot sizes are proposed at .23 acres and would not significantly deviate from the residential lots within the surrounding area. The property is bordered by the R-40 zoning district to the north/northeast/east with the General Business (B) zoning district occurring farther to the southeast along State Route 25. The adjacent properties to the west are zoned R-80. The predominant use is residential with a mix of business uses occurring along State Route 25. Based upon such, the proposed action is consistent with the surrounding land uses. Natural Resources The impact to natural resources will be assessed during the application process and pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act Section Article 8, Part 617. Transportation Infrastructure The current proposal depicts a 50'-wide right-of-way from Sound Avenue with no ingress or egress from Factory Avenue with the exception of one residential lot. Transportation impacts will be assessed during the application process pursuant to the State Environmental Quality Review Act Section Article 8, Part 617 and Section A106 of the Town of Southold Town Code. Yield The issue of yield has been raised by the Town Board and was reviewed by the Planning Board at their work session on January 23, 2006. The current yield plan depicts a total of 24 lots, all of which contain the required minimum lot area of 10,000 square feet. However, six (6) of the lots contain flag strips and five (5) of the lots lack either sufficient lot width or lot depth. Generally, the Planning Board does not permit the use of flag lots on a yield plan and required that all lots conform to the applicable zoning/dimensional requirements of the bulk schedule of the Town Code. However, in the case of the AHD Zoning District, the Planning Board has the authority to reduce or amend yard setback requirements, lot dimension requirements and highway specifications, pursuant to Section 100-54(B) of the Town Code. If the Town Board approved the change of zone, the Planning Board will evaluate the yield plan in consideration with an applicant petition setting forth the reasoning for the requested yield. The other issue with regard to yield is the drainage basin. While the proposed subdivision plan shows a drainage basin, the yield map does not show a drainage basin. Section A108-29 of the Town Code requires a drainage basin on parcels 8 acres or larger. Subsurface drainage is permitted on parcels under 8 acres in size, subject to review by the Town Engineer. Therefore, a drainage basin is not required to be shown on the yield plan. Accessory Apartments The Planning Board supports the incorporation of accessory apartments within the proposal. ,TRN-^c5-2006 15:76 FROM: 631 298 8565 T0:631 765 3136 P.001/004 Law Offices WIC.KHAM, BRESSLER,GORDON A GEASA,P.C. 13015 Main.Road,P.O. Box 1424 Matlituck, New York 11952 631-298-8.9.53 Telefax no. 631.298-8565 Thie trr.n9missipn cpntaln>information contidcntial Andlor te{ryslly pdvilcgcd. it is intended for use only by the person to whom if.Is direcisd, if you have rscivod this tolocepy in error,pleose notify us by telephone itmnediatcly ao that we um mrange for the miu n of thu documents to'is at no cost to you. If you do not receive all of the pages indicatect please call as anon As possible AT the numbs above. To: a(MIA ire 2I-4\ Fax#: 165— 313 6 From: ?e: CD C', Comznen�a: This is page one of ,7i-,N-25-2006 15:40 FRCU: 631 298 8565 T0:631 765 3136 P.002,004P) M_ LAW OFTICES , WICKHX\t BRESSLE& GORDON& OEASA, P.C. 13('15 MAN ROAD, RO.BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MATTMJCK,LONG ISLAND ERIC J.BRESSLER NEW YORK 119.52 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABT0,601_A.WICKHAM SUITI; III LYNNE M.GORIION MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEA5A 631-298-8353 TELEFAX NO.031-298-3565 wwbluwQAol.com ...-.-,i19Y1'F'AX KO:631-249,9.w January 25,200G Town of Southold Planning Board Post Office Box 1179 53095 Main Road , Southold,New York 11.971 Pre Avenue CAC of 41and Factory Avenue),Mattitu . —A lieation for AMD Overlayivis DistridflAlA Subdion Premises: Sound ( - ) SCTM# 1.000-83-2-17.1 y..:.., 9Z. Ladies/Gcnticmen: u.- Ladies/Gentlemen: CDC requests that you grant a clarification and/or variance under Article 100-54B for the following with respect to the proposed yield map for 24 lots. This is essential to the project,as 24 lots is the minimum number of lots required for the project to proceed. For the reasons shown, the benefit to the applicant and to the Town of Southold far outweighs any detriment to the neighborhood or the community. 1.. Insufficient depth on lot 3; insufficient lot width on lots 5,12,15 and 16• The particulars are (outside the flag): Lot 3 85 x 98,81 (IAO foot depth required) Lot 5 60 x 127 (80 foot width required) Lot 12 59 x 138 (80 foot width required) Lot 15 55 x 130 (80 foot width required) Lot 16 65 x 140 (80 foot width required) 2. Use of flag lots for six lots, on yield snap only. 3. Dry wells for drainage in road on yield map; recharge basin to be used on subdivision map Regarding lot dimensions (#1): only one lot has insufficient depth,by only 1.19 feet, - Four lots have insufficient width by 25 feet to 15 feet;however, Lot length exceeds the minimum by more than the width deficiency. All lots meet the 10,000 square foot minimum axes. All computations exc'udc the flag portion as required by the Code. JAN-25-2006 15:40 FROM: 631 293 85'465 TO:631 765 3136 P.003'004 • • Benefit w die applicant: the financial impact of the total number of lots is critical at 24. - Cost of land, infrasttticture, and all other costs, and the offset by the subsidies available, is 911 based or, 24 lots. The applicant cannot build the project without 24 units. This is not a. question of cutting profit: applicant i,s a non-profit institution and there is no margin in affordable housing. Nc detriment to community wind neighborhood: all lots contain 10.000 sq. ft. min,required. The actual yield is based on sufficient lot area. - The lots in this specific subdivision will not experience a detriment because the width and cepth of the insufficient lots will be bahmeed by the small 1100 square foot house size (1650 for 12 with apartments). All dwellings will be constructed in the legal building envelope without need for setback variances. Regarding use of flag lots to compute yield: (#2): the Code recognizes flag lots and does not:specifically prohibit use of flag loss:for yield purposes. We believe this may be handled as a clarification,not a variance. Regarding use of drywells in road on yield map and recharge basin on subdivision map: (93): Nelson& Pope has estimated the project would require fifteen(1.5) 12-foot drywells. Nelson& Pope has estimated additional construction cost of approximately$50,000.00 more 11:an the recharge basin, After dedication, it will cost the Town Highway Department more to maintain the road and dryweils than the road witb a recharge basin. Yield trap using recharge basin would eliminate several lots, bringing project under applicant's 24 lot minimum threshold. The Code does not speciTica'ly address using the two different drainage methods on the Yield and subdivision maps. We believe this may be handled as a clarification,not a variance. Considerations required to be made by the Planning Board under Section :00-54B arc: '1 'Chem will net i7c ah undesirable change in the neighborhood. - four lots bordering this property are 50 feet wide,and one is 66 feet wide. Four lots south of the LIRR on Factory Avenue are less than 50 `eel wide. Three lots on the east side of Factory Avenue are 50 feet wide. - small homes will be constructed: 11.00 square feet or 1650 square feet, Property is close to shopping areas, both major roads, and traffe light, so additional impact of property in this project will be minimal. 2) There is no alternative to applicant—there is no other parcel in the Hamlet Maltituck of size sufficient to accommodate an affordable housing plan,and no ft ether cost reductions are possible. 7AN-2--2006 IS:-;- rROI: 631 238 2565 T0:631 T65 3136 P.004/004 3 i This variance request is not substantial-- it does not increase number of lots under the area criteria. 4) There is no advarse eiffiect or.physical or environmental conditions in neighbod-:ood, as described above. 5) This problem isnot self-created—it is a function of the property configuration, the development costs in today's market of affordable housing, and the goventmental subsidies available, The most compelling reason justifying the request is that this is a relatively modest project in keeping with the neighborhood while implementing the Town's affordable housing goals, It's benef-to the Tour• it's minimal 'mpact on the school district, it's advocacy by an experienced non-proi;t group 8,at can eliminate,proft.margins,and it's suitability to the neighborhood, form a solid'oasis for granting,the variance. As this is the first project which has utilized the new AHD Coale, a will assist the Planting Board in implementing the Code in light of the realities of the development and it's plan-sing objectives. Thank you for your consideration. Very truly Yom. Abigail f1. Wickham A4 R N RelaC,iplrvariaxe WHEREAS, an application has been submitted by the CDCLI Housing Development Corporation, 2100 Middle Country Road, Centereach, NY, as contract vendee for property owned by White Oak Builders, Southampton located at 895 Factory Avenue, Mattituck, more specifically known and identified as Suffolk County Tax Map #1000-122-2-23.1; and WHEREAS, the application involves amending the zoning map of the Town of Southold by changing the zoning on the 7.4 acre subject site from its current R-80 single family residential district designation to the AHD, affordable housing district; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the requested rezoning, it is the applicant's intention to file an application to develop a residential housing development of twenty four (24) new lots supporting twenty four (24) 1,100 square foot two-bedroom dwellings and twelve (12) 550 square foot one-bedroom accessory apartments accommodating workforce and senior housing; and WHEREAS, in accordance with the provisions of 6NYCRR Part 617, the Town Board of the Town of Southold intends to serve as Lead Agency for the SEQR Review of this Type I Action, and in this capacity, will determine if the proposed action will have a significant effect on the environment; and WHEREAS, it is the intention of the Lead Agency to undertake a coordinated review of this action. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Southold hereby designates its intention to serve as Lead Agency for the SEQR Coordinated Review of this Action, and directs the Lead Agency Notice to be circulated, along with the Environmental Assessment Form, to all Involved Agencies. Involved Agencies shall be given 30 days from the mailing of the Lead Agency Notice to challenge the Town Board's designation. BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall have an effective date of January 17, 2006. X0 ELIZABETH NEVILLE W own Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK �suFvotK PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Fax(631) 765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER 'y orR Telephone: (631) 765 - 1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER southoldtown.northfork.net FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER RESOLUTION# 2006-142 Meeting: 01/17/06 07:30 PM Resolution ID: 1524 Department: Town Clerk Category: Affordable Housing THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2006-142 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON JANUARY 17, 2006: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes the Plannin¢Board to begin processing the sketch plan application of Community Development Corporation in connection with a proposed affordable housing project in Mattituck upon the payment of a $1000 application fee and further authorizes the Planning Board temporarily to defer payment of the remaining per lot application fees relating to this project. Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk p JAN Southold Town Plannin Board ...-.,.��i r� LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON & GEASA, P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD. P.O. BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MATTITUCK. LONG ISLAND ERIC J. BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A. WICKHAM SUITE 111 LYNNE M.CORDON MELVILI E, NE.W,YORK 11747 JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 ` -' TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 631-249-9480 wwb1awd,ao1.com r - 'EL[,FAANO.63 -249-9484 , 1 January 11, 2006 Attn: Anthony Trezza Town of Southold Planning Board f Post Office Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: CDC of LI—Application for AHD Overlay District/AHD Subdivision Premises: Sound Avenue (and Factory Avenue), Mattituck, NY SCTM# 1000- 122 —Z—Z3- Dear Anthony: A proposed yield map—24 lots, and sketch plan were furnished to you in December, and I am having additional prints sent. In connection with application for sketch plan approval, we enclose: 1. Sketch Plan Application Form. 2. Consent of Contact Vendee, CDCLI Housing Development Corporation 3. Copy of Property Deed 4. Part I, EAF, Long Form 5. LWRP Coastal Consistency Form The ERSAP is in process. We are requesting that the Town Board waive or reduce the application fee. Very t ly yours, q r Abigail A. Wickham AAW/jt Relcdclphsketch Encl. CC•, SAT F(NNEGAPJ lowN AlTY NELSON&POPE Svc ANO MRSamSURWORS 57EidtWbWenRoad Fei(611)e275470 , addh,lr 11747 TO: Anthony Trezza Be": December 22,2005 Town of Southold Planning Board Re: Island Estates @ Mattituck 54375 NYS Rte 25 Nelson&Pope Job#: 02007 Southhold,NY 11971 Your Det: We are sending you F—X-1 Under separate cover Herewith Pick Up X By Hesselger FRDDI For Your X Review&Comment Approval X As requested For your use Did Submission Submisden to Town Quantity Drawing Title Sheet NO. Rev.No. 2 Town Yield Map Labeled Alternate Yield Study B 2 Health Department Yield Maps 2 Preliminary Maps Remarks: Anthony, Please give me a call when you would like to meet to discuss the enclosed plans. Very truly yours, cc l nNN&POPE By: James C.Milliken T_12.22_treaa.xlS O��OF SO(/ryo . ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE ` Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK P.O. Box 1179 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS o Q Southold,New York 11971 MARRIAGE OFFICER �` ,rtV �O Fax(631) 765-6145 RECORDS AGEMENT OFFICER Telephone (631) 765-1800 FREEDOM OF INFORMA ION OFFICER l� I�1,+ Boutho dtown northfo k net OFFICE OF THE TOWN CLERK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD December 16, 2005 Re: Reso. # 762 regarding proposed Local Law in relation to "A Local Law to Amend the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold by Changing the Zoning Designation of SCTM 1000-122-2-23.1 From R-80 to Affordable Housing District (AHD)" of the Town of Southold Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Annex Southold, New York 11971 Dear Ms. Woodhouse: The Southold Town Board at their regular meeting on December 6, 2005 adopted the above resolution. A certified copy of same is enclosed. Please prepare an official report defining the Planning Boards recommendations with regard to this proposed local law and forward it to me at your earliest convenience. This proposed local law has also been sent to the Suffolk County Planning Department for their review. The date and time for the public hearing is 5:00 PM, Tuesday. January 31, 2006. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you. Very truly yours, Elizabeth A. Neville Southold Town Clerk Encl cc: Town Board Town Attorney ELIZABETH NEVILLE Town Hall, 53095 Main Road TOWN CLERK �yfPFoct PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS Fax(631)765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER Telephone: (631) 765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER southoldtown.northfork.net FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER RESOLUTION# 2005-762 Meeting: 12/06/05 04:30 PM Resolution ID: 1345 Department: Town Clerk Category: Local Law Public Hearing THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2005-762 OF 2005 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 6, 2005: WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold has been presented with a preliminary concept plan from Community Development Corporation of Long Island to develop 24 homes, half of which will contain accessory apartments, on a 7.4 acre site in Mattituck near Factory Avenue in Mattituck identified as SCTM# 1000-122-2-23.1; and WHEREAS it is proposed that these homes will sold and rented as affordable homes pursuant to the Town's guidelines; and WHEREAS the site is located within walking distance of Mattituck's major shopping center, the hamlet center and the senior center, and is designed to provide much-needed affordable housing to the residents of Southold Town; and WHEREAS development of the site is consistent with the recently adopted Hamlet Study; and it is therefore RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold is considering the change of zone of this parcel of property from R-80 to Affordable Housing District (AHD) on its own motion, and it is further RESOLVED that the Town Board requests the Planning Board to prepare a report and recommendations on the rezoning; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to retain the services of Cleary Consulting to perform a SEQRA review on the proposed zone change; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk forward the matter to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for review and recommendation; and be it further RESOLVED that pursuant to the requirements of NYS Town Law and the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on a proposed Local Law entitled "A Local Law to amend the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold by Changing the Zoning Designation of SCTM 1000-122-2-23.1 from R-80 to Affordable Housing District (AHD)" at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday. January 31, 2006. The petitioner for this request is the Town Board of the Town of Southold. The property is approximately 7.4 acres and is located off of Factory and Sound Avenues in Mattituck,New York. 6Q .. Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk Page 2 ELIZABETH NEVILLE • *own Hall, 53095 Main Road"I{a-W TOWN CLERK ��urvott PO Box 1179 Southold,NY 11971 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS DEC Fax(631) 765-6145 MARRIAGE OFFICER �y®� Telephone: (631) 765-1800 RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER southoldtown.northfork.net FREEDOM OF INFORMATION OFFICER RESOLUTION # 2005-762 Meeting: 12/06/05 04:30 PM Resolution ID: 1345 Department: Town Clerk Category: Local Law Public Hearing THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2005-762 OF 2005 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON DECEMBER 6, 2005: WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Southold has been presented with a preliminary concept plan from Community Development Corporation of Long Island to develop 24 homes, half of which will contain accessory apartments, on a 7.4 acre site in Mattituck near Factory Avenue in Mattituck identified as SCTM# 1000-122-2-23.1; and WHEREAS it is proposed that these homes will sold and rented as affordable homes pursuant to the Town's guidelines; and WHEREAS the site is located within walking distance of Mattituck's major shopping center, the hamlet center and the senior center, and is designed to provide much-needed affordable housing to the residents of Southold Town; and WHEREAS development of the site is consistent with the recently adopted Hamlet Study; and it is therefore RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold is considering the change of zone of this parcel of property from R-80 to Affordable Housing District (AHD) on its own motion, and it is further RESOLVED that the Town Board requests the Planning Board to prepare a report and recommendations on the rezoning; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to retain the services of Cleary Consulting to perform a SEQRA review on the proposed zone change; and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk forward the matter to the Suffolk County Planning Commission for review and recommendation; and be it further RESOLVED that pursuant to the requirements of NYS Town Law and the Code of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County,New York, the Town Board of the Town of Southold will hold a public hearing on a proposed Local Law entitled "A Local Law to amend the Zoning Map of the Town of Southold by Changing the Zoning Designation of SCTM 1000-122-2-23.1 from R-80 to Affordable Housing District (AHD)' at the Southold Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York at 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 31, 2006. The petitioner for this request is the Town Board of the Town of Southold. The property is approximately 7.4 acres and is located off of Factory and Sound Avenues in Mattituck, New York. 4? C?7T`_ Elizabeth A.Neville Southold Town Clerk Page 2 LAW OFFICES WICKHAM, BRESSLER, GORDON & GEASA, P.C. 13015 MAIN ROAD, P.O.BOX 1424 WILLIAM WICKHAM(06-02) MATTITUCK,LONG ISLAND ERIC J.BRESSLER NEW YORK 11952 275 BROAD HOLLOW ROAD ABIGAIL A.WICKHAM SUITE 111 LYNNE M.GORDON MELVILLE, NEW YORK 11747 JANET GEASA 631-298-8353 _-- TELEFAX NO.631-298-8565 631-249-9480 wwblaw@aol.com TELEFAX NO.631-249-9484 December 5, 2005 Attn: Anthony Trezza Town of Southold Planning Board Post Office Box 1179 53095 Main Road Southold,New York 11971 l VIJ�yIF)L' (ur/l CNl CiO�'171, Re: CDC of LI—Application for AHD Overlay istrict/AHD Subdivision Premises: Sound Avenue (and Factory Avenue), Mattituck,NY SCTM# 1000-83-2-17.1 Dear Anthony: For the work session at 4:00 p.m. on Monday, December 5, I enclose the following: 1. Proposed yield map—24 lots 2. Proposed rough sketch of site plan—24 lots The proposal for affordable workforce housing includes: 1, 24 homes on individual lots, one story, 1100 sq. feet, 2 bedroom, 2 bath. 2. 12 of the homes will have accessory apartments, 550 sq. ft., one bedroom, one bath. The target market for the apartments Will be seniors. 3. Project will conform to Southold Town Affordable guidelines. All homes and apartments will be permanently affordable. 4. Road access proposed to Sound Avenue. Since the access to Sound Avenue is just under 50 feet(approximately 46),we would appreciate the Board's input on road width, as our client believes that Sound Avenue access is preferable to Factory Avenue. They would like to address this issue with the Board at an early stage as it will affect the design of the project. We will also be seeking variances from the lot width requirements of the AHD for some of the lots. The site contains 12 sanitary flow credits as of right. We have requested the Town Board to transfer 12 additional sanitary flow credits, so the project will have a total of 24. Abigail A. Wickham �v '.'own o Southold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold's website(southoldtown.northfork.net), the Board of Trustees Office, the Pl. ui Me attmgnt,call local libraries and the Town Clerk's office. B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION L 2'J06 SCTM# 1000 - I ZZ- - Z — Z3. 1 II The Application has been submitted to(checkappropriate response): -- Town Board ❑ Planning Board LTJ Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees ❑ 1. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital ® construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) ❑ "aiiON T g� (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: AV04;a4-i°,,) -or 24 lot AHD 5L)WIVlstor% r )[Ilia �wn's gym1'Y.+On f0)r 0ZonI o Prom --to AHD Location of action: qS PcLc+ogAye, (a Sovnd Ave- 71M Auc% AJY Site acreage:7.II-0 Present land use: U Ream" Present zoning classification: -E- so 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provideed:_ I (a) Name of applicant:_CWF+°�� ofL Mct i1 f4uc�-j C D C L I Ho osly11�QV, C'O'T . t— (b) Mailing address: Z /CU Ct)vr+rUA Suite 300 C9-vh✓ead� NY (1-7ZD-3S7/6 (c) Telephone number: Area Code( 6f6-() Ll-V ' /ZI j u I Z7 (d) Application number,if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes ® No❑ If yes,which state or federal agency? NY S A FFo'&1012 HS3. . H � C. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III-Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. [NYes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable I) within HALc) 2pne_ z� cls tO ocKjar hwys, +rrkkf,c, coM-ml aj4"ns, a) inivo-, lol• abrj RlZ +v dc-S will not ir., ctyie�csl,ea{s 4) ixltrud eve cottage cl,es�gn e� sMa11 l Dunes Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III-Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No ] Not Applicable AtMc$additional sheets if necessary . Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria X❑ Yes ❑ No ❑Not Applicable All wa suRP64 snv;lV- nt 66--4-t Wks -lo vnee} SCDNS rwiev„er,ks Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. El ❑ No© Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Not Applicable ❑ Yes F—] No Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III— Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. n ElYes❑ No N Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable t • Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No© Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Created on 5/25105 11:20 AM .,own dSouthold LWRP CONSISTENCY ASSESSMENT FORM A. INSTRUCTIONS 1. All applicants for permits* including Town of Southold agencies, shall complete this CCAF for proposed actions that are subject to the Town of Southold Waterfront Consistency Review Law. This assessment is intended to supplement other information used by a Town of Southold agency in making a determination of consistency. *Except minor exempt actions including Building Permits and other ministerial permits not located within the Coastal Erosion Hazard Area. 2. Before answering the questions in Section C, the preparer of this form should review the exempt minor action list, policies and explanations of each policy contained in the Town of Southold Local Waterfront Revitalization Program. A proposed action will be evaluated as to its significant beneficial and adverse effects upon the coastal area(which includes all of Southold Town). 3. If any question in Section C on this form is answered "yes", then the proposed action may affect the achievement of the LWRP policy standards and conditions contained in the consistency review law. Thus, the action should be analyzed in more detail and, if necessary, modified prior to making a determination that it is consistent to the maximum extent practicable with the LWRP policy standards and conditions. If an action cannot be certified as consistent with the LWRP policy standards and conditions, it shall not be undertaken. A copy of the LWRP is available in the following places: online at the Town of Southold_s-. bsite nClerk's officerBoard of Trustees Office,the P n libraries aa rn i�it, 1 loco (southoldnd the Tow B. DESCRIPTION OF SITE AND PROPOSED ACTION JAN 12 2006 SCTM# 1000 _ 1 ZZ - Z — Z3.1 1 The Application has been submitted to(check appropriate response): t-------- y Town Board ❑ Planning Board® Building Dept. ❑ Board of Trustees El I. Category of Town of Southold agency action(check appropriate response): (a) Action undertaken directly by Town agency(e.g. capital ® (fie rle o» ou�w construction, planning activity, agency regulation, land transaction) ❑ ov\ r Bd (b) Financial assistance(e.g. grant, loan, subsidy) (c) Permit, approval, license, certification: Nature and extent of action: NPPI, a�-io,-) For Zq lob- AHD sobdtyisiov, rA h TLvn s owtA m 'ion fo r re 7 on �rom --)�-(9d -tz) AND Location of action: !EB5 rac+owAye, C4 Sound Ave.) McAt6ck AN Site acreage: 7.4`/ct . Present land use: V ctcst t� Present zoning classification: so 2. If an application for the proposed action has been filed with the Town of Southold agency, the following information shall be provided: jj�� II n (a) Name of applicant ��s fAQ.Tft LA—J CDC -1 Ho osnxt—DU, l o� . (b) Mailing address: z /Oen WI tAJIe. Coot A Suite 300 Cetn6-✓eacJ,� NY 11-7ZO-3S7./, (c) Telephone number: Area Code( k31) Lq 12-7 (d) Application number, if any: Will the action be directly undertaken, require funding, or approval by a state or federal agency? Yes © No❑ If yes,which state or federal agency? IVY S A�Forc�eCb�e C. DEVELOPED COAST POLICY Cl Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Page 2 for evaluation criteria. RYes ❑ No ❑ Not Applicable 1) w'ttlnin HALO apne_ z) CIOs:. 10 nxclor htuy5, +rnFFi�- coal-rol 54a+"VIS 3) IN1sLY[or IUk 0.b» RQ �'YrACj<5 i.L[ll � in'+ t ""��������� ty � r 11 Park vtewsl,e.cls ,4l &4mc;'t Ve- cOM0.gE (Aes tqh -T st»0.I1 t�OlT2S Attach additional sheets if necessary 1 Policy 2. Protect and preserve historic and archaeological resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 3 through 6 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 Not Applicable Attacb additional sheets if necessary • • Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 6 through 7 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary NATURAL COAST POLICIES Policy 4. Minimize loss of life, structures, and natural resources from flooding and erosion. See LWRP Section III—Policies Pages 8 through 16 for evaluation criteria ❑ Yes ❑ No © Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies Pages 16 through 21 for evaluation criteria El Yes ❑ No ❑Not Applicable All waer suppl� .t snv;i}ary SLO-tws 4p mec} SC--DHSre4�,rewe�ks V 1 v � \ Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 6. Protect and restore the quality and function of the Town of Southold ecosystems including Significant Coastal Fish and Wildlife Habitats and wetlands. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 22 through 32 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes [:] No© Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 7. Protect and improve air quality in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies Pages 32 through 34 for evaluation criteria. Not Applicable F—] Yes ❑ No Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 8. Minimize environmental degradation in Town of Southold from solid waste and hazardous substances and wastes. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 34 through 38 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable PUBLIC COAST POLICIES Policy 9. Provide for public access to, and recreational use of, coastal waters, public lands, and public resources of the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III — Policies; Pages 38 through 46 for evaluation criteria. n ElYes❑ No N Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary WORKING COAST POLICIES Policy 10. Protect Southold's water-dependent uses and promote siting of new water-dependent uses in suitable locations. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 47 through 56 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No 2 Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 11. Promote sustainable use of living marine resources in Long Island Sound, the Peconic Estuary and Town waters. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 57 through 62 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 12. Protect agricultural lands in the Town of Southold. See LWRP Section III —Policies; Pages 62 through 65 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No® Not Applicable Attach additional sheets if necessary Policy 13. Promote appropriate use and development of energy and mineral resources. See LWRP Section III—Policies; Pages 65 through 68 for evaluation criteria. ❑ Yes ❑ No ® Not Applicable Created on 5125105 11:20 AM x Project Status Report for Standard Subdivisions Sketch Application Dates Pre-Submission Conference i SEQRA Determination H' r Sketch Application Received I��Zro (° ,,O," SC Planning Commission Referral Application Fees Paid I ZVOO 9,14�eIr lSC Planning Commission Comments 7,0 ERSAP Submitted i `N Fire Department Referral i y Yield Plan Submitted 3'2��b mer Fire Department Comments (y Z y'b� Concept Design Determined Engineer Conference i Fire Der'artment Comments 4-11 web en Sketch Plan Submission �M �1' � / SEQRA Coordination Conditional Sketch Approval -7-M- 64 Landscape Plan Sketch Approval / Soil Conservation Plan Preliminary Plat Application Dates I6 months after Sketch Plan Approvall Preliminary 4glicafion Received te6'0 DEIS Submission Application Fees Paid jppo Referral of Legal Documents to Town Attorney Referral of Road and Drainage Plans Comments from Legal Department Received Engineer Conference t, 1 FEIS Submission Comments from Town Engineer( Preliminary Hearing Set Draft Performance Estimate Preliminary Hearing Held Draft Covenants and Restrictions Preliminary Hearing Closed Draft Homeowner's Association Agreement Conditional Preliminary Approval Draft Road Maintenance Agreement Preliminary Approval Scoping Session t Final Plat Application Dates(6 months after Preliminary Plat Approval) Final Application Received Affordable Housing Fee Paid Application Fees Paid Administrative Fee Paid Molars Received(5) NYSDEC Wetlands Permit Received Paper Prints Received(81 NYSDOTIDPW Permit Received Final Road and Drainage Plans Trustee Permit Received Performance Guarantee Received Final Hearing Set Performance Guarantee to Town Board Final Hearing Held/Closed Final Covenants and Restrictions Filed Legal Documents Final Homeowner's Agreement Conditional Final Approval Final Road Maintenance Agreement Final Approval Park and Playground Fee Paid Map Endorsed by Chair Conservation Agreement LWRP Consistency Review Final Map Routing: Tax Assessors Building Department Land Preservation Highway Department Additional Notes: Application for Final Plat Approval APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for FINAL PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision C cT7f\cj ES AT m a-r-Frruck 2. Suffolk County Tax Map# 100o - 3. 0OD -3. Hamlet M ATI ITV<J,'- 4. .]<4. Street Location '3q ,5 76CTO t-Y AVE (+900 N D AVQ-) 5. Zoning District AN D 6. Date of Submission DPCem6 y- yI zooc, 7. Sketch Plan Approval Date rn qy'c -) 13 ,Z OO(o 8. Preliminary Approval Date kuX4 ff I 2_00(n 9. Number of Lots Proposed Z z- 10. 10. Acreage of Open Space/Reserved Area jJ/A 11. Affordable Housing Units Proposed Z 12. Percentage of Affordable Housing 13. If providing less than 25%Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units(MIFDU),please indicate how the property owner intends on satisfying the affordable housing requirement pursuant to Section A106-11 (B)of the Town Code. 14. Does the Final Plat conform substantially to the approved Preliminary Plat? If not,please explain the differences. \ p T� — C.Ilakny'P � bU e1IVpIV14fU N�DY Y ov L�,� e 15. Application prepared by [] owner agent [] other Signature of Preparer �� Date S ZOC7(, ��gUFFO(,�c MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS h�0 gay P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE O Southold, NY 11971 Chair y G • OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J. CREMERS y�fo ��� 54375 State Route 25 KENNETH L. EDWARDS (cor.Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H. SIDOR Southold, NY GEORGE D. SOLOMON Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Application for Preliminary Plat Approval APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. 1. Name of Subdivision Co TTA Cr6 s A-r MA-rT 7vo< 2. Suffolk County Tax Map # /Doo - // '2- 2_—7_3. I 3. Hamlet /yJHTT�TUCK 4. Street Address/ 895 F'140ru A a "4• Project Location 5. Zoning District410 H D s p pp 2 6. Date of Submission Jung 2 ZDO 6 f f U 2S �i L. 006 7. Sketch Plan Approval Date Waaca. (3 Z0c) 8. Acreage of Site 7• y ct • ,d 9. Parcel Yield 1202 10-1-S 10. Number of Lots Proposed as t'o7s a. Number of Affordable Lots Required: OZ ;2- b. Number of Affordable Lots Proposed: 02;L c. Alternative Method/Payment Proposed to Satisfy Affordable Housing Requirement: A/ A 11. Acreage of Open Space WA r � 12. Percentage of Open Space /A r�^ 13. Range of Lot Sizes , 000 sq -tb ]S�$1'75y.� 14. Average Lot Size q."76 q S T 15. Private or Public Streets PL)/0I1 c- 16. Length ofRoad(s) qQ$ �-+ 17. Acreage of Road(s) 1.2 (o CU, 18. Does the Preliminary Plat differ from the Sketch Plan p�reevii usly aa.p roved�y the Planning Board? Explain. tFursvAvlt- {p h- lctnnl 1��`` LY M i) Lot- accesS 6ctvAge. eliminAvA i)3L)C-Rv aYeaS 3�-i t res (Vajo'n Mn it �o Rechar g ru S re li v,vneh mo 4a JD eri+ at Sound ey*rana- 19. In addition to the application to the Town of Southold Planning Board, what other approvals are you seeking for this subdivision from state or other agencies?Please list other applications which are currently pending involving this project. If possible, please provide application reference numbers. SC.IteQth Uept. S 10- IZZ -7,-2-3 1 20. Application completed by [ ] owner agent [ ] other Signature of Preparer (it/ 4W Date L 2006 ��gUFFO(,�coG MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS h�0 y P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE CO Southold, NY 11971 Chair y ,y OFFICE LOCATION: RICHARD CAGGIANO Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J. CREMERS 54375 State Route 25 KENNETH L. EDWARDS (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR GEORGE D. SOLOMON Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fay:,631.765-4136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Application for Sketch Approval APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Town of Southold Planning Board for SKETCH APPROVAL for the subdivision described herein. I. Name of Subdivision 2. Suffolk County Tax Map # 1600-- 3. DOp--3. Type of Subdivision Standard [X] Conservation [ ] (A H D) 4. Hamlet fo ATT ITU ClC 5. Street Address/ 395 Faefo' Ave— Project Location 6. Acreage of Site 7,4 7. Proposed Yield o2�} 8. Number of Lots Proposed a2q 9. Zoning District R - SO -k A H D 10. Date of Submission I II 12006 11. Please provide the names, addresses and phone numbers for the following people: Applicant: CDCLI HoostNG DEy1=caPmENr Cop-paRp�-TloN 2100 rn;jdl coot,+",__, ge4 &;A- —;"C 6 CQrr4 Y'ep[ L , N`/ )12an-3571, (031 - 4-71- IZ15 x 1z-7 (W. Kkrf-sky) Agent: Property Owner(s): WH ITS OAK 801LDER5, WC TO Pox 13 �0ff-%P ?hen MY 7196`) Surveyor: Nelson _ 5 '7�4- Ltd�t rE vw�n I?d- m v I ya�7— 5ioes <Tin, m' Il� k�h Engineer: Sgme us sorvgor Attorney: A, wt c_" VJ are ss ler Gordon o- sa 'e- -FO -F�qO Box /Ltz-4 Wa-W -ock NY 11452 1051-290.- 1�3S3 12. Has an application for subdivision ever been filed for this property? If so, please indicate when and whether or not approval was granted by the Planning Board. Yes - 7_ooz Mct+I & c k Ho L)s, 1 LLC - Lu'ct ndr wry 13. Has a pre-submission conference been held with the Planning Board? If so, provide date. *& 12 I Z00—G 14. Has the owner/applicant met with Land Preservation? If so, provide date. No 15. Is any part of the property in agricultural use? ALC 16. Is there an existing or proposed sale of development rights on the property? NO 17. Does the owner own any adjacent properties? If so, please indicate the properties by SCTM#. kc, IS. Are there any building permits currently pending on this property? If yes, please provide permit number(s). Ah 19.The site will be serviced by the following special districts or utility companies: Fire District ma4duc-L Post Office M a-fF f ode- SchoolDistrict pylat,}vck —eufc"yip Water St-WA 20. Has LIPA or Keyspan been notified of the proposed subdivision? If so,please provide proof that service will be provided. A/o - 1�enc1'i hq 21. Please indicate the type of open space proposed and how it will be managed? N/A- 22. Are there any existing structures on the property? If so, please indicate the type of structure and its use(s). Will these structures remain, be removed or altered? nb 23. Based on the parcel yield and the affordable housing requirement of the Town Code, how many Moderate Income Family Dwelling Units are proposed? If the number that will be built is less than 25% of the yield, please indicate how you intend on satisfying the requirement. 12- Uhl 24. Application completed by [ ] owner fj(] agent [ ] other Signature of Preparer Date -.111"1200,6 U1/1U/U5 10:44 FAA 631 471 1210 CDC of L. I. OU ' CONSENT Re: Sound Avenue,Mattituck,New York SCI'M#s 1000-122-2-23.1 Wilbur Klatsky,President of CDCLI Housing Development Fund Corporation,the contract vendee of White Oak Builders,LLC,the owner of the above referenced property (the"Premises"), does hereby consent to the following firms and representatives and agents thereof, Wickham,Bressler, Gordon& Geasa,P.C. Farrell Fritz,PC Nelson&Pope or other contractors retained by any of the above and any of their representatives and/or agents,to make applications necessary for a change of zone of the aforesaid property to AHD and for a subdivision of the property pursuant thereto,together with such variances or other approvals as may be required in connection therewith,to the Town of Southold Building Department,Town of Southold Planning Board,the Southold Town Board and Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals,and to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for approval of realty subdivision, water supply and sanitary systems, and to any other authorities or agencies having jurisdiction over said Premises and for any other matters required to obtain such approvals, including without limitation,soil testing, engineering work, excavations,archaeological inspections and investigations, and utility contracts. This authorization shall include all matters in connection with those applications. Dated: January 10,2006 CDCLI Housing Development Fund Corporation By: Sworn to before me this I Om day of January, 2006 Notary Public SUSAN A.PE MoSiNO.REID Notary public, State of New York No, OJPF6035229 Q6nlifled In Suffolk County Commisatuo EXPlrea December 27,2009 01/10!2006 07: 05 : 42 PM . DeVito, Dominique • Page 45 t 2 J • i�cagllED NemnerifPaBta 20D4 Jun 11 11035e22 R1 TORRENS Eduard F.Rmaim ' MEW OF Saw g Wmx COARV L 0=232+ Cerdfeme M P 480 DTI 03-4&7S8 him or.IF Deed 1 Mvlaw humtmem Gad/Manage Ta simip Raemini 1 Fain{Slmapt I - a FEFS Page l Filing Ste __ h`WOR AW. '! lYedsa{ __ I.Duk Tlu -- , Tp_W 2.Additim"Tu ! Nmedion SuDTaDI —_ FWS217CCwoy) Sob TaW SVKJAmiL Or EA-5217 OW) spa.IAtsi. ".T-em 7'0T.MTG.TAX Dal Towe__EW COMY— c000m.orEd. 5 Q2_ lidd inv Apptniarrwrt .�„�..,. ARMYh __ ♦ ♦ irtmara Ta //•/�G.�-_yf I Madam Tu -- Ca1i<ed Cory lir pepeny aotered 6r Om mmngtge e w Will it,impmeed by a"t or two ramily RW t'aPy --..—— SabTaW d-1111011 say- MUNI NO^ dha -- ONO,W apprapnme mr tiros m pose d 'i.... GRANDTOTAL �orR6 YmrarrerK 1 1 RdPmpenyTmSWAMAgaaayvwukdw s ComenunityPrcgcrvmionFund rvn_ Jemrk -1 _Lm Cantidaiaticn Amount S.m$TQ_'1P_ 0402MB 1000 12200 0200 023001 CPP Tex C1,r< -5��—OD St." RPTC' Impoved tlae I JIE A • itYa4 Vacant Land V/ T Sms6aiorrJDieclrrgeatRelseaa�1m1O: in$ • T) RICORD!R OuA TD XEM PISZPATRICa, ESO TD $Oo Odd oomatcy Finad fa I03 Gkxdat CLt'y, IU L2530 �i I Title Coatpany larermation Ce.Name da ' i{ a..e '... ,co N 9 9 Suffolk County Recording &Endorsement Page 17nsptaefomRpgrtufthemudtd Deed male by: WECIFY TYPEOF INSIRUMDIT) lie p arrusco kinin in Auttld in autTrst� ✓ (.�.�,�{ LLL SU %KCMIN Y,NEW YORK To In 16e Towmltip or "•> � WC1E Q4E DDII)1®0i, t,t.(J InIheYIiJ.A,G:. , or HAMLET of MMTIT 3X I - LK)Xr;S 5'1tiRU 9 MUS: BE'IYPED OR PRIMED IN 13LACK INK ONLY PR10R TO RECORDIW Olt FILING. IOVER) 01/10/2006 07 : 01 : 19 PM . DeVito, Dominique • Page 39 j �45� da 1H331NDEh"TURE..oc tae gS dq al >k� 2804 BE7VAM MATTITUCK C;�.dcpaX LLC.a fimioed fiabtlity tom'With offices at C!o SARIS", SARISOM CARNER. LdM. BRAUN & SHIEBLER 3$0 Vermes Mem w trgow ay.Canton Nm Yak pasty of the rim part. aid WEUTE OAK BUILDERS.LLC,&AS sn otBoe 01 /? i`D k.atr�- h r roG It , off" $,ys, �Y iferr. party offa second Pae. I vMNRRSCTMdotthepaAyofthefirAPMatcomikmomofTENDOLLARSaMottie- i eonidon impadbythepityor"womAptdos.herebypantadretetaeunto tbepwty Of the eeeotd pert.the hen at=mm and a�ofthe party of dw second Pott forever, DIST PURSUANT TO SMDUIE A ATTACHED H1t WTO low aar.S L02.00 BLa 02.00 LAT 023.002 rb,Grsmor beram is the stns entity ss tba Contac m deed dated Febettnty 27,2W4,' . recofded in the Suft&Camay CiwVs Offm- u•+ Y-fr-o4' ' %4 L•bwr' rt9(61• t'sge KSS• T'OGE71fBR vrdb 111 69K tido and ataaw,if anyd-ofthe parry ofthe&at Pan in and to coy i _ W.W ad roads "Ong the *ove dmabed F totom �a lime thorwf: f of the party of TOGEI'f'1FRvr6h bnt WW"O emm anti all the estate cad rights the first prt mparty is W d to cad pmm6m;TO HAVE ANDTO HOLDthepsemaes baatgtaetad unto threm, Ofthe ornt.Bd pmt,the hobs a ttaxaecs and awgrts of the party ofo,second put tome. AND the ofthe fast part mvowas do die party of*o fim pethn am done orsuffared ' .AiN*y the cod p=int haw hexa m"6cmod in soy way whatevr�e�a abrestdd. AND the Party of the hag pet,in eomp6m=v kh Semoa 13 of the Lim Law. eovmmts dvttheparty of the Iht pet WE motive the wns d" ion fa'this conveyance and vriN hob ft right to ratxtve ouch cD®dua6m as a",,,I hunt to be opp6od first fbr the i prof paying the oou ofthe ooprovraam Do d wgl apply the samafirt to tlnt paymnt of the coat DP the ngrovanent befae vwV arty pet of the turd of the acme for arty atber pwpose. The woad-pW and be tumtrued a ifit toad"parties'whmrovcr the saw of this imimum n requires. ! IN W ITNFSS WHEREOF,the parry of the fi tt pen has dtdy esecuted this deed thadey and year�above wripea '._ HRESENCE OF: *'GutWL=ber — MABY i i 01/10/2006 07:02 : 12 PM DeVito, Dominique . Page 40 Safe Harbor Title Agency, Ltd. Schedule A Tltle•Numbsr 3=2321 Policy Number. 032-1667352 Page 1 undenwher L527406 I ��Arnended 2-26-04 � ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being at Mattliuck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York,being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Sound Avenue (North Road) distant 293.00 feel westerly as measured along the southady side Of Sound Avenue from its intersection with the westerly side of Factory Avenue(Railroad I' Avenue); RUNNING THENCE along land now or formerly of J& N Moioney South 20 i degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds East 256.03 feet; THENCE North 69 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds East 38.00 feet; r THENCE South 16 degrees 39 minutes 40 seconds East 28.73 feet still along land now or formerly of J & N Moloney; THENCE South 21 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds East 221.91 feet along land now or formerly of J.E. Berdinka and land now or formerly of Mautaregl; THENCE South 19 dogmas 15 minutes 10 seconds East 166.65 feet Wong lands now or formerly of D. Pinkall, E. McGetrirk and F.Zwwski; THENCE South 72 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds West 43.69 feet along the northerly line of land now or formerly of M.T. Bradley; THENCE South 17 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds East 113.22 feet along the westerly side of land now or formerly of M.T. Bradley; THENCE along the southerly line of land now or formerly of M.T_ Bradley North 72 degrees 34 mires 02 seconds East 255.99 feet to the westerly side of Factory Avenue; THENCE along the westerly side of Factory Avenue South 17 degrees 21 minutes 10 seconds East 91.27 fed to the northerly line of land now or formerly of Long Island Railroad; Fo Conveyancing Only, If intended to be conveyed. Together with all right,tide and interest of, in and to any streets and roads ahftV the above described premises, to fie center line thereof. Safe Harbor Title Agency, Ltd. 01/10/2006 07: 02 :59 PM . DeVito, Dominique • Page 41 Safe Harbor Title Agency, Ltd. Schedule A -continued Trtie•Number 3H232321 Policy Number G32-1SM52 Page 2 Underwriter LM408 THENCE along the land now or formerly of Lang Island Railroad the following B courses and distances: II 1) South 47 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 224.32 feet; 2) North 19 degrees 16 minutes 10 seconds West 7.10 feet; 3) South 48 degrees 42 minutes 00 seconds West 134.96 feet; 4) South 52 degrees 37 minutes 10 seconds West 91.94 feet; 5) South 45 degrees 24 minutes 50 seconds Wast 108.55 feet; 6) South 43 degrees 16 minutes 50 seconds West 100.21 feet; j 7) South 46 degrees 08 minutes 20 seconds West 100.01 feet; 8) South 46 degrees 49 minutes 50 seconds West 10.69 feet to land now or formerly of Charlotte Dickerson; THENCE along land now or formerly of Charlotte Dickerson North 20 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds West 231.30 fed to the southerly line of land now of formerly of C. Sullivan; THENCE along last mentioned land North 71 degrees 09 minutes 30 seconds East 177.27 feet to the easterly side of land now or formerly of C. Sullivan; THENCE along last mentioned land the following 5 courses and distances: 1) North 20 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds West 126.65 feet; 2) North 19 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds WMt 251.55 feat; 3) North 20 degrees 21 minutes 00 seconds West 91.02 feet; 4) North 19 degrees 08 minutes 00 seconds West 195.00 feet; 5) North 20 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds West 30.61 feet still along land now or formerly of C. Sullivan. THENCE along lands now or formerly of C.Sullivan, L.Yo�nd S. Best and K Fuentes North 69 degrees 52 minutes 20 seconds 235.6 feet to the easterly line of land now or formerly of K Fuentes; THENCE along last mentioned Land North 20 degrees 07 minutes 40 seconds West 274.20 feet to the southerly side of Sound Avenue(North Road); THENCE along the southerly side of Sound Avenue(North Road) the following 2 courses and distances: For Conveyancing Only.K intended to be conveyed. Together with all right We and Interest of, in and to any sbets aand roads etxlmng the abOVe wMises, to the center line"wed. ® Safe Harbor Title Agency, Ltd. 01/10/2006 07:03:52 PM • DeVito, Dominique • Page 42 Safe Harbor Title Agency, Ltd. Schedule A -continued T •Number SH2332321 PofieyNumber. G32-IGUM Fie 3 tle Underwriter L527406 1) South 87 degrees 49 MkMtes 00 seconds,East 42.60 feet 2) North 85 degrees 35 mirnites 00 seconds East 7.37 feet to or formerly of J 6 N Moloney and the point or piaoe of beginning. i i I , r J g t• For Conveyancing Only. I intended to be conveYed- Toga&wwAh al rgh,title and Interest Of, in and to any streets and roads abutarrg ow above described prerrrimm. to the center Ane thereat. Safe Harbor Title Agency, Ltd. 01/10/2006 07:04 :21 PM . DeVito, Dominique • Page 43 cm.Y�!lI�AdYwVI�1 ((ytlWA4�M�A7 &Tp.EOFNEW YORK C-Wdf ttffolk; SfA/E OF CmM'd tbf 9l adFd My 2001.bd«cM Oe Oe &wd M,b*mm dw to wdm*,4 poplaft �, w Y so 4 amtomar � lma mnOtrpwmdto=wibbmkoraf6Ydmf' pdbatr3l'Imtmmete«P !°aemmebWl� m m bC me iadividal(d ahae aa�D i4uU a bd,,w widsom m Ye the i di *mu Id" tiedmWeavkiaiaGnusetx�adaitea b4Kdm MON(S)b(WO mbtcibed mthe witNnianwrdtud me tad fmtADOW=MOW nameia 6~41& vd;aervbtk0lms�a behbeAheg pmaad tltefaaa aOaaiYliep.rdlheby kQ dWe in(debt ap chgisl.Odom by hLrti~ fst>®e4 de iadfsimel(t�«fyPC=awpm bdow aIvwmp m g,iia.the i"vMmK4orda j ib ien.me2 *au d hi .hilt a iwa1U)and. MO tNoetl. mmrdtba habadUdfus v"soft iAdmFd mdt tpPsmimbtdat dtemdamPad ftmd I Comm""EVk"Jury 31. Bsfwsit ata tact P® bcas+excr .1000 fiCllOt .172.00 URTTIS= ROBBING 600[ -02.00 IOY .023.001 _ to myns Otta mormals WrAm By BAIL Was 3BVIA i d CWAWPMIi7t:soo Ola Abae>y Boa. Qu*m City, rr lls3o i I i 61Z2U Appendix A State Environmental Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant Is not always easy to answer. Frequently,there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasurable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may not be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible enough to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data,it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially-large Impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large,then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. THIS AREA FOR LEAD AGENCY USE ONLY DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE -- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: ®Part 1 ❑Part 2 ❑Part 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF(Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate),and any other supporting information, and considering both the magnitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: ®A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. ®B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared." ®C. The project may result in one or more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. "A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Name of Action Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Preparer(If different from responsible officer) website Date Page 1 of 21 PART 1--PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable,so indicate and specify each instance. Name of Action Cottages at Mattituck Location of Action(include Street Address,Municipality and County) Sound Avenue(and Factory Avenue),Mattituck,Suffolk County,NY SCTM# 1000-122-2-23.1 Name of Applicant/Sponsor CDCLI Housing Development. Corporation Address 2100 Middle Country Road,Suite 300 City/PO Centereach State NY Zip Code 11720 Business Telephone 631-471-1215 x r z,7 Name of Owner(if different) White Oak Builders,LLC Address p0 030Y /3 City/PO &vj16a l +on State PJy Zip Code 11969 Business Telephone Description of Action: Application for AHD Overlay District and AHD Subdivision for development of the subject 7.4 acre site for the purpose of creating workforce and senior housing. The proposed subdivision will yield 24 lots,each improved with a one-story 1,100 square foot dwelling containing two bedrooms and two bathrooms. Twelve(12)of the homes will have a 550 square foot accessory apartment containing one bedroom and one bathroom. Page 2 of 21 0 0 Please,Complete Each Question--Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. SITE DESCRIPTION Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present Land Use:❑Urban ❑Industrial ❑Commercial E Residential (suburban) ❑Rural (non-farm) ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ❑Other 2. Total acreage of project area: 7.4 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Bmshland (Non-agricultural) 0 acres 0 acres Forested 7.4 acres <1 acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) 0 acres 0 acres _ Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24,25 of ECL) 0 acres 0 acres Water Surface Area 0 acres 0 acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) 0 acres 0 acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces 0 acres 1.3 acres Other(Indicate type) Recharge Basin 0 acres .72 acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? a. Soil drainage: ❑Well drained 100%of site ❑Moderately well drained_%of site. ❑Poorly drained _%of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System?tel//acres(see 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? ❑ Yes ❑� No a. What is depth to bedrock n/a (in feet) 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: ❑✓ 0-10% 100% ❑10- 15%_% ❑ 15%or greater_% 6. Is project substantial[ contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or National Registers of Historic Places? Yes F] No 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? ❑Yes FINo 8. What is the depth of the water table? c5101 ± (in feet) g. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? Yes ❑ No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ❑Yes F]No Page 3 of 21 11. Does project site contain any specie plant or animal life that is identified as threatened r endangered? ❑Yes E No According to: Vtsval Identify each species: 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site?(i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations? Dyes M NO Describe: 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? E]Yes FFINo If es, explain: 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? E]Yes E]No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: NONE a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary n/a 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: NONE b. Size (in acres): n/a Page 4 of 21 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? EYes ❑No a. If YES, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? ❑� Yes ❑No b. If YES, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? F1Yes ❑No 18. Is the site located inan agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? ❑Yes ❑. No 19. Is the site located in or substantial) contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? ❑Yes Ii No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? Yes no B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate). a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor: 7.4 acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: approx.6 acres initially; appox.6 acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped: +/- 1 acres. d. Length of project, in miles: <1 (if appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed. n/a % f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing 0 ; proposed q%+ g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour: 362t (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially 12 12 Ultimately 12 12 i. Dimensions(in feet) of largest proposed structure: 20' height; 47' width; 32' length. j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 140 ft. 2. How much natural material (i.e. rock, earth, etc.)will be removed from the site? TED tons/cubic yards. 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed 11 Yes 1-1 No RN/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ❑Yes ❑No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ❑Yes ❑ No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? +/ 6 acres. Page 5 of 21 .5. Will any mature forest(over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? ❑Yes ❑ No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction: <12 months, (including demolition) 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated n/a (number) b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1: month year, (including demolition) c. Approximate completion date of final phase: month year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ❑ Yes ❑ No B. Will blasting occur during construction? ❑Yes Q No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction ISL- 14 ; after project is complete TSD- 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 0 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? ❑Yes ❑No If yes, explain: 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? ❑Yes 0 No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc)and amount b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged n/a 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? ❑Yes ❑No Type household sewage o 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal?❑Yes ME No If yes, explain: 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? ❑Yes ❑r. No 16. Will the project generate solid waste? Q Yes ❑No a. If yes, what is the amount per month? <4 tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? ❑rr Yes ❑No c. If yes, give name Southold Landfill ; location Cutchogue d. Will any wastes rat go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? QYes ❑ No Page 6 of 21 e. If yes, explain: recyclables:paper,glass,metal 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? ❑� Yes ❑No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? <5 tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? 50 years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? ❑� Yes ❑No 19. Will project routinely produce odors(more than one hour per day)? F-1 Yes❑E No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? ❑Yes No 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? F]Yes ❑ No If yes, indicate type(s) household consumption of electricity and gas or home heating oil 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity n[3_ gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day 7200 gallons/day. 24. Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? 0 Yes ❑ No If yes, explain: Suffolk County grant for site acquisition and Suffolk County and NY State affordable housing subsidies Page 7 of 21 25. Approvals Required: Type Submittal Date re-zone to AHD town motion p City, Town, Village Board ❑� Yes ❑No subdivision City, Town, Village Planning Board Yes ❑ No City, Town Zoning Board ❑Yes No Realty subdivision 11/04/05 City, County Health Department ❑Yes ❑ No TDR for sanitary credits Other Local Agencies ❑Yes ❑ No County subsidies for Other Regional Agencies El Yes ❑ No affordable housing NYS subsidies for State Agencies El ❑ No affordable housing Federal Agencies E]Yes [F]No C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? ❑Yes ❑ No If Yes, indicate decision required: ❑ Zoning amendment ❑ Zoning variance ❑ New/revision of master plan Subdivision ❑ Site plan ❑ Special use permit ❑Resource management plan ❑ Other Page 8 of 21 0 0 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? R-80 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? E-acre homesites 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? AHD(Affordable Housing District) 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 24 units consisting of 12 2-bedroom homes and 12 2-bedroom homes with 1-bedroom accessory apartments 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? El Yes M No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a �/4 mile radius of proposed action? Residential,Commercial,Light Industrial,Houses of Worship,Cemetery R-80,R-40,LI,B&RO 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses with a �/4 mile? ❑i Yes No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? 24 a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? .14 acre Page 9 of 21 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s)for the formation of sewer or water districts? ❑ Yes ❑� No 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services(recreation, education, police, fire protection? ❑� Yes ❑No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? El Yes ❑No It is anticipated that the homebuyers and tenants will be current town residents. The development may create a shift in population,but there is no anticipated net change to the town's population 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? E Yes❑No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic. E]Yes ❑No The site is within a half-mile of the major roadways,SR25 and CR48,and is centrally located to transportation and commercial nentem D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name Abigail A.Wickham,Esq. Date 1/10/2006 Signature , Title �ljOkr U if the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Forrn before proceeding with this assessment. Page 10 of 21 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 12/19/06 Receipt#: 2128 Transaction(s): Reference Subtotal 1 1 Application Fees $500.00 Check#: 2128 Total Paid: $500.00 Name: Cottages, At Mattituck C/o Cdc Of Li Defense Hill Rd Housing Dev., Fund Corp I Clerk ID: LINDAC internal I - Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 • Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 12/19/06 Receipt#: 2127 Transaction(s): Reference Subtotal 1 1 Application Fees Z Z 2- , ( — if $17,049.50 Check#: 2127 Total Paid: $17,049.50 Name: Cottages, At Mattituck C/o Cdc Of Li Defense Hill Rd Housing Dev., Fund Corp Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal I --- MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS �tf SO(/Ty P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE Southold, NY 11971 Chair l�f l�I OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS y Town Hall Annex _ MARTIN H.SIDOR 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON �Q� • �� (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND yComm Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk From: Planning Department Date: December 18, 2006 Re: Checks Enclosed herewith are 7 checks listed below. Please return receipts to us. Thank you. Project Name & Type Tax Map # Amount Date of Check Sullivan Subdiv. 122-2-24.1 $500 app 11/2/06 Tall Pines @ Paradise Pt. 81-2-5 $1,000 app 11/17/06 Cottages at Mattituck $500 app fee 12/7/06 Cottages at Mattituck $17,049.50 12/7/06 ZZ 2" 2,3 A admin fee Pawlucz k Subdiv. 84-5-4 $500 app fee 12/14/06 Pawlucz k Subdiv. 84-5-4 $5,000 P&P 12/14/06 Southwold Manor R5P 63-3-15 $12,807.40 app 11/15/06 Town Of Southold 0 P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 06/08/06 Receipt#: 2812 Transaction(s): Reference Subtotal 1 1 Application Fees 83-2-17. $1,000.00 Check#: 2812 Total Paid: $1,000.00 a Name: CDC, of L I The Cottages @ Mattituck 2100 Middle Country Rd Centereach, NY 11720 Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID:83-2-17.1 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 pF SO(/) Southold, NY 11971 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �� y� Chair �0 1ey OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex KENNETH L.EDWARDS T MARTIN H.SIDOR u> >c 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON i0 N (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND0 Southold, NY �y�OUM 1 . Telephone: 831 766-1938 Fax: 631 766-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM RECEIVLD To: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk From: Planning Department JUN 8 2006 Date: June 8, 2006 Soutlicld icr:n Clerk Re: Check(s) Enclosed herewith is/are the check(s) listed below. Please return a receipt to us. Thank you. Project Name Project SCTM # Amount Check Type # The Cottages at Stand. Sub. 83-2- $1,000.00 2812 Mattituck 17.1 Prelim. Appl. Fee enc(s). 0 • MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �q SOUIyOIo Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L. EDWARDS * Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR c 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D. SOLOMON G Q JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND �� �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) l f CDU N Southold, NY Telephone: 631765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk From: Planning Department Date: June 8, 2006 Re: Check(s) Enclosed herewith is/are the check(s) listed below. Please return a receipt to us. Thank you. Project Name Project SCTM # Amount Check Type # The Cottages at Stand. Sub. 83-2- $1,000.00 2812 Mattituck 17.1 Prelim. Appl. Fee COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 2 812 OF LONG ISLAND, INC. GENERAL PROGRAM 2100 MIDDLE COUNTRY ROAD LL, (q'�) /� CECNTEREA(\CHH,,N/Y�11720 //�� DATE QLD 1-32-210 ply THE / Vmj/ V D{ %S60T11q&—b �tG ORDER OF C J M/1 .-- /V - � 16 D / (.t LqqJ ra' ��,q'� DOLLARS @ a, .'Z' feet �� �✓ 'S (a"1T3usinSess Serv�ces U EIEC.VICE �JRESIDENT it 00 28 1 2 1 .. 1� 10003221: - ( ----- �w 0 2 1000 3 2 21' 043 i0 1275[3u Town Of Southold • S� P.O Box 1179 /� r Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 02/03/06 Receipt#: 1915 Transaction(s): Reference Subtotal 1 1 Application Fees 83-2-17. $1,000.00 Check#: 1915 Total Paid: $1,000.00 l r Name: CDC, Of Long Island Defense Hill Rd Re: The Cottages At Matatituck Clerk ID: LINDAC Internal ID:83-2-17.1 MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE so Southold, NY 11971 Chair OFFICE LOCA11ON: KENNETH L.EDWARDS Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR CP GEORGE D.SOLOMON el 54375 State Route 25 JOSEPH L. TOWNSEND % (cor. Main Rd.&Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PIANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk RECEIVD From: Planning Department Date: February 2, 2006 FED 3 2006 Re: Check(s) sofx'G��';d T�- �? Cerk Enclosed herewith is/are the check(s) listed below. Please return a receipt to us. Thank you. Project Name Project SCTM # Amount Check Type # The Cottages at Stand. Sub. 83-2- $1,000.00 1915 Mattituck 17.1 Sketch Appl. Fee enc(s). NISPNELSON & POPE 572 WALT WHITMAN ROAD,MELVILLE,NY 1 1747 ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS TEL(631)427-5665 FAX(631)427-5620 MEMORANDUM TO: Mark Terry DATE: March 13, 2006 Town of Southold REVISEDDATE: March 21, 2006 N&P PROP. NO. 02007 FROM: Kerri M. Collins, P.E. CC: Len Axinn SUBJECT: Cottages at Mattituck Pat Cleary Nelson & Pope has investigated the potential traffic impacts associated with a proposed residential development comprised of 24 single family houses and 12 apartments to be located along the south side of Sound Avenue. The site is just west of the Sound Avenue at Factory Avenue intersection in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York. The 7.4-acre site is on a parcel of land that is currently zoned AHD Residence. Access to the site will be provided via a new road constructed on Sound Avenue. The following represents our assessment of the traffic issues associated with the proposed development. Roadway Conditions Main Road(NYS Route 25) is under the jurisdiction of the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) with a general east/west orientation. In the vicinity of the site this roadway provides one travel lane per direction with shoulders on both sides of the road. This section of Main Road (NYS Route 25), between Manor Lane and Sound Avenue, has an average annual daily traffic (AADT) volume of approximately 13,500 vehicles per day (source: NYSDOT Traffic Volume Report 2004). The posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour. Factory Avenue is under the Town of Southold jurisdiction and runs north/south connecting Sound Avenue with Main Road (NYS 25).The posted speed limit is 35 miles per hour in both directions. Sound Avenue is also under the Town of Southold jurisdiction and runs east/west connecting Middle Road (CR 48) with Main Road (NYS 25). The posted speed limit along this road is 35 miles per hour in both directions. Turning movement counts were collected at the intersection of Main Road (NYS Route 25) at Factory Avenue and Sound Avenue at Factory Avenue on Wednesday, March 1, 2006 during the AM (7:00-9:00 AM) and PM (4:00-6:00 PM) peak periods. The volume data was tabulated to identify the peak hours at the intersection. The existing peak hour volumes were adjusted to account for seasonal fluctuation characteristics of the area due to summer travel to and from the east end of Long Island. A seasonal factor of 1.388 was obtained from NYSDOT and applied to the existing volumes to reflect peak summer conditions. These seasonally adjusted volumes are attached. No Build Condition The No Build Condition represents traffic conditions expected at the study intersections in the future year 2008 without the construction of the proposed project. The No Build Condition traffic volumes are estimated based on the following increases in traffic due to general population growth and developments outside of the immediate project area. This traffic increase is referred to as ambient growth. Traffic Growth A 1.8% annual growth factor was obtained from the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Long Island Transportation Plan 2000 study (LITP2000) for the north fork of Long Island. The seasonally adjusted traffic volumes were increased by this factor for a period of 2 years to project volumes to the year 2008.The No Build volumes are attached. Site Access As depicted on the site plan, access to the site will be provided via a new roadway intersecting Sound Avenue. The site access will be configured for full movement. The feasibility of a secondary access along Factory Avenue was reviewed for sight distance and safety. Due to the configuration of the parcel, the only location available for a secondary access intersecting Factory Avenue is directly adjacent to the south side of the Long Island Rail Road (LIAR) grade crossing. A field measurement performed at this proposed location indicates the sight distance would be sufficient in accordance with standards presented in A Policy on Geometric Design of State Highways published by the American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). However, despite the adequate sight distance,this location is not recommended as a second access serving the proposed project. The second access would intersect Factory Avenue in very close proximity to the LIRR grade crossing. Drivers exiting the site will be focusing on entering the traffic stream on Factory Avenue and negotiating the tum maneuver. They may not be aware of approaching trains and will not have sufficient time to redirect their attention to the railroad crossing since it is immediately adjacent to the access. Furthermore, drivers traveling on Factory Avenue may be distracted by traffic entering and exiting the site which may affect their ability to detect an approaching train. 2- It should be noted that the traffic anticipated to be generated by the proposed project during the peak hours is very low and the proposed access on Sound Avenue is projected to operate at LOS A. Therefore a second access for the proposed development is not required. We recommend that a Factory Avenue access be used for emergency purposes only. Trip Generation In order to identify the impacts the proposed residential development will have on the adjacent street system, it is necessary to estimate the magnitude of traffic volume to be generated during the peak hour periods and to estimate the directional distribution of that site traffic when entering and leaving the subject property. The proposed residential development will contain 24 Single Family Houses and 12 Apartments. The trip generation estimates for the proposed development were prepared utilizing data found within the Institute of Transportation Engineers' publication, Trip Generation, Seventh Edition. This publication sets forth trip generation data obtained by traffic counts conducted at research sites throughout the country. It is anticipated that the proposed 24 single family houses will generate 29 trips during the AM peak hour (8 entering, 21 exiting) and 31 trips during the PM peak hour (20 entering, 11 exiting). The proposed 12 apartment units will generate 1 I trips during the AM peak hour (3 entering, 8 exiting) and 25 trips during the PM peak hour (15 entering, 10 exiting). The projected trips generated by the site are shown in Table 1 below. Table 1: Trip Generation Time Period Distribution 24 Single Family Houses 12 Apartment Units Total ITE LUC 210 ITE LUC 220 AM Peak Hour Enter 8 3 11 Exit 21 8 29 Total 29 11 40 PM Peak Hour Enter 20 15 35 Exit 1110 21 Total _ 31 _ 25 56 Source: Trip Generation, 7` Edition,published by ITE Trip Distribution and Assignment The volume of site traffic that would travel through the study intersections during peak hours was distributed and assigned to each movement based on the existing roadway and travel patterns. The nature of the proposed land use and its associated travel patterns were considered as well. The site generated -3- • • volumes were then added to the AM and PM No Build Condition volumes resulting in the Build Condition volumes. Figures showing the distribution and the build volumes are attached. Intersection Analysis The intersection capacity and level-of-service (LOS) analyses were based on the procedures and guidelines presented in the Highway Capacity Manual (2000), published by the Transportation Research Board. The FHWA Highway Capacity Software Release 5.2 was used to analyze the study intersection and provide a LOS measurement of the intersection operations. The six classes of LOS, range from LOS A(excellent)to F(worst). Table 2: Level of Service Summary Signalized Intersections Condition AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour LOS Delay V/C LOS Dela V/C Existing B 13.9 0.62 B 13.5 0.75 Main Road(NYS 25)at Factory No Build B 14.9 0.65 B 14.6 0.78 Avenue Build B 15.1 0.66 B 15.0 0.78 Notes: LOS=Level of Service, VIC=Volume/Capocity Ratio,Delay=seconds/vehicle AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Unsignalized Intersections Condition LOS Delay V/C LOS Delay V/C Existing WB-LT A 7.7 0.06 A 7.5 0.06 NB-LR B 11.0 0.16 B 12.5 0.37 Sound Avenue at Factory No Build WB-LT A 7.7 0.06 A 7.5 0.06 Avenue NB-LR B 11.2 0.16 B 12.9 0.39 Build WB-LT A 7.7 0.06 A 7.5 0.06 NB-LR B 11.4 0.18 B 13.5 0.42 Sound Avenue at Site Build WB-LT A 7.5 0.00 A 7.4 0.01 Driveway NB-LR A 9.7 0.04 A 9.8 0,03 Notes: LOS=Level ofService, V/C=Voltmte/Capaciry Fnlio,Delay=secondslvehicle -4 - Main Road(NYS 25) at Factory Avenue After the construction of the Project, this intersection will continue to operate at a very good level of service B during both the AM and PM peak hours. Therefore no traffic impacts will be created at this intersection and hence no mitigation measures are required. Sound Avenue at Factory Avenue After the construction of the proposed development, this intersection will continue to operate at an excellent level of service A for the westbound approach and a good level of service B for the northbound approach during both the AM and PM peak hours. Therefore, no traffic impacts will be created at this intersection and hence no mitigation measures are required. Sound Avenue at Site Driveway The proposed site driveway will operate at an excellent level of service A for both the westbound and northbound approaches during the AM and PM peak hours. Conclusion It is our professional opinion that the traffic generated by the site does not create any significant adverse impacts to the adjacent roadway and will not create any adverse impacts in the future. The capacity analysis performed indicates that the study intersections will continue to operate at existing levels of service during the busiest periods. -5 - INTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) @ FACTORY AVENUE PROJECT TITLE: ISLAND ESTATES AT MATTITUCK DATE Ca2FCTED: 3/01/06 WEDNESDAY JURISDICTION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD START Twc EAmww • • 5.OTws•w TOTAL fYw. U,Tull LAR TM MW "M TR T L[R TM R. RTM TmY WTVIM11 LOT Tom• Now "M TR Tim Lvi TRro RNwf RTOR Toru w•a0 n00 AM a 4 64 1 0 69 0 0 93 S 0 96 0 I D 0 0 1 0 4 2 5 4 15 181 7.15 ATI 0 5 105 1 0 IT 0 0 RO L 0 IIL 0 1 L 1 0 6 0 6 1 Z L 0 854 7:30 AM 0 6 IA 0 0 125 0 0 124 2 0 126 0 3 0 3 1 9 0 5 3 3 6 17 277 715 AM 0 12 102 0 0 IIL 0 1 132 7 T 136 C 4 2 1 1 6 0 3 0 10 t D 275 987 600 AM D 7 97 1 0 IDS 0 3 102 2 1 108 0 3 I 1 0 5 0 6 1 II 5 23 241 1047 1 5 AM 0 L 82 1 0 87 0 1 121 2 0 124 C 0 D 0 1 1 0 tl 0 'S 7 25 I 237 1030 630 AM D 8 68 2 0 7S 0 0 61 t 0 155 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 5 2 0 6 21 f 256 1009 51S AM 0 6 Its 1 0 N 0 0 IDS 2 0 110 0 2 1 5 1 9 0 8 II I 4 278 OR Pua Ilene 715 0 32 421 2 0 L5.5 0 4 i70 10 2 494 0 11 7 6 tp.3S C 20 0 20 5 26 19 70 1047 RIS AN • PRF 0.67 0,90 0.50 0.91 p3S 0.91 063 0.50 091 p.bD O.GL 0.50 J8 0.83 O.L2 0.59 OJ9 OJ6 00t FACTORY AVENUE Ip T 1 51 45 5 20 +' 1 L-► MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) 12 au /— 478 4— 49L 32 r 4 455 451 i � + 47 T r. 11 10 N T u - ' 1 28 PEAK NOUR 7:6-13 15 AM SIGSBEE ROAD INTERSECTION: SOUND AVENUE 0 F4CI DRY AVENUE PROJECT TITLE: ISLAND ESTATES AT MATTITUCR DATE COLLECTED: 3/0I/06 WEDNESDAY JURISDICTION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD START TRIM EAanaDaa O @EmmR TOTAL Can. lAa LOT TIO Rww TOTAL 1TIMLISTO I LT TRNM RTOR T9T4 LLl11Ml Lll7 TRM RIM RTNI Toru TIEW Llai TIO Rw "M TOTAL NeaaT 700 AM 0 C 1 14 0 , IS 0 It 7 C 0 10 C 0 6 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 L6 ITIS AM 3 C 7 10 0 17 0 9 0 0 IS E a 0 8 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 D 40 730 An 0 0 2 2 0 IL 0 11 16 0 0 27 0 0 0 8 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 726 AM D D 8 IS 0 m 0 10 20 0 0 30 0 14 0 9 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 76 227 800 AM 0 C 0 20 0 26 0 12 16 0 0 28 0 9 0 4 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 0 67 240 C15 AM 0 0 5 15 0 20 0 U 20 0 0 37 0 3 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 66 266 630 AM D 0 5 19 0 22 0 6 12 C 0 IS 0 7 0 L 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 55 262 643 AM D 0 5 IS 0 m0 1:. 9 0 n 0 6 D 5 0 II 0 0 0 0 0 0 L 7Ln PRA'Raml 0 0 21 62 0 03 0 50 72 0 0 122 0 36 0 27 0 61 0 0 6 0 0 0 266 730-8.30 AN PHF 0.66 0.78 0.00 0.14 0.90 0.82 0.610.75 0.66 O.BB • SOUND AVENUE 4- 72 122 50 B3 21 40 62 �5, N h 112 T N PEAR HDUR: 7:30-8-.30 AM FACTORY AVENUE INTERSECTION: MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) @ FACTORY AVENUE PR CCT TITLE: ISLAND ESTATES AT MATTITUCR DATE COLLECTED: 3101/06 WEDNESDAY JURISDICTION' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD STAR TRIO fi s e. • R• O9m $Omasum TOTAL COR. U-TUOI 417 TNw ltl T ATOR 70l Till LIST TOSS RIAAT WOR TOTAL U-Ti Lf" THEM POW RTOR T• -TOY LER lw 111 T RTOR TOTAL HmaT 100 PM ) 19 157 0 0 176 0 3 139 1 ILL 0 L 4 1 1 12 0 IS 6 L 31 36.1 I p"I 0 :1 125 0 L 15L 0 2 169 I 3 115 G 5 5 2 I II 0 '.9 3 20 7 49 32a 4:30 PY 0 IL 17L 0 1 189 0 1 140 1 7 149 C 2 2 I 3 8 0 13 2 L L TJ 360 "I PM 0 i7 150 3 1 180 0 3 1LL 0 0 147 C 1 3 2 1 7 0 13 3 13 L m 367 1428 5:00 PN 0 24 179 0 5 206 0 L 112 0 6 122 0 2 2 1 1 6 0 20 4 14 3 41 377 1442 oaf PN 0 25 166 0 2 195 0 z 121 0 6 UP 0 1 3 2 1 7 0 II 4 7 0 28 359 1472 533 PH 0 10 139 0 2 150 0 2 67 0 3 92 C 1 3 0 1 5 0 1$ 2 L 3 26 280 063 343 Q 15 J 8 0 1 144 0 1 65 0 2 88 f I 2 I 1 6 0 I? 2 3 19 257 1273 P.A.II09r. 0 00 600 3 9 772 010 87 i 19 547 0 6 10 6 6 26 0 57 13 38 13 126 IAM4'30-5}p I'm • PHF 0.80 0.95 0T5 0.45 0.93 0.61 O.DO 0.t5 0.66 0.92 1 0.75 0.83 0 75 0.50 0.86 0.71 0.81 0.68 0.75 0.77 OAB FACTORY AVENUE 126 1 110 $6 O 57 +-i 1 L-* MAIN ROAD (NYS 25) T- 4— 4— 5n 517 4— 547 80 r 10 In 600 I 749 1E � i 1 N 6 10 R N 35 1 I PEAR HOUR 4.30-5.30 PM SIGSDEE ROAD INTERSECTION: SOUND AVENUE @ FACTORY AVENUE PROJECT TITLE: ISLAND ESTATES AT MATTITUCR DATE COLLECTED: 3/0I/06 WEDNESDAY JURISDICTION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 5T1R TME EA91e011Y Wsnsuu NOeTINeueo Sevnse9lN TOTAL [OR. LLIM lER T. Rw R,W TRU Tle Lbf TNN RNM RTOII TmN U-TY LEFT TNN RIM RTW TML TY LETT TM R. RTM TOTAL HOY6T 403 PM C 9 1 0 23 0 12 IS C 0 27 6 O. 0 22 0 36 0 0 0 0 9 0 66 116 PM 0 C 9 b 0 2L 0 I5 IS 0 0 30 L IS 0 29 1 35 0 C. 0 0 0 0 99 430 PM 0 0 6 24 0 30 0 16 n 0 0 39 0 19 0 16 0 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 104 4•L3 PM 0 0 5 1e 6 D 0 7.0 15 0 0 35 0 21 0 16 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 374 5:00 PM 0 0 7 24 0 31 0 9 22 0 0 31 0 19 0 14 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 95 583 5a5 PM 0 0 5 25 0 30 0 10 A 0 0 33 0 Z4 0 26 0 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 113 407 530 PM 0 0 5 Z9 0 34 0 16 9 0 0 25 0 20 ) 18 0 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 97 400 513 PM 0 0 6 19 0 25 0 11 17 0 0 20 0 27 9 r 0 49 0 0 0 0 0 1 407 PEAR Hm. 0 0 23 91 0 114 0 55 93 0 9 138 0 93 0 72 9 155 0 0 9 0 0 0 497 430-5'30 PM PHF 0.82 0.91 0.92 0.69 0.90 6.ee 0.86 0.69 0.70 0.90 SOUND AVENUE 4— 166 03 4• 139 r 55 114 23 91 � • r ® ,2 __... 1 I65 PEAR HOUR:4:30-5'.30 PM FACTORY AVENUE 1 pso �� Q asg N T Q A On P MIpO�C�.B) D SITE ` f� G n aG S" P�lPh TJ O JAW POS Jed Q n�b � a�ugly , Not 2006 Seasonally Adjusted AM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes 1 76 26 �o N �O 1 x A O b S \\ SOUx�O��KNUC D G SITE n 0 A� J� O J� q➢ V,16 97 �4 2006 Seasonally Adjusted PM Peak Hour Traffic Volume N 30d so n i n 4 P O b nP SWNp �KN�� •D SITE ` 0 J� Pp J �7U G G�6e 0 c9 Q 2008 No Build AM Traffic Volumes 33 27 q� og 9 O O 9 0 WADDLE ROAD(M'B) WUp AWNW D SITE z 29 aN ♦tlp hlbl o n a� � � b BBBd� 0 157 2008 No Build PM Traffic Volumes 1 sol. pxo'ti �a song p �ow�g h R P O O D �_-AMDD�1f1£HDF D SITE � z D op N � �n G 1007, ENTER (1007.) EXIT Site Generated Trip Distribution N R \\ V 2 P O b np YIUUIC POAD WNUE - a SITE 4 p h lel o n l" 'a �� p01U O 0. N � G 61 2 —11 ENTER (29) EXIT Site Generated AM Traffic Volumes N ,sg 1y 1"�a q (lI' mil n Dµ A n Z O b 3 4DLYppA_,.___ a a, -�� - S'U D AWWC G9 SITE / i T f� P� t P}� s\ S b m d`G po J� P" D JJp a 7� 35 ENTER (zi) Exil Site Generated PM Traffic Volumes 1 a59 aTg gg gT`� F P O O IBJ SOUND•V[Wq D tip SITE s � O P ayl 'gi J� JNA OLD �N 6°3g q�P a � 2008 Build AM Traffic Volumes 1 qG' bP ,o o� s r A O b UMU Romfcx ted SWH�DAWN, r n pr SIT[ 1 r � yt z r � 3 � v� a� Jp �qel o dA y bb 122 s s18g 2008 Build PM Traffic Volumes • i LEVEL OF SERVICE DEFINITIONS AND INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS WORKSHEETS LEVEL OF SERVICE:SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS Level of service for signalized intersections is defined in terms of delay, which is a measure of driver discomfort, frustration, fuel consumption, and lost travel time. The levels of service range between level of service A(relatively congestion-free)and level of service F(congested). The delay experienced by a motorist is made up of a number of factors that relate to control, geometry, traffic, and incidents at an intersection. Total delay is the difference between the travel time actually experienced and the reference travel time that would result during ideal conditions: in the absence of traffic control, in the absence of geometric delay, in the absence of any incidents, and when there are no other vehicles on the road. The portion of the total delay attributed to the control facility is called the control delay. Control delay includes initial deceleration delay, queue move-up time, stopped delay, and final acceleration delay. Control delay may also be referred to as signal delay for signalized intersections. Level of service criteria for signalized intersections is determined in terms of the average control delay per vehicle. The following average control delays are used to determine approach levels of service: Level of Service A <_ 10.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service B > 10.0 and <_ 20.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service C >20.0 and <_ 35.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service D >35.0 and _< 55.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service E >55.0 and <_ 80.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service F >80.0 seconds per vehicle Level of Service A describes operations with very low control delay. This occurs when progression is extremely favorable; most vehicles arrive during the green phase and do not stop at all. Short traffic signal cycles may contribute to low delay. Level of Service B generally occurs with good progression and/or short traffic signal cycle lengths. More vehicles stop than for level of service A, causing higher average delays. Level of Service C has higher delays than level of service B. These higher delays may result from fair progression and/or longer cycle lengths. Individual cycle failures, where motorists are required to wait through an entire signal cycle, may begin to appear at this level. The number of vehicles stopping is significant, although many still pass through the intersection without stopping. Level of Service D At this level, the influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Longer delays may result from some combination of unfavorable progression, long cycle lengths or high volume-to- capacity ratios. The proportion of stopping vehicles increases. Individual cycle failures are noticeable. Level of Service E is considered the limit of acceptable delay. These high delay values generally indicate poor progression, long cycle lengths and high volume-to-capacity ratios. Individual cycle failures occur frequently. Level of Service F is considered unacceptable to most drivers. This condition often occurs with over saturation, i.e., when arrival flow rates exceed the capacity of the intersection. It may occur at volume to capacity ratios below 1.0 with many individual cycle failures. Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also be major contributing causes to such delay levels. ---------------------Page Break----------------------- LEVEL OF SERVICE: TWO WAY STOP CONTROLLED INTERSECTIONS The quality of traffic service at a two-way stop controlled, or"TWSC,"intersection is measured according to the level of service and capacity of individual legs. The level of service ranges from LOS A to LOS F,just as with sigmalized intersections. The right of way at the TWSC intersection is controlled by stop signs on two opposing legs of an intersection (on one leg of a "T"-type intersection). The capacity of a controlled leg is based on the distribution of gaps in the major street traffic flow, driver judgment in selecting a gap through which to execute the desired maneuver and the follow up time required by each driver in a queue. The level of service for a TWSC intersection is determined by the computed or measured control delay and is defined for each minor movement. Level of service is not defined for the intersection as a whole. The delay experienced by a motorist is made up of a number of factors that relate to control, geometry, traffic, and incidents. Total delay is the difference between the travel time actually experienced and the reference travel time that would result during conditions with ideal geometry and in the absence of incidents, control, and traffic. This program only quantifies that portion of the total delay attributed to traffic control measures, either traffic signals or stop signs. This delay is called control delay. Control delay includes initial deceleration delay, queue move-up time, stopped delay, and final acceleration. Average control delay for any particular minor movement is a function of the approach and the degree of saturation. The expectation is that TWSC intersections are designed to carry smaller traffic volumes than signalized intersections. Therefore, the delay threshold times are lower for the same LOS grades. The following average control delays are used to determine approach levels of service: Level of Service A 5 10 seconds per vehicle Level of Service B > 10 and <_ 15 seconds per vehicle Level of Service C > 15 and <_ 25 seconds per vehicle Level of Service D >25 and 5 35 seconds per vehicle Level of Service E > 35 and 5 50 seconds per vehicle Level of Service F >50 seconds per vehicle FULL REPORT General Information Site Information . -77777777 Analyst RJ Intersection Main Rd(NYS25) at Factory Agency or Co. Nelson & Pope Ave Date Performed 3/3/2006 Area Type All other areas Time Period Existing AM Peak Hour Jurisdiction 02007 Analysis Year 2006 Intersection Geomet Grade= 0 0 1 1 Grade= 0 Shun North hlrav _ T 0 t \yr = R Y 1 = L ' = TR Grade= 0 �'� = LT ��r* = LR Grade= 0 Y,�>. = L T R 1 1 0 Volume and Tinnind input, EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume (vph) 44 584 3 6 663 17 15 10 14 28 7 62 % Heavy Veh 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 a9i 0.91 0.91 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.76 0.76 0.76 Actuated (P/A) A A A A A A A A A A A A Startup Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 19 Lane Width 11.5 12.0 1 11.5 12.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Parking (Y or N) N N N N N N N N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pedestrian Timing 3.2Z=C 3.2 EB Only EW Perm 0307 08 Timing G = 12.0 G = 35.0 G = = G = Y = 5 Y= 6 Y= = Y= Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 = 70.0 VOLUME ADJU*ENT AND SATURATION FLOW FOE WORKSHEET General Information Project Description Main Road(NYS 25) at Factory Avenue (Adjusted AM Peak Hour) Volume Adjustment EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT r78 TH RT LT TH RT Volume 44 584 3 6 663 17 10 14 28 7 62 PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.78 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.76 Adjusted Flow Rate 48 642 3 7 729 16 13 13 37 9 57 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 48 645 7 745 19 26 37 66 Proportion of LT or RT 0.000 -- 0.005 0.000 -- 0.021 0.000 -- 0.500 0.000 -- 0.864 Saturation Flisw Rate '- Base Satflow 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 f 0.983 1.000 0.983 1.000 0.933 0.933 0.933 0.933 w fHV 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 f 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 B f 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 P tbb 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 f 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 a fLU 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fLT 0.950 1.000 0.420 1.000 0.714 1.000 0.740 1.000 Secondary fLT 0.146 0.146 _ 0.999 _ __ __0.997 0.925 0.870 fRT __ fLpb 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fRPb _ __ _ _ Adjusted Satflow 1740 1861 769 1857 1241 1608 1287 1513 Secondary Adjusted Satflow 268 272 - CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General Information 'roject Description Main Road(NYS 25) at Factory Avenue(Adjusted AM Peak Hour) Capacity Analysis EB WB NB SB _ane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 48 645 7 745 19 26 37 66 Satflow Rate 1740 1861 769 1857 1241 1608 1287 1513 _ost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3reen Ratio 0.74 0.74 0.50 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 _ane Group Capacity 451 1382 385 929 124 161 129 151 ✓/c Ratio 0.11 0.47 0.02 0.80 0.15 0.16 0.29 0.44 =low Ratio 0.03 0.35 0.01 0.40 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 critical Lane Group Y N N Y N N N Y Sum Flow Ratios 0.47 _ost Time/Cycle 17.00 Critical v/c Ratio 0.62 Lane Group CapacityContripi Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB _ane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR 4djusted Flow Rate 48 645 7 745 1926 37 66 _ane Group Capacity 451 1382 385 929 124 161 129 151 ✓/c Ratio 0.11 0.47 0.02 0.80 0.15 0.16 0.29 0.44 3reen Ratio 0.74 0.74 0.50 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Jniform Delay d1 7.1 3.5 8.8 14.6 28.8 28.8 29.2 29.6 Delay Factor k 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.35 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 Incremental Delay d2 0.1 0.3 0.0 5.1 0.6 0.5 1.2 2.0 ?F Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control Delay 7.2 3.8 8.8 19.7 29.4 29.3 30.4 31.7 Lane Group LOS A A A e C C C C Approach Delay 4.0 19.6 29.3 31.2 Approach LOS A 8 C C Intersection Delay 13.9 Intersection LOS B opyright©2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+1M Version 5.2 Generated: 3J8/2006 11:15 AM FULL REPORT General Information Site Information Analyst RJ Intersection Main Rd(NYS25) at Factory Agency or Co. Nelson & Pope Ave Date Performed 3/3/2006 Area Type All other areas Time PeriodExisting PM Peak Hour Jurisdiction 02007 Analysis Year 2006 Intersection Geometry Grade= 0 0 1 1 Grade= 0 - Shcia Flash hrtac T - T o = R ~ 1 = L TR Grade= 0 ~�r = LT LR Grade i. Grade= 0 r = LTR 1 1 0 Volume and Timing Input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume(vph) 111 944 17 14 718 28 8 14 17 79 18 78 Heavy Veh 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.77 0.77 0.77 Actuated (PIA) A A A A A A A A A A A A Startup Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 9 0 0 19 0 0 6 0 0 18 Lane Width 11.5 12.0 11.5 12.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Parking (Y or N) N N N N N N N N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pedestrian Timing 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 EB Only EW Perm 03 04 NS Perm 06 07 08 Timing G = 6.0 G = 40.0 G = G = G = 8.0 G = G = G = Y = 5 Y = 6 Y= Y = Y= 5 Y= Y= Y= Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 C cie Len th C = 70.0 VOLUME ADJUSTOT AND SATURATION FLOW RATOORKSHEET GQneral Information Project Description Main Road(NYS 25) at Factory Avenue (Adjusted PM Peak Hour) Volume Adjustment EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume 111 944 17 14 718 28 8 14 17 79 18 78 PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.77 0.77 0.77 Adjusted Flow Rate 119 1015 9 15 780 10 9 16 13 103 23 78 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 119 1024 15 790 9 29 103 101 Proportion of LT or RT 0.000 -- 0.009 0.000 0.013 0.000 0.448 0.000 -- 0.772 Saturation Flow.Rate 77 Base SatFlow 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 fw 0.983 1.000 0.983 1.000 0.933 0.933 0.933 0.933 fHV 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 f 9 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 [ 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 f 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.0001.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 P fbb 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.0001.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 f 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 a fLU 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fLT 0.950 1.000 0.235 1.000 0.692 1.000 0.738 1.000 -- -- - - Secondary fLT 0.176 0.176 - - fRT 0.999 0.998 0.933 0.884 -_ fLPb - 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fRpb __ - � - Adjusted Satflow 1740 1860 431 1859 1203 1622 1284 1537 Secondary Adjusted Satflow 322 327 CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General Information Project Description Main Road(NYS 25) at Factory Avenue (Adjusted PM Peak Hour) Capacity Analysis EB WB NB SB Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 119 1024 15 790 9 29 103 101 Satflow Rate 1740 1860 431 1859 1203 1622 1284 1537 Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 12.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Green Ratio 0.73 0.73 0.57 0.57 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 Lane Group Capacity 356 1355 246 1062 137 185 147 176 v/c Ratio 0.33 0.76 0.06 0.74 0.07 0.16 0.70 0.57 Flow Ratio 0.07 0.55 0.03 0.42 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.07 Critical Lane Group N Y N N N N Y N Sum Flow Ratios 0.63 Lost Time/Cycle 11.00 Critical v/c Ratio 0.75 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS Determination EB WB NB SB Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 119 1024 15 790 9 29 103 101 Lane Group Capacity 356 13.5.5 246 1062 137 185 147 176 v/c Ratio 0.33 0.76 0.06 0.74 0.07 0.16 0.70 0.57 Green Ratio 0.73 0.73 0.57 0.57 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 Uniform Delay d1 7.5 5.7 16.7 11.2 27.7 28.0 1 29.8 29.4 Delay Factor k 0.11 0.31 0.11 0.30 0.11 0.11 0.27 0.17 Incremental Delay d2 0.6 2.5 0.1 2.9 0.2 0.4 13.9 4.5 PF Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control Delay 8.1 8.2 6.8 14.1 27.9 28.4 43.7 33.9 Lane Group LOS A A A B C C D C Approach Delay 8.2 13.9 28.2 38.8 Approach LOS A 8 C D Intersection Delay 13.5 Intersection LOS B '.opyrighl 02005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 3/8/2006 11:17 AM T AY STOP CONTROL SUMMAR �eneral.lnformation Site;liiformation Analyst RJ Intersection Sound Avenue at Factory Agency/Co. Nelson 8 Pope Avenue Date Performed 3/3/2006 Jurisdiction 02007 Analysis Time Period Existing AM Peak Hour Analysis Year 2006 'ro'ect Description Sound Avenue at Factwy Avenue Adjusted AM Peak Hour ast/West Street: Sound Avenue North/South Street: Facto Avenue ntersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volumeveh/h 29 86 69 100 _ 3eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.82 0.82 1.00 sourly Flow Rate, HFR 'veh/h 0 36 107 84 121 0 'ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- 2 -- -- Median Type Undivided 2T Channelized 0 0 -anes 0 1 0 0 t 0 configuration TR LT J stream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 1 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h 47 37 peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.75 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 sourly Flow Rate, HFR 62 veh/h 0 49 0 0 0 'ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 0 0 0 'ercent Grade (%) 0 0 =tared Approach N N Storage 0 0 3T Channelized 0 0 -anes 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 'onfiguration LR Tela ;'QuLef4 eue- thlan �`L'eVeiof� mice , approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 -ane Configuration LT LR i(veh/h) 84 111 (m) (veh/h) 1440 710 do 0.06 0.16 35% queue length 0.19 0.55 ,ontrol Delay(s/veh) 7.7 11.0 -OS A 8 4pproach Delay(s/veh) — 11,0 4pproach LOS — g opyright®2005 University of Florida,All Rights Rese Ned HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 318!2006 10:57 AM SO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMM Seneral Information ': Site Information Analyst RJ Intersection Sound Avenue at Factory Avenue Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 02007 Date Performed 3/3/2006 Analysis Year 2006 Analysis Time Period Existing PM Peak Hour 'ro ect Description Sound Avenue at Factory Avenue Adjusted PM Peak Hour astlWest Street: Sound Avenue North/South Street: Factory Avenue ntersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 ✓ehicle Volumes and Adjustments Na'or Street Eastbound I Westbound vlovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Jolume veh/h) 32 26 76 115 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.88 1.00 -sourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 34 28 86 130 0 veh/h 3ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 2 — — viedian Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 -anes 0 1 0 0 1 0 ;onfiguration TR LT J stream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound vlovement 7 1 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R /olume veh/h 115 100 peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.78 1.00 0.78 1.00 1.00 1.00 sourly Flow Rate, HFR 147 0 128 0 0 0 veh/h) 'ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 0 0 0 'ercent Grade (%) 0 0 :tared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 -anes 0 0 0 0 0 0 .onfiguration LR )eta` Queue Length, and Level of Service \pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound vlovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 -ane Configuration LT LR r(veh/h) 86 275 (m)(veh/h) 1541 751 rlc 0.06 0.37 15% queue length 0.18 1.69 ;ontrol Delay (s/veh) 7.5 12.5 .OS A B %pproach Delay (s/veh) 12.5 \pproach LOS — B opyrlght®2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 3/8/2006 10:57 AM FULL REPORT General Information sltA Information Analyst RJ Intersection Main Rd(NYS25) at Factory Agency or Co. Nelson & Pope Ave Date Performed 31812006 Area Type All other areas Time Period No Build AM Peak Hour Jurisdiction 02007 Analysis Year 2008 Intersection Geometry Grade= 0 0 1 1 -� Aj Grade= 0 i,.. Shan Nath Mat, T 0 = R L a r = TR Grade= 0 Y = LT = LR Grade= 0 Y = LTR r � 0 Volume and Tkn1n_g input EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume(vph) 46 607 3 6 690 18 16 10 15 29 7 64 % Heavy Veh 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.76 0.76 0.76 Actuated (P/A) A A A A A A A A A A A A Startup Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 19 Lane Width 11.5 12.0 11.5 12.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Parking (Y or N) N N N N N N N N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pedestrian Timing 3.2 3.2 3.2 1 3.2 EB Only EW Perm 03 04 NS Perm 06 07 08 Timing G = 12.0 G = 35.0 G = G = G = 7.0 G = G = G = Y= 5 Y = 6 Y= Y= IY= 5 Y= Y= Y= Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 C cle Len th C = 70.0 VOLUME ADJU*ENT AND SATURATION FLOW OE WORKSHEET General Information Project Description Main Road(NYS 25) at Factory Avenue (Ambient No Build AM) Volume Adjustment EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume 46 607 3 6 690 18 16 10 15 29 7 64 P H F 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.78 0.78 0.78 0.76 0.76 0.76 Adjusted Flow Rate 51 667 3 7 758 18 21 13 14 38 9 59 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 51 670 7 776 21 27 38 68 Proportion of LT or RT 0.000 - 0.004 0.000 - 0.023 0.000 -- 0.519 0.000 -- 0.868 Saturation Flow Rate'' Base Satflow 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 w 0.983 1.000 0.983 1.000 0.933 0.933 0.933 0.933 fHv 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 f 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 s 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 P fbb 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 a 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 LU 0.950 1.000 0.410 1.000 0.713 1.000 0.740 1.000 LT _ Secondary fLT 0.125 0.125 - 0.999 0.997 0.922 0.870 ,RT -- -- - -- 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Lpb - 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 'Rpb - -- -- -- 4djusted Satflow 1740 1861 751 1856 1239 1603 1286 1512 Secondary Adjusted Satflow 229 233 CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General Information Project Description Main Road(NYS 25) at Factory Avenue (Ambient No Build AM) Capacity Analysis EB WB NB SB Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 51 670 7 776 21 27 38 68 SatFlow Rate 1740 1861 751 1856 1239 1603 1286 1512 Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Green Ratio 0.74 0.74 0.50 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Lane Group Capacity 429 1382 376 928 124 160 129 151 vlc Ratio 0.12 0.48 0.02 0.84 0.17 0.17 0.29 0.45 Flow Ratio 0.03 0.36 0.01 0.42 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 Critical Lane Group Y N N Y N N N Y Sum Flow Ratios 0.49 Lost Time/Cycle 17.00 Critical v/c Ratio 0.65 Lane'GroupsCap�city;'Cotltr,'al Det4y, and LOS',Determination EB WB NB SB Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 51 670 7 776 21 27 38 68 Lane Group Capacity 429 1382 376 928 124 160 129 151 v/c Ratio 0.12 0.48 0.02 0.84 0.17 0.17 0.29 0.45 Green Ratio 0.74 0.74 0.50 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Uniform Delay d1 7.8 3.6 8.8 15.0 28.8 28.8 29.2 29.7 Delay Factor k 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.37 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 Incremental Delay d2 0.1 0.3 0.0 6.8 0.6 0.5 1.3 2.1 PF Factor 1.000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control Delay 7.9 3.9 8.9 21.8 29.5 29.3 30.5 31.8 Lane Group LOS A A A C C C C C Approach Delay 4.2 21.7 29.4 31.3 Approach LOS A C C C Intersection Delay 14.9 Intersection LOS B opyright©2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 3l8/2008 11:22 AM FULL REPORT General Information Site Information Analyst RJ Intersection Main Rd(NYS25) at Factory Ave Agency or Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed 3/8/2006 Area Type All other areas Time Period No Build PM Peak Hour Jurisdiction 02007 Analysis Year 2008 Intersection Geometry 0 1 Grade= 0 Grade= 0 Shan.tlulh hmxe 0 R � = L 0 � = T R Y Grade= 0 - = L T AV, � = LR Grade= 0 = L T R 1 1 0 Volume zmd.TiimInIjjnijt' a' EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume (vph) 115 982 18 15 747 29 8 15 18 82 19 81 % Heavy Veh 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.77 0.77 0.77 Actuated (P/A) A A A A A A A A A A A A Startup Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 9 0 0 19 0 0 6 0 0 18 Lane Width 11.5 12.0 11.5 12.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Parking (Y or N) N N N N N N N N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pedestrian Timing 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 EB Only EW Perm 03 04 NS Perm 06 07 08 Timing G = 6.0 = 40.0 G = G = G = 8.0 G = G = G = Y = 5 J�G = 6 Y = Y = Y= 5 Y = Y = Y = Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 70.0 VOLUME ADJUSTOT AND SATURATION FLOW RA1&ORKSHEET General Information Project Description Main Road (NYS 25) at Factory Avenue (Ambient No Build PM) VolUme Adjustment EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume 115 982 18 15 747 29 8 15 18 82 19 81 PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.77 0.77 0.77 Adjusted Flow Rate 124 1056 10 16 812 11 9 17 14 106 25 82 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 124 1066 16 823 9 31 106 107 Proportion of LT or RT 0.000 -- 0.009 0.000 - 0.013 0.000 0.452 0.000 -- 0.766 Saturation Flow Rate Base Satflow 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 fw 0.983 1.000 0.983 1.000 0.933 0.933 0.933 0.933 fHV 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 t 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 9 f 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 P fbb 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 f 1.000 1,000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 a fLU 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fLT 0.950 1.000 0.208 1.000 0.688 1.000 0.737 1.000 Secondary fLT 0.156 0.156 0.999 __ __ _0.998 0.932 0.885 fRT __ fLPb 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 _. ._ _ 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fRPb __ __ _ _ Adjusted Satflow 1740 1860 381 1859 1196 1621 1281 1539 Secondary Adjusted Satflow 286 290 CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General Information Project Description Main Road(NYS 25) at Factory Avenue (Ambient No Build PM) Capacity Analysis EB WB NB SB Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 124 1066 16 823 9 31 106 107 Satflow Rate 1740 1860 381 1859 1196 1621 1281 1539 Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Green Ratio 0.73 0.73 0.57 0.57 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 Lane Group Capacity 333 1355 218 1062 137 185 146 176 Wc; Ratio 0.37 0.79 0.07 0.77 0.07 0.17 0.73 0.61 Flow Ratio 0.07 0.57 0.04 0.44 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.07 Critical Lane Group N Y N N N N Y N Sum Flow Ratios 0.66 Lost Time/Cycle 11.00 Critical v/c Ratio 0.78 Lane Group Capacity; Contral!Delay, aind,10S, Determination EB WB NB SB Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 124 1066 16 823 9 31 106 107 Lane Group Capacity 333 1355 2T8 1062 137 185 146 176 v/c Ratio 0.37 0.79 0.07 0.77 0.07 0.17 0.73 0.61 Green Ratio 0.73 0.73 0.57 0.57 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 Uniform Delay d1 8.4 6.0 6.7 11.5 27.7 28.0 29.9 29.5 Delay Factor k 0.11 0.33 0.11 0.32 0.11 0.11 0.29 0.19 Incremental Delay d2 0.7 3.2 0.1 3.7 0.2 0.4 16.5 6.0 PF Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control Delay 9.1 9.2 6.9 15.2 27.9 28.4 46.4 35.5 Lane Group LOS A A A B C C D D Approach Delay 9.2 15.0 28.3 40.9 Approach LOS A B C D Intersection Delay 14.6 Intersection LOS B opyright 9 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+T"^ Version 5.2 Generated: 3/8/2006 11:20 AM T AY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY General Information SiteInformation Analyst RJ Intersection Sound Avenue at Factory Avenue Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed Jurisdiction 02007 Analysis Year 2008 Analysis Time Period No Build AM Peak Hour 'ro ect Description Sound Avenue at Factory Avenue Ambient No Build AM ast/West Street: Sound Avenue North/South Street: Factory Avenue ntersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Atl'ustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h) 30 89 72 104 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 0.80 0.80 0.82 0.82 1.00 burly Flow Rate, HFR 0 'veh/h 37 111 87 126 0 'ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 — — 2 -- — vledian Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 -anes 0 1 0 0 1 0 -onfiguration TR LT J stream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound vlovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h) 49 38 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.75 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 sourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 65 0 50 0 0 0 'ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 0 0 0 3ercent Grade(%) 0 0 =tared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 -anes 0 0 0 0 0 0 onfi uration LR 9ela 'Qu6tae LI th and Level of Service 16 i 4pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 -ane Configuration LT LR r(veh/h) 87 115 � (m)(veh/h) 1434 698 11c 0.06 0.16 35% queue length 0.19 0.59 'ontrol Delay (s/veh) 7.7 11.2 -OS A B 4pproach Delay(s/veh) 11.2 4pproach LOS B :opyright,02005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 3/6/2006 11:20 AM *0-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMM Generallnformation ''- Site Information Analyst RJ Intersection Sound Avenue at Factory Avenue Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 02007 Date Performed Analysis Year 2008 Analysis Time Period No Build PM Peak Hour 'ro'ect Description Sound Avenue at Facto Avenue Ambient No Build PM asUWest Street: Sound Avenue North/South Street: Facto Avenue nterseclion Orientation: East-West Stud Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Ad'ustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 _ 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h) 33 27 79 120 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.88 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 35 29 89 136 0 rveh/h Oercent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- 2 — -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 _anes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration TR LT Upstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h) 120 104 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.78 1.00 0.78 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR rveh/h) 153 0 133 0 0 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration LR Day, Queue Length,and Level of Service Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 _ 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR v(veh/h) 89 286 C (m)(veh/h) 1538 740 vlc 0.06 0.39 95% queue length 0.18 1.83 Control Delay (slveh) 7.5 12.9 LOS A B Approach Delay (s/veh) — 12.9 Approach LOS — B .opyright©2006 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 302066 11:20 AM FULL REPORT 3eneral Information Site Information 4nalyst RJ Intersection Main Rd(NYS25) at Factory 4gency or Co. Nelson 8 Pope Ave Area Type All other areas )ate Performed 3/8/2006 Time Period Build AM Peak Hour Jurisdiction 02007 Analysis Year 2008 ntersection Geometry 0 1 r Grade= 0 -` Grade= 0 J WN Noah Amyx = T o r� R i ~ 1f = L TR Grade= o I = LT LR Grade= 0 rr = LTR I 1 0 Volume and Timing Input EB WB N8 SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume(vph) 48 607 3 6 690 19 16 10 15 32 7 69 % Heavy Veh 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.78 0.78 0.78 0,76 0.76 0.76 Actuated (P/A) A A A A A A A A A A A A Startup Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 4 0 0 19 Lane Width 11.5 12.0 11.5 12.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Parking (Y or N) N N N N N N N N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pedestrian Timing 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 EB Only EW Perm 03 04 NS Perm O6 07 08 Timing G = 12.0 G = 35.0 G = G = G = 7.0 G = G = G = Y = 5 Y = 6 Y = 1Y= Y = 5 Y = �Y= Y= Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 70.0 VOLUME ADJU*ENT AND SATURATION FLOW FOE WORKSHEET General linformatIon, Project Description Main Road(NYS 25) at Factory Avenue (Build AM) Volume Adjustment EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume 48 607 3 6 690 19 16 10 15 32 7 69 PHF 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.91 0.78 0.76 0.78 0.76 0.76 0.76 Adjusted Flow Rate 53 667 3 7 758 19 21 13 14 42 9 66 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 53 670 7 777 21 27 42 75 Proportion of LT or RT 0.000 1 0.004 0.000 1 -- 10.024 0.000 0.519 0.000 - 0.880 Saturation Flow Rate.' Base Satflow 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 fw 0.983 1.000 0.983 1.000 0.933 0.933 0.933 0.933 fHv 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 f9 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 f 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 P Ifbb1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fa 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 IfLU1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.950 1.000 0.410 1.000 0.708 1.000 0.740 1.000 fL7 Secondary fL7 0.125 0.125 _ 0.999 0.996 0.922 0.868 fR7 -- - - 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fLPb __ - __ 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 fRPb __ __ __ Adjusted Satflow 1740 1861 751 1856 1231 1603 1286 1509 Secondary Adjusted Satflow 228 232 CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General Information 'roject Description Main Road(NYS 25) at Factory Avenue (Build AM) Capacity Analysis EB WB NB SB _ane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR 4djusted Flow Rate 53 670 7 777 21 27 42 75 3atflow Rate 1740 1861 751 1856 1231 1603 1286 1509 _ost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3reen Ratio 0.74 0.74 0.50 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 _ane Group Capacity 428 1382 376 928 123 160 129 151 ✓/c Ratio 0.12 0.48 0.02 0.84 0.17 0.17 0.33 0.50 =low Ratio 0.03 0.36 0.01 0.42 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.05 critical Lane Group Y N N Y N N N Y Sum Flow Ratios 0.50 _ost Time/Cycle 17.00 critical Vic Ratio 0.66 -145 Lane Group Capacity, Control Delay, and LOS'Determinatiqj on EB WB NB SB _ane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR 4djusted Flow Rate 53 670 7 777 21 27 42 75 _ane Group Capacity 428 1382 376 928 123 160 129 151 ✓/c Ratio 0.12 0.48 0.02 0.84 0.17 0.17 0.33 0.50 3reen Ratio 0.74 0.74 0.50 0.50 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 Jniform Delay d1 7.9 3.6 8.8 15.1 28.8 28.8 29.3 29.8 Delay Factor k 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.37 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 ncremental Delay d2 0.1 0.3 0.0 6.8 0.7 0.5 1.5 2.6 �F Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 control Delay 8.0 3.9 8.9 21.9 29.5 29.3 30.8 32.4 _ane Group LOS A A A C C C C C 4pproach Delay 4.2 21.7 29.4 31.6 4pproach LOS A C C C Intersection Delay 15.1 Intersection LOS B opyright©2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS J" Version 5.2 Generated: 31812006 11:24 AM FULL REPORT General Information Site Information Analyst RJ Intersection Main Rd(NYS25) at Factory Agency or Co. Nelson & Pope Ave Date Performed 3/8/2006 Area Type All other areas Time Period Build PM Peak Hour Jurisdiction 02007 Analysis Year 2008 Intersection Geometry Grade= 0 --0 1 1 /r Grade= 0 Stria Nash haox = T 0 r = R Y = L = TR Grade= 0 .. Y�1 = LT = LR Grade= 0 'r r/� = L T R 1 0 Volume and Timind InOut EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume(vph) 122 982 18 15 747 32 8 15 18 84 19 85 % Heavy Veh 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.77 0.77 0.77 Actuated (P/A) A A A A A A A A A A A A Startup Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Extension of Effective Green 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Arrival Type 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unit Extension 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 Ped/Bike/RTOR Volume 0 0 9 0 0 19 0 0 6 0 0 18 Lane Width 11.5 12.0 11.5 12.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 Parking (Y or N) N N N N N N N N Parking/Hour Bus Stops/Hour 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pedestrian Timing 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 EB Only EW Perm 03 04 NS Perm 06 07 08 Timing G = 6.0 G = 40.0 G = G = G = 8.0 G = G = G = Y= 5 IY= 6 Y= Y= IY = 5 Y= Y= Y = Duration of Analysis hrs = 0.25 Cycle Length C = 70.0 VOLUME ADJUSTOT AND SATURATION FLOW RATWORKSHEET General Information Project Description Main Road(NYS 25) at Factory Avenue (Build PM) Volume Adjustment EB WB NB SB LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT LT TH RT Volume 122 982 18 15 747 32 8 15 18 84 19 85 PHF 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.88 0.88 0.77 0.77 0.77 Adjusted Flow Rate 131 1056 10 16 812 14 9 17 14 109 25 87 Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 131 n1066 16 826 9 31 109 112 Proportion of LT or RT 0.0000.009 0.000 -- 0.017 0.000 0.452 0.000 1 -- 0.777 Saturation Flow Rate Base SatFlow 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 1900 Number of Lanes 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0.983 1.000 0.983 1.000 0.933 0.933 0933 J0.933 'w 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 0.980 HV 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 9 .p 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 bb 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 a 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 LU 0.950 1.000 0.208 1.000 0.685 1.000 0.737 1.000 LT - Secondary fLT 0.154 0.154 _ 0.999 0.997 0.932 0.883 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 ;Lpb - 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Rpb __ __ -_ _ Adjusted Sallow 1740 1860 381 1858 1 1191 1621 1281 1536 Secondary Adjusted Salflow 282 287 - - CAPACITY AND LOS WORKSHEET General Information Project Description Main Road(NYS 2F) at Factory Avenue (Build PM) Capacity Analysis EB WB NB SB Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 131 1066 16 826 9 31 109 112 Satflow Rate 1740 1860 381 1858 1191 1621 1281 1536 Lost Time 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Green Ratio 0.73 0.73 0.57 0.57 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 Lane Group Capacity 330 1355 218 1062 136 185 146 176 v/c Ratio 0.40 0.79 0.07 0.78 0.07 0.17 0.75 0.64 Flow Ratio 0.08 0.57 0.04 0.44 0.01 0.02 0.09 0.07 Critical Lane Group N Y N N N N Y N Sum Flow Ratios 0.66 Lost Time/Cycle 11.00 Critical v/c Ratio 0.78 Lane'Group Capacity; Control Delay, and LOSDetermination EB WB NB SB Lane Group L TR L TR L TR L TR Adjusted Flow Rate 131 1066 16 826 9 31 109 112 Lane Group Capacity 330 1355 218 1062 136 185 146 176 v/c Ratio 0.40 0.79 0.07 0.78 0.07 0.17 0.75 0.64 Green Ratio 0.73 0.73 0.57 0.57 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 Uniform Delay d1 6.6 6.0 6.7 11.6 27.7 28.0 30.0 29.6 Delay Factor k 0.11 0.33 0.11 0.33 0.11 0.11 0.30 0.22 Incremental Delay d2 0.8 3.2 0.1 3.7 0.2 0.4 18.8 7.4 PF Factor 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Control Delay 9.4 9.2 6.9 15.3 27.9 28.4 48.9 37.0 Lane Group LOS A A A B C C D 0 Approach Delay 9.2 15.1 28.3 42.9 Approach LOS A B C D Intersection Delay 15.0 Intersection LOS 8 opyright 0 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM version 5.2 Generated: 318/2006 11:24 AM TVJ&AY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Jeneral Information _jSite'.Information Analyst RJ Intersection Sound Avenue at Factory Avenue Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Date Performed Jurisdiction 02007 Analysis Year 2008 Analysis Time Period Build AM Peak Hour project Description Sound Avenue at Factory Avenue (Build A -asUWestStreet: Sound Avenue MNorth/South Street, Facto Avenue ntersection Orientation: East-West IStud y Period (hrs): 0.25 lehicle Volumes and d ust mients Na or Street Eastbound Westbound vlovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R� /olume (veh/h) 36 7 72 106 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 0,80 0.80 0-82 0.82 1.00 dourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 0 44 121 87 129 0 3ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- 2 -- — viedian Type Undivided �T Channelized I I 1 0 -anes 0 1 0 j 0 1 1 0 I ,onfiguration TR LT I Jpstream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound vlovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R /olurre veh/h) 52 38 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.75 1.00 0.75 1.00 1.00 1.00 sourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h) 69 0 50 0 0 0 'ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 0 0 0 'ercent Grade 0 0 =Iareci Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 -anes 0 0 0 0 0 0 �onfiguration LR *iV,46466IL6nnth. and Level,&Service approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound vlovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 -ane Configuration LT LR i (veh/h) 87 119 � (m)(vehih) 1413 679 //c 0.06 0.18 35% queue length 0.20 0.63 ,ontrol Delay (s/veh) 7.7 11.4 -CIS A B approach Delay(s/veh) 11.4 approach LOS B opyright @ 2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS-rm Version 5.2 Generated: 31812006 11:25 AM O-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMM general Information Site Information Analyst RJ Intersection Sound Avenue at Factory Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Avenue Date Performed Jurisdiction 02007 Analysis Time Period Build PM Peak Hour Analysis Year 2008 aro ect Description Sound Avenue at Facto Avenue Build PM :ast/West Street Sound Avenue North/South Stree[: Facto Avenue ntersection Orientation: East-West Stud Period hrs : 0.25 ✓ehicle Volumes and Adiustments Na or Street Eastbound Westbound vlovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Jolume veh/h) 37 33 79 _ 127 3eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 0.92 0.92 0.88 0.88 1.00 sourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 0 40 35 89 144 0 percent Heavy Vehicles 0 2 _ _ vledian Tye Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 -anes 0 1 0 0 1 0 ;onfiguration TR LT J stream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound vlovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Jolume veh/h) 130 104 'eak-Hour Factor, PHF 0.78 1.00 0.78 1.00 1.00 1.00 sourly Flow Rate, HFR. veh/h 166 0 133 0 0 0 'ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 3ercent Grade (%) 0 0 =fared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 -anes 0 0 0 0 0 0 ;onfiguration LR dela , Llueue Leri th 'and L6Vd of Service approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound vlovement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 _ane Configuration LT LR r(veh/h) 89 299 ; (m)(veh/h) 1524 720 do 0.06 0.42 )5% queue length 0.19 2.05 :ontrol Delay(s/veh) 7.5 13.5 _OS A B approach Delay(s/veh) 13.5 >pproach LOS _ B opyright©2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS+TM Version 5.2 Generated: 3/Bf2006 11:25 AM T AY STOP CONTROL SUMMAR 3eneral Information Site Information Analyst RJ Intersection Site Driveway at Sound Avenue Agency/Co. Nelson & Pope Jurisdiction 02007 Date Performed 3/8/2006 Analysis Time Period Build AM Peak Hour Analysis Year 2008 3ro'ect Description Site Driveway at Sound Avenue Build AM Peak Hour ast/West Street: Sound Avenue North/South Street: Site Driveway ntersection Orientation: East-West IStudy Period hrs : 0.25 Jehicle Volumes and Adjustments Na'or Street Eastbound Westbound vlovement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T I R L T R /olume veh/h) 119 6 5 153 3eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 sourly Flow Rate, HFR 0 119 6 5 153 0 veh/h 3ercent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- 2 -- — Aedian Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 -anes 0 1 0 0 1 0 ;onfiguration TR LT J stream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound vlovement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R ✓olume veh/h) 15 14 3eak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 sourly Flow Rate, NFP. veh/h 15 0 14 0 0 0 3ercent Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 0 0 0 3ercent Grade(%) 0 0 =fared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 -anes 0 0 0 0 0 0 �onfi uralion LR delaj Queue Length,and Level ar Service 4pproach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 -ane Configuration LT LR i (veh/h) 5 29 (m)(veh/h) 1462 797 do 0.00 0.04 35% queue length 0.01 0.11 control Delay (s/veh) 7.5 9.7 _OS A A 4pproach Delay (s/veh) — 9.7 4pproach LOS A :opyright©2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS-TM Version 5.2 Generated: 3!8/2006 11:25 AM 0-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMM General Information' Site Information Analyst RJ Intersection Site Driveway at Sound Agency/Co. Nelson E Pope Avenue Date Performed 3/8/2006 Jurisdiction 02007 Analysis Time Period Build PM Peak Hour Analysis Year 2008 Project Description Site Driveway at Sound Avenue Build PM Peak Hour East/West Street: Sound Avenue North/South Street: Site Driveway Intersection Orientation: East-West Stud Period hrs : 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street Eastbound Westbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R L T R Volume veh/h) 60 18 17 240 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR veh/h 0 60 18 17 240 0 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 2 Median Type Undivided RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration TR LT U stream Signal 0 0 Minor Street Northbound Southbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume veh/h) 11 10 Peak-Hour Factor, PHF 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.001.00 Hourly Flom Rate, HFR. 11 0 10 0 0 0 veh/h Percent Heavy Vehicles 2 0 2 0 0 0 Percent Grade (%) 0 0 Flared Approach N N Storage 0 0 RT Channelized 0 0 Lanes 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuration LR Delay,-'Queue Leh th ancLLevel of'Service Approach Eastbound Westbound Northbound Southbound Movement 1 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lane Configuration LT LR v (veh/h) 17 21 C (m) (veh/h) 1520 775 v/c 0.01 0.03 95% queue length 0.03 0.08 Control Delay (s/veh) 7.4 9.8 LOS A A Approach Delay(s/veh) 9.8 4pproach LOS _ A IDpyrighl©2005 University of Florida,All Rights Reserved HCS.TM Version 5.2 Generated: 3/8/2006 11:25 AM TRIP GENERATION DATA INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS TRIP GENERATION MANUAL Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 24 Dwelling Units of Single Family Detached Housing March 09, 2006 Average Standard Adjustment. Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 11 . 66 0.00 1 .00 280 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.27 0.00 1 .00 7 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0.82 0 .00 1. 00 20 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 1.09 0.00 1. 00 26 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 0 .76 0.00 1. 00 19 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 0 .46 0.00 1. 00 11 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 1.24 0 .00 1.00 30 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 0.31 0 .00 1 .00 8 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0.89 0 .00 1.00 21 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 1.20 0 .00 1.00 29 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 0.83 0.00 1. 00 20 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0 .47 0.00 1.00 11 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 1.30 0.00 1.00 31 Saturday 2-Way Volume 11.47 0.00 1.00 275 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.73 0 .00 1.00 17 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.62 0 .00 1.00 15 Saturday Peak Hour Total 1 .35 0.00 1. 00 32 Sunday 2-Way Volume 8 .42 0.00 1. 00 202 Sunday Peak flour Enter 0.58 0.00 1. 00 14 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 0.51 0.00 1 .00 12 Sunday Peak Hour Total 1.09 0 .00 1.00 26 Note: A zero indicates no data available. The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: LN(T) _ .92LN(X) + 2.71, R"2 = 0.96 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: T = .7 (X) + 9.43 R"2 = 0 .89 0.25 Enter, 0 .75 Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) _ .9LN(X) + .53 R"2 = 0 .91 0 .63 Enter, 0.37 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: T = .7 (X) + 12.05 R-2 = 0.89 0.26 Enter, 0.74 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) = .89LN(X) + .61 R'2 = 0.91 , 0.64 Enter, 0.36 Exit Sat. 2-Way Volume: LN(T) = .94LN(X) + 2 .63, R'2 = 0.93 Sat. Pk Hr. Total: T = .89(X) + 10.93 R^2 = 0.9 , 0.54 Enter, 0.46 Exit Sun. 2-Way Volume: T = 8.83 (X) + -9 .76, R"2 = 0 .94 Sun. Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) _ .89LN(X) + .44 R'2 = 0.88 , 0.53 Enter, 0 .47 Exit Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 7th Edition, 2003 . TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS • i .Summary of Trip Generation Calculation For 12 Dwelling Units of Apartments March 09, 2006 Average Standard Adjustment Driveway Rate Deviation Factor Volume Avg. Weekday 2-Way Volume 18.54 0.00 1 .00 222 7-9 AM Peak Hour Enter 0.16 0 .00 1.00 2 7-9 AM Peak Hour Exit 0 .64 0 .00 1 .00 8 7-9 AM Peak Hour Total 0 .80 0 .00 1 .00 10 4-6 PM Peak Hour Enter 1.31 0.00 1.00 16 4-6 PM Peak Hour Exit 0.71 0.00 1.00 8 4-6 PM Peak Hour Total 2.02 0.00 1.00 24 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 0.26 0.00 1.00 3 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0.63 0.00 1.00 8 AM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 0.88 0 .00 1 .00 11 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Enter 1.26 0 .00 1.00 15 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Exit 0.80 0 .00 1 .00 10 PM Pk Hr, Generator, Total 2.06 0 .00 1.00 25 Saturday 2-Way Volume -13.50 0.00 1 .00 -162 Saturday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1 .00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Exit 0.00 0.00 1 .00 0 Saturday Peak Hour Total 2 .01 0.00 1.00 24 Sunday 2-Way volume -2 .01 0.00 1.00 -24 Sunday Peak Hour Enter 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Sunday Peak Hour Exit 0 .00 0 .0o 1.00 0 Sunday Peak Hour Total 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Note: A zero indicates no data available. The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: T = 6.01 (X) + 150.35, R"2 = 0 .88 7-9 AM Peak. Hr. Total: T = .49(X) + 3 .73 R'2 = 0.83 , 0.2 Enter, 0 .8 Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: T = .55 (X) + 17 .65 R^2 = 0.77 , 0.65 Enter, 0.35 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: T = .53 (X) + 4 .21 R'2 = 0.82 0.29 Enter, 0 .71 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: T = .6 (X) + 17.52 R'2 = 0.8 , 0.61 Enter, 0.39 Exit Sat. 2-Way Volume: T = 7.85 (X) + -256 .19, R'2 = 0. 85 Sat. Pk Hr. Total: T = .41(X) + 19.23 R^2 = 0 .56 0 Enter, 0 Exit Sun. 2-Way Volume: T = 6 .42 (X) + -101.12, R'2 = 0.82 Sun. Pk Hr. Total: 0 R-2 = 0 0 Enter, 0 Exit Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 7th Edition, 2003 . TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS MAILING ADDRESS: PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE �O-``�V soyolo Southold, NY 11971 Chair V� OFFICE LOCATION: KENNETH L.EDWARDS # Town Hall Annex MARTIN H.SIDOR G Q 54375 State Route 25 GEORGE D.SOLOMON .� �O (cor. Main Rd. &Youngs Ave.) JOSEPH L.TOWNSEND ��ycoum,Nc� Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM To: Elizabeth Neville, Town Clerk From: Planning Department Date: February 2, 2006 Re: Check(s) Enclosed herewith is/are the check(s) listed below. Please return a receipt to us. Thank you. Project Name Project SCTM # Amount Check Type # The Cottages at Stand. Sub. 83-2- $1,000.00 1915 Mattituck 17.1 Sketch Appl. Fee 1915 CDC OF LONG ISLAND DEFENSE HILL ROAD HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND CORP. GENERAL OPERATING ACCOUNT 1-148-210 DATE L � C / V U C/ I LLARS Ba,W ctibank® d v. CITIBANK,N.A.BR #993 669 MIDDLE COUNTRY OAD BELDEN ,,,9< ftft Viet--- ---L—� '� Y- leWeet-iw II'00 i9 1 511:0 2 100 4861: 2 280 348 7 2P GREGORY C. STKA"MA N, M.A, P. O. Box 567 Laurel, New York 11948-0567 T: 631.293.2300 X122 (day) T: 631.298.1244 (evening) Email: GSteadmanna,raaalaw.com August 3, 2006 � E C '�E l� D 1, To: Ms. (eri Woodhouse AUG - 7 2006 Members of the Town Planning Board i ( Southold Dear B*4 14v1d . Dear Ms. Woodhouse: Attached please find Southold Town police accident reports for the intersection of both Olde Sound Avenue/Factory Avenue and Factory Avenue/Route 25. I hope this aids your decisions regarding the Factory Avenue project plans. Although I was dismayed that the shallow aquifer lying under the property does not seem to be a concern to the Board, I thank you for your investigation of the other concerns I expressed at the past public hearing. Please read this letter to the other members of the Board, and convey my thanks to them also. Sincerely, i� GREGORY C. STEADMAN, M.A. 11 '- Page' 1 of I Pages New York Slate Department of Motor Vehicles twat Codea _ 6c POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT MV-104A(7/01) ❑ e a - '•' DMV COPY WLImn" Day of Week MilitaryTime No.of No.Injured No.Killed NIligeteCaR,Cewe Police Photos 2/y/. [ P Year6� / / O l(J s o C7 ---------------V Accident RecoY NoVEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDr A State EHICLE 2-DrWar ' Stater fs� / License lD Number, �J - 3 - 21 Driver Name-exactly V741•/ f ' I/ Driver Name-exactly as Printed on license as printed on license I�Wl // /u/ / J Address(Include Number t) C Apt.No. Ad areas(Include Nuber§Street) Apt.Nc. City or Town/ ✓� ,n 6tgtt Zip Ogdq� Cay or Town �y� / 6ZI C da 22 (. 'S(3V 7 '/ll L v/ C. tell. 1 i sex Unlicensed No.01 Pu ic Sex Uakm Gsed o.of is D Ype /�/1 Occupants' Pro ny O ❑ I Deme Occupants Dam ped ❑ ❑ Name-exactly es yrinted on registration Sex/ Namebxectl s rioted;17 n isssWWWlion Be. QvaO!I X1/1/7 go ,s.W F, fz1 h D �V ar (( Month Dey Year 23 Address cluda /llbaarr 8/go [.�'E' Apt. No. HVaz. O ;Released Address(include Number 8 Smear) Apt.No. Haz. ;Releasetl 4 ,( �a I Mal ❑ Code ❑ Code Cay or Towns A IP slelq� Trip C4 dt'Q Cilyor Town Slate Zip Code $4 Pkteember„,wj Stat of g. Vghlye V§ar p htr♦kg,7 V9gcla;T1 1`'I Olns._CCatle P�t umber State o . Vehicle fear 8 Meke Vehicle T a line 5 [�J GNl/V(i IYH�I. Gl/ 5q I Cwt/T V 2 TickeruAne'n �Jp c TlckellAnest 1 Number(s) LV36 Q 2 69 — ,J Number(s) Violation R lViolation SSection(s) wV fe Sections) yyyrrr Check If involved vehicle Is: Check 11 involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 O more than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram ins ace x9.Number the vehicles. . V D more than 34 feet long; V O more than 34 feet long; Rear End Leb Tum Right D Angle Right Turn Head On E D operated with an overweight permit; E operated with an overweight permit; t— t— E— H D operated with an overdimension permit. H D operated with an overdimension permit. t a. s1 5. 7. 1 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES oNarlakmg Leh Turn Right Tum Sideswipe C Box 1 -Point of Impact L Box 2-Most Damge Impact I1 I 0 t— 4 7/E— —310 -- small, L Box 2-Most Damage /\ E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM ��O S ),A lg 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes 1'1 Vehicle By vehicle By 2 Towed: Towed: To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: s x a 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. ,,yg�� 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED z is s 9 rf�O 15. TRAILER 1B. NO DAMAGE 3p 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER I Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. 7I a ,z ,+ +e ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine Yes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Acp1dent Occurred: Latitude/Northing: Q County 5U - D C ��y C6T,°� of S�r,� zs LI 59 12 1 Road on which accident occurtetl Y �./O ���riv outs Number oy3lrp rn:m at 1)intersecting street 06 WIV17 reef Longi'tlude/Eaa7s^'t��ing' rc (Route Number r Street Neme) �h .7ti vV ❑N ❑S Q or 2)_ ❑E ❑W of Feel Mlles Milecost,Nearest intersecting Route Number or SlreetNeme Accident Description/Officer's Notes -1--6hy 3` OUT b GAS J.� Nle ]4.03- (] C4V&r(- -S-r d X /Q�NO JPLO /R�ed Vd'hf Va ^ Vitt/ W J /f COEe SHEET N B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all Involved Date of Death Only � A I Il2T 5 - a N C L 6 V 0 D VE E D F Officer's Rank U !.� Batlge/ID No. NCIC No. PrecincVPost StatioNeeaV Reviewin Date/Time ReviewEd/ and Si nature r z �E"2 �J Troop/Zone Sector r riot Name (J b rt 7� U t' In Full Page I of Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Code a b POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 MV-104A(7/01) y S a e ' 'e' 1 DMV COPY , . i Acc dent Dale bay of Week Milder Time No.of No.Injured No.Killetl Left Scene Police Photos 20 y I Nol lnvestiBaled el Scene ❑ i Month Day Year Vehicles © ______________________________ xJ 5 Accident Recronslrucletl ❑ ❑ ❑Yes No VEHICLE 1 11 VEHICLE 2 ❑BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDES RIAN VEHICLE •Dri 'r Sla HICLE 2-Driver ` �` S1 to f c. 21 2 License D'Number License ID Number O. Driver Neme-exactly Driver Name-exactly ` — u rinled on license FS L.S - as anted on license XO( �(e LA�. N N Apt.No. Address Include Number d Slreeq Apt.No. Address(Include Number&SfreeQ ( 8 L 3 U ' S Cdyor Town p Stale Zip de Cdyor Town 1 Slate Zip Co 22 \ ( ` 3 f Sax Unlicensed No.of Public 6 Saz Unlicensetl No.of Public M Ih y ar Occupants Property nth ay ear Occupants Properly ❑ Damaged ❑ a ❑ Damaged ❑ Nems-exactly is printed on registration Sez 1 Ir Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex D i 23 ( ^^ Month Day ear \� O Month Day Year 1 Address(Include Number&Sbee6 Apt No. Haz. ;Released Address(Include Numbers SbeeO- Apt.No. Hez. ,Released I}1 4 4 - Code I ❑ Care I ❑ City or Town G o Slate Zip Coda City or Town State Zip Code 24 Plate Number t-/Stale o Reg. Vehk ear 3 Make Vehicle TypeV Ins.Code Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year s Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code I Dn�7as� P1-�• c ass cW v'lQa 4 c AotLAAL ergy 5 I NumbeTicketlArresl `� NumbTictunt/Arrest — Numbegs) Number(s) t Violation Violation Section(s) Section(s) 25 Check if involved.vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; dia ram in space H9.Number the vehicles. d V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feel long; Rear End Leh Turn lRighti Right Turn Head On Ol E p operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; -w— --K— V -� __0_ E— H ❑operated with an overdimenslon permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. t 3 5. 7. f VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Left Turn t hl Tum ideswipe 26 7 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 t— y F �4 'g �1 L Box 2-Most Damage a. _). L Box 2-Most Damage 2. E— a. 6. exp E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes Vehicle By Vehicle By e0.W_VCJjt ��P27 Towed: Towed: i To To xf P&KVII FDD 4 s e VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a 7 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED 2 to ° g. 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle Will be more t n$1000. s ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine Yes No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: ❑ At Lalilude/ Xing:: County 'SV—f ity ❑Village�(yya�T1o/wn^'toff ! 0MT'A0L-V ./ I`_ � I Road on which accident occurred \�F � �-\O Q-1 Ii Ti M'Al�\�-Lh 29 Name) at 1)intersecting street Longitude/Easl'Ing: (Route Number or Street Name) ❑N ❑S f1d� ort) C3 0 of W "•R Feel Miles (Milepost,Nearest Intersecurig 90 Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes a S-fa 1? E s s (.0 C, (� ute w (� 30 LO Sic--S 119E C i SxEET 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death 0 A A L B 1 u�tawti,Ac4 P-5115' I N C V D O L V E E D F Officer's an _ Bad a/ID No. NCIC No. Precinic ost Station/Beat/ Reviewing Date/fi a Reviewed and Si nature Q�D• 0, Troop/Zone Sector O r C,. v�71 Print ams \ /p /! in Full gat'-�- 5 e- `t' `J� 1 V Page I of I Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local °°e3zq POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 1 MV-104A(7/01) 1/ ❑ a • " "@ ' DMV COPY 1 Accident Date Day of Week Military Time No.of No.Injured No.Killed Not Investigated al Scene ❑_ Left Scene Police Photos 20 N DeY Ye,erM` / / Vehicles O ______________________________ 11 Leo �ll to/p Z Q Accident Re onsVuded E. ❑ ❑Yes NO iverI/ VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN 2 VEHICLE EEK E 1N Driver 6 ry y a, 9 Stele of Lis. License D VEHICLE 2-Driver Number Q 7 y TC Stale°f Lk. �' ver NamerezacayDriver Name-exactly �21 � ea tetl on Ikenae ELJ N as printed on license mS AUL Address(Include Number d Street) Apt,No. Address(Include Number 8 Street) Apl.No. :2�0 NAQves i c 3 City or Town Stale Zip Code City or Town Stale ZipCode22 / 952— 7r-m-ruckc 11 !S 2 ✓ 351f Sex I Unlicensed No.of Public 1 h Sex Unlicensed No.of Public Mopth Da Ve}�r Occupants 1 Property n h ey e r O<cupenls Properly - 2 f .3 L. /Y) ❑ -Damaged ❑ -1 2� rn j] / Damaged ❑ Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex "Haz, : Name-exacily as printed on registration Sex 1 h P3 t0Mt/6 ^ {� Month Day Yee, Address(Include NumbeberA Street) Apt.No. Address(Include Number a Street) Apt.No. Haz. [Released Mat.Code City or Town Slate Zip Code City or Town Slate Zip Code 24 Plate Number Stele of Rep. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Cotle Plate Number Slate pl Rep. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 5 S o23 92 F'o2 >J Iv8 SgldS /J 79y PE I87 i ( TlcketIAmaxt TickellArresl C Number(s) Numberts) Violation Violation _ Section(s) Sections) 25 Check it involved vehicle is: Check If Involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own I 6 13 more than 95 Inches wide; O more than 95 inches wide; diagram in space N9.Number the vehicles. V ❑rinc re than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; Rear End Lek Turn Right Angle Right Turn Head On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; <- E- �I► F H O operated with an overdimension permit- H ❑operated with an overtlimenslon permit. 1 s. y 5. J/ 7. I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Le11 Turn 1 Right Tum Sitleswipe 26 T C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 S 2. F a. s. �E_ _)E- z- L Box 2.Most Damage I 7 L Box 2-Most Damagea. I E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes - - 2 more Damage Codes - - _ N tp1 Vehicle By Vehicle By -IbUHb 6V 27 Towed: Towed: To — To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: s 4 s s r 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. T' i 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. ' a ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine []Yes 01 No Reference Marker Coordinates(ifavailable) Place Where Accident Occurred: Latitud$//N�o^rtohing: County S lJ Fr ❑City ❑Village WTown of 3llT mcx n Y� J /rs"7 Road on which accident occurred /7/-7 5 SOU M L A V (TO y /0A-rM-rU<rc 29 (Route Number or Street Name) — at 1)intersecting street Longitude/Easting: (Rome Number or Street Name) or 2) 2s °�."� ow of FAcT024' AV ma'�I-�lUc.�. ��r' 31. 19 Feet Miles (Milepost,Nearest intera!W Routa Numberor Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes b mir 4;2 yk Q wit-6 oN snaNA Aur "TUP.M30C TNTo Q 30 VolbpxvfL 1 SIA-ViEs de WAc W11 OM SW06 ALI MN r9ak 19 it E J 7U tJ He P 6 TNf RAW N VE F2 80T UyDti� um Sum '-L"J N 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Q"64 Walk�Rlv L A ( 1 4 y '74 /n - - - _ -- 4J E f sc.HumAN� 98- L B Z ( 4 1 -79 o 12T3 - 847 IN I D - V D O L V E E D F Officer's Rank pr, Badge/ID No. NCIC No. PrecincUPost Station/Beat/ Reviewing ^ pDaterrimewed and SI nature � 7V- (gyp Troop/Zone Sector Olficer C�RQ Print ame '71'\ gSls) $OS il' S 7. In Full pF'7f(�-T.T'A t O a0i� �V Page of / Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles IX at Codes —79�� POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT +� MV-104A(7/01) 7 Q ❑MIUMMI # ' ' I DMV COPY 1 t Dat Da of Walk military Time No.of No.Injured No.Killed 6e1nBrelR Police Photos 20 Y N Not Investigetetl et Scene ❑ Mon DoY/1Q earM,� � J 1/ Veple(es O ______________________________ /A'o OC O Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ 10 Yes UrNo VEHICLE 1Iff VEHICLE 2 ❑BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDES RIAN VEHICLE 1•Driver f Ste e I k. HICLE 2-Driver Stet Lic. 2 I.kptae 10=1 30'K 319 ,J License 10 Number 21 Ddvx Neme axanty C Driver Neme-aensey 0 as Intetl on Ncense l.i/1 � as rented on license Gv(i(i Address(Include Num;r�SbeeQs ^ Apl.No. Address(Include Num a Apt.No. City or To y '/C� a Zip Code City or Town r(�J Sla Zi C e 22 �3 i Sax Liallson"d No.of Pu lc Sex �L• as o.of blit y Occupants Pr ny Ih y Occupants P ny (p ❑ Dam ed ❑ ❑ D aged ❑ ppp�33 Neme�>(eclly esyrplled ogpish ibn ole Q(Bldh Zr Neme-exetlly es p an gis r ' Sex Month Dey Year I Adtlress(Inc��/�/f/N(o'mr/JlbarB Sff/(VreeQ n ApL No. Haz. ;Released Address(Include mber8 Slreeg AP,L No. Haz. ;Released 4 27_ .c]',arY{/ l(•(V/ - Codte ❑ Code I ❑ City or /�'� / to Zlp ode City or Town Slate Zip Code Pjeo Number State I eg. Vehicle�arISMeY�� Ve ii Typa IpswCSOde PI a Numberb� sw;rlReg. Vehi le Ve rB Ma VapjcIs Jypa Ins. ode ttl TbkeVAmest TlckovAnesl Number(s) Numbegs) Viola 11 � Violation Sectio (s) Section(s) Check it Involved vehicle is: Check If involved vehicle is: Circe diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own T ❑mare than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; ra ce#9.Number the vehicles. IV ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feel long; R Parr L t Turn Right Angle Right Turn Head On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; ' —� —� F H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. E— 1 5 � T VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES a Lek Tum Right Turn Sideswipe C Box 1 -Point of Impact C Be)(1 -Point of Impact 17 L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage F o. 4. . 1� E Enter up to three E Enter up to three 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage CodesI Vehicle By ��� Venkie By 21 Towed: Towed: To C--� To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a 4 s s r 1.13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a is ° 9. 15. TRAILER 16. NO DAMAGE 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one Vehicle will be more than$1000. s ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine Yes ONO Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Wherq Apcl ccurred: L Latitude/Northing. County "'v ❑/City/ ElVillage�fo n of 3 Road on which accident occurred b"y --560,t4 ,� �� (7K L 29 (Route Number or Street Name) Longitulde/Eastat 1)Intersecting street �iing' n G,Q cv ome Nu bar r 5tre/ey�Ney/meh/ [/r/ �I or 2) CIE r}yW of I � Feet Miles rT�� Mil st,Nearest Intersecting Roble Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officer's NotesC (N 6 ��j Vim/✓ G 30 Np vcl� 0 a--VD �dt VBE em: SNEE1 N 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 1B Names vf allevolved Dale of Death Only L A L b O R LB c S J I C N V D O L E V E D F Officer's Rank Badge/ID No. NCIC No. Precinct/Post Station/Beall Revl aao:rDal,,rnme Reviewed and Si nature `��( q - ��n/ ']/�JO Troop/Zone Se�(,1or Offi inrlwlNa n, C/ S( ' V( .211/6LS �a4fS�Nn� 2=aPage of as New York State Department of Motor Vehicles !/ � LNcal Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT� lib MV-104A(7/01) r \ lii ❑ ' e a • •e' DMVCOPY 1 Accident Date D Week Militaryn No.of No.Injured No.Killed Lefl Scene Police Photos 20 M y Day Not lnvestigaled et Scene ❑ 0 Accident Reconstructed, .nl ❑ ❑Yes�No VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE I-DriverO Q 519 Lic. VEHICLE 2-Driver 111 4e1 ILic. 2 License ID Number ' (� Y. License lD Number 11 lv Ja 21 Driver Name-exactly WA K1as ' VjAj\S Driver Name-exactly Aid as rimed on license fill t- I es tinted on license A UU L Address(lnpop9 llb/nber.}` geQ CW Apt,No. Atltl^sg-(151Uda Nyplbeµ1VTe!) ( AIN.No. cnrorr {E C N a�r N�t le Zip 11 l I C fi')a?f'�loJ•Q`•'•T �j atx 41 2� 3 h Sex Unlicensed No.of Public f i Sex Unlicensed No.c Public IIIh pgyp e+r /M�� _ ❑ Occupa De9� ❑ h�r/�L ,p}�p {e%tlggr�ln re�c� .L-❑ O<cupants� DaPromaged ❑ N,t.�it cam tly KlaVrL�ILd `t�10.�`1 U r 12 SeDilaDtairm l� h IV etr N tlUy\Y.rltl b1 /� �UtC'�A s 23 r1 ' -Addree0 All.No. Haz. ;Released Aness ludo Num r �(t¢ep Apt.No. Haz. ;Released 4 '1 JU art Yr.. k - coattlxµ; ❑ Dk � 3 — coee - ❑ 1 C or?W 13VII,r �S e t "r QOQ 1 N le ZiP Coilq4 24 FX to lfpgn�r I Statg of Ileg I'� Ytat i,l rt La Type sJ Kale fm � Sta f eg. y J?Y ftkb VePLbI�7 17 x Lv"1 �l .l \I K I C I -1 d 1 TIckBVArrest ,� .. TickeVArrest Numbers) Numberts) Violation _ Violation Section(s) SectiOn(s) 25 Check it involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; diagram in space 419.Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; Rear End Left Turn Right Angle Right Tum Head On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E D operated with an overweight permit; E- E- —_- .� F H 13 operated with an overdimenslon permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. J/ 1. 3. y .5. Si I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODE Overtaking - Lea Tum 1 Right Tum Sideswipe 2^'.` 7 C Box 1 -Point of Impact � L Box 2-Most Damage 1 F 4. J� e. L Box 2-Most Damage — - Enter up to three C 3 4 5 2 Enter up to three 4 5 ACfrIDENT�IAGRAM more Damage Codes more Damage Codes RJ1 - Vehicle By p 6 Vehicle Towed: Towatl: +`rte To To a{� VEHICLE DAMAGE CODIiJG: s 4 a ° T C-It— 1.13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. t P(. "I Otf' V 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOUSHEC z ,a ° g. \�L1 !(• 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE ?�8 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost Of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. Q It �UnknowNUnable to Determine ❑Yes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place nty"noeAc Knt Occurred: e_,��OK. I AMS DI. Pn "Ak ic- tltude/NNorth' (- County FF�� ❑Gj`ty ❑Village 14 Town oT-x^" t1 Road on which accident occurred la`(•\ a r a v, 29 p� al 1)intersecting street (Route Number or Street Name) _ Lon_ itude/Easlin (Route Number or Street Name) � Uv) ❑N CIS a 3� or 2) ❑E ❑W of Feel Miles Mile sL Nearest int n Route Number or Street Name) Accident Des dptio Officer's Notes '✓� U 0 .-1 ( N O� G( <<r Ov/. 30 JP/PCS OJPM�. Skr u.ck "- 0 (�(r, r a �e la •��- a USE oc VEP ENEET N 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death Onl A A I _ _ 'hor-P,S - wn VSNS '1-1.3.. 11 L e l I 19 - - - M� o A . _ Ic 2 I �{ I - - - E E� �. M !\"A ii- 113 V D 3 l d� - - - n Evrl- rteL V E E D F Oflicer's Rank O �N. , C�1 Badge�ID No. NltlC o. PrecincUPost Station/Beat/ Reviewing Date/Time Reviewed and Si nature i IL.� 1 (` Troop/Zone Se o� O er ( nnFulName - N( fPr� . 0 Of. U- I�5 �� C 7w Page of Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 MV-104A(7/01) ❑MWMMAMM '•' DMV COPY 1 !dent Date De of Week Mlift T' a No.of No.Injured No.Killetl Left Scene Police Phelps 20 M h Da Ya y ry Not Investigated at Sce_ _�T Veh s _____________________ AccidentReconstructad ❑ ❑ ❑Ye No VEHICLE 1 1 00 VEHICLE 2 ❑BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1"or State of VEHICLE 2-Driver State of yc License ID Number2. 19Z License ID Number A1Y2 Driver Neme-exeMly Drivetheme-exactly as rinled on Ibenae as Printed on license io ii, Address(Include N r / Apt.No. Address Unclu uryber S! Apt.No. Iso City or Town Stale /I pCode City vm tate I e 22 3 1 Aidift x Unlicensed No.of Pu Sex Unlicens No.of Public M th V r ❑ Occupants Properly M Occupants Proparty Damaged ❑ ❑ Damaged ❑ Nem lye print on is on Sez f h a e� city as t o gistration Sex 23 Month Day Year Month Day Year Address(IncludV005mber d Straell AIN.No. Hoz. I Released Address(InrMcid'AtuRlber a Srreefl Apt.No. He.. ;Released 4 MatMat. ❑ Code ❑ Cotle City or Town State Zip Code ' City or Town State Zip Code 24 Plate Num r State of Reg. Vehicle Year&1021 Veh le T Ins. PI jJurgber S to of Reg. Vehicle Veer 6 Ma e ' a Ins / 5 W31W TukeVArrest TickeVArrest Number(s) Number(s) Violation Violation Section(s) Section(s) 25 Check If Involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 ❑more than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; diagram ins ace it Number the vehicles. 1 V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; W0.1. Turn Right Angle Right Turn Head On E 13 operated with an overweight permit; E El operated with an overweight permit;H ❑o erated with an overdimension eft'l H 13o erated with an overdimenslon perm!. 35. 7. I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES g Left Turn Right Turn Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1-Point of ImpactC Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 t— t— --0-- L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage 1 7 2. F 0. E Enter up to three 1 3 4 5 E Enter up to three IF 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes 1 �� 27 Vehicle By Vehble By Towed: Towetl: To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: s z s e 7 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. — 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED i is a g. 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE ANo 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cosl of repairs to any one vehicle Will be more than$1000ra Unknown/Unable to Determi a Dyes Reference Marker Coordinates(ffavailable) Place! A ' e ccurred:L utle/ o>th r�: County ❑Ci D Vllla y3Yown� Road on which accident occurred D ,/ (Route Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street. Longitude/Easfn : (Route Number or Street Name) ❑N [ISor 2) ❑E 0 of Feel Miles Milepost,Nearest Intersecting Route Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officers Notes 30 r � SE COVEN � 9xEET N 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Na as o II involved Date of Death Only, A — L B — gNCIC / 491z OZ14 CNVDOL V E E D F Olficar's Rank Badge/10incl/Post StationBeal/ Reviewing % Dat /Time evlewed and Sinaturep/Zone Sector Officer l�� C('�'� rint 'me in Full v Page /of / Pages New York Stale Department of Motor Vehicles I,pcal Codes /? /r POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT X19 F --. f MV-104A(7/01) _ V r a s POLICE COPY 1 1 AccMent Date Day of Weak MilkeryTime No.of No.ln orad No.Killed Lea Scene Police Photos 20 Month Day Year I Nol lnvestiga Scene ❑ — Vehicles' /' O /"� / V C) ACC, tReconstruct9tl ❑ i ❑ ❑Yes VEHICLE 1 / ❑ VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDES RIAN VEHICLE 1-Driver Slalapl Lic. VEHICLE 2-Driver Stale of ic. 2 License ID Number N License ID Number / 21 Ddver Name-emclly d ` Orrver Neme-exactly a° rioted on license as mlad on license Address(Include N-ulmbli Srreefl Apt.No. Address(In ode Number Streal, Apt.No: yl �' 22 City or Town Stale Zip Code City or T wn State Zip Code 3 Sax Unlicensed No.of Public Sex Unlicensed No. Public Month Day Veer _ ❑ Occ7ants Property ❑ Month DeY Year - ❑ Occupants Pro�� ❑ I o / ge E Dallf Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex 23 Mrnlh Day Year Month By j Year D Address(Include Number Street Apl.No. Haz. ;Raleatetl Address(Include Number&Street) Apt.No. Haz. ;Released F4 Met Mal. ❑ Code ❑ Mal. ' City or Town State Zip Code Cay or Town State Zip Code 24 Plata Number State of Reg. Vehicle Vear 8 Meke Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number State of Reg. VehiGe Year eke Vehkle Type Ins.Code 5 n /U' /� 2�/ 6o C /�S n Ticket/Arrest TickellArrest Numbar(s) Numbeds) Violation Violation Section(s) Section(s) 25 Check 11 Involved vehicle is: Check if Involved vehicle Is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram In space 49.Number the vehicles. 1 V O more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; Rear End Left LTurn Right Angle Right Tum Heal!On E O operatetl with an overweight permit; E O operated with an overweight permit; E- F 1+ —> --K-- H ❑operated with an overclimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. 1 3. �l 5. 7� 7, I VEHICLE t DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Ovedaking Lek TumRight Tum 1 Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 E_ F 8. —01L Box 2-Most Damage ( L Box 2-Most Damage F 4 . 7� �I E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Cpdes 2 more Damage Codes — 27 Vehicle By Vehicle By Towetl: Towed: TO To ,4 VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 3 ♦�1 s e 1 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. ,t 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED II r13 ' g. 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any One vehicle will be more than$1000. 11 11 le ° ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine []Yes ElNo Reference Marker Coordinates(ifavailable) Place Where Accident Occurred: Latitude/Northing: County Sy.f iI2- ❑City ❑Vill\\age p/Town of YJ fs j Road on which accident occurred � y� d 29 (R ul tNumber or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street GI (x-ERT- Longitude/Easting: N S 1 Dote umber or Street Name) ^-- �7.Z R2 or 21_ 0 0 of Feet Miles (Mile N,Nearest interseming Route Number or Street Name) Accident Description/Officer's Notes 30 H 1 N1 6 1ec 6C 4 covEn SHEET N `8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Dale of Death Only L A / / (i 4 L eCV71 I D N V D L L V E D F Officer's Rank >//,. ri .i dge/ID No. NCIC No. Precinct/Post StatioNBeeU Reviewing Date/Time Reviewed and Si nature Troop/Zone Sector Oificer r nt Name in Full , .�•:r.L. �ti S page [ of ( Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codes ( �� POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 MV-104A(7/01) ' -I 2N a r ••• POLICE COPY 1 1 I Not Inveslgaletl al Scene $ Lek Scene Police Photos 20 AoGtlenl Date Day of Week Military Time yah cfles No.In uretl No.Killed .., Month Days-� Year�� ON ! ❑Vas[PNo 'v" 0 G s.l Am rit Reconstrucletl VEHICLE 1 ❑ VEHICLE 2 C] BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN C] OTHER PEDESTRIAN Seale W Lk. VEHICLE 2-Driver Stale of LIc. VEHICLE 1-Driws ^I q r� LicenseE Number 21 2 License ID Number Bps a' S J / / Driver Name-exactly �� - Driver Neme-exactly as printed on license a f"rOh E. ea ass(on license qpt.No. AddreaaJtPclude mbar 8 Street) AIN.No. Address(Include Number 8 Sheep ✓✓�� enn 5, SQb 22 Stele d( Se. City or Town Slate Zip Code Town L ea Sex Unlicensed No.of Public 3 h Sex Unlicensed No.of Public I h Occupants Property Ih y Occupants Property Month Day Year ❑ p Damaged ❑ Damagetl ❑ exactly es pr inted;registrabo Sex Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex 23 y Month Day Year rvn•e �o�l 0 h ya Y ;Released Apt.No. Hex. ;Released Atltlress(Include Number 8 Sneep Apt,No. Haz. Atldress(I�^d Number 8 S�reen Mat Mat. ❑. de 4 / Ph L7 5 /lap code ❑ Mat. p Cit or Town Slate Zip Code 24 C' or Town Sit ZIAO/ y Plate Numb r State ofAeg. Va 'cl labma Vehiclg Type Ins.Catl Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year a Make Vehicle Type InS Coda CF F77.5-' lW 1 �Ip of 5/ Ticket/ATlckel/Arrest Numbernesl Number(s) S Numbers) Violation Violation. SadiSemon(s) 25 Che Check if involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or drew your own 8 O more than 95 inches wide; E3more than 95 inches wide; diagram in space N9.Number the vehicles. V O more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; Rear End LekjTurn Right Angle Right Turn Head On 77 E— in E J3operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit: � H ❑operated with an oveMimension permit. H ❑operated with an oveMimension permit. , 3. VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Left Tum Right Tum Sideswipe 26 C 7x C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 E- 7 Box 1-Paint of Impact l— ) o, 4_ L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage z. � Enter u to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM [�- E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E p more Damage Codes ! t 2 more Damage Codes A/ �,•_.�., 79 / 27 1 Vehicle By �-"— ,ZJ" 7 Vehicle By Towed: /,(-,L-�!^'�� Towed To / To s e F,(i VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: s 7 1.13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. �-- 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a +° ° g. 28 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. t 1No ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine Yes ❑ , OReference Marker Coordinates(it available) PIac�W�l.gra e t Occurred: Oi ft Latifc�(glorthing:� County.5 ❑Cit ❑Village -oCwn of O U G '!) Road on whi.h.ccident occuned� 2� (Route Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street s (Route Number or Street e) L�nongitu, /E Ii —aL4L— ❑N ❑ r�• Or or 2) Feel J. ❑E of/ Mile st,Nearest ntersectin Route Number or Street Name 30 Accident Description/Officer's Notes G G 0. r N G 14 / 144, co C4 III P.- a rk e. e rc X to art Uu f Com ro �a- CU2 Ubt r(A f-/� hPC Gthd vIt a rov[a CIVET R y `) ✓vu u2 c lnGIs- ✓ N 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death Orr A I 1 /S - _ �- xLL er o e TPI 7?-2- 7/ i L B ` k — — c er of aT 47 .7 $ I C N V D O L E V E P D Date Ime R viewed Officers Rank i Cf Batlge/ID NCIC No. PrecincVPos Station/Beall Reviewing and Si nature Troop2one Sector Officer 9-w}�De�--- rint Name // -)-� In Pull C% New York State Department of rotor Vehicles DMV Lotus[Codes'°ga ! Pagan POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE 19 � 6 . oD MV-104A(7/96) POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 zo 1 Accident Dale Dey of Weak Time No of No.inured No.Killed Non- Len Scene Police Photos Month DeY Veer 11 AM Vehicles - Highway Not In----ted_____ �^ ♦ r I D at .✓ fG C PM -B Accident Reconstructed ❑ Q Yes No VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 L1 BICYCLIST PEDESTRI Drhav Name-e cly, s printed on license DMV Name exactlY as printed on li ee DMV 2- USE �� �" USE 21 Address(Intrude Number&Snake Acklosssf( clude Num I ourself, q3oofc ad C or Town State zip City or Town tele Zip Code ]22 �..S l /q77 l` / 3 ate of Birth. Sex Unlicensed No.m Occup.I Public State of Lic. Dale of Binh Sex Unlicensed No.of0ocup.1 Public State of Lk. Property 0 - Da melted❑ / r Q Damaged 0 / Name-execl ,as primed on registration I I Date of Birth Name-exacly as printed on registration D to of Binh (' '1 23 Address( de umber&SYree ApCNo. Haz Code Released Address(Include Number&Sfreell Apt.No. Haz. Code Released 4 0\ Mat. Q Mat Q City or Town 1 State Zip Coda City or Town State Zip Code 24 42 fA Plate Number State of Reg. VehicleYears Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plata Number Stale of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 00 T a�u19 5 heck If involved ve Icl is: Check if Involved vehicle is: Check the diagtarn below that descisities the accident or draw your own ❑more than 95 Inches wide; - ❑more than 95 inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V 0 more than 34 feel long; V 0 more than 34 feet long; 25 E 11operated with an overweight ppermit; E 0 operated with an overweight permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM (3 operated with an overdimensbn permit. 0 operated with an overdimenwon permit. 6 H H Rear End Len Tum Right Angle Right Tum Has On I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGECODES C Box 1-Point of Impact p1 c2/ C gox 1-Point of Impact 1 r2/ 1. s. �S 5. _7� z L Box 2-Most Damage 3 a L Box 2-Most Damage N Overtaking Len turn —� Right Tum Sideswipe E Enter Lip to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three---- 3 4. 5 �--. ltiF - �— �-- 26 1 more Damage Codes 2' more Damage Colles 2. f o. VS q. 6�,1?r a. i 7 vehicle By vehicle By ` '?^OAxG TO T, Towed: Tom: I To 70 VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: J 4 6 e 1-13. See diagram on right. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2 13 9 17. DEMOLISHED e. •' 18. NO DAMAGE n 28 19. OTHER 1 Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for 12 11 tb 9 "reportable"threshold. ,Yes ❑No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County 0 City ❑Village 1l_� Town /Yw Route No.or Street Name - ❑Miles ❑N ❑E 29 r I ❑Feet ❑S ❑W of lon7-12v p GK- � At Intersection With 7ickeVAnest Number(s) r,-b 11 ifU�f TICKET/ARREST 0OPR1 0OPR2 Violation Section(s) 7v 7 /`r` 0 PEDESTRIAN 0 BICYCLIST C1 OTHER - Nearest Intersecting Route/Street Accident Description/Officers Notes Y� Q- j. 7 ss WYTA 2 Q `! &*ET L 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death Ikx A L L B Z I C N V ' O L E V E F D O SIGN If7eeanIand m Badge/ID No. Department Precinct/Post Station/Beat/ Reviewing Date/Time Reviewed � //�� / p Troop/Zone Sector Officer /HERE / / � JD� r /(��GY� �'.3�Qk.r ((II// v r Page I of 1, Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT MV-104A(7/01) ' ❑ ■ e ' 'e' DMV COPY 1 e e Day of Weak MililaryTime No.of No.Injuretl No.Killed Nol Investlgeled at Scene ❑ Leh Scene Police Photo 20 Moh Day Year C Vehicle�sr ____ S Q �J p( Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ ❑Yes 10No VEHICLE 1 V VEHICLE 2 BICYCLIST ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1,Driver / �— StgW Lic, HICLE 2-Driver 3/ S -�O Stet of :21]2 Lic nse ID Number /� License 1DNumber f0as pri Name-exactly ♦, 1 e `n /O � Driver Neo -exactlyy� Qu,es Mtetl on lbense W rT r es doled On Fwnse X06tr ,141 Address(Include Number 8 Street) Apt.No. Address(Include Number A Street ADL No. City or Tpsl¢ ' ` 14 W Sta,e ip Code Q City or Tnwn^ - '� /�� State Zip Zip Coda 2' 3 i/\i1T•V Sez Unlicensed No. Public/ Public //`/+/[Il.'n•/ LSex uniicens ,NAolorr Public I Mo 1 Da r Occupants / Properly M h Yeay Occupants Property Damaged ❑ Damaged ❑ Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex Date of Birth Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex/// 1 23 Month Dey Veer Q �.,f /I onto Dey Ye Address(Include Numbill 8 Streep Apl,No. Haz. ;Released Address(Include Number Streeg (7 Apt.No. Haz. ;Released 4 Mat ��nn wW Mat. ❑ Code ❑ V A 4 Cotle City or Town State Zip Code Cil) Town ©� Sta�— Zip Cade 2244 pfA amb Al- 5 Plate`N•um�r Btele o1 Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins Code a Nu b r State of R . Ve ble Vear$M e J Vehicle Type Ins.Code 3I TlckeVMrest N TicksUAnestt f/-FG C ` Number(s) ""' Numbeds) Violation Violation Section(s) Section(s) 25 , Check if involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle Is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own ' 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in space ii9.Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; pear End Leff Turn Right Angle Right Turn Head On E D operated with an overweight permit; E O operated with an overweight permit; ` —). � E_ H O operated with an overdimenslon permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension it mit VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES t VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Leh Turn 1 Right Tum Sideswipe 26 L Box 2-Most Damage t I a L Bax 2-Most Damage Impact =1 5 2. E- o. 4, s. ?KE— 8. F ' E Enter up to three 4 5 E Enter up to three 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM ul I more Damage Codes f 2 more Damage Cod esl OA� Vol 27 Vehicle By Vehicle By Towed: Towed: I 0 VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a x 2 a r Y I 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED 2 Is s g 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE L 1 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER G Cost of repairs to anyone vehicle will be more than$1000. ' y 12 ,l la ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine Yes ❑ No Reference Marker Coordinates(ifavailable) Place Where cctd//nt,,Occurred: /j�' ^ Latitude/Northin-g�y: County ��U L-K ❑City ❑Village known of UL� /,/ (U j all y/� �3 Road on which accident occurred r J�"Tr 1-Q/4-b 35-- gZMC 29 (Rome Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street Longitude/Fasting: iScuutte Number or Street Name) may! l G/ cc '1 or 2).!J v CIE LOW of ❑N ❑S / /T✓ L� y+✓!C Feet Miles Mil sl,Nearest nterseclin Route Number or Street Name) Accident Description/Officer's Notes 0 OJEA V 15Fd r LC -1-i iJ r& 'ra D rT1 30 E a -rL F S� s S WXapa K Z U P 414 E / -M4rf AeAQPCCVeLe col Ltp Our iAxm W F•LZG ala( H o��d,�A � F N B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death Only A I 1 36 L B I 1 — - 97 -Volt-0110 N C - — — I✓W 3 c/d17-a 10 VO D L V E E D F Officer's Rank � /'' Badge/11D N0. NCIC No. Precinct/Post Stabon/BeaU Reviewing Date/Time Reviewed and Si n.lure Troop/Zone Sect r Olfi L rint arae 3 7 Qs�s� in Full ..Q� �� �U /� Hage I of Pe s New York State Department of Motor Vehicles ✓ Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT , MV-104A(7/01) [Ie e - ••• DMV COPY 1 M D e De of Week Military Time No.of No.Injured No.Killed Left Scene Pollee' holo 20 Y N ---investigated-Scene ❑ Month9r' ear Vehicles ______________________________ O5 Sa� O2. `� fl1 Id SY Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ 1 0yeshNo ~ VEHICLE 1 ❑ VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Driver Sletggf Lie. VEHICLE 2-Driver State of Lie. 2 Llcenae tD Number S a9 ] License ID Number 21 -� DAwr Name-exeny /�/� 00 Driver Name-exactly as rioted on license C a { t fbr as rimed on license `^ Address(Incl Number&Seast Apl.No. Address(Include Number8 Stre60 Apt.No. ro C�reaN YJa S} City or Town 1 Slal Zip Code city or Town State Zip Code 22 o f: �o,N N U S� Sex Unlicensed No.of Public IS.. Unlicensed No.of Public th D Yb ❑ Occupants Properly Doth Day ear Occupants Propel Bir } Damaged ❑ ❑ Damaged ❑ Nerve-exact y as printed on registration Sex I Data of Birth Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex I Dot,of Jim 23 L G r N l.'/ Month Day Year Month Day Year Address( Number d Snfrstreet) r, Apt."o- Her. ;Released Address(Include Numbers street Apt.No. Hez. :Released S So �T a3 IV Mal 1 Mat. ❑ mat 1 ❑ Code Chy or Town S to Zip Code City or Town state Zip code 24 U 07 Plate Ngryber State of Reg. Vehicle Year lA.T I Valle Type lins.Cede Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year d Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code TbkeVAmest Tickeuamast Numberis) Numbers) Violation Violation Sections) Section(s) �5 Check it involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own ❑mom than 95 Inches wide; ❑mom than 95 inches wide; diagram in space 89.Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V O more than 34 feet long; Rear End Lea Tum Right Angle Right Tum Head On E ❑operated with an overweight Permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; —► .-.310- Q . t-- H ❑operated with an overclimension Permit- H ❑operated with an Overtlimension volt. t E— 7. I 6. VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES 0 snaking Lea Tum 1 Right Tum Sitleswipe 26 r C Box 1-Point of Impact C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 I( L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage z. R E Enter up to three A 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes I 2 more Damage Codes 27 Vehicle By Vehicle By ' rowed: Towed: To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a ' It a r 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 1.13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. ( ' 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a +s s g �8 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to anyone vehicle will be more than$1000. 7 s ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine ®Yes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accide t Occurred: 1 1 Latit de/Northing: County SV�COW' f❑City ❑Village ,Town of �OV-t�01Lt 2 9 N Road on which accident occurred Ell U� 02 S 29 O (Route Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street Longitude/Easting: (Rowe Nu ror re lNam qJ ❑N ❑S � 14 , VCK o?a .27 qzw or 2) 00 ❑E BW 6f C Of .k !"'1 Feet Mlles Mil st,Nearest Intersecting Route Number or Street Name Accident Descriptlon/Officer's Notes L at d VC Ar Pv/Q$ pU IVea. + dN u U'j-C S 11 30 7WC 'e \r0 0"4 Wck P /h/ A-ecf e j - BNEE1 N 8 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names I all involved Date of Death Only A t ( 1 e� vCa9 63 3a3-oo/1 L B 1 \Ale Ts" v I i ANS N C Ce�;�eiIo.J 0 D L E V E D F ifI Officer's Rank \ Badge/ID No. NCIC No. Precinct/Post Station/BeaU Reviewing -�E��t Dat IT R viewed and SI nature \ /,, q Troop/Zone Seely Office rr T.� � �Z-1 inrlFull ams 0 V J17lACke ! S to in UC) S .JLe-' ( vw TOY! Page I of Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles '�- LIC a �-.� POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT ,s MV-104A(7/01) a O • • ••• DMV COPY 1 AocMem Date Day of Weak Military Time No.of No.Injured No.Kilkid Not Investigated at Scene [3 Let Scene Police Photos 20 Mi Dey Year kle6 /\ ------ ` V O Accident Reconstrucied ❑ ❑ ❑Ye No VEHICLE 1M VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE I-Driver S/ St to VEHICLE 2-Drhrer �'I Uc. 2 License to Number b �,. I ��' Lkenae lD Number 1 Driver Name-exact y Driver Name-exact u tetl on ken" Is- Ul'� r as ted on license Address(IricludalW y26er Wean Apt.No. �aaea�oris /�rl Apt.No. city VA t iy- iip pp CIIY T 4-76� ate L to 9 1 22 3 Sex Unlicensed No.of Public Ssr" Unikensetl No.of Public �� Or�penls Prop ❑ apt y n F ❑ Occu n Pmperly� ❑ Dame L.- Demey60 ❑ N Ucidh tr_tly es printad on registration Sex a 9xaclly es Drint on registration ex Y__�te of .,V��„, y ar 93 Manlh Day Yeer ,` ✓ V1 6 rt-1 Address(Include Numbers Strear) Apt.No. Hez. ;Released Address(include N bora Slree Apl.No. Haz. ;Released 4 ❑ 3L �w. • �'e ❑ I City or Town State Zip Code 1 C r To 61,\ � t le iip Cotle 24 Pkle Number Sl to f eg. shit a ice Ve le T 1 ode Plate Number S t of ag. Vehicle Ye aka V icle T I C I D lZ"1 0 v a D 1081 W C 5 Tktcet%my��, Tlcket/Amst INumbers) Numbi Violation Violation Section(s) section(s) . 2 Check if Involved vehicle Is: Check it Involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or drew your own 3 f 8 [3=to than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; dia rem in space Y9.Number the vehicles.. V ❑mote than 34 fast long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; Rear Entl Let Turn Right Angle Right Tum Head On ' E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; —W -Di E- H ❑operated with en overdimension emit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. 1�-' F 3 R 5. 7. I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES 1 VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Let T�uEm-- Right Tum Sideswipe 28 7 C Box 1-Polio of Impact 1 C Box 1 -Point of Impact / 2 F 7�E— �� ' L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage O2. E Ellerup to three 3 j 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM i more Damage Codes -� 2 more Damage Codes 1 ra[-k0 r 27 y Vehicle BY ,N r Teowed 6y Towed nJ61 1 To To a s aQ �ana-� VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a 1 1.13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a +s ° 9. 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 2B 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER t of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. I Unknown/Unable to Determine []yesNo Reference Marker Coordinates(i/available) Place Where cident Occurred: aW 1 I L lilud” n��3 — County ' ,Occurred *'❑Cily ❑Village RlkTown of -� Road on which accident attuned C�'l1 1�C`IQ-' \ L�' 29 41 0 (Route N berror Street amet� + at 1)intersecting street Longitude/Fastin N ❑S A. to Number or Street Name) fl1 Lr4ng or i ❑W of L 4.1 ant l) f Feel Miles Mi st,Herself Intersecting Route Number or Street Name Aoolff Description/O !car's Notes 30 z N � D- a—� OVER a Q Q/ use BxEET y `� e N 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY T 18 Names f all Involved DatQaT'D9t1}ROfll A A rd 6Y\ L a rf14 DT INV D Olt VA C Va � b� L E D F Officer's Rank + Badge/1D No. NCIC No. PreclncYPost 6tegeEa'BeEV Reviewing Date/Tlme Reviewed and Sl tura ✓ r-G Troop/Zone SeCcto�rr Officer InrFull L O`+J 11�7'� Page t Of ; OPages� New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Loc41 odes O\ POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT ,s MV-104A(7/01) PF ❑ • • ' '•" DMV COPY ,•Wv- Da ask Military Time No.o1 No.Injured No.xill9d Leh Some Police Pho 20 Year y V tries Novesgaeetcene ❑1�G' Accident Reconstructed ❑ �'[j ❑Yea NoVEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN river e LkICLE 2-Driver S t k. mber License ID Number 21 exactly . Driver Name-exactly kenN r tL ae hied on Ikense14 , Addi nc udIgm Sfre" 1 Apt.No. Addrr(I(Inc NUMB r Street D Apt.No. J7/ (`FL�Ta 11V C T .� tate zip de C wF ` e {IplCads�v 22 3 Unllceneetl No.of Publk o Ih Yat� Occupe�te pr Se Unlicensed No.of Public openy Occu nta Publiany c ❑ -Damaged ❑ -�❑ Damaged ❑ No1%as printed on registration Sax me-exact ae print on repistretb S 23 Month DaY Year O r\S 1Aw lh y <:6 Address(Include Number 8 Sbee9 Apt.No. Her. ;Released Address Num r Sfree • Apt.No. Hez. Released Coode ( ❑ o x k• a Mel.e ❑ City or Town Stale Zip Code on,�r Town Zip C a 24 v T�',, Caw 1 b`Y s- Ins.,e u State�qeg. Vehicle Year ke Vehicle Type Ins.Cade Plate Number State I eg. Vehicle Year Vke Vehicle T J 5 M4931 N� 0210 S b 61k w (�d Ya 2 T SS 3 Tlcke9Anesl Ticket/ ' Numbef(Fr" Numbe(s) Violation Vlolatil Sectlor(S1—� Sectkn(s) 25 Check g involved vehicle is: Check If involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 O more than 95 inches wide; 0 more than 95 Inches wd e; diagram to space e9.Number the vehicles. V O more than 34 feet long; V 0 more than 34 feet hng; Rear End Lett Turn Right Angle Right Tum Head On E 0 operated with an overweight permit; E 0 operated with an overweight permit; F H D operated with an overdimension permit. H 0 operated with an ovemimension permit. 1 d. S. 7. 1 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Ovedekin .it Turn Right Tum Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1-Point of Impact C Box 1-Point of Impact 12 F E— �E— 3 L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage } 1 , 7/ I E Enter up to three 4 5 E Enter up to three q 5 ACCIDENTNRIAGRAM I more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes Vehkle By _ Vehicle By. 27 7Towed: Towed: To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a a /-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED 2 ,p a 9 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE F29 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. a ,a „ ,o ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine Yes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(ilavailable) Place W re ent Occurred: Latitude/Northing: County 0 City 0 Village Town of 4 0 s9 a 1 1 Road on which accident occurred rkl vQ- t1D7p' — � 1 (Route Number or Street me) at 1)Intersecting street Lon�lgitude/EaSling:L�/� y�u '{�N [IS p �A ulee Numb sf or Ireet Na ) / ins •L " or2)3Y—o ❑E ❑w of k Feet Miles lepost.Naare tersectl I1'WL r or Slreet'Name Accident Descrip[ion/Olticer's Notes �� �,L a,r �O-. 30 I k� �''FO ` 1 S Se� V r� �'-0 1A 10 1 12 14 15 16 17 BY Ta 18 Vannesall Involved Date of Death Only N C V D O L E E D F F ficers Rank Badge/IDNo. NCIC No. PrecincVPos Reviewing Date/time Reviewed d SI nature Troopizone Sector Officer nt a e bllf yt Full Page / of / Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles La�alcoaeso _ POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 MV-104A(7/01) D a •• DMV COPY MD� y ser Day of Week MllihryTlme NoA f sNo.injured No.Killed NIll Scene ❑ Lek Scene Police Photos 20 0C .cident oonetrumetl ❑ ❑ ❑Vee®No VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN Ner 51 VEHICLE 2•DriverO /�O 61pIP- k.ber Q tq License lD Number 7 /V pi actN .✓ R� FirT.S `E Ddver NemeexeHyense C7 J• u ad on Nconae YrlZo A14,CMMlfAJ Address(Include " bard Apt.No. Address(Include Number 8 Stres AIH.No. M. — 0- S3 i73 sr. — City orTown / 1 I � CkyMioypL/ _HiN6 AA- &Zip Code64:5' 22 3 I Sex unlicensed No.of Public !'A.(/S Sex Unlicensed N .of Public jfey m O Occupants / .PD;ompe. ❑ �y r � ❑ Occupants/ D ompaertyd ❑ d0 .3 Oe Name-exa sae printed on registration Sex Nam xacty a printed on registration Sex 23 a/Y m` � S 4A yC Mmih Day Year 11 l %o A p v4 Month Day Year Address(Include Number 3&reef) /rte/ L All,No. Hez. IReleeced Address(include Number Street) /TW Apt.No. Hez. ;Released 4 Mat Mat.code j30 Code City or Town Stale Tip Code Ckyor Town State Zip Code 2244 5 Plot.NOber Siete of VehkyY e Vehlele ype lggode P to Nurnberg/O Siete-ol - Ve i�;S,Me% Vert Type I�Cpda I ` 9 •,E� dtltlORlRst77 N ' NteEaWN NaaIL®flt'1 Mlalall0a filnitenfer reeller" 25 F1 Check Ii involved vehicle Is: Check 8 Involved vehicle 11: M : Circle the diagram below at describes the accident,or draw your own 8 O more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in sl ace M9.Number the vehicles. V O(mora than 34 feel long; V O mole than 34 feet brig; Rear EM Lek Tum Right AngleRight Tum Head On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; F t— V` —;V _� F H O operated with an overdimenslon innit. H D rated with an overdimension rmll. t 3. •1 y 5. 7 I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Oveneking Lek Tum t Right Tum Sideswipe 28 7 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 F � E— <— r L Box 2-Most Damage a2 .-L L Box 2-Most Damage F 4. E Enter up to three 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT-DIAGRAM t more Damage Codes ' 2 more DamageCotles afvAWi4� /Q✓��� /i Vehicle By Vehicle By ` ' " < rs 27 Towed: To TowedTo: I �r� VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: s 4 e ' a •C/ J r 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a v a g S�S6ec 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 728 18. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. 1 s / ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine PEYes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(1l available) Place WhWe Accld-erlt_Occurred: La itude/Nonhing: - County -5410 �-I*— O Chy o Vnlage ■Town of sou'-w4z y j 'Se 97N/ Road on which accident occurted /,VflTf/7-0 Ce— 29 (Route Number or Street Name) b a ; at 1)intersecting street Q Longitude/Fasting: '7Y�/Q [IN O S /' lRoute Nu bar or Street Name) I I Sj e.21 a+ Q e�'r• . ( or 2) ❑E W of /.Q. / �y E Feet Mlles (Milepoil,Nearest Intersocurig Route Number or Street Nam) Accident Description/Officer's Notes / 30 Y / ov,0LUaIi y eFolge 060 — GdhtS Bd- rJ D ;10 N - t n N 1112 '13 14 15 is 17 BY Ilib 18 Names rreaf all InvChad Date of Death Only AA L a .Z. s7' P' lye-3x00 N C V D O L V E E D F Officer's RankBadgaAD No. NCIC No. PrecincVPos StetloNBeaV Reviewing Date/Time Reviewed and Signature Q Troop2one Sector Of inrFuil ams 1112, d...7 OS/.S9' .3 ��� /B 'qky Page' / of If Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles PVI "o,Local CodesO _ 61% POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 MV-104A(7/01) 4 ❑ • • DMV COPY- 1 s nt Date Dey of W k MlllleryTime No.of No.Injuretl No.Killed Left Scene Police Phots 20 .� Mon ay V9er �" Veh lea Not Invest etl el Scene ❑ O 1121 O �u 19 16 �y O O -------- 11916 ____itis ❑ WHO k� p(� Acc Reeonstrucletl ❑ ❑Yes VEHICLE 1 0 VEHICLE 2 BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE i-DO. .'L St t k. VEHICLE 2.Driver -09101 State 2 lloenN ID Number $ �6a o 1 E.L� �, Cleanse ID Number 18.2 So q /o t 2, y Driver Name exactly O 5 I COLE 'I '. Driver Name-eze'N .-►� u Mon license as anted on license IG �p •^ Address(Include Num a sove8 Apt.No. Address(In ludo Num street) AIX.No. 12i S L 0o VB.GREST L.q E City or or S1aa ZI Code Gly or Ste Code 22 1 £ FFEFID Jl� 01 � k 5� v 3 Sex Unikerumd No.of Publie Sex Unlicensed No.of Public (qpl� y ❑ Occupants ' Property th I a et ren ❑ Occupants Property Damegeo ❑ /r E Damaged ❑ Name-exactly as 1 prri�yinEEted on re btrellon Sex Name-exactly m printed on registration Sax 23 :5A-MF- 30{/E Month Dey Vear S"E Ani. Month DaY Veer Address(Include Number 6 Strearf Apt.No. Hoz. I Released Address(Include Number It SStrreeefj �'1�W Apt.No. Haz. ;Released q Mal Mel ❑ 3 Code c ❑ 1 Code City or Town Stale Zip Code Clty or Town Slate Zip Code 24 e Number Stele o1 Vehkla Vear �k�^ Veh`kle Type Ins.C� Pte Number State of ep. Vehicle Y 8 Make VeMcle Type Ins.Code G M VW �cm3al �1. roav sw lac ct 5 liekeeMlWl iYl,etlAnesl - l NufAaEl•/ NwAbo P) l vialtu.lw- tliekNen � e•aefah) S•slleafW 25 Check B Involved vehicle is: Check M Involved vehicle H: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 1 6 ❑more than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram ins ace 89.Nu ber the vehicles. 1 V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; r ntl Lek Tum Right Angle Right Tum Head On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight penntt; --e � F H ❑operated with an overdimension permit H ❑ orated with an overclimension permit. a R ,Iy s. ;_I,_ . VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES 1 VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking UX Turn 1 Right Tum Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1-Print of Impact 1 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact k17-- 1 --)-.-a— )F ' L Box 2-Most Damage � If L Box 2_Most Damage Q <- 4 E Eller up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 4 5 ACCID AGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 3 2 more Damage Codes I=01 y ���¢ Vehicle By Vehicle By 27 Towed: �� Towed: ✓ ' To To x/ Q VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: - a x ° e x (•jTsE,9��L 1.13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. ��L S 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED z u e g, TPPIr{ 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. s ,e ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine ®Yes 0 No Reference Marker Coordinates(it avallable) Place WheAe Accident Occurred: cC Latitutle/Norihing: County OL ❑City ❑Village INTown of cJOurNOLD 1 C2 //01,:MoyIAl Road on which accident occurred R .25 29 (Rome Number or Stmet Name) o: at 1)iraersecting street Longitude/Easting: 1 (Rout- N ber or 6treat Name) y or 2) ZS ❑N ❑S —1; ACED R V --m—es SE ❑w of Feat MII sq Nw4,W Inlereed' Route Number w Street Nam Accident Description/Officer's Notes F.�E X19' l D f 6 4IgNv A- fz- _ T, aduef— 5 kofslr e i� J Sc s- D "' O a 8 9- in 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY 18 Names of all Involvad Date of Death Only A L B a/ 8- e7s1.3 {� C a 3 ots q-✓�9 D oZ / •l OQd Emi l�-3�-$1 LVE a2 E D P Officer's Renk /L Badge/ID No. NCIC No. Precinct/Pos Station/Beat/ Reviewing Date/1'ime Reviewed end Sl nature A' S Tmop2one Sector r/' Op��r/ Print ems 3 .3 V2 �� / /�G f D In Full MENEW Page a ages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles LaCf1Cotl" POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT �z y MV-104A(7/01) ❑ ' ° a ' e' DMV COPY EM��VJHICI Dayof Week MiitlaryTime No.of No.Intoned No.Klilatl Not Investigetetl et Scene ❑ Polka Philos 2Q I r Vehkba a 6Accident RecronDEST ❑ ❑Yes oE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN [3 OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Driver q// iaO ^ Slot . Esres12-Driver /�/� O p ('v Siete Lic. 2 Lkense ID Number If0(jf aG...J Ocerw ID Number N 21 diva Nemo•ezealy nOp^ �',v,. pnnN Driver Nemo-censey yN./ (//J,r os ted on IkanN V 11 rJ/[6 l�I�'7 a ted an exact) U `^-W Address(include Number6 Streeo Apt.No. Address(Include Number A Mrsel) Apt.No. 6s �vss ILO C&W761 sr Dity pr Tgwn 6Kd(:N�RT N-S ZIP 9�/ DnyerTewn6 Re,�We)P— N4."a /�=§/ 2 3 Sez tlmlwwIaIr No.of P Ila Sex tlaitaaaeed No.of blk hb ODe r 4 O occupants Pr ❑ a Occupants P party 11 ❑ D aged ❑ Name-szactly es Pdnled on regiWrel Sex Name-en vypLu dried on regilq%yon Sez 23 Mang) Day Year (/ �/ �fy Morel, Day You Address(include Number 8 Sbeeo Apt.No.. Ham I Released Address(Include Numbers Streeo Apt.No. Mez. tReleased Met E3Code 13Ft title City or Town State Zip Code City or Torn Stale Zip Code 24 Plate bar Stat o eg. V cla Ve k Ve Ick T e Ina.Cod Plate N bar SI V le Vear&Make Y late T Ins.Code t�( 9dS6 /� t �"6�P i✓ f ctu� �� r �W;l/ 999 Ticket ARest TicketArrest Number(s) Numbers) Violation Violation ��..._ tetdulon(s) Section(s) 25 FCheck If Involved vehicle Is: Check If Involved vehicle la: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own F O more than 95 Inches wide; O more than 95 Inches wide; diagram In sl ace M9.Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V 0 more than'34 feet long; E 0 operated with an overweight permit; E O operated with an OVef We ht Rear ErM Lea Tum Riehl Angle Right Tum Head On 9 P W I9 pertnil; F F H O operated with an overdimension permit. H 13 operated with an overdimension rtnit. I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES 1. a. R 5. >'. I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES oNerisking Leh Tum Right Tum Sideswipe C Box 1•Polni of Im ct C Sox 1-Point of Im Ct 1 F �E-- F- •�F L Box 2-Most Damage K- L Box 2-Most Damage E— �S . 7I E Ether u to three 5 E Enter u to three q 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM t rV,hl', Damage Codes 2rT ore Damage Codes la Sy hkle Sy d: vretl: To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a u 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a n ° 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGEg 18. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one Vehicle will be more than( T,000. a ,z 11 ,a ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine Yes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates Ofamilable) Place Where A,Ccjdent Occurred: C Latitude/Nor J Latitude/No�rtgr 9Counry� .S❑City O�V'illageAJown of �V'wr� yO Road On which accident occurred 29 (Route D; at 1)intersecting street Longitud1e/Eastitin1g: (/ p (Route Num o treat Name) C7/°l 3F r� ( ) ON OS eV i.5 or b_ ❑E pW of Feet Miles Mil stn Nearest lade ctin Route Number or StreefName Accident Description/Officers Notes V9 Ke-G 0 3 W 2, d- a W g .S`73 ,!57/-- f-gq c6fIR e GG(J USE Lt rows SKU N 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Y TO 18 p Names of all Involved Date of Death Only A Oft?i4 G 7 L a 7. oS v S.v,✓e N c 1-5 J N G l p D V E E D F ONIceYs Rank O Badge/ID No. NCIC No. PfeclnCVPoe SmflorVBeaV Revlewi Date/Tlme Reviewed and SIRnature Troop/Zone Se or Officer m -nature Ko(fexT S. ug 8S Qr/f� &d� In Full Page 1 of II Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Cod POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT � MV-104A(7/01) ,g ' ❑ • •' DMV COPY 1Aooklenl Date Day of Week Mllnery7pne No.of No.Injured No.Killed ^' tl Day Year Vehicles ,e ❑ b•IbCaeaB Police Photos 20 S t'O O<{ O lllZ Z CO 'O Aeeyelwaen"Woal ❑ ❑ 13 Yes 91to VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE: BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Dever Sleta of Lk.' =.D= EHICLE2•Driver 2 LloanM ID Number 'L�'E.1 q{„�Z �•--�S a•7�{• LkreMe ID Number •0 l ''LZ1 State 1�(k' Ddwr Name-exactly 21 ` u ted on lienee . . Driver Name--coy Nubr8 OHMS, as ted on Noone \ c, %Wz Address(Include Address(IncWde Number 6 SfreeQ Apt.No. 1 City or T - Stale Zip Code City or Town Stale Zip CodeANA 22 CK y. ..4s c�. �< _ . ll ss 3 Sex 1Ma•enea►• No.of PYYIi• Sex UMxerEaetl No.of Peale Mor�pl f y r A^ O Ocap'nts .=1d ❑ onl ay ear ❑ Occuperg� ❑ Namabxamty as printed on registration l Sax Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex G_ 23 71>L�rG MonM b r -Da, � MZ Dv � r `!q0_' Address(Include Number&Sfreefj Apt.No., Haz. ;Releesetl Address(Include Number 8 SfreeQ Apt.No. Hez. ;Released .� l—4at Mood, M. [711ode Cay or'i own � Stele . Zip Code City or Town Slate Zip Code 24 Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehic��qs Type Ins.Code Plele Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Vear 8 Make Vehkle T . Ins.Code 5 rJZ �Ira31 ay. '1 See samba 63 IS L( �.(, \ 2J - S a t t O TIdreVArrest 77ckWAMI t 1 Number(s) Numbers) Violation Violation - Section(s) Seolion(s) Check If involved vehicle is: Check if Involved vehicle Is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 25 O more than 95 Inches wide; O more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in space 49.Number the vehicles. 3 V 0 more than 34 feet long; V O more than 34 feet long; Rear Erid Left Tum Right Angle Right Tum He aO On E O operated With an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight pemhit; _� _ad E- H .2operated with an overdimension permit. H O operated with an overdimension ermit. t t- F' s ` 5. 7. 1 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES 1 VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Ovedeking Len Tum Right Tum Sitleswipe 28 7 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 C BOX 1•Point of Impact 2 L Box 2-Most Damage Z Z L Box 2-Most Damage i ' F �S a. i I E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes „= t - 2 more Damage,Codes Z VahLie By A`vQv.]1+M.1 \o Vehicle 9y OWTr+PJZ rTS,S Wks 27 Towetl: To T,;—%.3.,5 K�Jg.A VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a e a a v 1.13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 2 E 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a ,a • 9 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 18. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. ,a „ ,e • Unknown/Unable to Determine ❑Yes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(ifavollable) Place Where A�peLr4-nt Occurred: �7r.� Latitude/Northing: County C�': ❑Ciry ❑Village IB7own of�'D..hT{!W� d L 7 1•400 -Sq .3, Road on which accidem occurred SQ• ZS 29 A __ �,(Routerberor Stml=e) .p "") o: at 1)intersecting street r'4•x- rQS,eGE hGq Longitude/Easting: [IN O S IRome Number or Street Name) 311= "7�� or 2)— ❑E ❑W of Feet Miles MiNpost,Nearest intersect' Route Number or blreer Name Accident Descdptlon/Officer's Notes G�+2� 1 rV,pl� 30 J•�7`�KC/{� � {1� rVl'Ai �Qr�•+C /� .. USE =---s ..� WVET Y TV•S SHEET 73 7031 . S may" '70'7 N 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 BY TO 18 Names nf all invoiv d Date of Death.Onl e F - - I - - C D E F eM SI nature ficer's Rank 'I I/ -� Badge/ID No. NCIC No. PracincUPost StatioZsaV Reviewing Dat I Reviewed nit ams �/ l Troop/Zone Sector O B {•' 4 In Full 5� L`e T �� '!� t �� t t,/uL 77 0?/Sio Page d Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT ,9 MV-104A(7/01) Q ❑ e a ' 'e' DMV COPY 1 e e Day of Week MIMIa a No,of No.Inured No.Killed Lea Scene Police Photos 29� Day Year / ® O Not Investigated et Stena ➢f Accident Reconstmoted ❑ jr ❑Ye No VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1•Driver State of Lk. V ICLE 2-Driver State of Lk. 2 License ID Number w ID Number 1 23 � Driver Name xacty Drive ame-exactly as prIntod on license as prim on license Address(Include Number&Stree6 Apt.No. Address( lode N bar&Street) Apl.No. City or Town ale Zip Code City or TomState Zip Code 22 3 Sex Unikense NO.of Publle ex Unlicensed No.of Public Month Day Year ❑ OccuPenls Propert-Dwaaged ❑ Ih Day r /G ❑ Occupants ProDamaged ❑ No city is printed on registrationMCM0., Name-exadly as printed on streuon Sen 23 Momh Day Vear �7 AdMeas Inc u r 6/ z. 1 R axed Address(Include Number&Sn"o Apt.No. Hu. ;ReleasedMet.de ❑ Code cay o Stat ip City or Town State Zip Coda IV P um r S ate of R V hicla fear 8 e Vehicle T e 0 I Plate Number Istate 0,111p.lVehicto Year ti&ke Ve Type Ins.Code / 5 Tkka ArreN / l r TldceVArrest Number(s) Number(s) Violation Violation Section(s) Sections) 5 Check If Involved vehicle is: Check if Involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own T 8 ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in space 119.Number the vehicles. u IV ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; Rear End LET; Right Angle I Right Turn lHoad On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E El operated with an overweight penult; -> --K- H H ❑ eratetl with an overdimension ertnit. H (3 Operated with an overdimension permit. 1. E- a. s. T. I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES i VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Dvensking Left Tum Right Tum Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 E- ��— �E' / L Box 2-Most Damage " Q L Box 2-Most Damage 2. E Enter up to three 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM A 7 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes /�' 27 Vehicle By Vehicle By , Towed: Towed: ('J J To ..r To l/7 all, a s a VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: e r - 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a +s a 9_ /I - 4 oZ 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs o anyone vehicle will be more than$400. I12 , ,o ' nknown/Unable to Determi a Dyes [3No or Reference Marker Coordinates(ilavallaole) Place Wh a Occurred: ? ' 1 tttutle/Northing: County ❑City ❑ ill OR wn pC jf j d� Road on which accident occured / 29 Route Number or Street Name) QI D at 1)intersecting street 1 Longitude/Fastin ��''//,, (Soule Nu ror Street Nama) c or2)yJ�_ �£ ❑W of Feet Miles (Mil2q w4 IM reacting Route Number rStreet'Name Accident Descdption/Officer's Notes /i ME co'ER NET N 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all invoViad Date of Death Only L A / _ _ _ _ aw _ L B _ - I C — N O D L E V E D F Olficet's Rank Ba2NO. ATMOPIZO n/Beat/ Reviewin Date Ime Reviewed and Signature r OfficerIF rn In FullameS(er� I b z3 S O_7 Page 1 of Peg" New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Lore' POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT ,e MV-104A(7/01) ❑� DMV COPY 1 Date De of Weak Mdilary Tma No.of No,Injured No.Killed Lek Scene Police Photas 20 ''T^ Y -y ,y, Nol Investpaled at Scene ❑ m ay PV ea! ` 1 I O Veh0 s.Z 4 I Y� .-----_ Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ ❑Yes'BNo VEHICLE 1 WVEHICLE 2 BICYCLIST PEDESTRIAN OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEH LE 1•Orlver �-1 Sta o Lk. VEHICLE 2-Driver _ o Stat of Lk. 2 Lkinee ID Number -•Q 0 d Lk �.! License ID Humor — O 21q ::printed or, bnee E n2 f y Ddw ted on .anY �1p -I- Mn Address tad an Xoanae Address include Numbwr 6"I"N' Apt.No. Adds(molal Ntanbw 8 S?rW Apt.No. d 1 o a D 3o lou;) City WT State Zip Code City or Town Yate Zip Code 22 mQ'r"r 1Tv (,- �J 64 3 Sec Unlicensed ry ay r xf I Unlicensed No. I Public MonthY Occupants �me9 ,qLkdPaDEd❑ Namesacts ❑ printed on registration Sex Name-exactly m printed on registration Sez23 /t Month Day Veer C ,1 rt Mom Day Vaar Address(Include Number a Street) Apt.No. Flax ;Released Address(Include Number 8 Srreeg Apt.No. Haz ,Released q Mal Mat. ❑ City or Town State Zip Code 1 City or Town State Zl)Code 24 Plate Number Stele of Rep. Vehicle Year 8 Make f V kt Type Ins.C P to Number SMe of Rep. Vehicle Year Mak* Vehicle� InOs.Code 5 TkkH/Anesi (_?I B AV t_JI TidNMest !_ll 1 Numbers) Numbers) Violation Violation Sectbn(s) Sed'on(s) 25 FCheck 8 Involved Vehicle Is: Check k Involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own �[ B ❑more than 95 Inches wife; O more than 95 Incites wide; die s ace M9.Number the vehicles. , D l�1 V O more than 34 feet long; V ❑rare than 34 feel long; qea!E Len Tum Right Angle Right Tum Heid On E O operated with an overweight permit; E O operated with an overweight permit; H O operated with an overdlmensbn permit. H ❑operated with an overdimenslon permit. tE• `5 5 7 1 VEHICLE I DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE2DAMAGE CODES Lek Tu26Oveking C Box 1-Point of Impact Q1 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 F E- F '7 L Box 2-Most Damage U L Box 2-Most Damage E- a 7� a. E Ender up to three 3 4 5 E Ender up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM t more Damage CodesF4 2 more Damage Codes vahicm By Vehicle By QfC�Ow 27 Towed: Tooled: To TO �.S F1yAyy-. VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: s e s e r 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED i Is s 9, 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. a ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine gRes 13 No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: q / Latitude/Northing: County $h �1 IL ❑City O Village e'Town of /art,(�io l�( �'t<'O o 5 9 o2 Road on which accident occurred T' 3 �i 9?'Zzzzw— ) y 29 / (Route Number or Street Name) 011 10 i at 1)intersecting street (Route Number or Street Name) Longitutle/Fasting: ❑N ❑S �1 p �ao �a N'O or 2)�_ ❑E PW of r Att ) 15 i d 1 0 Feet MilesW st Neareel mersectl Route Numberor Street Nemo Accident Descriptlon/Officefs Notes �V v ( yy 5 h 30 talc 17 E COVEa a�fFT N In 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all iinvolved Date of Death Only i A 1 44 1L-4.1 #1 — — — — f la IL L e 4 G \ O N C O D V E E D F Olflcer's Rank Be ADNo. NCIC No. PrecincVPos Stalior✓Boat/ Reviewing /]}.,�• Date/Time Reviewed PrinPrints meure � OS/Sq 7rooP2one Sectpr otficeV` \�7l`b 1 I Z�1 O p In Full Ohl I OQr'� l l 1 Page I of I Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Loos I a �eS POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT +e MV-104A(7/01) 9 0 • • • DMV COPY . 1 &2qnt D Da of Week Military Tkne No.of No.Injured No.Kllbtl Lek Scene Polka Photos 20 Mon a ear y ry Veh NotInvestigated al Some ❑ 1 _ ____________________________ Q 0 ` ' Awkient Reconstructed ❑ y ❑Y No VEHICLE 1 93 VEHICLE 2 13 BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN OTHER PEDEhTFtAN 2 t>o«,as lDtNumb,r O 0 3 3 3 T. t of . VEHICLE 2.umber I 21 LIEHIC IDNumberq4t 1 — D v Nem,roxemly Drives Name•mail ae rkded on Acanae l t^VV li . as ted on lkxmee��r( S Q✓ 1 �" Numbers Stmoo,,;[ No. Address(Include mbe reaQ \'+ Apt.No. Cky orT O 4L 13�(v�� AtA. 8pl't , Ciryo rm A LAI 03 k-6-r%f Q/ a `� e IT6967- 1,0611,91110 9 2 2- 3 Sex Unlicensed No. Public $ax Unlicensed No.of L lPruabllic e t/h� =s Oa�Pante Prgno.% ❑ (V/te..l —❑ OauPe it �sala0ed ❑ V • l Dema9� N erzac`y se printed on registration Box me-execlly as vIt ad on registration Sax 23 Month Day Year Month Day Year a r rtvQ.� Address(Include Number 8 S1.1 All,No. Haz. I Released Address(Include Number Street) Apt.No. Haz. IRelmsed q Mal Mat. ❑ } codecode l City or Town State Zip Code 1 Cky or Town Stale Zlp Code 24 5 s Nu t e 1 rj. Vehkle Ye9r Ve�a TypeY ' Ins.Coda 91ete rt�be��� St�se��TF g. V Icle aka Veh a Ipe . Its. 1 Tkk,UAns,t v[ tAl' X TiTkk`vetfArrmst ` 1 ` 1 Nunben(a)L. Number(a1— Vkxetkn �� Violation F somm(s) Sectionmrf Check it Involved vehicle is: Check g Involved vehicle Is: the diagram below that describes the accident,or drew your own 8 D more than 95 Inches wide; O more than 95 Inches wide; die ra space a9.Number the vehicles. V O more than 34 feet long; V O more than 34 feet long; r End Lek�Tum Right Angle Right Tum ead HOn E O operated with an overweight permit; E O operated with an overweight permit F 111-- —)♦t-- H O elated with an overdimension permit. H O operated with an overdlmension perm , s 17. 1 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES ertak ek Tum RigMTum Sideswipe 26 C Box 1-Point of Impact 4 2 C Boz 1-Point of Impact F F Q 7 L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage F a. 7� 18, v ' E Enter up to three 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM T more Damage Codes r' 2 more Damage Codes 27� Vehkla By Vehkle By Towed: Towsd: To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: , a e e 1.13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a ,s a g. 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 18. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER COSI of repairs to any one Vehicle WIII be more than$1000. e ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine 19yes 13 No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place e AJO r}�. t Occurred: c 1 - Latitude/Northing: County (,eL— ❑Cit 11 Village Town of kJ� 6,h/.�t�klp p�4 1� R Road on which accident occurred� t A P -1 41i•�' (. u"�� 29 p ��1///���///��� ° RJ jarorst"bName) - at 1)intersecting street ^ 01�+�� Longitude/Easting, �Xf (Roue Number or Street ams) Q�L�ZT " O❑N OS or 2)__ E OW of Feet Miles M sl,Nearest ifflenssnArv,Route Number ar Street Name Accident Descdpbon/ONIcer's Notes 30 t use ` L r 0 a. COVER 0 ABET 1 11 12 13 14 15 It 17 BY To 18 Names of aII Involved LA LBv I N' C VO D i V E QF. 11Q-61 E D F Officers Rank BedgeAD No. NCIC No. PreclncUPoe Reviewing Date/Tlme Reviewed and Signature t i.i sector print K- QDin Full a I IX/s, ar."r >g Page I, ofpa es Z-. 9 New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT •''' 1g I� o MV-I 04A(7/01) / C' ❑ 'e ` DMV COPY \O 1 AccitlemD Day of Week Military Time No of No.Injured No.Kllletl ❑ LaYEee� Police Photos 2p Month Day year Vehicles ----------------------- - - - IImo�1'� 1 Zk0 0-3 \31Z 3 � Q A11 'fl+�+ ❑ ❑ ❑Ves QMo VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN F2 tat VEHICLE 1-Driver Se of Lic. VEHICLE 2-Driver Stat.of Lic. License IDNumber 9t , u� • 7- Ny License 10 Number 21 Driver Name-exactly s.n Driver Name exactly as rioted on license O C A 1 V ` as rinted on license �\L- � fes - Address(Include Number 8 Sfreeh Apt.No. Atldress(Include Number 8 SV16 Apt Na. So so = S�• �� City o�Town ,E Stale Zip Code City or Town Slate Zip Code 22 —�O✓. lU°•"—i� 1']`-"�. \ci7l tI-)'Ic' !-�� . ( 00 2 _ 3 I Sex lleYeeeeetl No.01 PebAe- o irh Sex DaYaeaeed No.of PBWe•� .•y Month Day Vg�rt (- Occupants PrepMp Month Day Year Occu ams �•G 1^I b ZS C D&MQW ❑ l 2. C-S I ❑ p D r r ❑ Name-exactly as printed on registration SexDMI B'Ih Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex Date 0l Binh P3 T Jn onth Day Vear ij p Month Day Year �\ecp M Ie z\ S Address(Includ.Number&Smash Apt.No. Hai. Released Address(include Number&Sfreen Apt.No. Haz. ;Released 4 _ Mal Mal. Code 11 \ o = S-� Code [I City 0,Town State Zip Code f Cil Town _ Y or ,/ Stale Zip Code 24 e "l o(('h O di. \vozig Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehide Year&Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number Stale of qeg. Vehicle Years Make Veh�rqle Type Ins.COde 5 e. K•�k LA 51 1-3-1 . ok� a Uo,\sr> 3s .q J� • fS �o, AA yneSD oho Ticket/Arrest TickatlAnist Number(s) — Number(s) Violation _ Violation _ SeCgn(s) Section(s) Check if Involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below That describes the accident,or draw your own 25.. 6 ❑more thanhan 9595 inches wide; El more than 95 inches wide; diagram in space x9.Number the vehicles. ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feat tong; Rear End Leh Turn Right Angle Right Turn Head On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; _y F H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. 1 a R s. / z I - VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I - VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Left Turn Right turn Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 2 L Box 2-Most Damage a L Box 2-Most Damage � � z. F d. �1 y, a. 7� 8, � ' E Enter up t0 three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 2rh more Damage Codes , I Vehicle By By _ 27 Towed: To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: ° e a s 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED 2 to e y 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE f 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to anyone vehicle will be more than$1000. QTUnknown/Una61e to Determine 13 Yes ❑ No Reference Marker Coordinates(i/available) Place Where Ac ent Occurred: ,A Latitude/Northing: County, ❑City 11 Village FkTown of ZI SI Road on which accident occurred G2 Z 29 r^m (Route Number or Street Name) 1 at 1)intersecting street --rdZ C ir— .,, fie . Longitude/Fasting: ❑N ❑S (Rome Number or Street Name) or 2) -- 0 ❑W of Feet Miles (Milepost,Naaresl merseching Route Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes Z `� 30 I 2 'E �-1 e c .p �' } `' v ix--b"LC 7 LSOp ^ AT \ EXEEi L ` rD rx. `,N J N o N 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Data of Death Only AlI I L4 22 - - - - M L e 1 N C 12J 11 NONMA 2, �pJ y' E E D F Officer's Rank Badge/ID No. NCIC No. PrecincVPos Station/Beat/ Reviewin Date/Time Re lew agQ and Signature - Troop/Zone Sector Of' r Print Name in Full , /. COp2 of L-Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles , Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT co p2 - 1 zSS MV-104A(7/01) ❑ # # - 'I' DMV COPY 1 Accitlent Dale Day Week Military Time No of No Inured No.killed L Y rY I ---i-„ems --- n Police Photos 20 Month Day Year �� Vehicles -_- --._..� _..�.. \Z -ztio o f (— 2 l O O A�eI'd ❑ ❑ Dyes o VEHICLE ❑ VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Driver q Stale of Lic. V CLE 2-Orivar - Stale of Lic. 2 Cleanse ID Number - �, 'S9 Lican D Number 21 Driver Neme-exactly Driver Ne -exactly an, rimed on license es rimed on nse Address(Include Number 8 Straker) Apt.No. Atltlress Jnc/ude mbar a Streer) ApL No. 0 o SZ City orT Slate Zip Code City or Town Slate Zip Code 22 3 e i Be. tkNbenae9- No.of Pali* a o Bit 5 Unlicensed No.of Public Mon h Da Vear Occupants Plepea¢ Momh Dey Year Occupants Propemy ❑ Damaged ❑ ❑ Damaged ❑ Name-exactly a printed on registration Sex 1 h Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex i i R 23. I •^ h S Month Day Year Address Qnclude Number Sfreer)�'lq Apr rN'o., Hae Released Address(Include Number 6 Smsep Apt.No. Hax. ;Releasetl Mat Matr 4 L[7 Code ❑ Code ❑ Cay or own l Stale Zip Cotle City or Town stat e Zip Cotle /247. i. Plate Number Stale of Reg. In Vehicle 8 Make Vehicle Type s.Code Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year a Make Vehic Typo Ins.Code v 5 W -\1 1. o PI�Az4l� y� 3 TicketlAnest TckeVArest Number(s) Numbers) Violation _ Violation Sladion(s) Sections) 25 Check if Involved vehicle is: sick if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes 110 accident,or draw your own _ 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑ re than 95 inches wide; diagram in space#9.Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑me than 34 feet long; Rear End Leh Turn Right Angle Right Turn Head On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑opera with an overweight permit; r1d.ampe H O operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operat lh an overdimension permit. RVEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODESVEHICL DAMAGE CODESOvertaking Laa Turn gM Tum 26 7 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 C Box 1 -Point of Imp 12 � �F L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage 2. F R 4. 8. E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes - Vehicle By Vehicle By 2 Towed. Trend To � To yh VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a a a _ a r 10 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a u a 9 15, TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE - - 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to anyone vehicle will be more than$1000. 9 - 19 11 ,a ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine ❑Yes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: Latitude/Noshing: County ❑City ❑Village ❑Town of Road on which accident occurred 7 (Route Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street_ Longitude/Easting: (Rome Number or Street Name) DIN LIS or 2) OF ❑W of Feel Miles (Milepost Niir.u.m.x.,fmg Route Numbera Street Name Accident Description/Officers Notes 30 WE WYEa SXEEi N 8 9 10 11 12 13, 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Dale of Death Only A A L L B I N C V D O V E E D F Officers Rank Bad"NCICN0. StatIONBeat/ Reviewing Ityime Reviewedand SI nature - Sector Off JJjrini ame / /] in Full (Zq 4 .� - L _ <_( ( , /2...2�, 1�_v a�� `% Page ofPages �-C New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Cod C POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT s MV-104A(7/6)- C � ❑ it � ' ••• DMV COPY 1 Accldenl Dale Day of Week Military Time No.of No.Injured No.Killed Left Scene Police Photos 20 Month Day Yee Vehtles Not Inveelig....at--,rte ❑ ' V � 1 l�J (J Accident Reconstructed' ❑ � ❑Yes No VEHICLE 1 ❑ VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Driver tel f ic. VEHICLE 2-Driver - Slate of Lic. F2 License ID Number License ID Number 21 Driver Name-exact) Driver Name-exactly as rinletl on Ilcense -jit- as printed on license —� Address(include Numbers SItl API.No. Address(Include Number&Street) Apl.No. Q Cdy-0 T wn 1.�. tat Zip Code Cityor Town Sta Zip Code 22 i L l �tn c.. lt� 3 Date of Birill Sax unlicensed No.of Public D h Sex Unlicensed No, Public M h Da V ,^,n _❑ pants PDropea � ❑ Month Day Year ❑ Occupants Damaged ❑ IN eb` xecl ps prinletl on regi lrVtio'n 1 ' Sax Bi Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex D of if 23 "� 1y�Q,-� S fLT� T Month ,vOey r Month Day Year ..-S Adtlless(InGutle tubers Sb fl ` Apt.No, Hai `�;Released Address(Include Number&Sfre Apt.No. Haz. Poisesetl ! q Mal Mat ❑ v S 4 f Codet�l Code SCit T wrt1� I o Zi Code ' Ciryor Town Stale Zip Code 24 Plate Num r Slate of Rag. Vehicle Year oke' Veli lei p n Cpde Plate Number to of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 5 Ticket/Arrest Y lJ J 1 Ticket/Arrest 1 Numbsmftl� Numbegs) / Violation - Violation See ion s Seaion(s 25 Check if involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; diagram in space 89.Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V 0 more than 34 feet long;' Rear End LeffyTum Right Angle Right Turn Head On E- Q operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; F F -�. �,F. H .❑operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑op anted wi h an overdimension permit. 1 3-_h' 5. 7.. VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking .LeTurn Right Tum Sideswipe, 26 7 C Box 1-Point of Impact C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 <- � E- fit_ 1 L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage E Enter up to I"as 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 1 2 more Damage Codes �tC Vehicle By Vehicle By 27 Towed: �'� Towed: To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a 4 s e > QO 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. S S4. CNDERCARRIAGE 7. DEV.01 EO a �a a 9. 15. TRAILER - -1B. NO DAMAGE - - 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER a Cost of repairs t0 any one vehicle Will be more than$1000. -1 ' 1 ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine Yes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where A i nt Occurred: 1` Latitude/Northing: County , OCity El Village Town of o r�It 4�i Road on which accident occurred :!Z;, Z (b,� h �-..r IK 29 -T-xr (Route Number or Street Na e) ' at 1)intersecting street I� I � ; (Rou a Number or Street Name) Longitude/Easting: p n ❑N CIS 1 nr 2) y— 1meL Feel Mlles 13 XW 6f Milepost, Barest iifterseding Route Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes 1 30 l USE WEfl SXEEi N 6 9 1 L. 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 16 Narrms of all involved Dale of Death Onl A AI ) 1�cr S L e O&rCA C N C V D O L V E E D F Olficer's RankBadge/ID No. NCIC No. Precinct/Post StatioNRaa9 Reviewing ;! ate/Time Reviewed and Signature s- Troop/Zone Sector IOPocer riot in full Page / of / Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles "a1Codes v POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT MV-104A(7/01) 3 023- Lbi'l ❑ DMV COPY 14 Accident Dale Day of Week Military Time No.of No.Injured No.Ki Len Scene Police Photos Month Day Vear c Vehicles Not Investigated al Scene ❑ 20 �7 13 J3 Jo �yN eZ O O Accidengeconstrudetl ❑ —❑ ❑Yes®N° VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 BICYCLIST ❑ ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE umber •v! State of Lk. VEHICLE2-Driver 2 License ID Number 8',10 �/� pf License ID Number RIA sr,� p✓<' I 0 Stele of Lic. Driver Name-exactly Driver Name-exactly 'V 21 ae rinled on license Z IL, as rinled on license /� LS Atltlress(Include Number B Sip Apt.No. Address(Include Number 8 Sdeep Apt No ..r —S1 YN 9;- City or Towp Slate Zip Code udy or Town tate Zip Cotle 22 3 f Sex Unlicensed No. f Public Sex Ualicenaetl of nth ix Deyy ��a/ Occupants PropenY ont h DeY Ye r Occupants Properly �6L ❑ Damaged—❑ / 4 f/) --❑ / Damaged -�❑ Na a- ctly as printed on registration Sex I i Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex Month Day Year Month Day Yee. 23 Iexa / ' - JD N M D 1J Address(Include Number&Street) Apr No. Haz. ;Released Address(Include Number&Sheep Mal Apt No. Hez. ;Released O 1EN NN Mal.Code ❑ Code City or Town' ow Slate Zip Code City or Town Stale Zip Code 24 r'v.Pf ✓C. L /� 1 Plate Number tale of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Me.Code Plate Number $tale of flag. Vehicle Vear 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins,Code 15 5 N /G�i4 RC)RA SDS 1< 0351, N DS Dy TlokeVArresl TRCKWArrest I Number(s) Numbegs) Violation Violation $eCllpl(a) $echon(a Check if Involved vehicle Is: Check if Involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 25 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; die ram ins ace A9.Number the vehicles. A� V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 341eet long; I E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E O operated with an overweight permit; Rear end Len�ium Right Angle Right Turn Head On H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES +' a. R 5. Z C 1 2 1 VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overlakii Leff Tum Right Tum Sideswipe 26 Box 1-Point of Impact C Box 1--Point of Impact 1 2 i ] L Box 2-Most Damage 9 /� L Box 2-Most Damage S F 4 a At_ AU I E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT gIA�GRAMy2 N 1 more Damage Codes 2rV,h mre Damage Codes frill Gtt� �M,Tth� Vehicle By k:1, By 1'D27 Towed: ed: / To To \ VEHICLE DAMAGF.CODING: 4 e e 1.13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. Rt 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a ,g E 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 9. - r 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER 28 (� Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. 1 .z ++ +a 0 ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine [I Yes No O Reference Marker Coordinates(i/available) Place Where Accident Occurred: L44- Latitude/Northing: County .SvSFe LIL ❑Cit ❑Villa e 9: _ y g XTo�wxr�n of a Q'n I`10 S8 OS-) Road on which accident occurred A ACTbR� r r 1ATTl Znr 29 fRoule Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street --_ Longitude/Easting: $N OS (Fouls Number or Street Name) D72 31 .371,1 or 2) � — ❑E ❑W of ' Accident Description/Officer's Notes Feel Miles (Mile sl,Nearest Intersecting Route Number or Street Name 30 A/S-L.1t OV TL DN/z1 SNov F w 7 _ A J 41a ' &A la J Ir4l - - - Ay- usE COVER MAA q, SNEET B 9 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death Only L A I IJ ` I F - - PNCICN . . 1 tB I MN V L D LV E E D P Off'I Rank Badge/ID NincUPost Stalion/BeaU Revie g Date?Ime evleweand SI natureOF Pont ams . /,,0p/Zone Sec�O er �—!f rO in Full1)40kal� 'LAP, 7.7 �l J Z 7 ` q page of / Pages New York Stale Depanment of Motor Vehicles ° a10OtleSPOLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 9 Q3_ / /0 MV-104A(7/01) "� C' ❑F"IMMMMY-M-7-111 DMV cOPY --- F-1 Accident Data Day of Weak Military Time No.of No.Injured No,Kill Left Scene Police Photos: 2 . Mmth Day ryry Vear p Vehicles NaLbve6t�e�k6eene ❑ (' �J / ,, �O C At �r oe�.. ,.ren ❑ ❑ uYes yp NO VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST e ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1 Driver Slate of Ic. VEHICLE 2-Driver p ! O Stale of Lic. 2 License ID Number 3S /Q Licame ID Number p 7J Sp /C :21]- DriverNeme-exactly � u� Driver Name-exactly as Address (on license Ar — as rioted on license AtlOress gnclude Number 8 5—, 7pt.N0. Address(Includ Number 8 Street) Apt.Na CityorTown Slate Zip Code ry or Town St to Z,p Code 22'" UTC' ('7WOk0 A/' / 3Sex Unlicensed No.of Public Bir Sex Unlicensed No.of Pu01ic 7 MQOn ay V r ❑ Occupants/ Damaged ❑ OS aC Vear ❑ OccuPam% Damaged ❑ o� Dema etl Name-exactly as printed on re tragion Sex De of Bi Nam Belly as printed on registration Sex t 1 a� Mont Da Year Month Day Year FCo,/yc oYFfrc�� /� �� . - y Lu /1 Jf/aLf� Fos ao Address Num/berg StreeQ Apl.No. Haz. ;Released Address(includ�/qe Numer B Slreerl Apt.No. Hatt. ;R¢la setlix o 4 DOX //�oZ ^ Cotle I ❑ .020X /5-8 Code ❑ City or TState Zip Code City OrT Slate Zip code 24 7"1071114651 w -1"N 651 ✓ 1191S57 4e / . S Plate Number Slate o(%eg. Vehicle Ye a Make Vehicle Type Ins,Code Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Vear Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 5 a TC /v/. uu3 OSN VST 6 S SUS .V• )' / 6 Irl/,rc pSA o// T... "'hneet T¢+elt"sl ' NYmleei Nim Mori ViWai Violaka,e - saeNeafst- srKlwals) 25 Check it involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 Q more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide: diagram in space tl9.Number the vehicles. �- 1 V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more Irian 34 feet long; Rear End Leh Turn Righl Angle Right Turn Head On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit f F- H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit t 3.. fIm , - 7. I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES pgOvedaking Lell Right Tum SideswipeC Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 FrnL Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage S s 2. F o. 4. 6. ?OK 8 E' Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM �,.q. Fatip1� 1- more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes Vehicle By Vehicle By B 27 Towed: [T,-,d - ---- "c:_`- ' TO To - r-+ p VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a ` s s a 1.13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED z ,a a 9S! f d 15. TRAILER -18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. ' ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine ®Yes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: � Tb F/bL/' ❑Cicty- ❑Village ®Town of Jo"!//O!� Latitude/Northing: County I .2 i S ' 59. 57 { Road on which accident occurred J• a s 29 O /Q / (Route Number or Street Name) Q 7 Q at 1)intersecting street i'114- Longitudee/Easting'' / O N O S (Route Number or Street Name) C7� 3a.O/ G✓ or 2). ❑E ❑W of Feel Mlles (milepost,Nearest intersecting Route Number or Street Nam@ Accident Descnption/Officer's Notes 30 Fr r f IPrT rouse iv N s 10. 11. 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death Onl A A I I I q 4q In - - - — - unc , 73Y 7y L B a. l 6 F - - - A4,✓ev b S66S I D N V D O L V E E D E OlHeer's Rank Oj� Badge/ID No. NCIC No. Precinct/Pos Station/Beat/ni; Date/Time Reviewed and SI nature - 0�' L� Troop/Zone Sector riot Name d '3 0$(�in Full rti Pages F°ge °I New York State Department of Motor Vehicles POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT g -r' MV-104A(7/01) fl - ' ❑ • "�' POLICE COPY i 1 Accident Date Day of k Military T�ngag No.of No.Injured No.Killed Nol Invesligaletl at Scene ❑ Left Scene Police Photos 2p Mo Oay�,a Vegc,� P VIA VeM{las I O _______________________ �l LJ V VIA Q No,t m Reconstructed ❑ ❑Yes o VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE I.Driver / St Lie. .VEHICLE 2-Driver 2 License lD Number State of Lie. _ - License ID Number Driver Name-exegly �Oa,(� LAN OH( Driver Name-execUy 21 as rioted on Ikense t \ Dr errrinatl on license Address(include Number 8 Sbeep 2 /2 Ok n Apt No. Address(Include Number a Streeft Apt.No. City or Tow A .I UCV ��$Ialee 'yip tlex_ City or Town Slate Zip Code 22 1. L 3 tai h Sex��AA Unlicensetl No.of Public I Sex Unlicensetl WHaz' Public f{o Ih 'V Exr' Occupanls1 Properly_ Doth Day Year Properly ` C7 O ••, ❑ Damaged ❑ ❑ Damaged ❑Name-exactly as prints on registration Sex i I e Cts as pppaaa���pa�d on registra)iQn' 23AME Month Day Year 1 r' t/1EI/' W In Day �r 'Atldress Include Numbers Seep Apt.No. Haz. ;Releasetl gd1dry s(Inclu Vernnq--epi Sv GV;Released4Mat ❑ Vr(/YN(t . _ ❑' Coda City or Town 7�i / Slate Zip Cotle o ' 1 / 24x.� I $tae I eg. V c e Year Mae Veh le T a s I b r S e R le r 8 Mak V le T e In code �r sA �� �s ��I 1Ib I t� Yb 4�� D�5 o•i TickeVArresl i _ TickeVArresl Number(s) Number(s) Violation Sectionts) Violation Section(s) Check if involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle Is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 25 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram In space p9.Number the vehicles. 11 E ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 lest long; Rear Erg LEX Tum Right Angle Right Tum Heed On E ❑operated with an overweigh[permit; E ❑opereled with an overweight permit; �r H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. 1F E— 3 /R - --� f— I VEHICLE 7 DAMAGE CODES 5. 7.j� I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Left Turn Right Tum Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1 -Point of Impact ) C Box 1 -Point of Impact 2 F <— n L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage F o. 4. . I'll"' OL E Enter up to three ,41 5 E Enter up to three yg 1q 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Je 1 more Damage Codes `1 2 more Damage Codes 6 U vehcle By ,bv-, vehicle ey ,rS'( to<S J ✓e r) ill 27 Towed: 0 Towed: Gl ( \ GJ.> ' ^ To To rYS'` ct(-SS J ` VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: ° IV 1.13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. j 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17, DEMOLISHED z 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE to E a5 z 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost Of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. 1 8 1 I E 111 ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine as ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place err p#ccident Occurred: La ude/Norrthing I Count,V � t"-�- `❑CiIty ❑Village ISTown o1�uTt{OLG' k'a MI.E� DF �r'Ff�NL L OO S ' r Road on which accident occurred �A C[r-^/� A�. 29 at 1)intersecting street (Route Number or Street Name) Longitude/Easting' ,'`7 // 1 L(Route umber reef Name) ��71 0 3(7 •L�� _" or 2) '7D O E ❑W of SI AVC Owl li D ' Feat as Mile sl,Nearest inter n Roule Number or She IN...) Accident Descdpfion/Officer's Notes e.rG dY O # 1 f3 O r1 o-[ b r 30 P� w w Py <4t'e- 'ro s,el * Q G/. o V q VBE - C°VEE SHEET a N AA 8 9 10 11 2 13 14 15 115� 17 BY TO 18 N m s of all involved Date of Death O LW%J( [ V I P _ _ ""- L AN o Momr6 B I N VOL VE DI Badge/ No. NCIC No. PreclncVPostSt I.lon/BBeV Reviewin Dat- (? nonpt 11fn 9 O\ \ tU �Nl Troop/Zone SectorO e �E%W (:'4�VoL,Q> ` 'i{ 0� v ' ':- Page I of i Pages , New York Slate Department of Motor Vehicles coal Cotles� �il _ POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 1g MV-104A(7/01) 3 D3 y2&A ❑ # e ' ' POLICE COPY 1 1 Accident Dale , Day of Week Military Time No of No.Injured Na.Killed Nol Investigatetl al Scene ❑ Left Scene Police Photos 20 - - Month Day, Year 1 Vehicles [x O.ti !W D V�L !)27 / U D Accident Reconstructed ❑ — ❑ ❑Yes}@No "' VEHICLE 1 ❑ VEHICLE 2 [] BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1 Driver M 14D Stale of Lic. VEHICLE 2-Driver 2 License IS ic. D Number %)i,I ✓94 1`4 S Lkense ID Number 21 DdA. Driver Name-exactly .a== A. as rinsed on license Address(Include Number&Scree^ \\ Apt.No. Address(Include Number&SVeef) Apt No. / )._ /YI✓ IvtO rl �1 A 22 City or T�'9 Stale Zip Code City or Town Stale Zip ode LAKcu N.5 DVOI 3 h Sex Unlicansetl Na.of Public 1 Sex Unlicensed No.of Public Month qgy Y r �I Occupants PropeMy Month Day Year Occupants Pro l{ ail ❑ If Damaged ® ❑ gad ❑ Is Name,exectly as printed on registration Sex I Date of Birth Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex 23 Month Day Maar Month Day Year NII - AT L" a, — — — s Atltlress Include Number&Slree4 Apt.No. Haz. ;Released Address(Include Number&Street) Apt.No. Haz. ;Released 4 k 13p Code Mal. ❑ ❑ Cotle Cityor Town Slate Zip Code Cilyor Town Slate Zip Code 24 I u Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Num Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle Type Ina.Cotle 5 AI: 711,U N S Cul STt I Cws TickellArrest ickeVAnest I Number(s) iNumber(s) Violation Violation Seclion(s) SexhoMs) :2]Check if involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in space#9.Number the vehicles. V ❑more,than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; Rear End Leit�Turn Right Angle Right Turn Head On E ❑operated with an overweight per E ❑operated with an overweight permit; _)W F H ❑ orated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an ovenlimension permit. t F F a R 5. 7. I VEHICLE i DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking .Left Turn Right Tum Sideswipe 26 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 F 7 L Boz 2-Most Damage L Box 2�Most Damage F 4. . ?1K e. I E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM n1 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes Vehicle- BY Vehicle By 27 Towed: Towed: 1/1{1j(1 f To To 1 VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a 4 s e T �p r^' I /JIT J e-( 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. y `0 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED o 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE - 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one Vehicle will be more than$1000. )t e ,o ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine ❑Yes ®No Reference Marker Coordinates firavailable) Place Where Accident Occurred: Latitude/Noshing: County ,S✓F/-dklL _❑City ❑Village HATown of�I rACL.O Q NI u yb Road on which accident occurred inc7nal) t /h ATr TIXY 29 (Route Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street Longitude/Easting: lRoule Number or Street Name) ON ❑S or 2)SQd LIE ❑W of Feet Miles (Milepost,Nearest intersecting Route Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes 30 -.l 1 w'0 = 7 M RAC14,41, Q. t T 0. 'IN $ 7AAIL-Q S7AVQZ 1 LI h/v rJ I coven SHEET N_ 8 -9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved D to of.Dealh Onl A A ! H 1 sa in L e I c V 0D L E V E D F Officer's Rank Badge/ID No. NCIC No. Precinct/Post Station/Beat/ Reviewing DarmeL�evig d and Sl nature Troop/Zone Sector Offi � � in Int Pull Name �.� y� � 0a9e ql t2 Pages New York Slate Department of Motor Vehicles `. Loca Dolt POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT — 19 q MV 104A(7/01) 02 - 0277-3 ❑ a a 'e' POLICE COPY I rj MNUmber Date Day of Week Military Time 11ofNo.Injured No.Killed LeX Scene Police PhotosDa Vear VeniclesScene ❑ ./ 23 I a 00 3 M 0 /U3L O O Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ ❑Yes L1No VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN I-Driver .� Slate of Lic. VEHICLE 2-Driver Slate of LiaD Number J (J t 3 Y y S License tD Numberme-exactly T v N N rN U/Y1As Driver Name-exactly on license V C'k4aif as rinsed on licenseInclude Number 8 SlreeQ Apt.No. Address(Include Number 8 SlreeQ Apt.No. C08 I-J G 9-1'H 57 KC) City or Town Slate a City or Town Stale Zip Code 22 V i� CoL)Y162 w� (oz 3 Sex Unlicensed No.of Public D f Sex Unlicensed No.o/ Public ' Mph /Dgy r epr m ❑ Occup'nts Oemered ❑ Month ay Year Occupants Properly OO 1i l6 ❑ DemegeI ❑ Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex 1 Ne acay esletl n registraf n Sex 23 Month Day Year Q 1 f- Month Dey Vear ` RANDJIEW CN icRQRISES f C t /V y1 Allies (Include Nvmber8SlreeQ Apt,No. Haz. ;Released Ad sQndude Number8 SlreeQ Apl.No. Haz. IReleasatl 4 770 .rj L 5TH I eves ❑ U 67 Mat. ❑ OfTown State Zip Code Cit rTo Coda V A/U CU,U G 2 W A (.`? y T f/ jUL� sate ry code 202 Plate Number SWtale;of Rsg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins,Cotle Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 5 67�IbPe 1 9 J^Ido rT s D8o7,q L N acz oN�A DasA c d Number(sl Ticket/Arrest Numbers) Violation Violation Section(s) Section(s) Check it Involved vehicle is: Check if Involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 25 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; 11 mom than 95 Inches wide; Pia ram In space 119.Number the vehicles. I V more than 34 feet long; V 11more than 34 feel long; ReanEntl Left Tum Right Angle Right Turn HeadOn E ❑operated with an overweigh)permit; H [3 operated with an overweight pe Pip ;<— i _� F H O Operated with an overdimension permit. ❑operated with an overdimension permit 1 a n '. �/ T I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Left Turn Rgm Tum Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 C Box 1 -Point of Impact r1 /� ' L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2 Most Damage `1 F- F O 4. s. 1� E Enter up to three 3 4 I 5 E Enter up to three 3 ACCIDENT DIAGRA 31 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Dam age Cc /! / WA,p'JAW. [Vanide er veMcle er RAl-nrWs I A zAowed: Towed: To - To 6X,47r.9N< VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: x e e p r 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. gcrory AVr 14. UNDERCARRIAGE z a op I IoT S 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. e a.-r/ Iz n m ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine In Yes ❑ No t� Reference Marker Coordinates filavai/able) Place Where Accident'Occurred: '1J Latitude/Nonhjng: County -2001 []City El Village O'fown of sr�7LI0 /� Road on which accident occurred ?/2. -Ae 22 A1IC 7.4 7T/T✓c14- Y9 (Route Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street Longitude/Easting: f r 0 Route Number or Street Name) t 0E `/.23424r2C.. or z) oo OE 0 of rA .25 mAr7/7✓c4 ' Feet Miles ( at,Nearest intersect, Route Numberor Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes(jE'q N/ //rn `" 1.7 f 1(.//pn iUM ,Ac� lw l.'" e"( '/ &-v z o'r/rF/ ?H/r r*,411in,^s/�.o.T b , ./.� lfi fi C' /;t .✓� ✓cyrJ. 7.T Jipo LE A / S J) n/ - ✓E 30 / /r'S- a/er ! no y VS. Co, a 00Sy 07/0 i t ' �v., o I-9/7 s`8-G-?d3 vz - a �. zAl OP03N 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Dale of Death ON A A �. Al L e I C N V D O L V E E D F Officer's Rank Badge/ID No. NCIC No. Precinct/Post StattonBi Reviewing Date/Time Reviewed and nntSiameur y n Troop /Zone Sector is r In Full 12T � �i� /�� ���L bc,+ / 13c Page I ^� Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles 1 Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT / ,s / MV-104A(7101) 1\ 03 '.2773 ❑ e e • •e• POLICE COPY I JVEHICLE MDriver eDay o1 Week Military Tlme No.of N0.Injured No.Killed Lefl ScenoliceDay Vear Veh of Na Investigated atScene ❑31 02003 t'hO ( bCAccident Reconstructed ❑VEHICLf3 ❑ VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHEDrDriver State of Lia VEHICLE 2-Driver State of Licumber License ID Number 21 -exaclly _?A/21<671) Driver Name-exactly Ikense �Fl/Z 1!i C /) as printed on license Address(Include Number&Srreee Apt.No. Address(Include Number&Street) Apt.No. +"r "City or Town State Zip code City or Town Slate Zip Code 22 3 it h Sex Unlicensed No.of Public D 1 i h Sex Unlicens ad No.of Public MOnlh Day Year Occupants Progeny Month Day Vear Occupants Properly ❑ Damaged ❑ ❑ Damaged ❑ Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex Name exactly as printed on registration Sex 1!D 23 V N P E R N O 1 R I1 oN/1 I< . M�nlh ay year Day VearAtldress(Include Number&Sbeep Apt.No. Haz. Releasatl Atltlress(Include Number&Street) Apt.No. IReleasetl 51 coca ❑ ❑ City or Town State Zip Cotle Cityor Town State Zip Code 2 EA.5T hIF1/LIasJ N y I 1 G 3 Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year a Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number Slate o1 ReB. Vahide Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 5 c 1.a�/ N ecce s�� 9ss q TiculdArrest Tioket/Arrest pc Numbers) - Numb¢r(sj Violation Volation Seclionts) Section(s) 25 Check if involved vehicle is: Check it involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 El more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches witle; die ram in space i19.Number the vehicles. 'Q V D more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; Rear End Lea Turn Right Angle Right Tum Head On E D operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight mit; H ❑operated with an overtimension permit. H ❑operated with an overtime Ian permit. VEHICLE t DAMAGE CODES 1. 3. R s. z I VEHICLE DAMA CODES Overtaking Left Turn f gighl7um Sitleswipe 26 7 Box 1 -Point of Impact 8 8 L Box 2-Mas-Pont Dalm e 1 2 2. E— a. e. �t_ e. •F So L Box 2-Most Damage —� E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to Ih 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Dam a Codes Vehicle By Vehiclike By 27 Towed: To tl: I TO TO VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a a ° e 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED : ra a g 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 26 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost o1 repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. 1 a ,../ t1 10 ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine L'IYes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: ['1 Latitude/Nonhing: CountySi,F;Cc,1A . -D City ❑Village FrTown of J,T', -f y t7,0 c 9 Road on which accident occurred TL ng A T r 2 t (Route Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street LongitudeiEactlai1-/ ETN EIS (Rome Number or greet Name) Q ]02 3a V.Z or 2) 0 El of J' 14 r Tr7Px- Feet Miles (Milepost,Nearest intersectirg Route Number or Street Name Accident Description/Oflicer's Notes 30 11 use aevER $HEEL N A 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death Ori L A L a I C N V D 0 L V E E D F Officer's Rank �[ 1 Badge/ID No. NCIC No. Precinct/Post Station/Beat/ R iewing Date/Time Reviewed and SI nalur . Troop/Zone Sector fli er / rint Nam / J in Full .,1 f Page I of /f?ages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles011Lr oral C s � )o POL710E.ACCIDENT REPORT g MV-104A(7/01) p1r' aC�� ❑ e e 'e' POLICECOPYI 1• Accident Dale Day of Week Military Time No of No.Injured No.Killed No sli aged al Scene Left Scene Police Photos 20 Month ID aY Vear Vehicles g ❑_ 3 la3(v a O 6 Accitlent Recon d ❑ ❑ve o VEHICLE 1 JTVEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDES RIAN ' 2 VEHICLE License D1-Driver er���.�3�— � I3 S�at�oj Lic, VEHICLE 2-Driver ��^ -.-r�� Sial of ic. Ny Ucense lD Number �y„� — ✓v r - 21 Driver Name-exactly QQ Driver Name-exactly 11 as Anted on license �o M C. 2,FaNAJ Q M as rimetl on license "7�h IV Atltlress(µ/yude ber8 Street) Apt.No. Atldress pp clutle(y�umber�8 Stre/et)' Apt.No. g—y-7 4" 1J�'r` zT�-� City or Tow Stale I P Zi-.;;L-e Cily or Towne_ ate Zip Code 22 fill 3 1 Binh Sex HpQcensed No.otd.- is 1 B' h Sex eneed No of blit MO Prop 1 a� ]p$r \� Occupants Prop ❑ magg ay ear Occupants I Dpro ama J I ❑ Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex I Name-exactly as printed on registration Sexf 23 --'3——1 ay Year C_r�� Month Da Year Address(Include Number Sheet) Apt.No. Hai ReleeSed Address(Include Number Street) Apl.No. Haz. ;Released 4 Mal. Code ❑ Co e City or Town State Zip Code City or Town Stale Zip Code {{(p24 Plate umbar Stale of Reg. Vehicle Ygg��r 6 Make Vehide,,��Type Ins.Cade Plate Number Slate of Req. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins,Cotle In 5 O`T3o7 rJ� X19 No JOA Ll \/ ✓ O 1 —r--/trIa 412 Ticket/Arrest TickellArrest Numbers) c.:-,..,. Number(a) - Violation Violation _ Seclion(s) Sedion(s) 25 F1Check if involved vehicle is: Eh ck If involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own r 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; El more than 95 inches wide; diagram in space k9.Number the vehicles. 1 V ❑more than 34 feet long; V .❑more than 34 feet long; Rear End LeX Turn Right Angle Right Tum Head On E ❑operatetl with an overweight permit; E" -❑operated with an overweight permit; —� --]P- H ad t— H ❑Operated with an overdue naton permit. H ❑operatetl with an overdimenslon permit. <— <— t. L `l y 5. � 7: I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES .1VEHICLEVEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking LEX Turn 7 Right Turn Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact E— <— 3 L Box 2-Most Damage L Bex 2-Most Damage z. 4— E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM I ,n 1 more Damage Codes 1 more Damage CodesW4 t I IVr `2 Vehicle By Vehicle By 40 27 Towed: , Towed: ( To TO VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a s e V1 I P� 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. --- 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED z Vd IN�nId.,.M� 1 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 9_ 28 M 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs t0 any one Vehicle Will be more than$1000. I " j e ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine ,. s ❑No � Reference Marker Coordinates(i/available) Place Wh re Ae (dent Occurred: Latitude/Northing: Count o N -- ❑City ❑VillageTown �.rr1aC319 1 -)F,) (.(. r✓ Road on which accident occurred F72"--I�'1 l � rYKs7Y' -1 K Ll/ 2g (Route Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street Longitude/Easling: (Route Number or Street Name) or 2) O E ❑W of `.._?' `�-_.__ Feel Miles Milepost,Near6sflhferseclin Route Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes 30 �- S L-,4 A y£ - ve+-44 �: t�i b ,"1'S zLJ ) 0+ `'N P WIB �Irze ell ' rv`Fllsv LEI 'fi,.W Cw-)O u1PJ F=«-.cl' A1�.C. - u51= 8 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all Involved Date of Death On LA ) ' 4 2j � � - -... .__ 1 J44-9551) C IN V C 0 L V E E D F �RnFull er s Rank SI nature ! ,�% '� Badge/ID No. NCIC No. Preclnct/Pos Station/Beat/ Reviewln ¢Dat Ime viewyed Ne�ya -,� Troop/Zone Sector Officer �,1 e .,,_._. !_v.�, r!: � l —. r •: Rage of Its as New York State Department of Motor Vehicles n� Local Codes ' ,. O _ Z 1g POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 9 S:. MV-104A(7/01) �A ❑ ' e e imm M. POLICE COPY 1 C Accident t Da a Day of Week Military Time No.of No.Injuretl No.Killed Not Investi atetl al Scene Lell Scene Police Photos 20 Month Day Year Vehicles g ❑ _ Oi Z ____________ _______ Accident Reconstructed ❑H ❑ 13 les No VEHICLE 1 ❑ VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE I-Driver �f Slateo ic. VEHICLE 2-Driver Slaleo Llc. 2 License ID Number ` 0 A License ID Number L n 21 over Name-exactly Driver Name-exactly as printed on license as inletl on Ilcenso Addre 5(Include Number&SlreeA ^ , Apt.No. Atltlress(Include Number&SfreeIt I + Apt.No. 0 yz 4XQ .^ t Cily Tmvn 9 Slate Zip Code City or TawMk SlaZip Code 22 de 3Elf Sex Unlicensed No.of Public D h Sex Unlicensed No.o Pu tic Month Da Ye>y O Occupants Damaged ❑ Momh Day Year Occupants Property.. Damaged ❑ Ne exactly as print o registration Sex Name–exactly as printed on registration Sex I Dateof Birth23 Month Day Year Month Day Year �r vLr 7 4 Address lInclude N bar&Street) ' Apt No. MHe.al ;Rettlesed Address(Include Number&Sfreen Apt.No: Haz. ;Released \) Q Code — I ~ Co l ^de I`❑ Cit Town State, Zip Code City or Town Stale Zip Code 24 Plate Number tate of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Pla Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle Tye Ins. ode 5 CC S do d r., C eo ' Ticket/Arresl TickeUArresl Number(s) Numbers) Violation Violation Sedion(e) Seclion(s) 25 Check it Involved vehicle is: Check if Involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 13 more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in space k9.Number the vehicles. V 11 more than 34 feet long; V 11 more than 34 feel long; Rear End Le Turn Right Angle Right Tum Heed On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E 17 operated with an overweight permit; F F —_ E' H ❑operated with an overdimenslo ermit. H O operated with an overdimension permit. t 3 R s. i VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE O I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Tell Turn Right Turn Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage 3 3 Z E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3. 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 �'aD10 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes -E Vehicle By R`S Vehicle By� 'j (y�..... 2j Towed: rewaa: �1 f1 To To�Y QVEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a a s e (\y 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED z is a y� 1 15. TRAILER 18, NO DAMAGE 1 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost Of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. 1 0 ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine CZKeS 11No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place where Accident Occurred: �( Latitude/Northing: County �� k ❑City ❑Village �dewn of_\oLw,�.,n�.f �' lj Qo �L� , (2C.1v Road on which accident occurred 1 Z-L 29 !� Q (Route Number or Street Name)a11)intersecting slreett_ � 1 Longitude/Fasting: O N [IS S (Route Number or Street Name) or 2) 0 0 of Feel Miles (Milepost,Nearealintersaclin Route Number or Street Name) Accident Description/Olflcer's Notes 30 W LZ J re uss COVER SHEET w� N 6 9 ' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 1 B Names of all involved Date of Death Onl A A Z L L B 1 I C O D L E V E F Officer's Rank { i' BadgeAD No. NCIC No. Precinct/Post StationlBeat/ Reviewln - Date/Time Reviewed and SI nature �^'�_ Troop/Zone Sector Off r Print l in full 'nP._ IO._c%! pct,_ p Qj osl�3pS a35s� -� Page of 1, Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles twat Codes 1 I 45 tJo POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT ,9 -. 't ^ 0 MV-104A 17/01) I-7 r J [Ie # ' '#-311 DMV COPY \ 1 1 Accdem Date nth Day year Day of Week Military Time No.cis No.Injured No.Killed Not Investigated at Scone ❑ Lea Scene Police Photos 20 i1 0 T oq is � deeddent_----------- ---- ../ Q � Accident Reconatmaed ❑ ❑ C3 Yes t4IJo VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE t-DrWer S to c. VEHICLE 2-DrHer �Q �� SI k. 21 2 License to Number Lkense lD Number DriverName. Driver Name-exedly - ec rimed on Ikense µ h u rkted on Ikenas 1 dY'1 k'Q Address lode Number 6 St Apt.No. Address(Induce Number B Slrse4 Apt.No. r e Tk CRY or Tor Zip CodeCd o T n Q r �� Q7 CO s, z2 a a, l t611,15" 4 _ 3 ex Unlicensed No.of P. Sex Unlicensed No.of Public n fly Y 1 i._ ❑ Occ nts Petl ❑ t Y �e 1 _❑ Occu ants PDrotl ❑ Name-exactlyas railed on r 1 V lio'nn Sex Name�xect es rioted (/'y'l 1 I�j A/yplD Q IY p Bistrelion '{.I} 1S^ex_ M 23 Seyl i!5` r `S \�SUV1 ` 1 • -1 l� h DeY Ye Atldress prrelude Num 8 Siree4 �1 t ' Apt No. Haz" ;Released Address.(ElnchhdlKNumber 6 Stre§fk� Apt.No. Haz. ;Released 'l/hr7 Cacde ❑ W U f' aNh �lw rv� t Mat. ❑ Code CRY or own , L t Zii ode CI orOTo- Zip Code 24 r elh �7 0 5 Plate Number I � is of ��^VehicNear aY� Vahisla`ype Ins,Cove PIatvNum 1 r alg ofrReg. Vehicle Veer 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.CIS TkkedAnest/O /l`' Y fLl K h Thicket/AKv SestDJ N�1 �D/'11 1YMyxd�/4` Ii Numbers) Numbers) Violebon Violation — Ssdion(s)� Section(s) 25 Check g Involved vehicle is: Chock if Than 95 Inches vehicle h: Circle the a nib I below that t describes the accident,or draw your own ' 6 11 more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 951nches wide; diagram in space#9.Number the vehicles. IV O more than 34 feet long; V 0 more than 34 feet long; Rear End Lea Tum Right Angle Right Tu Head On E O operated with an overweight permit; E 0 operated with an overweight permit H 0 operated with an overdimension emit. H 0 operated with an overdimension permit. —� _� E- I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES 1 s. R 5. r+- 7. I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES OveMaking Lea Turn um Sideswipe X26 7 C Box 1-Point of Impact I7_ 10 L Box 2-Most Damge Impact i 12 F y, 1/p L Box 2-Most Damage ICJ E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes — 2 more Damage Codes FVehicle By Vehicle By 27 Towed: Towed: 7o To VEHICLE DAMAGE.CODING: a y 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED x — is e 9 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE2B 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. v e,r ,x n +v ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine ❑ pL Yes No X Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place W re dent Occurred: I I Latitude/Northing: County S�_ 0 City 0 Village W_Town of L; Si 1'-) L7 1 1 Road on which accident occurred S R �1^j 1/V��ak-k 29 —'[lR(RoulVeofS1m� at 1)intersecting street � - r)K (Route Number or Street Name)LongiWde/Fasting: GN DS — / !S' '; Z S 0-)gOS . 3c1 ore) — of ow of Feel Miles Mile st Netf ,i &sed' Raine Numberor Str Name Accident Description/Officers Notes vy� i*� G kv n 6- rs-� a JQ� 30 nk.1 iZk zS w S k ct# r \j-1. &�k w\ B oI n yRk \rrF IL In\� `„xlkl. V t,*\. -1,#V USE COVER ka a Tr or -T 'xl r r r S axEa. (031 "13'�. B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death ON L A I I 1 l5 a�n .Iws r ` e I14 Z7 ✓✓tW oti l k, b I 0 I C N V D O L V E E D F Officer's Rank � 1 J�^ I (�J Badge/10 No. NCIC No. PrecincUPos S[ati V R Datg[f' 'eWed and Sl naWre V `IC.ULV 11h,�✓ N (j Pnnt ame ` / I Troop/Zone Sector O " In Full V v1+w�4✓\ �l.v. a.��n' Qsk n --Page 1 of Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codeea POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 MV-104A(7/01) d — 0 ❑ • • ' '•' DMV COPY 1 Accident to Day of Week Military Time No.of No,Injured No.Killed veeLek Scene Police Photos 20 Month Day Year Vahmoles Not Intigatetl at Scene ❑ O Accident Reconstructetl ❑ --❑ I ❑Yes&No VEHICLE 1 JL VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Driver State of Lic. VEHICLE 2.Driver Ste Lic. 2 License lD Number Iltq 983 741 License to Number y 21 Odvar Neme-ezectty T -r H.' D,Wer Neme-exactly as rintee on license I /1�L' IL OHM es Intel on licenseHwW Adtlress(Include Number8 Sheep Apt.No. Address(Include Nu r8 Street Apt.No. tl-U 21 T" T l4 P ✓n Coy m Town State Zip Code City or Town St a Zip Code 22 0 M N 3 Sex Unlicensetl 1140.of Public 1 h Sex Unlicensed No. I Public Mo Oay Occu is Progeny nth ay Year Occup is Progeny r1 / x --❑ Da Oyd—❑ — ❑ pamaged�❑ d- Name-exactly as printed on registration so. Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex 23 Month Day Year Month De Veer v - KONAl1514 kI R A. I`'t -1 Address(Include Number 8 Street) Apt.No. Haz. ;Released Address(Include Number 8 Street) nn^ q Apt.No. Haz. ;Releasetl 4 Caode ❑ IU/ / /'✓ "qq Code ❑ yCityor Town State Zip Code 1 Cayor Town State ZipC a 24 I T-TIT hl 1 &Z. -7 Plate Number State of flag. Vehicle Vear 6 Meke Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Numbe State o1 Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 6 U yD& Wo Jqq 1109 inew, y ' TickeuMrest Ticket/arrest Nutritionist Numbeds) Violation Violation sectionts) Section(s) 25 Check if involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle Is: Circ diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 2 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; ram in ce Ill Number the vehicles. 9 1 V O more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; RI Entl ea Turn flight Angle flight Turn Head On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; —� <— H 13operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. 1 3. R 5. 7. I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Lea Tum Right Tum Sideswipe 26 7 C Boz 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 -"!;i— F �F L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage a A E" o. � 4, �/ I E Enter up to three 1 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes Vehicle By Vehicle By 27 Towed: Towetl: To To I VEHICLE DAMAGE.CODING: a ° 9 � 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 0 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED 2 ,s s y 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE P8 O 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. \ o ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine 11 Yes RNo Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place W e Accident Occurred: `O Latitude/Northing: )J County 0 A❑ACitzy, r❑Villa�gEte1 .Town of "OL-A yo S9 &t4 Road on which accident occurred_0. dJ /s I A T TITU(IL 29 (Route Number or Street Name) O I 7 , O I Ll at 1)intersecting street Longitude/Easting: N ❑ (Route Number or Street Name) T I 1 S c7I U71 32 mw or 2).2u1� 190❑E ❑W of Feel Mites MillEpost,Nearest inesecting Route Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes 30 Orl NO VaR , s .� S-110061) AJ 4 L T1 USE OVER SHEET N 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death ON LA I 1 I ILI 141 — — 0 I M e t S S 1 Ono rt — V — V N G D 1 fl _ _ _ u V q E D F Off icer'sRank / - Badge/ID No. NCIC No. Preclnct/Pos Station/Beat/ Reviewing Daterrime Reviewed and Signs ure Troop/Zone SectorO r Print Name �_ in Full Lim& '/� WlJ'I O W •j� Page ' of I I Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Cc a 2w . {S POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 MV-104X(7/01) � 9 CO l7 ❑ ' a • " ' POLICE COPY 1 1 •Accident Dale Day of Weektt� Military Time No of No.Injured No,Killed Left Scene Police Philos 20 O De Yedb ^ Vah'les Nellnvesttgated at Scene ❑ 4. �n .............................. . _ O ' © (7 Accident Reconstrudetl ❑ ❑ ❑Yes I$Ne 1 VEHICLEr1 'VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN 2 VLkenae DIN an t Jr l0 3 8 7 1 VEHICLE 2 Driver tl 21 License ID Number DI=-exactly-exactly Driver Name-exactly as Wad an license 7►1 N P / S - as printed on license 42.. r Address(Irmlude Number&Street) AIH.No. Atldress(Include Number 8 Street) Apt.No. D3 fD' 3S Str d Ca rTown Stale Zi Cotle City or Town Stale Zip Code 22 ft c u(4 GI OM (� i — 3 Sex Unlicensed No.of Publk f ' h Sex Unlicensed No.of Public Z7 1�m D y Veer '.^ - ❑ Occupanlsy Properly Monh Da Year Occupants ) Property �( O M J Damaged ❑ C 'j,� {M ❑ / Damaged ❑ Neme-exacu,as printed on registration Sex Nama-exactly as printed on registration Sex 23 r I Monh Day Veer r� 1 J<J! Month Day Year Address(Include Number&Street) Apt.No. Hu. I Released Address(Inclulh,Number&Street) Apt.No. Haz. ;Released q Maw ❑ Ca ❑ Cayor Town Slate Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 24 PI a Number State ofR V IcleeY'r&Mak` Vehicle Type Ins.Cotle P'te yumbar I State.of Reg. Vehicle Year&M k1 S SO Vahel a Ins.Coda 5 2 o tL'1 t_`IE S L`ls Tick staumst TickeVAnes1 Number(s) Number(s) Violation Violation Sedion(s) Section(s) 25 Check if involved vehicle Is: Check if Involved vehicle is: ' le '.gram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 D more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; ilia ram ins ace#9.Number the vehicles. - V D mots than 34 feet long; V ❑More than 34 feet long; Ree EN A Lek Turn I Right Angle Right Tum Head On E D operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; H D operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. t 7. VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CORDES Overte ilg Lefl Turn Right Tum Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1.Point of Impact � eBoox 2-Most Damage Impact I1 2 E- 4 _� s. 7/�— ' L Boz 2•Most Damage 2. E EMer up to three 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes VMbl6 BY -- Vehtoo By 27 Towed: Towed: To �O VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: ° z s ° r 1.13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED x u ° 9. 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine [Ryes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Piaee Wetre ide t Occurred: c II Latitude/Northing: County u 0 O City []Village I rTown of SG"t kA d `� Road on which accidentocared ��S iia 25 Maff i 4uc k 29 l7 I� )O � at 1)intersecting street �I '�C - Fra G 4t (N (Boole Number or Street Name) V ' Longitude/Easting: (Route Number or Street Name) I } ' /7 •7 .'1 ON ❑S r2) 13E ❑W of Feet Miles Mile s,Nearest i forma Route Number or Str Name Accident Desenption/Officer's Notes ,C,f S , E � S 4 2 5 , -0 v 30 '{D t1 Z 41,r vt 4 2 61-+ Z 5 t-C 'I G 'C A"-1' lia- �a II A �,� ,r COVEe 4 iou Li i� +1, Q� w � D00 1 e� r' IQ C alEEf eh• 2 ids : rt dr stu diVW ft•v �t t o eY • N 9 t0 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names i all Involved Date of Death On A I 2° — - 9(Iva 203 332 635 ` B H C l0 o D y — — Z 3 . 4 L E V D F Officer's Rank 3 - Be ge/1D No. NCIC No. Precinct/Post Station/Beatt R$�9wi Date/TI 9Rey'iewed and SI nature ✓ .$w'ti S Troop/Zone Sector O(P�er- ` 3 BOJ In Full am AW"Nf ( t �-W ,t "t 0. i G70 New York State Department of Motor Vehicles r� Empire State Plaza ' 1 Albany NY 12228-0220 POLICE AGENCY REQUEST FOR DRIVER REVIEW INSTRUCTIONS: • Please print or type all information,and mail completed form to the Driver Improvement Bureau at the address above. • Describe Incident/Disability-If necessary,attach another page. • If this incident involved an accident,please send a copy of the accident report. • Re-examination CANNOT be based on a driver's age. POLICE AGENCY INFORMATION LICENSEE IDENTIFICATION NAM RANK OF OFFICER UCENSE OR CLIENT IO NUMBER DATE OF BIRTH �ptnn¢s � ' �tf 10-Z— I 0 5 -2 - 2 PNCE AGENCY ►Il To W to p(;4v_ TELEP��� -ZLQ LASTNAME 1,&4W(4 I ST w( M.I. STREETADDRESS STRE ADDRESS APT.t q(90S 9S 9 35 -�f9 kslwl Rd I - CITU STATE ZIP CODE CITY TATE ZIP CODE i G 1141S9 1Llno01 1 16S Based on the following circumstances,I request that DMV review this licensee's qualifi ion for continuation of driving privileges. ❑ Licensee appears to have a physical disability ❑ Licensee was observed driving erratically Licensee appeared disoriented 9 h 4, .5y)4- 0 h Lj-h "Je oJGd U tom$ l S G,' e t �' iNu 4- J'o (G wt ❑ Other Incident occurred ono (Date)Z (Date) Ticket Issued? ❑Yes R(No If Yes,V&T Law Section OFFICERS SIGNATURE 7 1 0 6 a � •?'F x g�, s ♦ ¢ No's �a �'� Koff`: 2'2 Y.R)r° � SC Ems. Lws... . $ l:� :L Page I of a Pages New York Stale Departmeht of Motor Vehicles At Local S 3 POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 MV-104A(7/01}' 0 r r •r• POLICE COPY 1 1 Accident Date Day of Week Military Time No.of No.Injured No.Killed^ Lek Scene Police Photos 20 I Not Inves-----tl- Scene ❑ V. c -- MbnM Day YearO� )0 L o Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ J ❑Yes PN. )) VEHICLE 1 [A VEHICLE 2 ❑BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE i-Driver ,� State M Lic. VEHICLE 2-Driver 2 6 State of Lic. Limits.ID Number License ID Number I I 21 Ddwr Name-exactly - I Driver Name-exactly as rimed on license 6 as tact on license C,e_ Address clude,Nu(nber 8�rce0 Apl.No. /address Include Number StreeO ApI.No. C T n ,F1�„ CT-IL tgt Zip Code �' I✓r Sate Zip Cogs 22 J 1 L Sol 3 Sex Unikensetl No.o Pubic f h Bex Unlicensed No.of Public M th D Year ants Property Month Da Y ar i Occ pants Property �( O r ❑ Damaged ❑ -❑ Damaged ❑ Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex N is-exactly as pnntod on registration Sex f 23 Month Day Year IC ) Monts De r C,_ f- 7 Address(Include Number 8 Street Apt.No. Hez. ;Released Address(J�M1 elude N mbar B fre Aq.No. Has. ;Rete sect 4 Mal Mat. ❑ Cada ❑ �i Mat ' City or Town Stale Zip Code 1 r TownV State Zip C d 24 /,)` 3- Plate Number State of Jieg. Vehicle Yea�B M e lg lq Type Ins.Code Plate Number qq State of g. Vehicle Year 8 M ke Vehkle Type In$.Code 5AdA �a- f SVb`^ �`- Tickst/Arrest Ticket/Anest - Number(s) Numbers) Violation Violation Sectio (s) Secuon(s) 25 Check if involved vehicle is: Check it involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below flat describes the accident,or draw your own F6' O more than 95 inches wide; O more than 95 inches wide; diagram in space 49.Number the vehicles. ' V 0 more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; pear End Left Turn Right Angle Right Turn Head On E O operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; t— H O operated with an overdimension permit. H O operated with an overdimension permit. 1.4- F 3. s. 7. ( VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Oysaakir Leif Turn Right Turn Sideswipe 26 i F( T C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 1 2 C Box 1-Point or Impact 1 2 — o. a. . 7�E— L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage 2. Is, _J10ii E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRA�L J,', W= more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes l/O Q 1 Vehkle By Vehicle By 27 Towed: Towed: ' To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: s • s a r - 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. - Sl-a- p25 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED 2 — 13 � z g '- ""--_-- 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. } 9 O ,e „ ,c ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine ®Yes ❑ No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: ,(� 7 , r Latitude/Northing: County 5U'VZJ ZL O City ❑yibge Yl Town of—" r' IAN S • Road on which accident occurred (Route Number or Street Name) 7 - at 1)intersecting street l (Route Number or Street Name) Longitude/Fasting: ❑N ❑5 iii I o?it-Deja . g: or z) l.s eE ❑w or Feet Miles a sL Nearest interseclin Route Number or Street Name) Accident Description/Officer's Notes y 0.,m �, 2, to - t v V 30 L C,t As, 'T ei' covin 9NEEi 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 1B Names of all involved r� Date of Death 0 I L B b S M o.GM Ic1 1 Sq I -IN - - - V D O L E V E D F i Officer's Rank j - �,�--- Badge/ID No. NCIC No. PreclncVPost StationBeatl Reviewi DateMme Reviewed and SI nature , - -�5''-r /I - Troop/Zone Sector Officer /� (ZU Print Name , / L-, o� 1 in Full �( � � � Page o(' of r Pages New York State Depandilem of Motor Vehicles , Local Codes -, POLICE ACCI9EJ+}TwREPORT ' '19 oa 6`593 MV-104A(7101) (i)13 Q a a •a- POLICE COPY 1 1 AockhEnt Dale Dey of Week Military Time No.of No.Injured No,Killed Not Invasligatetl at Scene ❑ Leh Scene Polios Photos 20 DaY V. 'cies _______________ _____ _ O 6j 6%— 1"� 03� 0 Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ ❑res o ,1e� VEHICLE ❑ VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDES RIAN 2 Uceme o Number I'I V g�j� Slate of Lic. VEHICLE 2.Driver Stale of Lic. 1^ License ID Number 21 Driver Name-exactly C,0.\ 1 _ �.� ` Driver Name-exactly u In on license '^ I�C.� as 'nted an license Adtlresy(rwlude N/mberTi yS11eep�o^ / AIH.Na. Address Ilnclude Number 8 Street) Apt.No. 5`�� ,JJJS J4 Ial! �ip oE� City or Town State Zip Code 22 3 Sex Unlicensed No.of IPublic Dale mf i hSax Unlicensed No.of Public Occ pants Property nth ay Year Occupants Daam.;L ❑ d. lu ❑ Damaged ❑ ❑ Name-exactlX as print nregistra'on / jSfexf Name-exadry as printed on registrationSex 23 Month Day Year 1GCbe a�free0 Released Address f0clude Number B Street) Apt.No. Moa'. lReleasetl ❑ Code Ciry or Town Stale Zip Cotlaual nD� Sla e.ef�ieg. V InsCode Plate Number State of Reg. VahideBMaYrs � Tbket/Amad Ticket/Arresl Numbe(s) Numbers) Violation Violation Section(s) section(s) 25 Check if involved vehicle is: Check If involved vehicle is: Cimle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own F6 0 more than 95 Inches wide; O more than 95 inches wide; diagram in space#9.Number the vehicles. (/ p V O more than 34 feet long; V 0 more than 34 feet long; Rear End Leh Tum Right Angle Right Turn Head On E 0 operated with an overweight permit; E 0 operated with an overweight permit E- E- ` -p- F H 0 operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. 1 3 ^ b. 7, VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Leh Tum Right Tum Sideswipe 26 C Boz 1-Point of Impact 4 C Boz 1-Point of Impact 1 2 F �F_ -;♦F 7 L Box 2-Most Damage J- I L Box 2-Most Damage F E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes Vehicle By Vehicle By Towed: To_ To To a s e (y� VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 2 �) 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED 2 n a s. 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. l t e ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine Oyes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: QCounty ❑City El Village O Town of Y Latitude/Northing: Road on which accident occurred 29 (Route Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting she Longitude/Easting: ON ❑S (Route Number or Street Name) ort) ❑E OW of Feet Was (Milepost Nearest intersectin2 Route Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes —50— SHE 0aXE N 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death Onl A 3 I 1� 1' — — — G •- (t +src l L B C N V D O V E ED F Ogicer's Rank - 7 _ Badge/ID No. NCIC No. PrecincVPos Station/Beat/ Reviewing Data/Tlme Reviewed antl Sl nature \ - -- Troo /Zone Sector Office�-+ Print cone p ] f 11 In Full ff Pege�. Page- - New York State Department of Motor Vehicles " V oca ober POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT It, qs �/ES MV-104A(7/01) l ~ Q ❑ a e " "e' POLICE COPY -. 1 Accident Date Da of Week Milite Time No.of No Injured No.Killed Left Scene POlkflPhotos 20 Mon De ( Ye r y sty y Ips I Not Investi aced al Sca .---Recond!-----.- .r �Z GI � Accident Reconstructed!��❑ —❑ ❑Yes o VEHICLE 1 12 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Driver State of Lia E ICLE 2-Driver s� State of Lic. 2 Lic=fDNumber 4 y LicenselONumber Q 21 Driver Name-exactly Driver Name-exactly es M on licenseas printed on license Atltlress(Induce Number 8 Sfreerl Apt.No. Address(Include Number S Street) Apt.No. 111sa A; J Ck o Town State Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 22 j UG 3Sex Unlicensed No.of Public i Sex Unlicensed No.of 1V is /} Month Day Yeer Occupan Property Month Day Year Occupants Property (' -i-Bi". Damaged❑ Damaged""'[] Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex I Data of Binh Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex i 23 Month Day Year Month Dey Vear 7 Address(include Number d Streeg Apt.No, Haz, I Rates setl Adaresir rincluas,Number a Street) Apt.No. Haz. ;Released 4 Mat Mal. ❑ Cade ❑ Code City or Town Stale Zip Code City or Tom ! Stale Zip Cade 24 Plate Number Stale of Reg. Vehicle Year B Make Vehicle Type Ins,Code Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year 6 Make Vehicle Type In,.Code 5 Q 9 CP TkkeVArresl Ticket/Arrest Number(s) Number(e) Violation Violation Sections) Sectlon(s) - 25 Check if involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own ' 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; O more than 95 inches wide; diagram In space#9.Number the vehicles. ` V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; Rear End Left Turn Right Angle Right Tum Head On 1 E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweigh)permit; F —> F H ❑operated with an overdimenslon permit. H ❑opem[etl with an overdimension permit. i 3. s. 7. VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Left Turn Right Tum Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1-Point ofimpacl 2 C Box 1 -Point of Impact L Box 2-Mosl Damage 2 L Box 2-Most Damage 2. F o. 4. 2 E Enteru to three 5 E Enter u to three 3 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes 411 esee"01' 7N Vehicle By ls�A('fMl/J.S Vehicle By 27 Towed: V Towed: �..� Y 3 v! Y� t r 46- To To LI To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a 4 s s r 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a ,a a g 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 2¢ 18. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle Will be more than$1000. F s ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine Yes ❑No Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: ' Latitude/Northing: County S-Fi @City ❑Village Town of Sg4yri'll d ta..'fLl Road on which accident occurredS'T*Cc .<eV fS" 7S MA M n x.K 29 (Route Number or Street Name) 0 -aI at 1)intersecting street Longitude/Fasting: 0 N CIS (Route Number or Street Name) S 2is 6-11-12.31 or2)10 ❑E r/d.W of G Feel Miles (Mile sl,Nearest Intersedin Route Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes VFWw [30 ✓ M jilitil A " us" 'erm- VIMO Ea .6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death On y LA L B A PA f I N C V D D L V E E D P RipOfficer's Rank Badge/ID No. NCIC No. Precinct/Post Slation/Beet/ R w Date/rime Reviewed nature ,y Troop/Zone Sector nnFulName f it � � �F7-1 C Page of Pages 1 New York State Department of Motor Vehicles opal Codes POLICE ACCIDEWr REPORT " MV-104A(7/01) .'IvZ 5 2e a a ' •a'... POLICE COPY 1 r F-1 1 le Day of Week Milita Time No of No Injured No.Killed Lett Scan. Police otos 20 ry I Not Invesligaletl al Sceaa..�] , Mp,th DeY/� Year o� Veh'i x ------------------------------ l/Nf/ ��>/ wZa d Acckem Reconslructoo—Cl �Q ❑Ves�N. VEHICLE. VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Drrver Sla f VEHICLE2-D,iver Stele of Lic. F2 License lD Number S37-: 0 License to Number �21 Driver Name-exactly Driver Name'exactly as rimed on license L L as printed on lice,ne reser Number&Sbeer) Apt.No. Address(Include Number&Streeq AW.No. CXy r n Slate Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 22 D 3 Ise Unlirensetl No.ai Public I h Sex Unlicensed No.of Public Z D 4, Occupants Progeny Mgnm ay Vear OccupantsI'l Property Damaged"1{] ❑ Damaged ❑ Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex f h Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex 23 2f Ed, onayYear Month Day VearJah AddressYlnclude Number&Street) Apl.No. z. ;Released Address(Include Number&Sheep Apt.No. Haz. ;ReleasedCo 4Code // /J/ A l Mat. ❑ C r own State Zi Cotle City or Town State Zip Code 24 01 Plate Number /State�roff Reg. Vehicle Year Make f Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number Sale of Reg. Vehicle Vear 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Cotle 5 l%wN 4 F.✓ rV1 kket/Arrest Ticket/Anest iNumber(s) Number(s) Violation Violation Sections) Section(s) 25 Check If Involved vehicle is: Check if Involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own ' 6 ❑more than 95 inches wide; [I more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in space x9.Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V O more than 34 feet long; Rear End LeftTurnRight Angle Right Tum Head On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E O operated with an overweight permit; E- --K— I —> � F H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. H El operated with an overdimension permit. I 3 5. 7. VEHICLE t DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Left Tum Right Tum Sideswipe 26 777 C Box 1-Point of Impact C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 '!. L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage 2, E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes 27 Vehicle By Vehicle By Towed: Towed: , 7g To x s e VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: s r 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED 2 +s ° 9. 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost Of repairs t0 anyone vehicle will be more than$1000, I a ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine ❑Yes No Reference Marker Coordinates(ifavai/able) Place Where Accident Occurred: Latitude/Nonhing: County ❑City ❑Village ❑Town of Road on which accident occurred 29 (Route Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street LongiWde/Easting: [IN [IS (Route Number or Street Name) or 2) ❑E 13W of Feet Miles (Mitepost,Nearest Intersecting Route Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes 30 USE OVER BNEEI I f 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death On , A A L L B I C N V D O V E E D F Officer's Rank {• Badge/ID No. NCIC No. PrecincVPos Station/Beat/XReviewin Dal��Agi%ay+e and SI nature b 7 Troop/Zone S fr /3 Inn Full ams Stay CN -2Jll'DS 1 AO5 Page . ' of Pages ' ° ` - New York State Department of Motor Vehicles ✓ Local Codas POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 4'`-- MV-104A(7/01) t �— b K ❑ # # ' •#' POLICE COPY 1 1 ' Aaklanl Dale Day of Week Military Time Novi No.Inlure0 No.Killed Not lnvestigaletl al5cene ❑ LaftSg#g# Police Photos 20 Month Day Veer ) �j 't Veh' __________________________ U Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ ❑Yes VEHICLE 1 ❑ VEHICLE 2 [1 BICYCLIST EDESTRIAN [I OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 7-Driver State of Lk. VEHICLE 2-Driver State of Lic. 2 Limits ID Number License ID Number ---- �— 21 Driver Name-exactly �j / Driver Name-exactly p p as riot on license (,� /7 oL L ��'I L G as ted on license j. 1\ItkL Address(Include Number&Slreeri Apt.No. Address(Include Num r&WrW Apt.No. f. t 3) 6 -Cky or Town State Zip Code City or Town Slate Zip Code 22 CJT6HO6vG" Ny /' I L, \� 3 Sex Unlicensed No.of IN; Sex 0000wwnRIlgI��lccccensed "a 0"" s Mon12 'Day Y ❑ Occupan Dem nye ❑ nth ey Years ex � Oocupan Dem My ❑ Name4exectly ad printed on registration _ Sex . Name-exactly as printed on registrationSex 23 mze RZ1r� ,D Month Day Veer Month Dey Year Address(Include Number&Stwo Apt No. Hu. ;Released Address(Inc umber&Sheep Apt.No. Hex. ;Released Mai 4 D /� h code ❑ Code ❑ Cityor TownSlate Zip Code City or ToState Zip Code 24 v. G o6U� wn PI'lle Number State of Reg.I Vehicke Year&Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number Islets of Reg. Vehicle 8 Meke Vehicle Type Its.Code 5� Ticket/Arrest [• L O TickellAnest Number(,) Number(s) Violation Violation Section(s) Section(s) 25 Check If involved vehicle is: Check if Involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 13more than 95 inches wide; 11more than 95 Inches wide; diagram In space#9.Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; Rear End Left,Tum Right Angle Right Tum Head On E O operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight parmiCE- H O operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an ovehd menton permit. 1.t" E'-- I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES O 3. R j s. 7. I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Lea Tum Right Tum Sideswipe 26 FC Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 t— �- �E-- L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage F 4. 6. E Enter up to three 3 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM t more Damage Codes 2F re Damage Codes Towed:Vehicle By ed:Vehicle By Towed: etl: To - To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a r A./ 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED 2 `L— �p 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE p8 A 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehiCl :y,4ll be more than$1000. �'` 9 J Q ,: ++ +a ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine QYes No \ Reference Marker Coordinates(if avallable) Place Where Accident Occurred: Latitude/Nonhirg: - County Sit,)f rl ❑City ❑Village Town of SUS 1 !� (� Road on which accident occurred-- 5T RT S ;7A iTL-fvCK. 29 U (Route Number or Street Name) 0 �" at p Intersecting street Routs Numbero treat Neme L �J Long#ude/Eas7g: G ❑N ❑S ( ) (J7.Z O j) 3 ! or 2)10-0 SL7E ❑W of �i (� I Fera Miles /• (Milepost,Nearest intersect Route Number or Street Name Accident Description/011icers Notes VG✓r L! ' ' -'� � - L'.' Y� .N,r�- Sc.''(5` ?u10�$TFr„ ;� p 30 pi-�i/a uh'.y+-.lf'L',In -1 N!� W f :-(/ G/C� �Ca i/✓ T RA r�F�y(� "6, ICt jVJI ��/✓ Uv irl.- 'll1G` �L'l � I�LU� USE O ER 9 EE, w �,vc'M� ��'�v la i31 c, v,1. .v -7111= o N 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all Involved Date of Death OnNQ L A L 7, E' L F,,&014, Z L B fi �_' I' V (� '� .� iV f r N C V D O L V E E D F Officer's RankBadge/ID No. NCIC No. Precinct/Pos StaliorVBeaV Reviewi Dart line Reviewed and SI nature N Y” '('� IT -r Sector Officer ,1 Ia/.T P Troop2one In Full Print ame 7( �1i i7(3i. )< 1 1St✓��( (r�1 �5� r OPage lot Pages New York State Department of Motor Vehicles v Local Coda_33�1$ /(/0 POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT - ,s ( MV-104A(7/01) Q ❑ ' a a ' 'e' DMV COPY 1 Accciiideeent Date /p Dayal WeEek� Military Tim}e� No.offe No.Injjuur�ed No. �Killed Nol lnvesligaletl et Scene ❑ Lea Scene Pollee Photos 20 Day lO Year T/ E !S/tJ Vejs piV V -- Accident Reconsuuded ❑ ❑ ❑Yes o VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Driver 7- /- / SI a . VEHICLE 2-Driver 0'y 077 -77/0 77/ Stgy of lJC 21 2 VEHICLE ID Number 10 License ID Number V I .Q C/N Driwr9 Dver Name-e." 0 /O as licenseas 101 YM70 �Qli✓� intee on linse�� Address(include Number&SU9eg Apt.No. Address(include Num r8 0, f hQ�Q AW.No. City or Town ,rW���� Sb 9r Z' / City or TovQ),�vu fjte� Zi. �Z V 3 22] �T Sex Unlicensed 'ANNo%/ooff Public / Sex Unlicensed No.of Public IV, 8� � ❑ Occupentsc Damaged ❑ — F ❑ Occupants 3 Dameged�❑ I Name-exad s printed on registration Sex ng.m Airth Ne xsctly as printed on isl:Z Sez 23 �lV� Month Day Yeer C2�12 ((�xL �_ /-S .r Month Day V6ar 4 Address hnclude Number Srreeh Apt.No. HCeWze (Released Address(IncludsC prbellI Streejti I r AP No. a IPe O tl ICity or Town State Zip Code CRY or 1V/ nl/O )�a /`•/ slate Zip Code 24 N 0154 AFTX572 State o Ve Ce,Year teO puU Ve TypeN Ins.Cotle pial ybab�� ISSt o_f{)ag. VeOhl1 ear n'L Veh hype Ins.Code ITickeVAms t TlckeVAresl - Number(s) -' Numbens) Violation ^, Violation Section(s) Section(s) Check tl involved vehicle is: Check if Involved vehicle Is: Circle the diagram below That describes the accident,or drawyour own 8 C3 mom than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram In space e9.Number the vehicles. IV ❑more than 34 feel long; V ❑nrlefe than 34 feat long; Rear End Lea Turn Right Angle Right Tum Head On E O operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E- H O operated with an overdimension pernh. H O operated with an overdimension permit. t 3. \5 s. 7. 1 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Cherishing Leh Turn Right Tum Sideswipe 26 Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 E- < Box 1 -Point of Impact (�► ($ L Box 2-Most Damage K! L Box 2-Most Damage _f �( F 4. 7I EEnter up to three 4 5 E Enter up to three 4 5 ACCIDENT DRAG 1 more Damage Codes — - 2 more Damage Codes htODli c, t 17 g Vehicle By Vehicle By J Towed: Towed To To �I VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: e ° ° ° 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a (r13 s 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 2g 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER t Cost Df repairs to anyone Vehicle will be more than$1000. 11 u u m ° ❑Unknown/Unable toDetermine []Yes KNO Q Reference Marker Coordinates(ll available) Place Wher A c dent Occurred: Latitud�es/Nortrh1�insg: County ❑City ❑Village,vfown of S✓��/ (�iZ'a7.72 .✓ Road on which accident occurred�/M1 rgw ldd�n • 29 Route Number or Street Name) --Fi at 1)intersecting street Longitude/Eastping: �'c/U N DS �?ome mbar or Stree Qme) Op .3� W or 2).i9 9E ❑W of s � Feet Miles (Mikaxost.Nearest litterseph Route Number or Slreel Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes vigtd ) -0( .T �B Oh /y`,Q sSdg -J 3g i C u.•�fs�n 7 400' .� 2 cP in vb 'VE IK I Q J �II'ry� �I•yl 'Ei N 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18Names of all Involved Date of Death Onl L e — - arca 0 hrrr (-/y r93 N c its, F — — — — rIVtr' -Ile2 7 IR VO D -/T F 64 06n.-mr tr-34e EE l0 - - - l ubeau Of^onnoe o D F Officer's Renk BadoahD No. NCIC No. PrecincUPos Station/Beat/ Reviewing lS Dal ime Reviewed and SI nature `IF/.ten' TroopRone Se r Off'c r L m ams S� (q�p/� �FLk)e z. In Full V / "� 1 -Lt Ll Page of PagesNew York State Department of Motor Vehicles Local Codea Yes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT ,9 MV-1 04A(7/0 1) ❑ a a " "a' POLICE COPY 1 ACdtlenl Dal Da of Week MiliW Time No.of No.Injured No.Killed Left Scene Police Photce 20 1 Y ^/ I Not Investigated at Scene ❑ � Month , DaY, Year ^� Vehicrea 0 Z ( 6 O 7- 1 k • 1 g O y '2- ACc tlenl Reconstrudetl ❑ ❑ ❑Yes No VEHICLE 1 M VEHICLE 2 ❑BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Driver Slate of Lk. VEHICLE 2-Driver Stale of Lic. 2 Lkenae ID Number '� ,&q License ID Number O 21 Driver Name-axaclly Driver Name-exactly e8 nred on license as ntee on license 2S•t1,g- Address(fndWe Number 8 SfreeQ Apt.No. Ackmas(Include Numbers Aq.No. 14 t o LT . C Tow SI a Zip Code City r Town Slate Zip Code 22. . �M� `� 11 166 sZ 3 Sex Unlicensed No.of. Public Sex Unlicensed No.of Public Modh Day V r Cccuparys Pmparly %t De Year Owuq MIS Property t 1 l ❑ l Damaged ❑ 2- "Z V.,-A ^ ❑ l 0amaged ❑ Name-exactly as primed on registration Sex Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex 23 Month De ear Month Oey Year v T, Q. Z Atltlreas Include,Number8 SfreeA Apt.No. Haz. ;Released Atlmess(Include Numbers Street) Apt,No. Haz. ;Released 4S4- mat Ma Cotle ❑ Col ❑ (4 C Town Stet Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 24 N t -7 Plate Number IState of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 MalIe I Vehicle Type Ins.Cotle Plate Numbar Steta o1 Reg. Vehicle Vear 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Coda 5 21GR 1 St^�h bit X9 R 4Q� �ah D TickeUArresl TickeVAnest I Number(sT— Number(sI-- Violation Violation Section(s) Section(s) 25 Check If Involved vehicle Is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 8 ❑more than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram ins umber the vehicles. V O more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; Rear End Left Tum Right Angle Right Turn Mai-Dn E O operated wllh an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overwelgM permit; —� E- H O operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an over not lon permit 1. 3.� \S I s. � 7. 1 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES 1 VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES overtaking Right Tum Skesaipe 26 7 C Box 1-Point of Impact 2 L Box 2-Point of Damage 1 F 4. �� L Box 2-Most Damage . I E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to th ee 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM I rV,hick, re Damage Codes - - - 2 more Damage Codes By Vehicle By 27 ed: Towed: ' To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 e s • x 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 2g 16, OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. 0 ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine Eq Yes ❑No 1 Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: 1 1 Latitude/Northing: County 5t. El City ❑Village &Town of Sblr� �C`4 Road on which accident attuned Sy, G i E x tr L k 29 (Route Number or Street Name) b 1 0 at 1)Intersecting street Longitude/Easting: (Route Number or Street❑ [ISNeme) o N S or 2;Z 115 ;Z1-I 00-11{ JS . I sa RE ❑W of o 1 1 r"N Feet Miles Mil sl,Nearest intersectingRoute Number or Sireel Name) Accident Description/Officer's Notes NJ e A, it-A- m 1k Ne Q 16Z- dl: &K 30 it RA-1-57 o- d C 14" � 1- SU 4 i'C rov�sa I `L -ax L f r 'P'" e -1 - : . N 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death Ont L A 1 L 8 N1 I D N V D O V E E D F Officer's Rank BadgeAD N NCIC No. Precincl/Posl Static[1(Bea1L Reviewing Date/Time Reviewed and Si a"�lur�e i 1 '1�t �).rCr TroopfZone Sector 0 ' er D 7/�Z in Full V�1C. 4e.1 ' I Jd5 / I Page New York State Department of Motor Vehicles POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT MV-104A(7/01) ❑ • • ' '•' POLICECOPY1 AatitlentDey of Week MiseryTime No.of No.Inlured No.Killd Nocene Police Photos 20 Month — Vehicles11 ___D3 f/� l L) 7 pit V L) Accident Reconstructed ❑ —❑ ❑Yes No VEHICLE 1 E3 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE I-DrKw Stated Lic. VEHICLE 2-Driver State of Lic. 2 License ID Number X 17 N31 ASI N 11 License ID Number 67S 6eq 037 21 Ddvar Name-exactly Driver Name,exactly z ao 7 PH' y as InleU on license �IaV f-,9, h'IAATIN NI as printed an Ncense Ma T Address(include Num d Shea Apt,No. Address(Include Numf»�fJj8 SfxeeA AIM.No. 4y Asl1LE �I ) 6A10L.L 41V City or TTL M Zip, CNy or T State Zip Code_ _ I"IIle l lI _ TI ✓E N 3 Sex Unlicensed No.d Public Sex Unliconsetl No.o Public Mono pqy VeLe 14 /U\ ❑ OccophIs D om❑ nth a Ner F _- ❑ Occupants praompaen�❑ 1`77`7 /WSex Namarexadly as printed on registration Sex 23 Month Dey Year n M Modh Dy YearL6VIJ10W J itY)U 1WL `— — — _J K WIT , 'ti K 7 Address(Intrude Number8 S1reeA Apt No. Hoz. ;Releasee Address(Include umoer 6 Street) Apt.No. Hat. :Released 4 /L17J Mo.a 1Gw� Cods . ❑ ) - IO LAWL DModd� . 11' City or Town - Stale Zip Code Ciryor n Stag Zip Cade 24 0A✓P0AJGJG N. . JIV 9GJL _ 7 Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Cade Plate Number Stale of Reg. Vehicle Year a Make VehiCle Type Ins.Code 5 ILve1. ZY N x001 i7,d IQ ) VA14 21AUS fj IJ A1 T;pi I 5aent TickeVAus st TicketlArrest Number(s) Number(s) Violation Violation Section(s) Sectbn(s) 25 Check if Involved vehicle Is: Crack 9lnvolved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 6 O more than 95 inches wide; O more then 95 Inches wide; gram ce$9.Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑mom than 34 feet Torg; Rear End �` L k Tum Right Angle Right Tum Heatl On E O operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; —� _� � H O operated with an overdimension ermk. H O operated with an overdimension ennit. 1 F J R 5 T 1 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES varlakin Lek Tum Right Tum Sideswipe 26 C Boz 1-Point of Impact 1 2 C Boz 1-Point of Impact 1 2 -2- S F- 71 L Boz 2-Most Damage L Boz 2-Most Damage a sF 0. 4 6. 111" / E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 1 3 4 1 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes ) 3 Vehicle By Vehicle By 2 Towed: Towed: ' To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: • z p 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED s u a 9 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 QD 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle wilt be more than$1000. f 1. s 1- ,: 11 ,a ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine WYes ❑No (1t Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Whe1pe Accident Occurred: f '= G ❑City VillagLatitude/Nohing: County e PLTown of aSI Smi� oLf] ti JIa Road on which accMem occurred S. S /J I A-l I T,)/.1C 29 (Route Number or Street Name) l) ! y at 1)intersecting street //�� Longitude/Eesting: ON 13S _ (Route Nur or Street Name) ALI or2)�7AtE 0 of J`- C-.:: v Nearest inleP. f/\ Feet Miles Mil sl, rsershig Rahe Number or Street Name) Accident DescdptionlOfficer's Notes \1 \)L)41C,C -H ) tIWI) y IiICLL- #) SL2410 Al Aed )-16, 6 S/-AiLLL 7F1 ,-q,LL - l ')440) S- Ai W1. p9E Sau Sau 200 dt #N !/AIli o2 ka rr',.+Kw, - r", itt0 I e U&ij(fLi_J Sroppllfli N� 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all involved Date of Death ON L A I t N I 37 M — — M ,4 dAa-4 L B a I. L) ( SL r — — t" E0XZiZ iD N V D L L V E E D F Officer's Rank Bad eAD No. NC1C No. Precimt/Pos Statlon/BeaV Reviewing DateRme Reviewed and SI ameure - Troop/Zone Sector Of r � � /_C%L. In Full /.✓ v`AU tEB" t Ob As4lI t)5 1 _ �i Page d page, New York State Department of Motor Vehicles -� La ICodea - 70 POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 19 MV-104A(7/01) 4INA J❑ ' • • " '•" 11 DMV COPY I 1 AocbanlD I Day of Week Military Time No.of No.Injured NO.Kllletl Lea Some Polic Photos 20 �• sr,,,aVehke , Da Year Not Investigated at StMrT❑ lj/� 2 / J s D _ AcoMerlt RecanstrucleM ❑ ❑ ❑Y VEHICLE JIL VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE+-Driver �'d�L Stele b. VEHICLE 2•Driver y 2 Lkanse 10 Number J(/J 9 N Ucanae ID Number g$ Driver Name-exactly C/aL L Driver Name-exacaY 21 F as ed on license G ISR es Inted on Iiaenae H A S l 7 Add s(Include Numeerd Sbaat) Apt.No. Address(Inc/udeJYu d S(reefl Apt.No. y Pa 88 3 Cay orT Stale zip Code Cayor To State ZipC 22 NiWmTD&x 4 45'L KO 7— milk a's 111 It 3 Sex UnFeansad No.d Public _ Sex Unlicensed No.d Pudlo 2 r vee, M ❑ Damagrtred ❑ G [�Mordh a� F 0 occupenla 1 oeamagea ❑ Name.exadly as printed on registration Sex I Date of Dinh Narm-exactly as Printed on registralion Sex Month Day Year Momh Day Veer 23 Kone I��c dry caRo MDORwa Z Adlreaa(Include Numberd Street) Apt.No. Her. t Released Address(InaWde Number d Slme) Apt.No. Harz. ;Rebased MatRio C X l c G Dada ❑ Coode I ❑ Cay or Town Slate Zq Cotle City or Town State zip Code 24 Moral i K N 11152 7 Plate Number Stale d Rep. Vehicle Year d Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plele Number State of Rep. Vehiob Peer a Make V Ide Type Ins.Cade 5 3%'A-T NY fVAO V&V at Cc,S66F A/`t 1415 fvem �iSO oz ' ricket/Anes1 TlckeVAnest Numbers) Number(s) Violation Violation section(s) Sedlon(s) Check If involved vehicle is: Check it Involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 2 6 13 more Than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram ins ace a9.Number the vehicles. ' V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feel long; Rear End Lea Tum Right Angle Right Tum Head On E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; H O operated with an overdimearl Permit- H ❑ erated with an overdimension ermit. +� <— a. 5. ]. I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Ovem+kirg Lea Tum Right Tum Sideswipe 26 7 C Boz 1-Point of Impact '� L BoxBox 2-Most DamageImpa 1 E— 4. L Box 2-Most Damage E Enter W to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 lir t more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes fA�f>sAY Vehicle BYVshkb BY 27 Towed: Towed: I SA 1! �. y= ~ �_ i To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 a s 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED r It 7S ,a a 9 /5. TRAILER 16. NO DAMAGE „a 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any one vehicle will be more than$1000. ss n +s ❑Unknown/Unable to Determine []Yes o Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Piece Where Accident Occurred: Oll LatitudetNorth,ingI: County SJ IFbNC ❑City ❑Village M.7own of SA!�tid 7:j57, A, Road on which accident occured gw� Ile ,2d S M#r?7 W t_IC zs `y at 1)intersecting street FTL( vR Lf �- Nurg6esyytX NXII_M ` ` /� Longitutle/Easting: ❑N DS (Route Number orStreetName) C� IJlv� ;l or 2)_ OE ❑W of Feel MilesMN cl,Nearest ksererclb gouts Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officers Notes r arrC( pgdwi, L f AVE 1+ V&-01* W oUN .a•Ca`2 sroflxx ffli4l. OF VEX f 1 STIM Or #40 A SAW IVARAV6 OV. A0eJV4rA O NZ mesa uc�r a<er N 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO IB Names of all Involved Date of Death Only A A r It 1 1 * M 21W2 y L B 1 1 139 rh 11.lsv HDZ 11 1.34 IF V D Lo L E E D F Officers Rank Badge/ID No. NCIC No. PrecincVPos StatloNBealf Revile DataiMm�eweQ � and SI tura V / Troop2a%fone Sor SCJ(T- ont In Full ,�.r+1 e / of ! P(.ges New York State Department of Motor Vehicles °otlep/ POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 9 1-0 POLICE - a POLICE COPY 1 1 •Accident Date Day of Week Military Time No of No.Injured No.Killed y^t t Month Day Vear Vehicles ^^arigri ❑ Left Scene Police Photos 20 /a /9 0/ G1/F 0937 a / n..0=.n oe-- ❑ ❑ ❑Vesj2No VEHICLE 1 R VEHICLE 2 ❑BICYCLIST ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-Driver 835 aa/ 976 518 e• k. VEHICLE 2-Driver Stale of Lic. -2 License ID Number License ID Number 21 m .exclly Driver Name-exactly license y��aF; ARY as printed on license Address(Include umber B Street) Apt.No. Adtlress(InNude Nymw�6 sfreefi Apt No. o2Gv �A z0/irFRS /A./ — ,c kF /E City orrT~ Stat Zip Code City or Town Slate Zip Code 22 jeL'I//0/o N-7 11,971 r/,1/v/ry/LlF ,f/ . //,*9,9 3 Sex Unlicensed No.of Public i Sex Unlicensed Nd Public Mpn / ❑ Occupants/ Property m oDgy Year ❑ Occupants / PTo ❑ O T Damaged ❑ 1 Damaged Name-exac((gYY as printed an registration Sax Nam xa Ily as pdnted an gistr uion Sex 23 ✓�ME ,qs �p�f/E F Month Day Year „x Mwdh lu Yea /7 U uRnA/ GTF 17, // os /. y 641 AdIri pnctude Number B Street) Apt.No. Haz. Released AddMat ipress(Include Nur/fiber 8 street) Apt.No. Haze ;Released 4 Met Code ❑ �Jo lam/ /FI F Fit/ Cod a ❑ City or Town Stale Zip Code Cit y or�T,ywn tel Zip Code 24 PI Number Stela°I R Veh�le Yea Make Vehicle Typo Ins.Code Plate Number Slate f R VehiGe Yeer M� Vehicle Type Ms.Code 5 �7 /a3 it/ / 7S Ba ak �fOsp Y/3 //!,/r 99//0 N �ti/vo yDso 3�6 ' �e�,s,sl 11til/o/--SS3 uir-LL /�96U0 S Voll sanion(a) 6 2F5 Check if involved vehicle is: Check if Involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident or draw your own ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; diagram Ins ace N9.Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; Rear Entl Lee Tum Right Angle n7. E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; 411 X H ❑operatetl with an overdimension permit. H ❑ erated with an overdimension permit. <- - I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES Oa. R I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Ovedeking Lea Tum 28C Boz 1-Potnt of Impact 1 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 F _� F7L Box 2-Most Damage /� L Box 2-Most Damage 8 7 E- � 4 9 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 1 more Damage Codes 2 1 more Damage Codes 9 -4 Vehicle By Vehicle By 27 Towed: __ Towed: To To \ VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: s ' s s r 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED z 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 19. OTHER Cost of repairs to any One vehicle Will be more than$1000. 0 ®UnknowNUnable to Determine ❑Yes ❑No Q Reference MArker Coordinates(if available) Place WF�P�e Accid nt Occurred: Latitude/Nonhing: County JUFFO/ ❑City ❑Village .®TowAn of SL,7-1Y0/1P 6V/;2C..;3 Al Roadon which accident occurred 29 11 (Route Number or Street Name) at 1)intersecting street Longitude/Easting'. / .BN ❑S (Route Number or street Name) vt, 073 • // .1IW or2) 50 ❑E 0 of i�. 5 Feel Miles (Milepost Nearest intersecting goule Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes 30 (/ v OLiYf/ Ov.,n s.r+ fGUr'p t/ 1 LVA-/rC/-/ GEMS J7oWF/0 �JY4 ,/ /i 7. a9E Wvm D nVvi 1 raLED Is UT/r�tE -7r'q FFt -1E/ i :a; a'I �- 7piEp [ IAO Or; iN lasr/Ifpr/� tFVSfJ Moo,eq/ 17,ftAr,JWnr 1.7 ce; N 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of all Involved Date of Death Onl L..-A:1-, / 41 163 1 F — — I — — /(/tr / L a .1 41 37 111 I C N 0 D L V E E D F Officer's RankPo a--^-"7 Badge/ID No. NCIC No. PrecincVPos Station/Beat/ Reviewing Date/Time Reviewed and Si nature / G��- - 3 oS/Sf TroaZone Sector 0 ' er nt ante O J In Full -rNo,H,,.s No�� G a of / Pages New York Stale Department of Motor Vehicles 61 Codes Q/ POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 1-;2-/,0-°/ 1-14'7" MV-104A(7101) .7-'a.osky 1V1r,,Py 6,i ® ° a ' 'a' POLICE COPY S017#W,D,N' • M911 1 •Ac I t Da a Day o1 Week Military Time No.of No.injured No.fit letlot Lea Scone Police Photos 20 Month Day Year Vehicles ----------- —at Scene ❑ Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ ❑Yes❑No VEHICLE 1 Q VEHICLE 2 ❑BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ OTHER PEDESTRIAN VEHICLE 1-DIN. Stale of Lis. VEHICLE 2-Driver Slate of Lie. 2 License ID Number License ID Number 21 Driver Name-exady Driver Name-exactly as Printed on license as printed on license Address(Include Number8 Street) AIN.No. Address(Include Number a Sets" AIN,No. City or Town Slate Zip Code City or Town Stale Zip Code 22 3 Sex Unlicensed No.of Public Sex Unlicensed No.of Public Month Day Year Occupants Property Mont ay oar Occupants Progeny ❑ Damaged ❑ ❑ Damaged ❑ Name-exactly as primed on registration Sex nr. 1Ainh Name-exactly as printed on registration Sex 23 Month. Day Year Month Day Year Address(Include Number 3 Sheer) AIH.No. Haz. f Released Adtlress(include Number d Streep Apt.No. Haz. ;Released 4 Ma. ❑ Code ❑ City at Town State Zip Code City or Town Slate Zip Code 2244 Plate Number Stale of Reg. Vehicle Year a Make Vehicle Type Ins,Code Plate Number Slate of Rag. Vehicle Yeer a Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code O 5 Ticket/Arrest Ticket/Arrest Numbers) Number(s) Violation Violation Section(s) Section(s) 25 Check if involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Circle the diagram below that describes the accident,or draw your own 8 0 more than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in space M9.Number the vehicles. V 0 more than 34 feet long; V O more than 34 feet 10118; Rear End Left Tum Fil l Angle Right Tum ead On E 0 operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; EI H 0 operated with an owidlimension permit. H 0 operated with an overdimension permit. t a �S S. �/ 7. I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Overtaking Lem Tum Right Tum Sideswipe 26 7 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 C Boz 1-Point of Impact 1 2 F _� �F —E— L Boz 2-Most Damage L Boz 2-Most Damage 2 F 4 6. E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAGRAM F 1 There Damage Codes 2 more Damage Cotles Vehicle By, Vehbfe By 27 - Towed: Towed: TO To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: ° x ,\ 1-13. SEE DIAGRAM ON RIGHT. \ 14..UNDERCARRIAGE 17. DEMOLISHED a ,a - a 9 15. TRAILER 18. NO DAMAGE 28 16. OVERTURNED 79. OTHER Cost o}repairs to any One vehicle will be more than$1000. ,a ❑UnknowNUnable to Determine ❑Yes ❑No Q Reference Marker Coordinates(if available) Place Where Accident Occurred: Latitude/Northing, County 0 City ❑Village ❑Town of a,�, y6 Al Road on which accident occurred S•17. as � /�pMIPT OF MAYUTr/rK 29 (Route Number or Street Name) at 1)Intersecting street Longitude/Easting' N S (Route Number or Street Name) l jS 9 3O11J -1-2) >o I9E ow of TP. �rrrrve vE Feel Miles Jvflkftsost,Nearest innersec6no Route Number or Street Name Accident Description/Officer's Notes 30 EO u zW 10-P .Lr ,)r use SHEET 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names of Alkinvolued Date of Death Only A f C N L0 D D L V E E D P Officer's Rank Badge/ID No. NCIC No. PreCI0eVP05 StatioNBeaV Reviewing T/Time Reviewed and 5 nature ty Troop2one Sector er .1 In Full arae d 3 OS/Sy a �d � rf ( T o/NIBS F //utYx (, VG, /// Sx .Page ' New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV ✓ of Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT usE seal Di ada-10 73 3 1tf 'r"' I£•� MV-104A(7196) d POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 Accident DaleDay of Week Time No.of No.Injured No,Killed Non- 20 Not lnvesli aced ❑ Left Scene Police Photos Month Day Year Al �.AM Vehic s O Highway ______ O f r Al O O .g .9UO ❑PM 9 y -� ElAmident Raconsuuctee -❑ ❑ El Y., VEHICLE I X VEHICLE2 ❑ BICYCLIST Q PEDESTRI Driver Name as rally as printed on license DMV Name-exactly as printed on license DMV 2 NICOLO C/^rROi- USE .SC m66jeL T'• USE 21 Address(Include Number&Strait) Apt.No. Address(include Numi StrseB J Apt.No.. Pin �I/y, jLBo .gagv98 Ir}av JAAsMjfJ* 4rJ qI + CN own rJ�O R I Sete Zipj ode D19 i o o;n L Y state Z i i 1 / 1 ]22 3 Date of Binh Sec Unlicensed No.Off Occup Public — Sate of Lb. Date of Birth Sex Unlicensed No.M/Al'Occup. Public ..,- State of �wI /� ,.yl PropeM C P �� � 71i ❑ Demagad❑ N ` 0Jra7r a �❑ / Dii0 N N [x7aclly/ascprif donregistration Dateo Binh Najpctl IesCprhaed on registration Date of Binh (c ) V Gf\ �V L r 23 Address(Include Number&Straso Apt,No. Hu. Cade Released Address(Include Number&Street) Apt.No. Haz. Cotle Released 4 Mal. ❑ Mal. f City or Town Stale Zip Code C0 or Town ❑ Y State Zip Code 24 Plate Number State of eg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number Sate of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle T Ins.Code 7 IV,EMSOS�IN ;OoffMAZ SW /8d saGfic N aa000l-�S Ds Check if involved vehicle is: Check if Involved vehicle is: Check the diagram below that describes the accident or draw your own ❑more than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches witle; tliagrem in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; E ❑operated with an overweight emit; E ❑operated with an overweight emit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 H O operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdimens on permit. 1 g Rear EndfA Lett Tum Right Angle - Right Tum Heatl On ` I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES f VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES C Boz 1 -Point of ImpactTi C Boz 1-Point of Impact 1. I 3. L BOX2-Most Damage d• L Boz 2-Most Damage Ovedaking Left Turn --P- Damage RIgM Yum Sideswipe E Enter up to three q 5 E Enter up to three 5 more Codes f more Damage Codes 5 F �— f'- 7 1 ^ 2 z. F o. a. 3 Vehicle By Vehicle By Towed: To N 0 .r o vi Towed: To rJ o TO uJ VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 5 e 1-13. See diagram on right. 2 7 -0- 27 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2 13 a 17. DEMOLISHED g •n`,.jJ 18. NO DAMAGE 28 19. OTHER t g Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for 12 t t to "reportable"threshold. 0 Yes ❑No O\ Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County��/� ❑Ciry ❑Village 5 - 1- own ,Stl VTI-401-b Route No.or Street Name - ❑Miles O N ❑E 29 on �•Q•a� MAITT)TOC4 ❑Feet 0 0 of tpAI Intersection With TickeVArrest Number(s) N f"•)£ C TIC ET/ARREST ❑OPR 1 ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) cc T P�lryl,� ((\\.w` ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER No N G Nearest Feta Cling OetP,/$Ire1 et J Accident DescrlptioNOfficer's Notes 30 44111 N £D +LI -oor S Ptb d QeeAk s&A-L 1 BXEET sf:14414 - silos "DI-I27-t! o cM 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death "3 � A — 14R 1 L B -- — — — IV£R N V D O L E E F D G (SIGN Office _d BadgetlD No. Department Precinct/Post Station/Beat/ Reviewing Date/Time Reviewed HERE Troop/Zone Sector Officer � � 8q 9a 80l r� ice / anti New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV 11 Pape / iof / Pages - USE 19 Local POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT Ceaq. / r- `' 7'J MV-104A(9/99) U /03CIy /t� POLICE AGENCY COPY I 1 r 20 Doe : ' Dey d Week Tima No of No.injured No.KII Noo. Leh Sce Peke Photos M�gpyk y Your kno ❑AM Vehicles High% y " r / I �� C) ❑ Accident Reconalrucbd ❑ --� ❑ ❑Teen No VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE2 U BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN ❑ IN-LINE SKATER Dauer N as print on It. s/pk 1T- TUSE Name-e as printed On Ibenu _ 2 1�DGSK ryNOA,�kJ J. USE 21AX Tec,4 .3 ofU$ 1'.Address() " °`a Address(InLYyW Num °'&&reap o. !9CkyorToen, Slate Z9 CodeCly or Town Slade Zb Cab 22/V1 ,11 ITuUC /V`3 Unlicensed No.of p. P bio StaDate of Birth Sex Unlicensed No.dOxkp: PP p State of Lk. 1 U7 / ! u N1 —❑ ,2 I> d❑ iV a2 /,2s j;4 i!1 O ) v °"d N- 0 Nrrw-execty u pdrhetl on registration Oslo of pint - NsmabxaCly u Printed on registration Date d Blah I)AIjell Address(Irx,Yude Numbers Sfr9ea Apt.No. Hu. Code Rebased Address(Include Number a SIrea4 Apt.No. Hu. /Code Rebased 4 Mal. ❑ Mat. ❑ L) City or Town Stale ZipCode Cly a Town State Zip Code 24 1 Piste Number 8409 of Reg. Vehicle Y a Make VMkb Type Ins.Code Plat Number State of Rep. VMbb Vur a Make Vehicle Type Ina.Code )�GVI yyU N Not), ✓d0 HDS IA AQP 317t Vr' /��ls' 1714w 5 Check N Involved vehicle L5: Check it involved vehicle is: Check the diagram beim'that describes the accident or draw ❑more than 95 inches wide; O mons than 95 itches wile; 9 your own >2 V O more than 34 feet long; � V ❑rtare than 341eet a space provided(9).Number the vehicles. E ❑operated with an OY81weigM ppeermit E ❑Operated with an overweight permet- ear En Left Tum RIpM Mpb Right Tum Hud On 25 N ❑operated wiM an overdonerebtl perm%. N O operated with an overdimerwgn permit. F C, 6. 1 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES 1 VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CObES t � 3 �� s. 7. b C Box 1-Point of Impact C Box 1-PdM of Impel p !— Right Tan �� Richt Tum SklesvApe } 1— F F -L Box 2.Moat Damage � � L Box 2-.Moet Damage mt � t-- 0. �/ --00-4— E E Enter up lo three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 ACCIDENT DIAOMM 2 1 more Damage Codes 7 Q 2 mora Damage Coles 3 i 7 Vehicle By Vehicle By i '1 Towed: Tawe: eC To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 a a y 27 v 1.13. See diagram on fight. 3 s. ) V� 15. UNDERCARRIAGE Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for ER 16. OVERTURNED 2 13 a 'repprlable'threshoid. Lt1 Yes ❑No 17. DEMOLISHED Tlcke/Amest Number(s) Q� 18. NO DAMAGE 28 \ 19. OTHER t Violation Section(s) 12 11 to a ) Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY Count ❑❑City ❑Village G.-0 Route No.or Street Namg1 M ❑Mlles 614 O E 'Y Al � liV 0 71 )b Feet ❑S ❑W or 29 '-- -- on gC74 d. ' k ,) 4±i,: ',14. 0A Intersection With Coordinates(if avaeabl9g)) ISA) LedWdfl"Il95Mtg: HU AR TICKET REST ❑OPR 1 r3OPR2 /'"1 ✓W ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑6ICYCUST ❑0TKER L ggg : 079. ,j.� yL)44 Nearest Intersectio Route/Street Accident Deearlption(OBicer's Notes 30 Via, ILL"- 1 S1^L%GOLD 1 '7AFi'?C .' %ALrV(1 f).. NgdJrJy �M I,t6V✓J.D. �, e IGI_L ib.7 /•LLy S✓✓:-11 da✓+/d 1-+�,4L-J lI: ,SW..J InJ r :ttl: .Sra7, K.:t1;� mu®k war M 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death L. A ) 1 II I AI h1 — — 1NOAI2W ..C ';v Sx D, /17)3180 AN: 664Lii..O B I 1 J9 NI /.Z 10 143o,N PAALWIL Dol' DJI 3 77 )rIi 317S N c �. I 4 1 17 1v — -- .fA(o0 SAs7ui Dog• 0],15)84 Aami VD 0 --- L E V E F D D SIGN I Officer's nk Nams(/k) Ba5QeAD No. Del7anment Preclnct/Post Staff eat/ Reviewing Date/Tlme 9eNewed I 7 ,'f._�. 1/J _ Tmnnr7AM qw. ,t'Dflenr /1 1 *q' /11ro, Page / of / Pages New York Stale Department of Motor Vehicles DMV y Local Cocas - -26 odasQ POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT use e • MV-104A(7/96) POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 , h Acvitlent Date Dey o1 Week Tlma No.of - No.In(uretl No.Killetl Non- 20 Month Day -Year C El AM Vehicles Highway Not inwitstigated_____�_ LeX Scent Police Photas l l '.J U ®PM (� ❑ Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ ❑Yes IR No VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 BICYCLIST PEDESTRI Driver Name-etwgly ea printed on Ilc a DMV Name-axactly easprimed on license °1f� _ DMV J S J/ - USE ___ _ _ J m_ USE �21Address(IxaAe Number 6 Sfreeq Apt.No. Address(Include)umber8 Street)/J))6x 1�U City or Towne1e Zip Code City or 7own state Zip Code 22 �i0 IJ / :: 3 Dela of Birth Sex Unlicensed No.of Occup. Publio State of Lic. Date of 1y1Birth Sex Unlicensed No. P. Pudic State of Lk. r� PraPertY /" Property Y I �9ad❑ / S / J DPIDBaad❑ Name-exactly as primed on registration Date of Binh Name-exadly as printed on registration Dale of Birth 23 Address(Include Number 8 Street Apt.No. Haz. Cada Rebeaetl Address(include Number B Sfreen q 4 Mat. API.No. Mat.. Code Released S ❑ Mal. ❑ Cay or Town State Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 24 Ifl'> Plate Number Stale of Reg. Vehicle Years Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number Stele d Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 5 L y -- L a -) < AD P Check If invothan 95 i vehicle Is: Check if involved vehicle is: Check the dlagrs below that describes the accident or draw your own ' ❑more than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; V O more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. E0 operated with an overweight ppeermit; E ❑operated with an Overweight ppermit; H ❑Operated with an overdimensbn permit. H O Operated with an Overdmilime n permit. ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 B Head On I VEHICLE I DAMAGE CODES Rear End Left Tum Right Angle Right Tum I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES - C Box t-Print of Impact 1 2 C Box t-Point of Impact 1 2 1, �— 3. — • P i f L Box 2 Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage S. 7. E Enter up IO three 3 4 5 E Enter up tc three 3 4 5 Overtaking LeX Turn —� Right Tum Sideswlpe 1 more Damage Caries more Damage Codes f t— �— 26 7 Von By 2 2. F g. a. 9. a. —► Towed: Vehicle By ro To •�� wed: TO VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 B 6 1-13. See diagram on right. d 7I'�I 27 14. UNDERCARRIAGE </ I 15. TRAILER O 16. OVERTURNED 2 13 a 17. DEMOLISHED _ 16. NO DAMAGE 19. OTHER 1 Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for 28 12 11 10 a "reportable"threshold. ®Yes ❑No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County ❑City ❑Village � I � BTown Route No.or Street Name ELFees MN ❑E aFeet OS ❑W of 29 TickeVArrest Number(s) ❑At Intersection With TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR i ❑OPR2 Violation Sections) ISA) ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER IIT �'s Accident DescriptiOn/Officers Notes Nearest Intersects noute/Street 30 Li L . USE MECOVET e ` WEET L 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 16 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death / A L A L I L e I C IN _ V D 0 L E V E F D G SIGN Officers Rank d Name Badge/ID No. Department PrecincVPost Station/Beat/ Reviewing Date/Tim HERE ]] I.I � 413J 06 2JN Troop/Zone Sec� e RevlewetlUS_ r �£S/�u?�Q� OO C/—I'r� 9?70 gni d .. ` ' New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV jPh Page pf Pag.a POLICE ACCIDENT REPORTusELocal CortesMV-104A(7/96) f jo DMV COPY 1 Accident Date Da of Week Time No.of No.Injured No.Killetl Non- Lett Scene Polkey Nolesge ❑Month Da Yeer �10 ❑AM Vehicles M ay ____ _ ___0 / /0 �� VEHICLE VEHICLE2 ❑ BICYCLIST PEDESTRI Driver Neme�recity es rioted on license DMV Name-exeonly as printed on Iicef �� DMV 2 rR�LA�)� CATNL USE �/ GO L USE x1 AOdress(IpPNdefwumber 8 SfreeA Aq.No. Address(In Da Number City or To Q. L v�C- Stet9� Zip Code City or pOState�E.AIY' p x2 3 Date of Binh ,gyp Sea Unlicensed No.of Occup. Pubbllicc State off LLie. Det.of Biah/�r^��1. Unl' nsed No.of Occup.7c clq Stele of Lk. I 06/Z3 /J a FI/T- I DVin.VW0 t 1 IZ I�Z /L6 • 1 ❑ P many amegetl❑ Name-exactly aspr en lJgstre'tion Dale of Birth / Name-eraply es printed on registration Date%Binh / Address(Include Number 6 Streen Apt.No. Haz. Code Released Address(Include Number a Srreea Apt,No, Haz. Code Released Z 4 Mal. ElMat. ❑ ' City or Town Stale Zip Code City or Town Stale Zip Cotle Plate Number Slate of Reg. hkle Year a Make Vehicle Typo Ins.Code Plate Nu r Siete o Rep.JIM 8 Meke Vehkle Type Ins.Cotle X 0(i t�1`1 2 !✓14Lc 16 2 l nl,q 3$0 /Vloll 5 Check If involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Check the diagram below that d dbes the accident or draw your own 11 more than 95 Inches wide; [I more than 95 inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V O more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; 25 E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM ❑operated with an overdimenslon permit. O operated with an overdimension permit. 6 N H Rear End Left Tum flight Angle Right Tum Head On II VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES F F '� —� _li -4,- C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 x 1. a. �r S. 7� 7. L Box 2-Most Damage I 0 14 L Box 2-Most Damage ] Z Overtaking Lea Turn --� Right Tum Sideswipe E Enter up to three 1 3 4 5 E Enterup to three 4 5 F f F 26 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes ( 2. F0. e. 70, e. F 3 i rVehicle By — Vehicle By ed: Towed: Tc To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 3 a 6 4 7 I '7 1-13. See diagram on right. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2 td a 17. DEMOLISHED fill 18. NO DAMAGE Estimated cost of repairs to an one vehicle meeta criteria Ifor 19. OTHER 1 t2 tt to g "reportable'threshold. 11 Yes I�No Reference MarkerDMV USE ONLY Coun ❑City ❑Village 2t ✓ Town Cti a t Route No.or Street Ngme NAMLL( i �'L O Miles ❑N fflE 0 b mAJ* X21/ m L ;11 0 ❑W of 2_ ❑At Intersection With L Ticket/Arrest Number(s) 411- TICKET/ARREST ❑CPR 1 ❑O 112 Violation Section(s) i O ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest Intersecting Route/Street Accident Description/Officer's Notes FN I v t L 30 us' COVER KNEE! � i •2. G L 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,fte Date of Death .� � A I 14 I-31r L B Z I — — v 3i3- N c I T✓LfA C4 6 V D O L E V E P D G SIGN Officer's Renk N Badge/ID No. Department Precinct/Post StatioNBeat/I Revi win Da I e Rev(ew ee r�y,�7 Troop/Zona Sector l OXi11 New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page of f Pages Local Codes POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE C ,g '- e„ \ MV-104A(7/96) I _ 444 y POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 ,Accident Date Day of Week Time No.of No.Inured. No.Killed Non- 20 Month Day Yes r ❑AM Vehicles Highway Not Investigated ❑ Lek Scene; PDXce Pharos ❑ Accident Reconstructed ❑ ---- ❑ ❑Yes 1'9 No VEHIC I I VEHICLE U BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN 2 Driver Nemo-exactly as printed on license DMV Namel-exactly as printed on license DMV USE USE 21 Address(thaka a Numbers Sfree4 Apl.No. Adtlress(Include Number 8 Slreep Apt.No. Dl / L / City or Town State Zp Cade City or wn Stale Zip Code ]22 L A' Date of Birth Sax Unlilce�nsed No.of cup. Public Stale of Lia Derej�nn� State of Lic. ' �) I /,,180x —tJ Pr11ap qed D 7 4. Name-exactly es printed on registration Date o Birth Name-exactly es printed on registration Dete Birth - C1 / N a - _ _ 23 4 Address(In ude Number a Streep Apt.No. Haz. Code Released Address(Include Number a Sfreen Apt.No. Hez. Code ReleasDa ed Mat. ❑ Mat. L ❑ City w T Win Stale Zip Code CX or Town Cry Stale Zip Code 24 _ / V / A• Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year a Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code I Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year S Make Vehicle Type Ins.Cade 1 5 l Check If Involved vehicle I : Check it than 95 I vehicle is: Check the dlagra below,that describes the accident or draw your own 011 ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. E ❑Operated with an overweight Foe""; E D operated with an overweigh)ppertniF CIDENT DIAGRAM 25 H Cl Operated with an overtlimenslon permtt. H ❑operatetl with an overtlimensi(e permit. 6 Rear End It Tem fight Angle Right Tum Head On 1 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES f_ �_ � ( C Box 1-Point of Im Impact 1 2 C -''� i F Pa Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 1. 5. 7. L Box,2-Most Damage / L Box 2-Most Damage E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 q 5 Overtaking Le urn -� Right Tum Sideswipe more Damage Codes more Damage Codes f- F' F 26 7 1 p 2. F o. 4. - s. 7� e. i 3 Vehicle By ,tiq JAL-�i-( Vehicle By ITowed: Towed: To 5. r To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 6 a 1-13. See diagram on right. 3 7 27 14, UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2 to a 17. DEMOLISHED 9 10. NO DAMAGE 28 19. OTHER , Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for 12 11 10 a "reportable"threshold. QYBs ❑No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County .j. ❑City, 13 Village -- �Town a r ' oute No.or Streetyame O t t ±=L_4:n - (SDI ❑Miles ❑N WE ' ' EI Peet ❑S ❑W Of 29 r t1-FD At Intersection With t - t I TickeVArtest Number(s) lT a: TICKET/ARREST CCPR 1 ❑OPR2 Violation Secllon(s) ` ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST 11 OTHER YAL1Q 4.1 Aj Accident DescdpaortlOfgcefs Notes Nearest Intersecting Route/Street _W71 J _ 7"Q tFLW is J 12A TW - uss W ER y AIFE1 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-It Deceased,Give Date of Death 3 L A ( C L B _ N 1 V D h1A 6411 O L E V E R D � (SIGN Olflcer's Rank me Badge/ID No. Department Precin^VPost Station/Beatt Rev wing 1 Ime Revlewgit HERE !'� /,� US/5� Trooprzone Sector Ol cecar� CJ 1!\\ New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV ' ;= Page If of r Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE ,s Local Codes g^" 70 MV-104A(7/96) CJD No DMV COPY Accident Dale Day of Week Time Na.of No.Injured No.Killed Nan- 20 Nol Investi sled ❑ LeM1 Scone Police Photos Month Day Year ❑AM Vehicles Highway 9 _— / 03 / I H PM oZ Q Q ❑ Accident Re onslructed ❑ ❑ ❑Yes li No VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI 2 Driver Name-exadry as primed on license DMV Name-exactly as printed on license DMV 11/ - USE N �- USE 21 Address(include Number&Streefl Apl.No. Address(Include Numb.,.Srreep Apt.No. VIMORLIA DA AM /al s411 City a Town State Zp Cade Clly Or own Slate Zip Code ]22S H L.o (3 Date of Birth Be): Unlicensed No.o Occup. Public Stale of Lic. Date of Binh Sex Unlicensetl No.m Public Slate of Llc. Properly o /r 4 — / =d❑ 14 v l l —F l worly ❑ N Name-exactly as printed on registration Dale of Binh Name-exactly as printed on registration Dela of Binh Ja / / 4 ✓Ls' / / 23 Address(Include Numbers Susan Apt,No. Haz. Cade Released Address(Include Number&Street) Apt.No. Haz. Code Released �r 4 Mat. ❑ Mal. ❑ Cay or Town State Zip Code Cityor Town State Zip Code 24 Plate Number Astate of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Cotle Plate Number Slate of Rep. Vehicle YeerB Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 5APT-XD7 P v 1�NC T Check if involved vehicle is: Check if involved vehicle is: Check the diagram below trial descn es the accident or draw your own ❑more than 95 Inches wide; 11 More than 95 inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V ❑none than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; E D operated with in overweight peril; E ❑operated with an overweightpermit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 H D operated with an overdimeril permit. H ❑opereted with an overdimenslon permit. c 6 I VEHICLE I DAMAGE CODES nJ,En �t tt�Tum Rigel Angle Right Tum Heed On 3 I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES �_ F ` —� -► F C Box 1 -Point of Impact 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1. 3. ^ 5. 7 L Box 2-Most Damage rY L Box 2-Most Damage 7 2 g Left Turn —)♦� Right Tum Sideswipe E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 t— t1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes 2, �-- g, q, s. 11 A- e. _fit- 26 7 Vehicle Byvehicle By g Towed: Towetl: To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 6 627 1-13. See diagram on right. 7 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2 13 a 17. DEMOLISHED g h� 16. NO DAMAGE 28 ham•' 19. OTHER , Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for v� tq t t 10 g "reponable"threshold. ❑Yes ®No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County ❑City ❑Village I I I r RTown SW i- IJr 1 Route No.or Street me ❑Miles D N faE O (� i 7 ( ♦) i 4- en RT A7 N .—a�_ ❑Peel ❑ti ❑W of 29 I '47TtTJ4� ❑At intersection With i s l a i q Ticket/Arrest Numbers) ^ '�Ta� TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR 1 ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) FA CTp0.I Ao ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest Intersecting Route/Street Accident Descnption/09icers Notes 30 u s ^ A✓rS/N U V ( - N o Eel aaas* CPS° #/ - v vfill. w i 0 L 67 q 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death L A I U L B14I - IJA . ✓ I C u N V D 0 L E V E P D � (SIGN Oflic Ran N me /1 r Badge/ID No. Department PrecincUPost StatioMBeaV Reviewing Dale/ Time Reviewed HERE �J�Y�r/r„(- I 10 �� Troop/Zone Sector OMic� '77 � S Sn...• a z New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page 1 0l I Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE - ,s I Local Codes C, MV-104A(7/96) �I 430f�] rl^ DMV COPY ' Acci nl Da[te�p (yp)�� Oe Week Time 20 — • y � �O 0 PM No.o Nc.I re0 NoOl011etl High.ay Not Invastig tetl--___ ❑_ Left Ecane Police Phmoa ❑AM No. as Accitlanl Reconsirucretl ❑ ❑ ❑Yes No VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST Q PEOESTRI LN Driver Name-exactly as printed on license DMV I as rimed n I' a�L 2 USE ��Q'� LtNQ.0.� �. USE �—i DIMV Mtlreas(Include Nu r Sfreee _ AIN.No. AdVi a(InNyde v bar 8`151 Apt.No.fM7i►V••CGet]J� 4`) (FZj0Ja II COb birfeg City or Town slate Zip Code C ArI state �V�A. Y LIL la�`✓ 3 Date of Binh Sex Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public Stale of Lic. Date of rf1-Q� Sex/' Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public State Lk. I ❑ Damaged❑ O 1 1' ❑ I Pob ny N Damegetl❑ exactly rr]imf rid on r{aQl�.str�a'tion Date of Binh,,, I L�y ee-�notllyy,ass ppnn�•ay�q/.�registration �/- Dale of SI 1 r .3 / W Jq7 C r V Il L;'" J �O d' 4 Address(Irrc�gNumbe SlA/eaA l Apt.No. Haz Code Released Areas OrWytle�Numffef.�Sf`eeQ Met. 6g(l S 'T 1' Mal. IfA�I KV `}Db API.No. Haz. Cotle Released yq lor Town V 1� 1 Gd� ❑ !jpl',I/io 1 `, late ZW Cotle(AW ❑ 2 ele 60/ 1 Sta)e•q/�ieq. ygbi�Va 8 Mei V cle Tlype� Ina,�de Pla,Plate No stalgol eg. Ve¢'igle Y r 8 ka V 11.1 I l I1 L a 5 Check it involved vehicle is: r-L Check if involved vehicle is: DaJ3 Check the diaaggram belowmetdescribes the accident or draw your own ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; E 11 operated with an overweight permit; E CJ operated with an overweight permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 26 H O operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdlmenslon permit- 6 Rear End Intl Tum Right Angles flight Tum Nsad On I ' C VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES f VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES Box 1-Point of Impact 'r� 12D C Box t-Point of Impact w3 t. s, �S 5, 7. L Box 2-MOsI Damage L Box 2 Most Damage 3 Overtaking Latl Turn — w Right Tum Sideswipe E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 -a*— More more Damage Codes more Damage Codes 1 2 • 2. f— 0 4. S. � 8. —► 7 Vehicle ByIii� D \ VehKW By 0uJ Towed: 00Tpw To To p UR �•i---�� VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 a a Si- (L 1-13. See diagram on right. 14. U RRIAGE y �1•fJ�• 15. TRAILER � 16. OVERTURNED 2 73 a 17. DEMOLISHED e �• ,1� \ 18. NO DAMAGE 2' Q 19. OTHER Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for 12 tt to a `reportable'threshold. ❑Yes .9No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY C nl �✓YQN4 ❑Tovm61IJ+A461l llI City ,❑Wlla a—f a OF ' a^ ' r Ro N or Street Name �1 Q ❑Miles ❑N ❑E O Z � 0 a— on � o+EIE o�F St.�- 2S o Peet ❑s ❑w or 29 ` Sri At Intersection With i Ticket/Afrest Numberfs) �- t TICKET/ARREST D OPR 1 ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) " D PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST D OTHER Nearest Int rsectin ROU! /$!fact Accident DescdpgoNOflicels Notes �/ ' aM0 S 6 'SnatlEi of 71 1AC.IE• — G f S r•ta�.4..tar : mviFta-tu, Low V" vee wa uti- L w '[ L it 3 T2 32•Jo�+ o0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-1f Deceased,Give Date of Death � A L 6 I C N V D 0 L E V E P D SIGN er ank and Name BadgeAD No. Depart ant PrecincitPost Station/Beatl Reviewing a me R viBlyed of I (HERE ��. Troop/Zone Sector Olf art CJ 1 New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page of ` Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE , Local Codes �f/.y (V MV-104A(7/96) • O DMV COPY 1 Accident�Date Dey1 Week Time No 1 No.Injured No.Killed Non- 20 j'_• �•f ❑AM Ve O O Highway Nol Investigated _ LB=Scene Pollee Pnobs I� PM AaMenl Recanslrucled ❑ ❑YOM No VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 BICYCLIST PEDESTRI Nemo-execlty as M Bd on II nse DMV 2 t DMV Nehl"xamy as printed on license �WFFI•IO USE — USE 21 Apg(@a I Number&Sf Q Apt.No. Adtlreas(Include Numbs ree) AIN.No. ld w w f4WG�D to Z� I� City or Town Stale Zip Code 22 N 3 ate of Bin AA Se Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public SI_a1�of ic. Dale of Birth Sex Unlicensed No.d Occup. Public Slate of Lic. 1 /0 1•\ — ❑ I Damag�p ;••7 � � ❑ Damaged ❑ plime-exa as INinted ¢ Stratton �G Date of%irlh / aglY igis LoI Bigg OL, W\aI•\i %J3 • Q�1 23 QOSAdheag(/nide Num r8 Apt.No. Mei. Code Released �dras;_(Incyla NNum r8 —1) Apt.No. Haz. Code Released J.V[/V1riZ� Ste(✓ (r/I+c. Mat. yorT µ app l� (� C/Iyor To 0� tale ZipC�eA� VA 16y� State o Y r ke Ie Type In C jXq,,X e suds ool fig. V¢ryClg Yee a Ma a V(*1e{.�ype� in .C ode rY �I/s a ._11•_ l/l:8 Nail .^ 5 Check if Involved vehicle is: Check it involved vehicle is: Check the diagram below that describes the accident or draw your own 6-8 ❑more than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; diagram in the s V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; 9 pace provided(9).Number the vehicles. E ❑operated with an overweight rpemit; E ❑operated with an overweight emit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdimenslon permit. /� 6 Rear End Lery,Tum Right Angle Right Tum Head On Y1 I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES t _� i C Box 1 -Point of Impact C Boz 1 -Point of Impact {{1� 1 1, a. 5. 1/ L L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage 1 V� E Overtaking Lary Tum -)♦i Right Tum Sideswipe Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 f- F �- 28 more Damage Codes more Damage Codes 7 1 2 2. E- 0. 4. 6. 9. -� Vehicle By Vehicle By 1-6.) `� `Q Towed: O �b� Towed: ro ro VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 a a 7 L L.rs/ i. l�.� 27 1-13. See diagram on right. 3 Ile 14. UNDERCARRIAGE15. TRAILER16. OVERTURNED 2 1d a 17. DEMOLISHED 18. NO DAMAGE v 19. OTHER I Estimated Cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for t2 11 to a "reportable'threshold. Yes ❑No 1\��] Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY my n ` / ❑Ciry ❑Village ❑Town Routeo. r Street arae ✓ y'J ❑Miles ❑N ❑E 29 on A Oi ❑Feet ❑S ❑W of Q _ TickeJIM Intersection With '..� VArrest Number(s) �i TICKETIARREST ❑OPP 1 13OPR2 Violation Section(s) av- ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest Intersectio Route/Street Acct ent Descriptio Officer's Notes 11 !1fC 30 1 0pliSVow Za-- 0� USE WYET SHEET 6 O 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death � A I 1 PA — W. �u fku►D L B I C N V D O L E V E F D SIGN Officer's nk an Na Badge/I{,No. Depy�gl§�It PrecincUPost StalioMBeaV Reviewing Date/Time Reviewed HERE /. , u �( a( T? Tm( Zoonne Sector Officer r - , page of � pages New York Slate Department of Motor Vehicles DMV POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE ,g MV-104A(7/96) (.a � YCS POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 Accident Dale Day of Week Time No of No.injured. No.Killed Non 20 Month Day Year ❑AM Vehicles Highway Not Investigated ❑ Len Scene Police Photos L ) l / l'?'I ®PM ^Z 0 ❑ Accident Reconstructed ❑ - ❑ El Yes LTJ No VEHICLE 1 I IP VEHICLE LJ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI DI Namebxactly as printed on license DMV Name-exactly as ed on license DMV 2 Y printed L 6 p$ C ig iE USE / / —K USE ]21Address(/ndutle NdmDarB SmartApl.No. Address(I lode Number&Stra it Apt.No. M14)LVAA_0 AV- oa dr'r City at Town Stale Zip.Code Ciyor Town State Zip Code ]22� jSn" Unnf1MnT$edN0;0f0-=up. N 3 Dale of Birth San Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public Stale of Lic. Data of Binh Public Slate cl Lk. open❑ 02 D.09ft p 13 /eC /�7 Dam Bd9 O (� Name-exactlyasprinted on registration Date of Binh Name-exactly as printed on registration Data of Birth i A I- O.r v im i-j i /.2 /.;./ 139 6U/ 1-( ON //C,4 7 1.21 lSB 23 Address(Include Number&Street) Apt.No. Haz. Code Released Address(Inckde Numbs,a Sbee Apt.No. Maz. Code Released !1 a 3/SZ1 Lf 4NTN nYsc RD Mat. ❑ R//7 k, /, `C �rox eTPf Mal. l ( City or Town State Zip Code City or Town ❑ S9u Til0 /.t State Zip Code 24 l / v/ZEL ry yf- Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Vear&Make Vehicle Type Ins.Coda Plate Number Stale of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle Typo Ins.Code 5 C y�oz KY 9NYv� Sw o/I y irf ^' C : ,?� c Azo Check if invothan 95 I vehicle is: Check if Involved vehicle Is: Check the diagram below that describes the accident or draw your own ❑more than 95 Inches wide; O more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; E ❑operated with an overweight emit; E ❑Operated with an overweight permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 H O operated with an overdimettslon permit. H ❑operated with an overdimenslon permit. F - Rear End Left�Tum Right Angle Right Tum Head On 9 1 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES 1 VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE J C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 2 1. 3. tl g J� 7 EBox 2-Most Damage 2 L Box 2-Most Damage 3 overtaking Len Tum --�f 5. Tum Sideswipe Enter up to three q 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 more Damage Codes /,( more Damage Codes f f- t 26 1 2 z. �- o. 4. s. 7� e. -► 7 Vehicle By Vehicle By I Towed: Towed: . J �� - 1 _ N'r To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 a a w�S 1-13. See diagram on right. 3 7 IA l ..�/ ( 4 r4� Y 27 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2 13 a 17. DEMOLISHED. 9. -`- \ 18. NO DAMAGE 28 19. OTHER , g Estimated cost of repairs1 o any one vehicle meets criteria for 12 11 .10 .,Portable'threshold. &Yes ❑.No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County ❑City El Route 1 i pZ i �� i `•rU Town r Route No.or Street Name O D 0 ❑Miles O N ❑E on_ zud�rT �� ❑Feet ❑ti ❑W of _rii 29 PAI Intersection With PR 8C Violation est Numbers) " 3 � �,-4, e"/ .�/ TICKET/ARREgi ❑OPR 1 PR2 Nidation Sec1100(s) � r++-' ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHEROG 0 V ✓/T-L�Ox✓ Nearest Intersectio Route/Streat Accident DescripaoruUmcers Notes o7- v�� ��/ ���� 30 0510004- 1J H.e DA r f /) ,j l GF l�. T GLS L, e /.a rw t use h 4 v !r nIT L- / v.l cove. u f l7/ axss g 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 .O Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death L A / / I B 3 F — — — — GpOS ✓AACIL N V D O L E V EP D G (SIGN Officer's Rank and Name Badge/ID No. Department Precinct/Post Stall oMBeaV ReviewingPM/Time Reviewed HERE /� r/, Troop/Zone Sector Offi er' / �L / .-S� os/.try Or fJd"10 a " New York Slate Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page °( it,Page POLICE ACC16ENT REPORT use 19 rT Local codas MV-104A(7/96) �pF POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 l zo Accii III Dale Day of Week Time No.of No.Inlured No.Killed Non- Lett Scene Police Phdlos Month Day Vear ❑AM Vehicles Highway Nol lnvestigalatl .B �Q 11 PM Accident Reconstructed �, ❑Yes No VEHICLE 1 M nclICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI Driver Name-exactly as prated on license DMV Name-exactly as printed on license - DMV USE 91=Z1 i"AH.46VIECA-L USE 21 ss(include Number&Slreep Apl.No. ddress(Include Number 8 Stmer) Apt No. 2 . e Aly Aen Stale Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code ]22 N41 3 ate of Binh Sex I LIlicensed I No.of Occ p. 'Public Stale of Lic. Dale of Birth Sex Unlicensed I o.of Occup. Pubic Slate of Lic. II--�f Property Property �� L Z Damaged❑ y / ® Damaged❑ Nama--;wiry as printed an registration Date of Binh Name-exactly as printed on registration ere of BIM O - 1233 Atldrass(Include Numberd Stree Apt No. Haz, Code Released Address(Inclu NUmberS Streeff Apt.No. Haz. Cade Released r 4 Mat. ❑ Mal. ❑ yCity or Town Slate Zip Code CAty or Town State Zp Code 24 Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year a Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 5 6S le 4 Ch ck it involved veh' a is: eck @ involy d vehicle is: Check the diagram below that describ s the accident or draw your own ❑none than 95 Inches wide; more than 95 inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).N tuber the vehicles. V D more than 34 feet long; t. V ❑more than 34 feet long; 25 E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight pernil; ACCIDENT' IAGRAM D operated with an mmrdimenson permit. ❑operated with an overdimension prrrmiit. 6 H H Rear End itTurnRight Angle Right Tum Head On I i VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES t f 1 _� i f_ C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 C Box 1-Point of impact 2 i. �1 s. 7� 7. L Box 2-Most Damage . L Box 2-Most Damage Overtaking In —ji Right Tum Sideswipe E Enter up to tree - 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 �-- �— �— 26 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes 2. �" o. 4. s. ]� e. i 7 Vehicle @y c JhJ 5' rre- Vehicle By - - Towed: ✓ - L� Towed: To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 3 4 B a 7 1-13. See diagram on fight. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2 13 a 17. DEMOLISHED 9. 18. NO DAMAGE 28 19. OTHER 1 Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria to - 12 tt 10 a '.reportable"threshold. aes ❑No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLYCounty ❑City ❑Village Jd l Town vL Route No.or Street Name ❑Miles D N ❑E ❑Feet ❑S C]W of 29 Tf,? ArAt Intersection With s 1 O TickeVArresWumber(s) �„� �v&— TICKET/ARREST ❑OPP 1 ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) rQ o� O ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST D OTHER - Nearest Intersecting Route/Street Q Accident DescdptionUOl icer's Ilk 30 sr 10 L7 it-44 Ate 41CAIZIP VBE OVER O Ia 2a or smut L 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-It Deceased,Give Date of Death A A L L40 14-- @ w y N C V D O L E V E F D G (SIGN OfficF.Cs Rank and N e Badge/ID No. Department Precinct/Post Station Teat/ Reviewing atelfime Reviewed HERE l Troop/Zone, Sector Off r /� ( 57 hCG��le. ( i�'�'L�? �� (I'S�.S�1 �rGl elle New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Pace cl I Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE ,s Local codes q •- d� MV-1 04A(7/96) O �PiJ DMV COPY i r No.Injured No.killed Non- Lek liana - .. -pryer 3 .20.: Aoddanl Data- '" Day al Week Time No.of Not Investyated Day Veer 0 A Vehicles Highway _______________ � PM $ Accident Recanstrucled (]. ❑Yea No VEHI E 1 VEHICLE 2 0 BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI Driver Nam Ily as praked Goonse DMV Name-exactly as printed license DMV 2 4L 14 USE n USE 21 JIZ;(Inchsde umber&Sl Ap.No. Address(Include Number 8 Street) Apt. o. 31 Cb A Yr)6 -d/f 6uLNT P� C pr Town v Slate Zip Coda Cd or ov SI a ZIP Cade 22 G Z a I" rtiG �- 3 &atiof BinhSex Unlicensed No. I Occup. Public Stale of Lb. ale of Bidh / Sex Unikense No. O�up. Public: Stale of Lk. •/Vf'_ P g9ad❑ 1� �G fl Deman[INemebxP any e y as primed on registratiio/n/ Date of Birth Name-exactly as printed on registration Dale of Binh ress(Include Number&Sifiseli Apt.No. Haz. Code Released Address(Include Number B Stree) Apl.No. Haz. Code Released S 4 O �J Mal. ❑ Mat, ❑ City Town n tl Stale Zip Code City or Town Slate Zip Code 24 ¢ G / . L PI le Nu bar State pl Reg. Vehicle ear 8 M e Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number Stale of Reg. Vehicle Vear Make Vehicl Type Ina.Cade 5 9 d Sd V0 SYR 5 and � Check if Involved vehicl is: Check if Involved vehicle Is: Check the diagram below t desbribes the accident or draw your own ❑more then 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V [I more than 34 feet long; 25 E ❑operaled with an overweight ppeermit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM ❑operated with an overdimension permit. ❑operated with an overdimensmn permit. a.. 6 H H Rear End Laic Turn Right ,4 , VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES i VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES � Ae9b Right Tum Head On �, C Boz 1-Point dl Impact 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact d 1. 3. v1 s. 7� 7. L Boz 2-Most Damage L L Box 2-Most Damage 4 Overusing Lek Tum -� Right Tum Sideswipe E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 �- �— pg 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes 2. f- o. �S 4. 6. 7� 8. �i 7 Vehicle By Vehicle By - 1 Towed: "^" Towed: To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 5 a 1.13. See diagram on right. a 7 �. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16, OVERTURNED x 13 a _��" �( 17. DEMOLISHED ,rsv U 48. NO DAMAGE 28 19. OTHER 1 Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for 12 11 10 g "reportable'threshold. Pryes ❑No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County ❑City ❑Villag Town Route No.or Street Name ❑Miles ❑N ❑E on CLL U e- ❑Feet rsec❑S 6W of 29 �At Intetbn With r n n TicketlArrest Number(s) -7J^ TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR 1 ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) 5T 9- f ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest Intersecting Route/Street Accitlent DescripOoNOHicer's Notes L a.. r. "1A i u pap . (9vER &IEEE I- _o 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-It Deceased.Give Date of Death AA I L *71 ✓1ti L B 4 ` —r v N C V D O L E V E F D D (SIGN Of en's Rang^end NamAAAe Badga/1D No. Department PrecincVPost StatiordBeaV Rev g m R wed HERE �/ ��� Troop2one Sector O r � ---... �,� ��.� n �/,� Rol ���5 New York State Department of Motor vehicles DMV 3Photos Page of /+apes USE Local Codea POLICE ACCIDENT REP7[fMV-104A(7/96) POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 Aabant Date Da,01Week Time No.Al No Inured No.1 i51 Non- Nal Investigated ❑ L�ane AM VehkalaaOvMlghwaY ______ju PM ❑ Accident Recona rucied — ❑ VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 0 BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI 2_ ttpp As -, I DMV ct as pron 11 USE 16 \ USE 21 AjVrqss umbers Sfree4Apt.No. u Q Number 6 AIt lt. o. drgo,lip r C T Stale Zip Code Y avma O to �I�Cpp� 22 3 DatJ�{p'�Bi Se Unlicensed No.o(1Occup. Public State I Lic. D e of Btrrty }W/, s/� Se Unlicensed No. ' Public Sts lk. �V/ . ❑ - \ Damaged I'm / � 1/J` ,`\ ❑ Damap Name-exactly as printed an 'station Date of Bidh �x(aatty"a nl(a,Q,a/j�f(�i rel Dale of BIM �/Ci Address(IrrcNda Numapr6 sYreefj Apt.No. Hez. Code Rebased a n Nu�byr Q Apt.No. Ha;L Code. Released 4 .1(_1y(' Met. ❑ ' 11�, , 1� Mal ❑ 7 city or sown �f r-ee' Stale zip code 's - t '' /L tate zi code. t Y vq! "l p 24 s r� Sbta of eg. l IEIeY r n kle Vb IryB.�Cgtle �lal@{It�n r StetQ Reg. VebjsleY rBMe V k-T�a odp N `gle ,437 Q 1 ✓\ry V nl I'Mm- (� It/ 5 Check If Involved vehicle Is: Check If Involved vehicle Is: - Check the diagr1krn below that describes the accident or draw your own ❑more than 95 Inches wide; O more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V O more than 34 feet long; V Elmore than 34 feel long; E ❑operated with an overweight Permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 5 O operated with an overdlmension permit. ❑operated with an overdimenslon perinit. EN H Rear End L9% Tum Right Arpb Right Tum Head On I ES � 0. Box 1 -Point of Impact 1� (2� C Box 1-Point of impact '1 � t. 3. "11% � 5. P7. S VEHICLE/DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE COD - L. Box 2-Most Damage { L Box 2-Most Damage- 1 E Overtaking Left Tum --� flight Tum Sideswipe Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 1 more Damage Codes — 2rV==e4ick more Damage Cortes - 2. �--- 0. 7 Veabb BY BY fs,o t �I Towed: !l W v T, To 4 6 6 27 VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 3 7 1-13. See diagram on right. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE will 15. TRAILER 2 13 .e ®r4\ Qs�., .2 15. OVERTURNED 17. DEMOLISHED 9. 128 199. NO DAMAGE Estimated cost.of repa�ir/s to any ne vehicle meets criteria to for. OTHER t 12 it to g "reportable"threshold Yes ❑No )( ' Reference Market' DMV USE ONLY Count y^J1•{a-Y�— ❑Try %Tagg OBD AAMt.�� µ Rout No.o Street me µ7 O Miles ❑N ❑E O i i ons - . � OFeet ❑S OW of �9 _ kAt Intersection With rA� i i Ticket/Arrest Number(s) — /'. Yjv rV` TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR 1 ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) v` ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest Intersecting Route7$beet Accident D scription/Of icets Not s Off 4 a 0 30 mtL-ed dLst o of &V. D o r-V a "Vays C 0 v-ro U i, liv li&'4yri O V-;0'j jo om Vi �a ULn3S�a mwe a�aar S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO iB Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death A 4 I (- 3. R!?I.. •'u AR-u FAARtr�D ,,.� I C {. N V D 0 L E V E F D O ISIGN 'car' k d N Badge/I No. De m nt /�Precincvpost StaboNBeaU Reviewing Date/Ti�9aJ�eeviewed /y H �E, t _� / jC rroog(>.u� secjQrI f// ����'/ ��/( New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV .Page 01 Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORTqq USE 1s Lcr cal Codes qj-jq `I p MV-104A(7/96) 1 �S POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 zo Accitlem Date 0 Week a No.of No.Injured No.Killed Non- Left Scene Police Photos a Not lnvestigaletl ❑ M `eyy( J � �/ ❑AM Vehicles I Highway _ __ A,� - / �l �� 1'7 PM Z 0 / ❑ Accident Reconsed ❑ ❑ ❑Yes IT No \ VEHICLE 1 IN VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST Ej PEDESTRI Driver Ng4kaynk/�gsyrinted on I' `seM, I C DMV USE Name—exadl es printetl on titans& - Dill USE 21 I// �� &all KK/VV�G�LS)' FGA 2rt-� Trr Acp�� C Address(includeY A NoAddress(Incma Spt.No. 6I_/7 �~� rey �t61 City or To State Zip Code City or Ton Stale Zip Cod ]22 N`1 //9�i, 3 Dale of Birth o Sexy Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public Stale 1 ic. Datf$of Birth / S.e/x� Unl' ersetl No.of Occup. Public State /of Lic. /❑ I Oaf 1 ❑ Dru;:Fed N Nam a'bM s tinted on re istratl Dale of Binh ❑ tcrY$� 8 WA R� � Nam actly as printed on regi lion Dale of Binh 23 NNN 1` /t/? 7 Rf2T l Address lode Numb`er/&SNeet) Apt.No. Haz. Code Released Address(include Number&Sue o r—/� �J1 Apt.No. Haz. Cotle Released 4 t7 T. ,Z Mal. ❑ /V JCL�r'-f AA--- Mal. ❑ City or T 1 Nale SZipC d/e Glypr�ow tale Zip code 17'�c.�c l I 1 V / to f ow0.h . �,(c �L 24 PWI Numbs' O D Sl4te9T. Vghicle Ye Qe VaIft trType Ins.Cade PIP Nu� O Slate cl a . Vehicle Vear 1 12 tk VehicleAType ais 5 Check if involved vehicle is: (fir`3 Check if invol`vedd vehicle is: KY/ Check the diagram below[hat describ he accident r draw your own ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 ❑operated with an overdimension permit. 0 operated with an overdimenslon permit. 4 6 H H Rear End LeftTurnRight Angle '1.RightTurn Head On I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES 1 t 1v IC Box 1-Point of Impact t C Box i-Point of Impact 1 2 1. 3. �1 S. 7� 7. L Box 2-Most Damage 'I. L Box 2-Most Damage I / r / Overtaking Left Tum —�� Right Turn Sideswipe E Enter up to three 4 5 E Enter up to three a fg 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes /V 2. �-- o. 4. s. 7� a. -11110- Vehicle . _� j Vehicle By GIIIA PIf Vehicle r Ar lrn/S' lot - { Towed: �t^ Toed: F To T VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: , 4 6 a 7 ]271-13. See diagram on right. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2 13 a 17. DEMOLISHED g, q 16. NO DAMAGE 19. OTHER t Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for 12 1 t to g "reportable"threshold. Kyes ❑No ^\ Reference.Marker DMV USE ONLY County ❑City ❑Village //_l ` -r+ Town Y, 1 f Route o.or Street N me �MIE�✓/ ❑Miles WIN 0 E 1 r on J5 0-fv vL IW417-17w<�- ZOU &Feet ❑S ❑w of 29 r� ❑At Intersection With -- y�` i •-ice" Ticket/Arrest Number(s) TICKET/ARREST ❑OPP 1 ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest Intersecting Route/Street Accident Descri7,,110 icers Notes I C 02 ✓£ £rJ Z ,4cl wi I M/'�"�� 30 e f rxT AIrrT�rK � a A �aT, ccoi ltid ✓z7Luri� EN r C°n PC% 6VAr dL , Z Fr 1 S A L T S f� l.� OF / [ sass; Lr ,f Yo` IV B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 16 Names-If Deceased,Give Dale of Death GJ i A if I I I F - 01921 L B 1 r y I17 y Z. 6 9y9 /o if 7— N C V D 0 L E V R E D G (SIGN Officer's Rank�and am Bad ID No. Department PrecincVPost Station/Beat/ Reviewing Date/Time evictyyy'''ad HERE t% //�' Troop/Zone Sector Qlfice�r // New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page / of / Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE ,s Local Catlas p MV-104A(7/96) / POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 Accident Date a of Week Time No.of No In orad No:Killetl Non- ]20 Y � 1 Left Scen Polite Phaas Month Day rVe✓er /,��/yam, ❑AM Vehicles High Not Invesigatetl ❑ F- 07 07 X09 /'/ - p04 ®'PM `i' U ❑ Accitlem Reconstructed ❑ ❑ El Yes�No VEHICLE 1 IV VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI IN F2 Dever Name-exe lyes ed pn licefbse � DMV Namaxac s printed on license DMV USE USE 21 Address(Includeefluorkbera SMeeQx/1'1 Address(Include m r a Streeff API.No. zil.j.� n / /74. AS00 We City or Town Slate Zip Coda City or Town Stale Zip Cork 22 3;.f Tit/ - 3 Date of Binh Sex UNicen No.of Occup. Public State of ''c. Dale of Birth Sex �' Unlice No.of Occup. Public state of Dc. Pr gee❑ // 11.1 �S7 /- I Pre aged❑ Nems-exactly as pi on nowt Date of Birth Name exactly as printed!on registration Date of Birth SA M 23 Address(/nclude Mimi Semliki Apl.No. Hax. Code Released Address(include Number a Street) Apt.No. Naz Code Released 4 — — n / /fn. C/ Mat. ❑ Mat. City a Town Stale Zip Code City or Town Stale Zip Code 24 S w 7-;It/ 3 PWe N loan ZS Skta of Rep. Veh ear a Melee Ve Type Ins-Cotle Plate Number Stale of Reg. Vehicle Year a Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 5 T/-V/ rr/�-j r) D. Dz q� fit/l7/ 9/ o o yL7 - .152 I Check if involved Vehicle Is: Check if involved vehicle is: Check the diagram below that describes the accident or drew your own ❑more than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; E ❑operated with an ovanweight ppeermit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 H O operated with en overtlimensbn permit. H ❑operated with an overdlmension permit. Rear End Left Turn Right Angle Right Tum Head On 6 I I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES 1 VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES F F —� —► t— C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1—1 -7 I. 3. 'N% ^ 5. � T. L Box 2-Most Damage I / L Box 2-Most Damage / Overtaking Left Turn —►- Right Tum Sideswipe E Fater up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 F- f— 26 1 mom Dartrage Codes 2 more Damage Codes 2. L [V:,hicf9ay Vehicle Byy�� Towed' v To ToAll VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 5 e 1-13. See diagram on right. 3 -1 A 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER r .� 16. OVERTURNED 2 1a a 17. DEMOLISHED g, 18. ONO DAMAGE ER cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for 1 1 12 11 10 g "reportable"threshold. des ❑No I Reference Marker DMV USE O"on C ❑City ❑V'I e r 1 r t o 5;i T't S Route No.or Street Name ❑Miles ❑N ❑E a 0 ' 7 ' O ' <* c ,cdu d� �� RFeet ❑S RV of 29 \Q / ❑At Intersection With TickeUArrest Numbers) ,. lG ,/ /—gCry//(/ T 2, \lam TICKET/ARREST ❑ PR 1 O ❑OPR2 violation Section(s) ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest Intersecting Route/Streel Accident DesceptioNONicers Notes - fig- _ -� 30 G � Use coven aaar B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-It Deceased,Give Date of Death L2 — L B l I o N V D O L E V E F D G SIGN I O6icefs Rank and-Naammmugam/ ! Badge/ID No. Department Precinct/Post Station/Beat/ Reviewing Date/time Reviewed I t HERE ��/k;i'�-�//l/' ,7 717 CU_/Sx/ Troop/Zone Sector 0� l}� 7/9 / /1 119 New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page 1 of Pa r Codses gas POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT use s local O MV-104A(7/96) PS POLICE AGENCY COPY I , 1 Accident Date Day of yJeeY Time No of No.Injuretl No.Killed! Non- _ Not investigated' ❑ Le Scene Police Photos 20 MgAtr / /.JI 5 a ^y�o DAM Vafj�les O O Highway ______ __________ (7 '�7 /' { JK PM p ❑ Accident Reconstructed ❑ ❑ ❑YedffNa VEHICLE 1 4mr VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI Driver G jy as printed on lic se DMV Na x`auly as in16tl on tic {/, �'.(/ DMV �� / /�� 7 USE !a I �fA[/1�l '/ USE 21 2 Atldrasg,(/Ode(I( pa'N �M /lp ApI.NO. Ada (Incl(Inc Number B Street/ APtYNo. City /own C////.177 / Sla e t/ Zr nen /r 7ownl(]f to OU'�i'1 o Y / 1 IUP/ lq 6;abd /6q Seyt Uplice❑nsed I Na of�ccup O STPC � / o Irlicensed No okp. B � /�� ❑ gfpl.09griVY � / ❑ Ty tyas printed an regiDale oBidh Name-exactly led on registration Date of Birth h 7m A/ne 23 l l A/p�dre(�((q{�N�A((u yv/ h t. O. Hai Code Released Address(include Number 8 Sbee4 Apt.No. Haz, Code Released a 4 1 � Cl IxJ / �/ � ! l/)e Af. � R Mat- ❑ A -5 Mat- ❑ rCity or jrsln L OI �X late Z�ipJ�'P��ry�,/ City or Town n /,� Stale Zip/CCJoodeeyp/$) 24 P O DUB Stale of Vap pl9 Ye Make Vo yJ/e/ ,% /O/1 P ryy/ ��v Sltatep R g. Vagic�Year E ke 'e V n Code 5 CheckIt Involved vehicle is: (/J/ Check ifinvolvedvehicle is:V //} Check the diagram belo[(w(that describesthe accident or draw your fo'wn ' ❑more than 95 Inches wide; ❑more than 95 Inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feel long; E ❑operated with an overweight pan"; E ❑operated with an ovens eight permit; [ ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 H ❑operated with an overdimenslon permit. H ❑operated with an overdimenslon per lit. 3 6Rea,End - Leh in Right�gla Right Head On 1 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES ` ii Box 1-Point of ImpBox 2-act j Box 1-Point of Impact �1 1. 3. ^ s. 7. L Box 2-Most Damage L Most Damage ill �oR l Oveneking Left Tum Right Tum Sideswipe E Eller up to three 5 E Enter up to three y 5 t_ _fit- 4 more Damage Code' - 2 more Damage Codes �/ /D 2. f o. � 4. 6. � e. 1 vehicle By — Vehicle By Trwred: Towed: TO TO VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 3 4 e e 7 27 1-13. See diagram on right. /1 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2 1d a 17. DEMOLISHED g 18. NO 19. OTHER AGE Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for 26 1 a 12 11 t "repodable"threshold. ,Wes ❑No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY Court \ /)'] V D WTown o vi 0e /d�0 ggll(f fur Route nn11o. r Sire Name u+� .R /�J1 L �'1 ❑Miles ❑N ❑E 29 /v 1 D I //Vf rL �! ❑Feet IDS ❑W of C.J ' ' on �+At Intersection With i i CC i Ticket/Arrest Number(s) C ®®® TICNEr/ARREST ❑OPR t ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) _ /y AVC. J� ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHE Nearest I Brsecting Route/Street 1(1 Accident Description/Officers Notes /I oel, nbela>`r/l U( i c G7Y f OUn O/7 o o z 30 1;)., fUaS a P/r r/1 v "'Put ( a + 1-(A411 011 o a(ko UP, — USE 'I-lAVP ,� ry Pst oun on ou+e � Q 7 8 9 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 16 j Names-If Dec d,Give Dat f Death A L B a / _ _ � t u (he I C N V D O L E V 7 E F D G SIGN 7�� Badge/ID No. Deepartment PrecipnlcJ�VPost St@ael)ipoNBeaV Revie rng Dat me evi wed �1 VS�J� TL 7S"i� Sbb� l1�f � �� r `n New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV 1/ Page Pages qY PageJs POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT use 9 MV-104A(7/96) y;. POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 Auidar40at Da of Week Time G Y Na.of No.Injured No.Killed Non- 20 Abn_,Jb./ DeY / �� y` ❑AM Vehicles Highway Not Investigated ___ ❑_ LaX Scene Police Photos �(" �" / ❑ Accidart Reconslructetl ❑ ❑ ❑Vevd`No VEHICLE 1 ❑ VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI F2 Narrre-eYaclly(a�s prmled dill DMV Name-exactly as printed on license DMV USE USE 21 Address(frc'k deMmberB "t) Apt.No. Address(Include Num era Slzeeb Apt.Na. 1/ 4vre r 9d J' 6.48.2zirtu4 ll CM 9[Toa'n ' State Zip Code City or Town *Statozip 220/ �✓t/t_ J _Date d BkN Sex Unlicensed No.ofgOccup. Public State of Lic. Daple of Birth Sex UnlicensetlState of Lic❑ 02 Damaged❑ $ -1 h _..�QNamo-axx7N as pdrxed m re"ration Del of Birth Name-exactly as printed on registration...� Date of Binh Wo / l Vf9V f©CO /Owif / / 23 Adlress(bcNOe Numbers Slme) Apt No. Haz. Code Released Adore (Include Numbers Sfreel) Apt. o. Haz. Code Released "7 4 10 �19/ J )� Mal. ❑ �,rd I/ / 4 Mat. CiyaTown Stale Zip Code City or own State Zip Code 24 2Z//f //7�/ ,LfIA/rG Plele Number IState of Peg.I Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Veer B Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code J 5 S`v/�, Q/r, 9911 Check M Involved vehid is: Check it involve0 vehicle is: Check the diagram below that describes the accident or or your own ❑more than 95 Inches wide; ❑more-than 95 inches wide; diagram in the space Provided(9).Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; E ❑operated with an overvreight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight Permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 H O operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an ovemlmenslon permit. / 6 Reg.End Lek�Turn Right Angle Bight Tum Head On / 1 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES i ._ C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 'l2 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 1. a. s. �/ Z L Box 2-Most Qamag y 7 r L. Box 2-Most Damage /cv ovenekin Len Tum KK �_g —�� Right Tum Sideswipe E Enter up 10 shred 4 5 E Enter up to three' 3 4 5 f— �— 126(6� 1 r�!e Damage(r more Damage Codes z i 7 ' 2 0. 4. .6. � B. / Vehicle By Vehicle By Towed: To I� Towed: f * y To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 5 e 3 7 I ( 27 - 1-13. Bee diagram on right. 11 / 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2 13 a 17. DEMOLISHED 18. NO DAMAGE Sb W' 4 19. OTHER 1 Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets Criteria for 28 tl 11 10 g "reportable"threshold. JR'4es ❑NoReference Marker SE ONLY C unty ❑City ❑Village r' r r i <O Ll4-- j7 Town J dVTNO t-C, Route No.or Street Name Miles ❑N E / G� ❑ El rvc.L. Brt€et OS &W of 29 ' .fovAro Avr /194rr. O At Intersectio with TickeVArrest Numbers) TiL.x4ewy x_ „^ TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR 1 ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) -14M fvr,L `,J\ ❑PEDESTRIAN O BICYCLIST O OTHER Nearest Intersecting Route/Street hI Aocidera De90opliorV08icefs Notes 1 T q I,j �J/'y Gly Vri/I O t a d w �/'Ar r F,yL C'` ✓`,ry s o,t To L r v ry USE WMVEa 911EEi a/ .9w,o "-a a" Ifs� AJ` r9+So✓rt — s x 3a a/ LI 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death .. � A / / V / 30WB AJ.✓S//4. NA/ /" i'rct L L e / i .f' S D/cA/l/1 .(VLi !A/Y',t, NI I 1/V D OL E V E F D GSIGN OrBcar$Rar11cand Name recinct/Posl StatioNBeaV Reviewing Wiliaime Re/viewed-?HERE �� r'o-o}p/—Zone SOD/ i n /�/ � .0?y N e L r !/-.Cl/r/ J 7 .. New York State Deoanrnent of Motor Vehicles DMV Page I of I Pages USE 19 Lpcal POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT MV-104A(7/96) NJ y POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 zo Accident Date Day of Week Time 0 9 No.of Nc.Injured No.Killetl Noo- Not Investigated � Left Scene Police Photos M Da pvear M Vehicles Highway _ _ ___ _______ 10 g•Z� ❑PM z Accident Reconstructed 4 El Yes - VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI Driver Name-exactly as printed on license DMV Name-exactly as printed on license DMV 2 %QCLLo 14ITO m • USE mr� r111f1 RD6L" T USE 21 Address(Include Number 6 Sfree) Apl.No. Adtlress(Include Number A neap Apt.No. 1 zzo BLosm &tilt 6 IuoL SeaUrn �� t5y z0l — 1 City or Town State Zip Cod° City cr Town State Zip Code 22 VYNA-m 1vc.\c 1.1t-w 3 0A< 11k5L mrlTrlvLA, ki JOA4 115>2 3 Dale of Birth Sex Unlicensed No.o Occup. Pubik State of Llc. Date of Birth Sex Unlicensed N&of Omup. Public Slate of Lic. 03/ 2.Z_ t� I Pro�9ed n1. U'( 1'=/ 5 B 1 Damaged 14 Name-exactly as printed on registration of43inh Name-exactly as printed on registration bf Binh C-V)STV LO Llb. / 23 Address(Include Number Sheep Apt,No. Code Release Address(Include Number&Street) Apt.No. Haz. C Released b IL7 , 4 VLI)( 1LIvz Mal. Mat. ❑ ' City or Town State Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 24 yr nor Ntaw OA 11`t 5L Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicl Year it Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number Stale of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle Type Ins.Coda 12 yyaszA,3 1 f9D MAL,& Dump 1 L.\Jgbz 154bSullh_ P1cc� 5 Check If involved vehicle i : Check if involved vehicle is: Check the diagr m below that describes the accident or draw your own ❑more than 95 Inches wit; O more than 95 inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operaled with an overweight permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overshmension permit. Rear End LeeyTurn Right Angle Right Tum Head On 3 6 I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES L' F -,*-- C 1 —►' –► f C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 Z t. 3. ^ S. J� 7. L Box 2-Most Damage I L Box 2-Most Damage J f Overtaking Len Turn --� Right Tum Sideswipe E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 F �-- �-_ 26 i more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes p F g 4 6. � •9. —O 7 Vehicle By Vehicle By Towed: Towed: To To SOuN•� VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: a 4 5 e� a 7 A vF, 27 1-13. See diagram on right. r ' 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2L-71,M1 a 2 Q s17. DEMOLISHED g Pnr�A l/L1B. NO DAMAGE 28 19OTHER 1 Estimated cost of repairs to one vehicle meets criteria 12 11 10 s "reportable"threshold. as ❑No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County ❑City ❑Village r r Sufi-uu� Town SO�Tip vA Route No.or Street Name ❑Miles O N ❑E V ' on T4.SOu my AJcnJ YY\ -- ❑Feet IDS ❑W of 29 r C hT NL,h Wt Intersection With TickeVArrest Numbers) TICKETIARREST ❑ pqi ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) T4 F.q[TpnY Iy VLV1�l, V` ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCL OTHER Nearest Intersectio k4L l /S-L Accident Description/Officer's Notes c-14 11 _ ,� `..�QM S ,M n n- T - N t3 T10 T L- - = r�LuV'ri 4 z B i rkaon. z )b, -1 wL. 1ss511 S IUn1 OW 1' A Ar-1 M - \ ) t coll$ "I sG. i ,� 03i. ss 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death 9 � A 1 1 L 1 ul a, M i L B Z 1 '"1 I ro 2O L&A MAlec 1 I C N V D 0 L E V E F D G SIGN Officer's Rank and ame 76adgl/10N, artment Pr@cin UPosl StalioNBeal/ Reviewing Date/time Reviewed HERE � 51 , Troop Sector O er � �o� �r/r ry a�is/99 �3as +^" DMV Page � of Pages #� New York State Department of Motor Vehicles USE 19 Local Codes -'�S�U POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT MV-104A(7/96) - /UIS1 I YES POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 Accident Dale Day eek Time No of No.Injured No.Killed Non- 20 Not Investigated ❑ Left Scare Police Photos _ MM / f� /X�r ��� L1 AM Veh les D Hg�—way ______ �((� y ,L•,T[PM O( ❑ Accident Reconstructed ❑ — ❑ ❑Yes 16 No VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI Driver Na�y-�xecty as pfirfled on lice y / DMV Name-exactly as pr ted on license ��f ` DMV 2 .0 AaOrMSILI /./NDA L. USE pr /SO$E14T V� USE 21 Address(/IAGude qumber a Street) Apt.N0. Address pnclude Number 8 Streon (` Apt.No. 7 // u t /I 11S 333 W 57 ST City or Ta�o/wn State Zip Code City o�r Tppwn State Zip Code 22 IA771T✓GK h!v I►llSd /vErJ Pali ( Ir X1 ZIP/00141 3 Dale of Birth Se` Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public Stale of is Data of Birth Sex Unlicensed No of Occup. Public State of Lie. .3 41.4 ! t "❑ 1 o ag ❑ /� II //10 /33 Nk '—fl 3 Pme�e0 N Name-exactly as printed on registration Dale of Binh Da 1 I EQ Nam ectly as printetl on regislr�gyyon Date c Birth l l r'_u;a xqt mo✓o .� / / 23 Address(include Number A Street) Apt No, Haz. Cotle Released Atltlresps�(Include NMumber&St 0 Apt.No. Haz. Code Released 7 4 Mat. ❑ ..1D 117 /r!! -L LA Mel. El Cay or Town Slate Zip Code City or�7Vow�n Slate Zip Code 24 / /AT71NGIL /Jy 165& PI9}aber State of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle Type Ins.Cotle PI a Number State of Reg, Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code J 7XbJ /� 1 10 ULa Nis D10 CRL NY /r,�iN d.ILK SU84 UlA 5 Check It involved vehicle is: Check if Involved vehicle is: Check the diagram below that describes the accident or draw your own I ❑more than 95 inches wide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E E)operated with an overweight permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. H ❑operated with an overdimension permit. ' B � I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES ' O Box 1-Point of Impact 11 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1� 2 1.Rear End LeftTurn Right Angie Right Tum Head On 3. NS s. J/ T L Box 2-Most Damage L Box 2-Most Damage / Overtaking Len Turn Right Tum Sideswipe E Enter up to three q 5 E Enter up to three 3, 4 5 �— f— �— 28 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes e( /a Z. f o. 4. 6. I/ e. i 7 Vehicle BY Vehicle By N TtlP-r ' Towed: To T AJ To $AME ro $Al1'1& VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: �t 77 1.13. See diag2m on right. s 4 e a T /Zi N 14. UNDERCARRIAGE Al 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2 t3 B 17. DEMOLISHED 9 18. NO DAMAGE 28 19. OTHER t Estimated cost of repairs to any one vehicle meets criteria for t2 11 10 9 "reportable"threshold. 05Yes ❑No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County �-Clty ❑Village eC !.?Town ✓TMLD t t t Route .or Street t ❑Miles ❑N ❑E /, i on T ❑Feet [IS ❑W of 29 1 y as M R;,/TVck a� �At Intersection With S Ticket/Arrest Number(s) _ nn (TAI TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR 1 ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) ALT(7(�vI/ r_'✓ ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest lrters cling Route/Street Accident Descriptionvot icers Nates 30 6HICLE I V,/j6-/f N0 DN T E)4ILLE ArTEm UTI rJ/y Lpi7 7�RN orvrU r S Ay LLED /1�T0 /✓ATH OF 1 EN+LLC I, USE CVVEe OSN seEET ~' L 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death ,5 5 A A I ! L13 s /.� 7 SIDI I+JDA ARPrN,jKl L B A 1 1.1 /yl — — — 084AT LAalc I C k I WNNo. HAQL07TE LQSJ C"R N V D L/ 1 7Q I 1 JAMES iV+rp 0 L E V E R D G SIGN Ofli�Ranka /� FFiElPos! eviewiDate/Time Reviewetl HEREK../. one fficeo0-41 '� IgoJ x" New York State Depanment of Motor Vehicles DMV r k• Loo I of Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 9t) USE , L °�� I U�Z q MV-104A(7/96) F. 1 POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 zo Accident Date Day of Week Time No.of In.Inlured No.Killed Non- Left Scene .Police Photos p year ❑AM Vehicles Highway Nor Investigated C •�j PM Z "' -'❑ Accident Reconstructed ❑ `(7 ❑Yes No r V E 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI Driver Name-eexxioly as printed on license �,, DMV Narn-exactly as printed on license DMV 2 $M if 't-1 -T�')L.-CcN1 USE vka {1BANC.E„ 1 �l NlnU� 1� USE 21 Address(Include Number B b7reet) Apt.No. Address(Include Number 8 neat) Apt.No. z�'l 6 t �o� S`T" — 53� Tfi�� si City or Town State Zip Code City or Town State Zip code 22 61—,LLC; "474AW& l30147\ fill`� 151 GAczvhVw Ffli-poli 11� 3 SEi re of Birt(�h [, Sax Unlicensetl No.of Occup blic State of Lic. Dale of rty Birth /- /S¢yx� Jun sed No of Occup. Public State of Lic. 1, " Ja� 1= "'I� 1 Dar.gedt� \� J"� t�v r 1 LJ Z Prop DNS Name-exactly as printed on registration Dale Pilch h Name-exactly as printed on registration Data 61 Binh vn\Vl_'TL. Q)V I: 23 Address(Include Number&Sfreell Apt.No. Code Released Address(Include Number 6 Street) Apt.No. Code Rate as 4 Mat Met. ❑ L4 City or Town Stale Zip Code City or Town State Zip Cotle 24 Platqtum-1 I I Stax of e9 C1niCl�ear B Make V�c` SI� In`.•Corel 1-A l Oei� Slate of Raq. Vr hic eke vehicle Type Ins. tle y i5 Check if involved vehicle s: p1 `7'�'V`r_1Check if involved vehicle is: ,Check the diag am below that describes the accident or draw your own 1 O more than 95 inches ide; ❑more than 95 inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V Elmore than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; 25 E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM ❑operated with an overdimension permit. ❑operated with an overdimension permit. 6 LeftyTurn Right Angle Right Turn Head On I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES t C Box 1-Point of Impact f 1 2 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 1. 3. L Box 2•Most Damage [V' L Box 2-Most Damage Ovenaking Len Turn -.)♦ Right Tum Sideswipe E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 t- F 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes 2, �- o. -�`- 26 I7 Vehicle By Vehicle By 1 r r Towed: Towed: r'- To � To �` 4 8 VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 5 7 27 1-13. See diagram on right. 3 Z I 1 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER 16. OVERTURNED 2 13 a (z OJ TG - 5 17. DEMOLISHED 9. 18. NO DAMAGE 28 19. OTHER 1 Estimated cost of rears to any one vehicle meets criteria to 12 it 70 r g .'reportable"threshold. Yes C1No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY C9unly- City ❑Village e�0� Town fl0 l t Route No.or Street Name O Miles ❑N ❑E 0 i Ion n�2 Y-P'C.-To oma. ANC ,Y1\frM N(1� 4 Feet ❑S ❑W of 29 At Intersection With Ticket/Arrest Numbers) TICKET/ARREST OPR 1 ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BIC 1ST ❑OTHER Nearest InlerSEcting Route/Street - Accident Description/Officer's Notes \1 7 h r -71-34" -> I(D-4W ` � t.Z T 30 1Urt cJ S1L�.1AZ 01J ���}�1 ) 'Ttln ft, -,I IrtT /`1 1 c2.1A7 lel )v(NN ytIurm. VCq-irlZ 1W-", 0ule5 (iuwAV,;lk. VC:"1t - T'o rV()N e:E 1(�� V�1� T1h`N Vx NL 1N VIl'Tt coven Z ovp,EEr L B 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death A A I I I I H - K M Sm 1 T+1 L ez fin -b CN rrJtt- R rnry cG N CLA 1uLft kD ItYV't�C.. V D O L E V E P D O SIGN Officer's Rank and Na Badye/ID No. Deparlrnenl Precincf/Post Station/Beat/ Revtewmy Date/Time Reviewed HERE s Troop/Zone Sect r l e ,a S� o> I,�� Kp 1i/y O�/oS/9r,Z3/� New York State Dopadment of Motor Vehicles DMV / Pagel of New POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT use 9 e Local Codes MV-104A(4/94) POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 zo Accgent Date Day o1 Week Time No.of No.Injured No.Killed Non- Not Inveshgated Leh Scene Police Photos �1� Q ❑AM Vehicles Highway et Scene 0 lMo.l�� lY6 /:/O Q'f-M p ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑Yes Qlrlo VEHICLE 1 liff VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ^ ❑ PEDESTA1 Driver Name-exactly as printed on license DMV Name-exactly as printed on license DMV 2 v USE USE 21 Address(Incl de umber d ees Apt No. Atl ress nc utla Num r 8 Sheet) c-R Apt.No. 1� City Town State Zip Code Cit Stale Stale Zip Code 22 N O// J�' 3 Data of Birth Se licensetl No.of cup. Public ate of Ltc. Date of Birth Sex Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public State of Lb. ❑ Da Pro�9 O ❑ Derty aPromaged❑ /J Name-exactly as printed m registration Date of Binh Name-exactly as printed on registration Date of Binh 23 ss Incl Number 8 Sfree Apt No. Haz. Code Released Address(Include Number 8 StraeO Apt.No. Haz. Code Released 8 4 Mat. ❑ Met ❑ V 020 CXy or Town State Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 24 Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Meke Vehicle Typo Ins.Coda 5 139 'V /e Jq O heck i involved vehicle: IF ACCIDENT AGRAM It Check if involved vehicle: ❑is a commercial motor vehicle; ` LJ i5 a commercial motor vehicle; ❑IS more than 95 Inches wide; Reer Entl Left Turn Right Angle Right Turn Head On ❑Is more than 95 inches wide; ❑is more than 34 feet long; F t- _� _,� f- ❑is more than 34 feet long; 25 ❑was operated with an overweight permit: 1 s �1 5 �/ Cl was operated with an overweight permit; 6 ❑was o stated with an overtli ingimi n emit. ❑was operated with an overdimenslon emit. + VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE Overtaking Leh Tum -�► Right Turn Sideswipe VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE ] �- r -►�- 2.t F o. a. s. 7� e. I Writs 6,15 ST-ATvaA .t� r 26 F7 —J t N 6 s � . 27 O p ,5R7S H ❑No Damage ❑undercarriage ❑ No Dan e ❑ Undericarria a 26 Vehicle By �A2CrN�j �aT vamnle By�j,ZA�Ne'^f Towg ad To Towed To 24rzws Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County Q t r City ❑VillageSV r yrown V t 1 Route No.or Street Name V ❑Miles ❑N ❑E t\ t 0 on 1.r/r✓.ACi -- O Feet ❑S ❑IN of 29 L „ ClAf Intersection With Ticket/Arrest Numbers) z -/�/� /�y, ol REST ❑CPR 1 CyOPR 2 Violation SeCtlon(,) / E6TRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Se-�yy/ Nearest Intersecting Route/Street v` —Accident DescriptioNOfficefs Notes 30 III • "AMIJ .I s V ../ /IiwT .�iC.71'onI J Alit f use nt r F ' T laser tT 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 16 Names If Deceased,Give Date of Death A _ L A / I C N V D O L E V -- E F ._._- _-_—__—__.___._. G SIGN Officer's Rank and Name Badge No. Uepanmenl Precin /Pose SlmlOrl/Beat/ Revlewing Dateffime Reviewed _ Trd p/ rte IlrSectortc HERE � A} �'Ai7 I s t ` New York State Ueparlment of Motor Vehicles DMV �- • - of ' Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORTW A, use 19 s :'t _ocal Codes MV-104A(7/96) POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 20 Accident Date Ddy of Weak Time No of No.Injured No.Killed Non- Left Scene Police Photos Mon D YY //�y ❑AM Veh s Highway Not Investigated _____ � � '/� - /VIOLA 900y M v ❑ Accident Reconstructed ❑ Ye o 'VEHICLE 1 fillVEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI 2 Driver Neme-eomctly es printed o6 anse r ���� DMV Name-exactly as printed on license - DMV 2 EILS i[rj /er :C: USE j USE 21 Add (include Number& raeA Apt.No. gtldress(Include Number gSnee4 Apt.No. v � k aa� x x City or TownZip Code City or Town Slate Zip Code 22 ELJ S UirfSiete ry 119S(v x JD0 pt 0i7 Sex Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public Stale of Lie. Date of Bir1(r _ Sex Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public State of Lio `+7 `/.� 11 Propely- fix, X yy� �'7 Property O -❑ Damaged❑ '`/ r'{ �r Damaged❑ Name-exactly ss rin ad- ration as of BIM Name-exactly as printed on registration Date of Bl:dq, Address(Include tbmb&B Sfreen Apt.No. Hae. Code Released Address(Include Number&Street) Apt,No. Haz. ori Released 4 - Met ,xi ElX Mal. El City or Town r State Zip Code City or T_owp State Zip Code .� e 2 Pie Number�� 1 State ofR ve I�Yea�Makee ve ; Tys`pe` In�ode Plateumber Slat oe. IReg.-Vehicle earB Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 5 Check if Involved vehicle lee Is: Check if involved vehicle is: .-- Check the diagram^below that describes the accident or draw your own ❑more than 95 inches wide; .er ❑more than 95 inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feet long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; _ E ❑operated with an overweight permit E ❑operated with an overweight Permit; ( ACCIDENT DIAGRAM 25 ❑operated with an overdimension permit. ❑operated with an overdimenswn permit. _E H H Rear End Left Turr) Right Angle Right Tum Head On I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODES I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES --0- Box � C Boz 1 -Point of Impact C Box 1 -Point of Impact 1 2 1. 3. �j 5. 7. - C Box 2-Meet Damage 1 L Box 2-Most Damage Overtaking Left Turn -j♦ Right Tum Sideswipe E ter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 f- � E— E- 26 1 m Damage Codes �0 2 more Damage Codes z. �' o. 4. 6. iv e. _� ^I!{ 7 Vehicle, By Vehicle By .� 1 Towed. Towed IV To -^To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 1-13:"Se83'ffiagram on right. 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 1 15. TRAILER r "� Y81 16. OVERTURNED 2 1J a 17. DEMOLISHED 9. S ( t�Tr RP UT r F. J 18. NO DAMAGE r B 19. OTHER � � `��, Estimated cost of rep r any one vehicle meets criteria for 12 11 10 g "reportable"threshold. Yes ❑No Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY _ o ❑Village, CLJ / 0t7Itwn V UTC ❑Miles 13 N Route No.orStreet Name . 14 0 7 0 onS7-#97,'!5' 0 At In ❑ti ❑W of 29 1J` RD yTE� � ry//97T/ UC ❑At Intersection u - /c Ticket/Arrest Number(s) �- f�c7a d 111- A �/ Q) "`Q TICKET/ARREST, 0OPR�OPR2 ViolationSectlon(5) F T/TUCK rrR� O PEDESTRIAN 0 BICYCLIST (]OTHER Nearest Intersecting Route/Street V _ Accident Descripllon/OfOcer's Notes (ffof ucrzrz-14 ( t - #19- LPIlltbe 30 WEF lI T I14 erzq�A' VE ZtL,C Xrj 9� t E�'1Q Ew Zr i o rrf„ Arro (/E/fx�tE / /7JD /mow /Vd l . USE W BNEITFi 8 9 10 11 1Z 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death AA L B C N V D O L E V P E D G SIGN Officerk ���� / Badee/ID No Department Pr 'ncVPost soctoNBeaU Reviewing alemme Revieyad HERE yyyJJJ// Troo a Sector e ,S-//y�� New)NO*tate Department of Motor Vehicles DMV R� Page Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE ,g • ' Local Codes y,/CMV-104A(4/94) J POLICE AGEI t%y COPY 1 1 Accident Date Day oi Week Time ❑AM No.of Vehiyclesg N1 nluretl No.Killed Non- Scene Not Investigatetl Leh Scene Police Fl,das !� Highway at o./ a /Y r � M p` •et�em�❑ —❑ ❑Yea 6 VEXLE 1 VEHICLE 0 El PEDE RI Driver Ne pad on I1-- DMV N eyed as printed on license DMV 2 USE USE 21 Addre (Include Num ra trees Apt.No. Add ss( Number Strse Apt.No. � CN T a Ste a Zip Coda C lY or Town Slate Zip Code 22 .. AA, f�7 3 Okla of Birt Be: Unlicamad NO.of Occup. Public Slate of Lk. net.of Birth Se Unlicensed No.of mup. Public State of Lic. .+�' Demagetl❑ A1Y faf '44 Name axectly as printed on registration Date of,Batth Name-exactly as printed an registration Date o Birth 23 A- ress(Include N Der tram 11 Apt.No. Haz. Cade Released Address(Include Numbers Street) Apt.No. Haz. Code Released 4 Mat. ❑ Mat. El City or Town State Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 24 Ai '400Y I Plate Number State Of Reg. Vehict9 Year a eke Vehbla Type Ins.Code Plate Number Slate of Reg. Venkle Year 6 Make it Vehicle Type Ins.Code f Yk ^, ar Sid 5 k if involve v h lea - R W ;- M DIAGRAM Check it invo d vehicle. O is a commerp al moor vehicle ❑is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑is more then 95 Inches wide r { ser End It ngle Right Tum Head On ❑Is more than 34 feet long; r:' ` ❑Is more man 95Inches wide; 25❑was g f —► ❑Is more man 34 feet long; operated with an overweight ppermit t s ) 7 ❑was operated with an ovefwelght pperms;❑was ere[etl with an overdimC21 enntt. + ❑was o erated with an ov..'rim nslon ermitVENICE 1 DAMAGE Ovedaking Lea Tu � Right Tum Sideswipe VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE = t— E_ 2. �-- 0. 4. e. ?V' e. - 1 7 27 r k i o ❑No Damage ❑Undercama a , t, 11 No Daman+' U mi P8 ` p Vehicle By F'a IA _...1 Vehicle By _ Yice TOwatl To g' Towed To Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County' ❑City ❑Village 1 wn 44 t RouteNo.or Street Name "o ❑Midas 0 ❑E i i i On o Feet ❑S ❑W of 29 Intersection With TickettArrest Number(s) TI KET/ARR ❑OPR 1 ❑CPR 2 Violation Section(s) ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest Intersecting Oute/Street Accident Deecnption/Otlice's Notes 30 0 /71 s,.- .. ... .,-. AV 7 .. ' x c 1 exEsi • J 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death L A / r N C .r.. VD 0 L E V E P D D SIGN I 011icefs Renk e Badge No. Department Precinct/Post Station/Beat/ Reviewing f Dale imeI Kevawed HERE - 4 i'— �.1`1� Troop/Zone ITs Srl�tDO.. �iui r.l 1�H6 I gO , �. New York State Department of Motor VehiclesFMSE V ` Page { slit\ Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT s -2 6":, MV-104A(4/94) �Sla ��c� POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 Accident Dale Day of' Time kf No of No.InjurM No.KIIIeO Non- Not Invest' - Left Scene Police Photos 2D O 1 �� 98 T+{ �.ZO QPM Vehicles O Hlgnway etSwne ❑Vee o VEHICLE 1 0 VEHICLE 2 0 BICYCLIST PEDESTRI Oliver Namelltaclly as pdnled on license DMV Name-exactly as printed on license DMV 2 KA4LI\N) "'ILN 1( E. - USE LA W`ONF•��-��i1C O. USE 21 ms,(erduds,Number a 81,7.Q Apt.No. Address(Include Number SYnW_ Apl.No. 33�)0 CSX NC uC Lon eo +>OX 11oz F-Auun. Avr -- ClyorTown stale zip Code Gry or Town state rip Coda 22 'rYl r'-'1-1-T N C :. NIU. O.Nk 11`7>2 tM'ATf-h 11 O'l N�W \ OV\Vt I1`I J z- 3 3 Dale of Binh Sax Unlicensetl No.of Occup. Puble State of Lic. Date of Birth Sex Unlicensed No.a Occup. Pudic State of Lic. Ol/ IS p tY\ Da°m�agetl M �'t� T 3X36 M I oampmed Nom. Name-exactly as printed on registration Date df Birth Name-exady,as printed on registration _ Date of Sirth �AnLsty SHt L� A z 1 iso l JlwsOr vwrY hC `A . aa� 13 �� 23 Address(IncludeNumber 8 S(reeB Apt.No. Code Released Address(Include Number a Slreeo Apt.No. Code Released 4 Jr,0 C-a,>y( N�—CK IJVt Mal PO 'Ic�l7� l\u z FAC TUn. Aw}. Mal. { I City or Town --. , Bate 2i ode City or Town Slate Zip Cale 24 m�t �- , L. , n, AIS uwK �V; Z YhATT.,TQC11� fdcw yonv, %\55L Pete Number State of Req. Vehicle Yea r 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Cotle Plate Number Stele of Reg. Vehela Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Cade S7 b1 M \0195 FT S PI(4019 32 Sg5- HE 1-1`tc.Cttln.sLUT{ Sv-fjN 3246 ' Check if Involved vehicle: IACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check if Involved vehicle: O is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑Is more than 95 Inches Wide; a Fnd Lek Tum Right Angle Right Tum Head On O Is more than 95 Inches wide; Ola more than 34 feet lorg; �! E_ +` —� _� t- ❑Is more than 34 feet long; 25 _ ❑was rated witlt an b mRti nett; i. a. v1 5. 7� T, ❑was operated with an overweight permit; 6 ❑was operated with an o ens on rmIt. ❑was Operated with an overdimenslon permit. VENICLE 1 DAMAGE Overtaking Lea Tum -� Right Tum SiOeswipe VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE 2. �- 0. 4. 6. ]K a. -► w zs 7 FA'"'j X 1 A,- UU 27 r z I NO D ma e ❑Undercarriage ND amer f ate By Vehicle Towed To 9. Vowels Towed To Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY Courtry SUF TownVillage SpUnw`L' vV` c� I Route No.or Street Name ZO O Miles 4((J0 E '-O on T .R. FA C.4vn.q AvLn� t �.Yh't-mi.r t,.�— h.Feet ❑S ❑W of 29 11 At Intersection With Ticket/ArrestNumber(s) y rl a.p�1-c "zS TICKET/ARREST ❑OP ❑OPR 2 Viola ion Section(s) ❑PEDESTRIAN 0910YDLI F Nearest Intersectio Route/Street Accident Descrlpton/081cers Notes L N Z I N(o N vin V'V c A 416!+-r T-Un.w FUW F✓ A X)kI 1vC olsi ROLJ I'£ L5 Wr wiIS Fux.tl r0 st'oP M.(LUPT4 FJtL n OtJ (LOCK 2 VIE H WAC ii N (aoc�k 3 fJ Suu-+1(Jan1J rl.1iC.�.,t Il t� V C1-1 d Z I N rtti Cpfl QLytt>tNb- (-1005 .OS N 0- ec' jL -3 w K 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death A I , I ` 3S f� r111L1� � tI(IA YI LhN L B 2 LA Ilot M Fn�.D�AI c Cl• LA wsOt\I I C N V D O 'L E V E ° D O MSIGN Officer's Rank and Name Badge No. Department PfecinCt/Poel StetloNBeaV pReNv�ieewing Dete/Time Revi ey ERE > 1 ?\ <r n h cw Troop2one Sector ^ t ( 4/isrJ New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV 4/ Page aI 1 sof a� Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE 19 L`�' �tl 2`-1-{q MV-104A(4/94) �1 V, 09 NO DMV COPY 1 20 Accident Date Day of Week Time NO.of No.Inured No.Killed Non- NotInvestigated Leh Scene Police Photos fl �J -z' �q� 'T� 1.50 El AM Vehicles O O Highway el Scene Yes o VEHV I I VEHICLE 2 Q BICYCLISTPEDE T Driver Name-exactly as printed on license DMV Name-exactly as printed an license DMV 2 Cl SEvL1J C_j+AVtlE5 S USE USE 21 Address(Inch de Numbers Streeo Apt.No. Address(Include Number 8 Streefj Apt.No. 3\5 m±1 F t.Dw vL;Z� City or Town Slate Zip Code City or Town r[ stole Zip Code 22 WI A"STl lv(Ef�Ln J Dx\ t tt�iS V 3 Dele of Binh Sex Unlicensed No.of Ocoup. uWo Stale of Dc. Date cf Binh Sex Ui a e No.of Occup. Public Stale of Lk. B Z Damage0 f4 Daamaggeed❑ Name-enctly as printed on registration Date Birth Name-exactly as printed on regi lion Date of Binh V 4L\\3 'Y� 23 Address(Include Number 8 Street) Apt.No. Code Released Address(Include Number Street) Apt,No. Haz. Code Released 4 Mal. Mat. City of Town State Zip Code City or Town Slate Zip Code 24 Plate Number State of Rep. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Coda Plate Nu r State of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code U(-6 - 11 N tg9s Fn lc� suety syr 5 Check If Involved vehicle: ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check B Involved vehicle: IO is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑Is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑is more than 95 inches wide; Rest End Lek Tum Riehl Angle Right Tum Head On ❑Is more than 95 inches wide; ❑is more than 34 teat long; �- �- i —► -� �- ❑H more than 34 feet long; 25 ❑was operated with an overweight permtt; t. a. �S s. J/ �. ❑was aperatetl with an overweight per 1 6 ❑was erased with an overaman on ermit. ❑was emted with an oveldimension permint. J 1 Overtaking Lea Tum —� Right Tum Sideswipe VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE '� VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE 2. s— o. 11�- 4. 6. 711" a - w� a' O 26 7 I T - s T J27 ? 1�o.JtG zS o Damage ❑ Underoarria a A• 2g By t By Vehicle YMiale y Towed To 9' Towed To Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY Suyl-�o�.�- Ciry ❑Village OLfi10 Town S ( I Z r S t Route No.or Street Name O Miles ❑N Q E r ' 6 ^i.�. ZDD Feet ❑5 gl,W of 29 (� i on 5y` 'h' 'j rT 25t 4W`r1 v"r�+� VY At Intersection Ith S : 2 i TlckettAmest Number(s) T.(Z, ���TOA� (h1VMv1E TICKET/ARREST I❑ fl 1 ❑OPR 2 Violation Section(s) ❑PEDESTRIAN O BICYCLHER Nearest IntersectingRome/Sifeet Accident DescripkoNOflicer's Notes \11LIA 411 U.)EST•60u N> Oat 'PICNQie ZS W"V-Q b (L'fitN 1N FfLOry-T 30 1W TVVj- Vr{.ut: YM� WAS 14 V, 'T-rte Doro fv lynx -14v AnD wn5 Doh - ase WVEa &IEET r,Q - Ho°sry.oeN o�z. 3z. 3� w 8 9 10 11,1 112 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-if Deceased,Give Data of Death A t I 1 Ito 1M11 GALE$ S. C\St�L'� L 6 t 1 Lab F v OLL\TA C%toftO I C N V D O L E V E F D G SIGN Officefs Renk and Name Badge No. Department PreclncVPost StatloNBeaV Reviewing Datee��ime Reviewed L Tror�tl SeaPi ,. , _ s.L.. At/�lr/SSS .?013 New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page of Pagea POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE ,s LOL ! / MV-104A.(4/94) b ,,J1a: S POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 20 Accident Date Day at Week Time ,L/ Na.of No.Injured No.Killed Non- Not Inveslgaletl Lea Scene Police Phdas __ tJ� / O�/� SR 9 . L/1AM Vel les Highway et Scene .J 1 L.J❑PM � I O 11 yes o VEHICLE, ❑ VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLI ❑ PED RI F2 Driver theme axedly as printed an license DMV Name-exactly as printed on license DMV MCC AIIT4, 5c WAN E USE USE 21 Address(Include Number rear] Apt.No. Address(Include Number 8 Srroso Apt.No. ""t-0 W. -P� ss6 \c }rriLC City or Town State Zip Corte City or Town Slate Zip Code 22 rti\ck rn sn Cx t-.CW T&s L\ 3 Date d Binh Sex Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public State of Lic. Dale of Birth Sez Unlicensetl .d O�rW. Public State of Lk. B o�9ged N7 / / ❑ oamae❑ Name-exactly as printed an registration Date of Birth Name-exactly as printed on regia n Dale.1610 23 Address(Include Number a Seeeo Apt.No. Haz. C Released Address(Include Num Slreeo Apt.No. Haz. Cade Released NO 4 Mat. Mat. ElCity or Town State Zip Code Cily or Town State Zip Code 24 Plate Number State d flag. Vehicle Y,ar 84 a Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate umber Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year a Make Vehicle Type Ins.Cade Lb 3"10 ►J C 1911 yAvtel�.t nu:vncy S Check t involved vehicle: ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check it involved vehicle: ' ❑Is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑Is mote than 95 Inches wide; Rear En Lett Tum Right Angle Righl Tum Head On ❑is mora than 95 inches wide; ❑is more than 34 feet kxg• F F —i —► F ❑is nwre then 34 feet long; 25 ❑was operated with an overweightp 111, t. s. �S s. z ❑was operated with an overweight ppeermit; r� g ❑was Operated with an overdimensbn 6L + ❑was operated with an oveldimension ennit. r^ VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE Overtaking Lea Turn —► Right Turn Sideswipe F VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE 2. �— 0. 4. E. gUe 28 7 4 S A J` �7 No Damage e ❑Undercarda e- By t f A A.j D B28 Y VBakAe a. A ,/.Vehicle 3 I Towed To Towed To Reference Marker 1 DMV USE ONLY FT.A. , ry T--9�� TOWn ❑Village Vel` r i ute No.or Street Name ❑Mlles ❑N ❑E �VarD AJ L7,.IL t YY1hTn nt cin— ❑Feet ❑ti ❑W of 29 t Intersection With TickeVArrest Numbers) T-A . Fri C-r�(2, lv L. TICKET/ARREST` i 1 ❑OPR 2 Violation Section(s) ' M c+ ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest IOIefeBC110 Rpnte/Street Accident DescriptONOfhcers Notes O PJ 1 5 MOT'On city:; 30 Jn7 /h1 m$ _ �nTvch \ ri %-tc) "N(IK4 i2lb1-Ii ON 1: nv bvT SV'�> 01v -5l 1N 11- a O(Y'nw iMT> T'lh_ ✓Y,un�� Use n Nth NAGET 9HEEi Ca• S: L10° 5G1 . Zr1 on t 37 03 W SAN Iry 20R�us w M SS - QA fnoNLj AVY)A2tO S ix I k-o V250 L;,-"-orr lA11 'SQ" o 4 16S- x s S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17' BY TO 16 Names-If Deceased,d1vt Date of Death A \q 'a'JrA 10 to g5g1 510 St-Ary E . M� Cnny0� L g IN C V D O L E V E F D 0 SIGN Oticers Rank and Na a Be 'e No. Department I ( Pr Station/Seatl Reviewing DateTme Reviewed HERE Sector 4 MI/ yh. .� New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV .� Lge I of ) Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE _ocelCWaa 19 s ca Yv MV-104A(4/94) D Y 7Jr3�fi POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 zo Accident Date Day of Week Time ❑AM VNo.of I No.Injured No.Killed J Non- HighaNot Investigated Lett Scone Police holos / I _ O ^ e�nliclee way t Scone b0 IPM d— I — ❑ - ❑ ❑Yea�No VEHICLE 1 F1 VEHICLE 2 0 BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI F2Driver Ni me-axectly as printed on license DMV Name-exactly rented on license DMV "-'itG. C.. \ vie,.. v USE /')c ()e f'�J USE 21 Address(Include Number 8 Street API.M. Address(Include Number 8 Street Apt.No. City or Town State Zip Code City or Town Sine Zip Code 22 l-w\V0 CN- >N`) 6r . 3 Date of Binh Sex Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public State of Lic. Date of BinhSex Unlicensetl No.of OCWp. Public State of Lic. P, PName-exacey,as printed on registration Date of Birth Name-exactly as ed on registration Date of Birth 5 ,4r1F '�G r ne 6.r' a ✓ 7 1 23 Address(Include Number 8 Street Apt.No. Hat. Code Released Address(Include Number&Street { Apt.No. Hu. Code Released 3 4 MaL ❑ !!)770 ( IC-I— :�_U - Mat. ❑ Cay or Town Stale Zip Coda City or Town State Zip Cade 24 �/. I (I J1I Plate Number Slate of Rep. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Cafe Plate Number Stale of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Coda L 7;IJ_/?n3 nJ` Check if Involved vehicle: ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check if Involved vehicle: ❑Is a commerdal motoraehicle; ❑is a commercial motor vehicle; Rear End Leh Tum Right Angle Right Tum Heid On O is more than 95 inches wide; ❑is more than 95 Inches wide; 25 ❑Is more than 34 feet long; t— �— —)♦ _� �._ ❑Is more than 34 feet long; ❑was operated with an overv+eight ppenniC t. a. �I s. T. ❑was operated with an overweight emit; 6 ❑was operated with an==mit. ❑was operated with an overdimension ennit. f OvenekIng Lea Tum —� Right Tum Sideswipe VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE � �_ VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE 2. �"' o. 4. 8. 8. —� n� 26 7 �0 F sr:,, ate. 27 N� {D ❑No Damage ❑Undii c e El Elnde anla e P8 BY cSgcJ lir..- $JC.�1,- _ BY Vehicle . 3 Towed To a. Towed. To Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY ❑City ❑Vllag I �Fo IL 19 Town So, 1 ' ' ' Route N0.or Street Name ❑Miles ❑N O E ( S;:-O C(Feet ❑S C3W of 29 �y • ' On �`ir i...� i-� _ r C�' Yom,o' ,ea:..T`e'�� ❑At IOtefS8CtI0n With TickeVArrest Number(s) TICKET/ARREST ❑OPRI 0OPR2 Violation$edion(5) I: ,r ,! ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest Ifa9reecti Route/Street Accident Descdption/Ofticers Notes c n e� - t— C� - wer4-6o-a 30- �� a ) .. ext v` t,J f .•.., 1 EU wvxa ax G; o 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death / L L B 1 C N V D 0 L E V E F D C SIGN Officers Re f tlyryaJ�m Badge No. Department Precind/Post StatiorVBeat R wl g Daterrime Reviewed HERE V_0 " "� � 7�- D '.�I ti T olp/Zorh _ Sector r 14"00 New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page ( Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT use 19 Local CAtl 1 Cc MV-104A(7/96) YO y POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 , 1 20 Accident Dale Day of Week Time No.of No.Injured Na.Killetl Nom Nat Investigatetl (} Left Scene Police Photos Month Da YYear CAM Vehicles Highway __ __ __ __ OJ7 t X1°1 m Q!Z ❑PM Z Accident Reconstructed f� ❑Yes o VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI Driver Name-exactly as printed on license DMV Name-exactty as printed on license DMV 2 Iris L L 0 V ITO M . USEM pnyV C I! 1 P Q O6L�T USE 21 Address(Include Number&Street) Apt No. Atldress clude Number8 trees) Apt.No. zzo 61-osm J)>Ijb 6 1XAazL &a0 r5y z D l I — City orTown Slate Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 22 YYI A-T-TI Tv u{ kJL-w n4- 11'I5Z_ ry)rrm ry LAA NLtiv DA . 115 S-?- Date -Z 3 Date of Birth Sex Unlicceenneed No.o Occup. Public Stale of Lic. Dale of Birth Sex unlicensed N of Occup. Public Stale of Lk. 0� zz- l� I DaPromaged � U� �`'� 5 L] ( DaPipmaged s,1. Name-exaclly as printed on registration of41irlh Name-exactly as printed an registration 1 Birth c LO l_1'b• '2 23 Address(IncludeNumber8 Street) Apt.No. Code Release Atltlress(Include Number8 Street) Apt.No. Hai. C Released 10 4 ?0 ,613)( J 1�� Mat Mat. ❑ ' City or Town Stale Zip Code City o,Town Slate Zip Code 24 V"A-" T Nuw un 11elsL Plata Number Slate of Reg. Vehicl Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Cotle Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicfe Type Ins.Code Li`165ZA1� tZ9L� trif �umP t LW9b2 1965ubici'D l Plccv 5 Check if involved vehicle 1 : Check it Involved vehicle is: Check the diagr m below that describes the accident or draw your own I ❑more than 95 inches wi e; ❑more than 95 inches wide; diagram in the space provided(9).Number the vehicles. V ❑more than 34 feel long; V ❑more than 34 feet long; 25 E ❑operated with an overweight permit; E ❑operated with an overweight permit; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM ❑operated with an overdimension permit. ❑operated with an overdimenslon permit. 6 Rear End Left Turn Right Angle Right Turn Head On I VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE CODESLi I VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE CODES FF —� -• F C Box 1-Point of Impact 1 2 C Box 1 -Point of Impact 5. 7� 7. L Box 2-Most Damage I 1E3 L Box 2-Most Damage J Overtaking Leh Turn -111, Right Tum Sideswipe E Enter up to three 3 4 5 E Enter up to three 3 4 5 F iLF �- 26 - 1 more Damage Codes 2 more Damage Codes z F o. �S 4. s. 7� •B iF 7 Vehicle By Vehicle By 1.4 Towed: Towed: To To VEHICLE DAMAGE CODING: 4 & f\ 9 7 AVE 27 1.13. See diagram on right. 3 r ' 14. UNDERCARRIAGE 15. TRAILER - 16. OVERTURNED 2 13 B 2 wrap J 17. DEMOLISHED i s. FgcAOAL/� 18, NO DAMAGE 19 OTHER 1 Estimated cost of repairs to gh one vehicle meets criteria for I T� 12 11 10 g "reportable"threshold. Xyes ❑No \T� Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY I County ❑City ❑Village V� 1 1 1 SU Fca�\L Town 50OT4o lb, Route No.or Street Name ❑Miles ❑N ❑E 29 C_lVf 1 ❑Feet ❑S ❑W of 1 on -r 4.Suunnj AJCnve MATTRNfM RAt Intersection With f TickeUArrest Numbers) (� TICKET/ARREST ❑QPle 1 ❑OPR2 Violation Section(s) T'Q, T A ca- 0 a-❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCL OTHER Nearest Intersecting Houte/Slreet Accident DescriptioNOfficers Notes 8 ug -r Tx-oil T�^ Sosaal ;zA1-0 30 n A� 1 N 10 7U' t1 l - FAu A c(1 Llc �\- H Z n o c iY'e.ro,\ s I' — Il 110Is use .p (, _ LOVER STS` S 1f.11� DN } (� Ta -ten \ I -\ see" C9 P 5 - X10°5G. 2 TA i- 3i. 55 L 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY - TO 18 Names-It Deceased,Give Date of Death A A t LA i Lt2, M VillM. 1 L L L B 'Z 1 L.l 1 m 20 .ri MaZc.H I IC N V D O L E V E F D � SIGN Officer's Rank and ams Badge/ID No. Department Precm UPost Stalion/Beat/ Reviewing Date/Time Reviewed HERE Troop Sector O er �.o . s� s 1 >� /Sz New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV YagoIII of Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE 19 Lecal( ,n p"I�l MV-104A(4/94). � . �j15�Q e POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 20 Accident Date Day of Week Time No of No.inured No.killed Nan- Not Investigatetl LeX Scene Police Photos O Z/ a k - T ! 1 1 t.1O❑ M venicy t:1 O Highway at scene vee - o VEHICLE VEHICLE2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDEST Driver Nome-exactly es primed on license DMV Name-exactly as printed on license DMV 2 N1N Rv5St LL [ USE �, Swq L-OriS` Coi.1 1V m USE 21 Address(Include Number&Street) Apt.No. Address(Inchdo Number&SfreoQ Apt.No. 3bO 1—sT A-�J I9(34% 11'O(0 3) 0 (SAILt.� 'n.� CM or Tovm Slate Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code MNfT� + NCx NL w\ on C t1ISe— ✓'nA-V-- +vv` lvu�`)� 0,A� 1\SSZ, 3 Dare of BiM Sex Unlicensetl No.of p. Public Slate of Lie. 11;ca l BinhSex Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public State of Lie. �5c L_'1 2- Demegetl h� Or1, 2r1,-A � 1 Dame.d it— Name- xeetly as printed on registration Dale Bidh Name-exactly as printed on registration Qale of Binh NC- Address(Include Number&Smoot) Apt.No. Haz. a Released Address(Incrude Numberfs SfreeQ Apt.No. Haz. Code R 4 Mal. eL) �17,[ 1�1 �'{S Mt.rCLl LI Mat. ❑ ' City w Town State Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code C...)Tr-Alr a 6U%= 1\935 Plate Number Stale of R Vehicle Year&Make Vellicre Type Ins.Code Plate Number Stale of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Veh le Type Ins.Gods 21115bvF W� 199yc1YevAx ftu 34 -1634-1 A4b IIla 160 `�� N 0111 5 Check if involved vehicle: ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check if Involved vehicle: 1 O Is 8 commercial motor Vehicle; pear End Left Tum R t A R' Turn Head On 0 I a commemlal motor vehicle; ❑is more than 95 Inches wile; o ng x- ❑is more than 95 Inches wide; ❑Is mora than 34 feet long; �- �_ i _i i �- ❑is more than 34 feet long; 25 ❑was operated with an ovenveight emit; 1, a. s. �/ �. ❑was operated with an overweight ppermit: 6 ❑was crated with an overdimension noir. + ❑was o amted with an ovefdimension ermit. 2 VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE O'renaking Left Tum Right Tum Sideswipe VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE -at(-- o. 4. s. ]� e. '� Va� [] 2A 1 27 No D ❑ ndemarria e 28 Towed To g' F M,� Vehicle to ' Towed To Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY Co$Nity ❑Village �juTj..I� (\ J own r I I Route No.or Stree[Name ❑Mlles ❑N D E i r i on T �. ScS.a !W�. Y Mr4T 7�.(y�-- Ne ❑ti W of 29 r, \ t intersectlon With TlckeVArrest arts) ( .Q PnC.T1JA �c�J TICKET/ARREST ❑DPR 2 Nictation SBCIIOn(a) �o ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST-11-01—HER Nearest Intersectio Route/Street Accident Description/Officers Notes '4NnvfS \ WJ9Ir. UJ ES vy�,bQ n.l,> OQ 04041�, E.Ytl1r� Od.�'l A--.�, 30 b 1 AVL \ A \I0L.VNTe� r1aw�AJ IJNAL�Iv- Ta r\�c w,1,+ H1s 6WE ee4acnc� Ub1C� oA�• VII+ \ x� .n-1 2. OIC TIt� ✓cI6Wr .1_[AevIS� DeLv�Tl �e SrAti we TtLw61AssF' \JIAJTLn3'�Q-*13 TO IQlaly Lu,=T. f1114LM 2sr�,�� -M4'N- 1tE SI brJ A LC7 1411,1 r /M rri -W Nc vel61i T' T v nhu c s 40-1,A 10 4 CIt 2 WAS -NmAII46 it A AwA,% )b,nt Wnull. 6PS-yo •ZEN o9Z 3z�SSkA). )aI 1b19 LOT SFS S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 16 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death IA. q Q Y4\ OS<LL L C N I Nr L a Z 7-1rt) Iry M. r•1 i C N V D O L E V E F D G SIGN I Officers Rank and N me Badge No. Department Prepocippn/cc�V��Post Station/Beat/ Revle g Date/Time Reviewed HERE �0. ✓ �. I, l'7S \C% Tro ''�.Li s`HC'�-\ O� '. 1 _)n. f D ) g46 New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page,, I of ( Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE ,s r ?"' Local CiodaS ry J ` 1 (�J0 � MV-104A(4/94) ' as y POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 20 Accident Dale Day of Week Time No.of No.Injured No.Killed Non- Not Investigated "it Scene Police Photos a / ,23 / 11110 y0 PM AM V'kles I O Highway al Scene Q ❑ — ❑ ❑Yea d Na VEHICLE 1 1 ❑ VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI Dever Name-eudly as printed on license DMV Name�ractly as primed an license DMV 2 MOASC 0111,1po USE USE 21 Address(Include Number 6 Street) Apt.No. Address(Include Number&Street) Apt.Na. a.?1, 11 Ce,,4&AI D?-. City or Town State Zip Code City or Town Stale Zip Code 22 ATTlrvok Ny IIri52 3 Date of Birth Sea Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public -� State of Lic. Dale of Birth Ser Unlicensed No.d Ocaaq. Public State of Lic. 7 .9 /0y /47 M — ❑ / o=gned❑ / / ❑ �aa9ed❑ Name-erectly as printed on registration Date of Birth Namecradly as printed on registration Dale of Binh Mots;' W411AILb � aq /oy /y) / / 13 Address(Include Nu/m�ber&Streep Apt,No. . Haz. Code Released Address(Include Number&Stmeo Apt.No. Haz. Cotle Released 3 F4 R�3 C CC,J�IL6( b1 Mat ❑ Mat. ❑ City or Town Stale Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 24 M Artlr Uc/� Ny I(gs"z Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year&Ma a Vehicle T Ins.Code Plate Number Stale of Reg. Vehide Year&Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code alo'i AA N 8� D40y�i �n �pa 38 r 6 Check If Involved vehicle: ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check ff involved vehicle: O Is a ore than commercial m01er vehicle; Rear End Left Tum R' O is a commlved motor vehicle; ❑is more then 95 Inches wide; Right Angle Right Tum Need On ❑je rtgm than 95 Inches wide; ❑is rtrore than 34 feet long; t. �._ —� ❑is mom&tart 34 feet long; 25 O was operated with an overweight permit; t a s �/ T ❑was operated with an overweight ppermit; g ❑was operate with an overdimenslon ermil. + ❑was• rated wffh an overdimenslon ertnit. ' VEHICLE DAMAGE Overtaking Left Tura —► Right Tum Sideswipe Z VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE z. PI? 26 7 T/let Sawn nJ ;inT 27 , T N ❑No Damage ❑ Undercarriage ❑ No Dama e ❑Undercarria e cV Vehicle By carr/.rvs sr. By 28 Towed To ,CAEii S.S- 9. rox,fA7N DRlvrr Vehicle Towed To Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County ( SV rr ❑Cily ❑village SrrNT//e/d 1 r t ®Town Route No.or Street Name S-�d ❑Miles ❑N ❑E ' on %R�puN J YI A✓ / ,g TYi i!/� Ie ❑ti Oof At In 29 i //❑At Intersection With t ick Sc Number(S) V 'TZ yr4 G7a/c1 TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR 1 ❑OPR 2 Violation IlOn$ectl0n($) ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest Intersecting Route/Street Accident Description/Officer's Notes / /J pU,.l J /d At f v7 o fC- 41V /A ✓ ,y 30 9AT /ylAArr A L2rr 110 7,, /9 Pi+//AT/r r>.,c/✓vw /,./ F ✓t NA/ QUr// "i Td �we�VE rG^d h:r A TReelr mMr r ruck � /zrt rr.Icr.rt ,ZrrS oro ^.� y ,rte/ ,r `"` �ilCei C, AQ ls r uF r[ GPs `/o .t NoSeaD ✓e tlJ dc—'AA , 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death L A /e? ` 9997 15W71 �/�/✓rrA,IL� L B I C N V D 0 _ L E V E P DD SIGN 011icer's Rank _ Badge,No. Department PrecincVPost StalioNBeaV R iewing Date/Time Reviewed ^ HERE r,171,A l' ,�f / O,f� Trtop/Zonf Sector ��.�r _ /z-23' 97 /8 New York Stale Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page I of Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE 19 Local Codes / ,11 MV-104A(4/94) lCll CLPOLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 Accident Dale Da�Lof Week T e No.of No.Injured! No.Killed Non- Nor brvesrigaled Lek 5m,e Poice Phos 2C la fj� j�^ ❑AM Ve s O Highway al Scene I v I ( f. �.7� PM O ❑ — ❑ ❑Yrs�N. VEHI LE 1 1W VETMVHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN D' rNat 1 peal 1-1C 1 R.S I USE E 1111 JC on liZ L�� UUS { 2 N IJ 2999 Address(I��Number&Srr�AO Apt.Na. cess ude Number 8 SYreeA Ap]N. 1� s/(�1//���'Tffrf'�},f�� a PL- j�/ IN.. � 30 ��/� Lrx/atT r r EA.�6�"`a J Zip i,os�� itY oy,T V-e� N 3 Dale of Bidh[� SeMx Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public State o Lic. Dale Birth Sex Unlicensed No./�1�My. Pld'e Sp_y1 M�/U� 8� �J �� •'1 - ❑ 3 Da�9ed❑ � O/ IO�It M ❑ V p lam' ! Na�Q A��Otry as I�!on te�q� ^ —131 iIL D of Birth,r Name-exedly35P on registration pabpt Bmh '7' Address(include umper& A r Apt.No. Hat. Code Released Address(include Nu�nbei 6 Srreett Apt.No. Hiu, Code Released y 4 r) j1 r//��� U Ori LG GL Mal. ❑ 6`�s p ❑ 1 C`?r.Tldio. Slate � I �/ da 4 City or Town�rlk/GV.J Stale ZPCatle 2 Pv V f�` 7a�Stater`otf Y \7 Y¢aA Ma 0. V c6vs ls,C I'I�IJ OI> A,I State eg. Velycla ysi Q 6 J� Ins Cela 5 Check it involved vehicle: ,••A` ACC(I�RV T DIAGRAM Ff SCChhheck If involved vehicle:`I: 1 D is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑Is a commercial nglor vehicle; D is more than 95 Inches wide; Rear End Le Tom ig Angte Right Turn Head On D H nom than 95 inches wide; D is more than 34 feet long; f f __$p _� � ❑is more Bran 34 feet lmg ❑was aperated with an overweight permit 1, a R s- �/ 7. ❑was operated wih an overweigh pe 8; ❑was operated with an overdimension rmit. + ❑was o orated wiBt an ouerdinartshn�amiL VEHICLE DAMAGE Ovenaking Left Tum —� Right Tum Sideswipe 11E711CL.E2 DAMAGE t if a. s. 7� s. OL , a N ❑No Damage ❑Undercarriage $ ^ I t No Damage, ❑Undercarriage 28 BY ' By VTowed To ehicle p OVJ Vehicle 9 I O Towed To Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY4ROute oun Q �1 ❑mown t V -r,1ocD Yt An+l..>:f OG t-4 ; r — I No.or Street Name 1 ❑Mies ON DE n �p1 L'�O�s( �J . 11 Feet DS D W of 29 T- ( 1"t Intersecliorr With Ticket/Arrest Numbers) SoiD A, TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR t ❑OPR 2 Violation Section(s) _ ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER I A Nearest Indersecling Routailsae rt Accident SDesucdptionlOfficersAUI- oG�CLGud 6r 0oQe/. O F 30 AN/ F CivilQr Ve. 0. Irz N r D-4 o o 6,4 . �� I. J r2SV. 'N i� u.l use 7 Go SS•o �, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceassed.GMB Date of Death r A A I 6 M — — — — { v� +� L B I t bo y1tj 0 C )b 4tb M - - erg ra N VN D �;��r ear —_. ox M _ L E — — V E F D G --- SIGN c nide Nar(�� Badge to. Dep4qment Precinct/Post Station/Bea/ ,yRev-,",���,"��^�/ DateffinnerRevi ed HERE ` (� tS� TroUfta Sector751 r//�ilA �DaSi� 23� New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page of it Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE ,s Tc*91'Sc%. MV-104A(4/94) _ �j DMV COPY 1 20 Accident Dale Day of Week - a No.of No.Injured No.Killed Nom Not Investigaletl Lea Scene PoNce PhMos 1:1 AM Vehklesx--� Highway at Scene .J r.J✓ pM 1 �/ ❑Y o VEHICLE 1 ❑ VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYC EY PEDErSTIll D'ver Name-exactly as printed on license DMV Name-exactly as printed on license DMV 7 2 USE USE 21 Address elude Number 8 SuseQ Apt.No. Address hnclude Number&Street) `^ Apt. o. V City or TownU �O a Q NJ` Code City or Town 5(S to Zip Code 22 O 77 /3 Date of Binh Sex nlbansed No.of Ox Public State of Lie. Data of Binh Sex Un tl .of Occup Public State of Dc. 'V Dama9❑ Darla9ed O Name-exactly as printed on registration Dale of Binh Name-exactly as printed ist on Dale of Binh S� 23 Address(/nclude Number&SYree4 Apt.No. Haz. Code Released Address(in Ny r Sfreep Apt.No. Haz. Code Released 4 Mat. ❑ �/ Mat. 1 Chy or Town rStale Zip Code City or Town Stale Zip Code El 24 Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Vear 8 Make Veh Type Ins.Code Plate mbar Slate of Rep. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code 5 Check if Involved vehicle: I ❑Is a commercial motor vehicle; ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check 11 involved vehicle: 0 is more than 95 inches wide; Rear End Leh Tum Right Angle Right Turn Head On ❑is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑is more than 95 Inches wide; ❑is more then 34 fee[long; F F —� _.� �_ 0Is more than 34 feet long; 25 ❑was operatetl with an overweight penult; t, a. s. �/ T, 0 was operated with an overweight ppeermit; ❑was emted with an overdimension rmil + ❑was o emted with an overdimenslon earm VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE Ovenaking Leh Turn -� Right Turn Sideswipe VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE �- � t— f_ 2. t-- a. 4. e. 7K e. i 26 r 27 ❑No Damage y ElUnderca a e No Dam By e ❑U M e E8 Vehicle g Vehicle M FARTREJ Towetl To \�•) ce Marker DMV USE ONLY fp�*U „✓` Town ❑Village To{� teNor Street Name - ❑Miles 0 N 0 E 9in 1 ,ft'FA CTbYI. /!v.an�x:1YV►4'TTT — eel �& ❑W of t Inlersection With 1 1i i Ticket/Arrest Numbers) OPR 1 DPR 2 Vi0latlon S8CIi0n(s) ' �U'n�BIC T ❑OTHER Nearest Intersecting Route/Street Accident DescnptioNOlficers Notes U71k.��(1 l'�W 1U U�'1 "j UC1k T� U,,Zc Z-5 k7L 30 (0 1S�rant z%nORanl r-AOSSllvt�, to/t�c /A-Aij T1tb�ry �� ` Ttit SL�n,t., CneSSI� (o t-uYk /}�> >lc�4l� T1 C>nl�vn aaa T1 C1� OSS1 Nto Berl +f1m Rt Stu FO {t POweyll. OUT A GE . �✓_ i Q rtu aoa� crtos51n+6 6ATL� . K 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 16 Names-It Deceased,Give Date of Death A A L L B h 110 I C N V D O L E V E F D G SIGN Officers Rank and Nakia Ba No. Depattment Precinct/Post SletioSector NBeaU ORe�vi VIng Dale/Time Reviewed HERE \ f\ �Qp�on� T\Y New York State Department M Motor Vehicles DMV Page of Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USEL '105 ,9 MV-104A(4/94) POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 ]20 Accident Date Day of Weak Time No of Na.Injured No.711edNd Invesligaled Left Scene Police Philos 3 Veha v al Invere❑ ❑ ❑Yes oVEHICLE1 HBICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI2 Dnuar Na xedry es panted on Ilse DMV Name-exactly DMVDJ p4nJ C USEUSE .21"'• Address(Induct'Number Sfree4 AptNoAddress(McluApl No /X0,6 ..r.><S zCiry oiTown State ZIP Code// , G CHy or iownState Zip Code Z/[ /. O 3 DataofBinh Sax Unlicensed Na.o cup. Pudic State of Lie. Date of Binh x, Sed No.of Cccup. Public Stale of Lic.3 / ii/ Demeg"eyd D /J Properly/ Damaged❑ Name-exactly as primed on re stration Dale Birth Name-exactyras prided on ragirshe ian Dale of Birth OT"L *?Vi A/ Q / / / / �7' Adtlress(��Ingqcluds Num�rl8 Strgef) �// Apt,No. Haz. Code Released Address(1ncNMe Number 8 SbeeQ Apt.No. Haz. Code Released 4 V' /N O X I. �\. (p Met Cl Mat. Y ❑City or Town State Zip Cotler City or Town State ZIP Cade TU/C/C. /l/ //T J--)— 24 Plate Number State of Peg. Vehicle Veer a Mak Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plata Number State d Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Chcvrsa ti ya s�Q��- v� 3r7 5 Check If involved vehicle: ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check V Involved vehicle: D Is a commercial motor vehicle; Rear End Left ram Right Tum Heed On D ta a commercial motor vehicle; D Is more than 95 inches wide; Right Ar�gta D is more than 95 Inches wide; ❑is more then 34 feel long; f f- +` _i _� t- ❑Is more then 34 feet bag; 25 6 O was Operated with an ovemei t iq 't a. v1 5. J� z ❑was operated with an ovemeghbpenniC ❑was eraletl wtth n oveMVrl n n ermi[. D was 'rated with an overtlimens on ennit. Z VEHI 1`DAMA E Overtaking Left Tam -� Right Tum Skaswpe �_ !_ VEHICLE.DAMAGE 2. �— o. 4. 6. 7� e. —► G4caA/y M�6j-� -EN 26 3 3 ti 27 o 0 ❑No Dama e ❑ Undercarrla e ❑ No Dama e ❑Undercarriage vehicle By AsTAN _ By28 Towed To 11FIC Vehic / Reference Marker r(77tawea To DMV USE ONLY Co I t I Ciry ❑Village SOV/3C�L� I I Route No.or Street Name ❑Miles ❑N DE O 7 i Q i S D Feel CIS D W of 29 I I 01t1 Intersection With TickeVArres[Numbers) 7,4 TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR 1 OOPR 2 Violation Section(s) /✓/x�'y/�--pp /y//G_ ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑CTHER Nearest Intersecting Route/Street ( Accident Description/Officer's Notes 1 d y✓ ,r /— W�,r v�/� c'y d1« , INTO 30 r--y N 4N0 W9 J J'N✓rr� F•.�-F / W r L L1.6T �f.✓/� VSE WVLH SXF.Er �yaD r O � d7a2 y .3H • K/ -- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Dale of Death �. L A/ / / G!o G (a 999 /,to/ Com>c� rog4/ _ L B I C N V D O L E -- V E F D 0 (SIGN Officer's Renk and Name Badge No. Department PredncYPosl Station/BeaV Rpelvqleing Date/Time Reviewed HERE '/ C V /AtJ, !f' 7/ Q L J y Tmgp2'ne Sector OJ/� /l.' . F) J G1d ` New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page of Pages USE 19 Loca POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT 7�t MV-104A(4/94) -r ^ '- So POLICE AGENCYPV 1�? 1 S Q vert N' Accident Data Day of Weak Time No.a No.Injured No.Killed Non Not Investigatetl Left Scene Pollee Photos ❑AM Vehicles '1 Highway at Scene ❑PM � ❑ ❑ ❑ C1 Yes❑No VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 Q BICYCLIST El PEnPqTRIAN Driver Name-exactly,as printed on license DMV Name-exactly as pdr4ed an 4cense DMV 2 Cj USE y'LD/ZrS MP_�iVA� U/Iee, 'h, A USE 21 Address(Include Number&Streel) Apt.No. Address(InelsoWNumbar&Street) MA„V Apt.No. ON2woCra City or Town State Zip Code C3yoor Town State Zip odr�e22 ('(.I 3 Data of Birth Sex Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public Slate of Lie. Date of Bidh �T, Sex Unikensed No.of Occur. Public State of Lk. ❑ Damaged❑ /L 2 Iry ❑ Dears.tl❑ Nam"xactly as printed co registration Data of Binh Name-exacty es printed on registration �^1 Dale of Birth Gulf lr 2A'-5 Z Q vAr A � � 23 Address(Irrclude Number&Stress) Apt.No. Ham Code Released Address(wakde Number 8 Apt.No. Ham. Cade Released 4 Mat. ❑ pO x C-,j Mat. ❑ City or Town Stale Zip Code CXyor Town Stale Zip Code24 . (. urr�j 0,s- //5_?J_ ^- Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Cada Plate Number Slate of Reg. Vehicle Year a e Vehicle Type Ins.Cade a3Gx 5� Mczc SS 5 Check if involved vehicle: ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check if involved vehicle: ❑is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑is more than 95 inches wide; Rear Eno Left Tum Right Angle Right Tum Head On EI Is mom than 95 inches wide; D is more than 34 feel long; t- S- + —). _� t-_ ❑is more than 34 feet long; 25 ❑was operated with an overweight permit; t 3 s J� T ❑west operated with an ovefweight pem�ih 8 ❑was operated with an overdimension permit. + ❑was operated with an overtlimens of n ertnit. Overtaking Left Tum -� Right Tum Sideswipe VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE � �_ E- VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE 2. �"- 0. 1. 6. 9. -� zB 7 27 r r O rp N ❑No Dama e ❑ Underearda e ❑ No Da ❑ undercarriane2S (� By By Vehicle 9 Vehicle Towed To Towed To I Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County ❑city ❑Village ❑Town rI\ i Route No.or Street Name ❑Mlles ❑N ❑E on ❑Feet ❑S ❑W of 29 ❑At Intersection With i TicketrArrestNumber(s) Eyat- y/ L 7 TIC E ❑OPR 1 �9 R 2 Violation Section(s) ESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER O. 2- J -O Cj, / Nearest Intersecting Route/Street Accident Description/Officer's Notes 30 as. coven WEV 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death A AoL / v M LLN'/j 1y MC=�7'h✓/� JL/le tfr r. .-s L B el /� If Jx/ VTIK�rL 2. AA/ C X o7aZ /l4 S' /z 6 t Ti/"le— ye N — V D O L E V E F D 0 SIGN Officer's Rank and Name Badge No. Department Precinct/Post StatiorvBeat/ Review' g Date/Time R viewed HERE .` . (). 1r- -�/ r7 j-iJ S Troop/Zoge Sector Ogg l f ip T ,moi • � wr ' s Page I of I Pa es New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Local Codes --���, POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT use ,s MV-104A(4/94) '7 I11� c POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 zo Accident Dale `/���—/� Da k Time AM No.of No InIII'yyyred No.KillgO Non Nd Investigated Left Scene Police Photos " O�� ! ( XPM V Highway❑ at Scene El El ElVesp No VEHII 19 VEHICLE 2 11 BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRI DW xectly as printed on liceyse DMVUSE Na �el as poon se rDMV USE 21 I CA Atltl ess lode ,8 StreeQ s��� Apl.No. Add Include Numbe`B Sfreea Apl.Na. -1 Com, 1 N. (4 �? •K��wN L,�1 or Town State V Zip Co�@ ��I Y r o — Sta Zjp Catl 22 ll \6 Yc]4 7 D I of Bi J`h Sex Unlicensed No of Occup. Public Slate of c /Dante of Brh Seyy^ Unl ensed No.a(W cup. Publicity Stale Lic. 10 ❑ Damaged❑ t r .L Pro .� –{� _ ❑ Damag❑ N m xadly as printed on r Irehon D t of Bidh 5axactly as printed-"islralion FloATo oS/„'faT.trNEre (In ode Number&Street) Apt No. Haz. Code Released (7n de N�u�ba/r�&SuctQ KA r Apt.No. Haz. Code Released 4 0 fIN Mat. ❑ rv" r Mat. Town State � ) Zip Cptle C' or Town State Zip Code ❑ 111 le berms �,r, Blat�l VRy'r ey4 8 Ma Va lVe�t pf19 I1 de 8Ilyn 7�f� StateV - , V¢Nplgyegr�Meak� V�{icI�TYV� .Coge 5f Check If involved vehicle: `Cs.JGS Chl•4 S ACCIDENT DIAGRAM N r(Chbck1Sit involved vehicle:: { ❑is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑4s a commercial motor vehicle; 1 ❑is more than 95 inches wide; Rear End Left Turn Right Angle Right Tum Head On q is more than 95 inches wide; ❑is more than 34 feet long; t— �— —� E_ ❑Is more than 34 feet long; ?5 ❑was operated with an overweight pertniq t s �S s �/ T ❑was operated with an overweight permit; 4 g ❑was o era[ed with an overdimension ermit. ❑wns operated with an oveIdimension ermit. VEHICLE DAMAGE Overtaking Left Turn Right Turn Sitl4swiPe J i VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE Q ( 27 o E 0 ❑No Da ma e ❑Undercarria e ❑ No Dame ❑ nr aMa a P8 r� Vehicle By (A-�4 Vehkle By �4 Q!Aj I \ Towed To �j Ati E'0 a TpWetl TO Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County .❑Ci V' age 11 /' \ V, OL' ®'Town �e fAff t,p WALrf Ot'. 41G,- 1 r� ' ' Routerlo. r Stre IN ❑Miles ❑N ❑E p ' li.�„�,E.�DU-fP' ❑Feet ❑S ❑W of 29 4 ons �1 Intersection With Tickel/Arrest Number(s) Ll o f� � T TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR I ❑OPR 2 Violation Section(s) ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Neare t Intersect) g Routa/ treet A ident Descri tlo Officals Notes QfG- / p V4 Fnp. G ^' Or o 30 w1-•v w V Of 1 USE LAVER SHEET - K MDath 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 BY TO 18 Name -if Deceased,Give Date ofA t M 1 Ii� — PFS p4L*L `� 1� � tot ; ` �a,,�NV D I 6 I b — 676 0 — L E V EF D G SIGNIc is R nd Name /� �,! Berge'N99jj Delp anntt PrBDIIfMMt R I Date/)Tim)e Reviewed (HERE n.��.�..dti.irr'll! ('2 T�Ae1+�Cl 5�� 1 ?�� New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV A � oage of Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE ,9 ss' Local Codes �p 6 MV-104A(4/94) POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 0 HAEle Day of Time No.of No.Inlured No.Killed Non- Not Investgated Len Scene Police Photo, /yy�/ I' ❑AM Ve ciesDHiohwax at Scene, / ' J r `� PM ❑ ❑ ❑Ye o VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST M PEDES I Driver am Wr 4s printed an tic se DMV me-exactly as printed on ansa c )/�� ._ DMV 2 v2.rrr///uuuul In �Y✓✓1<-S USE J ! r - ..USE 21 r Atldre�(I de Nu bar{SIWe;� ^� AJo. Address(include Number B Street) Apt.No. S ,I I l 0 e,L K Cdyp o Is ip jej City or Town State Zip Code 2 Jam`!.!� N 3 Dale of Birth SUnlicensed No.of Ottup. Damaged Public State o L Dale of Binh Sex Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public Slate of Lic. e M —�— Property D / / ❑ DemagedD Name-af as pdn d n registration Date of Bidh Name-exactly as printed on registration Dale of Birth Itrrlo� - h�i��� Addres Include N({��^ber&Sneef)/y/n(� Apt.No, Paz. Code Released Address(include Number&Sheep Apt.No. Haz. Code Released 4 0 V f Iv� Mat. ❑ Mat. ❑ f Cay o' `J� Slate /�ip 10 Cily or Town State Zip Cade N, jt /fir 5IpfJp b�[�� $WI gl eg Ve cl�Ve to Make V I�Tsyp� Ins.Cage Plate Number Stale of Reg. Vehicle Year&Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code i, Check 00•involved vehicle:: Lp o(U ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check ff involved vehicle: f"YI ❑Is a commercial motor vehicle; e r d ' L Turn Right An le Right Tum Head On D is a commercial=for vehicle; D is more than 95 inches wide; g g D is more than 95 inches wide; o is more than 34 feet long; �-- —► —� f- ❑is more than 34 feet on,,, i5 ❑was operated with an overweight permit; t s, 7. D was operated with an overweigh)Permit; 6 ❑was o erated with an OVBldlmenelen emllt. Len Turn Right Turn sideswipe D Was operated with aIn OVefdlnlensIon emit. VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE �_ VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE 1 2. S'- O. 4. 26 7 a 971 0 0 ❑No Damage. ...❑ Undercarriatie ❑ No DaBa e ❑undo mi �B Y �.� Vehicle B Vehicle � Towed To TawM T 1 Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County Q cry, ❑Village / own t� t t Ro N or S/treet1rysure + Owes DE 29 1 ` ' t ) Yf)C 7°�' r V lnA�j lV �eet O S ❑W of on ❑At Intersection With Ticket/Arrest Number(s) e � ^7 TICKETIARREST ❑OPR i ❑OPR 2 Violation Section(s) J rX7 ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST O OTHER Nearest Intersecting Route/Street Accident Descripti n/OHicers Notes PG A G r_JAS 0✓1 FAC r� !jR C✓Y 30 f a Ik O e E d fc c e R m w G,rt. tft- r 0 L_ M h \(01 d Cc (1) , qs t po A. VVE COVER (A d 11 saeel I -]d 6 9 10 11 1 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 16 mes-If Deceased,Give Date of Death A A L B I30 .� s R Cx Id �. C N V D O L E V j, i E F D G (SIGN Officer's Rank and /r{' _ Badge No. De^ppa�rme�r� Precirf R6 StealliiooNBeat/ Re'lieew""" Da/Sefl-me4 Reviewed T1 HERE �� '1 40� 11J l 1 7roo c S XVI Ol ,7, - 7.1 � l ) /// Y �a New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV j Page I of 1 Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE /9 LCLZ- 22 Z MV-104A(4/94) us POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 20 Accident Data Day of Week Time No.of No.Injured No.Kiked No Nd Investigated Left Scene Police Photos q �AM Van s Highway at Scene \I•JS//❑PM O ❑Yea a VEHICLE i 11 VEHICLE 2 111 BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESIAN Driver Name-exad ly as printed on license DMV Name-etady,as printed an license DMV 2 --I-- USE �Iq N(a d L2 ��N t USE �21 Adtlrese(l aria Number 6 Sf Apt.No. Address(Include Numbers Street Apt.No. Z — 0AVk60(L L1J — City orTown State Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 22 au A'- \\,\&Z CvNc-w oaf \\°I 3 Date or BirthSax Unlicensed No.of Occu . Public Slate of Lic. Data of Birth Sex Unlicensed No.ofOccup. ublic Stale d Lk. ?j \Q/7Z F '$ L-{ o magma U3/ 13 PQ Y'f\ $ \ oran n M Name-exactly as printed on registration Dat of Birth Name-e�aclly as printed on registration Dalett Binh �� wlt� T �moni. P• /oS /Si Vie\ on`t IV 23 Address(l dude Number Streeter Apt.No. Code Released Address(Include Number 8 reel) Apt.No. Tillik Code Released 4 Z47S IsQf�"l� L Mal -2-�0 Q A-!0,0 1\ W Mat. ' City or Town State Ip Code City or Town State Zip Code 24 ✓rncr t r v C✓ N,_-\J OA Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code ST� b18 1,11311mouDA t1DSl b`I gZl-' iN�f \�icx+In tt �X� b8 5 Check I involved vehicle: I ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check if Involved vehicle: ' ❑Is a commercial motor Vehicle; peer End Left Turn Right Angle Right Tum Head On ❑Is a Commercial=for vehicle; 13 is more than 95 inches wide; ❑is nate than 95 inches wide; 25 ❑is more than 34 feet long; �-- �-- —), -� �- ❑is mare than 34 feat long; ❑was operated with an overweight permit; t 3 �1 5 )/ T ❑was operated with an overweight permit; 8 ❑was operate with an overdiMension rtnit. + ❑was operated with an overdimlenslon eMIL Overtaking Left Tum -I Right Tum Sideswipe ' VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE .4- `_ E- VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE 2. t- d. 4. rN1 28 F, s 1 27 R I r 0 ❑No Demises ❑ Undercarriage �OLJ'1 t= ZS ❑ No Damage ❑ Undercarriage 28 VehiclBy 1�� By 1 ��$ /1v r.3 ' Towed ab Towed To �� t Towedide To I Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County ❑ iry 11 Village (VI SUP'FGLK. T%It AUT HOS Route No.or Street Name ❑Miles ❑N ❑E I ❑ eet ❑S ❑W of 29 D % Q on S N. 9 C*- . LS 1 MATS-�Tv f,7L �t Intersection With i i TickeVAmest Numbers) N 1 run•t-rtc�n,l ns�r /t TICKET/ARRE ❑OPR 1 ❑OPR 2 Violation Section(5 ( ❑PEDESTRIAN CLIST O OTHER - Nearest Intersecting Route/Street Accident Descripdon/Ofticer's Notes 'L W v K.JV nD Of,", ---F 0,t EZ`-� C�r\RYr L�� -"UA N r Nle 30 TO rtAJC.,, Wri-IGI-1 wAS Onr.A,wla P RlvrtT TL)A%t ) 1-'-n zs t» -To Vf H 41 rnf-;�E A Lk--'F'r Tv`N ±v1pM - sae ca On TO Iz nr--I'ML`fl dlz1 hL-tE sow -ntC. CDVAl e=YZ /t�� Tth.. v e�eT Fn-1Ll� u'L. 'Tltt. R1 r w cn vn 1:9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 BY TO 18 Names-It Deceased,Give Date of Death � x r" f H I a,31 IF DO tTV A , SUN Fittbila V, CI f NNE SCS �l 'o ! 1 F tLn1s INn 5 f4+�� V ( b 2 3 F fY1L�� boL n 11 G L uE5 n 1 liiv m nn,AA tt v E P D O SIGN Officer's Rank and Name Badge No. Department Precinct/Post 5tation/Beat/ Reviewing DataMme Reviewed 0 HERE - Tmop2one S¢gtI Ofl(L9/1„ -7 OI \�l T �L OSI< New York State Department of Motor VehiCleS DMV L�lCaIa' / ppPages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE WTI MV-104A(4/94) • �S�,jJ Yf POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 ]21 A,xyiogeM Date Q Day of Week Time No.of No.Injured No.Killed Nan- Not Inw>59gelad Left Scene Police Photos ❑pAM Veh s O O H19hway at Styria l — ❑ — ❑ ❑ ❑Yea&�Na VEHICLE 1 VEHICLE 2U BICYCLIST ❑ PEDEST I 2 Unver Na ty primed on li a DMV Neme-exapty as pr'u8etl on license DMV ,� rQH7 , L USE GC��H1� •..J L'I I� USE 21 Atld Number Sr A Apt.No. Address(include Number& Apt, , / s P�c , D �yy�/ �T Cy u�/ Stale © �code C 'oN' J Le�LG� !V•i %�78/ ]22 3 Dateeeof oft x Unlicensed No.of cup. publb Slate f DalCeyf Bi Sex Ungcensed No.of Ocpp. public Slate L 0311217 "' ❑ D'Xa dO O'er/I /.$b '❑ Damaged C] Name 1,y es p mad on rego I-tion/ Date of Binh N xadly as printed on registration/ T' Dateyyl BiM e' '71,y.98 it rC i rtw# q��Q'1 fG NT J V% !' IJ3 23 Address(Include N�u)mber/�/�lree0 Apt.No. Hac Code Released Address(IncWdte NNumberr a Soo Apt.No. Maz. Code Released 3 4 Q/r / C4* !J Mat. ❑ /�r �I 'II lJ/c� Mat ❑ ICory a/�o/ym_ Zip Code City or own /� S to Zip Cade Qn� 24 Al? PI819 Number Ir Veh' a Year B eke VaNcle Type In . Isle Number Stated?. Venick Yearn Make Veh Ins.0 O• 5 SOuX? � a SSf'7�✓•� OyYCIf Check It Involved vehicle: ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Cherie t Involved vehicle: ❑is a commercial than 5 motor vehicle; Rear End Leh Tum R ❑IS a commercial motor vehicle; A is more than 95 Inches wide; IgM Angle Right Tum Need on O is Mone than 95 Niches wile; ❑Is more than 34 feet long; f �- 7 $1 ❑is moral Man 34 feet ion 25 ❑was operated with an ova ght ppermit; t, a, R 5. T. ❑was operated with an ovvenweight ppemnit; g O was retell with an ova ension )",it. + ❑was• orated 1N an overdimensbn amlR VW,ICLE 1 DAMAGE Overmkbq Leo Tum -� Right Tum Sideswipe � �_ !_ VEHICLE DAMAGE '-- / 2. �- e. 4. e. ?l a. —I 2B '� -� 3 27, p t ❑ No Damage ElUndemarria a No Do ma El Undercarriage ,28 Vehicle �' By ' Towed To e' s J Q✓ Vehicle Towed ' Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County //' ❑Ci ❑Villa To i own T� Route No.or Street Name ❑Mlles ❑N Q E y a� r i -7 : Q i O on J- ❑Feet CIS ❑W of 29 Tlcket/Amest Number(s) / "t I/ntersectiioyn�With/ ` TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR 1 ❑OPR 2 Violation Sectlon(s) r� ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST CI OTHER,v Accident DescdptlorV5f ers Notes - Nearest Intersecting Route/Street 14A 1WAS C' ols 1"aAff4utif 9 ,� 41•A. 19 Urni 30 f Ifo ke a Wilt u.n o*aJo r4406'j Aal kfn ✓e4•tl( rfz also fast oti A•• -Fr...,..! arty. urisfr�t -du,^t L-,(o �'Gc�le ✓e ole use � I r ,. r mk / oV 1,c. �Y(1,f1 rn f /la. COQ r� I« 4pr vrL k , ! . arn A 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 17 BY TO 18 - '-Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death N C /)7 _ Vhrnrb; ' 9M Ar V V D L L E V E F D G SIGN Officers Ran andNam/ee -�, 4 Bad/geNo. Department PrecincVPost StatioNBeaV Reviewing Data/GTme/Reviewed �l (HERE /'V l'/lrn�af�I/'(/"/� V 0���� T /� S76 ( 1/6'97 9eh, . New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV / Page al Pages POLICE ACC?DENT REPORT USE 19 �_? Lord Cod 7 ` MV-104A(4/94) -)Sl0 POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 20 Accident Date Day d eek T' Nv.of No.Injured No,Killed Non- Nal Investigatetl Lek Scene Police Photos '.. ny ,` Q f�.�(y �AM Vehl�r,I78s Highway al Scene Q• (] l A i Y M Oc ❑ ❑ —p ❑ ❑Yes VEHICLE 1 EHICLE 2 0 BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTR Driver qy_ rinleo opt `I G DMY USE Na a-elmgy ea PLinl on Iicens�,. 0 UDMV SE 21 2 IIIY L tyt r-r a\� Address( Number& reef) Apt.No. Address c Sfreen Aq. o. l 30 otA a J( Jt /pygtl /yf �Ij e (nw5�� Castle /�' Cay o7Urla'r� I / • ( i 1 13"a D"y°`� 1` V L /V Y Zip l s-3 22 3 of Birth x Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public Stale of Date of Binh Sg7i_ Unlicensed No.r.1 Public Slet�c4 ��2d❑ N i as i -�- Uemaged o Nem xactly a dMed on regi It pr regisli. ion Dale of Birth Neme�s ( 2t � /J Dale d B� 4L �t-�r�ncQ J r{ J 23 Address(Inc NumWr&& mefj Apt.No. Haz. Code Released Address(I l ra StIrw.iwI ` L A Apt.No. Haz Code Released 3 d.1�fl CIA ✓(�. Ma+ ❑ Ci -S e V,TJ -` f rv�.. Mat. �� ❑ Cay or T T '] t Stale I(Zip Code Cily°r V, � Slate Zip Coda' q�� 24 1 1 b.0 QI /�11n � UR" Y 1 PI/@te) rW Su,(VIIq/epa. VfAftri7d a Ye�1/y�Ma'ke/ V kle Type lins.Gode Plate NumbCeer Stat/o R : Ven' Y 6 k1,.glke l veehh cle��Type . Ida.Code 5 Check B Involved vehicle: � ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check if Involved vehicle: ❑Is a commerclal motor vehicle; s /p. ❑is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑Is more than 95 inches wide; - i !, f ti Rear End Lan Tum Right Angle Right Tum Head On p is more than 95 Inches Wile; ❑is more than 34 feet long; 1 f i —� .i f ❑is more than 34 feet long; 25 ❑was operated with an overweigh ppeenult, t. s. s. 1/ T. ❑was operated with an overweigh ' B ❑was rated with an overdimensbn mtft. ❑was operated with an ove ermit VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE Ove�mg Lely Tum —J► Right Tu Sideswipe VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE 2. f o. i��5' 4. s. 1F 8. -026 � -77 V V Aue (� :qi ✓ 11No Damacie Elundercarriage No Dama BY BY 1 Towvehed B. ^ Venivla Towed To � d` Towed To (� Reference Marker DMV USE ONLYtR urt ❑Villaga r i i U u No.or Street NaTe ❑Miles�(1C'CCI(� �VL GLFeot S ❑W of 29 A vc At Iraersecaon Wlth Ticket/Arrest Number(s) TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR 1 ❑OPR 2 Violation Section(s) ✓V"' `" ❑PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest Intersecting ROUIe/Stieel Accident DescdptiontOfficeY Notes VUS 10"I/)0, 1 30 'AA &iC4_4 e &OAS use covEA SHEET f 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased, Date of Death y LA I . / ril 4-1 fu's1 N V D C2 ' Q I — i i / n7 onI IO L E 7 kek r I$111SI j Officer's Rank and Name - Badge No. Department Precinct/PostStation/BeaV Reviewing Dat�me Reviewed HERE r � tjS/,S( TrcoT2+one Isectt _9}7 q/16 1 nnv�. New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Pagel Codess Pages POLICE ACCIIJENT REPORT ° 19 Local MV-104A(4194) POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 Accident Date / Day of Week Time 0 AM No.of Vales 0 N Hijlnwy ar$taLeft m Poke Phi YYvv S'^Il �jR a "" � ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑Va No VEHICLE I F1 VEHICLE2 Ll BICYCLIST 11 PEDESTRIAN Drsi y on lloense 2 e�lway prMed an itcarsa DMV G �AI' IG IL USE Nem ea USE 21 Address( rlumbeir SYreeg Apt.No. Address(haws Nw,mwe Sbey Apt.Na City or Town Slate Zip Code City or Town sees 27P coda 22 3 Date of Blm Sex Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public State of Lk. Dale of Bim Swr IM1carsad Na oIOmp Pddic Stele of Lk. ❑ Damaged❑ ❑ Danra 0 Name-exactly as pdMed on registration Date of BIM Name-exactly as printed on legislation Dale of Bim Address(Maude Number&Saner) Apt,No. Haz. Code Rebased Address(ImAxIg NumberASInvo APL No. 1i Code Released 4 Mat 11 KUL 11 City wTown Slate Zip Code City or Tawe Siete Zip Code 24 Plata Number Stale d Reg. Vehicle Year a Make Vehicle Type Ins,Code Plate Number of Reg Vehicle Year a Make Vehkle Type. Ire.Code 5 Check B involved vehicle: ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check B Involved vehicle; O Is a commercial motor vehicle: 0 is a ggaananled nmW tea. ❑IS more than 95 inches wide: Rear End Lek Tum Right Arigle RWR Turn Heed On O is more than 34 feet b ❑B more gran 95 feet Io wide; n9: �— t— ` —► —► !— ❑M more Man 34 feet Wng; 25 was Operated with an overweight ppeemlit; 1. 3. �1 5. 7. O weS Operated WMI an mlefweli ppeemlB: B ❑vias operated with an overdmension rmiL + ❑urea ratty with Beovertments n�nnit. VEHICLEI DAMAGE Wield ng Left Tum —� Rye Tum %doom" �1 2DAMAGEDAMAGE t— E- 2. �— 0. 4. 28 7 27 r ❑No Dama a ❑ Undercarriage ❑ 2B By BY VeNde Towed To g' VNacle Reference Marker Toned To DMV USE ONLY Courlty ❑ wage l l l ❑ own ❑ l l l Route No.or Street Name ❑Mees ❑N b E on ❑Feet ❑S ❑w of 29 ❑At Intersection With Ticket/Arrest Numbers) T]5 /ARREST ❑OPR 1 ❑OPR 2 Violation Section(s) ❑PEDESTRIAN O BICYCLIST O OTHER Nearest Route/Street Accident DesCdptionfOHicefs Notes 30 USE WVER 511EEr K S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 16 Nantes-q Data of Death A T .� i r 4U SCA B L B I C N V D O L E V E P D G SIGN I OfAcefs Rank and r/t� Badge N Department Prec r"Post SStea�apolrJB / R ng Data?ima Reviewed HERE r (� I1' enz A<-I<q T�� Cly\/ W S O1,/no nQiia.. I ( New York Stale Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page of Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE 19 Local Codes �!.-�l MV-I 04A(4/94) fles J 9 I l a t V POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 1 zo Accident Date Day of Week Time No.of No.Injured No.Killed Non- Not Invesligaletl Lefl Scene Police Photos (} -{ ,/ ❑AM Vehhiicles Highway al Scene 12 / 4 /96 V g:I J d PM Q O — ❑ ❑ ^ ❑ ❑Yes*No VEHICLE 1 IN VEHICLE 2 BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESTRIAN Driver Na as printed on license ( DMV Namill-ex/aactl as inttee�d o/p'tic / DMV 2 f�c A �R f10As h USE l� rl � � ll 1 r' USE 21 Address(Include Number a Sfrea) Apt.Na. Address(include Number B Street) Apt.No. g a3oS LuRL w 8N61'A � -5kiAI1i-COUL Al, Coy or Town Slate Zip Code City or Town State Zip Code 22 mR,TT rNW- 0y 1 k 1 ri\AifIG 3 Date of Binh Sex Unikensed No.of Occup. Public _ State of Lic. D to of Bi h C Srax Unlicensed No.dOccup. Pudic .- State of Lid, Pro3 /1 /1N m ❑ Damaged❑ y / 1 /lO r ❑ Damaged❑ N y Name-exactly as printed on registration Date of Binh Name-exactly as printed on registration Date of Binh l l l l 23 Address(Include�NlumbeArr&OStree) Apt.No. Haz, Code Released Address(Include Allot reeA Apl.No. Haz. Cotle Released 14 IL�yl:lr.- Mat. ❑ -11'ZIC �L Mal. ❑ N City or Town State Zip Code City or Town/ 1• Stale Zip Cade 24 1 Pat umber Stets of Rep. VehiMe Year 8 Make Vehicle Typo Ins Code Plate Numbs Sit 1 Reg. Vehicle Year 8 Make Vehkle ype In . title 5 IHS ► et cmc a� 4q1 —q93 yW t�� 99 DOK� ' VA� 3 7 Check if Involved vehicle: ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check If involved vehicle: I. ❑is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑is a commemlal motor vehicle; G is more than 95 Inches wide; Rear End Lea Tum Right Angle Right Turn Head On 0 is more than 95 inches wide; 0 is more than 34 feet long; t-- -f- -, _NI t,_ 0 Is morethan 34 feel long; 5 0 was aperated with an overweight permit; 1 a 5 �/ T ❑was operated with an overweight permit; 6 0 was operate with an overni mansion ermit. ❑was o eratetl with an overd!=on ertnit. VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE Overtaking Leh Turn -� Right Tum Sideswipe �_ �- t_ VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE 2. E- o. 4. fi, t/ 9. -� 1 r-p(,ToRy AI. zs 3 N ., 27 0 ❑No Dama e ❑Undercariffe ❑ No Damage ❑ undercar age 28 BY B Vehicle 9. Stns ids Vehicle Y I rowed To rowed To �. Reference Marker DMV USE ONLYtCCUMY�,, MCI ❑Villa e J„TH 7 ❑Towng 0Iu .or Street Name ❑Miles ❑N ❑E O - pOFeet OS ❑Wof S22V' MATTITLrk / t t 1 t 411 At Intersection With TicketrArest Number(s) tR Ff'ALToiLry rill-VII, TICKET/ARREST D OPR 1 0 DPR 2 Violation Section(s) 0 PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST 0 OTHER Nearest Intersecting Route/Street Accident Description/Officers Notes JF 1 WAS S fO l 0 A. ON F A LTU T -✓ Md rnanF Lt fi r�sT-i MA” 52 Y o 1 A�TaR ki 9 -H 1 lht fl. "+ 0 E V(L" H/ - NU rtJv S MU Jefid usE COVEfl SXEET -- K 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-It Deceased,Give Date of Death L a I / ,13 M - - - �RexO AEG/ I O 34 n4>d/✓ax >r� V D Z / l 2 F - - _ _ — /c oNN/-r4 Q)NG,L _ F F - - - [7GS/tee A/✓Aee9 D O - SIGN Officers Rank and Name n Badge No. Department eereGnGT7Posl StatiorVBeaU Reviewing Date/Tim//e Reviewed HERE Pal " V` Gi /.�' OS if Y one Sector 0 �� Dat�a`7� (E? C�,VL� Page 1 of New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV 1 Pages Local CPOLICE ACCIDENT REPORT usE ,s odas,t. MV-104A(4/94) • ���t'� �l" j POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 i Accident Date -' Day of Week Time a../ No.of No.Injunid Ho.Killed Non- Nd Invesrgaletl Leh Scene Polrce Photos 2U 1 1 /J I /%b IN\on p 1 7 Z� ❑PM volas O Hgnwar at Scene -� 'QJ ❑Vas No VEHICLE 1 ❑ VEHICLE 2 ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDE RI N Driver Name-exaclly as pdmetl on license DMV Name-exactly as printed an license DMV 2 \ SG.0 Fl 1� V USE t�M1UI/�UW�t� -M�y -1. USE 21 Address .(Include NumbardIbeer] Apt.No. Address(Include Number B Streee Apt.No. W LAJIIo C'ol(V Sr I — tN 1119 LtL,I*T11Jt1> 1) City or Town Stale Zip Code Cay or Town State Zip Code 22 . fof\L'i.I\JPonT INJ \10 1\S4�A �0 � JI{ 119-1 3 Date of Birth Sax Unlicensed No.o[Omui5l Public Stale of Lk. Data of Birth S. Unlicensed I No of Clocup.1 Public State of Lb. I D /13 ZV 1 oa� rope — O {/of/b -� Property ed M Name-emcilly as pdMed an registration Dale of Bidh Name-exactly as printed on registration Date of Birth 01 7b -� OS 27 23 L.CA 1 /� `�nT'Acvll / / knu�owskl 3uS��N F - / / 1Z Address(Include Number&Sfreee Apt,No. Har Code Released Address(Include Number 8 r.0 Apt.No. Code Released Met. City or Town State Zip Code Cay or Town State Zip Code 24 ` GnL.ry\OpnT SnU-TN4-J� tvaw Ov\-<, It\9 I 'k Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year a Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code Plate Number State of Reg. Vehicle Year a Make Vehicle Type Ins.Code. P�ll-2ot1� N (ld�Tva7 zt�.1> IZJ m✓_f:Q06 f`�, 1i onr� PICKvP 2O 5 Check If Involved vehicle: ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check If Involved vehicle: 1 O is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑is a comma c(al=for vehicle; ❑Is more than 95 Inches wide; War End L Tum Right Angle Right Tum Head On ❑is more than 34 feet I ❑is more than 95 Inches wide; 25 ❑was �' F —► -� F ❑is more than 34 feet long; apereted with an overweight ppermit; 1 6 1/ 17. ❑was operated with an overweigh[ppeermit; 6 O was operated with an ovenlimenslon rmit. '+ ❑was e rated wtgl an overdimensbn ermit. VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE .�9 Leh Tum -� Rght T`um Sideswipe E- VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE 2. t- e. � 4. 6. � 8. 61-� 26 x ' r a ❑No Dam a ❑Undemarta a �JUL Z S No D m ❑Uedgg. gy By 28 (� YeheB r ^ Towed To g Towed 1 Reference Marker Towed To DMV USE ONLY County City ❑Village Vyl- l i r SU tom' Ol.� Town SO U Tl-1 p U� Route No.or Street Name ��❑,,11 Miles ON 1i(E O i on$•fl. BOUT E ZS YY\R'\T TiIA 50 )(Feet O S (7 W of t ❑At Intersection With TickeVAnestNumber(s) X132 5 o•-frb T n ,f A c t�\ Aver„- TICKET/ARREST CPR 1 ❑OPR 2 Violation Sectlon(s) G ❑PEDESTRIAN BICYCLIST O OTHER 5 OQ _ I Nearest Intersectio Route/Street Accident Description/Officers Notes �C\--1 Z SroPr� 17.E rtat-F\G AL-N U16-4 1 CsNLuA� wtT+-1 i Al 'him. �GA2 R1vc iL41l Snv-Z-\j TEtv1S 1A=. �1D /.,oT S`-C T'i i u tom-{ L. V-S 5 STo? esE COVEe 91EEi AtV L`A 1"�-1L 1'O Str T'1 'T Va�1 Z wq STV"rc"tn, , s 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Death ry � A 1 1 -zi I M "RAvI, 5eCA1%>A L a Z 1 30 -rooms T. Kavkowsl( I C N v D D L E V , E F D 0 (SIGN Officer's Rank and Name Badge No. DepaNnent Precinct/Post SttaCatti1ioNBeat/ Ref�vle�f ng DateTme awed HEREQ Ste OS15`->t /.���. Sector //, O/JJ //. Y.s " I�/9 New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV Page I of 1 Pages POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE ,s Locale G�' `� U MV-104A(4/94) _ POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 20 Accident Date Day of Week Time No of No.Injured No.Killed Non Not Investigated Left Scene Police Photos ❑AM Vehicles 0 O Mghway at Scene v \ �I n 11 . _,N PM Z. V $ rt] '❑ ❑Yes No VEHI ❑ VEHICLE ❑ BICYCLIST ❑ PEDESrSI F2 ez Driver Na."mctly as printed on license DMV Name- adly as printed on license DMV vYh�cH 1Nvw;.✓- I �fl1mC C . usE 17 \ � �i7n�zN C - USE z1 Address(Include Number8 Street 1 Pt No. Adtlress(Include Number 8 Serest APL No. STtlt- ,M'C: Aa<:.Y.vL- I-2-1 ,To L--4-1 City or Town State Zip Code City or Town Slate Zip Code 22 •C. —ift-A tout.vC_ fjcw' oA< t0L-Yllt _y:,'� YJC%.J \ oAV/" I\C10 3 Date of Birth Saz Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public State of Lk. Date of Birth Sez Unlicensed No.of Occup. Public State of Lic. 12 f,IZ l/b F Z Damaged. M O1 l0/1� 1^n Q 3 I Damaged$ M Name exactly as printed on registration Dale of Birth Name,niactly as printed on registration Da a o birth 4"AV'+(-H .tiuwS St' v � o 0S/ I'1/� bIVx ?Oe>f-r � C d� Address(Include Number a Street Apt.No. He ade Released Address(Include Number a Street Apt.No. Haz. a Released 4 , SS Slh .1 L'vl PJ Mat ,� "� City or Town Stale Zip Code Crt' or Town State Zip Code 24 CA—VC-11-a)Ca IX-: 'NDW 0A"' \W 3 S \Z I VL_`n 1'1-L-A-+� v�1tiJ �J on.I, \1`30 Plate NtznbarState of Reg. Vehicle Year a Make Vehicle Type Ins.Codwil Plate NumberState of Reg.lVehicle Year a Make Vehicle Type IIns,Code Cob' _ 1 D °t03 O� sr tL zt>>�� I Kl a- 1 11 F 5 Check it invQWeU ACCIDENT DIAGRAM Check If involved vehicle: O is a comma I mhos vehicle; Rear End Lee Tum Rghl Angle Right Turn Mead On O is a commercial motor Vehicle; ❑is rtwre than 95 Inches wide; ❑is more than 95 Inches wide; 25 ❑Is more than 34 feet long; t- t- +` —j► E_ ❑is more than 34 feet long; ❑was operated with an overweight Permit; h 3 v1 5 7� 7 ❑was operated with an overweight Permit; 6 O was erated with an ova imenston rmit. + O was operated with an overdimenston ennit. VEHICLE 1 DAMAGE wenakkg Left Turn --)♦ Right Tum Sideswipe t— VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE z. <- o. a. s. 1� O. -o- 26 i 26 . t 27 s ('a" L f OV ZoD a Unde ansa e ❑No Dama ❑ LInderctma tel 28 By Vehicle- By Towed To 9. - Vehicle ,f Towed To Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY Co��hhnty i ❑village 7rJr"F-O t h ' Route No.or Street Name ❑Miles ❑N ❑E O --I C> __ on 5.11. 00 Tr_ 2-S tY"Yr TXJLAA, 4¢set ❑S ❑w of za t Intersection With t \ i i Z 1 d, TicfceVAmest Numbe ; Tb It `' TICKET/ARREST LTWR 1 ❑OPR 2 Violation Section(s) ❑PEDESTRIAN 11BICYC T ❑OTHER Nearest Inlefseding Route/Street Accident DescdptoNOfficefs Notes �. ) VY\Y1�E L>a="'FT art tJ 1 ON\ ) 0 U T Z�? (� 30 �n(,�vn A+I.x\�L= 13vTFP,t TO tL11 11ti h216tti of ww. TO wA5 w�t'rilb 1 N 01 R0 ZS ion Z T USE kn-) IL S CADILA-A A��. covert K � 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names-If Deceased,Give Date of Dqa1h L ^ 1"1 F ,mom C. Y7f\L B I \i'lr�A Wa,IN c e 1o D Z '� _ NIL -Z L E Ila 1 SC ItM V E P D O SIGN OlficeYs Renk and Name Badge No. Department Precinct/Post StatiofVBeaV Reviewl Date/TimgflByiewe ?'O:TI\ S � HERE os < TreoplZone Seer I �—� � t, r , New York State Department of Motor Vehicles DMV 'age / of / Pages _ POLICE ACCIDENT REPORT USE t>� LocoICodes, / / C` —I l� - (�(1 b s � MV-104A(4/94) _ ;/ !; .J �' POLICE AGENCY COPY 1 20 Accident Dale Day of Weak Time No.of No.Injured No.Killed on Nor Invesu Len Scen Police Photos ,� H4/ / �(/ ❑AM Ve s 0 Hig at Sce g �� J /Cp �"' r t < 1 M D V ❑ / 17 ❑Yes VEHICLE 1 EHICLE 2 0 BICY LIST ❑ PEDES RI Driver No city as printed on license A DMV N me-exactly es p to on license DMV 2 / �� /N USE 6r"13'e l i- D USE 21 Address Include Number& freell f Apt.No. Address(Incl umber&Sheep Apt.No. GUa � �K Sb { " Cityor Town I State Zip Code / City or Tin 1 State ZipC ]22 I.J ` 93S ✓,- r✓fA,l�^ � 1 39 Doil Birth x Unlicen No.of Occup. State of Lic Dale oI Birh sed No7ocupPublicatJ/ / e d / UePK❑F P Slate of Lic. 1.2 Namet dermal Irftion 1Date of Birth Name-anclly as prd on registration Date of Birth 1 ""1 —1 C_ —fh+ / Address(Inclu'25^dde.,,Number SpeeJp Apt.No. Hoc. Code Released Address(Include ber 5 Sheep Apt Na 'tlaz Code Released 4 W /1'Y Od I Mat. /� ❑ /) ` Mal ❑ City or to Zip Code / City or Town �x'I >� State Zip Code 2 1A o IAS U Plate NwnY2 S State of ' '8�c�Year�{M e i V y� Ins.Code PI Number �/ Sla��1 Ryg. VeWclaYear$A1a� V�N ypen Ins. 5 Check If involved vehicle: `1/` ACCIIDDEENT DIAGRAM /V Y 7Cheeck\I Involved vehicle: IC_J ❑Is a commercial motor vehicle; ❑Is a commerclal motor vehicle; ❑is more than 95 Inches wide; ^d I len um Right Angle Right Tum Head On ❑IS mora than 951nches wide; ❑is more than 34 feet long; —)♦ _� t— ❑Is more than 34 feet long; 25 ❑was operated with an overweight permit; 1 s 5 1/ 7 ❑was operated with an overweighI emit; 6 ❑was o erated with an overdimenmon ermit. it ❑was operated with an oveldimen ran erniL VEHICLE/DAMAGE Qverlalung Le`T°'^ —)♦ Right T` Sideswipe VEHICLE 2 DAMAGE 4. 6. 71i a. i 26 ❑No Dam a e ❑ Undercarrla a No Camas ❑Underrarriago Vehicle By Vehicle By Q Towed To ""—_ 9' TowA To Reference Marker DMV USE ONLY County U Ciry ❑Village ti i t i Town Role No.K Street Name ?q4 GE v i i on —rf rAC /` 1 'v 1�� at ❑S ❑W of 29 ❑At Intersection With Ticket/Arrest Number(s) TICKET/ARREST ❑OPR 1 ❑OPR 2 Violation Sections) �( PEDESTRIAN ❑BICYCLIST ❑OTHER Nearest IDlersecdng Ro to/Street �[ Accident D scriptoNOticefs Notes oAvoidC 30 rC V4 I Vie- A 111 A. fn... 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JV 0 t~ r i TL Z&21wl ■i 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 BY TO 18 Names•If Deceased,Give Date of Death AI I I 2Z V-QI ii.1n L I D N V D O L E V E F D G SIGN Officers Rank and Name Badge No. I Department Precinct/foost StatfoNBeaV Revieeyy'ing DateRme ReWawed HERE 7;• _.�...-{� TrooplZone S% O S /a im Ci 1 1 1 R CKER Archaeology Services, Inc. 1 2r4ckmg do SXootrtepr e1 del 411--"mof 1 1 REPORTS OF INVESTIGATIONS 1 Phase I Archaeological Investigation for the proposed Cottages at Mattituck subdivision 1 Mattituck, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York 1 March 2006 1 1 Prepared for: 1 Nelson, Pope & Voorhis LLC, Melville, New York ' Prepared by: Alfred G. Cammisa, M.A. /RPA 1 Felicia Cammisa, Alexander Padilla 1 Report#: 401 1 TRACKER ARCHAEOLOGY SERVICES, INC. MONROE, NY 10950 . (845) 783-4082 1 NORTH BABYLON, NY 11703 . (631) 321-1380 1 1 1 MANAGEMENT SUMMARY 1 PR none known 1 Involved agencies: Town of Southiold 1 Phase: Phase IA & IB Location: 1 Mattituck Town of Southold Suffolk County 1 Survey Area: Length: about 770 feet (235 meters) north-south Width: about 330 feet (101 m) east-west. 1 Acres Surveyed: 7.4 acres (2.99 hectares) USGS: Mattituck, NY 1 Survey overview: ST no. & interval: 103 ST' s at 50 ft (15 m) intervals. Size of freshly plowed area: na 1 Surface survey transect interval: na Results: No prehistoric or historic remains 1 Results of Architectural Survey: No. Of buildings/structures/cemeteries in project area: none No. Of buildings/structures/cemeteries adjacent to project area: 8 1 No. Of previously determined NR listed or eligible buildings/structures/cemeteries/districts: none No. Of identified eligible buildings/structures/cemeteries/districts: none 1 Authors: Alfred G. Cammisa, M.A./RPA Felicia Cammisa, B.A. Alexander Padilla, B.A. 1 Date of Report: Report completed March, 2006 1 i 1 1 1 ' TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 ' Prehistoric Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Historic Potential . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 ' Field Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Field Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ' Conclusions and Recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Bibliography . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-8 Appendix 1: Figures and Plates Appendix 2: Shovel Test Notes ' Appendix 3: Map Documented Structures ' LIST OF FIGURES ' Figure 1 Portion of the Mattituck, New York D.S.G.S. Figure 2 Location of shovel tests on the project area. Figure 3 Portion of the 1797 township survey. Figure 4 Portion of the 1836 Colton map. ' Figure 5 Portion of the 1896 Hyde atlas. Figure 6 Portion of the 1904 USGS. Figure 7 Portion of the 1906 Hyde atlas. Figure 8 Portion of the County Soil Survey. ' LIST OF PHOTOS Photo 1 Looking north from ST 76. ' Photo 2 Looking north at concrete foundation. ' Photo 3 Looking southeast from ST 1. Photo 4 Looking west from ST 80. ' INTRODUCTION Between January 4 and February 3, 2006, TRACKER-Archaeology Services, Inc. conducted a Phase IA documentary study and a Phase IB archaeological survey for the proposed Cottages at Mattituck subdivision in Mattituck, Town of Southold, ' Suffolk County, New York. The purpose of the Phase IA documentary study was to determine the prehistoric and historic potential for the recovery of archaeological remains. The Phase IA ' was implemented by a review of past and current environmental data, archaeological site files, other archival literature, maps, and documents. The prehistoric and historic site file search was conducted utilizing the ' resources of the New York State Historic Preservation Office in Waterford, New York. Various historic and/or archaeological web sites may have been visited to review any pertinent site information. ' The purpose of the Phase IB field survey was to provide physical evidence for the presence or absence of prehistoric or historic sites on the property. This was accomplished through subsurface testing and ground surface reconnaissance. The project area consists of the entire property approximately 7.4 acres (2.99 hectares) . The property is located at 895 Factory Avenue. It is bordered to the north by Sound Avenue, to the south by the Long Island Rail Road, and to the remaining sides by private or county property. ' The study was conducted by TRACKER-Archaeology Services, Inc. of Monroe, New York. Prehistoric and historic research was conducted by Alfred Cammisa, M.A. Field investigations were conducted by Jean Cascardi, B.A, and Michelle Cotty, B.A. Report preparation was by Alfred Cammisa, Felicia Cammisa, and Alexander Padilla. ' The work was performed for Nelson, Pope & Voorhis, LLC of Melville, New York. ' ENVIRONMENT Geology The project area is located in the southeast portion of New York State in the northeastern part of Suffolk County. This portion of New York lies in the Atlantic Coastal Plains Physiographic Province. The coastal plain slopes gently eastward and is actually a strip of recently emerged sea bottom. The soils in this region consist largely of sand, clay and marl (a mixture of clay, finely ' fragmented shell and calcite) . This region of Suffolk County, on Long Island's North Fork, lies within a glacial outwash plain immediately south of the Harbor Hill Moraine. A glacial meltwater channel had once separated Orient Point from the rest of the north fork (Schuberth 1968: cover map, 9, 184-186; Van Diver ' 1985: 70; Sirkin 1995:142, 149-150) . Soils and T000araphv ' Soils on the project area consist of: 1 ' Name Soil Horizon Color Texture Slope Drainage Landform Depth in(cm) ' Inclusion Carver 0=2-lin (5- leaves Sa 0-3 excessive outwash ' 2cm) plains 0=1-0(-0) mull A=0-3 (0-8) 10YR4/1 A=3-8 (-20) 10YR6/1 ' B=8-14 7.5YR5/4 Cut 6 Fill na na na 1-8 na graded soils ' around building Plymouth A=0-4 (0-10) 10YR3/2 LoSa 0-3 well outwash ' B-4-10 (-25) 10YT5/4 plains Riverhead Ap= 0-12in 10YR4/3 sandy 0-3 well outwash (0-30cm) loam 6 3-8 plains ' B= 12-27 (- 7.5YR5/6 69) (Warner 1975: map #16, pgs. 66-67, 68, 79, 82-83) . ' Elevations on the property range approximately from 34-36 feet above mean sea level. The project area is located on the north fork, a peninsula where the distance between the Shelter Island and Long Island Sounds is small. ' Hydrology The project area is approximately 1935 feet southwest of Mattituck Creek which drains north into the Long Island Sound. It is also 2650 feet northwest of James Creek which drains south into the Peconic Bay. Vegetation The predominant forest community inhabiting the Coastal Plain in this vicinity ' (Cape Cod to the Carolinas) was the Northern Pine-Oak Forest. These forests are maintained largely by the effects of frequent fires. Were it not for the fires which the pine species have adapted to, these forests would slowly change to Mesic, dominated by oak, hickory and red maple. Northern Pine-Oak Forests fall within the larger Xeric Forest category. Xeric forests occur on sandy or otherwise poor soils that are overly dry. All coastal plains of eastern North America are Xeric. They generally have lower species diversity than bottomland ' forests (Kricher 1988:16-17, 65-66) . The reason the forest soils and surfaces are so dry in this moist region is due to the excessive drainage of overly sandy soils on the Coastal Plain. According to Kavenagh (1980:22-23) salt meadows (also called high marshes) lie above the mean high water mark but are subject to flooding by spring tides and lunar tides. These marshes are characterized by spartina patens or distichlis spicata or both. The tidal marsh on the property is high marsh (Warner 1975:87) . ' At the time of the Phase IS archaeological investigations, the project area 2 ' consisted of light vegetation of oak, cedar, sassafras, walnut, blueberry scrub, and briar. Tree stands were noted as well as deer with a fawn. Wetland vegetation ' was also noted near wet areas. ' PREHISTORIC POTENTIAL A prehistoric site file search was conducted at the New York State Historic Preservation Office (NYSHPO) . The search included a 1 mile radius around the study area. The following sites were recorded: ' NYSM Sites NYSHPO Sites Distance from Site Description APE ft(m) A1031000226 1900 Young's Avenue site: no info. A1031001289 3700 Macri: Camp ' APaleo Indian point was recovered in this vicinity (Stone nd:map) . In addition, Indian trails were reported close to the study area connecting the tidal creeks along the southern and northern portions of the north fork, one ' appearing along, or near, Route 25. Although the foot trails were reported during early historic times, they undoubtedly existed prehistorically. ' Assessing the known environmental and prehistoric data, we can summarize the following: tThe project area is approximately 1935 feet southwest of Mattituck Creek which drains north into the Long Island Sound. It is also 2650 feet northwest of James Creek which drains south into the Peconic Bay. -The project parcel is located on a peninsula. Previous archaeological investigations have shown these areas as more desirable for prehistoric occupation (Cammisa et al 1999A; Cammisa et al 1999B; Cammisa et al 1995, Cammisa ' 1996) . -Prehistoric sites are near the study area. ' -Soils are well drained with level topography. However, portions of the property may contain cut and fill. -Indian trails were located in the vicinity. In our opinion, the study area has a higher than average potential for the recovery of archaeological remains. The type of site encountered could be a small processing/procurement site. 1 3 1 ' HISTORIC POTENTIAL Contact Period (Seventeenth Century) ' At the time of European Contact and settlement, the study area was likely occupied by either the Pesapunck or the Nabiachage. These were probably branches or villages of the large Corchaug tribe. (Stone nd:map; Stone-Levine 198:161) . The previously mentioned Indian trails were reported along Route 25, connecting tidal creeks along the southern and northern portions of the north fork. A wigwam was also reported in the vicinity (Stone nd:map) . The portion of Southold Town which lies east of Cutchogue was called Yennecock by the Indians. Shell heaps were reported at Stirling and Ashamomuck and elsewhere. Indian tribes were noted throughout the Town at this time (Thompson ' 1918:374, 393) . In 1649, it was said that the Indians became hostile, committing outrages and 1 or 2 murders were committed. This hostility occurred again in 1657. During this period it was law that every male, 16 to 60 should have a gun and a sword, a pond of powder, 4 fathom of match, 5 to 6 good flints, and 4 pounds of bullets under penalty of 10s, for protection from the native inhabitants. There were also 6 days of military training per year and a review once a quarter. Each plantation ' had to keep 100 pounds of powder and 400 pounds of shot (Thompson 1918:378-379, 381) . It may have been Town policy to keep the Indians grouped in the western portion of the Town which was considered wilderness at this time. In 1664 it was voted that the Indians could plant in Hogs Neck if they had sufficient fencing (Anonymous 1982:8) . ' Eighteenth Century As mentioned, a wigwam was recorded in the vicinity. The wigwam was reported in the 1740's by Reverend Horton who probably lived in it while visiting (Stone ' nd:map; Stone 1980:170) , The 1797 Town of Southold survey depicts Mattituck Creek and Route 25. No structures are on or adjacent to the project area. The town meeting hall is on Main Street (Figure 3) . Nineteenth Century The 1836 Colton map shows Mattituck Creek and either Middle Road or Sound Avenue. ' Buildings are depicted along the north side of the road. It is difficult to say if the road is actually Middle Road or Sound Avenue (Figure 4) . The 1896 Hyde atlas shows structures nearby on the south side of Middle Road or ' Sound Avenue. One of them may possibly be adjacent to the project area (Figure 5) . Twentieth Century ' The 1904 USGS depicts the property with structures on either side of it (Figure 6) . The 1906 Hyde atlas shows much the same as the previous map. A building is ' situated on either side of the property near either sound Avenue or Middle Road, although it is difficult to say which road it is (Figure 7) . In the late Nineteenth Century, the Town farming became highly specialized in areas such as potatoes, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, peas, beans, and the like 4 ' (Bailey 1949:162) . An historic site file search was conducted at the New York State Historic Preservation office (NYSHPO) . The search included a 1 mile radius around the study area. The following sites were recorded: -No historic sites reported. Assessing the known environmental and historical data, we can summarize the following: -The project area is approximately 1935 feet southwest of Mattituck Creek which ' drains north into the Long Island Sound. It is also 2650 feet northwest of James Creek which drains south into the Peconic Bay. -The project parcel is located on a peninsula. ' -Soils are well drained with level topography. However, portions of the property may contain cut and fill. -Indian trails were located in the vicinity. -A Contact Period wigwam and Indian foot trails are situated in the vicinity. ' -Historic MDS's have been located adjacent to the project area. In our opinion, the study area has a higher than average potential for the ' recovery of historic sites. The type of site encountered might be a Contact Period or Euro-american late nineteenth to early twentieth century site. ' FIELD METHODS Walkover Exposed ground surfaces were walked over at approximately 3 to 5 meter intervals to observe for artifacts. Covered ground terrain was also reconnoitered at 15 meter intervals for any above ground features, such as berms, depressions, or ' rock configurations which might be evidence of a prehistoric or historic site. Photographs were taken of the study area. Shovel Tests ' Shovel tests were to be conducted between 15 meter (25ft) intervals across the project area. Each shovel test pit measured about 30 to 40 cm. in diameter and was dug into the underlying B horizon (subsoil) 10 to 20 cm. or more when possible. All soils were screened through 1/4 inch wire mesh and observed for ' artifacts. Each shovel test was flagged in the field. Positive shovel tests were doubled flagged. All shovel tests and any archaeological finds were mapped on the project ' area map at this time. Soil stratigraphy was recorded according to texture and color. Soil color was matched against the Munsell color chart for soils. Notes were transcribed on pre- printed field forms and in a notebook. 5 1 ' FIELD RESULTS ' Field testing of the project area included the excavation of 103 shovel tests (ST's) across the project area. No prehistoric artifacts or features were encountered. No historic artifacts or features were encountered. A twentieth century concrete foundation with associated wood rubble was encountered. ' Stratigraphy across the project area included the following: -O horizon - 4 to 16 cm. thick of forest root mat or sod, leaf litter, and humus. -A horizon - 2 to 21 cm. thick of 10YR4/3, brown sandy loam. -B horizon - 10 to 20 cm. dug into of 10YR5/8 yellow brown sandy loam. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ' The Phase IA had determined the study area had a higher than average potential for the recovery of prehistoric sites. The property also had a higher than average potential for historic sites. ' The Phase IB resulted in the excavation of 103 ST's. No prehistoric artifacts or features were encountered. No historic artifacts or features were encountered. No further work is recommended. ' BIBLIOGRAPHY Bailey, Paul 1949 Long Island: The Story of Two Great Counties, Nassau and Suffolk. Volume ' 1. Lewis Historical Publishing Company, New York. Bayles, Richard 1962 Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Suffolk County. Empire State Historical Publishing Company XVIII. Cammisa, Alfred, with William Sandy, Cheryl Claassen and Felicia Burgos 1995 Archaeological Investigations at the Seaford Park Archaeological Site in ' The Journal of the New York State Archaeological Association, Fall. Cammisa, Alfred G. 1996 Phase IB Archaeological Sur*aald Phase II Intensive Testing of the ' Pellicano Site for the Proposed Bayview Development Bayview, Town of Southold Suffolk County, New York. TRACKER-Archaeology Services. Ms. on file with NYSHPO. ' Cammisa, Alfred, Felicia B. Cammisa, William Goldsmith, and Justine McKnight 1999A Personal Space Within a Middle Woodland Small Base Camp and a Late Woodland Procurement Station: The Robinson Sites, Phase III Data ' Recovery Excavations, North Sea, Suffolk County, New York. TRACKER- Archaeology Services. Ms. On file with NYSHPO. Cammisa, William Goldsmith, and Felicia Burgos Cammisa 1999B Archaeological Investigations at the McCauley Site, Strong's Neck, Long Island. TRACKER-Archaeology Services. Ms. On file with NYSHPO. ' 6 ' Kricher, John C. and Gordon Morison 1988 The Peterson Field Guide Series: Eastern Forests of North America. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. ' Levine, Gaynell, editor 1978 Readings in Long Island Archaeology and Ethnohistory, Volume 2: The ' Coastal Archaeology Reader. Suffolk County Archaeological Association. Pelletreau, William 1982 Southold, in History of Suffolk County, 1683-1883. Suffolk County ' Tricentennial Commission. W.W. Munsell and Company. Schuberth, Christopher J. 1968 The Geology of New York City and Environs. New York: Natural History ' Press. Sirkin, Les 1995 Eastern Long Island Geology with Field Trips. Book and Tackle Shop, RI. ' Stone-Levine, Gaynell 1980 Language and Lore of the Long Island Indians. Readings in Long island Archaeology and Ethnohistory. Suffolk County Archaeological Association. Stone, Gaynell 1993 Readings in Long Island Archaeology and Ethnohistory: Volume 3, The History and Archaeology of the Montauk. Suffolk County Archaeological Association. Thompson, Benjamin Franklin 1918 History of Long Island. Volume 2. Ira J. Friedman, Inc. , New York. Tooker, William Wallace 1962 The Indian Place Names on Long Island and islands adjacent, with their ' probable significations. Ira J. Friedman, New York. Van Diver, Bradford B. 1985 Roadside Geology of New York. Missoula Montana: Mountain Press Publishing Company. Warner, John W. ; W. E. Hana; R. J. Landry; J. P. Wulforst; J. A. Neeley; R. L. ' Holmes; and C. E. Rice 1975 Soil Survey of Suffolk County, New York. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service in Cooperation with Cornell Agricultural Experimental Station. ' Mans Chace, Jay 1858 Map of Suffolk County, Long Island, New York.Philadelphia: John ' Douglas. Colton, J.H. 1836 Map of Long Island. J.H. Colton. Hyde and Company 1896 Map of Long Island. Brooklyn, New York: Hyde & Company. Jensen, H.M. and J. Soren 1974 Hydrology of Suffolk County, Long Island, New York. U.S. Geological 7 ' Survey, Washington, D.C. Stone, Gaynell not dated Map of Native Long Island. Long Island Culture History Lab & Museum- Suffolk County Archaeological Association. ' United State Geological Survey 1956 Mattituck, New York quadrangle map, 7.5 minute series. 1909 Riverhead, New York quadrangle map, 15 minute series. 1 1 t 1 1 8 1 I . ... . „ R4CKER f ArchaeoloU Services, Inc. SC 11 PNP .. �� J is S, . .♦ ••�,;, �• . . : � . :: Matti tuck , A VAC s . , 4 .� .T Project r. area M A „.••• • IV 0 % • N• • :� • . �' IN IN N 4 •�: .� 1 Figure 1 a •; Portion of the Mattituck, NY USGS a'-- 1'=1000' . j 1�••• j/ •:.� �• ,44att(tuck Park 1 ' y LAND NOW 0R FORMERLY Or [Yq LLO y a 23L.3W S •• �• 84• SCALE: 1 INCH = 100 FEET ' 90• Be 98• ' LAND NOW OR FORMERLY 0/ ROLLIYAR no no 60 O no am 5 99 m • MR01R'RrN OI W' MRW4OY f„.M' YIYlItlYY MAY YIYO/EYhV "BLOW WROY�'M Q ♦♦♦ % n•a 79• 76• 7a• 78• 72• n• ab• N• ' s9• 87• 68• 00 84 98• ' 48• 49• 51 u 54 56 69 457 N 9092• • •s o 9Q Y es• 47• 480 46• 44 48 42 41 40 439 88 37 86• • �• 200 • • • • �• �• •• 28 0 99 • 81 82•� 88• 2 NmoraYr � Y/eER' 0 • • n• • •• 14 •�• lo • 8• 6• 6• 48 4 • • Y• i• 78• • 80RL 99 97 99 99 101 102 108 E0`OT '"d"0E t • • - t---• - — • •„ • „� 96 +REEF rc R„.„• R„ „oras � 2 • Y C L .L N O Rq M O N O R / O R Y E R L Y Yq„EY IMW YK[RpI 0 f 1YYdLL MYRMRY OM„IY OF RIRIYR FIGURE 2: LOCATION OF SHOVEL TESTS „ R4 CKER FACTORY A V E N U E Ardkaaology Sewke4 lea • NEGATIVE SHOVEL TEST V PHOTO ANGLE o�.NRRRy 62 PICKEREL ROAD • Ci OE NY 10950 v� Figure 3 N _ Portion of the 1797 Town survey , ,r Y r roj ' • � Ctj � 1 . fly' S• ae re � , fie 1 1 1 Figure 4 It+lrtan. Ib�ett �,, Portion of the 1836 Colton map 1 � . 1P01 0 ) l >` � +,• •r {fit a 1 1111111!£11 i' 1 �2 -' 1 CF' OF f4 r; • � �f1!1 e1 1 - ' 1 Project , • t, '7��„rr41,„1.•11, 1 area 1 fie .-.� /. f- + �• • �• IL 1 � �• k. � i• R, r 11` i 1) JP6 Jap •� R ""0.,JOA vt :frF H y F 4t a r•//�yrSOUOt rM w . +, S.IW COO if NO MI • ~� ` tf 3 r • � � � 0 A =� � 1 .3 1 y •f. 4 _ Project •';� area i R 4 2 90 Jn ;ru Z 15 14 fT _ N j Figure 5 ' Portion of the 1896 Hyde atlas 1 , Project f area i . � . 1 y \ Y R J� z ^� y � Q 1 Figure 6 N Portion of the 1904 USGS 1 Figure 7 " 12 'ia Portion of the 1906 Hyde atlas � � •e� +� 4x 3 �,1✓ C' `r'IS I � $" gam` , y�, as O `t � ec', �✓ M •� • a t titi va - VS Ob v-'A All Kit ,� MI �; � �,.f• �R ,Fw,�rlw j. 1 . '�• H 4 z l F d • � vb� • M' �t �� 7 t • 'Fr'y 4 Yee of 1 , L�• ICY. 5$cs MPS • "aw R +�'r4 4' All Project }} . • w area y .CA d . Jt' E,L ' �'• 1 1 •i x n, f y Hyl �� � • s s .O t, x 'rim � y�» �' � •,� vw 46 0 Its. '�,.�� y�' ,•, ALN � ,..1,: . • ��� 4� ' RF, e°5 •� AAl' * t' .y . .��-_ .-4� +$sem >��q ��. ., ��� •,� ���,.: +r' 'ham.. il.� :� - A_4"x_- •. 1 Photo 1 � Looki ng north � from ST 76 - 4 1 } ' Photo Looking north at ' concrete foundation 5 ntt Z-±fiv f hWil X11 M - JR- ♦1 ' ' •- J ,� w A Tom_%��r �t � r .. •5►.- 2�).. � � . ., }t'.}SG4y p� ,..I-•',��ry: +,�'��G��Gvl� / _ •. �} � 1. .r4v��'�RL p�T3:� moi \ Ka-ll -+ate-\ C- 1w- j• w T tMIll �1j;.}q Zlt ir Photo 4 Looking west �,1 w.�,y;� � Sf � �'� � .'�, i � wy YYW �',yS.e>., `a` -{•� Id yam. from 80 Shovel Teats ' STP Ly Depth(cm) Texture Color Hor. Comments 1 1 0-7 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 7-17 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 17-33 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 2 1 0-9 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 9-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A plastic, coke botle ' 3 20-36 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 3 1 0-6 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 6-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A mod glass, tin can 3 20-33 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 4 1 0-4 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 4-16 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 16-29 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 5 1 0-5 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 5-19 SaLo 10YR4/3 A styrofoam 3 19-32 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 6 1 0-4 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 4-19 SaLo 10YR4/3 A bamboo 3 �19=3L SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 7 1 0-7 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 7-18 SaLo 10YR4/3 A slag 3 18-30 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 8 1 0-8 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 B-21 SaLo 10YR4/3 A tar, plasic 3 21-33 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 9 1 0-6 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 6-24 SaLo 10YR4/3 A terra cotta 3 24-36 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 10 1 0-5 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 5-26 SaLo 10YR4/3 A window glass 3 26-37 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 11 1 0-5 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 5-29 SaLo 10YR4/3 A mod glass 3 29-39 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 12 1 0-4 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 4-16 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 16-27 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 13 1 0-3 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 4-16 SaLo 10YR4/3 A ww 3 16-27 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 14 1 0-5 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 5-27 Salo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 27-38 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 1 15 1 0 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 0-29 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 29-44 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 16 1 0-5 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 5-26 SaLo 10YR4/3 A mod glass 3 26-39 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 17 1 0-4 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 4-13 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 13-29 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 18 1 0-3 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 3-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 20-33 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 19 1 0-4 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 4-16 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 16-30 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 20 1 0-6 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 6-16 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 16-30 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 21 1 0-6 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 6-17 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 -`i7=28� SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 22 1 0-3 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 3-15 SaLo 10YR4/3 A plastic ' 3 15-27 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 23 1 0-9 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 9-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 20-36 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 24 1 - 0-5 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 5-18 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 18-30 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM - 25 1 0-5 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 5-23 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM t 3 23-37 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 26 1 0-6 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM , 2 6-22 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 22-32 SaLo 10YR5/8 B 'NCM 27 1 0-6 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 6-24 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 24-35 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 28 1 0-5 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 5-25 SaLo 10YR4/3 A coal 3 25-36 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 29 1 0-5 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 5-11 SaLo 10YR4/3 A mod glass 3 11-22 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 30 1 0-6 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 6-29 SaLo 10YR4/3 A metal nut ' 3 29-39 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 31 1 0-7 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 7-27 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 27-38 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 32 1 0-5 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 5-17 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 17-28 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 33 1 0-7 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 7-22 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 22-42 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 34 1 0-9 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 9-26 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 26-36 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 35 1 0-2 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 2-18 SaLo 10YR4/3 A wire nail 3 18-29 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 36 1 0-8 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM t 2 8-22 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 "12`33: SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 37 1 0-12 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 12-21 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 21-32 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 38 1 0-10 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 10-18 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 18-29 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 39 1 0-5 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 5-16 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 16-30 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 40 1 0-7 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 7-37 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 37-47 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 41 1 0-19 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM - 2 19-27 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 27-37 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 42 1 0-9 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 9-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 20-36 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 43 1 0-9 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 9-21 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 21-33 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 44 1 0-9 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 9-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 20-32 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 1 45 1 0-9 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 9-15 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 15-29 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 46 1 0-12 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 12-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 20-30 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 47 1 0-8 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 8-14 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 14-28 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 48 1 0-8 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 8-10 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 10-26 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM , 49 1 0-10 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 10-18 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 18-30 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM , 50 1 0-13 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 13-26 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 26-37 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 51 1 0-14 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 14-22 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 �2=34. SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 52 1 0-9 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 9-15 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM , 3 15-25 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 53 1 0-16 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 16-28 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 28-39 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 54 1 0-5 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 5-14 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 14-24 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 55 1 0-10 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 10-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 20-40 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 56 1 0-9 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 9-29 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM , 3 29-40 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 57 1 0-10 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 10-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 20-31 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 58 1 0-10 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 10-22 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 22-32 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 59 1 0-10 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 10-16 SaLo 10YR4/3 A cNCM 3 16-26 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 60 1 0-6 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 6-25 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 25-35 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 61 1 0-8 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 8-18 SaLo 10YR113 A NCM 3 18-29 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 62 1 0-7 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 7-21 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 21-34 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 63 1 0-4 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 4-24 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 24-32 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 64 1 0-8 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 8-21 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 21-39 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 65 1 0-9 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 9-26 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 26-37 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 66 1 0-9 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 9-23 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 'i'3=34. SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 67 1 0-13 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 13-26 Sato 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 26-37 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 68 1 0-10 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 10-23 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 23-34 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 69 1 0-9 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 9-13 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 13-23 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 70 1 0-6 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 6-15 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 15-27 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 71 1 0-7 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 7-13 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 13-23 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 72 1 0-10 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 10-26 SaLo 10YR4/3 A cNCM 3 26-37 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 73 1 0-5 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 5-16 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 16-27 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 74 1 0-8 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 8-15 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 15-28 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 1 75 1 0-3 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 3-14 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 14-30 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 76 1 0-7 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 7-17 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 17-28 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 77 1 0-5 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 5-19 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 19-32 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 78 1 0-9 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 9-28 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 28-39 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM , 79 1 0-11 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 11-16 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 16-28 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 80 1 0-5 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 5-23 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM , 3 23-35 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 81 1 0-10 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 10-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 ' 20-4 Q: SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 82 1 0-9 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 9-29 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM , 3 29-40 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 83 1 0-10 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 10-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 20-31 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 84 1 0-10 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 10-22 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 22-32 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 85 1 0-10 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 10-16 SaLo 10YR4/3 A cNCM , 3 16-26 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 86 1 0-8 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 8-14 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 14-28 SaLo 10YR5/8 B -NCM 87 1 0-8 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 8-10 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 10-26 SaLo 10YR5/6 B NCM 88 1 0-10 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 10-18 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 18-30 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 89 1 0-13 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM , 2 13-26 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 26-37 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 1 ' 90 1 0-14 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM - 2 14-22 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 22-34 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 91 1 0-9 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 9-15 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM ' 3 15-25 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 92 1 0-16 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 16-28 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 28-39 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 93 1 0-5 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 5-14 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 14-24 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 94 1 0-10 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM t 2 10-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 20-40 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 95 1 0-9 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 9-29 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 29-40 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 96 1 0-10 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 10-20 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 :20=37 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 97 1 0-10 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 10-22 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 22-32 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 98 1 0-10 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM t 2 10-16 SaLo 10YR4/3 A cNCM 3 16-26 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 99 1 0-8 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM ' 2 8-14 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 14-28 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' - 100 1 0-8 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 8-10 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 10-26 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 101 1 0-10 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 10-18 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 18-30 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM ' 102 1 0-13 rootmat,humus,leaves A/0 NCM 2 13-26 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 26-37 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 103 1 0-14 rootmat,humus, leaves A/0 NCM 2 14-22 SaLo 10YR4/3 A NCM 3 22-34 SaLo 10YR5/8 B NCM 1 ' Map Documented Structures Location Map On, or Owner fico-niche Comments Adjacent to Study Area south side of 1896 possibly Hallock & farming & Fig. 5 ' Route 25, adjacent Bonds fishing west of Factory Ave. ' same as above 1904 adjacent Hallock & farming & Fig. 6 Bonds fishing same as above 1906 adjacent na farming & Fig. 7 ' fishing 1 t 1V soy Np A V e N U Tq r N vV 4Ze b°e 9s 3jAD f E Ll w xs.oa• Jv N g Y I� N NG N LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF S FALBO BEST FUENTES MOLONEY 3 g M a N N Z 3 N69'52'20'E 229.93' N89'52'20'E g 228' 43469'rLOT 24z13,316 sq.fL =/-/7 w U y 0.31 acres L ----- CL $ v, N ON N o g 209' Woo y w z ym o m O Q co LOT23 "Toa 40,889 eq.ft. �/ 77 N 10.25 acroa w L----- e 158, (5T- 17 0 9 61 aq.n4 0.21 acre a a LOT122 I y �� m 8,832 1e re �' m // > 0.20 �croe z 141' a O' ^ w J L0 2 1� 18.2 3 6q.ft.roa �" m 8 s .ft. c a 0.19 Jee n q acres 0 D ? 140' A LOTI 3 LJ..I LO �20 6,335 pq.ft. w 0 a,39 51 aq.fl. n 0.19 res o: x 3 ,19 6cree [71J f z z o L-- o o. z F 139' Z __ LOT y J LOTr19 6.19 �q•ft 3 0 y 8,346 Ieq.ft. ,Oa 0.19 -jroe 0 1a 0.19 peree- z a z L 139' 0 139' m LOTI 5 a 8,440 pq.n. N Y "oc 8,157LOT skft. 0.79 Jcres 1O rn S w 0.19 addddddrse h o L- 101' 43.69' z o: 127' s72ro5'5WW o ` O Fv. 7,221LOT eq.6 -' LOT 17 / ft. I H 87t9 eq.n. / mo / 0.17 acres1 0 I 0.15 acrse z-- --- p U N� 126' n m Q 3 3 102' 66' 62' 0 LOT 7 g 8,608 sq.ft. V' LOT 18 0.20 awes LOT 8 $ o z 6,019 sq.ft. 04.03a eq''9 z 0.14 acres 18 acroa a n I I N7234'02'E 255.99' 100' LOT 9 96' 160' 9,938 sq.fL 0.23 acres `\ o N \ i T - ---- mu•. \\ LOT 15 \ 6,208 sq.n. 0 --� •m \\ \ F 1 A L 0.14 acres \ \ N LOT �• \13,355 sq.eq.lt. 0112' acre ^ � 11' 51' 9' 110 \0.31 � � 44, \ LOT 14 \ so, 1 \ 3 I 0 o.20.20 acres > 1 \LOT 11 eo w $ a0'. 1 ice/ 48 I 11,411 sq.ft. �W 17' 2 I 0.26>aaes SA�•0� r N71'09'30'E 177.27' i / �A3•): 120' 57' 19,329 sq.tL / \\ 4 m• 34 \ 0.44 awes 0 0 n \\ // ,y� ,LOOT 12 i�� 1 SQA 10 3 A4,129 sq.ft. / e 0.32 acres 13A,g6 mo / 3 RECHARGE BASIN \IV g19 , 0 31,433 sq.ft. W z 0.72 acres 99�g.yA� ,D 10!55 R�pO J 3 SM.�h6�W Rr\� Qp9ti, \S\✓PNO z ��2dW �Ow\G NOTES: AREA: 7.4 ACRES SCTM: SOW DISTRICT 1000-SECTION 122-BLOCK 02-LOT 23.1 SA1s"pse No. OF LOTS: 24 ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK WATER DISTRICT:SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY FIRE DISTRICT: MATTITUCK SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE UFSD TABLE OF MODIFICATIONS LOT LOT FRONT YARD SIDE YARD REARYARD LOT WIDTH NO. AREA SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK AT SETBACK " „- (10,000 S.F.) (35' MIN.) ((1 TOTAL25N ) (35'MIN.) f80'MINA a..1 1 8,961 WMIN/2370TH 30' 2 8.213 60' 3 8,335 60' �U N� J(-/)�e%7q 4 8,340 60' SAARI '. 5 8,440 60' 3 2��6 I 6 7,221 25' 63.3' 78,608 6'MIW25TOT/J. 30' 71.0' I 8 8,038 60.2' 9 9,938 30' REVISION 30 No. DATE - 11 12 SKETCH PLAN A OWN. BY; GEO 13 64.7' 14 8,861 63.7' . - COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DATE: 10-31-05 15 6,208 23' 60' 'i CHK'D BY; JM 1fi fi,019 23' 60' 17 6,713 25' 60' _.. SITUATED AT is 8,157 60' MATTITUCK DATE: 19 8,343 JOB No.: 02007 60' N I TOWN OF SOUTH OLO SUFFOLK COU NTY� NEW YORK 20 8,395 60' _. M 21 8,442 60' FILE No.: zz 9,932 6D' NELSON & POPE 23 60' ENGINEERS • ME9IGNER9 • SURVEYORS CADD: 02007PYM� 24 60, 572 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747-2188 (631) 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163 SHEET: i of 1 I IV SOU Np N tj e E � w 28a�• N p r ^ N O O N N LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF S FALBO BEST FUENTES MOLONEY 3 c � o P N N 2 3 L52'20'E 229.93' N69'52'20'E m 228' 4MW n$ Y c^ SHEDr --- LOT 22 ? I 13,316 sq .ft. w w 0.31 acres / `a w N QU0 N yL- o `Y o -- ------ oN !q m a 0 209' W c o w z N ❑ �' O m N coi m SHEDr---- 7 o I LOT 21 u, 70,869 sq.ft. / yy 77' N 10.25 LOT SHED acres R L ---- a ❑ v_ 158' 0.2 j acres I N ❑ SHED 1 32 --7 o 3 88x32-sq.ft o d.20 acres L-- z 134 m 141' o n SHED ❑ - ¢ a ❑ SHED LOT2 w a' LOT 19 , 8,213 COT. c N 8,44 .ft. o a 0.19 dcree x a q O.l game n L --") O _ - Li 138' JlN w o ? 140' �--p SHED L J p1 E] SHED __ , -LUT-13 535ssh.fL u w LOT18 O 0.19 a9res�^ :' j � 3 0 8,3951 aq•ft• L --J i a io o: _z 0.1a res Ar 139' w y 0 n z av✓ ❑ LLI N 139' SHED z SHED 8,386 74 -7 8,386 ap.ft. Y > J �n LO 17 0.19 a9res e 3 O IRE [5 6.189 sq.ft. M w �^ `s 10.18 acres --J o u Q w u L- n n 139' z O 129, SHED 0 ❑ ¢ n ❑ SHED N LOT 5, o Y Lor 1r °D 9,114 aq.fL m y N m8,000 ea.ft. __ 0.20 sera ai ur z r v W ?N.16 ae{ea N -J N N Z7 L --- 711 43.69' z m U 123' < S72'05'50'W O ___ SHED ❑ O ❑ SHEDr-----� o: LOT 1 5 I ~ n � o m 8.003 41% e LOT d U U! 0.18 ac s s' 8,000 eqL--- L----J 0.18 acres w Q m O nt 121 z r"I LL- SHED P SHE __- LOT 7 WINGS LJm O z LOT 14r , 13,303 sq.ft. Yr!i zIft < .0180acr s� � n 0.30 Oat!----� N72'34'02"E 255.99' N L --- I I LOT 8 96' SHED 160' i 9,938 sq.fL ❑ WINGS $ - w 119' v I 0.23 acres }--(\ 1 0 ra I e Ej SHED _j I I \ \ LOT 13oo. > }} > \ LOT 9 I O m ,4400. sgIf \ \13,355 sq.gt. ^ ul ? 53' 9' \0.31 acret N m L ss \ I m (5 _ _\ \\ SHEDSHED ❑�a0 3 \ w ❑ LOT 12 y. r m n.1os Iyyq•w w $ ^'• 0.25 aErea LQT 10 i 0 z Y 11,111 sq.,%. O.FIS acfea t4A > N71'09'30'E 177.27' �� i 1 2 Agy 120' 57 N� y19 i a w �113,724 sq.ft. 53' m 5H� 0.31 acres W O ro 16 LL n % \� OPg�y1 0 e .5A.96 mo rc 0y2 � rn^ 0 553110 W i 3 RECHARGE BASIN g1.9A 0 31,433 sq.fL z 0.72 acres z c �3�650V1 ^ SITE DATA: I AREA: 7.4 ACRES SCTM:DISTRICT 1000-SECTION 122-BLOCK 02-LOT 23.1 No. gdw OF LOTS: 22 y6A9,,os9 ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE AREA IN LOTS: 4.87 ACRES AREA IN ROADS: 1.47 ACRES AREA IN RECHARGE BASIN: 0.72 ACRES AREA IN OPEN SPACE. 0.34 ACRES TABLE OF MODIFICATIONS POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK WATER DISTRICT:SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY LOT LOT FRONT YARD SIDE YARD REARYARD LOT WIDTH FIRE DISTRICT. MATTITUCK NO. AREA SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK AT SETBACK SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE UFSD (10,000 S.F.) (35' MIN.) (25 TOTAt) (35' MIN.) (80' MIN.) 1 8,961 6'MIW2570T/ 30- 2 8,213 60' 3 8,335 60' 4 8,386 60- 5 9,114 61.7- 6 8,000 72.2' 7 8 9,938 30' 9 10 No. DATE REVISION BY: it 76.4' 12 fi97SKETCH PLAN B DWN. BY: GEO 13 8,440 64.1' 14 1 8,000 66.5' 1 COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DATE: 10-31-05 is 1 8,000 65.5' CHK'D BY: JM 16 8,000 64.5' 17 81180 60 SITUATED AT DATE. 18 81395 60' MATTITUCK 19 8,442 60' JOB No.: 02007 TOWN OF SOUTHOLO � SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK 20 8,832 60' 21 60' NELSON a POPE FILE No.: 22 60' CARD: 02007PM ENGINEERS • r->ESIC3INERS a SURVE3YOR9 572 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, MELMLLE. N.Y. 11747-2188; SCALE: 1"=50' (631) 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163. SHEET. 1 of 1 N soy Np A VE yv S;2so oe p N E w Y93.aa. N s Y n N A O N m LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF S FALBO BEST FUENTES MOLONEY 3 g 1.� p N N Z 3 N69'52'20'E 229.93' N69'52'20"E w • _ 43.69' g m — r — —— — — — — —— — —— — LOT 24 / E z 13,316 sq.ft. O w 0.31 acres / 0- $ wo 1-- - - - - -- -- - - -- '� In o zml o L5w v a� N o m r- - -- -- -_ —j 0 n O 0 LOT 23 1 10,417 sq.ft. / m 0.24 acres L _ —_——— // I o / 1 7 //LOT 1 o LOT 22 / / 9,893 sq.ft. 17,148 eq.ft. 0.23 acres I Q 10.16 acres / L- - - - - - - - z L J - - - J r-- - � LOT 2 I N 10,391 sq.ft. I LOT 21 1 / 0.24 acres m 16,175 sq.ft 10.14 acreal I L1 --- --- -- - - J o V w c r LOT3 � W LOT 20 I 1 10,665 sq.ft. I w 3 18,063 sq.Rl 1 0.24 acres I o! r z o 10.14 acreal L——— — — ——— —— — J r 0 a <L—_J Z N —I I LOT 4 1 Y > o I�LOT 19 I 10,682 sq.ft. 3 m '8,004 sq.ftl 0.25 acres 0 Q 10.14 acresl L —_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ —J L z z w -- J 0 — — —— — — — —— — Q r— n F- - - —1 LOT 5 1 0 r I LOT 18 10,713 sq.ft. I m N 16,001 sq.ftJ 1 0.25 acres 1 m z w w 1 0.14 acres v N 1 L _— _ _— _ - - -- -J m L _ _ J 43.69' z m 572'05'50"W o r --- - -- a 1 LOT 6 1 I— o' LOT 17 1 6,464 sq.ft. i 16,001 sq.ftl I 0.19 acres I Y 0 10.14 acreal L — ——— ——J o U n 3 3 m Q 0 z 3 F- LL 1 LOT 161 r— r--- � r, z 16,001 sq.ftJ L07 7 z 10.14 acreal 8,616 sq.ft. 17,971 Te8n. N72'34'02"E 255.99' J L - -J 0.2b acres I 10.18 acres 1 LOT 15 I \ I I 1 LOT 9 �\ \ LOT 10 16,208 sq.ft i L---J' L 10,043 sq.ft. \ \ 13,315 sq.ft. I N 10.14 acres'\ 0.23 acres \ \ 1 / N LOT 14 \ \ \ J 8,861 eq.ft. \ 1 LOT 11 \ v w o 0.20 acres / 11,411 sq.ft. \ 0.26 acres \ p0W w o / 0 z / y N71'09'30'E 177.27' LOT 13 // / 2�y'�2 19,329 sq.ft. / / \ w J LOT 0.44 acres // sq.ft. . \ / 14,129 acres W 0.32 acre j i q8 A20° 0 0 \ / / ��i 5 3: M \ / O 1,y496' r� 3 RECHARGE BASIN \ 0 31,433 aq.ft. V/ N z 0.72 acres SA5ry�50 z a J ;0 5A�N6g0 V1 ^ P�� N ^ Z IV- Sp6°gz° v0� 1� NOTES: AREA: 7.4 ACRES SCTM: 5A6 p09 DISTRICT LOTS2 1000—SECTION E122—BLOCK 02—LOT 23.1 No. ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK WATER DISTRICT:SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY FIRE DISTRICT: MATTITUCK SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK—CUTCHOGUE UFSD No. DATE REVISION BY: PRELIMINARY ^r / DWN. BY, GEO 5 F L/l� DATE: 10-31-05 CHWD BY: SITUATED AT DATE: MATTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLU • SUFFOLK NEW YORK JOB No.: 02007 FILE No.: NELSON & POPE CADD: 02007PYM2 ENOINEERB • �ESIQNERB • SURVEYOR8 572 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747-2186 SCALE: 1"=50' (631) 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163 SHEET: 1 of 1 i N so SND q [/ E Al s42. " e B7•�QOE U C^ A� o w �sdoa• N Q f n N A O N VI SLANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF FALSO BEST FUENTES MOLONEY 3 0 a 1c fi o Q N N N Z 3 N69'52'20rE 229.93' N6952'20•E s' e� 228' 43169' in< ,Dd Cl SHED Nn �----- LOT 22 z I 13,3116 sq.ft. w 0 0.31 acres 0 EL W L -- ---- O fn e a o N 209' Za p o w z v0i `1'S ao0 0 0 m ❑ SHED - O b v ---- - 7 21so m m 40,LOT 869 sq.ft. / yro 77• N ZYI 0.25 acres SHED L--- - e LOT ..��nn❑ 158' ti 8,961�gft.� O 0.2�acres ❑ SHED nT 20- 8 832 08832 sq.ft 0 a20 aw;a 0 m u 1 mL -- L-- Z134 141' o ^ SHED ❑ rc a SHED fc1 W G O LO 1-19 8.213-T. q ft o N E 0.19 acres 6.44g sq.fL n a L 0.169 aea � o z 138' W o 40' �--p SHED l J El SHED __ -LUT-13u W L0�18 8,335 sh.ft. 0 0.19 alms w 0 8395 sq.ft. m '° o < 3 0.111 res L o z 139' a' 0 a Z j N � 139' n SHED C] m LLI Z 0 SHED _ -LffT-14 LO f 17 -1 8.386 ap.ft. c S2 � 11Y8,18 aq.ft. 0.19 cameo m 3 m s 10.189 acres - I W Q uv� L- n' _J .lszi 0 u w W u 129' h 'a ❑ SHED a o m r ❑ sxEO H LOT 5, o J LOT 1r 'a 9,114 sq.ft1 N m 8,000 sa.ft. 0.20 0 ut z r v ? 0.18 aclesin in -J 11 u 0 NW s i L --- N 111' 43.69' z 123 O ut� v --- SHED ❑ S72'05'50'W < O ' LL J ❑ SHED F-----� o LOT 15 I M h ya 6,000 s�.ff. m I i Y 0 N 0.18 ac s w LOT U 8,000 sqL_-- '" HI 3 66Y 0.18 corse '? x Q I 0 3 I nr m ^ m J 121' z SHED Ln L1- ❑ SHED __- LOT 7 WINGS 'c 0 1 z z LOT ED 13.303 sq.ft. < m8,000 eq 0.30 Beres----�( N72'34'02'E v 0.18 cera I I 255.99' J L 1 LOT 8 96' SHED 160' tj 9,938 sq.ft. ❑ gWINGS�__ w 119' I 0.23 acres I i ❑ SHED r 1 \ - --J .4 I \ \'G \\ y LOT 1$ w L� \ �' \ 8.440 sglft. o m0.19 attI \13,355 sq.ft. a I __ 53• 9' \0.31 acres N 138' 3 -�_ � ' � \ SHED ❑ 00 W c ❑ SHED r I \\ W LOT 11I12 g• O 1,0p0� G m 11,109 §q.ft. LLD z ^'• 0.25 a6h666me LQT 10 i v 95 iL311 sq.fs. z i t Q' O.F6acfea �4p r N71'DW30'E 177.27' mss✓. 1 12C 57' rc r. 3.724 Bq. w E0 i�13,724 aq.ft. ��� 53' 'm. 3A M SY• 0.31 acres W ¢ o10 �y Zte P PG6 101 3 ou g6 OR. rr 022 1 a^ 0 23710w z 3 RECHARGE BASIN g1'ga 0 31,433 sq.ft. z 0.72 acres ,,y1;50 z 1DB55 �G Pp < � 3 �6cOO91 RP\� P 21 N 100. �S�P S�D$2a� �GNG o� SITE DATA: AREA: 7.4 ACRES SCTM:DISTRICT 1000-SECTION 122-BLOCK 02-LOT 23.1 No. .\q,) OF LOTS: 22 S09No . ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE AREA IN LOTS: 4.87 ACRES AREA IN ROADS. 1.47 ACRES AREA IN RECHARGE BASIN: 0.72 ACRES AREA IN OPEN SPACE: 0.34 ACRES TABLE OF MODIFICATIONS POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK WATER DISTRICT:SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY LOT LOT FRONTYARD SIDE YARD REARYARD LOT WIDTH FIRE DISTRICT: MATTITUCK NO. AREA SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK AT SETBACK (10,000 S.F.) (35'MIN.) (15 TOTAL) (35' MIN.) (80' MIN.) SCHOOL DISTRICT' MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE UFSD 1 8,961 6141W25"TAL 30' 2 8,213 60' 3 8,335 60' 4 8,386 60' 5 9,114 61.7 6 8,000 72.2' 7 8 9,938 30' 9 10 No. DATE REVISION BY: it 76.4' 12 69.7' SKETCH PLAN B OWN. BY: CEO 13 8,440 64.1' 14 8,000 6 .5' COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DATE: 10-31-05 15 8,000 655.5' 16 8,000 64.5' CHK•D BY: JM 17 8,180 60' SITUATED AT 18 8,395 60' MATTITUCK DATE. 19 8,442 60' JOB No.: 02007 20 8,832 60' TOWN OF SOUTHOLO SUFFOLK COUNTY• NEW YORK 21 60' FILE No.: 22 60' MCMNELSON & POPE CADD: 02007PM ENQINEERS • MESIONERS • SURVEYORS 572 WALT WHrrMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747-21",r SCALE: I.=50• (631) 427-5665 FAX (63) 673-4163. SHEET. 1 of 1 N Spy No j� 4 V E f'V S4Z 00pf 873T0O'f w N 29J.00, g n 0 N O C N N LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF SFALBO BEST FUENTES MOLONEY 3 g M p q P n N N Z 3 N69-52'20"E 229.93 N69'52' "E w ___�� - __ • 43489" - - au -- - --- "1 hrp JY 229' N O O r LOT 1 I vi z \\\ \ \\ 10,000 sq.ft. 1 y o \\ zze• \ \ 0.23 acres 1 LL \ o \ ° \J z \ LOT 2 \\\ N 0 O \\ 12,57, sq.ft. \ \> %) \ -0`9 acresLOT 3 N \ / I 13,309 sq.ft. \–7 0.31 acres / c _ I > LOT 214 J 855 SVC a: 0.43 acrre m w r s `s LOT 4 I I p I 12,023 sq.ft. I 1 I 0.28 acres I I 1 0 z ' `- -- - - - - - - - L 168' 114' - - -- -- -- - -7 r — -- — -I W LOT 5 b p Y 10,030 sq.ft. LOT 23 0 z z 0.23 acresa o � m 0,000 sq.ft. H a 0 z a L_ — _- - - ----J m 10.23 acres Im > 155 W J I L - - - - J o > 3 a, I LOT 6 I t13 � o u Q 10,000 sq.ft. -- � z z' L -- 0.23 acres - - - 0 O 186' SOT 22 0 r 1 000 sq.ft. I m 1n N j w N23 acres I z } g LOT 1 �—J m o N w 10,000 sq.ft. 0.23 acres 43.69' z o: m L- -- -- -- - - - - L b 572.05'50"W Q 66' 69' O J =0.23 :acras --- � F- 7 I— o .n. U I I a - - - - LOf 211 m Q 0 g 10,234 sqffifkcrai LL_ 0.23 acre I z z LOT 9 10,000 sq.ft. N7234'02"E ¢ I 0.23 acres I LJ 58' ,oc - 255,99' _ _ _ _ - --J I 167' 164' - - - - - - - - � a r - - -- -- -- -�I - - - --- -- - LOT 19 I SN LOT 10 0.23 acres –i I' 10,000 sq.ft. LOT 20 v 0.23 acres I 10,000 aq.ft. 0 L - - - -- _ - - _ J e 0.23 acres L — teo L -- --- - - --- J - 16a' 162' N �� r- ---- -- --� rI LOT 18 10,003 sq.ft. /J 3 I � LOT 11 1 a LOT 17 0.23 acrd/ w c o 10,000 sq.ft. 1 I 11,784 sq.ft. >er\ 0.23 acres / — 0.27 acres 0 Z \ 160'-- --- V > N71'09'30"E 177.27' 1LOT 12 1\ 1 ——— — _ " ZZp."'�' J 40,Q27 sq.ft. LdT 16 /' ♦+ wr -- - - - - -- - - �� 0.2316c�es /�� 10,600 eq.ft. /// s LOT 13 C•23 acres // / 0 W w 10,000 sq.ft. 0 L__ 0.23 acres30 0 N 1"� 0 1 SBZg1'10'N `z I 3 I LOT 14 I 919p o 10,000 sq.ft. I ,5 z I 0.23 acres /� e3 5py2pg0 I // 5 �p0 c LOT 15 / 'ASN 13,000 sq.ft. / C ^NO c0.23 agra� 10Qy+ \C�r 1�. NOTES: AREA: 7.4 ACRES SCTM: 6'"peOW IS T4 RIC 1000—SECTION 122—BLOCK 02—LOT 23.1 SpNo. ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK WATER DISTRICT:SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY FIRE DISTRICT: MATTITUCK SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK—CUTCHOGUE UFSD 1 11-30-05 ADDED LOT DIMENSIONS CEO Na. DATE REVISION BY: ALTERNATE YIELD STUDY OWN. BY: CEO COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DATE: 10-31-05 CHN'D BY: SITUATED AT MATTITUCK DATE. fp 1JOB No.: 02007 TOWN OF SO UTHOLO SUFFOLK COU NTY, NEW YORK - - FILE No.: NELSON & POPE CADDENQINEER9 • OE8IQNER13 • SURVEYOR8 SCALE: 0201.=50. 572 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. H747-2188 SCALE: 1°=50' (631) 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163 SHEET: 1 of 1 u u 1V soy Np AVEN 42 1.49. U E �V 00^ 8S 3 r v so, e 73j'oo^e E w t9J.0a• R g n n N � O N V1 LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF SFALBO BEST FUENTES MOLONEY 3 Y 1.1 p a N N Z 3 N69'52'20'E 229.93' 1 N69'52'20^E :u zzs' 43%9' M g g0D _ ____ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ — •M Y O 1 a m J z L LOT 1 n 13,844 sq.ft. w o 0.32 acres T o o _ in `22)'` � w z 0 1 W LOT 2 \ � � �� �/ w \\ 14,929 sq.ft. / \ \ 0.34 acres LOT 3 \\ J 15,150 sq.ft, w l 0.35 acres / _ m w \\ o z LOT 4 LOT 16 12,456 sq.ft. / /24,289 sq.ft. I J W 0,29 acres / .7 / 0.56 acres w J 0 a z \\ ux _ I \\ W \ r - - - - - -- � v 3 LOT 5 m N� LOT 15 o Q j 11,522 sq.ft. rmN mr 12,340 sq.ft. z z w 0.26 acres ry 0.28 acres I a ° I r L /1- - - - - -- -- - o N 0 a � 117- 181' N � � N f O O N v w - - - � m 43.69' m z LOT 6 1 LOT 14 S72T5's0•W a - O ° C.748 a tL 10,000 sq.ft. 10.25 acres J 0.23 acres I I I �— o L - - - J n7• 1� U B' M 3 r- -- -I w Q o o1 LOT 13 z o LOT 7 11s,4se sq.ft. I I N72.34'02"E a 11,909 sq.k. 0.35 acres 255,99' J 0.27 acres 121 13s' L- - - n r -- - - - 1 0 116' L- - - --- -- - - - -- - -- a) LOT 17 1 o I g 16,607 sq.ft. J LOT 12 i i 0.38 acres i N LOT 8 ) Im 18,798 sq.ft. m —' 1q12,435 sq.ft. I 0.43 acres 0.29 acres ' J / 4 - - --- - - - - --- -----j 3 / 239' / "s LOT 11 i' g 31,281 sq.ft. J N71'09'30'E 177,27' 13, 0.72 acres I � / a: LOT mr / �� � 56 3 "1 112.551 sq.ft. m^ N,y `/i o n N 10.29 acres II ,jA g6 95? � V m o i / i�l a 5523?10`6 z F 13g x� 91.S i ez. z z os2gl� �� 13 ,p556 Q LOT 10 J 16,113 sq.ft. 0.42 acres i� ,,1y90 RP•\� I / 1 z NG i 5p60g2p �O NOTES: AREA: 7.4 ACRES SCTM: DISTRICT 100 SECTION 122—BLOCK 02—LOT 23.1 r3461o6g No. LOT ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK WATER DISTRICT:SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY FIRE DISTRICT: MATTITUCK SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK—CUTCHOGUE UFSD 1 11-30-05 ADDED LOT DIMENSIONS GEO Na. DATE REVISION BY: YIELD STUDY DWN. BY: EG COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DATE: '0-24-05 CHK'D BY.- SITUATED Y:SITUATED AT p ' DATE: TUC MATTIK F JOB No.: 02007 OF SO UTHOLO SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK �{ ?' `% NELSON a POPE FILE No.: CADD: 02007PYM /' . ENGIINEERS • OESIONERS • SURVEYORS - SCALE: 1"=50' 572 WALT WHITMAN FIOAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747-2188 V (631) 497-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163 SHEET; 1 of 1 9 O 3 p9 tl N so UND q VE W88,.feoD^ 8535• N � E f?g0, F 737Q0 E w 2B3,pp. N g a � N P 0 N t/1 S LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF FALBO BEST FUENTES MOLONEY 3 g M a N N Z N69.52'20"E 229.93' N69'52'20"E °CC1 oY Bb' 111' 43!9'9' Y i * �M y NM iv � Nm lO. Z I.. 8O �p O N o o m M m 0 W Z Ob N 191' N U 'v N NO N Ngo p W OJ 8 N O ZOI. N 1pB• N N V J O FMo o c rec mN_ w i- ' OJ 81N N E O �O P -tm� rc c) �y O Z ASN OG w Zr JJ6. 91, n" m LLI 75' w 69• N m is �n z pM A O d 6 $ E O N Z � � vOU 00 O W J OOM J J O N Y \ O O Q 22' N a j O bon N Q O G 0 Y M m O KN O O M 0 N z K w J S N O N N o N m 43.69' z 0 H o pM s7r°sso^w O Odd O li 116' G OO J K O 117' U 00 7 41 p M K o ; Oon off $ m Q z g GG Nm`J F; ^ LL is m � ogN z cc Z 116' a N7234'02"E J s Y 87. 255.99' fes' N 119' ^ W 100' O @ 9' w0 N I-o n y N Odd rn�Nym� U 00 J 118' DOOM J1'O ^ 17ia Fob nN V ONOM _ J N _ J00 0YN N OON 01 40 Ci .• p c 9' m e 122' 87' w F-M M y 208' O tV _ OOi m O O C Bfi' �.00O�W o z c Sb m J N71'09'30"E 177.27' em y c 22q 32 w 'tm� ati ONM e1 W O M O o�° ,1( J fu c gb9 b1 3 J 10 O G Jg N ,3490 Ino 129' Ori mH y 5523T•10 W z 65' ; H g1.9b O b' W z �ryk50 Sb 0 z04 Noe, o °955 �jQPO a w ^ , mo J 3 J T N o O'G Q z� NO Z s40p9z°W \-�Nv poo, NOTES: AREA: 7.4 ACRES W SCTM: SENO sp DISTRICT 1000-SECTION 122-BLOCK 02-LOT 23.1 No. OF LOTS: 24 ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK WATER DISTRICT:SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY FIRE DISTRICT: MAT11TUCK SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE UFSD 1 11-30-05 ADDED LOT DIMENSIONS GEO No. DATE REVISION BY: ALTERNATE YIELD STUDY B DWN. BY: EG COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DATE: 10-24-05 CHK'D BY: SITUATED AT MATTITUCK DATE: TOWN OF SOUTI-IOLO , SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK JOB No.: 02007 NELSON & POPE FILE No.: CADD: 02007PYM4 ENGINEERS • M)BSIONERS • SURVEYOFR.S 572 WALT WHITMAN RIOAC), MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747-2188 SCALE: 11'=50' (631) 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163 SHEET: 1 of 1 N soy Np A � E N � E N g f � N P O N N SLANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF FALBO BEST FUENTES MOLONEY 3 S a a N N 2 3 N69'52'20"E 229.93' N69'52'20"E w g� 102' 1ze' 43!K9' 'n np ♦ i nM Y O1° N m O N N 2 g LOT 1 " c 12,111 sq.ft. 10,000 sq.ft. p m 0.23 acres 0.28 acres `�, w z N U 120' a n+i N 2fe' N tt1' 107' w O LOT 4 g LOT 3 12,621 sq.ft. 10,000 sq.ft. 0.29 acres 0.23 acres n° N g > Nw� J 0 Onr� w w a 106' •"J J 0 Ot W F 3 0 P 1]t' a: m O i w B, LOT 5 � 12,298 sq.ft. m W 0.28 acres LOT 21 1a p z a 10,266 sq.ft. m o 136• a 0.24 acres W J J ice' Y > U LOT 6 m s 10,000 sq.ft. b o 0 Q y 0.23 acres m z u 0 LOT 20 a 12,941 sq.ft. 1r+ 0.30 acres m o WIY �' m ❑ N v - 43.69' _ LOT 7 o $ � 10000 sq.ft. S72'05'S0"W a W 0.23 acres LOT 19 10,000 sq.fL I— 0.23 acres 116' U M Q 3 3 ne• m Q 0 y w Li LOT 8 $ Y ❑ i 10,000 sq.ft. z 0.23 acres < LOT 18 10,000 eq.ft. N7234'02"E 255.99' 0.23 acres tes' w 100' _O N n ° LOT 16 11,770 sq.ft. 0 0.27 acres LOT 14 LOT 15 1n LOT 9 11,498 q,ft. 10,000 sq.ft. N 'c 15.303 sq.ft. 0.26 acres 0.23 acres 'm N 0.35 acres LOT 17 ci u 10,000 sq.ft. 3 0.23 acne 67, w o 1071 5All' W O Z m 106• 2 j N71'09'30'E 177.27' LOT 13 42' 11,588 eq.ft. 437. w 0.27 acme w LOT 12 a °n 10,187 sq.ft.LOT 10 0 °m 4200 W .23 acres 549 3 •0i, $ 10,945 sq.ft. 'o 0.25 acres N N^ 139' ,3496 ario O tar 3 91.94 0 W z iz5' 5452450 LOT 11 z 24.304 sq.ft. 65 ^O a 0.56 acres J 3 j .1�60•W ��\� `` 0 543 N z 5�p92oW �V�� NOTES: AREA: 7.4 ACRES W SCTTA: 5W�o6 DISTRICT 1000—SECTION 122—BLOCK 02—LOT 23.1 No. OF LOTS: 22 ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK WATER DISTRICT:SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY FIRE DISTRICT: MATTITUCK SCHOOL DISTRICT. MATTITUCK—CUTCHOGUE UFSD MAR 2 4 2006 III I 1 11-30-05 ADDED LOT DIMENSIONS GEO No. DATE REVISION BY: YIELD STUDY DWN. BY: EG COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DATE: 10-24-05 _ CHK'D BY: SITUATED AT MATTITUCK DATE: v TOWN OF SO UTHOLO SUFFOLK COUNTY• NEW YORK JOB No.: 02007 F7 .- -•'� FILE No.: NELSON s. POPE CADD: 02007PYMA ENGINEERS • 1:)E810NERE3 • SURVEYORS 572 WALT WHRMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747-2188 SCALE: 1"=50' I (631) 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163 1 SHEET: 1 of 1 9 So /V /v gVEN 42s�F 87.J7 N O 2eJ.Oa. Y V r n N O 'O N U1 SLANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF FAILED BEST FUENTES MOLONEY 3 0 v � 'n o 0 vi N N 2 3 N69-52'20"E e, 229.93' N69'S2'20"E w �.m - --- --- 43.69' a oM r - - - - -- --- 1 �m z LOT 24 / n o 13,316 sq.ft. w w 0.31 acres / Q x L - -- - - - -- - - - - - -�/ (A o o O N Z O^ O1 F- - - - - - -- - - - 0 o z / p N C LOT 23 / N o 10,417 sq.ft. / & 0.24 acres L _ / o I LOT 22 LOT 1 1 m 17,148 sq.ft. / / 9,893 sq.ft. P 0.16 acres / 0.23 acres J K Ir , / of LOT 2 �1 H w LOT 21 • / 10,391 sq.ft. N E 6,175 sq.ft 0.24 acres qe o 0.14 acres N O I LOT O 4 16063 s 20 LOT 1 10,665 sq.ft. 1 ;+ LL. 3 q' 0.24 acres o a z o 10.14 acresl y o L - - -- - -- --- - � r z n m 0 a z Z — N I� LOT 4 W '6 004 a ftI 10,682 sq.ft. 3 u > q' 0.25 acres 10.14 acresl L - - - - --- - - - - J 0 w w L _ — J V F-—— r - - - - - - - - - - - - z N I LOT 18 1 LOT 5 O J 1 10,713 s ft. a ¢ .001 sq.NJ o w 10.14 acresl 0.25 acres 1 m m w J m ¢ L - - J L - - - - - - - - - - - J o z o' 43.69' z — — — - _ _ - 572'05'50"W LOT 171 LOT 6 J 0 16,001 sq.ftl 8,464 sq.ft 10.14 acresl 0.19 acres I y L — — — — — — J w u + o 0 3 n z 0 F-- -1 m Q V m 1 LOT 16 • LL 0 16,001 sq.ftl L T 7 r - - , z 10.14 acresl 1 1 LOT 8 8,616 sq ftacres' 17,971 s N7234'02"E 0.2b acres 10.18 acre, l 255.99' r - - -1 1 r - -- - - - - 1 w LOT 1511 \\ l r - -- - - - � \\ o 6,206 J L —— — J . LOT 9 \ \ LOT 10 10.14 acres 1 L\ 10,043 sq.ft. \ \ 13,355 sq.ft. I m0 L _ _— , \ 0.23 acres \ 0.31 acres - - - - - \ CS ^ LOT 14 w 3 8.861 sq.ft. \ \ \ 100.20 acres ) LOT 11 o+ \ o \ w � � 1 11,411 sq.ft. 0 N 'i -�\ 0.26 acres \ O p W r N71'09'30"E 177.27' J LOT 13 19.329acrea A // // �\ G/ 2Z32 \ / LOT 12 \ m \ / / 14,129 sq.ft. o .ion \\ // 0.32 acres SA842ppW o 3 RECHARGE BASIN \ 552 z 31,433 sq.ft. 0.72 acres 54y24rJ0"4k 0 ,ps55 p0 J W R oSA�N650 N I^ zpp2i LP z \S W ,p0 p1 NOTES: ypW AREA: 7.4 ACRES Skp°99 SCDSTRICT 1000-SECTION 122-BLOCK 02-LOT 23.1 No. OF LOTS: 24 ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK WATER DISTRICT:SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY FIRE DISTRICT: MATTITUCK SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE UFSD No. DATE REVISION BY: PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION MAP DWN. BY: CEO FOR DATE: 10-31-05 COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK SITUATED AT CHK'D BY: MATTITUCK DATE' TOWN OF SOUTFiOLU , SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK JOB No.: 02007 NELSON & POPE FILE No.: ENC3INEER3 • pESIgNERB • SURVEYORS CADD: 02007PYM3 — 572 WALT WHITMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747-2188 SCALE: (631) 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163 SHEET: 1 of 1 I / 91 �IS N J / I% 91 \ \ / w \ 283.00, E / C4 Y \) / LANDS NOW OR FORMERLY OF LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF I S / FALBO BEST FUENTES MOLONEY II 1 / \ I / N69'52'20'E ( \ // 3 N69'5f20"E 229.93' 43.69' \\ \ // v 228' - 42 -,:t m ) \ \ o)/ -LUT-22 PNoi r'- - - LOT 22 - - --� (320) NN // 10 1 N 13,316 sq.ft. w = z 0.31 acres N u. / \ o L - - -- - - --- / \ I a N los' I oN woo y w �\ z \\" l / I tis I wL $ C) -4rLUT 869 25 I LOT " \ 9 158' or" ti 8,961/PQ ftn.7 o \ / _ _ 3•y\ �/ 0.2�acres I m \ I / I ,yI-�OT 20 -32- -• a � \ m 8'832 sq.ft. -- -f-- - m - - /- y \ P0'120 acres I / L--- 32 L -- \ 134 32' / / 141' I _ It -3Q - �w LOT 2 N W 6 r , I 8,213 6q.ft. o N m m LO I II✓ i' / \ 8.44 sq.ft. o 19 I < L 0.19 acres o' I \ / 0.19 acres i° O L - - i 138' I 140' I w Ld m 1 --J� .1 3raeO Qc a 80L3Ses196Ocr I I a z \ / Z \ 0 1 L-- -I 1 139' umliI 139' tJ..l M LOT I "�- - - - / J \ LO 17 - , I 8,386 slp.tt. 8,18q.ft. „� I 0.19 adree Q \ N \ l 0.18 res 139' z i I \\ o I u \ 129' a-- _ _ \ \\✓ N + LOT 5 / a e - -30/ / I \ \ LOT 16�\ 8.0) 0.20 acres) \ \ \ W aC1E9 0 N p I \ N \ L - - - 111' 43.69' a� z \ 123' \ I S72fI5'5 a \ I I- \ 30- 1� `Q.\ LOT It I I 0 \ \ o m 8,000 sa.fC \ \ \\ u 0.16 acnes \ LOT 6I � * - - - - - --- - Q \ 8.000 sq.f . // ofm L I 0.18 acres 111' m ' - ems \LL \ o 121' Z \\ -¢ LOT 7 13,303 sq.ft. to / 1 U1 -- --, •u 1 - - - 0.30 acres L14� _ _ / - \ z\ 8 000`s Ift. m i Q r _ N72'34'02"E 1 - _ 0.18 acres - I LOT 8 96 160'255.99' -zs_ J _ 9.938 sq.ft. i16- - =-- w F- I 0.23 acres - - - LOT 9\ G \ / \ 11.376 sq.fl\ 0.26 acres \ - _2 _20_ \ \\ 8,4Q40 s4 \ \\ o• ` � - - \ // \ I - ` //,. am 0.19 cors ?p ut I _ (23°1 \ 53 9 La L9:7 \\ 4R 66 N aLOT 10 -z \\8000 Q.S. c�5 d \\ \ _ ___ -\ �) (23 s) 'l\ 1 /�.18 acres PC,GE LOT 172Go�B 'I,0p00'N ft. \ // ?@•` _-( \ \\ z o ^'- 0.25 ares (2aa) \PN 9477. _ g / N71'09'30"E \177.27' `-- 120' is- -57' �� / / `� �, - - _ - - - - - --24- - - .--. - Ic - - - (15) // ' LOT 11 / �/ q9. -z 13,724 sq.ft. 25' X200.31 acres r8 \ \ 8 Is \ - �/ /// ry I p5420 o\\ b \` O _ \�\- g,1s S�oPt�" 1 h0< `' 3 0\ sof 9 RECHARGE BASIN \ -/ e 55239%°c /OB Spy oc1E / 3 % `zoo _ _ _ -20, 41.647 sq.ft. \ \ 0.96 acres /_ _ 1 ' -I6, 3 \\ p\ \ ,n %- �P\� / / / DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS REQUIRED: 7.4 X 43,560 X 8/12 X 0.4 = 85,958 \ �.1p�-J �S� / �,o/ APPROXIMATELY 90,000 CF HW 15.0 BOTTOM 8.0 SITE DATA: AREA: 7.4 ACRES \\ \ SCTM:DISTRICT 1000-SECTION 122-BLOCK 02-LOT 23.1 No. \ / \ OF LOTS: 22 - aE�' ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE �- AREA IN LOTS: 4.60 ACRES TABLE OF MODIFICATIONS AREA IN ROADS: EB ACRES 2 C LOT LOT FRONT YARD SIDEVARD REARVARD LOT WIDTH AREA IN RECHARGE BASIN: : 0 ACRES n �r ly C NO. AREA SETBACK SETBACK SETBACK AT SETBACK AREA IN EMERGENCY ACCESS: 0.12 ACRES U - (io,000 S.F.) (35' MIN.) ((15 MINI) (35' MIN.) (80'MIN.) AREA IN OPEN SPACE: 0.24 ACRES 25 TOTA i,, ptI AY - 5 2006 1 8,961 6'MiN/25TOTPL 30' POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK 2 8,213 60' WATER DISTRICT:SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY -- --� 60' FIRE DISTRICT: MATTITUCK s°°'`'oi0I6�� 3 8,335 Pl_^ i' q 8,386 so' SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE UFSD --- -- _ --- 5 9,114 61.7' .....:s,r.,y.-•.:.==w.. 6 6000 72.2' 7 g 9,938 30' 9 10 8,000 No. DATE REVISION BY: 11 76.4' 12 fi9'7 SKETCH PLAN OWN. BY: GEO 13 8,440 64.1' 14 8,000 66.5' COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK DALE: 04-26-0 IS 8,000 65.5' CHK'D BY: JM 16 6,000 64 5' SITUATED AT 17 B,180 60' DATE: 18 8,395 60' -' MATTITUCK 19 8,442 60' TOWN OF SOUTHOLO SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK JOB No.: 02007 20 8,832 60' FILE No.: 21 60' NELSON & POPE 22 su' \a.p.';� I _ CADD: 02007PM ENCIINEERS • MESIONERS • SURVEYORS - 572 WALT WHITMAN ROAD. MELVILLE, N.Y. 'H747-2188 SCALE: 1"=5C ___ (631) 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163 SHEET: 1 of 1 Sot, gxrt EL,348t9 6 H 00. 6pe NSB. �.e. N x� "°nuD .;p.006f u„ ` xR ^nR'W xr Me It • ON LINE �` q0 Yet "rz> ..0 26 w I 00 PEp DEED 9 I � -R.m3 I y, M W s> rEN STA 0+50 FEN 1 35,8 a OC.R1W ACT 3 1 N1I e0 W .17 90' VC 1 Z .3 S ryJ.M.�x- S „ � L�� < W 3 (� • M14 pD ED o b c o H p : y m 2 Z A4 36x 3G rU4 U 5 5 N E I ED AEN J g 0.6'W M.D.5.G' W 1 =1Y DE FRAME ewc p4' 1e mp O 20ex /22+50 s OB 53.35 o z ss° u3 H.s E W INV 29.5 STA 2+50 xw t ,4 rA GA FE 3e' w F169'S2'20"E INV 29 0 38.00' N.x N69'52'2 "E 235.62' FER GOEGULA, ,p, M4 1.6' W GAR I 5'Ai01CKADE FENCE x e'E FEND oX8 x 3 Me pry Np MON FNp MI k S,E' HON GA o. EAI 234 �p �c T.H. ?� x/ x FFH p.e'w. 518'39'40"E Y m - - "-- 63x0 / DATE PT w. - 28.73' DO � p FLOT 22_ ----- / IRs M N WOODED N TORE rt Z M. i 3031 a,657 cres - ,--- -J/ A1' g TOP 3t.7 , INV 25.95 LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF .I 214' COUNTY OF SUFFOLK r - --- 7 LEANING •lo° '„ LOT 21 / / J "ON FOUND 111,135 sq.k. / , yz / 1.3' E Sip p 3Z m1 10.26 acres31.A. N �,) /� CI --_�_ "0 u2 1 I "u. i. I 161' ST j+ D I ,;. ' `` _ 7- - - TO 30. o 50 LOT LI SLOT 20 / IN 25.e7q L / / / 13,167 spall. II r c 1 1 8917 EGA. r° 1 L-_0_30 acreel w 1 1 10.20 acres I / TEST HOLE Na. 2 xyT, C-4 TEST HOLE C 1 GATED 3-3p-O6 LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF OAiEa 3-30-06 1 133' u4 1I O AYNLIN BY ,UFFfILx COUNTY HEALTH AHD TOWN IK / .1 M // ,,,t N HEALTH AND MAN OF iq N -1 HAMPTON INSPECTORS HAMPTON INSPECTORS 141' 30,0) IY /�- -- - 1" K N EL SAo EL 21.5 ne R41 R/ '-LOT 19 -- - i If� / 8,20 Tsq•ft'I II '1> '� N MPP SOIL TOP PT)IL 18,444 sq.ft. m // L_ - -0_19 aaeeJ I" m - ( 0 / 1 d.19 acres < I n / I q -0.5 -0s K J I` I I LOAM LOAM I mw ! / •3x3 STA., tqa ' I� - 1 - 138' I w °N (OL) xaal I - - - NG -2 _2 `S'>e'.I 1 1401-mex TOP 20 O - --1€ b 1 `_- - -_ __ W.INV 25J0 • a G `}IIC'd° Ing 1, m.+ 3v+1 < - -fI.INV 23.57 :{I 3Kz ` I i.. _.....1 " O E > 231 rLOT 18 INV 23.60 _ I� 4' 19'CPp 0214%Ra s 3DDT 3 m 4 ENE SANG -185 FINE SAND OI I 14' 15'155LF,_�P O 214E CBA'ASp+ODI 1. _. :`�+.`S5 Is G: R G LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF (SP) (SP) -16.1 GROUND WATER O, 8,3959q.ft. I' 'T�RG.45 L- --Q7�a9reJ Z 3 O DIAZ E_Ev is 0.19 acre, STA.µµ5+00 IryY 24q vl E N L- - TO 7e.{$ Gal E DO, -22.0 EIEV 12,0 -21.0 EIEV 0.5 An b INV 24.0 2 - N / 1 139' ` / 10 i ai w Z I 139, 'a C31 ---- J•'z W 3nx M r-- I`in"' Bzv o .x3.9 0 __ STA. B+5D I LOT ' I '°I o FS+.> - 1 PN 2297 4 LOT 17 •'+•e I ACT 27.61 I 8,407 eq.kl LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF TD31 HOLE NG, 3 TEST HOLE No. 4 y 8,181 sq.ft/ 5o' VC .7 CLA acres I 1 a q MCGETRICK DATED 3-30-05 DAM BY 30-05 V - -- BY e O x COUNTY ,\ HEALTH AND M M OF TOWN OF HAMPTON .m4 Le „",> -~C19 au 6- - J ` j� •t / �MGx HAMPTON INSPECTORS DRAINAGE INSPECTORS 4 %RIA .RIs /- I n / - , 144' 1 pb E DP E EL 26,5 EL. 11.8 rc I // - - - - �- 0.>' E MP 511E a 1� °� , TOP SOIL (PT) xv.p 129' I (PT) I N � � I ( n LOT 16 I LOT 5 0.5 U. / L 17 ,q,Ttl M LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF LOAM -0'S LOAM @ 6e."8,000 eq.ft. YB.0) I UcfJ�- £ ZANESKI (OL) .:>.G o - L° 0.18 acres T.H. n - - (OL) _2 -2 a.e Ra.R #'3 m. i N I �- I FEN,.5' E GROUND N ''-L- �_-- - -1 L.I ID, 111' m�IAEN E'" MON FlNE SAND WATER RE . Y.p wMy�� 11 W 4 a d' I % N. ME[ 4 N� ps E (SP) z N z 123' �61J I i - -- ymIFEtt 572'05'50"W FINE SAND -e ElEv. 3.e 3 rLOT 15 - I 001 CA E 43.69' ISP) -tzs Else 17 ° O m i B. eq.ft, (, I io hjo LOT 6 I 00, rl -z20 EIEv ss xRep se. 0 1 10.18 acres 0 �' _ �_ _EHL 1 8,001 eq.fL OSI E w o mQ� `L01B acre) �cwxl6 O iN FIE LAND NOVI OR FORMERLY OF BRADLEY Z 0 Ia SIE ILL o 121 "ase ��. �m 910 �'• E N GO I au rLOT 14 - Q, �N ,i, N72'34'02"E 255.99' - (n 18,001 9q.k. `DID ` n LI,O'E Co / IRECOULAR 4- MME FENCE \1 4' 0C FENCE F s' z '10.18 Gores 1 (, m - _ ! 1 I 03 FIND 64' i 40' '= MrN°o. _ # , R"R oUND z L- - - - � TA,a*� f -J- LOT 7 I AVEN TtA,TOP,1a2Oe 111323.III;ft Lor $ - ,\ IZm 5 _ UE 'N INV 17.62-a .I( / 10.26 ac� - �^ 9,805,eq.ft. ` a "�8 O1 A wax Fpuxp i.3 119' zr, @ / / ,bg i \ 0.2,i acres mG LOT 10 1 PKw- w xxve r _ <� �i xx3'1 �uC\ \ 15,817 sq.ftl Izw` ..N FOUND '8O 'u''4 LOr 13 l�D i _ `{'" _ - ' \ 0.36 acres c9 Ld I8 ,541 -s(Tk. \ c� II zC\N '0.19 acres xRLr�� TA. s+DO WOODED IN ` ` m ACT 20,P 20 qOT,\ 33' �i� 9 \ \ � ' in Q so vc v� 9�9 0 9� II �/ I' ' ° E►"l VE .xG.rs N a 138' _ Sy, °t / I GE .N• \ T.H. ,'D. NO.I 1L i� X12 17'NG`l P ,5` W rLDT 12 •10> \ 7R. \qy# STA. 10+70.47 g 1 EtG�ct°9 22b'4y? 9 = ': X11 111,079 sq•ft. c PM 19.17 m i' ',"-"',I 10.25 acres i� \ sa?vc.zz 33' H PMOL / p+pp - \ 2 0) N I F(\P a SQ( ' S, LEGEND N71'09'30"E 177.27' ,I 18s �'� Is 'sa\'ti ,d * N 60• I EGES'�5g9 „>y - - xtae x175 i ` N• \ M'I'O'M STA. 10+70 B `v Ma+x uxp _ aux NGuxD _ - - / i \ 'yp, t�20 - x_ x EXISTING FENCE tl e p °t / MA Gbn Np__ _ _- �- _ - _ INVµ I` 0.5 IN i ' 4'� �, - 1 � ® EXISTING CATCH BASIN 7 t, A616 , ❑ WV EXISTING WATER VALVE ice 6E ® EXISTING DRAIN INLET � ° x,:1 1 a - _- -_ M V fFPFOP i'H�. �P�yjbt tIH\ - 3�o QVFF` a��'�. xp•. oLLo MM I ' - 9 -a EXISTING DRAINAGE MA NHO LE g NV4 T.H.- e 4 RECHARGE EAStAL-A4_ EXISTING UTILITY POLE �p 46, sq.11L � _- _ _LO.7gpree- _- _ _ _ _ _ _NEXISTING OVERHEAD WIRES Ir. DO N ID x1AG L0 x+e EXISTING TOP OF CURB ELEVATION i 3ma _ -__ __ _ _,F _ _ - at ;'� °j-' a "� 111TC12.8 P12.8 EXISTING PAVEMENT ELEVATION O 1 =az �'e ` °j�' r'x°� _t�. �Y• GR12 83 EXISTING GRATE ELEVATION - 4A IA - X03 _ - � R 7r' 12.8 EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION x - - - -- T.H. TEST HOLE - - S I 3 5 * A �-(20)- EXISTING CONTOURS �L1 A It 1 34 peV' °T '-'(26)- PROPOSED CONTOURS F. xu, 6 p 5A , PROPOSED CATCH BASIN f4No; "'A 50• R. 0. W. SAYa✓, 9 2B'-D'I COTTAGE WAY ° 2 -0 +00 TO 2+50 6• PROPOSED DRAINAGE PIPE 11-D' 4' ' ENIHANCE 0 -0• -(D)- ,AGe FpO"0 sD DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 20•-0• c/. PROPOSED MANHOLE REQUIRED: eoe s' CROWN PAVEMENT: 45,000 x 8/12 x 1.0 = 30,OOD (TC12.8) PROPOSED TOP OF CURB ELEVATIC 6' REPEAL LAND: 92,344 x 8/12 x 0.2 = 38,979 1 (P12•8) PROPOSED PAVEMENT ELEVATION TOTAL = 6B,979 1 1/2' ASPHALT WEARING COURSE CUNORE E 3 1/2' DENSE BINDER (GRI 2.83) PROPOSED GRATE ELEVATION a' STABILIZED COMPACTED SUBBASE APPROXIMATELY 719,000 C.F. IN RECHARGE BASIN (12.8) PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION HIGH WATER = 11.5TYPICAL ROAD SECTION BOTTOM 6.00 PROPOSED CURB NOT TO SCALE NON-DISTURBED VEGETATED BUFFI NOTE: ALL ROOF RUN-OFF SHALL BE PIPED TO INDIVIDUAL LOT LEACHING POOLS. TABLE OF MODIFICATIONS ��•����lyr��f J-��n�ann`�1 y LOT LOT FRONT YARD SIDE YARD REARYARD LOT WIDTH 1 NO, AREA 5ETHACK S(ETBACK 5ET6ACK AT SETBACK (1D,OD0 S.F.) (35' MIN.) (25 TOTA�) (35' MIN.) (80' MIN.) 2 I JUN - 2 2006 1 zD' L 2 8,204 60.00' _____J 3 8,335 60.00' Spin . aiI PlarNpi 1 - 4 6,407 60.00' 9,117 61,75' S 72.24' REVISION v,•,,,A,. _ . _ - 6 8,001 No, DATE 8 91805 73.40' PRELIMINARY MAP Dw". BY: 9 9,837 60.60' ., 1- Yom+ SITE DATA: 65.95• DATE: OS 10 R = ':^sl"�`<�.:�-f�' COTTAGES AT MATTITUCK AREA: 7.4 ACRES 11 62,08' AA/ .. , - 1 , qe,1 CHK'D BY: SCTM:DISTRICT 1000 - SECTION 122 - BLOCK 02 - LOT 23.1 69.73- SITUATED AT 12 /`ft3 '=': MATTITUCK NUMBER OF LOTS: 22 18 8 441 64.12' j DATE: OE ZONE: AHD RESIDENCE 14 B,oD1 65,50' /' Ew� S.C.T.M. DISTRICT 1000, SECTION 112, BLOCK 02, LOT 'ec JOB N1.: AREA IN LOTS: 4.93 Acres 15 8,000 / O+'h 1;4p6 MYA NEW YORK Sfi e,ODO 64.50' '4 TOWN OF SOUTHOLO , SUFFOLK COUNTY^ AREA IN ROADS: 1.26 Acres 6204, 1sa"" aV FILE No.: 10 17 e,1e1 ��"`-','F'EsstoM & POPE AREA IN RECHARGE BASIN: 1.07 Acres fiD,00' '"'°� NELSON AREA IN EMERGENCY ACCESS: 0.14 Acres 18 8,395 CADD: 19 B 444 60.00' ENOINEERB • OESIONERB • SURVEYOR8 FIELD TOPOGRAPHY DATE: MAY 9, 2006 61.65` SCALE: 20 8,917 72.18' 572 WALT WHFFMAN ROAD, MELVILLE, N.Y. 11747-2188 POST OFFICE: MATTITUCK 21 (631) 427-5665 FAX (631) 673-4163 SHEET: WATER DISTRICT:SUFFOLK COUNTY WATER AUTHORITY 22 68.32' FIRE DISTRICT: MATTITUCK SCHOOL DISTRICT: MATTITUCK-CUTCHOGUE UFSD z4 " Gv -tot e 5 Iw xtUrNr Te ErfA i Ro uZ,z Fj g >1 . a o . LL 690.52 { : N690 'E 135.62' ! wee e 1$.39 , E ►o72z ... �.�s .73 IngtZ SW`s?2o o!✓ s „p DODUMapWy4w rr LM21it. sqjt. D 160.67' . f p L569'62' J 5720•W. N. W1DfipAOFORa6RLypp u2 7r tr r --i i; .. I uaru I s o —j S�WSWWW W14 { VoRNA7esus7ARy/rior!eaes . I N m QN Lpf 18 d IB W.R.. I' i+1�"'j - <- 3�eps8 wL-�f ND � ., OWN* .5� `lr.--.1. .� NDWORfaRNec,-y ..•.. ryry W. : 969'fiY26'W W�/PRIVA76'.8Al0TARY NJ - ' euc Wa F,pfvRwA79agwAW/W wan IA �� MOV '. ` : � ,i' e:` � e� 870"5510'W�MW W Sy"qWA.T6"rr'%Ry .; 87M28'p`NV .72003 • [� M U.; g I BwrW .� a L •°°..J. L a Ei;taekneasy! ":a �.YofMgWe 8 14 a W 72°34 35S 99' T �oa6aae � 9 � s7bw""w c 6or7ac xoaD - UJgu 11�' ugm "a SFA Qa o . ..r13736.'f� . � 6 ���. �*•iv N71009'30"E. 177.27 Z {.. �i �5p`'61 3122' •W u FOUND, s se5 RECHARGE BASIN T PO PEDESTRIAN AND 49.203 w, 55�°3 Aid ERMCYACCr;SS ` Se to eTOWN �vn+�a D�"E. p�� T°rowNww c s°ur t°DEOICATEDIOTHE s.5ssacres R.fiat NOle r \.p h O1 . o.; MAY 1 9 .2008 . A9 -