HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-03/05/1980 A regui~ m~ting of the Somthotd Tova~._~rustees was held at 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 5, 1980, at the To~m Hall, Main Road, Southo!d, New York. Present were: President ~na T. Hataier T~stee Frank A. Kujawski, Jr. Trustee Paul Stoutenburgh Trustee Henry P. Smith Trustee Halsey Staples. · M~. Bernard Monson appeared before the Board asking i%~ opinion on the bu!kheading of property on Budd's Pond. It was determined that all other properties in the area are bulkheaded, it is not productive wetlands and in order to have a boat there it would have to be bullheaded. No trustee had any objection to the project and Mr. Monson was told to complete a wetland permit applioationo On motion made by President Hataier, seconded by Trustee Staples, it was RESOLVED to accept the statement of A. Agarabi, M. D. dated February 23, 1980 which states "I will not now - or in the future dredge the area in front, of the retaining wall which runs from the left of the li£t pit to the Wickham Avenue in the South side of the Matt-A-Mar Marina." Vote of the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh Mr. Van Name attended this portion of the meeting. On motion made by President Hataier, seconded by Trustee Smith, it was RESOLVED to approve the application o£ William A. Lawrence to place 125 lb. mushroom anchor with floaz off private right-of-way. at Park Avenue, Mattituck at Deep Hole Creek, subject to it being placed so as not to interfere with other boats in the area. Vote o£ the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh Trustee Stoutenburghmade a motion that if the agenda does not appear in either of the papers the business that was on the agenda is passed on to the next meeting. President Hataier seconded the motion and it was carried u~-animously. 395 On motion made by President Hataier, seconded by Trustee Kujaws~i, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Scott Rudolph to place a mushroom anchor of 100 lbs. off public property at Mattituck Creek with access bydinghy from the ramp. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh On motion made by President Hataier, seconded .by TruStee Staples, it was RESOL~D to approve the application of A. Diane Raymes to place a 300 lb. mushroom anchor off private property at Gull Pond. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Hataier, Kujawski, Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh Dr. Ssmuels of James Rambo, Inc. was at the-meeting and offered to supply the Trustees with copies of wetlands maps of the creeks. Motion was made by Trustee Kujawski, seconded by President Hataier and carried to accept Dr. Samuels': offer of copies of the-wetlands maps of the creeks. · Trustee Stoutenburghmg~ea motion to direct the President to write a letter to the Riverhead Bay Conservation Association and put the record straight that the Trustees do not support them and do not want them to use the nsme of the Southold Town Trustees. This hinges on the fact that the Southold Town Baymen~will~be excluded from the area. TrusteeKuSawski seconded the motion and it was carried. President HaSaier agreed to set up a meeting with Police Chief Cataldo regarding having the Bay Constable attend all trustee meetings. The East Road property in Cutchogue was discussed With June Glover, Mr. Vanderbeck, Bill Nicol. It was agreed that Mr. Glover would put a chain across the-property. The access is now 40 feet instead Of 50 feet. The road end is in the jurisdiction of the Highway Department. Mr. Glover stated he would not pursue his request of a few years back for a quitclaim deed to some property in the area. 396 President Hataier announced the David Ne~on would come down and make a presentation on £reshwater wetlands. She requested that the Conservation Advisory Cou_nci!, Planning Board and Town Board be invited for the oresentation to be held on March 13 at 2 p.m. The papers are also to be informed. The Trustees will request a meeting with the Town Board at its next work session regardMng the purchase o£ Narrow River, Goose Bay dredging, Gull Pond moorings and the possibility of the Town Trustees determining the priority for dredging projects for the County Dept. of Public Works. M~s. Arthur Moore's letter rega_~ding a bridge problem in Cutchogue will be referred to the Highway Department and indicate that the Board concurs with Mrs. Moore's thinking. Trustee Staples made a motion, seconded by President Hataier and carried to approve the following mooring renewals for the month of April subject to receipt of the $5 fee. Anthony A. Avella Margaret K. Bible Herman 0. Christensen Alec E!ak Joseph E'.-Hataier Carl A. Hergrueter William Jackowski JobaR. Lambert John J. McQuaid Michael J. Reddington J. J. Ruggles John Verity Wes Bednosky, Sr. Charles A. Burst Thomas S. Cottrell J. H. Geideman Robert A. Hawkins Robert Isles Antone S. Krupski Herbert Lindtveit Edna & John A. Po!yn DoUglas Rogers, Jr. Robert Rhompson The nex~ meeting of the Board will be held at 7:30 p.m. '~April 2, 1980. ~' There being no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Kujawski made a motion, seconded by President Hataier and carried to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Muriel Tolman, Secretary