HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12472 P 228 L /101Z: p 22~ /DLJ-(p -/7./ Qu!lclJim J'L'Cd-kall,lI'lIlu;d I,JI ('OIpCGlillI:I (1!q1r abQ:n . ' THIS INDENTURE, made Ibe)$' dayofNu""mbL....lwu IblluSlIIId live BETWEEN DOROmy DROOGAN alkJa DOROTHY A. DROOGAN As surviving lenanl by dIe enlircty 1735 Mason Drive, CUlehllguc:, New York 11735 party of Ihe firsl parI, and TERENCE J. DROOGAS as TRUSTEE Or: THE DOROTHY A. DROOGAN IRI.Ui'i.~.ABLE TRl;ST 238 Oakwood Road, Hunlingloii~'MeWYork 11746 ParlY ..r Ibe SL'\.-ond pan, WITNESSETH. Ihallbc pany or Ihc IiISl pan, in L'(IOSideralion ur Ten Dollars and oIher valuable consideralion paid by Ihe pany uf Ihc !;I:colld party, du.:s hereby granl Blid ....Iease unlD IIjc p;m.,~rAe. ~Ild pan, the heirs Dr SUCl.'essurs and assigns of the pany of Ihc sccond pan lun.'ver. JllO'l' w-.:. . '. :. f '(\'.10 .~l ,: ~ . .\ I'AKCEL 1 ,~.. ,', ': ' -~.') . . . . .. _.. .~ fll "". I'. . 'I~.. rl.' ..:. r.. ,,1 . ALL Iblll eenam plot, piece Dr pan:el of land, wllh the bulldl~ BliillmprovemelllS IhClCOll eNetOO, sllWlte. Iymg and being un Ihe I\unll Side M...III Drive. CUlChugue. T uwn of SuuIh<,ld. CuunlY "I' Sul1illk and Stme Dr New Yurko BEOlJl:Jl:ING III a puiol 011 tlle Nunhcrly line uf MHSIln Drive, lSO,68 fCCl Wcslerly along said Jl:unherly line from Hickory Drive. lWid point of beginning being Ihc soulbe:lSterly eumer ur land of Ihe pany uf Ihe 51:eund parI: from said (IOinl of beginning running alollg ..id land of the pany of Ihc SL'CDlld po,n, Jl:urlh 12008' 10" Wesl 133.81 fL..,l: IhcllL"C nlong land <If LangL'lDyr. NDnh 7S. 46' 00" EllS! 37.52 ........1: TlK..n.... wong land L'(In",y,-.l Dr aboulLD he conwYL'\! by Ibe party of the fil'lil part 10 HnMn, South 12008' 10" East 131,60 feL1lU said I\urlherly line of ~DSlIn Drive; Ihcnce alonl: said I\onhcrl)' line, Soutll 720 24' 30" WL'Sl37.67 rL....ltu Ibe puinl orbegiMing. BEIJl:G AND INTHJl:OED TO BE Ihc SWIIC premises cunwycd 10 me pany oflbe Iirsl pun by Deed dated November 16, 1971 .nd lI.'Conh:d in Ihe SulTolk CUWllyCkrk'sOmcelln November lb. 19711D Liber 7048 al PllllcS~S. . "AKCEL :z ALL lhallul ur parcel of land, silWlle at PecDni", near Nassau Pujnl, SuulhDld Town. Sunulk CuwIlY. New York dCSLTibed as fulloW!;: BEGINNING at a sUlke IiCI un Ihc nonhcrly line uf MBliUn Drive. 150.68 fLoct weslerly along said line fmm Hiclcory Driw. being the soulbeasterly corner of Ibe prcmil;cs and the SlIUtlIWL'SlLTly L'Orner uf land eunveyed. ,'r aboulto be eunveyed. by Ihe panics or Ihc lil'lil p:1n to JDkph Drougan will wife, and running alollg said norlherly line of M..on Drive South 720 24' 30" Wesl 75.34 1'0:..1 to a sUlke: mence alung olber Iun<l of Ihc panies of Ibe lirst pan. 2 WIIrs.:S:1S lulluws: (I) parallel wilh Ihe W\:lilerly line or said Hickory Drive, Nurlh 120 OS' 10" WL'SlI38.21 feettu a Slake; lhL'IICl.' (2) SDnb 750 46' 00" East 7S,05 1',..,1 to a sUlkc and Ihc nonhweswrly corner uf sai~ land conve)'ed. ur about Ul be con,...")'ed, to Jo..'pb Droogan and wile, liIenee ailing Ibe 1351 d"""ribL..J land: South 12' U8' 10" Eas1133.81 fL'\.1 U, ~IC pllint ofbL"8inning. Sl:B1EC1' 10 L'Uvelllmls. lI.'SlIictions and ....dSL'IDl.'nlS of rCl:ord if any. BEI:'olG AI\D lI....rEII.'DED TO BE Ibe same premises eon....yed 10 the pany III' the lirst pan by DL'\.'ll dalL'll April 24, 19S4 and lI.'l.'OrdL'll in the SulTDlkCuunlyClerk'sOm"ellll May 6.1954 in Liber 3689 atl'age 319. Said prell1iSL'S being kllDWD as 1735 Mason Drive. CUlehogue, New Yurk 11935. 'I'OGETIIER wilb all right. litle and inlClI.'!lI, if BIIY. uf the parly of the 1ir..1 pan in and to any stn...,1S and roods abulting !he above dCliCribc:d premises to tllC eelller lines thell.'Uf; 1'OGE11IER witll Ihc appuncrumces and all tlle L'Slate and righlS of the pany of Ibe lillil pan ill and LD said PII.'11Iisc:S; TO HA VI!: AND 1'0 HOLD Ibe prcmisL'S hen:in grollllL-.l unlo the pony ..I' Ibe second pan, Ihc heirs or successors and :lSSi8ns of dIe (lany of Ibe SL'\.'Ond pan rorcvcr. AI\I) Ibe parly of Ibe lirsl pan CDven:lnlS Ibal tlle part). of Ibe lirsl pan has 1101 done or surrell.-.l anylilillg wherehy liIe said pll.'IDiscs have bL'\.'11 e""ulllh..'n,d in ony way whatever. exccpt"" arorL'Said. A.'lill Ihc pany of Ihc lirst pan ill eumpliulIl:1.' Witll SL'Ction 13 ur tlle Lien l..llw, ellVL..lllIlts thilt Ihc pany 01' tlIe IUsl parl willll.'Ceive Ihc eOllllideraliun ror tlli~ CllllveyllllCC and ,,;11 hoW Ihc right to rec:eh-c Nell cDosidemUon as a ll'lISl fUlld [(l he applK.'d tirst for Ihc pUrpo5C of paying Ib" CDSt of the improv"'Illenl and will apply Ihc same lirst to tlle payulent of Ihc cost of the improvcoll.'nt before using BlIY pan ol'lbe l&lIal of the satIll.' for any oIher purpose. TIle work "party" shall be COlISlnIed as if it n:ad "pllllics" whenever the sellse of Ibis indenlure so n:quirL'S, I~ WIT"'"ESS WHKREOF. tlle pany or Ihe lirst parl bas duly eXL'I.'ULL..J lhis deL'\! tlle day and year firS! above wriu,-an. ;;=-~f~ ~[). DOROTHY A. R~AS 7~ STATE OF NEW YORK. COmITY OF 5UFFOLK SS.: On the z.. S- day of NUlIL'mlx:r. 2005, belore me. the UI1lh:rsignl.'C!. personally llf'pelll'l.'II DOROTHY DROOGAN a/kla DOROTHY A. DROOGAN. personally known 10 me or pro\'ed lu me UII dIe basis of SlIIisfnc:tory evid.~l.-': LO Ix: the indi\'idual(s) who,", nnl~S) is lare) suhocrib.'ll lu the widlin inslrumenl llIld acknuwl.'llg.'ll LO me mal he/she/they eX.'I."UlL'll me same in hislher/lheir eap:u:ityCies), and dUll by hWhcrllho:ir signuIUn:(S) 011 lho: inslrulllL"Ill. the individualCs). ur me person upun b.:half of which the individual(s) SCI.'(). ex.'Cutcd lhc instrumeu!. STATE OF NEW YORK, COliNTY OF 55.: 00 dIe day of 2111l5. Ix:fon: me person:llly eame 10 l1Il: known. who being by lIIIO dul)' sworn. did w.'pose and say lhaI he ~'Sich.'S al So. : WI he is lhc of lhc eorpor3lioll lh.'Serilx:d ill Md which ex...."UlCd lhc liJn:going instrument; lhat he knows the lIClIl of !llIid eurpor:llion: lhat lhc leal affix.'() 10 snid instrulllL'III is sueh corporale seal; thai II was Stl afrlxcd by order of the board of din:elOrs of said corpol'llliun. and WI Ix: siJlncd h name lhcr.lll by like urder. nutory '. QurrcLAlM DEED DOROTHY DROOGAN aIkIa DOROTHY A, DROOGAN TO TERE='ICE J. DROOGAN as TRUSTEE OF THE DOROTHY A.DROOGANIRREVOCABLETRUSr . 5TATE OF I'EW YORK. COUNTY OF 55.: On lho: day uf , 2005. befure l1Il:, the undersigned. personally uppca~'II , personally known 10 me or (lI'o\'ed 10 me on du: basis uf salisfacLOry evid.'III:e to be dIe ituJividual(s) whose 11311II.'(s) is Carc) suhscrib.'lllo the within UlSlrwlll."Il1 and acknow1edlll-'ll IU me thai Iu:/llhcllhey ex.,,:ulCd the same in hisllu:rllho:ir C1lpucily(ics), and thai by lIislher/dlcir sillROlur<(S) on the instrumenL. the individual(s), or lho: per!lOn upon behalf of which the individual(s) acled. eXCI.'Uled the instrumenl. IIOllIry 5TATE OF I'EW YORK. COUJIoTY OF 55.: 011 the day of 2005, III:lill1l me, tile undersiglK.'d, pcrsunully uppeun:d , lho: subscribing wilncss lu the fon'll"ing instrunll."Ill. with whom I am personally ;u:quaintcd. WilD being by me duly sworn. did depose and say dIal he/she/die)' n:silh.'(s) in . (if the pial..., of ~'Sidell"" is in a eity, include thc SII\.'C1 and street number. if any, ~'OO : WI he/she/they knoW(s) 10 be lho: individual described in and who ~xcculcd lh~ foregoing instrumenl; thai said subseribing wilDeSS was prescnt" and saw said execute the SlIIIlI:; Md WI said willll:SS aI the same time subserib.'ll hislhcr/their DMII.'(s) as witness thereto. . lIOilIry SFLTIUN 104 BLOCK 6 LOI' 17.1 COUNTVOR1"QWII SUFFOLK RETURN BY MAIL. TO: Nancy Burner, P.C. 46 Route 25A Suite 4 St.'llIUkel, New York 11733 [1];z , This document will be public record. Please remove all Social Security Numbers prior to recording. RECORDED 2006 Oct 03 02:01:20 PM Judi m A. Pascale CLERK OF 5I.FFOLf( COl.tlTV L 0000124n P 228 . DTI 06-07878 Number of pages Deed , Mortgage Instrument Deed' Mortgage Tall Stu.mp FEES Recording' Filing Slamps 3 EA-S2 17 (C.?unty I EA-S2171.Slale) S Sub Total 1<'= '5J=- :J.Ll Mllrtguge AmI. I. Bo...ie Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssil. or Spec. 'Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town ~ Dual County _ Held for Appoinlmen~ Transfer Tax ':X::i:- _ Mansion l'dX Page' Filing Fcc Handling 5. ..!l!L S TP-5114 NOllltion Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 R.P.T.S.A. Affidavil Grand Tow ( "J-S I~V V The property covered by !his mortguge is or will be improved by a one III Iwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriale lUX clause lIn page # of Ihis instrument. ,. Certified Copy NYS Su~hu.rge Olher 15. ...QQ.... Sub TOlal 4 Di 1000 10400 0600 017001 S CoIDJDUDlty Preaenatlon FuIld Ii SatisfuclillnslDischargclJRclcl~'iC~ LiSI property OWDCrs Mailing Address RECORD &: RETURN TO: -~.\ HURNER l~ "I I c~6ks &'SM111FLLP ....._. 0.1_ ............. ._' ATrOR:':1lYS AT lAW . 46 RoITI'E 25-'\. SUlTI! 4 . SJrrAUICBT. NY 11733 $ Real Po \ Tux Ser Agen( Verifiell Consideration Amount $ Improved TO Vacanl Lund 10 TO TO Mail to: Judith A. Pascale, Suffolk County Clerk 310 Center Drive. Riverhead. NY 11901 www.suffolkcountyny.gov/clerk 7 Title Com n Information ClI.Name TItle # 8 Suffolk Coun Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of !he allllched made by: ---1J 0 ro+'n , \ \.\rr>1(,) ~ f) (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The prcmi~es herein is ~itualcd in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ~ TO renCQ. oS D-z::x,~ ~t',-, In the TOWN of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU H MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK I~K ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument. DBBOS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Number . 06-0096548 TRANSFBR TAX NDHBBR: 06-07878 Recorded. At. 10/03t:z006 02:01.20 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012472 228 District. 1000 Section: Block. 104.00 06.00 BXAMINBD AND CBARGBO AS POLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 017.001 Deed Amount: Page/Filing COB BA- C'l'Y TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Por Above Instrument z....""'Ipt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling !lYS SRCHG BA-STATB Cert.Copies SCTM CODIIII.Pres I'ees Paid $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $149.00 Bxempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Received the 1'0 1 lowing Pees TRANSI'BR TAX NUMBBR: 06-07878 THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE INSTRtlMBN'l' THIS IS NOT A BILL JUdith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County C1. SWlS Code PLE~E TYPE oifPRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:/' www.orps.stale.ny.uB or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT *. '. -', .. ~. . BTATE OF MlW YOM STATE BOARD OF ROAI.. P!lOPBITY llMVlCES FOR COUNTY USE ONLY RP - 5217 Rl'-DIlIh, JWI PROPERlY INFOR~,All0N 1. "'-'" I 1735 Loatlan1b .....,- Southold arfQlllC!W" Hason Drive IJ1Il[T NMIf. I Cu_~cho2ue - 111935 "'COIlI z.""" - Terence J. Droo2an as Trustee of the Dorolthy A. DrooiAn ITre.vnl!R.hlf!J TTII~t' LAlIT NAMI! ICDMMNY MIT JIAIlI! LAIT NAME, COWA'IfY FtRITNMI: 3. Tu Indic:afI whl,. Murt Tax BiUs... to bt.-d: 1 MIng ff_lhIn~_"'_.f1.rml. -- I NIf N.lIIII CO'W'MV rlftST J&AMI .rllUT NUMItIII AHUsrnu.r fMN( CITY 011 TOWN .rATI "'COllI! 5'~1 - _FUr Ixl atPIH IORI .~. .3 4 IOnly . Port '" . PwaoII a-k _ dloy oppIy: 4A. PIInnIng BaIrd wiIh Subdlvilion AuIhority e.- 0 ... -- Approval.... Required lor T.._ 0 .oc. P.."" Ap_tor SuIldlYillon wllh Mop - 0 t. IndIate the num.r GllbMMmenl: Ran ...- tr......,.d an"" _ 11 , of Parcell OR 0 p.rt uf a PlrcoI &......, _. I Droogan, Dorothy alkla Droogan, Dorothy A~ LA'rNA-..'~ HIIII ......... ..qy NAIll! ICQllNNV f'JRIThAW 7. ChecIr: th...1NIow which most HCU..... _1GI'1bR _ .... af dIe.....-rtY -' th. tIm. of ....: A~ Quo Fomily _'a1 1& 2 or 3 F.mily Ruidlnti.1 C R.-..... Yocom LInd D NOn RelldDnUol VICIni Unci I SAlE INFORMAllON , 11. Sol. Contr_ ..... NONE B ~ Aoricuburol I ~ CarnmuniIy Sonrico I':' CommerciI! J hkaslraaJ o _. -K PubUcSorvko H E_'nmonl/_ I. Faroot a.- ... _ _" dloy oppIy; .. ~p Typo 10 Condamln'um .. Naw ConIUUl:dan on Vec.m und lOA. .......... LocoIod _ on Ao_1 DiIlrIc:l 1GB. Buyer ..-v.d . dildolur, notice Indiclung Ihar. lh8 property illn III AQricullurlll DiIbic:I o o o o 12. 0..1 .. ....1 TN""", Iv /1.,/v ~ "ft. J / / /).<;, 6<{( MInh a.v v.,. 1I5.ChIcIl_ormorarl.....-. _. ..- ..........-.: S.... BaIwoon Rclml.,.. or Form... FWIItfveI s... Bcwwn R.... Camp..... or P.tlners In Bullneu One of lhe BIIVWIII eIIo . Seller Suyor or Soller" Gowmm.,1 Agency or Lending InItltutlon Oood Typo .... Wuronly or ~In ..d Solo lSpodly Solow! Silo 01 F_no! or Lns thon F.. 'mo_ISpocIIy _I Slgnlf_l Chonga In _ -. T_ SIotuo end Sor. 001 Sa'- of ~ illncluded in !We Price OIhIr Unuo... F-.o A_ng Sole PriGo ISpocIIy Below! Nana Transfer to Trust 13. Full Solo Pri.. , ,,0.0,0 I , , . IFul1 5.. Pric:t i. lhe 101'.1 amount: paid for lhe property incItdng Pll'IOnll property. ThiI pr,menlmey be in the Iorm of cah. 0IhIr property or gooda. or .... IllUl'nl)lion of rnorIgIpI or other obIigllrons..l "..,. round 10 rINI neaNII wit. doUM MMNRIt. 14.1_,.................... I 0 0 I __In,..._ . . . .0 ASSESSMENT INFORMAll0N . 0010 Mould ..noct ....1....1 Finol_nt Roll Ind To Bill 1":-w."'~"::""1 0304 1 17.T....__""....._lntr_, 1 ; ~ 7 . 5 0 0 I , "."'-rtyClolo 12. 1,0 I-U 1.._or__' MattHurlc ll"hnnl 2Il. T.. Mop _, RoI....-.oIIH....1henlour. _ __ __l1li11 1000 - 104 - 6 - 17.1 I I CERllRCA110N I l..rtIfy Ihot... rrllllo 1-. "'1_ ._... ..... rllnll ... ......... __ fib IIw ..... or "'1........... ond boIidI .- I uad_1IwI1Iw _. or...y wIIlruI ...... _...... at _1nIoI roct ......... wtllIlIbjm .,. Ib IIw __ or '110 ...... low ......... Ib IIw __ uad IiIIIq! at r..... bod......... ~ BUYER'S AlTORNEY ;?~..pi-?~ ,;v~~ I <S~OS'" .." Burner ........... I Nancy "'"'- 1735 Mason Drive 11....11rtaM.1oV'...~ 631 '1IIU.INUMlIU ....COllI 941-3434 lIlSl'HOM' NUMIl!Il STAlL 11935 """" "" Cutchogue CRVlJI"""" INY SELLER NEW YORK STATE COPY )(fkrltlJ.Onr-' /1~.J{'.tJS' ....