HomeMy WebLinkAbout1928 I I. -.,...4....~ '.', ;..... ~. _ '..~ . _"< ,a.~,.... " .... .. December 20, 1974 Gary Olsen, Esq. Main Road Mattituck, N. Y. 11952 Re: Special Exception Appeal #1928 File # 1409 Cichanowicz Dear Mr. Olsen: In accordance with your request that Appeal No. 1~2c;, Frank Cichanowicz, be \dthdrawn, I am enclosing herewith your check No. 3601, dated June 18, 1974, in the amount of $15.00. lie. will, as of this date, close out the file on Appeal No. 1928, Frank Cichanowicz. Yours truly, ;iTul.l Harjorie McDermott, Secretary Enclosure December 17, 1974 Gary Olsen, Esq. Main Road Mattituck, N. Y. 11952 Dear Mr. Olsen: ReI Special Exception Appeal '1928 File . 1409 - Frank Cichanowicz In looking over our files we find that this applica- tion for a special exception was withdrawn on June 25, 1974 before it was legally advertised. However, we still have your check for $15.00, your check '3601. Will you please let me know whether you wish to reacti- vate this application some time in the future, or whether you wish to have the $15.00 fee returned and close out this appeal file. Yours truly, :mm Marjorie McDermott, Secretary c ~ TOWN OF aOUTHOLD, NEW y~ APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION NO. /1.:t g DATE ~../.C17"1T71f TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I, (We) ...f.M~,.9.~9.RA.N.QWlC.Z....w..............of ..(nQ,.numb.eXl..Lup,en,Dr.iv.e.,...cutcllog:ue Name Street and Number Town of Southold ...,................................................................................................ Municipality .,...N~:w"y9..k,.,....... State hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE III SECTION 100-30B-8 SUBSECTION THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE Applicant has started a nursery on approximately 14 acres on Indian Neck Lane, Peconic, New York. Since he has planted trees and shrubs he has experienced "poaching" of same particularly at night. He feels that by locating one trailer, on a temporary basis, subject to renewal, such pilferage can be discouraged. He plans to station one employee (and wife, if any) in the trailer. He does not wish or intend to create a "migrant labor camp" on the property. This application is limited as stated and the trailer will be so located and screened so as to be hardly visible from the adjoining roads. It is submitted that the applicanthas a valid, practical and economic hardship. Frank Cic GARY FLANNfR OLSEN P bl' Stale of New York Notary u Ie, . No. 52.2959600 . Qualified in Suffolk Counl~~' lerm Expires March 30,1975 FORM ZB2 -- '- o GARY FLAN N ER OLS EN COUNSELLOR AT LAW P. O. BOX 38 . MAIN ROAD. MATTITUCK, LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK 11952 . PHONE 516 298-4844 June 18, 1974 Re; If:_..~ ~h~\~ T~'t-Frank Cichanowicz File # 1409 Gentlemen: ) J-.\~ OLSEN GFOfmrc encl. Town of Southold Zoning Board of Appeals Town Clerk's Office Main Street Southold, New York 11971 - - - - TOWN OF SOUTHOLD TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined ...~?......................, 19{.!-:/ Application No .................................... Approved ........f/Z................., 19?.~Permit No. ................ ( ..' ~ .Apprmred..for..sil>..lID!J.\;)).s...OWY..,f.:r.Offi.....1?9,ve dy-te. ................................................................................................?:;~(/;?; ',/;', .~ ~' , .........{{t;;it.tf..s~~f~i~~.;../.~.~.~.:.~.::..~...~ L-"".. { OR HOUSE CAR, '., '. {, APPLICATION FOR LOCATION OF SINGLE AUTOMOBILE TRAILER OUTSIDE OF TOURIST CA^,P. ~ ~ '- . Date' ....M~y..?.~A..........:......, , 19..7.1.. Instructions L a. This' application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in inl<. dnd submitted in duplicate to the Tawn Clerk. '.~ . . L b. Plot plan showing location of lot arid of buildings on premises, telbtionship' to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of Ipraperty and propos'ed location of trailer must be drawn on the diagram which is part of this application. c. Upon approval of this application, the Town Board will issue a trailer permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept an the premises available for inspection. d. No trailer shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever other than specified in permit. Application is hereby made to the Town Board for the issuance of a Trailer Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Sauthald, Suffolk unty, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations. The applicant agrees to c 'with all appli ble laws, ordinances and regulations. Frank Cichanowicz III (Add~~~~i"li?""L;;P~~"D~i-;~;'''C~t~h~'g~~~' 'ii'y. State whether applicant is owner, lessee or agent.......~.~.I?:~:....................................................................... Name of Owner of premises .......~.':'.~!':;..~~.~...~......;v.r.~.!HU;:J.9.h!m9.YiJ!<.~..W;........................... If applicant is corporate, signature of duly authorized officer ...................................................................................... (Name and title of corporate officer) 1. Location of land on which proposed trailer will be located .....P..fil.\;RJJ.i!<....:rR.wJJ..R.t.s.QJ;L~!H?~4~N. Y. Street and number ..... .. Inctian..N!': ck . Lan!':. .....~......... ................................ ............ ............ ....... ... ..... 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occuponcy of proposed trailer: a. Existing use and occupancy ....~.~.:r.f!l.~ry.........~............................................................................... b. Intended use and occupancy ..........g.\Vil..g..f.9J::..Ilkanj;i~Z~'.~t;tJ~J.......4if................. Period of time trailer is to be located on premises aa.lQng..aa..P.Uf.lil.r.ag,lil..gLt;l.hr.~9.!L~*~~ts c. 3. Fee ............................................ (To be paid on filing application) 4. Dimensions of trailer, length ....,.9....................Width ~9.............................. heightl9,.......................... Registration Number ........................................ .Serial Number ............................................................ fl!: {(,/'1 .11 ([ /~"7t:~' , e71 &, /JjC>tt4~ .1..Vl.t/I "'c'c-A ~~....~/t.7<1' ~f'rLn/~ o 0 5. Size of lot: Front ....~.~n...............................Rear .....)~.9.~~.~.?.......... Depth ..~.~.?~.~.~................. 6. Date of purchase or lease of land ....J."'mJ..lil.:r.y...l~l~......................................................................... 7. Zone or use district in which premises are situated 8. Does proposed use violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? .......UP....................................... 9. a. Method of Sewerage disposa I .. .~.~.~ !'!P.<?C?~. ..... .... ... ........ .., .................. .......... ....... ......... ...... ....... ...... well Source of Water Supply ... .... ... .... ............ ..... .... .... .... ......... .......... ......... ............... ...... ..................... b. c. Source of Electricity ..... ..~!':~..~ ~.:r:Y.i'::.~... ...... ................... ............ ............ .... .................................. ".' PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimen- sions from property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. Indicate clearly location of proposed trailer on prem- ises, showing distances from all buildings and property lines. Applicant has started a nursery on subject premises. Since he has planted trees anq shrubs he has experienced "poaching" of same particularly at night. He feels that by locating one trailer, on a temporary basis, subject to renewal, that such pilferage can be discouraged. He plans to station one employee ( and wife, if a~y) in the trailer-he does not wish or intend to create a "migrant labor camp" on the property. This application is limited as stated and the triW.er w' be so located and screened so as to be hardly visible fron the adjoinin ads. It is submitted that the applicant has a valid practical and eco' c hardshicp. r;.Qi; t/, .r.... ~ '- , o ~/l "if"L" t~ ;:t" ~ I r: X -::r. ~ '''Z ~ '-I) ,7.1 <.Od'" f~ (} OJ'.?' /' ,/ J 13'0 1 t: l'l'/" "2 ':.)c"'" ,~ 'i'/\fW'N'I VVWVv ;,,"';. ~)(/md t/~ ,f~f.. / "i~:rk \~ V '\:t '''J, j .., \ .r 1 '0 ZjJ~ I.t). . , " ~ I STATE OF NEW YORK I T Pcrl~f/l:(rT)J i ~.~~.~.~..~~...~.~~~~.~.~.~.~~:..............................~.;~/fY.t.fN.~. being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant named above. He is the ................................................,................................................. (owner 6r lessee or agent) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to make and file this application; and that all statements contained in this application are true to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the trailer will be located in the manner set forth in the application filed herewith. ...~.~............... GARY FLAWNfR OLSEN NotOfy Publfc:, State oJ New York No. 52-2959690 Quo/iIjod in s.MoIk C"""'~~ Term h:piteS Mar.h 3O.19{r"