HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12376 P 480 .' . . . .. . (Of~P.,-3 HQUS~ l 'I d-- )1 Jo P 1.f:~6 ADMINISTRA TOR'S.DEED FORM 8005-8 J C AITllON: COSSULT Y~UR LAWYER BEFORE SIONISG T1IL~ INSTRUMf.NT. THIS INSTRUMF.N"r SHOUI.II BE USED IlY LAWYERS OSL Y. f\'f' THIS INDENTURE, made the PE:~"IlR'/ /II, 2005. hetween Marie F. Tattersall. As Adminislrlllor oflhc: Estate of Joseph P.Fleming as administrator oflhe Estate of Joseph I'. Fleming. late of375 Wunewetta Road. CUlchogue. New York 11935 who diL-d inlestall: on the Nineteenth day of Augusl. Two Thousand Four, party ofthe first part, and F. Xavier Fleming of 116 Shields Avenue, Williston Park. NY 11596, parly of the second part, WITNESSI:.'TH. lhat whereas letters ofadministralion were issued 10 Ihe party oflhe first part by lhe Surrogale's Court, Suffolk County, New York on Oclober 21, 2004 and by virtue of the power and authority gi\'CI1 by Aniele II of the Estales, Powers and Trusts Law, and in consideration of 10.00, paid by the party ofllle second pan. does hereby granl and release unto the party of the second part. the distribulees or successors and assigns of the party oflhc: second part forever, ALL lhal certain plot, piece or parcel of land. wilh the buildings and improvements thereon erecled, .bualC. lying and being in the Town ofSouthold, County of Suffolk and State or New York known and designaled as LoI No. 202 on a certain map enlilled "Amended Map A of Nassau Poin.... and filed in \he office oflhc e1erk of Suffolk Counly on Augusl 16, 1922 as Map No. 156. TOGETHER with all right, title and interes.. ifany. of the party of the fllSt part in and to any SlrCelS and roads abuning lhe above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also all the estate which the said decedenl had at the lime of decedent's death in said premises. and also the estate therein. which lhe party of the firsl part has or has power to conveyor dispose of, whether individually, or otherwise, TO IIA VE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unlo the party of the second pari. Ihe distribules or successors and assigns oflhe party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenanls lhat the party oflhe first part has nol done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, excepl as aforesaid. Subjecl to the trusl fund provisions ofseclion thirteen of the Lien Law. The word "pany" shall be construed as if il read .parties. whenever the sense of Ihis indenlure so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the firsl part has duly executed Ihis deed the day and year firsl above wrinen. I.I.~. r-r" d1 1"-t1Mf/, L..L~ 1lI.- ." Marie F. Taltersall ' IN PR"-'SENCE OF: NYSR,,', lUsidmlial Real F...1Iitcl:orrns (1IIUl) C JOOJMauhew RmcIcr a: ('0.,. rIII!!mber oflhe l.exisNl:Jl.is Graup .... ." . .. ~l~ Acknowledgment by a Person Outside New York SIBle (RPL f 309-b) 51""A ,.-~ OF VERMONT ) "11_ . 1. _ ))55,: COUNTY OF W v,,~ On the /4 day of ~.. in the ycan4IJO S" . before me, the undersigned. personally appcll!'ed Marie F. Tanersall personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the basis of satisfactory evidence.iO be the individual(s) whose namc(s) is (arc) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged 10 .)1i~.iilai.site~~utl:d the same in her capacity(ies). and thaI by her signature(s) on the instrument, the .' i~~(Xiciiih~~)~o11~iP.f~~'r; upon behalf of which the individual!s) acted, executed the instrument. .' i~t.>~'\~W,,~!11r..~' .IJ~' ';" .J, .,' " .'t-. .'~~"~"~~~''': ~ /il~ 'i~;~ ~iJ. ~j+:cej;~f:i~d;:iduaIIBking acknowledgment) &fia..J;:p.~," "'I~'ir'''I:, Ij' iJr' ,i ,ii:~ ~.....{[tjJ,,'V;~"1..~(;I. ,'. J' 'Ot.Vf,..-" . ",". If.f F ~\~"!t......~~ ')';;VI'"~'i. :.,:.10 .-)\' '.. :' ~~. ,'5,",IP .r~,? .1 ~,lof. . "ir'/'II,"'V:'.l."J'. t' 'J",f,,';. :.....:,c"J. . ::'~.:., lr.", . i.;H..",,' '1"\ }..,' . 1 '~l.' . i .- . '::' NVSIIA', Kaidcnlial Kul Ella.. Forms (11103) 4:) 200]~allhn.' Dcndcr.l Co... member ofw l.nilNexis ONup. .2. ... . .. '. ... Deed NATIONAL LAND lINURI! co., LLC 800 MenlhInla Concoul8I Sulle 201 WIIlbuIy, NY nllO TltI.No. ~1I..1_5i<:7{,.~S05" Marie F. Taltersall To F. Xavier Fleroing Section 10400 Block 1200 Lot 003000 County or Town Southold, Suffolk n""" Street Address ]''7.5" ","U(wC.~ ... \J >>F Cutchogue, New York II fS~ Return Bv Mall To: Raymond A. Fleck, Jr. Fleck, Fleck & Fleck 1205 Franklin Avenue. Suite 300 Garden City, NY 11530 Resen'e This SDace For Use or Recordinl! Office J NYSBA'. IUsldmlial Real Ella.. Fonns (111031 o 2003Malllll.'W ,_ a Co... member .rllle Lo:.i.Nex~ Group .J.. " . Number of pages' TORRENS 41 RECOROED 2005 H~r 14 03:18'27 PM Eduard P.Rollllline ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012376 P 480 Dn Q4-32S7Z Serial 1# Certiricate 1# Prior Ctf. 1# Deed I Mortgage Inalrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Slamp I'EIlS Recording I Filing Stamps 3 Page I Filing Fee Handling 5. J!Q.... TI'-584 Notation i. EA-52 17 (County) Sub Tolal EA-5217 (Slate) .=S:= = R.P.T.S.A. Comm, of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit. Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssit. or Spec.fAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Certified CIIPy NYS Surcharge Other Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for APPOintmen~ Transfer Tax Mansion Tax IS. 00 Sub Total . GrandTOIaI_l~, - The properly covered by Ibis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see approprillle tax clause on page II of Ibis instrument. o 4 Dist.lOOO Section /09-.Od Block 1:1.00 Lot 0Gl3.0cx.> 5 Community PreH"atloD Fund Real Propertl Tax Service Agency Verification ~O~~:85 1000 10400 1200 003000 RcwH A -MAR Consideration Amount $ -- - . .- .-- CPF Tax Due S. Improved )( Vacant Land 6 SalisfnctionslOi5ChargesIReleascs List Property Owners Mailing Addrells RECORD & RETURN TO: TO \Q - Raymond A. Fleck, Jr. Fleck, Fleck & Fleck 1205 Franklin Avenue, Suile 300 Garden City, NY 11530 TO TO 8 }..:::.-s Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e - \ )eecf (SPECIFY TYPti OF INSTRUMENT) Es-ia:k...of ~c;,-e...l7 FI eN") : If'o.q The premises tmin is situated in . ~ ...j SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. Sou+\,o\ d Co. Name 'nile II 7 . This page fllnns part of the attached mnde by: TO . In Ibe Township of _F. )(~vier Fler-.--,\('o,,'3 InlbeVILLAGf n I' t, . or HAMLET of Lut-~o~ -e... BOXES' THRU 8 MUST Bf TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORD OR FILING. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFJ:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0026656 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-32572 Recorded. At: 03/14/2005 03.18.27 PM LJ:BBR: PAGE: D00012376 480 District: 1000 Section. Block. 104.00 12.00 B.XAMJ:NED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Lot. 003.000 Deed JImount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument b""lpt Bx8lllpt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $152.00 TRANSFER TAX NOMBER. 04-32572 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTROMEHT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS"FiRMLY-WH'ENiNRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http;JI www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT FOR COUNTY USE ONLY It.(, 1,.5, ~,g, 'II ./ C2. DlttI Deod RlconIod I c3, I '-( ,{).5 I McMIDI COy Yl 0. _ I j, t:? ..:;5, ""1, (0 I C4. PogII L.(, , D, C1. sWIS Cod. PROPERlY INFORMATION ,.Pra_1 ~ '575" IT'IUT MlM.iIl I~ Wunewetta Road sr=-eTNA..: 2-luyer N... .....~i&rald !.~=~ANY LAST...../CilM'....Y I. Tax IndIcItt whirl fuIw. TIX &lis are 10 be sent ...... n _lhan buyo< _laI_m of......1 I Ad_ 1=t.6M IN6- LAST IWiIIi ICOWMY "ft. SHIE.Lf)S I'MII t.lJNR" AND StRUT NAY! A-Vc.. I tv IU I sre/oJ L TV 01 101M; .... Indl._ '1M numb... at....unent I Roll ~..... .,....,..,... on the died '-- * STATE OF NEW YORK ITAlE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 1tI'-J117~Mt1 cutchaque ....... I 11935 ....... F. Xavier _r_ ~ f, )(ItIlIE~ nJIITNoWi IIr/./t.. I IJ Y I IIs"tl. 5TATI! Zl'CClOt . (Only I.... "'. _I ~ -....._Ir. ...""""''''''____biala 0 48. SubdivIINon Appnwll wu RequiNd for Transfer 0 ".__""50__"'._ 0 I 'ofPllrull OR 0 PIIrtoflParcol 5. =rtv , BIzo Ixl pV-" IORI 1ftO'WT'IeT / QUIll ..-.. N.... Tattersall LAIr HAM! lCOtINN'I 'IC'IU ., Marie, as Admin. of the Estate of, FJIIII'JIMIE Llosepn ~. If.1.em~n9 LAST NAMl/CtJllll'MN Nll5THAMt a.II: the boI:_ below _ tt.,. .... .. OwMrahlp Type la Condominium .. Haw CoMtrucIIon on Vecant UncI 1GA. "'- l.acmd wiIIIin.. AgricuIIural DdUIc:t ,.. BuY" rK8incIe disclDlure noaa IndIcIting that the property it In an Agrlculhnl Diltrlct 7. Check the boa below wlllcll meta .......auty dlSCrlba the 11M of tile property at tM time of ..1.: ^ ~ One Family Relldonllal B rJ 2 or3 Famlty RaIidanNl C' '_, V..... La.. DLJ'Non R..idond.1 V...... Land I SALE INFORMATION I , I. .... CDntrMt o.te E~Ag'IcuIl"," " Cammon:IoI Ci Apartment H Emertl.inmenl , Am.....".. o o o o I ~ Conununily Sa"'" J _ K Public:S,rvIce L F..... , . ...e:O,OI , , . (Full Sale Prico is the IOIaI amount peld for the property includirag peqoRII property. This Plyn'lOnl tnIy be in the form 01 cash, other properly or goods. or rhe usumption of mortuauu. or other obligltionL) Pk:aM fOund to rM..,.., who,. dol"" dmOUnt. ,.._tho....."'........., I. ,u. 0 . 0 I property lndudecIln the ...., , . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dobo .hould roftoct Iho Iltllll Finol_..monl RoUlnd TI. Bill ,.. :-...aI-=~= tram ~ '7. Total........ V.....Iof.u ~ In trMIIall . . '.._CIou I~.I ,Ol-LJ ,.._IDIal....Na...1 ~~J.~ - , ~fh v_ .2. , /1I,t7SI -.. Do, V.., 12. Dice 01 ...., Tra....... I'. Full""""" 11. CIwdI .. or .... of..... CCIIIIIIIoM _..........10 .....-.: r\ SM hl\wen Relativt1 or Former R*IlIvB IS hie BIIWeIn Rtlf.ted Compuin or Par1nltnl in Busineu C One of "'" ........ _ . ..... o 8uYM' or !Wier .. GCMrrHnInI: Agency or lending Instilutlon E Deed Type not Wlrranty 0I"8Irgeln and SlllIe ISpecify BeIowI f Solo of Fractional or Loa 111M Foe _ __I (1 ~t Chenge in ProPII'IY a.w.n TP8bIe StIlus and SlI&e D8ICII .. Solo of_......1o 1_ In SaIo PrIco I Olhor Un...... F...... _no Solo Pric:o tSpecify IloIowI J Nano , , I.ro. tfOi , ZOo Tu Map IdenIHIer(.J I Raa ...........1-11. mDN th.m t.... atIch.... wIdt MIditIonaIldenlllertsJl Sec. 10400, Blk 1200, Lot 003000 I I --o~~ \ 0-0 I CERTIFICATION I 1 certII) thut ...,. thll! iIwn. 01 &.It......l.. 9mB 011 ... fona ItR' Iruf .. nll'l'a't (to the bu4 "'11II)' kal~IcdJr"" bcIIrf) IIIId . UDderJltaDd thal Ole maIdna or.., .11lUI1u1so ___ or .......iolllact _ wIIIllIl>jod me 1011Io .....w..u of IIlr _Ill" _. Iolbe .-ma oad IlIIotI or r.... _ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ,2-/'(-OJ ,." -1& .111..,.........11 I WtlI\8\1ekla n...,....a SIH6WJ AU&' I1Wl'fT lIMe 1N'1f" MU) /fnb 119:1i W/U,IS7QI C:a~ek9~"u,:" CITY eM mwr. PM-t.. C!Q~.t:A.81" I NY srA'. ZIJI' CDDf HY&!! ~/'/.JJ, IJJ~I Mar~~~ersall DA" Fleck Raymond ...r..... ........ 516 742-5200 ....- 1l\DOClN[ __ NEW YORK STATE COPY