HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-08/06/1980412 A regular meeting Of the Board of Southold Town Trustees was held at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, August 6~ 1980, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Present were: President Anna T. HatS/er Trustee Henry P. Smith Trustee Halsey Staples _~ Trustee Paul Stoutenburgh ~ Trustee Frank A, Kuj~wski, Jr. ~ Motion was made.by President Hataier, seconded by Trustee Kujawski and carried to approve.the minutes of the. regular meeting of July 2, 1980. Mr. Kujawski requested that the minutes sh6w that he was absent from the July meeting because he was'attending a seminar in California which Was planned three year~'ag0. 'c,~' %%% C On motion made by President Hataier,~seconded by T~ustee Smith, it was "' ' ' -- - RESOLVED to approve the application'of Elwood Hughe~ to add"a 3' x 10' ramp and 5' x 14' float to existing dock off private property of the applican~ at Mud Creek subject to the removal Of three feet from the existing dock. Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Staples, Smith _... Stoutenburgh Vote Of the Boar~: On motion made by President Hataier, seconded by Trustee Ku~awski, it was - RESOLVED to approve the application of Mitchell M. Wilcensk~ to place mushroom anchor off public property at Mattituck Creek with access from park district property with the condition that the anchor be at least 75 pounds in weight and that it not interfere with any ~navigation-or-additional boats in the area. Yo~~rd;~_~Ayek: 'H~ataier, Kujawski, Staples, Smith ttou~bun~gh ~tee Eu~$a~ski ~nnounced t~at the Maggituck Park District ~1 give l~e~ssion to moor ~mg ~he bulkhead a~d to tie to the ~park ~a'tr%ct property up to On motion made by Pre~de~ Hattie, seconded by ~rnstee Stoutenburgh, it ~as 413 RESOLVED to approve the application of Mimi Wells Colombo to place offshore mooring off private property Of the applicant~at East Creek with the condition that the Bay Constable be asked to 'oheck out the distance to the channel. -" '- ' Vote of the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh The applications of Bruce Urban and Stanley & Maria Grzesik were tabled until action comes back 'from the state. Herbert Mandel spoke again. His main thrust was home rule and that the people who live in a community should have their wishes respected'by the trustees that represent them. If they are not representedthen the answer will be at the ballot. Mr. Charles Raynor indicated that he saw nothing wrong with moorings at the Gull Pond site. President Hataier informed the people that the item will be on the Town Board agenda for August 12th if t~e answer'is back from the state._' Mr. Jarvis Verity expressed his feeling that these people have water- front property and don'twant anyone else in the:area.- Mr.:'Noel Lutkowski asked if an out-of-town resident will be allowed to moor in the area. He feels anyone from the state would have a right. Mr. Mandel declared that the Town does not own.the bottom. On motion made by President ~ataier~ seconded by Trustee Stoutenburgh, it was RESOLVED to approve the request of William C. Thompson to place additional 6' x 20' float off existing dock at private property of the applicant at Mattituck Creek. Vote'of the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski,'Smith, Staple~, Stoutenburgh On motion made by President Hataier, seconded by Trustee Kujawski, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the' ·Southo!d-Town Board approval as submitted of the wetland appa~ca~mon of Joseph L~ Townsend~ Jr. to build walkway over wetlands at-private property of the applicant at East Marion. ' .... Vote of the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Ku.jawski, Smith, Staples, . :'Stoutenburgh On motion madb by~T?ustee Staples, seconded by President HataieP, it was RESOLVED that the request of ~ul~Ju~tner for a quitclaim deed to filled property adjoining ±~t of the applicon% be postponed until the September meetin~ and ths~~ the matter be referred to ~e Assessors' 414 Vote of the Board: Office for suggestion on how the line should run more parallel to that of ~he Anchorage. --- .. ~ Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh The matter of the agreement presented by the Fleets Neck Property Owners Association was tabled until the September meeting. On motion made by PresidentHataier, seconded'by Trustee Smith, it was ........ ~ _ RESOLVED to deny the application of Roman Pawlikl'tO plaoe stake at end of Meadow Lane at Arshamomaque Pond without prejudice because there is no room at this location at the"pr~sen~ time. ~ Vote of the Board: Ayes: Hataier,' Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh'~ " ~ ' ''~ %~% % c - -' President Hataier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Staples and carried to approve the renewal of the following moorings and stakes: Hayden F. Allen Edward Booth Ralph F. Hayden ._ John J. Hughes Joseph Lizewski Herbert A. Streicher B. Loretta Von Lehn Robert L. Wilkinson Nikitas Zervos Anthony Ba~ucco Charles W. Harris ~:'Charles H0ffmei'ster Joseph Kozel .~Bruce 'Murphy ... Virginia VanBokkelen Elizabeth A; Von Hasseli Charles Wcznick Town Attorney Robert Tasker is to be asked for a written opinion on the jurisdiction of the Town Trustees over private bottomlands. The Mary~.LePeter matter is the ease in point. There being no furtherbusiness to come before the Board, Trustee Kujawski made a motion, seconded byPresident Hataier and carried to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Muriel Tolman, Clerk ' '~