HomeMy WebLinkAboutCell Tower Consultant - Walter A Cooper ft;;;~~ t~.~ 'S.~ ~ RESOLUTION 2007-869 ADOPTED DOC lD: 3303 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION NO. 2007-869 WAS ADOPTED AT THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE SOUTHOLD TOWN BOARD ON NOVEMBER 7, 2007: RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Southold authorizes and directs Suuervisor Russell to retain Walter A. Coouer to urovide urofessional technical consultation services rel!:ardinl!: wireless facility ulanninl!: pursuant to his proposal dated October 22,2007, at a cost not to exceed $7500.00, subject to the approval of the Town Attorney, said costs to be charged to the Planning Department's consultant line. Pt~CI.-q,~~. Elizabeth A. Neville South old Town Clerk RESULT: ADOPTED [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: Louisa P. Evans, Justice SECONDER: Thomas H. Wickham, Councilman AYES: Krupski Jr., Edwards, Ross, Wickham, Evans, Russell WALTER A. COOPER 117 Walnut Hills Drive Williamsburg, VA 23185 757-220-9442 October 22, 2007 Via e-mail Ms. Heather Lanza Director of Planning Town of South old SOllthold, NY 11971 Re: Town of Southold - Technical Consultation for Zoning Law Revision and Wireless Facility Planning Dear Ms. Lanza: It is a pleasure to present this proposal to provide the following services as directed by the Town. · Review the Town's existing wireless zoning regulations and the applicable wireless regulations of the other authorities having jurisdiction. · Provide updated language to reflect current regulations, the state of wircless technology and standard practices of the carriers, to include technical (radio frequency related) provisions regarding demonstration of need, proposed coverage, capacity, non-ionizing radiation exposure compliance, siting, minimum necessary height, co-location and the visual screening of equipment and facilities. . Make recommendations regarding provisions of the current wireless law that can be changed to encourage desirable facility design and siting practices by wireless carriers. . With the assistance of the Town, explore the feasibility of several potential wireless facility sites and produce indicative propagation maps to illustrate potential coverage quality at various antenna heights. . Provide the Town with a report and recommendations regarding siting alternatives. My fee for the above services will be calculated at an hourly rate of$IOO.OO. I will also be reimbursed at cost for out-of-pocket expenses related to any travel the Town may authorize and for living costs, express postage, printing and copies. The reimbursement rate for travel by private vehicle is the then-current IRS flat mileage rate. The total cost to perform the above tasks will depend on the amount of assistance the Town can provide, especially in site. selection, and the number of sites to be investigated. Based on experience, I estimate that the following fees will be required: Zoning law review and recommendations approximately $1,700.00 . Site investigation, propagation maps & recommendations - Meetings in Southold (two total) approximately $2,400.00 approximately $1,600.00 The total fees, based on the above scope will not exceed $5,700.00 without the Town's prior consent. I anticipate that these services will require 90 calendar days or less for completion. Travel and miscellaneous expcnses (assuming no overnight stay) will approximate $700.00. If you fInd this arrangement satisfactory, please sign and return onc copy of this proposal indicating your agreement. Meanwhile I look forward to being of service to the Town. Very truly yours, W al tel' A. Cooper TOWN OF SOUTHOLD Accepted by: ___________ Printed Name and Title ~ c 0 _~~_~_RU s s e~l.-,-__S up e rv is 0 r Date _.~.,--