HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12421 P 558 MRR-23-2007 07:41 SC Real Propert~ 531 852 1555 P.04/07 "I , .' ~.._-. . \t~V\ ~ t-.'1 . '0"/ ~ I G)... .- -.'''. /0 Y-7 - So BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM lIOO2 (Ihort "Inion), FORM 8lI07 (Jo"1 "Inion) CAUTION: 1HIS AGRF.llMSlITSHOUIJ) III! PlEPA.15D IIY II' ATrOltNEy II."IllREVII!lIIIlODY ATTllIIII1!YS RIa SI!IJ.J!R A.'\II) PUIICIlASl!II BIIFOIlIl SIGIIIING. THD INDBN7'IIIlI!, IIIalIe the tile 2"'" ofOl:lobcl'. 2005, / ....-.. Priscilla t.cwl raidinJlIll Linda Lene Eesc. Ri-"-d, NY.) 1901; Kalhl)'n Hartmlnn raiding.. 33710 MIin RoId. Culchape. NY 1191)l'DocoIIly AIbRdd, raidiRl at aS5 WcstYicw Drive, MllliIlIc:Jo; NY 11952; KathI)'n ttInnwIin, TIIIIIIlIl for die ThoIllU Kins TIII5I, residinB It 33710 Main ROlId. CuIdIaaue. NY 11935. and 111_ Ki, -dins 11229 MlIIIlIUk Hipway. HIIIIJIIOIl$ Bay, NY, U llmIIIlS-in-commOll put)' of tile fiJlt pan. and b. ~ fIl/ ~ RaymandR. Raimundi,Jr.nlADn s.~ ~~~,NewYcd, New York 10021 pIlt,y of tile second pIIIt, WITNES9J!TH. dlat die put)' oftbc fin! pan, In cGlllidcndion of 10.00 doli_lawfUl money ortbe United Swes, paid by the plAy oflhc IeI:Dlld pan, does bneby ...... and "'.... unID Ihe put,)' of tbr RCOnd pan. die hein Cll' _!110ft and usi8M oflhe party of IIIe seeOlld put f_, ALL that CCI1Bin plOl, pia:c or p&m!1 of land, willi tile buildi.......d Im)llOvcmems Ihcnon CI'IlCIlld, siIuatl:. IyiIlJ UId beina in the Town of SouIhoId, County of SulTolk. S_ of New York UId man: plllticv1lrly ducriblld in Sdtcdulc A IlIached 1IereIv. As 10. 50% In_51 : By Deed from Pri.,i1ba Lewin, U TIIISIIe onhe KIlh~ M. Reeve PcnonaI Residence Till" _ed pur&UBIIt 10 a Tnut ApmncnI clad NobcmlJlllr U. 1996, dIted 1Y27",.... ...,.nICd 02103IOO in I.iber 12011 pip 252 10 : Prisc:illa Lewin, u to In undivided 113111 inte..1t; Kalhl)'l1 HIIItmuIn, 1$ to 8IIl1ndiYidcd l/lith inreresr. Tbomu Itins. u 10. undivided II&h in~ Dorolhy AIbm:h1, .. to 8ft undiYided IlJrd miens\; and As to Ihr ~_iainJ SO% Imrmt : By Deed flum PriKiII. Lewin, u TrusIce gflhe Kllhl)'n M. RI!lIW Personal Residenc:e Tru.. craIl:d punllUlt III . Trust Asr-em dared February 15.2001, da.m 06112105 and I'KOnIed Oll109t'll5 in Uber 12402 JIIP 7S71o: I(YSIM's 1f_1~""", IlnI EII-....... ,MIa) .o2Olll__ACa.I_.'IIoI_Ia"-. .. . MAR-23-2007 11:08 SC Real Propert~ 531 852 1555 P.0l/01 " .'- Fa. No: "HDS3D3M3 SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION AMENDED 10/21/05 ALL thllt certain Plot, IIIece or IIiImll of 'and, siluilte, lying and being at east CUldlague, In the Tuwn of Suullluld, Cclunty of Surru'k and 5tatI! of New "art.: BEGINNING at an Irvn pipe on tf1e SClutl1erly side of Mason Drive distant 75,34 feet westerl" from the COmer lilrmllll by the Intersection of tI1e &aid SDutherf" side of Muon Drlve IIIIlth the IIIIesterIJr SIcle or IlrlIadlllllten; Drive; RUNNING THENa Sclulh 12 degrees tl8 minutes 10 Sl!ClInds East, 266.82 rect to the aver.llle h1ghWfter mart( of HIl'llllaters Cave along 'and now or Formerlr or Abrahams; THENCE along the said Ivrl'llge hlgIMater mat'll or H'I'IIIIater$ Cove Ihe rollo"'ng (7) seven lie line courses and distances: I. South 86 clerlrees 09 minutes 18 seconds West, 44.01 feet; SOUth.67 degrees 09 minutes 015eQmcls West. 29.14 "'et; South 15 deg_ 54 minutes 50 lhlCOtlds West, 22.24 Feet; North 8] degllleS 46 minutes 47 seCOnds West, 29,]1 feet; Scluth49 degrees 52 m'nUlu 27 minute West, 14.47 reet:; South J7 degrees 55 minutes 42 _ds West, 41.18 reet; South 78 deg_s DO minutes J71eCOnds West, 70.18 reat to land /lOw or formerIJr of Will'8IlI 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. J.Smith; THENCE llong said lands North 12 degrees 08 minutes 10 seCOnds West 287.85 feet to tile SOUtherfr side of Mason Drive, It an Iron PIpe thereln; THENCE North 72 degll!es 24 m'nutes JO Rconds East along said SCllItherly SIde or Mason Drive 226.02 reet to the point or pllCe of BEGINNING. ALTA 0I0mer-. PolICY (10-11-'2) TOTAL P.01 MAR-23-2007 07:41 SC Real Propert~ 631 852 1566 P.03/07 . .. .:,r .. _. Cedi_ , _Of. . Dood'Madpp~ _. 21m 110./ 23 oe:>>I:!II1lII ~d p.~i" a.DIt IF !iJFl'1lUC ClUlTY L OOllQl~21 PSilll OT1 a:t-16334 . . N...."of_ 10IUlENS 3 Dood I M......1U _, ... .........' FiIiq -... $:) s. .J!!L ~~€i~ /'m' --..,.', .~; ~ ' ..' '~~ . I:; i~ .;-:+-_.Jl ,,~.~C(~)' , Manpp AmI. I. _'\1q 2. _Tax SobTOIIII S..../AIII.. or Speo.'Add. Tl1I'. MTO. TAX Dull 'IbwII_ DuoI OlualJ _ H.Mb~ Cer1U _ _TbIl I _ ",. JIIVP""" .., Ihio .......... is or wlU lie IlIIpnwcd ..,. . _ or twO IiomiIJ d...u..lIIIIy. YES or NO II'NO. _ ~ 1M ...... an ..... _ oflhil i/lotnI...... ....." PIli.. Foe _1111 TP.5114 PI....I... S. lJO EA-52 17 tc-IJI EA-5217 (5_> R.P.T.5.A. ---So-. of lid. AITHlMI Callr....Copy NYS ......... 0dI0r Sub 'IbIa. 15. GO Sub '\btd OIW '\btd fuz~ . _I~ " ... H....... ~~:~58 1000 1DIDD D7DD DDIDDD ~^ .- _"""--LiII,",,",,,_ Moi6n._ , RICOIID al1m1Ul TO: ~t.11/f11 (! t:o#-.DY.{ E;:S. I'o~ (,4" "'~ NI'IPS,;/. _1Md_ TO TO TO 7 'Dill! 11.... Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorseme t Pa e 'Jet'd -411 fSPfCII'YTYPBOI' INSTRUMIlNT/ /Q.rar,cll i;;t A'HHL:JIINf.e:. l1le "'-_11_ ill ~A:I_!lIJ!!!.Jl_KlNJ. _ SIlFRlI.ItCOUlfTY.PlEWYORK. mTiii7~ . TO 'n\lloT_,ut _c.._A ~""~=~-';;jf. ~ 'n\lloVlIMOB Jl,UfJ: UN, hoJ ~ orlWlurr.r lvR#i:N/JE BOXIS If 'I1IRU . MUST 8E TYPED OR PRINIED IN lILAC\( INX otILY PRIOR TO IIIlCOIlDII'IO OR P1UNO. (......, 8 110ia _ (OI'IJII puI aftllf__ -by. MAR-23-2007 07:40 SC Real Property 631 852 1566 P.02/07 11111111111111111111111I IIIIIIIIII~I Du..",LK ~."I..:I CLBJUt RBeORDS OPnCII DCORDDG PAGB om- of IIuI"-t. nll:,.I...11lDD ___I:' of ...,... 7 Receipt~ I 05-0122189 !L'lWlSI'D. 'fAX IIUIIIIBlh 05-1&3340 Ma0d84. At. 11/23/2005 08.20.38 All LIBRa PASIlr D000124021 558 D:I..t;z':l.ct. 1000 S_t:l.CIDI 10".00 B10cJu 07.00 Lot: I 006.000 Ua_T"lf"- MID amJUID U PGLLOWB Deeel a.oaat:. $1.,IS,OOO.OO aece:l.'V8t!I ~ Fvl1aw:1.all ..... hZ' AIlon :bwt~t "l - \. .n _t hge/l'iliDg '21.00 ., .--~'lII. $!I. 00 ., COB $5.00 ., ft8 8RaIG $15.00 ., "'-C'fY $!I. 00 m "'-8'1'&" '75.00 ., ftt- 5'" $5.00 ., cen.c:opl.. 80.00 110 JlPl' '30.00 110 lIC'1'II '0.00 110 '1TaIuIfer 1:_ '7.980.00 110 1IIIa.1011 '1'_ $1',950.00 110 ~.l'I:'.. $36.900.00 110 ......d4 "".991.00 '1'IlAIIP'a '1'U 1Jl........... 05-1633" 'JlJtt8 PACDI %8 A .AJlIr OP IJBB DIJtt-.~.A A,.; '1'11:1:8 ZB 110'1' A .:ELL Mwad ...~.._- Cauat:y elak, IIaffo1Jl cou:at:r