HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-10/07/1981 M I N U T E s 459 A regular meeting of~the Board of Southold Town' Trustees was held at 7:30 PM, Wednesday, October 7, 198I, at.the 'TQ%rn H~tI, Main Road, Southold, New_York. Present were: President Anna T. Hataier _ . ._ ~ ~ .. r _ ~ ~ Vice President Eenry Smith . i._ ~.~ ~ ~ ~' .... Trustee Halsey Staples . · '~ .~'..~ · - -Trustee Paul Stoutenburgh - .-.~ Trustee Frank Kujawski Ruth Oliva, North Fork Environmental Council ~ Lydia TQrtora, League of Women Voters - ~ ~ ~ Marian Goubeaud, Clerk ~.~ ~ - .'~. ~ President~Hataie~ called the meeting to. o~der a~ 7:30 PM.- On motion of Mrs. Hataier, seconded by Mr. Stoutenburgh and carried, the minutes of the September 2, 1981, meeting were approved with'the following ~amendments: on page 457, the resolution'%o deny the application_of Agnes Pagnozzi" be amended to read: ~to~ den~ the Trustee application of Agnes ~Pagnozzi;~ and '~violating the Zoning Code" be amended to read: violating the Trustees Guide Lines. -On page 458, .~he application of Mattituck Inlet Marina for dredging was tabled until the next meeting be amended to include: During that time, informal discussions among the Trustees concerning the problem~will-be undertaken. The next meeting of the Board will be November 4, i98L. On motion made by President Hataier, seconded by Mr~ Kujawski, it was RESOLVED to approve ~the application 6f~ Robert White to place a 200 lb. mushroom mooring at Mattituck Creek~with the Provi~ion_,there is room north of the present moorings and that it does not interfere with navigation and other boats. Vote of Board: Ayes: .~.Mrs.~Hataier, Messrs. Smith,--Staples, Stoutenburgh and Kujawski.' On motion made.%by Mrs. Hataier~ seconded by Mr.. Smith, it was RESOLVED.to approve the application of Robert Trentacoste to place a mushroom mooring with the provision that-it is put in Mud Creek and the 92 position noted on .his~applicationo Vote of Board: Ayes: Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. Smith, StaPtes, ~Stoutenburgh~ and Kujawski. On motion.~made by Mrs. Hataier~; ~seconded by Mr. Stoutenburgh, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Blake Marriner to place a 150 lb. mushroom mooring at James Creek with th~ provision he place it at the gal~anized_post with a stake to mark the anchorj .- Vote of Board: 'Ayes:~'~Mrs. ~ataier;~Messrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh, Kujawski. On motion made by Mrs. Hataier, seconded-by Mr. Kujawski~, it was~ - RESOLVED to approve the application of Arthur Marchesi to remove existing bulkhead and construct a new bulkhead and to remove and replace~a 5'-x 12' ~fixed timber dock at ~rush's Creek~ with the provision that if any bottom land~ is remoued, an application for a permit must be submitted t0~d~9~$0. Vote of Board: .Ayes: Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh and Kujawski. 46O On motion made by ~. Hataier, seconded b~ ples, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the Wetland Application, ~73, of Frank ~Frankola for a b~lkhead in dredged boat basin only and to deny it for_the unnamed creek Qff Goose Creek, as most of the wetlands are not bulkheaded in that 'creek. Also, the wetlands on front are to be 'left as are; application for a permit for the existing ramp must be submitted and no permit will be granted until the application for. the ramp is received. :.-Vote of Board: Ayes: Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh and Kujawski. .... - In regard to the application of Mattituck Inlet Marina, the Trustees conferred several times with Howard Petersen fQr informational purposes only. The problem was not the dredging, but the spoils. After much discussion, on motion of Mrs. Hataier,'seconded by Mr. Smith, ~it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Mattituck Inlet ,Marina for maintenance dredging at Mattituck Creek with the provision..they make a Southold Town designated repository on their property for :the~spoils, charging ~two dollars ($2.00) per cu. yd. for Southold Town, if any spoils are used'or sold. Vote of Board: Ayes: Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. Smith, Stoutenburgh, Kujawski~ Mr. Staples registered~a negative vote, as he feels the payment for the spoils should come first. On motion made by Mr. Stoutenburgh, seconded by Mr.'Staples, it was RESOLVED to table the application of Wunneweta Lagoon Association until a long environmental form is received because of the delicate fresh water supply on Nassau Point and the abundant fish and wildlife in the area. Also, there is concern about the dredge material being compatible for beach nourishment (mud, silt, etc.). Vote of Board: Ayes: Mrs.'.Hataier, Messrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh, Kujawski. Representatives from the.Southold Town Baymen's Association were present to discuss limits on clams taken from town waters, the issuance of shellfish permits for town residents and adoption of the program of Paul Flagg. Their proposed limit, on ha~d Clams for Resident Commercial is two counts for Little Necks, three bushels for Cherry Stones and no limit on Chowder Clams; for Non-Comme=cial Resident, their proposed limit is one half bushel combined~of Little Necks, Cherry Stones and Chowder Clams. The Baymen's AssociatiQn will send a letter to,the Trustees stating their opinions as to the size of clams and the seeding program. ,On motion made by Mrs. Hataier, seconded by Mr. Smith, it was RESOLVED that the Southold Town Trustees recommend to the Southold Town Board that Chapter 77, Shellfish, of the Code of the Town of Southold be amended under Section 77-202. Permit requirements, Sub- section C to,require permits for non-commercial purposes by.a permanent resident for a fee. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. Smith, Stapl.es, Stoutenburgh and Kujawski. In the case of Donald DeLalla,the Board requested that Bay Constable Tom Czelatka process the~registration numbers of the~boats'moored at Mr. DeLalla's dock and to,put the' matter on the agenda for the next meeting~ The matter of the dock extension of Matt-A-Mar Marina was tabled until the'next meeting-in view of the fact.the Trustees have not received the copy of~the Army~Corps of Enginee~s'Permit for this dock, which the Trustees requested,by letter on September~8~ 1981~ · .~ . The Board agreed to let Frank J. Daniels renew his mooring in Gull Pond with the provision he leaves it where it was and that it is. clea'rly visible-with his~mooring number~on, it. The Board requested a letter be sent to ~Berhard Robins acknOWledging his correspondence in'regard.to the Donald~DeLalta case. ~ - . ' The Board requested a reply be sent to En'-Consultants,;Inc, informing them that the existing bulkhead and basin on.the property of Stephen Shitowitz ~is not within the jurisdiction of the Southold-Town Trustees. The following letter was received from The Suffolk County Department of Public Works: 461 Gentlemen: We are in receipt of your recent approval of our permit application~for the above-referenced project. (West Creek Bridge) In your comments you make mention of a provision'for fishing at the new bridge. Since no one from this Department was present at your hearing on August 5, 1981, we would like you to know our present position with regard to this matter. On June 26, 1981~ representatives of this Department me~ ~ith the New Suffolk Civic Association. At the meeting the ~people in'attendance, all residents of the immediate area surrounding West Creek-Bridge, aSked that no provision for fishing be made at the new bridge as it would attract too many people along with the associated problems of. parking, etc. The point was also made that the existing bridge is presently posted for "No Fishing". The local residents also inquired about.strict enforcement of no parking signs which they would-like posted-at the bridge, and it was suggested that they contact the Southold Police Department. As a result of the meeting, the Department has decided to proceed with the design of the bridge replacement at West Creek Bridge with no pro- vision being made for fishing. This Department would be willing to reconsider its position if an official request, in the form of a Town Resolution, was received-re- questing that provisions for fishing at the new bridge be incorporated into the project. Very truly yours, C. Roger Meeker~ Chief Engineer by /s/ William D. Lifford Principal~ Civil Engineer Trustee Stoutenburgh requested the above letter'be'sent to The Suffolk Times and The Long'land Traveler-Watchman w~ a request to publish it with the following comments: The reason a fishing platform was:requested by the'Southold Town Trustees was, that without it, someone, some day~ Will have an accident because of vehicle traffic. Cars will be travel- ing faster over the new bridge - it will be wider and the approach less steep. ' - ~ ' On motion made by Mrs. Hataier, seconded by Mr. Smith and carried, all the mooring renewal permits for November were approved. There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr- Kujawski made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Hataier and carried, to adjourn. The meeting closed at,10:10 Marian Goubeaud, 'Clerk Southold Town Trustees