HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961 TOWN OF sOUTH OLD, NEW YORK 9'/ AP,~ N~. 1-;0 /0 .~7 DATE....... ....... .....~. TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN ~ SOUTHOlD, N. Y. _ c"/1/,L v: t3,f'4-"/l?b,j(/KJ r//lS-SAv r7; dAO 1, (We) ...................................................,..............of ............................................................................ Name of Appellant Street and Number CU"T'C,yor:Fv6 dv ......................................................1.......................... ............ ..............:.I...........HEREBY APPEAL TO Municipality State APPEAL FROM DECISION OF Bl,IllDING INSPECTOR THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUilDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT NO. .................................... DATED ...................................................... WHEREBY THE BUilDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO c /)/<('/- Y; e-<?/lrYoc;/.3(/-<V ......................................................06......................... of Name of Applicant for permit / /d:., 5/1(/ ,;::'T" ~ <9. C t/iC'/(c; (- u E dY ....St~~~t.~~d..N~~b~;........................M~;;i~.iP;;iitY....................st;;t~....................... ) PERMIT TO USE ) PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY ) 1, lOCATION OF THE PROPERTY ..................................................................................................... Street Use District on Zoning Map .............................................................n.................. Map No. lat No. 2, PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicate the Article Section, Sub- section and Paragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) 3. ..:P'I'E OF APPEAL Appeal is made herewith for (11' AVARiANcE to the Zoning OrJfl1Ol'lce or Zoning Map . '. . . ,-: "-',"-'.;""\ ( ) A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town law Ch<Ip. 62 Cons. Laws Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal (has) (has not) been made with respect to this'decision of the Building Inspector or with respect ta this property. Such appeal was ( ) request fo.r a special permit ( ) request for a va rlance and was made in Appeal No. ................................Doted ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL ( ) A Variance to Section 280A Subsection 3 (0 Ii. Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) is requested for the reason that Form ZBl (Continue an other side). ~'~~7~~Wi!h','\'?,~;';"li!!'}",,_,. '^.__ ,","__,. '_'=""""'''''~__'':::::''~~_~._~':.:.::_':::'~ .. ...~~c~~"'''''~~''"",",''''''''=''''''''~''''"'"''.'''' ',.',:'z."'t'."",<.>.".~,-..~,,,",,-,,;,.-7,--" REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRI~T APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce-practical difficulties or unneces- . ~"""""'.~7~/ J~;;;/ t/ ";~-7~q 1>._ "'7~ //A~Z ~ e~ ~~7J 7/a:;;-~.~~ /1:&/ . . ~.t2ff;~=:;ff~~ ~~~ 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property a in this use district because C /, k.... Af'.?;.':Ii~.f';'& ", ;f:.9'/:.'i<?~. V;7. ~.' .'~ C~/ / ;2-t~?/_.e= :r;,./;.,t::,,/., (- ,p L~7 --0/ '?~V a, 4'xt: < _ . /;,,;;;, ", vE. ~" ~, '0' h;d <,,--;t::=,/, z2;' /, ufl ~~./ /' ,,~~'f. .ct.".. "<,j'J~6'( '--?~'/.? """,. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because 7}{d./h ~. ,~ ! <-{'r / /J,~ WhEC7 idl:~~ ~v/ (U?~~~//<V~. /1 L-~ -- ~ . Ylh~e. --~//l-a.~4P~cf -&~4f / Z/V,. . .('../2.r ...a ~r ct__~ ~'/z!4h/~?-r 4 fjf:-..:(7' 7 k; ,r-~~-; ~ -- STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss COUNTY OF ) d/~~.. ..~Z~ii~~~"""'" ........... ......... Sworn to this ............~&:&................ day of.......(R.~...... 19 ""u .................... /r .....~=~~d~. MURIEL BRUSH NOTARY PUBLIC, Stole of N_ York No. 52.+522026 . Suffolk Coun~.? Cemmilllon Explr.. Marth JO, I 'u.~"' October 18, 1974 Mr. Carl V. Brandebury Nassau Point Road Cutchogue, N. Y. 11935 Dear Mr. Brandebury: We are in receipt of your application No. 1961 dated October 2, 1974 wherein you propose to place a fence on the public highway and we find, after conferring with Town Counsel, that we have no jurisdiction over lands on the public highway where the applicant proposes to place private structures. Accordingly, we are returning your application and fee herewith. Yours vary truly, RWG:mm cc: Building Inspector Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Chairman October 18, 1974 Mr. Carl V. Brandebury nassau Point Road Cutchogue, N. Y. 11935 Dear Hr. Brandebury: We are in receipt of your application No. 1961 dated October 2, 1974 wherein you propose to place a fence on the public highway and we find, after conferring with Town Counsel, that we have no jurisdiction over lands on the public highway where the applicant proposes to place private structures. Accordingly, we are returning your application and fee herewith. Yours very truly, RWG :mm cc: BUildi~~ I;SPector .... i ~ O( ~ " 1} i I J I ' l.- f' I V .ll I;. i {u71J' l(jC \' !,-i, 'f'Y0 '1 1[; Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Chairman . ; (~ 1 \,,--':L i l 'V' O'Y\ tV \ \ , ", ,. October 10, 1974 The Memo from Mr. Carl Brandebury to the Nassau Point Property Owners Association was brought to my attention since I am the Inspector mentioned in the second paragraph of his statements. There are some inaccuracies in Mr. Brandebury's Memo which are as follows: 1. The fence was erected in 1973, not 1972. On January 30, 1973 during the course of my work day with the Southold Town Building Department I was traveling on Nassau Point Road and noticed William M. Beebe's workmen erecting a fence. 2. The subject of my conversation with Mr. Beebe's men pertained to a building permit for this structure, something they claimed to be unaware of. I left applications for a permit with one of the workmen. Location of structure was not discussed. 3. We have in our files a Building Permit #6358Z dated February 5, 1973, applicant Carl V. Brandebury, for a fence. Accompanying the application for a permit is a plot survey of property showing location of split rail fence on the front yard property line of Lot 88 (Map of Property surveyed for Carl V. and Anne B. Brandebury at Nassau Point, New York). Mr. Brandebury's Memo is dated September 20, 1974 and in his last paragraph states he has just been advised of fence being on the Town's property. According to survey, monuments exist on property wherfrlProperty lines intersect. ( Respectfully. submitted, ~;t*,J~t? I;~~ tl/lk--- Building Inspector EH:mm October 10, 1974 The Memo from Mr. Carl Brandebury to the Nassau Point Property OWners Association was brought to my attention since I am the Inspector mentioned in the second paragraph of his statements. There are some inaccuracies in Mr. Brandebury's Memo which are as follows: 1. The fence was erected in 1973, not 1972. On January 30fi 1973 during the course of my work day with t e Southold Town Building Department I was traveling on Nassau Point Road and noticed William M. Beebe's workmen erecting a fence. 2. The subject of my conversation with Mr. Beebe's men pertained to a building permit for this structure, something they claimed to be unaware of. I left applications for a permit with one of the workmen. Location of structure was not discussed. 3. We have in our files a Building Permit i6358Z dated February 5, 1973, applicant Carl V. Brandebury, for a fence. Accompanying the application for a permit is a plot survey of property showing location of split rail fence on the front yard property line of Lot 88 (Map of Property surveyed for Carl V. and Anne B. Brandebury at Nassau Point, New York). Mr. Brandebury's Memo is dated September 20, 1974 and in his last paragraph states he has just been advised of fence being on the Town's property. According to survey, monuments exist on property where property lines intersect. Respectfully submitted, EH:mm Edward Hindermann Building Inspector NASSAU POINT PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION P. O. Box 346 CUTCHOGUE, L. I., N. Y. 11935 October tr, 1974. I-Ion. Albert Martocchia, SUDervisor, Southold To tom , GreenD0rt, N. Y. Dear Mr. Martocchia: We have reviewed the enclosed J1lemo T)reT)ared by Mr. Carl V. lirandebury, a member and director of our association, concernin~ a snlit rail fence on his nroDerty. Based on the facts covered in the memo, we urge that Mr. ilrandebury's request for an exception to the zoning ordinance be made in this case. Very truly yours, L/ Ve 0~LI ( .' ! ,,"-, , )I cJ C ',,-- '- ~ - ------- George L. Nohe, President. Nassau Point Property In the fall of the year 1971 the undersigned purchased the Curry property on Nassau Point Road. Shortly thereafter arrangements were made for Mr. William Beebe to undertake major construction work on the house and this commenced shortly after the property was acquired. The work proceeded from time to time and in January 1972 a split rail fence was erected along the road. 'lbe undersigned quite innocently and inadver- tently arranged to have the fence aligned with the hedge on one side on the Norris property and the end of the fence on the other side at the UbI property, assuming that our property line extended to almost the road. 'lbe inspector from Southold Town appeared when the fence was being installed and assured Mr. Beebe's men that the line was far enough back from the road and that they could proceed assuming that the writer undertook to obtain a permit. I negotiated with ~~. Fisher and this was accomplished. It would seem at this point that it did not occur to anyone at that time to check on the property lines. The fence has now been installed for going on two years and according to all of our neighbors it has represented an attractive addi- tion to the property, and certainly from a practical point of view does not interfere in any way with the flow of traffic. I have taken pictures of the fence from various positions and prints are attached hereto. Mr. Fisher has now advised me that the fence is, at least to half its length, on Southold Town property and in view of the fact that it was built after the relatively new Zoning Ordinance I was put into effect, the fence is subject to removal unless the circlli~stances and its nature, particularly with respect to the properties on either side, can justify an exception. We fervently hope that this may be the case and it would be greatly appreciated if the authorities could properly and reasonably grant such a request. 7~Y< d~~~7 II I '71A(yIu---Iw cI urt~ I I 1'1 II , I,. ,,, "I .../ 1~7~ a7h';;;~_;;::; J~ lr4( >f~..d/C;>/~~:C~.-e~> .--4-7A..; t;fu ~--(,(./- :: . 7ttL / ,;d!,-# 0&/1-<</-,<<-0 III~ . I" ill 2Jl-,,-UA'/~ ~--;;/'vGI~ /f/)A~fCl>tA',""..UA/.e/.--d/.'..J ,..d/l~ IrI)l(/o ~t__u.LJ/u/) ;V ~m~ /-Y7/~~J II'. ) ..-----7.. . ) Ii ly..Lu/~ (~~ v(/--<f/ '- Ii /, yZ Ju/ ;&-<UJ~ /74Ad~/d2dLi II A.-1~ / /7 -s / 7c* / 'I 7,02 - II: >rf1/f1'#~ f. ~7 /;-f-t..t/--k - U2 .' . 'Ii $~':Yj!;;k;^ ;:)J!Jt~ il #>(~/ /(;~ u4L ..y~~~/Zl2 ii /J!. 6/../:Y!..- $-' /'""r~~ J~L<-" i A Y ~~ I ~ , )f4"{~....L - ~fi/ III J~ 7-k ~<'~ ;/~,/l~. fi..../ II ~ )LpAd-a/~..d-1/'- ~2i1 ?;t~ '. :eA-4 I: . /Ji..t'A/- /pa,,:-d 12 td/ ;i,tJdfq.. I t:'/Jfj{jt-k:;~ J;P. ;a;~; 'La.'~' - Iii il1U; 1) ~! ~ -I!- ~tU4AJ--a~ ~I; ~ _ 12- ,. fALl 'Yr'u<i;w",; - ?~ /J1~ . :;: i..u_/ t1 / . /'- . i 'I I, I' , I I I I! II II Ii i i II I! 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