HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12535 P 852~D~,m~e /~ ~ ~yof Sep~emb~ ,in~ye~ 2007 B~EN wi~ its pr~ci~l place of business at cio Edward J. DiNunzio, 1031 Main Street, Port Jefferson, New York 11777 ~yof~ fi~,~ ~R A. F~I, 115 Walnut Place, Mattituck, New York 11952 ~y of~ ~o~ p~. WI~E'I'~ ~t ~ ~y of~ ~t ~. in c~i~rntion often ~ll~ a~ o~ v~M ~nsidc~tion paid by ~ of ~e ~o~ ~ ~ he.by gr~t ~ ~{e~ unto ~ ~y of ~ ~d ~. ~ ~ ~ su~ ~d ~i8 ns of ~ ~y of t~ ~o~ ~ fo~ver. ALL ~ ~n ~. p~ ~ ~i of ~ w{~ ~ ~iMin~ ~ im~v~n~ ~ ~ Inoo~poza~ed V2~lage o~ Gzeenpoz~, Town oZ Sou~hold, County o~ Suffolk And S~e oi New Yo=k. See A~ached Schedule A. BEING ~D INT~DED ~o b~ ~h~ 9~e p~em~se8 conveyed ~he ~=8~ paz~ by deed da~ed D~ce~e~ 7, ~988 an~ Suffolk County Clezk'~ O~2ee on De~e~ 20, ~988 2n L2bez 10759 page 486. Tha~ ~he exeuo~ion and de~ve~y o~ ~h29 deed h~s been duly au~hoz2zed and app=oved by ~he unan~ous oonsen~ o~ all o~ the eha=eholdez~ ~. ~ob~'~ Convenience Foo~ S~o~, ~c. ~E~ER with ~1 ~ title ~ inter~t, if any. of thc p~y of ~he ~t ~ of. in ~ to ~y s~ts ~d ~ a~nin~ the u~ve~d~d p~mi~m to t~ ~nt~ {in~ t~r~f; TOG~HER with ~ ~e~n~ ~y oft~ fi~t p~ in ~ to ~d p~mi~; TO ~VE AND ~ HOLD t~ ~mi~ ~in ~t~ umo I~ ~ of ~ ~ond p~. ~ heirs or s~s~ ~ ~{g~ of the puny of Ihe mecond p~ louver. ~D ~ ~y of ~ fi~st ~ ~ve~n~ I~l tho p~y of ~ fi~ ~ ~ not done or p~i~s ~ve ~n i~ in ~y way ~'hntever, exce~ ~ ~D ~e ~ of ~e ~t ~. in com~i~ with S~tion 13 of ~ Lien ~w. coven~ ~eive ~ conside~tion for ~is eonveynnce ~ will ~ld ~e right to ~eive ~h co~i~on ~m a ~ fund lo ~ app}i~ fi~t for ~e p~ of ~yin8 ~ c~ of ~e {m~ovement n~ will ~ly ~e ~m~ ~t to ~ ~ymunt of ~ c~t of the imp~w~nt ~f~ ~in8 ~y ~ of ~ lolai of ~ ~ for ~)' ot~ ~. ~ ~ ~'~" s~l ~ con~ ~ if }t ~nd "~.{cs" w~v~ the ~nse of ~is {n~ntu~ ~ ~ui~s, ~ Wl~ WHEREOF. ~ ~y of ~ fi~t ~ ~ duly ex~ut~ ~}s ~ ~ ~y ~d y~ ~t ~ve wn~ten. ~. ROBERT'S CONV~NI~CE F~D Title No. 92252FA-S ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land. with the building and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Incorporated Village of Greenport, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at tho corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of Front Street with the westerly side of Third Street; TIIENCE south 84 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds west along the northerly side of Front Street, 89.19 feet to land now or formerly of Frankel; THENCE north 6 degrees 05 minutes 10 seconds west along last mentioned land, 115 feet to land now or formerly of Gaines; THENCE north 84 degrees 33 minutes east along last mentioned land, 87.68 feet to the westerly side of Third Street; THENCE south 6 degrees 50 minutes east along the westerly side of Third Street, 115 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. FOR ,NVEYANCING ONLY The policy to be issued under thi~ report will insure the title to such buildings and improvements e~ected on tho premises which by law Go~stltute real property. TOGETHER with ell the right, title and Interest of the party of the first part, of. in and to the [and lying in the street in front of and adjoining said premises. Page I S~de of Ne*t Yodrn Couaty of }s~.: ACKNOWLP. OGa~NT FOP~I FO~ US~. WI/711N NA'W ¥O~g STATE ONLY? /New ¥~ 5ubtcribi~g W~gne~ acb~o~dgmem C'ertificalel O~ tho day of in tbe year before me, the undtmignetL personally appeared Ibc subscribing witnes.,~ to the foregoing ins~'um~t~ wi~ whom I an~ i~rsonally acqU. mntccL who. being by me duly sworn, did clepo~ and say that be/sheahey residcts) in (if tkt place of residence b in a city, i~cladt the street and street number. /J'any, thereojO; thai he/she/they know(s) to be the indivldtcq! described in and who execuled the tb~egoing imm'umtnt; tha~ su~d subscribing witness was pre~nt and mw suid execu~ the san~; and that said wilness al the same time subscdb~ h/arm-r/their name{si as a witn~ thereto. BARGAIN & SALE DE~A) TO On the ~ ~ Io~ew~.ae m the year 2')OOQ before me, the un~gned, pertonaUy appeam:i gencn~lly known to me~w,.inov~i to me on the basis of salisf~'tory evkience to be ff~e individaaR~ name(s) is (are) subscribed to thc within instrament and acknowkM8~l to me that be/she/~hey executo:i the same in his/her/their capacitor;), and ~ by hL~er/theit sigmflure(s) o~ the instnament, tl~ ind~dt~(sL or thc person uptm A C~'O~7~t~z~t~3T FORM I.'0~ USE ObTsfl~ NEw YORA' STA/7? 0,~7.):. /{)at t~.~tatt or Ft~dgn GeneraJ Ack~o~qe~rm'nt Crt~ificale ] I Ccwnplet~ Venue aqth ~ate, Country. province or Municipalit~J ~.~C H Onmel~Ydavo{ September in~cvcar 2007 before me. th~ undersignecL personally apfemed Rob'err Brown . pe~mally knou, x, to me or proved to me on Ihe basis of satL,;facto~' e',,4<ience to he the individuaR.~ whose mune00 is ( Itl~ subscn bed to the within ins',rament and aclmow[edged to me tha~ ~ executed the same in hia~lR'l~e' capacity0i~, that by his/b~:~:i:lcsigmaur~X~ on Ihe insnument, the individual~), m' the person upon beha] for which the individual(s) aco~ executed the insln~nent, and that ~ch individual made sodn appearance before the undersigned in the County of PaLm Beach, $1:a~e of Florida (/tLc'Crt thc ¢i~' or olh~r l~ica/ sub~rL~ ~2tld the .qate or country ot ather placc the ~'knowledgment ~xts taken). /Tins M. Kiser / Co~ission #DD444898 J -L____Expires: June 26, 2009---- , ----- DI~TRI~ 1001 SE~ON 004.00 BL(m'~ 08.00 LOT O35.000 COU~T~ OR TOWN of Suf folk Town of Southold R£CORDED AT REQU~T OF Fidelity Narlcma] Title Imumm~ Company of New York THE JUDiCIAL'rn'LE INSURANCE AGENCY L.I.C 800 WESTCHESTER AVENUE I SUITE S-340 RYE BROOK, NY 10573 914-381-6T00 John Reeves, Esq. Kazmi Law Office 70-32 Broadway New York, New York 1137 8 Number of pages This documen! will be public. ~ecord. Please remove all Social Securi~/ Numbers prior to recording. Deed / Mortgage Instrument Page/Filing Fee Hand]lng 5. O0 'rP-584 Notat~n EA-52 17 (Co~dnty) EA-$217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. S. 00 Aflklav~t Certified Copy NYS Surcharge 15. 00 Other Real Property Tax Sewice Agency Verification 6 8 Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Sub Total Sub Total Grand Total ~-~4~" 07038004 iooi 00400 osoo o,sooo SatidacflonsJDischarges/Rtqeases L~st Property Ownen M~l[lng Address RECORD & RETURN TO:. John Reeves, Esq. Kazmi Law Office 70-32 Broadway Jackson Heights, 11372 5 RECORDED ~08 Jan 02 03:32:12 JUDITH A. P~SC~_~ CLERK OF 5UFFO~J< COUNT',' L P ~2 DT# 07-15~Z8 Recording / Filing Stamps Mortgage Amt. 1. Bask: Tax ~. Additional Tax SubTotal Spe~Asslt. Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County Held for Appo~ptr, rlent._~,_ . Man~lon T~ ~_. The pmpefay cove~ed by this mortgage is or will b~ Im~oved by a one or two family d~qllng only. YE5 _._~ Or NO If ~, .~e~appropd~te t~ ~au~ on I:~ # ___.~. o~ this Instrument Community %~rvation Fund Am%u~t $ /, ConsJdc~-tJon Improved Vacant Land __ TD TD TD Mail to: Judith A. Pas:ale, Suffolk County Clek .7 I Title Company Information . 310 Center Drive, Rlvethead, NY 11901 Co, Name Judicial Title Insurance A~ency www.suffolkcountyny.gov/derk Title# 92252FA-$ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms pan of the attached deed by: (SPECU:Y TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Mr. Robert's Convenience Food Thepremlseshereinissltuatedln Stores, Inc., iO%, ~,,% ~ ,t~et -~,~c~aY~ 5UFFOLKCOUNTY, NEWYORIL TO In the TOWN of Southold Omer A. Farooqi, IntheVlLLAG~ I,~J~Lk~-R~¢F H~m",-~,¢~ ~ U~3']- orHAMLETof. Greenport BOXES 6 TH RU S MuST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN. SLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING ,OR FLUNG. made [over) SD~'~OLK COUNTY CT.~.~K RECORDS O~'~'/CE RECORDING PA~E Ty~e of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD N,,m~er of Pages: 4 Receipt N---~e= : 08-0000289 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-15228 District: 1001 Deed Amount: Recorc%ed: At: LIBER: PAGE: Section: Block: 004.00 08.00 EX~X~U~A~ ~ C~R~ED ~ FOLLOWS $1~200~000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling ¢OE $5.00 NO N~S SRCHG EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation Cert. Copies $0.00 NO RPT Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm. Pres Fees Paid TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 07-15228 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL ~UDITH A. PASC~?.~ County Clerk, Suffolk County 01/02/2008 03:32:12 I:~ D00012535 852 Lot: 035.000 Exemp~ $5.00 NO $15.00 NO $165.00 NO $0.00 NO $30.00 NO $21,000.00 NO $21,242.00 PLEASE TYPE OR pRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRiTING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny,us or PHONE. (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY c,.~ /-4, ~.~50 ,/, ~.,.~,.~.~ ~/ ~ ~0% PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. ~ 300 I 8outhold i Front Street REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW RP- 5217 I Green~rt 111944 ~ I txl Ioel . s I [~kr imf. Robert's Convenience Food Stor~s, Inc. I C~,._~ Re~iden~l va~m LamJ G~__~ ~I 1 5 / 23 / Q7 A B C I) F G ! J l~,~,~ ~, , ~ , , P , O, 0 I I ~ESSME~ IN~R~N · D~a ~ould r~ the mate~ Final ~ment R~I and Tax Bill plsr )6¢ /~od~ /_o r I 1001/004.00/08.00/035.000 i i BUYER 300 I Front Street Greenport, New York i i 11944 MR. ROBERT'S CON--CE FOOD STORES, BUYER's ATTORNEY Reeves I John 718 [ 446-7474 I NEW YORK STATE COPY