HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda, 07/20/05 . . . Albert J. Krupski, President James King, Vice-President Artie Foster Ken Poliwoda Peggy A. Dickerson Telephone (631) 765-1892 Fax (631) 765-6641 Town Hall 53095 Route 25 P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 BOARD OF TOWN TRUSTEES TOWN OF SOUTHOLD AGENDA Wed., July 20, 2005 7:00 PM CALL MEETING TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NEXT FIELD INSPECTION: Wednesday, August 17, 2005 at 8:00 AM NEXT TRUSTEE MEETING: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 at 7:00 PM WORKSESSION: 6:00 PM APPROVE MINUTES: Approve Minutes of May 18, 2005. I. MONTHLY REPORT: The Trustees monthly report for July 2005. A check for $11,574.27 was forwarded to the Supervisor's Office for the General Fund. II. PUBLIC NOTICES: Public Notices are posted on the Town Clerk's Bulletin Board for review. III. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY REVIEWS: Belvedere Property Management, LLC - SCTM#117 -8-20 Louis Giglioli - SCTM#123-3-17 Laurel County Estates Property Owner's Assoc. - SCTM#128-6-3 BCB Realty Holding Corp. - SCTM#45-4-8.3 Estate of Eileen Goldner - SCTM#56-5-22 Karol Filipkowski - SCTM#53-5-2 Ronald Pazzaniese - SCTM#135-3-8 Donald ladanza - SCTM#15-3-11.1 Barbara & Sandy Reibling - SCTM#57-2-32 Ernesto Adriano - SCTM#18-3-6.12 Larry Kulick - SCTM#87-3-61 Athanasia & Bill Kartsonis - SCTM#14-2-3.13 James & Marina Mitchell- SCTM#115-17-17.11 David McElroy - SCTM#14-2-3.14 Robert's Custom Homes - SCTM#31-18-3 . IV. V. 1. 2. . VI. 1. 2. 2 Lewis & Helaine Teperman - SCTM#21-2-16 John & Joanne Gouveia - SCTM#44-1-11 Mary S. Zupa - SCTM#81-1-16.7 Gerard Keegan - SCTM#70-1 0-52&63 Alan Cardinale - SCTM#122-3-1.4 RESOLUTIONS - ADMINISTRATIVE PERMITS: 1. Meryl Kramer on behalf of MARILYN PASIERB & MATTHEW BLOCH requests an Administrative Permit to construct a second-floor addition to the existing dwelling and install a new sanitary system on the landward side of the dwelling. Located: 680 Truman's Path, East Marion. SCTM#31-12-2 2. Clement Charnews on behalf of ROBERT & CELIA SWING requests an Administrative Permit to construct a roof and screen walls on the existing deck. Located: 445 Island View Lane, Greenport. SCTM#57-2-27 RESOLUTIONS-MOORING & ANCHORAGE/STAKES/DUCK BLINDS: FRANK PASSANANTE requests a Mooring Permit in Gull Pond for a 20' boat, replacing Mooring #13. Access: Public. LAWRENCE HEIT requests a Mooring Permit in Richmond Creek for an 18' boat, replacing Mooring #872. Access: Public APPLICATIONS FOR AMENDMENTS/EXTENSIONS/TRANSFERS: DONALD IADANZA requests an Amendment to Permit #4815 to replace the stairway leading down to the beach. Located: 855 Soundview Rd., Orient. SCTM#15-3-11.1 Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of GERARD KEEGAN requests an Amendment to Permit #5600 to include a concrete wall, deck, hand-trim the phragmites, and re- vegetate. Located: 100 Beachwood Lane, Southold. SCTM#70-10-52&63 3. DONALD & VIRGINIA RUSS request a Transfer of Permit #2057 from Winifred J. Harris-Allen to Donald & Virginia Russ, as issued on August 28, 1985. Located: 230 Jockey Creek Dr., Southold. SCTM#70-5-8 VII. PUBLIC HEARINGS: . THIS IS A PUBLIC HEARING IN THE MATTER OF THE FOLLOWING APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS UNDER THE WETLANDS ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD. I HAVE AN AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION FROM THE TRAVELER- WATCHMAN. PERTINENT CORRESPONDENCE MAY BE READ PRIOR TO ASKING FOR COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC. PLEASE KEEP YOUR COMMENTS ORGANIZED AND BRIEF. 3 . FIVE (5) MINUTES OR LESS IF POSSIBLE COASTAL EROSION & WETLAND PERMITS 1. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of ANGELO PADAVAN requests a Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a single-family dwelling, sanitary system, gravel driveway, and bulkhead. Located: 22455 Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#135-1- 23&24.1 POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST 2. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of LEWIS & HELAlNE TEPERMAN requests a Wetland Permit and Coastal Erosion Permit for the existing beach house. Located: 1225 Aquaview Ave., East Marion. SCTM#21-2-16 WETLAND PERMITS 1. PETER COWAN requests a Wetland Permit to install an in-ground swimming pool and patio and for the existing fence. Located: 435 Mockingbird Lane, Southold. SCTM#55-6- 15.57 2. 40 C LLC requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4'X 55' timber walkway 3.5' above grade, a 3'X 14' timber ramp, and a 6'X 20' floating dock. Located: 635 Waterview Dr., Southold. SCTM#78-7-10 . 3. MICHAEL & KATHRYN RUSSO request a Wetland Permit to construct a screen porch in place of the existing rear deck, construct a new porch on the landward side of the dwelling, construct a second-story addition in place of the existing covered porch, and construct a new garage. Located: 775 Oakwood Dr., Southold. SCTM#90-4-22 4. ERNESTO ADRIANO requests a Wetland Permit to construct a single-family dwelling, deck, asphalt driveway, and sanitary system. Located: 2195 Edwards Lane, Orient. SCTM#18-3-6.12 5. KAROL FILIPKOWSKI requests a Wetland Permit to construct a single-family dwelling, deck, and driveway. Located: 65390 Route 25, Southold. SCTM#53-5-2 6. Meryl Kramer on behalf of BARBARA & SANDY REIBLING requests a Wetland Permit to renovate the existing single-family dwelling with a new a second-floor addition and add a new leaching pool to the existing sanitary system. Located: 75 Island View Lane, Greenport. SCTM#57-2- 32 7. J.M.O. Environmental Consulting on behalf of BELVEDERE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT, LLC requests a Wetland Permit to remove approx. 300' of deteriorated timber bulkhead and to install in place approx. 300' of new vinyl bulkheading, to install a 8'X 65' float dock, to remove 150-200 piles and assorted debris and to establish a 57'X 140' area of tidal wetlands plantings. Proposed bulkheading shall be "flood type" where on the north side of the area of proposed plantings 2' panel openings will be established . in 8 locations and on the south side of the area of plantings, 11 panel openings will be . . . 4 established to allow tidal water to flow through. Located: First & Jackson St., New Suffolk. SCTM#117 -8-20 8. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of LEWIS & HELAINE TEPERMAN request a Wetland Permit to replace or repair the existing stairs, landings and supports. Located: 1225 Aquaview Ave., East Marion. SCTM#21-2-16 9. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of MATT-A-MAR BY THE BAY, LLC requests a Wetland Permit to construct boat racks and a parking area. Located: 650 First St., New Suffolk. SCTM#117 -8-18 POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST 10. Thomas Noormae on behalf of LAUREL COUNTRY ESTATES PROPERTY OWNER'S ASSOC. requests a Wetland Permit for the existing beach stairs. Located: Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel. SCTM#128-6-3 11. Vicki Toth on behalf of ROBERT'S CUSTOM HOMES requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 22.6'X 14' deck and sand to bulkhead, demolish 17.4' X 19.8' portion of existing dwelling and construct new first and second floor additions to dwelling. Located: 80 Rabbit Lane, East Marion. SCTM#31-18-3 12. Charles R. Cuddy, Esq. on behalf of BIEL ASSOCIATES, LLC requests a Wetland Permit to construct a single-family dwelling and to remove the existing sanitary system and install a new sanitary system on the landward side of the dwelling. Located: 1315 Watersedge Way, Southold. SCTM#88-5-68 13. RLH Land Planning Services, Inc. on behalf of BCB REALTY HOLDING CORP. requests a Wetland Permit to demolish an existing building being used for a restaurant and construct an office/medical building with apartments above and a bank building. Located: 74825 Main Rd., Greenport. SCTM#45-4-8.3 14. Ward Associates, P.C. on behalf of RONALD PAZZANIESE requests a Wetland Permit to construct a one-story addition to the existing single-family dwelling. Located: 400 Richmond Rd. East, Southold. SCTM#135-3-8 15. Charles M. Thomas, Architect on behalf of LOUIS GIGLlOLl requests a Wetland Permit to construct a first and second-floor additions to the existing dwelling, construct new decks, remove the existing attached garage, and construct a new three-car detached garage. Located: 1275 Bungalow Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#123-3-17 16. Land Use Ecological Services on behalf of LI SOUND OYSTER, LLC requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct the existing decks attached to the dwelling, construct a new entry and reconstruct the existing roof. Located: 1240 Love Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#140-1-23.1 17. Land Use Ecological Services, Inc. on behalf of J&C HOLDING, LP requests a Wetland Permit to construct a single-family dwelling with attached garage, pervious driveway, and sanitary system. Located: 450 Albacore Dr., Southold. SCTM#57-1-43 POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST 5 . 18. Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of NARROW RIVER MARINA requests a Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge two shoaled areas of existing navigational channel to -4.5' below mean low water. The resulting 350 cy. of sand to be transported to shore by barge and trucked off site to an approved upland disposal site. Located: 5520 Narrow River Rd., Orient. SCTM#27-2-4 19. Costello Marine Contracting Corp. on behalf of SARAH REETZ requests a Wetland Permit to replace 112 linear ft. of existing bulkhead inkind/inplace using C-Loc 4500 vinyl sheathing. Re-install existing stairway to beach after new bulkhead is in place. Located: 955 Cove Circle, Greenport. SCTM#49-1-16&17 20. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of JAMES & MARINA MITCHELL requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4'X 53' fixed timber catwalk and 4'X 6' stairs. Located: 470 Willis Creek Dr., Maltituck. SCTM#115-17-17.11 21. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of ATHANASIA & BILL KARTSONIS requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4'X 41' fixed timber walk and stairway down bluff to beach. Located: 1790 Grand View Dr., Orient. SCTM#14-2-3.13 . 22. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of the ESTATE OF EILEEN O. GOLDNER requests a Wetland Permit to construct a two-story, one-family dwelling located partially within 100' jurisdictional area; install drainage system of drywells and public water service; and establish a 50' non-disturbance/non-fertilization buffer adjacent to tidal wetlands boundary. Located: 435 Bay Home Rd., Southold. SCTM#56-5-22 23. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of ALAN CARDINALE requests a Wetland Permit to construct a communal, "U-shaped" timber dock consisting of a 4'X 37' fixed timber catwalk, 3'X 17' hinged ramp, 5'X 43' float, and (3) 3'X 20' finger floats, all to be supported by (8) 8-inch diameter pilings; and install (4) 8-inch diameter tie-off pilings. Located: 11950 Main Rd., Mallituck. SCTM#122-3-1.4 24. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of JAMES MURRAY & SUSAN SEGUR requests a Wetland Permit to remove and replace (in-place) approx. 160 linear ft. of existing timber bulkhead (including 8' northerly return) with vinyl bulkhead (to be raised 18" higher than existing); remove and replace (in-kind/in-place) existing 8'X 22' timber boat ramp; remove and replace (and raise 18") existing 3'X 9' wood walk, 3'X 14' wood walk, and 10'X 17' fixed dock; and dredge approx. 300 cy. of spoil from area up to 30' off bulkhead to a maximum depth of -3' ALW, approx. 70 cy. of which will be used as backfill and approx. 230 cy. of which will be trucked off-site to an approved upland source. Located: 1900 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel. SCTM#145-4-3 POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST 25. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of DAVID MCELROY requests a Wetland Permit to construct a bluff stairway within the northeastern section of the subject property. Located: 1640 Grandview Dr., Orient. SCTM#14-2-3.14 . 26. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of SIM MOY requests a Wetland Permit to construct a single-family dwelling, altached rear deck, pervious driveway, retaining wall and sanitary system. Located: 750 West Lake Rd., Southold. SCTM#90-2-1 POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST 6 . 27. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of GAIL RERISI requests a Wetland Permit to construct a fixed open walkway 4'X 110', hinged ramp 4'X 12', and floating dock 6'X 20', and install two spiles to secure floating dock. Located: 497 Private Rd. #22, Southold. SCTM#76-1-15.3 28. Proper- T Permit Services on behalf of VICTOR RERISI requests a Wetland Permit to construct a fixed open walkway dock 4'X 82'. Located: 850 Private Rd., #22, Southold. SCTM#76-1-15.6 29. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of JAMES ECKERT requests a Wetland Permit to construct a fixed open walkway 4'X 100', hinged ramp 4'X 12', and floating dock 6'X 20', and install two 2-pile dolphins to secure floating dock. Located: 1635 Meadow Beach Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#116-7-8 30. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of HAROLD BAER requests a Wetland Permit to construct a fixed open walkway 4'X 130', hinged ramp 4'X 12', and floating dock 6'X 20', and install two spiles to secure floating dock. Located: 1425 Meadow Beach Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#116-7-6 . 31. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of SUSAN SOUDER requests a Wetland Permit to demolish 7.5'X 14.7' existing extension on NE side of existing house; remove 7.5'X 7.5' slate patio on NE side; construct 8.8'X 12.1' addition at NE corner of house, and add second floor to house. Located: 3470 Peconic Bay Blvd., Laurel. SCTM#128-6-8 32. Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of JOHN & JOANNE GOUVEIA requests a Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit to construct a 162 sq. ft. addition to the existing single- family dwelling over the existing deck and a +/-90 sq. ft. deck extension. Located: 55404 Route 48, Southold. SCTM#44-1-11 33. Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of MARY S. ZUPA requests a Wetland Permit to install a 4'X 30' fiberglass grid walk @ 2.5' above grade, 3'X 6' ramp and 6'X 20' float and two 8" piles. Located: 580 Basin Rd., Southold. SCTM#81-1-16.7 34. Inter-Science Research Associates, Inc. on behalf of PARADISE POINT ASSOCIATION requests a Wetland Permit to allow the repair and/or replacement of the existing docking facility. Located: Basin Rd., Southold. SCTM#81-1-16.10 35. Alpha Consulting on behalf of LARRY KULICK requests a Wetland Permit to remove existing section of bulkhead and dock assembly and replace with new wall section, catwalk, ramp and float. Located: 2200 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold. SCTM#87-3-61 POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST 36. B. Laing Associates, Inc. on behalf of JOHN MULHOLLAND requests a Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge 25 cy. to maintain navigable water depth. Dredge spoil will be placed on Mulholland property with majority being placed on Bandichuck and Carlucci properties north of Island View Lane. Located: 725 Island View Lane, Southold. SCTM#57-2-24 POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST . 37. B. Laing Associates, Inc. on behalf of VIRGINIA BONT JE requests a Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge 25 cy. to maintain navigable water depth. Dredge spoil will be . . . 7 placed on Mulholland property with majority being placed on Bandichuck and Carclucci properties north of Island View Lane. Located: 802 Island View Lane, Southold. SCTM#57 -2-23 POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST 38. B. Laing Associates, Inc. on behalf of MICHAEL CARLUCCI requests a Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge 25 cy. to maintain navigable water depth. Dredge spoil will be placed on Mulholland property with majority being placed on Bandichuck and Carclucci properties north of Island View Lane. Located: 865 Island View Lane, Southold. SCTM#57-2-22 POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST 39. B. Laing Associates, Inc. on behalf of GEORGE BALDWIN requests a Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge 25 cy. to maintain navigable water depth. Dredge spoil will be placed on Mulholland property with majority being placed on Bandichuck and Carducci properties north of Island View Lane. Located: 1045 Island View Lane, Southold. SCTM#57 -2-21 POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST 40. Environmental Survey, Inc. on behalf of DENNIS HRANITZKY requests a Wetland Permit to construct a 4'X 25' fixed dock, 3'X 12' ramp and 6'X 20' floating dock. Located: 4105 Wickham Ave., Mattituck. SCTM#107-9-2.1 POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST 41. Charlotte A. Biblow, Esq. on behalf of VINCENT & CAROL MANAGO requests a Wetland Permit for complete removal of the existing 64' wood jetty and restoration of the beach on subject property with approx. 300 cy. of dredged or borrow sand. Located: 8225 Nassau Point Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#118-4-10 POSTPONED UNTIL AUGUST