HomeMy WebLinkAboutPB-11/19/2007
P.O. Box 1179
Southold, NY 11971
Town Hall Annex
54375 State Route 25
(cor. Main Rd. & Youngs Ave.)
Southold, NY
Telephone: 631 765-1938
Fax: 631 765-3136
Monday, November 19, 2007
6:00 p.m.
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Present were: Jerilyn B. Woodhouse, Chair
Kenneth L. Edwards, Member
Martin H. Sidor, Member
Joseph L. Townsend, Member
Bruno Semon, Sr. Site Plan Reviewer
Anthony Trezza, Senior Planner
Carol Kalin, Secretary
Chairperson Woodhouse: Good evening, and welcome to the November 19th meeting
of the Southold Town Planning Board. For our first order of business, I will entertain a
motion to set Monday, December 10th, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. at the Southold Town Hall,
as the time and place for the next regular Planning Board Meeting.
Joseph Townsend: So moved.
Ken Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Two
November 19. 2007
6:00 p.m. . Kaloski, Michael - This proposal will subdivide an 8.30-acre parcel,
SCTM#1000-102-4-6.2, into 2 lots where Lot 1 equals 2.02 acres and Lot 2 equals
5.35 acres in addition with a lot line change that will transfer .402 acres from
SCTM#1 000-1 02-4-6.2 to SCTM#1 000-102-4-7.1. Following the transfer,
SCTM#1000-102-4-7.1 will equal .918 acres. The parcel is located on Alvah's
Lane, 2,056 ft. nlo Main Road (NYS 25) and slo Middle Road (CR 48) in
Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there anyone here who would like to speak on this
application? I must say that this is a hearing that is going to be held open.
Abiqail Wickham: I am the attorney for the Kaloski's and we would like to speak in
favor of the application. However, I would like to know what you are waiting for?
The drainage easement, is that it?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Umm hmm.
Anthonv Trezza: We are still waiting for that in terms of closing out the file, but we had
a notice problem.
Abiqail Wickham: Oh yes, yes. I'm sorry. Yes, you did mention that to me. OK.
Chairperson Woodhouse: This is being held open because of a notice problem.
Would you please read the resolution?
Ken Edwards: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby
holds open the public hearing for the Standard Subdivision of Michael and Irene
Joe Townsend: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Three
November 19, 2007
Hearings Held Over From Previous Meetings:
Charnews. Daniel & Stephanie - This proposal is for a standard subdivision of a
2304004-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 3 acres and Lot 2 equals
2004004 acres. The property is located on the wlslo Youngs Avenue and the
elslo Horton Lane, approximately 375' south of CR 48, in Southold.
Joe Townsend: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board hereby
holds open the public hearing for the Charnews Subdivision.
Ken Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries. That's the end of our hearings for
tonight. We have a number of other procedural things.
SUBDIVISIONS (Lot Line Changes)
Conditional Final Determinations:
Rand. Michael & Nancv - This proposal is for a re-subdivision (lot line change)
to re-configure the lot lines of three parcels where, following the transfer,
SCTM#1000-14-2-11.3 will equal 49,665 sq. ft., SCTM#1000-14-2-11.2 will equal
43,672 sq. ft. and SCTM#1000-14-2-3.31 will equal 42,934 sq. ft. in the R-40
Zoning District. The properties are located on the wlslo Bight Road and the elslo
Grand View Drive, nlo NYS Route 25, in Orient.
Martin Sidor: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a re-subdivision (lot line change) to re-
configure the lot lines of three parcels where, following the transfer, SCTM#1000-14-2-
11.3 will equal 49,665 sq.ft., SCTM#1000-14-2-11.2 will equal 43,672 sq.ft., and
SCTM#1000-14-2-3.31 will equal 42,934 sq.ft. in the R-40 Zoning District.; and
WHEREAS, an application for a re-subdivision was submitted to the Southold Town
Planning Board on September 5,2007, including a map prepared by Garrett A. Strang,
R.A., dated August 30,2007; and
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Four
November 19,2007
WHEREAS, the Planning Board reviewed the proposal at their Work Session on
September 17, 2007 and determined that the map needed to be revised to avoid the
necessity to obtain a set-back variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals; and
WHEREAS, on November 2,2007, the applicant submitted a revised map prepared by
Garrett A. Strang, R.A., dated August 30,2007 and last revised on November 2,2007;
WHEREAS, the Planning Board determined that the resulting lot line change will not
result in the creation of any new building lots nor will it createlincrease non-conformities;
be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State
Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, do an
uncoordinated review of this Unlisted Action. The Planning Board establishes itself as
lead agency, and as lead agency, makes a determination of non-significance and grants
a Negative Declaration;
Ken Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Martin Sidor: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
hereby waive the public hearing for this project;
Ken Edwards: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Martin Sidor: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
grant conditional final approval on the map prepared by Garrett A. Strang, RA dated
August 30, 2007 and last revised on November 2,2007, subject to the following
The filing of new deeds with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk pertaining to
the lot line change and, upon filing, submission of copies to this office.
Ken Edwards: Second.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Five
November 19. 2007
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Goss. Porter & Marv/Upston. Charles III - This proposal is for are-subdivision
(lot line change) that will merge SCTM#1000-3-6-3.6 with the adjacent properties
to the east and west, where following the transfer, SCTM#1000-3-6-3.2 will equal
6.09 acres and SCTM#1000-3-6-2 will equal 2.60 acres in the R-120 Zoning
District. The properties are located on the slslo a private right-of-way, wlo
Chocomount Drive on Fishers Island.
Ken Edwards: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a re-subdivision (lot line change) that will
merge SCTM#1 000-3-6-3.6 with the adjacent properties to the east and west, where
following the transfer, SCTM#1000-3-6-3.2 will equal 6.09 acres and SCTM#1000-3-6-2
will equal 2.60 acres in the R-120 Zoning District.; and
WHEREAS, an application for a re-subdivision (lot line change) was submitted on
September 10, 2007, including the map prepared by CME Associates, Engineering,
Land Surveying & Architecture, PLLC, dated August 6, 2007; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board reviewed the application at their Work Session on
September 17, 2007 and determined that the proposal will reduce density by one
building lot; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State
Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, do an
uncoordinated review of this Unlisted Action. The Planning Board establishes itself as
lead agency and, as lead agency, makes a determination of non-significance and grants
a Negative Declaration;
Martin Sidor: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Ken Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
hereby waive the public hearing for this project;
South old Town Planninq Board
Paqe Six
November 19. 2007
Martin Sidor: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Ken Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
grant conditional final approval on the surveys prepared by CME Associates,
Engineering, Land Surveying & Architecture, PLLC, dated August 6,2007, subject to
the following conditions:
1. Review by the Fishers Island Development Corporation (FIDCO).
2. The filing of new deeds with the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk pertaining to
the lot line change and, upon filing, submission of a copy to this office.
Martin Sidor: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries.
Setting of Final Hearings:
Marco. Philip & Patricia - This proposal is for a conservation subdivision of four
parcels of land totaling 133 acres into eight lots where Lot 1 is 10.6125 acres and
includes a 2.4879-acre building envelope and 8.1246 acres to be preserved
through a Development Rights Sale to the Town of Southold; Lot 2 is 8.6160
acres; Lot 3 is 5.1462 acres; Lot 4 is 28.1383 acres and includes a 2.0134-acre
building envelope and 26.1249 acres to be preserved through a Development
Rights Sale to the Town of Southold; Lot 5 is 5.6667 acres; Lot 6 is 8.7294 acres
and includes a 2.9496-acre building envelope and 5.3298 acres to be preserved
by a Conservation Easement; Lot 7 is 5.478 acres and includes a 1.9773-acre
building envelope and 3.5705 acres to be preserved by a Conservation
Easement; Lot 8 is 58.6862 acres and includes a 2.0057-acre building envelope
and 56.6805 acres to be preserved through a Development Rights Sale to the
County of Suffolk. The properties are located on the s/e/s/o Leslie's Road, the
s/w/c/o Indian Neck Road and the e/s/o Bay Avenue in Peconic. SCTM#1000-97-
9-10.4 & 12; 98-1-2.1 & 27.1
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Seven
November 19. 2007
Joe Townsend: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a conservation subdivision of four
parcels of land totaling 133 acres into eight lots where Lot 1 is 10.6125 acres and
includes a 2.4879-acre building envelope and 8.1246 acres to be preserved through a
Development Rights Sale to the Town of Southold; Lot 2 is 8.6160 acres; Lot 3 is
5.1462 acres; Lot 4 is 28.1383 acres and includes a 2.0134-acre building envelope and
26.1249 acres to be preserved through a Development Rights Sale to the Town of
Southold; Lot 5 is 5.6667 acres; Lot 6 is 8.7294 acres and includes a 2.9496-acre
building envelope and 5.3298 acres to be preserved by a Conservation Easement; Lot 7
is 5.478 acres and includes a 1.9773-acre building envelope and 3.5705 acres to be
preserved by a Conservation Easement; Lot 8 is 58.6862 acres and includes a 2.0057-
acre building envelope and 56.6805 acres to be preserved through a Development
Rights Sale to the County of Suffolk; and
WHEREAS, an application for sketch approval was submitted on October 31,2007,
including the sketch plan prepared by Howard W. Young, L.S., dated October 24,2007,
and the sketch plan/aerial overlay map prepared by Howard W. Young, L.S., dated
October 24, 2007; and
WHEREAS, in consideration of the time sensitive nature of this project, which includes
the permanent preservation of 96.6596 acres of land, the South old Town Planning
Board held several pre-submission meetings with the applicant on a number of
occasions in order to facilitate a timely processing of the application; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board most recently reviewed the application at their Work
Session on November 5, 2007 and deemed the application complete but required minor
revisions to the map with respect to the conservation subdivision calculations; and
WHEREAS, on November 16, 2007, the applicant submitted revised maps, including
the sketch plan prepared by Howard W. Young, L.S., dated October 24,2007 and last
revised on November 7,2007, and the sketch plan/aerial overlay map prepared by
Howard W. Young, L.S., dated October 24,2007 and last revised on November 7,2007;
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board finds that the proposal meets the
conservation subdivision criteria pursuant to Chapter 240 of the Southold Town Code;
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board finds that the proposal is not subject to
the inclusionary zoning requirements for affordable housing pursuant to Section 240-
10B(c) of the Southold Town Code; be it therefore
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Eiqht
November 19. 2007
RESOLVED, that the South old Town Planning Board, acting under the State Environmental
Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7, do an uncoordinated review
of this Unlisted Action. The Planning Board establishes itself as lead agency and, as lead
agency, makes a determination of non-significance and grants a Negative Declaration;
Ken Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries.
Joe Townsend: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
hereby grants conditional sketch approval upon the map prepared Howard W. Young,
L.S., dated October 24,2007 and last revised on November 7,2007, subject to the
following conditions:
1) Submission of the application for final plat approval.
2) Submission of the final map with all of the technical requirements pursuant to
Section 240-21 of the Southold Town Code in addition to the following:
a) The title of the map shall indicate that this is a conservation subdivision.
b) Add a note which states that in the event that the Development Rights Sale is not
completed pursuant to the approved subdivision map and a copy of the recorded
Deed of Development Rights Easement is not submitted to the Town of Southold
Planning Department, the Planning Board's approval of the subdivision shall no
longer be valid.
c) Add a note which states that the Town of Southold Building Department shall not
issue building permits for any of the lots on the approved subdivision map until
the Development Rights Sale is completed pursuant to the approved subdivision
map and a copy of the recorded Deed of Development Rights Easement is
submitted to the Town of Southold Planning Department.
d) Add a note which states that a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions has
been filed in the County Clerk's Office and that such Covenants and Restrictions
affect the subdivision and the properties within.
e) State that the subdivision has been adopted pursuant to the terms of the
amended Chapter 240, Subdivision of Land, effective August 24, 2004.
3) Submission of the final Road and Drainage Plans.
4) Submission of a Draft Bond Estimate.
Southold Town Plan nino Board
Paoe Nine
November 19. 2007
5) Submission of a permit or Letter of Non-Jurisdiction from the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation and the Southold Town Trustees, if
6) Submission of Draft Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions containing provisions
and clauses required by the Planning Board as conditions of approval.
7) Submission of a Draft Road and Maintenance Agreement.
8) Submission of a Draft Homeowners Association Agreement.
9) LWRP Coastal Consistency Review by the Town of Southold.
10)Review and approval from the Suffolk County Planning Commission.
11 )Submission of the Park and Playground Fee in the amount of $24,500 ($3,500 for
each new residential lot being created);
Chairperson Woodhouse: Second. All in favor?
Joe Townsend: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
set Monday, December 10, 2007 at 6:15 p.m. for a final public hearing on the final plat
to be prepared in accordance with the requirements of this approval.
Ken Edwards: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: And that motion carries. Thank you.
Setting of Preliminary Hearings:
Onufrak. Peter & Gloria - This proposal is for a standard subdivision of a
7.0415-acre parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 1.3366 acres and Lot 2
equals 5.7049 acres, inclusive of a 1.3365-acre building envelope and 4.3684
acres of subdivision Open Space that will be permanently preserved by a
Conservation Easement. The property is located on the nle corner of CR 48 and
Mary's Road in Mattituck. SCTM#1000-114-5-1
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Ten
November 19. 2007
Martin Sidor: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a standard subdivision of a 7.0415-acre
parcel into two lots where Lot 1 equals 1.3366 acres and Lot 2 equals 5.7049 acres,
inclusive of a 1.3365-acre building envelope and 4.3684 acres of subdivision Open
Space that will be permanently preserved by a Conservation Easement; and
WHEREAS, an application for sketch approval was submitted on November 9, 2006,
including the sketch plan prepared by John T. Metzger, L.S. dated November 2, 2006;
WHEREAS, on August 14, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board started the
SEQRA lead agency coordination process for this Unlisted Action; and
WHEREAS, on August 14, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board granted
conditional sketch approval upon the map prepared by John T. Metzger, L.S., dated
June 29, 2006 and last revised on August 1, 2007; and
WHEREAS, on October 19, 2007, the applicant submitted the application for preliminary
plat approval, one (1) copy of the Draft Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions and
the preliminary plat prepared by John T. Metzger, L.S., dated June 29,2006 and last
revised on October 5, 2007; and
WHEREAS, on November 9,2007, the applicant submitted a Letter of Water Availability
issued by the Suffolk County Water Authority; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State
Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7,
establishes itself as lead agency for the unlisted action and, as lead agency, grants a
Negative Declaration for the proposed action;
Chairperson Woodhouse: Second. All in favor?
Martin Sidor: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board set
Monday, December 10, 2007 at 6:10 p.m. for a preliminary public hearing on the
preliminary plat prepared by John T. Metzger, L.S., dated June 29, 2006 and last
revised on October 5,2007.
Ken Edwards: Second the motion.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Eleven
November 19. 2007
Conditional Sketch Determinations:
Foster, Arthur - This proposal is to subdivide a 3.2424-acre parcel into three
lots, where Lot 1 equals 52,743 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 42,000 sq. ft. and Lot 3
equals 46,510 sq. ft. in the Light Industrial (L1) Zoning District. The property is
located on the s/e/c/o Corporate Road and Commerce Drive in Cutchogue.
Ken Edwards: WHEREAS, this proposal is to subdivide a 3.2424-acre parcel into three
lots, where Lot 1 equals 52,743 sq. ft., Lot 2 equals 42,000 sq. ft. and Lot 3 equals
46,510 sq. ft. in the Light Industrial (L1) Zoning District; and
WHEREAS, an application for sketch approval was submitted on August 18, 2006,
including an undated and unsigned concept plan that was reviewed by the Planning
Board at their Work Session on August 21, 2006; and
WHEREAS, on June 14,2007, the applicant submitted a new sketch plan prepared by
John T. Metzger, L.S., dated June 5, 2007, which was reviewed by the Planning Board
at their Work Session on June 18, 2007; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the South old Town Planning Board start the SEQRA lead agency coordination
process for this Unlisted Action;
Martin Sidor: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Ken Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
hereby grants conditional sketch approval on the map prepared by John T. Metzger,
L.S., dated June 5, 2007, subject to the following conditions:
1. Submission of the application and fee for preliminary plat approval. The
preliminary map shall contain all of the technical requirements pursuant to
Section 240-17 of the Southold Town Code, in addition to the following changes:
a. The title of the map shall read "Standard Subdivision for the Property of
Arthur Foster".
b. Show the 5'-wide landscape buffer along the northwesterly property line in
accordance with the approved subdivision map of North Fork Industrial
c. Show the location of the curb-cuts on the surrounding properties for which
site plans have been approved by the Planning Board.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Twelve
November 19. 2007
d. Show the location of all buildings, structures and other improvements
within 500' of the subject property.
2. Submission of a Letter of Water Availability from the Suffolk County Water
3. Submission of Draft Declaration of Covenants & Restrictions containing
provisions and clauses required by the Planning Board as conditions of approval.
4. Review by the Town of Southold LWRP Coordinator.
Martin Sidor: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries. Thank you.
Vitti. Irene - This proposal is for a clustered conservation subdivision of a
20.7572-acre parcel into four (4) lots, where Lot 1 is 18.7513 acres, inclusive of a
1.956-acre building lot and 16.795 acres to be preserved through a Development
Rights Sale to the County of Suffolk; Lot 2 equals 30,003 square feet; Lot 3
equals 30,000 square feet; and Lot 4 equals 25,956 square feet in the A-C
Zoning District. The property is located on the nlslo County Road 48,
approximately 870 ft. wlo Horton's Lane, in Southold. SCTM#1000- 59-3-27
Joe Townsend: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a clustered conservation subdivision of
a 20.7572-acre parcel into four (4) lots, where Lot 1 is 18.7513 acres, inclusive of a
1.956-acre building lot and 16.795 acres to be preserved through a Development Rights
Sale to the County of Suffolk; Lot 2 equals 30,003 square feet; Lot 3 equals 30,000
square feet; and Lot 4 equals 25,956 square feet in the A-C Zoning District; and
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Thirteen
November 19. 2007
WHEREAS, an application for sketch approval was submitted on January 31,2007,
including the sketch plan prepared by John C. Ehlers, L.S., dated March 22, 2006 and
last revised on November 17, 2006; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed this application at their Work
Session on Monday, February 26, 2007; and
WHEREAS, on March 12, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board started the SEQRA
lead agency coordination process for this unlisted action; and
WHEREAS, on October 11, 2007, the applicant submitted the revised sketch plan
prepared by Kenneth H. Beckman, L.S., dated July 30,2007 and last revised on October
2,2007; and
WHEREAS, on October 15, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the
State Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7,
established itself as lead agency for the unlisted action; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State
Environmental Quality Review Act pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7,
establishes itself as lead agency for the unlisted action and, as lead agency, grants a
Negative Declaration for the proposed action.
Ken Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries.
Briarcliff Sod, Inc. - This proposal is for a conservation subdivision of a 24.97-
acre parcel into three lots where Lot 1 equals 1.71 acres, Lot 2 equals 1.71 acres
and Lot 3 equals 21.55 acres upon which the Development Rights to 21.22 acres
have been sold to the County of Suffolk. The property is located on slslo NYS
Route 25 and the nlslo Leslie's Road, approximately 1,500 feet elo Bay Avenue,
in Peconic. SCTM#1000-85-3-12.1 & 12.2; 97-10-1
Southold Town PlanninQ Board
PaQe Fourteen
November 19. 2007
Chairperson Woodhouse: WHEREAS, this proposal is for a conservation subdivision of
a 24.97-acre parcel into three lots where Lot 1 equals 1.71 acres, Lot 2 equals 1.71
acres and Lot 3 equals 21.55 acres upon which the Development Rights to 21.22 acres
have been sold to the County of Suffolk; and
WHEREAS, an application for sketch approval was submitted on June 21,2007,
including the sketch plan prepared by John C. Ehlers, L.S., dated May 23,1997 and last
revised on April 16, 2007; and
WHEREAS, the Southold Town Planning Board reviewed a concept plan for this parcel
at their Work Session on May 7,2007; and
WHEREAS, on August 13, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board started the
SEQRA lead agency coordination process for this Unlisted Action; and
WHEREAS, on October 15, 2007, the South old Town Planning Board granted
conditional sketch approval upon the map prepared by John C. Ehlers, L.S., dated May
23, 1997 and last revised on April 16, 2007; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State
Environmental Quality Review Act, pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617, Section 617.7,
establish itself as lead agency for the unlisted action and, as lead agency, grants a
Negative Declaration for the proposed action.
Ken Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Fifteen
November 19. 2007
Final Determinations:
Sparklina Pointe Winery - This site plan is for an alteration of an existing
building into a new winery totaling 11,541 sq. ft. which includes 813 sq. ft. of
office, 837 sq. ft. of retail, 4,170 sq. ft. of tasting room, 3,306 sq. ft. of storage
area and 2,415 sq. ft. of production area with 41 parking spaces on a 12.088-
acre parcel in the A-C Zone located on the sIsto County Road 48, approximately
1,699 ft. w/o Tucker Lane, known as 39750 County Road 48, in Southold.
SCTM#1 000-59-1 0-1
Martin Sidor: WHEREAS, this site plan is for an alteration of an existing building into a new
winery totaling 11,541 sq. ft. which includes 813 sq. ft. of office, 837 sq. ft. of retail, 4,170 sq. ft.
of tasting room, 3,306 sq. ft. of storage area and 2,415 sq. ft. of production area on a 12.088-
acre parcel in the A-C Zone located on the south side of County Road 48, approximately 1,699
ft. west of Tucker Lane, known as 39750 County Road 48, in Southold. SCTM#1 000-59-1 0-1 ;
WHEREAS, Thomas P. Rosicki is the owner of the property known as 39750 County
Road 48 in Southold; and
WHEREAS, on September 10, 2007, the Southold Town Planning Board closed the final public
hearing; and
WHEREAS, on September 10,2007, the Southold Town Planning Board granted
approval on the site plan set 1-8 prepared by Samuels & Steelman and certified by
Nancy L. Steelman, Architect, dated as follows: Plan Numbers 1, 5, 6, 7 & 8 are dated
August 7, 2007, Plan Numbers 2 & 3 are dated August 30,2007 and Plan Number 4 is
dated September 6,2007, and authorized the Chairperson to endorse the site plan after
the revised landscape plan is submitted and approved by the Planning Board with the
following conditions:
1. The owner, agent and/or applicant proposed to enhance/change the landscape
on the County Road 48 Frontage and submit a revised landscape plan Drawing
Number 4 detailing the landscape enhancements/changes to be reviewed and
approved by the Southold Town Planning Board.
2. The owner, agent and/or applicant proposed to install signage that strictly
prohibits bus use of the site and install such signage to the satisfaction of the
Southold Town Planning Board.
Southold Town Plannina Board
Paae Sixteen
November 19. 2007
3. The owner, agent and/or applicant shall receive approval from the Suffolk County
Department of Health Services for the approved construction and submit such
approval to the Southold Town Planning Department for review. If such approval
varies from this approved site plan, the Planning Board reserves the right to
review a new site plan application. A copy of the Suffolk County Department of
Health Services approved plan must be submitted to the Southold Town Planning
Department within thirty (30) days of receipt. If applicant/agent/owner fails to
adhere to this requirement, this approval shall become null and void.
4. The owner, agent and/or applicant shall apply for a changed approval from the
Southold Town ZBA for the landscape changes as shown on this site plan or
must meet the condition as imposed by the ZBA in Appeal #5520 and revise the
approved site plan landscape as required.
5. The owner, agent and/or applicant shall receive permit approval from the Suffolk
County Department of Public Works for the approved construction and submit
such approval to the Southold Town Planning Department for review. If such
approval varies from this approved site plan, the Planning Board reserves the
right to review a new site plan application. A copy of the Suffolk County
Department of Public Works approved plan must be submitted to the Southold
Town Planning Department within thirty (30) days of receipt. If
applicant/agent/owner fails to adhere to this requirement, this approval shall
become null and void.
6. If necessary, the applicant/agent/owner must obtain a Phase II State Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit from the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) for the approved
construction. A copy of the NYS DEC SPDES Permit must be submitted to the
Southold Town Planning Department within thirty (30) days of receipt.
7. The owner, agent and/or applicant agrees to build out the site and install all
handicap parking stalls, access aisles and signage in compliance with New York
State Code and ADA Requirements.
8. The owner, agent and/or applicant understands and agrees that the Southold
Town Building Department will review the approved proposed build out under a
Building Permit Application and that all construction must meet or exceed the
required codes and this site plan approval is subject to change to conform to any
requirement of Local & State Regulations as applied during the building permit
9. The site plan approval requires that all work proposed on the site plan shall be
completed within three (3) years from the date of this resolution.
South old Town Planninq Board
Paqe Seventeen
November 19. 2007
10. Prior to the request for the Certificate of Occupancy, the owner or authorized
agent must request, in writing, the said Building Inspector and the Planning
Board to perform an on-site inspection to find the site improvements are in
conformity with the approved site plan.
11. Prior to the request for an on-site inspection, the applicanVagenVowner must
submit a copy of all required approvals from any necessary agencies to the
Southold Town Planning Department.
12. Upon inspection, if the as-built site improvements vary from the approved site
plan, the Planning Board reserves the right to request a certified as-built site plan
detailing all the changes.
13.Any changes from the approved site plan shall require Planning Board approval,
and any such changes without Planning Board approval will be subject to referral
to the Town Attorney's Office for possible legal action.
14. The Planning Board will issue a final site plan approval in the form of a letter
following a site inspection and at the time the site improvements are found to be
in conformance with the approved site plan.
15. The owner, agent and/or applicant must provide and ensure all necessary safety
precautions are implemented before, during and upon completion of any construction at
the site for anyone on the site as may be required by all authorities having jurisdiction;
WHEREAS, on September 27,2007, Ural Talgat submitted the New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation Acknowledgement of the Notice of Intent for SPEDES General
Permit No. GP-02-02 and this satisfies the requirement of Condition Number 6 of the approval
granted on September 11, 2007; and
WHEREAS, on October 18, 2007, Ural Talgat submitted a revised site plan and the Planning
Board held a Work Session on October 29, 2007 to review the revised landscape plan which
satisfies the requirement of Condition Number 1 of the approval granted on September 11,
2007; and
WHEREAS, on October 18, 2007, Ural Talgat submitted a site utilities plan stamped approved
by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services with Reference Number C10-07-0008 for
a winery and the Planning Board held a Work Session on October 29, 2007 to review the
revised landscape plan which satisfies the requirement of Condition Number 3 of the approval
granted on September 11, 2007; therefore, be it
South old Town Planninq Board
Paqe Eiqhteen
November 19. 2007
RESOLVED, that pursuant to Southold Town Code 280-131 Part I, the applicant agrees
to incorporate all the requirements, comments, and recommendations of each reviewing
agency as referenced above and as indicated on the site plan and corresponding
attachments including the previously issued resolution dated September 11, 2007;
Ken Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries.
Martin Sidor: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
grant approval on the site plan set 1-8 prepared by Samuels & Steelman and certified
by Nancy L. Steelman Architect, dated as follows: Plan Numbers 1, 5, 6, 7 & 8 are
dated August 7, 2007, Plan Numbers 2 & 3 are dated August 30,2007 and Plan
Number 4 is dated September 6,2007 and last revised October 29,2007, and authorize
the Chairperson to endorse the site plan set approved by the Planning Board with the
following conditions:
1. The owner, agent and/or applicant proposed to install signage that strictly
prohibits bus use of the site and install such signage to the satisfaction of the
Southold Town Planning Board.
2. The owner, agent and/or applicant shall apply for a change in approval from the
Southold Town ZBA for the landscape changes as shown on this site plan or
must meet the condition as imposed by the ZBA in Appeal #5520 and revise the
approved site plan landscape as required. A copy of the ZBA approved plan
must be submitted to the Southold Town Planning Department within thirty (30)
days of receipt. If applicant/agent/owner fails to adhere to this requirement, this
approval shall become null and void.
3. The owner, agent and/or applicant shall receive permit approval from the Suffolk
County Department of Public Works for the approved construction and submit
such approval to the Southold Town Planning Department for review. If such
approval varies from this approved site plan, the Planning Board reserves the
right to review a new site plan application. A copy of the Suffolk County
Department of Public Works approved plan must be submitted to the Southold
Town Planning Department within thirty (30) days of receipt. If
applicant/agent/owner fails to adhere to this requirement, this approval shall
become null and void.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Nineteen
November 19. 2007
4. The owner, agent and/or applicant agrees to build out the site and install all
handicap parking stalls, access aisles and signage in compliance with New York
State Code and ADA Requirements.
5. The owner, agent and/or applicant understands and agrees that the South old
Town Building Department will review the approved proposed build out under a
Building Permit Application and that all construction must meet or exceed the
required codes and this site plan approval is subject to change to conform to any
requirement of Local & State Regulations as applied during the building permit
6. The site plan approval requires that all work proposed on the site plan shall be
completed within three (3) years from the date of this resolution.
7. Prior to the request for the Certificate of Occupancy, the owner or authorized
agent must request, in writing, the said Building Inspector and the Planning
Board to perform an on-site inspection to find the site improvements are in
conformity with the approved site plan.
8. Prior to the request for an on-site inspection, the applicant/agent/owner must
submit a copy of all required approvals from any necessary agencies to the
South old Town Planning Department.
9. Upon inspection, if the as-built site improvements vary from the approved site
plan, the Planning Board reserves the right to request a certified as-built site plan
detailing all the changes.
10.Any changes from the approved site plan shall require Planning Board approval,
and any such changes without Planning Board approval will be subject to referral
to the Town Attorney's Office for possible legal action.
11. The Planning Board will issue a final site plan approval in the form of a letter
following a site inspection and at the time the site improvements are found to be
in conformance with the approved site plan.
12. The owner, agent and/or applicant must provide and ensure all necessary safety
precautions are implemented before, during and upon completion of any
construction at the site for anyone on the site as may be required by all
authorities having jurisdiction.
Ken Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Twentv
November 19. 2007
Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries.
Set Hearings:
Blue Duck Bakery - This new site plan is for the proposed conversion of an
existing automotive service building to a bakery where 400 sq. ft. is for retail,
1,680 sq. ft. is for storage and 1,080 sq. ft. is for food processing where 6 parking
spaces are required and 11 are provided, on a 10,211.40 sq. ft. parcel in the
Hamlet Business Zone located on the n/s/o New York State Road 25,
approximately 576' east of Boisseau Avenue, known as 56275 Main Road in
Southold. SCTM#1000-63-3-12
Ken Edwards: WHEREAS, this new site plan is for the proposed conversion of an
existing automotive service building to a bakery where 400 sq. ft. is for retail, 1,680 sq.
ft. is for storage and 1,080 sq. ft. is for food processing where 6 parking spaces are
required and 11 are provided on a 10,211.40 sq. ft. parcel in the Hamlet Business Zone
located on the n/s/o New York State Road 25, approximately 576' east of Boisseau
Avenue, known as 56275 Main Road, in Southold. SCTM#1000-63-3-12; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board, acting under the State
Environmental Quality Review Act (6 NYCRR) Part 617.5c (7), make a determination
that the proposed action is a Type II and not subject to review;
Chairperson Woodhouse: Second. All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries.
Ken Edwards: and be it further RESOLVED, that the Southold Town Planning Board
set Monday, December 10, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. for a final public hearing.
Joe Townsend: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: That motion carries.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Twentv-One
November 19. 2007
Chairperson Woodhouse: The next item has been pulled from the Agenda.
Lead Agency Designation:
Peconic Recyclina & Transfer II - This site plan is for new construction of a
building that includes 32,000 sq. ft. of warehouse space and 2,200 sq. ft. of office
space for a transfer station use on a vacant 118,164.2 sq. ft. parcel in the L10 Zone
located at the north intersection of Corporate Road and Commerce Drive known as
560 Commerce Drive in Cutchogue. SCTM 1000-95-2-5
Chairperson Woodhouse: That concludes our resolutions for the evening
Chairperson Woodhouse: I will entertain a motion next to approve the minutes of
March 12,2007.
Joe Townsend: So moved.
Ken Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: Before we adjourn, is there anyone who would like to
address the Board on any matter? Please step up to the microphone and state your
name and address for the record.
John Lattiman: I'm from Cutchogue: 1200 Harbor Lane. I'm here regarding a complaint
my wife filed back in September; in fact on September 4th I delivered it personally to
your office. We did get a return letter; it's regarding a complaint on Alvah's Lane, Satur
Farms, about trucks running their refrigeration units; there are six units running there
continuously, 24 hours a day. There's two trucks running there that are loaded up ready
to go to the city; there's 8 trucks running there with the noise, the fumes. We have a
Southold Town Plannina Board
Paae Twentv-Two
November 19. 2007
house there; we cannot rent it because of the fumes. The people next door had to put
air conditioning in to close their house up to live there. They leave for Florida early
because of these problems. I'd like to ask the question: has the Planning Board gone
up there and looked at this complaint? We know there was a reply in the paper from
Mr. Sidor, OK, which didn't go very well with the neighbors.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Is there anyone who would like to respond?
John Lattiman: I checked with the Supervisor, Mr. Sidor says there's a "right to farm"
law in New York State. The Supervisor says there is none. There is the Town Code,
which my son-in-law helped draft, Steve Mudd. I'd just like to know what the Planning
Board has done on these complaints from these people; we are not the only one who
Martin Sidor: The Town does have a "right to farm."
John Lattiman: The Town? You said the State. Agricultural Markets, the State.
Martin Sidor: Well, it comes from Ag & Markets. The point I tried to or tend to make is
that I will always support agriculture.
John Lattiman: I do, too. My wife grew up across the street, and she was born in 1934.
We were newcomers into the Town.
Martin Sidor: As you know, I did finally call your son.
John Lattiman: What does my son have to do with it? You were supposed to call me.
The Supervisor told me you were supposed to call and meet up there with us.
Martin Sidor: I called your son. I wasn't aware of that. And I did speak with several
other neighbors. I spoke with your son two months ago.
John Lattiman: Yeah, two months.
Chairperson Woodhouse: At this point, what is the status of the application before us?
Bruno Semon: If you'd like, I'll speak on it; I'm not fully aware of it, but what you need to
know is right now it has not been brought in front of the Planning Board; they have no
action with respect to that parcel or site or its activities. It has to be brought through
Code Enforcement and dictated that it needs a site plan. Then, the person needs to
come in and apply for a site plan. Until they apply for a site plan with an application, this
Board cannot really chime in on it. So I can tell you, currently I am not aware of a paid-
for application in front of this Board. If there is one, I am not aware of it; I would see it.
Southold Town Plannina Board
Paae Twenty-Three
November 19. 2007
John Lattiman: But they are operating there; why aren't they closed down?
Bruno Semon: This Board has no enforcement capabilities.
Chairperson Woodhouse: I just want to repeat that; as a Planning Board, we are not
the enforcers. It would have to come out of the Attorney's Office, the enforcement
agency within the Town. We would not be in that role ever.
John Lattiman: The Town has received numerous pictures; there's another violation,
there's 7 or 8 300-lb. gas tanks by a building there. If they ever have a leak, we know
what happens when a 30-pounder flies 400 feet through the air at the I.M. Young fire.
With these, they're gonna blow up the whole neighborhood. Nothing is done; these
pictures were given to the Town.
Chairperson Woodhouse: I personally will make sure that it is again brought to the
attention of the Town Attorney and Code Enforcement now that you've been here.
John Lattiman: We were told to put the complaint in to the Planning Board.
Joe Townsend: Who told you?
John Lattiman: Supervisor's Office.
Joe Townsend: If there was a site plan in front of us and somebody was in violation of a
site plan, we would go out and look at it; first of all staff does, and we generally meet on
the premises. But unless there's a site plan filed in our office, we have no basis for
doing that. We did know about this, and I know I've seen sketches of something that
they wanted to do. It wasn't a formal site plan, but I have seen sketches of what they
said they were going to do. So, we've discussed it but we haven't yet received the site
John Lattiman: How are they operating there now without a site plan?
Joe Townsend: I don't know if they're operating legally or not; I don't know.
understand that parking a vehicle there, is that illegal?
John Lattiman: They're using Alvah's Lane for a loading platform, going down with
boxes piled on it and there's no registration on the vehicle. There's tractor-trailers
parked out by the road right on the road, they almost hit a school bus one day.
Joe Townsend: Seems to me there's a lot of agencies that would have an interest in
that; whether it be the police, for undocumented trucks, or whether it would be the police
for disturbing the peace. That's the entity that I think would be appropriate.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Twentv-Four
November 19, 2007
Chairperson Woodhouse: What I'd like to suggest is that the staff and the Planning
Director take a look at this issue and inform the Planning Board of what the status of the
application is so that we can determine what we can do.
John Lattiman: The fumes are terrible. Cement dust coming over; they don't blacktop
anything. It's terrible. The whole neighborhood filed complaints. Why weren't they sent
from you to Code Enforcement?
Chairperson Woodhouse: If we get a complaint in our department, we forward it to the
Code Enforcer to investigate. We will follow up and ask specifically what has been
done out of that office.
John Lattiman: I worked 23 years for Suffolk County handling complaints; we didn't let it
go by. We had to; otherwise our job was gone. This is ridiculous.
Chairperson Woodhouse: What I can say to you is that we will ask with all deliberate
speed between the staff and the Planning Board and respond to you as quickly as we
Bruno Semon: Madame Chairperson, if you want, he can contact us tomorrow. If he
gives his phone number, I will call him.
John Lattiman: It's not that it's gotta be done tomorrow.
Chairperson Woodhouse: You are describing a potentially serious situation and we will
respond to it quickly.
Bruno Semon: It's not a problem to find out where it's at, but just be aware that all Code
Enforcement and administration of the Code is done through the Building Department.
They are the only ones in the Town that can actually enforce any type of violation or
Code Enforcement issue. Then it goes to Ed Forrester in the Town Attorney's Office.
At the very end, it's sent through site plan review after it's actually enforced and brought
into court.
Chairperson Woodhouse: We don't have a site plan application.
Joe Townsend: You've been to the Town Board with this, right?
Bruno Semon: Supervisor can start this and get this rolling; he has a Code
Enforcement policy and that goes directly to the Town Attorney's Office and Ed
Forrester. It has nothing to do with Planning and cannot involve Planning Staff. It's a
direct complaint that goes into the Town Attorney/Ed Forrester.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Twentv-Five
November 19. 2007
Martin Sidor: For the record, John, there seems to be some miscommunication here.
The Supervisor was not in touch with me to be in contact with you.
John Lattiman: He said there was going to be a retraction in the paper. He told me the
week after this come out in the paper.
Martin Sidor: That needs to be cleared up. Are you going to be in touch with the
Supervisor tomorrow? Have him call me and I'll be glad to come down here and
straighten that out.
John Lattiman: I'd like to see somebody go up and look at the situation.
Representatives of the Planning Board. To see what we're trying to live with.
Martin Sidor: That also. But I was not aware of any of that; what you just told me.
was not aware of any of it.
John Lattiman: The dust, the fumes and the noise. He's in violation of the Southold
Town Agricultural law with the noise and the fumes; it's an unhealthy situation.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Our staff will tomorrow follow up with the Enforcement Office
and see where that stands.
Bruno Semon: John, just give me your phone number so I have it here in front of me.
John Lattiman: 734-6126
Joe Townsend: Is there a preliminary site plan on this? I did see drawings; what was
Heather Lanza: An old site plan; we have to look into it; I don't have the file here.
John Lattiman: You must have something; they've been operating there for five years.
We're putting up with this.
Chairperson Woodhouse: Again, we do not have currently an active site plan before us.
Bruno Semon: Just so the Board is aware, if John would like to know, I'll put it on for a
work session update next Monday so the Planning Board will be made aware of
whatever the status is in our Department and the Town.
Joe Townsend: I understand there is an approved site plan on this somewhere going
back. If they are in violation of that, then that's something that we can do.
Southold Town Planninq Board
Paqe Twentv-Six
November 19. 2007
Chairperson Woodhouse: Before we go any further, we don't have the information. We
will get the information and someone will speak to you tomorrow. Is there anyone else
who would like to address the Board at this time?
Ken Edwards: We are losing two key players in our Department and I would just like to
thank them for their work for the Town, and also wish them the best of luck: Amy and
Chairperson Woodhouse: Thank you for a job well done; you will be very much missed.
With that happy note, I will entertain a motion to adjourn.
Joe Townsend: So moved.
Ken Edwards: Second.
Chairperson Woodhouse: All in favor?
Chairperson Woodhouse: We are adjourned.
There being no further business to come before the meeting, it was adjourned
at 6:20 p.m.
Linda Randolph, T nscribing Secretary
oodhouse, Chairperson
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