HomeMy WebLinkAboutTR-07/01/198145O ~ MINUTES BOARD OF SOUTHOLD TOWN TRUSTEES A regular meeting of the Board of Southold Town Trustees w~s held at 7:30 PM, Wednesday, July 1, 1981, at the Town Hall, Main Road, Southold, New York. Present were: President Anna T. Hataier Vice President Henry P. Smith Trustee Halsey Staples Trustee Paul Stoutenbu~gh Trustee Frank Kujawski Bay Constable Thomas Czelatka Ruth 01iva, North Fork Environmental Council Marian Goubeaud, Secretar~ WORK SESSION: President Hataier asked that a letter be sent to the Department of Environmental Conservation requesting an assessment, under the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act, of Gull Pond Inlet with boat moorins that are located off the bulkhead at the Norman E. Klipp Marine Park. President Hataier asked that a copy of a letter received from Cameron Faustman and Tom Laffey)of the University of Connecticut in regard to the tern nests in Mill Creek be sent to Supervisor Fell. President Hataier also requested a cover letter to be sent with it explaining it was a sample of correspondence the Trustees received and would like to acknowledge and honor, and that we would gladly share any informa- tion and requests with the Town Board. President Hataier called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM.- On motion of Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Staples, the minutes of the regular meeting of June 3, 1981, were approved with the following amendment: Absent: President Anna T. Hataier. On motion made by Mrs. Hataier, seconded by Mr° Smith, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Eric J. Bressler & Abigail A. Wickham to replace existing dock at Wickham Creek, Cutchogue. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mrs° Hataier, Messrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh and Kujawski. , On motion made by Mr. Kujawski, seconded by Mr. Stoutenburgh, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of A1 and Muriel Schwartz to construct a 3' x 10' dock, 3' x 10' ramp, 8' x 12' floating dock and a 4' x 10' floating dock at Arshamomque Pond. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh, Kujawski. On motion made by Mrs. Hataier~ seconded by Mr o Smith, it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Arnold Buffum Lovell to construct a 3' x 10' dock, 3' x 12' ramp and 5' x 14' floating dock with the provision that he turn the flo~t oar~i!e! to the thereby re~c~nc %be le~h 50 9' ~3ue of une ~c. ard~ Aves~ Hataier~ Messrs. Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh, Kujawski. On motion made ~y Mrs; Hataier, seconded ,by 'Mr. Kujawski,.~i~ was. RESOLVED to amend ~he minutes of the -"- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ttlo~-read that only outboard boa~s, no longer than 20',-be moored at the bulkhead in Gull Pond. Vote of Board: Ayes: Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. ~Smith, Staples, Stoutenburgh, Kujawski. On~'mo~ion made.by Mrs. Hataier, seconded by Mr.i Smith;-Howard '~ Petersen was~given~permission to put up a safety rail that his in-_ surance requires on existing ramp~ _~- -' ~. 451 On motion made by Mrs. Hataie~, seconded by~Mr~'~Stoutenburgh, it was RESOLVED to approve the-application of Steve Gralton~to place Onshore stake with pulleyoline at Richmond Creek. .Vote of ~Board: Ayes: o_Mrs. Hataier, Messrs. Smith, Staples~ Stoutenburgh, Kujawski. The Boar~ requested a letter,be written to Donald DeLalla/bring to,his attention that his mooring permits allow only three private recreational boats to be moored at his site; that the mooring of anymore boats or accepting fees for mooring is.in violation of his permits and.that if such is the case, his permits would be revoked.~ .- .... - - On motion made by Mr. Kujawski~ seconded by,Mrs. Hataier, i~t~was RESOLVED to approve the application.Fred Melin .to construct a bulkhead with the provision that it~be three feet from the property line and to deny the application to extend an existing float. On motion made by Mr. Kujawski, seconded by Mrs. Hataier~ it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Southold Town Board approval of the wetland application of Fred Melior67, for~a permit to construct-a bmlkhead with the provision that it ~be three feet from the property line. On motion made by Mrs. Hataier, seconded_by'Mr. 'Kujawski, it was ~ RESOLVED to approve the application of Robert Marchica to place ,~offs~ore stake with pulley line to onshore stake at Mattituck Creek subject.to receipt of. letter from the Mattituck Park District giving blanket permission for moorings 'at the bulkhead ..... The Board requested a letter be written to Frank Murphy of the Mattituck Park District requesting a letter granting blanket~permission to-moor boats off~-the bulkhead at Mattituck Creek. - .~. ~ ~ .... On motion made by,Mrs. Hataier, seconded by Mr. Kujawski~ it was RESOLVED to approve the application of Mary Midwinter with the provision it be a on% hundred pound mushroom~ that it be placed-beyond existing mooring~ to east~so ~s_not to be in the channel and where ,it ~will not interfere with other moored boats. On motion made by Mrs. Hataier, seconded by Mr¢ Stoutenburgh~ it was RESOLVED to approve the application of William McDermott to place 150 lb. mushroom offshore mooring at Mattituck Creek. 452 On motion made ~by Mrs. Hataier, seconded ~by Mr. Staples~ it,~was _~: RESOLVED to approve the application o,f Richard DeMar~ia ko place offshore stake at Corey~Creek with ,the p~0~ision:he use the ~xisting center non- numbe~e'd'stake. .~ ~ .~3~ ~ .. · ~i~. .... ~: ~-i~, ~ The Board requested that a letter from W. S. Gardner, President of the Nassau Point Prop~rlty Owners Assoc.iation ,beck, turned over to ,the Building Depart4~ent.'- It ~as"~in regard to,the, fact that Mrs.~Rosemary,Trentalange has been putting fill in a iow spot in~front~Of her property~ _ ~ ~ It was suggested-that Mr..~-Staples check with Attorney Taske~r as..~to whether it was~legal to charge $2.00 per cu.~yd, of spoit~to residents and $1.00 per cu,~ yd. of spoil~to commercia~ concerns.l~ On motion made by Mrs. Hataier, seconded by Mr. Smith, it was RES'OLVED to'~a~r'6ve the, renewal of~all~.mooring permits-through August. The Board reqUested a-~ett'er be sent to owner of-.the~sailboat "Co!lumbia!':, 'requ~s~ing',they~move-their mooring back to its original position. The Board'requested~a letter~,be sent tc George Sweeney'telling him he must remove .the spoils from.and restore.theWetlands-on.h~s property; all that was dug outcwith a backhoe must.2be pu~' back where it~was-and since he changed the dimensions Of-his dockl, ~he must apply to the~Board. for a permit to cover same. Bay Constable Tom Cz~latka will~check out Dorothy Redden's-complaint that Stewart Sanderson's boat-is hlodki~g her~ view and.~in her~'way when~she'comes in with her own boat..~ ~: ! ,~ ~_ .~:_~ ~'~ ~ The Brochures printed by the Southold Town Trustees are being printed and will be r'eady for- distribution~ in about 'a :week..: The Board requested a letter be sent to Roy.Haje of Enzconsultants~ :Inc., to notify hi~-that he would .have to apply for--permits from the :Trustees for the proposed construction of a retaining wall xon prOpe~ty'of~Dr. Alfred Nadel. The' BOard ~requested a letter ~be -sent to Matt-~A-Mar 'Sta~ing we have no record in our files o~ a dock extension on the southwest~corner; ~that if they have a permit, they want to see it or they ar~ going to request the removal-6-f ,the'last ~ection of the dock/and the-spile-holding: it. There being no,further business to-co~e before the'Board,' Mr. Kujawski made a motioh, seconded by Mrs. Hataier and carried, to adjourn. Meet- ing ad]ourned at 9:15 PM ..........