HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-09/03/1980A regular meeting of the B'oard of Southold Town Trustees was held at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, September 3, 1980 at the Town Hall Main Road, Southold, New York. ' ' Present were: President A~ma T. Hataier Trustee Henry P. Smith Trustee Halsey Staples Trustee Paul Stoutenburgh Trustee Frank A. Kujawski, Jr. Motion was made by President'Hataier, seconded by Trustee Staples aud carried to approvethe minutes Of the regular meeting of August 6, 1980 and set October l, 1980 for the next meeting date. Trustee Stoutenburgh made a 'motion, seconded by Trustee Kujawski and carried that the ~ustees prepare a pamphlet to'..$xplain various aspects of town waters to help the public so they will not be uninformed and to include the cost thereof in the budget to be presented to the Supervisor. PresidSnt Hataier made a motion, secondSd by Trustee Smith and carried to approve the application of Matt-A-Mar Marina to remove thirteenexisting mooring piles; reposition fourteen existing piles that they will secure fourteen new floating docks (finger piers. Piers will extend out from existing five foot wide floating dock running parallel to existing bulkhead and will consist of a 3' x 30" bib and 24'~ x 30" pier proper.'- The mooring pile at .the_outer end will be fitted with an iron ring upon which pier will ride. This project will not'increase capacity of marinabut will be more convenient for renters of space - all at Mattituck Creek. The trustees determined tha% no wetlands .~ere inv0'i~ed .'in 'tbs application of Matt-A-Mar Marina. President Hataier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Smith 'and carried to approve the application of John H. Geideman to erect bulkhead to prevent ~urther erosion of earth bank at private proper%~ of the~ applicant at Gull Pond. President'Hataier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Smith and carried to approve the application of William Manners to erect bulkhead to prevent further erosion,:of earth bank and to place a float in front of private property of the applicant at Gull Pond. 416 r · President Hataier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Staples and carried to approve the application of Joseph P. Getches to place offshore mooring off public property at Narrow River. President Hataier made a motion, seconded by'Trustee Kujawski and carried to approve the application of Glenn McIver to place offshore stake with pulley line' to onshore stake off private proper~y at Goose Creek. President Hataier made a motion, ssconded by Trustee Smith and carried to approve the application of George McGoey to place offshore mooring off .private community beach at Goose Creek. President Hataier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Smith and carried to approve the application of Edward J. Becket to place offshore stake.with pulley li~e' to onshore.s-~ off private Property at Arshamomaque~Pond. President Hataier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Smith and carried to approve the application of Charles S. Trownssll to place offshore stake with pulley line to onshore stake off private property at Goose Creek. ~. President Hata~ier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Staples and carried to approve the application of James W. Kophen to place offshore Stake with pulley~line to onshore stake ~with an additional offshore ~stake off private proper~y~at Goose Creek. ' ' . . After discussion it was decided that Mrs. Hataier would make an appointment with the Town Attorney for any afternoon after, i p.m. to discuss with him the definition of marina and ~the jurisdiction Of the town trustees over private bottomlauds. ~An opinion will be requested from him in writing regarding the statement he allegedly made stating the town had jurisdiction over private bottomlands once they were dredged .... Bay Constable Thomas Czelatka was asked to check boats that are moored in the Mattituck Creek area. A good many are not numbered and there is a q~estion as to whether they have permits. The complaint was made by Dr. Thomas Samuels on behalf of A1 Van Name, manager of Matt-A-Mar Marina, because it has presented aproblem to his marina. On motion made by Trustee Kujawski, seconded by Trustee Smith, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the application as submitted for a wetlands permit of William Pollert. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh President Hataier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Stoutenburgh and carried to approve the renewal of mooring permits for the following: David Ackerman Roslyn Bernstein Robert J. Clemens Carl H. Distenfeld James Mottley Frank Pileski Alfred F. Skrzypecki Arthur R. Stuchbury Donald Alfano Clement T. Brown Albin Czelatka Pauline Israel Henry Oman Richard E. Reunis William A. Smith Philip J. Van Bourgondien Trustee Kujawski made a motion, seconded by Trustee Stoutenburgh and carried to present the following proposed budget for 1981 to the Supervisor. Office Supplies $450.00 Informational pamphlet 250. O0 Members salaries as per Town Board Secretary's salary as per Town Board Trustee Kujawski made a motion, seconded by Trustee Stoutenburgh and carried to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Muriel Tolman, Clerk