HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12210 P 352 . I6RGAtN A1IiP l&LE REEl! , THIS INDENTURE. made. hl.lp$l30, 2002. amotlgTMOMAS ICALOGERAS. residilllal il- l) ~~, Linle Nut. New Vork and GEORGE KALOGERAs, residing aL 157.oJ 1~1lI ^\'muc. Wbiu:slcnc" New York. (('OIl<<dvcly hm:inaftcr rcfemd 10 _ "OranlCn"), and OOUGLAS~VAN SLYKE. relidiltgil1661 Hands Ctuk Rd. Eat Hampum, New York 11?37 C'~~ reemd to IS "Grantee"), I U (1 - J-1 WITNESSETH, Ibat GranlCrI,in c~dcraticmcfTCll Dollars and oll:ler vatWlblc Q)QIidC!ration. lbe I'\:lCClpI and mfficicm:y orwhidl oow)' IIfC actoowledgcd.. do hereby IflUI1 and relea:sc WlIO Grant-.lII1d hill hcim, execu~ admmitllnKlrl, SUCCCS50n and _p RmNcr, L I c)J./O p-"s. AL~~pn pkll.,pietc ~f part,:1 of land" wi.th .Ihc.. buildings and ~~!'JU..~t~n erected, lltuatc, l)'Ins and beIng. In Mdib.lCk. Town of South'oldl..~lyllor Suffolk, S~ of New York. being mora par'tWularty g~~.ih"';Bcflmlr A" ml&Chcd ha-elo and made: II pan bereof. '. · \ .. ~-:a1. 1!!lIa"'lll\ ~ '6f\.,nC. ~'6.t::' t\&.~ "'4JC ~ Git~ \-.J)-\1UlIo M- ~. \..s. TOGETHER with al.1 rip!. ritl~ and. inlc.m:t, if anr. of Grantor in and 10 any mem Me! roads abutllns SIW:J pnmll$C$ to 1M center IltlC$lhawt TOGETHER 'Njlb Ihc lIpp~ and all the ClIWC. and rights of Grantor in lItId lC _ pmniacs, TO HAVE AND TO HOl..n r.bc pmnilC$ hemin &nIIIc:d unto GIlIlIIIca.1IlI1CtIInU by lbe enlirety, and lheir hcin, executOB. admlnit1:ntors. successors and -ana fDl\iVCf, . . AND GranlOE:TicoevCflllnt IhatGl'Ul1Cp DVC 001 done Of mffered Ill'l)'lhing wbereby _ picnt- Mevc been. mi.cum~ in any wa~ whaleVllt, except aSCI fOl1tl hm:in. AND Ol'lll'lloB. in complimce wl!b Sc:dion 13 of !be Lien Law, CO\lCllllnllhal they will n=ivclhc~ipn for 1bls con\'C)"lmCC and win hold me ript to n=ivc sudl consideration III a ~ f\md to be applied l'lUt (or !be JlUlPllSC or ~ the cost or !be improv~t and willlW'Y r.bc SlUl'IC first [0 the cost of lbe improvcrnmt bcfotc using lmy pan of!be total oftlu: same (or any other plllpD$e, TNESS WHKREO....Olllllltors have duly eli<<:U1c:d Ibill deed on the dale fint 'Nrittcn. . ~ ", l~ € "'~._"- tf...l-\\ CY':-E- ~~ j ""- tn"t~'(:,,, .~ \ .... :. :.. :lilddItY NaUoaafTllil:~~ OII1li1l1fYCill.lC Policy No: 26-o.U-92.1 S1142 nUll No.: 02.3104-4019+SUFF J('H.,..ULE .....J Duatplioa AME'NQ&) IIllI02 AU.dlltCllllrllUa pIoI. picco or puod of 1_. .it.....1yIna _ tlrlMa It ~ in the T_ or~1d. Coulli)' orSUflbtk .. Stili orNIlW YOIt.Imown ud daifpltcd .. Lot No. II ClIIl II ccdIIiD lDlIP ealitled, "Map of e.- Kidd f.1lIda" fillldin the OffICe of.. Clerk on. COl:mIy ofSufl'Olk em ~ 19, 1949.. Map No. Ifl12. bounded _ ~ 1$ fblloWf/: BEOINNING III. potm ClIIl tile $OilIl;II flidnrSummit Drift dilllant 'NllSlllrIy 6J4.09 filet 60m 6e ~_ W uIOfI}' md of _nof oarve ~na: the WIlSWiy lido ofIaI<< Drift wiI:liI6e .~.. of Summit Driw; THENCESoIIIh' ~ :W:minLllU EaslISUl feel; THENCS SoIIIh 1I2 ~ 00 minW:s Welt 100,00t=: THENCE North 'deBJllll$20minmn Wnt 140.911:ct 10 MUGulh" of Summit Drive; THENCE NorIha5Ic1Jy alcmS tbII ~.~ side of SWlll.mil Drivt: I, NortIiI &0 ~<<:$ 00 minmn Easl57.00 filet; 2, NortIiI61 ~ 46 minmn 50 ~<h Bast 44,19 tllllllo. point or pIKe o(BEQINN!NQ. .0.' J 1 MCU U'" ~l'lIIilr ..' STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF~ ,a ~ On l~ ~ day of .L~ . 2002. brim: me, Ihc lUllIcnipcd, prmIIlJla1ly . · ::..f'lifm ~ 4~ KALOOERAS. pc:tOnally laIowrIto me or proved 10 me em lhc bail of satisfactory evidence II) be lhc individual woose namcI is Illlb=ibed tolhc within ilWf\lmC'tlllltld lICknowledscd to mJ dW be cxec:ullld the same in bil capacity. and III by hi. ~ cm tho il1!tMll1:ll1, 1be individual. 01 the pmcm upon behal f of ~idllhc i 'at lIC~ Cllecuicd the iDllnlmmt. I ...Ll.... .....MIr...IlI....... STATEOFNEWYO.RK.COUNTYOF ,a "~"~J I t . J1!' ofM&,IJa.a..-u.-,. " .... da of .2002. belOn: me. the undcrsip:d. peI'IOfIIlly "', ~ GEOIUlBiKAlOO. nov.l1 10 me or proved 10 me em the basis' of. .... lIlIlilfllclOI)' evi~ to be l1lc individual WOOSlil nmno !bed to tbc within inmwnc:nt _ acbowledpl to ~ that be Cllec:ull:d lhc same in bis capacity, his apallft on the i~ the individwi1. or l1lc ptI'IOQ upon bclWf of which the. indM execvtcd the in:stnlma1l. . I ~ \ 0\\,\ ~ . NomryPublic J / ~ ~ ... ~J:; ~ ~la~ZI' /(I'Z .. """ ,,.Qj~~ ~ ~ ~""'~1("(l c.o \-~tQ ~,~ . I BARGAfl1A!!D SALi( PEEQ: Dated: AuSlilIl 30.2002 from . :THOMAS KAlOGERAS and GEORGE KALOOiRAS as GnI:lIOlll 10 ~ DOUGLAS V AN SI. YKE as Gnmlccl C*ly: Malli(uck, Town ofSoulbold COUIIly. Suffolk Dist,: 1000 Scclion: 106.00 8loc:k: (12,00 Lot 007.00 R~ _ nmnli 10: Kill'll L. Bak 99B Main SlRltI Wcr;l HMlplOn ~ NY 11978 ! 1 ~orp118 4- TORRENS sm.t . flEOOIlllO 2lm ~ 20 Ot;Jh2t. "" EANanI P.bl:w t:1Sitc fE 5UFfW( CtUlTY l DOOOI2210 pm lITI (IH7729 C'CftirlC$ 1/ I'ri<< Of, . Dm:I' Monpp I~ Dm:I tMcw1Nr Ta Swttp J.'EES Rcc:onfilIlI / FII",- SUmps 4 ... f Flllnll'~ ---1L - 5 )" ~M4.. - ~ TP.SI4 . I, Buk:Tu 1, At!Wliwlll'a l'ikUIloD 1iiA-S2 ! 1(CouIliy) EA-S211(Swrj fL!',rM Clmm. ofl:1ll AmllII\'ll 2' ~. Slit! TllD!1 :J..t[_ ..;/)fid. ).7 ,/ SuI> 'totlil s~ ~AuIt, Or . ~.tlldd. TOT. NT'). TAX DlIItT_ 0.1('__,. Itdd fUl' ^ppotl~ 1-raTa .,$L6 - _' M:ms~Ta _.__ 11I<tt ~ ClI'tC'nd bf tIIiI. tmIl'Ipp 40r ,..111 be: in\p",~d by. DIle Of lwo ramily ~rd)'. VI'S ClfNO If NO. Me' ......... IP clnH' O!! l>>Ie Ii orlhil iNll'lllllrlL C'CftifW ('Ilf' Rq, Copy 0I1lcr tJtp- J Rat i'lupc:rty Ta; Savic:c J\pnc;y Vcrifll:IIIOl'I ~ p""_J.....,.. ft J", ~,,, lol 6 Cnmmunit Prc;scfv..'i()n Fund ConsidcrlUic", Amnunl s~ 1''' ...._ nvol.:. s. 4M.b/') -^ - 02034873 1000 10600 02'00 001000 :-!{~ I .. mil" l. ....... '1 &tiAacUOlllIfO~ List ~0wMn Mailln& RECORD A alTUM TO: pmml ICUI LIilllCIL r-iJ --~ c:;:::: '--"'\~ ~,~4;l . qq~ <<\~~ ~,~ nQt7s TD It) TO TO . Title Como lafomtJllloa , Co, )tUlle 'ntle " Suffolk Count Recordin & EndorsementP e 1m ~ bms put or_ l!l!al:1bc:d ~.~ c-it~\'<3l-~~ A~ ~A .t"'~.L ~\a;Q---66 \ ""'\'l,~\~n . ~:N~\i\4..? ~ --€" :i?"9 (sPtOFY '!YPE OF JNSTRJJMr:N'r) ...de by: The ~ hemn is smlllled in StJfFOI.K COUNTY, NEWYQRK ~ ~,,~ In _ ToMlSbipo( En the VILLAGE (lr HAMUtr or bOXES 5 TIIR1J 9 MUS'F BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN WACK INKONL V PRIOR m ~OR "lUNG. . - IOUIIIIIII_~IIIIII_11I11 lilllla lOll &un'uLK COtJNft M.2WR RECORDS OWICB RECOJa)ING PAGE Type of InatruD.lent: DBEDS/OOD NUIIlIber of hgh: II DARSFER 'l'AX NtDmEP.: 02-0'1'129 Dlatrict: 101010 Sect1on: Blod:: 1016.0101 012.0101 I:XAN1ta.D AIm .CW'I.RGED AS FOLLOIfS $99,0100.001 ~: At: LIBER: PAGE: Lot: 0101.0001 O~/20/2002 04:31:26 PM D00012210 352 Deed Amount: hoe/FUtno (:OS EA-cn TP-584 RPl' Tranafer tax ReceiVlildth. i'ollO'Wi.ng F... For Above IMt..rmnent I.xerlIpt NO Handlino NO NYB SORcHa NO lA-snD NO c.rt. Copi.. NO BCD! NO COIIllII. Pre. l'8ea hid $12.001 $5.010 $5.001 $5.010 $30.001 $396.00 $S.GO $15.00 $25. CO $01.001 $01.00 $480.00 $liI7B.oo Exempt NO HO HO HO HO HO 'l'RANSPBR 'f1lX ~: 012-017729 'fIIIS PAGE IS A PAR'!: OF mI IMS'nll.lICNT Ed.....rd P .Rcma.1ne County Clerk, Suffolk COUnty .. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM .~ ,,~ I INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stateJ1y.uJ; 'U PHONE \?1&),,473-7222 . ~ . ~Ft:rR COl!JN'rY USE ONLY , Cl. SWlS Code IV, r;,_S,;;S, 5:/J I, . REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT $T A TE OF NEW YORK E:=i--;O I '-""_)\1'.' \11-<' t ~C-<2, .~ STREET NUMBER 8TR!::?,M, ~ '. '\ \\ \,\ \\, t~;,-rL.. \ _ "d",)\~\ ) CITY OR TOWN ~ ~ILlJ-\"'''- \..)....,-0 ....:::::;::,\,\\.L~ L.._ ." LAST NAME! COMPANY FIRST NAME C2. Date Deed Recorded I M1h I ;;;',y I tt,? C3.Book.1 j,,~,;;:, I,OIC4,Pagel ,..3,51,21 PROPERTY INFORMATION 1. Prop,,:rty I Location 2. Buyer Name STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-5217 Rev 3/97 !' \"'~~ ZIP CODe --- LAST NAME I COMPANY 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) Address FIRST NAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN (Only if Part of a Parcel) Check as they apply: 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed OR D \ # of Parcels Part of a Parcel 5. Deed Property Size .3,~ I (/Ai: <~ FIRST NAME Ixl lOR I FRONT FEET DEPTH ACRES -~ \ -'.,,;,,' '. y 1f-\"-~ 6. Seller Name LAST NAME / COMP \c \\, FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A~ne Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residential Vacant land E ~ Age,,,ltu,,' I ~ F Commercial J G Apartment K H Entertainment / Amusement L Community Service Industrial Public Service Forest SALE INFORMATION ST~TE ZIP CODE 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided r , e r ~~(jnr\'\ ':" """ o o o Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant land o o o o 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District 11. Sale Contract Date (') (/r ,r,.-) I '( I ,( 1(, C7 I Month Day Year 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: 12. Date of Sale I Transfer 'I cri) //( IC^JZ.. I Month Day Year , '7,7 ,D,e.o, 0 ,0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. 13. Full Sale Price 14. Indicate the value of personal I I 0 0 I property included in the sale, , . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Data should reflect the latest Final Assessment Roll and Tax BiIIl A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price OJher Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 16. Ve~r o~ Assess~ent Roll from C) I I I 17. Total Assessed Value lof all parcels in transfer) I which mformatlon taken I ~ I .I I-U 19. School District Name I 18. Property Class :< .\ 20. Tax Map Identifierlsll Rollldentifiertsl (If more than four. attach sheet with additional identifier(s)) Iry'''' -IOrA ('U' - ,,-, ,iV' - ("(,)1 //l,r", ,>-' A../ c.;::'., L ~ ,\.._, . (.//(/(./ /c ; , " ( "\. ,\) (. '-l_ )00-;) - 7 I l CERTIFICATION I certify that aU of the items of infonnation entered on this fonn are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein will subject me to the provisions of the oenallaw relative to the making and filing of false instruments. BUYER ,/ /' ,Y / ...;;..-. "';"""- ~, BUYER'S ATTORNEY BUYER SIGNAtURE DATE FIRST NAME I, \ \ , \ \-', \ \ \' L", STREET NUMBER STREET NAME lAFTER SALE~ CITY OR TOWN \ ""-'''\ STATE ZIPCOOE '\j\ I / A / ~ r)r{I(~,~~ ^,UeE SELLER DATE LAST NAME AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER / '\ CITyrrOWN ASSESSOR COPY ./