HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-18.-5-13.8 BOARD MEMBERS JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR GEORGE D. SOLOMON PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MAILING ADDRESS: ~2~/ P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cot. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 To: Town of Southold Planning Board From: Mark Terry, 'Senior Environmental Planner LWRP Coordinator DEC 23 2005 Date: December 23, 2005 Re: Proposed Site Plan for Orient Fire District Telcom Tower Located at 23300 Main Road, Orient SCTM #1000-18-5-13.8 Zone: R-80 The proposed action has been reviewed to Chapter 95, Waterfront Consistency Review of the Town of Southold Town Code and the Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP) Policy Standards. Based upon the information provided on the LWRP Consistency Assessment Form submitted to this department as well as the records available to me, it is my determination that the proposed action is generally CONSISTENT with the Policy Standards and therefore is CONSISTENT with the LVqRP provided that the following standard best management practices are implemented. Pursuant to Chapter 95, the Planning Board shall consider this recommendation in preparing its written determination regarding the consistency of the proposed action. Policy 1. Foster a pattern of development in the Town of Southold that enhances community character, preserves open space, makes efficient use of infrastructure, makes beneficial use of a coastal location, and minimizes adverse effects of development. This site plan is for a new construction of a 4000 sq. fL communication compound with 90' monopole, 45 f~ south of existing metal building. A 6 ft chain link fence with vinyl slats would enclose the compound. Fifty-one 6 ft arborvitae will be planted to screen the compound. The property is located south of a designated New York State Scenic Byway. Policy 3. Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. Policv Standards 3.1 Enhance visual quality and protect scenic resources throughout the Town of Southold. ~ ~1. Minimize introduction of structural design components (including utility lines, lighting, signage and fencing) which would be discordant with existing natural scenic components and character. The proposed action is located south of State Road 25, a New York Scenic Byways. The monopole cell tower is proposed at 90' and will impact the scenic quality of the area. Mitigation proposed by the applicant to reduce impacts include painting the monopole white. To further mitigate visual impact the following is recommended. I. Require that the compound be relocated east of and behind the fire station building. The move would further cluster the development on the parcel and use existing development to screen portions of the proposed compound. 2. It is recommended that the Planning Board require a flag pole type monopole. Policy 5. Protect and improve water quality and supply in the Town of Southold. To further Policy 5, and protect and improve the water quality and supply in the area, it is recommended that the following best management practices be required: 3. Require the use of native plants and encourage the use of disease-resistant and drought-tolerant plants in landscaping. 4. Require a two year survival requirement for all planted vegetation. 5. Recommend the use of mulch materials generated by the Town of Southold Compost Facility which contribute to the replenishment of organic matter in local soils and help reduce the reliance of fertilizers and herbicides and minimize the reduction of fertilizers and herbicides in the Town's ground and surface waters. Please contact me at (631) 765-1938 if you have any questions regarding the above. Cc: Bruno Semon, Senior Site Plan Reviewer PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS JERILYN B. WOODHOUSE Chair WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN H. SIDOR GEORGE D. SOLOMON PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 OFFICE LOCATION: Town Hall Annex 54375 State Route 25 (cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.) Southold, NY Telephone: 631 765-1938 Fax: 631 765-3136 Date: November 15, 2005 To: From: Re: Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals Southold Town Building Department Southold Town Clerk for Southold Town Board Josh Horton, Southold Town Supervisor Southold Town Board of Trustees Southold Town Engineer * Mark Terry, Local Water Revitalization Program Coordinator ' Suffolk County Department of Health Services * New York State Department of Transportation Suffolk County Water Authority * Suffolk County Planning Department Architectural Review Committee, c/o Town Clerk Victor L'Eplattenier, Site Plan~/~ Agency Referral requests required under Southold Town Code Article XXV 100-254 Review Procedure part C the Planning Board refers this site plan for concerns, comments and Jurisdiction requirements if applicable. Dear Reviewer: The site plan status is a New Active Site Plan. Below is site plan application information pertaining to the listed project: Orient Fire District 23300 Main Road, Orient SCTM# 1000-18-5-13.8 This site plan is for Co-Location of Nextel @ 85' height, Cingular @ 75' height & Verizion @ 65' hei on proposed 90' communications flagpole tower with fire/police emergency communication mounte on a cross bar @ 90' height includes a 58'x58'x 6' high fenced enclosure on a 4.4 acres parcel in th R-80 Zone located at s/s/o Main Road at the s/e intersection on Main Road and Tabor Road in Orie SCTM#(s) 1000-18-5-13.8 Attached is a copy of the site plan application for your review. Please respond on your agency's position of the above action. TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SITE PLAN APPLICATION SECTION A: Site Plan Name and Location Application Date: Ne-~"~'ngu~Wlre~ PCS, LLC; Nextel of New York, Inc. Site Plan Name: and New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ~'t Orieht Fire Utstrict Suffolk County Tax Map #1000_ 18 5 13.8 Other SCTM #s: Street Address: 23300 Main Road Hamlet: Orient, New York DJstaaeetonem'estinte~eetion: Southeast corner of Main Road and Tabor Road Type of Site Plan: x New Amended If Amended, last approval date: __/ _/ __ Residential SECTION B: Owners/Agent Contact Information Please list name, mailing addr~vs, and phone number.for the £eople below: Property Owner Orient Fire District Street 23300 Main Road City_ 0 r i e n t State N Y Home Telephone ........ Other _Zip. 11957 See Attached Addendum "A" for Additional Co-Applicant Information *(1)Applicant [~ew Cinqular Wireless PCS, LLC Street 333 Crossways Park Drive City Woodbury State NY _Zip 11797 Home Telephone Other Applicant's Agent or Representative: Attorney for Co-Applicants: ContactPerson(s)* Lawrence C. Re' Munley, Meade, Nielsen & Re' Street 36 North New York Avenue City Huntington State NY Zip 11743 Office Telephone 631-425-4100 Other 631-425-4104 *Unless otherwise re~uested, correspondence will be sent only t~' the' contact person noted her*. Page 1 of 2 I0/05/05 SECTION C: Si, te Da!'_~ Proposed construction type: _ New X~Modification of Existing Structure Cha~ge of use Property total acreage or square footage: 4.36 ._ac./~q~ Site Plan build-out acreage or square footage: 4_~.Q~_000. ~xt~x'sq. ft. Is there an existing or proposed Sale of Development Rights on the property? Yes Agricultural No x If yes, explain:_. Property Zoning Distrlct(s): Residential R-80 Building Depmlment Notice of Disapproval Date: 1___0 / 12 / 05 Is an application to the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals required? Yes x No if yes, have you submitted aa application to the ZBA? Yes x NO ---'--' -- If yes, attach a copy of the application packet. ~ Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more then one use is proposed per building, indicate square footage of floor area per use. List all existing property uses: Fire District Firehouse and ..Public Safety List all pmposed property uses: P~ublic Utility Wireless le]ecommunicati~gns Facility Other accessory uses: Existing lot coverage: 5.1 % Proposed lot coverage:. _ 5.4~% ~rross noor ar~-ot exmtmg su'ucmre(s): 9,669 sq. fi. Cn'oss floor area of proposed structure(s): 566 SF 'parking Space Data: N/A-No changes ~ill be made 't-o avMlable park~n§. I# of existing spaces:~4£.. # of proposed spaces: _ 0 Loading Berth: Yes~ No')< Landscaping Details: Existing landscape coverage: 74.6 Waterfront Data: lis this property within 500" of a wetland area? Yes % Proposed landscape coverage:.. 74. ~__% [ No x If yes expla_in_'. .... I, the undersigned, certify that all the above info~aatin,n is true. Munley,J~eade, Nielsen & Re SignatureofPreparer:.~/~ ~ Date:" rawrence C. R[ Paoe 2 of 2 - ' · .m~^~ Attorney for ADpl icant~ TOWN OF SOUTHOLD PLANNING BOARD SITE PLAN APPLICATION ADDENDUM "A" Premises: SCTM#: 23300 Main Road Orient, New York 1000-18.00-05.00-013.008 Co-Applicant (2): Co-Applicant (3): Nextel of New York, Inc. One North Broadway White Plans, NY 10601 New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless 4 Centerock Road, Rockland Corporate Park West Nyack, NY 10994 P~PI~Y TO: [~ October 31, 2005 BY HAND Jeff Woodhouse, Chairperson, and Members of the Town of Southold Planning Board Southold Town Hall P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 Application of New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, ("Cingular") Nextel of New York, Inc. ("Nextel") and New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless ("Verizon") For Site Plan Approval Proposed Wireless Telecommunications Facility Premises: Orient Fire District 23300 Main Road Orient, New York SCTM#: Section 18, Block 5, Lot 13.8 Dear Chairperson Woodhouse: On behalf of our clients, Cingular, Nextel and Verizon, we submit, herewith, the captioned Application for Site Plan Approval, in ten (10) collated sets, as follows: 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Filing Fee: Check made payable to the "Town of Southold" in the sum of $1,500.00; Town of Southold Notice of Disapproval of Building Permit Application for each of the three carriers; Completed and Executed Site Plan Application; Completed and Executed Transactional Disclosure Statements; Completed and Executed Long Environmental Assessment Form; Site Plan and Elevation and Landscape Drawings; Cingular Equipment Cabinet catalog cut photo; Nextel Equipment Shelter drawing; Verizon Equipment Shelter photo; Existing Wireless Facility Plan and corresponding Inventory for each of the Applicants; Photographs of buildings/structures on surrounding properties; Jeff Woodhouse, Chairperson, and Members of the Town of Southold Planning Board Page 2 of 2 October 31, 2005 10. List of names and address of owners of abutting properties by tax map number. Please note that New Cingular Wireless PCS, LLC, is a Delaware Limited Liability Company, successor in interest to LIN Cellular Communications (NY) LLC, successor in interest to Cellular Telephone Company. Nextel of New York, Inc. was formerly known as Nextel of New York, Inc. d/b/a Nextel Communications. Very truly yours, MUNLEY, MEADE, NIELSEN & RI~ By: Lawrence C. R6 LCR:db Enclosures AFFORDABLE HOUSING ASSOC. INC. 50-791/2]4 P*O* BOX 303 HAMPTON BAYS, NY 11946 DATE PAY TO THE .'~' DOLLARS NORTH FORK BANK HAMPTON BAYS, NY FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: October 12, 2005 TO: Munley, Meade, Nielsen & Re A/C Orient Fire District (CINGULAR) 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Please take notice that your application dated September 23, 2005 For permit for co-location of a wireless antenna on an existing telecommunications tower with related equipment structure at Location of property: 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section ~8 Block5 Lot 13.8 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposal requires special exception from the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals and site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. You may a~lv to both of~lxese a~encies directly. // '~ffi~ori~ ed Signature Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application~ may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A., Planning FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: October 12, 2005 TO: Munley, Meade, Nielsen & Re A/C Orient Fire District (lqEXTEL) 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Please take notice that your application dated September 23, 2005 For permit for co-location of a wireless antenna on an existing telecommunications tower with related equipment structure at Location of property: 23300 Main Road, Orient~ NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 18 Block5 Lot 13.8 Is returned herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposal requires special exception from the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals and site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning Board. You may apply to both of these agencies directly. Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Southold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A., Planning FORM NO. 3 NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: October 12, 2005 TO: Munley, Meade, Nielsen & Re A/C Orient Fire District (VERIZON) 36 North New York Avenue Huntington, NY 11743 Please take notice that your application dated September 23, 2005 For permit for co-location of a wireless antenna on an existing telecommunications tower with related equipment structure at Location of property: 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY County Tax Map No. 1000 - Section 18 Block_5 Lot 13.8 Is retumed herewith and disapproved on the following grounds: The proposal requires special exception from the Southold Town Zoning Board of Appeals and site plan approval from the Southold Town Planning. Board. You~mag,app.~ to both of these agencies directly. Note to Applicant: Any change or deviation to the above referenced application, may require further review by the Sonthold Town Building Department. CC: file, Z.B.A., Planning · .PLANNING BOARD IV[EMBERS . SeN~ETT Or.J~O~qSK~, aR. Chairman WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCI-IIE LATH~MVI, JR. RICHARD G. WARD PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWNOFSOUTHOLD ~ Town Hall, 53095 Main P.O. Box i179 Southold, New York 1197 Fax (516) 765-3136 Telepl~one (516) 765-193E Date Received Date Completed Filing Fee APPLICATION FOR CONSIDERATION OF A SITE PLAN Name off Business or Site: SCTM#: Location: ,Address: New Change o¢ Use Re-use Extension Revision of Approved Site Plan Nextel of New York, Inc. d/b/aNextelCommunications and New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a VerizonWireleS~s '' at Orient Fire District lOOO- 18.00 - 05.00 013.008 Orient Fire District~ 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY ,.. ~o-~p~li~a~ts~e Addendum "A" for additional co-applicant (3) ~z~mex~e~ o~ New York, Inc. d/b/a Nextel Communications ,, ,, "ameofAppllcant: (2) ~+~?? SMgA Limit.d Pa?n~r~hin d/h/a Verizn- u4.L~2~ ). an, "~^~:'' . verlzon: Address of A4}pllcant: One North Broadwoy 4 Centerock Road, Rockland Corporate Park White Plains, NY 10601 West Nyack, NY 10994 TeLephone: .For Telephone: Contact Applicants' Attorney noted below. Owner of Land: Orient Fire District Agent or Person responsible for application: (Attorney_for Applicants) Lawrence 'C. Re' Munley. Meade. Nielsen & Re' Address: ~6 ~orib New ¥or A e 631-425-4100 Telephone: Site plans prepared by: License No. Address: Telephone: Michael Walker, R.A. 011545-1 Michael Walker Design/Builder, LLC .500 Horseneck Road. Dartmouth, MA 02748' 508-287-4313 · Planning Board SItE Plan Application APPUCANrps AFFIDAVTr STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOU( Andrew Ajaeb being d}Jly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at c/o One North Broadway, White Plains in the State of New York, and that he Is ~o~x~,e<alm~zm~xm~l~TC.CzAycj~aZ~p.~ the Senior Manager Site Development of the Nextel of NewYork, Inc. d/b/a Nextel Communications (Title} (Specify whether~N~(iX or Corp,) Which is hereby making application; that there are no exlsUng structures or Improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the UUe to the entire parcel, Including all rights-of-way, has been clearly established and is shown on said Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duly filed plan which has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will not be altered or changed In any manner wlr..hout the approval of the Planning Board; ~F'~t th~e_actua physical Improvements will be Installec~ In strict accordance with the plans su b~/~~ , Signed // ~ ~ex~e/ of New York, Inc, d/b/a Nextel Communications Signed Applicant/Owner's Agent Swor, n to me this · ~ day of ~.])m,r tvSX 2005 · Page 2 Planning Board Sltb Plan Application APPUCANPS AFF DAVIT STAll~ OF NEW YORK ! FOUNTY OF SUFFOLK duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at :In the S~te of New York, and that he is thex~e~xmf~IC/czmJ~e~)f~ex~f/,,x~X~c~zhe(~ _j ~ ~ --, i New York SMSA Limited Partnership ~q~a'uC~l]L~_ ~/~.~a.,~fthe_d/b/a Verizon Wireless (Title) ~ (Specify whether Pa~nershlp 6~' Corp. I which Is hereby making application; that there'are no exlsidng structures or Improvements on the land which are not shown on the Site Plan; that the LiLle to the entire parcel, Including all rights-of-way, has 'been clearly established and is showd on said Plan; that no part of the Plan Infringes upon any duly filed ,Plan which has not been abandoned :both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and :~egulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted, as approved, will noir be altered or changed In any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical Improvemenlm will be Installed in strict accordance with the ;!Plans submitted : /. New York SMSA Limite~(rtners~til~.d/b/a Verizon Wireless Signed: IPa~ner er Corporate Officer and Title) Sworn to me this J,~'~'clay of~.,~...l~.~_~ 2005 (No6r,) ~cF .... ~ MAURA POWERS NOTARY PUBLIC, State of New York No. 01 P05018558 Qualified in Nassau County Commission Expires Sept. 27, 2-C0~ Page -~! · Plann Ioard SEe Plan Application APP STAT COUI ~ AFRDAVIr F NEW YORK OF SUFFOLK in Sys (Title] ! beef plan regul~ plans pans i ]oseph Sweet being duly sworn, deposes and says that he resides at ;/0 333 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbur,y ate of New York, and that he of the Flew Cingu]ar Wire]ess PCS, LLC (Specify whether Partnership or Corp.) application; that there are no exlsUng structures or improvements on the land not shown on the Site Plan; that the tJUe to the entire parcel, including all rights-of-way, has ' established and is shown on s~td Plan; that no part of the Plan infringes upon any duty filed has not been abandoned both as to lots and as to roads; that he has examined all rules and adopted by the Planning Boardifor the filing of Site Plans and will comply with same; that the as approved, will not be altered or changed in any manner without the approval of the Board; and that the actual physical Improvements will be Installed in strict accordance with the swornl t (Notar~1~ Ii lew Cin( PCS,'LLC ~mm~ox Joseph Sweet 'Owner's Agent .~ ~WRENCE C. RE' ~ota~ Public, State of New Yo~ No. 52~7~ ' Qualified n S~olk Coun~ Commission ~pires Plan Board Site I~lan Application Total Land Area of Site (acres ior square feeL) Residentia R-$OZoning District i i~ Existing Use of Site Orien~ Fire District Publ i c I~c~ 1 i t~) Proposed Uses on Site. Showiall uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more than one use Is proposed per L~ullding, Indicate square footage of floor area that will be reserved per use. Buildings: One Fire Station Building al: One Metal Fi!re Station Accessory Building Affix public utility Wireless telecommunication antennas within flagpole/monopole to be erected by the Orient Fire District and install related equipment within a compound at the base of the pole. - [ Has ~ Gross Floor Area of Existing Slructure(s) Gross Floor Area of Proposed/Structure(s) Percent of Lot Coverage by BUilding(s) Percent of Lot for Parking (where applicable) Percent of Lot for Landscaping (where applicable) ~licant been granted a variance and~or special exception by Board of Appeals - Case # & date Board of Trustees - Case # &Uate __NY State Department of Environmental Conservation - Case # & date Suffolk County Department Health Services - Case # & date Case Number Name of Applicant Date of Decision Expiration Date Other Will any toxic or hazardous materials, as defined by the Suffolk County Board of Health, be stored or handled at the site~ If so, have proper permits be~n obtained? 'Name of issuing agency Number and date of permit Issued. NO ,q~'lON (EXC, qV,41-10N 0£ CON$1'£UCI-ION) MAY BE UNDE£1-,qI(EN UN17L ,qPP£OV/IL OF $11-E PI-,qN BY PL'qNAIING BOA'~D. VIOL,qTO£S,qI~E SUBJECT IO PI~OSECU17ON. :1 emises: ~TM#: ~;o-Applicant (3): TO~ VN OF SOUTHOLD APPLICATION FOI ', CONSIDERATION OF SITE PLAN J)DENDUM "A" 23300 Main Road Orient, New ~rork 1000-18.00-0~.00-013.008 / New Cingula ' Wireless PCS, LLC 333 Crosswa, 's Park Drive Woodbury, 1~ ¥ 11797 516-677-650! The 'Fo~n of Southold'a Code of ~hles prohibits con£1icte of lntar~e~ on the p~t of toen o[£1cere and employees. The purpose of this form Is to p~ovide Information wbioh ca~- al___~.~t the town of Possible OOlt[liete of interest end allow at to take whatever action is neueseary to avoid same. New CingularWireless PCS, tLC'by Joseph Sweet (Last trams, Eirst name, middle illit~a/, unless other eatity, ~ueh as a compar;y. If go, indicate NATURE OF APPLICATION: (Check all . ~hat apply . ) Tax grievanc~ Va~lande Otller X (If "Other,,, .name tile activity.) _Site Plan Approval ownership o~ (oc ~mploymen~ b~) a eo~pora~on ~n wh[ch xzs ~ No X appropriate line A) through D) and/or describe in the space The town officer o~ employee o.r his or her epouee, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that apply), .. A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares df the corporate steak of tile appllc~nt (when the applicant is a ~o~poration); __ B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest il~ s n6nuorporate entity (when tbs applicant ia not a oorporation)~ C) an officer, director, partner, o~ employee of the applicant; or ___D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSIIIP APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSURE FORM The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town offic=~ and employees. The pumose of this form is to 1)rovide information, which can alert the Town possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessary to avoid same. Nextel of N;w York, Inc. ¥OURNAME: d/b/a Nexte Communications by Andrew Ajaeb (Last name, first of someone else other person or NATURE OF APPLICATION: Tax Grievance Variance Change of Zone Approval of Plat Exemption from Plat or Official Map Other X If "Other", name the activity: S i te Do yoa personally, (or throu relationship with any officer or blood, marriage, or business partnership, in which the Tow employment by) a corporation in shares. YES ,, l If you answered YES", complet~ Name of person employed by the Title or position of that person: Describe that relationship betwe Either check the appropriate lin~ space provided. The Town officer or employee apply): A) the owner of great of dre applicant (wi B) the legal or benefit (when the applican C) an officer, director D) the actual applican DESCRIPTION OF RELATION name, middle initial, unless you are applying in the name or other entity, such as a company. If so, indicate the '.ompany name.) 2beck all that apply.) an Approval ~ your company, spouse, sibling, parent, or child) have a mployee of the Town of Southold? "Relationship" includes by nterest. "Business interest" means a business, including a ~ officer or employee has even a partial ownership of (or which the Town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the ~O. X the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Town of Southold: ~n yourself (the applicant) and the Town officer or employee. A through D (below) and/or describe the relationship in the r his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check all that r than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock ten the applicant is a corporation); al owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity is not a corporation); partner, or employee of the applicant; or 3HIP Submitted this~2005 Signature:? /< J- Pnnt Sen~of--~nager, S~te Development APPLICANT TRANSACTIONAL DISCLOSUI~ FORM .The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics prohibits conflicts of interest on the part of Town officm,~ and emplovees. The purpose of this from is to provide information, which can alert tim Town of possible conflicts of interest and allow it to take whatever action is necessm3, to avoid stone. . YOURNAME: New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless (Last name, first name, middle initial, unless you m-e applying in the name of someone else or other entity, such as a cmnpany. If so, indicate the other person or company nmne.) NATUtLE OF APPLICATION: (Check all that apply.) Tax Grievance Vmiance Change of Zone Approval of Plat Exemption from Plat or Official Map Other X If "Other", name the activity: Site Pl an Approval Do you personally, (m' through your company, spouse, sibling, parent, m' child) have a relationship with any officer or employee of the Town of Southold? "Re' ' '' "' · latmnsmp includes by blood, marriage, or business interest. "Business interest" means a business, including a partnership, in which the Town officer or employee has even a pm~ial ownership of (or employ~nent by) a corporation in which the Town officer or employee owns more than 5% of the shares. YES NO X If yon answered "YES", complete the balance of this form and date and sign where indicated. Name of person employed by the Town of Southold: Title or position of that person: Describe Umt relationship between yonrself (the applicant) and the Town officer or employee. Either check tbe appropriate line A through D (below) and/or describe the relationship in the space provided. The Town officer or employee or his or her spouse, sibling, parent, or child is (check ail fl~at apply): A) the owner of greater than 5% of the shares of the corporate stock of the applicant (when the applicant is a corporation); B) the legal or beneficial owner of any interest in a non-corporate entity (when the applicant is not a corporation); C) an officer, director, partner, or employee of the applicant; or _ D) the actual applicant. DESCRIPTION OF RELATIONSHIP S ubmitt e d t!j,i~ _.,o_,~ay/~f/ 2~5 14-16-2 '(9/95) - 7c 617.20 Appendix A State Environment Quality Review FULL ENVIRONMENT ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAF is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequently, there are aspects ora project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may not be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance. The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible enough to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action. Full EAF Components: The full EAF is comptised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially-large impact. The form also identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any impact in Part 2 is identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE - Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: [] Part I [] Part 2 [] Pa~3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts land 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting information, and considering both the magnitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: [] A. The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared. [] B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures desctibed in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared. * [] C. The project may result in one more large and important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a positive declaration will be prepared. · A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions Installation of a wireless communications facility NameofAcfion Name of Lead Agency Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Signature of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency Title of Responsible Officer Signature of Preparer Of different from responsible officer) Date PART 1 - PROJECT INFORMATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as paxt of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification end public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and specify each instance. NAME OF ACTION Installation of a wireless communications facility LOCATION OF ACTION (include Street Addre~, Municipality and County) 23300 Main Road, Town of Southold, Suffolk County NAME OF APPLICANT/SPONSER BUS]NESS TELEPHONE Beacon Wireless Management 631484-5445 ADDRESS PO Box 303 CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE Hampton Bays NY 11946 NAME OF OWNER (if different) Orient Fire District BUSINESS TELEPHONE ADDRESS 23300 Main Road CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE Orient NY 11957 DESCRIPTION OF ACTION: The proposed action is the installation of tinge (3) wireless providers within a smith monopole. Providers would place their antanna equipment verticaily stacked wiflfln the interior cavity of the structm-e. There would be a maaimum of six (6) antenna for each pi'ovider for a total of twenty-four (24) untelma. The wireless facffities require supporting ground-based equipment. The equipment, shelters and monopole would be located within a * 4000 square foot compound enclosed by a 6-foot high chain link fence with new landscaping around the perimeter. Please complete Each Question - Indicate N.A if not applicable. A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, bo~h developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: [] Urban [] Industrial [] Commercial [] Residential (suburban) [] Rural (non-farm) [] Forest [] Agriealmre[~ Other municipal 2. Total acreage of project area: *4000square feet Approximate Acreage Presently After Completion Meadow or Bmshland (Non-agriculture) __ acres __ acres Forested __ acres __ acres Aghculture (includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) __ acres __ acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) __acres __acres Water Surface Area __ acres __ acres Unvegetated (Rock, eaith or fill) __ acres __ acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces acres __ acres Other (Indicate type) communications facility 0 acres 4000 square feet 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site.'? HaA-Haven loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes a. Soil drainage: [] Well drained 100% of site [] Moderately well drained % of site [] Poorly drained .~% of site b. If any agriculture land is involVed, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS I-and Classification System? N/A acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370) 4. Are there bedrock outcropping on project site? [] yes [] no a. What is the depth to bedrock? {In feet) 2 5. Approximate pereentage ofproposed projeet site with slopes: [~0-10%100% [] 10-15% [] l$%or greater % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places: [] Yes [] No (SHPO letter -No Adverse Effect aOaehed) 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site hsted on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? [] Yes 8. What is the depth ofthe water table? >4 (infect) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer7 [] Yes [] No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? [] Yes [] No 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? [] Yes [] No According to Identify each species __ 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) [] Yes [] No Describe [] No 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? [] Yes [] No If yes, explain__ 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? [] Yes [] No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: __ a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary __ 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or enntiguous to project area: a. Name: 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? [] Yes [] No a) Ir'Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connectiun? [] Yes [] No b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? [] Yes [] No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? [] Yes [] No 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 6177 []Yes []No 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hn 7ardons wastes? [] Yes [] No B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor :1:4000 square feet. b. Project acreage to be developed. J:4000 square feet initially; :~4000 square feet ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped __ acres. d. Length of project, in miles: N/A (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed N/A %; £ Number of off-street parking spaces existing N/A; proposed _0 g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour 1 monthly (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: N/A One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium tially Ultimately i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure 12' height; 10' width, 20' length.(standard shelter) j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? 0_ ff. 3 2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? N/A tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? [] Yes [] No [] N/A a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed? -- b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? [] Yes [] No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? [] Yes [] No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? 0 acres. 5. Will any nature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? [] Yes [] No 6. If singie phase project: Anticipated period ofconstruetion I months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: N/A a. Total number of phases anticipated (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 month . year, (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of final phase month __ year. d. Is phase 1 filnctionally dependent on subsequent phases? [] Yes [] No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? [] Yes [] No 9. Number ofjobs generated: during construction ~; after project is complete O. 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project O. 11. Will projeet require relocation ofany projects or facilities? [-]Yes[]No ffyes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? [] Yes [] No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount __ b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged -- 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? [] Yes [] No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? [] Yes[] No Explain __ 15. Is project or any portion ofproject loeated in a 100 year floed plain? []Yes []No 16. Will the project generate solid waste? [] Yes [] No a. If yes, what is the amount per month tons b. Ifyes, will an existing solid waste faeility be used? []Yes []No c. If yes, give name ; location ~ d. Will any waste not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? [] Yes [] No e. If yes, explain__ 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? [] Yes [] No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal7 __tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? __ years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? [] Yes [] No 19. Willprojeet routinely produce orders (more than one hour per day)? [-]Yes []No 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels?[] Yes [] No 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? [] Yes [] No If yes, indicate type(s) Electrical 22. If water supply is from wells, indieate pumping capacity 0 gallons/minute. 23. Total anticipated water usage per day_0 gallons/day. 24. Does project revolve Local, S~ate or Federal funding? [] Yes [] No If yes, explain __ 25. Approvals Required: City, Town, Village Board [] Yes [] No City, Town. Village Planning Board [] Yes [] No City, Town Zoning Board [] Yes [] No City, County Health Department [] Yes [] No Other Local Agencies [] Yes [] No Other Regional Agencies [] Yes [] No State Agencies [] Yes [] No Federal Agencies [] Yes [] No Type Submittal Date Site Plan Special Exception Buildin~ hermit GML 239m referral C. Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? [] Yes [] No If yes, indicate decision required: [] zoning amendment [] zoning variance []special use permit [] subdivision [] site plan [] new/revision of master plan [] l'~ource manag~alent plan [] other 2. What is the zoning classification(s) of the site? R-80 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? Parcel is currently developed for municipal use 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? None proposed 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? None proposed 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? [] Yes [] No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zomg classifications within a aA mile radius of proposed action? Residential~ municipal~ house of worship 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within aA mile? [] Yes [] No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? N/A a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formal/on of sewer or water districts? [] Yes [] No 11. Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? [] Yes [] No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? [] Yes [] No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? [] Yes [] No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? [] Yes [] No D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I ce~l~at t~xa~ pro~d~w~0ve is true to the best of my knowledge. Applica~(tYSpon~or~N~,une B~a~n/W~el~ss~anagemant . Date 10/10/05 Signatu~e~ t'~x ~Z~Y~'Tf) DMSConsult,ngServices, Inc. Title~ If the ac~s h~ the ~asta Area,~/ou a/re g state agency, complete the Coastal A~sessmen[ Fora b'~ore proceeding with this assessment. / NOKIA Overview of Nokia UltraSite EDGE Base Station NEW CINGULAR WIRELESS PCS, LLC Application for Town of Southold Site Plan Approval Premises: Orient Fire District Proposed Equipment Cabinet Figure 2. Nokia UItraSite EDGE BTS Outdoor, Indoor, and Midi Indoor an ideal solution for urban, suburban, or rural environments 1940 Outdoor (236) I (22.4) Indoor NOTE: Dimensions mm (inch) Midi Indoor Figure 15. Dimensions of Nokia UltraSite EDGE BTSs NEXTEL OF NEW YORK, INC. Proposed Equipment Shelter Premises: 233001Main Road Orient, NY 12' x 20' - Tan/Beige Aggregate Stone Finish WALL WALL WALL C~T, X (]pT. Y WAVE GUIDE LOCATIONS WALL 'A' WALL 'D' WALL 'C' WALL 'D' HVAC LOCATIONS WALL 'B'&'D' WALL ']B' Tan/Bei ~/~ FINISW WALL DOOR LOCATIONS WALL 'D' (STANDARD) WALL gA' (ALTERNATE) l~ PRECISION QUINCY CORP. =~'*~' $ TA NDA _RD · ss~, XP SERIES rm~ EXTERIOR ELEVATION 16'=1 XP-N-iO-O0-O NEW YORK SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP d/b/a VERIZON WIRELESS Application for Town of Southold Site Plan Approval Premises: Orient Fire District Photo Example of Proposed Equipment Shelter AT&T Wireless Services in Southold Town ( included are LI-741 in Riverhead Town & FU2 in Shelter Island ) ~' Subject site (Ll-735) ~ Future Sites Existing sites Note: Sites LI-741 and FU2 are located in different towns. These sites will provide partial coverage in Southold Town. Inventory of AWS sites - Southold Town LI-735 (Subject site) Separation distance from Site the subject site Number Site Name 3wrier Location Type of site Height (ft) Latitude Longitude (mi) LI~?3S or~ent Pein[ 3rient Point FD 23300 Main Roedi Ode~t Point~ SuffolEi Ny l 'i957 Men0p=le~Flagp~l~ 108:: ~1i1425 +72.3021 LI-741 East Northville ~osen 5792 Sound Avenue, Jamesport, NY 11901 Lattice 117 40.9881 -72.6092 19 LI-20'I ~';=~,=,o island -ady of Grace Catholic Church Dceanic Avenue, Fishers Island, Suffolk, NY Church/Building 35 41.2624 -72.8940 17 FU2 Shelter island SheEer Is Town Garbage Dump Menantic Road, Shelter Island, Suffolk, Ny 11964 Monopole 150 41.0667 -72.3508 6 228 Maitguck ~.T&T Rte 25 & Elijah Ln, Matfituck, Suffolk, NY Monopole 100 40.9989 -72.5108 15 Z29 Southold ~outhold Police Department Peconic Lane, Peconis, Suffolk, Ny Lattice 90 41.0358 -7g.4550 11 Z25 Orient -';reenport Water District Moore's Lane, Greenport, Suffolk, Ny Water tower 148 41.1042 -72.3742 4.5 Note: S~[es LI-741, LI-201 and FU2 are future sites. Sites 228,229 and 225 are existing sites. Site Number NY2573 NY2812R t2.58 South~ Count "NY'I214R Distance to NY2573 Site ID Site Status Latitude Longitude in km ~n miles Town NY2573 BP 41.14372 -72.3076 N/A N/A Southold NYl160 On Air 41.1096 -72.3677 6.30 3.91 Southold NYl162 IOn Air 41.041,; -72.4586 17.01 10.57 Southold NY1313 On Air 40.999 -72.5111 23.44 14.57 Southold NY2812 On Air 41.0307 -72.4969 20.23 12.58 Seuthold Lon Island, NY RF Engineering 14-Jan-2oo5 NEW YORK SMSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP d/b/a VERIZON WIRELESS Map of Sites Town of Southold Proposed Site: Orient Fire District 4 New York SMSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Inventory of Existing Sites - Town of Southold Lat Long Exist Site Name Distance from Proposed Orient Fire District Site (miles) 40.9906 -72.5367 Mattituck 16.08 41.04083 -72.4575 PECONIC 10.76 41.10417 -72.37417 GREENPORT RELO 5 41.03 -72.4975 CUTCHOGUE 12.94 MAIN ROAD (STATE ROAD 25) (E) PAVEMENT & PARKIf AREA(S) ~'L WN.l~d~ DESlGN~BU~, I I C 500 HORSENECK RD. SOUTH DARTMOUTH, MA 02748 tel: 508-287-4313 fax: 508-300-6051 e-mail: mwdb~comcast.net PHOTO KEY PLAN ORIENT F.D. N.T.S. 9-15-05 P.O. BOX 303 HAMPTON BAYS, NY 11946 Tel: 631.484.5445 Fax: 631.728.5546 #3 #1 #2 #5 #11 #9 #12 #10 #14 #15 #13 NAMES AND ADDRESSESS OF OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTTING THE PREMISES: 23300 Main Road, Orient, NY SCTM# 1000-18-05-13.8 Tax Map No. Name and Address of Owner 18-05-13.7 John and Frances McArthur P.O. Box 420 Orient, NY 11957 18-05-14.1 Kenneth & Joanne Zahler P.O. Box 754 Cutchogue, NY 11935 18-05-15.1 Robert Gloria 600 Youngs Avenue Orient, NY 11957 18-05-16.1 David Bull 34625 Old Main Road Orient, NY 11957 18-05-18.6 Anne Swick, William Terry III and Julie Carmer 450 Willow Springs Lane York, PA 17372 27-01-11 Cohab Realty Corp. 395 Tabor Road Orient, NY 11957 CONTRACTOR'S NOTES 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL GIVE ALL NOTICES AND COMPLY WITH ALL LAWS, ORDINANCES, RULES, REGULATIONS AND LAWFUL ORDERS OF ANY PUBLIC AUTHORITY, MUNICIPAL AND UTIUTY COMPANY SPECIFICATIONS, AND LOCAL AND STATE JURISDICTIONAL CODES BEARING ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE WORK, THE WORK PERFORMED ON THE PROJECT AND THE MATERIALS INSTALLED SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPUCABLE CODES, PECULATIONS, AND ORDINANCES. 2, THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER HAS MADE EVERY EFFORT TO SET FORTH IN THE CONSTRUCTION AND CONTRACT DOCUMENTS THE COMPLETE SCOPE OF WORK. THE CONTRACTOR BIDDING THE JOB IS NEVERTHELESS CAUTIONED THAT MINOR OMISSIONS OR ERRORS IN THE DRAWINGS AND OR SPECIFICATIONS SHALL NOT EXCUSE HIM FROM COMPLETING THE PROJECT AND IMPROVEMENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE INTENT OF THESE DOCUMENTS, 3, THE CONTRACTOR OR BIDDER SHALL BEAR THE RESPONSIBIUTY of NOTIFYING (IN WRITING) BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT OF ANY CONFLICTS, ERRORS, OR OMISSIONS PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF CONTRACTOR'S PROPOSAL OR PERFORMANCE OF WORK. IN THE EVENT OF DISCREPANCIES THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PRICE THE MORE COSTLY OR EXTENSIVE WORK, UNLESS DIRECTED IN WRITING OTHERWISE. 4-. THE SCOPE OF WORK SHALL iNCLUDE FURNISHING ALL MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, LABOR ANO ALL OTHER MATERIALS AND LABOR DEEMED NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE WORK/PROJECT AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, 5, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VISIT THE JOB SITE PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF BIDS OR PERFORMING WORK TO FAMILIARIZE HIMSELF WITH THE FIELD CONDITIONS ANO TO VERIFY THAT THE PROJECT CAN BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN AUTHORIZATION TO PROCEED WITH CONSTRUCTION PRIOR TO STARTING WORK ON ANY ITEM NOT CLEARLY DEFINED BY THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS / CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL ALL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS ACCORDING TO THE MANUFACTURER'S / VENDOR'S SPECIFICATIONS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE OR WHERE LOCAL CODES OR ORDINANCES TAKE PRECEDENCE. B. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE A FULL SET OF CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS AT THE SITE UPDATED WITH THE LATEST REVISIONS AND ADOENDUMS OR CLARIFICATIONS AVAILABLE FOR THE USE BY ALL PERSONNEL INVOLVED WITH THE PROJECT, 9. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPERVISE AND DIRECT THE PROJECT DESCRIBED HEREIN. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCES AND PROCEDURES AND FOR COORDINATING ALL PORTIONS OF THE WORK UNDER THE CONTRACT, 10, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR OBTAINING ALL PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS WHICH MAY BE REQUIRED FOR THE WORK BY THE ARCHITECT/ENGINEER, THE STATE, COUNTY OR LOCAL GOVERNMENT AUTHORITY, 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE NECESSARY PROVISIONS TO PROTECT EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS, EASEMENTS. paVING. CURBING, ETC. DURING CONSTRUCTION. UPON COMPLETION OF WORK, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL REPAIR ANY DAMAGE THAT MAY HAVE OCCURRED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ON OR ABOUT THE PROPER~f, 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP THE GENERAL WORK AREA CLEAN AND HAZARD FREE DURING CONSTRUCTION AND DISPOSE OF ALL DIRT, DEBRIS, RUBBISH AND REMOVE EQUIPMENT NOT SPECIFIED AS REMAINING ON THE PROPERTY. PREMISES SHALL BE LEFT IN CLEAN CONDITION AND FREE FROM PAINT SPOTS. DUST, OR SMUDGES OF ANY KIND. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL OSHA REQUIREMENTS AS THE'? APPLY TO THIS PROJECT. 14-. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT WHERE A CONFLICT OCCURS ON ANY OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. THE CONTRACTOR IS NOT TO ORDER MATERIAL OR CONSTRUCT ANY PORTION OF THE WORK THAT IS IN CONFLICT UNTIL CONFLICT IS RESOLVED BY BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS, ELEVATIONS, PROPERTY LINES, ETC. ON THE JOB, 16. ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITY INFORMATION WAS DETERMINED FROM SURFACE INVESTIGATIONS AND EXISTING pLANS OF RECORD. THE CON3~RACTOR SHALL LOCATE ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN THE FIELD PRIOR TO ANY SITE WORK. CALL DIG SAFE 3 WORKING DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG TOLL FREE 800-962-7962 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT SITE NAME: ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT 23300 MAIN ROAD (S.R. 25) ORIENT, NY 11957 IF- DESCRIPTION: CO-LOCATION ON 90 FOOT FLAGPOLE TYPE STRUCTURE VICINITY MAP NO SCALE NORTH DRIVING DIRECTIONS PT. 25 EAST FROM RIVERHEAD TOWARD ORIENT POINT FERRY. FIRE STATION IS ON RIGHT IN ORIENT. PROJECT SUMMARY GEN CONTRACTOR'S NAME & ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: ELEC. CONTRACTOR'S NAME & ADDRESS: CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: PROJECT SUMMARY SITE CASCADE NO: SITE NAME: SITE ADDRESS-: ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT 23500 MAIN ROAD (S.R, 25) ORIENT, NY 11957-1102 ASSESSOR'S MAP: SECTION 018 BLOCK: 5 PARCEL IDENTIFICATION: LOT: 15.8 DEED BOOK/PAGE: BOOK: PAGE: GOVERNING JURISDICTION: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD CURRENT ZONING: GOVERNING CODE: N.Y.STATE BLDG. CODE CONSTRUCTION ANTENNA ARRAY - USE CLASSIFICATION: PROPERTY OWNER'S ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT NAME AND ADDRESS: 25,300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT NY CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: GROUP U 11957-1102 APPLICANT'S NAME BEACON WIRELESS · ORIENT F.D. & ADDRESS: PO BOX ,305 HAMPTON BAYS NY 11946 CONTACT NAME: VINCENT CANNUSCIO PHONE NUMBER: 651-484-5445 ARCHITECT/ENGINEER'S NAME & ADDRESS: MICHAEL WALKER DESIGN/BUILDER, 500 HORSENECK ROAD SOUTH DARTMOUTHklA 02748 MICHAEL WALKER, AIA (508) 287-451,3 CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: POWER PROVIDER: CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: LONG ISLAND POWER AUTHORITY NAME AREACODE-PHONENUMBER NAME NAME AREACODE-PHONENUMBER TELEPHONE PROVIDER: CONTACT NAME: PHONE NUMBER: LLC PROJECT COORDINATES LATITUDE: N 41' 8.579 (NAD 83) LONGTIYUDE: W 72' 17.981 (NAD 85) GROUND ELEV.: AMSL (NAVE 88) SHEET INDEX SHT. 7EV. NO. DESCRIPTION NO. T1 TITLE PAGE 7 A1 PLOT PLAN & POLE ELEVATION 5 A2 PLNTG PLAN, COMPD PLAN & LOCUS 5 BUILDING DEPT. NOTES 1. THIS TOWER INSTALLATION AND ASSOCIATED TELECOMMUNICATION SHELTERS AND EQUIPMENT ARE UNMANNED AND A SECURED EQUIPMENIT INSTALLATION. EACH FACILITY IS MONITORED FROM A REMOTE LOCATION. EACH FACILITY IS ONLY ACCESSED BY TRAINED TECHNICIANS EVERY 4- TO 6 WEEKS. THEREFORE, THE COMPOUND DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY WATER AND WILL NOT GENERATE ANY SEWAGE EFFLUENT OR OTHER TRASH WASTE. 2. THE ESTIMATED VEHICLE TRIP GENERATION CREATED BY THE INSTALLATION OF THIS COMPOUND IS 6 TRIPS PER MONTH COMBINED .THE AVER~AGE DAILY TRIP GENERATION RATE (ADT) IS ,2 TRIPS PER MONTH. 5. THIS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPOUND IS NOT GOVERNED BY REGULATIONS REQUIRING PUBLIO AOCESS PER ADA REQUIREMENTS. 4. THE INSTALLATION OF THIS TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPOUND REQUIRES; NOT ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACE(S). BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT P.O, BOX 505 HAMPTON BAYS, NY 11946 Tel: 651,484.54¢5 Fdx: 651,728.5546 MICHAEL WALKER DESIGN/BUILDER, IIc 500 Horseneck Road Dar(mouth, MA 02748 Tel: (508) 287-4315 Fox', (508) 300-6051 E-mail: mwdb@comcost,net PROJECT NO: MWDB,ORIENT DRAWN BY: MW CHECKED ICAD FILE: ORIENTFD,T1 SUBMITTALS 06/01/05 POLE 12/21/04 10-5-04 ANT REVS 4/30/04 A1 REV 3/17/04 LANDSCAPE 2/21/05 ADD 51,1 & A1.2 NEXT,CING,VERZ THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DOCUMENTS IS PROPRIETARY BY NATURE, ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE OTHER THAN THAT WHICH RELATES TO BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF THIS DRAWING IS NOT 24"x36", IT IS NOT TO SCALE. PROFESSIONAL SEAL SITE ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT 23500 MAIN ROAD ORIENT N.Y. 11957 SHEET TITLE TITLE PAGE SHEET NUMBER T1 SITE PLAN MAIN ROAD (STATE ROAD 25) N 80--31'-50" E 226.00' tJJ 0 Z (E) 90' (E) SECURITY FENCE WITH 330' FLUSH TYPE MO,NOPOLE LOCKED 12' SWING GATE- S 85--03'-50" W 570.70' 5OALE~ I" = BO~ E- ANCHOR BOLTS TOP DIA. BASE PLATE AT GROUND LEVEL (~) ANTEN NA 1/2" = 1'-0" / / (~ PLOT PLAN 1" = 30' PLOT PLAN INFORMATION TAKEN FROM SURVEY PREPARED BY PECONIC SURVEYORS, P.C., P,O, BOX 909, SOUTHOLD N,Y. TITLED SURVEY OF PROPERTY FOR ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT AT ORIENT, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD DATED JULY 2, 2002. TPICAL EMS RR6518 ANTENNA 56" X 8" X 2.75" 12.75" O.D. MOUNTING POLE TYP. EMS DR6518 ANTENNA 54" X 12" X 4" LAYOUT AT ELEV. 90' AGL TOP DIA SOUTHOLD TOWN POLllCE PUBLIC SAFETY--90' AGL 6'-0" HIGH SECURITY FENCE 6' MIN 6' MIN FOUNDATION ~) FLUSH MONOPOLE 1/8" = f-o" 12'-6" VHF VERTICAL WHIP TENNA @ 0 DEG (DB-222) DiSH PORT WitH BOOT 10' 6" 'LOWBAND" VERTICAL ANTENNA @ 180 DEG (RFS- 1 142) ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT -90' AGL ·85' TO CENTER OF CONCEALED ~ NEXTEL ANTENNAS *o 75' TO CENTER OF CONCEALED ' ClNGULAR ANTENNAS 65' TO CENTER OF CONCEALED · V~RIZON ANTENNAS 90' HIGH FLUSH STYLE MONOPOLE WITH FLUTED CONTOUR TO BE PAINTED WHITE EQUIPMENT SHELTER ELEVATION BEACON MANAGEMENT P,O. BOX 303 HAMPTON BAYS, NY 11946 Tel: 6~1.484.5445 f~x: 631.728.5546 MICHAEL WALKER DESIGN/BUILDER, IIc 500 Horseneck Road Dartmouth, MA 027~8 Tel: (508) 287-4313 Fax: (508) 300-6051 E-radii: mwdb@comcost, ne[ I PRO3ECT ~0: I DRAWN BY: I cHECKED BY: OrientFD I I I i SUBMITTALS 3 6/30/05 NEXT, CING,VERZ 6/01/05 90' POLE 4/20/05 90' POLE 12/6/04 FOR APPROVAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS SET OF DOCUMENTS IS PROPRIETARY NATURE. ANY USE OR DISCLOSURE THAN THAT WHICH RELATES TO BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF THIS DRAWING IS NOT 24"x36", IT IS NOT TO SCALE. PROFESSI0NAL SEAL sITE ORI!ENT FIRE DISTRICT 25300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT N.Y. 11957 SHEET TITLE PLOT PLAN & POLE ELEVATION SHEET NUMBER A1 TELCO HUB CBC CABINE1 STRONGWELL BOX 12FT, ACCESS Gl 3" LAYER STONE PAVING WITH WEED BLOCK FABRIC UNDERLAYME[ 4~GANG 200 AMP METER SOCKETS & DISCONNECTS ELECTRICAL TRANS, AND VAULT 6' BLACK VINYL COMPOUND FEI 63' X 63' COMPOUND LEASE AREA (+/- 4000 SF) ~ × , .X × × x x X × X × x x X x.-m X ~ \~ ' '~h~, I %2~/ ~ ~ ~' '" ': I I GENERATOR '~ I / ,~ ~ ~. v, ' ~,' ;~ ~"~ ,' '" ~ ~, I 4E ~ /¢ , I L ----- I MONOPOL ~ W~ CROSSARM AT TOP ~ I ' I (~ COMPOUND PLAN 1/8" = 1'-0" MAIN ROAD (STATE RO/D 25) i/ EDGE OF EXISTING CONCRETE/BITUMINOUS PARKING LOT/APRON RELOCATE (E) pLANTINGS TO VISUALLY SHIELD NEW PAD TRANSFORMER AND ELECTRICAL METERBANK ~ I~ I ' . I~- I / / ] (E) PAVEMENT & PARKING / ~/--- AREA(S) .... , ~ ¢~,, ~r ~, ~,~ :>- ~C~:~ ~ "' ~ ;' '" "'~2 //' L ...._ (~POLE LOCUS PLAN N.T.S. 30' (~,~'~) P LANTI N O/LAN DSCAP E 1/8" = f-o" PLAN PLANTING NOTES: 1. ALL PLANTS WILL BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS MATERIAL, FREE OF PESTS & DISEASE IN CONTAINERS OR BALLED AND BURLAPPED, 2. ALL PLAN'PS WILL BE STRAIGHT TRUNKED, FULL HEADED AND SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER INSTALLATION. 3. EXCAVATE PLANTING PIT TO TWICE THE DIAMETER OF BALL & 6" GREATER THIAN DEPTH. LOOSEN SUBSOIL TO ENSURE POROSITf. SELECT BEST VIEWING ANGLE, LIFT STOCK BY BALL AND PLACE IN PLANTING PIT. UNWRAP TOP HALF OF BALL. BACKFILL WITH MIXfURE OF ~ PEATMOSS & ~ TOP SOIL, TAMP, SECURE TO STAKES WITH /RUBBER HOSE GUY WIRES. LAY IN (POROUS) FABRIC WEED BARRIER. FORM .3" SAUCER TO ENCIRCLE STOCK AND FILL WITH 5" PINE STRAW MULCH. FLOOD IMMEDIATELY AND WATER FREQUENTLY. 4. ANY PLANT MATERIAL THAT DIES, TURNS BROWN OR DEFOLIATES (PRIOR TO ACCEPTANCE Of THE WORK) SHALL Be PROMPTLY REMOVED AND REPLACED WITH REPLACEMENT MATCHING MATERIAL. STANDARDS SET FORTH IN "AMERICAN STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK", LATEST ED. REPRESENT SPECIFICATIONS A~D CONSTITUTE MINIMUM QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANT MATERIAL, CONTRACTOR TO WATER AND WARRANTY PLANTINGS FOR 1 YEAR. SCHEDULE: QUANTITY COMMON NAME SIZE/REMARKS 60 EACH UPRIGHT YEW B&B, 3' MINIMUM HEIGHT AT (TAXUS MEDIA VIRIDIS) PLANTING. FULL, WELL BRANCHED BEACON WIRELESS MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 303 HAMPTON BAYS, NY 11946 Tel', 631.~84.5445 F~x: 631,728,5546 M ChaEL WALKER DESIGN/BUILDER, IIc 500 Horseneck Ro~d D~rtmouth, MA 02748 T~I: (508) 287-4~15 Fdx: (508) 300-6051 E-mdh mwdb@~omcost,net I NO; MwDB'ORIE~T I tECKE~D BY: FILE: ORIENTFD,A2 ISUBMITTALS 5 6-30-05 NE,XT,VERZ,CING 4 16/Ol/O6 90 POLE 3 112/21/04 pLANTING BED 2 111/2'~/0'~ AT&T/CINGULAR 01 13/17/o~ ~B TREES O0 02/21:05 ~OR CONSTRUOTION SITE ORIENT FIRE DISTRICT 23300 MAIN ROAD ORIENT N,Y. 11957 SHEET TITLE PLANTING PLAN COMPOUND PLAN & POLE LOCUS PLAN SHEET NUMBER A2