HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda 10/19/05 AGENDA Wed., October 19, 2005 7:00 PM v;"JI-. (J~ \\Jo\J. CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE r- NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wednesday, November 9,2005 at 8:00 AM NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 at 7:00 PM WORKSESSION: 6:00 PM APPROVE MINUTES: Approve Minutes of July 18, 2005 and July 20, 2005. I. MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly report for September 2005. A check for $8,348.32 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. III. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEWS: Jack Cipriano - SCTM#87-5-23.6 Leslie Barney & Sean Olsen - SCTM#76-2-1 Paul Long - SCTM#123-5-30 Gregersen's Keep, LLC-Lot 1 - SCTM#35-3-12.6&12.7 Gregersen's Keep, LLC-Lot 2 - SCTM#35-3-12.6&12. 7 Walter Gitlin - SCTM#76-3-12.1 Joan McDonald - SCTM#53-3-9 Robert Keller - SCTM#37-5-11 JoanA sgan - SCTM#37-5-12 ----- William & Marilyn Pymrn - SCTM#122-9-7.25 Allen Kraus - SCTM#67-4-20.6 Old Orchard Homeowner's Assoc. - SCTM#38-6-10 Michael & Joann Nickich - SCTM#86-1-9.5 E. Brownell & Karen Johnston - SCTM#86-1-9.4 Nicholas Notias - SCTM#100-3-10.11 2 Robert Krudop - SCTM#122-4-34 Barbara & Joseph Isabella - SCTM#107-7-6 Laughing Waters Property Owners Assoc. - SCTM#87 -3-2.1 &60 Mattituck Assoc.. Inc. - SCTM#126-11-11 James Tapscott - SCTM#9-3-8 William Penney - SCTM#64-3-4 IV. RESOLUTIONS - ADMINISTRATIVE PERMITS: 1. FRED SEIFERT requests an Administrative Permit to construct a 1 TX 16' sun room with a . ..1.- V second-floor bedroom above, on the west side of the dwelling. Located: 875 Eugene's Rd.c.,- ~\~ Cutchogue. SCTM#97-2-19 2. ~a sias-We er on behalf of SIAS re inistrative /...em Ilfor the existin ck. ed: ., ast Marion. SCT -2-12 3. Garrett A. Strang, Architect on behlalf of THOMAS & MARY IRENE MARRON requests an "\. /' Administrative Permit to expand the existing deck and construct an addition onto the V' existing dwelling. Located: 3125 Wells Ave., Southold. SCTM#70-4-10 )E. G Custom C truction on behal NE DALEY reque n Administrative Permit convert se nd-floor of existing elling to .. space. Lo ed: 8265 Soundvi Ave., outho . CTM#59-6-17 5. Environment East, Inc. on behalf of JOAN TECHET requests an Administrative Permit to V construct an addition onto the landward side of the existing dwelling. Located: 550 Bay C I A::y-~k Ave., Mattituck. SCTM#144-5-11 , V. . APPLICATIONS FOR AMENDMENTS/EXTENSIONSITRANSFERS: -- 1. JOHN & JOY GALLAG R re st~ Ap1~ent to Permit #5745 to add a 2'8" X 10' 'V ramp and a 6'X 20' flo . g do to h~ 'CY't~d dock. Located: 730 Bayview Dr., East Marion. SCTM#37-5-4 . y { ~~~(f ~-- )1. .I. SOUND OYSTER ~ests an Amendmen~t Permit #6157 to add dormers to the . existing dwelling during e ~I~~ r re-construction. Located: 1240 Love Lane, Mattituck. SCTM 0-t-2',j>,J/l '\.J 6. WILLIAM PENNEY requests an Amendment to Permit #4379 for the existing detaChable? vfloating dock. Located: 2200 HOba~ Rd., Southold. SCTM#~4-3-4 v ~~^':..f Aae-nl bc-\-.\.u"" S'''-''''l? h, '-'....~ ~~\ 2. ANTHONY SCARMATO~qUests an Amendmen~t Permit #4233 to include the maintenance of the pre 's 'ng onds on the n d side of the bulkhead. Located: 235 Huckleberry Hill Rd., Ea t 1 - MIRO RADOVICH reques II an Amendment to Pe mit #5924 to replace the existing 110' bulkhead in-place and rJ c 2 III at. no bulkhead as backfill. Located: 400 Budd's Pond Rd., Sout \~ ~~ .' ~~.,..,'\'t \ 7J 5-"~~ \:'" 3 ~'-x-v-'~,;v\ ~~~ ~~ 7. LLlAM & MARILYN PYMM request an Amendment to Permit #417 0 relocate and ealign the existing 3'X 12' ramp and 6'X 20' floating dock. The proposed relocation of both structures would accommodate a new proposed 4'X 12' floating dock and three (3) 35' long guide piles, and one (1 ) 30' long guide pile for extra support of the overall assembly. Located: 2504 Camp Mineola Rd. Ext., Mattituck. SCTM#122-9-7.25 . fi,,} i(\ 8. NICHOLAS NOTIAS requests an Amen~t to Per . . 0 increase the height 0& riA the timber retaining wall to 30", plant. hed on the bluff side of the (.:k retaining wall, and fill in planting betwee~r paver and fence with pebbles. ~ Located: 460 Inlet View Dr., tituck.,SG'I'1VI#100-3-10.11 MICHAEL & JOANN NICKICH r~st an Amend~ to Permit #6006 to allow for the (o,\>.;t dJ... construction of a 4' wide catwalk ~~ ~'I~ catwalk. Located: 4297 Wells Rd.,~1\.v. Pecon' . SCTM#86-1-9.5 '+ v'~ <" ~~~~ , ".,..w/ ~~ll O. E. ROWNELL & KAREN JOHNSTON request an Amendment to Permit #5217 to add a ~ 1('" ;\lt~ '...1>- .5'X 12' ramp and a 6'X 20' float to the existing dock. Located: 4001 Wells Rd., Peconic. I ~~ CTM#86-1-9.4 . 11.William Gorman on behalf of DANIELLE CACIOPPO requests an Amendment to Permit ) " \.. t /#6134 to move the proposed addition 3' to the southeast. Located: 1455 Inlet Way, (,A"-' V Southold. SCTM#92-1-4 . ~~ . ~. Docko, Inc. on behalf of BARS A HOCH reque ts Amendm~~. rmit #5973 t? chip out the upper part of the w . yd r t II w lower section to be re-built correctly. Located: Hedge St., er. sllan. -7-14 / 13. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of L~LIE BA N & SEAtOLSEN requests an (~ \::>~ Amendment to Permit #6032 to all r tt\e nstr cti 3'X 21' rather than 3'X 18' ~ ':.' fixed catwalk. Located: 1075 Smith D e'r<Jo . CTM#76-2-1 ~. . 14. Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on beh of V T R EARY ZUPA requests an Amendment to Permit #4992 to reconfigure exis sfkJt to provide adequate depths so that neither the float nor the boats r ot\~ t low tide. Located: 365 Basin Rd., Southold. SCTM#81-1-13.1 V' \) ~ ').:0' 9. 15. Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on beh Extension to Permit #5820, as Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-9-9 uests a One-Year ocated: 4705 Nassau Point 1. Set the Scallop Season. 90 ,--yo \~ ) 4 VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE TRAVELER-WATCHMAN. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ORGANIZED AND BRIEF. FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESS IF POSSIBLE ') '>< ' \0' \). .:V-- e-,. 1. ALLEN KRAUS quests a Wetland Permit to construct a 28'X 60' single-family dwelling, on-site sewa em and pervious driveway. Located: 110 Second Ave., Peconic. S 2. 40 C LLC reque etland Permit .~~ct a 4' ade, a 3'X 14' ramp, and a 6'X 20' f~~ '#..k CTM#78-7-10 , mber walkway 3.5' above : 635 Waterview Dr., Southold. ROBERT KRUDOP requests a W~rand Permit to construct a rock revetment to cover an . \- area of 5.5'X 125' and plant wit partina Patens and Spartina Alterniflora to help control (,11').) . erosion along the bank. Loc d: 4650 Ole Jule Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#122-4-34 4. 6. Environmental Survey, Inc. on behalf of ES BROWN requests a Wetland Permit to remove the existing 3'X 64' dock and re I e 'titt! a 3'X 70' open pile dock in a new location with a 3'X 12' ramp and a 6'X flo 3~~ith two (2) dolphin piles. Located: 170 Oak St., Cutchogue. SCTM#136-1- ~ 7. Vicki Toth on behalf of JACK CIPRIA t and ermit to construct a two- ~ story single-family dwelling, sanitary s, . ed: 8150 Main Bayview /' . \ A\ Rd., Southold. SCTM#87-5-23.6 /'Xy'\(,I^' l'.:>I"\~ -:Y~4L ) j.<.. "/18. \Dru Associates, Inc. on bSJO N MCDONA~eq~sts a Wetland Permit to ~ \~ I ()'\: :ki.,.tV' cd( "::>1llc6nstruct a single-family w n, p c'l., ~rfge(dn ewa. nd sanitary system. Located: (':)~ 705 Bayshore Rd., Green T ~~ j~ Sam s & Steelman Architects on be alf of WALTER GITLIN requests a Wetland Permit to novate the existing residence with first and second floor addition and new on-grade one terrace and a new aaraae. Locat : 1180 Smith Drive South, Southold. SCTM#76-3- 12.1 . .. 5 \~~ ~O. -Consultants, Inc. on behalf of BARBARA & JOSEPH ISABELLA quests a Wetlan;;! ermit to construct a second-story addition over an existing one-st dwelling; remove~r existing deck and concrete walk; and construct a 10'X 38' deck d (2) sets of stairs. Located: 1855 Westview Dr., Mattituck. SCTM#107-7-6 11. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of LAUGHING WATERS OPERY OWNERS ASSOC. ~ requests a Wetland Permit to resheathe (on the landw side) approx. 264 linear ft. of existing timber bulkhead on the North Marina with vi bulkhead and backfill with approx. 65. and fill to be tr cked in from an u nd urce and remove and replace '(i ind/inplace) existing shed landward of the bu head. Remove and replace (in-place) approx. 226 linear ft. of existing timber bulkhe on the South Marina, with vinyl bulkhead and backfill with approx. 18 cy. sand spoil to be maintenance dredged from most southeasterly boat slip (to max. depth of -4' ALW). Remove and replace (inkind/inplace) existing floating docks attached to existing bulkhead and existing shed landward of bulkhead. Located: 555 Minnehaha Blvd. & 2360 Minneh<lha Blvd., Southold. SCTM#87- 3-2.1 &60 , 12. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf 015:TITUCK ASS ~ATES, INC. requests an Amendment to Permit #5047 to all (Ojithp J 0\1. I replacement (inkind/inplace) of an existing 12.5'X 14' wood deck 'rJa1fiebol d. ocated: 7390 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel. SCTM#126-11-11 INALE requests a W tland Permit to c consisting of a 4'X 3 ' fixed timber catwalk, 'X 0' fi~rA.oats, all to supported by (8) 8- er~~' ted: 11950 Main 13. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of ALAN CA construct a communal, "U-sh . ed" ber 3'X 17' hinged ramp, 5'X 43' ~ 3 inch diameter pilings; and ins 1(4) Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#122-3-1. POSTPONED UNTIL NOVEMBER \ nY 14.)arl"'Crowley on behalf of ROBERT LLER requests a Wet ')~ ~ ~~~~:ce approx. 97' of deteriorated ~ sote seawall with ne . f'J' ~ platfor, p, d float to be r v d ei~ all II V lo"" 0 wall th 20 c lean fill in area kh .~ stones, ant area behind with pe American Beach vi Rugosa. Located: 380 Knoll C' cle, East Marion. SCT nd Permit to remove and vinyl seawall. Existing g construction. R""kf;1I new existing gravel and stepping s, Bar Harbor Juniper, and Rosa 7-5-11 15. Suffolk Environmental Cons ting, Inc. on behalf of JOAN A. EGAN requests a Wetlan~-:t; ..v:: Permit to ,Wstructure the exi ting ti ber bulkhead facili within subject property by f\'\ ... ,I\. installing timber sheathing' ") landward of the exi ting tim er sheathing, and securing same with top ca "c1asm ("X 6") ad' - 0 1 ') connecting to a deadman (8"/lay-log (8.0") assembl Ian d m 0 ion will include the excavation landward of said bulkhea to install he prop sheathi IIing of same with the existing excavat d material. All activO . ccur landward of the existing timber bulkhead facility. Locate :30.0. . e, East Marion.-SCTM#37-5-12 . Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of PAUL LONG requests a Wetland ~~ Permit to demolish the existing dwelling and construct a 38'X 41' two-story frame dwelling "\;" on pilings, with 10'X 32' porch attached to southern side, and to install a new sanitary ~~ system. Located: 3945 Camp Mineola Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#123-5-30 17. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, I c.o construct a single-family dwelling, tach and sanitary system. Located: 750 es 6 18. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on be alf of ROBERT FOX c/o KIMOGENOR POINT CO. requests a Wetland Permit to r construct 151' of existing timber bulkhead situated along the northern shoreli f s ject property, extend the western terminus of the bulkhead by 6' and extend the ast terminus of the bulkhead by 6', both with vinyl sheathing. Construct an additional low- v' hi bulkhead off the northern shoreline measuring 145' and mea elevation. Deposit 100 cy. of clean fill within the section of the property dire t1y to 0 e eXisting rame building to match the top elevation of the bulkh ). Deposit 40-50 cy. clean fill where necessary along the landward side of the pro sed low-sill bulkhead and the edge of the existing vegetation therein to provide a mo e uniform grade, and actively vegetate this area with Spartina alterniflora planted on 6" on center. Located: Kimogenor Point Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#116-6-24.1 \ .\9c-0 Y'~!(\- .~orf2 \J'i)jJ''V n 19. uffolk Environmental Consulti g, Inc. on behalf of GREGERSEN'S KEEP, LLC-LOT 1 requests a Wetland Permit to onstruct a single-family dwelling, pervious driveway, deposit 700 cy. of clean fill from an u land source and maintain the existing wood frame and canvas building within subje t property. Located: Gull Pond Lane, Greenport. SCTM#35-3- 12.6&12.7 . Suffolk Environmental Co ulting, Inc. on behalf of GREGERSEN'S KEEP, LLC-LOT 2 requests a Wetland Permi to construct a single-family dwelling and attached garage, attached terrace off the s utheastern corner of subject dwelling, an attached terrace off the ortheastern corner of su ject dwelling, gazebo, pervious driveway, and deposit 1,200 cy. f clean fill from an upla source within subject property. Located: Gull Pond Lane, eenport. SCTM#35-3- 2.6&12.7 XOASTAL EROSION WETLAND PERMITS 4< Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of D. CLAEYS BAHRENBURG requests L..,"l a Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a docking facility consisting of a !: l':l" 4'X 79' fixed elevated catwalk, 3.5'X 15' hinged ramp, and 6'X 20' floating dock. Located: y 220 Bay Ave., Orient. SCTM#24-2-21 2. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of Coastal Erosion Permit to construe driveway, and bulkhead. Located: 23&24.1 3. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit fo Ave., East Marion. SCTM#21-2-16