HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12405 P 716 '. LI :2Lf-DS f11Lr Db t. 1000 Sec. 104 Blk. 02 Lot 17 104-- )-/7 Bargain and Sale Deed with Covenant against Granlar's Acls Individual or Corporation . CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNINC THIS INSTRUMENT - THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE. made the 2301 day of~uly in the year 2005 BETWEEN Ann B. McCaughey, rending at 375 Riverside Drive, New York, New York 10025. partyof the first part, and Robert A. McCaughey, residing at 375 Rivenide Drive, New York, New York 10025. party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, do hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part Corever, ALL that cerlain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold. County of Suffolk and Slate of New. Yor!t. being part of lot No. 42 as shown on a "Map of Nassau Farms," and filed in the Suffolk County Oerk's Office on March 28, 1935 as Map No. 1179, bounded and descrilll.'d as follows: BEGINNING at'a point on the southwesterly side of Pine Tree Road where same is intersected by the southerly line of said lot 42, which point is distant 73.72 fect northerly as measured along the southwesterly side of Pine Tree Road from the intersection of the southwesterly side of Pine Tree Road and the northerly side of Sterling Road; and from said point oC beginning. RUNNING THENCE South 85 degn.'eS 59 minutes West, 237.62 feet; THENCE North 04 degrees 14 minutes West, 61.58 feet; THENCE North 85 degrees 47 minutes 20 seconds East, 187.55 feet to the southwesterly side oC Pilll! Tree Road; THENCE along the southwesterly side of Pine Tree Road. South 42 degrees 58 minuh!s 40 seconds East, 80 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. PREMISES are the same as conve)'ed to the party of the first and second part by the deed oC Rufus E. Standefer, n dated October 18, 2001, recorded in Suffolk County .Clerk's Officc at liber 121.53, cp 919 on November 20, 2001. PREMISES are also designated as District 1000, Section 104, Block 02, Lot 17 on SCTM and known as 2B6O Pine Tree Road, Cutchogue, New York. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part of, in and to any streets and roads abutting the above-dcscribed premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the fU'S1 party in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or succ~'SSOrs and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the Cirst part, in compliance with Section 13 of the lien Law, covenants that the party oC the first part will receive the COIUlideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying th~. cost of the improvement and will apply the same first lQ. the v.<I}'}l\ent pf .tilt; cost of the improvement beCore using any part of the total for-<<ny glher..p.!':tP.osc~ .: . - The word "party" shall be construed as if it read 'parti~~ '~hrn~i'!~"')c"d.af this ind.!nlure so requires. . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly execuk.'(1lhis deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: ~;.~~ . #&~6t-~ A;~l.uton/ 8111ck/8iU'1~1 McCaushoy use AOIOLLTOCNT FOOl BCLlJlllmlIN NCIIl'll1K STATE ONI.Y' IJSf AOJf.'lII fIXNNI I (Rf IIHllIl/ITllIN NOII'OO. STATE ONI.Y' Slale of New York" County of Sufi'alk I...: Stale uf New York. County of fa' On tho 21rd day c>f July in tho ywr 2llI15 "'foro ""', tho IUldL"'igno...J. "'...""'0>' app"aMl Ann B. McCaur,hoy ~",.II)' kl"ll)Wft to me or f"'O\'N 10 ~ on I'M Ntis of SoIlUif.l(lury ,..vh.k.'ft.l: to be pt."notmaUy krown b" un: en' proYL'\l 10 me ~I tb: b.a.is of !tOItisfllL1Uf)' tho U1dividwll') ~'h.... IWmo(.) " (....) .uboniNd .. I'" wllhln IIulrumont ond O\1dona1lo be lhe IndlYid..I(.) whooo 00Il1O\') Is (0"') sub5crih.od ..Iho ocknowloda<d '" n.. lhal hc/..../Ihor L......."ILod tho Nme 1ft hls/hor/u..I, within Inslrumml and ..._wk<dgt'd .. Ilk' lhsl hc/..../Iiu!y "".'CUlod C'OpocII)1....~ and lhal hls/hor/lhoi, slllll3"''''(') on lhe _..t tho tho "'""" In h1s/hL'I'/lhLv ..paclly(iL..), III\d lhst hiII/ho</lhLoir indlvidual{.), ." tho "'.."".. u"'.,~ "rwhlch tho Indl\'ldual(S1 acIL..J.;E"",",,1 'snaIUlO5(.) on tho inslrumont. the Indivldual(s), or th. person uron IIll"ln.lllllnlMl'I'It. ;lj ~ ~ - halt ,,( ","hk'h the." lndtvldull(!I) at~ n..<('u~ thC" INurumlonl 1'~ .,."WMI!~.III , ~ Q~Drr- ea.... "110....... D ~ ACKNClI\1.F.DCMFN"I mHM FOR IIS/i I\TIHIN N/iIVIVRK S'I~'1C ONL l" ACKNm\lLncMr.NT fIlRAf fIlR US/: O!m;~r.W lURK STATF. ONU': (0.' ofSI."'.fF""'iJ. c.-...ml Arlt'mfd'...., ('.l1lft'",,) On lb. dayuf bLof"... ""', tho undorolftl"'d. r'''nnoIly ap"",nK1 In tho ,....,:an; (N<-rv \"t.d: S.lomH., IVi/..... Ad.....oJn/g...../ Cmlf/roI") State u( Nt.!w Y~U'k, Cnunt)" nr IA: On tho day uI .....tho undo...1I""L ........ollj' 'pp"alt'd (Cornplr" V,".n~lh S.."" I.....i.''''', At..in,.,.ty) In Il1o yo.u 2llIl5 h.of... 01\ tho doy.d b..ofun!..... Ihc und..'I!Iigno...J. "'.........uyappo!Dl\od In 1~)'\'Or 2005 tho .."""bing wi........ Ihc fn"'l.~.ng Inslrumont with whom I'm I'>"""""1lj"lK\jualnll!d. whn. !wIng by"", dul)' ''''''''- did d.opnoo and..y th,1 h.'..../th.y MoIdoo(.) .......nall' lenow.. 10 IIlO on I'" bull ulNUs/aclll!)' ..!.L...... to be t'" tndlvldual(5) "'~ MInI'(5) b~ Ian!) "ubw:rlbttd. to th.! WIIhIn In.liIillrummt and _Irdgod .. "'" lhsl ~/"""/iho!y ,,,,,,,..od ..... "'''''' In lwo/her/lhLv ClIp.o:ity(Il!lII.lhsl by hio/hcr/tholr lIlgnalUro(.) on the! instrument IIIc individ....(.~ nr.... porIUII upon behalf 01 which tho individual/.) actod. lhe instrumc:ont. and that such individual matlt" 5uch .prwrilnn" hd\lft! lho und.rslgned In the '" be tho hlllividual dC!lCribod in and woo ...xuled tho Cnrogoing inllrum<nl; ...xul<> lIIo..mo; and lhst Mid witn....t tho some limo JUbocrlbod hls/hor/thol, JWJ'I(!ls).IS. "itncss th(lT(!fo. (Inst" ,hr city or 01,," pDli,imI .,lhIitJisiol, find lilt s""r",. nHlIIlry or DlI~r pi"" "" "'*.aroINS.M.'.... ,*..) f.. , BARGAL"" .. SALE PI!I!D lYith CllV<!I1ants .g,lnsl Cronk,,', kill TITI...E NO. Ann B. McCaughey DlSfRlCf SEcnON BLOCK 1.01'5 COUNfY OR TOWN 1000 104 02 17 Suffolk TO Robert A, McCaughey R/~rUIlN BY MAIL TO FROF.H1.1CH, MAHONY & dtBRUTN 34 Willis AWllut Mintola, N~, York 77501 A/In: William E. tkBnlill, "" F.sq, RF.CORDlNC /NrORAlAl1l1N; Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Ccnifieatc # Prior Ctf. # D<<d I Mongagc Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax SllImp 3 FEES P-.II!e I Piling Fcc Handling TP-5114 5. J1!L Notalion EA-52 17 tCounty) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total ~ Comm. of Ed. Affidavit 5. tlO Cenified Copy NYS Surchllrgc Other IS. ...QQ.... Sub TOlal Grand Tola! REC'OR[ofD 2005 jloJg 25 111261O:i Ili'I EdIHlrd P.RoIllaine CUPJ( OF Sl'FFOlK COUHTY L ??oo12405 P 716 uTI O'5-C3~6 Recording I Filing Sl:IJI\pS ) MortglIge Amt. I. BlI.~ic Tux 2. Additional Tax Sub TOLaI SpecJA...sit. or Spc:c./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appointment _ ~ _ TrunsferTux ~ _ Mllnsion Tax _ The properly .'Overed by this mOrlillgc is or will be improved b)' a one or two famil)' dwelling onl)'. YES llr:-;O If NO. _ appropriate llIX clause on page # of this instrumcnt. Lot ()!7.(j(JO 5 Community Preservation Fund Real Propcn)' Tax Service Agenc)' Verification i 050~9 1000 10400 0200 017000 .rp T S' (RCSE ~ ~------ 6 SatisfactionslDischargeslReleases List Properly Owncrs Mailing Address RECORD" RETURN TO: fYAlrcl., ~ ~ ~.~ ~ Nil/is IJVU\ "'-Q -. )1tti..~o-e..., ~~ 11~1 ~ '.\ij~llt\~"'^ f ,.dc..BI'~ -. Suffolk Count Recordin Consideration Amount S I I I i CPF Tax Due S Improved Vacanl1..wuJ _ 10 TO TO TD 8 & Endorsement Pa e (S) This page fonlls p:IlI of the allachcd tht It f3. fit It r:o.M~~ OF INSTRUMENT, made by: lbe premises herein is silUated in SUFFOLK CO(;~TY. :SEW YORK. . I<n~~~C~~A ~.t SrldtJJ (ewer) IIIIIIIIII~ 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument. DBBDS/DDD Numbs~ of Pages. 3 Receipt HUmbe~ & 05-0089359 TRANSFBR TAX HUMBER: 05-03836 Reco~ded& At. 08/25/2005 11&26&05 All LIBBR: PAGE: D00012405 716 Dist~ict: 1000 Section. Block: 104.00 02.00 'll!YlUIINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 017.000 Deed Amount: Received the Following :ree. :ro~ Ahove InBtrument Exlllllpt Exempt Page/:riling $9.00 NO H....d1ing $5.00 11'0 COB $5.00 NO II'YS SRCBG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 11'0 BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 11'0 Ce~t.CopieB $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 11'0 SCTK $0.00 NO T~lIDBfe~ taz $0.00 11'0 CClIIIIIl.P~e. $0.00 11'0 :ree. Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX II'OMBBR: 05-03836 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTallMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdwa~ P.Rcmaine County Cle~k, Suffolk County FOR COUNlY USE ONLY CI. SWIS eo. PLEASE TYPE ORPRESS' FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG (jN" FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;/I www.orps.8late.ny.ul or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT IY,?,3.J?,9,PI * CZ.Ilo1e__ I ei" ~/((.,5T ." 1:3._ I /...? ,~,O,1-rc........1 ,7./ ,'I ,.' 'I - PROPERTY INFORMATION ITAlIDf__ ITAlI_ OF Ill!AL PRlII'Bl1Y IERVICEI RP - 5217 .p.pn 11ft JWI "-I 2860 LaatIan .._, -.. Pine Tre. Road ITllEtrNA.: Soueho1d an Ciit fGWN Cutchollue ...... Il!?~ I.~ -- MCCau: .....,...., Robert A. -- LAIT "'--/CQIIMNY -..... 3.. T.. ..... whInI lua." 'II 11III..10 be_ I IIIIIne M_____fIl_of_l. - LA&IU.'~ ..., IMMl 'l.iT-..-RAND~I!1'NAIII CII'I""_ srAll ZlrIZQ; I.=-I - PRaNT ...., lx' ......... lOR 1 'NMi .014 1 IOnIy . Port... '.-J _ ....., ....... .... PIInNna lIoIn1wi1h ,........IIiIIanA&ftrlty EMIlI 0 "'___RoquirodlorTr_ 0 C. -AjIprlMd far --- MIp- 0 4. ........ '1M number 01 .....,_nt ..... ,.,.... traMMed on 1M ... 11 ..1_ OR 0 Port......... ..- Na... McCaum --, 4W..J. LAlIT u../COMI"MV -- A~ OnoFamlly_1 B 2...FamIly_ C Rll6dll'ltlal VICIni lind D Non A8tIdlrMill VlGlnt Land I SALE INFORMATION I ".1010 _Data E ~ Agltcull..., I' Com_I a """_ II E......lnllllflll Arnu_ I ~ CommunIIy Slnrica J _101 II: .....11c SorvIco L ForUI. -...--.....,"""" ..~pTyPoIo~ .. _ ConoIrucIIon on v..... Land 1ClA."'-'Y~_OlI_mmlcI 11I.__.__..-.. ......_IIInOllAtl__ o o o o 7. CMc:k .... beNe MIow whiIh molt 8CCUl'llteIv' ........ 1M ... 01 tile ......., _ 1M tam. rlI ....: - 1 "'" I YIa' 11. a.dI;... or ......... _....IIoM........ tolnnlllr. ^ x 1olo -. _... For_ RoI_ 8 &.II ....... He..... Campenlel or PMner. in 8&aI,... C Clnaallllo~io.Ioo._ D &uy.r or Seller II GovImrnent ArJw;t;y or Lendng InIIiIulion E Oood TyPo... w.....'" Of IIorua01 oncI SIlo ISpodfy _I I' 1olo"_ Of~ lhan Foo l_lSpodly_ a Sogni_ Ola"ll" In "'-"" _ T_ __ oncIloIo 00.. " Solo 0I1MI_1o Incl.-In 1olo PrIco I llINr Un_ _ ~ 1olo PrIco ISpocIIy_1 J Nono Transfer between wife and husband 12. Du8 .,...., Tr..... 07 - 1 23 "" I 05 .... , . ,0 .0.0 I , , . IFuI_ Prlca II Iha _...... pokl for... proporly IncludllIII_ _rIy. _ _ _ bo in"" form 01-' _ _........ or'" -....... 01 ..._....""-, --.....-----. ,.. - 1M -.......... I 0 0 I --.....- . . . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 0... ohould rellect I"" ..... Flnll_ Ralllnd TIX Bill '1 FuII_ ..... ,..::....~.=-I 0.4 Ill.T___IoI............_1 , , .7 .6 .0 .0 I , ,.._a.. 12. 1. Ol-[lJ 11.___1 Mat~i~uc:k 10. T..__'...._III.....__._____, 10ist 1000, Sec. 104, B1k. 02, Lot 17 I I CERTIFICATION I ,.....".... ..1Il..........IIl__~... __......._ ...___ r..... booia".-y _.......... boIIoI)_ 1"""- ................. tJI.., wIItbI .......... 01......... ....... hmba will ......... .. III'" 8I"M1II0RI 111M De.... ....1'IIIIIw! tu the-........ .... _ f16 ......1l.A:l. __Ilk IUD!! 8UYER'S AnoRNEY __ ~""' - !t".:::" '!!.'ar'..o.. 375 I Riverside Drive - Ap' ~F. 516 248-6500 I1MIrNUMlill I11lIlrlWAIAfTDIUI,II ""'CaJI! rlJ.lllMQNE..... New York CII'I""'- NY IT." 10025 ..- m.Lm ~ five,. ~ ' .. - Ann B. :4ca ey NEW YORK STATE COpy 7/23/05 ....