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Wed., February 8, 2006
8:00 AM
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SOUTHOLD <"V-? )..~\::'~)' j"-' /
1. Searles, Stromski, Associates on behalf of JULIE ANNE HAERR requests a
Wetland Permit to construct first and second floor additions to the existing dwelling,
two-car attached garage, and concrete patio. Located: 305 Mill Creek Dr.,
Southold. SCTM#135-3-28.1
2. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of NICHOLAS POLOGEORGIS requests a "'-
Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit to remove the existing porch on the v-
easterly side of the dwelling and construct a 15'X 30' garage. Located: 22655
Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#135-1-26 ,r-r- ~.h '-'-' ~_ ),..
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En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of CAROLYN & JOSEPH FERRARA requests a /
Wetland Permit to construct a fixed timber dock consisting of a 4'X 12' inclined
ramp; 4'X 84' fixed timber catwalk; 3'X 14' hinged ramp; and 6'X 20' float secured
by (2) 8" dia. pilings. Dock is to be constructed of untreated lumber and ramp and
float shall be removed and reinstalled seasonally. Located: 2170 Maple Lane, East
Marion. SCTM#38-8-1
4. Andrew Ni~Ii.C..h .~behalf of WILLOW POINT ASSOC. requests an inspection of
the propos d spoi site as . ted with R it #5963. Located: S' . ,
Greenport /
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5. Meryl Kramer, Archil ct Whalf of JOHN & MARION BRANDVOLD requests an
Amendment to perm~;7~~6\ext~ the deck an addition;ll~ond what was
V originally granted for a total dept't:1/bf 12\~<taOffe.,.YearExtension to Permit
#5879. located: 1955 Bayshore Rd., Greenport. SCTM#53-4-10 ~ b
SOUTHOlD \\ ,1\s)
6. B. Laing Associates on behalf of JOHN MULHOllAND requests a Wetland Permit
to maintenance dredge 50 cy. to maintain navigable water depth. Dredge spoil will
be placed on Mulholland property with majority being placed on Bandichuck and ,-,V"
Carlucci properties north of Island View Lane. located: 725 Island View Lane, ~"'u~
Southold. SCTM#57-2-24
7. B. laing Associates on behalf of VIRGINIA BONT JE requests a Wetland Permit to
maintenance dredge 50 cy. to maintain navigable water depth. Dredge spoil will be
placed on Mulholland property with majority being placed on Bandichuck and
Carducci properties north of Island View lane. Located: 802 Island View lane,
Southold. SCTM#57-2-23
8. B. laing Associates on behalf of MICHAEL CARLUCCI requests a Wetland Permit
to maintenance dredge 50 cy. to maintain navigable water depth. Dredge spoil will
be placed on Mulholland property with majority being placed on Bandichuck and
Carducci properties north of Island View lane. Located: 865 Island View Lane,
Southold. SCTM#57-2-22
B. Laing Associates on behalf of GEORGE BALDWIN requests a Wetland Permit
to maintenance dredge 50 cy. to maintain navigable water depth. Dredge spoil will
e placed on Mulholland property with majority being placed on Bandichuck and
Carducci properties north of Island View lane. Located: 1045 Island View Lane,
Southold. SCTM#57-2-21 __________
------- --- ----------
1 O.lnspect the drainage system on the property of GLENN HEIDTMANN as requested .
by Tom Mahr. located: 600 Albacore Dr., Southold. SCTM#57-1-21 ~'::J'i\\.
"1~-.::~~k:~::o:::n:a~::n:ulting, Inc. on behalf of CARLA STARC~D~:~~;: a (,~~./
Wetland Permit to construct a single-family dwelling ~ated: 205 Privat~
Rd. #3, Southold. SCTM#70-6-9
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~olk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of EDWARD FERGUS requests a Ii> l' :\..
Wetland Permit to construct a single-family dwelling, covered porch, attached decl(:: \://
attached garage, sanitary system, and shed. located: 1854 North Bayview Rd., ,Y
Southold. SCTM#70-12-39.3 -- ----------------
13. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalt of KEVIN & DOREEN BARR requests an
Amendment to Permit #6198 for the removal of a 12'X 16' deck at the top of the
embankment and construct a 1 O'X 22' (rather than 10'X 191 deck landward of
bulkhead; and revegetate baCkTI~FClisturbed areas of embankment with
beachgrass, bayberry, and Rugosa Rose. Located: 200 Basin Rd., Southold.
14. Inter-Science Research Assoc., Inc. on behalf of PARADISE POINT ASSOC., INC.
requests a Wetland Permit t~intenan~redge two areas within the basin and
inlet. The inlet area being 50'X 130' and the basin area 50 'X 100'. Both areas to be
dredged to a max. depth of 4' below apparent low water. A maximum of 1000 cy. of
material (combined) may be removed from the two areas in any calendar year.
Located: Basin Rd., Southold. SCTM#81-1-16.1&16.7
~ 15. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of EDWARD WERTHNER requests a Wetland
Permit to install a 3'X 11' seasonal ramp and 5'X 1 ff' floating dock with two 8" dia.
piles. Located: 180 Windy Point Lane, Southold. SCTM#78-6-3.3
---'16. Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of PETER T AGIOS & ALETRA MONFREDO
requests a One-Year Extension to Permit #5858, as issued on February 25, 2004.
Located: 545 Williamsburg Dr., Southold. SCTM#78-5-16
17.J.M.O. Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of ROBERT SPITZENBERG "JrJ
requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct in place 1 01' of timber bulkheading C\~\
utilizing vinyl sheathing and to dredge the 10'X 101' area immediately seaward of
the bulkhead to -4' ALW. Theresurranrspoil, 30 cy. of sand shall be used to
backfill the reconstructed bulkhead. Located: 375 Elizabeth Lane, Southold.
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18. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of ROBERT & SUSAN roMAN requests a
Wetland Permit to construct a 4'X 40~'-above grade, a 3'X 8' ramp, and a
5'X 18' floating dock. Located: 3795 Main Bayview Rd., Southold. SCTM#78-2-15.2
--------- --- - ~
19. Boulevard Planning East on behalf of JIM & SUSAN SWEENEY requests a
() -""' Wetland Permit to construct a second-floor addition with covered porch to thelll2-\;
T existing single-family dwelling. Located: 2950 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold. 1\." '
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20. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of RICHARD R. PRIETO, JR. requests a
Wetland Permit to remove 113'+/- of existing wood-sheathed bulkhead and 35'+/-
of concrete/stone/wood return/retaining wall and replace in same location with the
same structures using vinyl sheathing. Rebuild existing fixed walkway making it
2'+/- longer on the seaward end, and replace existing ramp with a ramp 2'+/-
" _ shorter. The location of the existing 6'X 20' float will be unchanged; the location of
J<, the two existing 2-pile dolphins will be unchanged; the overall length of the dock will
~' ,',\' be unchanged. ~ebuild existing 4'X 4' cantilevered platform in the same location.
rriV \7~ Located: 2650 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold. SCTM#87-3-45.1&46
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21. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of CATHERINE & RICHARD REIN KEN requests a
Wetland Permit to demolish an existing, one-story, one-family dwelling and
construct (partially over same foundation wall) new, one and one-half story, one-
family dwelling with attached garage; remove (2) existing sanitary systems and
construct (beyond Chapter 97 jurisdiction) new sanitary system; reconfigure -A
existing public water service line; install drainage system of drywells; and extend
existing driveway (beyond Chapter 97 jurisdiction). Located: 1935 Pine Tree Rd.,
Cutchogue. SCTM#98-1-11.1
22. THOMAS CAVANAGH requests a Wetland Permit to construct alterations and
additions to the existing single-family dwelling, and extensions to the existing porch
and deck. Located: 600 Little Peconic Bay Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-14-13
23. Boulevard Planning East on behalf of DON & MARY JO MURPHY requests a
Wetland Permit to construct additions and alteratiofls to the existing dwelling.
Located: 9905 Nassau Point Rd., C~-SG::rM#'1j1h1-9.L
24. BENJAMIN & JOCELYN SUGLlA request a Wetland Permit to construct a 14'X
37' wood deck attached to the seaward side of the existing dwelling; remove 8'X
13' section on seaward side of dwelling within the existing footprint, construct two
additions to dwelling, one 6'X 16' and one 8'X 13' both on the landward side of the
dwelling and both on concrete block foundations. Located: 4639 Stillwater Ave.,
Cutchogue. SCTM#137-3-7
25. Suffolk Enviornmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of DAVID SHAMOON requests ajlcy)"'Q.
Wetland Permit to construct a 36'X 60' single-family dwelling with 12'X 34' wood 'y\C.v r
deck attached to the east side, install a 20'X 40' pool to the north of the proposed '/
dwelling, construct a 30'X 24' garage, and install a sanitary system with a retaining
wall. Locate(j:2404Gamp Mineola Rd. Ext., Mattituck. SCTM#122-9-7.20
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26. Inspect the proposed standard subdivision of JAMES CREEK LANDING, in V
accordance with the letter dated January 11, 2005 from Anthony Trezza, Senior
Planner, Planning Board Office. Located: Wls of Main Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#122-3-
27.Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of DON JAYAMAHA requests a Wetland
Permit to construct a fixed open walkway 4'X 90' with decking a minimum of 3.5'
above grade, hinged ramp 4'X 16', and floating dock 6'X 20'; install two piles to
secure floating dock. Located: 243 Maiden Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#140-1-8
28. Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of KEVIN & SUSAN FERREL requests a
Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit to restore the damaged bluff by placing
1600 cy. of bank run sand on the face of the bluff. Stabilization of the restored
areas will be implemented by terracing and planting with (approved) beach
grasses. Located: 130 Lloyd's Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#99-3-4.6
29. Robert Barratt on behalf ~~ULlE TSAI requests a Wetland Permit to construct a
single-family dwelling and driveway. Located: 310 Lake Dr., Southold. SCTM#59-1-
21.1 .
30. PECONIC LAND TRUST requests an Administrative Amendment to Permit #6180A
to cut the phragmites and remove them Harper Preserve prior to April 15th.
Located: 1920 Lake Dr., Southold. SCTM#59-1-20.1
Wed., February 8, 2006
8:00 AM
For discussion:
Applications of - Nelson, Wills & Gardiner's Bay
1. Searles, Stromski, Associates on behalf of JULIE ANNE HAERR requests a
Wetland Permit to construct first and second floor additions to the existing dwelling,
two-car attached garage, and concrete patio. Located: 305 Mill Creek Dr.,
Southold. SCTM#135-3-28.1
2. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of NICHOLAS POLOGEORGIS requests a
Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit to remove the existing porch on the
easterly side of the dwelling and construct a 15'X 30' garage. Located: 22655
Soundview Ave., Southold. SCTM#135-1-26
3. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of CAROLYN & JOSEPH FERRARA requests a
Wetland Permit to construct a fixed timber dock consisting of a 4'X 12' inclined
ramp; 4'X 84' fixed timber catwalk; 3'X 14' hinged ramp; and 6'X 20' float secured
by (2) 8" dia. pilings. Dock is to be constructed of untreated lumber and ramp and
float shall be removed and reinstalled seasonally. Located: 2170 Maple Lane, East
Marion. SCTM#38-8-1
4. Andrew Nikolich on behalf of WILLOW POINT ASSOC. requests an inspection of
the proposed spoil site associated with Permit #5963. Located: Stirling Cemetary,
5. Meryl Kramer, Architect on behalf of JOHN & MARION BRANDVOLD requests an
Amendment to Permit #5879 to extend the deck an additional 4' beyond what was
originally granted for a total depth of 12', and a One-Year Extension to Permit
#5879. Located: 1955 Bayshore Rd., Greenport. SCTM#53-4-10
6. B. Laing Associates on behalf of JOHN MULHOLLAND requests a Wetland Permit
to maintenance dredge 50 cy. to maintain navigable water depth. Dredge spoil will
be placed on Mulholland property with majority being placed on Bandichuck and
Carlucci properties north of Island View Lane. Located: 725 Island View Lane,
Southold. SCTM#57-2-24
7. B. Laing Associates on behalf of VIRGINIA BONT JE requests a Wetland Permit to
maintenance dredge 50 cy. to maintain navigable water depth. Dredge spoil will be
placed on Mulholland property with majority being placed on Bandichuck and
Carclucci properties north of Island View Lane. Located: 802 Island View Lane,
Southold. SCTM#57-2-23
8. B. Laing Associates on behalf of MICHAEL CARLUCCI requests a Wetland Permit
to maintenance dredge 50 cy. to maintain navigable water depth. Dredge spoil will
be placed on Mulholland property with majority being placed on Bandichuck and
Carclucci properties north of Island View Lane. Located: 865 Island View Lane,
Southold. SCTM#57-2-22
9. B. Laing Associates on behalf of GEORGE BALDWIN requests a Wetland Permit
to maintenance dredge 50 cy. to maintain navigable water depth. Dredge spoil will
be placed on Mulholland property with majority being placed on Bandichuck and
Carclucci properties north of Island View Lane. Located: 1045 Island View Lane,
Southold. SCTM#57-2-21
1 O.lnspect the drainage system on the property of GLENN HEIDTMANN as requested
by Tom Mahr. Located: 600 Albacore Dr., Southold. SCTM#57-1-21
11. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of CARLA ST ARCIC requests a
Wetland Permit to construct a single-family dwelling and deck. Located: 205 Private
Rd. #3, Southold. SCTM#70-6-9
12. Suffolk Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of EDWARD FERGUS requests a
Wetland Permit to construct a single-family dwelling, covered porch, attached deck,
attached garage, sanitary system, and shed. Located: 1854 North Bayview Rd.,
Southold. SCTM#70-12-39.3
13. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of KEVIN & DOREEN BARR requests an
Amendment to Permit #6198 for the removal of a 12'X 16' deck at the top of the
embankment and construct a 1 O'X 22' (rather than 10'X 10) deck landward of
bulkhead; and revegetate backfilled and other disturbed areas of embankment with
beachgrass, bayberry, and Rugosa Rose. Located: 200 Basin Rd., Southold.
14. Inter-Science Research Assoc., Inc. on behalf of PARADISE POINT ASSOC., INC.
requests a Wetland Permit to maintenance dredge two areas within the basin and
inlet. The inlet area being 50'X 130' and the basin area 50'X 100'. Both areas to be
dredged to a max. depth of 4' below apparent low water. A maximum of 1000 cy. of
material (combined) may be removed from the two areas in any calendar year.
Located: Basin Rd., Southold. SCTM#81-1-16.1&16.7
15. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of EDWARD WERTHNER requests a Wetland
Permit to install a 3'X 17' seasonal ramp and 5'X 18' floating dock with two 8" dia.
piles. Located: 180 Windy Point Lane, Southold. SCTM#78-6-3.3
16.Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of PETER TAGlOS & ALETRA MONFRE DO
requests a One-Year Extension to Permit #5858, as issued on February 25,2004.
Located: 545 Williamsburg Dr., Southold. SCTM#78-5-16
17.J.M.O. Environmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of ROBERT SPITZENBERG
requests a Wetland Permit to reconstruct in place 107' of timber bulkheading
utilizing vinyl sheathing and to dredge the 10'X 107' area immediately seaward of
the bulkhead to -4' ALW. The resultant spoil, 30 cy. of sand shall be used to
backfill the reconstructed bulkhead. Located: 375 Elizabeth Lane, Southold.
18. Patricia C. Moore, Esq. on behalf of ROBERT & SUSAN TOMAN requests a
Wetland Permit to construct a 4'X 40' dock 3.5' above grade, a 3'X 8' ramp, and a
5'X 18' floating dock. Located: 3795 Main Bayview Rd., Southold. SCTM#78-2-15.2
19. Boulevard Planning East on behalf of JIM & SUSAN SWEENEY requests a
Wetland Permit to construct a second-floor addition with covered porch to the
existing single-family dwelling. Located: 2950 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold.
20. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of RICHARD R. PRIETO, JR. requests a
Wetland Permit to remove 113'+/- of existing wood-sheathed bulkhead and 35'+/-
of concrete/stone/wood return/retaining wall and replace in same location with the
same structures using vinyl sheathing. Rebuild existing fixed walkway making it
2'+/- longer on the seaward end, and replace existing ramp with a ramp 2'+/-
shorter. The location of the existing 6'X 20' float will be unchanged; the location of
the two existing 2-pile dolphins will be unchanged; the overall length of the dock will
be unchanged. Rebuild existing 4'X 4' cantilevered platform in the same location.
Located: 2650 Minnehaha Blvd., Southold. SCTM#87-3-45.1&46
21. En-Consultants, Inc. on behalf of CATHERINE & RICHARD REINKEN requests a
Wetland Permit to demolish an existing, one-story, one-family dwelling and
construct (partially over same foundation wall) new, one and one-half story, one-
family dwelling with attached garage; remove (2) existing sanitary systems and
construct (beyond Chapter 97 jurisdiction) new sanitary system; reconfigure
existing public water service line; install drainage system of drywells; and extend
existing driveway (beyond Chapter 97 jurisdiction). Located: 1935 Pine Tree Rd.,
Cutchogue. SCTM#98-1-11.1
22. THOMAS CAVANAGH requests a Wetland Permit to construct alterations and
additions to the existing single-family dwelling, and extensions to the existing porch
and deck. Located: 600 Little Peconic Bay Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#111-14-13
23. Boulevard Planning East on behalf of DON & MARY JO MURPHY requests a
Wetland Permit to construct additions and alterations to the existing dwelling.
Located: 9905 Nassau Point Rd., Cutchogue. SCTM#119-1-9.1
24. BENJAMIN & JOCELYN SUGLlA request a Wetland Permit to construct a 14'X
37' wood deck attached to the seaward side of the existing dwelling; remove 8'X
13' section on seaward side of dwelling within the existing footprint, construct two
additions to dwelling, one 6'X 16' and one 8'X 13' both on the landward side of the
dwelling and both on concrete block foundations. Located: 4639 Stillwater Ave.,
Cutchogue. SCTM#137 -3-7
25.01sen & Olsen on behalf of ROBERT S. MARSTON & JOHN D. GARDINER
requests a Transfer of Permit #5996 from Thomas & Beverly Christianson to
Robert S. Marston & John D. Gardiner, as issued on September 22,2004 and
Amended on February 16, 2005. Located: 7065 New Suffolk Rd., New Suffolk.
SCTM#117 -5-30
. .
26. Suffolk Enviornmental Consulting, Inc. on behalf of DAVID SHAMOON requests a
Wetland Permit to construct a 36'X 60' single-family dwelling with 12'X 34' wood
deck attached to the east side, install a 20'X 40' pool to the north of the proposed
dwelling, construct a 30'X 24' garage, and install a sanitary system with a retaining
wall. Located: 2404 Camp Mineola Rd. Ext., Mattituck. SCTM#122-9-7.20
27. Inspect the proposed standard subdivision of JAMES CREEK LANDING, in
accordance with the letter dated January 11, 2005 from Anthony Trezza, Senior
Planner, Planning Board Office. Located: Wls of Main Rd., Mattituck. SCTM#122-3-
28. Proper-T Permit Services on behalf of DON JAYAMAHA requests a Wetland
Permit to construct a fixed open walkway 4'X 90' with decking a minimum of 3.5'
above grade, hinged ramp 4'X 16', and floating dock 6'X 20'; install two piles to
secure floating dock. Located: 243 Maiden Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#140-1-8
29. Catherine Mesiano, Inc. on behalf of KEVIN & SUSAN FERREL requests a
Wetland Permit & Coastal Erosion Permit to restore the damaged bluff by placing
1600 cy. of bank run sand on the face of the bluff. Stabilization of the restored
areas will be implemented by terracing and planting with (approved) beach
grasses. Located: 130 Lloyd's Lane, Mattituck. SCTM#99-3-4.6
30. Robert Barratt on behalf of JULIE TSAI requests a Wetland Permit to construct a
single-family dwelling and driveway. Located: 310 Lake Dr., Southold. SCTM#59-1-
31. PECONIC LAND TRUST requests an Administrative Amendment to Permit #6180A
to cut the phragmites and remove them Harper Preserve prior to April 15th .
Located: 1920 Lake Dr., Southold. SCTM#59-1-20. 1