HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12376 P 481 .. . ( 6~ - I L -I L..OI " ~ LIJ.-)7~ P <-1~1 ADMINISTRATOR'S DEED FORM 8005-8 /'AIfT1AJN: CONSUJ.T YOUR loA WYER Bf:I~RE SIG~NG THIS INSTRUMENT. TIlL~ INSTRU~IENT SKOUW BE USEn UY l.A WYEKS 01'1. Y. ,."" / THIS INDENTURE, made the" L '-"', 2005, Y f'OIlI.otR)' 1'1 , ) bel ween Marie F. Tallersall as adminislrator of the Estate of Joseph P. Fleming. late 0075 Wunewella Road, Cutchogue, New Yor1c 11935 who died intestate on the Nineteenth day of August, Two Thousand Four, party of the lirst pan. and F. Xavier Fleming of 116 Shields Avenue, Williston Park, New York 11596, party orthe second part, WITNESSETH, that whereas lellers of administration were issued to the party of the lirst part by the Surrogate's Court, Suffolk County, New York on October 21,2004 and by virtue of the power and authority given by Article II of the Estates, Powers and Trusts Law, and in consideration ofSIO.oo, paid by the party oflhe sl:cond part. docs hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the distributees or succeS!IOI'S and assigns of the party of the second part forever, ALL thai certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of South old, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York. Known and designated as Lot 200, on acertain map entitled "Amended Map A of Nassau Point" and liIed in the Office of the Clerk of Suffolk County on August 16, 1922 as Map No.. 156. TOGETHER with all right, title and interesl, ifany, of the party of the lirst part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of dccL-denl's dealh in said premises, and also the eslate therein, which the party of the lirst part has or has power to convey or dISpose of, whether individually, or otherwise, TO HA VE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unlo the party of the second pari, the distributes or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. NYSRA~ Rco;d.,uial Real &,... Fanns (I11OJ) C ZOOJMaw'" BcmJcr 4: Co..;I member or Ihe LnisNCll.is Gruup. . . AND lhe party of lhe first part eovenants that the party of the first part has not done or sulTered lUIything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, excepl as aforesaid. Subject to the trust fund provisions of seetion thirteen of the Lien Law. The word "party. shall be construed as if it read "parties" wh~-never the sense of this indenture 50 requires. IN H1TNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed Ihis deed lhe day and ycar first above wrillen.. 144 f-7~4.gJ Milne F. Tauersall IN PRESENCE OF: YV\~~ Acknowledgment by a Person Outside New York Stale (RPL ~ 309-b) STATE OF VERMONT l " '0 . I A. )ss.: COUNTY OF ~'-' ) On the It/. day of ~ in lhe year..fa> S ,before me, thc undersigncd. personally appeared Marie F. Tallmall personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of salis factory evidence to be the individual(s) whose name(sl is (are) subscribed to Ihe within instrumenl and acknowledged 10 me thatshc execuled the same in her capacily(ies), and lhat by her signature(s) on the instrument, the indi,'idual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed Ihe instrument. (sIgnature d office of individual taking acknowlL'dgmcnt) U>M"'I. 6,,7 ~-lo-07. NVSR"'~ RcsIcltnli.11Il:a1 Eslalc Fonns (11103) o 2U03Mauhcw Bender.. C,,,, iI membrrnfdlc Lcx.lS~exis (iroup. .2. ;, . . . . .. . . . NA1IONAL LAND TENURE co.. LLC 900 MeIChanl8 ConcaUII8 SuII8 201 WIIIbWY. NY 11_ Title No. rJI...T.5~ 71P35o ( Marie Tallersall To F. Xavier Fleming Section 1 0400 Block 1200 Lot 001000 County or Town Suffolk, Southold Street Address 59S Wunewella Road CUlchogue. New York Return By Mail To: Raymond A. Fleck. Jr Fleck. Fleck & Fleck 1205 Franklin Avenue. Suite 300 Garden City. NY 11530 Rrterve This Space For Use or Rccording Office N\'SRA'ti Raiidcnliill Real Eai&illc: Forms (IIIOJ) .3. C 20fl3MILlhcw Dmdl'f &: ('n., II mc..ombL'I orthe Le.tisSe.\u Group, . . [i]z Number of pages . TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Kar 1403:18,27 PM Edward P.Roaaine CLERI: OF SUFFOlK COUHTV L ??oo12376 P 481 uTi 04-32573 Serial 1# Certificate It Prior Ctf. 1# Deed I Mongage Instrument Deed I Mongage Tax Slamp I-"EES Recording I Filing SlaITIpS 3 Comm. of Ed. 5. ()() 'Y Mortgage AmL J. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOlal SpecJAssil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town _ Dun! County __ . Held for Appointment . TransrerTax (J) Mansion Tax The propeny covered by lhi~ mongage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see approprilllc lax clause on page 1# of this instrument. Page I Filing Pee .Handling TP-584 5. 00 Notatiun EA-52 17 (County) Sub Total BA.5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. .~= Affidavit. Cenified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15. 00 Sub Total . Grand Total a. Y: Ch. -- .J \J~ Section I()t/. 00 Block:": I Z. t)O Lot 0 0 J. 000 S Community Preservation Fund 10400 1200 001000 CoJ:lsideration Amount $ Raymond A. Fleck, Ir. FlCl:k, Fleek & Fleck 1205 Franklin Avenue, Suite 300 Garden City, NY 11530 CPF Tax Due S Improved Vacant Land )( TO \0' TO TO 6 SlIIisraclilllllllDischargcsIReleascs List Propcny OWDCrs Mailing Addrell5 RECORD '" RETURN TO: 7 8 . This page forms part of lhe allachcd made by: bt-a.-k o~ ~se\~ 111111111111111111111I11111111111111I1111I1111111111111 111111I111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instruments DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0026656 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-32573 Recorded. At: 03/14/2005 03:18:27 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012376 481 District. 1000 Section: 104.00 1rY"MJ:NED AND $0.00 Block. 12.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 001. 000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO BYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $242.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-32573 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE TYPEOR-PRES:fFiRMLynWHENWRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orputate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 1'-1, r.~~,g,~ * C2. DI18llHd Rocordod I -3 I I '-( .,.CJ~ , . .' t. . JlII ~ VII' " C3.IIaoIII/, ~,..3. 7,7;'11:4.'0801 ,4.1,1 1 \0.. -~ PROPERTY INFORMATION FOR COUNTY USE ONLY CI. SWIS Codo REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF _ YORK STATE aOARD Of lEAL _TV SUVlCEll RP - 5217 .,.,ll7ar,JIIn 1.......-1 _ 59<r L.....on S11IEET ....1IPl Southold Wunewetta Road lITIIEI.TNAIII ........ Nomo C1rrClltIOWN Fleming LMT N"" COW'AI\IY ....... I 11935 I "'CODE Cutchogue F. Xavier '.ITNAIIf lAITNMtl'~y ....,- 3. T.1Il indicia wIwa hItunt Ta BillI Ire to be .11I I 1I11n. ~__blJytr_lIl_m"_I. - f I.E1'vIItJ6- LAlT NUC lCOUNNY 1=. ><.4 V /61l.. 1lOOIT_ !,!..~..2}J~.N.J.V' W/U-ISrolll PA-U. gr-.QIITDWN I <<-'1' /J~(. 6. Indle'" IhI number at AaelI,.nl Roll....... tlanderr... .. .... .... I . of Parcell OR 0 Pan of D PercoI ~IORI . H 'NICS' . 10nIy I ..... a10 PIRIII CIodl .Illoy oppIy: 4A. PIIrving _ _ SubdMsIan ",""",;ay e.;,.. 0 ... SubdIvIoian _ _ _ far T..".,., 0 4C.......__bSulldiv__MopPr_ 0 5. =.... I ... IRDNTFiir lX' I. .....r ""mo Tattersall LAlTNAMII,~ ~T NAMII ,cgMMNY Marie as Administrator of the I ~~Estate of Joseph P. Fleming I """lIM1l! 7. ctIedl lhe bolll below which molt """." dncrIbn the 11M aI .... praperty at t'" 11m. of ..1_; n. 8.'. Can1r_ 0... N' Qwdc'IM boua billow _ III.., appIv: .. 0wn0rIhip Typo .. c:..-ninNm I ~ Communily Service .. ~ CanIuuctIan on Vacant UJncI J IndUllr1l:1 1M. Propatcy lacIIlIld wiltlIn.., Aa~ DIanc:I K Public Service 1DB.1kttw received . dIIcIoIure nodct ~Ing L F..... "'" IN _ ,..... AgrlcuOwIoI_1cl 1&. a..cIc.. or .... 01 .....1OI'IditIons.. ....... to ~ A Solo Betwoen RalItivu or FClI1TIIr IWMrveI R hie B_n Relahld Compenlol or PIutncrs in BUlIn.. C Ono at IN ...... .. _ . _r D Buvur Dr Sollar Is Gavornmant. Agency or Lonclng Inslllullon F. Typo nat Wlllrranly or Bwgaln n SIlo tSpocify 1Wow) F SeIe of FrllCtlonal Of' L.. ttYn Fee Inter8II (Spedfy 8elawI o S/gnKIcan' Chong. In Praponyllet_ T...bIo so.... end _ 0.- Il Solo allluol_lIlndudod In Solo Pnco I 01... U......I F_.. All...... _ Prl<o ISpocIIy Solowl J N... o o o o A~- 0... Family Ruldonllll IS 2 Dr 3 hmlly Re.l'deMiBI (~ Residonlial VKUd Land D Non-RnldetItWI VlClnt lind SALE INFO~MATlON E~ AGricultur.1 F ~ G Apanmanl H Enlllftainmanl' Am........rrt 12. Deta .. .... , TraMlar :2 I I Y I eJ~1 Monlh o.r V.... . ,YO,OI , , . (Full Sole Prico i. me 10111 .mDunt paid for the prClpllty including parmt\l1 proporty. . This peymanllT1lY be In IN fgrm 01 CIIh, OIhll' property 01' goods. or the MMnPtion of martgllDII or other obllgMionll.. PINA round 10 ". 1INIDSf"""" dtJUM..-nount 14....._11Io......._.. I Ko, 0 i __1011Io_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 011I should reflect thelatUl Flnll As....mlnt Ralllnd TI. Bill 16. ~:"aI';:':;;;:'Mu': hm ~ 11, T.... _ VoIuo laI.. _In _.. I ; I............C.... I~. I ,I I-U 19._DIolrictN_ I SO~o( J 13. Ful,.... PrIce :;;:~-r~~~::r~:J ; '2.00 , . . I , 28. Tax ... Identilier(aJ , RDlIIdentifiIrisJ III more thin 'OW. mBah ...... with McIIUoneI ......1... Sec. 10400, Blk 1200. Lot 001000 I -O~ SIt- 100(; I I CERTIFICATION I I ftI1if';r dull . ~ tbe IIems ~ bd'al'lllldloa cllll'nd c. Ibi\ fOnD IIR' Irur and CWTert cto dw ..... uI'.., bow...... IUId belief) aDd I ....naad thai ..... 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