HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-06/04/1980A regular meeting of the Board of-South01d Town Trustees wag at ?:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 4, 1980, at the Town Hall, Main Road, ~Southol~d, New York. Present were: ~ ~ ~ . _.~ : ..... President Anna T. Ha~aier ~ Trustee FrankA. Kujawski, Jr. Trustee Henry P. Smith ' · Trustee Halsey Staples -. c Trustee Paul Stoutenburgh · Bay Constable Thomas .Czelatka ~ o .-'~. · Mr. John Geideman appeared before the Board representing The Cleaves Point Association. They are...desirous of placing 100 lineal feet of boilkheading at the Association property on Gull Pond. He was told to apply~ for .the group and the application would be '-:i'~ reviewed by the Board. ' Preside'~ Hata~er ma~e ~motion, seconded by ~rustee Smith ~nd 'carried to approve..the minutes of the regular meeting~ of May 7, 1980. The next meeting Of the Board=~ll be held on July. 2, i980; On motion:,_?, made by Preside~Hataier,: seconded by Trustee Stapl~s,,it~ . . ~ was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees find there will be no,.detriment to the environment regarding Wetland Application .#47 of Mary L~peter.' Vo~e'6f the Boar . Ayes: Hataier,'KuDawskm, Smith, Staple~,' ~:'- ~:'' Stoutenburgh There was disgussi6 "reg rdi=g the a pfioatio= of:Ma LeP te for a floating dock. Mr. Martin' Surer; an adjoining property owner, stated this was all dredged property. Trustee Stoutenburgh said it was a drain where the tide flowed back and forth. President Hataier and Trustee Staples~will make a field trip to inspect.~he property..president Hatai~r-will check With the To~m Attorhey and Assessors Office to ascertain ownership of the bottom. On mormon made~byTru~tee~ . .~ Smzth, Jec~nded.~. ~.,bY ~Feside~t~ Hataier, it was RESOLVED to approve the application ~f Ma~y L~Peter ~o place a catwalk, ramp and.dock off private property of the applicant at a dug canal off Deep Hole Creek with the 6ondition that the inside edge Of the float will be at normal low water mark. Vote of the Board: Ayes:' Hataier, KuOawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh 406 On motion made by pres~ent. Hataier, seconded by~Trustee Kujawski, RESOLVED to approve the application place offshore stake with pulley line to bulkhead at"~ublic property at Gull Pond. This permit is issued for'the second piling from the gate. d' Vote of the Boar . Ayes: Hataier,~ Kujawski, S~ith, StaPles, Stoutenbo~gh ,. .. - __. Supt. o£ Highways Dean is to be contacted with a request to place numbers on every other piling from the gate for a total $£ nine spots. "' On motion made by Trustee Ku~awskm, se~0nded~y Presiden~ Hataier, it was RESOLVED to table the application of Roman Pawlik until more information is obtained as to ~he loc~tign of the mooring site. Vote of the Board. ~Ayes. Ha~aie~, Kujawsk~ Smith ~S~aples, · ' Stoutenbhrgh -'-6n motio~ made bY'Preside~'HataiSr~ 'secondedb~ Trustee staPles, ~ RESOLVED to approve the application o% Victor' Cierach to place offshore stake o££ pub!io property at'~icBmond Creek subject to the stake being placed so as not to.interfere with(the launching area. Vote of ,the Board. ~AY~S~ Hataier, Kujawski, Smi~th, Staples, ' ' Stoutenburgh ~' - _~. ~ _ _ , , ., ...... . ~ . ,. .. m~'~'on~_ ' ~' "/' [ '~ ....... seconded SmitH, On .~de b~ .Pres.~dent Ha2aier, by TruStee. .. ~SOL~D ,to approve ihe application of ~gber% M. RinMo!~. ~ to place mushroom mooring off private p~operty of R~ph C. Condit at Richmond Creek. . . Vote Df the DoarG.~ Ay. s. Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenb~gh ~ ; 407 On motionmade by P~'esident Hataier, seconded by ~rustee Smith, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of VictorJ. Rugg of place offshore stake off private property of Ethel E. Wortis at Richmond Creek, with the condition that it be placed so as not to interfere with other boats moored in the area. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh On motion made by.President Hataier, seconded by Trustee Kujawski, it was .". ' "~ . : ~ RESOLVED to approve the application of James Manos to place mushroom mooring off private right-of-way at Mattituck Creek. Vote of',the Board: Ayes: Hataier, K~jawski, Smith; Staples, Stoutenburgh On motion made by Trustee Stoutenburgh, seconded by Trustee staples, it was RESOLVED to table the application of Leon C. Marcus for permission to place a dock off private property at Gull Pond-ontil information comes inas to exactly how the bottom goes. Vote of.the Board: Ayes:~ Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh On motion made by President Hataier, seconded by Trustee Kujawski~ it was ~ '~ '' RESOLVED to extend the time for lthe closing of the creeks for purging purposes, until the end of July. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenborgh On motion made by President Hataier, seconded by Trustee Smith, it was RESOLVED that the Board of Southold Town Trustees enter into an agreement pertaining to,Leander B. Glover's boundaries on his~island being on the west and south. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh Mr. Vanderbeck said a survey will be sent to the Board to .clarify the boundaries of Fleet's Neck Association. ~tr~ ©frias, attorney'£or Leon C. Marcus,., 'arrived. A meeting was arranged to take place at 11:30 a.m., Saturday, Jume 7, 1980 to check the depth o£ the area. ' 'On motion made by President Hataier, seconded by Trustee Smith, it was ~ " ~ RESOLVED to approve the application of Larry C. Ta!bert place offshore stake with pulley line to onshore stake private property of the applicant at Arshamomaque Pond. Vote of the Board: 'Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh On motion made by President'Ha~aier, seconded by Trustee smith, it was RESOLVED to approve the relocation of the mushroom mooring of Anne G. Sanderson, said mooring to be placed at the first location as outlined on the app!ication4 Vote of the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh President Hataier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Smith and carried to renew the following moorings for the month~, of July: Geraldine Berge . Julia Citera William El deBruin Stanley Grzesik Otto Macomber Marily Schmitt Michael F.. Zukas'~ ~_r~aa T. Hataier Alexander LeDonne William Pappas Joseph F. Smulcheski John E. Stimmel David P. Moore Robert DeMaria Eileen Haggerty Kenneth M. Ketcham Kenneth M. Newman John J. Volinski Robert Reeves Richard Osmer Harold. J. Hannafin · William E. deBruin, Jr. John J. Bondarchuk Ralph F. Crocker Herbert Greenfield Rosalie Lahmann Norman McCook Jane T. Taggart Dolores E. F; Brady Anthony R. Izzo Jerome B. Lewin 'Dona!d'B. Rose ' Achilles Stachtiaris Michael Zukas Burke E. Liburt Charles S. DeVoe. FredHiddink Joseph J. Kosits Bernard F. Rotlinson Michael J.~'Vota Joseph G. Callahan George Johnnidis Helen Brown Amthony Zotto C There being no further business to come before the board, President Hataier made a motion, seconded by Trustee Smith and carried to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.