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�Pp.ForM ✓ 4-cc t•� soo- T� " MAJOR SUBDIVISION Complete application received Yield map received Application reviewed at work session �xro, OK not OK �xro. Applicant advised of necessary revisions soot Revised submission receivedixro. OK M.t OK Sketch plan approval -with conditions Lead Agency Coordination SEQRA determination 0 i Preliminary maps received Preliminary maps reviewed at work session ixro. OK Vant 0 -revisions 2 OK .4 not w ixro. OK Road profiles/drainage submitted d.- -revisions ixro. OK Road profiles/drainage reviewed be Engineer OK zW OZ iNro. OK N Sent to County Planning Commission ix�in.`rW OK Receipt of County Planning Report iNro.` OK Review of SCPC report 0 V) 1 Preliminary hearing Preliminary approval o t -with conditions M I Sent to Fire Commissioner r\/ Receipt of firewell location NNotification to applicant to include on final map W I . Draft Covenants and Restrictions received xro. OK 0 CD OK Draft Covenants and Restrictions reviewed Nro.` :;� u Filed Covenants and Restrictions received W H Bond estimate submitted Bond adopted by PB Bond adopted by TB ' Payment of bond Payment of inspection fee Determination of park&playground fee Park & playground fee adopted by TB Payment of park &playground fee i Open Space documents Documents reviewed by TA �ro7 OK Receipt of mylars and paper prints with Health approval Final Public Hearing Approval of subdivision -with conditions Ms ,I, ire Endorsement of subdivision PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS gOFFO(,� BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. O�� COG Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman �.�' y P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J.CREMERSH Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS y. T Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. G • `F Pax (631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANOaO�, 1 , � � PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Subdivision Application Form Name of Subdivision: James Creek Landing Suffolk County Tax Map # 1000- 122 - 03 - 1 .4 Type of Subdivision: Major Minor Set-Off Lot-Line Cluster Subdivision: Yes No Hamlet: Mattituck Street Location: south side New York State Route 25 Acreage: 15 .73 acres Number of Lots: 5 Zoning District: R80 and B Date: v please list name, mailing address, and phone number for the people below: Applicant: Alan' Cardinale Box 77 Mattituck, NY 11952 Agent handling the application: Henry Raynor` (Contact Person) 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 298-8420 Property Owner(s): Alan r a r M i n a r e Surveyor: Peconse Surveyors Engineer: Attorney: Other Agent(s): Has this property had a previous application to the Planning Board? 'e) No Has this property previously received a SEQRA review? Yes No Have you had any pre-submission conferences with the Planning Board? L��s No Does this application have variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals? Yes No Appl. No. Date Is this property adjacent to any bodies of water? t_s) No Are there any wetlands on the property? es No Are there public water mains in an adjacent street? YeJ No Is public water proposed for the subdivision? Yes No Have development rights been sold on part of the property? Yes No Is there a proposed sale of development rights on part of the property? Yes No Is there a mortgage on the property? Yes No Does the owner own any adjacent properties? Yes No Are there any building permits currently pending on this property? Yes No Signature of Preparer Date->' -2Rl 0 _FROM : AAA_RE FAX 110. 63129%316 09 2092 09:47p1/P2 _ V3^ �• -( Numbcrufpagve RL'OkNi: Vl.l[ � • '1'ORRENS %ixl; ^ley Oc O:r(0: R'1 f_tl'agrd F.Romalne ScflalN i_ERK OF .. SUPFE111 00H.TY Cerllfiraiag__ L DMO12184 P 2:5 Dior CYf.a_ Deed/Mortgage Instrument Deed/Mortgage Tax Stamp Recording/Filing Stamps FUS Page/Filing Fm Mortgage And. Handling s I.Basin Tax TP-584 -- — 2.Addltionni Tax Notation Sub Total _ LA-52 17(County) _-_ Sub Iola, 17 —... Spec./Mail. PA-5217(State) Or Spec./Add. TOT.MTO.TAX _ comm.of Ed. 5 QO q Dual Town Iteral County_ rleld for Appotiommend ARdavit �y • ♦ Transfer Tax ^_ Ccrlilied Copy _.� Mention Tax The property cover"(bvi y thio"" sage or is Rcg.Copy ol will be Improved by a one or two family Other Sub Tool _ 3 9 dwelling only. -- YES__or NO OItANL TOTAL, .S 6 If N0,see appropriate lax clause ono"page ll of this inginumartt. R (Property Tax Smvim Agaeyveri0ca0mt 6 Con3jIlIfnitY Preservatloll Fund coulffyUbt. Sactlo"" D lock Lat Consideration Amount E 1000 122.00 03.00 001.004 CPF Tax Due S > e0 Improved (nil' Vacant Land 7 Saliafavllons/UlschargeNReleaseq List Prnpeny Owners Mailing Add �J It£COIkD&Rg7UIUN TO: PD Philip J. Cardinale Esq. TD 1451 Main Road 7.D PO Box 2021 Jamesport NY 11947 g Title Company Information Co. Name Title a Suffolk Court Recording & Endorsement Pa es This page fomtt pmt of Ole atlacltod Declaration of Covenants 6 Restriction, (SPk.CiPY'IYPEOFI}JSIRUMENT made by: Alan A. Cardinale 11ePmTusesInstill issituatedin —' SUFFOLK COILMY,NEW YORK. TO In On:Township of Southold Suffolk County Department �. h1 the VILLAGE orHAMLC1'of Ma r.tir BOXES 5 Ti-IRt-I 9 MUST EE TYPED OR PRIMED 1N BLACK INK ONLY HUM TO RECORDING OR PILING. ... .. . .. . fir .•. "-.-n_,_�,,. .....; ,. ... ,.,�.r:W. a I IIIIIII IN IIIII111111111111111111111111111111111IN 11111111111 IIIII IIII IIII SUE'FOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DECLARATION COVENANT/RESTRICTIO Recorded: 05/06/2002 Number of Pages: 4 At: 01:10:11 PM LIBER: D00012184 PAGE: 255 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 122.00 03. 00 001.004 EM9NED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO TP-584 $0.00 NO Notation $0 . 00 NO Cert.Copies $4.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0,00 KO Fees Paid $36.00 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FROM ARA-RE • FAX NO. : 6312986316 .May. 09 2002 09:48AM P3 DECLARATIOld OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS This DECLARATION is made on this /3*4A day of March, 2002, by Alan A. Cardinale, residing at 1130 Bridge Lane, Cutchogue NY 11935 (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant") as owner of the remises described in schedule A annexed hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "premises") desires to restrict the use and enjoyment of said premises and has for such purposes determined to impose on said Premises covenants and restrictions and does hereby declare that said Premises shall be held and shall be conveyed subject to the following covenants and restrictions: 1. Declarant has made application to the Suffolk County Department of Health Services (hereinafter referred to as the "Department") for a permit to construct, approval of plans or approval of a subdivision or development on the Premises. 2 . As a condition of approval by the Department of the subdivision or development application, the Declarant covenants that there shall be no conveyance of any plot unless public water is extended thereto and the existing dwelling on lot 2 is connected to the public water supply in accordance with the approved plans on file with the Department. This shall not prevent a conveyance of the entire subdivision subject to this covenant. 3 . Declarant, its successors and/or assigns shall set forth these covenants, agreements and declarations in any and all leases to occupants, tenants and/or lessees of the above described property and shall, by their terms, subject same to the covenants and restrictions contained herein. Failure of the Declarant, its successors and/or assigns to so condition the leases shall not invalidate their automatic subjugation to the covenants and restrictions. 4. All of the covenants and restrictions contained herein shall be construed to be in addition to and not in derogation or limitation upon any provisions of local, state and federal laws, ordinances and/or regulations in effect at the time of execution of this agreement, or at the time such laws, ordinances and/or regulations may thereafter be revised, amended or promulgated. 5. This document is made subject to the provisions of all laws required by law or by their provisions to be incorporated herein and they are deemed to be incorporated herein and made a .part hereof, as though fully set forth. 6. The aforementioned Restrictive Covenants shall be enforceable by the County of Suffolk, State of New York, by injunctive relief or by any other remedy in equity or at law. The failure of said agencies or the County of Suffolk to enforce FRW PAP-RE . FAX N0. : 6312986316 'May. 09 2002 09:48AM P4 the same shall not be deemed to affect the validity of this covenant nor to impose any liability whatsoever upon the County of Suffolk or any officer or employee thereof. 7 . These covenants and restrictions shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Declarant, its successors and assigns and upon all persons or entities claiming under them, and may be terminated, revoked or amended only with the written consent of the Department. 8 . If any section, subsection, paragraph, clause, phrase or provision of these covenants and restrictions shall, by a court of competent jurisdiction, be adjudged illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be unconstitutional, the same shall not affect the validity of these covenants as a whole, or any other part or provision hereof other than the part so adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid or unconstitutional . 9 . Local Law #32-1980 - The Declarant represents and warrants that he has not offered or given any gratuity to any official, employee or agent of Suffolk County, New York State or of any political party, with the purpose or intent of securing favorable treatment with respect to the performance of an agreement and that such person has read and is familiar with the provisions of Local Law #32-1980 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Declarant has caused this instrument to be duly executed on the date and year first written above. ALAN A. CARDINALE STATE OF NEW YORK ) 1 :SS. . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the 13 A day of March in the year 2002 before me, the undersigned, ALAN A. CARDINALE personally appeared, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same in their capacities, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted, executed the instrument. tCi4-. tary Publit Joannean Notary Pubic. olk Coats.W#O1FA4V91TTT G9lmnara�an ExP.2-i 0a1( . FRW PA;AJ;E • FAX N0. : 6312986316 Ma 09 2992 09:49AM P5. .. Ss#3025 cruvl•DTJi E"A"T)F.S 'TtTPT1ON ALT,that certain plot,piece or parcel of land,with the buildings and improvements thereon erected,situate,lying and being at Mattituck,in the Town of Southold,County of Suffolk and State of New York,being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at'a point on the easterly side of Main Road(Route 25)distant 280.40 feet south of the intersection of the southerly side of New Suffolk Avenue and the easterly side of Main Road at the northwesterly comer of the premises herein described, adjoining land now or formerly of Peteco Realty Co.,on the north; , Running thence along said land now or formerly of Peteco Realty Co.,the following two courses and distances: 1'.south 83 degrees 11 minutes 50 seconds east,313.77 feet; 2.north 30 degrees 06 minutes 10 seconds east 100.00 feet to land now or formerly of Tom's Dream Inc.; running thence along said land,south 83 degrees 11 minutes 50 seconds east,224.41 feet; running thence along land now or formerly of Munn,the following two courses and distances: 1. south 1 degree 4 minutes 40 seconds west 362.00 feet 2. south 61 degrees 44 minutes 20 seconds cast,246.17 feet to James Creek; running thence along the edge of James Creek by tie lines the following eight courses and distances: 1.south 24 degrees 25 minutes 37 seconds west 251.28 feet; 2.south 2 degrees 46 minutes 35 seconds west 22.38 feet; 3.south 26 degrees 45 minutes 11 seconds west 104.85 feet; 4.south 2 degrees 32 minutes 52 seconds west 292.19 feet; 5.south 21 degrees 25 minutes 17 seconds west,57:09 feet; 6.north 56 degrees 15 minutes 20 seconds west,61.84 feet; 7.north 66 degrees 34 minutes 15 seconds west,89.82 feet; 8.north 79 degrees 19 minutes 3 seconds wast,657.77 feet to the mean high water mark of James Crcck; nursing thence north 48 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds east 592.72 feet to the northeast comer of land of Lucas; running thence along said land of Lucas and other,north 57 degrees 51 minutes 40 seconds west 568.41 fed to the easterly fine of Main Road,Route 25; naming thence along said line the following three courses and distances: I north 44 degrees 56 minutes 00 seconds cast.170.00 feet; 2.north 37 degrees 07 minutes 50 seconds east,103.23 feet; 3.north 30 degrees 06 minutes 10 seconds east,60.00 feet to the point or place of BBGINN1NG. STATE OF NEW YORK SS: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I EDWARD P.ROMAINE,CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLKAND CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK IN AND FOR SAID COUNTY(SAID COURT BEING A COURT OF RECORD) DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE COMPA13ED THE ANNEXED CDEED LIBER _AT PAGE ,_RECORDED ANA THAT IT IS A JUS AND TRUE COPY OF SUCH ORIGINAL Na" OF THE WHOLE THEREOF. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAN[�AND AFFIXED THE SEAL OF SAID COUNTY AND COURT THIS f� DAY OF 17)h>l 5 � ni rev 7 �� 0:/09/1995 00:49 516-298-2127 RAYNOR SUTER HOWE PAGE 01 01600 - iaa, � 3 - li HEl. A j,,C.P. Y¢24.s.Y,11952 nomw r r n 5 , m tltlN n Cuuc ;: •� �.fir;3�.�, own"!Old 01/09/1995 00:49 516-235-2127 RAYNOR 9JTER HDWE PAGE 02 pop s S �0 :r.. �� Type of Instr=ent: P SM, CTIO Recorded: 05/06/2002 Number of ?ages: 4 At: 01 :10:11 P14 LIBER: D00012184 PAGE; 255 District: Section: desk: Lot: 1000 122.00 •00 . 001.004 E]OOSILIfD YOLLCM Received the Following Fees "V t - Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 114 $5.00 NO COE $5.00 $0.00 No Notation $0.00 Q 0-Ort.,C"i0a $4.00 NO RPT $30. 00 F ! r $0.00 NO $56.00 THIS PA= Mill 'lam �'1 .ReOI�IAO 8rtffolk County 01/09/1995 00:49 516-298-2127 RAYNOR SUTER FOWE PAGE 03 FRUM : NHP_RF • FtdttQ. it"{iF16716 �09 Raw 09:4TPN P.- iJ - -• i_'I 17 JI NunM1re,tl 1'*Yva 'CZ `4.0 Uh Ionncss ca4Y„i F.G:•n:21 CI-EW, OF L NEIM 1.4 (;erll(1cnlK N............_..... F 2m P.IP,Cyt 7,_„..�._.......-.........,� pwpddK I PIIInp$axop, UAW WA4410e toaran,am F••'•” 4xx Fegal fibng'ret .,.0-= --.— M~Ann. --� J— Ilxndl!ag 1.SWO Tut AddthmalUK TOM I;A•)a 17(Conray) tlph l'0Wt01 .. A+nL PA-$'219(Stale) ''/_� •!A�' -ry / '2 TOT.MM.TAX it F, S.A. -L7^ _" iC• {11W rw Appoa.-ooc eI OWxly_ Jr.Cw+wn.of Fd. $09 'I,f Hao M1r Appptb,+mmt ,�._.... r.11-"%At —^., .� <. TrsrMr Ta m Tax WAxi perry wnGYld by Ids n+plgagc taw M.B. o " will M l mprovd by a One or two In'"Iiy a PY mT9292 ' s y. - /wNllni eplY [Nikr yes—WHO .( If N0.w npptaPrl+te to c at`ufe en PRI.0 9 arbdl lnympl,pm. Roa1 P Tin at l ims • Co Preservadon Fund Wal. 5.e41" '.Iwt Con.ielOtotfen Amomnt s— 4 + 1000 122.00 � .+ y0 CPF Tax Due i .02- It p dPm .....T .)'YliyfuciirnultY�tidarg N TV Philip T, Cer4inoia > q+ TU 1451 Hain Road f� PO box 2021 aamesport NY 11947 f ." ?Alto Cxn litty lnfbrmatiou Suffolkbuignment Page This padcfbmv Pen Ofthemrmdoid i Cootlaanta t Restrictions npic ly ,`•�t' I'Yt�f;F>�Iti11HAMENf) ..6 ------ d Alan A. CatiMi• T�_,� ItedilYWAwlnuailwrod in --- y - yCl><lNfVrN6wYbf1K. TO W*TOVAI61F of southvld n^ Heat+n Ser",-5er","Op NC) Ft 511 Mt 19 MUST'Al'TVpLrp ��~ �INIFgh4{YPRIOR 7f1Rf.•. Rl]INGURPII.INp. 0'„09/1935 00:49 525-298-2127 RAYNOR SUTER HDWE PAGE 04 FF019 G47_RE Sw. '$p86J1E May. 09 2902 99:48PM v3 , DECLARATION 0Vt6VWld 'A= RaSTRICTIONS This DECLABATIODI is /.3*4� daY of March, 2002, by A13n A. Cmrdinale, residl r., 1Ae Lang, Cutchoque MY 11935 hereinatter referred to arsat") as ovner of the premises described in 8 herRto and made A part hereof (hereinafter rota see.) desires to restra.ct the use and #XJ d sop and has for such purposes determined to Ag ises ccvananta and tha restrictions and does #09 t said premises shall be held and shall be convey thll following covenants and restr ctionW: 1. Declarant has GO t0 Che Suffolk County Depar-,ment of xealth &s tar referred to as the nnepartment"? for a pase�i :;#li1 ' t' �prn Of plans or su approval of a bdivisYtle{f 2 . As a condition y Department of the subdivision or devel a; he I3eelazant Covenants tnat there shall be now arty, yylot unless public water is extended thereto and brglling on lot 2 is connected to the Publi-c . ` lie' aacotdance with the approved plans oa file v This shall not prevent a conveyance ofvision subject to this covenant. ; rY 3 . Declarant, its or assigns shall set forth these covenants, agree toas' in any alai all leases to cecupants, *t, Yehe9gL Of the above described property 014 r i.r terms, subject same to the covenants and restrieti ,'. bo "in, failure of the Declarant, it9 OUCCesa'CS ipl: .to so condition the leases shall not invali togatie subjugation to the covenants and restricts 4. All of the Csnt tVjxtioAs contained herein shall be construed t6lbo to-Aw A not in derogation or limitation upor. any .: a1, state, and federal laws, ordinances and/ar regal. not alt tha time of execution of this agreement, Or 'It a}3-Ums, ordinances and/or regulations may thereaft kmendad or promulgated_ 5. This document i CO the provisions of all laws required by law oc i# ons to be incorporated herein and they are " ted herein and made a part hereof, as though 6 . n.,e aforementi i Covan=ts shall be enforces-ble by ehe COms alto of Now York, by injunctive relief or by in equity or at law. The tailure of said 7oi'' Cttiuty of Suffolk to enforce 61/69/1935 66:49 516-298-2127 RAYNOR SUTER HDWE PACE 05 FRCYRRA-RE • FM M. : 671 16. �y, 09 2002 09:48Ah PG the same shall not be dna L01 *J-Jett the validity of this covenant nor to impose an whatsoever upon the County of Suffolk or any otfi0eri-i ethareot . 7 . Thase covenant$ ion,* shall run with the land and 6hall be binding 1*04 its successors and assigns and.upon all pgtfti a�ilyiwit�hnthe written under m and may be termnated, rev6+ (a . r consent o: the Departmsntr B . if any section, ays aph, clause, phrase or proviexon of these cove 4 tat ons shall, by a court of -orapetert jurisdictions# AI0 illegal, unlawful, invalid or held to be uneonstitutkMl� saasa shall not affect the validity of these covsaa� as s; Or any other part or Provision hereef other t t� 'Iso adjudged to be illegal, unlawful, invalid or uric - a . 9 . Local Law #32-1 « ' latent represents and warrants that he has not < ' iveo any gratuity to any official, smpioyee or ag air" k CCruntY, Now York State or of any political party, Cis a or intent of securing favorable treatment Kith ti he performance of an agreement and that such 4%ad attd is familiar with the provisions of Local ILA4V '1 0, TN W1TNNISS Mmuol, Vjp'41#4 `dip Caused this instrument to be duly executed vu the dlto "fir first written above, ALky A. caaMNAU STATE OF NEW YOILK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ) On the lBday r 2002 before me, the undersigned, ALAN A. ly pnarad, personally known to me or proved to,"' *iasis Of aatislactoxy evidence to be the individuals a sgk+scribed to the within instrument and acknowl t t tlxey elC*mtad the same in their capacities, and t Is turas on the instrument, the individuals or the of which the individuals acted, exect. tart' }Publ ..c Cetr�t N�#C'fM"i`171 y�nwrsm�•2-t0�y 01/09/1935 00:43 516-238-2127 RAYNOR SUTER HDWE PACE 06 FROh ARA-RE � Fw rat. : o3t2 d6816 �09 2002 09�49W M SF 1130'd5 a`ry1'Mtfts'C :e w'' 1:`1�0[7tYmT10N ALJ,that w.Aain plot,piece OF jgBL *W hWldings and intptuvcmwte the m atected.sitIMAM,ly dQ d{,iti.MN Toive of Southold,County of S�ffotk and Stets of Plmw Y iI4wi�411 daeaibed es fotowl: aROLHNTNO ars penia[m )1p>16(Eeu1e 13)diatemt 280.40 feet eouts nl'tto iuteraoctlmn of 70W. . 6%0*AMWO and the catmly. sideorMaln Road attha .gMpeMmbam Yav4ia damctibmd, adjoining laud now or '6s.,m0lha varlh. Running thence sheaf uld k01d;0d'w d1 fe1YWiikmf pwie Aeaky Co.,the following two eoarsas sod distances: 1,south 83 degrees 11 Ygiof*9} 513.7TdMet; 2.north 30 degrees 06 retia"1b F00.00 thiel to Ieod tww or formerly of Tow's Droacu lnc.; punning thence akalg add tiii4,at%*13,4jg at.I I mhwMs 30 aesnadl most,214.41 feet; running thence akhug Ind aMerlf�8es�t4�'�{o®,t o following two eottrna and distances: t. south 1 defres 4 slamte�{;;la ` ,0l1AimK 2. south 61 degrees 441drIMi$0OwIt 146.17 the to James Creek; running thence along the o*df fmlaa 19fAIW dolm the folbwins eight octaves soil duMnooe. 1,south 24 degrass 13 minkallik LUSK 2.south 2 dagre*46 3.eouth26dogtmes46 11 x04JKt1at: 4.w0h 26W%VrM 32. 5.=56,=13 auth 21 degna 25 6.=56 degness 13 l.t1ll st; '7.t:otth 66 drSrcw 34 8.north 79 degrees 19 ?.'l71Yet to the manlvgh water mark of lames Creek; nnusing thence aortl1Oil 40tihir�09sed0%aaW Sn72 INt to The northeast comer of land of LVMK running dMoe alms s 11id�11aa4yr �M r t4M1h T/da{s4M Sl minutes 40 secunda west 566.41 idetlribmMVeVWd.Raab 25: rutulink thetlCO alvmj(Ia1Q�1 gOfla4R and 6iaiancas: I north 44 doom 50 1 F111 170Mhot: 2.north 37 degrest 07 103.�1Thet: 3.north 30 degese 06 40*hO to thapoiut or plum of BP.OINNJ140. ' STATE OF NEW YORK > COUNTY OF SUFFOLK - 1 EDWARD P 110"M CLERK OF AND CLERK OF THE t3UPREME COURT OF,THE STATE OFNEW YOi1K IN -COURT BEING A COURT OF RECORD) DO HEREBY CERTIFY T 1 DEED LIBER_JU ANO THAT IT IS A JU D THEREOF. AN OF THE WHOLE IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I 1l/�VE COUNTY AND C � AND AFFIXED THE SEAL OF SAID OURf7WIS !r fli��ll�l�J��/►� p{QAFFIXED 1� JOINT APPLICATIOI+ ork State t* 95193 (6 et,p,p /1�r„ , i FOR PERMIT r r t r United States Army Corps of Engineers Applicable to agencies arM permit categories listed in Ilam 1. Please read all Instrudbns on bark. Ahach additional information as needed. Please print legibly or type. 1.Check permits applied for. - 2.Name of Applicant (Use full name) 1C 12-q Telephone Number (daytime) NYS Dept of Environmental Conservation L r 1 N C bN A nel `s ❑ Stream Disturbance(Bed and Banks) Mailing Address ❑ Navigable Waters(Excavation and FIIFill) 6 4S k I - ❑ Docks,Moorings or Platlams "7', Post Office I, [state Zip Code (Construct or Place) T-1 t T�Cr` t V ❑ Dams and Impoundment Structures $.Taxpayer ID (If applicant is not an Individual) (Construct,Reconstruct or Repair) ❑ Freshwater Wetlands Tidal Wetlands 4.Applicant is alan: (check as many as apply) ❑ Coastal Erosion Control Owner ❑Operator ❑Lessee ❑Municipality/Governmental Agency ❑ Wild,Scenic and Recreational Rivers S.If applicant is not the owner,identify owner here- otherwise, you may provide Agent/Contact Person information. ❑ 401 Water Quality Certification Q a a Agent/Contact Person ❑Owner ® Agent/Contact Person Telephone Number (daytime) ❑ Potable Water Supply R Elnik Ati N 0ALtZ ❑ Long Island Wells {�atitling Addre[s-s' O Post Offic ❑ Aquatic Vegetation Control 1--r Office ❑ Aquatic Insect CoControle - Ste Zip Code LL_ ❑ Fish Control j '� w�I� N J 6.Project/Facility Location (mark location on map, see instruction 1a.) NYS Office of General Services p County:� Town/City/Village: Tax Map Section/Block /Lot Number. (State Owned Lands Under Water) ❑ Lease,License,Easement or Locati in (including Street or Road) r✓ Telephone Number (daytime) other Real Properly Interest S M A-I N � - 1 �J ❑ conduits.Utility Easement(pipelines, f 7 cables, etc.) Post Office State Zip Code 7.Name of r�Stream or Waterbody (on or near project site) F1 Docks,Moorings or Platforms J i "1 n /] F_ (Construct or Place) �-/` Adirondack Park Agency 8.Name of USGS Quad Map: Location Coordinates: ❑ Freshwater Wetlands Permit NYTM-E NYTM-N 4 ❑ Wild.Scenic and Recreational Rivers 9.Project Description and Purpose:(Category of Activity e.g.new constnrctioMnstallabon,maintenance or replacement; Type of Structure or Activity e.g.bulkhead,dredging,filling,dam,dock,taking of water; Type of Materials and Quantifies; Structure and Work Area Dimensions;Need or Purpose Served) Lake George Park Commission ❑ Docks(Constructor Place) ------------------ - ❑ Moorings(Establish) 1 'IQ.Q.A� A f eR Q U 6-(_ _Fo� 169/V/vg N _ / 11 /�( US Army Corps of Engineers (�y� _ Q �- So U_ ❑ Section 404(Waters of the United States) T �L rs 'rte I ❑ Section 10(Rivers and Harbors Act) �1—�-� / w j r�rl N+J S TI S �l �4[?� jJ ❑ Nationwide Permit(s) yG9� (; p A' Identify Number(s) _. . _ .. _____ tt_77_ �T- f7EGION I_----__-__ For AgencyATIO Use Only; SEP-29M DEC APPLICATION NUMBER _________________ % US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS 10.Proposed Use: 11.Will Project Occupy 12.Pro p (mated Com letion 0va 11 El Land?El Date: ON �iLPfW7GV� Pe Public Commercial Yes o 14.Has Work Begun on Project? (If yes, attach E] ❑ 15.List Previous Permit/Application Numbers and Dates: (If Any) explanation of why work was started without permit.) yes No PL G ' ® .- 8'S — 092 16. Will this Project Require Additional K ❑ If Yes, {�, n,/ )N �� 'I�— Federal, State,or Local Permits? Yes No Please List: r tA6 N I r- /y 17. If applicant Is not the owner,both must sign the application I hereby affimt that information provided on this form and all attachments submitted herewith is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. False statements made herein are punishable as a Class A misdemeanor pursuant to Section 210.45 of the Penal Law. Further,the applicant accepts full responsibility for all damage,direct or indirect, of whatever nature,and by whomever suffered,arising out of the project described herein and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits,actions, damages and costs of every name and description resulting from said project. In addition,Federal Law,18 U.S.C.,Section 1001 provides for a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment for not more than 5 years,or both where an applicant knowingly and willingly falsifies,conceals,or covers up a material fact;or knowingly makes or uses a false,fictitious or fraudulent statement. Date Signature of Applicant v ��-- '+-^r�----r� Title Date Signature of Owner Title lb W f 91RT 1—PROJECT INFORMATIO Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effect on the environment. Please complete the entire form; Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be considered as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not involve new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable,so indicate and specify each instance. NAME OF ACTION 3` j S V I130 LOCATION OF ACTION(include Street Address,Municipality and County) QOktT -'),S NY) oTT I-t v1 C1 J ,�• NAME OF APPLICANT/SPONSOR ) BUSINESS TELEPHONE OK L_Afv CAFz (-z (63► ) 295- 3 ADDRESS qO +4ENr �t njO �7S N L CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE V^n R 'r T t v 1 ( 9 NAME OF OWNER(If different) BUSINESS TELEPHONE ADDRESS CITY/Po STATE ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION ` 6"dW4-e- /5-,7 3 awe ZJJ -yh fa S lo-fS df a� a, S 8J 3;9f and z Gees eacG) Please Complete Each Question—Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: ❑Urban ❑Industrial ❑Commercial PRResidential (suburban) ❑Rural(non-farm) ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ❑Other 2. Total acreage of project area: 6A acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) acres acres Forested acres acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECL) S acres 3 acres Water Surface Area acres acres Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) acres acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces I•e acres 3 o acres Other (Indicate type) Wb'n'1>LA acres Q• acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? b A V Enf3 L O A ryt a. Soil drainage: Elwell drained 7 -1 % of site ❑Moderately well drained % of site IjOPoorly drained z3 % of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the NYS Land Classification System? acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project site? ❑Yes Ij9No a. What is depth to bedrock? I (in feet) 2 25, Approvals Required: • Submittal Type Date City, Town, Village Board Dyes PslNo City, Town, Village Planning Board EfiYes ❑No D iy S r-o I✓ City, Town Zoning Board Dyes Ls9No City, County Health Department WYes ❑No S48-01\I) --3y OW Other Local Agencies El Yes ANo Other Regional Agencies Dyes 'ANO State Agencies KYes ❑No •� .S• `�7• F • C . Federal Agencies Dyes gNo C. Zoning and Planning Information 1 . Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? XYes ❑No If Yes, indicate decision required: ❑zoning amendment ❑zoning variance ❑special use permit 1subdivision ❑site plan ❑new/revision of master plan ❑resource management plan ❑other 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? R � 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? S' l.0 f.j 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? lC 80 AtSZj 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 5 Q)770) 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? PkYes ❑No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a '/4 mile radius of proposed action? R.-9b d2 t1 ,73 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a 1/. mile? XYes ❑No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? S a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? — -!a- •1?E 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of sewer or water districts? Dyes ANo 11 . Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? f�Yes ❑No a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? WYes ❑No 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? Dyes SNo a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? ❑Yes ❑No D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sp sor Nae Of 1479? � CrElu"" i Date Signature n Title C� If the action is in the Coa tal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 5 2. How much natural material (i.e., rock, earth, etc.) will be removed from the site? v tons/cubic yards 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? WYes ❑No 11 N/A f a. If yes, for what intended purpose is the site being reclaimed?A£SI hZrJ l' I At GC v1 S I LI C' I l0 V b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Dyes ❑No c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ❑Yes ❑No 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? acres. 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? Dyes NNo 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction N -A months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated N �fl — (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 month year, (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of final phase month year. d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? ❑Yes ❑No 8. Will blasting occur during construction? Dyes 5,No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction ) 0 after project is complete 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? ❑Yes 'SNo If yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? 1PYes ❑No a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount pMCZG I G C Win ts—` b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged tx A 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? Dyes V.No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? ❑Yes `WNo Explain 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? FA1Yes ❑No 16. Will the project generate solid waste? RJYes ❑No a. If yes, what is the amount per month tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? Yes ❑No c. If yes, give name `T�; �`�� t-PNEDF )<'I" ; location Y d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? ❑Yes JNo e. If Yes, explain 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? F[Yes ❑No a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Dyes IBJNo 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? Dyes [ANo 20. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? Dyes RNo 21. Will project result in an increase in energy use? SYes ❑No If yes , indicate type(s) C L'E CTS 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity gallons/minute. 23 Total anticipated water usage per day I ZQ Q gallons/day. 24 Does project involve Local, State or Federal funding? Dyes �JNo If Yes, explain 4 0 5. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: 00-10% f t)n % 010-15% 1115% or greater % 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? El Yes 'lKNo 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? Dyes No 8. What is the depth of the water table? a--Zr- (in feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? EJ Yes No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? [Ayes ❑No 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Dyes 'VINO According to Identify each species 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) Dyes fANo Describe 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? ❑Yes W.No If yes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? Dyes KNo 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name .-.1 A"f` &S G P4 EK b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? rLYes ❑No a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? Yes ❑No b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? .Yes ❑No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? Dyes 'ZNo 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? []Yes gNo 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastes? ❑Yes XNo B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor /Z acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: /f.7 acres initially; NJq acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped S acres. d. Length of project, in miles: - L!� I R- (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed N IJa %; f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing proposed {aL P 'YO+✓"� `4A g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour (upon completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially 9 Ultimately N JA- i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure height; width; length. j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? f 7 e� ft. 3 . PART 1—PROJECT INFOOATION Prepared by Project Sponsor NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant effe on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be consider:. -as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any addition information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not invol,. new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and speci each instance. NAME OF ACTION James Creek subdivision LOCATION OF ACTION(include Street Address, Municipality and County) NYS Route 25 , Mattituck, NY NAME OF APPLICANTISPONSOR 1 Alan Cardinale BUSINESS TELEPHONE ADDRESS 6311298-8420H RaYr - ---= – c/o Henry E. Raynor, Jr. , 320 Love Lane CITY/PO STATE ZIP CODE Mattituck . 1 NY 111952 NAME OF OWNER(It different) BUSINESS TELEPHONE 1 ADDRESS - CITY/PO i STATE I ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION —_—__ Please Complete Each Question—Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: ❑Urban ❑Industrial ❑Commercial tResidential (suburban) ❑Rural (non-farm ❑Forest ❑Agriculture ❑Other 2. Total acreage of project area: 1510 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE PRESENTLY AFTER COMPLETION Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) acres acres Forested acres acres Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres acres Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECI.) 3v5 acres 3 . 5 acres Water Surface Area acres acres Unvegetated (flock, earth or fill) acres acres Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces 1 . 0 acres 3 . 0 acres Other (Indicate type) — Wnnd 1 and/gicrnb 11 . 5 acres 9. 5 acres 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on project site? havens loam a. Soil drainage: PWelf drained 77 °lo of cite ❑Moderately well drained °o of site tKPoorly drained ?�3 of site b. If any agricultural land is involved, how many acres of soil are r'I.Issifiod within coil group 1 through .1 of the NYS Land Classification System! acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370), 4. Are there bedrock outcroppings on project si(e? ❑Yes GIN �. What is depth to bedrock? _ n/a (in feet) 2 t 5.� Approximate percentage of pr*ed project site with slopeS: 00-1041.0Q_ 0-1546 % Ell 5% or greater ^,6 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? Dyes ®No - 7.•Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? Dyes QNo 8. What is the depth of the water table? 0-20 tin feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? Dyes No 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ZYes ONO 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Dyes qNo According to Identify each species 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) Dyes QNo Describe 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? Dyes Quo If yes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? Dyes (2No 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary Mone Creak 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name James Creek b. Size (In acres) 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? QYes ONO a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? Qkyes ❑No ti b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? PYes ONO 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? Dyes C3JNo 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? Dyes QNo 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wasrtns? Dyes ONO B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor i ss ,�_ acres. b. Project. acreage to be developed: 15.Q acres initially; n/a acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undevelopedQom— acres. d. Length of project, in miles: n/a (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion. indicate perrrnt of expansion proposed in 46; f. Number of off-street parking spaces existint, per code 1 6 P proposed g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour _ 5 (upon complvnon of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing (nits: One Family Tavu Family Mnlliple I .imily Condominium Initially 4 Ultimately n/a i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest propnr vel strmcture height: width: lcngth.per code j. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy is? I o ft. 't 3 - ,r 2. Host/ much natural uiateria0 . luck, earth, etc.) sv,ll he removed fr*the site? n 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? tons/cubic yards I�Ycs ONO ❑N/A a. If yes, for what intend_ purpose is the site being; reclaimed? gE3(n>�1) L ChQs$1R4�v ia� b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? ❑Yes ONO C. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Oyes ONO _ 4. Host/ many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? 5. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? ❑Yes $'No 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction n/a months, (including demolition). 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated _ n/a (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 month year, (including demolition). C. Approximate completion date of final phase month d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? Dyes ONO year. 8. Will blasting occur during construction? ❑Yes ($No 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction 1 ?) after project is complete 0 10. Number of jobs eliminated by this project NONE 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? ❑Yes {E7No IF yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? ]yes ONO a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount sewage b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged n/a 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? Dyes $)No Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? GYes No Explain Q ' 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? RlYes ONo 16. Will the project generate solid waste? Eyes ONO a. If yes, what is the amount per month tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? ®Yes ON c. If yes, give name Cutchogue Landfill - Cutchogue, Ni' ; locatibn d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? ❑Yes e. If Yes, explain 13No 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? OYcs ONO a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposal? tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? Years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? OYes -C)No 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour jeer day)? Oyes 20. Will �7N'U project produce operating noise exceeding; the local ambient noise luvels? Oyes ONO 21. Will project result in an increase in cnwgy use? PDYes ❑Nu If yes , indicate type(s) elect[ Se 22. If water supply is from 23. Total W'!11.", indicate n,m ? f nn 6Capanty an -- gallons/muugfe. s (�_� ticipated water usage per day 120 gallons/day. 24, Does protect involve Local, S(.rte or Federal funding; Oyes No it Yes, explain 4 •w 25r Approvals Required: Submittal oype Date City, Town, Village Board OYOS MNo City, Town, Village Planning Board ®Yes ONO _ gnheiivi gi nn City, Town Zoning Board OYes ONO City, County Health Department ®Yes ONO Subdivision Other Local Agencies OYes gNo Other Regional Agencies Oyes KNo State Agencies WYes ONO NYSnP. Federal Agencies OYes Rc1No C. Zoning and Planning Information 1 . Does proposed action involve a planning.or zoning decision? ADYes ONO r If Yes, indicate decision required: ❑zoning amendment Ozoning variance ❑special use permit 5Isubdivision ❑site plan ❑new/revision of master plan ❑resource management plan ❑other 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? RRn 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? -r lots 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? S. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? 3'lots C 6. Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? [RYes ONO 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a '/ mile radius of proposed action? R40, R80, J3 8. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a 1A mile? )IYes O,N0 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? �r a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? _2_ acres 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of'Setver or water districts? OYes 11 . Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? IRYes ONO a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? )]Yes ONO 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? OYes ONO a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? OYes ONO D. Informational Details Attach any additional information as may be need(-d to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. E. Verification I certify that lite information providod abovr is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Spn c sor Name Henr E. Ra nor, Jr. , a ent for Cardinab�te / 11 O'Z Signature � �, ,tgual D Title Ctl nx� if the action is in th • Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. ~ 5 Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * Date: 06/13/01 Receipt#: 203533 Transaction(s): Subtotal 1 Seqra Review $500.00 Check#: 203533 Total Paid: $500.00 ELIZABETH A.NEVILLE,TOWN CLERK RECEIPT 074780 Town of Southold Southold, New York 11971 Phone:516-765-1800 DATE 192/ RECEIVED OF: �` ,�//p'—,� QQ� ' � S �Q• FOR, ❑CASH 4YIN—ECK �j 9�a3�- BY. 5Uj JUN 1 2061 Southold Town Planning Board Name: Cardinale, Alan Po Box 77 Mattituck, NY 11952 Clerk ID: JOYCEW Internal ID:34025 I vs LARS C. JOHNSON ATTORNEY AT LAW JAI 11✓f�l 1451 MAIN ROAD P.O.BOX 2021 JAMESPORT,NEW YORK 11947-2021 (631)722-4744 FAX: (631)722-4877 June 21, 2005 Ms. Valerie Scopaz Town Planner Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York 11971-0959 Fax (631) 765-3136 Via USPS and facsimile Re: James Creek minor subdivision/SCTM#1000-122-3-1.4 Dear Ms. Scopaz, I write to memorialize what I would characterize as a productive meeting at your office last week. My client, Mr. Cardinale, is grateful for the cooperation of your office, and the Assistant Town Attorney Mr. Kieran Corcoran. As you recall, we requested the meeting to gain further guidance as to how we can expedite our application and comply with the new Town subdivision rules. My client's application dates back several years and has been impacted by various setbacks and obstacles. Throughout that time frame, my client has repeatedly acquiesced to all requests and demands of the Town in order to obtain final approval of his project. Understandably frustrated, my client has begun to question whether he will ever see his vision realized. We have gained a level of optimism after our meeting last week. Although you indicated you would not consider the plan for approval at this time with the overlay solution we proposed,you indicated that you would take steps to expedite the approval process. Specifically, you agreed to: 1. Initiate correspondence with the various agencies from whom you feel farther approval is required, and indicate in that correspondence that the proposed modifications are minor in nature and meant to bring the project into compliance with the new subdivision regulations. We anticipate that your correspondence will be phrased so that the agencies will have a time frame to respond and if no response is received, the former approvals will be deemed valid. 2. Waive any discretionary steps in the review process and take any other available action within the framework of the application process to expedite final approval. • i 3. Continue to work with us to ensure that our efforts to gain approval are not unnecessarily delayed or hindered. Again, we are committed to bringing our project into compliance with Town regulations. We appreciate your commitment to us. If I have not summarized our recent discussions accurately or if there is anything you wish to add to my comments, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Also,please contact us with Planning Board input from the work session so that we may proceed to contact our surveyor to supply any additional data for interagency communications as needed. Very truly yours, Is C. Jo son m,1- LARS C.JOHNSON ATTORNLY AT LAW 1451 MAIN ROAD P.O.BOX 2021 JAMI<-MPORT,NEW YORK 11947-2021 (631)722-4744 FAX:(631)722.4877 June 21,2005 Ms.Valerie Scopaz Town Planner JUN Southold Town Planning Department P.O. Box 1179 Southold,New York ]1971-0959 Fax(631)765-3136 Via USPS and fscsimile Re: James Creek minor subdivision/SCTM#1000-122.3-1,4 Dear Ms. Scopac, I write to memorialize what I would characterize as a productive meeting at your office last week. My client,Mr. Cardinale,is grateful for the cooperation of your office,and the Assistant Town Attorney Mr.Kieran Corcoran. As you recall, we requested the meeting to gain further guidance as to how we can expedite our application and comply with the new Town subdivision rules. My client's application dates back several years and has been impacted by various setbacks and obstacles. Throughout that time frame,my client has repeatedly acquiesced to all requests and demands of the Town in order to obtain final approval of his project. Understandably fiustrated,my client has begun to question whether he will ever see his vision realized. We have gained a level of optimism after our meeting last week. Although you indicated you would not consider the plan for approval at this time with the overlay solution we proposed,you indicated that you would take steps to expedite the approval process. Specifically,you agreed to: 1. Initiate correspondence with the various agencies from whom you feel further approval is required,and indicate in that correspondence that the proposed modifications are minor in nature and meant to bring the project into compliance with the new subdivision regulations. We anticipate that your correspondence will be phrased so that the agencies will have a time frame to respond and if no response is received,the former approvals will be deemed valid. 2. Waive any discretionary steps in the review process and take any other available action within the framework of the application process to expedite final approval. l d 91609b6099 '0N/UE 6 '19/Nt 6 9004 l6 Nqf(301) 3idNIUW) 1VQB3 AL 3. Continue to work with us to ensure that our efforts to gain approval are not unnecessarily delayed or hindered. Again,we me committed to bringing our project into compliance with Toxo regulations. We appreciate your commitment to us. If I have not summarized our recent discussions accurately or if there is anything you wish to add to my comments,please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Also, please contact us with Planning Board input from the work session so that we may proceed to contact our surveyor to supply any additional data for interagency communications as needed. Very truly yours, tLC7 nson Z d 5Z609bfi089 '�M/cE'.6 'LS/SS �6 9004 ld NU ani) 31NN108NU W08j STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 250 VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. 11788-5518 SUBIMAL CHAKRABORTI, P.E. JOSEPH H. BOARDMAN REGIONAL DIRECTOR COMMISSIONER April 7, 2005 Mr. Alan A. Cardinale P.O. Box 77 Mattituck,NY 11952 Unauthorized Work within the State Highway ROW Route 25, Mattituck SCTM# 122-3-1.4 Our Case No. 05-125P Dear Mr. Cardinale: We are writing in regards to driveway construction that appears to be taking place on the south side Route 25, at approximate mile point 1533, Mattituck, Town of Southold. A recent field inspection (see copies of attached photos) notes what appears to be a new driveway/road that is being graded for what appears to be a connection to State Route 25. Please be aware that driveway construction and work within the New York State highway right-of- way (ROW) requires a Highway Work Permit from us. Unauthorized work within the ROW without a Highway Work Permit is in violation of Section 52, of the NYS Highway Law and Section 1220-c of the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law. Section 52 authorizes the State to collect fines for violations of this Law. Work performed in violation of this Law is subject to fines of up to $1,000.00 per day for each day of such violation. Any proposed work in the ROW must be approved under permit from us. We suggest that you contact us to arrange a meeting so that we may discuss any plans you may have for access to the State Highway. At that time we can provide you with information concerning our Policy for access to the State Highway as well as Highway Work Permit application information. Review of this issue is being coordinated by Mr. Mark Wolfgang. He can be contacted at (63 1) 952-7973. Please give this matter your prompt attention. _ Very truly yours, �I"i i.:aY r2u Ly APR 1 3 2005 SHAIK A. SAAD,P.E. I Civil Engineer III Traffic Engineering and Safety Attachments cc: lVlr. Peter Harris, Superintendent of Highways, Town of Southold X. Valerie Scopaz, Planning Director, Town of Southold Mr. Bruno Semon, Senior Site Plan Reviewer, Town of Southold SAS:MW:DW �SOfF�[,�co MAILING ADDRESS: PLAPTNT'NTC .P.OARD ATEM13ERS ��4 �. <i. P.O. Box 1179 JERILYN B.WOODHOUSE Southold, NY 11971 Chair y = OFFICE LOCATION: G T Town Hall Annex WILLIAM J.CREMERSy'jf01 ���� 54375 State Route 25 KENNETH L.EDWARDS (cor. Main Rd. &Younger Ave.) MARTIN H.SIDOR Southold,NY GEORGE D. SOLOMON Telephone:681 765-1938 Fax: 631765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE February 15, 2005 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Mr. Henry Raynor 275 Cardinal Drive Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Proposed Subdivision James Creek Landing Located on NYS Route 25, 100 feet e/o Pacific Street, in Mattituck SCTM#1000-122-3-1.4 Zoning District: R-80/B Dear Mr. Raynor: The Southold Town Planning Board adopted the following resolutions at a meeting held on Monday, February 14, 2005: WHEREAS, t{ti5 subdivision is for 5 lots on 15.9 acres; and / WHEREAS;on August 24, 2004, the Town of Southold Town Board adopted Local Law No. 18, 2004 "A Local Law in relation to a new Chapter Al 06 — Subdivision of Land of the Code of the Town of Southold"; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that pursuant to Chapter Al 06, the Planning Board hereby classifies this application as a Standard Subdivision; and be it further RESOLVED, that the application must be revised and re-submitted to conform with "Chapter Al 06 —Subdivision of Land of the Code of the Town of Southold". Upon written request, the Planning Board may credit application fees previously paid to the Town of Southold. The determination will be based upon the amount of work that has been accomplished to date on the application. Please contact this office if you have any questions regarding the above. Very truly yours, / — Jedlyn B. Woodhouse Chairperson cc: Patricia Finnegan, Town Attorney Kieran Corcoran, Assistant Town Attorney I I I I po -� ey-p l AL c� � 111 (&V�J rk �- ��uI�-//c� ] J Sa� ✓v� ti� VV.V Y`Ci I.J- C a ✓ `l ( L� Ii Ciel k V)1L( j 5✓LS�� d'ln w CT A, �_._ r✓ �"'�_ _y 4!� �1l-C, _ J � - ,�� ► �. max.► � s_ New York State Department of Environmental Conservation _ Division of Environmental Permits, Region One Building 40 - SUNY, Stony Brook, New York 11790-2356 dkof Phone: (631)444-0403 FAX: (631)444-0360 - Septemm 2003 Supervisor, Town of Southold A 53095 Route 25 / P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: LEAD AGENCY COORDINATION REQUEST Dear Sir: The purpose of this request is to determine under the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) of the Environmental Conservation Law and 6NYCRR Part 617 the following: 1. Your agency's jurisdiction in the action described below; 2. Your agency's interest in acting as lead agency; 3. Issues of concern your agency believes should be evaluated. Enclosed is a copy of our permit application and a completed Part 1 of the Full Environmental Assessment Form (FEAF)to assist you in responding. Project Name: Cardinale Property Location: s/s Main Road, 290' w/o New Suffolk Ave., SCTM# 1000-122-03-1.4 DEC Permits and Application #: 1-4738-03087/00001 SEQRA Classification: [X] Type I [] Unlisted DEC Position: [] DEC wishes to assume lead agency status. [X] DEC has no objection to your agency or another agency assuming lead agency status for this action, but reserves the right to comment on this action if a positive determination of significance is made. Please respond to my attention within 30 days of the date of this letter. If no response is received within 30 days, we will assume that you have no objection to DEC or another agency assuming the role of lead agency,and have no comments to offer regarding the proposed action at this time. 11 W LE t L SEP 1 2 2003 SEP DU7H TOMI r" r O !KEY'S OFFICE %$ SUPERVITCIVt Cr SOUTHOUJ 10WN Please feel free to contact this office at (631) 444-0403 for further information or discussion. Sincerely, pD Sherri Aicher Environmental Analyst Sr,L Jvt✓i ( Z I11 '� �1 h 6J e CA r1'� f �.�n SJII�R� a�l n �S Page 2. �FFOL PLANNING BOARD MEMEA O�$ �CD BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. �� P.O. Box 1179 Chairman G Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 : Southold,New York 11971-0959 RICHARD CAGGIANO 0 Telephone(631) 765-1938 WILLIAM J.CREMERS • '� KENNETH L.EDWARDS y?J�l ���� Fax(631) 765-3136 MARTIN SIDOR,JR. August 20,2002 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE Henry Raynor, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 320 Love Lane Mattituck,NY 11952 Re: Town of Southold Moratorium Major and Minor Subdivisions Major Subdivision Cardinale,Alan(James Creek) SCTM# 1000-122-3-1.4 Dear Mr.Raynor: As you are the agent for the above application please be advised that a Local Law was adopted at the regular meeting of the Southold Town Board on August 13,2002 entitled "Local Law to a Temporary Moratorium on Processing,Review of,and making decisions on applications for Major Subdivisions,Minor Subdivisions and Special Use Permits containing Dwelling Units in the Town of Southold". The Local Law Number 3.2002 is attached. The Local Law states that the Planning Board Office"shall not accept,review continue review, hold hearing or make any decision upon any application for a subdivision,whether that subdivision application was submitted prior to or after the effective date of this law"for a duration of six months beginning August 13, 2002. The above applications are covered by the moratorium. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact my office at 631-765- 1938. Sincerely, I� Bennett Orlow, Jr. Chairman Enc. Cc: Joshua Y.Horton, Supervisor Town Board Planning Board Greg Yakaboski,Town Attorney Kathleen Murphy,Assistant Town Attorney i i ,�,� �, `� • PART 1—PROJECT INFOAATION `�� Prepared by Project Sponsor MI NOTICE: This document is designed to assist in determining whether the action proposed may have a significant E on the environment. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to these questions will be consit -as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review Provide any addit information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not in, new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable. so indicate and sp each instance. NAME OF ACTION James Creek subdivision LOCATION OF ACTION(Include Street Address, Municipality and County) NYS Route 25, Mattituck, NY NAME OF APPLICANTISPONSOR I BUSINESS TELEPHONE Alan Cardinale 6311298-8420H Rz ADDRESS c/o Henry E. Raynor, Jr. , 320 Love Lane CITY/P0 STATE ZIP CODE Mattituck— 1 NY 111952 diferen NAME OF OWNER(II fp ! BUSINESS TELEPHONE ADDRESS CITY/PO i STATE I ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION Please Complete Each Question—Indicate N.A. if not applicable A. Site Description Physical setting of overall project, both developed and undeveloped areas. 1. Present land use: ❑Urban ❑Industrial ❑Commercial @J esidential (suburban) ❑Rural (non-f, ❑forest ❑Agriculture ❑Other 2. Total acreage of project area: 15 .A acres. APPROXIMATE ACREACE PRESENTLY AFTER COt'1PLET101 Meadow or 8rushland (Non-agricultural) acres acre Forested acres acre Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) acres acre Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of ECI.) 3 • 5 acres 3 . 5 acre Water Surface Area acres acre Unvegetated (hock, earth or fill) acres acre Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces 1 . 0 acres 3 . 0 acre Other (Indicate type) Woodland/scrub 11 . 595 .Teres . acre 3. What is predominant soil type(%) on project site? havens loam a. Soil drainage: E]Well drained 77 of site ❑Moderately well drained 46 of site 9Poorl., draintd of Sita b_ If any agricultural land is iovolveti, how many a<:res of sol, are rlassif-d wlthin soil group 1 through -I of the f Land Classification System? acres (See 1 NKRR 370) 4. Are there bedrock outcroppin;s on project situ? ❑yes ❑4-I0 tea. What is depth to bedrock? n/a (in feet) 2 r v Approximate percentage of psed project site with slopes. ❑0-109 _ 96 ❑10-1596 015% or greater ° 6. Is project substantially contiguous to, or contain a building, site, or district, listed on the State or the National Registers of Historic Places? Dyes ®No 7.-Is project substantially contiguous to a site listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? Dyes 9No 8. What is the depth of the water table? 0-20 tin feet) 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? Dyes ONO 10. Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? ZYes ONO 11. Does project site contain any species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endangered? Dyes C�No According to Identify each species 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e., cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) ❑Yes (RNO Describe 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? Dyes (�'Vo If yes, explain 14. Does the present site include scenic views known to be important to the community? Dyes INNo 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary .T n m�=_(1Y @ 2k 16. Lakes, ponds, wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name James Creek b. Size (fn acres) 17. Is the site served by existing public utilities? QYes ONO a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? Wes ONO .� b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? PYes ❑No 18. Is the site located in an agricultural district certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law, Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? Dyes EkNo 19. Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 617? Dyes ERNo 20. Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wasrtts? Dyes qNo B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor 1 5n acres. b. Project.acreage to be developed: 15 .8 acres initially; n/a acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped Q- 5 acres. d. Length of project, in miles: n/a (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion, indicate percent of expansion proposed n/a %; I. Number of off-street parking spaces existin❑ propo>od per Code g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour 5 (upon (omplolion of project)? h, If residential. Number and lyre of musing units. Ono Family Two Famdy Muliyilc f.inu y Condominium Innlally 4 Ultimately n/a i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed stricture height; width: length .per COdE j. Linear feet of frontage along a publir thoroughfare project will occupy s? I ft. 3 t _ 42. How much natural materh•e., ruck, earth, etc.) will be remov,•d frothe site? t1 3. Will disturbed areas be reclaimed? tons/cubic yards GdYcs ❑No GN/r1 a. If yes, for what intend-,: purpose is the site being reclaimed? S-:Si3N6�NT )AL Dyes 01,40 b. Will topsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? 4�s S.f4ty 1 L c. Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Dyes ONO 4. How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed from site? 1 S. Will any mature forest (over 100 years old) or other locally-important ve,, acres. Dyes $]No elation be removed by this project? 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period of construction n/a months, (including demolition). 7. -If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated _ n/a (number). b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 month year, (including demolition). c. Approximate completion date of final phase month d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases? Oyes year. & Will blasting occur during construction? Dyes INN ❑No O 9. Number of jobs generated: during construction 1 n after project is complete - D 10. ,Number of jobs eliminated by this project NONE 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? Dyes JVNo IF yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? *?Yes ONO a. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount sewage b. Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged n/a 13. Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? Dyes :ONO Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? GYes Explain I2NO 15. Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year flood plain? ®Yes 16. Will the project generate solid waste? ® GNo Yes ONO a. If yes, What is the amount per month tons b. If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? ®Yes ONO C. If yes, give name Cutchogue Landfill - Cutchogue, N'i e. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into aocation san sanitary landfill? Dyes e. If Yes, explain Lp{No 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? OYl.`5 ONO a. If yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposals ---.—_ tons/month. b. If yes, what is the anticipated site life? Years. 18. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Dyes JE7N!) 19. Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? Oyes 20. Will project produce Operating noise exceeding ;�7�0 I the local ambient nose levels? Gyt,s ONO 21. Will project result in an increax: in cn -rgy u,,.? PDYes If ytype(s) _es , indicate t elects is DN" _ 22. If water supply is from well,, inilic.l t�• pumjnnt; cap,i,_i(y - - 23. Total anticipated water usage per day 1200g'�II`�t�slrninuje. S LJ galluus/day 24. Does project involve Local, St.ite or federal fundings Dyes If Yes, explain No 4 25Y Approvals Required: . . i Submittal Type Dale City, Town, Village Board Oyes ®No City, Town, Village Planning Board ®Yes ONO .cuhRit ' ai nn City, Town Zoning Board ❑Yes QNo City, County Health Department ®Yes ONO subdivision -- Other Local Agencies Oyes gNo Other Regional Agencies Oyes E2No State Agencies WYes ❑No NYGny. Federal Agencies Oyes ONO C. Zoning and Planning Information 1 . Does proposed action involve a planning.or zoning decision? ]Yes ONO If Yes, indicate decision required: ❑zoning amendment ❑zonin g variance ❑special use permit 9subdivision ❑siteIan ❑new/revision of master plan ❑resource management plan ❑other p 2. What is the zoning classification(s)of the site? 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 1' lots 4. What is the proposed zoning of the site? y j3 5. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? -5-lots C6 Is the proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? (RYes ❑No 7. What are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a Y. mile radius of proposed action? R40, R80, 13 8 Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a Y. mile? ADYes ❑,.No 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? a. What is the minimum lot size proposed? 2 acres 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(s) for the formation of server or water districts? ❑yes j�No 11 . Will the proposed action create a demand for any community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? ayes ONO a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient to handle projected demand? ADYes ONO 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation of traffic significantly above present levels? ❑Yes ®No a. If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? ❑Yes D. Informational Details ❑No Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your propo,al, please discuss such impac(s and the measures which you propose to miti avoid them. gate or E. Verification 1 Ccrtify (hat the inforniation providrrl .ibovr i, true to till, best of m '\PP�1cdnUSpon>or N,irne Henr E. Ra nor, y knowledge- ` Signa(urc` r-vim , Jr . ,� eat for Cardina�1C If the action is in the Coastal Arca, and ynu are a dale agency, coin I with (his assessment. p rte the COaslal Assessment Form before proceeding 5 - 'w 320 LOVE LANE MATTITUCK, L.I. NEW YORK 11952 (516) 298-8420 SERVING YOUR NEEDS SINCE 1923 7IZl � Z .�I ,.-- _-� ' 7 � 1 r ..f" fl, td g Aut es2 Southold Town PI4nnInB B"rd • PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS OgUFFO�,� BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. Chairman ���� CSG Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 = �� P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J.L EDWAR 5 y Z P.O. York 11971-0959 KENNETH I E ATHAM �+' Tele hone(631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. � • `F P RICHARD CAGGIANO y?JOl �aQ� Fax (631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 12, 2001 Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: James Creek Landing major subdivision SCTM# 1000-122-3-1.4 Dear Mr. Raynor, The application is now complete except for the new Full EAR I have attached a copy of the original from the previous application and a blank form. While some of the material will be the same, please check to make sure the necessary changes are made. As soon as that is submitted, the environmental review will be started. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, C Craig Turner Planner , :e • T�GN OF SOUTHOLD • 1i DEd 23 .1984 ,� s,•' „ ENVIRONME1.v 1'AL ASSESSMENT — PART I PROJECT INFORMATION NOT:CT_: This dOcuwAnt '5 desianed to assist in determining whether :he action proposed Tay have a s'gnificant effect on the environment. Please comolete the -entire Oata ]heel. Answers to these ^U2sttOn3 si:l be consiaerod is oar% of the aoplication for aporoval and may be subject td further vertfication and public r--view. Provide any additional information you believe will be needed -o c:moleta PARTS 2 and 3. is MaCled tnat camoletign of the EAF will be dependent in information currently available and Will not involve new studies, researtn or investigation. If infor...a:ion requiring such aaditional ork is_unava'.dole, sd indicate and saecify iac.1 instance. .. **At .1 4F PROJEC NAME A:10 .AOCRESS OF O'ANER (If 0iffarent) 5 � Mohrin rn ses Inc. `At-kAattataack ,lame) AOMESS IND HA:iE OF APO' ICANT: Streec, Mohring Enter rises 7.7., Stacz), i.ip 4�Q GIea�+✓ove-tYue=::-_ , _ ... .. 3USt4ESS PHONE: Sea- Mw-o`'rk- 1157 i-�• .; t ca ca) lclpl 0En_R1?T1011 CF POWEC': (Srierly describe type of project or action) (PLZ;SE COAIPLEM EACH QUESiiON - Indicate A.A. if not aoolicaole) A. SITT ESCRIPTIO4 (physieai iattin; of overall •Project, both deve)ooed and undevelcoed areas) 1.. General character of the land: Generally uniform slooe _ Generally uneven and rolling or._irragular. Z. ?resent 'and use: Urban Industrial Commercial _, Suouroan _, Aural ' forest Agriculture _. 9Lher . 3. %cal acreage of Project area: acres: Aooroximace acreage: Presently After Complation Presently After rwoletior Peadcw or 3rusnland ML- acres kris Hater -Surface Area _acres 'aer.: -ares _acres !Cris Unve^:etacad �cx, earn or fill; =aeras — acrs Agricuitsral _acres _ Cres __— ;cads. ouildirgs .letl.nd (Fresnwat?r or . . and ^trier oavea tidal as Ser arty Cles iurnc-s TO 1c.^es 3 ;Cr.,s :a, 25 ar e...L.) sures 3_s acres wcndlcuo .tScwb r 1 I :trer (inaica:a :yoe) (�scres 4icree a. What Is gretcrosnanc soli typerT• s) in drofirt iiia: &VL1fSL00A - 7. a. Are :.`e.^? ]edr^ck --uCCroppings an orojec: st:a? Y as $0. no b. 'hat is loot- :a '-edrock? ry r' f1n 'adt) - 6. Approximate percentage of proposed project site with slopes: O-lot greater .; 10-15: X; 15S or _ 7. Is project contiguous to, or contain a building or site listed on the National Register of Historic Places? _Yes 'Q_ No 8. What is the depth to the water table?'044 feet 9. Oo hunting or fishing opportunities presently exist in the project area? Oyes _' No 10. Does project site containany species of plant or animal life that is identified as threatened or endancered - Yes Yo, according to - Identify each species 11. Are there any unique or u usual land forms on the project site? (i.e, cliffs, dunes, other geologica formations - YesNo. (Describe 12. Is the project sit presently used by the comunity or neighborhood as an open space or recreation . area - Yes No. 13. Free! s hepresept site offer or include scenic views or vistas known to be important to the community? es14. s within or contiguous to project area: " a. Name of stream and name of river to which it is tributary .�A-Mt- C IC n 15. Lakes ponds etland areas within or contiguous to 9 Project area: a. Name P` h. Size (in acres) vV L16. What is the dominant land use and zoning classification within a 1/4 mite radius of the project (e.g: single family residential. R-2) and the scale of development (e.g. 2 story), S. 'PROJECT DEESCRIPTIOii 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill in dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned by project sponsor 1� acres. b. Project acreage developed: acres initiaily;i� acres ultimately. A C. Project acreage to remain undeveloped d. Length of project• in miles: _i3�_(if appropriate) — —• e. If pro is an expansion of existing, indicate percent of expansion proposed: building square fe age developed acreage .. f. Number of off-str--t parking spaces existing � propose 1C'� 5(ud g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour " pon completion of project) h. If residential: Number and type of housing units: One'Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initial _ ' Ultimate 1. If: Orientation Neighborhood-City-Regional Estimated Employment Comnercial - Industrial j. Total height of tallest proposed structure _ feet. ` O DEC )3 1484 .2.....How.-much natural material (i.e. ck, earth, etc.) will be removed fry he site - tons a C cubic.ya 3. How many acres of 'vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed-from site - _acres. 4. Will any mature fores (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by this project? _Yes X No S. Are there any plans for re-vegetation to replace that removed during construction? A—Yes __No a 6.. If single phase project: Anticipated period of constructioOlLmonths, (including demolition). 7. I.f multi-phas$d project: a. Total number of phases anticipatedNo. ~ • b. Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 month Year (includir - demolition) e. Approximate compleiian. date final phase month ,year. d. Is phase 1 financially dependent on subsequent phases? Yes S. Will blasting occur during constriction? _Yes �LNo 9. Number of jobs generated: .during construction ID—; after project is complete �. 10. Number of jobs eliminated, by this project �N 11. Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? Yes- No. If yes, explain: 12. a. Is surface or subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? Yes No. b. If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) �rgA-6e ` e. If surface disposal name of stream into which effluent will be discharged 13. Will surface area of existing- lakes, ponds, streams, bays or other surface waterways be increased or decreased by proposal? YesNo. 14. Is project or any portico of project located in the 100 year flood plain? Yes __No 15. a. Ooes project involve disposal of solid waste? Yes No b. If yes, will an existing solid waste disposal facility .be used? es NO �t C. If yes, give name: GU7C.106UP'- Mi_location :M zs d. Will any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfill? Yes 16. Will project use herbicides or pesticides? Yes _�_( No 17. Will project routinely produce odors (mare than one hour per day)? Yes �No " 18. Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambience noise levels? Yes 19. Will project result in an increase in energy use? Yes No. If yes, indicate type(s) _ • • _moi-4rCTP_i G . 20. If water supply is from wells indicate purging capacity gals/minute. 21• Total anticipatad water usage per day l?Lb_jals/day. V. Zoning: a. What is dcminant 'zoning classification of site? � 1bP71,3-rtM b. Current specific zoning classification of sitz ( � xrr c. Is proposed use consistent with present zoning? S d. If no, indicate desired zoning 26. Approvals: a. Is any Federal permit required? __Y4sV0 b. Does project involve State or Federal funding or financing_? .__Yes No c. Local and Regional approvals: Approval Required Submittal Approval (Yes, llo) (Type) (Date) (Date) ' City, Town, Village Board City, Town, Village Planning Board Ji S1 til City, Town, Zoning Bpard O ' �__.. City, County Health Department Other local agencies Other regional agencies State Agencies Federal Agencies _ — C. INFORMATIONAL DETAILS Attach any additional information.as ma adverse impacts associay be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any ted with the proposal, please discuss such impacts and taken to mitigate or avoid them the measures which can be PREPARER'S SIGNATURE: R•_ —TITLE: ��_..�• AEPF.ESERTING: DATE: 1 PLANNING BOARD MEMB• �o�SOFFO(,��o • BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. oy P.O. Box 1179 Chairman Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J.CREMERS y Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS O .iC Telephone(631) 765-1938 GEORGE 'JR. y'�Ol �� Fax(631) 766-3136 CHARD CAGG O PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD July 2,2002 Mr.Henry E. Raynor Jr., Agent 320 Love Lane Mattituck,NY 11952 Re: Major Subdivision of James Creek Landing SCTM# 122-3-1.4 Dear Mr.Raynor: The Southold Planning Board reviewed the above referenced application during the July 1, 2002 worksession. The Planning Board requests the following: 1. The verification and/or re-delineation of all wetlands on site. 2. The submittal of an amended Long Environmental Assessment Form to show any changes to the proposed application. 3. The Town's Environmental Consultant has raised the review fee to$750.00; a check in the amount of$500.00 was received on June 7, 2001. The submittal of an additional $250.00 is necessary. The Planning Board is requiring that a review of the Long Environmental Assessment Form by the Town's Environmental Consultant be conducted regardless of the outcome of the updated environmental assessment. Review will commence upon receipt of the re-assessment,the amended EAF and the $250.00 fee. If no changes are found in the updated environmental assessment, an un-coordinated review will be considered. However, if changes are found,the Planning Board is mandated to conduct a coordinated SEQR review for the proposed action. A valid DEC Article 25 Wetlands Permit is also required for our files. Following the completion of the above tasks the application will proceed to the next step. If you have any questions please call 765-1938 ext 243. Sincer MT enior En ' nental anner Cc: Planning Board Alan Cardinale, Applicant P.WNC:1R 5U Ek' f-DWE PAGE 01 I I EN 41.C.P. 8aN v . X20 Wvv"no F.s: . 29112* Li 4,N.Y. 11952 r 4 ` s iqw, �i rd r Y >t k y k ill y 4 , f � {Q >I , N1f d ZU4 s6wimlowri P18Ral" d 0 J5 'J[J; i5 �5 jc .:i: i PAV14UP `1i-EP HIME PACE 02 gappw I S Orw Type of Instr.uneat: DECLARATION S'PAtCTZO Recorded: 05/06/2002 Nusabor of pages: 4 ,: At: 00001 112ls4 visas: noola PAGE: 255 Distrint: section: Lot: 1000 122 .00 •00 001.004 ZXAMIAW ,.; *OLZIM Received the Following Fees tot t Exempt Page/Filinq $12.00 1MJCadlA4 $5.00 No CCE $5.00 so $0.00 No Notation $0.00 *0 laort.Nwies $4.00 NO RPT $30. 00 10 $0 .00 NO $56.00 THIS PA= Itt" TE1 I3QSTROS�NT i�oai.ne 6**iaLesk, Suffolk County N_!1u9�1 d?5 ui3; RgYNUR. SUTEP HDUE- PAGE 93 _. . FKOM WWW_ftE • FsAk In Gy". 3LE "of aw O9:,t P Pd Noadx',ul I'"LLQ° ';i�G•s >I:u 06 C� ary -IORRt N6 lua:rq F.',h+:iPw U' EWK Ilr L 0ac*a-t�wxL' *A&1 ral - RLLcadM;f Flllny 8M^+N bs.a�Mv'IpsF.¢uvanwm '�f , Ynpa/I'ilmp ret �� M~ANTIA ❑u.A1!iq; S_ _. 6 Renk Tax 5514 _ L Add tfm j r►IL Noiebon —.._• A tYt TOIWOf —_ bA•R - i.nynrY� _. __. pdr l'ol {f,Ii- ppG(AYii. ie Y!l•-.� Ir TOP.MTO.TAX _'LT'_ ____ r OWI Yorrn,_,^„1,)ud CogxtY_ PAM rm Appottiow"CIA _._.. .. Mswlan To, �cnil•A C.apy ..- -....— Thpplopeay mvdsd by lbil molac9c is IN fug.Colry �„ .v. x1111 M Amply. L!lla� d M1Y.ane rr two funny "— IIIIN1plt W y alkYB$_,_,__a NO Irmo,ns LLpprvpll+le b%dipfe an Mke M �� UKAf�.'C�RA{,rl. �.— �„�efPoli lrppomwV. Reel YlegnY Ttt m gAm J C Preamvadoll Fund ObL. 3.oUr . -W Con.idorsUan AmOuM 1000 122.00 ' r0 CPP Ts1c DLIs 3 — �" hnpmvd hnJ41 — oc.ml LuM__- 1 SaRelwa' '1)J 11 a ba TU Philip V. CordinolJ: q.. .fn .4'!: Nein Road .".--.— PO eon 2021 " daireaport NY 11947 0 7JtlsCxnpimyln(armil ,twn Naea. Suffolk cement P2ge riles page Foil&ron or the MlatUd t t CevlYlaanEs L Rsatrletlona Iade bY. - _--_ lan A. Osrdint l• u �' .IsetliMli'.IIJItL)ueillMadm _-A ",.4-----.—v'MXCG'ffNlY,MEW YORK. TO ,bk*TbwshP of Sou Chvld :-.Letolk Co:Lnty Ospsil�Mt ..:'1i111pY ^. n w)IAMtII'uf Ma tni«„ Nt)XN�,i 114RI I V NIUST M Tyma""N %INK ONLY FN)UR TO RCODRUING OR FIT AW. d_'0`J S?a 06:49 FA:0gOF SO-ER. HDWE PAGE 04 i Roh 4:41_RE • �It.Flp. � �f$eEi6SLS �y. 09 2082 09:48FlM P3 DECLARATZ014 08. 'w RISTRICTTONS This DECL.ARATiON ii /o'er day o! March, 2002, L^y Alar. A, Carrnale, residin x, into Lane, Cutchogue NY 11935 ; hereinafter referred t0 ,I, o0ty) as owner of the premises described in 8 hereto and made a part hereof (hereinafter role ch desires to restriCt the use and 0321 b d ftMises cad has for such purposes deceritined to pslnsisef covenants and restrictions and does her that said V%*misee shah be zeLd and shall be carivoy the following covenants and restrictions : 1. Declarant ha$ DG to the Suffolk Couaty t Deparment of health Ss tar referred to as the "Department') for a '•49' . app Val of plans or approval of a subdivisiot► on the !remises. k 2 . As a condition ',3)Y the Department of the subdivision or level a, the Alelarant covenants that there shall be no Noy plot unless public water i.s extended thereto aril dliaq on lot 2 is connected to the pub!+c in eeco bs eh311 not approved plans on file w toot. Prevent a conveyance of viaiori subject to this covenant . 3 . Declarant, ita or assigns shall set forth t'hesa covenants, agrapeal %ftt4ons iri any And all leasee to cccupants, «e '.: lessees of the above described property Aad it terms, subject same to the covenants and restriCti „, , 1�erein. Failure of the Declarant. it9 successots',`� igne Co so condition the leases shall not iavalid ' toiaatic subjugation to the covenants and restrictio . 4. All of the cos trictians =taiaed herein mall be construed t6 yfr, to a31d not in derogation or imitation aper. any al, state and federal laws, ordinances and/or regale., "t at the time of execution of this aareament, or atC41 mss, ordinances and/or :egulat,ians may thereai't emend" or promulgated_ 5. Th:.s document it' � to the proviaieYiE of all laws required by law or ideas to be incorporated herein and they are ion otporated herein and made a pare hereof, as though th, o . The aforemeati i Covenants shall be enfcrcee::le cy the CWri sr kltte of flew York, by injunctivs relief or by in equity or at law. �1ae fail^are of said a ,fit,. Couaby of Suffolk to enforce a 01!0'3%19?5 U :.a Z 8- 'i RAYNOR SU-EP HDWE RAGE 05 rpR. PPIR_PE • f9?I FI�1. Cs31 l663i6 �y 09 2002 09:48W1 P4 the s"e shall riot be d**,W C9 Offect the validity of this covenant nor to ir.posewheCewver upon the County of Suffol:t o-- any otfiCer ", thereot . � . The Re covenants loss shall rue with the laud and shall be binding u�04 % t, its successors and ass'=.gns and upon all pex, o Mils claiming wader teem, and may be terminated, revp only with the written Consent of the DepartmeAt4 s - If any section, , Clause, phrase or nrovie::on of these cove �E onn shall, by a court of coxpetart 3urisdic.iorY; MNa illegal, unlawful, invalid or Held to be uneoaatitutlx sesta shall not affect the • 6r any other part or validity of Zhese caves as a , C-Zovissr n hereof other t, ,tL1�1 eC adjudged to be illegal, unlawf.t. , invalid or =0C g 1 9 . Local Law #32-1*- ,+ Ignot represents and warrants that he has not its► any gratuity to any Offi:` &I, employee Ox as o#'M k County, new York State or of any political part tf or intent of securing favorab'_e treatment with +portarm nce of an agre_mant and that such !glow-`Y'ead and is familiar with the zcv.:sionS 0-4 :Local Law -1"0. 71%, WTTN ss WHERECtl, J*tQW bag Caused this instrument to be duly executed on the *At* " t first written above. MM A. C.AEDTNALE STATE OF NEW YORK ► ;ss,,: :!jVjr:"L OF SUFFOLK 1 On the !3vh� day of LWIVE"Oy r 4402 before me, the �. undersigned: ALAN A_ attpeared, personally known to me or proved to of satisfactory evidence to be :,he individuals a ` suk+seribed tc the within instrument and acknowl t 4Aat they executed the same in their capacities, and t , sig tures on the ingL"TrLent, the individuals or the a �bobalf of which the individuals acted, exacu+ `ON i0ftigowt . �1 tart' Pub! Fpan COYFY�y c 0o T,1 �,BimEu 2ao�M 1 tl: J4/l9 -n %i :-3 ..=-29E;-212r RANUR SUER HLWE FACE 06 FROM NAA_RE . FRK No, r,7a 946036 Ha �k 02 99:49a PS Ss d?025 ,�,dt�,ay e w 'rr1aMMON .ax,1,a�at wriaif Plot.P3ace�ptrgi ltf Md10.1Y91h the bttddtrtgs too mtpnevcmwla thereon raected.tioWS Iyt44 iia Tfwe of Softhald,County of Seffotk end Satc ofN� Ya'Mats. sad deeOtibed ss 6o0awr. saOLrl,riNC,at spew sot U*Mesas 25)distant M-40 feet south o1'tho iuteaeoctilm of . SalWtk Avtalue and the eaeeerly sideofmalnAsad at tln pwglaeskar4if desatibtd, Arljoiting land now or ;ltd. - Co.,atttha north: g=uminItuky Co.,the following two wanes and distances: 1.south 83 degrees I1 Mia-40&=M113.77AlsG z.north 30 degrees 06 mhmWn I (00.o011w1 to Tend now or formerly of Tum's`,t'rnasu Hrc., xwvint thence alms Nld IN"404lh`.113.001011 mimosa So"meads eat,224.41 Feet; �nnniug thence aloft land do Ibnoamt trsf warvea and south Idotros4mlddee{10 2.d0Hat 2- south 61 degmaa M mtiMaw^�O�t ik 246.1"1 Rd tf lames teak; running thonaa along do odpA d1 hdta SpAsw the fellw*w eight comes and dutanooe'. I-south 24 degrees 23 � 1.7i iMac 2 south 2 da 3.south 26 d AS seen ]04Alit., 4 Fair 4gMs31 � wit 5.south 2; dsgrw 25T.,, `. S7:ppNaS 6 cauYh 56 degfe4]S 1.lf4.BtM; ".aareh d6 detract 34 �.... '1b:�i'>tidi a.tush 79 dogma 19, '657.71 Wd to da mean high water"auk of Jades Creak., conning abohms Dw*40 d4�tlsYh 0iltsid�ai'10aradi mA SIM72 feat to 2w northeast ocraa�of hod of Luau; naming shone ak+e acidOtd! pSr seg*57 dogw 51 vuwAa 40 aarnoda wan seg.4!tae(t►fhtrrNtfn glad.Rase 25: running thence aloe acid 0 SPEW VA 66ftncde' 1.north 44 dorm 56 MIMI fhar 2.north 37 degrees 0'7 103.23'test; 3.north 30 depw 06060:Dd1Md to thepotnt or phce of At?OTNhgNCi. - S`ATF OF NEW YORK 1111 COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I EDWARD P nOfv}/t,NE,cLER1i OF AND CLM OF THE t1UPREME COURT OF THE STAT E OF NEW YORK pt am- Y SEINO A COURT OF RECORD) OD HEREBY CERTIFY 7 IIk1�� DEED LIBER ANO TH T Mr IS AA,J_1 U t�D T47U! THEREOF M96HISMS AND OF THE WHOLE 1N UNTY ND CONY WHEREOF, I (�frWMQ A� AFFIXED THE 9EA6 OF SAID CCUNTY f,NO Gtll)F7T TH'9 p+Q(;ND t Henry E. Raynor, Jr. 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 631-298-8420 March 6, 2002 Bennett Orlowski, Jr., Chairman Southold Town Planning Board P. 0. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 RE: James Creek Subdivision at Mattituck— 1000-122-3-1.4 Dear Mr. Orlowski: Pursuant to your letter of last month pertaining to the water supply, enclosed herewith is the information requested: Item 1 The existing property has one home and one barn of residential use on site. The sanitary flow and plans have already been approved by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services. Water is currently connected to the Suffolk County Water Authority system. This standard of criteria will be met for each lot in the subdivision. Items 2&3 Public water exists on site of this proposed subdivision as indicated on the subdivision plat. The nearest well field is in the hamlet of Laurel. The water availability letter has already been provided to the Board as well as the paid receipts from the Suffolk County Water Authority. Item 4 Not applicable Item 5 The preservation of natural vegetation is indicated on the subdivision plat. Sincerely, Henry E. Raynor, Jr. C HR:ml MAIL i s ZUUZ SoutholdTown Planning Board ! • gpFF04 0 PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS O� �'� BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. hQ` P.O.Box 1179 Chairman C Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 WILLIAM J.CREMERS to Z Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS $ .� Telephone (631) 765-1938 GEORGE 'JR. �' 0� Fax(631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGG O PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD February 5, 2002 Mr. Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 Re: James Creek Subdivision SCTM# 1000-122-3-1.4 Completion of Revised Environmental Assessment Form Section D. Informational Details and Water Supply Narrative Dear Mr. Raynor: Water supply and quality within the Town of Southold is a serious community issue. Public water supply, although provided by the Suffolk County Water Authority,is determined through the current and projected use of the community. To date, the supply does not meet the demand,however,water use is controlled by an individuals' actions and can often be mitigated through numerous water conservation measures implemented during the planning process. Water quality is very difficult to control. Although point source pollution can usually be traced to its origin,non-point source pollution is boundless and one of the largest threats to local environmental and community health. Non-point source pollution has been identified as the primary cause of water quality degradation in more than 90 percent of New York State's impaired water bodies. In the Town of Southold, localized well and surface water contamination already exists. Consequently, the Town of Southold Planning Board in cooperation with the Suffolk County Water Authority now requires the completion and submittal of the attached Environmental Assessment Form, Section D. Informational Details and Water Supply Narrative as part of the SEQR review process. Until a completed Environmental Assessment Form, Section D. Informational Details and Water Supply Narrative is submitted, applications will be considered incomplete and the SEQR review will not proceed. Sincerely, Bennett Orlowski Jr. Chairman Enclosure D. INFORMATIONAL DETAILS AND WATER SUPPLY NARRATIVE REQUEST Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated withyour proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them. 1. Provide explanation of existing site use, occupancy, structures, sanitary flow, water use; compare to proposed use, occupancy, structures, sanitary flow,water use. 2. Indicate the source of water supply,nearest public water main, nearest public well field, and adjacent private wells (if known). 3. If_public water supply is proposed,indicate the ability of the water utility to provide water supply to the project. Provide letter of water availability or detailed explanation of status of review by water utility. 4. If private water supply is proposed, indicate the well specifications, water quality based on on-site water quality data. Provide Suffolk County Department of Health Services approval or detailed explanation of status of review by agency. 5. Indicate proposed water conservation measures that will mitigate for unavoidable adverse impacts (If any).Conservation measures should include,but not be limited to: a. The use of drought tolerant plants for landscaping. b. The preservation of existing native vegetative buffers. c. The conservation of existing open space areas. d. The implementation of"natural' stormwater management practices (grass swales, filter strips,created wetlands,etc...). E. VERIFICATION I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name Date Signature Title If the action is in the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 6 HENRYE. RAYNOR, JR. 320 LOVE LANE tjmMiP:�c-// M477ITUCK, NY 11952 631-298-8420 November 9, 2001 Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: James Creek subdivision at Mattituck, New York Dear Mr. Orlowski: Enclosed please find a copy of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services "notice of incomplete application" for the above referenced subdivision. As you can see, the Department of Health Services is requesting a SEQRA determination that includes five lots, not four lots as originally submitted. We hereby request an amendment to the original SEQRA determination and a negative declaration so that the Department of Health Services can continue processing this application. We would greatly appreciate your immediate response. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to call me. Sincerely, enry HR:ml 5 Enc. o I,% 'Guu► �o1dTO WWM-025 (Rev. 11/27/96) 1 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES OFFICE OF WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT SUFFOLK COUNTY CENTER RIVERHEAD,NEW YORK 11901 NOTICE (631) 852-2100 GMZ NOTICE OF INCOMPLETE APPLICATION - SUBDIVISION TO: 7 Je'� y� Ali SUB NAME: _(ftR@fC_ ZAAe fl), e C) L_() v p - "L' Al REF. NO. k IV SCTM NO: Cr; - 3�� Your submission for the referenced subdivision has been reviewed. This office will require the following for further review and/or approval: [ ] Application form signed by licensed design professional/owner. [ ] Filing fee $ _due. [ ] Yield map, minimum square foot lots. [ ] Test hole(s) located and witnessed by: [ ] Licensed design professional. Install in area of proposed sewage disposal system(s). [ ] Health Department. Call 852-2100 for appointment. [ ] See location map enclosed. [ ] "rest well(s) sampled by Health Department. Follow procedures enclosed. (Test well does not indicate a waiver of requirement for connection to public water.) [ ] See location map enclosed. [ ] To be located on property by the design professional. Public water availability letter from water district. (Include distance and cost if water main extension is required.) [ ] Approval of private/public water mains from Drinking Water Bureau. [ ] Public sewer availability letter from local sewer district. [ ] Design report for onsite sewage disposal system/water supply by licensed design professional Covenants Instructions enclosed. See Special paragraph(s) fZM C-L4XF kr1&4 127� Board of Review variance. [ ] Non-conformance notice enclosed. fOhnO �^- INA Sif EQRA determi ation frggm Town/ .{�Wetlands permit or determination letterr Sf `LS In addition, the following is required to be shown on a preliminary/final man or on a separate sewage disposal/water supply plan signed and sealed by a licensed design professional. [ ] Sewage disposal and water supply locations for all existing buildings on property and wells within 150 ft. radius. [ ] Design for onsite sewage disposal/water supply per Department standards. [ ] Design for sewer main extension approved by local sewer district (for existing sewers in Sewer District#3, sewer stubs must be marked by district on plan). [ ] Water main specifications. [ ] Corner elevations and test hole elevation. [ ] Topographic contours. (5 ft.interval) [ ] Test hole location(s)/details.* [ ]Test well locations.* [ ] Water main/sewer locations (identify as existing or proposed.)* Typical lot layout: water and sewage disposal.* [ ] Department approval stamp.* [ ] L.S. signature and seal.* [ ] Certification of sewage disposal and water supply design by P.E.,R.A., or L.S. with exemption.* [*] FINAL maps to be filed with County Clerk require ite marked above with asterisk (*). A,, Other cla c5 C L J p� p CC: Ca'r,"Ot aj - REVIE�7 ...... ..........�..�......................�......................... ..... ............................. .................................y -� DATE: .of /. . . PLEASE RETURN A COPY OF THIS FORM WITH ANY RESUBMISSION PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. '� Gyp Town Hall,53095 State Route 25 Chairman P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J.CREMERS h Southold,New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS Telephone(631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. �if� O`er Fax(631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 12, 2001 Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: James Creek Landing major subdivision SCTM# 1000-122-3-1.4 Dear Mr. Raynor, The application is now complete except for the new Full EAR I have attached a copy of the original from the previous application and a blank form. While some of the material will be the same, please check to make sure the necessary changes are made. As soon as that is submitted, the environmental review will be started. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, (�(� __CraigUg Turner Planner • • U13F h77 III'I I I lI h�zl��I a,!i�IEI€I�l,ii Bli��Iia I i I133iy;IiE i d .. I{i�I 1n ! I ! ii! I IIIII4dali I1� } .NON IFaiY , I /V L11. June 7, 2001 Southold Town Planning Board 's Attn: CraigTurner JUN 111001 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Souft dToft RE: James Creek subdivision at Mattituck, New York PI&MhVOWd Dear Mr. Turner: Pursuant to your letter of April 6t', enclosed herewith are the following: 1. Check for$500 for environmental review 2. Copy of letter of authorization between myself and Alan Cardinale 3. Copy of deed Under separate cover Peconic Surveyors will provide the Board with 8 copies of the James Creek subdivision map requested. At present these copies are also in the hands of the Suffolk County Department of Health Services for their review and approval. We trust this submission fulfills the requirements of the Board . Should you have any questions, please call me at 298-8420. Sincerely, Hen' ry E. Raynor, Jr. HER:ml Encs. Submission Without a Cover Letter Sender: IPecOn iG cu rievor5 , P,6 - �or HenN ROLYnor Subject: dames Creev, Land.i119 SCTM#: 1000- 1ZZ — 03 — 4T nate: Jones I , 2-00 1 ' Comments: JUN 0 1 2UU1 S SoutholdTown m,`r' .,.6d iv isi o n Planning Board per �Pw rift/ o-{ ALAN A . CARDINALE REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT & INVESTMENT P.O. BOX 77 MATTITUCK SHOPPING CENTER MATTITUCK, L.I., N.Y. 11952 PHONE:631-298-8494 FAX: 631-298-6316 E-MAIL ACSR99@AOL.COM May 30, 2001 carr. �-ao.�33 Town of Southold Planning Department ✓�• �/�AWC-� Route 25 1 -11 Southold, NY 11971ST) _- fl�' JUN 112001 To Whom It May Concern: SoptholdToWn Planning Board This letter will serve to advise the Town of Southold Planning Department that Henry E. Raynor, Jr. has been authorized to handle all matters concerning the James Creek Subdivision. Very truly yours, g /�C Alan A. Cardinale ronM'32si; standard N.Y.a.'I'.U. I'm in 9017 Kupain and S;1, Ihrd will (',wmml apmi i Ad,- Indi"dunl or 0111"i 'tirm CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEF(OBIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT—THIS INSTRUME10HOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. 10469 P1132 )": THIS INDENTURE, made the 1st clay Of September nineteen hundred and P1ghty—sever BETWEEN 15%Ia3J MOHRING ENTERPRISES , INC . , a domestic corporation having its principal place of business at 347 Glen Ccve Ave . , Sea Cliff , New York party of the first part, and ALAN A. CARDINALE, residing at (no#)Bridge Lane, Cutchogue, NY R IVED $ +, REAL ESTATE : ^ Nov iS I N7 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration of TRANSFER TAX 40� SUFFOLK Ten ( $10. 00) & 00/100--------------- COUNTY ......I--- dollars, lawful money of the United States, and other good and valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the at Mattituck , Town of Southold , County of Suffolk and State of New York , being bounded and described as follows : BEGINNING at a point on the easterly side of Main Road (Route 25) 1Q oo at the northwesterly corner of the premises herein described , adjoining land now or formerly of Peteco Realty Co . on the North ; IZzDp Running thence along said land now or formerly of Peteco Realty Co . , the following two courses and distances : 0300 1 ) South 83 deg . 11 ' 50" East , 313. 77 feet ; p010o q2 ) North 30 deg . 06 ' 10" East , 100 feet to land now or formerly of Mescioscia and another ; Running thence along said land and land of Ehlers , South 83 deg . �. 7 y— 11 ' 50" East , 224 . 41 feet ; ti. iv • l , Running thence along said land of Ehlers , the following two ' courses and distances : 1 ) South 1 deg . 4 ' 40" West , 362. 00 feet ; 3 2) South 61 deg . 44 ' 20" East , 248 . 84 feet to James Creek; Running thence along the edge of James Creek by tie lines the following eighteen courses and distances : 1 ) South 26 deg . 27 ' 10" West , 76 . 12 feet ; 2) South 24 deg. 00 ' 15" West , 147 . 51 feet ; 3) South 5 deg . 55 ' 25" West , 48 . 04 feet ; 4) South 52 deg. 57 ' 55" West , 33 . 47 feet ; 5) South 16 deg . 47 ' 50" West , 100. 90 feet ; 6) South 3 deg . 12 ' 50" East , 91 . 85 feet ; 7) South 13 deg . 12 ' 50" West , 75 . 63 feet ; 8) South 2 deg. 24 ' 30" Fast , 115 . 43 feet ; 9) South 32 deg . 05 ' 15" West , 50. 57 feet ; 1.0) North 59 deg . 39 ' 15" West , 137 . 72 feet ; 11 ) North 81 deg . 56 ' 40" West , 116 . 25 feet ; i i T.� -. 10469 R,326 • • 12) North 81 deg. 50' 20" West , 83 . 86 feet ; 13) North 76 deg . 06' 55" West , 84 . 73 feet ; 14) North 77 deg . 54' 20" West , 68 . 82 feet ; 15) North 83 deg . 20' 50" West , 118. 07 feet ; 16) North 71 deg . 15 ' 45" West , 63 . 61 feet ; 17) South 85 deg. 17 ' 15" West , 81 . 37 feet ; 18) North 74 deg. 48 ' 45" nest , 73 . 86 feet to land of Pantaleo ; Running thence along said land of Pantaleo and others North 48 deg. 00 ' 00" East , 615 . 29 feet to the northeast corner of land of Lucas ; Running thence along said land of Lucas and other , North 57 deg . 51 ' 40" West , 568 . 41 feet to the easterly line of Main Road , Routi5 25 ; Running thence along said line the following three courses and distances : 1 ) North 44 deg . 56 ' 00" East , 170. 00 feet ; 2) North 37 deg . 07 ' 50" East , 103 . 23 feet ; 3) North 30 deg . 06 ' 10" East , 60. 00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING . BEING and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated October 5 , 1983 and recorded December 16 , 1983 in Liber 9477 page 188 10469 N327 • • TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any,of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the first part in and to said premises, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first fiart covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the pay- ment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above written. IN PRESENCE OF: + MOHRING ENTERPRISES, INC. r R CHAR17 MOH-RING , Pr/ nt 83256 -1009 111328 STATL-OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF ss: • On the day of 19 before Inc On the day of 19 , before me personally came personally came to me known to be the individual described in and who to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that executed the same. executed the same. STATE OF NEW-- ( YORK, COUNTY OF Suffolk ss: STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF Ss: On the D' day of S e p t e m b e r19 87 , before me On the day of 19 , before me personally came R ' ch rd MMohrin personally came to me known, who, f emg�ty me duly SIM, did depose and say to me known, who, being by me duly swom, did depose and say that he resides at No. 347 Glen Cove Ave that he resides at No. Sea that helis the' NYPresident that he is the OlMohring Enterprises , Inc . of , the corporation described , the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument;that he knows in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation;that the seal affixed to said instrument the seal of said corporation;that the seal affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of the board of directors of said corporation,and that he signed h name of directors of said corporation, and that he signed It name Ihcrclo by like order. ( (' thereto by like older. CAPNXGLWM Pb 48t MsunelNMYxk CommhNon - t - S WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS SECTION BLOCK Title No. LOT COUNTY OR TOWN MOHRING ENTERPRISES , INC To Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CARDINALE RETURN BY MAIL TO: STANDARD FORM OF NEW YORK BOARD OF TITLE UNDERWRITERS Cardinale & Cardinale PO Drawer W COMMONWEALTH LAND' Jailtesport , NY 11947 TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY A Rename Croup Ings Company Zip No. W U LL a O ?I a t� a 0 U W 6 a hal"i( �;I;� yin l;!'I ri 0 H ;,y ,Innr w kCI Ll k1tj U 6 a N T S W Q W Ul W Q PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS ��gOFFO(,�CO BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. �.� 6_ Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman CP.O.Box 1179 WILLIAM J.CREMERS h Southold,New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS Telephone(631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. .f� `� Fax(631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD April 3, 2001 Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck,NY 11952 RE: James Creek Landing major subdivision SCTM# 1000-122-3-1.4 Dear Mr. Raynor, I have reviewed the subdivision files, and did not find a copy of the property deed or a letter of authorization for you to act as agent. These need to be submitted. In addition, the Long EAF should be redone, since it was originally done over 15 years ago by the previous property owner. I have included a copy of the original to serve as a guide. Eight (8) additional copies of the map must be submitted to complete the necessary referrals required by this application. A check for$500 is also needed to cover the costs of the environmental review. The Planning Board is requiring that you obtain Health Department approval, a DEC wetlands permit, and proof of water supply from the SCWA before they will hold the final hearing. We have received your DOT curb cut permit. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Craig Turner Planner J G�- 320 Love Lane 17" Mattituck, NY 11952 March 29 , 2001 APR - 2 2001 Southold Town Planning Board Attn: Craig Turner Southold Town P. 0. Box 1179 Planning Board Southold, NY 11971 RE: James Creek Landing major subdivision at Mattituck, NY 1000-122-3-1 .4 Dear Mr. Turner: As requested, enclosed please find a new "subdivision" application for the above referenced . Please note that the following items are already on file: 1 . Authorization Letter 2 . Part I of the Environmental Assessment Form 3 . Copy of property deed 4. Application fee has been paid 5 . Updated plans were dropped off at your office last week. Should you require any further documentation to process this application, please advise. Sincerely, my . R nor, Jr. HER:ml Enc. HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. 320 LOVE LANE MATTITUCK, NY 11952 631-298-8420 p MAR 2 6 2001 March 21, 2001 -�OutholdTown Plaftnh g Board Craig Turner, Planner Southold Town Planning Board P. O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Alan Cardinale major subdivision SCTM 1000-122-3-1.4 Dear Mr. Turner: Enclosed please find six copies of the revised sketch map specifically referencing you letter of January 9th inclusive of the eight items listed. Please review same so this action may be placed on the Board's next agenda. In my letter of last month I requested to be informed of any additional materials that would be needed for this action to proceed. I await your response. Should you have any questions with regard to the enclosed, I would be happy to meet with you at any time. Sincerely, Henry E. Raynor, Jr. HER:ml Encs. Cc: A. Cardinale 01701/1935 0470 510-233-2127 RAYNOR SUTER HOWE PAGE 01 • 0 IFI E14RYit , A.1.C.P. .Really Ialanntipt.:Cyyn,ultanl' Trio 298-442o 320 Love lane Fax: . - 2Ba-2199 maAftltuck,N.Y, 11952 Mr Craig'Turner Southold Town Planning Board 5 •11y1� Main/toad J LW a Southold,N.Y. 11972 RE:Alan Cardinale maJopr au6dbiddon p. TOm SCTM N 1000.122-3.1.4 ' mih Omd Dear Mr. Turner, Mr. John Metzger,of Paconic forwarded in your last letter. ��m the revisions you have Upon m cipt of same;I will&UVW them toyotti"' Please forward the additional maaatdala Aa lyla I on e0aadiam the mums to your OjBce. Sincerely. 7 i Henry E.Raynor agent for Alan Cardinale 7 PLANNING BOARD MEMBER OSOffU(�C BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. 0� QQ Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Chairman P.O. Box 1179 WILLIAM J.CREMERS Southold, New York 11971-0959 KENNETH L.EDWARDS W M Telephone(631) 765-1938 GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM,JR. 'tC Fax(631) 765-3136 RICHARD CAGGIANO PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD January 9, 2001 Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 RE: Alan Cardinale major subdivision SCTM# 1000-122-3-1.4 Dear Mr. Raynor, Upon receipt of the DOT work permit, I took the opportunity to review the subdivision file. Since the original approvals expired, the Planning Board asked for a reapplication. This means that all application materials must be resubmitted. To date, only the fee has been received. Since the proposal is now for five lots and the Trustees'jurisdiction has been increased to 100', the Planning Board will require that the application be subject to a new environmental review from our consulting firm, Nelson, Pope, &Voorhis. In order to proceed towards sketch approval and begin the environmental review, new maps are needed. I have reviewed the most recent map (April 13, 1999) and have the following comments: 1. The Planning Board may require a cluster development. You should meet with the Board regarding possible lot layout changes. 2. A wetlands buffer line needs to be shown. The Town Trustees or Planning Board may ask that this be extended to 100'. 3. The building envelope lines need to be more distinguishable from the contour lines. 4. The zoning for the residential portion is now R-80, not A. 5. The location for the test hole should be shown, as well as who did it and when. 6. The fire and school districts should be listed by name and not number. 7. The date and name of the person who determined the wetlands line should be listed. 8. As a major subdivision, the map should have a distinct name, and not be named after the property owner. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, AOVO4 Craig Turner Planner • • Z Henry Raynor, Jr. 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 D DEC 1 i 2000 December 2, 2000 Southold Town Planning Board Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: Alan Cardinale minor subdivison at Main Road, Mattituck (James Creek) Dear Sirs: Enclosed please find a copy of the "Highway Work Permit' recently issued by the Department of Transportation for the above referenced. Sincerely, en�ynor, Jr. HER:ml Enc. Cc: Alan Cardinale PERM 42p(8193) E OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATI O HIGHWAY WORK PERMIT 1PN-Ki1 d Permit Fee: 650.1% Permit No.:1 Q-W-0:614 Insurance Fei(6.$fs Project Identification Na: Total Receivdd9.1f6 / 1 Expiration Date: Check or pj11J9IIP119# 1229 SH No.: I I s•N Deposit Rea for.& Check or M.O.No.: Dated:. *Permittee: Estimated Cost IM/ork Performed in the State Right-of-Way S ALM COUALE OIF MN449 Chargeable to Bond No.: P.O. lot 77 IS 60.0) or Undertaking on File: NATTITOtK,IV I1162 Att: Billing Address:(cow n"..t t.Mvwe2 Realm of Deposit Made Payable to:(comp) aeae,enr Imm Pe,minaeO Under the provisions of the Highway Law or Vehicle&Traffic Law,permission is hereby granted to the permittee to: TO $PEI THE SOUTH SIDE OF HIS ROUTE 26, WEST OF NEU SUFFOLK AVE, NATTITUCK, Fit THE PUIFOSE OF INSTALLIII ON SUN-DIV ISION STIEETS CONCRETE CURB AND SIOEYILK FULL FROKTABE Of PROPERTY, RENOVENG EKISTIII SUCH RAIL, ETC. ALL ACCESS SNIT It fRON KEW SUI-OIVISIIN STREET; CLOSE EXISTING ACCESS TO LOT OI ALL Will SHALL BE OOZE IN ICtfIDANCE WITH NIS SPECS 01 ANOE ETC. NAINTENANCE AMD POOTECTION OF TRAFFIC SNAIL IE RESPONSIBILITV OF THE PEBNLTTEE AT ALL TINES THE PERMITTEE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND PROTECTION OF TRAFFIC. ANYONE WORKING IN THE STATE HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY IS REQUIRED TO WEAR HIGH VISIBILITY APPAREL(ORANGEtYELLOW)AND HARD HAT. CoOVM SOUTHOLD MunicipalitES- Route as set forth and represented in the attached application at the particular location or area,or over the routes as stated therein,it required;and pursuant to the conditions and regulations general or special, and methods of performing work, if any; all of which are set forth in the application and toren of this permit. Dat D �dI.1. Commissioner of ranspo Tion 11/ti VITA F. UTA IMPOgTA NT By THIS PERMIT,WITH APPLICATION AND DRAINING(OR COPIES THEREOF)ATTACHED SHALL BE PLACED 1)(THP&ANDS OF THE CONTRACTOR BEFORE ANY WORK BEGINS.THE HIGHWAY WORK PERMT SHALL BE AVAILABLE AT THE SITE DURING CbMSTRUCnON. B IS STARTED AND UPON ITS COMPLETION,THE PERMTTEE ABSOLUTELY MUST NOTFY THE RESIDENT ENGINEER, L 3/1 71162 7--/7a/ JOHN VNNIMN 19H COUNTY RD 161 UPON CAMPLEMIRW &RK AUTHORIZED,THE F&SWWIMMMPLETTA,SIGNED BY THE PERMfREE AND DELIVERED TO THE RESIDENT ENGIN Work authorized by this permit has been completed.Refund of deposit or returntralease of bond is requested. DATE PERMITTEE ALRHORIZED AGENT(11 Aro; Work authorized by this permit has been satisfactorily completed and is accepted.Reverse side of this form must be completed. ❑ Refund of Deposit is authorized ❑ Return of Bond is authorized ❑ Amount charged against Bond may be released , ❑ Retain Bond for future permits ❑ Other DATE RESIDENT ENGINEER The Regional Office will forward this form to the Main Office with the appropriate box checked. ❑ Permit closed ❑ Bond retumedrreleased ❑ Refund of Guarantee Deposit on this permit is authorized ❑ Other ( DATE REGIONAL TRAFFIC ENGINEER The issuing authority reserves the right to suspend or revoke this permit at its discretion without a hearing or the necessity of showing cause, either before or during the operations authorized. The Permittee will cause an approved copy of the application to be and remain attached hereto until all work under the permit is satisfactorily completed,in accordance with the terms of the attached application.All damaged or disturbed areas resulting from work performed pursuant to this permit will be repaired to the satisfaction of the Department of Transportation. _ Upon completion of the work within the state highwayright-of-way,authorized by the work permit,the person,firm,corporation, municipality,or state department or agency,and his or Its,successors inintereat,shell be responsible for the maintenance and repair of such work or portion of such work as set forth within the forms and conditions of the work Summit. '0" yam 05/25/1355 05:32 5:.c-2'98-2127 RAYNOR 5tJJW4 rwwt-I ' ^^ ✓, �u&f� 01 l w June 9,2000 To:Southold'Town Planning Hoard Atin, Melissa Spiro Re,James Creek Sub. Enclosed copy of letter from DOT. This rOsPu ee only took 9 months. They lost our application in the of'ce;end we had to rewha*soma' Enclosed for your infbrmation. Thank you. Iley D JUN 0 9 2000 Southold Town Planning Board 05/25/1935 05:32 515-233-212r RAYNUR SUTER HDWE PACE 02 S*TE OF Nrw YORK DEPART IVT OF 'CRANspowrATION VETERA*S MEMQRIAL HIGHWAY HAVOPAUGr6, N.Y. 11788 c RAI'y SIRACUSA. P.E. JOSEPH H. SOARPMAN REGIONAL D19ECTOP COMM155IONER ,lune 7,2000 Mr. Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Box 1459 Mattituck,New York 11932 Submission QXCeae W 00-146P Dear Mr. Raynor: This concerns the site plans for the abo*notedpltbjlect which were submitted to us for review. In reviewing the subject plans,we find bion the Riklowing items must be addressed and revised prints be resubmitted to us: I, Installation of new curb and sidewalk full frontage ii►line with exiting curb and sidewalk to the east. Approach and of cuA must show a 0" reveal tapering from 6" to 0" in the last 10' transition. 2. Remove existing guide rail loc"oppoft the proposed driveway. Note on plan: Guide Rail to be removed and stored foi pick up by State forces. Notify Resident Permit Engineer at(631) 727.1731. 3. Existing access to lot 4 located Wthe east end of the property must be closed. All access to the new subdivision must be$bm the:ww road 4. Sbaw intersection type entrance*ith peQeetri'm ramps,stop sign and full depth pavement to the edge of the travel lane and for a distance of 20'-0"either side of the proposed entrance/exit. 5. Remove trees and brush for at—Jen"site-Inangle distance either side of entrance- 6. Show State construction details iod item numbers on the revised plans for all work along State Right-o£--Way. 05%25/1935 x5:32 515-238-2i27 RA4NOR SUTER HUWE PAGE 03 Mr. Henry Raynor June 7, 2000 Page 2 7. Provide Maintenance and ProteGOon of Traffic details to be used at this location during construction. The enclosed booklets describe the Maitt4enanee and Protection of Traffic and state construction details that are to be used. Questions concerning this case shall be 43tected'bo Mr. Vito Lena at 952-6020. All correspondence should be sent to him xtkhe above noted address. Very truly yours, BACHNER, P. . ivil Engineer 111 Traffic Engineering and Safety Attachment cc: Ms. Valerie Scopaz,Town of$ato#d Mr. Bob Kassner, Town of Sasld � .. �,� JUN 0 9 2000 STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Southold Town VETERANS MEMORIAL HIGHWAY Planning Board HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. 11788 CRAIG SIRACUSA, P.E. JOSEPH H. BOARDMAN REGIONAL DIRECTOR COMMISSIONER June 7, 2000 Mr. Henry Raynor 320 Love Lane Box 1459 Mattituck,New York 11952 Your May 9, 2000 Submission Proposed Access Route 25, Mattituck SCTM 1000-122-03-1.4 Our Case No. 00-146P Dear Mr. Raynor: This concerns the site plans for the above noted project which were submitted to us for review. In reviewing the subject plans, we find that the following items must be addressed and revised prints be resubmitted to us: 1. Installation of new curb and sidewalk full frontage in line with exiting curb and sidewalk to the east. Approach end of curb must show a 0" reveal tapering from 6" to 0"in the last 10'transition. 2. Remove existing guide rail located opposite the proposed driveway. Note on plan: Guide Rail to be removed and stored for pick up by State forces. Notify Resident Permit Engineer at (63 1) 727-1731. 3. Existing access to lot 4 located at the east end of the property must be closed. All access to the new subdivision must be from the new road. 4. Show intersection type entrance with pedestrian ramps, stop sign and full depth pavement to the edge of the travel lane and for a distance of 20'-0" either side of the proposed entrance/exit. 5. Remove trees and brush for adequate site triangle distance either side of entrance. 6. Show State construction details and item numbers on the revised plans for all work along State Right-of-Way. rT 'b • • Mr. Henry Raynor June 7, 2000 Page 2 7. Provide Maintenance and Protection of Traffic details to be used at this location during construction. The enclosed booklets describe the Maintenance and Protection of Traffic and State construction details that are to be used. Questions concerning this case shall be directed to Mr. Vito Lena at 952-6020. All correspondence should be sent to him at the above noted address. Very truly yours, Original Signed By A.W. BACHNER A.W. BACHNER, P.E. Civil Engineer III Traffic Engineering and Safety Attachment cc: Ms. Valerie Scopaz, Town of Southoldqllstn'- " Mr. Bob Kassner, Town of Southold -P6 HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. 320 Love Lane Nlattituck, NY 11952 631-298-8420 December 27, 1999 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 RE: James Creek minor subdivision at Main Road, Mattituck (Cardinale) Dear Sirs: Please be advised that we are still awaiting the Suffolk County Water Authority approval and a response from the Department of Transportation with regard to the above referenced. As soon as we receive these approvals, we will advise the Planning Board. BBeestregards, Henry E. Raynor, Jr. HR:mI Cc: Alan Cardinale Southold Town Planning Board 1 HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 516-298-8420 September 27, 1999 D SEP 2 9 1999 Mr. John Metzger Southold Town Peconic Surveyors Planning Board 1230 Travelers Street Southold, NY 11971 Re: James Creek subdivision at Mattituck, NY (Alan Cardinale) Dear John: I am in receipt of an incomplete application notice from the Suffolk County Department of Health services. They are looking for the following to be included on the survey: 1. Test well locations 2. Installation of proposed sewerage disposal systems and location of each to be shown on each lot. 3. Exact test hole locations, if any. 4. A typical lot layout for water and sewerage disposal. 5. A certificate of sewerage disposal and water supply design from a licensed surveyor with exemption. Please advise if you have exemption of this regulation. 6. Finally, we need to show the public water and three pool system on each plot plan and delete well details from the drawings. I Mr. John Metzger Peconic Surveyors September 27, 1999 Page 2 We are still awaiting the approval of the Department of Transportation. Should this approval be received in your office, please let us know. Si� Henry E. Raynor, Jr. HER:ml Cc: Alan Cardinale Southold Town Planning Board 08103'1999 08:"6 5:6-238-2127 RAYNDR WTER HDWE PAGE 01 HENRY E. RAYNOR.A,1,C.P, Rowly PlaaOJ4,Eotuohoni P s Tel:$16.291-Sm 720 Lorr Lane Fax:S 16-IWII21 hlattituck, An&3,1999 To:Moliwa Spim 8otahold Town Phnnuq Re-Jtmae Lfta Just a note to lee pthe Bored aware of ai rl opaas with the arias npencim: i.nor row needs apin mAnQud dmwity howtaf6c caarola will be handled at the tittw of c,mu tl ion at the Attwetiett John Meter is peeve W ok is thin,and will M uhni ted in the nest two weeks to the DOT. 2.Weare aweituta DMOHO wiw:e of welt tatkV convopatde:wo.,peetainep to nitrates:uponrec4t we tae been told the t1MAwill Wpm the plana,shown onatp,for hookups. If thele we*W vuetiom intlw mop s6o ttad,plum kat me know. Thank ym 46 w U AUG 0 3 1999 , Mftg ld Town ng Mftrd chi= r a O SERVISTARA, i r C) 0 4,000 MWINI PLANNING BOARD MEMBER o�OgUFFO(4 coG Town Hall,53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. ti� y P.O. Box 1179 Chairman o Southold,New York 11971 WILLIAM J.CREMERS W �? Fax(516) 765-3136 KENNETH L.EDWARDSTelephone(516) 765-1938 GEORGERCHARD G.WARD JR. PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD June 22, 1999 Henry E. Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 RE: Proposed Subdivision for Alan Cardinale (James Creek) SCTM# 1000-122-3-1.4 Dear Mr. Raynor: The Planning Board reviewed your letter of June 14, 1999, at the June 21st work session. In your letter you request that the Planning Board allow a 50% reduction of the application fee required to re=activate the subdivision application. Your request is based on the fact that an application fee equal to one-half of the required fee was submitted once before. The Planning Board determined that the submission of one-half of the major subdivision application fee would be acceptable. Upon submission of the above mentioned application fee, the Planning Board will proceed with review of the subdivision. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, Meissa pir "j Senior Planner z HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 516-298-8420 June 14, 1999 Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Re: James Creek subdivision at New York State Route 25, Mattituck, New York Dear Mr. Orlowski: We hereby request the fee for the major subdivision above referenced be reduced by 50% as the applicant has already paid fees once before. We would appreciate the Board's consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Henry E1 RPay n , Jr. HER:ml cc: Alan Cardinale �ulv 16 1999 Southold Town Planning Board Pa MS HENRY E. RAYNOR, JR. 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 516-298-8420 June 14, 1999 Mr. Vito Lena— Permit Office New York State Department of Transportation 250 Veterans Memorial Highway Hauppauge, NY 11788 Re: James Creek/Alan Cardinale subdivision at New York State Route 25, Mattituck, New York Dear Mr. Lena: As I have been unable to contact you by telephone, would you please contact me with regard to the above referenced. As part of the information for the highway work permit a paragraph is required requesting "maintenance of traffic shall be in conformance with the New York State manual of uniform traffic control devices". Please advise or provide an example of an acceptable form so that we may proceed with this application. Sincerely, Henry E. Raynor, Jr. HER:ml cc: Alan Cardinale / Southold Town Planning Boaw � k y py§�i1y &/V Fl y THE SUFFOLK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK 1149OLD COUNTRY ROAD•P.O.BOX 9000•RIVERHEAD,NEWYORK 119019000,(616)727.2701-FAX(516y727.5798 6 k19q Seoke. la �r1l—�Ra.lwoR. V�ehr 'tkNeA -they arc -rocossUvS July 2, 1998 ��ow�ueR1 siNcc �eci�rcays ►oR road + culb-cJ� Inn�cov-Q.me,�-S hau•e �cal���al1.� ekq�.�.e�. , -tl,<<� '`kmi-' to (C� �C er�ermaAvct�onra �iRP. �1�4.� w �` ee;b..>)Dmk+ ��rt .3oNc� oric,r&1 tv Thun Gen.IC Town Board for the °c Na `t re-^ D Town of Southold S��t�isc`aroJ ftuleW, Southold, New York f�5 JUL 15 1998 Re: Performance Bond - $78,780.00 Southold Town planning Board Alan Cardinale Minor Subdivision SCTM 1000-122-3-1 .4 Letter of Credit No. 980722 Dear Board Member: By order of Alan Cardinale, and for the account of same, we hereby establish this Irrevocable Letter of Credit in your favor up to an aggregate amount of Seventy Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Eighty and 00/100 ($78,780.00) U.S Dollars available by your drafts at sight accompanied by this original letter of credit. A copy of a resolution of the Town Board, reportedly certified by the Town Board, which indicates: "Alan Cardinale has failed to complete all of the improvements in connection with the subdivision map entitled "Alan Cardinale Subdivision" heretofore approved by the Planning Board of the Town of Southold, and that as a result of said failure, there is due and owing an amount equal to the face amount of our draft. Said resolution should also indicate that the amount drawn thereunder is for the sole purpose of completing those items of improvement which were to have been completed by Alan Cardinale." This Letter of Credit remains in force and must be presented for payment at our counters no later them July 22, 1999. All drafts drawn hereunder must be negotiated on or before that date. THE SUFFOLK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK Page 2 Letter of Credit No. 980722 Each draft must state that it is "Drawn under Letter of Credit of The Suffolk County National Bank No. 980722 dated July 2, 1998". We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this letter of credit that such drafts will be duly honored upon presentation to the drawee. Except as far as otherwise expressly stated herein, the Letter of Credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (1993 Revision) International Chamber of Commerce Publications No. 500. This Letter of Credit supersedes our Letter of Credit No. 970722 dated June 16, 1997. The Suffolk County National Bank Peter M. Almasy Vice President HENRY E. RAYNOR, A.LC.P. ms Realty Planning Consultant Tel: 516-298-8420 320 Love Lane Fax: 516-298-2127 Matlituck,N.Y. 11952 May 3, 1444 To: Southold Town Planning Board Town Hall Southold,N.Y. 11471 Re:Alan Cardinale Subdivision Ann:Melissa Spiro: Pnclosed herewith are maps of the above captioned subdivision The enclosed reflect our notes f xxn the March 10, 1444 meeting at your office. 1.Resurvey and mapping of the wetlands 2. Complete building envlopes. 3.Maps designated as sketch 4.All lots,exclusive of wetlands exceed 80,000 square feet 5.Proposed location of Suffolk Cty Water Authority pipeline. We have resubmitted all applications to the following: !. Suffolk Couihty Water Authority 2.Suffolk County Department of Health Services 3.New York State Dept. of Transportation Please advise if any further iters are needed;or that we are set for sketch plan approval action Yours truly, Henry�Itar 6�Iligq C«I1e& Ne,\r.j 1 fold h;ry\ held ct-4l'ukoN -QQ was vlo+ subm; t6 i wo"kd c0Y\,k4Av f m.� re u4K) when dee cubm *eco IROI)Fq MS ml 05 1J99 srml Ilm ibmrml ►pl�rrtiim��Iad MS Henry E. Raynor, Jr. 320 Love Lane Mattituck, NY 11952 (516)298.4567 March 17, 1999 Southold Town Planning Board Attn: Melissa Spiro Main Road Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: James Creek Minor subdivision at Mattituck, New York Dear Ms. Spiro: With regard to the above referenced proposed minor subdivision, please be advised as follows: ■ We are currently awaiting the new subdivision plans being prepared by the surveyor. Upon receipt, we will forward same to the Board for their review. • The forms required by the Department of Transportation have been completed and will be forwarded upon receipt of the new subdivision plan from the surveyor. ■ As the Suffolk County Department of Health Service approval has expired, we have completed the forms to re-apply for this approval and will forward same upon receipt of the new subdivision plan from the surveyor. • We have contacted the Suffolk County Water Authority and are waiting for a determination from them. As soon as we have the new subdivision plans, we will meet with you to review the "finished" product. Sincerely, 6 i Hen4 Rayl, Jr. {, HR:ml Southold Town Planning Board f PC05MNG BOARD MEM Town Hall, 53095 Main Road BENNETT ORLOWSKI,JR. O.t� l/y� P.O. Box 1179 Chairman Southold,New York 11971 WILLIAM J.CREMERS y = Fax(516)765-3136 KENNETH L.EDWARDS �y • Telephone(516) 765-1938 GEORGERITCHIE LL ATRHD,JR. a PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD November 19, 1998 Henry E. Raynor 320 Love Lane Mattituck, New York 11952 3I�p J q RE: Proposed Subdivision for Alan Cardinale (James Creek) �i lrzt N -t- me) SCTM# 1000-122-3-1.4 ( km Dear Mr. Raynor: C� *,Pq"'S �� W'%A Do The Planning Board reviewed the revised subdivision plans which were submitted on October 2, 1998, and the status of the proposed subdivision, at the November 9, 1998 work session. h e'ff In June of 1994, the Planning Board determined that the aid �ot�S a,� conditional final approval on the four (4) lot subdivision, which had been granted in 1990, had expired. In July of 1995, i2411�g9 lr4ef - the Planning Board accepted one-half of the required application fee in order to re-activate the subdivision. Miscellaneous subdivision items were submitted during the more than 3 year period since the submission of the application fee. However, many of the items submitted were incomplete. In addition, as of this date, there are still outstanding subdivision requirements which have not been met. The Planning Board is not in favor of continuing to process the subdivision since there are many outstanding issues and an unreasonable amount of time has passed since the Planning Board reviewed certain aspects of the subdivision. If your client wishes to proceed with the subdivision of his property, a new subdivision application, including all application materials must be presented. The Planning Board will then begin a new review of the subdivision. I have listed some of the outstanding issues below. Please note that this list does not include all of the items required should your client wish to submit a new subdivision application. The list reflects my review of the map last submitted to the Planning Board. 1. Subdivision contains 5 lots. Therefore, application, map, etc. must address subdivision as major, not minor subdivision. Alan Cardinale (James Creek) November 19, 1998 Page 2 2. Wetland buffer must be indicated. All building setbacks must be at least 75 feet. 3. Building envelopes must be shown for all lots. 4. Upland/wetland area must be shown for all lots. Lot area /J� metu�2 Pia WeF1 N2 ( 'N must be 80,000 square feet excluding wetland area. �\ 5. Building location, parking, etc. for the business lot - GL(WRs 5 should not be shown on the subdivision plan. However, n proposed access to the business lot must be addressed. �, coib cJtS. U) 11 6. Map must be in proper form to be filed in the Office pf the (00Q:NaEe W( WK-a County Clerk. 7. Status of DOT permit must be addressed. 8. Status of Health Department approval must be addressed./ 9. Status of contract with Suffolk County Water Authority must be addressed. 10. The Town is holding a performance guarantee in the \�;\\4 Cokb amount of $78,780.00 for the expired subdivision. The xQ(V performance bond is due to expire in July of 1999. Since the subdivision has expired, the Town will not accept an extension of the performance guarantee once it expires in +�,.� o \\R`7 July 1999. `off As noted above, this is not a complete list of the required items. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the above. Sincerely, eh s pi Planner AV // t' s IL .fir ik 24 kP. . r tl A y� 9 h � tr � x M 4 • LASER FICHE FORM • SUBDIVISIONS SCANNED Project Type: Standard MAR 6 2008 Status: Expired SCTM # : 1000 - 122.-3-1 .4 Records Management Project Name: James Creek Landing (Alan Cardinale Location: 100 feet east of Pacific Street on Main Road in Mattituck Hamlet: Southold Applicant Name: Alan Cardinale Owner Name: Alan Cardinale Zone 1 : R-80 Approval Date: No l�,WV&T� PLAT Signed Date: /\10' OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information Zone 2: B Zone 3: Cand R's : Homeowners Association R and M Agreement: Address: County Filing Date: SCAN Date: � sv�r'orx �Nus V81 .MAJOR SUBDIVISION 1 I "JAMES CREEK LANDING" y AT MATTITUCK TOWS DREAM INC. I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD I I SUFFOLK COUNTY, N, Y. S 83'1 ^a 1'5p" E S 83 11'5p' 313.77 E 224.4Y 1000- 122-03- 1. 4 ,,�� O� NYo� PETECO REALITY 1. CO, p^70 G _ Q - 100 U IND200 MA < ,aN i. --_YlVytoRc------ _ _-- p Scale: 1' _ 100' U KEY P SCALES 1 =600' \ '" % ------ --f--- - N z APRIL 13. 1999 ,z rfOi z MARCH 1, 2001 JULY 16, 2001 1 revllslon I ; ��••` � ,` / ; ^e. - —1-��- - m AUG. 6, 2001 ( revisllen 1 LOT 5 ', ,/ " _ - /- " ; ---- ---5 0 AUG. 29, 200/ ( revNs/oR 1 AREA=2.0246 ad' ^OO ' //// I /// �// w�'F s �'� R-' LOT' 4 I\'\ / �/ i'i' i z SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES ".49.96, AREA=3.8708 ac FK FLA rxcrExrr cse �'�^ \\ I'I I/// A' d I I O HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. - PFCWOSID FADE d. 12.5 `� 4 J ,r—o nF fq p ps —,r Y N� ' �/ . 88'53' 22331' VETLANDS z loco au. a♦ I,s•caw+ N S Ate$ �'• z v _ /, .�' I' _'�— Y Sten[ TAIK CES9'JOL ¢ SAno - j. `�- ; LL n tv¢ ,yam S7. wldf 1 Qom- I rr� -S•u+ `-132 OyF AD. ��,j. a rpo / I i, S. Fhls Is to certify that the proposed Read ty Subdivision or Development C7p kq - R°'°u `e 7 so S I, 61, for __in the sRaxa rArw — Ip✓t gBrecr � Ira\ ri / a 'i ',` ,, 4q• _wltVv a total of lots was '� 2 approved on the above date. Water supplles and Sewage Dlspo5ol arr ,,figrr , ,, Y 0' pp- CROS.SSECTION - SEPTICSYSTEM f3i+ r Nis wv,� e° i+ r WlI\ l , '+ Y F Facilities must conform to construction standards in effect at the time -- —- tiC S"• A, of construction and ore subject to separate permits pursuant to those LOTS I d j 514 Awl �0 S 246 standards This approval shall lie valiid only If the Balt subdivision/, ossa 01 t5 HF- /F .,� \wpz ti .� _ :;.t / .\II / pP Y Y �' development map is duly Filed with the County Clerk within one year of this date, Consent Is hers 1w,given for the filing of this map on which °a �' this endorsement appears ir. the Office oaf the County Clerk Insaccordonce + TYPICAL PLOT PLAN ' �,(n CUC,gS 4• `• �¢a,D0�1'Z? 1 Pp w `' I i / with provisions of the Public Health Law mnN the Suffolk County Sanitary %� ` /' LOTS I a 3 code, _ Y 1 h0 r•Ra�ERrr ,ELAr aqL( s ry 0 r WETLANDS y N/0 CqS r° _s}/ f BOUNDARY _41 "el d � e'�ga�� - �• / Y Y nj� � � Vito A� Minei FM. RR. p S �' ti I ✓ ° r OT 2 r fV� Director, Division of Environmental Duality _- PROPO+^ED GRADE al. 11.5 1/K ' y .,. a Irouss fa. AVN �=2.0305 a Y y 0• . - to rv. 110 ry� 4J9ry' f ;/ 1 to .tie lines Y Y r N /IAREA=80,2155E h Y / fit srrnc rAxr e r - �.r cacAW wa MiA. /P p : ^ ? \ /"°I'/ to wetlands Y AREA=5.8031 ac u u cEssvoa b _ aEAr+sAro of S + \i 1 S 02'46'35" FIRE DISTRICT. MATTITUCK e sRAVEx a• W I/ \ a� to 5. Imes W e• AREA=80,499 SF SCHOOL DISTRICT' MATTITUCK 3•AN, fs. 4Nrf / \ o\ �I Y to etland �3 22.38' L — — d. az 5•sfL Ajd ry /Y 1 \Lti F eKcludm9 rhght of way�h /a (UPOW0 WArER GRDLro ANN ioiF / �' 1:0 G� " /,.�^ APPLICANT- TYPICAL PLOT PLAN Mr(0 i LOT 1 j J I Y Y Y Off. CROSS SECTION SERTIC SYSTEM LOTS 4 S 5 ('aS , A o w�et�ands 1 , ,° l �y 1 `� 7� ALAN C'ARDINALE LOTS 4 6 5 H Sn / e¢ t &,' F' Y N P 0. BOX 77 q / �./ R A= 09 ac I I Rfo 0 / ARRA-81 77 SF I niy O/rRi ---L-------------'a-------- da'wl \ '• e �� MATTITUCK, N.Y, 11952 •9 .41 �co k, t� ;1 C14 `N THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN APPROVED $ -''_- W °•`�'°` g o I Gj BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY RESOLUTION EWE OF vE.�Nxus - _ of APPROVAL DATED xHWM y � Y BY N , N .7g'i9 3 W Y Y IN CHAIRMAN PLANNING BOARD _ Y I En OF WErLANDI,BO(yypARY 657.77, 8g 1 " I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS S F` A n £ty/' WAS MADE FROM /V u r in ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETED 7/ 5 -1rT,�I ITFr MONUMENTS 663418: 67 , cb ry SHOWN THUS ® ACTUALLY EX 1 AN 53 US TIONS ARE CORRECTLY JAMS YY $y� O'N SHOWN AND ALL DIMENSIONAL D GE DE 'I S ARE CORRECT, TEST MOLE v / h r �� a ' `l >z Cp� N S 9 .. Qr Brown /vamy "SCK 6'1,j. HN.T� ME ,"N.Y,S L rz^ 618 sane 2Oe g• ANT '5 TOTAL MAP AREA=15.73 acres to tie lines Palo O'DwnAh. In coarse sand I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE WA TER SLhOPL 1Y(S) AND/OR SEWAGE DISPOSAL ' SYSTEM(S) FOR THIS PROGIEC T'WERE DESIGNED' BY ME 'OR UNDER MY DIRECTION. Big BASED ON UPON A CAREFUL AND THOROUGH STUDY OF THE SOIL SITE AND GROUND A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS HAS WA TSR CONDITIONS ALL LOTS AS PROPOSED C BEEN FILED T THE I, IN THIS COJBDI _1I0N 'S OFFICE , ONFORM. TO THE SUFFOLK COUNTY WHICH AFFECT" LNTs w THIS ;ueoroeauN g2� DEPARTMENT OF hIEAL TH SERVICES CONST/TUC'TION STANDARDS IN EFP�CT Wage, AS OF THIS DATE. owmrd. ALL PROSPECTIVE OWNERS OF LOTS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL BE brown /mr M ' ADVISED THAT THIS SUBDIVISION IS LOCATED WITHIN ONE MILE OF rowsa eand MAI 'IFLICK AIRPORT AND THEREFORE MAY BE SUBJECTED TO NOISE SW IO, EMANATING FROM THE FACILITY AND FROM AIRCRAFT FLYING OVERHEAD Water In brown OR NEARBY ':clays), sled SC Ile , WaflrN.Y.S. LTC, N5. 49618 .m paH AN/I ALTERATION DR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION Pk,'CpNIC SUR7/Z''Yp,nt l5",. P.C. brown Ila fo WETLANDS BOUNDARY DELINEATED E ,JULY 24,D.E.C. FSECTTON 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW cows. roM IN EN-CONSUL TANTS AND DELINEATED BY NYS f.C. EXOEPT AS PER SECTION 7209-SUBDIVISION a. ALL CERTIFICATIONS (621) ,765 - 5020 FAX ,(631') 765-1797 Sill, IN /990' NOV. 6, 2002 o-rvhla, Welland boundary) HEWEIN ARE VALID FOR P.R THTS�MAP AND COPIES ONLY IF ❑ B❑X 909 llp17 1230 TRAVELER STREET .e' AUG. 2 2002 ( ra lonf wellsMs flags 1 VHISE AP DR COPIES BEAR THE SIGNATURE APPEARS RS HEREON. SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR jJp /y/� ' DEC. lG',20021REVlSto S❑UT'HULD, N.Y. 11971, 89-272 JUN N �1 NNW _ Planning B and MAJOR SUBDIVISION "JANNS CREEK LANDING" AT��, wrote TTITUCK TOWN 0 SOUMOLD 4R� SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. y1, 1000- 122-03- 1.4 a 42 N1 0 313:77 'E 4.41' A. 0 �� PM00 REALITY Co Sa x -le 100 0 100 200 300 g, z 9 ti g `. EWuryNc '�ARM, 0 1M KEYgo I-�_ • � �Tccw�, _—_ b o Scale: I' = 100' 4APRIL 13, 1999 hp to �AWI" I x � z MARCH 1, 2001 r / / z LOT 5 p� /r •�, AREA-m2.0246 cc(,X/ L. +/ •- i �� 3 6 ,14 ' / / ' %' \ ! SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES 9' h O� �'•;�� // `I 'i // .'!f LOT 4 I I z �` >i• •I i / // / AR -3.8708 ae 0 Iiy p HAUPPAUGE, N.Y. V Oma 1/' GE ar f/1 p p� yETLANIIG z h/Q�S7 .yfdE. \ d t ' This Is to certify that the proposed Realty Subdivision or Development for . In the 11O+ QPK't( �pf°^Q° I ° // gy' I \ /5(R, with a total of lots was 7N r'HT'M approved on the above date, a er supplies and Sewage Deposal Facilities must conform to construction standards In effect at the time of construction and are subject to separate permits pursuant to those /0 standards. This approval shall be valid only If the realty subdivision/ ti`+ •� 2vP development map is duly filed with the County Clerk within one year of yF' (V U( L. ,' / tom' y y this date. Consent is hereby given for the flung of this map on which � ,an, LNE � this endorsement appears in the Offrce of the County Clerk In accordance C•fs4 5 .00•I'b�� with provisions of the Public Health Law and the Suffolk County Sanitary code. - 4-1 it, 10407 12 i j ;pP � �',/. y ' ry <4C to N/0/F �S / {P��,� � Vita A, Minel Nnise RO} y •� Director, Division of Environmental quaiiiy S / ��� Y , =10' MIH ati' FFG 'NO' YI° ti� AREM2.0305 a y y I 14, eo N 9ti' °/ to tie hose Y - %215 'SF Y (/) 5' INN tc'Wetlands L 7 3 i Y AREA=g.8 31 ac y y L FIRE DISTRICT: MATTITUCK Lk s / �0 b AREA tie 41nee S 02'46'35" W �C �•" \ S , N g y t � 13 22.3$, SCHOOL DISTRICT MATTITUCK ROAD , /�,, S �•�,., Y AEA-�,8B��pp 4 9 SF - / 1 ♦ ^° 'lN eicMudihon R ht of wo h �4N�/o // �d 9 9 APPLICANT: TYPICAL PLOT PLAN A N/F 4L-- 1 y a• /h <� ARIiA-= ORO9 ac ' i 1co• Y Y o ;oto ALAN CARDINALE ARA=81 TdSFI • IeIq� '\ �. " FrY Y°s" II 'yry P 0 -BOX 77 TEST HOLE MATTITUCK, N.Y. 11952 b Peconic Surveyors '' O1ROo on SEPT. 1990 " INcvEL 5.2' IAPPROVAL THAT THE SUBDIVISION HAS EN APPROVED sPNG INGBDARD OF HE TOWNUFSOUTHOLD BY BEEN _ wo 63 35, EnDEorvcluNNb ---` 64 OFE CLAY GROUND 50 B Y WATER CL - u 2w CHAIRMAN PLANNING BOARD - CLAY N 79'19'03" Y ; W . 6 5, y Y I SAND GRAVEL ' 657. ' 8 Y y En 3 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISIDN PLAT WAS MADE FROM 7T N 982• ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETED 7/85/89. THAT ALL MONUMENTS 10 F+s 63 6 i ;V WETLANDS DELINEATED BY PECONIC SURVEYORS SHOWN THUS ® ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS ARE CORRECTLY " 6 'X* 78_.' <3AND N.YS.DEC IN 1990. SHOWN AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC DETAILS ARE COR 4 y / 7 PI��V NEW J, IYSJ•�1.MErz, 8 .T. METZ R . �S� L.S. LIC. NO. 49618 10 TOTAL MAP AREA=15.73 acres t0 tie lines THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES FOR ACL LOTS IN THE DEVELOPMENT A DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS HAS COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS & REQUIREMENTS FO LAND SJ BEEN FILED IN THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. WHICH AFFECTS LOTS IN THIS SUBDIVISION. ALL PROSPECTIVE OWNERS OF LOTS WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL BE ADVISED THAT THIS SUBDIVISION IS LOCATED WITHIN ONE MILE OF MATTITUCK AIRPORT AND THEREFORE MAY BE SUBJECTED TO NOISE EMANATING FROM THE FACILITY AND FROM AIRCRAFT FLYING OVERHEAD OR NEARBY. NY.S, LIC, NO, 49618 ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION PECONIC SURVEYORS, P.C. OF SEGTTON 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW, <631) 765 - SU20- FAX C631) 765-1797 EXCEPT AS PER SECTION 7209-SUBDIVISION 2, ALL CERTIFICATIONS HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF P' 0' BOX 909 SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR 1230 TRAVELER STREET pQp WHOSE,SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON, SDUTHOLD, N.Y. 11971• 89--272 N!'1tr SUFFOLK AygNUE SKETCH PLAN qb1 I m>,�N�ogN MAJOR SUBDIVISION e�Qk s DURAN, Mt I ALAN CARDINALE N/o// E 319.77 19 8311'50' _ AT SOUTHOLD E 224.41' I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD F �� 13 14 Pferlep R�AinY CO' 8 ^° SUFFOLK COUNTY, N. Y. M MAP -eaD h . "mwxo ^ — 1000- 122-03- 1.4 oo ` GPN —Tapp daP= _ g SCALE: 1" = 100' t.9 �$• t0a / \ � _ — —_ ,a APRIL 13. 1999 AP 76 Pit all } a .q Iw I I• co s o SUFFOU( COUNTY DEPAR ENTEALTH SERVICES 22134' N.Y.\0 DATE A,b J10" '1 I o. I I 3 9 This In to certify that the proposed Realty Subdvislon or Development ♦ R6 I ` 'tq p� In the •rte s 'bgy�tl e\ I \ \ ry \ \ y J _withSup i falai of late was �S approved on the above dote. Water Supplin and Sewage Disposal mart conform to construction standardle N effect at the time of construction and are sub}et to seperato permits pursuant O� •U• �,\h�"rl' b I\ y J7'• to those standards. This opprovil shall be wUdl only if the realty subdlNskm/development map Is duly fled with the County Clerk within y., ♦ \ y <' / one year of this dote. Consent In hereby given for the filing of this 'S� •oo y map an which this endorsement appears in the 'Office of the County ' 1 Clerk In accordance with provisions of the Public Health Law and the Suffolk County Sanitary Code /�.\ \ \ �f♦.. ,D , T'b f r� Joseph H. Balx P. 'r N°ug / N F y 4� seta 6Tvlslom of kn am" faT�udl� Io W 4PTC TMIX Wr y y (\p IEAp11XG POOL \ d e�tsl.L� as y 0 , .. / / / \ ♦ /„a_ �, I IV+ aslpar YyFM DISTHW. SO iso y y 4 S 022. " A SCHOOL C7,. 9. 11 TYPICAL PLOT PLAN V y Q � .� APPy CAW..� •*� AL1s 'yCr t/A1tn1HGRADE ALYY\ y' � P.O. BOX 77 S82 HATTITUCY, KY. 11062 1ANN M � TEST HOLE \ ,e \ C� for t .,. ` \ y a L �fA N1I .1t wee �° \\ naj MPOUY7 W y THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SUBDIVISION PLAT HAS BEEN APPROVED sANo BY THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY RESOLUTION WA — _ J W GROUND TER M I OF APPROVAL DATED SUBMER9eF PUMP 5 GP M CLAY " _ — y 7 BY GROUND _ — — — — — — 5 '0 y "sae• _ c10v CHAIRMAN PLANNING BOARD wAa'R cuv N 7919'03 y y y TYPICAL HELL 0.6' y yea. 101.U. y y O A, SAND k GMVEL 9 y y t7] I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAT WAS MADE FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETED 7/25/89. THAT ALL MONUMENTS ENSUED GRADE ., �.5 957 7q• Jtr e@@�• B SHOWN THUS • ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS ARE CORRECTLY! ,' ; ,p .34 ; Y JB•• i + SHOWN AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC DETAILS ARE CORRECT. v e• _ B4• -ItiEY. PVC. P PVCQwx ;I00 AD l'o e eoM1n9Ved� � b- L 90p9°hg yS � � S�N4 1c ;°nk2o N[ E L �J rA ' MAY 0 5 1999 z' uw TOTAL MAP AREA=16.73 flCieB THE WATER SUPPLY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL = -- to tie Linea FACILITIES FOR ALL LOTS IN THE DEVELOPMENT Southold Town COMPLY WITH THE STANDARDS & REQUIREMENTS Planning Board TYPICAL ae:wAac a]aP08AL 31'97"/rJ1 A DECLARATION OP COMANTS AND R7MWC71ONS HAS OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. HSN 1W IN THIS 3tflT= COUNTY CLEWS O"ICE 1HIICH APPECTS WTS IN 7818 SUBDIVISION. ALL � O � �OF,Id'278 TTifB BUPDIVI810N 931AIL � � �� F. NEW Yb T $_ ONE = Off' y�Po��t. rnerro�4'$F' Ass, �l Nr ny Tp N94SE iACH]T7 AND FEOY nYING OVERHEAD ¢Y S. N0, 49618 ANY ALTERATION OR ADDITION TO THIS SURVEY IS A VIOLATION PECONI VF,YO eS,e OF SECTION 7209 OF THE NEW YORK STATE EDUCATION LAW "'' 4 EXCEPT AS PER SECTION 7209-SUBDIVISION 2. ALL CERTIFICATIONS P. 0. BOX CONTOUR LINES ARE REFERENCED TO N.6.V.D. HEREON ARE VALID FOR THIS MAP AND COPIES THEREOF ONLY IF 1230 TRAVELER STREET SAID MAP OR COPIES BEAR THE IMPRESSED SEAL OF THE SURVEYOR WHOSE SIGNATURE APPEARS HEREON SOUTHOLD, N Y. 11971 89-272 1 L�Npa- 1 b ML I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE BY US FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS ' „ COMPLETED I&Ar"19E9 AND THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN Ti I p ■ HEREON ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN FIRE DISTRICT: 30 A AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC DETAILS AFE CORRECT. SCHOOL DISTRICT: 9 II IY I 'll „�geY`,yOT JOHN .S. LIC- NO. 49618 - w FOF,}JE'I'I FIN. GRADE 0: _ APPLICANT: - _ E nnN V _ - B?GAL, - - STORAGE - _ ,THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED ALAN CARDINALE, TANK p Y BY THE PLANNING BOARD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY RESOLUTION OF P.O, BOX. 77 = y APPROVAL DATED MATTITUCK , N. Y. 11952 F I � BY DATE •'CA61N0 : CHAIRMAN PLANNING BOARD KEY MAP { GROUND WATER SCALE 1"= BQO' �� 7GWa aFEAA( /YC I SIIeMEKeIeLE s - / PUMP SDR.M aa• n' 50 E —� d° s aa• FIM.Oro„ E r �� dAApf At)(O AllAuty afa77' � b1 No laQAT/ . NON. TYPICAL WELL OttNON, ~ PROPERTY LINE Y y' A WN ��. FINISHED GRADE A N �_w / I'NIN. MIN My ry_ NIXV 2'MAX iI E MAX. LOT $ IJKW e2 V, a o /1REA 4\ I� 9 r , F ! I.,;'' I N r' "•\ . 0215 At Oa Pvc T' TL yo P' a T ,"PVC.' A" s \, C i G{ " jdL"� 1� w / 9 Y.', 1E - _ M S e'Mm. mG ALL - A t 'T', , "/' 3 A, + IIS+ �� �� JO. `4S•" A�PJ e * SIDE WALL MEM HOUSE 1i . i Ml a i9-lYtMvl 1 Yrz, '(•, 1 LEACHING .dSL 'VItf. / �'1" ; ,I^✓,J J'' _ ''�`�\� j, / /�Y"� (0T ¢ I b 1 -T oGDpK. IID'Nlx - - ♦ iEPTfC TANK SEITC TANK AREA 6A1. 7555 Ac TO .'MIN ro t ItAcxIKG . + e'136 IR 19,96' G GNOUMG'WA/EN Poa 0.MNL L 35.34 ✓ De, A�:OKIII � , _. = ROAD iii b \ s �o •\�! �9O g TYPICAL .SEWAGE DI,SPOSALBYSTE'M TYPICAL PLOT, PLAN 4 aMfNfM JA4�gM� ; C y ° ,9�c � N.88 552 +W.n 25 T.67' s ' I R nPE �T THE WATER'SUPPLAY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL 1 �qy \ �` �„ FACILITIES FOR ALL LOTS IN THIS DEVELOPMENT �r���" ry0MENTS �4� ~F OFPLAY WITH THE THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OFDARDS & HEALTH. _ V, \ \I\ h' 1AN05 n ME L Po.4 \ \ LOT 3 `W?'p�N ro9�o `*r A p' AREA= 5:53� ACRESorl , '•� - 4,A Jti �B$, ✓p / u� Ss� \ • •� ?ff°' 49eY yOQ - / MINOR SUBDIVISION Ab` �rr P 191°MeN n° g V j f /o' •fit MOFOR I M11R `A4' 9g T{E4 OLEN0° ALAN CARDINALE .ANF _ 3 B � 4 . #K M�� ti��:p r ,� 8 49`' W„ �9 c� AT �MATTI TUC K :,w '" M aN f. . _ YAWN ,OF SOUTHOLD SD 4 -�!ga FOLK COUNTY, N.Y. cLAY 5 ¢ A / f. y �► • .. ,_ -;_-, 9t3 122 03 1.4 I ' eMA ailjlAilL ' �-� -MON LOT I �av LOT• 2 9 s�;� L, :.OvhldnrviS& 8Es1u cTl� Ib LieFxfl ;' `l SCALE . I " = 100 ' \, t loo AREA = 2.001 ACRES PO' EG,AREA=I9BRACRE So t NOV. B , 1989 �JJ�Lrnrn�-4tiLD / W TH! EPK MON. NSE ye • F ,'�,fPO KI �Ui'1Yp I' 'I,I, } I '° I � c h 1 NEW Y nl+ ' �.��. I � �.� 'I_4 �t 3Veta {Y �0 r 1!4l Ne'sT �` ' = 1c to C"i th,l t1f, sKill yI / /J Anp. il./w'. a5a',u_ 4 5T ^J "V/, { ,. a 'a� ✓ /y' 0.VL {/�I H..M.Q..I.WF"/ V f' I Inthr a9'" , (, _ Pue I : llt �Iil n gllr 3 .a7 I i Cans _1, 1, 41, lal,llnl dill Il,t: �u it TOTAL MAP AR'E'A s 15. 73 acres III.p �O 'AwlG p ul r a. 1 ir� + +- TO' fil lines ',r., N 7a' fir"" ,� w "AY / _ I ,I uY _ r al,tl- r , "9944 Milli 7a OCT 0 2 998 Qac w ;y Va , _ - /, v !" s P'N 19 ,, lell r., -IV J G. AREA%WETLAN©S= 3.4 ACRE'$t y y GREE SOuthol� ' Own s - AEA k1RLANDS, _ L2:3' ACRES±. a } '1 _ oB7d i &N Pit,Pit,ED IN THE SUFFOLKCOUNTY CLERKS OFFICE AS REVISION 9/%98 O B $d .rd11 vEroRA P planning . p D£c R€VISION 4/6.'90 f 9 AFFEG IS LOTS IN THIS SVBOIVISMM. ReVls/oN / G - ALGA'PROSPECTIVE OWNERS OF LcTF WITHIN TH!5 SOBDIVI ,I.n SHALL Rt REVISION �512119B /' ' I �- - -^- 'J"eK `•N'�uft-Lok"n. ME'REFtRENCED TO (510) ?w_ film N AO ISED THAT THIS=SUBDIVISION 15 Ln CATS. WI THS^ ONE r e • E 'REV/5/ON 9//5/98 �" - 'r�' THE FIVE EASTERN TOWNS TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP. ' O ��r �! - Mq:7TITVCK AIRF RT-AND THEVF FI.-� +rs Y !IL _L,.toTG / .+O _ ' r ,A� 'FtNB FRO TTk'F'GILITr A,w FRCM AIRCRAFT FLYING OVtRHEAO OR � - �� TMD, Aty,[�7ro77 n JJj - AM1- rlA' • ' ' ah it F 4 - ,. yi .-:y/ 4. T ��T A' pl,Arvp3� '' 9� t.MET b? `ZN FL I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE BY US FROM ACTUAL SURVEYS V O COMPLETED -" -• zS 1919 AND THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS.: Y� r A 0 HEREON ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS ARE CORRECTLY SHOWN FIRE DISTRICT: 30 E A AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC DETAILS A CORRECT. SCHOOF DISTRICT: 9 It W �7l Ne, AGES QJOHN T.T. M. LIG. NO. 49618 3' W ICQF � FIN. GRACE P' LI.T N APPLICANT: flaw E2 GAL.STOR ALAN CARDINALE TANK N 4, THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED ?' BY THE PLANNING BOARD THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BY RESOLUTION OF P.O. BOX! 77 CO APPROVAL DATED .MATTITUCK , N. Y. 11952 W f BY DATE a"CASING O CHAIRMAN PLANNING BOARD I GROUND WATER — KEY MAP SCALE 1•'= 6°0 �i T�'6 aRIF�AI I SUSMERSIBLE f PUMP ! G.P.M. tih 0 s 33 11, 50 — — 8p$ S 33. 1x'30" E aa4.a ,<<V P 91677 • L� "°" TYPICAL WELL �, N/O/F PEIFCC QE1�(/TT O RJ EY MLW 219.19' Q MOM. AeL�A �E /1022 y PROPERPROPERV LINE C IN M.04 /\\ FINISHED GRADE = 3 - E — MON, —^ _ / � z MIA% 1'MIN, W MN S 2'MGM 140 / M I.Ow O v9":1'—.. We'll'. e• 0 9 / f T 1 1 d r' O X41 M1 a C 9°Pvc. T oT 11�� 4"PvC. I �8� w W }t diff E'NIN. 90 SOFT sIGE WALL AMA SE \O QQ C q y LEACHING POOL 1'.' 900 G4 IGMIN. E' OP-k / LOT 4 SE IC raxN Ne 11} 3 LEACHING y MIN ry•5 R-IS9 AREA = 6.210 ACRES2 MIN T GROUND WATER POOL 5'MIN. K - L= 35.BI / — — ROAD Nab SJ>D � $ TYPICAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM TYPICAL PLOT PLAN N �99r• �SI �FNt 4O F q J ryG N.88°55'2 'W.-. 257.Bf' S 4,. 'O'�, R PIPE 6J•*+ THE WATER SUPPLAY AND SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES FOR ALL LOTS IN THIS DEVELOPMENT 15. ^ -POW, COMPLAY-WITH THE STANDARDS 9 REQUIREMENTS ,�^^ y '4 F OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. �QACI41 �qy 2 °EO1LAND 3USL j t F PJ c_, \ 1 r LOT 3 a' 01�' s� A.L N A / L S AREA= 5.53 ACRES 41 , m k q ,w �.dJI °O U� � 4I tr a 49ea yQ� IN, PDQ" /\ w'let moo,. :(� , v°* Mo I ' FOFNE`A1 I / y' ��� , +� a9ei;e° Te . e. MINOR SUBDIVISION 1" . FOR TEST HOLE / / 'V0� \ ��!_'� 49`l,M1 9°a� s9 �5 ' i• �M14 V� KLAN CARDINALE EL. 52 O< ly J� 9P ! .AND 35, •1 M� y�j °, / 3 Rps • 4Q' ae" l" AT MATTITUCK CLAY4* A�'° iY . TOWN OF SOUTHOLD `R-W={=p— S0 1�_ \ 4*of*, M 1 c SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. CLAY iii 'T _ - GG ADD 1000 122 � 03 1.4 T5' y 0 .AND 8GRAVEL �O Ci{� ' .MON LOT I /h ' LOT 2 . LN SCALE 1 " = 100 ' I AREA= 2.001 ACRES EO' 2o'AREA=1.968 CRE a rw NOV. 8 , 198 9 0 yl TH 1 V+7 �J+�L. 1 1 YOC oMMISSloO ST0.Mp SC' °L OGf SiC,G MON. e:a'{ 1 MIXT. zD' 3-�376.06' ^" S11 _ ]r-'' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 667.77' 'ACOAy •ppp• c6 rr--I. MINOR S4Lyryi` ISION NQ� z Q j b 1; APPLICANT A4.n TAX MAP q I�ou - Iii- 3- I.4 LIY TOTAL MAP AREA 15. 73 acres R { nJ _' t0 A lines N 7a A, ZONING CLASSIFICATION AG re.I� Re I"5j NINGL JA 16' os* N APPROVAL DATE _T W c , PLANNING BOARD# AREA WETLANDS= 3.4 ACRES± JAMES CREEK AREA UPLANDS = 12.3 ACRES± as• M ACPAVE omni, R11M nN RlIl mm CO VEYORB, P.C. for EBIE wwr N ARCO �" CONTOUR U S ARE REFERENCED TO �6/6� 766 . 6py0 + IMwo 40 I LJ�I C ,� E6 THE FIVE EAS ERN TOWNS TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP. P. O. BOX 606 ryr�yA rr�j TM r YAM QtRb LrN :A ROAD TMR p�W6E� BOI/THOLD, N.Y. 11671 --.5-so - _-)10 , I 89 - 272 PROPERTY LINE I YQ, PROPERTY 137 - EP _ Vcm 5025 ( \/ V 9.00 Ac= 12.25 13.20 Ve --0.31 L = 70 �( Ac931.= I11.00 L = 700 L P PVT. 2x12 PVC 2.11 12.15 a W y P.uc oR 9.82 PVT. D RADE h ae Z '.35� 9.40 _—j 6�°/o ,STING _� �. 3/6 0 0 \ � ce.'9 P D GRADE DO Q f Pp OPGeEO 10,5 O w D.ID cNR a n (� Q. e.e oil C) cr- f Z0 - a w W '< R<19'9g1 , Tq z LL ,s D m " x 8 PVC o - - • - - Q.°P y\y T 2Ste. 982 \ D• Q // ed W/° Fo A O•. t ° O ID 0 N' p AO f °° ROA .�c } + + � i a °o a ?3 OS C.E m' ' N N N M V 1D 10 h F41 S .�•4D f�GT D ' 897 PVT PROFILE 4' 9.40 8 tiP s P°PEP• ro°?.Ch, VERT. 1"= 5' so\ to SCALE HORIZ. IR = 50' 8 97 % 7 ala OA- RS) `,A \ C .1. 4O PLAN 81 PROFILE D r °� — .: t -113.4 tx.n.z OF PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY MAIN ROA D ( N. Y. S. Rte . 25 ) Pavemene /o 'oe alphmlt fo AT MATTITUCKcoo-/Jc TC. f// cCepfhavem c"bs eG o EDGE OF ASPHALT 13.88 � Bn� TC , TOWN OF SOUTHOLD 4P s 2 ro 13.90 SUFFOLK SUFFOLK COUNTY, N .Y. t 68 '°A 4AD o. � P6 p �erb C 4D-ID 40e PpoPgTY LIRE 1000122 03 1.4 y ±c. �a `Abe sm� SCALE Ix= 501 \G`�` fIDyV 3 gi 'EZ.., .st .. . DIRT ' AUG. 1 , ' 1989 D R V E OCT. 17, 1989 \ 00 2\s \ \�8 °e £ RaAnwaYen scoN pj o SKETCH OF q D. No ScnLE y,f j 9 O- O 6 Q d IENTRANCE OF PROPOSED DEC '6 o Dp.- � DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS °_ i o RIGHT OF WAY m fn O i �/. V ARC p� SCALE 1" = 20' a° l = SDp1NDL0 BOAR ' D ° � C8. * I d 2 � / � 0 4AND SND �N D 00 �L L PLANN A.0 4a e ry PAVED AREA = 11000 50. FT. c / � ��yo Ti S' ME 1{' OR \ 0'� 1 OTHER AREA = 15000 _ SO.FT. Q C6. p•' 3 -` p 10,000 x 095 x 0. 167 - 1586 .3 CU.FT. K fr PAVED AREA = 2497 SO.FT. ' 15,000 x 0.3 x 0.167 = 752. 3 CU.FT. < I _ _ OTHER AREA = 3463 SOFT m m f m / 2 339 CU.FL 0 xi 207 x 0. 95 0.167 - 396 CU.FT ¢ y`\D, 4961e�pT e' I 2339/5 = 34 VF/12 = 2.8 3463 x 0. 3 xi 0.167 = 173 CU.FT PECONI6 V20 aP. C. / 1 PROVIDE 3 L.Ps. 10' 6 12' DEEP 569 CU.FT. 5161 785 - 5020 s �— \ �O� P. O. 0'DR 909 / 1 569 685 - 8. 3 VF. MAIN ROAD PROVIDE I L.Ps. 10' / 8 ' DEEP SOUTHOLD , N.Y. 11971 B RO - 079 / PROPERTY I LINE I Yp•� 13.7 E PROPERTY LIN 12.50` +`. E.P. 9.00 c: -0.25 A I' 13.20 Ac= 12.25 1�. ^ A = 90.31 L 70 31 L = 70 J Ac = 9 7o 31 11.00 1n = L.P e , 2>12 PVT i a PVC 12A11 \ t °fie O) 12.15 P.V.0 Rp } PVT. 9.82 TINN 1101� Ory Z 2.�O c 9.40 E%I! AO pD E. Ef• y T � �� � -- �I by°/° Oce,N9 W PROFOSlO ERASE T/p M14'M1Y�° 4 — CMP Q I LE! T/w. ID.SO 'h .1 Lli �� 6� f• 1'i4 O 1- CIE - LL 1.9i f M�u p V1 WC Z ' 8 M1 0i19.9� �t > V1 i P '•`� • "�5 b1 `�' N kr PVG Q.pp k .2 '•Poq S/, OSE _ e° v�.4 ° f s°+g\�+ I O O °R Fn l 1 yC S 97 PVT it • W i a 9A0 PROFILE , P / �S>o n0penry o" i>�^ - _ SCALE VERT. (1„= 5, ry y S0, Ip V ` I so PnOA eRYr R One q0 k 6,> IA i PLAN a PROFILE p ��► \ `� rte' OF PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY '�\ —� am `OT T ,o — R .L IlT E .L 14.4 ryoR Rrog. �q��a . � MAIN ROAD ( N. Y. S. Rte . 25 AT MATTITUCK \ ��4 \ RP�DQ� / ,a �m�nr beasph 1 II// I A \2 NeM `+ Z?Z bfngl¢r ar/P IX�¢fp rsweorl�n EDGE OF ASPHALT Ib.OS fClybG>�SCn 4'rir/�5 I, .� A e / /gin ave rc: i TOWN OF S©UTHOLD .a r 2 \„ Proposed N MOO rn os yA4TrLIL.i° O-I!SaFFOLK COU NTYI cerecb OA.tP NOS P"FERTY LINE loop - 1212 - 03 - L1 z Er ��i i �• -mp> Ne�soeb¢PCL°¢ , SCALE I°= 50T AUG. 1 ""'19 89 ^t' Gb so' t v °SRT 1 OCT. 17, 1989 Is, p0 9• \�9•, a ROADWAY SECTION \ y m N SKETCH OF ENTRANCE OF- PROPOSED p o ` DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS ,�/\ �P T v\ RIGHT OF WAY kti 0o r`re o V = ARC SCALE I' = 20' y�Q _ANDSL9 �.-� �� a°No�4 \ 9 Ey PAVED ARA = 11000 S0. FT. rip R _ °4 OTHER AREA 15000 SO.FT q% CB. 3 *! 10,000 x95 x Q167 = 1588.3 CU.FT. f Q• ) PAVED AREA = 24197 SO.FT. + \0 15,000 x 0:3 x 0.187 = 752. 3 CU.FT. 11 Y 2339 CU.FT. _ ��_ OTHER AREA = 34183 90.FT. 2497 x 0. 95 x 0.167 = 386 CU.FT. NTt 4 RS OQr SOUT0 TOWN 2339/ = 34 VF/ = 2.8 3463 x 0. 3 x 0.167 • 173 CU.FT. PECONIC 0 SP. C. PLANNIWO BOARD / 68,5 R , ( 5l6) 785 -5020 PROVIDE 3 L.Ps. 10' 6 12`DEEP 569 CU.FT. e' 569 /6fl5 B. 3 VF P. O. COR 908 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD N.Y. 11971 B PROVIDE 1 L.Ps. IO` i 8 ' DEEP -- , ” ' r 89 - 272 nuxwu nu,xAu, o THEs ewKasr o w roumMp 11••• F[SgM Tlpr q,ry,E,yF,y}°�STi,il ',OUKArpN 4AIV °RIES °f IVIS pMyp yAF xpI MAYIN4 nl IAnD SUq VFYOF'S INFLp 5EµJX mtlU55iU SEAL SHALL NOi W CJIySWWH NI n. of A yAUD rauE tour In/ -IMANOM,SCHRAM MARCH BNM FyM I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL LOTS SHOWN ON THIS PLAT COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS '• DNEy re OU nFwN NOR WHOM THE RAN OF THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLKIs FRMARID, A1.on mE MAN TO TRE A \ / • I xR5¢UMMAxY. 4 WGRAMSNTAE AGSNCY Me AVENUE IVU fHDINK INS}INMON LIAN)H@pN, ,p„p " I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS MADE BY ACTUAL SURVEYS COMPLETED FEB. 22, 1989 1 F 'o TME ANIGNNS a THE ENONc INsrl. AND THAT ALL CONCRETE MONUMENTS SHOWN THUS:• ACTUALLY EXIST AND THEIR POSITIONS ARE CQ 'u ION. GUARANTEES ARE NO,TGG MATIAHI CORRECTLY SHOWN AND ALL DIMENSIONAL AND GEODETIC DETAILS ARE CORRECT. " (v ADDnloxu Ilunnn°xs oR suAsmunO / rr44GL 4/A, CJ' Devaakow a or formerly 1 s HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.S. L.S. LIC. NO. 45893 Really Co. In c, I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SUBDIVISION PLAN HAS BEEN APPROVED 13Y THE PLANNING BOARD OF SOUTHOLD BY RESOLUTION OF APPROVAL DATED _ -r —�-' S.83"11'50" BY DATE: :(Lr' U°mes C, now form a 214.19 E. 224.41' -;��; I CHAIRMAN, PLANNING BOARD Or { � - - p a SB3011'50'E. Gray,ray Sr. & �e er S 0 10.22'113 L. THE LOT LINES OF SUBDIVISION MAPS AS FILED, CANNOT BE ALTERED WITHOUT PERMISSION ns O 313.77' FROM THE PLANNING BOARD, AND LOTS MUST BE SOLD AS SHOWN ON THE SUBDIVISION MAP. 2� — 0 AR It 1O TUM 21M°j A. 2p/gyp •FO'. + ��/�'� �Y� SITE ..�_ FIN15HEO GRADE t'•\ \.-�- I'MIN I'MIN Q 9 0 OyV A. -�-' MAX, e ` 121.MM AO 1] p O \� O y(e\4 uxa wx xs dx N[a D Ir V1° I TI/e'l l'—� OY �O �� / \" / TIE INS ARO, 1"PVC _n �'TGT w PVC Q�FGAY a Q J Q 1 -L 1\ 20 W= 9� y P O O %s.zz•I�'4o"w ISG.4e' ' 3o°OB'IG'W ICG 00 ' 0 100 30 FT /2 / e'xlx eR 35.81 \ E" 04j y� 6. 2100 Acres / °�% a1DE WALL ANE S' J Se 5170 �., �-' " c 1 3' LEACHINGPOOL MIN. ti9 V Or AL. MIN \� 4, Or s K W A r SEPTIOT' 900 GTANN CLEAN LSAN OMATERIAL ORAVELE S\ 'V()Or\\i/00�0�\r(A 270506 s.{. I C $�OCey%$S $orr71PT - I'° N D8OUND W ATER MO 090r'O ONS 00 loo -PO S/ I Q AL . V/'T % o P N_tp�`P� ry Fl!Cf o /s/%�4 \ � 188155':'1 25764- TYPICAL SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM \' /ekeef�Cr� � /R,O ^ PIPE ° LDC ATIDN MDP USE 3 POOL SYSTEM FOR LOTS 2 B 3 SCALES "=°WO M S q9 V 100014 QD 3g0�A, � �\'� \ r•srf i FINISKEDORADE Hee'/ rf4 q j0� 0ry0 rG 5� A4 M s2 GAL. \ co, R08r�- 00,�'TY 9TORAOE p 5. 4619 Acres \ \ N ANM Or 40 �@qf4j , ,SS�S�, 237920 s.f. 10001/ 000 w Or f0 $ `\bcoo eyy .00 //\=1 1 SITE DATA GROUND WATER _ °90}. M04, O q: r?,q tq�` y I . TOTAL AREA = 15.9012 ACRES or q or / s° °E / n' 692654 s.f. '?, fOe �3�A` VA ° 2. ZONING USE DISTRICT: Y ' �Z O he/inter/y 29 °° 2y., °� ��°°' c�,t 81 GENERAL BUSINESS o'A SS oris °r \ ra\RO sp u� W / �'-'oFw� 1� IR-80' RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY A s G.P.M fef0 /0k' for o 'A h 3 / 0 5 3.TOTAL N0. OF LOTS 4 SUBMERSIBLE PUMP M4 /�'p ��/ \ /O°�4' �' ED O 170 e P d ,�,s6�JO�yh TYPICAL WELL DETAIL Ec,00, i,,Orf\Mofc?}C�Y4Iy•iN kb?W, TEST WELL t V 5�p1 All I S� O All �iP er \O , k' y aO�. I G SURIECT TO COVENANTS A RESTRICTIONS USER OTA Cy yrep S o f\ oo I I � $ �p PAGE PROPERTY LINE Q-\ a1,*Q fe%r 0r \°09 °T b N D WEIAUXLL WELL A9h - 0(, Mer Ter/ Ory b f Of Sf°M y O� ao O GE O 1 W�. SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TkISE&K{G WIt :T U J 19tl9 r ✓O/1 Mow \\ er °00 QQ 2.2194 Acres Hauppauge, New York ) M oy '\ 0 2.0099 Acres or FTEs HaLE \ u, This is to certify that the pro ed aur nee nts lot water supply 'a q/. 14 qor \DI m � SOUTNULU TOWN °- ,ce ''r, f or 96676 s.f. and sewa a di°�ora/I t r - , PLANNING BOARD : TEST HOLE AOM fOh Order 87552 s.f. Ili in the .#! ..T_ lots �,- i > MOUSE $ $ i, sxxD 0.0 b/eo erg /y were apil,. • .. IL '�ho%o dale, These facilities mull come nn to SUBDIVISION M A P h.¢ construCI-1 :ta.Idarc'r. Ir effect at the time Ot construction. This 0olant approval ,! he vall.. witflyh the event said subdivision/gmnths o ALAN A. CARDINAL E E sEPrlc o F a `LAY 5,°1GRGGNO WATER _� ^ this d t 1)1. s duly is h with the County Clerk within 6 months of TANK ° FLAY —_ TIE this date. Ccnsen[ is herrb nren for tile filing of this maT on Y SEPTIC TANK 6.5, N. 74,7 86, 6 .3 LINEADryG EDGE OF u \ which th E,onrlorsemerlt.Hppears In the r'`ficeofthe COUnty Clerk in 5 48'45" S85°I715W.ly�io 6i 5 CR EK2 °� 1 m accordance with Provisions of thePubG..,IaalUl Law and the Suffolk MI .�0. aAxD z s k' ISIS., II 882' oo' _ _ a County Salntal CD-e. LEACHING POOL9 LEACHING POOLS CANAL v N83°2°o'5a'w.fly. ' 89'73' , �, � AT MATTITUCK •RAvu /(/t/Q[?/N �4'2pE�6 9ge3 n' Aldo Andreoli, P.E, "N81 $g¢ O Director, Division of Environmental Quality qs ��N.81 5540,W , I TOWN OF SOUTHOLD ROAD IQIWES 41S9' � ^ h OAER LIAN A CARDINALE PO 77 C�EErI 3g%S"k, MATTIOTUCK, N.Y 11952 ; SUFFOLK COUNTY, N.Y. TYPICAL PLOT PLAN rl F° SUFFOLK COUNTY TAX MAP DIST IDOOSECT. 122 BLK. 3 LOTJ6- S.0. Of NEW yo`o*r THE WATER SUPPLY 6 SEWAGE DISPOSAL FACILITIES FOR ALL LOTS IN THIS DEVELOPMENT COMPLY ��� WITH THE STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. , d AVAA.✓ .S/. gRA-f A n 14 HOWARD W. YOUNG, .Y.S.L.S, LIC. NO. 45893 DATE FEB. 22, 1909 1989 so o 00 100 4 BLL' UE, RIVERHEAD, N.Y. I ALD .Y,S. P.E. 8 L.S. LL(`,IIIQ,j2845 SCALE I" ° 100' HOWARD W. YOUNG, N.Y.S, L.S.LIC.pCl@'�N/01 eey° OF N0. 89 - 0088 THOMAS C. WOLPERT, N.Y.S. P.E. LI . '41C ES NAB 0 > P 0 % LI N I ASHENIN� a G KEY MAP f NI a�F 3oHM G , N , SCALE I" = 600 ' IG\ H S Ati 505 N�o1F ASHEF<\N on N a G \GN o i mfo N° D O, 7A° N� on As fnd a NIoIF MI`O\vSK KEVIN BEV CF o a o�5K1 F SAND o M1� GNUp1AK m n2 N ao I 1 A�5 14 m°b '� 45 40 TAQ 33. N. 1 � vy / PLPe fnd i moi C� n 0 1 � i I I � w r ' � premp �wi pye// 9 fid 35 I 40 i 2 PC L 3 ACRES 52° a'AR E696 6 N 3 AREA/ 0 j � y I 4 to m N. I -o G i T ( Z 00' Doo 10 2 1 � yo�ln9°A? 11p 5'6? ?oA00o e55 1 - N •6'e j N 50 a p` TOTAL AREA 40 . 5266 ACRES \ ro Zo u °= w_ PARCEL B p " g AREA = 3.5630ACRES C N a F O t A w \ R6 R e50, 69' / \� O, O 337. 83 ' SC mon So 37.17' S.c mon nd. na ' semen 375. 00' ' fnd �d `- S.86-10'50" .86°10 50' W. 227.91' ,� S. 87°46' 50" "V' PROPOSED SET OFF AVENUE FOR 43501 S. g319101 W S73-43 `" SOUND ° M. C`. ENTERPRISES AT MATTITUCK II A,33, AT MATTITUCK TOWN OF SOUTHOLD SUFFOLK COUNTY , N. Y. 1000 - 113 - 07 - 19. 2 x: SCALE I " = 1001 SEPT. 12, 1986 FEB. 12 , 1987 ZONING DISTRICT A - 80 SCHOOL DISTRICT 9 MATTITUCK - CUTCHOGUE FIRE DISTRICT : MATTITUCK OWNERS 81 DEVELOPERS MOHRING ENTERPRISES , INC . 3476 GLEN COVE AVE . SEA CLIFF, N:Y. 115'79 TOPOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION FROM - TOPOGRAPHIC MAP FIVE EASTERN TOWNS to LAND Sb `I ��2oy�eN A. I.y�Fc.9LF f � o O I IM N.Y.S. LIC. NO. 49668 s CO O "O- a RS 8 ENGINEERS , P. 0 x516 ) DEB � 11 �I P. O. BO% 909 MAIN ROAD SOUTHOLD , N. Y. 11971 86 - 110 ' PRGPEfliY LINE ' 137 12.50 PROPE RiY LINE I E.P 9.00 Ac= 1225 - �J ! ` 1320 Vcz ^031 L = 70 AO.= 931 /O]4 �CJ L ; 70 N L P PVT. 2112 PVC 12.0,E . 1209 RVC 982 PVT. SHAPE? ? a°o Z 235 °e 9,40 —_Ll7°/° E%IsiIN= / 31690, { _ rte '9 PROPOSED GRPCE P, /Og E o X. Q' a 7 0.97 F y� e/ a e.9+ k " r O i ad gG �OT Z 'L fi all s W 6 W ° R6 1.2'° 8 PVC r ESE Q T' • *� Ye°° ��O jP0 \D ti O O O 10 '_1 M O O O O 7 o ' tea' 4 O10 \ O N N N NI V 10 10 b w ° ? S CB ° e ? F °f hr 99T PVT 6 PROFIIrE v rs.no r a " • VERT. 1"- S' SCALE to HORIZ. 1" a 60' - - y / 41 RO L, O 10 fiery �'> I \4 °.a E H-mg PLAN 8c PROFILE °� r 1\ 25'0 25"' EN.la2 o OT OF PROPOSED RIGMT OF WAY 3 MAIN ROAD ( N. Y. S. Rte . 25 ) ..,' . \� ii °ZCR. �'•v /o'o" 1 ` pavem en{ /0 6e asPhee./f fo AT MATTITUCK R,5 \ Sfc7loN / TC. f// cCcp/h 'Ewfwe" C"'65 rG { \2 ° /, 3/CQQ wdI /°.�• l EOOE OF ASPHALT 13 ea ers67 ave!1J@n Tc . 4 LI TOWN OFLO'U'fHOLD aP s '. 9 — re- 3.,D X \ �rop�ed 0LIL PrcPosEd TE 15110 _ car b 6S `soP'QO- \ /.3 %-• u / 4" 40-IE roe PROPERTY LINE SUFFOLK COUNTY, N .Y. o� R. . PR , � t „� o s,PE ,..3 _ iso,/ �l ` m u fo )( 1000 - 122 d3 1.4 V ex,si.n 22'Gro- er Courte — be ceeared \2 (rh U 9raa. ine GrR.de rnkea l seeaeor /, 90 . � 01 i , SCALE -1'-'=' 501 ��V 'I ria° i 3/4"s/one Pena or _ /y GIRT _ _ ��, .0 Erushec<rCon=rafe ,t / ri DR I V E AUG. ' 1 ," 1989 ,^ so' k ¢ w OCT. 17, 1988 \, �� �: °� o c- AUG. 22, 1890 f shoulder improve. J 00 9 1°' ��$ RognwaY SECTION y m SKETCH Of 1 NO SL4LE y, y 0 r Jan. 30, 1996 (16' Favement J 190' m ENTRANCE OF PROPOSE© `. { + Jan 5, 1999 (p. f.o.T Yi Z" Z O \ ° � � m RIGFIT OF WAY o DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS SCALE I' = 20° -,, ?° V = ARC .IAIII� 800 Co - C8. * I a 2 Q.0 ea 9 PAVED AREA = 7(080 S0. FT. OTHER AREA = IWSQ'' SO.FT• / CB. Ik 3 -` �O� J x 095 x 0. 167 1218 CU.FT. PAVED AREA a 3840 SO.F7. ' EOf NfW o x 0.3 x 0.167 = 818 CU.Fr. ) Im 3 Y / ?63& CU.FT. OTHER AREA = 52 v0 SO.FT. p — ` 3 640 x O. 95 x 0.167 2 609 CU.FT. r S o�N zoo* ex 2o3& = ao VF/ = 2.5• .52&o x 0. 3 x C0.167 = 264 CU.FT Ta�' , S � 66.5 12 ". eL1C. i . 49618 873 CU.FT. �-'--� / PROVIDE 3 L.Pa.. 1016 12'DEEP OR E4U_AL 0�3 / = 12.9 VF \ - PECaN1C rS ( P.C. 6 \ O� 60/ 0 " of ["Rs e 6e e'.1adore yro nd wa/er 6115 P, D. Btx r 490 OR PROVIDE 2 L.Ps. 10' d G DEEP OR 59"Z: 123x7 YRAVEEE ' .,.�9t7U�Kt7LQs MY. 1i9 8 Bof/arn of G Os ro 6e 2'mrn. above yrowrd wccier `89 — 272 PROPERTY LIRE I 13.7 12.50 g YLQ�" PROPERTY ' NE Vc= -0.25 9.00 Ac= 12.75 13.20 Vc '*0.31 L = 70 �fJ Ac.= 11.00� L = 700 N L P PVT. q.\, . v+b + 2t12 PVC a_ z.n 12.15 44 f N P.V.0 o� 9.82 PVT. as 9.40 >i2.3rio /o o aRRDt alpy Z Op " W _ PROPOSED GRADE T/or, P 10.50 Ip , , r, D. ,. wo a m y,9v or z g �� Dp p. R• al a r � W i -s . g D O 409pa �' `rho 9 PVC A. M1 11/ Ao 0 JJF0 \�r +� m + 0 a a � ,P °A °° AO i� y + + + v i •/ �lV4 °^.4 Q. `+ PP X90R'/ a N S f/9f bR Fn'f ' &97 PVT 9 40 PROFILE SCALE VERT. 1"s5' / ' amt �oS/ fr <,N °N 0� `�• .: 10 - - HORIZ. I" • so'_ pF O C PLAN a PROFILE :� qy s <o - OF PROPOSED RICHT OF WAY i �,, Ro yoa° l3 ,o i \ \ aN � MAIN ROA D ( N. Y. S. Rte . 25 ) AT 11F'1/ 11 T' TU�.// � 'gDO' _ I pavcmenf /o be atphw/f /o +vla R y rc. bef..+ec-7`c..rbs f= - I g%y alncG,er Co¢ :a ' 7T°'x7°coF e<earl9e EDGE oP ASPHALT li.0 eY/S/q CCVe!f!A/K ra13 GO _ TOWN OF SOVTHOLD �° '" 2 � p�Pbed 0 �.-. rb TC.O..a SU:FFOLi ' '0OWY,'NY R0,4o, ��R„ F? ^�, Ol V) 10 �� + 3inin.feQsa Sian. '/goosed VL 0 fP %3/6� '� V) 40-0 PROPERTY L.,,� 1000 - 122 - 0'3 - 1.4 x _ s..� f SCALE':'11 ■, io ' \G� oy� � e � Lz � ��.•.. DIRT AUG. I ; -'19 89 \\ P Ila' �° 50 .o.w V D R 1 V E OCT. 17, 1989 \ r ?�• �� ni'.� `e� £ AUG. 22, 1990 ! shoulder Improve. 1 0D RogDwAY SECT1oN, y m ra � o o SKETCH OF 190 �� s«LE �" .F� £ ENTRANCE OF- PROPOSED DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS a=// �'T m z rn RIGHT OF WAY N' SCALE I" = 20• j oo % V ARC a� 0 - PAVED AREA a IIObO SO.FT. - �' !°° • /_ q ti OTHER AREA. = 19000 SOFT. Q• C8. * 3 m ii . 0 LANDS. CU.FT -. G ' VO I {0,000 p 093 % 0167 a 1986 .3 i r P PAVED AREA 2497 SO.FT. '1 2 S• MFf R _ - 19I %000 k O�3 O.I67 - 752. 3 CU.FC OTHER AREA 3463 SO.FT. '0 �I _ m _ - 6�� [2 -I� � , � .,e I ., /� 2.339 CU.FT. Q k`— 2497 % 0. 99 0.167 • 396 CU.FT i la J�II –71990 � ' eI 2339l�.5 ° 34 yFr12 2.8 3463 k 0. 3 % 0.167 IS 173 CU.F7 .1 SEP // r P'EC �Sdd9� P. C. - -„-,_�,�- ,� I, / I PROVIDE 3 ,L.Ps. , 10' 6 12'DEEP 969 CU.FT. 1 :- 1916�' N' GGUTBN 0 i0P N �i 'C e PI AMMING f79AR0 ' N. 569 / B. 3 VF a �,O _ 685A P!'O,''C-OSf 90 0 4AINROAD PROVIDE I L.Ps. IOC/ 81 DEEP SOUTwOLD , R.Y. 1197141 B •89 - 272