HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12435 P 305 . \IIeB,,-"":.; . 1~....&t9~ hmil'onn ad..l I Ll2Lf 35 IF 305 see.: '01..00 t>u(: 0/.00 loT :01f.:l.<<Jf So F$-Ouc. 16(o-/-4}. ) 1'il"at Aru.u G,.i\ '300 .;or ,.-.q f> S""dndN.Y.B ':'.U FormIGO!. wlnl.in ':'II! 5.1. :>Hc! wh!l C.WIn.:" Illinn' Gnnnn'. A"I_I..Ji'llhul., C.'p:N'''li... (1I:1II'lM.r) CONSULT YOUR LAWY.R R.,on SIGNING THIS INSTRUMINT-THISINSTRUMINT SHOULD I. UIIO IV LAWYERS ONLY. 'fl'\ THIS INDENTURE, made the rb day 01 Septan klffin the yeor 2005 BETWEEN VASILIOS LIVANOS and ARGYRO LIVANOS, his wife, residing at 1130 Plandome Road, Manhssset, NY 11030 party 01 the first pan, and VASILIOS LIVANOS residing at 1130 Qsiao.l'\lAnd&\i\ded Z/3 11I~l't'!Sot and ARGYRO LIVANOS, his wifeAand FOTINI LIVANOS IOE:..~~e Plandoms Road, Manhasset, NY 11030 rtrWlltl~~3 I~{"~st . party 0/ the seeond. part, Wnl4ESSETH, that the party of the fint part, in consideration of Ten Dollars a~d other valuable cons~derati~n paid by the pan)' 01 the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the pany of the second pan, .he heirs or successors and" assigns 01 the part)' of the seeond part forever, ALL that cerlain plot, piece or parcel of land, with t~e buildings and improvements thereon ereeled, situate, lying and being in the See Schedule "A" attached Said premises being shown in the Suffolk County Land and Tax Hap as Section 106, Block 01, Lot 42.1 TOGET~IER with ell right, title and interest, if any, of lhe pony 01 the fint part in .nd to '"}' strelts a"d roods ahulling the oOO"e described premises to lhe cenler lines thereol; TOGETHER with lhe a?punenances ond olllhe cst.te and rights 0; lhe porty 01 the first pan in and to mid premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe prenllses herein grallted unto lhe pany 01 the second \XIrt, the heirs or SUCCessors and assig,. 01 Ihe pony of the seco"d part iorever, cr, AND,:,~S,l;l!!l-2! lhe ,first pan covenanlS that th~ \XIrty of lhe first part has no: done or suffered anything whereby the s~ld (rem.... have been encumbered In any way whate\'er, except as aforesaid. AND the parlY 0 lhe first part, in compliance with Seelio. IJ 01 the Lien Law, covenODlS that the pari)' of the first port will receive lhe cons:derlltion lor this co.veyance and will hold the right to receive such con5id- eration os .. trust fund to be applied hrst for the purpose 01 paying the COil ollhe imfroyement and will apply th. same fir" 10 the I"')'ment 01 the COSt of the improvemeot belore using .ny port 0 th. total 01 the same lor any olher purpose. The word "pany" shan be conmued as il it read "panies" whenever Ihe sense 01 this indenture so requires. IN ,WITNESS WHEREOF, lhe party 01 the first part has duly executed this deed the day and ye... first above wrllle., 4 I H PaiSENCE OF: (~H'fl ~ Vasilios Livanos-,;; ~~:!'s 70v?~ I. ,--.i,' ,,1 ~MIA:, ~ First American rttle Insurance Company of New Yo,*" Title No. 3001-96196 ~ AU. 11iAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF lAND, SI1\JATE, LYING AND BEING IN THE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATE OF NEW YORK, KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS PART OF LOT NO. 11 IN BLOCK NO.1 ON A CERTAIN MAP ENTTIlED "MAP OF CAPTAIN KIDD ESTATES" FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK ON 1/19/49 AS MAP NO. 1672, BOUNDED AND DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A MONUMENT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF SOUND BEAOi DRIVE WHERE THE SAME IS INTERSECTED BY THE DMSION UNE BETWEEN PREMISES HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AND lAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF JAMES TAlAS; RUNNING THENCE SOUTH 380 00' EAST ALONG THE lAST MENTIONED lAND, 251.38 FEET TO A MONUMENT AND lAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF NICK CHARLES; THENCE SOUTH 520 00' WEST ALONG THE lAST MENTIONED lAND, 100 FEET TO A MONUMENT AND LAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF NICK CYPRESS; THENCE NORTH 380 00' WEST ALONG THE lAST MENTIONED LAND AND ALONG lAND NOW OR FORMERLY OF NICK CHARLES, 261.01 FEET TO A MONUMENT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF SOUND BEACH DRIVE; THENCE NORTH 57" 30' EAST ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY SIDE OF SOUND IlEACH DRIVE, 100.46 FEET TO THE MONUMENT AT THE POINT OR PLACE OF BEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH a non-exdusive easement for all lawful purposes, more fully set forth In Declaration of Easement recorded in [iber 8435 P 97, as modified In Uber 8844 I? 593, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northwesterly side of Summit Drtve, distant 107.59 feet southerly as measured along the northwesl:erIy side of Summit Drtve from the southwesterly side of Lot No. 14 on the above mentioned map; RUNNING THENCE southerly along the northwesterly side of Summit Drive along the arc of a curve bearing to the right having a radius of 160.69 feet, a distance along said curve of 16.11 feet; THENCE North 38 degrees 00 minutes West 212.74 feet; THENCE westerly along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 15 feet, a distance along said curve of 23.56 feet; THENCE South 52 degrees 00 minutes West, 202.50 feet; THENCE North 38 degrees 00 minutes West, 11~.43; THENCE North 52 degrees 00 minutes East, 25 feet; THENCE South 38 degrees 00 minutes East, 72.43 feet; THENCE easterly along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 15 feet, a distance along said curve of 23.56 feet; ,- .-..-..1.1 'C ,\M. ", ~ .~+ First American Title Insurance Company of New York THENCE North 52 degrees 00 minutes East, 172.50 THENCE North 38 degrees 00 minutes West:, 25 feet; THENCE North 52 degrees 00 minutes East, 25 feet; THENCE South 38 degrees 00 minutes East, 25 feet; THENCE South 52 degrees 00 minutes West, 5 feet; ", THENCE South 38 degrees 00 minutes East, 250.90 feet to the northwesterly side of SUmmit Drive at the point or place of Beginning, THE policy to be Issued under this report will Insure the title to such buildings and improvements erected on the premises, which by law constitu!e real property. FOR CONVEYANCNG ONLY: TOGETHER with all the right, title and interest of the party of the first part, of in and to the land lying In the street in front of and adjoining said premises, . STATI,or!\'EWYORK) L\,,,.,.., ) IS.: COUNTY Ot' ...........0) On 1~./~dny of Jtt?b1iJe,(.. ,h. year 2.Q.05 before me, lhe un~."ilnO<!. pers..ally appeared ~SiUoil~xa20s and, pciSOr.i1i!y known 10 me or proved to Ilon !be 110' slillfactory eVidence 10 be Ihe Individual(s) whose namc(s) is (orc) subscrib<d 10 I"C' "'n~!n ;n$Crumar:llnd acknowledSrc! ro rr.e Ihac he/s!lr1:hey c.ecu,e.; Ihc "'11lC In hlsl'nerllheir ca~acil>ties). and Iha: by hislher',helr signalure(s) on Ihe inSlrument, Ihe indIYidual(s). or the j)Crlon llpon behalf of which lhe :ndi\'jc:!uaICs) acted, e.'lCe(ulmlhe !"llrumenl. JEsslr.... MlCHEU.EoINewWE';'... ~SI3'.. -, OIWEOI27- No. QuIIIf.od in N..... tommla'on EaplOII_I1. For :lcknowledlmenls tlken In New York State. .. SI.'e, Illslriel of Colu mbla, Ternlory, Possession, or Foreign Countr')' ) IS.: .STATEOFNEWYOIl.K) ) IS.: COUNTY OF ) . On Ihe _ day or IllIlhe rear _ berore :ne,the undersigr:ed. personally appe.re~ penonllly known to me or proY<d to me on Ihe oasis of Sllis~aelory evidence 10 be Ihl indiYidual(s) whose namc(s) is (.re) subscribed 10 the wl:~in ,"SITII"'enl and aeknowle~ged 10 ml ,h" he/shel,ney eKccuted che .Ime in h:slher/lheir clpAcil)'C:es), Ind Ihll by hislher/lheir sianalLlre(s) on Ihe instrumenl, Ihe individual(s), or Ihe pe:"son upon behalf or which the ir.chvlC:~ua.~(Sll:cted. t~ecu:ed t!lI: instrumeill. Siana'ure aDd omu of Indh"ldual takinaaeknowlcdement On ,he _ day of in the ye.. _ before me, the undersigned, pcrsonally eppea:ed personoUy known 10 me or proved 10 me on the b.sis of satisfactory evidencelD be ,h. indiYidu.l(s) whDse namc(s) is (ar.) subscribed '0 ,h. wilhln ii1s::u:r.enllnd a.cknolA"IeC'Iec! to io:e :hll htlst:elthey execl.:tcC Ihe ame in n:s..1:crlthcl:' :a;:aciIY(ICS), rila: by hisfnci/lt:c:r sig:oia:ure(s) 0:'1 ihe InSlfumenl, rhe indiv;dual(s), or the person upon bchal~ of which the lndivicual(s) acled, execuled the Insrrumer:t. I~ Ihal such individ"al nw!e such appc,,",nee berore the unc!ersianee in th. (Insln ,he ei,y or olh.r poli,ic.1 SIIXIVlsion and the s:a:e cr counrl')' or o:!1e:- ;Jlacc Ihe lCimowledsmenl was raken), . Fur Dckno\\'ed&mtnts liken out51dr of Nrw York Stlte. liar;lln Inll 6alt mull \\111 H COVEN^NT .".CAIN'Sl GRANTOR'S AC15 'ITLe No. 300 I ~ q4 ('If.:> VASILIOS LIVAHOS snd ARGYRO LIVANOS. his wife ro VASILIOS LIVANOS and ARGYRO LIVANOS. his wife, and FOTIHI LIVANOS ~'ANDA.D lOIN O. HIW '0-1 IOAfD 0' nnl UNDlI'WIllIli DiJlPib."d b,'t' First American Titl8/nsurailce Company of N!1D York ~ 51100 lure and Omee Df Indlvlduoltoklnc aeknowledement SECTION aLOCK 106 01 42.1 LOT " COU~'TY 0& ~ Suffolk Reco:ded At RcqIJU1 of Firsl American Tille iniunn" Compilny or N~ York RETURN BY NAIL TO: Leonard Masone. Esq. ~sone. White. Penkava & Cristofari 69-34 Grand Avenue Ksspeth. NY 11378 Ztp No. ~'.I . . , "" J. . Number of .pages TORRENS 6 Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed . Mortgage Instrumenl 3 Page 1 Filing Fee Handling 5 .!IlL S_ 11'-S84 Notation s' 15 ~- EA-S217 (County) EA-52 I 7 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5. ..lllL Aflidavil Certified Copy Reg. Copy ,5'- Other RECORDED 2006 Feb 09 11.11:52 AM CLERK OF SUFFOLK CllUIITY L ??oo12435 P 305 DTI 05-26960 , I . ~ Deed 1 Nlongage Thx Slamp'_, , Recording 1 Filing Stamps fEES , I I Sub TOW! I Mortgage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tolal Sp<<.1 AssiL or Spec. 1 Add, TOT. MTG TAX n _ Dual County _ 'tmellt_.J Y?,3':t:.- _ :30 The property covered by this motgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see approprillle lax clause on page # of this illS , l~o5 Sub TOllII . Grand TOlDl I Block 01.00 Lot OY.;l,ao' Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification 5 Communit Preservation Fund 0100 042001 (: COlIsider~tion Amount ~ 1000 10600 ~.;l...g-Olo S $ ~(e, fA t,b Improved 1/ 1- 6 SatisfuctionlDischurgesIReleasc List Property OwneJ Mailing Addres.~ RECORD &: RETURN TO: ! tmNlcd )..larone, <<2.E:8 . ! \.{()~OOe. IUl\1I~,(>en'at\lo.... .LCf'St-o~e..\ b'l-3<q Granj ,^\lenuQ. t--\O ~Oeih, t.:Jy \\''6-:r ~ ~ n.SI\I()~ L\\la.\"lOs. a.nd TlIi: premisis herein is.situated in 0. tg'fn L\\Xln(~,h\~Wi~ Ii~FFOLKCOUNTY.:NEWYORK. TO In lhe Township of : ~U\'hol::l . . , ~Ins;. \.I\la.nO~ ~~ro In~VILLAGE ~ . (), 5 or HAMLtif M(Ht-I'ft.t et 1" 1" ~O'\O.\"\YlIil 'I In;!! reo n . OXES Ii THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN M.A': K INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (over) 8 Suffolk Count This page forms part of the alluched In CPF Tax Due Vacanl Lund _ TO ,0 TO TO 1 Tille Compan)' lnfonnalion Co. Name m "'\ '" "TiTLE. litle# 'lD 0 -l\<o,q Recordin & Endorsement Page De.P-.D (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENl) IIJS, lIIade by: 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERIC RECORDS OPPICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 5 Receipt Number , 06-0014133 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 05-26960 Recorded. At. 02/09/2006 11,11.52 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012435 305 District. Section. Block. I.ot. 1000 106.00 01.00 042.001 EXAMINED AND CHARt1ED AS POI.I.OWS Deed AIIlount. $433,333.00 Received the Pollowing Pees Por Above Instrument Bxempt Ex8mpt Page/Piling $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO IrA - C'1'Y $5.00 NO IrA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COlIIIl.Pres $5,666.66 NO Pees Paid $5,821.66 TRANS PER TAX HUMBER. 05-26960 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRtlMEHT THIS IS NOT A BII.I. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:/I www.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I_I-~' 1'1 fp FOR COUNlY USE ONLY. . t g ~ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1.SWI8.Codo' 8. 'f,;.3, ~ ,_I it STATE OF NEW YORK '. CZ.D__Rlo-dod Iii If I. ~0 . STATEIIOARDOFIEAl."",","nSERVICES :7 Il.>y ,.., - RP - 5217 ~. _ , /,&(, 'I ,,~, .5,~ _,'3lJ ,S , I <-~. -, .~"~_ PROPERlY INFORMATION .' 1.~rtyl LacotIan q8~ 61tltLINUMU.... 1 ~OUT" B E..1lc..tI ,...... ..... bRo' VE, 1I11CIA I. """"" (.79 SrJl1l1lT /j,qlfE.. I 1/9S'!)" I Z1IOCOIII. H,. TTI Tv c.1<.. ClI't'QlllortIN :A&T"""",~.u,y Vasilios .....-. POliTI"" Argyro FJII":'..... .J Z.1I&Iyor - L1vanos ,..' "-I""" L.'IIAIIIQS Livanos 3. To: Indk:.nl. whn tuture Ta lUll ..10 be ..,t I IIlI&1g il_'''-'__lol_olJorrnl.. -... ~,,'r ~, :::loM'M'" HItIINAW SlN'ET"'UII8EIIM.DS1JI[[1'NAaI: (TVo-,TQW4 &TArt ........ &.:::_ 1 Ixl Size rl'ONTrttl .....OH lOR I Ail...' . IllnIril.....oI._O'-......." M. PIonnlna __ __ /wlhoriry ExIoh 0 48. _ AppravoIwu RoqulredlcrTr_ 0 C. P...i Ap_ f... SubcIv8Ion with Mop ProoOdod 0 4. Indlub tM ..nom. III ...--.... RalI........__......._ 1 ..1 PD...1to OR [i] PllR.I. P._ + t._, Nom. L1vanos Vasilios ---.J lASl..A.YI-/lXlMPAM .......- Argyro L1V'lDOS I. ........llIANC/COMPAtroy 'III$T'tAMf 7. a..ck tM box .... which moat ICCIA'8teIy ........ ... .... at the property .. .... Ii.... of ....: ^~ One Fomdy Ro.ldalllial B 2: or 3 Family RnldlntlDl C Rutidondal Yacunt U1nd D Nun RDlidantial VDC8nf L8rwt I SALE INFORMATION I n, .... ConIr.. Dn. E~AcI''''i''''1 F COm....... G ApI"""'nt H Entar18lnrnont I Amu.merd I ~ Community SO"'ico J InduSIr.al K Public Senla I. _ 0.-....__......,." .. OwMrIhlp TVPI' is Condominium .. New ConIlruc:tJon on Vocant Land lOA. "'- '--d willlln.n AcIrku11uro1 _ _Buyor_.d_onallcaondlcollng thai the property II In In AgrCulltnl D61trid o o o o 1 ..... DIy I VDO< ,.. CMcIr:..... men 01 ~ conditIorw, _ W L'-IO.....r-: Sola _ Raia_orFonnor__ Solo _ _lid ~ or Partnonoln S_ 0rI. of the Buyer. II 11m a SaIor Buyer or SaJIur Is GovorrIm.m AgHcy or lending InltltuIion Dood Typo .... W......., .. 1Io'1Jllln _ Sola ISl>ocIfy _I Solo 01_ or LlllIIlor1 Faa i_lSpocify_ Signlficllll Chongo In ......... -. T...blo SlIIuI _ Soia 001oo 51" of BUIInc.IIlI II mdudc!d in SMt Price oa.. U.......i ...- AIlocIing Solo Prico (SpucIfy _I NOIIO 12. D... ., Solo / T,_or Iq - I I!J /2005 DIy VDO< 13. Full _ Priao ,ij ,1, ';,.3,3 .~, 0 .01 , , . (Full SIlo PriCe II thct lotalllmOUrd paid for the propeRf mdudlng porsonal property. This payrnont may bo in lhe fonn of..... oll"r proporty or good&. or 1M IlUUmption of nlOrlCJ'Stul or WI.r obligllliaM.) I'tauG round 10 the""'llIf ~ doIIM MJOUtJt. 1.. 1ncIl.... .... ..... .,.......... I 0 0 I __10""_" . ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. IlotII oiIould nJftect lht"_ FiRtI -""nl Roll and To. Sill 1..v_.,........_.IRaII....ID !) I 17'T__V_1oI011 1a1o_11 w___ . - ; 12. I. Q-LJ 1'.___ ~ I Cutlf'i I J (lli'('e_L. / . ; .q.'-.O.OI , .'d.- 18.~C_ ZO. T.. Mop...... W /__11I11 ...._laur._ __ _ _.11 Suffolk County I Section 106. Block 01. Lot 42.1 -.J I I CERTIFICATION Il'Oftll)'... oil "'... i...... .,_ -.... ............... "'"" Oft................u 'ID'" hooI"'lIY _"""",... hcIicII...,_ ............... 01_---01............... ..........wtII......._..... .....-"',..._.... _. ...............11IIIII"'......- BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY J;;';AJ ~~. ..,) 2005 Vasm~nV ~~"Tl' _qg5 I .3oIJTH f!ll!Aefl MillE.. IUIlfU NUMIPR &'IIII'IT NMC ~ IAL1J Masone Leonard ,... NAM[ ....,..... 718 639-1100 .... .... Itw'ItI:NIM....... ITATt IIU~ 'COlI' HIlTTIT~ (.:1" 0Il10lWN "'1./ I" ~tiL8f~Mn 2005 NEW YORK STATE COI)Y ~ . _.1- . .-' .....