HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12423 P 764 I. .'\. ,.. 1~I;,ZT;(3 I f 7G Lr I District: 1000 Section 106.00 Block 01.00 Lot 004.000 IO(p-I-Lf NY 015 - F.JIec:uI<<" Deed - ladividual or CorpanIian ISiap ShEd) (Nl'B11J 11005' CONSULT YOUR 1.'\ WYIiR BIlFOIIE S1CmNC 11"5 tNSTRIMENT - 11115 ~U~IE.'IT SHOULD BIl USIlll BY LA WnRll o.'IL Y THIS INDENTURE, made Ibe 5""'-day of ~ e.c. e. M 6 e.t' ,in thc year two thousand five BETIVEEN BElOIIS 8JIII'l' if) CAA.J)v.JtLJ...c.oIJLT, FW/l..IJ)f!,N..,'. ..3.:z1.37 as executor u: fi Ul:lk ) of AllGUST ,JOOSS a/k/ a AUGUST F. JOOSS Suffolk County, New York pany of lhc fillit part. and DEIOIIS 1IllBT, PATRICIA LO'rn. TER,R.EIl~,J . S aP4 CBIllSTIHA TALIERCIO, as Tell8Dts in Coamoo YC:ll '(L~ r residing at: 10 Cardwell Court, P a, New York 32137; 68 Crouse Lane West Yarmouth, Massachusetts 02673; 2740 Kuilei Street, #2502, Honolulu, Hawaii 96826; and 812 Fairview Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701, respectively, pany of the second part. WITNESSETH, that Lhc pany of me first part. by vinue oflbe power snd authority given in and by said last will and leSlament. and in consideration of the last will and teslamenl of. . late of . deceased. dollars. paid by the pany of the second pan. does hereby gram und relClll;c unlo the pany of the second pan. the heirs or successor.; and assigns of lIIe pony ofllle second pan fore\'Cr, ALL U1at cenain plol, piece or parcel ofland. wiUl Lhc buildings and improvemenL.lllereon erecled, sitWlle. lying and being in the hamlet of Mattiblck. Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, being more particularly boulKh,tl and described as follows: COMMENCING at a concrete monwnent set on !he Northerly linc of a cenain SO ft. right of way, anti ,,'h,ch concn.... monument bears IIIc following two courses and distances fiom Lhe point which is UIe Nonhwesterly tcnninus of Rulli Ro.d and !he Southeasterly comer of the lands of Bany E. Vreeland and Frank Wills: (I) South 76 dcgrc.:s ()l) minules 40 seconds Welll IS326 feel; (2) South 71 degrees 39 minutes 20 seconds WcsI412.0S feet; From said poim of beginning ruming in a NorthcrIy direction along the Westerly Ii.... of lands of Philippe L. Maiuejean Nonh 22 dclP'CI." 20 minutes 40 SL'Conds West 1,143.62 feet through three concn:le monuments lo Lhe high watcr line of Lon!: Island Sound: RUNNING TllENCE in a WeSterly din:ctiOll along UIe high water line of Long Island Sound, !he tie Ime of ...hich bears Soulll S7 degrees II minutes 20 seconds West 200 feet to olber lands of !he party oflbe fust pan; TllENCI:" in a Soulherly direction aJO"ll the Easterly line of said o!her lands ofllle party of !he first pan Soulll 22 degrees II minutes 40 secontls East 1.093.3S feet through two concrete monuments and to a mollWllC11t placed on UIe J'orIherly line of !he SO f.ocl private right of....y .bove refencd 10: THENCE in an Easterly direction along the Northerly Iiae of said 50 fOOl pri\'Ol< righ! of way Nonh 71 degrees 39 mirwtes 20 seconds East 200 feet lo thc concrete monurn:nl placed at the poinl or pl.cc of BECiINNING. TOGETIIER willi . right of way for purposes of access from Ruth Road to and from !he .ho\'c deSl.'1ibed propeny O\'CI !he SO 1'''''1 right of way adjoiDing !he abovc de....ribed propcny and adjoining !he lands of M.ilJ'Cj..n. Vreeland and Wills on the Soulherly side thereof. BEING AND INTENDI::O TO BE the same prami..,. conVl.oycd 10 August F. Jooss IIIId Mynis A. Jooss by prior Deed dated November 4, 1967 and recorded in !he 01rJce of the Clerk of !he County ofSulTolk on November 9. 1967 in Liber 6252. page 584. Mynis A. Jooss died a resident of the County of Soffolk. Slate of New York on 5eptrmbcr 21. 2003. , PREMISI::S CO/lfMONL1' KNOWN AS: 1400 lIIIlIl RIHIII, MlIIlilUc#l, N~", YDrA. TOGETHER wilh all right. title and interesl, if any, of Ibe party of lIIe first part in lIOd to any sIRets and roads abulling Ibe ahove described premises lo U1e center lines thereof: 1'O(;ETHER wiUllhe uppunenancc:s. and .]so all the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's dealh in said premises. and also the estitc the",in, which the pony of lhe first pan has or has power lo con\'ey or dispose of, whelhcr individWllly, or by vinue o(said will or oUlcrwisc; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Lhc premises herein granted unto Lhc pany of the second pari. Ihe heirs or successors and .ssigns of the pany of UIe second pan forevcr. AND the pany ofUlc first pan covenants that U1e party oflbe first pan has nol donc or suffered anything whereby IIIc said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever, except"" aforesaid. AND the party of IIIc finl! pari, in compliance wilh Section 13 of the Lien Law. covcnants that the pany of Ihc first pan will receive the consideration for lIIis conveyance .nd will hold the righlto receive such consideration .s. lroSI fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying.the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first 10 lIIe payment of the cost of the improvement before using any pan of U1e total of the same for any other purpose. The word Mpany" shall be construed as if it read "paJlies" whenever U1e sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF ,Ibe pany of Ihc first pan has duly executed lIIis deed the day and year first above wrillen. ESTATE OF AUGUST JOOSS a/k/a AUGUST F. JOOSS IN PHIlSF.SCE OF. BY:~"~<./ "?4A"g DE IS HUNT, Executor ..~ J'.. U~Ii~"K/IlU"1EDCiMENTFOlIM BELOwwnwINNEWY/lIKSTATll(JNLY: u''II!/oCllA'CJWU!DG.VENT /'URMBI!LOwwmlIN New )'URA' ST~T/iO.w.l": } 510; SlaleofNew York, CawIIy or ,...: SIaI.ofNew.York. County of On the day of in the: year ber"", ..... the: UIIlIcrsigncd. personoJly oppeated personally known to me or proved to me on the: basis of satisfaoto,y C\'idenee 10 be lhc: individwll(sl who!;c IWIIC(s) is (an:l5Ubscribcd to lhc: wilhin insuumelll and :u:Imowledged 10 me Ih:Il helshelthey ellA!CUled the ..m. in hislhcrllheir cap:u:;lylies). and !hat by hiVherlthoir !<ignalure(s) on die in5U\IIIICII~ lhe iDdi.idual(s). or lhe pe""n upon behalf of whidlthe: indi.idu.II., llCIed. e.ecured the ins\rUltlel1l. ACK;';OWIEDGMEl>T "'(JIlM FOIl USI< WmllN Nliw YORlr ST~Tll ONI,r: (Nrw rort SlIbBribUr, lI'bMU ArbwwlftIr,."" C~"i/kG"J SloleofNew York,CllUIIty of }.... On !he day of in lhc: year hefm: me.1hc undersigned, penmally "I'P""""I' the subocribing wilness 10 lhe roo:going ilL'bUmelll. widl whom I .,.; peMnolly acquainted, who, being by me duly sworn. did depose and say I"'" hclshellhey ...ide(s) ill It/llw pbK, of"skl""", is;'. aeily, indutlr 1M .lRnond .II_I IflIIIIber. if all}', rh,,.oj); !hat helsheIIhey Icnow(sl h' be: !he indi.idual described in and who exocured die fOlCgoing ...uurnenl; thai said subscribing wilneS.' WlIS present and saw said <"...'Ute the same; and thai said wi...... a1 lhc: ..... time subocribed hi>lhc:rllheir lIIIIIlC(SI as a wil..... then:lo. . CYNTHIAA. DIlT2 . . IIaIIIr NIIo. _a1F1ad111 Cl.. " .El!NIllrZJ._ t' ..' .IDII4lOQ:J ExEClTI'OR'S DEED lNDlYllXlo\l. DR COIPOIATIQIrl: TlluNo. ESTATE OF AUGUST JOOSS a/k/a AUGUST F. JOOSS. On !he day of in Ihe year befon: me.1hI: undmigned. personally appeared personally knowD to me or pro.... to me on !he bosi. of ..Li.<fllClory ..ide",'I: III be 1hI: individual(sl whose narnc(s) isC"") subs.:ribed In !he willtin instnUlltnl and ....knowled.... to nu: ""'I hclshdthey executed die same in hislher/lboir capacily(ies), and WI by hislherhhcir sij:nalun(s) 011 !he iIl.'bUme~ the indi.idual(s). or a.. I",,,,on Upoll hehalf of which the Indi.idualls) aclal. ....ulal !he instrumenl. ACIINOWI>>XJMllNf FORM FOIl USI!OUI:;1I)1i NAW fORK Sl....re O,~Lf: IOu' nJ Slaw (11' "'tJtr/p ~1fNIII AcbIcnl.~1II (;nUiCrlMI .!l:rATt:'!'Qf, ,r:WJl,J;I)~.., .CPJ!l!lX .Qf" ~J.Q.q.l.e(.I...: (Cnmpl~k Villi,., ...ifll SIal', COUIII'I)", P""inu or MlUlirlpalll}"J ..) 00 !he , I ~ of W aV" e.tI\ bcU in liIe year 2005 befoo: .... 1hI: UIIdcrxigncd. peISOIIwly appeared DENNIS HUNT . penouaIly known to me or j!<Oved to nu: 011 !he ba.,L< of .3li.<faclory evidenoe to be !he indi.idual6) whose ""'""cil is (HI subscribed tu Ihe wilhin in.'bUmcI\U!!I!!.aeknow~ to me Iha1 h""~ e...:UlCd die some in hisIbWd\o!Ir eapacil >.1ha1 by hisillQi/l\Ui'Slg.:l1IU1.'lI.1 on the insuun1qJl.lhe indiv (JO. or !he pe""n upon bch:df of whkh 1hI: indi.idual(s't....d, ......ured 1hI: instrumcnl.1llUl1ha1 ~uch individual made such appeanmce befu", !he undersigned in Ihe State of Florida. County of f 'OJ I c I f Insert 1M cit}" or mlltr politind subdi,uion (JIId 1M nUll! QT cOlmll)' t)r .JiMr pis., IIw aclw",1wsm'lll I<YU wk<<n~ ~~?;~b \\ :0;:;. - 6 1000 DISTRICT 106.00 SECIlON BLOCK 01.00 LoT 004.000 COUNJ'YOR TOWN Suffolk/Southold DENNIS HUNT. PATR1~IA LOTTI. TERRENCE JOOSS. and CHRISTINA TALIERCIO. as Tenants in Commons RfrORDEIJ~TRF.Qu~:srof' Jlldellty Nollolllll TIlle Insu......, Cnmpcmy RlinJRN Bf MAIL R> JOSEPH LIEB. ESQ. 42 Academy Street P.O. Box 1039 patchogue. New York 11772 fj a: I!s m ~ ~ II: I!s w OJ ::J ~ w ~ OJ ~ ~ I , ,. " " . , ? Numher or pages TORRENS Serial # Cenifieale It Pril))" Clf, It Deed. Mortgage In51n1ment Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp 3 FEES Page I FIling Fee Handling 5. .!llL TI'-5114 Notalion EA-5217 (Counly) Sub Total E!\-5~17 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. .30 CQ. Comm. of Ed. 5. .!!.lL Affidavit 5"-:7" _.-;.;...-~.-::'_- .. €:C~l1ifie.J Copv " Reg. Cupy Sub Tolal .;l #"'/' Orher Gr-dnd Total ...J 106.00 01.00 004.000 Section Block Lot 5 Rcal Property Ta:< Scr\'icc Agency Verification O~221 1000 10600 0100 004000 6 Sali5factilln/DillChargc5IRclca5c LL~t Property Owners MlIiIing Address KF.cORD & RETURN TO: JOSEPH LIEB, ESQ. 42 Academy Street P.O. Box 1039 Patchogue, New York 11772 7 Co. Name Title It RECOPDED 2005 Dee lJ6 I!, 14,58 AM Edw9rd P.Rom9i~ CLERK OF SUFFOLK COllNTY L Doo012423 P 764 DTO Q5-18006 Recording I Filing Stamps Morlgage AmI. J. 8a.~ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOlal Spec. I Assil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Hcld for Appoinuncnl ~ Tran.~fer Tax - () _ Mansion Tax The propcny covered by this n\Olgage i5 or will be improved by a one l" IwO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. 5ee appropriate tax clause on page It of this inslnlm' I. ~/lf Communi PreservDtion li'und Consideration Amounl 5 -er CPF Ta., Due S Improved Vacant Land TD T1J TO Title Company Information 8 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page form.q part of the altaChed Executor' H Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: ESTATE OF AUGUST JOOSS a/k/ a AUCUST F. The prcmisis herein is situated in JOOSS SUFfOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ~nll...hn1rl TO In the Township of DENNIS HUNT, PATRICIA LOTII, TERRE.'<lCE In the VILI..AGF. JOOSS and CHRISTINA TALIERCTO. '''. or HA1W.ET of HO~~a6T\fARtfucSrlTRMsT BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING Mattituck (oven 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0126400 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-18006 Recorded: At: 12/06/2005 11:14:58 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012423 764 District: 1000 Section: Block: 106.00 01.00 BXAMJ:NBD AND CHARGED AS POLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 004.000 Deed AIIIount: Received the Poll owing Pees For Above Instrument Exempt Bxempl Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO CQI\1III.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $244.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-18006 THIS PAGB IS A PART OP THE INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County . . .. . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orpa.stale.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1, SWIS CHe I~. 7..3, t. K, 91 ~ -~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C2. Dote 0.... Rocorded , /.(1 t- I &..s-;' Mom. Doy YO, LJ C3. Book I I. ~ V. ~0, C4. PlIge I 7. V, . STATE llI' NEW YORll STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SEIIVICES RP - 5217 IeNZI7 lIe.:wr PROPERTYINFOR~TKlN 1. PIOP....y I 2400 I...ctution muT ""..... , Southold cnv.. .- Hunt 2. Buy. L No_ l.%~i/...EI"""",,,," J0099 lIa11pT'l"in LAI1 JrIM1E I COMPANY Ru~h Rq~d """'.... Mattituck ...... Dennis P4,t~a Terrence r.'JiJ::;J na 11952 ,. .... 3. T,x IndicelD where futLQ r.x BillI .. ro be..... I BilUng if CKher dI,... buyer.ddttu lit bonom of form) --- LASTIlAMI/COllPoVl'l n"5T~ r.'1II1'T Nw.u AN) STREET IMMI , ~DfIIOWN nATI . CDQ[ "::::0ItV I Size ..MONI ~ET Ixl IlIP1H lOR I 'as 5. 1. 41 10000n_oIop_~_"oy_ 4A. PIInnlng __ SubdIvIsIan AuIhority E>IIls 0 IlL SublSivGion Approval was Required far T....r.r 0 c. P....I Ajlpravod for Subd_ whh Mop Provided 0 .... IncIcne tM raumber of Aueament RoD _10..._ on 1M dood 1 I 'of PIIrcels OR 0 Pan of . P,n;:ol ..Sal_ N.m. ,JOOSS LAI r JMMII aJIIl'ANY ESTATE OF AUGUST alkla AUGUST F. "''''NAML LAlT NMIII COtIIMN't' ........ 13. Full Solo Prlco , , ,0 , 0 , 01 , , 0 CFuII Sill. Pric. is the total .mount paid for the property including parsonll properlY. This JIrIII'Ie.. may bo In .... form of C81h. olber propelly or good.. or the IIISLImpdon of mortglgal 01 DdW ObligMiont:.) "... round 10 dI. ftNIIIIt .,.. doIlM MldUnt _lIIoboo_____1y: .. Owners'"p TWPeIl Condominium E ~ Agricul~ural I ~ Community Service .. New Conllruction on VKlnt Land F Commorclal J Ind.....lal IlIA. "'-'" L..- oriII1in an AtJkuIIu... Oillricl G _0.. K Public Sanrico 108. ~ ""-"-,,. nail", Indicotmg H E........inmI'nt I Amusement L Faraa lhM the properlY 11 in DI'I AQrlatllural DlII.ricr. 'll. CIWGIc... or man Df u.. concIIdanl _ IPII'ILo.,b"" to tr....r.: A Sale Between ReIatMI or Fonnar RelItIvu R 5.10 BeIween Retired Compani_ or Plftners in Bulin.. C 0110 of Ihe Buyers is: aJIo . Sell... D Buyer or Selllll' II Gcwtmmenr: Agency or Lending Institution E Dead Type not Wlnanty or 81rpin Ind Sale ISpecify BelollVI F SeI. of frDClionid or Loll men f.. lrar-r ISpadfy Below) Ci Signmc.nt OlInge in Property 8eIween TIUbIe Statui and Sale Deu H Sale of BUll.... illndudDd in S.1e Price I OIh.. Un....... Facto.. AI_a Solo PrIco (SpGdfy Balowl J Nono fh~c;,Llll\W1"" -rt'l D f- 6<; "1Wr"t- o o o o 7. Check the box billow which masI accumely ...... .... u.. of 'N property M: the lilli_ at ...: A~ 0,. f.,.,iIy RI.ld.1lCIII1 B 2 or" 3 Flmlly Relldtnllll C X Rlllidlnlfll VICIInt Lind D Non-Relideruial VKllnt Land I SALE INFORMATION I 11. 511e ConIrKt De.. I~I 5 ManII DIy I ZSl.25...J 12. o.te of Sele I Trlnllor It1 1 5 Illy 1 2005 y.., - 14. 10_ .100 VII.. 01 po...... , .. 0 , II , 0 I prapM'ly IncIudId In lhI .Ie ,. ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 00tI should _ 'he III" FlnIl _""'011' Rolllnd To. Bill 2004/2005 ,1. :':"~n~-:'~: 110m I . I 17. To1oI_ Vol.. 101 011 .....10 _0011 "S~fW'r , ; "'2.lJ-.-OJ , II. Propooty ao.o 1 3 ,1 , ll-U I'. School District Namo I Matti1:uck 20. T.. MI.. Identl1erl.11 RoIlldentifilrilJ II IRON tIlIn four. .n.:II ...... willi eddltionll klemli_rtllI District: 1000 Section: 106.00 Block 01.00 Lot 004.000 I I CERlJFICATIDN I I ctrtif)" ItmllII oIlbr IIems oIlDtonra:adua aa&cnd on lhI:t form aft .... end rurnct Ilia Ihe best or 11I.." kDuw~ aad "lid) and I unders&lUld IbM dIr IIIIIlkillR; or.ny .....UW r..1k ~Iate"" uI'...terIaI RId: brm. will "'~ed ... Ia the Dl'll\bJOM fA...... ......... low nkdhmo Io.M ~.ad 00... or rable inNtrwDrIMA. !!!.!!E!! BUYER"S ATTORNEY d.~~ .........l ~- ~ I 111';.//2005 I.ieb Joseph .... .... ..... MST..... DENNIS HUNT 10 ' Cardwell Court (631) 758-3030 ~iJii'r~R STIlIIT NAME CAI' ElK ......, ....COIlE 1PI.ff'HONI NUWiIl Palm Coast I FL , 32137 CITYOIITl:JINN ITA,. ,. .... SElLER ESTATE OF AUGUST JOass-a/k/a AUGUST F. JOOSS By :-1)~TiSWH~-r:' E~~K~ NEW YORK STATE COpy I )/ 1../-l/2005 ..'"