HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-11/04/1981 ~-~ M I N U T E S -.~__~ A regular meeting ~of the Board of .Southold Town Trustees was held.at ~:30 PM, Wednesday, November 4, 1981, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Present were: President Anna T. Hataier Vice President Henry..Smith Trustee Halsey~Staples Trustee Paul Stoutenburgh Trustee Frank Kujawski Trustee-elect John Bednoski Ruth Oliva, North Fork Environmental Council Marian Goubeaud, Clerk President Hataier called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. On motion of Mrs. Hataier, seconded~by Mr. Stoutenburgh and carried, the minutes of the October 7, 1981 meeting were approved with ,the following amendment: on page 460, in regard to the application of Mattituck Inlet Marina, the name ~Howard Petersen,be changed to read William Boscola. The next meeting of the Board will ,be December 2, 1981. On motion made by Mr. Stoutenburgh, seconded by ,Mrs. Hataier, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Heagan Bayles to remove approximately 38' of existing timber bulkhead and replace in th~ same location and configuration with similar structure and to truck in approxim tel 5 u . s. f le n.s nd f o u land for back ..... ln_~nn~we~ Po~,~N~ss~u. ~oln~,.Cu~c~o ~e. source z~±z/ roue of ~oard: .~ayes: .mrs. Ha~a~er, ~essrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh and Kujawski. 463 On motion made by Mrs. Hataier,, seconded by Mr. Staples, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board to approve the wetland application, ~74, of Richard Seelig, to build a wooden retaining wall along the eastern edge of applicant's property at East Creek, Cutchogueo Vote of Board: Ayes: Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. Smith, Staples, Kujawski and Stoutenburgh. . ~ . On motion.made by Mrs.~Hataier, seconded by Mr. Smith, it was RESOLVED to table until2the next meeting the application of Charles DeLuca to build a catwalk, ramp and float to moor a private boat at Richmond~Creek, Peconic. Vote of Board: Ayes: .Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh and Kujawski. On motion made by Mrs. Hataier, seconded by Mr. Smith, it.was RESOLVED to .recommend to the Southold Town Board to hold in abeyance decision on the wetland application, ~75, of Charles DeLuca to build a-catwalk, ramp and float to moor a privat boat at Richmond Creek, Peconic, as the Trustees need more information on the application. On motion made by Mr. Stoutenburgh, seconded by~4r~ 'Staples; it was RESOLVED tQ table untiI 'the " next meeting the application of Frederick to construct an open piling dock, _85~x 5', ~16' Eamp; ~40' ,floating 464 dock with relate~ooring piling, 55 x 5' ca lk ramp to deck area~of 16' x 20' with sm~ll boat shed at Mattituck Creek, Mattituck. Vote of Board: Ayes: MrS. Hataier, Messrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh and Kuj~wski ...... On motion made by Hr. Stoutenburgh, seconded by Mr. Staples, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board to hold in abeyance decision on the wetland application,.~76, of Prederick Cowan to con- struct an open piling dock, 85' x 5'; 16' ramp, 40' floating dock with related mooring piling, 55' x 5' catwalk ramp to deck area of 16' x 20' with small boat shed at Mattituck Creek, Mattituck, as the Trustees need more information on the application. VOte of Board: Ayes: Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh and Kujawski. On motion made by Mrs. Hataier, seconded by Mr. Staples, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Shirley M. Homan to place a mushroom moQring at Richmond Creek, Peconic. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mrs. ~ataier, Messrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh, Kujawski. On motion~made by Mrs. Hataier, seconded by Mr. Stoutenb~rgh, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Joseph Poliwoda to place an offshore-onshore stake at Arshamomaque Pond, Southold. Vote of Board: Ayes: Mrs. Hataier, ~Messrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh, Kujawski. On motio~ made by Mrs. Hataier, seqonded by Mr. Stoutenburgh, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the wetland application, ~77, of M. S. Levison to contruct 35' of bulkhead, 30 x 6' float, 10 x 3' ramp, 4 x 6' platform on private canal off Southold Bay, at Albacore Drive, Southold Shores, Southold. Vote of the Board: ~Ayes: ~irs. Ha~aier, ~Messrs. Smith,~ Staples, Stoutenburgh and Kujawski. ~ In the case ~f Donald~DeLalla, the Board requested Trustees Smith and Stoutenburgh and Bay Constable Czelatka meet with Attorney Tasker to see what legal grounds the Trustees have to revoke M~. DeLalla's permit (s)~. ~ As to the complaint of a fence in the water on the property of Robert Rider, it was concluded that it was his fence, his property and that he had every right to have it there. It was requested a letter De sent to ~ne complainant, Jonn Sw~skey, to tna~ effect. ~On motion made.by Mr. Stoutenburgh, seconded by Mr. Kujawski, it was~ RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board to hold in abeyance decision on the wetland application, ~72, of Wunneweta Lagoon Association, as the Trustees feel there is a problem with the Town Code in as much as they must give a written report of findings and recommendations with respect to an application and submit said report within twenty (20) day~ of receipt. As the Trustees meet only once a month, there is not ~ time to act upon these applications. Therefore, theY request the time be extended to forty-five (45) days. The Trustees also request lead agency fo~ The Lagoon, as they would like a detailed Environmental Impact Statement. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. , ~Staples~ Stou~nbur~h and Kujawski. ~ ~" ~ ~ ~ 465 ~On the matter of shel~£ish permits and limits, t~ following proposals were made by the ~outhold Town BaymenLs Association: 'starting May 1, 1981, fees for Shellfish Permits shall be $5.00 for Commercial, -$3.00 ~or resident mon-commercial amd $5.00 for non-residents. ~There will also be a limit Of one hundred (10'0) clams per perso~ per day. ~ The Trustees support the Paul Flaggseed clam program i~ conjunction with the regular transplanting program now in use. Monies collected for fees are ~o be earmarked for the s~ed.¢lam program The Board requested Bessie Panagiotopoulos be notified that when there is an opening, the Board will let her know what number piling she may chanqe her mooring to ............ On motion made by Mrs. Hataier, seconded.by Mr. Stoutenburgh and carried~ all the mooring renewal permits for ~he month of December were approved. -The Board requested the folloWing letter be sent in regard to an application by Matt-A-Mar Marina, Inc. for four (4) T floating Docks: Colonel W. M.~ Smith ....... ~ ~ District Engineer . . New York Districr, Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza New York, N. Y. 10007 Re: ~ Matt-A-Marr Marzna, Inc: ~ Dear Colonel Smith: Public ~Notice No. 10849~81-622-L2 The Southold Town Board of Trustees opposes.the construcqion of ~our (4) T floating docks by Matt-A-Mar Marina on.Mattituck Inlet in.order to permit deeper-draft vessels. . ~ - .~ ~ ..... Ther~ is a lack of flushing action in the southern part of Mattituck Inlet on which the Marina is located, as has been documented by the Suffolk County Department of Planning in a study entitled: Mattituck Creek Watershed Study, Phase One. There will be a buildup of oil, grease and wastes_in the wa~er, caused by the lack of~ action by the -tides and the increase of boat traffic at the Marina. As it is, this area is already closed to~shellfishing. The T.dock ~to the North juts out into Long ~reek~, which~could cause ~bstruction~ to navigation in the channel. Also, the increase of the number of larger boats would have a detrimental effect on the inter- tidal marsh on the North Side of Long Creek. In order to prevent further contamination of the inlet at the Southern end, preserve a valuable piece of wetlands and not create a navigational hazard, the Southold Town Board of Trustees strongly objects to this application. dc: ~ A. 'Mamshall Irving ~'- Adminis tra t ire Judg~ Yours truly, /s/ Anna T. Hataier, Pres. Southold Town Trustees 466 The Board also a letter be sent to~tt-A-Mar Marina, Inc~ to'~ notify them.they ~ust remove the~ outer most piling at the entrance to Long Creek, as there is no record of a permit being issued for same. Copies to be sent to: 'Mrs. J. Delehanty, Knollwood Lane, Mattituck; Mrs. C. J. Harvey, Bayer Road, Mattit~ck and to the Mattituck Inlet Advisory Committee~ . _ ~ On motion made by Mr. Stoutenburgh, seconded by Mrs.. Hataier, it was RESOLVED to adopt the following guidelines, so that the present and -future Trustees wfll have some direction to go by: . . The Town waters and their bottomland belong to all the residents of Southold Town, no matter where they live within the Township. It is 'the responsibility of the Trustees to ~ana~e these valuable resources so that all can benefit from them. JURISDICTION: The Trustees jurisdiction includes all the inland waters in the Town of Southold, including a~y man-made areas where such 'inland waters shall flow (reason: should any structure or activity be made in these inland areas such as ramps, bulkheads, road runoff,~ etc., they eventually will have an effect on the town waters). _ MOORINGS: Providing there is space available and they do not interfere with navigation or other moorings, town waters shall be available for moorings to all residents of Southold Town. Mooring anchors must be regular mushroom anchors onl~ (no cement blocks, hook anchors, etc.). They must be clearly'marked with the mooring numbers three inches in height painted on them. No inboards or boats over 22' long may be moored with onshore-offshore stakes. )DOCKS, poles', stakes and piles with the accompanying boat shall not be any closer than 15' to the property line (this does not include bulkheads). The length of a dock is to conform to adjacent docks whenever possible and the permit number is to be clearly visible in three inch numerals on each side. A three foot catwalk is recommended over wetlands, and all structures over wetlands must be high enough not to impede marsh grass growth. DREDGING: All dredging, both private and public, shall come under the jurisdiction of ~he Town Trustees including where the dredging isI to take place and the spoil placed. Dredging is not recommended in Southold Town waters except for navigational purposes and maintenance of marinas - in which, case, the spoils shall 'not.be used for private use. If bottomland i~ used for private use to enhance one's property, there will be a charge according to our fee schedule. BULKHEADS: Bulkheads should be discouraged whenever possible and those permitted should be as high above the high water mark as feasible and a 'clear need demonstrated. SPOIL: When taken ~rom town waters and used for private gain, a fee shall be charged at the rate of $2.00 per cubic yard. S 'TO AND. ALONG TOWN WATERS: At the end of Town roads wher. e moorings : 467 bare allowed, there~ music be ample room for ingres~.~nd egress. No structure shall i~hibit the public's right to walk along the shore front unless access is provided over or around the structure. Mr. Stoutenburgh amended the foregoing motion, seconded by Mrs. Hataier, not to adopt the g~idelines until such time as Town Attorney Tasker reviewed them. A copy of the guidelines is to be sent to Mr. Tasker. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. Smith Staples, Kujawski and Stoutenburgh. ' The Board requested the following letter be sent to Mrs. Agnes Pagnozzi by certified mail, return receipt requested: CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN P~ECEIPT REQUESTED Mrs. Agnes Pagnozzi 1450 Jockey Creek Drive Southold, New York Dear Mrs. Pagnozzi: This is to notify you that the four (4) piles and hoist you have put up illegally in Jockey Creek must be removed within twenty-one (21) days from the date of this letter~ You may submit a new application for a permit to install same in another location. Yours truly, /s/ Anna T. Hataier, President Southold Town Trustees The Board requested a letter be sent to Fred Melin to notify him that he mnst remove his bulkhead, as it was installed in violation of his permit. There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Kujawski made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hataier and carried, to adjourn. The meeting closed at 9:20 PM. Marian Goubeaud, Clerk Southold Town Trustees